FREE, 6-20-21, SilverChartist Report

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Ju n e 20t h , 2021 Issu e

At the risk of overusing the phrase, the

entire precious metals complex is now
CONTENTS sitting at a critical juncture. Gold, silver,
1. Openi ng Th ough ts several of the major ETFs and stocks are
2. Preci ous M etal s each sitting precisely at (or a whisker
below) their primary uptrend lines but a
3. Si l v er M i ners
f ew pennies above their respective
4. Battery M etal s 200MAs and/ or areas of strong support.
5. Urani um M i ners
The $USD is the most overbought it's
6. Week l y Tradi ng I dea been in over a year, and the metals are
7. Cl osi ng Th ough ts the most oversold they have been in
months. The set up is r ipe f or an
imminent shar p bounce in t he pr ecious
met als and pullback in t he dollar , but
w e ar e not "out of t he w oods" unt il and
unless t he r ecent highs ar e clear ed
and t he r espect ive 20 0 day moving
aver ages (MA's) ar e r eclaimed.
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As a long-term contrarian investor, I
welcome these sharp countertrend
pullbacks, as they give new entrants to the space the opportunity to
accumulate core positions at f avorable entry points. I am not bold enough
to attempt to "call the exact bottom", but I am conf ident that physical
precious metals and quality mining stocks purchased near these levels will
be looked back upon f avorably in the months and years ahead.
On a separate note, I like to use sharp pullbacks like this to re-balance my
portf olio, if needed, as tax implications can be less than when the stocks in
the portf olio are overbought. I am not currently planning to sell any
positions, but am looking to increase exposure to platinum and battery
metals plays, as I currently have minimal exposure.
The pullback in the uranium sector is also welcome, and several stocks
have pulled back to areas where I would be comf ortable accumulating
partial positions. Uranium Royalty
Pot ent ial Pat h t o a 1:1 Dow / Gold Rat io Corp ($UROY) looks especially
compelling here, and is one that I
have recently become more bullish
on. (See more in the weekly trading
idea section.)
On a separate note, I will be on the
road this week and will not be
accessible by email or social media,
but will be watching the markets
closely and will be ready to issue
any alerts or updates, as needed .
Have a f antastic week!
Grace & Peace,
Steve Penny
"To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under
the heaven!" Ecc 3:1
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$DXY: Due For A Pullback

$DXY: Appr oaching Long-Ter m Resist ance

Kevin's Char t Comment s:

"Following the bounce up in the last f ew days, I?m looking at the inverted arc to
contain price below 93. A move above that level would challenge my thesis.
Assuming I?m right, I?ll be looking to see how price behaves at the 91level. 88.25
remains the most important line in the sand and a drop below that would be of
real signif icance in terms of the 3 year cycles (more on that if / when it happens)"
$GOLD: Pot ent ial "Roadmap"

$GOLD: A Bounce Is Ver y Likely

$SILVER: Cr it ical J unct ur e

$SILVER: Wat ching t he 20 0 MA Closely

$GDX: Lost Key Suppor t , Deeply Over sold

$GDX: Mont hly Char t

$SILJ : $0 .0 7 Above Key 20 0 MA Suppor t

$GDXJ : Test ing Pr imar y Upt r end Line

Exclusive Comment ar y Fr om J ef f Clar k
J ef f Clar k | Senior Analyst GoldSilver .com | @TheGoldAdvisor

We?ve talked about the compelling case f or both uranium and silver when
it comes to the world?s f ocus on green energy and reduced carbon
emissions. Both metals play into that trend? but there?s another group of
metals that are just as directly impacted by this global push?
Bat t er y Met als
You probably don?t need me to point out that in order to avoid the carbon
emissions that come f rom, say, coal and oil, the world will need to go more
electric. And to do so there will be a growing demand f or batteries? and
the metals that make them.
Battery metals include lithium, nickel, cobalt, manganese, and graphite,
since they?re contained in batteries or are used to make them. If we expand
to ?energy?metals we?d include others like copper, zinc, tin and vanadium.
Batteries are a key source of power f or many sources of renewable
energy. That obviously includes electric and hybrid vehicles, but also
energy storage systems that wind and solar rely on f or example, also a
priority in the new political environment. And of course smartphones,
computers, tablets, etc.
The investment thesis here is similar to uranium: the world can?t reach
their green energy goals without using nuclear power? nor can they reach
them without going more ?electric.?
And as the demand f or renewable energy grows around the world, so will
the demand f or batteries, which in turn drives metal demand. It?s not just in
the advanced world, either; developing economies are increasingly turning
to electrif ication. There?s even a push to make remote and rural areas more
electrif ied.
The thesis is more than just using ?more? batteries, too; there?s a push to
make them last longer and contain stronger power. These higher energy
ef f iciency requirements are expected to expand the market as well.
All told, analysts project the battery metal market will continue to grow
through at least 2027.
Exclusive Comment ar y Fr om J ef f Clar k
J ef f Clar k | Senior Analyst GoldSilver .com | @TheGoldAdvisor
But what is the best way to play this trend? just buy a bunch of miners that
produce these metals? Not only would you have to buy a slew of them,
you?d run the risk of picking the wrong ones. And tie up a signif icant
portion of capital.
There?s a better way, a one-stop shop if you will. Not only is it a royalty
company that lowers our risk, it?s relatively new and just starting to spread
its wings. With a compelling chart setup and a well-diversif ied and growing
portf olio, let?s talk about?
Elect r ic Royalt ies ($ELECF | $ELEC)
Electric Royalties is just what it sounds like: a royalty company f ocused on
battery metals. Like any royalty company, they provide f inancing to the
miners of these metals, in exchange f or a royalty.
It?s a f airly new company, having IPO-ed in Canada barely a year ago. But it
hit the ground running? it has only one producing royalty so f ar, but already
Pr em iu m M em ber Con t en t
has 11other royalties in the portf olio.
This slide f rom the current presentation gives us a good overview of their
portf olio.

