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Name: Udaya Bir Saha

Batch: 61D
Student ID: 50
Marks: out of 60
Sales Data

Customer Percent GGross Sal Gross ProfIndustry Competitiv2 STD 3 STD Question 1:
1 51.0% $170.00 $86.70 1 2 0 1
2 32.0% $181.00 $57.92 3 4 1 1 Gross Profit
3 20.0% $203.00 $40.60 2 2 1 1
4 22.0% $249.00 $54.78 5 1 1 1 Mean
5 21.0% $476.00 $99.96 5 1 1 1 Standard Error
6 21.0% $476.00 $99.96 5 4 1 1 Median
7 22.0% $635.00 $139.70 2 3 1 1 Mode
8 34.0% $856.00 $291.04 3 3 1 1 Standard Devia
9 26.0% ### $276.12 4 2 1 1 Sample Varianc
10 16.6% ### $183.71 7 3 1 1 Kurtosis
11 20.0% ### $230.60 7 3 1 1 Skewness
12 36.0% ### $501.12 4 2 1 1 Range
13 18.0% ### $313.74 4 2 1 1 Minimum
14 20.0% ### $461.40 7 3 1 1 Maximum
15 5.0% ### $126.70 4 5 1 1 Sum
16 29.0% ### $778.07 7 2 1 1 Count
17 10.0% ### $278.00 2 3 1 1
18 37.0% ### ### 5 3 1 1
19 60.0% ### ### 7 1 1 1
20 24.0% ### $957.12 6 3 1 1
21 9.0% ### $366.48 7 3 1 1
22 50.0% ### ### 5 3 1 1
23 17.0% ### $717.23 3 4 1 1
24 32.0% ### ### 7 1 1 1
25 15.0% ### $723.60 6 3 1 1
26 10.0% ### $487.80 7 4 1 1
27 13.0% ### $670.41 7 2 1 1
28 22.0% ### ### 2 3 1 1
29 17.0% ### $998.92 1 3 1 1
30 19.0% ### ### 6 4 1 1
31 6.0% ### $457.92 5 4 1 1
32 23.0% ### ### 3 3 1 1
33 23.0% ### ### 7 2 1 1
34 14.0% ### ### 2 4 1 1
35 22.0% ### ### 2 3 1 1
36 14.0% ### ### 7 3 1 1
37 28.0% ### ### 3 3 1 1
38 27.0% ### ### 5 3 1 1
39 3.0% ### $604.80 5 5 1 1
40 46.0% ### ### 5 2 1 1
41 26.0% ### ### 5 3 1 1
42 11.0% ### ### 4 4 1 1
43 18.0% ### ### 4 3 1 1
44 37.0% ### ### 6 1 1 1
45 20.0% ### ### 2 3 1 1
46 21.0% ### ### 7 1 1 1
47 10.0% ### ### 4 3 1 1
48 14.0% ### ### 1 3 1 1
49 9.0% ### ### 2 5 1 1
50 16.0% ### ### 4 3 1 1
51 22.0% ### ### 6 2 1 1
52 21.0% ### ### 7 2 1 1
53 17.0% ### ### 5 4 1 1
54 11.0% ### ### 4 5 1 1
55 7.0% ### ### 3 5 1 1
56 14.0% ### ### 4 3 1 1
57 15.0% ### ### 1 4 1 1
58 13.0% ### ### 4 5 0 1
59 21.0% ### ### 5 4 1 0
60 14.0% ### ### 6 3 0 0
Gross Profit Standard d 2 3
UL 15862.62 21674.35
4239.16 LL -7384.294 -13196
750.29 Count
1662.43 Proportion
33776197 Outlier:
4.321576 For 2 std: 3
2.04 For 3 std: 2
25338.74 Total 5
Consumer Transportation Survey

Vehicle Type Satisfacti Gender Age # of Miles Number Average Miles

Driven on with hours driven of number from
vehicle per week per week Children of riders work
in vehicle

