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biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 1693–1702

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Bioenergy plantations or long-term carbon sinks? – A model

based analysis

Fredrik Hedenus*, Christian Azar

Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers University. 412 96 Göteborg, Sweden

article info abstract

Article history: In order to mitigate climate change bio-productive land may be used mainly in two ways:
Received 20 August 2009 afforestation with long-rotation forests with the primary aim to act as carbon sinks, and
Accepted 10 September 2009 short-rotation forests that are used for energy purposes and thereby replace fossil fuels.
Under an ambitious climate target, land that may be used for both bioenergy plantations
and long-rotation forests, are likely to be scarce, and thereby competition between long-
Keywords: rotation forests and bioenergy plantations can be expected. The goal of the study is to
Climate change analyze the cost-effectiveness of bioenergy plantations versus long-rotations forests aimed
Biomass at capturing and storing carbon. The study is performed by solving and analyzing a linear
Carbon sinks optimization model that links the energy system, an afforestation sector and the pulp and
timber market. Many earlier studies tend to suggest that long-rotation forests offer lower
costs per ton of CO2 avoided. Our study, however, shows that long-rotation forests for the
purpose of carbon sequestration will not be cost-effective in the long run under a stringent
climate policy. Thus, economic efficiency considerations tend to support short-rotation
plantations for high carbon prices. The reason for this is that scarcity of land increases the
opportunity cost of land, a feature which is generally not captured in static near-term
analysis, but it is captured in a dynamic model like ours. For less stringent carbon targets
long-rotation forests, that are harvested and sold as timber are cost-effective during
a transient phase.
ª 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction storing carbon dioxide reduces the atmospheric carbon

concentration. Such sinks are expected to be less expensive
Most of the observed global warming is very likely due to than many other abatement technologies and have, for that
anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases [1]. In order to reason, received considerable attention in the policy debate
limit further climatic changes the global society has to reduce about climate change.
the emissions of carbon dioxide substantially during this It should, however, also be clear that carbon sinks in the
century. The largest share of the reduction must take place in form of afforestation only capture carbon as long as there is
the energy system where conventional use of fossil fuels may net growth in the forest biomass. Thus, once the forest is
be replaced by an increasing use of solar, wind, nuclear, mature the trees only hold carbon without any increase in the
biomass etc, or fossil fuel combustion with carbon capture stock. Equally important is that such carbon sinks can only
and storage and measures to improve energy efficiency. capture a rather small share of the expected emissions over
Planting forests with the main purpose of sequestering and this century – even if very large areas are planted. Under the

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ46 317723453; fax: þ46 317723150.

E-mail address: (F. Hedenus).
0961-9534/$ – see front matter ª 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1694 biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 1693–1702

