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ao. = 8 © wé oe Qo = rad ; 8 s > & 5 x : S N XS 8 ; 8 enone BODY WEIGHT TRAINING O- COD ios Basic Advance z Se Mitsunofi -Foreword If you do weight training (resistance training) properly, there is almost no doubt that it will have a positive effect on your health. (However, if you train with excessive intensity and frequency, it may negatively affect your health). There are several ways to weight training, such as using barbells, dumbbells, machines, and bodyweight training. If you frequently exercise with correct form and appropriate load, each type of training has a positive effect regardless of age, gender, or exercise history ete. The environment for people who want to start weight training is definitely improving because you can easily do weight training in a comfortable environment thanks to the spread of 24-hour gyms and personal traii g, and you can learn about weight training through social media videos such as YouTube. The essence of weight trai ing techniques for muscle building (muscular hypertrophy) by using barbells, dumbbells, and machines is becoming popular due to books, personal trainers, and the environments where you can do it. On the other hand, I feel that the weight training technique, "Bodyweight Training" which uses one's own weight as a load is less so. I hope that this book will help readers build their bodies and improve their health by touching the essence of the "Bodyweight Training". Introduction ing way that uses one's weight as a load is the "Bodyweight Training". It is widely known and performed under names such as “Calisthenics”, “Body Weight”, and “Street Workout”. There are many books published on the theme of “bodyweight training” in Japan and the books are often treated as “easy weight training for beginners”. However, the “Bodyweight Training” is not a weight training technique for beginners. If you resist gravity and perfectly control your full body, you use your body as weight. If you challenge yourself with difficult exercises, the operability of your body improves. By doing Set & Reps (the set that is so intense, it causes nausea), you can get a broad chest, V-Taper back, capped shoulder, and six pack abs. This is the "Bodyweight Training". In this book, I would like to tell you the essence of the "Bodyweight Training” from the following five points of view. The following five sentences are titles of contents. Pull-up and Dips are Everything. Not For Beginners Equipment is Necessary Challenge the Difficult Exercises There is no muscle that can be used -Pull-up and Dips are Everything The pull-up is known as the “Queen of Exercise” and the dips are known as “Upper Body Squats”, so they are expected to enlarge muscles and increase muscle strength. Many bodybuilders, who work on training programs, such as the barbell, dumbbell and machines, do the two exercises. If you do the two exercises, Pull-up” and “Dips”, with correct form in 10 reps, you will be surprised how your body changes. If you do not have experience of doing 10 reps with correct form, the hurdle is too high to do so. However, if you continue the training step by step from the easy exercise, you will be able to achieve it. Even if you acquire “Pull-up” and “Dips”, “Bodyweight Training” is not over because this book provides exercises that are more difficult than “Pull-up” and “Dips”, so you can rest assured. » Not for Beginners You can easily adjust the load of weight training exercises with the barbells, dumbbells, and machines, according to the purpose, such as enlarging muscle, increasing muscle strength or muscle endurance. In contrast, “Bodyweight Training” cannot make the exercise load heavier or lighter than your own weight. Even 1 rep, you cannot do the two exercises “Pull-up” and “Dips” introduced on the previous page if you do not have experience in exercise and weight training. In order to acquire the exercise from a state where you cannot do even 1 rep, a unique approach to "Bodyweight Training”, such as doing easy training repeatedly, or reducing the load, is required. General weight training increases the exercise load step by step to enlarge muscle and improve muscle strength. In addition to increasing the exercise load step by step, “Bodyweight Tr: 12” requires training to be able to do more difficult exercises. Doing the movement (exercise) that you cannot do until now is challenging, This is a pleasure in “Bodyweight Training”, and leads to the fact that this Bodyweight training is not a weight training for beginners. The “Bodyweight Training” is treated as "a weight training way that requires no equipment and does not cost”. However, the “Bodyweight Training” does require equipment such as a weight vest, an ankle weight, and a dipping belt, to increase the exercise load step by step because "Overload Progressive” is a major principle of weight training. What is more, "Pull-up", "Dips", and a lot of "Bodyweight Training” require equipment. The pull-up bar can be replaced by a beam, and the dip bar (parallel bar) can be replaced by a chair, however, these are not originally made for exercise. There is a risk of injury