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Community-based model for bioenergy production coupled

to forest land management for wildfire control using
combined heat and power

Jessica Yablecki a,*, Eric L. Bibeau a, Doug W. Smith b

University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Entropic Energy, Vancouver, BC, Canada

article info abstract

Article history: We propose a community-based model of land management for pre-emptive action to
Received 20 October 2009 reduce the risk of wildfires in small communities situated in forested areas. This proposed
Received in revised form approach transfers the responsibility of wildlandeurban interface administration to the
7 February 2011 local community, giving them control in reducing their risks of property damage.
Accepted 10 February 2011 A combination of community forest management using local labour and bioenergy power
Available online 9 April 2011 generation mitigates the cost of forest treatment, reduces the local cost of energy and
revitalizes the community. The proposed solution achieves sustainable land management
Keywords: practices, sustainable ecology, sustainable energy production, and provides enhanced cost-
Bioenergy benefits to the community. More important, it provides simultaneously renewable heat,
Wildfires transportation and power to the community using local labour and without reliance on
CHP external aspects beyond community control. This study proposes a viable method based on
Mechanical treatment the installation of an appropriately sized combined heat and power bioenergy system.
Sustainable communities A remote off-grid community is modeled and simulated using three different small-scale
Renewable transportation bioenergy systems and two operating scenarios by way of example.
ª 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction smaller communities are at greater risk of wildfire considering

their greater encroachment into the forests, resulting in limited
Forest practices have altered natural fire cycles artificially by access and reduced insurance coverage. It is imperative that
land management practices over the last few decades. Trends pre-emptive land management for wildfire control strategies
are showing increased fire size and severity over the last 20 consider the needs of these smaller and more remote commu-
years, resulting in increasing property damage [1]. Forested nities. Many of these communities are not on the electrical
lands have thus accumulated a large quantity of hazardous power grid, use diesel generators for electrical power generation
biomass. For example, experience of uncontrolled wildfires in and import heating oil for heat. The combination of land
British Columbia, Oregon, and California overrunning commu- management for wildfire control and community energy
nities has expanded public awareness of this hazard. Commu- production using wood residue as a source for renewable energy
nities within forested areas are reviewing their exposure to to produce heat and electricity would provide the community
wildfire risks and looking to develop proactive plans. Many with extended benefits including protection from rising energy
small-unincorporated districts may lack the human resources costs, reduced oil dependence, reduced carbon emissions, and
to produce effective forestland management plans. Moreover, self-sufficiency.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Yablecki).
0961-9534/$ e see front matter ª 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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uncertainty in budgetary planning with potential expenditure

