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Dear Parent,

We are undertaking a small scale research study on the efficacy of our newly

developed therapy model Play2Talk® and we are inviting you to take part in this

exciting opportunity.

What is Play2Talk®?

Play2Talk is a child friendly, natural environment and play based early

intervention approach. It has a basis in 3 specific models that have an already

established evidence base and have shown very good results in social

communication speech development for young children who are showing red

flags for autism.

The main focus of our study will be to look at the efficacy Play2Talk over a short

period of time (6 weeks) and using an online parent coaching focus.


Children will be eligible for this study if they meet the following criteria:

Aged 2 or under on 1st July 2020

Are showing red flags for a social communication disorder such as Autism.

Be non verbal and/ or have no consistent word use.

Have had no other access other therapy interventions to date

Blue Sky Autism Project is a Charity Registered in Scotland SC041778

Have no other communication intervention input during the course of involvement

in the study. (For example we would request that if a referral to speech and

language has been made, participants put any therapy on hold for the duration of

the intervention.)

Study Design

This is a small scale, multiple baseline study. This means that participants will

start the intervention at different times. Because treatment is started at different

times this supports analysis that any changes observed are due to the treatment

rather than to other external factors. We will also be conducting a baseline

assessment of parent well being called the Parent Stress Index (PSI) to track the

potential impact of Play2Talk on improved parent well being.

Your child will have an initial baseline assessment before being given a date for

intervention sessions to start. There will not be a big time gap between baseline

sessions and intervention starting, but dependant on participant numbers there

may be 1-2 weeks wait.

Your child’s assessment session will last 1 hour and will take place on Zoom.

Your parent interview (PSI questionnaire) will last 45 minutes. We would like to

conduct the parent interview first and can do both appointments concurrently on

the same day or separately, depending on preference.

Blue Sky Autism Project is a Charity Registered in Scotland SC041778

Parent coaching sessions will last 1 hour and will also take place on Zoom. We

will endeavour to offer time slots that will work for you as a family and enable you

to meet other commitments.

Anonymity and Ethical Considerations:

When written, all interview data will be anonymized and I will ensure that

participants remain anonymous. Names will be changed and any details that

could identify your child will be omitted. You will also be given the opportunity to

see any material that will be included in the study before publication, in order to

give your approval. You are always free to change your mind and withdraw from

the study at any time and your child’s data will not be used.

Consent to Video

In order to ensure an objective collection and analysis of data we will require

consent for part/ all of your child’s baseline assessment and coaching sessions to

be videoed. This footage will be used solely to triangulate our data collection and

will not be shared with any third party or used in any other way except for the

purpose of this study. We will destroy all video files within 3 months of the

completion of this study.

Blue Sky Autism Project is a Charity Registered in Scotland SC041778

For further details and to express your interest in the project, please contact me


Looking forward to meeting you.

Best wishes

Dr Ruth Glynne-Owen (EdD)

MA (Autism and Education); PGCE; BA hons

Blue Sky Autism Project is a Charity Registered in Scotland SC041778

I __________ give permission to Blue Sky Autism Project to work with my child

for the purpose of the research study detailed above.

I give permission for Blue Sky Autism Project to record my child’s sessions by

video, to be used for the sole purpose of the research study as described.

I understand that all data will be anonymised and pseudonyms will be used at all

times to protect my child’s identity.

I understand that I can withdraw from this process at any time and my child’s

video files and data will then be destroyed and will not be used within the study

Signed: _________________________________________


Researcher signature:____________________________

Date: _________________________________________

Blue Sky Autism Project is a Charity Registered in Scotland SC041778

Blue Sky Autism Project is a Charity Registered in Scotland SC041778

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