if it breaks during training as well as repair costs Furthermore, in apartment building, you have to pay attention to the sound. You don't have to stick to doing “Bodyweight Training” at home. It can be more positive if you do weight training and relaxation in a park or a gym than trying not to make sound in a small space at home. You may feel a bit embarrassed if you do “Bodyweight Training” at the gym. However, if you want to change your body, you need to repeat the exercises with correct posture and push yourself to the limit. If you do so, your body will change after using barbells, machines, and bodyweight training. The feeling that Bodyweight Training” at the gym is embarrassing may be an obstacle for changing your body. Do training and use machines aimlessly, while watching your mobile during the exercise. OR Repeat exercises with correct posture and push yourself to the limit. You have already understood which is better for changing your body. Challenge the Difficult Exercises People who have little exercise experience can feel the effects of weight training even by doing “Push-ups”, “Squats”, and “Pull exercises by using tube towels”. However, if you only do the easy exercise, “Bodyweight Training” will soon reach its peak. Challenge is important to change your body. Challenging yourself with a new exercise will be a new stimulus to your muscles, and will be an event that will change your body. In this book, the level of exercise difficulty is rated from 1 to 5 stars. On the next page, I will explain the important points at each stage of we 15. > Level of Exercise Diffi culty «1 If you have little experience of exercise or weight training, please start from the = 1 exercises. Also, ome of the » 1 exercises are useful for experienced people as a warm-up exercise. If you follow the points with the correct posture, you can pump your targeted muscle more than the exercise looks. #2 If you have experience of exercise or weight training, it is good to start here. There are many effective exercises to learn the « * «3 exercises After learning the ** 2 exercises, you will learn the +3 exercises immediately. kes The «3 exercises are the core exercises for each part of your body. kk If you reach the «+ + * 4 stage, your body should have changed. To enlarge muscle further, you have to not only do exercise with the increasing number of «(OR exercise with many %, such as 4%), but also with more weights and other techniques which are required. wk bbe S If you want to be a master of “Bodyweight Training”, take the challenge. But, the loads to your tendon and joint are heavier and the difficulty level of the movement is higher than the « « « * 4 exerci: To acquire the «+ *** 5 exercises you must put in daily effort and great passion, but let's do your best. Exercise Selection This book contains explanations and points for more than 90 exercises. The number of “Bodyweight Training” exercises is vast, so exercises are selected by the following criteria in this book. Exercise Selection Criteria @eExereise that you can learn if you are appropriate weight regardless of your shape @xercise that you can do and learn the movement if your muscles have reached the required strength. The following exercises are excluded from the selection. 1, Exercise that is less effective than weight training. Bodyweight fly , Suspension fly 2. Exercise where there is a risk that you could fall because you release your hand from the equipment Clap Pull-up, Clap Dips me | Y @ Exercise that has many features of gymnastics and requires repeating exercises with a large amount of time + Exercise that is difficult to learn if the weight is above a certain amount. Free Handstand, Cross suspension, Planche @Exercise that is greatly influenced by how to use the body for learning. Muscle Up, Front Lever, Back Lever © Exercises that the author could not acquire If you search on the Internet, there are many exercise techniques and points. However, I think that if you take learning seriously, you can get something from the process. From this vast number of Bodyweight ing exercises, in this book, I have carefully selected the ones that I during learning and practice. -Useful Muscle? “Useful muscles can be trained by Bodyweight Training” I occasionally hear this theory in Japan. But, I have never seen experimental results and dissertations that prove this theory. If I look at “Uncanny movements of gymnasts”, “Movements of wrestling players with power and stamina”, etc., I may feel that their muscles are “useful muscles”. *However, the competition itself, such as gymnastics and wrestling, just makes me feel "useful muscles". “You can hit a home run”, “You run the fastest”, “You score a hat-trick” The muscles of a player who can demonstrate high performance in the competition are useful muscles. If you do weight training, sports performance will not improve immediately.