2. Forest land management difficult to predict. A single uncontrolled wildfire that
encroaches into a populated area could cost many times more
2.1. Wildfire control than any of the pre-emptive programs. If the forest fuel
loading is high, then few reactive strategies can be relied upon
There are three broad approaches to land management for to ensure that property damage does not ensue. The costs of
wildfire control: reactive, prescribed burns, and mechanical fire fighting, property destruction, employment losses, insur-
treatment [1]. Ignoring the issue defaults to reactive wildfire ance claims and legal implications can exceed $1 billion in
suppression with little or no pre-emptive control. Even if this a single season in the USA although this is a statistical result
approach results in the accumulation of a large quantity of and not a comparative, per acre cost [3].
forest fuel loading, it is extensively applied. The second It is not possible to make a direct comparison between the
approach is that of prescribed burns in which, under selected costs of the pre-emptive and reactive treatment programs on
times and locations, intentional fires destroy the forest fuels an annual basis. Prescribed burns are the least-cost pre-
to leave the woodland less susceptible to unplanned, uncon- emptive strategy, with an estimated cost of $130 to $1000 Cdn
trolled wildfires. This practice is subject to weather conditions per hectare [4], but this method has restricted application.
and smoke regulation. The third approach is that of Prescribed burns have no secondary benefits available.
mechanical treatment in which low lying biomass is har- A related approach is to cut, pile and slash burn the forest
vested to reduce ladder fuels, along with a planned removal of fuels. This uses a combination of mechanical clearing with
selected larger trees to reduce crown fire spreading [2]. a more controlled in-forest burn: it has similar air quality
Many experts recognize the reactive approach as no longer concerns as the prescribed burning approach and estimated to
acceptable. Ladder fuels and closely spaced trees allow fires to cost more from $370 to $2800 Cdn per hectare [4].
develop and expand beyond the capability of effective fire Mechanical clearing and removal is a more costly pre-
fighting [3]. In the interface zones between forests and emptive strategy than prescribed burning but it can offer
communities, where homes are constructed within the edge secondary benefits if the available biomass is used for
of the forest, the results of such fires can be devastating. The economic purposes. It costs between $865 to $2997 Cdn per
prescribed fire approach is a pre-emptive method to reduce hectare [9,10] to mechanically clear and remove biomass from
the fuel loading in the forest, however, prescribed burns the forest; however, even higher costs could be possible.
cannot be implemented when there are high fuel loadings, These costs are dependent upon but not limited to such
short windows of suitable climate conditions, risk of escaped factors as forest density, the type and size of biomass for
fire in the wildlandeurban interface, or where air quality removal, mechanical equipment available, local landscape
concerns exist [4]. and forest conditions [4]. Mechanical forest treatment would
In this case, mechanical treatment of forests becomes be an attractive option if the cost structure improves through
a preferable option. This approach consists of harvesting the recovery of some revenue and community benefits. If
underbrush, low-level biomass, and dead and dying trees as collected biomass can provide power and heat to the
well as conducting some forest thinning. Recent studies have community to displace existing energy expenditures, then the
shown that mechanically treated areas can lessen the severity recovery of value mitigates part of the forest treatment cost.
of wildfires and reduce uncontrolled wildfires from a crown to
a surface fire making it more manageable by fire fighters [5]. 2.3. At-risk small communities
The United States has brought in recent legislature such as the
Healthy Forest Restoration Act [6], and policy initiatives like Estimates show that 20 000 communities are at-risk for wild-
the Ten Year Comprehensive Strategy and Implementation fires in the USA and that support for planned forest manage-
Plan [7], to address the issue of wildfire control and fuel ment is increasing [11]. The largest risk for communities
reduction [8]. Mechanical fuel treatment programs need to occurs at the interface zones between the community and the
remove large quantities of small trees; if left in the forest, forest. We postulate that attention is more likely to be given to
these become ladder fuel, further increasing wildfire risk [1]. larger communities that boarder forests because of economies
Biomass removed during mechanical treatment methods of scale; however, property damage risk is as great for smaller
must be consumed elsewhere as land filling would just shift communities. We further assume that smaller communities
the problem. Mechanical treatment of forestlands offers the are more likely to lack professional fire-fighting equipment
potential for productive use of biomass collected, however, and training, are more integrated with the forest with more
most of this solid biofuel has no merchantable value and long- limited escape routes from approaching fires, and many will
distance transportation generally precludes economic benefit be less organized to address the issue. As fewer people
from the valued material: distance to biomass markets from represent smaller communities, they may have reduced
