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Akmal: Guys, is it true that george will be leaving our office in two weeks?

Kahfi: yes that's true, george will be leaving our office on the 31st august

Nabilah: yes, I heard that too. let's plan something nice and memorable for our friend, George

Nurul: I have an opinion, how about we hold a party as a sign of our farewell to George

Sabili: Yeah its great opinion. We're going to have a great party and it's going to be a great memory
for George. we should make the farewell party lively and joyful. this will be a memorable farewell
party for George

Kahfi: Yes very good idea, I totally agree

Nabilah: I also agree, by the way When we will hold the party?

Nurul: We will hold the party on August 29, because that date is Sunday. so there are chances that
our friends will be join the party.

Akmal: yes you are absolutely right

Kahfi: Guys Before we hold the party, we must book a place for our event, right? do you guys know a
place to hold a nice party?

Nabilah: yes you are right, I know the place to hold our event. the place is at the Manakala coffee

Sabili: I agree with the place that Nabilah suggested. because the place is not far from our office. and
the most important thing about the place is that the inside of the shop is very spacious and the
interior design of the shop is very good so we can use it to take a group photo.

Nabilah: And also the food and drink in the place, it's very delicious. there is even a drink that
George likes, namely milk coffee with palm sugar. I'm pretty sure George will love the place.

Nurul: Alright then, nabilah and sabili will take care of the venue for our event. You two can contact
the coffee shop "Manakala" tomorrow morning.

Akmal: what gift are we going to give George?

Kahfi: I have an idea, how about we give George a gift of a caricature of him and a laptop.

Nabilah: yes i agree with your idea Kahfi, because i heard that george's laptop is broken. Therefore,
it will be very useful if we give a laptop as a gift for him to work in his new office later.

Nurul: I also agree with you Kahfi. besides we will give george a laptop. We're also going to give him
a caricature, because I think George is a very passionate art person.

Akmal: do you have someone who can make a caricature for George, kahfi?

Kahfi: don't worry akmal, my brother is a caricature maker he is a very expert and professional
person in the field of art

Nurul: well then, kahfi will take care of the gifts. oh yeah one more thing, caricature gifts and laptop
gifts must be available before the 29 th August, so that we prepare everything needed properly

Kahfi: ok fine I will do well

Sabili: what about our other office mates we're going to invite to the party?
Nabilah: oh yeah I almost forgot about that. how about we tell them through a party invitation

Nurul: That's a good idea, let me make the party invitations. because I can use image editing
applications well. so the party invitations card will be definitely good and interesting.

Akmal: I agree with you, but let me just give party invitations to our friends.

Nurul: well, then we all have got our respective duties to organize the party. But do you all agree
with each task given?

Kahfi: yes I agree with you

Akmal: Yeah sure

Sabili: I totally agree

Nabilah: ok if you all agree, starting tomorrow morning sabili and i will contact the coffee shop
"Manakala" to reserve a place on august 29 August.

Nurul: All right, I think our discussions about farewell party for George is done. Thank you for your
time, guys!!!

Nurul : And as you can see, here I've drawn up the schedule that we had planned before George's
farewell party. Is there something unclear? Or you, guys have a questions, before we end the
meetings? I hope our plans for George’s party are quite clear.

16 17 18 22 23 25 26 28 29 31
Book a Buy the create and Send out Party is George
coffee gift print party Invitations held Leave
Shop caricature invitations
Manakala and laptop

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