Casa Rotonda Mario Botta PDF

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Casa Rotonda

Mario Botta - Stabio, Ticino, Switzerland

1980 - 1982

Clients - Liliana and Ovidio Medici

Site area - 700 m ²

Volume - 1400 m³

Neal Philipsen 2011

form - technique - body - space

form |fôrm|
1 the visible shape or configuration of something :
• arrangement of parts; shape : the entities underlying physical form.
• the body or shape of a person or thing :
2 a particular way in which a thing exists or appears; a manifesta-
tion :
• any of the ways in which a word may be spelled, pronounced, or
inflected : an adjectival rather than adverbial form.
3 a type or variety of something

“ I imagined a building with a circular plan,

cut across its north-south axis by fissure
from which the zenithal light descends. A
volume organized on three levels, a sort
of tower, or rather, an object designed
and cut out itself

The Casa Rotonda, or the Round House,
by Mario Botta is a building determined
by its use as a single family home, but
one which acts largely as an artifact on
the southern Swiss landscape. Many as-
pects of the building can be traced back
to Paul Rudolph’s ‘Six Determinants of
Architectural Form’, including environ-
ment, function, lighting, materials, psy-
chological demands, and spirit of the
times, however, with a particular empha-
sis on psychological demands that both
supports the other determinants, and in
other ways intentionally neglects them.
The psychological demands of
space, as defined by Paul Rudolph, is very
evident in the form of the Casa Rotonda
and reflects many of Mario Bottas’s own
philosophies. According to Rudolph,
meeting the psychological demands
of a space, means manipulating shape
and using symbols to create a certain
‘monumentality’ to space. He goes on
to say “We must learn anew how to cre-
ate a place of worship and inspiration”
Tracing elevational geometries (Rudolph 214). Mario Botta, as evident in
on the surface of the the Casa Rotonda, does not think it is a
Casa Rotonda stretch to apply this to the family home.
In Quasi un Diario, Frammenti intorno
all’architecttura (Almost a Diary, Frag-
ments about architecture) Botta quotes

form - 1
Ruskin, “I say that if men truly lived as
men, their houses would be temples”
(Botta 213). The Round House does in
fact look like a temple, seemingly non-
compliant with its traditional function
as a family home. The facade’s careful at-
tention to geometric pure forms cut from
a perfect cylinder, is something sooner
associated with worship and contempla-
tion than family living. However, Botta
argues that the two are not mutually
exclusive. The home is a space of pro-
tection, a place of reflection, where it is
possible to cultivate the human and psy-
chological resources necessary to take
on tomorrow. Botta quotes in Almost a
Diary the oft heard sentiment “I’m tired,
I’m going home,” (Botta 213) to illustrate
home as a reprieve from life, not unlike
how many view a temple. By choosing
with temple-like form, Botta also makes
a very intentional statement in regards
to paradigms of form. He questions the
historical shape of residential form, and
subsequently creates a local heterogene-
ity that challenges the built and natural Extracting shapes,
form around it. or pure forms, from
The form of the Casa Rotonda in- the Casa Rotonda
tentionally subverts the tradition of ar-
chitecture in the area, a concept reminis-
cent of the ‘new architecture’ described
by Jeffrey Kipnis. One of the key princi-
form - 2
ples of DeFormation, a term Kipnis uses
to describe his new architecture, is an
“emphasis on abstract, monolithic archi-
tectural form that broaches minimal di-
rect references or resemblances and and
that is alien to the dominant architectural
modes of a given site” (Kipnis 109). This
principle accurately describes the Casa
Rotonda’s form and situation on its site.
The tall, three storey cylindrical shape
of the building with a triangular cap and
bold square cut outs, defies the predomi-
nately two storey, rectangular, typical
family homes that enclose the site. The
building stands like a medieval-modern
tower that overlooks, yet simultaneously
turns its back, on the proletarian homes 100ft 100ft

below. In Botta’s own words: “The inten- 50m 50m north north

tion was to avoid any comparison and/

or contrast with the surrounding build- Casa Rotonda
ings, but to search instead for a spatial contrasted with the
surrounding built

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relationship with the distant landscape and
horizon. By using a cylindrical volume I
wanted to avoid elevations that would nec-
essarily have to be compared to the facades
of the existing houses around it” (Botta, Although it can be argued that
the Casa Rotonda does significantly invite
comparison and contrast to the surround-
ing buildings, what is perhaps more inter-
esting is Botta’s assertion that the Round
House creates a relationship with the land-
scape. Lighting and views aside, the form of
the building itself does little to reflect the
environment and instead searches for form
in abstract geometries.
The attention paid to geometry in
the Round House is a process steeped in
tradition. The philosophy of pure form
and geometry goes as far back as Plato 500ft
(Theory of Forms), and has been signifi- 200m north

cantly observed in architecture theoreti-

cally since the late 19th century. In Modern absent of ornament. However, the building
Architecture and Historical Change Alan cannot be immediately be called modern, Casa Rotonda
Colquhoun points out the work of design- in the stylistic sense of the word. The ac- contrasted with the
ers in the late 19th century who searched cented symmetry of the building as a cir- surrounding ‘natural’
for pure form and whose work were “char- cle (in plan), without necessarily having a environment
acterized by a degree of abstraction, a sim- functional justification, and the focus on
plicity and purity of profile, and an absence pure forms, suggests a more post-modern,
of detail and ornament” (Colquhoun 195). A even neoclassical, take on style. The use of
similar description can be made for Botta’s a roman frieze across the top of the cylinder
Casa Rotonda. Profiles of the building are reinforces this subtle eclecticism, as does
simple and abstract, detailed with imme- the triangular top reminiscent of a classical
diately recognizable shapes, and generally pediment. form - 4

Works Cited

Jeffrey Kipnis, “Towards a New Architecture”, in Architectural Design, Mar-Apr 1993. Vol.63, Iss.3-4

Paul Rudolph, “The Six Determinants of Architectural Form,” in C. Jencks and K. Kropf, eds., Theories
and Manifestoes of Contemporary Architecture, WileyAcademy, 2006.

Alan Colquhoun, “Form and Figure,” in Essays in Architectural Criticism: Modern Architecture and
Historical Change, MIT Press, 1981.

Mario Botta, “Quasi un Diario, Frammenti intorno all’architecttura”

Mario Botta, Accessed Oct 17 2011.

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