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A Long-Living Bioengineered Neural Tissue Platform to

Study Neurodegeneration
Nicolas Rouleau, William L. Cantley, Volha Liaudanskaya, Alexander Berk, Chuang Du,
William Rusk, Emily Peirent, Cole Koester, Thomas J. F. Nieland, and David L. Kaplan*

period, it is estimated that ≈85000 neu-

The prevalence of dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases continues rons are lost every day[3] without signifi-
to rise as age demographics in the population shift, inspiring the development cant replacement, contributing to normal,
of long-term tissue culture systems with which to study chronic brain disease. age-dependent decreases in brain weight,
cortical thickness, and neuronal den-
Here, it is investigated whether a 3D bioengineered neural tissue model derived
sity.[7,8] A 10% total reduction in neocor-
from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) can remain stable and tical neurons over a lifetime is typical,[3]
functional for multiple years in culture. Silk-based scaffolds are seeded with however, greater decrements in cerebral
neurons and glial cells derived from hiPSCs supplied by human donors who are volume are characteristic of neurodegen-
either healthy or have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Cell retention erative diseases.[9] Those who are afflicted
by neurogenerative diseases such as
and markers of stress remain stable for over 2 years. Diseased samples display
dementias develop insidious cognitive,
decreased spontaneous electrical activity and a subset displays sporadic-like behavioral, and affective disorders earlier
indicators of increased pathological β-amyloid and tau markers characteristic in life—contributing to tremendous per-
of Alzheimer’s disease with concomitant increases in oxidative stress. It can be sonal hardship and societal burden.[10]
concluded that the long-term stability of the platform is suited to study chronic Our understanding of how neurodegen-
brain disease including neurodegeneration. erative diseases manifest at a mechanistic
level is unfortunately limited by experi-
mental bottlenecks including the non-
generalizability of animal models and the
1. Introduction absence of physiological relevance associated with traditional
cell culture systems which lack key features of the brain’s 3D
Human brains develop over an unusually protracted period microenvironment.[11] To address these limitations, investiga-
of time compared to other organs. Their rapid gestational tors are beginning to design and build 3D in vitro models that
expansions are contrasted by decades of maturation and sev- are assembled using appropriate cell types, biomimetic extracel-
eral more of gradual decline and deterioration.[1–6] With the lular matrix, and microenvironmental cues to ideally recapitulate
exception of significant early cell pruning during the perinatal normal physiology.[12] We designed and built a bioengineered
brain model which combined a porous scaffold composed of
Dr. N. Rouleau, Dr. W. L. Cantley, Dr. V. Liaudanskaya, A. Berk, Dr. C. Du, silk fibroin with an intercalated hydrogel to allow seeded neu-
W. Rusk, E. Peirent, C. Koester, Dr. T. J. F. Nieland, Dr. D. L. Kaplan rons and glia to form complex, functional 3D networks.[13–15]
Department of Biomedical Engineering The model’s gross structure reflects a separation of two distinct
School of Engineering regions, simulating gray and white matter respectively. Each
Tufts University
Science & Technology Center
component of the tissue construct was designed to be custom-
4 Colby Street, Medford, MA 02155, USA ized—from the pore size of the scaffold biomaterial,[16,17] to the
E-mail: hydrogel composition,[18] and incorporated cell types. We hypoth-
Dr. N. Rouleau, Dr. W. L. Cantley, Dr. V. Liaudanskaya, Dr. C. Du, esized that if we could design a 3D human-derived neural culture
Dr. T. J. F. Nieland, Dr. D. L. Kaplan system that could be maintained for years or decades, we could
Initiative for Neural Science, Disease & Engineering begin to study chronic diseases of the nervous system under
Tufts University
Science & Engineering Complex physiological conditions in controlled settings. Without function-
200 College Avenue, Medford, MA 02155, USA ally viable long-term cultures, studies of neurodegeneration and
N. Rouleau, D. L. Kaplan senescence would continue to lack the physiological relevance
The Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University that could only be recapitulated by the passage of time.
Biology Department Building upon our existing tissue model system, we demon-
Tufts University
200 Boston Ave. Suite 4600, Medford, MA 02155, USA
strated that human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) dif-
ferentiated to neurons and glia could be incorporated into the
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under scaffolds and remain functionally active for up to 9 months.[19]
As it was unclear whether the tissues would remain viable and
DOI: 10.1002/mabi.202000004 active indefinitely, we continued to generate batches of samples

