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“India will remain silent, China will give veto. And our government will “With vaccines rolling “We’ve come to recognise that the president
say we have taken a magnificent foreign policy. The government is out, crime will increase has a blind spot when it comes to Russia.”
saying so just to stay in office.” dramatically.” US REPUBLICAN SENATOR MITT ROMNEY

6cr Covid shots

expected by June
Cabinet secy says these are in addition to 3 crore
approval-pending doses from Serum; experts see
distribution hurdles
Bangladesh will get six crore shots of Covid-19 vaccines between May and June next year
from the COVAX facility, Cabinet Secretary Khandker Anwarul Islam said yesterday.
This will be in addition to 3 crore doses of the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine from the
Serum Institute of India (SII) that the government expects to start reaching the country
between late January and early February, he said referring to Health Minister Zahid
Maleque’s words in yesterday’s cabinet meeting.
Officials had earlier said Bangladesh will buy the first 6.8 crore shots of vaccines under
the COVAX facility -- a global initiative coordinated by WHO, GAVI and CEPI -- at a
subsidised price ranging from $1.6 to $2.
The Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccines are supposed to arrive in Bangladesh in instalments
of 50 lakh doses every month, according to a trilateral memorandum of understanding
signed by the Bangladesh government, SII and Bangladesh’s Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd
on November 6.
“We’ll get three crore doses of vaccines for 1.5 crore people at the end of January or
early February next year and six crore doses for three crore people by May-June next,” he
told reporters after the cabinet meeting at the Bangladesh Secretariat, reports BSS.
He said there may be “at best one month’s delay or advanced delivery” of the vaccine
shots from COVAX.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina chaired the meeting, joining it virtually from the Gono
On December 13, the government finalised the MoU by signing the procurement
Once the vaccine is approved for human application, Beximco Pharma will buy each
dose from Serum for $4 and then supply it to the government at $5 per dose. Relatives of a woman try to rush her to Dhaka Medical College Hospital from Mugda Medical College
The timing of the arrival may not, however, be certain as the SII CEO said recently that and Hospital in a rickshaw van yesterday. The unconscious woman was brought to the Mugda hospital ANISUR RAHMAN
SEE PAGE 2 COL 3 from Uttar Manda on this van. Doctors there referred her to DMCH.


Saudi Arabia
over virus Bangladesh up BETWEEN 1990
AND 2019 to steal NID info suspends all
variant two notches HDI value increased Sandwip fishermen, others fall int’l flights
Dozens of countries
by 60.4 percent victim to a local racket for a week
FM MIZANUR RAHMAN Migrants in a pickle
impose travel bans Stays behind four neighbours Life expectancy
MOHIUDDIN ALAMGIR Krishnapad, 45, has spent his whole life in the coastal area STAFF CORRESPONDENT
AGENCIES at birth increased of Swandip’s Sontoshpur union and earned for his family
and himself as a fisherman. Saudi Arabia has suspended
The world yesterday scrambled to
Bangladesh has moved up two notches in the Human Development Index by 14.4 years He would have to struggle for his little income due to all international flights
this year, but remains behind four other South Asian countries.
contain a fast-spreading mutation of the the government ban on fishing and depend on aid from for a week amid reports of
Sri Lanka, Maldives, India and Bhutan are ahead of Bangladesh in the
coronavirus sweeping Britain, as a growing the appearance of a new
number of countries suspended flights
index, while Nepal, Pakistan and Afghanistan are behind. Mean years of different sources.
mutated strain of novel
United Nations Development Programme’s “The Next Frontier: Human In late 2018, a local came to their neighbourhood and
from the UK, sowing travel chaos ahead of
Development and the Anthropocene” was unveiled at the Planning
schooling increased told the fishermen that they would receive government coronavirus in the UK.
the holidays. by 3.4 years aid if they provide a copy of their National ID and their The suspension casts
Dozens of countries from India to Commission in the capital yesterday, six days after the global launch.
Top UNDP officials said Bangladeshmoved up two notches to 133 biometric fingerprints. uncertainty on the return
Argentina have banned flights from Britain Like Krishnapad, thousands of fishermen and poor of Bangladeshi expatriate
among 189 countries thanks to the remarkable progress made in life
in fear of the new virus strain, which
has delivered a bleak reminder that the expectancy, per capita income, and other socio-economic areas. Gross national people of Sontoshpur area have been providing their workers to their workplaces
Norway tops the HDI list, followed by Ireland and Switzerland. income per fingerprints and NID cards to the syndicate for two kgs of in the Gulf country.
pandemic is far from under control even The General Authority
In 2019, 24.6 percent of Bangladesh’s population was multidimensionally flour and two kgs of potatoes.
as vaccinations bring a rush of optimism.
poor, with a further 18.2 percent classified as vulnerable to multidimensional
capita increased But this substantially small aid turned into their of Civil Aviation (Gaca),
European stocks, oil prices and the
British pound all plummeted over the poverty, said Balazs Hovarth, senior economic advisor to UNDP Asia Pacific, by 220.1 percent nightmare as a huge number of mobile SIMs were Saudi Arabia in a circular
while making a presentation virtually on the new report. withdrawn using their NID cards and fingerprints. yesterday announced the
Both numbers have markedly fallen in the past decades. “But this is a Now these “unauthorized” SIM cards are active and temporary suspension of
At least 1.69 million people have been
killed by Covid-19 since the virus first serious area that requires policy attention,” he added. Around 25% of those who provided their information don’t know who are all international flights to
emerged in China a year ago, with more Besides, the pandemic might wipe out years of progress, he apprehended. population remain operating those.
A woman named Joshna Begum of the union lodged
and from Saudi Arabia.
than 10,000 people still dying daily. Sudipto Mukerjee, UNDP Bangladesh resident representative, said It, however, said some
While experts do not believe the new multidimensional poverty identifies multiple deprivations at the
multidimensionally a General Diary with Sandwip Police Station on October flights would be allowed in
variant of the virus -- one of several -- is household and individual levels in health, education and living standard. poor 30, 2018, mentioning that 13 SIM cards were active against exceptional circumstances.


with dual Mismanagement,
citizenship graft to blame
HC asks immigrations
Researchers also point to lack
of proper planning
The High Court yesterday
sought a list of names and
addresses of Bangladeshi Mismanagement, corruption and absence of proper
nationals with dual planning are responsible for the losses incurred by the
citizenships and dual state-owned jute and sugar mills, and workers in no way
passports, who have can be blamed, a group of educationists and researchers
purchased or built houses said.
abroad by laundering They revealed the findings of a research on the recent
closures of the jute and sugar mills at a press conference at
While hearing a Suo
the Dhaka Reporters Unity yesterday.
Moto (voluntary) rule
They also said the argument that privatisation would
issued on November 22,
lead to the expansion of the industries had no basis.
the court ordered the
immigration department They argued that about 75 industries in the country were
under the special branch handed over private owners from 1993 to 2010. Thirty-one
(SB) of police to submit the of them were later found closed. Land and equipment of
list before it by February 28 those industries were either looted or huge bank loans
next year. were taken showing the abandoned land.
The HC bench of Justice Prof Mohammad Tanjimuddin Khan and Prof
Md Nazrul Islam Talukder Moshahida Sultana of Dhaka University and researcher
and Justice Ahmed Sohel Maha Mirza revealed the research findings. The report was
asked the head of the prepared following field visits to different jute mills in
immigration department Khulna and sugar mills in northern districts.
under the SB to submit Prof Anu Muhammad, Jyotirmoy Barua, sugarcane
the list after collecting farmer Ferdous Imam, and a former jute mills worker,
information from records among others, spoke at the press conference, organised
of three international by Sarbojonkotha, a journal on politics, economics and
airports -- Hazrat Shahjalal society.
International Airport in The government has recently closed 25 state-owned
Dhaka, Shah Amanat Sacks of garbage, mostly single use plastic bottles, are dumped in the Buriganga river near Islambagh in jute mills due to huge losses incurred in operating them,
International Airport in the capital. It has been going on for so long that quite a bit of the river has been filled up. The photo was AMRAN HOSSAIN throwing around 50,000 workers into uncertainty.
SEE PAGE 2 COL 6 taken yesterday. SEE PAGE 2 COL 1

1,470 502,183 7,312 439,694 1,705,222 77,499,642

New cases in 24hrs Total cases Deaths Recoveries Deaths Total cases
Two UK banks under carrier sails
pressure for lending money through Taiwan
Two of Britain’s biggest banks are under
$40m (£29.7m) to Viettel Global JSC
between 2016 and 2020, while Standard
Strait raising
Chartered’s UK arm loaned just over
pressure for lending tens of millions
of pounds to a technology company
$20m (£14.8m) over the same period.
“The report sets out very well the
building a telecoms network that is part- position of Mytel in relation to the ALJAZEERA ONLINE
owned and used by the Myanmar military, Myanmar military and the position
which is accused of committing genocide of Viettel in relation to Mytel,” said An aircraft carrier group led by China’s
against the Rohingyas. Christopher Sidoti, a former member newest carrier, the Shandong, sailed
Human rights groups are demanding of the UN Human Rights Council’s through the Taiwan Strait on its way
that the banks explain why they lent the Independent International Fact-Finding to routine drills in the South China
money to such a company, The Observer, Mission on Myanmar. Sea, China’s navy said yesterday, after
a sister concern of The Guardian, reported “The facts establish that Mytel plays a Taiwan mobilised its forces to monitor
on Sunday. vital role for the military and that Viettel
HSBC and Standard Chartered have the convoy.
makes Mytel possible.” The Shandong sailed through the
loaned $60m (£44.5m) to Vietnamese JFM says businesses with interests
telecom giant Viettel in the last four years, Taiwan Strait a day after a US warship
in Myanmar have responsibilities passed through the same stretch of sea.
a period when the Myanmar military has under UN human-rights principles
been accused of committing war crimes, China’s navy said the Shandong and
and Organisation for Economic Co-
genocide and crimes against humanity, operation and Development guidelines its accompanying ships had “smoothly”
said the report. to uphold international standards on travelled through the sensitive Taiwan
About 750,000 Rohingyas fled a brutal human rights. It also questions whether Strait on Sunday, heading for exercises
military campaign in Myanmar’s Rakhine HSBC and Standard Chartered may be Two workers trying to give a used excavator a new coat of paint at one of many workshops in City Gate area of in the South China Sea, where China
state and took shelter in Bangladesh in in breach of EU restrictive measures on Chattogram yesterday. Earth movers used in Japan, Korea, Taiwan are imported, refurbished, and sold between has made extensive territorial claims in
2017. Myanmar now faces a genocide case Myanmar. the disputed waters.
at the International Court of Justice. Tk 15 lakh and Tk 2 crore. PHOTO: RAJIB RAIHAN
The drills are part of “normal
“The report reflects where the money
According to a report by the campaign trail leads,” Sidoti said. “Among other arrangements made in accordance with
group Justice For Myanmar (JFM), Viettel

Bangladesh up two notches

places, it leads to HSBC and Standard annual plans”, it said. “In the future,
is a major investor in Mytel, a Myanmar Chartered. The report does this very
mobile network that, since its launch
we will continue to organise similar
cautiously, conservatively, not asserting operations based on training needs.”
in June 2018, has grown to become the that HSBC and Standard Chartered
second-biggest operator in the country FROM PAGE 1 schooling increased by six years. The carrier’s move through the strait
are liable for prosecution for crimes comes amid rising tension between
with over 10 million users. under international law or that they “Bangladesh is on the right track, Bangladesh’s GNI per capita also
A Myanmar state-owned enterprise, are directly aiding and abetting the but there should be steps to stop the COUNTRY HDI RANK increased by about 220.1 percent China and Taiwan, which Beijing sees as
Star High Co Ltd, a subsidiary of the growing disparity. Disparity can harm between 1990 and 2019. part of its territory. The democratically
commission of such crimes. Rather, the
military-operated Myanmar Economic report puts these companies into a third society,” he told The Daily Star. Sri Lanka 72 Bangladesh will have to adopt ruled island says it has recorded almost
Corporation, has a 28pc stake in category of entities that have human- Planning Minister MA Mannan said, inclusive growth which will not leave daily incursions into its airspace by the
the network; Viettel’s international “Many people are living under the
The Maldives 95 Chinese armed forces in recent months.
rights due-diligence responsibilities that anyone behind, said Sudipto.
telecommunications investment they have breached. That is a conclusion poverty line due to unacceptable levels Bhutan 129 Planning Minister MA Mannan said Taiwan’s Ministry of National
subsidiary, Viettel Global JSC, controls with which I agree.” of disparity. We need to reduce disparity. Defense said the Shandong was
India 131 there is no doubt that Bangladesh has
49pc; and Myanmar National Telecom Yadanar Maung, a spokesman for JFM, We will continue our efforts to make an accompanied by four warships and had
Holdings, representing a group of done well.
Myanmar companies, owns 23pc.
said: “HSBC and Standard Chartered equity-based society.” Bangladesh 133 “But it is also true that we couldn’t set out from the northern Chinese port
should be transparent and show exactly In the Human Development Index, reach the level we desired. We have to of Dalian on Thursday. In a statement
The shareholding structure, which how they monitor and prevent their loans Sri Lanka was ranked 72, the best
Nepal 142 on its website, it said the convoy
confirms Mytel is a major revenue continue working,” he added.
from financing human rights abuses.” among the eight south Asian countries. Pakistan 154 “These types of reports help us continued to move south.
generator for the Myanmar military, has HSBC told The Observer: “HSBC
been revealed by the JFM in a report, Maldives was the second best, understand the reality...find our Taiwan said it sent six warships and
complies with sanctions, laws and ranking 95. Bhutan ranked 129, India Afghanistan 169 weaknesses, and set our focus.” eight military aircraft to monitor the
says The Observer. regulations in all the jurisdictions in
JFM says Viettel units, under the 131, Bangladesh 133, Nepal 142, The UNDP report usually measures Chinese ships’ movements.
which we operate and strongly supports “The military has the confidence and
Vietnamese Ministry of National observance of international human
Pakistan 154, and Afghanistan 169. a nation’s health, education, and living
Defence, are mining user-data for Only Afghanistan was categorised as strides in human development, the standards. This year’s 30th Anniversary ability to protect its homeland, ensure
rights principles as they apply to
analysis in Vietnam. It alleges that the business. We do not comment on client having low human development. report said. Edition includes a country’s carbon national security and maintain regional
Myanmar military has access to the data, relationships, even to confirm or deny Bangladesh has significantly reduced Between 1990 and 2019, dioxide emissions and its material peace and stability,” the statement said.
opening up the possibility it could be that a relationship exists.” the gap with several other South Asian Bangladesh’s HDI value has increased footprint. The Shandong is China’s second
used for military purposes. Standard Chartered declined to countries including India, said Sudipto, by 60.4 percent. The country’s 2019 HDI These show how the global carrier, and was formally commissioned
JFM has established that HSBC loaned comment. adding that Maldives, Bhutan were score is above the average for countries development landscape would almost exactly a year ago.
smaller countries that faced fewer in the medium human development change if both the wellbeing of Since then, it has successfully
challenges. group. people and the planet were central completed tasks such as carrier-based
UK isolated over virus variant Those two countries do not face
recurrent disasters and the impacts of
Life expectancy in Bangladesh at
birth increased by 14.4 years, mean
to defining humanity’s progress. For
example, more than 50 countries
aircraft take-off and landing and use of
its weapons, the Chinese navy said.
“The combat capability of
FROM PAGE 1 ferries. climate change like Bangladesh does, he years of schooling (average number of dropped out of the very high human
more lethal or will affect the impact While India and Hong Kong joined added. completed years of education of people development group, reflecting their the formation system has been
of vaccines, it may be up to 70 percent ‘IMPRESSIVE STRIDES’ continuously improved in experimental
the move to suspend travel from the UK, aged 25 years and older) increased dependence on fossil fuels and training,” it added, referring to the
more transmissible, according to early US officials signalled they were holding Bangladesh has made impressive by 3.4 years, and expected years of material footprint. group of warships which accompany
data from the UK. off for now while Australian Prime the Shandong.
The European Union’s crisis team Minister Scott Morrison said he was
was set to meet yesterday to discuss a
coordinated response to the new virus
confident existing 14-day quarantine
rules for arrivals were sufficient to
A strange scheme to steal NID info China has been working to hone
its carrier operations but has little
experience compared to the United
strain -- just as the bloc’s health agency FROM PAGE 1 waiting for us. After one year, we came no post in local politics in the area. States, which has operated integrated
handle the threat.
is set to decide whether to authorise the ‘REDOUBLE CONTROL’ her NID, but police did not investigate to learn that using our fingerprints The sources also said Kefayat ran the carrier battle groups with multiple
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The coronavirus has changed into the incident at that time. mobile SIMs were withdrawn. syndicate in the name of giving aid to vessels for decades.
A German government source many different variants as it has spread Now more than two years later, six “Against my NID and fingerprints, a underprivileged people in remote areas.
more victims of the Jaladas community
said restrictions on air travel from
Britain could be adopted by the entire
around the world, an expected result
of interacting with different hosts with yesterday submitted a memorandum
total 14 SIMs were withdrawn which all
are active. I came to learn that when I
Mosharraf Hossain Imrul, Union
Parishad member of No.2 Sontoshpur Saudi Arabia
27-member EU and that countries were different biological responses. to the Chattogram superintendent of went to a local mobile shop to buy SIM Union Parishad, told the Daily Star, FROM PAGE 1
also discussing a joint response over sea, UK scientists first discovered a police, detailing mobile SIM forgery cards for my family members.” “After the incident, the victims came The Gaca said the suspension can
road and rail links. particularly fast-spreading new variant against them by one Kefayat Ullah Khan Sunil said, “We failed to get the money and informed us. I informed police but be extended for another week and
The rapid response thwarted travel in a patient in September. of Sandwip. which was disbursed earlier from the nothing was done.” the instructions will be reviewed
around the world just as families were By the week beginning December Fisherman Sunil Chandra told The PM office during Covid-19 pandemic Sunil said, “We are feeling insecure and updated in accordance with
preparing to unite for Christmas. 9, the new strain was accounting for Daily Star, “Kefayat Ullah in the middle due to the SIM complications. Apart as we don’t know who is running the coronavirus-related developments.
“Please help us leave!” said one 60 percent of cases in London, said of October came to our area and from that, opening bKash accounts to SIMs, especially since Rohingya refugees Meanwhile, Biman Bangladesh
British traveller who was among dozens Patrick Vallance, the government’s chief said we would be given aid from the receive stipends for our children has recently moved to Bhashan Char near Airlines yesterday in a release said
held overnight in German airports, scientific adviser. government and asked us to be present also been halted.” Sandwip from Cox’s Bazar. In case of all flights of the national flag carrier
unable to leave until virus tests come Its emergence comes as Europe is at Belal master’s yard along with our Nikhil, another victim, said, “We any criminal allegation by those using to and from Jeddah, Riyadh and
back negative. trying to clamp down on winter surges NID cards. don’t know who is using the SIMs and our information, we would be the ones Dammam have been canceled for a
The flow of goods from France was fuelled in part by the cold weather “The next day, we went there and for what purpose. We have assumed accused!” week from December 21 due to the
also disrupted after Paris imposed that has pushed gatherings inside Kefayat took copies of our NIDs and that the SIMs might have been used for Chattogram’s SP SM Rashidul Haque suspension imposed by the Saudi
a 48-hour blockade on people and and enables respiratory diseases to fingerprints in an electronic device and anti-state conspiracies, so we came to told The Daily Star, “After learning authorities.
lorries crossing the English Channel flourish. then gave us a token and asked us to the police for a solution.” about the incident, I have ordered the Passengers of canceled flights will
-- just as companies are racing to shift A WHO spokeswoman told AFP that collect the aid from Jahir Sowdagor’s Most of the victims said sometimes Officer-in-Charge of Sandwip Police be allotted seats on a priority basis
merchandise before Britain finally quits “across Europe, where transmission grocery.” their used SIMs have also been inactive Station to take action in this regard after after resumption of flight operations,
European Union trade structures. is intense and widespread, countries Krishnapad said, “Like us, people at times after the incident. investigation.” subject to availability of seats, said the
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson need to redouble their control and from Dirghapar, Urirchar, and Gachhu Local and political sources of “It’s a very sensitive issue and circular.
was set to hold a crisis meeting about prevention approaches”. unions also gave their fingerprints and Sandwip confirmed that Kefayet Ullah criminals will be brought to book if we Biman operates seven flights a week
the situation yesterday to discuss “in In response to data about the new NIDs to them and withdrew the aid. Khan alias Kefayat Khan introduced receive a written complaint.” on Dhaka-Jeddah, Dhaka-Riyadh and
particular the steady flow of freight into strain, the UK imposed tough new stay- Three family members provided NID himself as the president of “Nowkar This correspondent tried to reach the Dhaka-Dammam routes while Saudia
and out of the UK”, a spokesman said. at-home orders on parts of the country and fingerprints at that time. Notun Projonmo” of Chattogram city accused Kefayat but could not despite operates 10 flights a week between
The country’s critical south coast including London and announced news “Back then, we had no idea what was unit. But he is now in Sandwip and has repeated attempts. Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia.
port of Dover said late Sunday it would curbs around Christmas gatherings. A huge backlog of Saudi-bound
close to all accompanied freight and At the weekend Italy announced Bangladeshi passengers was created a
passengers due to the French border
restrictions “until further notice”.
a new regime of restrictions until
January 6 that include limits on people
6cr Covid shots expected by June few months ago as air travel between
the two countries remained suspended
FROM PAGE 1 stage can answer whether these vaccines of Covid-19 vaccines from several for over six months since March due to
Yet the Netherlands, another key sea leaving their homes more than once a
route from Europe to Britain, confirmed it will be available to the general public can protect in the long-term.” manufacturers by the end of 2021, the pandemic. The backlog was almost
day, closing non-essential shops, bars
its freight routes to the UK remained in India in March-April, while UK’s The UK’s Guardian newspaper said in according to the WHO. cleared recently after resumption of air
and restaurants and curbs on regional
open despite banning all passenger Guardian newspaper reported that the a report on Saturday that authorisation Replying to a question, Cabinet travel in September, a Saudia official
vaccine’s approval may be delayed until of the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus Secretary Khandker Anwarul Islam also said wishing anonymity.
the beginning of January. vaccine in the UK could be delayed until said the government is now thinking The fresh suspension of flights