harvesting sites must generally be kept below 100 miles to capability to have their concerns and needs heard.
remain economical [9]. For large and small communities alike, the interface lands
can be an unresolved area of responsibility. These lands are
2.2. Forest land management costs often outside the tenures of the forest companies, so land
management is not a company issue. They are most likely
A major concern of land management for wildfire control is outside municipal boundaries for large communities and
the cost of proactive programs. The reactive approach there are no municipal boundaries for unincorporated small
requires the least upfront investment, but leads to the greatest communities, thus these lands can default to government
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control and responsibility. Smaller communities are less able possible additional community services, control of energy
to input the necessary planning, contribute effectively to costs costs for budget purposes, and reduction of transportation
or even implement larger scale solutions. Small communities costs.
need a simple, cost-effective solution that can be readily Not all forests are suitable for treatment or wildfire control
adapted to their specific needs. It is particularly problematic strategies as treatment is site specific [15]. Mechanical treat-
for isolated communities to effectively plan and implement ment and prescribed burns can affect local ecosystems,
a wildfire control strategy. causing further environmental issues that must be assessed
It is unrealistic for outside services to attempt to evaluate and properly managed [16]. With the recent adoption of
the needs of every small community with respect to forest wildfire control strategies, research has been conducted on
management. It would be prohibitively expensive, time the environmental impacts on the local ecosystems areas that
consuming and demanding to perform a site-specific evalua- may be affected including soils, hydrology, water quality, site
tion of every small community. Required is an approach that productivity, and forest biodiversity. Lattimore et al. [15]
can be adapted readily to individual areas without significant conducted a global review of the environmental and sustain-
input from outside experts. With the availability of such ability issues involved with bioenergy production from forest
a plan, the remaining deterrent will be the initial cost of biomass. The authors summarized the environmental risks
implementation, training and on-going support. with managing the forest and addressed these issues with
In 2003 Flagstaff, Arizona, a community of 53 000 people a set of sustainable forest management plans. The local
that is largely integrated with the forest, adopted a forest fire ecosystem impact was found to vary in nature and extent
reduction plan outlined by Farnsworth et al. [12] after a series based on the intensity and type of production. The resulting
of large wildfires. The forest fire reduction plan involved environmental issues are site specific in nature. Rhodes and
a combination of selective thinning, brush disposal, and Baker [17] considered the impacts of fuel treatment programs
prescribed fires. The small diameter Ponderosa pine is used on the local ecosystem and found that environmental risks
for firewood by the community with proposals to use this exist for both treatment plans and non-treatment plans. Agee
biomass for local bioenergy electrical production. The and Skinner [16] found that environmental impacts in general
community manages the harvesting activities and uses can be predicted and must be evaluated against taking no
a combination of traditional mechanical harvesting, where action.
allowable, and micro-harvesting with hand crews and all
terrain vehicles in denser forested areas. Scheduled forest
thinning every ten to fifteen year addresses on-going fire risks 3. Community-based energy system
from forest regrowth, along with prescribed fires every three
to seven years. Monitoring of the harvesting and fires is the 3.1. Bioenergy and community involvement
community’s responsibility. This forest fire management plan
has been found to reduce wildfire hazard, make forest fires Proposed uses of wood residues from mechanical treatment
easier to identify and suppress, while improving ecosystem include combined heat and power (CHP), co-firing, wood
health and maintaining vegetative species [12]. pellets, bio-oil and methane production [13,18] for large-scale
systems where the wood residues are transported to a large-
2.4. Mechanical treatment planning scale facility. Except for co-firing, these proposed large-scale
scenarios have marginal economics [18]. Instead, we propose
The forest fuel load will vary with each community and to use small-scale distributed bioenergy systems, similar to
addressed during the planning stage of a wildfire control those that have been modeled using technologies adapted for
strategy. Typical forest biomass removal rates for mechanical the 250 to 5000 kW electrical range for forest residues and
treatment can range from 1 tonne per hectare to 38 tonnes per bugwood applications in References [19,20]. Small communi-
hectare with an average of 9 tonnes per hectare [13]. Planning ties cannot rely on the availability of large-scale facilities to
requires addressing the fuel removal cycle. Current studies use the relatively small amount of biomass they collect from
throughout the United States have found that fire risk returns mechanical treatment.