Macromol. Biosci. 2020, 2000004 2000004  (1 of 8) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 1.  Long-term 3D bioengineered neural tissues derived from hiPSCs from healthy donors remained viable and contained structured networks
of cells for over 2 years in culture. A) Silk fibroin was extracted from silk worm cocoons (Bombyx mori) to generate scaffolds, sculpted into toroidal
sponges (6 mm diameter, 2 mm height) with a silk-free central window region (cw), and seeded with neural progenitors sourced from human iPSCs
derived from a healthy donor. Once seeded, cells were embedded in a collagen (type-I) hydrogel and maintained in neural media to promote differen-
tiation and growth. Fluorescent imaging of live (calcein-AM, green) and dead (propidium iodide, red) cells within 3D CON samples that remained in
culture for 855 days (2.3 years) was performed to determine long-term viability. B) Both the silk-scaffold (blue) and hydrogel (black, right side of each
panel) remained populated with living cells with sparse dead cell staining (lumen separating both regions indicated by a dashed line). C) In some
cases, larger clusters (100–500 µm) of dead cells affixed to silk fibers (arrow) were observed embedded within living neural networks whose viability
was apparently unaffected. D) Fine-scale connections indicative of axons and dendrites were observed throughout the porous scaffolds. E) Cells were
not confined to any one compartment or region of the tissue construct; rather, live cell populations permeated the entirety of the sample, forming
both short- and long-range connections with neighboring structures (dashed line indicates the lumen of the hydrogel-only region). A scaled reference
scaffold is provided (ref.) with imaging regions (B–E), and the (cw) indicated for spatial orientation.

Macromol. Biosci. 2020, 2000004 2000004  (2 of 8) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

(Figure  1A) at irregular intervals over time (Figure S1, Sup- To determine whether neural networks remained alive and
porting Information) using hiPSCs from donors who were intact over long periods of time, a subset (n = 3) of the oldest
healthy controls (CON) or diagnosed with a sporadic form (2.3 years old) CON samples were stained for cell viability and
of Alzheimer’s disease (ALZ). The model system would be subsequently imaged, revealing diffuse populations of live
determined stable and suitable for neurodegeneration research cells intermixed with sparse dead cells (Figure 1B–E). Cells
if, as we had predicted, networks would remain structurally and that had migrated into the collagen-based hydrogel window at
functionally stable over years. the center of the tissue construct remained alive and connected
to the broader, scaffold-bound network (Figure 1E). Immuno-
cytochemistry was then performed on CON samples (n  = 18)
2. Results and Discussion that had remained in culture for periods between 94 and 855
days, revealing a reliable maintenance of network structure
2.1. Structural Stability and Characterization containing both neural and glial cells (Figure 2A), with image
quantification revealing structural stability (Figure 2B–D) and
Twenty-six time points ranging from 3 months to 2.3 years a trend toward increased glial marker expression in long-
were assessed in search of time-dependent decrements asso- term samples. ALZ samples (Total n = 29) were not stained or
ciated with the structure and function of the model system. imaged as their availability was limited relative to CON sam-
Both short-term and long-term cultures displayed similar ples (Total n = 92); however, our previous report confirmed the
hydrogel quality (p  > 0.05, chi-square test, Figure S2, Sup- presence of similar structures in ALZ samples at 10 months.[19]
porting Information), suggesting the materials used provided a Instead, our limited ALZ samples were subjected to molecular
robust medium within which to maintain network formations. and functional assays and compared to healthy controls (CON).