Pune-based Serum has an agreement
with AstraZeneca to manufacture the
the beginning of January.
Results from global studies have
shown that it can be 90 percent effective
only of the Oxford vaccine, but would
not be rigid about any other vaccine
that gets WHO approval.
might again create uncertainty over
the return of Bangladeshi workers to
Saudi Arabia, he added.
FROM PAGE 1 contributions of the mills at the local level
The government has also decided to shut are not recognised. Education, medical vaccine, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, being in preventing an infection when a During the briefing, the cabinet
developed by Oxford University. The person receives a half dose and then a secretary also said the prime minister
down six out of the 15 state-run sugar
mills, citing losses as the reason. The six
care, and housing for the families of state-
owned jute and sugar mills workers ensure vaccine has been named Covishield in full dose. had directed to implement the “No List money
mills employ around 3,000 workers. their human and social development.” India. Abdul Mannan, secretary of the Mask No Service” policy strictly. FROM PAGE 1
While reading out the research findings, Jyotirmoy Barua said, “Section 32 of While the Bangladesh government health services division, said the VACCINE STORAGE AND Chattogram, and MAG Osmani
Maha Mirza said not only the jute growers, the labor act clearly states that a worker has been saying the country will start timeline the government is talking DISTRIBUTION International Airport in Sylhet -- in
the local economy of the entire Khulna cannot be evicted from his or her home getting Covishield vaccines by early about is based on what Beximco The training for vaccination has been
region was linked with the jute mills. the country.
without paying his or her dues. But we see January or late February, Indian media
“We see that with the closure of the that the government itself is violating the
said in a meeting in presence of the started and Expanded Programme The bench said Bangladeshi
jute mills, many grocery stores, hotels,
reported that it may be available by representatives of SII. on Immunisation (EPI) vaccination nationals, who have dual citizenships
labor law.
furniture and clothing shops and many “If the sugar mills had to be closed, March-April for use by the general “What sir [cabinet secretary] said is chain will be engaged massively for and dual passports and built and
other small businesses in the industrial then why did the government killed three public. based on the information we [health the Covid vaccination, Khandker purchased residences in different
area are under threat today,” she said. people at Rangpur sugar mill in 2016 On December 7, the Serum Institute ministry] have… Beximco said, in Anwarul Islam said, adding that the foreign countries by laundering
“The closure of the jute mill does and burnt the houses of two-and-a-half- of India, the world’s largest vaccine presence of Serum [SII] representatives, vaccine issue was raised during the money, have been going abroad and
not only mean that around 50,000 thousand people? The state has to be held manufacturer in terms of volume, that they will supply vaccines to the unscheduled discussion at the cabinet returning to the country through these
workers have turned jobless. It means the accountable for this.” applied to the Drug Controller General market by February. As Serum has not meeting. three international airports.
destruction of the economy of an entire In his speech, Anu Muhammad of India (DCGI) for emergency told us there will be a delay, we have to To distribute vaccines, the
region.” Therefore, the airports must have
said, “When eco-friendly industries are use authorisation for the Oxford-
Presenting the research report on the being inspired all over the world, the
stay on the February deadline.” government is close to finalising the some records about the people who
sugar mills, Moshahida Sultana said, “The
Astrazeneca vaccine, reports Hindustan Asked again about the condition National Vaccine Deployment Plan, built.
jute industries with huge potentials are
rate of sugar extraction from crushing being shut down in Bangladesh through Times newspaper. of approval of the Oxford vaccines according to officials. Lawyer Khurshid Alam Khan
sugarcane is comparatively much lower coercion, deception and lies.” During a Hindustan Times from the World Health Organization, Dr Shamsul Haque Mridha, appeared for the Anti-Corruption
here -- six to eight percent per tonne -- Sugar industries are being destroyed Leadership Summit on November Mannan said, “If that [WHO approval] director of the EPI, told The Daily Star Commission while Deputy Attorney
whereas in India or Brazil, it is 12 to 14 paving the ways for importing sugar. 19, Adar Poonawalla, chief executive does not happen, it will not happen yesterday, “Currently we have stored General AKM Amin Uddin Manik
percent. As a result, sugar production is It is being done for the interests of the officer of SII, said, “Emergency use anywhere in the world; not just here 3.5 crore doses of measle-rubella represented the state during yesterday’s
low per tonne in Bangladesh.” businesspeople, he alleged. authorisation will be for healthcare [Bangladesh], but also in India.” vaccine which is additional to the hearing.
From 100kg of sugarcane, India or The speakers also placed a seven-point workers and other frontline workers, Meanwhile, when a safe and effective capacity for the regular vaccines. We
Brazil can produce 12-14kg of sugar, but Earlier on November 22,
demand that include taking necessary and by March-April, the vaccine should
in Bangladesh it is almost half. It increases vaccine is found, COVAX -- a global will not have any problem in vaccine the same HC bench issued an
steps to reduce the losses by increasing the be available to the general public.”
the cost of sugar production in the end, production capacity, immediately opening initiative coordinated by WHO, GAVI storage. We are also working to arrange injunction to restrain people from
she explained. the mills, identification of those involved He said emergency use licensure is and CEPI -- will facilitate equitable additional back-up storage.” laundering money abroad and
Prof Tanjimuddin said, “Losses of mills in irregularities and corruption at the mills based on the positive UK results. “[In access and distribution to protect Experts, however, warned that directed intelligence agencies to take
are considered only through financial and taking legal action against them, and the UK] There is a good T-cell and people in all countries. there may be chaos if the plan is not appropriate steps to stop money
calculations. The most important social modernisation of the mills equipment. antibody response but nobody at this It aims to distribute 2 billion doses consistent with field-level realities. laundering.

Iconic TSC soon No DJ, no alcohol

on New Year’s Eve
to be erased Says DMP commissioner
Decision to replace DU structure with No DJ parties will be allowed on New Year’s
Eve to usher in 2021, and all bars must be
multi-storied building sparks criticism shut down in the capital before the evening
DMP commissioner Shafiqul Islam
In the wake of Dhaka University’s birth centenary in 2021, the decision to imposed the restriction yesterday.
bulldoze its historical Teacher-Student Centre (TSC) and replace it with a Addressing a coordination meeting at
multi-storied structure shocked students, alumni, and residents of Dhaka. the DMP headquarters on law and order
TSC is the work of legendary Greek architect and planner Constantinos and traffic management for Christmas and
Apostolos Doxiadis. The mastermind behind planning the city of Islamabad, thirty-first night, the DMP chief said there
Doxiadis was also the founder of Ekistics, a school of thought that concerns would be maximum security in churches
the science of human settlements, including regional, city, community for Christmas day.
planning and dwelling design. He designed TSC in the early 1960s. In addition, additional surveillance
The adjacent building was later constructed as part of the so-called and security arrangements will be made in
Decade of Development (1958-68) of the then Pakistani regime. Christian-majority areas and institutions,
The structure exemplifies a modernist architectural sensitivity toward he said.
spatial needs for tropical climatic conditions. It blends local parameters Shafiqul suggested that it would be good
of space-making -- particularly the indoor-outdoor continuum and for churches to organise multiple prayers in
generation of space around courtyards -- with international-style visual different times, for area-based residences.
expression of building forms. On the occasion of thirty-first night,
TSC’s dome-shaped structure is considered an iconic landmark not only the DMP boss said people would not
inside DU campus, but in the broader cityscape of Dhaka. It has been be allowed to gather in open spaces and
home to countless students who show up between or after classes for a cup organise any party.
of tea with friends, and holds immense nostalgic value for them on top of “No space or room can be rented in the
being a historically significant site. name of DJ party in hotels,” he said.
GOVT MAKING WAY FOR MULTI-STORIED TSC Yesterday’s TSC soon to become yesteryear’s... This all-too-familiar sight of the However, hotels will be able to arrange
Public Works Department (PWD) of the government has already begun red and white dome is set to disappear as the government begins implementing PRABIR DAS programmes by their own in a limited scale
SEE PAGE 4 COL 3 its plan to replace the old TSC structure with a multistoried building. SEE PAGE 4 COL 3

Take steps to end SPS IN DISTRICTS

Be role models ‘I will go to court DIGITAL SECURITY ACT

border killings for people: IGP Case against Sylhet

BNP urges govt
Inspector General of Police
to save town hall’ journos protested
STAFF CORRESPONDENT Benazir Ahmed has asked
superintendents of police
Says Cumilla reserved seat MP Anjum Sultana Sima Citizens’ group forms human chain
BNP yesterday urged the government to take effective steps (SPs) in the districts to act STAFF CORRESPONDENT building, VIP lounge, car parking and other
to stop killings at the borders. OUR CORRESPONDENT, Sylhet
as changemakers to serve facilities, according to officials concerned.
“We want an end to it (border killing). Our demand Protesting the move to demolish the historic
people and become role There is also a four-storey market on Around a hundred people from all walks of life stood
is that the government take steps immediately in this models for others. Cumilla town hall to construct a “new
and modern establishment”, reserved seat the property, which is owned by lawmaker for freedom of press and protested the misuse of the
regard,” Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, secretary General He was speaking at Bahar, an adviser to the town hall committee.
lawmaker Anjum Sultana Sima yesterday controversial Digital Security Act at a human chain in
of the party, said while speaking at an event organised a programme at Police “The town hall should be renovated not
alleged that Cumilla-6 MP AKM Bahauddin Sylhet city yesterday afternoon.
to observe the party’s “black flag programme”, protesting Headquarters on Sunday demolished,” Sima told the press conference.
border killing. Bahar, one of the initiators of the move, is The human chain was organised by Sankhubdha
night, where top police “If MP Bahar doesn’t change his decision,
Talking to Journalists at the party chairperson’s Gulshan trying to do so for business purposes. Nagorik Andolon in front of Sylhet Central Shaheed
officials and newly I will go to court to save to the town hall... I
office, he said a total of 1,510 Bangladeshi citizens have been She said Saturday’s public hearing over the Minar at Chowhatta area in the city.
appointed SPs in 13 districts will file a writ petition against his decision.”
killed by Indian border force since 1962. participated. acquisition of this century-old Birchandra They demanded withdraw of all cases filed against
Ganapathagar and Nagar Milonayton She also criticised the additional secretary journalists under the controversial law and urged
“Killing people in the border is a clear violation of human Benazir asked the SPs to
(the town hall) as a heritage property was to the cultural affairs ministry, who presided government to ensure press freedom by scrapping the
rights,” he said. put an end to the practice
nothing but a charade. over Satuday’s public hearing, and the town controversial law.
Fakhrul said his party’s statements are not against people of brutality and behave
amicably with citizens. “If “Only the followers of the lawmakers hall committee. They also protested the case filed against Daily
or the government of India. It is the issue of security of the
you love people, you will spoke at the hearing. People of Cumilla do Established in 1885 in the heart of the Ekattorer Kotha’s Editor Chowdhury Mumtaz Ahmed and
citizens of Bangladesh.
Regarding Rohingya crisis, Fakhrul said the government get love in return,” he said. not want the town hall to be demolished,” town in Kandirpaar area, Cumilla Town Hall reporters.
could not solve the problem. “India will remain silent, The police chief said he she said while speaking at a press conference stands tall on a sprawling 3.4 acres of land. At the human chain, its organiser Abdul Karim Kim
China will give veto and our government will say we have wanted to see a corruption- at her office on in the town. It was constructed by Tripura King said, “It has been 15 days of a case being filed against a
taken a great foreign policy. The government is saying so just free, drug-free police force. For the last couple of months, activists Birchandra Manikka Bahadur. A library and reputed journalist Chowdhury Mumtaz Ahmed and six
to stay in power.” He stressed on and residents have been protesting the move a two-storey auditorium were also built. others. We are not only protesting the case but also the
Referring to an interview of the foreign minister published implementing effective beat to demolish the historic town hall, a centre A witness to some of the most important law under which the case was filed.”
in The Daily Star, Fakhrul said, “Reading the article I became policing to have detailed for educational, cultural, intellectual and events in our history such as the Language “The law is being misused to interfere with freedom
skeptical as to whose foreign minister he is? Is he the foreign information about law and socio-political activities. Movement and Liberation War, this town of the press in all possible ways. Freedom of press is
minister of Bangladesh or India? In the entire interview, he order, criminals and crime The “new and modern” town hall hall has been graced by the presence of vital for democracy and we demand that the government
tried to defend India.” trends in respective areas. will include an auditorium, multi-storey many distinguished individuals. SEE PAGE 4 COL 4


at Kalshi slum Only 9cr of 200cr

A fire broke out at a slum in Dhaka’s Kalshi

area yesterday noon, gutting many shanties
and valuables.
The fire originated around 1:50pm at
disbursed till now
the slum near Sabuj Bangla residential area,
said Lima Khanam, duty officer of Fire Probashi Kallyan Bank has so far disbursed about Tk 9 crore from the
Service and Civil Defence Headquarters. Tk 200-crore special loan for coronavirus-affected returnee migrants’
Six firefighting units put the blaze out reintegration, the bank’s acting managing director Abnus Jahan said
around 5:40pm, officials said. yesterday.
Ershad Hossain, another fire service Till November 20, the disbursed amount was only about Tk 4.6 crore,
official, said around 55 structures were he told a discussion held at the capital’s Probashi Kallyan Bhaban.
damaged, while locals estimate over a Wage Earners’ Welfare Board (WEWB) organised the discussion,
hundred homes were burnt. The cause of marking International Migrants Day.
the fire could not be known immediately.. The bank started disbursing the loan from September 21, after the
Md Rubel, a street vendor, claimed the expatriates’ welfare and overseas employment ministry announced the
fire originated from a home and spread to special scheme to support economic reintegration of the returnees.
other parts of the slum. WEWB provided the money from its fund to create the special loan.
In November, at least three major fires Jahan said they have been working to accelerate the disbursement
swept through three slums in Mohakhali, process.
Mohammadpur and Mirpur areas, burning At present, the bank’s total workforce consists of 260 employees, and
down several hundred shanties. it has 67 branches across the country, he said.
According to fire officials, flames from Addressing the discussion, Ahmed Munirus Saleheen, secretary to
burners, short-circuits from substandard the expatriates’ welfare ministry, urged the ministry’s officials and its
wires, burning mosquito coils, improperly different institutions to be proactive and pro-people while providing
discarding cigarette butts and arson attacks services.
are behind most slum fires. SEE PAGE 4 COL 3