(x Barbell squats > You can run faster * Wrist curls > You can throw fast ball) If you don't run, you cannot run faster. If you don't practice throwing balls, you cannot throw fastballs. Instructors with specialized knowledge and experience are needed to improve your performance through your improved muscle strength and enlarged muscles by weight training, (= Strength & Conditioning) el In sports weight training, it is easy to encourage a competitive spirit among players. While some trainers with specialized knowledge of weight training in some strong schools or teams provide guidance, many provide guidance without specialized knowledge as managers and coaches, and students do weight training on their own. If you do weight training without knowing the correct techniques, your sports performance will not improve, as well as there being increased risk of injury. When doing exercise with barbells, it is easy to challenge yourself with a greater load than your ability. This may be because there is a lack of knowledge or the desire to show off to the surroundings, but many people may misunderstand exercises using barbells as “Weight = Ability”. If you don't acquire the correct form, using a heavy load exceeding your ability may cause a injury. (Squat Knee joint, Bench press-> Shoulder joint, Deadlift —Thoracic spine, Lumbar spine) On the other hand, for Bodyweight Training, if you don't have much impulse for exploration and passion, you will not increase the exercise load by using a weight vest, a dipping belt, etc. The load is not greater than your own weight, so is less likely to lead to serious injury. is close to daily acti so even if you do exercise on your own, the form is less likely to be wrong. For this reason, anyone can feel the effect of the weight training. However, though using barbells or dumbbells as the weight training leads to injury, “Bodyweight Training” makes you feel that it has a little effect. This experience leads to expectation that “useful muscles can be trained by bodyweight training”. -Document Flow Chest tha wd ah nia my ey e+ ma Rech @Explanation of each body part In the explanation, weight training techniques and exercises will be explained for six body parts, such as “Chest”, “Back”, “Shoulder”, “Arm”, “Abs”, and “Leg”. @Basic principle Explain the common use of the body in the exercise of the part. [Gil Decline Push-up f F reps a 12 eps Name =_T ody nt ah tlre oar © Demet abe yur "SP TKAE Shuhari" "SF Syu" is to learn the manners from the master, follow the manners and make effort. "if Ha" is to study other manners after mastering the manner of the master. "ae RIM research, to open up your new is to compile your field and come up with the first-clace wav. @Explanation of movements I would like to explain the basic points of exercise for the "Start Position" and "Finish Position". A rough standard of reps Syu” Doing exercise in this number of reps, by following the “Explanation of movements” and “Point” in this book. "ii Ha" You have to do trial and error about the way of using your body, so you will increase the accuracy of your exercise further. "RIE" You have to establish your own way to use your body and to aware points about exercise. "BudoronJyugoko" is written and edited by Shigetoshi Sugiyama, Decline Push-up (Points) @Point 1 would like to explain the points of detailed than exercise more "Explanation of movements ". I display the photos of x Bad example and () Good example, so you can understand which the correct form is. -Muscle Map(Front) Pectoralis major Dette Triceps brachii Biceps brachii Serratus anterior Rectus abdominis Oblique abdominal Quadriceps femoris »-Muscle Map(Back) Trapezius Teres major Latissimus dorsi Erector spinae Gluteus Hamstring Triceps surae Shoulder Flexibility All exercises are centrally done for joints, and the joint movements are named as “internal rotation”, “external rotation”, ete. If you know the names of each joint movement, it will help you learn about exercise movements. Particularly, understanding the movement of the shoulder joint is necessary to acquire the correct form. 6 movements of the shoulder joint Elevation @Depression Raise the shoulder blade above Lower the shoulder blade below @Adduction @Abduction Pull theshoulder blade toward Open the shoulder blade outward. the spine side. @®Upward rotation @Downward rotation Rotate the shoulder blade upward Rotate the shoulder blade downward (to the head side) (to the leg side) Improve Shoulder Flexibility The range of motion is the range where the joint moves to the maximum extent. This range of motion is determined by the two factors, “Joint Structure” and “Muscle Flexibi If " joint damage" become narrower. If “there is a difference between left and right” and “the range of motion of a specific joint is narrow", the load affects joints which have a wide range of d to injuries, so you have to take care of them, If you do weight training, you don't need a wide range of motion like a rhythmic gymnast. However, some exercise requires a certain range of motion. The shoulder exercise, “Wall Handstand”, espe ,, is important to expand the range of motion of the shoulder joints in order to acquire the correct form. 1 would like to introduce four exercise / stretches that are effective for expanding the range of motion of shoulder joints. Ifyou do the static stretching with them, you possibly expand the range of motion of the shoulder joint. @Reverse