assumption that the enormous amount of one billion hectares Additionally, they did not consider changes in land values
of land were planted with forests acting as carbon sinks, and over time.
that each hectare would capture and store 100 t C, then, a total Read argues that more than 1000 Mha of unused land ought
of 100 Gt C would eventually be captured (when the forest to be used for carbon sinks the coming 40 years [12]. The
ecosystem is in equilibrium). This is only 5–10% of the standing carbon stock may thereafter be utilized for biofuel
expected carbon emissions over the next century (in the SRES production (a technology that Read argues will be more
scenarios developed by the IPCC [2]). developed by then) or for wood products. Thereafter, land
Land may also be used for bioenergy plantations. Biomass should be used for bioenergy plantations.
reduces carbon emissions by replacing fossil fuels in the Gielen et al. analyze competition for land between bio-
energy system. Hall [3,4] argues, that bioenergy plantations energy and carbon sinks using an optimization model [13].
have a larger carbon abatement potential than carbon sinks The model is global and has a detailed representation of the
and should therefore in general be favoured to carbon sinks. energy system as well as production of some important
Marland and Schlamadinger [5] analyzed which parame- materials and food. They find that the time horizon of the
ters that determine whether bioenergy plantations or carbon model is crucial as to whether sinks are cost-effective or not.
sinks have the largest carbon mitigation potential. They found Running the model to 2040 result in some carbon sinks being
that well managed biomass plantations with high yields that established during the period 2020–2030, but extending the
are efficiently used in the energy system, have a larger model horizon to 2100 makes the sinks disappear 2020–2030.
potential of carbon mitigation than carbon sinks. They further They conclude that under a cap and trade system for carbon
stress that local analysis has to be made in order to find the emissions agents with short-time horizons might invest in
most effective land use. sinks, but that this strategy is sub-optimal from a social
Kirschbaum [6] made a careful analysis of carbon sinks in planner perspective.
relation to the carbon cycle, but without economical consid- From a physical perspective bioenergy plantations, if effi-
erations. He concludes that temporary sinks are of little use to ciently used, are preferable to carbon sinks, in the sense that
mitigate climate change, whereas permanent carbon sinks they have a larger abatement potential per hectare of land.
have their largest potential to mitigate climate change the From a short-term economic perspective, on the other hand,
earlier they are established. carbon sinks seem to be more profitable.
Gitz el al [7] used cost-benefit analysis to investigate the In this study we merge both physical and economic
potential role of carbon sequestration. They found that (i) perspectives on bioenergy plantations and carbon sinks by
sinks should be used early in order to slow down the rate of developing and analyzing a cost-minimization model. The
growth of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (ii) some land model includes the whole energy system rather than
should be saved so the biospheric carbon stock quickly can comparing a few different conversion technologies. Also the
be increased and thereby reduce atmosphere carbon content timber and pulp market is included in order to study to what
if global warming turns out to be more severe than expec- extent long-rotation forests may be sold as pulp and timber.
ted. Their study did, however, not take into account the fact Analyzing this rather large system, we can yield insights that
that bioenergy plantations and carbon sinks may compete cannot be reached using more partial or static models. On the
for the same land, which of course may alter their other hand, a more aggregate model like this will necessarily
conclusion. be less rich in details.
From an economic perceptive it is, however, not clear that The aim of this paper is:
bioenergy plantations are preferable to carbon sinks. The
costs of carbon sinks are sometimes estimated to be as low as  to examine whether long-rotation forests (which grow at
0.3–10 USD/t C in some tropical developing countries [8]. A a slower pace but eventually come to store more carbon) or
study for China estimate the abatement cost for afforestation short-rotation forests (used for biomass production to
to be even negative, 12 to 2 USD per abated tonne C, whereas replace fossil fuels) are most cost-effective in order to reach
the abatement cost for biomass power generation is reported certain atmospheric carbon dioxide targets.
to be 30 US/t C [9]. A meta-analysis of a large number of esti-
mates of carbon sink costs found a median average cost of The analysis is made by developing and using a linear
25 USD/t C [10]. However, many studies omitted important optimization model, where the combined costs of the energy
factors, such as the opportunity cost of land which of course system and forestry sector are minimized under an atmo-
leads to lower cost estimates. Still, the literature suggests that spheric carbon constraint.
the cost of carbon abatement through the use of carbon sinks The paper is structured as follows: in section two, the
is lower than the cost of using bioenergy plantations to model is described and parameter values are presented.
produce biomass that reduces fossil fuels. Section three contains the results, and section four contains
Baral and Guha [11] investigate both the potential carbon the conclusions. The appendix contains parameter values for
benefit and the cost of using forests as sinks or bioenergy the energy system.
source. Using present technology to produce electricity,
carbon sinks were found to be more cost-effective. However,
they argue that future technologies such as cellulose based 2. Description of the optimization model
ethanol production or gasification of biomass for electricity
production may reverse that conclusion. Their assumptions The model used is a bottom–up model with perfect foresight.
on these future technologies seem, however, very optimistic. A schematic picture of the model is shown in Fig. 1. The
biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 1693–1702 1695

(rotation time longer than 50 years), and short-rotation forests

Energy Heat
Energy sources (rotation time less than 10 years). Long-rotation forests may
supply timber, pulp and bioenergy whereas short-rotation
forests may only supply pulp and bioenergy.