Bangladesh National Parliament officers and employees’ forum formed

a human chain yesterday on Manik Mia Avenue, protesting the recent RASHED SHUMON
attack on the sculpture of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

DoE knocks Turkish foreign

down three
illegal kilns minister to land
The Department of
in Dhaka today
Environment in Chattogram UNB, Dhaka
has knocked down three Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavusoglu is expected to
brick kilns in Lohagara arrive in Dhaka today on a two-day visit.
upazila, in line with a High Çavusoglu is likely to discuss bilateral and regional issues
Court directive declaring and move bilateral ties forward – giving closer attention to
them illegal. stronger trade and investment relations.
The HC on December The Turkish foreign minister will have a meeting with his
14 directed the DoE to Bangladesh counterpart Dr AK Abdul Momen tomorrow, a
take necessary steps to senior official at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told UNB.
demolish all illegal brick The meeting will be held at state guest house Padma, and
kilns operating within their the media will be briefed about it.
territory. The two ministers are likely to join the inauguration of
The demolished kilns are the newly-built Turkish Embassy in Dhaka on the same day.
Petanshah Brick, Khawaza Dr Momen visited Turkey in September and joined the
Brick, and Baro Awlia Brick, formal inauguration of the newly built Bangladesh Embassy
said Mohammad Moazzom in Ankara. PM Sheikh Hasina joined it as chief guest virtually.
Hossain, director of DoE Turkish Ambassador to Bangladesh Mustafa Osman
Chattogram region. The Turan recently said his country eyed an increased investment
demolition campaign was in Bangladesh with significant growth in bilateral trade
launched last week as per through product diversification.
HC directives, he said. “We see a Bangladesh which has a very bright future.
“We have demolished The country’s economy is growing fast like ours. Turkish
three kilns as of today investors are keen to invest in Bangladesh as it offers
(yesterday). We have plans attractive incentives for foreign investors,” Turan told UNB.
to take down another A prominent Turkish company will invest $100 million
one named CBM. The in the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sector in Chattogram.
demolished kilns did Improving trade ties between the two countries, boosting
not obtain any clearance investment, enhancing cultural and people-to-people
certificate from DoE, nor contacts are among the priorities of Turkey in Bangladesh.
do they have approval from The bilateral trade volume between the two countries
district administration”, the The High Court has ordered the Dpeartment of Environment in Chattogram to start a campaign to demolish all illegal brick kilns in the region. now stands at around $1 billion, and the two countries are
official added. As part of a drive, DoE yesterday demolished three such kilns in Lohagora upazila. PHOTO: COLLECTED looking forward to making the number bigger.

RU to hold Man held for rape of Iconic TSC

honours, masters neighbour’s daughter the FROM PAGE 3
process of rebuilding TSC after Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina on September
“Yes, there may be a need to improve
some aspects of TSC. We do not oppose
“Architecture and literature are two
pivotal parts of human society that last for
generations to tell the history of a nation.
O C , UR ORRESPONDENT Narayanganj modernisation of TSC either. But we do
exams in January Police yesterday arrested a man on charge of raping his 2modernise
ordered the authorities concerned to
Dhaka Medical College Hospital,
oppose the move to rebuild it entirely,”
said Amit Pramanik, a final-year student of
TSC is one of the first examples of modern
architecture in Dhaka. The attempt to
neighbour’s daughter in Narayanganj. TSC, and public library. Economics at DU. bulldoze such an iconic creation by Doxiadis
Dorms to remain closed Humayun Kabir (30), was arrested from his residence “Dhaka University is our university and He said this is reflective of the broader is an attempt at erasing the city’s history.”
STAFF CORRESPONDENT in the afternoon after mother of the girl, a fifth grader at we want to build TSC in a modern way,” said “This shows a clear lack of empathy in the
problem of DU authorities paying no heed
a local madrasa, filed a case with Rupaganj Police Station the PM at a meeting on development projects part of the university. The compound could
to students’ needs and opinions. “Such
Honours and masters examinations at on Sunday, said SI Shatarupa Kundu of the police station. over video conference on September 2. have been expanded without demolition of
decisions should be made after consulting
Rajshahi University, postponed earlier According to the case statement, Humayun, a day The TSC director provided a requisition the original structure. By bulldozing such
list to the university’s engineering with and surveying students. Yet students
due to the Covid-19 pandemic, has been labourer, on December 13 asked the girl to come to his valuable architectural creations, they are
department, which was subsequently never have a say in these decisions.”
scheduled to be held from January 2, house and raped her. She then informed her mother of the depriving future generations from learning
2021. submitted to PWD on October 18 by the “I don’t understand why modern
incident, who filed the case, said police. the history and culture of our land,” he said.
The decision was taken during a DU authorities. According to this list, one facilities cannot be incorporated into the
Mahmudul Hasan, officer-in-charge of the police Wahiuddin Mahmud, economist and
meeting of RU academic council chaired auditorium with a capacity of 1,500 and two existing structure. Moreover, students do
station, said they sought three-day remand for Humayun former professor of DU, echoed Habib’s
by Vice-Chancellor Prof M Abdus Sobhan, with the capacity of 300 will be constructed. not want a shiny, air-conditioned, multi-
from court. sentiments on preserving old architecture.
Pro Vice-Chancellor Prof Ananda Kumar The new facility will also include rehearsal storied building -- we enjoy the open and
“Renowned universities of the world can
Saha confirmed. rooms for cultural activities, a gymnasium, welcoming environment of TSC and its be recognised through their traditional
However, residential halls will remain rooms with modern facilities for TSC-based community,” added Amit.
closed in order to prevent increased risk of
Road crash kills three socio-cultural groups, indoor games room,
cafeteria, teachers’ lounge, three basements
Over the years, TSC didn’t stay exclusive
to DU students. The cultural and social hub
architectural styles. Even 100-year-old
buildings are carefully preserved. Yet TSC’s
legacy is about to be destroyed instead of
OUR CORRESPONDENT, MYMENSINGH for vehicle parking, guest house and more. attracted people from all over Dhaka, such
In addition, authorities have also being preserved.”
decided to cancel the upcoming winter The entryway might be built near as lawyer Anupoma Joyee. The plan to rebuild TSC makes no
Three passengers of a CNG-run auto-rickshaw were the Bangladesh National Cadet Corps
vacation, the Pro VC added. “Although I did not study at DU, most of mention of how the community of students,
killed and two critically injured in a road accident in contingent office and the construction work
Departments that have already started my friends did which ensured that I know citizens and vendors around the area will be
Mymensingh’s Gouripur upazila on Friday night. may begin from the swimming pool area.
honours and masters exams for the which ‘mama’ at TSC sold the best morich affected by the reconstruction. The move to
The deceased are Monirul Islam (15) and Mulhok Ali
2015-16 and 2014-15 sessions but could “WE’D RATHER KEEP THE OLD TSC” cha. Considering how limiting life in Dhaka demolish the existing TSC structure came
(48) , and Jahangir Alam (32), police said.
not finish, and departments that have The government’s move to rebuild TSC has city is getting for women, lazying around at soon after a similar decision was made
Quoting locals, Gouripur Police Station Officer-in-
finished their courses but couldn’t start Charge Md Borhan Uddin said the auto-rickshaw collided garnered criticism from teachers, students TSC was a freeing experience. Events came regarding Kamalapur Railway Station. This
the exams can both hold the examinations with a sand-laden truck at Beltoli area on Mymensingh- and academicians who opined that an and went by, whether it was Ekushey Boi year, multiple heritage buildings in the old
starting from January 2. Netrakona road around 9pm. establishment like TSC should be kept intact Mela, Dhaka Lit Fest, Pahela Baishakh or just part of Dhaka were demolished as well.
The exams will be held following Police recovered the bodies and handed them to family considering its association with significant a random concert, a cup of tea at TSC before With such disregard for the significant
health guidelines, RU authorities while the two injured were admitted to Mymensingh moments in the university’s history and the going home was a constant,” she said. sites of Dhaka, the city’s history is now at
reportedly decided. Medical College Hospital. A casse was also filed. day-to-day lives of students. Architect Iqbal Habib mentioned, stake.

Case against
FROM PAGE 3 local Daily Ekattorer Kotha, its publisher
maintaining social distancing, said the DMP commissioner.
No celebrations of New Year’s Eve can take place scraps the law or stops misusing it, and reporters, under the controversial
at Dhaka University (DU) or any other educational particularly against journalists,” Karim Digital Security Act for publishing a “fake
institution, he said, adding bars will be closed from the said. report” and sharing it on social media.
evening on the day. At the human chain, Sylhet Zilla Press The newspaper published a report on
“Shops can be kept open in accordance with social Club President Al Azad, Gonojagonon the ward councillor’s illegal activities,
distancing and proper hygiene rules. However, as usual, all Mancha Sylhet’s spokesperson Debasish including attempting to grab the land of a
fast food shops and markets will be closed after 8pm,” said Debu and others spoke. government primary school, and extorting
the DMP chief. On December 4, a Sylhet city councillor money from landlords and land owners in
At the meeting, DMP high officials also said they have sued 18 people, including the editor of his area.
taken some security measures, like deployment of sufficient
number of uniformed police personnel in each church.
Visitors will be allowed to enter each church only through
metal detector archways, and will also go through searches.
The venues will be checked with dog squad, and there
will be firefighting and ambulance on standby, according
to officials.
There will be uninterrupted power supply in church
areas, and no floating shops or hawkers will be allowed to
sit in the areas.
No one will be allowed to enter church with any kind of
bag, box or carton.
There will also be hand-washing and sanitising facilities,
temperature checks with thermal scanners, and disinfectant
spray machines or tunnels at each venue, according to a
statement issued by DMP. Masks are compulsory for all
visitors, organisers and staff.
The meeting was attended by senior officials of the
DMP, representatives of the Christian community,
officials of various government intelligence agencies and
representatives of various service providers, the DMP
statement added.

Only 9cr
WEWB Director General
Hamidur Rahman said the
board will take measures
to increase quality of its
Shamsul Alam, director
general of Bureau of
Manpower, Employment
and Training, and Saiful
Hassan Badal, managing
director of Bangladesh
Overseas Employment
and Services Limited,
among others, spoke at the
At the programme,
WEWB handed over bank
cheques as educational
grant among migrant
workers’ family members.
An injured migrant worker
and family member of a
deceased worker received
bank cheque for the
workers’ service benefit.

Good days for Nilphamari

quilt makers
OUR CORRESPONDENT, Nilphamari Abdur Rahim, an office bearer of district
quilt combers’ group, said most of their
Quilt makers in Nilphamari are all geared
720 members are passing busy time now as
up for their seasonal business as demand for
each can make five to six ordinary quilts a
the item sees a rise amid fall of temperature day and get Tk 175 as making charge for
in the district ahead of the winter. per piece.
Met office at Saidpur airport said the Workers at quilt shops across the district
lowest temperature was recorded at 9.5 are seen busy stitching quilts, he added.
degrees Celsius in the district on Sunday. Rezaul Islam, 45, who pules rickshaw
The situation may worsen further with the through Nilphamari-Jaldhaka road, said he
arrival of cold wind from the Himalayas. purchased a quilt at Tk 600.
Temperature may fall in next weeks as it Six to seven kg imported cotton is needed
usually falls by 4 degrees Celsius from mid- to make an eight-feet long and 5-feet wide
December to mid-January, predicts met good quality double sized quilt. It costs at
office. Tk 3500 to Tk 3800.
Poor and low-income people, who This quilt is highly demanded among
usually suffer from malnutrition and solvent people, said comber Akhtar Hossain
have lower body resistance, are the worst of Saidpur quilt market.
victims of the situation, informed health Quilt makers Hatem Ali and Shahidar
department. Rahman of Domar and Jaldhaka
People particularly belonging to the municipalities said November–January is
group rush to the quilt combers at haat and the peak season for their business and the
bazars in rural areas or roadside shops in rest of the year, they almost pass idle times.
the town either to buy new quilt or repair The quilt makers maintain family from
old ones. the earning of this peak period, they said.

Lalmonirhat Sadar upazila’s Char Gokunda resident Milon Islam used to be busy with studies like his other third grader classmates when his
school was open, before Covid-19 broke out. But now, he spends most of his days working with his father at crop fields. PHOTO: S DILIP ROY


Education takes a back seat in

char areas
OUR CORRESPONDENT, Lalmonirhat Gonordhan on the Teesta river in Aditmari According to offices of primary and
Milon Islam is a student of class three from upazila of Lalmonirhat, said he already forgot secondary education directorates in Kurigram
a family that lives on agriculture, in Char where he kept his textbooks. and Lalmonirhat, there are about 20,000
Gokunda on the Teesta river in Lalmonirhat Farmer Shamser Ali, from Char Kodalkati in students in 95 primary and 17 high schools
Sadar upazila. He has shelved his textbooks for Kurigram’s Rajibpur upazila, said their children in more than 300 chars on the Brahmaputra,
nine months as his school has been closed due study only when the schools are open. Teesta, Dudhkumar and Dharla rivers in the
to the coronavirus pandemic. After the closing of schools due to the two districts.
He has been working along with his father in pandemic, students in chars fell behind their District Primary Education Officer in
crop fields on the char all this time. studies, as they cannot afford private tutors, he Lalmonirhat Golam Nabi said parents in the
In Shakhahati, a remote char on the added. mainland are somehow continuing studies of
Brahmaputra river in Chilmari upazila of Upendra Nath Das, head teacher of Char their children. Whereas, parents in the chars
Kurigram, fifth grader Jobed Ali did not open Mantala Government Primary School in cannot afford house tutors or lack awareness on
his textbooks in the last nine months. He also Chilmari upazila of Kurigram, said educational the importance of continuing studies of their
has been busy working with his father in the activities of students in the chars are being children at home.
char ever since his school closed due to the affected greatly after the schools closed down. Once the schools reopen, they would take a
virus. “It will not be easy to compensate for their decision on how to make up for the losses of Combers stitch quilts at Saidpur railway market in Nilphamari as demand for the item
Maminul Islam, a fourth grader in Char losses.” students in chars, he also said. has increased with the advent of winter. PHOTO: STAR

Local people vandalize

this under-construction
four storey schoolhouse of
Dhanyakhola Secondary
School under Benapole
Port Police Station in
Jashore on Sunday,
bringing allegation of
irregularities by the
contractor concerned in
the construction work.


killed over
land dispute

An elderly farmer was killed

by his rivals allegedly over
a land dispute in Phulbaria
upazila on Sunday.
The victim is Noor
Mohammad, 53, of Baruka
village in the upazila.
Quoting the victim’s
family members, police
said there had been a
longstanding rivalry
between Noor and his
cousins Abu Bakar Siddique
and Abdul Quddus over a
disputed land.
As a sequel, rivals hacked
Noor with sharp weapons
on Sunday evening, leaving
him critically injured.
Locals took injured Noor to
Phulbaria Upazila Health
Complex, where the doctors
declared him dead.


A man was found dead

at a mango orchard in
Gomostapur upazila
The deceased, Meherul
Islam, 33, a day labourer,
was son of Kabirul Islam of
Balugram village.
OC of Gomostpur
Police Station Dilip
Kumar Das said villagers
spotted Meherul’s body at
Begumnagar village in the
morning and informed
Later, they recovered the
body and sent it hospital
for autopsy, he added.