praying Pray on the back of the body. Please start praying from around the waist, ion ofprayng ada It will expand the range of motion of the shoulder joint. and rai the p @Reverse Plank Bridge Shoulder « The*Kill three birds with one stone” exercis is expected not only to improve the range of motion of the shoulder joint, but also expand the chest, and prevent injuries around the spine. Your knee, waist and shoulders are lifted in a straight Ii Be careful not to drop your waist. x @One arm bridge After doing "Reverse Plank Bridge", put your weight on one hand and move other hand away from the floor. Be careful not to drop your waist when you move your hand away from the floor. If you move your hand away vertically from the floor, the range of motion of your shoulder joint expands. a ot @Stick stretching Towels can be substituted with sticks Be careful not to bend your waist backwards when you reach your hand to your back. If you close your right hand with the left hand while griping the stick, the range of motion of your shoulder joint expands. @Wall back handstand stretching You move your head towards the wall while you do the shoulder » « « « posture,“Wall back handstand”, where your back is on the wall. »Straight Alignment “Straighten (the core of) the body” frequently appears during the explanation of movement. This is not to harden the core of the body, except for some "shoulder" and "belly" exercises, What you have to be conscious of while moving are the movements of the targeted part (muscle) and joints. What is more, by being conscious of the position of the entire body in mind, the body moves and coordinates more smoothly, so the accuracy of the form improves. In order to be conscious of the position of the entire body, “Straighten (the core of) the body” is an effective way, so it frequently appears in the explanation of the movement. Depending on the exercise, you have to be conscious of different positions, such as your front, your middle (center of gravity line), or your back. Front of body Conscious parts: Chin, Ppectorals major, Rectus abdominis ‘Targeted parts: Chest, Shoulder (Pull-operation), Biceps, Belly. Middle of body (center of gravity line) Earlobe, acrominon, greater trochanter, anterior knee joint, and 2-3 cm in front of lateral malleolus are straighten Basic consciousness in all exercises Back of body Conscious parts: back of head, shoulder blades, gluteusmedius fargeted parts: Back, Shoulder (press movement), Triceps »Chest There are few people training by themselves who consider the balance of their whole body, such as “Train my legs once a month”, “Recently, I started training the back of the deltoid muscle”, “My exercise is to do dumbbell curl only”, ete. However, everyone always trains his or her "chest". When people start weight training, many people only do “Bench Press”. Of course, I was also obsessed with “Bench Press” when I first started weight training. “Bench Press” grabs many people's mind, far beyond the one exercise to train their chest. Among the three competition events “Squat”, “Bench Press”, and “Deadlift”, of “Power Lifting”, “Bench Press” is the only official event held and has more participants than that of “Power Lifting”. What is the most popular exercise? It is “Bench Press”. So what is the exercise that is closest to anyone? It is “Push-up”. How many “push-ups” can you do within the time limit? How many reps can you continuously do? “Push-up” is used around world as an indicator to measure the muscle strength and endurance of the upper body. There was even a TV program in the past broadcasting only “Push-ups”. "Greater pectoral muscles" are the muscles at the front of the body. For this reason, you can be easily conscious of muscle movement (contraction and extension), and easily feel "Pumped-up", which is a phenomenon where muscles swell due to an increase in the amount of water in the cells due to exercise). The exercise movements have centrally two movements, Pressing and Fly (Opening), so that you can make the training menu simple. For this reason, you can easily place and increase more and more load, which is a basic principle to improve muscle strength and enlargement.If you get the required knowledge and do your best, your chest will rapidly become bigger! -Upper Chest The greater pectorals mus led into three parts, "Upper part", "Middle part" and "Lower part". In addition to the “Bench Press” and “Push-up” on the previous page, there are exercises on the chest, which place a heavy load on the lower part of greater pectoral muscles. When "the lower part" of the greater pectoral muscles are extremely enlarged compared to the “upper part” and “middle part”, the pectoral muscle looks like it is hung down. If you want to get a good shape of great pectoral muscle that rises from your collarbone, you need to do exercise with a heavy load on the upper part of your greater pectoral muscles. ‘Typical Exercises which place a heavy load on the upper part of greater pectorals muscle Weight Training Incline Barbell Press, Incline Dumbbell Press, Incline Fly Bodyweight Training Incline Push-up »Press Movement You can place the heaviest load during