Afforestation Transp. fuel

2.1.1. Carbon sequestration in the forestry system
The forests in the model are assumed to grow at a constant
Carbon cycle
Timber rate until the end of the rotation period is reached. This linear
and Pulp modelling is not fully correct, a more accurate function as in
[14,15], could be used but our approximation is probably not
Atmospheric more severe than other approximations in the model and is
carbon dioxide
not likely to significantly alter the results of our runs. The
rotation time determines maximum time of growth, which
Fig. 1 – Schematic figure of the model. does not necessarily mean that the forest is harvested at that
time. Short-rotation forests are assumed to be harvested at
their rotation time.
objective of the model is to minimize the aggregate costs The world is divided into four forestry zones, a boreal,
under two main constraints: energy demand and an atmo- a western and an eastern temperate and a tropical. In all zones,
spheric carbon dioxide target. Demand levels for heat, elec- there are one type of long-rotation forest and one type of short-
tricity and transportation fuels are exogenously set and must rotation forest. Growth rates and rotations times are estimated
be supplied from the following energy sources: coal, oil, by data in references [14–18] and are shown in Table 1. Not all
natural gas, wind, hydropower, nuclear power, solar or bio- of the forest growth may be utilized for timber or bioenergy,
energy. The costs include capital investments in the energy since some part of the growth end up in the roots. It is assumed
system and fuel costs, as well as costs for establishing, that 20% of total growth occurs in roots [14].
maintaining and harvesting forests. Incomes may be gener- The carbon stock in forest soils may increase through
ated by selling timber and pulp from the afforestation system. litter and root decomposition [19]. Pasture land, where the
All prices are expressed in USD2000. Since long-rotation afforestation is assumed to take place, typically holds lower
forests are a long-term commitment, terminal condition of amounts of soil carbon than forest land. The amount of
the model may influence the results for long periods [13]. We carbon soil is assumed to increase linearly up to an upper
are, for that reason, running the model for the period 2000– limit, depending of the forest type [14]. The maximum level
2250 – even if we only show the results for the period 2000– of soil carbon for different vegetation types is given in Table
2100. Further, a discount rate of 4%/yr is used. 1. If forests are harvested and not replanted, the land is
assumed to return to pasture land, and thereby releasing the
2.1. Bioenergy and biospheric carbon stocks stored soil carbon.
The growth rate for soil carbon is estimated to be 0.5 tC/ha/
The model distinguishes between two different types of bio- yr for all forest types [14]. However, the growth rate is probably
energy sources: residues and bioenergy from the afforestation higher for tropical plantations, up to 2 tC/ha/yr [16]. Estimates
system. The residues are supplied from agricultural land and used in the model are shown in Table 1.
from managed forests and the supply potential is 50 EJ per
year. The afforestation system includes a given area of land, 2.1.2. Costs and revenues of afforestation
currently not under forest cover, in four different climate The model distinguishes between establishment, mainte-
zones, which may be targeted for either long-rotation forests nance and harvest costs. Estimates are uncertain as studies

Table 1 – Data on rotation time and growth rate for different forest types. Also the growth rate for soil carbon and maximum
amount of soil carbon are presented.
Zone Type Rotation (yr) Growth (t C/ha/yr) Max soil (tC/ha) Soil C (tC/ha/yr)

Boreal Pasture – – 90 0
Long-rotation forest 100 1.5 160 0.5
Short-rotation forest 5 5 100 0.5
Western temp Pasture – 110 0
Long-rotation forest 80 2 130 0.5
Short-rotation forest 10 5 120 0.5
Eastern temp Pasture – 110 0
Long-rotation forest 80 2 130 0.5
Short-rotation forest 10 5 120 0.5
Tropical Pasture – 50 0
Long-rotation forest 60 4 130 1.5
Short-rotation forest 5 8 130 1.5
1696 biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 1693–1702

Table 2 – Estimates of costs to establish maintain and harvest different forest types.
Zone Type Estab (USD/ha) Maintenance (USD/ha/yr) Harvesta USD/t DM

Boreal Long-rotation forestb 350 10 70

Short-rotation forestc 1200 40 25
Western temp Long-rotation forestd 500 50 70
Short-rotation foreste 1000 150 25
Eastern temp Long-rotation forestf 250 10 60
Short-rotation forestg 300 30 20
Tropical Long-rotation foresth 500 10 60
Short-rotation foresti 400 70 20

a Clear-cutting and transportation cost of long-rotation forests in the US are estimated to 70 USD/t DM [21]. Harvest and transportation of
plantation forest are reported to cost 25 USD/t DM in Indonesia [22], 12–14 USD/t DM in USA, and around 23 USD/t DM in Sweden [23, 24].
b Boreal forests in Canada is estimated to cost around 600 USD/ha to establish, and in Russia 250 USD/ha [17].
c Willow plantations are estimated to cost 1200 USD/ha to establish and 40 USD/ha/yr to maintain [26,24]. Willow is harvested every 4th year,
but are established only every 24th year
d Long-rotation forests in the US are reported to cost 500 USD/ha to establish and 50 USD/ha/yr to maintain [17,25].
e Estimates of plantation costs USA indicate about 800–1000 USD/ha in establishment cost and 170 USD/ha/yr in maintenance costs [23,24].
f Establishment of 65 year rotation forest in China is reported to cost around 250 USD/ha, and less than 10 USD/ha/yr to maintain [27,28].
g Establishment costs for short-term plantations in China are estimated to 250 USD/ha [27] and a bit more for 20 year rotation plantation [17,28],
the maintenance cost estimated to around 25 USD/ha/yr
h Establishment costs for long-rotation forests in the tropics range from 450–700 USD/ha [29].
i Tropical plantations in Thailand with a 5 year rotation time is reported to cost 500 USD/ha to establish [30] and in Indonesia a ten year rotation
forest costs 300 USD/ha to establish [16]. Further cost estimates gives 350 USD/ha in Zaire and 150 in Malaysia [17]. A cross country study
concluded that short-term tropical plantations cost 150–450 USD/ha to establish [29]. Maintenance costs range from 50 to 80 USD/ha and year.