Figure 2.  Immunocytochemistry of long-term samples revealed a maintenance of neuronal and glial cell markers over time. A) Fluorescent imaging
revealed positive nuclear (DAPI), β-III tubulin (neuronal marker, TUJ1), and glial fibrillary protein (glial cell marker, GFAP) staining, revealing stable net-
work morphology over time. A 200 µm scale bar is provided for reference. Only CON samples were stained due to the limited availability of ALZ samples.
B) Nuclei remained of fixed size over the 2 year period (particle size, p  > 0.05). C) Neurons formed dense network-structures spanning hundreds of
micrometers to millimeters in length which were not affected by time in culture as indicated by stable mean grey values (MGV), a measure of fluorescent
intensity (p > 0.05). D) Glial structures remained stable over time (MGV, p > 0.05) with a potential trend toward more expression as a function of time.
Means are plotted with standard error of the mean (SEMs). Images were not quantified for the 530 day group due to limited sample size (n < 3).

Macromol. Biosci. 2020, 2000004 2000004  (3 of 8) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 3.  DNA content, LDH activity, and ROS/RNS concentration within samples as a function of hiPSC donor source and time. A) DNA concentration
within both ALZ (red circles) and CON (blue triangles) groups did not correlate with time spent in culture; B) however, ALZ (red) samples displayed
increased DNA concentration relative to CON (blue) samples on average. C) Decreased cell toxicity over time as inferred by LDH activity (Z-scores)
was observed for both CON and ALZ samples. D) Markers of cell stress as indicated by ROS/RNS concentration did not change over time for either
group; E) however, CON samples displayed increased cell stress on average. F) DNA in ALZ samples (but not CON samples) was found to correlate
with ROS/RNS concentration. Means and standard error of the mean (SEM) are presented and significant differences are displayed within each panel
(N.S. = p > 0.05; *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001). Red bars and circles indicate ALZ samples, Blue bars and triangles indicate CON samples.

2.2. DNA Quantification F(1,77) = 11.37, p  < 0.001). Though both donor sources dis-
played decreased cell toxicity over time (Figure 3C), these
To quantitatively assess the stability of cell retention within differences were less pronounced for ALZ samples (p < 0.05)
both CON and ALZ samples over time, we measured the con- relative to CON samples (p  < 0.001). Reactive oxygen and
centration of DNA within tissue constructs. Decrements of cell nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) activity remained stable over
content over time were not observed for either donor source time for both CON and ALZ samples (Figure 3D); however,
(Figure 3A; p > 0.05); however, ALZ samples did contain more CON samples displayed increased markers of cell stress rela-
cells on average relative to CON samples (Figure 3B; t(78) = tive to ALZ samples (Figure 3E; t(78) = 8.14, p < 0.001). These
4.22, p  < 0.001) regardless of time. Because the groups were differences were apparent at all time points. Notably, there
seeded with the same number of cells (5 × 105 cells per scaffold), was an inverse relationship between DNA concentration and
these results could indicate that there were initial, cell-donor- ROS/RNS activity for ALZ samples (rho =  −0.51, p  = 0.005)
dependent differences in early cell attachment or proliferation that was not apparent for CON samples (Figure 3F). Together,
rather than time-dependent decrements. When pooling the the results indicated that cell toxicity decreased over time
groups together, a very weak relationship between DNA concen- with differences between donor sources and that cell stress
tration and time was identified (rho = −0.25, p < 0.05); however, was time-independent while moderately associated with cell
this amounted to a decrement of ≈100 ng mL−1 or 7% of total content in ALZ samples only.
DNA per year. Overall, it was concluded that cell retention was
stable over time. Subsequent measurements were normalized to
DNA concentration to account for and normalize to cell content. 2.4. Neurodegenerative Markers

