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Lucille Raines Residence

Report to 2021 Annual Conference

Indiana United Methodist Church
947 North Pennsylvania Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1070
Phone 317.636.3328; Fax 317.636.0073
Carolyn Marshall, Executive Director
A Project of United Methodist Women of Indiana

“Rebuilding Lives-
Committed to Addiction Recovery”
LRR Report to 2021 Annual Conference UMC
Carolyn Marshall Mariea Strader
Executive Director Program Coordinator

The Raines Mission

The mission of Lucille Raines Residence is to provide a place and
way of life that enables residents to achieve an independent state
of life. LRR residents include men and women committed to
addiction recovery. Services are available to persons regardless of
race, creed or gender.

Recovery is a spiritual journey whereby persons

rebuild, strengthen, and expand their relationship with God.

LRR Report to 2021 Annual Conference UMC 2

Lucille Raines Residence opened in May 1977 as a safe place for
those struggling with substance abuse. This project of Indiana United Methodist Women
was rather a novel idea at the time and many folks advised against taking that ‘Leap in
Faith’. Unfortunately, history has proved - and continues to prove - the importance of this
substance abuse ministry and the ever-growing need.

Today—44 years later. . . Lucille Raines Residence remains a project of

United Methodist Women of Indiana, a safe place where lives committed to addiction
recovery are transformed by Christ through the love, encouragement and support found
at Raines.

Do no harm, do good, stay in love with God—the 2020 Indiana Annual

Conference theme in many ways is apropos to Lucille Raines Residence tagline,
“committed to rebuilding lives from substance abuse”. John Wesley’s words speak of
personal choice, self-discipline, intentionality—steps of transformation from destructive
lifestyles to meaningful relationships with God and others.

• Do no harm—recognizing addiction is harmful to self and to all other relationships is

essential to successful recovery.

• Do good—good care of oneself first equips one to take care of others.

• Stay in love with God—remove barriers and behaviors that stymie relationships with
God and others; accepting God’s abundant grace opens hearts to new possibilities to
love and to be loved.

Thanks be to God for grace that empowers those committed

to addiction recovery to let go of destructive lifestyles and
grow in their love and understanding of self, others and God
while living at Raines.

Community is the backbone that enables recovery.

Gathering for special meals and occasions allows residents to interact with one another as
family. These special occasions help to create community; community is that
backbone which enables recovery to begin as residents learn to turn their lives over day-
by-day to God. Many residents find God to be the source of their recovery.

LRR Report to 2021 Annual Conference UMC 3

Physical goals for Lucille Raines Residence are difficult to
ascertain, and perhaps even more difficult to achieve.
Unexpected extenuating circumstances impact the outcomes
of goals for this three-quarter house for recovering addicts
in transition. Reality exists that destructive lifestyles take a
toll in myriad ways and recovery does not come easily. In an
ideal world of recovery:
• Length of recommended stay is 18 months to 2 years
• Every resident in good health and able to work full time
• Each person achieves successful recovery
Ultimately the goal is transformed lives for Christ. This community of love, encouragement
and accountability pays dividends in transformed lives. Mentoring through God’s grace
helps to restore self-respect and dignity.
Hope is born anew as old cocoons of addiction peel away and new life emerges into
genuine praise and joy as residents realize that God truly does love unconditionally and
forgives. It is in this living, loving relationship with Christ that hope gives way to healing
and transformation.

Raines provides a safe place where responsibility and

accountability are learned and practiced.
• Residents are expected to be employed 40 hours weekly,
unless physically unable
o Like everyone, Coronavirus 2020 has taken its toll on
residents’ employment.
• Pay $120 rent per person per week
• Attend weekly life-altering addiction support groups
• Regular accountability with a sponsor
Humbleness and gratitude are learned as lives are transformed by the love, support and
encouragement found within the walls of the Raines Residence. It is recommended that
time alone with God be given daily. Some residents come to Raines with family histories of
addiction. Holidays and special occasions are particularly difficult times for those in
recovery as nearly all have lost meaningful relationships as a result of addiction. Some
learned addiction at home. At Raines, an environment of trust, nurture, and
encouragement forges the way to hope so meaningful community can take root. Residents
soon consider Raines both home and family.
LRR Report to 2021 Annual Conference UMC 4
Total 2021 Proposed Income $489,000.00

Total 2021 Proposed Expenditures $489,000.00

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper
you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
~Jeramiah 29:11 (NIV)
LRR Report to 2021 Annual Conference UMC 5
Residents feel at home in apartments of their own.

Gathering spaces

Dining Room Lobby

Updated Patio

LRR 2020 Report to 2021 Annual Conference UMC 6

LRR 2020 Report to 2021 Annual Conference UMC 7

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