differ in their methodology, and that there are different cost afforestation. In addition there must also be an infrastructure
levels in different countries. The figures shown in Table 2 are as well as suitable social and cultural conditions. Also
therefore rather rough estimates. Processing and trans- a growing population demands more food, and land can be
portation of bioenergy are assumed to cost an additional expected to be used for agricultural purposes to a large extent.
0.5 USD/GJ. In our base case, we estimate that in 2050 there are 50 Mha of
The demand and price of bioenergy and sinks depend both land in the boreal zone, 165 Mha in the temperate and
on the energy system and the pulp and timber market. 135 Mha in the tropics [14] available for forest plantations
Therefore the supply of timber and pulp from currently (both short- and long-term rotation). The development of land
forested areas are also included in the model, by including potential from 2050 to 2100 is dependent on several factors,
explicit supply functions. The data are based on a forecast by driving in different directions. A wealthier population
Lee and Lyon [20]. Step-wise supply functions for pulp and suggests that even larger areas of land are likely to be used for
timber for existing managed forests and remote (presently food production, and thereby less land will be available for
inaccessible) forests are derived from their base, high and very afforestation. On the other hand a more efficient food
high demand scenarios. The timber and pulp supply functions production, and perhaps a more developed infrastructure into
are further interrelated, which means that a high supply of remote areas indicates the opposite. We assume the land
pulp results in higher timber prices. The base demand potentials in 2100 to be 40% larger than in 2050. The exact
scenarios for pulp and timber demand are used in our refer- values for these assumptions can of course be discussed, and
ence scenario. In this scenario the timber demand does not some will argue that less land not more will be available for
increase significantly compared to today’s level, whereas pulp plantations in the year 2100. However, exact values will only
demand increases by 60% to 2070 and thereafter stabilizes. determine how much bioenergy or sinks capacity one will
Thus, the model may either supply timber or pulp from achieve and not the extent to which one will be more cost-
existing managed forests and remote forests, or by establishing competitive than the other, which is the main question for us
forest plantations on new land. We assume that a maximum of in this paper.
70% of the long-rotation forests may be sold as timber, since The temperate zone is divided into the western and eastern
mainly trunks may be utilized for timber supply, the remaining part, 1/3 of the area is assumed to be in the western temperate
30% may be used for pulp or bioenergy. Short-rotations forests zone, and 2/3 in the eastern. During the 80s around 3 Mha of
may only be utilized for pulp or bioenergy. Since pulp mostly is plantations were established annually in the tropics [31]. We
used in short-run products, the carbon stored in pulp is assume a maximum expansion rate of 30 Mha/decade of
considered to be released immediately, whereas 20% of the afforested area in each region.
carbon stored in timber is released every decade. Since the land assumed available for forest plantations in
this paper may be used for food production (primarily for
2.1.3. Land potentials grazing), there is an opportunity cost for land targeted for
There are different factors limiting large-scale afforestation afforestation. It is hard to estimate future opportunity costs of
programmes. First, land must be biologically suitable for land, especially since the food system is not included in the
biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 1693–1702 1697

