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NG CHEN HUI 010324040324




Kekuatan :

Demonstartes a good level of critical and independent thinking.

Aspek yang perlu diperbaiki :

Sentences can be paraphrased into shorter form

Kekuatan :

Aspek yang perlu diperbaiki :

NG CHEN HUI 010324040324

Tanda tangan Pemeriksa : TAufik Tanda tangan Moderator :

Tarikh : 13.11.2020 Tarikh :

Pengesahan pelajar terhadap maklum balas yang diberikan pensyarah :

Kami *faham dan bersetuju / tidak bersetuju dengan maklum balas yang diberikan oleh pensyarah

Tanda tangan pelajar

.................................................. HUI......................................................

Tarikh : 8.12.2020

* Sila potong yang tidak tidak berkenaan

Graphic Organiser 1:

Article 1:

Attitudes and Motivation of Students in Secondary Schools in Singapore towards the Learning of
English and Malay.

NG CHEN HUI 010324040324

Article 1

Attitude towards Motivation

the learning towards the
Malay learning Malay

51.4% are Negative

negative attitude This is It is generally
attitude towards Malay because most high, with a Most of them
towards can be of the students higher are intersted in
Malay. attributed to thinks that frequency learning Malay,
an awareness English is obtained for reading books
among the necessary in the in Malay, give
respondents order to get a peripheral attention to
of the lower good job, aspects of learning Malay,
status English is motivation priority in doing
accorded to it important in rather than homework in
in relation to order to gain a the core Malay and so
English. high status in aspects. on.

Graphic Organiser 2:
Article 2:
Attitudes and Motivation towards Malay Language and the Level of Mastery among the Lower
Secondary School Students in Pattani, Thailand.

NG CHEN HUI 010324040324

Article 2

Attitude towards the
towards the learning
learning Malay Malay

Moderately This is due to Students'

The overall high the reason motivation
mean of attitudes that most of is Most of them think
students' among the students moderately that Knowledge of
attitude in student in love reading high. Malay Language
learning learning Malay makes it easier for
Malay Malay language tem to get
language is language. materials, information, plan
at medium interested in to do business in
high level. Malay Malaysia and so
language, on.
learn Malay
language and
so on.

As a conclusion, the comparison between two articles are most of the students in Singapore are
negative attitude towards Malay while moderately positive attitudes among student in learning
Malay language in Pattani, Thailand. Although the functional use of Malay has become narrower but
its usage in the family domain is still stable in Singapore. The motivation among students in
Singapore and Pattani, Thailand are almost the same. All the students have the high level of

NG CHEN HUI 010324040324

motivation in learning Malay language. As a future teacher, the education level in Malay language
must be improved in Singapore as it is one of the common languages that using in Singapore too. So,
I hope that Singaporean will put in more effort in learning Malay. ✔️✔️


Kamsiah Abdullah. (1985). Attitudes and motivation of Malay students in secondary schools in
Singapore towards the learning of English and Malay, 45-55.

NG CHEN HUI 010324040324

Zamri Mahamod, Salwa Radwani Jamaludin & Hadi Hassan. (2019). Attitudes and Motivation
towards Malay Language and the Level of Mastery among the Lower Secondary School
Students in Pattani, Thailand, 604-617.


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