from forest regrowth within 15e20 years [14]. Any forest There is a growing trend for communities to seek green
treatment plan must address this continuing need. A land house gas (GHG) emissions reduction through energy planning
management plan could place the primary responsibility for that implements renewable energy systems such as wind, solar
management and implementation of forest treatment with or biomass [21]. These communities are finding environmental,
the local community. It is not useful to remove forest fuels social and economic benefits that include reduced fossil fuel
without having a plan for its destruction or productive use. emissions, greater energy self-sufficiency and less dependency
The proposed solution concept includes an on-going forest on fluctuating energy costs. Biomass has distinct advantages
fuel removal managed by the community, using community when used in small communities as wood has a relatively high
workers and a biomass power generating system operating energy density, can be harvested when convenient, stored until
continuously at the distributed scale by the community. The needed and used to meet consumption patterns [22].
cost of labour is minimized because qualified outside labour is
not needed. Furthermore, the value of the power generated 3.2. Community energy costs
and sold within the community mitigates in part forest
treatment costs. Other benefits would also accrue to the Diesel generation often provides electrical power in small
community, including enhanced economic opportunities, communities. There are currently 200 000 people living in 300
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communities in Canada that are not on an electrical grid and parasitic loads associated with the combustor system, flue gas
rely on diesel generation for electricity [23]. Power costs can draft requirements, air heat dump or cogeneration process
range from 20 cents to over $1.00 per kWhr. For instance, if uses.
diesel fuel costs $2.50 per litre in a community, the direct
conversion to electricity equates to 58¢ per kWhr when 3.4. Small-scale CHP steam Rankine cycle
operating at a peak efficiency of 40%. This figure excludes
operating, maintenance and capital cost recovery. In addition, A small-scale steam Rankine system is a direct-fired biomass
building heat in small communities is often provided by [24] conversion system that uses a boiler to produce high-
heating oil. The retail heating oil price often exceeds the bulk pressure steam for electricity generation. It is a proven tech-
diesel price in a community. Although electrical power costs nology but with limited efficiency as compared to large-scale
are often subsidized in remote communities, most often steam systems, small-scale steam systems show reduced
heating oil does not receive such subsidies. Canadian remote electrical conversion efficiencies. There are both technical and
communities must generally pay full price for their imported practical reasons that steam systems lose efficiency at small-
heating oil and its transportation to site. scale. Without the economy of scale, high alloy materials
cannot be cost-justified in small systems. This requires the
3.3. Distributed CHP systems system to operate at lower temperature (400  C) and pressure
(4700 kPa) which reduces the thermal conversion efficiency
Large-scale boiler systems using steam are the traditional [25]. Scaling laws for the specific diameter and specific speed
approach to power production from biomass: a mature tech- result in reduced thermal conversion efficiency through the
nology that is well defined technically and predictable in steam turbine at low mass flow rates for these smaller
investment requirements. However, the distributed nature of systems. System complexity cannot be cost-justified so recu-
forest biomass reduces the opportunity for large-scale bio- peration and reheat are not reasonable approaches. Govern-
power from this material. The recommended approach for ment safety regulations for boiler operation require that
smaller communities is to employ a small-scale CHP system. qualified and registered steam operators be employed. Such
Some of the technologies proposed for small scale include: personnel are expensive and of limited availability in small
communities. Implementing CHP or heat recovery with power
 Small-scale CHP steam Rankine system generation increases the overall system efficiency. A practical
 Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) small-scale CHP steam system can have overall conversion
 Entropic cycle efficiency in the order of 55% with 6% representing the elec-
trical conversion portion [25]. Fig. 1 shows a typical arrange-
These three systems have been simulated by applying the ment of a small-scale CHP steam system.
first law to an open system, assuming thermodynamic equi-
librium of the fuel and the air. For the simulations, flue gas 3.5. Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC)
temperatures from the biomass combustor are assumed to
enter at 1000  C [20]. No accounting has been made for potential The Rankine cycle used with the traditional steam system can
heat recuperation from the flue gas leaving the input heater to also be implemented using an organic working fluid in place of
the combustion system. Accounting has been made for para- water [26]. The primary advantage of the ORC approach is to
sitic loads associated with the feed pump and other internal operate at a higher turbine exhaust pressure yet maintains
system requirements. No accounting has been made of a convenient heat reject temperature [25]. The higher exhaust