the exercise on the chest. If you adjust the form, number of reps, loads, etc., of the exercise, you can frequently do it. (A leading example: “Frequently Doing Bench Press”, known as "Every Bench") If you do exercise using barbells, you ask assistants if necessary, because there may be some risks that you are crushed (cannot raise it halfway), or that you drop dumbbells on your face due to being off balance during exercise. “Weighted Dips”, where you can put your feet on the floor if you are crushed, are suitable for pressing exercises when there is no assistant. Typical Press Exercise Weight Training Bench Press, Dumbbell Press, Machine Press Bodyweight Training Push-up, Dips -Fly Movement Oo x Done by bending the elbows out You can easily stretch on your greater pectoral muscles more than the Press movement. Increasing the load, volume, frequency, etc. may lead to injury. Thi common for exercises with intense muscle stretches. (Dumbbell Fly, Incline Curl, Pullover, etc.) You may feel muscle squeeze (contraction) in "Machine Fly” and “Cable Crossover” more frequently than stretch. If you use suspension training equipment, Double AB roller, etc., you can do Fly while you do Bodyweight Training. However, it not recommended since there is a high risk of injury if you maintain and lose balance. Typical Fly Exercise Weight Training Dumbbell Fly, Machine Fly -Pullover Movement "Pullover" is the exercise that puts a load on all muscles of the upper body. The amount of the load on the front and back of the body changes depending on the form, range of motion, grip, equipment, etc. Also, it is expected to widen (open) the rib cage. A wide rib cage is needed to get a large upper body. (if you want to expand the rib cage, it is often added as a super set such as “Squat” or “Deadlift”) Typical Pullover Exercises Dumbbell Pullover, Barbell Pullover, Machine Pullover »Get “Thick Chest” by “Bodyweight training”! Fly movement and Pullover movement These two movements, using a barbell / dumbbell / machine are safer and more effective than "Bodyweight Training". Therefore, the Press movement becomes the core of "Bodyweight Training". You can get “Thick Chest” by just doing press exercise. Please, look at the ancient Greek stone statues. They have well-developed greater pectoral muscles. At that time, there was, of course, no machine or even barbell or dumbbell. Despite such an environment, there were the persons with developed greater pectoral muscles in the pictures above. For this reason, the stone statues could be made. How about training at that time? It ’s "Bodvweisht Tr: “Basic Principle” of Push Exercise @ Hand position x< By changing the posit on of the hand on the floor with the same exercise, you can place a load to the upper, middle, lower part or anywhere else of your greater pectoral muscles. However, the part where the load can be easily placed is discovered through the exercise. So, it is best to select the exercises, which stimulate the part you want to develop while placing a load on your joints and tendons with minimal stress. Explanation of Photo Place a load the upper greater pectorals muscle x Hand position to head © "Incline Push-ups” @ The distance between hands B A. Wide distance You can place a load on the outside of the greater pectoral muscles more. B, Narrow distance é You can place a load on the inside of the greater pectoral muscles more. “Basic Principle” of Push Exercise @ Hand position x By changing the position of the hand on the floor with the same exercit You can place a load to the upper, middle, lower part or anywhere else of your greater pectoral muscles. However, the part where the load ean be easily placed is discovered through the exercise, So, it is best fo select the exercises, which stimulate the part you want to develop while placing a load on your joints and tendons with minimal stress. Explanation of Photo Place a load the upper greater pectorals muscle x Hand position to head © "Incline Push-ups” @ The distance between hands A. Wide distance You can place a load on the outside of the greater pectoral muscles more. B. Narrow distance ‘You can place a load on the inside of the greater pectoral muscles more. 01) Decline Push-up * Start position Grab the handle. @Straighten the body from the head to the ankle @Bend the elbow a little and put a load on the greater _pectorals muscle SF 6 reps FR 12 reps BE 20 reps Finish position @Bend your elbows and lower your body until right before your chest touches the equipment @Do not raise your chin or bend your waist backward. Decline Push-up (Points) © Feature Decline Push-up is "Push-up” where the position of the hand is higher than that of the foot. ‘You can do it by using even a sturdy chair or des! The load during exe changes depending on the height of the hand The higher the hand position is, the lower the load is. Convers ly, the lower the hand pos is, the heavier the load is. @ The core of the body If you bend your waist backwards, the load will not be put on your greater pectoral muscles. During exercise, please be conscious of the gluteus maximum and _reetus abdominis muscle, maintain tension throughout the body, and