Vaccines effective against

new Covid strain: experts
AFP, Berlin that nine cases have been detected in
Denmark and one each in the Netherlands
European Union experts believe existing
and Australia, while Italy said late Sunday
vaccines are effective against the new
it too had detected a single case in a person
fast-spreading strain identified in Britain,
returning from Britain.
Germany’s health minister said yesterday.
Germany, which holds the EU’s rotating
“According to everything we know so far”
presidency, has organised a meeting of
the new strain “has no impact on the
experts to discuss the bloc’s response to the
vaccines”, which remain “just as effective”, new threat, the health ministry spokesman
Jens Spahn told public broadcaster ZDF, said.
citing “talks among experts of European The meeting will be held under the
authorities”. European Council’s IPCR crisis response
Spahn was referring especially to the scheme, which can be invoked for health,
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which is already environmental or terrorist emergencies
being administered in countries including among others.
the US and UK and which is on the brink Meanwhile, The EU’s drug regulator will
of receiving approval from the European decide on Monday whether to authorise
Medicines Agency. the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine,
A health ministry spokesman said the with desperate countries hoping for the
EU experts’ meeting had taken place on green light to finally start inoculating their
Sunday and included representatives of citizens.
Berlin’s Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for The Amsterdam-based European
public health. Medicines Agency dramatically moved the
A number of EU nations have banned air decision on the jab ahead from December
travel from Britain in response to the new 29, following pressure to accelerate the
strain, while France said it would block process from Germany and other EU states.
people arriving from the UK and all freight The clamour for action grew as Britain
unless it is unaccompanied. and the United States have already started
Within Britain, London has announced giving their citizens the vaccine developed
tougher infection control measures by US giant Pfizer and German firm
affecting some parts of the country. BioNTech under emergency national rules.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson The EU will start Covid-19 inoculations
said Saturday the variant could be up to on December 27 providing the EMA
70 percent more infectious than the main grants a one-year conditional marketing
strain, based on preliminary data. authorisation, the European Commission A mask-less Santa Claus waves from a float next to unmasked children during a parade in protest against coronavirus disease restrictions, as
The World Health Organization said has said. Toronto Police said the gathering had not been authorized by the city, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on Sunday. PHOTO: REUTERS

Nepal PM’s move challenged in SC Hack response of US will go

Seven ministers step down after parliament dissolution beyond ‘just sanctions’
REUTERS, Kathmandu with some members accusing him of sidelining Says Biden’s chief of staff; Russia denies role
Opponents of Nepal’s prime minister turned ‘CONSTITUTIONAL COUP’ the party in government decisions and shunning
members when making key appointments. The Kremlin denies any role
to the Supreme Court yesterday to challenge in the hacking. Speaking at an
They have called on him to step down. His The incoming White House
his dissolution of parliament and the calling of event to commemorate the
an election, denouncing it as a “constitutional supporters say that in a democracy, a new chief of staff said on Sunday
election is the best way out of a crisis like this. 100th anniversary of Russia’s
coup”. that President-elect Joe Biden’s
The strife comes as Nepal, one of the world’s response to the massive hacking SVR foreign intelligence agency,
Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli’s dissolution Russian President Vladimir
of parliament on Sunday raises the prospect of poorest countries, battles the coronavirus. campaign uncovered last week
Nepal has had 253,772 infections and would go beyond sanctions. Putin praised its work, saying he
months of political turmoil in the Himalayan was impressed by the “difficult
country as it battles the novel coronavirus. 1,788 deaths and the pandemic has battered its Ron Klain said Biden was
mapping out ways to push back professional operations that
Seven government ministers stepped down tourism-and-remittance-dependent economy.
against the suspected Russian have been conducted.”
after Oli’s dissolution saying it was violation of Tripathi said that under the constitution, the
hackers who have penetrated Biden, who becomes
the “popular mandate” given to them in a 2017 prime minister should allow the formation of
half a dozen US government president on January 20, would
general election. Protesters burned effigies of an alternate government to ensure stability in likely have bipartisan support for a muscular
a country that has seen 26 prime ministers in agencies and left thousands of American
him in the streets. companies exposed. reaction to the espionage campaign,
Supreme Court Spokesman Bhadrakali 30 years. lawmakers indicated on Sunday.
If the court registers the petitions it could take “It’s not just sanctions. It’s steps and
Pokharel said three petitions against the things we could do to degrade the capacity Republican Senator Mitt Romney said the
dissolution were “in the process of being 10 as dates for the general election - more than about two weeks for a decision, legal experts say. data breach was “extraordinarily damaging”
of foreign actors to engage in this sort
registered”. a year ahead of schedule - on the advice of Oli’s Neighbours China and India, which jostle of attack,” Klain said on CBS’ “Face the on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
“Under the constitution, the prime minister cabinet. for influence in Nepal, have not publicly Nation.” “This demands a response,” he said. “This
has no prerogative to dissolve parliament,” Oli yesterday said his decision to dissolve commented on the upheaval. Options being mulled by the Biden is something we have to address as soon as
lawyer Dinesh Tripathi, who is one of the parliament was the only way to resolve disputes “I fear there will be more political instability,” administration to punish Moscow over possible.”
petitioners, told Reuters. and non-cooperation in his party that have led said Bhimarjun Acharya, a constitutional lawyer. its alleged role include financial penalties US Senator Mark Warner, the top
“It’s a constitutional coup. I’m seeking a stay to a “state of inaction”. The political upheaval adds to the problems and retaliatory hacks on Russian Democrat on the Senate Intelligence
order from the court.” The prime minister has recently lost support posed for Nepal’s tourism-and-remittance- infrastructure, people familiar with the Committee, said on ABC that the hack could
The president on Sunday set April 30 and May within his own Nepal Communist Party (NCP), dependent economy by the Covid-19 pandemic. matter have told Reuters. still be going on.

Indian farmers vow to carry Japan sets record military
on protests despite cold budget
Japan’s cabinet yesterday approved a record
REUTERS, New delhi budget proposal for the next fiscal year from
April, including stimulus for the pandemic-hit
Tens of thousands of Indian farmers, protesting over agricultural laws economy and another hike in defence spending
that they say threaten their livelihoods, have vowed to carry on their to counter China. The budget proposal totals
around-the-clock sit-ins despite cold weather that has already led to 106.6 trillion yen ($1.03 trillion), a 3.8 percent
some deaths among them. rise from the current year and the ninth straight
Farmers from the northern states of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh annual increase. Once again the government is
and the desert state of Rajasthan have camped on key national highways seeking a record defence budget, for the seventh
for weeks demanding a repeal of the laws, withstanding temperatures year running, this time of 5.3 trillion yen, up 0.5
dropping to 2-3 degree Celsius (35.6-37.4 Fahrenheit). percent from fiscal 2020 as Japan faces threats
The farmers, including a large number of older people, said they would from an assertive China and unpredictable North
endure the bitter winter sweeping northern India, including the capital Korea. Among the key items of military spending
New Delhi, to force Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration to are 57.6 billion yen to develop a next-generation
rescind the laws introduced in September. fighter and 33.5 billion yen for the development
“It’s very difficult to camp out in this weather, but we aren’t scared,” of a new missile.
said Balbir Singh, an octogenarian from the Patiala district of Punjab.
“We won’t go back until our demands are met. Even if we have to die FB removes anti-vaccine ‘fake
here, we will.” news’ in Israel
Since late November, when thousands of farmers arrived in trucks and
tractors to camp out on the borders of New Delhi, nearly 30 people have
died, several of them as a result of freezing weather, farmers said.
About ten people have been killed in road accidents near the protest
sites, they said.
“We don’t want more people to die in this protest, and I hope Modi
and his government take back the laws soon,” Paagh Singh, 76, said,
wrapped in a blue blanket. “It’s a democracy, and he (Modi) has to
listen to us.”
As temperatures dropped, one of the main protest sites turned into Facebook has taken down content that spread
Farmers warm themselves on a cold winter morning at the site of a protest against new farm laws, at Singhu a sea of small tents and tarpaulin-covered tractor trolleys. But some lies in Israel against coronavirus vaccinations as
demonstrators have to spend the night sleeping in the open air. the government seeks to drum up support for the
border, near New Delhi, India yesterday. PHOTO: REUTERS
programme, the Justice Ministry said on Sunday.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday
became the first person to be vaccinated in Israel.
Rare celestial dance Rockets hit near US embassy in Iraq Opinion polls show some two-thirds of the public
want to follow suit. The Justice Ministry said
that, at its request, Facebook took down four
Jupiter, Saturn set to come within AFP, Baghdad mission in a high-security residential autumn of 2019.
groups at the weekend that had disseminated
compound told AFP that his building Western and Iraqi officials have
A volley of rockets exploded near texts, photographs and videos with “deliberately
planetary kissing range in sky the US embassy in Baghdad Sunday,
was hit. blamed hardline groups, including the
mendacious content designed to mislead about
“Everyone is screaming and crying. pro-Iran faction Kataeb Hezbollah.
AFP, Paris as tensions mount ahead of the My wife is losing it from all the In October, these groups agreed coronavirus vaccines”.
anniversary of the US killing top
The solar system’s two biggest planets, Jupiter and Saturn, were set to come Iranian general Qasem Soleimani on
terrifying sounds,” he said, preferring to an indefinite truce, but Sunday’s Trudeau to be vaccinated
within planetary kissing range in yesterday’s evening sky, an intimacy that Iraqi soil.
to speak anonymously. attack is the third apparent violation. publicly ‘when turn comes’
The first, on November 17, saw
will not occur again until 2080. AFP reporters in the capital’s east Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will
a volley of rockets slam into the US
This “great conjunction”, as it is known to astronomers, occurs heard at least five booms on Sunday embassy and various parts of the Iraqi receive the Covid-19 shot in public once those
fortuitously on the winter solstice for those in the Northern Hemisphere, night, followed by whistling sounds. capital, killing one young woman. in his age group are in line to be vaccinated, he
and the beginning of summer in the global south. A few moments later, they heard On December 10, two convoys said in an interview broadcast Sunday. Canada
The two planets will, in fact, be more than 730 million kilometres (400 thunderous rapid-fire sounds and transporting logistical equipment for began vaccinating people in high-risk categories
million miles) apart. saw streams of red flares in the dark the US-led coalition helping Iraqi -- including frontline health care workers and
But because of their alignment in relation to Earth, they will appear to sky, indicating the US embassy’s troops fight jihadists were targeted residents and staff of long-term care facilities --
be closer to each other than at any time in almost 400 years. C-RAM rocket defence system had with roadside bombs. on December 14, with a relatively limited supply
Optimal “conjunction” is set to take place at 1822 GMT. been activated. The attacks have been claimed by of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. “Absolutely,”
Looking with a telescope or even a good pair of binoculars, the two gas Iraq’s security forces issued a groups that both US and Iraqi officials Trudeau told the CBC public network in a year-
giants will be separated by no more than a fifth of the diameter of a full statement saying the attacks caused A member of parliament told have described as smokescreens end interview. “When my turn comes, I will do
moon. material damage, but no casualties. AFP that his home had been hit by a for well-known Iran-aligned armed it publicly and enthusiastically.”Trudeau added
With the naked eye, they will merge into a “highly luminous” double A security source told AFP at least rocket fragment, likely caused by the factions in Iraq. that he would follow the recommendations of
planet, said Florent Deleflie from the Paris Observatory. three rockets landed near the US C-RAM’s deflection or explosion of But in an unusual move, several public health experts. Trudeau’s wife Sophie
The last time Jupiter and Saturn nuzzled up this close was in 1623, but embassy in the high-security Green incoming rockets. factions condemned Sunday’s attack. Gregoire Trudeau tested positive for the
weather conditions in regions where the reunion could be seen blocked Zone, while two others hit separate The US embassy and other foreign Moqtada Sadr, a populist cleric coronavirus in March, and he spent two weeks
the view. residential neighbourhoods. military and diplomatic sites have and former militia leader, tweeted in self-imposed quarantine.
Visibility was apparently better the time before that during the Middle An Iraqi man living across the been targeted by dozens of rockets that “no one has the right to use
Ages, on March 4, 1226 to be precise. street from the US diplomatic and roadside bomb attacks since the weapons outside of the state.” SOURCE: AFP, REUTERS


This week Your Advocate is Barrister Omar Khan Joy,

Making sense of the MPs’

Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh. He is the head
of the chambers of a renowned law firm, namely, ‘Legal
Counsel’, which has expertise in commercial law, family law,
employment law, land law, banking law, constitutional law,
criminal law, and IPR.

Constituency Works On gratuity scheme and associated

income tax benefits
I work in the Human Recourse Department of a reputed
How problematic the constituency multinational company. I am not very informed about the
activities of our MPs may appear, gratuity scheme and associated income tax benefits, as I hear
parliament members’ constituency work different opinions from within my peer group. We would
is considered necessary in all types of appreciate if you can enlighten us on the matter.
representative democracies. Professor Jafrul Islam, Dhaka.
Philip Norton of the UK House of Lords
has outlined at least seven aspects of the
Thank you for your query. Gratuity is a discretionary monetary
MPs’ constituency work. They act as safety
benefit scheme offered by an employer upon completion
valve for the freedom of expression and
of service of an employee. For every type of separation,
participation of the people. They act as
the employee becomes entitled to an amount as either
providers of authentic information on
‘compensation’ or ‘gratuity’ (if any), whichever is higher
governance and public policies. They
as stated in the relevant provisions under the Bangladesh
also act as local dignitaries, advocates
Labour Act, 2006 (hereinafter referred to as BLA). In case, if
of constituency causes, benefactors or
an organisation does not have any gratuity scheme, then the
welfare officers for individual constituents,
employer is liable to pay compensation, as per the BLA at the
powerful friends and lastly, as promoters
time of separation. Gratuity or compensation payment shall be
of constituency interests. While
in addition to any payment of wage/salary in lieu of notice due
constituency work may be considered an
to separation of service of an employee on different grounds.
important public relations tool for the law
An employee will be entitled to gratuity only when he has
makers, Bangladesh does not seem to bear
been in uninterrupted service for more than 01 (one) year with
the hypothesis. Bangladeshi MPs feature
the organisation. The definition of gratuity stated in Section
elections in Bangladesh have their own from the grass root. The old ones might 2 (10) of the BLA indicates that more than 06 (six) months is
problems. Fought mainly on partisan have fallen out of favour of the central considered as a full year. It is worth noting that completion
rhetoric and personality cults of the party leaders. His/her political heir may have of more than 06 (six) months of service will be deemed as 01
Within the parliament, our MPs are more constituency leaders, MPs do not need to bother much failed to garner enough hold over the
men than law makers and accountability watchers. about public opinion as long as their local units.
local power bases and party endorsement There is a high command’s interest
They almost invariably use their parliamentary tools remain intact. too. Central party leadership needs to
Within the parliament, our MPs are compensate the MPs against deprivation
like ministerial question, draw attention notice, motion more constituency men than law makers of their rightful involvement in national
and general debate to pursue constituency benefits and and accountability watchers. They almost policymaking and parliamentary
oversight. In diverting them away
invariably use their parliamentary tools
mostly shun down their role in democratic accountability, like ministerial question, draw attention from parliament, party leaderships
notice, motion and general debate to accomplish at least two important goals.
legislative scrutiny and national policy making. pursue constituency benefits and mostly First, subjugating and co-opting the
shun down their role in democratic autonomously elected local government
accountability, legislative scrutiny bodies through political MPs is easier
and national policy making. Several than trying this through administrative (one) year from the second year.
four out of Norton’s seven-role-narrative. arguments have been advanced to explain and bureaucratic machinery. Secondly, The amount of gratuity depends upon the duration of
They mostly have been benefactors Bangladesh’s political environment
this type of total localisation of national service. The amount of gratuity increases with the length of the
for their constituents, powerful makes it seriously important that
politicians. One such explanation claims service of an employee. Gratuity is calculated at the mentioned
friends, advocates and/or promoters ruling party is not left solely with the
that development of intense bi-partisan rate as per Section 2 (10) of BLA on the basis of the employees
of constituency interests. Regrettably administration and police forces to
competition between the AL and BNP in latest basic wages received for every completed year of service.
they rarely act as representative and check anti-government mobilisation
the recent past has reduced the number Withholding of gratuity payment is permissible only in case of
participatory safety valve on behalf of the from grass-root. Alert and powerful
of ‘safe’ seats across the country. MPs dismissal of an employee for misconduct under Section 23(4)
people. They surely are not the providers MPs at the constituency level make sure
therefore need to hold their ground (b) & Section 23(4) (g) of BLA and not otherwise.
of information and/or transparency on that opposition or mass mobilisations
strongly ever. Though this may be true for
government activities and policies. do not rise from the root leaving the Gratuity amount taxable or not
a few strongly favourite local heroes, MPs
While the benefactor role has declined administration to deal only with the By adopting a gratuity scheme within an organisation, an
in general can barely rely on constituency
in significance in advanced parliamentary capital – Dhaka. organisation can claim tax rebate against the gratuity fund as
work as an assurance of their re-election.
systems, trends in Bangladesh are the While the Supreme Court of well as the employee need not pay income tax on the amount
People vote mostly in party line and for
opposite. In line with the clientelist Bangladesh has offered inconsistent either. It may be also mentioned that as per the Income Tax
the selection of prime minister rather
tendencies of our society, MPs vying for than individual MPs. views on the constitutionality of MPs’ Ordinance 1984 (hereinafter referred to as ITO), gratuity
infallible loyalty from their constituents It appears that MPs do constituency local government interferences – amount up to BDT 2,50,00,000.00 (Taka Two Crore & Fifty
would need to earn and maintain their work not to secure re-election. It is supporting it in Barrister Ziaur Rahman Lac) only is not taxable.
reputation through private charity, rather to secure re-nomination from the Khan v Bangladesh 20 BLD (HCD) However, to avail such income tax benefit, as per Section 2
benevolence and patronage. They would parties. The central leadership in each 120 and opposing it in Anwar Hossain (5A) of the ITO, the gratuity scheme needs to be recognised
also need to channel official resources, party “nominates” the candidates for Monju v Bangladesh BLT (HCD) 86, the by the National Board of Revenue (NBR) in accordance with
power and time towards that direction. parliamentary polls. Unlike the matured people should have been the arbiter of the provisions of Part C of the First Schedule of ITO. For such
MPs also need to present themselves democracies, where constituency units this democratic decay. Unfortunately, recognition, the organisation needs to create a separate gratuity
as very powerful friends of their of political parties play a decisive role that too is failing badly. While the fund, manage the fund by a board of trustees. In order to do so
constituents. Representing an extremely in candidate selection, local units in people in general are allergic to this firstly the organisation has to form a trust and an application
hierarchical and unequal society, they Bangladesh simply lack the luxury. It is phenomenon, their objection is not is to be made in writing by the trustees to the NBR through a
direly need to appear powerful enough therefore vital for an incumbent to have moored on institutional or constitutional prescribed procedure, along with the copy of the instrument
to have necessary connection, access and a very strong hold over the constituency role awareness. If they are frustrated, (i.e Trust deed and rules) and other necessary documents as
persuasion at the centre or upper echelon that is for the discriminatory or partisan specified in the schedule. The Board, subject to fulfilling the
and the party units therein so that strong
of government that can bring competitive treatment they might receive from their conditions, approves the gratuity fund within 3 (three) months
leadership contenders do not rise from
projects, public goods to their MPs, not for the MPs’ neglecting their of the receipt of such application. The auditor shall have to
within the party. They would nurture
constituents and also solve personal, principal task – legislative and policy audit the fund account annually as per rules of the fund. The
factionalism within the party and
oversight of the government. Hence the fund will be treated completely separate from the fund of the
administrative and legal problems of establish an army of loyal workers who parliamentarians’ constituency work is organisation. Hence, as per the provisions of the Schedule,
their people. In doing this, they tend to would prevent leadership challenge and duly acknowledged as a failure of formal income derived from investments or deposits of an approved
take sides of corrupt political and social guard an ‘undisputed’ authority for them. political representation and a shape gratuity fund and any capital gains arising from the transfer of
allies and development contractors who An aged and long serving MP would shifting towards informal representation
constitute a strong local power base install their children or family members capital assets of such fund shall be exempted from payment of
where “politics meet culture”. income tax.
and control the local units of political to take on the baton. This, of course,
parties. While such a naked patronisation is not to say that parties don’t change THE WRITER IS ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF
I hope that the above shall help to you to understand the
of corrupt elements may appear self- candidates at all. They do. This, however, LAW, UNIVERSITY OF CHITTAGONG & PHD gratuity scheme.
defeating from an electoral perspective, is not for the emergence of new talent COLLEGE LONDON