Next, as we had not observed β-amyloid (Aβ) plaques within

2.3. Markers of Stress and Cell Toxicity the 10-month time frame of our previous study,[19] we sought to
evaluate the possibility that long-term culture conditions would
Molecular assays were then performed to determine if cellular widen the observational window during which we might detect
homeostasis was impacted by long-term culture conditions. Alzheimer’s markers such as an increased ratio of Aβ42 to
Cell toxicity and stress were assessed by measuring lactic Aβ40[20,21] within media samples as detected by enzyme-linked
acid dehydrogenase (LDH) activity and the concentration of immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). Additionally, we examined the
ROS/RNS within the media associated with aged tissue con- ratio of phosphorylated Tau protein (p-tau) to total Tau (t-tau)
structs. A significant interaction between donor source and within the media—another clinically-relevant biomarker asso-
time spent in culture was identified for cell toxicity (ANOVA, ciated with Alzheimer’s disease.[22,23] Statistically significant

Macromol. Biosci. 2020, 2000004 2000004  (4 of 8) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 4.  Neurodegenerative markers of Alzheimer’s disease and increased reactive oxygen species concentrations were expressed within a subset of
ALZ samples. A) Ab42 to Ab40 ratios for CON and ALZ samples were equivalent (p > 0.05); however, B), a sporadic-like (Sp) phenotype was observed
in a subset of ALZ samples that were cultured for over 1 year. C) The ratio of p-tau to t-tau was greater for ALZ samples relative to CON samples (p <
0.05). D) The same samples (ID18, 21, and 32) expressed an Sp phenotype relative to other ALZ samples. E) Sp-ALZ samples (n = 3) displayed grater
reactive oxygen species (ROS/RNS) concentrations relative to the remaining ALZ samples.

effects of time and donor source (Figure  4A) on normalized sporadic-like phenotypes (Sp-ALZ; n  = 3) of increased neuro-
Aβ isoforms were not observed; however, we noticed that the degenerative markers and all other ALZ samples (n  = 11) to
three highest Aβ42 to Aβ40 ratios were associated with the ALZ determine whether the two groups could be distinguished
group (IDs 18, 21, and 32) and each had spent more than 1 year on the basis of other measures. Indeed, we found that media
in culture (Sp circle, Figure 4B). In other words, only among associated with Sp-ALZ samples displayed a 68% increased
older ALZ samples did we begin to observe sporadic-like cases concentration of normalized ROS/RNS relative to other ALZ
expressing a pathological β-amyloid hallmark of Alzheimer’s samples (Figure 4E; t(12) = 2.71, p < 0.05), suggesting the two
disease; however, the major source of variance was a decrease samples belonged to distinct populations. Differences of DNA
in Aβ40 relative to Aβ42 for the Sp-ALZ subset (Table S1, Sup- concentration, LDH, or local field potentials (LFPs) were not
porting Information; p  < 0.05). Due to the limited subgroup evident (p  > 0.05). These data suggested that neurodegenera-
of sporadic-like samples, a linear relationship between Sp-like tive markers of Alzheimer’s disease did not vary linearly over
phenotypes and time could not be discerned. Normalized Aβ40 time; however, donor source may have potentially impacted the
was observed to decrease over time for both ALZ (p < 0.05) and number of sporadic-like cases which emerged after 1 year in
CON (p  = 0.05) conditions. A similar effect was not observed culture where extreme values were only apparent for a subset
for Aβ42 (p > 0.05). of the ALZ group (Sp-ALZ) which also displayed increased cell
Examining measures of Tau, it was evident that CON sam- stress. This latter relationship between ROS/RNS and neurode-
ples displayed more normalized t-tau (p < 0.01) and p-tau (p < generative markers may be particularly relevant since the role
0.05) relative to ALZ samples. However, ALZ samples dis- of oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s disease has been highlighted
played increased p-tau to t-tau ratio relative to CON samples in the literature.[24]
(Figure 4C; t(65) = 2.96, p  < 0.005). The major contributor
to ratio differences was a decrease in t-tau relative to p-tau
(Table S1, Supporting Information). Plotting p-tau to t-tau 2.5. Electrophysiological Characterization
ratio over time spent in culture revealed the same Sp-ALZ
subgroup that was identified when examining the ratio of Finally, to determine whether network activity was impacted
Aβ42 to Aβ40 (Figure 4D). We then compared samples with by time spent in culture, we measured spontaneous local