continue to put the load on your greater pectoral mu 02} Knee Push-up * Start position (Put your knees and hands on the floor @If your knees hurt, put a mat or towel under your knee @Straighten your body from your head to knee. @Bend your elbow a little and put a load on your greater pectoral muscles. Finish position @Bend your elbows and lower your body until right before your chest touches the floor. @Do not raise your chin or bend your waist backward. Be aware of the two points above, and then raise your body. SF 6 reps FR 12 reps BE 20 reps Knee Push-up (Points) 7 x Straighten your body from your © Head posi head to knee If you lower your head, the range of motion of the exercise will be narrowed, since your head touches the floor before the chest. P If you are conscious of looking at the floor in front of you, your head position cannot lower. @ Elbow angle Angle between your upper arm | B and the core of your body is from 45 to 60°. A. If an angle decreases (Keep your upper arms in close) The load on the triceps increases. B. If an angle increases (Keep your upper arms open) The load on the deltoid increases. 03) Push-up K* Start position Put your toes and hands on the floor @Spread your hands at the same distance as your shoulders. @Straighten your body from your head to ankle. @Bend your elbow a little and put a load on your greater pectoral muscles. Finish position @Bend your elbows and lower your body until just before your chest touches the floor. @Do not raise your chin or bend your waist backward. Be aware of the two points above, and then raise your body. SF 6 reps 4K 12 reps BE 20 reps Push-up (Points) Hand posi ion The position of the hands on the floor are right under your chest. A. Your hands are put in line with your head. This increases a load on your elbows and shoulder joints B. Your hands are put in line with your belly. This increases a load to your wrist joints. Push up (Points) @ Hand angle Hand angle is from 45 to 60°. Hand angle and elbow angle are linked @ Range of motion Bend your elbows and lower your body until right before your chest touches the floor, and push your body up until right before your elbows are fully straightened. |9& Be careful that the range of motion of the exercise be narrow if you are not conscious about that during the second half of the set @® Musele contraction and extension It 1 increase the number of reps, you will spread the load to other muscles, oO decreasing the load on your greater pectoral muscles. Be aware that the body moves up and down due to contraction and extension of your greater pectoral muscles. Imagination of the movement Your greater pectorals muscle contracts and extends » Elbow is bent and straightened — As a result, the body moves up and down 04] Wide Push-up 9X Start position Spread your hand on the floor wider than "Push-up” @Straighten your body from your head to ankle @Bend your elbow a little and put a load on your greater pectoral muscles. F 6 reps 4K 10 reps BE 15 reps Finish position @Bend your elbows and lower your body until right before your = = chest touches the floor. @Do not raise your chin or bend your waist backward. Be aware of the two points above, and then raise your body. Wide Push-up (Points) © Features Spreading your hand wider, the load increases on your chest and shoulders. If you joints feel uncomfortable or cannot move smoothly, put your hands closer together. @Shoulder blades If you put shoulder blades too closely in the start position, you will not put the load to your greater pectoral muscles. x 05) Push-up Bar Kk Start position Hold the handle of the Push-up bar. @Straighten your body from your head to ankle @Bend the elbow a little and put a load on your greater pectoral muscles. SF 6 reps FE 10 reps BE 15 reps Finish position @Bend your elbows and lower your body. @Do not raise your chin or bend your waist backward. Be aware of the two points above, and then raise your body. Push-up Bar (Points) Features Using a push-up bar to widen the range of motion of exercise. Lower your body to the position where you can maintain your body tension and your shoulders don’t feel uncomfortable. @Equipment A. Normal type Some have their angle back and forth. B. Rotary type The handle rotates @Rotary type By adding a twist during the exercise, you can be more conscious of the contraction and extension of your greater pectoral muscles. Rotate outward when you lower your = body, rotate inward when you push your body up. Push-up Bar (Points) OGrip A. Straight Basic grip The angle between the upper arm and the core of the body increases Easy to keep your arms open B, Parallel It reduces the load on the wrist joint A wider range of motion is possible The angle between the upper arm and the core of the body decreases. = Easy to keep your arm in close. c agonal It is easy to be conscious of contraction and extension of the greater pectoral muscles. D. Reverse Under Grip (Reverse Hand) It is easy to put a load on the upper wanbad pare ur your yreaver pecwurar muscies. Start position @® Hold the handle of the Push-up bar. @pPut your toes on the stand. @ Straighten your body from your head to ankle. @Bend your