An analysis on the draft NRCC Act 2020

TAHSEEN LUBABA the NRCC and the method in which they are The principles of international
selected. A Selection Committee headed by environmental law such as ‘polluters pay
The National River Conservation an Hon’ble Judge of the Appellate Division principle’ and ‘precautionary principle’
Commission recently published the Draft of the Supreme Court (selected by the Chief have been embodied in Section 96 of the
National River Conservation Commission Justice) shall recommend the members of the draft law, based on which compensation
Act 2020 soliciting opinions on the Bill. The Commission who shall be appointed by the is to be determined and recovered by
2020 Bill is aimed at replacing the currently President. the Commission, mobile court, or river
applicable legislation in this regard, namely Chapter IV of the draft Act lays down the tribunals. As per Section 97, 75% of the
the National River Conservation Commission corresponding duties of different stakeholders recovered fine shall be deposited in the
Act 2013. The new draft containing 108 with regard to protecting the special status of government funds and 25% shall be
sections would be a substantial improvement rivers. Interestingly, educational institutions deposited to the funds of the NRCC. Under
to the existing laws and would incorporate have been directed to conduct a class on Section 100, the Commission may declare
provisions which address the increasing the importance of rivers at least once every rivers and waterbodies as Ecologically
concerns on river encroachment and two months and schools are directed to Critical Areas and issue such directions to
pollution. conduct field-visits to rivers in their respective relevant stakeholders as necessary.
The Draft Act has been formulated localities. Respective Unions, Upazilas and All in all, the draft incorporates directions
following the verdict of the Supreme Court Districts have been directed to employ of the Supreme Court verdict on rivers.
conferring legal personality to rivers of necessary technology in order to draw up Many of the provisions are ambitious and
Bangladesh. In a landmark judgment, maps of their areas correctly displaying the detailed. However, some of the provisions
the High Court Division recognised the rivers flowing through them. Bangladesh included deserve some critical analysis.
importance of protecting the rivers of the Betar and Television have been directed to The conferment of jurisdiction on mobile
country by shedding light on the immense broadcast documentaries on rivers weekly. courts needs to be evaluated in the light of
significance of rivers as the source, depending Similar directions have been provided to the existing debates regarding the violation
on which trade, business and commerce have industries and factories and their owners of rights by mobile courts and the stayed
flourished since the beginning of civilisation. to properly educate their staff on rivers and decision of the High Court Division
Not only their economic importance, as public trust property under Section 16 and encroachment. Chapter II lays down the their significance. These provisions echo the regarding the legality of the mobile courts.
but also their social, cultural and artistic have been acknowledged as living entities provisions of forming the NRCC. Section directions issued by the High Court Division Furthermore, Section 101 provides protection
significance of rivers and how they contribute under Section 15. In the same vein, ‘causing 3(2) of the Act states that the NRCC shall and are certainly praiseworthy. to the NRCC from legal proceedings. It states
to the scenic beauty of the country and have death’ to rivers, encroachment and pollution be an independent, autonomous, and Chapter XII states that one or more River that no criminal or civil proceedings shall
inspired generations of poets and novelists have been penalised in Chapter V of the Act. neutral organisation and shall perform its Conservation Tribunals shall be established be initiated against NRCC or any person
have also been highlighted with great One of the primary objectives of the draft obligations with transparency, autonomy, in each division which shall be linked to empowered on its behalf for acts done in
eloquence. is to ensure the independence of the National and accountability. With a view to ensuring the Divisional office of the NRCC. The court good faith. This creates a substantive hurdle
The spirit of the High Court Division’s River Conservation Commission (NRCC). its fiscal autonomy, Section 4 states that a shall be presided over by one judge but they in ensuring accountability and stands in
verdict is largely reflected within the As it has been made the ‘guardian in law’ fixed budget shall be allocated by the Finance shall be assisted by three assisting members contradiction to the requirement that the
provisions of the draft. Most significantly, to the rivers of the country and is entrusted Ministry every year for the expenses of the with specialist knowledge on rivers and NRCC acts dutifully and with transparency.
the law acknowledges the doctrine of Public to act as the trustee, it is imperative that NRCC and the NRCC shall not be bound to shall be of national or international repute. However, it remains to be seen how much
Trust wherein the public’s right to clean and the law sufficiently empower the NRCC to obtain the approval of the Government for Mobile Courts have also been empowered of the draft is retained in the subsequent
healthy rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and habitable take appropriate measures for the effective expending the said allocated budget. subject to requisitions issued by Upazila revisions.
environment has been given form. As such, implementation of the Act and play its part Significant changes would also be brought offices of the Commission to try offences THE WRITER WORKS WITH LAW DESK,
all rivers in the country have been declared in protecting the rivers from pollution and to the formation and constituent members of relating to river pollution in their areas. THE DAILY STAR.

Citizens’ petition on the

DHAKA TUESDAY DECEMBER 22, 2020, POUSH 7, 1427 BS Election Commission
Accountability strengthens democracy
The urban poor
HIS has guardian to act as s/he enjoys immense to Bangladesh Protidin. Thus, examples violent resistance by the effectively
continue to go hungry happened
for the
moral and legal authority. They felt that
the list of alleged wrongdoings of the EC
of such irregularities have convinced
the petitioners that an investigation by
disenfranchised common citizens.
Unfortunately, some ruling party leaders
The pandemic has made things worse first time in only reveals that it was not a single act the SJC on the allegations would lead have viewed it otherwise. The citizens’
Bangladesh’s of omission or indiscretion, but a series to the impeachment of the election group was branded as belonging to the

T is widely known that hunger is a regular feature for history. Last of misconducts and other irregularities commissioners. Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP)
the urban poor that causes chronic malnutrition and week, a group that the EC resorted to since taking office. The petitioners pointed out to the gharana (school) and it was asserted
consequently makes them vulnerable to diseases, of conscientious Thus, finding no other recourse, the group President that the EC failed to take action that many of them are known for their
thus affecting their overall well-being. Now, a Bangladesh citizens called on appealed to the President. for breach of election code in pre-election “anti-government” leanings. It has
Bureau of Statistics survey has quantified the level of the President of The petitioners did not merely express periods and during election violence been claimed that what the group has
hunger urban households must deal with. The study has the Republic to apprehension of the EC’s misconduct and gross irregularities. It also failed suggested essentially reflects the BNP
found around 12 percent of households surveyed had no C R ABRAR
form the Supreme and irregularities; they furnished to provide any explanation about the position.
food at all in the house, with eight percent going to bed Judicial Council documentation to substantiate their inconsistencies in vote counts, including The response is not surprising. The
on an empty stomach and over 21 percent not being able (SJC) to investigate allegations of graft claim. Included among those are 100 percent casting of vote in as many as spectrum of the legion that signed the
to eat what they preferred. Conducted last year, some of and other misdeeds committed by the excerpts from statements of the CEC and 213 centres during the 2018 elections. No petition adequately reflects their diversity
the findings from this survey reveal the dire situation that incumbent Election Commission (EC). other commissioners, secretary of the less significant was the data released by of ideological moorings and political
many people in cities such as Dhaka and Chattogram An eight page memo was attached to Commission, facts and figures provided the EC that in 590 centres, all votes were orientations. Included among them are
face. And this was a pre-pandemic study—we can only the appeal, detailing the alleged gross by the EC on the 2018 elections in cast in favour of a single candidate. The self declared Awami League sympathisers,
imagine how much worse the situation is now because of irregularities committed by the chief response to a petition filed under the EC’s inability to clarify was palpable in freedom fighters, retired senior civil
joblessness caused by the sporadic shutdowns. election commissioner (CEC) and right to information act by Citizens for the mismatch of number of votes between servants and professionals with
Many in the low-income groups had their incomes other members and high officials of the Good Governance (SHUJAN), and reports those signed by the Returning Officers on impeccable credentials, eminent jurists,
fall drastically, and others became unemployed and had Commission. rights workers, corruption crusaders and
no food stock during the 66-day countrywide shutdown Article 96 of Bangladesh’s Constitution development practitioners. If they had
that started on March 26. A Brac survey conducted during provides for the formation of the SJC, anything in common, it was their concern
the first month of the lockdown found that 14 percent of comprising of the chief justice and two about the gradual emasculation of the
people in low income groups did not have any food at other senior-most judges of the Appellate constitutional bodies such as the EC and
home. Thus, food security for these people has decreased Division of the Supreme Court, to probe the erosion of civil and political rights,
during this year, which is something the government must allegations against Supreme Court judges, including the right to franchise.
address on a priority basis. the Election Commission and other The EC is an independent body. The
The survey has also found that urban households spend constitutional bodies, and recommend 42 citizens have alleged wrongdoings
as much as 51 percent of their total expenditure on food, removal of individuals involved in the against the persons currently staffing
followed by rent and healthcare costs, which are around 26 allegations. The concerned citizens this important state institution. As
percent. Most households have no savings and completely were firm in their conviction that “the conscientious citizens, they have exercised
rely on the incomes they earn. Dhaka city is notorious allegations against the present EC will be their right to express their opinion and
for the high rents that even the poorest urban families found true in the probe”. communicated their concern to the head
have to pay. While jobs have come back with easing of the At a press briefing after releasing the of the state.
lockdown, the urban poor are still suffering from hunger. contents of the appeal, the signatories The EC is not an organ of the
This is unacceptable for a country that has managed to stated that “the current EC has broken government and therefore, the
keep food production at pace with its population growth. the record of corruption, irregularities government has no reason to defend
The government, in fact, has been able to ensure food and misconduct compared to that of
the EC. There is no scope to make this
production even during the pandemic as well as during previous ECs”. They went on to claim A woman displays her inked thumb after casting her vote at the 2018 general an issue between the government and
the floods, when crops were destroyed. Yet despite such that through its conduct, “the EC has the opposition or the government
commendable efforts, there is a gap in the distribution of elections, which the petitioners allege were marred with irregularities.
betrayed the blood of the Father of the and dissenting intellectuals. Those in
food, especially when it comes to the urban poor. Nation and freedom fighters and let down carried by credible media establishments the polling day and the centre-wise data government need to understand that even
The government must identify these households and democracy”. The Commission members that were not contested or challenged by that was made available subsequently. if the SJC finds the EC guilty as alleged,
provide food relief or make cash payments to poor urban and the chair were called upon to the EC. The appeal was not premised on In 32 constituencies, there was a rise in results of their actions, including that of
households who are finding it increasingly difficult to voluntarily refrain from conducting their a normative ground but was on robust the number of votes (45,596) and in 19 holding questionable elections, cannot
afford their daily food requirements. The authorities, activities pending the investigation. pillars of the Constitution, the supreme other constituencies, there was a drop in be undone. Therefore, it will be good for
however, must be extra vigilant about irregularities The members of civil society alleged law of the land. votes by 5,820. There was a staggering the democratic journey of Bangladesh if
in such distribution, the evidence of which has been that the EC spent Tk 2 crore for delivering Anyone with rudimentary knowledge 30 percent difference in voter attendance the executive refrains from intervening in
ample in the past months, especially in the case of rural speeches as “special speakers” and Tk in state matters knows that receiving between those centres where electronic a matter pertaining to private citizens and
households. A proper system of registering the names of 4.08 crore in recruiting staffers for the money in exchange for anything other voting machines were used and those the President.
such vulnerable families, making a list and distributing this Commission. Gross misconduct and than salary and allowances while where ballot papers were used. In the The petition of the 42 concerned
relief according to it with vigorous monitoring, can bring irregularities were also committed in holding constitutional positions is a final segment of their plea, a range of citizens has opened a new vista in
some solace to the urban poor whose miseries have been the purchase and use of electronic clear violation of Article 147(3) of the irregularities in holding city corporation Bangladesh’s political history. For the first
exacerbated by the pandemic. There is also a need to have a voting machines, and holding the Constitution. Appropriation of more than polls of Dhaka (north and south), Khulna, time active citizens, the real upholders
comprehensive study, as the one done last year, on the state 11th parliamentary elections, and also Taka two crore without delivering lectures Gazipur, Sylhet, Barishal and Rashahi of democracy, have implored the head
of hunger among the urban poor in the year 2020. These elections to Dhaka North and South city surely constitutes gross misconduct. were cited. The petitioners felt all these of the state to trigger Article 96 of the
studies are extremely important for planning and policy- corporations and Khulna, Gazipur, Sylhet, One of the commissioners had constitute grave misconduct by the EC. Constitution to protect a vital state
making, and assessing the real picture of poor households. Barishal and Rajshahi city corporations. alleged that in November 2019, the CEC The citizens’ plea has received institution. One hopes that the President
The allegations were firmly shored up committed irregularities amounting widespread coverage in print, electronic sees the merit of the petition and carries
with evidence. to Taka four crore in appointing and social media, triggering a range of his pledge to honour and protect the
Bringing middlemen The petitioners noted that with the
current EC at the helm, the country is
employees of the Commission. Likewise,
using a vehicle in addition to the
responses. Many found it as a much-
needed civic assertion against rampant

under a legal framework in a deep crisis. They felt at this critical

juncture, the nation looks up to its
two allotted, some commissioners
squandered state resources, according
wrongdoings by state institutions. They
felt it may mark the beginning of non-
C R Abrar is an academic with interest in migration
and human rights. He is a signatory to the petition
sent to the President on December 14, 2020.