Macromol. Biosci. 2020, 2000004 2000004  (5 of 8) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 5.  Assessments of spontaneous electrical activity revealed long-term samples remained. A) Extracellular recordings of local field potentials
(LFPs) were obtained from CON and ALZ samples by positioning an electrode alongside silk fibers along the lumen of the central window. A refer-
ence electrode was placed into the extracellular solution surrounding the tissue construct. B) No time-dependent changes in spontaneous activity
were noted. C) ALZ and Sp-ALZ samples displayed similarly decreased activity relative to CON samples. D,E) Representative traces are provided for
LFP recordings from CON and ALZ samples. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean (SEM) and significant differences are indicated (N.S. =
p > 0.05; *p < 0.05).

field potentials (LFPs) from single electrodes inserted into the 3. Conclusion
superficial layers of the hydrogel next to silk fibers (Figure 5A).
Each sample was measured once for a particular timepoint and In summary, our data show that the current neural tissue
subsequently processed for use in other assays (i.e., DNA quan- model derived from hiPSCs can remain structurally and func-
tification or immunostaining). LFP spike potentials, which are tionally stable in culture for over 2 years. Based upon the
indicative of cellular electrical activations, were quantified and observed rate of decrement of cell retention (≈100 ng mL−1 per
compared across conditions. Effects of time were not detected year) and assuming linearity, we project that our long-term cul-
(Figure 5B), with 3 month and 2.3 year old tissues displaying ture system could be extended for up to a decade; however, it
similar levels of spontaneous activity (p  > 0.05). However, it may be unnecessary and is likely impractical to maintain the
was evident that despite there being more cells in ALZ sam- cultures for more than 5 years. Indeed, multi-year experiments
ples, spontaneous LFP spikes per minute were decreased in could be designed with many points of observation over time
ALZ samples relative to CON samples (Figure 5C,D; t(77) = for robust within-subject designs.
2.34, p < 0.05). Sp-ALZ samples displayed similarly decreased In addition to the extended viability of the tissues, the model
activity relative to CON samples (p < 0.05); however, no signifi- system displayed stable markers of cell stress and neurodegen-
cant difference could be discerned when comparing ALZ and eration over time, indicating that the cellular microenvironment
Sp-ALZ groups (p  > 0.05). This finding suggested that tissue was conducive to homeostatic function. The original design of
constructs seeded with hiPSC-derived neurons from a donor the scaffold and hydrogel materials were made porous to facili-
diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease were functionally sup- tate nutrient perfusion across the tissue substrate. The current
pressed relative to healthy controls, displaying less electrical findings validate the use of complex topology to maximize sur-
activity on average. face area while remaining permeable to the culture media. One

Macromol. Biosci. 2020, 2000004 2000004  (6 of 8) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