model. However, it is important to include the land rent since transportation sector, fuel cell cars are assumed to be avail-
sinks as well as bioenergy plantations otherwise become able by the year 2030.
unrealistically cheap [10]. We use estimates of opportunity
cost from Gitz el al [7]. The land rents today stretches from 2.3. Atmospheric carbon constraints
10 USD/ha/yr in Africa to 200 USD/ha/yr in rice growing Asian
countries. It should also be noted that the model will generate All uptake and emissions from the energy and afforestation
an opportunity cost for using land for long-rotation planta- system are accounted for, and the atmospheric carbon
tions that is equal to the forgone economic value of using it for concentration is calculated using a parameterized version of
short-rotation plantations. the Bern carbon cycle [1, p 221].
Due to uncertainty about the climate sensitivity it is also
uncertain which level of carbon dioxide we can allow without
2.2. The energy system causing dangerous interference with the climate [34]. There-
fore we evaluate four different stabilization scenarios,
The cost-effectiveness of using bioenergy and sinks is a maximum of 400, 500, 600 ppm carbon in the atmosphere in
dependent on the costs of other energy sources, as well as the 2100, as well as a scenario with no carbon constraint.
costs and efficiencies for biomass conversion plants. In order
to get an accurate representation of the dynamics in the 2.4. Aspects not considered in the model
energy system, a sub-model of the energy system is included
in the overall model. The main assumptions and the structure All modelling approaches have their specific limitations.
of the energy system in the model are based on Azar et al. [32], Some simplifications do not have any important impact on the
which is the default source. results, whereas others might influence the results if they
The energy demand is divided into three sectors; heat, were included. Some of these will be discussed below.
transportation and electricity. The energy demand is based on Local ecological and social aspects of forestry are not
MESSAGE’s B2-scenario [33]. The cost of the final energy included in the model framework. This is especially important
supply is determined by the fuel price, the capital costs and since short-rotation plantations do not really deserve to be
the conversion efficiency into final energy. Fuel costs, termed forests since these managed ecosystems more
investment costs and load factors for different technologies resemble conventional agriculture than forests, and the
are found in Appendix A. biodiversity in these plantations is minimal. For that reason,
There are limits on the potential supply of energy sources. long-rotation unmanaged forests clearly have other benefits
The fossil reserves are assumed to be 12 ZJ for oil and 10 ZJ for that would strengthen the desirability of these forests. It is
natural gas, whereas the coal reserves are estimated to be also important to note that there is a continuum of forest
200 ZJ, much larger than what is used in the reference types in between what we refer to as short-rotation and long-
scenario during the entire period. Further hydropower is rotation forests, and we only investigate the two extremes in
constrained to 20 EJ/yr electricity due to a lack of acceptable this continuum.
sites for dams. Wind power and solar cells without energy Further, the energy system is simplified in various ways,
storage option are individually limited to 12% of the electricity aspects such as energy security and local pollutants are not
supply due to the intermittent nature of the energy sources. considered in the model. Capital costs and infrastructure in
Hydrogen produced from solar energy is, however, not the transportation system are not described in detail,
limited. Finally, nuclear power is exogenously limited to the however, it is unlikely that this would affect land use in any
current level of installed capacity due to the political contro- significant way. The energy demand is exogenously given. The
versies surrounding this technology. importance of this factor is, however, analyzed in the sensi-
The possibility of carbon capture and storage from fossil tivity analysis.
fuels and bioenergy is included in the model. The technology The model has perfect foresight, which means that the
is assumed to capture 90% of the carbon, and the trans- impact of expectations and uncertainties of companies and
portation and storage cost is estimated to 37 USD/t C for fossil other stakeholders is omitted. The model gives the cost-
fuels and 73 USD/t C for biomass. The potential is, however, effective solution from a social planner perspective, which
constrained in three different ways. Firstly, carbon capture is might not be consistent with the behaviour of separate
only possible in large-scale plants, thus it is assumed that stakeholders.
a maximum of 30% of the heat demand may be supplied with Further the energy as well as the pulp and timber demand
carbon capture technologies. Secondly the total expansion of in the model are aggregated to the global level, whereas the
carbon storage per decade is constrained to 2 Gt C/year afforestation system is regionalized. No limitations or costs
annually, due to inertia in the infrastructure and preparation for long way transportation of pulp and paper or energy
of storage sites, and thirdly the total storage potential is sources are included.
limited to 600 Gt C. Finally, the model includes full carbon accounting for the
The primary energy sources are converted into electricity, afforestation system, whereas the carbon stock for managed
heat and transportation fuels. Transportation fuel may be and remote forests is assumed to be constant. This
diesel and gasoline, as well as methanol produced from either assumption is probably not that severe since the annual
fossil fuels or biomass, and hydrogen produced from solar or timber demand is expected to be around 800 million m3 2050
fossil fuels with carbon capture and storage. Hydrogen may [20], which corresponds to about 240 Mt C. The aggregate
also be used for heating and electricity production. In the timber harvest during the 21th century is thus approximately
1698 biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 1693–1702

24 Gt of carbon, which is around 2% of the expected emission In the 400 ppm scenario, carbon abatement starts early.
the next hundred years. In addition, most of this will even- Only short-rotation forests are established and they are used
tually be released to the atmosphere. Thus, possible carbon for bioenergy purpose and to a limited degree for pulp
stock increases in the use of woody products will never production, see Fig. 3. All timber and most pulp are thus
become anything else than a marginal carbon mitigation supplied from the existing forestry system.
3.2. Generalised results