It is essential for safe migration

T is good to know that the government is considering
bringing informal grassroots service providers, known
as middlemen or sub-agents, into the labour migration
sector under a framework to tackle fraudulence. These
informal service providers are not recognised by our
laws, despite the fact that they are an integral part of the
A sad day for RAOWA
labour migration cycle. According to a joint report of the HE The Association was formed in March Admittedly, the DSW has all the authority I fail to understand the rationale of
International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the STRATEGICALLY 1982 by a handful of retired military to take actions that it deems necessary the directives. Why the nomination and
International Labour Organisation (ILO), our migrant SPEAKING officers that comprised of persons of for any act of commission or omission that too, to the three posts only? Would
workers take the services of the middlemen because of a Department of the ranks of three star generals as well of the EC. But, is dismissal the very first persons so nominated be answerable to
major gap that exists in the government’s pre-departure Social Welfare as captains and of all ranks in between. action that is adopted by a government the association or to the authority that has
services to the migrants. They provide at least a dozen types (DSW) vide It is a voluntary association, and as the department in dealing with alleged lapses nominated him/her? And what if there are
of services to migrant workers—they assist the migrants their letter name suggests, dedicated to the welfare by agencies or associations under it? Were no “volunteers” for the three nominated
in preparing necessary documents, collecting smart cards, of December of retired armed forces officers. The all the due processes employed before posts? Why should the general members
processing passports, etc, and also accompany the workers 14, 2020, association is run, like other similar such a precipitate action was taken? Didn’t be deprived of their fundamental right to
to the airport. However, a large number of migrant workers BRIG GEN “temporarily private organisations, by an executive an association like RAOWA deserve a have the person of their own choice hold
are being cheated by them in the process. SHAHEDUL ANAM KHAN these posts instead of having somebody
dismissed” committee headed by a chairman, a senior modicum of deference? May I ask, if it was
Although the middlemen provide a great service to our the Executive vice-chairman, a vice chairman and other necessary to dismiss the EC at all, were imposed on them? Can an administrative
migrants, there are widespread allegations that remaining Committee (EC) there no other retired officers amongst the fiat abridge the fundamental right of the
under the shadow of unscrupulous recruiting agencies, they of the Retired Armed Forces Officers’ 4,000 members of the association, to fill general members, which the country’s
often take large amounts of money from unaware migrant Welfare Association (RAOWA) and the five posts of the ad-hoc committee? constitution guarantees? The third directive
workers, giving them false promises of jobs. Reportedly, replaced it with a five member committee My anguish is at Would I be remiss in asking if the EC is even worse. Barring anyone below the
many of them are even involved with national and rank of brigadier or equivalent will create a
transnational trafficking gangs. According to a survey done
consisting of two serving army officers—a
Brigadier and Major respectively, a retired
the manner of was given a show cause notice about the
three points mentioned in the referred class, a situation that does not make for a
by the Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit
(RMMRU) of 5,407 households in the high migration-
member of RAOWA of the rank of Major, “dismissing” a body letter of DSW? As far as I have learnt, harmonious environment. It will create the
and two civil cadre officers of the rank of nothing of the kind was done. If “not “Ashraf” and “Atrafs” in the association.
prone district Tangail in 2017, 19 percent of people could Deputy Secretary. RAOWA is registered
duly elected by approving the Executive Committee, or Even more, that would deprive everyone
not avail overseas jobs despite paying Tk 1.95 lakh each
on an average. And most of them paid the money to the
with the DSW. There is yet another letter retired members of not sending annual report” are acts of below the rank of brigadier of his or her
fundamental and constitutional rights to
from the Ministry of Defense (MoD), on omissions, how long has that been going
middlemen. which we shall also dwell. the armed forces of on for? And how many times had the participate in elections as a candidate.
Since our migrant workers depend on the informal If captains and lieutenant colonels
agents more than authorised recruiters and state
Needless to say, this was an
unprecedented, unforeseen, and, for
Bangladesh, which DSW reminded the EC of the omission
before sacking it? After all, it is as much the can become MPs and hold cabinet posts,
institutions, the government should find a viable option
to hold these middlemen accountable. They should be
most of the members of the community numbers more than responsibility of the supervising authority and there are a few examples of this in
of retired officers, an unexpected step. I to warn an organisation registered with the present government, why can they
brought under the coverage of the Overseas Employment am constrained to articulate my feelings
4,000 members. Was it for non-compliance or violation of not contest in the post of Chairman of
and Migrant Act 2013 and other government regulations
to ensure safe migration. Moreover, by bringing them
on the matter, aggrieved by the arbitrary dismissal of the EC rules or regulations as much as it is the RAOWA? Rank has no correlation with
competence or efficiency. Higher rank
action of the DSW not only as a member duty of that association to comply with
under a legal framework, the trafficking of our workers
of RAOWA for the last 20 years, but also the only option open those. Was that done? As far as “not does not automatically induce higher
can be checked and the overall migration costs can also be levels of skill or ability to deliver. Many
reduced. We hope the government will waste no time in
because of my concern as an ordinary to the DSW? communicating for a long period with the
officers retire early for various reasons and
citizen of Bangladesh at the abrupt action registration authority”, I believe the latest
doing the needful in bringing the middlemen under a legal not necessarily because of incompetence.
of the DSW. The DSW has thousands of communication between RAOWA and
framework. This organisation was once headed by a
associations and organisations under it. Is the DSW was through a RAOWA letter of
this the normal procedure for dealing with office bearers, elected annually by its November 25, 2020. What, may one ask, is retired Flying Officer. As for the PNG, the
alleged procedural flaws? It does not need members through free and fair elections, the DSW definition of “long period”? less said the better, and I shall venture on
repeating that RAOWA is an association a process that has never been questioned But this is not where the RAOWA saga this issue separately later. Suffice to say
LETTERS whose membership includes retired armed
forces officers. Highly decorated Freedom
for its transparency and fairness in the 38
years of its history. The Association is run
ends. There is a letter from the MoD
to the DSW on December 10. What is
that the provision of PNG should be well
defined, since every government has used it
TO THE EDITOR Fighters and war veterans are members
of this association. RAOWA is graced by
under a constitution passed by the general
members, and approved by the DSW. It is
surprising are the directives contained
therein, directing the amendment of the
as a political tool. There are several retired
military officers who were declared PNG officers who had offered their lives for the amended as necessary from time to time RAOWA constitution to include—firstly, during the rule of different governments
independence of this country and to its in similar manner. Officers like General the provision for nomination, not by and had been members of parliament also.
Stop border killing service. Wasiuddin, Jabbar, and Khalil etc, had direct vote, to the EC posts of Chairman, Should they lose their membership of
Killing of unarmed, innocent Bangladeshis by My anguish is at the manner of graced the post of Chairman. Secretary General and Member Beverage.
“dismissing” a body duly elected by Three reasons cited for the step The three would be nominated from the I firmly believe that RAOWA, being a
the BSF on our borders has increased in recent private association, should be allowed to
times. Despite repeated assurances by the Indian retired members of the armed forces of taken are, “Not approving the Executive “willing” members of the association.
Bangladesh, which numbers more than Committee, not sending the yearly report Secondly, the other posts would be filled operate according to the existing general
authorities to stop border killing, the situation law of the land. And it should be left to the
has not improved. Such behaviour by BSF is 4,000 members. Was dismissal of the EC regularly, and, not communicating by direct vote. Thirdly, the post of the
the only option open to the DSW? It was for a long period with the registration Chairman can be filled only by members general body to decide how that should be
unacceptable. Many high-level discussions have done within those parameters. Nominated
been held between the two countries, but with an elected committee by members of a authority.” of the rank of brigadiers and above.
private association. It is answerable for I believe as a RAOWA member, I am Fourthly, reformulating the articles of bodies or dictated constitutions cannot
no results. We are seriously concerned about the help the development of the association.
security of our people. It is high time we sought its operation to the DSW, run as per its within my remit to ask if the reasons the constitution to lay out qualifications
guidelines and as per rules and procedures cited in the said DSW letter merit the for participating in the election, and last Some may well feel that the directives
the intervention of the UN to stop border killing lack locus standi. I feel the dismissal order
once and for all. deemed appropriate, formulated by it and extraordinary action that it has taken. but not the least, making provisions for
adopted by its members, conforming to Did those necessitate the dismissal of cancelling the membership of officers should be rescinded immediately.
Foysal Mahmud, University of Dhaka the law of the land in the conduct of its the entire EC at the stroke of a pen, a declared persona non-grata (PNG) on Brig Gen Shahedul Anam Khan, ndc, psc (Retd), is a
activities. body that was duly elected by members? disciplinary grounds. former Associate Editor of The Daily Star.

Scaling back coal-based power plants: A

step in the right direction
But what about Rampal?
HE government’s due to emissions of many other pollutants
plan, as reported including ash, nitrogen oxide, mercury,
in the media, to sulfur, chromium and polluted waste water,
reduce the number of among others. Bangladesh’s contribution
coal-based power plants to atmospheric pollution through carbon
and thus the amount of dioxide is insignificant compared to the major
power to be generated coal polluters of the world, but on the issue
using coal, brings of local environmental pollution, there are
relief to the concerns serious concerns, especially for the one project
of environmentalists, in Rampal, which is located very close to the
BADRUL IMAM scientists and the Sundarbans.
general public who Ramplal has been in the centre of an
have been campaigning international campaign, in addition to the
against major coal use due to the danger it poses national one, with respect to the danger
to the environment and human health. Be it it poses to the UNESCO heritage site, the
for the failure to collect funds for the projects or Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove
for environmental concerns, the plan, if agreed forest. The campaigns’ points—that the Rampal
upon, will take Bangladesh closer to the sensible coal power plant will have negative impacts
world, whose policies tend to downsize and on the Sundarbans’ ecosystem, will harm its
eventually discontinue coal as a major source environment and eventually result in lasting
of primary energy. There is no official statement damage to the forest—has been substantiated
yet and the decision is pending for a nod from by several scientific reports. As many as 11
the highest authority of the Government. Media scientific reports prepared by international
sources, however, report that the government scientists dealing with various components of
may scale down the number of large coal-based the pollution chain, such as toxic gas, mercury,
power plants to only five and scrap the other 13 ash, coal dust, waste water etc, have been
in the pipeline. made public in addition to submitting these
Coal is a dirty fuel and has been pointedly to the authorities. A UNESCO team visiting
shown by climate scientists around the world the Sundarbans pointedly concluded that the
to be the prime polluter of the atmosphere, Rampal coal power project would harm the
resulting in heating up the world with severe Sundarbans.
negative consequences. Most nations around The present government, to its credit, has
the world are pledge bound to take action and COLLAGE: SUSHMITA S PREETHA
been successful in raising the power generation
move towards zero emission policies following of total power generation. This translates into 35 percent of power by coal prompted the on Energy and Clean Air’s (CREA) lead capacity to a new high at a speed never seen
the Paris Climate Agreement, whereby the use generation of 10,500 MW of power in 2030 and government to move forward with an aggressive analyst Lauri Myllyviro, in a recent webinar before in the country. There has been a positive
of primary sources of pollution like coal will be 20,000 MW in 2041 using coal, when the total plan of building coal-based power plants, both presentation, focused on the high concentration gap between power generation capacity (20,000
gradually phased out in specific timeframes. power generation capacity is expected to reach in the public and private sector. As many as 33 of coal-based power plants in Bangladesh. MW+) and power demand (8,000 MW to
Bangladesh has for a long time been a gas- 30,000 MW and 57,000 MW respectively. In the coal-based power plant projects were approved It has been pointed out in the report that the 13,000 MW), meaning our power generation
based mono-energy country, and the energy above context, the annual consumption of coal and coal-based power was supposed to be the eight coal-fired power projects proposed in capacity far outpaces the power demand at
demand was primarily met by local gas supplies. for power generation will be about 36 million most important contributor of power. The Cox’s Bazar district (Moheskhali) constitute the present. The government is in a position to
But the depletion of gas reserves and the tons in 2030 and 70 million tons in 2040. high concentration of coal power plants in largest proposed coal-fired cluster anywhere comfortably cut back on the power generation
declining volume of gas production prompted The present consumption of coal for power small areas led the general public to realise the in the world. And this is in a location with a master plan by reducing those of coal-based
the government to diversify energy sources, generation is about 3.5 million tons per year disastrous consequences of its environmental very high population density and is close to the plants. The list of coal-fired power plants the
thus planning an energy mix with major coal, for the two coal-based power plants, one at impacts. For example, several large coal power tourism capital of Bangladesh. The plants would government is supposed to scrap should include
liquefied natural gas (LNG), nuclear power and Barapukuria (440 MW) in Dinajpur and the plants were planned to be built on the small emit an estimated 1,600 kg of mercury per
the controversial Rampal project. This is the
import of power. other is the newly commissioned Payra plant island of Moheshkhali, which means that year into the air, of which one-third would be
right time to reconsider the Rampal coal power
The foreign consultant engaged to prepare (660 MW) in Patuakhali. This means that if the Bangladesh’s most valued tourist area, Cox’s deposited into land and freshwater ecosystems.
project which, if built, will remain controversial
a Power Sector Master Plan (PSMP) for Power Sector Master Plan 2016 is implemented, Bazar (which is in close proximity) would be There are two sides to the coal burning
for a long time into the future. With such high
Bangladesh, in its report submitted in 2010, the coal consumption for power generation turned into a sink for the emissions and would problem. One is the emission of carbon
levels of successful development achieved, the
suggested an energy mix with 50 percent coal would be 10 times more in 2030 and 20 times eventually damage and degrade the pristine dioxide, a major greenhouse gas which, when
government can very well do without Rampal.
dependency for power generation. This plan more in 2041 than the present consumption natural beauty and environment of the area. entering into the global atmosphere, adds to
was revised in 2016 and the suggested use of level. The international independent the warming up process of planet earth. The Dr Badrul Imam is Honorary Professor at the Department
coal in the master plan was revised to 35 percent The PSMP 2016 formula of generating environmental watchdog Centre for Research second is the local environmental pollution of Geology, University of Dhaka.

Turkish shadow boxing reflects growing rivalry with Iran

URKEY is defeat of Armenia in the recent Caucasus war. Turkey and Iran are exploiting a vacuum created not only our countries but the whole region,” ASMLA for a 2018 attack on a Revolutionary
leveraging The deal opens a corridor that links by reduced US engagement, China’s economic- Cavusoglu tweeted after the meeting. The Guard military parade in the Khuzestan capital
its successful Azerbaijan with Nakhichevan, an Azeri driven approach to geopolitics, and challenges meeting came days after Saudi King Salman of Ahwaz that killed 25 people and wounded
backing of Azerbaijan’s enclave in Armenia that straddles the border across the former Soviet Union to Russian telephoned Erdogan on the eve of last month’s more than 50 others. Iranian and Turkish
recent war against with Turkey. The opening boosts Turkish hegemony in a swath of land that stretches from virtual summit, hosted by the kingdom of the officials have largely sought to downplay the
Armenia to counter efforts to expand transportation tie-ups with Afghanistan via the Caucasus and the Eastern Group of 20 (G20), that brings together the significance of the incidents.
Iran in the Caucasus the Caucasus, Central Asia, and China’s Mediterranean into North Africa. world’s largest economies. “Based on my past knowledge of Erdogan,
and gradually challenge infrastructure-driven One Belt One Road Erdogan’s provocative playing with words Erdogan sparked the most recent spat with it is very unlikely that he had any intention of
Russia in Central Initiative that seeks to bind Eurasia to the and images that were certain to raise Iranian Iran when he recited a nationalist poem by insulting our territorial integrity. He always
Asia, the heart of what People’s Republic. eyebrows came as he was taking steps to Azeri poet Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh during a recites poetry in his speeches,” said Iranian
JAMES M DORSEY Moscow considers its Turkish transportation minister Adil improve relations with Iran’s archrivals, Israel military parade while on a visit to Azerbaijan. President Hassan Rouhani.
backyard. The Turkish Karaismailoglu was quick to announce that and Saudi Arabia, which were certain to curry The poem depicts as artificial the border along Rouhani may have helped to squash for
moves have elicited his office was about to complete a study for the favour with incoming US President-elect the Aras River that divides Azerbaijan from now an escalating spat, but statements by
different responses from Russia and Iran, two construction of a railway through the corridor Joe Biden. The Turkish president appointed ethnic Azeri provinces of Iran. It suggests that protesters outside the Turkish consulate in
countries Turkey views as both partners and as part of a USD 5.7 billion project to link Ufuk Ulutas, a 40 year-old Hebrew-speaking Azeris on both sides of the river will one day Tabriz, the capital of the Iranian province of
rivals. Turkish, Azeri and Georgian transportation member of a think tank who studied the Middle unite again. East Azerbaijan, carried by the semi-official Fars
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has nodes and ports. East at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, as his State-run Turkish Radio and Television’s News Agency, left little doubt about what Iran’s
been careful not to jeopardise his newly found Turkey this month dispatched its first China- first ambassador to Israel in two years. The Arabic service this week published a map on true sentiments are.
status as a Russian recognised-player in the bound freight train that travelled on the newly appointment was announced as the United Instagram depicting Iran’s oil-rich province “Those who have greedy eyes on the
southern Caucasus. By contrast, Erdogan seems opened rail line from the northeastern Turkish States imposed long-anticipated sanctions on of Khuzestan with its large population of territories this side of the Aras River had
determined to provoke Iran with statements city of Kars to the Azeri capital of Baku via its NATO ally over Turkey’s procurement and ethnic Arabs as separate from Iran. Iran has better study history and see that Azerbaijan,
and postings by his state-run broadcaster that Tbilisi in Georgia and then across Kazakhstan testing of Russia’s S-400 air defence system. blamed Saudi Arabia for intermittent attacks by specifically the people of Tabriz, have always
potentially call into question the territorial to Xi’an Province. The Caucasus ceasefire Turkey has also diverged from positions nationalist groups that it says are backed by the pioneered in defending Iran. If Iran had
integrity of the Islamic republic. deal includes no security provisions for the shared with Iran by significantly toning down kingdom. not helped you at the night of the coup, you
In doing so, Erdogan is fuelling Iran’s use of the corridor by Armenia, even though its harsh criticism of the establishment of The publication came days after the would have had a fate similar to that of former
deepest fears. Iran, not without reason, has long Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan diplomatic relations between Israel and Arab disclosure that Habib Chaab, a leader of the Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi,” the
believed that the United States and Saudi Arabia and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov states. Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation protesters said, addressing Erdogan directly. The
are bent on instigating ethnic unrest in a bid to have suggested that a railway linking Armenia “Every country has the right to create ties of Ahvaz, or ASMLA, had been kidnapped in protesters were referring to the failed military
force Tehran to alter policies, if not topple the to Iran was a possibility. Turkey’s advantage in with any country it wants,” said Turkish Foreign Istanbul by an Iraqi Kurdish drug baron in coup against Erdogan in 2016 and the toppling
Iranian regime. Nakhichevan reinforces the significance of last Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in response to cooperation with Iranian intelligence, and of Morsi in 2013 in a takeover by the Egyptian
“Turkey’s sick president took steps to week’s opening of a 220-kilometre long railway Morocco becoming the latest Arab country transported to Iran. Chaab had been lured to armed forces.
break up Iran. Erdogan is single-handedly linking Khaf in northeastern Iran to Herat in to formally recognise the Jewish state. Earlier, Istanbul in October from his exile in Sweden. A podcast version of this story is available
implementing the West’s dirty policy in the western Afghanistan. Iran and Afghanistan are Cavusoglu, in the first face-to-face meeting Turkish intelligence officers and police have on Soundcloud,Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher,
region,” said Mahmoud Ahmadi Bighash, a discussing the extension of the rail link to China between senior Saudi and Turkish officials since detained 11 men, all Turkish citizens, who have TuneIn, Spreaker, Pocket Casts, Tumblr,
member of the Iranian parliament’s National with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. the October 2018 killing of journalist Jamal been arraigned on charges that include “using Podbean,Audecibel, Patreon and Castbox.
Security and Foreign Policy Commission. Erdogan’s verbal toying with a break- Khashoggi, met with his Saudi counterpart, weapons... to deprive an individual of their
Erdogan adopted his provocative posture up of Iran as a nation state, like the railway Prince Faisal bin Farhan, on the sidelines of an liberty through deceit,” a Turkish official said. Dr James M Dorsey is an award-winning journalist and
as he moved to exploit new geopolitical competition, is one facet of Turkish and Iranian Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) ASMLA aims to gain independence for a senior fellow at Nanyang Technological University’s S
Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore
transportation opportunities created by the efforts to carve out their individual places in an conference in the African state of Niger. Iranian Arabs who have long complained and the National University of Singapore’s Middle East
Russian-brokered deal that sealed Azerbaijan’s emerging rebalanced world order. In doing so, “A strong Turkey-Saudi partnership benefits of discrimination and neglect. Iran blames Institute.