implication of successfully maintaining low levels of cell stress affected in Alzheimer’s Disease.[31] However, with any modifica-
is the increased likelihood that future long-term experiments tion to the structural design of the tissues there is the possibility
will proceed without confounding factors of time-dependent that cell stress and longevity could be affected in unexpected
changes to cell physiology related to oxidative stress. ways that differ from the results presented here. While it may
Differences between donor sources were evident. Most be difficult to predict how changes might impact tissue function,
notable among them, we observed decreased electrical activity in preserving adequate nutrient transport and cell density are likely
ALZ samples which, in vivo, is characteristic of dementia;[25,26] important constants which should not be compromised.
however, these effects were not time-dependent. Similarly, con- In the present study, an existing bank of tissues that had
centrations of LDH were markedly different between cell donor been maintained in culture for years was sub-sampled for the
sources; however, these too were not time-dependent and fol- purposes of demonstrating model longevity and its potential
lowed similar trends (i.e., as time increased, LDH decreased). relevance to neurodegeneration research. One clear limitation
One potential explanation is that an initial period of toxicity was of this approach was a low sample size without the practical
followed by an eventual steady-state after sufficient maturation. possibility of generating more tissues. As such, prioritization
That we observed sporadic cases of older ALZ samples of certain experiments over others was necessary where we
expressing increased pathological β-amyloid and Tau markers sought to demonstrate structural and functional longevity over
relative to CON samples was interesting and potentially indica- all else. For example, ELISAs were performed using cell media
tive of the experimental time-frame that is necessary to observe rather than cell lysates to multiplex each sample. Whereas we
degenerative processes in vitro that are not explicitly induced by had previously reported that hiPSC source (donor) influenced
genetic manipulation. Most saliently, the concomitant increases gene expression,[19] we did not pursue a similar characteriza-
of pathological β-amyloid, Tau, and oxidative stress markers tion here; an increased sample size would have permitted a
in a subset of ALZ samples reveals the potential to study spo- thorough genetic characterization over time within each hiPSC
radic emergence of disease phenomena in the laboratory. We source group. Implementations of any long-term culture
interpret these results with caution, as conclusions cannot be system, including the present model, would benefit from the
drawn from a single donor. However, we maintain that as cul- foresight of a specific, hypothesis-driven experimental design
ture time increases for tissues composed of cells from donors which would dictate the number of generated samples a priori.
with a diagnosed history of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease, the Future work should aim to harness the long-term capabili-
likelihood that subsets of samples will express classic markers ties of the present model system to explore questions related
of Alzheimer’s disease should increase. to Alzheimer’s Disease as well as other neurodegenerative dis-
To experimentally address neurodegeneration, investiga- eases (e.g., Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.) using
tors require tools that transcend existing model systems. While embedded electrodes for continuous, long-term recordings of
animal models offer complete, well-defined, patterned tissues, electrophysiological activity.[32,33] The long-term model system
it can be challenging to isolate the underlying mechanisms presented here is highly tunable and can be modified to con-
amid a multitude of confounding factors inherent to the func- tain combinations of cell donor types, selectively mutated or
tion of a complex organism with the well-documented differ- otherwise, and exposed to environmental conditions which
ences between rodent and human brain networks and their are hypothesized to drive or exacerbate neurodegeneration
functions.[27–29] Likewise, the ease of interrogation associated including chronic vascular insufficiency or toxic exposures.
with in vitro or 2D, cell-based model systems is contrasted by
poor predictive validity due in part to an absence of a suitable
microenvironment. To increase physiological relevance and Supporting Information
the propensity to translate results from bench to bedside, 3D
model systems were quickly adopted by the scientific commu- Supporting Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or
nity. Neural organoids in particular, which express the nascent from the author.
morphology of the developing brain, have become increasingly
valuable as model systems. Their complex morphology—which
includes ventricles, cortices, discretized domains, choroid plex- Acknowledgements
uses, meninges, and retina—offer a unique substrate with which
The authors would like to thank Dr. Mattia Bonzanni, Dr. Josh Erndt-
to model disease.[27,30] However, their lack of a circulatory system Marino, and Dr. Nirosha J. Murugan for their suggestions. This work
limits their growth to ≈4 mm and generates necrotic cores— was supported by the NIH (R01NS092847, P41EB002520, NIHS10
extensive regions of cell death within the center of the organoids. OD021624.
The model system we have characterized here is not develop-
mentally restricted and represents a more flexible platform
which is suitable to conduct long-term research on neurodegen- Conflict of Interest
erative processes. Though we did not incorporate a laminated
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
cortical structure into the present system, the 3D model can
be constructed using concentric toroidal silk-based scaffold to
more closely approximate other gross features of the six-layered
neocortex.[14] Indeed, fewer rings could be used to instead simu- Author Contributions
late the three-layered structure of the entorhinal cortex and hip- N.R., W.L.C., and D.L.K. conceptualized the study; N.R. performed
pocampus (i.e., archicortex), areas which are well-known to be all data analysis and visualization; N.R., W.L.C., V.L., A.B., C.D., W.R.,

Macromol. Biosci. 2020, 2000004 2000004  (7 of 8) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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