We then analyze 18 stabilization scenarios, ranging from

3. Results and discussion 400 ppm to 850 ppm and plot the area of long- and short-
rotation forests in the years 2050 and 2100 as a function of the
3.1. Afforestation stabilization level. In all scenarios there are more short-rota-
tion forests in 2100 than in 2050, whereas the opposite holds
The cost-effective use of land is partly determined by the for long-rotation forests in all scenarios below 750 ppm, see
climate policy. A stringent carbon target generates a higher Figs. 4 and 5. We can thus see that the cost-effectiveness of
price for carbon, which in turn affects the competitiveness short-rotation forests increase with more ambitious climate
between different energy sources, as well as the competition targets. And that long-rotation forests in the long run are
between short- and long-rotation forests. replaced by short-rotation forests.
In the scenario without climate policy, both long- and We may now observe some general patterns. No long-
short-rotation forests are established in the tropical zone, in rotation forests are left standing in perpetuity, rather long-
total around 100 Mha in the year 2100, in order to meet the rotation forests are established in order to supply timber. For
demand for pulp and timber. No commercial biomass is used that reason the area used for long-rotation forests is limited
in the energy system (fossil fuels are always more cost- by the timber demand. A carbon target first makes timber
competitive). from afforestation profitable, but as the carbon target
In the 600 ppm scenario (see Fig. 2) long-rotation forests are becomes more stringent bioenergy becomes an even more
first established in the tropics, but they are replaced by short- profitable option.
rotation forests towards the end of the century since the
shadow price on carbon increases over time (the constraint on 3.3. The energy system
atmospheric carbon constraint implies that the shadow price
on emissions increases over time). If there is no atmospheric carbon constraint, the energy
Short-rotation forests are established in all climate zones system is dominated by coal, oil and gas, and some wind
in the latter part of the century as carbon abatement is power, hydropower and nuclear power. A carbon target of
required to meet the carbon constraint. The long-rotation 600 ppm results in intense utilization of coal with carbon
forests are utilized for pulp and timber production, but as capture and storage and solar from the year 2060. Biomass is
the long-rotation forests are replaced (after 2060) most utilized in the heat sector to some extent during the whole
timber and pulp are supplied from remote forests (which are period, but expands rapidly from 2060 and onwards.
presently inaccessible) and through increased harvests in In the 500 ppm scenario there is an extensive use of coal
managed forests. Thus, in the 600 ppm scenario, carbon with carbon capture and storage, and at the end of the century
sinks in the tropics are cost-effective during a transient also biomass and gas are used with carbon capture and
phase. storage. Solar photovoltaic expands heavily from 2050.
In the 500 ppm scenario, an area of around 10 Mha long- In the 400 ppm scenario a large amount of bioenergy is
rotation forests is established in the tropics but this area is utilized throughout the period, and is mainly used with
subsequently replaced by short-rotation forests from 2050 and carbon capture and storage in order to obtain negative carbon
onward. Overall, there is a massive expansion of bioenergy emissions [32,35]. Solar photovoltaic is introduced already in
plantations from 2050 and onwards. 2030 and is mainly used for hydrogen production, see Fig. 6.

Afforestation in 600 ppm scenario Afforestation in 400 ppm scenario

500 500
450 450
400 400 Tropical short
350 Trop short rot 350
300 300

250 250
East short rot temperate short
200 200 Western rototation
150 150 temperate short
West short rot 100 rototation
50 Bor short rot 50 Boreal short
0 Trop long rot 0 rotation
2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100

Fig. 2 – The land use in 600 ppm scenario. Fig. 3 – The land use in the 400 ppm scenario.
biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 1693–1702 1699

2050 Primary Energy Supply, 400 ppm scenario

500 1200

400 Short-rotation forests Hydro and Wind



Long-rotation forests 600
100 Coal-CCS
400 Oil and Gas CCS
0 Coal
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 200
Oil and Gas
stablization level by 2100 (ppm)
Biomass Biomass-CCS
Fig. 4 – Area afforested with long- and short-rotation 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100
forests in 2050 for different stabilization scenarios.
Fig. 6 – The primary energy supply in the 400 ppm.