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Long-Term Preci ous M etal s M i ni ng Stock Portf ol i o

Pr em iu m M em ber Con t en t

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Preci ous M etal s Week l y Focus Li st:

Each week we will update our weekly "Focus List ,"

highlighting f undamentally sound mining stocks that
currently present the most f avorable chart-based entry
points. See the above spreadsheet f or guidance on scaling
in, however the price targets are admittedly subjective
and should be tailored to fit one's individual risk
tolerance and strategy.
1. Silver Cr est Met als, $SILV | $SIL.V
2. Met alla Royalt y, $MTA
3. Nova Royalt y, $NOVRF | $NOVR
4. Sibanye St illw at er , $SBSW
5. Liber t y Gold, $LGDTF | $LGD
6. Reyna Silver , $RSNVF | $RSLV
7. Met allic Miner als, $MMNGF | $MMG

$SILV: Lost 20 0 MA Suppor t

$MTA: Met alla Royalt y, St r ong Suppor t J ust Below

$NOVRF: Nova Royalt y, Daily Char t

$SBSW: Sibanye St illw at er

$LGDTF | $LGD: Liber t y Gold

$RSNVF | $RSLV: Reyna Silver , Shar p Move Expect ed...

$MMNGF | $MMG: Met allic Miner als


URANIUM FUTURES: Long Ter m Char t

$URNM: Nor t h Shor e Global Ur anium Miner s ETF

Week l y " Focus Li st"

$UUUU | $EFR: Test ing Suppor t

$BQSSF: Wat ch Tr iangle Ear ly This Week...

Ur anium Miner Por t f olio, 6-18-21

Pr em iu m M em ber Con t en t

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LIM ITED TIM E: On ly $9/ M o

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NEW: Live Mast er mind Call W/ Ur anium Insider

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Our Tw o Fav ori te " Battery M etal s"

COPPER: A Bit Mor e Weakness Likely

NICKEL: Bouncing Nicely

$PLATINUM: Pulling Back Tow ar ds Suppor t

$PLATINUM vs $GOLD: 1980 - Pr esent

$COPX: Copper Miner s ETF, Weekly Candles

ETHEREUM: Pot ent ial Bullish "Descending Wedge"

Kevin's Chart Comments:

"A possible bullish, descending wedge f orming here. $2000 is an area
of reasonably strong support, but the wedge would allow price to f all
towards $1400, so there may well be more pain ahead. 200-day
moving average near $1850, which should also give support ? I?d be
uncomf ortable if it f ell below that f or any length of time."
Weekly Tr ading Idea: This Royalt y Play Looks Ready To Pop...

I only TRADE roughly 10%of my mining stock portf olio, with the goal
of monthly cashf low. The remaining 90+%is allocated to a long-term
"buy and hold" strategy with a ratio based long-term exit strategy.

Uranium Royalty Corp ($UROY) is a relatively new royalty company whose f undamental outlook
has improved greatly in recent months. This resulted in a euphoric 400%rally f rom January
through May, and those excesses have now been f ully worked of f as price has now retraced 50%
of that move.
From a technical perspective, the stock is now oversold and sitting just above a strong
conf luence of support at its primary uptrend line, the lower rail of a bull f lag pattern and
horizontal support at $2.39. This presents both a compelling short-term trading setup as well as
an attractive long-term entry point.

Pr em iu m M em ber Con t en t
If t he t r ade execut es, I w ill immediat ely place a st op loss or der s at $2.35 f or half of my
shar es, and $2.19 f or t he ot her half . If t he t r ade moves in my f avor , I w ill r aise st ops t o
br eakeven if / w hen I am up 3-5%.
NOTE: Tr ading and invest ing ar e dif f er ent games, w it h a ver y dif f er ent set of r ules. A
t r ader s job is not t o "pr edict ", but t o ident if y asymmet r ic set ups w it h f avor able r isk/ r ew ar d
r at ios. Many of t he best t r ader s in t he w or ld ar e w r ong mor e t han half of t he t ime because
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t hey cut losses quickly, w hile allow ing w inner s t o r un.
- Number of Shar es: 350 0
- Tr igger Pr ice: $2.44, Up To $2.48. (I w ill use a "buy-st op-limit " or der )
- St ops: $2.35 (1750 shar es), $2.19 (1750 shar es)
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Init ial Pr of it Tar get : $3.81

LIM ITED TIM E: On ly $9/ M o

(or $89/ Yr )
Closin g Th ou gh t s
I will be on the road this week, but will still be keeping a close eye
on the markets and will issue alerts, if needed. That said, I may be
less responsive to emails and social media comments as I am
traveling with my f amily.
I very gratef ul f or the opportunity to share my thoughts with this
group, while being sharpened by yours as well.

~Steve Penny
I have been using Hard Assets Alliance and their Metals Stream program to
accumulate fully allocated physical silver on an automated schedule for years, and
am very pleased with them.

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The information, facts, figures, data and analysis
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