elbow a little and put a load on your greater pectoralmuscles. Finish position @Bend your elbow and lower your body until right before your head touches the floor @Do not raise your chinor bend your waist backward. Be aware of the two points above, and then raise your body. 06] Incline Push-up Kk SF 6 reps 7K 10 reps BE 15 reps Incline Push-up (Points) © Features It is easy to put a load on the upper part of your greater pectoral muscle In the “Bodyweight Training”, there are few exercises that make it easier to put a load on the upper part of your greater pectoral muscles. For this reason, “Incl Push-up” is a very valuable exercise. @® Range of motion Because the head located below, the head tends to touch the floor before the chest, therefore the range of motion tends to be narrow. x Use a Push-up bar fo secure a range of motion that stretches over the upper part of the greater pectoral muscles. @ The core of the body If you bend your waist backward, you will not put the load on your greater pectoral muscles. Be conscious of straightening your body from your head to ankle to keep putting the load on your greater pectoral muscles. Start position © Put your hands and toes on the floor @ Straighten your body from your head to ankle. ® Bend your elbows and lower your body. Finish position © Push up your body, explosively. @ Put your hand on the floor, softly. 07| Explosive Push-up ki SF 3 reps FR 6 reps HE 10 reps Explosive Push-up (Points) © Features Exercise for instantaneous power (Plyometric Training) Push the floor explosively without muscle being conscious. of contraction and extension. ®@ Clapping with your hands away from lapping the floor looks nice, but has no special effect on muscle hypertrophy There is a risk of hitting your head and chest on the floor, so you don't have to do it if unnecessary. @Landing If you land on the floor while your elbows are stretched, you will put a heavy load on your wrist and elbow joints. ae / Bend your finger / elbow joints softly to absorb the impact of landing. 08} OGrip Use the Push-up bar to reduce the load on your wrist joint. @Method of applying the load A. Weight Vest You don't have to keep your body balanced during exercise, so you can only concentrate on your movements. B. Plate You need to keep your body balanced to stop the plate from falling. Easy to adjust the amount of the load C. Person Apply the load by other person Weighted Push-up er PEP riding back to back with you. RE 09] Dips yk ke ke oe Start position Grip the parallel bars by the thumb-up grips. @Straighten your elbows and take your feet off from the floor @Straighten your body from your head to waist Finish position @Bend your elbows and lower your body. @Lower the body to the position where the angle between your forearm and upper arm is 90°. @Straighten your elbows and push vanr hady un "F 3 reps A 6 reps BE 10 reps geen wees eee Dips (Points) Features Dips are commonly known as “Upper Body Squats” Exercise that puts a load on a lot of muscles of the upper body and that expected to enlarge the muscles A large load is particularly applied to the lower part of the greater pectoral muscles, the front part of the deltoid, and the triceps @Shoulder position The shoulder should be _ positioned forward from your grip when you lower your body by bending your elbow. A Shoulder posi “Deep Dips” Chest x % jon is forward The load on the greater pectoral muscles, deltoid muscle, and shoulder joint increases B Shoulder position is right above your A gn The load on the triceps and elbow joints increases. Dips (Points) @Range of motion The angle between your forearm and upper arm is almost 90 ° when you lower your body. A. Range of motion is too wide The load on the greater pectoral muscles, the front part of the deltoid muscle, shoulder joint is too heavy. B, Range of motion is narrow Be careful of the range of motion bei to narrow in the second half of the set. @The core of the body Keep the core of the body angle constant. Be careful not to bend your hips while keeping your whole body tension during the exercise. If you grip the bars at the low position, your feet will touch the floor unless you bend your knees. In that case, bending your knees at the start position, do the exercise in that position. Dips (Points) ow angle The elbow should be positioned outward from the parallel bars by your fist when you lower your body. x Large angle between the elbow and the core of the body = Keep the arms open x Small angle between the elbow and the core of the body = Keep the arms in close @Kipping Reaction due to bending and stretching the knee If you do kipping, you can easily push up your body, however, there will be a little effect on muscle hypertrophy If you are kipping when pushing up your body from the finish position, a large load tends to be applied to the shoulder joint instantaneously. You should keep kipping to a minimum, efficiently in crossfit competitions, ete. 10) Straight Bar Dips kik Start position @Hold the horizontal bar by regular grip. @Straighten your elbows and take your feet off the floor. @Bend your elbow a little and put a load on your greater pectoral muscles. SF 3 reps BK 