becomes saturated rather quickly, and the storage of carbon in

3.4. Intuitive explanation of the results
timber cannot influence the atmospheric carbon content
Our key result is that short-rotation forests are the most cost-
If long-rotation forests are to expand above what is
effective carbon abatement option for scarce land that can be
required to meet the timber demand, they must be profitable
used for either long-rotation or short-rotation forests under
as permanent carbon stocks. In Fig. 8 the profitability of long-
a stringent carbon policy. However, we also find that long-
rotation forests in the tropics used only for the purpose of
rotation forests are cost-effective during a transient phase for
storing carbon and for timber supply as well as short-rotation
less stringent carbon targets. Since many studies suggest that
forests is illustrated. The profit per ha established forests is
carbon sinks have a lower abatement cost per tonne C avoided
illustrated as a function of a constant carbon tax. Thus, all
than bioenergy plantations, a more detailed discussion is
carbon flows are calculated, and costs and revenues are dis-
needed in order to understand why short-rotation forests
counted annually by 4%.
outcompete long-rotation forests in our model.
In the tropics timber production is profitable even without
In Fig. 7 the carbon mitigation potential in tonne carbon
a carbon price, which is consistent with the timber model
from long- and short-rotation forests is illustrated per hectare
used. A carbon tax of around 50 USD/t C, makes permanent
of bio-productive land. The short-rotation forest is assumed to
long-rotation forests profitable, whereas bioenergy becomes
produce bioenergy that replaces coal in the electricity sector.
the most profitable option if the carbon price increases to
Sustainably grown bioenergy can replace fossil fuels on
around 200 USD/t C.
a permanent basis and therefore the cumulative carbon
Under the assumption that the landowner will choose the
benefit grows linearly (in this stylised analysis where we
most profitable activity on their land, we can see that the
assume that the same fuel with the same conversion effi-
establishment of sinks will in fact delay the introduction of
ciency is replaced). The long-rotation forests on the other
bioenergy plantations, since the profitability of sinks is higher
hand are assumed to be permanent, but the forests stop
until around 200 USD/t C, whereas if no carbon sinks were
growing after some time (in this case 60 years). In these
established bioenergy plantations would be profitable already
calculations we assume the growth rate of short-rotation
at less than 100 USD/t C.
forests to be 5 tC/ha/yr, and 2 tC/ha/yr for long-rotation
This graph explains the results obtained in our optimiza-
tion model. For less stringent carbon scenarios, the price of
Long-rotation forests may be sold as timber (hardwood,
used for long-lived products), which tends to lower the cost of
the carbon sink. However, the potential market for timber
Bioenergy versus sinks
accumulative carbon reduction
2100 short rotation
500 500 forest
Short-rotation forests
400 long rotation

300 300

100 Long-rotation forests 100
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 0
stablization level by 2100 (ppm) 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100

Fig. 5 – Area afforested with long- and short-rotation Fig. 7 – Carbon reduction for permanent sinks and
forests in 2100 for different stabilization targets. bioenergy plantations.
1700 biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 1693–1702

Bioenergy versus carbon sinks - rotation forests remain longer. The reverse is the case for
net present value of expected profits reduced amount of available land, the competition for land
40000 increases and long-rotation forests are replaced earlier. No
35000 timber
long-rotation forests are established in the 400 ppm
30000 permanent
scenarios regardless of whether the land potential is
U SD /ha

bioenergy increased or decreased.

15000 If the maximum storage capacity of carbon is reduced, the
10000 shadow price on carbon increases as it becomes more
5000 expensive to reduce carbon emissions in the energy sector.
Therefore, the area of short-rotation forests in the 500 and
0 100 200 300
600 ppm scenario increases significantly. A higher storage
USD per ton C
capacity does not change the result significantly compared to
Fig. 8 – Profitability in net present value terms in the the reference case.
tropical zone for bioenergy, permanent long-rotation Reduced energy demand tends to reduce the price of carbon,
forests and long-rotation forests harvested and sold as and thereby make long-rotation forests more competitive.
timber as a function of a constant carbon tax. More long-rotation forests are established in all scenarios
with a carbon constraint, and they remain longer than in the
base case. Increased energy demand on the other hand makes
bioenergy more cost-effective, which reduces the area of long-
carbon (equivalent to the tax in the graphs) increases slowly, rotation forests considerably.
and thereby makes long-rotation forests for timber produc- An increased timber and pulp demand makes it possible to
tion more profitable. The carbon price increases with time, sell more of the harvest from long-rotation forests as timber
which makes bioenergy plantations more profitable, which and to a higher price, which increases the area targeted for
means that the long-rotation forests are replaced by the short- long-rotation forests. Even in the 400 ppm scenario long-
rotation forests. In the 400 ppm scenario, the price of carbon rotation forests are established to supply timber, even
increases so fast that long-rotation forests are never cost- though these forests are replaced around the year 2100. In
effective to establish. the 500 and 600 ppm scenario more long-rotation forest are
In summary, long-rotation forests are more cost-effective established than in the base case, and some of these forests
as a carbon abatement technology than bioenergy plantation (10–20 Mha) are not replaced even in the long run (2200).
for low prices of carbon and if the long-rotation forest is Nevertheless since the timber demand is limited, most land
eventually sold as timber. This potential will, however, be is still used for bioenergy plantations. Reduced demand
saturated rather quickly. So, long-rotation forests as perma- eventually results in less areas are targeted for long-rotation
nent carbon sinks are only more profitable than short-rotation forests.
forests in a interval for the carbon price. As the carbon price The basic dynamics, that long-rotation forests, if estab-
rises over time, the carbon price does not stabilize in that lished, are replaced by short-rotation forests, hold also in our
interval long enough to make permanent carbon sinks cost- sensitivity analysis. Altered parameters may influence when
effective. the replacement occurs, and to which degree long-rotation
forests are established. The only parameters that potentially
alter the dynamics are a high timber demand in scenarios
3.5. Sensitivity analysis with less ambitious carbon targets. In that case, limited areas
of long-rotation forests used for timber supply may be cost-
In this section we test the robustness of our results regarding effective even in the long run.
some crucial parameters. If nothing else is mentioned the
parameters are adjusted by 50%.
Altering growth rate of long-rotation forests does not change
the results significantly. The main change is that more long- 4. Conclusions
rotation forests are established in the 600 ppm scenario and
no climate policy scenarios if the growth rate is reduced. The main question in this study was the dynamics of cost-
Although this may be surprising, the reason is that long- effectiveness between short-rotation and long-rotation
rotation forests are still profitable for timber production, and forests in order reach certain carbon targets. Our results may
larger areas must be targeted to fulfill the demand since the be summarized as:
growth rate is lower, and the full land potential is not utilized
in the these two scenarios.  For stringent carbon targets, around 400 ppm, it is cost-
Increased costs of short-rotation forests result in somewhat effective to use all land for short-rotation forest.
larger areas with long-rotation forests in all scenarios. These  For less stringent carbon targets long-rotation forests may
forests, however, again are only present in a transient phase. be cost-effective during a transient phase.
Decreased costs reduce the amount of long-rotation forests in  On land that is suitable for both short-rotation and long-
all scenarios. rotation forests, the long-rotation forests will eventually be
An increased amount of available land reduces the harvested and replaced by short-rotation forests. It is thus
competition for land, which mainly results in that long- unlikely that it is cost-effective to have permanent
biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 1693–1702 1701