Fig. 1 e Small steam CHP system.

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pressure results in a less voluminous flow of exhaust vapour size. Smaller bioenergy systems are significantly more
and, consequently, smaller equipment footprint. In addition, expensive per kW and usually uneconomical. The ORC and
the shape of the saturation dome of the temperature and the Entropic cycle offer combined heat and power from
entropy diagram means less superheat is required and biomass with commercial units estimated to cost between
potentially more energy can be recuperated from the turbine $4000 and $8000 per kW. This is higher than the estimated
exhaust flow. Working fluids in ORC systems include refrig- capital costs for a small steam CHP system, which is estimated
erants and hydrocarbon that [27] have only a fraction of the to cost $3500 per kW [25].
available enthalpy of steam and consequently must circulate For remote installations it is also imperative that a power
up to five times the mass flow for the same power generation. generating system be able to operate with minimal operator
This mitigates some of the advantages gained by the higher qualification and unattended. Steam-based bioenergy systems
exhaust pressure from the turbine. The turbines must be have a distinct disadvantage, as due to their boiler they require
specially designed employing multiple stages and are still too highly trained on-site operators with registered qualifications.
big in diameter to allow high-speed operation. Organic fluids The labour cost of such operators becomes prohibitive for
used are often volatile and unsafe to be heated directly by small-size systems, if required. Moreover, a remote community
exhaust flue gas due to the risk of fluid leakage. A hot oil may have difficulty hiring and keeping such specialized labour.
circuit is used to transfer energy from the exhaust flue gas to The ORC and Entropic cycle bioenergy CHP systems operate
an organic fluid vaporizer. To maximize CHP efficiencies, the similar to steam but do not use a traditional boiler and thus do
coolant from the condenser will sometimes be further heated not have the requirement for a highly-qualified operator.
by exhaust flue gas before being sent to a district heat system. Furthermore, these bioenergy systems can be automated and
The ORC has been successfully demonstrated in the thus operated reliably in remote locations.
400 kW to 1.5 MW range and is commercially available in
Europe [26] although at a higher capital cost per kW than the
conventional steam system. The use of thermal oil in the 4. Community-based model
exhaust flue gas avoids using steam boilers and circumvents
the operator qualification and registration requirements in 4.1. Bioenergy system requirements
most jurisdictions and allows for better efficiency at a small-
scale that the conventional steam system [26]. An ORC system To demonstrate the proposed approach of a wildfire land
can have overall conversion efficiency in the order of 55% with management strategy coupled with community energy
10% representing the overall electrical conversion portion [25]. production, a community-based model is outlined below.
The generic arrangement of an ORC system is shown in Fig. 2. Revenue streams, fossil fuel displacement, and green house
gas reductions, are simulated using a thermodynamic energy
3.6. Entropic cycle balance and cost model for the three proposed CHP systems
under two different installation scenarios. A base case
The Entropic power cycle [20] is directed at energy recovery community is chosen with the following characteristics: three
from hot flue gases on a small-scale. This technology is similar small diesel generators totaling 250 kW provide a community
to both steam cycle and ORC systems. It uses an ammonia/ with approximately 100 residents with the electrical genera-
water fluid mixture in a closed loop system. The working fluid tion for the community buildings and small businesses. Data
mixture, however, contains about four times the enthalpy from small forest communities in northern BC and southern
content of organic fluids, which reduces the required circu- Northwest Territories approximates the electrical data
lating mass flow. The fluid is non-flammable and safe to use assumed for the proposed base case community. Annual
directly in a flue gas heater. Moreover, the Entropic cycle electrical generation of 950 MWh with peak loads of 198 kW
permits biasing to reduce equipment size, increase turbine and an average load of 120 kW [28,29] for the community is
efficiencies and use a high temperature coolant. The Entropic used as inputs to the simulated model. Typical community
cycle results in a system that uses a super-heater rather than electrical load profiles show an increase in electrical demands
an evaporator in the flue gas and thus does not have the safety during the winter months with peak power load occurring
concerns of a steam boiler. Moreover, this application will during the afternoon [28].
produce a high temperature coolant (85  Ce95  C) that returns Two different scenarios are proposed for sizing a biopower
to the system hot (50  Ce60  C) [20]. These temperatures are system to meet both the annual and peak electrical needs of
directly applicable to district heating or, if the heat is not used the base case community. The first proposed scenario is
productively, dry air-cooling by a relatively small heat a biomass CHP system that is sized to handle the average
exchanger. No cooling tower, cooling pond or cooling water is electrical load of the community. This allows the CHP system
required. This system can have an overall conversion efficiency to always be operating between 75% and 100% of its capacity,
in the order of 68%, with 12% representing the overall electrical ensuring reasonable operating efficiency. The existing diesel
conversion portion [25]. Fig. 3 shows the generic arrangement generator will handle the remaining peak loads. The second
of an Entropic system. scenario proposes a complete switch from the diesel genera-
tion to biopower. Two to three CHP systems are grouped to
3.7. System requirements handle the average and peak electrical demands of the
community similar to the way diesel generators are sized and
One very important consideration of the biomass power installed in remote communities. There is a significant
generating system is low capital cost in a small generating increase in capital cost to staging CHP systems; however, it is
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Fig. 2 e Organic rankine cycle.