6 reps BE 10 reps Finish position @Bend your elbow and lower your body while keeping the balance of the body. y @You should lower your body to the position where the lower part of your greater pectoralmuscle touches the horizontal bar. @Straighten your elbows and push your body up. Straight Bar Dips (Points) Features This is “Dips” using a straight bar The load on the upper part of the greater pectoral muscles is heavier than that of a parallel bar Range of motion If you get used to the movement, you will be able to lower your body to the position where the lower part of your greater pectoral muscles touch the horizontal bar @Leg position A. Front Your leg position is in front of the horizontal bar to keep your balance when you lower your body. B. The angle between your legs and the floor is 90° If you move your body to cover the horizontal bar, you can lower your body even if you don't put your legs forward so much. aa Start position Hold the handle of the Push-up bar. @Straighten your body from your head to ankle. @Put your body forward. @Bend your elbow a little and put a load on your greater pectoral muscles. Finish position @Bend your elbows and lower your body until you cannot keep power. @Push up your body while keeping the tension of your whole body. Deep Push-up Kk KKK SF 3 reps BZ 6 reps BE 10 reps Deep Push-up (Points) OFeatures ion If you put your shoulder pos forward, the load on your greater pectoral muscles, deltoid muscle, and shoulder joint increases Pay attention to the amount, frequency, etc., of exercises, because the exercises largely stretch your greater pectorals muscle and deltoid muscles. After you get used to the movement within the range of motion where greater pectorals muscle and deltoid muscles don't lose power, you should gradually move your shoulder position forward. QGrip Hold firmly with your thumb, dex finger, and middle finger. If you put pressure on your ring finger and little finger too much, it will be di ‘ult to put your shoulder forward as well as the load on your wrist joint increase. If you hold in front of the handle diagonally, the load on your wrist joint is reduced. Deep Push-up (Points) @Shoulder po ion The load of the exercise, “Push-up”, is about 70% of your body weight. The load of the exercise, “Deep Push-up”, is more than 70% of your body weight by putting your shoulder position forward. The more forward your shoulder position is, the heavier load will be put on your greater pectorals muscle, deltoid muscle, and shoulder joint. What is more, the heavier load will be put on the core of the body that keeps your posture, so you don't lose your balance. @ How to reduce the load Tf you hold the handle at the high position, you can reduce the exercise load. 12} Weighted Dips tok Kk © Features Weighted Dips are exercises that contribute greatly to muscular hypertrophy of the upper body, because Weight Dips particularly put the heavy load on the greater pectoral muscles and triceps @Dipping Belt Itis the basic weighing method of Weighted Calisthenies. You can adjust the load, if you combine Dipping Belt and Kettle bell and plate. If you change the direction of the weight, which you attach with the Dipping Belt, you can change the direction to push up your body. A. Weighted in front of the body You put the load to lower your waist diagonally forward. Push your body up diagonally backward. J: B, Weighted in the back of the body abdomen diagonally backward. Weighted Dips (Points) @Weight Vest Easy to keep your balance because you support the weight by your upper body You can adjust the load little by little, however, it takes time (Insert or remove the metal bar from the vest). @ Ankle Weight The price of Ankle Weight is the cheapest. There is a limit for the load that is applied because the load is wrapped around the foot. © Safety If you cannot push your body up and the distance from the floor is short, you can touch your toes on the floor and escape. Ifyou hold the handle at the high position and the distance from the floor is long, a place a stand under your feet to keep safety. 13] Deep Dips kkk Start position @Grip the parallel bars bythe thumb-up grips. @Straighten your body from your head to ankle. @Bend your elbow a little and put center of gravity forward. SF 3 reps BK 6 reps BE 10 reps Finish position @Bend your elbows to lower your body until you cannot keep power. @® Push your body up while keeping the tension of your whole body. Deep Dips (Points) oO features If you put your shoulder position forward, the load will increase on your greater pectoral muscles, deltoid muscle, and shoulder joint. Pay attention to the intensity, frequency, etc., of exercises, because the exerci largely stretch your greater pectoral muscles and deltoid muscles. After you get used to the movement within the range of motion where greater pectoral muscles and deltoid muscles don't lose power, you should gradually move your shoulder position forward. @Grip Hold firmly with your thumb, index finger, and middle finger. If you put pressure on your ring finger and little finger too much, it will be difficult to ai

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