biospheric sinks on land that also are suitable for bioenergy paid for the carbon that the forest sequester. What we have
plantations. shown is that the land owners may make even higher profits
 The cost-effectiveness of long-rotation forests is increased by establishing short-rotation biomass plantations (given
if the forests are harvested and sold as timber. This abate- proximity to markets, reasonable yields etc). Thus, the
ment potential is, however, limited by the timber demand. common view, that carbon sinks are a more cost-effective
Since the need for carbon abatement is much larger than the option derived in static frameworks with low carbon prices,
timber demand, this implies that the potential for cheap does not hold in dynamic models with more ambitious
sinks will be rather small compared to the aggregate need climate targets.
for carbon abatement. It is also important to note that we find the cost-effective
 Long-rotation forests used as permanent sinks are only solution from the perspective of a social planner that has
cost-effective in an interval of the carbon price between 50 perfect foresight. In the real world, companies have limited
and 200 USD/t C. foresight. Therefore it might seem profitable for them to
establish carbon sinks. Under the assumption that our results
These results, as all modelling results, must, be inter- are correct, i.e. that short-rotation forests are cost-effective in
preted with care. Our model is aggregated and is only the long run, it seems important to design policy instruments
investigating the cost-effectiveness of afforestation under an that do not give incentives to plant long-rotation forests on
increasingly ambitious climate policy. At a more dis- land where it in the long run can be expected to be cost-
aggregated level, activities such as re-establishing tropical effective to establish short-rotation forests.
forests to preserve biodiversity may be of great value (but we
have not considered such values in this paper). Here, we
have only considered carbon and timber benefits of land use
changes and looked at land where short-rotation forests are
also possible.
We would like to thank Kristian Lindgren, Göran Berndes, and
This means that our results should not be perceived as an
Daniel Johansson for valuable discussions and comments
argument against afforestation of tropical forests. On the
during the work. We also thank the Swedish Energy Agency
contrary, such re-establishments may be expected to be
for financial support.
profitable under the assumption that the land owners get


Table A1 – Fuel costs, and capital cost and efficiency for heat production with and without carbon capture and storage.
Fuel Fuel cost Heat

Cost USD/GJ Carbon cont Inv. Cost USD/kW Eff % Inv CCS USD/kW Eff %
kg C/GJ

Oil 3 20 100 90 300 80

Natural gas 2.5 15 100 90 300 80
Coal 1 25 300 90 500 80
Biomass 2.5 300 90 500 80
Hydrogen 100 90

Table A2 – Capital cost and efficiency for electricity and hydrogen production with and without carbon capture and storage.
Fuel Electricity production Hydrogen production

Inv cost USD/kW Eff % Inv cost USD/kW Eff % Inv. Cost USD/kW Eff % Inv CCS USD/kW Eff %

Oil 600 50 1000 40 400 75 600 70

Natural gas 500 55 900 45 300 80 500 75
Coal 1100 45 1500 35 700 65 900 60
Biomass 1200 40 1700 30 800 60 1000 55
Hydrogen 500 55
PV 1200 n.a 2000 n.a
Wind power 600 n.a
Hydropower 1000 n.a
Nuclear power 2000 33
1702 biomass and bioenergy 33 (2009) 1693–1702

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