Fig. 3 e Entropic power cycle system.

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Table 1 e Bioenergy system input parameters for simulation model for both scenarios to meet load demand.
System Scenario #1 - Biomass/Peak diesel Scenario #2 - All biomass

Recommended Approximate Recommended Approximate

system size (MW) capital cost ($) size (MW) capital cost ($)

Organic Rankine 1.20 6 000 000 2.60 13 000 000

Small steam CHP 2.20 7 700 000 4.60 16 100 000
Entropic 1.00 5 500 000 2.20 12 100 000

necessary to ensure that the system is always running above system simulated, the community maintains a 3.27e4.50 km
50% load with a reasonable thermal operating efficiency. radius surrounding the community.
Efficiency in CHP systems drops rapidly when operating at Electrical power generated by the biomass system is
partial loads [26]. Based on electrical efficiencies of the three supplied through the existing local distribution system and
CHP systems, Table 1 shows the recommended installation displaces electrical power being generated by diesel. District
size for each of the proposed CHP systems to meet the annual heat using high temperature water distributes the thermal
and peak electrical loads and the estimated capital costs for heat to the community. As common for new district heating
the two simulated scenarios. The capital costs for each system system, only a portion of the available heat is initially utilized
are estimated from reported values per kilowatt installed [25]. for the main community central buildings. The infrastructure
In order to keep up with the community’s electrical required to carry this heat to private homes would be installed
demand, a prescribed area surrounding the community is progressively. The upgrades to utilize this heat would be
mechanically treated, through the harvesting of underbrush financed by the savings realized by displacing heating oil. The
and small trees. This work is more comparable to landscaping heating oil for central buildings displaced by thermal heat
rather than forest logging. Workers need training and direc- from the biomass system represents considerable financial
tion but minimal qualification. The equipment required for value to the community. The upgrades to utilize this heat in
such work includes small chainsaws, landscape chippers, individual homes represent future financial benefit.
transport all terrain vehicles and chip trailers. The work Further benefits to the community can be achieved by the
entails clearing less than 1 ha daily in an expanding radius use of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, PHEV. A PHEV is similar
around the community. Clearing by individuals around their to a conventional hybrid vehicle in that both a gasoline
personal property is accepted as additional fuel and the internal combustion engine and an electric engine power it.
community can choose to accept other municipal waste or However, it differs in the existence of an electrical plug used to
construction material. A corporation, owned by the commu- obtain power from the grid or local distribution system by
nity, would oversee and manage the procedures and system. using a battery for storage [30]. PHEVs are referred by the
Collecting biomass at a rate faster than it is consumed and nomenclature as PHEV40 or PHEV60 where the number, 40 or
using short-term storage would allow a 5-day work week and 60, indicates how many miles the vehicle can run on electrical
possibly seasonal collection periods. power [31]. Incorporating PHEV in the simulated base
Table 2 shows the annual biomass requirements and the community where electricity is generated from the biomass
required radius for biomass collection around the community system would further reduce the community’s dependence on
for each of the three proposed CHP systems for the simulated imported fuels and reduce green house gas emissions. By
community and two installation scenarios. The simulation replacing most of the community’s existing gasoline fuelled
assumes an average forest fuel loading of nine BDT per vehicles to PHEV60, an increase in the annual electrical
hectare [13], a regrowth cycle of fifteen years [14,16], an energy demand from 950 MWh to 1043 MWh can be expected
content of woody biomass of 20.5 MJ per kilogram of fuel with depending on their driving cycle [33]. This approach allows the
a moisture content of 50 percent [20], and a community community to convert low value solid biofuel locally to ach-
surface area of 0.5 km2. Under the first scenario and depend- ieve renewable transportation, rather than using the more
ing on the electrical generation efficiency of the three CHP complex liquid biofuel scenario, which is beyond their control.

