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Student Name: Student No: LESSON

Tyler-Shaye Miller 18609354 PLAN /10 Page 1


Year: Stage 4 (Year Syllabus section: History (Stage 4)
7 & 8)
Unit Name: Red Hands Cave- Site Visit

Lesson Topic: Duration: 2 x 45 -minute periods

1. My Place

2. Group Discussion
3. Timeline Research and creation
Prior knowledge/skills required Resources
1. Excursion, site visit to Red PowerPoint
Hands Cave (this lesson plan is Stationery and posters for the groups
based on post-visit)
Students must have:
2. Timeline
Exercise books and writing materials
3. ‘Reset’ is the classroom
codeword for pack-up and return
everything to their spots, ready
for the bell.
Quality Teaching (Check the box for those focused on in this unit)
Intellectual Quality Quality Learning Environment Significance
☒ Explicit quality ☒ Students’ self- ☒ Background
☒ Deep knowledge ☒ Metalanguage ☒ Connectedness
criteria regulation knowledge
☒ Substantive ☒ Student ☒ Cultural
☒ Deep understanding ☒ Engagement ☐ Narrative
communication direction knowledge
☒ Knowledge
☐ Problematic knowledge ☒ High expectations
☒ Higher-order thinking ☒ Social support ☒ Inclusivity
Learning across the curriculum
Cross-curriculum priorities
☒ Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander ☐ Asia and Australia’s engagement
☒ Sustainability
histories & cultures with Asia
General capabilities
☒ Critical & creative thinking ☒ Ethical understanding ☒ ICT
☒ Literacy ☒ Numeracy ☐ Personal & social capability
☒ Intercultural understanding
Other learning across the curriculum areas
☒ Civics and citizenship ☒ Difference & diversity ☐ Work & enterprise
Specific Quality Teaching (QT) elements achieved in the lesson? (Select only ONE main element for evidence)
QT element Indicators of presence in lesson

8 Ways lesson foci

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Syllabus outcomes:
- HT4-1
- describes the nature of history and archaeology and explains their contribution to an understanding of the
- HT4-5
- identifies the meaning, purpose and context of historical sources
- HT4-6
- uses evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations
- HT4-8
- locates, selects and organises information from sources to develop an historical inquiry
- HT4-9
- uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past
- HT4-10
- selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicate about the past

Students learn to:

 Develop knowledge and understanding of the nature of history and significant changes and developments
from the past, the modern world and Australia.
 Develop skills to undertake the process of historical inquiry.
 Develop skills to communicate their understanding of history.

Timing Lesson content Student activity Teacher activity

Lesson 1: 45 minutes
5 Mins - Students enter class and are welcomed - Respond to their name in the Roll call - Mark the roll
- Acknowledgement of country as they prepare themselves for the
- Roll call lesson by ensuring they have the
necessary equipment
10 mins - Lesson agenda - Students will write WALT and date in - WALT and date are already
book written on the board so that
students can note the learning
intention for the lesson

-Teacher will explain lesson agenda

- As within the other KLA’s the

students have been preparing
individual or group activities for the
showcase, within the KLA of History
students will be building off
knowledge of timelines and local
and national Indigenous
(Australian) history to construct a
small group timeline on a poster
focusing on local links and their site
10 mins My place activity -Students close eyes and imagine a - Students are told to close their
- Think/pair/share place special to them, share with eyes and think of a special place
- Teacher led discussion partner outside their home or school they
-Students can then share to the class if feel a strong connection to.
they choose prompting a discussion (PowerPoint slide of suggested

-Teacher will lead discussion

prompting students to evaluate
how this place is special regardless
of if they are not their all the time
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Tyler-Shaye Miller 18609354 PLAN /10 Page 4

(concept of connection to a place

and looking after a place for the
- Teacher will then direct this
discussion of the importance of
time and place to ‘timelines’
(Supported by PowerPoint Slides)
10 Mins - Team Huddle Students will discuss with their team, - On the board/interactive
- Cooperative Group strategy previous lessons content of whiteboard teacher display Slide
construction of timeline and examples ‘In small groups discuss what you
of timelines, thereby recalling their can recall about timeline’s
knowledge 1. How they are structured?
- Students will make notes in their 2. What is in a timeline?
books summarising the groups 3. Why are they important?
discussion 4. What would be in a timeline
- Students will then share key answers presenting Indigenous (Australian)
to the broader classroom. history?
5. Any additional information