ACROSS to-eat shrimp 8 Poor
1 Party leader 34 Ruin 10 Caron of “Gigi”
5 “Nuts!” 35 Old photo tint 11 Woodwind
9 Kick out 36 Search blindly part
11 Indian coin 38 Foe 16 Scent
12 Tolerate 39 Franc 18 Young men
13 Wed in haste replacers 21 Con quarters
14 Cargo unit 40 Diamond 23 Nervous
15 Joined a bee cover 24 Goddess of
17 Ballooned 41 Citi Field teamwisdom
19 Place down 25 Paging device YESTERDAY’S ANSWERS
20 Flight part DOWN 27 Writer BABY BLUES BY KIRKMAN & SCOTT
21 Barracks bed 1 Track trials Leonard
22 Friday’s 2 River bends 28 Brewing
PABLO PICASSO creator 3 Harpsichord’s vessel
(25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973) 24 Crunch targets cousin 29 Useful skill
Spanish painter and sculptor 26 Not rented out 4 TV’s Danson 30 Do in
29 Had a snack 5 Boring 31 Getup
Art is the lie that 30 Got wind of 6 Twin of Artemis 33 Walk unevenly
enables us to 32 Like ready- 7 Do over 37 Mai tai base

Interpol expects
Court accepts charge sheet
enforcement across its 194 member FROM PAGE 12 Rab media centre in the capital on
countries, warning them to prepare OC Pradeep Kumar Das and December 13, Rab Director (legal
for organised crime networks suspended inspector Liaqat Ali of and media wing) Lt Col Ashiq Billah
targeting Covid-19 vaccines, both Baharchhara Investigation Centre. said, “The conspiracy [of murder] was
physically and online. Yesterday, the senior judicial hatched by OC Pradeep, Inspector
“As governments are preparing magistrate’s court also accepted Liaqat, and local police sources
to roll out vaccines, criminal the final reports in two cases, filed Nurul Amin, Mohammad Aiyas and
organisations are planning to by Teknaf police after the murder Nizamuddin.”
infiltrate or disrupt supply chains. of Sinha, and cleared lone accused Liaqat, SI Nandadulal and three
Criminal networks will also be Shahadul Islam Sefat of arms and APBn members then executed the
targeting unsuspecting members of drug charges. The two cases were also plan, he said. The APBn members
the public via fake websites and false probed by the Rapid Action Battalion. are: SI Mohammad Shahjahan and
cures, which could pose a significant Sinha was killed at an APBn constables Md Rajib and Mohammad
risk to their health, even their lives,” checkpoint on the Cox’s Bazar-Teknaf Abdullah.
said Interpol secretary general Juergen Marine Drive on the night of July 31. “Besides, other policemen from a
Stock. Local police said suspended inspector nearby camp, namely SI Liton Miah
Liaqat’s team had taken over the check and constables Safanur Karim, Kamal
Railways post from three APBn officers before
the killing incident.
Hossain Azad, Abdullah Al Mamun
ensured that a wounded Sinha bled to
However, the project cost would be Sharmin Shahriar Ferdous, elder death ... ,” said Ashiq.
finalised later. sister of Sinha, had filed the murder Constables Sagar Deb and Rubel
A committee, led by Railways case with a local court on August Sharma staged an act of recovering
Ministry Secretary Salim Reza, 5. Later, Rab was tasked with its narcotics from Sinha’s vehicle, the Rab
yesterday gave the go-ahead to a investigation. director told reporters.
preliminary development project The retired army officer was The charge sheet named 83 people
proposal (PDPP) of “Procurement shooting videos for his YouTube as witnesses.
of Meter-Gauge and Broad-Gauge channel in Teknaf’s Marishbunia A total of 14 people were arrested
Accident Relief Crane for Bangladesh before he was shot. He had been between August and September in
Railway).” residing in the area for a month for the case. All the arrestees but OC
Train staff boards the last scheduled Eurostar train from London to Paris ahead of Apart from procuring the cranes, filming. Pradeep and constable Rubel made
travel restrictions imposed by the French government on the UK, amid the coronavirus
PHOTO: 12 BR engineers would receive one- RAB PROBE confessional statements before
month foreign training under the
disease pandemic, in London, Britain on Sunday night. Speaking at a press conference at the court.
Around Tk 1 crore would also be

Mercury may rise
spent on procuring transport vehicles
for the project.
Now, the proposal would be sent
Top HK court upholds
down their lives are materialised.
The cause for which they died
is partly realised. The people of
dry, with temporary partly cloudy
skies over the country. Moderate
clothes. No one has given us any
blanket. We are passing hard days,”
said Akkas Ali, 65, of Char Kodalkati
to the Planning Commission for
approval and then it would be sent
to the Economic Relations Division
for managing foreign fund for the
emergency protest
to thick fog may occur at places in Kurigram’s Rajibpur upazila.
Bangladesh have achieved their
political independence, but the
economic emancipation of the
over the country’s river basins and
light to moderate fog may occur at
places elsewhere over the country
Contacted, Roumari Upazila
Nirbahi Officer Al-Imran said they
already started distributing blankets
project, Project Director Md Burhan
Uddin told The Daily Star yesterday.
The 3,018km railway network is
mask ban
people is yet to come. So, the prime covered by the accident relief cranes AFP, Hong Kong Opposition lawmakers challenged
during midnight to morning,” it among the poor. stationed at 12 sheds in two railway’s both the use of that emergency law
minister urges all to come forward
added. Low temperature hits low-income zones. The Hong Kong government’s decision and the ban on wearing masks at
to the service of the common man.
In the next 72 hours, the bulletin people, especially in the char areas Some 91 train accidents took place to use a colonial-era emergency law to permitted rallies.
A society free from exploitation during 2018-19 fiscal year. Of them,
forecast that the temperature may in Bogura. Normal life has been ban face masks at protests last year They argued the move breached
must be established. Every man 78 were train derailments and in 10
rise further. affected by dense fog and bitter cold. was both proportionate and legal, the Hong Kong’s mini-constitution, the
must be ensured of two square Our correspondents from different incidents trains crashed into things,
Besides, cold-related diseases are city’s top court ruled yesterday. Basic Law.
meals and of all the basic necessities districts reported on the cold wave. according to railway information
increasing in char areas. The ruling is a blow for democracy A lower court had agreed with those
of life. In Thakurgaon and Panchagarh, Mozzafal Hossain Pramanik, 60, book-2019.
DOCUMENTARY FILM ON After any accident is reported, supporters who had been hoping the bringing the challenge and expressed
people of low-income groups are of Batir char in Bogura’s Sariakandi Court of Final Appeal would side concerns about the emergency law
BANGABANDHU relief cranes from the nearby shed
facing difficulties due to chilly upazila, said, “In the last 10-15 days, is called for conducting the rescue with a lower court and overturn the and the proportionality of the mask
Famous Japanese film director weather. severe cold affected our lives. We operation, but in some cases, the order. ban.
Nagisa Oshima is now busy making “We cannot stay indoors as severe cannot work on the cropland due to authorities have to call cranes from It also confirms that Hong Kong’s But yesterday, a panel of top judges
a lengthy documentary film on cold wind enters our rooms made of the extreme cold.” far away due to lack of capability of chief executive -- a pro-Beijing unanimously backed the government.
the life and achievements of bamboo walls,” said Majiran Nesa, Mamun Mia, 35, of Dakatmara nearby cranes, a railway official said. appointee -- has the power to enact “The ambit of the power to make
Bangabandhu. The film would be 65, of Khalpara slum in Thakurgaon char of the same upazila, said, “We “In many cases, rescue operation any law in a time of public emergency subsidiary legislation under the
shown on television in Japan and town. are low-income people. We don’t takes more than usual time as most without needing the approval of the ERO in a situation of emergency or
other countries. The adverse weather hits have sufficient warm clothes. This of the cranes are outdated,” the city’s partially elected legislature. in circumstances of public danger,
DHAKA-BUDAPEST JOINT businesses too. year, no one has given us warm official, who have long experience But its practical consequences were although wide and flexible, was not
INDUSTRIAL VENTURE “People don’t want to go outside clothes yet.” in railway operation, told The Daily unclear, given that the government unconstitutional,” the judges ruled.
Hungary is likely to participate in home due to cold weather. So, sales Rabiul Islam, medical officer Star, wishing not to be named.
has made masks compulsory in public Banning face masks at both illegal
the joint ventures in the industrial have dropped significantly,” said Burhan Uddin, also the chief
at Sariakandi Upazila Health mechanical engineer (development), areas to combat the coronavirus and legal rallies was proportionate
field in Bangladesh. A nine-member Omar Ali, a grocery shop owner. Complex, said, “Patients with cold- pandemic. because it was aimed at “the
said the addition of three cranes
trade delegation, which recently Cold-related diseases are related ailments are rising since last would ensure quick salvage operation Hong Kong was convulsed by seven prevention and deterrence of violence
visited Bangladesh, expressed spreading in the districts. week. Some 30-40 patients, mostly after any accident to restore rail straight months of huge and often before a peaceful public gathering had
their keen interest to participate In Lalmonirhat and Kurigram, children and aged people, are taking communications. violent pro-democracy protests last deteriorated into violence”.
in joint ventures especially in many people are suffering from food treatment at our outdoor services for About the financing in the project, year. Antony Dapiran, a Hong Kong
pharmaceutical manufacturing, shortage as they cannot go out for diarrhoea, dysentery and breathing he said as per their proposal, 70 They were eventually quashed lawyer who has written books about
food processing and canning, work. problems daily. percent of the project cost would by mass arrests, a virus-related ban the city’s protest movement, said
ginger processing and other fields “Our livelihood earners cannot go On the other hand, 88 children come from foreign funds and 30 on public gatherings and Beijing the judges’ conclusions could prove
of mutual interests. Bangladesh and outside home due to the biting cold. are undergoing treatment with cold- percent from the government funds. imposing a new national security law controversial.
Hungary are already negotiating for So, we are suffering from a shortage related diseases at Bogura Shaheed Once the PDPP is approved, on the city in June. “Most striking is the extent to which
further expansion of barter trade. of food,” said Kohinoor Bewa, 86, of Ziaur Rahman Medical Hospital, said they will prepare and submit Face masks became ubiquitous to the Court of Final Appeal judgment
development project proposal reduce the risk of identification and
Source: December 23, 1972 issues Char Kulaghat in Lalmonirhat Sadar Abdul Wadud, assistant directorof privileges one narrative -- of ‘violence
(DPP) for getting approval from the
upazila. the hospital. prosecution for those taking part in and lawlessness’ -- over any other, and
of Dainik Bangla, The Bangladesh Executive Committee of the National
There is also a lack of warm [Our correspondents from Economic Council (Ecnec) to start peaceful marches, or violent clashes without the broader context in which
Observer and Ittefaq.
clothes. Thakurgaon, Lalmonirhat and implementation of the project, he said. with police. those incidents occurred, in reaching
“We don’t have enough warm Bogura contributed to this report] “We hope to add the three cranes In October last year Chief Executive their conclusion,” he told AFP.
CMCH doc dies to our fleet within the next two Carrie Lam banned anyone covering
their face at public rallies, using the
Hong Kong’s judiciary has come
Parkview Hospital and was
Gunmen kill journo years,” he said, adding that the cranes
would be stationed in Dhaka, Rajbari,
and Chattogram.
Emergency Regulations Ordinance, a
British colonial law from 1922.
under significant pressure in the
politically polarised atmosphere that
has blanketed the city.
undergoing treatment at its ICU FROM PAGE 12 Malalai Maiwand, who was shot
since December 6, said Dr Faisal workers in the country, said on dead with her driver in Jalalabad
Iqbal Chowdhury, general secretary Twitter. in an attack claimed by the Islamic
of Bangladesh Medical Association, Targeted killings of prominent State group.
Chattogram chapter. figures, including journalists, Last month Radio Liberty
Dr Faisal added that Hasan politicians and rights activists, reporter Aliyas Dayee was killed in a
Murad died around 5:00am have become more common in car bomb attack in southern Lashkar
yesterday. recent months as violence surges in Gah city.
Hasan, hailing from Chattogram’s Afghanistan, despite ongoing peace Much of the violence has been
Satkania upazila, was a student talks between the government and unleashed by the Taliban as they
of 35th batch MBBS at CMC, said the Taliban. attempt to gain leverage in peace
Faisal, adding that with this death, Nekzad’s death follows the talks, which opened in September
a total of 13 doctors have died of assassination earlier this month of in Doha but are currently on a break
Covid-19 in Chattogram so far. female news anchor and activist until early January.

World’s oldest
dating back to around
4300 BC.
Prior to the recent
discovery, experts had
placed the first rice paddies
some 3,000 years ago.
Rice is found in a
number of cultures around
the world, but has been a
way of life for the Chinese
for thousands of years.
Rice paddies, or wet rice
farming, survive in stable
conditions that are not too
hot or cold.
The fields are flooded
to supply water during
the growing seasons
and without modern
technology, harvesting
crops by hand is time
consuming and grueling
Previous studies have
analyzed DNA of ancient
rice dating back nearly
2,000 years and compared
the results with that of
The findings showed
that early humans dined
on a variety of rice, instead
of the two domesticated
varieties, japonica and
indica, we consume today.
The latest discovery
was announced by the
Zhejiang Provincial
Institute of Cultural Relics
and Archaeology and the
Ningbo Cultural Heritage
Management Research
Institute, CGTN reports.