Table 2 e Fuel requirements for different energy scenarios to meet load demand as calculated by energy balance model in
Fuel requirements - based on a 15 year cycle

System Scenario #1 - Biomass/Peak diesel Scenario #2 All biomass

Annual biomass (Tonnes) Radius (km) Annual biomass (Tonnes) Radius (km)

ORC 1259 3.28 1798 3.99

Small steam CHP 2253 4.51 3218 5.46
Entropic cycle 1070 2.99 1529 3.65
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Table 3 e Annual revenue model results from the Table 4 e Green house gas displacements using
simulations for each system. community base biomass CHP system.
ORC Small steam Entropic Current Scenario #1 Scenario #2
CHP system cycle community Biomass/ All biomass
Peak diesel
Community size 100
Electrical power 1043 CO2 from diesel 1017 206 e
(MWh) (Tonnes)
Peak load (kW) 198 CO2 from gasoline 211 98 98
Average load (kW) 120 (Tonnes)
Biomass required 1256 2252 1070 Total CO2 1228 305 98
(tonnes) (Tonnes)
Area to mechanically 279 500 237
treat (Ha)
Biomass removal $379 500 $680 250 $323 250 increase its income revenue with full advantage taken of
cost ($) available heat.
Diesel required $256 500
(72 876 l)
4.3. Greenhouse gas emissions
Diesel displaced $522 500
(148 474 l)
Heating oil displaced $34 508 Power generation is one of the largest contributors to GHG
(124 228 l) emissions [24]. Power generated from burning biomass is
Gasoline displaced $70 993 carbon neutral as biomass returns to carbon dioxide naturally
(48 961 l) [32]. Table 4 shows the calculated CO2 that can be displaced for
Biomass system $6 000 000 $7 700 000 $5 500 000 both scenarios by implementing a biomass system to a small
cost ($)
community. No carbon credit is allotted to the environmental
Simple payback period 24 e 18
benefit of reducing net green house gas emissions as this is
outside the community control.

4.2. Revenue model

5. Conclusion
The specific revenue model applicable to any given site will
A proposed community-based model includes forest
vary due to local differences. It is clear that there is significant
mechanical treatment combined with a biomass power
expense if we choose to address the hazard of wildfires in
generating system sized to suit a small community. Larger
a proactive manner; however, remaining reactive to forest
communities can optimally distribute multiple units. The
fires can lead to an even greater cost both from direct fire-
system can be scaled appropriately or applied to special local
fighting and from significant property damage. Table 3 shows
forest needs such as forest thinning. Community workers
the revenue streams for the community-based model simu-
perform the forest treatment with benefits of the program
lated. The revenue stream is shown for the community that
remaining in the community. The generated renewable power
installed each CHP system for the first proposed scenario with
and heat supplies the energy needs of the community to avoid
diesel generation to provide the peak electrical power gener-
energy dollars leaving the region. The wildlandeurban inter-
ation and using PHEV60. An average clearing cost of $1389 per
face zone would be cleared over a fifteen-year cycle around
hectare is assumed [4] and a fuel consumption of 4.8 L per
a community to reduce the risk of wildfire. Most importantly,
100 km for a PHEV60 [30].
the responsibility for forest fire mitigation, the power gener-
Both Entropic cycle and ORC system show similar revenue
ating system and the associated benefits would be owned,
streams under the two scenarios. Due to the low electrical
managed and accrued by the community. Decisions to reduce
efficiency of the small steam CHP system, the cost to harvest
risks would not be external to the community. The proposed
the amount of biomass required to meet the community’s
system is sustainable ecologically and uses sustainable
annual electrical demand exceeds the savings from displacing
renewable biomass to generate heat and power. The goal of
diesel, gasoline and heating oil. This system is deemed not
this community plan is to reduce fire hazards, decrease
financially feasible. Considering the current cost per kW to
property damage, improve public safety, promote forest
install the biomass systems, the second proposed scenario
health and achieve sustainable unsubsidized cost-benefits.
with a complete biomass system is also not financially feasible
Avoidance of treatment may lead to increased fire suppres-
even with the amount of fuel displaced. This example has been
sion costs, property damage and environmental damage while
designed to break even and cover the costs of mechanical
increasing green house gases.
treatment surrounding the community. A payback period of 18
years and 24 years is shown on the capital cost of the biomass
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