-Students will see the PowerPoint, -Teacher explains the task that
15 Mins listen to teacher instructions and ask students will be completing in their
any questions for this inquiry research small groups (3-4 students) for the
project showcase and to then hang in the
- Students will remain in their groups classroom
and utilise their computers to access
the PowerPoint presentation and the -Teacher explains that students will
suggested links and will further take their existing knowledge and
research their group timeline internet resources and research to
-Students may begin to plan/write on create a poster displaying a
the poster and understand that they timeline of Indigenous (Australian)
will have another lesson to complete history with a focus on the local
this task area. Students will also place ‘Red
hands Cave’ on their timeline with
information learnt from their site
visit/further research

-Teacher displays PowerPoint and

has already shared the PowerPoint
to students google classroom so
that they can access the links

5 Mins Reset Instruct students to ‘reset’ Instruct students to ‘reset’

(this is the classroom (this is the classroom
codeword for pack-up and codeword for pack-up and
return everything to their return everything to their
spots, ready for the bell). spots, ready for the bell).
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Tyler-Shaye Miller 18609354 PLAN /10 Page 5


How have lesson outcomes been achieved?
Learning outcome Evidence/ Method of measuring and recording
Describes the nature of history and
archaeology and explains their
contribution to an understanding of
the past
Identifies the meaning, purpose and
context of historical sources
Uses evidence from sources to
support historical narratives and
Locates, selects and organises
information from sources to
develop an historical inquiry
Uses a range of historical terms and
concepts when communicating an
understanding of the past
Selects and uses appropriate oral,
written, visual and digital forms to
communicate about the past

Links to next lesson

Students will continue to work on their collaborative timeline and prepare it for the final showcase in conjunction with their other
cross-curricular projects
AISTL graduate standards and evidence that this lesson achieves this standard.
AITSL Standard Evidence within this lesson

WHS considerations
- A safe teaching environment with mutual respect for teacher and students
- Safety for students when cutting and pasting worksheet segments

Board of Studies (2012) History K-10 Syllabus. Retrieved from:

Casual teacher Notes:

Student Name: Student No: LESSON
Tyler-Shaye Miller 18609354 PLAN /10 Page 6

Community Consultation or Protocols to be considered.

Resources to support this Lesson

Timeline activity
Activity 2: Exploring the timeline Key learning objectives Students will gain an appreciation of the length of
time that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have been living continuously in Australia,
particularly when compared with the length of time Europeans have been living in Australia. They will
compare major historical events in other parts of the world from 60,000 years ago to the present. What you
will need • Time line information from poster • Roll of paper towel, or roll of paper • Long corridor or part
of school yard (where there is no wind, otherwise use tape to secure it) • Access to resources about world
history What to do 1. Explain to students that you will use a paper towel to make a timeline. Brainstorm
ways the complete length of the roll can be determined, such as measuring the length of one square, counting
Student Name: Student No: LESSON
Tyler-Shaye Miller 18609354 PLAN /10 Page 7

the number of squares and multiplying or rolling out the whole roll and measuring its entire length (look on
the wrapping to work out its total length). 2. Make the timeline by asking the students to work out how to
divide the paper towel into 60,000 (representing the number of years that Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples have occupied Australia). Stretch out the towel and mark ‘60,000 years ago’ at one end and
‘today’ at the other. Write the key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander milestones from the timeline in
Poster 1 at the appropriate places on the towel (on one side of the towel). Each student could draw an
appropriate image to visually represent the event on the timeline. You may wish to staple coloured paper or
Post-It notes to the paper towel, instead of writing on it directly
Start with the roll s admeonstration of how long indigenous Australians have been here and then get either
butcher paper/a3 paper and in groups of four stduenst shall research and plot the timeline – this will then be
used as a display. Students will be focusing on sites – land links – students shall input red hands cave where
they can find info on hwo long that has been around and find two other local sites and plot any timlien
information they can source – make a list of suggested sites for the students in atbele an dthats the whole
Lesson 2 will be quick remember what the last lesson was and spend twenty minutes finishing this task.
Back to teacher directed and then move onto the ‘research task’ or is the ‘research task ‘ being the timeline
enough ? or are we making a ‘research trask’ for the unit ??? CONFUSED

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