Fed Cup to end long hiatus Challenges

Our preparations and practices have
always been of high-intensity with
F o l l o w i n g
Brothers Union, too, are supposed
to rope in foreign coaches.
In last edition, Rahmatganj
Tigers’ return
the aim of challenging our players to
Bangladesh’s return stunned big teams like Saif SC,
improve on a daily basis. Our team,
to international Sheikh Jamal, Abahani and
from both an individual and collective
football last month, Mohammedan to reach the final
points of view, has dramatically
improved from last season. We reach
the country is set to but now they have a depleted side
the beginning of the Federation Cup in welcome back domestic football with three foreigners yet to join the SPORTS REPORTER
good shape. as the Walton Federation Cup, squad a day before their opening
featuring 13 top-flight teams, gets match. International cricket is set to return
OSCAR BRUZON underway at the Bangabandhu As things stand, the title race to Bangladesh after a 10-month halt
BASHUNDHARA KINGS due to the coronavirus pandemic as
National Stadium today. is expected to be fought among
Holders Bashundhara Kings teams with previous experience the Bangladesh Cricket Board will
No one really knows how football will take on last season’s runners-up host West Indies for a three-match
be in the new normal, it’s a situation Rahmatganj MFS in the opening ODI and two-match Test series starting from January.
that none of us have ever faced before match at 5:30pm. Private satellite I think football will remain like in normal times The players may lack fitness as we COVID-19 PROTOCOL The Tigers last played an international series back in
and most important is the health of channel T-Sports will telecast the because the situation is same for all teams. The had only four weeks’ training. It is not enough Footballers and officials with Covid-19 March this year against Zimbabwe and a big challenge
the players. About being contenders, match live. All sports activities standard may be a bit low initially but it will go time to prepare a team, but the good thing looms for the BCB to make sure that they put their best
negative reports will only be allowed
up as the tournament progresses. I am hopeful of is they have been together for the last two foot forward both in terms of the cricket on the field and
I believe not only Abahani and remained suspended in the country inside stadium
fighting for the title because it is the same squad; seasons and have good understanding among the organisation off it.
Bashundhara but also Chattogram since the middle of March in the
Abahani, Sheikh Russel and Saif will they know what I want from them and I also themselves. Our target is to get out of the Each team will have to submit Covid-19
wake of the pandemic, prompting TIGERS’ INJURY UPDATE
have something to say too. know their ability. group stage and then think further. reports 72 hours before their match
Bangladesh Football Federation to As far as cricket on the field, there are some injury headaches
cancel the remainder of last season MARUFUL HAQUE SHAFIQUL ISLAM MANIK
MARIO LEMOS Each team will undergo Covid-19 tests in the Test squad. Bangladesh Test skipper Mominul Haque
once in 15 days had undergone a surgery on his right thumb in the UAE on
in players sitting idle for nearly December 10 after the left-handed batsman sustained an
eight months. for Bashundhara Kings. Like Kings, 11-time champions BFF has appointed a dedicated executive to injury while fielding during the Bangabandhu T20 Cup.
Everybody is in the same situation
However, national team The defending champions had Abahani have also brought three oversee the issues related to Covid-19 Another vital player in the longest format, off-spinner
for the Federation Cup apart from
Bashundhara Kings, who I believe have
members returned to action 17 weeks’ preparation for the changes in their foreign line-up Nayeem Hasan, also underwent surgery on his right
through international friendlies season opener while Abahani, with the inclusion of two Brazilian The ground and Stadium will be sanitised little finger, which he injured while fielding during the
had an extended pre-season training
against Nepal last month before Saif SC, Chattogram Abahani, players. The foreigners in will today Bangabandhu T20 Cup.
camp due to their involvement in the
AFC cup. Our first target is to get out squaring off against Qatar in a Sheikh Russel, Sheikh Jamal and undoubtedly make an impact No general spectators will be allowed However BCB’s chief physician Dr Debashish
of the group stage and once we have World Cup Qualifying fixture Mohammedan SC had around this time too as most teams have Chowdhury is confident that both cricketers will be able
done that, anything can happen. in Doha earlier this month. But four to six weeks of preparation already bolstered their foreign Only clubs’ own fans can enjoy matches, to regain their fitness ahead of the two-match Test series
SEAN LANE majority of top-tier footballers time. An exception is Brothers acquisitions. “The new foreign maintaining health guidelines against West Indies.
MOHAMMEDAN are waiting to return to football Union who failed to submit players were signed to improve the “In the last two weeks, two of our cricketers underwent
BFF has already issued a small amount of surgeries and one of them is our Test captain Mominul
on the back of a brief pre-season players’ registration documents team and we have confidence that tickets to club authorities
preparation. within deadline and have not we can win the Fed Cup. It will not Haque. He had his surgery in Dubai and is now doing his
Corona has affected football world- “Bangladesh is not Europe started training as yet. be easy but are looking forward to rehabilitation under our health guidelines. Then we have
wide, so it is not easy to have good where players join in pre-season “I think every team will face the challenge,” said Abahani coach of winning it, but veteran coach Nayeem Hasan who injured his little finger and his surgery
preparation because the players were
training camp after two to three difficulties after the long break. Mario Lemos. Maruful Haque believes dark has been done at a hospital in Dhaka. His rehabilitation
out of competition for eight months.
weeks of holidays. It is really hard We have reconstructed our playing Foreign coaches, too, will horses may appear and upset the will also start within the next few days.
Season is not that easy but we are try- applecart. “Our aim is to get them back to proper fitness before
ing to do our best. We spent hard time
to have good preparation in such style in the last few months with have a key role in the campaign
a short period,” Saif SC’s Belgian impeccable belief,” said Kings’ as Abahani, Kings, Saif, “In my opinion, this time more the practice game, which is scheduled for January 25 ahead
in the last five weeks and have already of the Test series. We are very hopeful that both cricketers
shown our performance in training. coach Paul Put said yesterday at successful Spanish coach Oscar Mohammedan, Bangladesh clubs [other than Bashundhara,
Abahani, Saif, Sheikh Russel] will will be able to regain proper fitness before the warm-up
the pre-tournament briefing, his Bruzon, who wants to win all Police and Arambagh KS have
PAUL PUT match,” Debashish told the media yesterday.
statement perhaps ringing true for trophies with new acquisitions already appointed foreign coaches be in the race and can challenge
SAIF SC Another member of the Test squad, pacer Abu Jayed,
all the participating teams except from Brazil, Argentina and Iran. while Muktijoddha Sangsad and for the title,” said Bruzon.
is also recovering from a Grade 1 thigh strain sustained
during the Bangabandhu T20 Cup is also expected to return
to the field by the first week of January, said Debashish.
Mickey Arthur Babar, Imam
relishing battle ruled out of
with Boucher first Test
Sri Lanka coach Mickey
Arthur is looking forward Babar Azam and Imam-ul-
Haq have been ruled out
to slugging it out with his
of the first Test against New
South African counterpart
Zealand, which begins on
Mark Boucher when the
26 December in Mount
teams start a two-Test
series in Pretoria on Pakistan named their
Boxing Day, hailing the 17-man squad for the two-
former wicketkeeper for Nayeem Hasan Mominul Haque
match Test series, which
his aggressive style on the forms a part of the ICC
pitch. World Test Championship. BCB’S HEALTH PROTOCOL
Boucher was one of Both Babar and Imam The board will conduct coronavirus testing on the first, third, and
Arthur’s most trusted had fractured their thumbs
senior players when the sixth or seventh day of the West Indies squad’s arrival.
during a training session
latter coached the Proteas last week and will be After completing a three-day quarantine, the West Indies team will
between 2005 and 2010 monitored closely by be allowed to practise from the fourth day. However, the visitors will
with excellent success in the team’s medical staff.
the test arena. only be allowed to practise between themselves from the fourth to
Mohammad Rizwan will
“Mark Boucher and I go lead in Babar’s absence, the seventh day.
back a helluva long way becoming Pakistan’s 33rd After undergoing three coronavirus tests in seven days, the West
and I am really looking Test captain. Indies side will be allowed to have net bowlers in their training and
forward to locking horns Pakistan head coach
with him,” Arthur told Misbah-ul-Haq expressed can interact with people related to the series.
reporters on Monday.
“He was an aggressive
player and I’m sure he will
SAFETY A CONCERN his disappointment on
losing the T20I series
According to the MoU, both teams will have separate transportation
-- separate flights and buses -- while traveling.
Crowd flooded the Mymensingh Circuit House ground yesterday to witness the opening day’s action against New Zealand but
be an aggressive coach too. his hopeful about the Test
It will be up to us to match of the Mymensingh Premier League (MPL), the first 100-ball cricket tournament of the country. Organised team’s chances. LESSONS FROM DOMESTIC TOURNAMENT
that intensity. by the Mymensingh Masters Cricket Association (MMCA), a forum of ex-cricketers, the five-day tournament “It is disappointing to Another main challenge will be creating and maintaining
“There is a wonderful had already raised concern over a local association’s capacity in maintaining health guidelines and social lose the T20I series against an effective health protocol and a bio-secure bubble for
familiarity for me now distancing. And despite the organisers’ claim, health safety and social distancing was nowhere to be seen a well-settled New Zealand the touring side as well as hosts. However, the board will
walking into the grounds. as the large portion of the crowd were even without masks. Mymensingh Thunders and Mymensingh Riders side, who utilised their be encouraged by the fact that they arranged two local
Africa never leaves you. resources and conditions to tournaments -- BCB President’s Cup and the just concluded
won their encounters against Mymensingh Tigers and Mymensingh Eagles respectively on the opening day
That knowledge of the their advantage,” he said. Bangabandhu T20 Cup -- while maintaining a bio-secure
conditions will hopefully but the real victory of the tournament would be to see everyone involved with the tournament, including “Contrary to the T20I bubble. According to Debashish they will implement the
be of great benefit to us.” the invited former national team players and members of the World Cup-winning side, the Test side appears experiences of those two tournaments in the upcoming
Arthur was in charge of Under-19 team, stay unharmed till it’s completion. to be pretty organised and home series.
Pakistan when they lost we boast some experienced Debashish also said that Cricket West Indies had already
a Test series 3-0 in South cricketers, both in batting given the green signal over the MoU provided by the BCB
Africa last year. PHOTO: AMINUL ISLAM and bowling departments.” for the upcoming series.

‘I had a very bad time this summer’

REUTERS, Barcelona “Everything that happened of which came from the penalty

before the summer, how the spot. He also has no assists in 13

Lionel Messi season ended, then the burofax Barcelona, who are currently league games after contributing
has admitted and everything else... I dragged fifth in Spain’s top flight, will 21 last season, making the start
the ill feeling everything into the start of of this campaign his worst since
between him
be looking to return to winning
the season a bit,” Messi said the 2007-08 season, when he
and Barcelona in an interview with Spanish
ways in La Liga when they take was 20-years-old and suffering
over his attempt television channel La Sexta. on an improving Real Valladolid from injuries.
‘Benzema is a focal point’ to leave the club in the close “The truth is right now I’m tonight. They will hope that Lionel Barca face elections on Jan.
AGENCIES season has affected his form this feeling fine but in the summer I Messi will lead from the front 24 to pick the successor to
season, in which he has posted had a very bad time.” Bartomeu, who resigned in
his lowest goal and assist tallies
and surpass Pele’s single-club
Real Madrid forward Karim Benzema kept up his The Argentine struck for the October, and Messi remained
impressive run of form by scoring and providing two in 13 years. goals haul. Barcelona legend
643rd time for Barca on Saturday tight-lipped on where his future
assists in a 3-1 win away to Eibar on Sunday, taking the Messi caused consternation to equal Pele’s goals record for Messi, who scored his first goal lay, saying he was fully focused
champions level on points with La Liga leaders Atletico at Barca when he sent the club a single club. However, he has for the Catalan club in 2005 on helping his side return to
Madrid. Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane was again a burofax (official notice) that drastically underperformed this against Albacete, equalled Brazil form. “Right now I’m feeling
grateful to Karim Benzema after victory over Eibar. he wanted to leave in August, campaign, as have his side, who legend Pele’s record of 643 goals good and looking forward to
“Benzema is a match winner because what he’s but then president Josep Maria trail leaders Atletico Madrid by fighting for every competition
doing is on a different level, not just because of the
for a single club by scoring
Bartomeu blocked the move and eight points in La Liga. we have ahead,” he added.
in Saturday’s draw against

goals. I always repeat myself saying the same thing he committed to stay this season Messi, who finished top “I know the club is in a
about Karim. It’s not only his goals, he’s a focal point to avoid a legal battle. scorer in La Liga last season Valencia. Pele scored 643 goals difficult moment at institutional
in our game, he’s very important for us and when he He has less than seven months and routinely gets more than in 19 seasons for Brazilian side level and on the pitch and
scores, he scores it’s even better, obviously, but he’s very left on his contract and is able to 40 goals each year for his club, Santos between 1956 and 1974. everything surrounding Barca
important for our team. We have to highlight everyone’s negotiate with other clubs from has only scored nine times in all right now is difficult, but I’m
performance,” said Zidane. January. competitions this campaign, five feeling excited.”


Railways in 32 more die,

1,470 get
trouble with Covid-19
UNB, Dhaka

rescue cranes Covid-19 fatalities

Bangladesh rose to 7,312
with 32 more deaths in 24

Outdated cranes causing delays in hours ending at 8:00am

salvage operations, restoring rail Besides, 1,470 new
link; BR eyes 3 modern ones Covid-19 cases were
reported, taking the
caseload to 502,183.
Most of 22 relief cranes of Bangladesh Railway (BR) are The mortality rate
either outdated or broken, causing difficulties in carrying stood at 1.45 percent, the
out salvage operations after train accidents. Directorate General of
At least 10 are over 35 years old while three are between Health Services said in a
21 and 35 years old, according to BR documents. press release.
Three are now broken. Only six are within their So far, 439,694 patients,
economic life, which is 20 years. 87.56 percent, including
Of the 22 relief cranes, 15 are meter-gauge and seven 2,167 new ones have
broad-gauge, the documents show. recovered during the period.
Most of the outdated cranes are steam-operated and Bangladesh reported its
spare parts for them are not available in the international first cases on March 8. The
market, BR officials said. infection number reached
Besides, some of them are not capable of conducting the 300,000-mark on
salvage operations as they are too “small” and take more
August 26. The first death
than usual time to complete a rescue operation, causing
was reported on March 18
passengers’ sufferings, they said.
Under the circumstances, the BR has made a move and the death toll exceeded
to procure three relief cranes to ensure quick salvage 7,000 on December 12.
operation after accidents to resume rail communications, Until now, 30,91,339
officials said. tests have been carried out,
As per the plan, the two modern broad-gauge and one 15,669 new ones.
meter-gauge hydraulic accident relief cranes would be Bangladesh is seeing
bought at an estimated cost of Tk 230.8 crore between A devastating fire burned down 55 shanties at Kalshi Taltola slum in the capital’s Mirpur 11 2,948.70 infections,
January 2021 and December 2023. yesterday. The fire service, after visiting the spot, said the blaze started around 1:45pm and was COLLECTED 2581.78 recoveries and
SEE PAGE 10 COL 4 doused around 5:00pm. 42.93 deaths per million.


Court accepts World’s oldest dies from
charge sheet Covid-19
Met office forecasts
Bangabandhu unveils
Cox’s Bazar
Day-to-day life in many
districts is being hampered
due to the bone-chilling memorial plaque
A Cox’s Bazar court
yesterday accepted the
charge sheet in Maj (retd)
found in China A doctor of Chattogram
Medical College Hospital
(CMCH) died of Covid-19
cold and daily wage-earners Sinha Rashed Khan murder at a private hospital in the
are the ones suffering most. December 22, 1972 case. port city early yesterday
Yesterday’s lowest Judge Tamanna Farah morning.
temperature was 7.5 of Cox’s Bazar Senior The deceased, Md Hasan
degree Celsius, which was DRAW INSPIRATION FROM Judicial Magistrate Court-4 Murad, 48, was a lecturer of
recorded in Tentulia of MARTYRS’ SACRIFICE accepted the charge Microbiology at CMC and
Panchagarh. Prime Minister Bangabandhu Sheikh sheet after hearing the worked in the Covid-19 RT-
“A mild cold wave is Mujibur Rahman renews his call prosecution and defence PCR laboratory at CMCH,
sweeping over the regions today to all irrespective of their lawyers. said principal of the college
of Gopalganj, Sitakunda, ideological or political affiliations to The court also issued Prof Dr Shamim Hasan.
Cumilla, Sreemangal, dedicate themselves to the great task an arrest warrant for After testing positive
Badalgachhi, Tentulia, of rebuilding suspended assistant sub- for coronavirus, Hasan
Rajarhat and Chuadanga,” the country into inspector Sagar Dev, the was admitted to the city’s
said a weather bulletin. a truly Shonar only absconding accused SEE PAGE 10 COL 1
“It may abate in Bangla drawing in the case, said Public
some more places,” inspiration from Prosecutor Faridul Alam MAIL ONLINE
said the bulletin of the sacrifice of of Cox’s Bazar District and
Bangladesh Meteorological the martyrs of Sessions Judge Court. The world’s oldest rice paddies have been
Department. the Liberation Struggle. Rab Senior ASP uncovered in China that experts say were farmed
“Night temperature The prime minister speaks on the Mohammad Khairul Islam, more than 6,000 years ago.
may rise slightly and day occasion of unveiling of a memorial also the investigation The ancient checkboard patterned fields were
temperature may remain plaque dedicated to the memory of officer of the murder case, found in the city of Yuyao, east China’s Zhejiang
nearly unchanged over the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Shaheed intellectuals at Mirpur. He had submitted the charge Province and are said to cover about 222 acres –
country,” it added. observes that the souls of the martyrs of sheet to the court on only one acre has been excavated thus far.
consoling the relatives of the martyred December 13, accusing 15 Archaeologists said that the paddies had
The Met office forecast the Liberation Struggle would not find
for 24 hours was released at intellectuals at Mirpur on the occasion peace until and unless the high ideals people. different forms across three prehistoric periods PRAYER TIMING DECEMBER 22
6:00pm yesterday. of the unveiling of the memorial and principles for which they had laid Among the accused that spanned about 2,000 years, with the oldest Fazr Zohr Asr Maghrib Esha
are suspended Teknaf AZAN 5-20 12-45 3-455-22 7-00
“Weather may remain plaque on December 22, 1972. SEE PAGE 10 COL 1 SEE PAGE 10 COL 3
JAMAAT 5-55 1-15 4-00 5-25 7-30


journo in
Interpol expects
AFP, Kabul
Gunmen murdered an
‘dramatic’ jump
Afghan journalist in the
eastern city of Ghazni
yesterday, the third reporter
in crime
AFP, Berlin
in the violence-plagued
country to be killed in the
last two months. Interpol chief Juergen Stock yesterday predicted a sharp
Rahmatullah Nekzad rise in crimes with robbers seeking to get their hands
was shot dead with a on precious vaccines aimed at stopping the coronavirus
silenced pistol by unknown pandemic.
gunmen near his home “With vaccines rolling out, crime will increase
while he was travelling to dramatically,” Stock told business weekly WirtschaftsWoche.
a nearby mosque, Ghazni “We will see thefts and warehouse break-ins and attacks
province police spokesman on vaccine shipments.”
Ahmad Khan Seerat told The secretary general of the France-based global policing
AFP. agency said he also expected more cases of graft related to
No group has claimed Covid-19 vaccines.
the murder so far but “Corruption will be rampant in many places to get the
the Taliban denied valuable vaccine quicker,” he said.
responsibility. A vaccine produced by German company BioNTech and
Nekzad, aged in his US giant Pfizer has already been approved for use by 16
late 40s, had worked countries.
on a freelance basis for The European Union’s EMA was poised to make a
the Associated Press similar decision yesterday, with the first jabs to begin in
news agency and the the bloc next Sunday.
Al Jazeera broadcast In Germany, federal police will be deployed to secure
network, according to the transportation of the vaccines, which will also be stored in
Afghan Journalists Safety secret places.
Committee. Besides the threat of robberies, fears are also running
“AJSC strongly high of possible sabotage by anti-vaxxers.
condemns the serial killing On December 1, Interpol warned that organised
of Afghan journalists,” criminal networks could be targeting Covid-19 vaccines,
the committee, which One of the finest ways to welcome winter in Bangladesh is with the traditional rice cakes (pitha). While nothing can quite beat the homemade and could look to sell fake shots.
reports on threats to media ones, pitha-vendors scattered across the country provide the warmth of soft Bhapa, Chitoi or Tel er pithas at Tk five to 10 to those who have The agency said it had issued a global alert to law
SEE PAGE 10 COL 2 to spend their days out and about. The photo was taken in Farmgate area yesterday. PHOTO: ANISUR RAHMAN SEE PAGE 10 COL 4

EDITOR & PUBLISHER : MAHFUZ ANAM. Printed by him from Transcraft Ltd, 229, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka-1208 on behalf of Mediaworld Ltd, 52, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000. Editorial, News & Commercial Offices: 64-65, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1215,
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