Truck Domestic Yes Male 31 10 450 0 1 30

Truck Domestic Yes Male 29 5 370 1 1 22
Truck Foreign No Male 26 12 580 0 1 15
Truck Domestic No Male 18 6 300 0 1 20
SUV Domestic Yes Male 49 21 1000 0 1 22
SUV Foreign Yes Male 50 16 840 2 1 45
SUV Domestic Yes Male 48 15 1400 3 4 25
SUV Foreign Yes Male 45 5 300 2 2 20
SUV Domestic Yes Male 45 15 850 0 1 25
SUV Domestic Yes Male 44 10 700 2 1 40
SUV Foreign Yes Male 41 5 350 1 1 20
SUV Domestic Yes Male 41 30 1500 4 3 15
SUV Foreign No Female 39 6 280 1 1 17
SUV Foreign Yes Female 36 4 400 0 1 20
SUV Foreign Yes Female 33 3 420 0 1 25
SUV Domestic Yes Male 31 10 675 0 1 35
SUV Domestic No Female 31 15 800 1 1 50
SUV Domestic No Female 29 4 300 1 1 20
SUV Domestic Yes Male 28 3 400 1 1 15
Mini Van Domestic Yes Female 55 8 400 0 2 0
Mini Van Domestic No Female 43 10 700 2 3 0
Mini Van Domestic Yes Female 41 10 720 1 2 15
Mini Van Foreign Yes Female 38 10 450 4 5 0
Mini Van Foreign Yes Female 39 15 1000 1 2 0
Mini Van Domestic No Male 35 5 350 2 2 0
Mini Van Domestic Yes Female 33 10 800 2 3 0
Mini Van Foreign Yes Female 32 2 200 4 5 5
Mini Van Foreign Yes Female 28 8 350 3 4 0
Car Domestic Yes Female 21 4 150 0 1 0
Car Domestic No Female 62 5 175 0 2 0
Car Domestic Yes Female 61 5 355 0 1 15
Car Foreign Yes Male 60 5 150 0 1 10
Car Domestic No Male 58 10 600 0 1 35
Car Domestic Yes Female 51 11 600 0 1 40
Car Domestic Yes Female 47 4 300 0 1 21
Car Domestic No Male 46 4 275 0 1 18
Car Domestic No Male 44 6 285 2 3 16
Car Foreign No Female 42 5 400 2 3 22
Car Foreign Yes Female 41 5 350 2 2 23
Car Domestic No Female 41 10 600 1 2 34
Car Domestic Yes Female 39 10 700 1 2 45
Car Foreign Yes Female 34 10 600 1 2 16
Car Foreign Yes Male 33 5 400 1 2 22
Car Foreign Yes Male 30 5 350 1 2 18
Car Domestic Yes Female 29 5 250 0 1 19
Car Foreign Yes Female 27 6 355 0 2 23
Car Foreign Yes Female 26 5 175 0 1 11
Car Domestic No Female 24 5 300 0 1 4
Car Domestic Yes Female 22 5 350 0 1 3
Car Foreign No Female 19 5 500 0 2 4
Question 2:
(a) Total 50
Satisfied 35

Proportion 0.7
CL 0.95
Alpha 0.05

Z 1.959964

ME 0.064807

UL 0.764807
LL 0.635193

Column1 H0: mean> 8
H1: mean< 8
Mean 8.16
Standard E 0.730312
Median 6
Mode 5 alpha 0.05
Standard D 5.164083
Sample Var 26.66776
Kurtosis 5.684224
Skewness 2.011483 SE 0.730312
Range 28 Zstat 0.219085
Minimum 2 Zcrit -1.644854
Maximum 30
Sum 408 Do not reject Ho
Count 50 At 95% confidence level, we can state that
we don’t reject the null hypothesis, meaning
there is no statistical evidence that the indiv
evel, we can state that
null hypothesis, meaning
evidence that the individuals spend less than 8 hours per week in vehicles.
Facebook Survey

Student Gender Hours onl Friends

1 female 4 150 Male Variances 10.256
2 female 10 400 Female Variances 10.029
3 male 7 120
4 male 15 500
5 female 9 260
6 female 5 70
7 female 7 90
8 male 5 250
9 female 12 110
10 female 2 30
11 female 6 80
12 female 2 30
13 male 3 200
14 female 6 240
15 male 6 150
16 male 4 90
17 female 8 340
18 male 10 450
19 female 4 50
20 male 4 120
21 male 6 180
22 female 4 280
23 female 5 60
24 female 9 100
25 female 12 380
26 male 8 430
27 female 2 80
28 female 7 170
29 male 6 90
30 male 4 50
31 female 2 50
32 male 5 70
33 female 7 170
Question 3: H0: variance 1-variance 2 = 0
H1: variance 1-variance 2 <> 0

F-Test Two-Sample for Variances

Variable 1
Mean 6.15
Variance 10.0289473684211
Observations 20
df 19
F 0.9778223684211
P(F<=f) one-tail 0.4673439084109
F Critical one-tail 0.4332841193184

We can not reject Ho.

H0: mean Female-mean male = 0

H1: mean Female-mean male <> 0

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Variable 1
Mean 6.15
Variance 10.0289473684211
Observations 20
Pooled Variance 10.1169975186104
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 31
t Stat -0.2070429129956
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.4186651765462
t Critical one-tail 1.69551878254587
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.8373303530923
t Critical two-tail 2.03951344639641

We cannot reject Null hypothesis.

Var 1= Female
Var2 = Male

Variable 2

Variable 2

Year Quarter Period Sales Level Trend Seasonality Forecast

1 1 $283.00 -$43.00
2 2 $295.00 -$31.00
2014 3 3 $336.00 $10.00
4 4 $390.00 $326.00 $0.00 $64.00
1 5 $410.00 $367.15 $7.88 $28.73 $283.00
2 6 $420.00 $399.64 $12.60 $11.91 $344.03
2015 3 7 $416.00 $410.22 $12.21 $6.48 $422.24
4 8 $435.00 $405.76 $9.02 $34.96 $486.43
1 9 $428.00 $409.76 $8.05 $19.97 $443.51
2 10 $450.00 $424.38 $9.31 $23.36 $429.72
2016 3 11 $462.00 $440.77 $10.67 $18.80 $440.17
4 12 $470.00 $446.13 $9.65 $25.70 $486.39
1 13 $525.00 $471.74 $12.71 $47.79 $475.74
2 14 $523.00 $489.37 $13.65 $31.94 $507.80
2017 3 15 $528.00 $505.02 $14.03 $22.29 $521.82
4 16 $542.00 $518.16 $13.86 $24.14 $544.75
1 17 $552.00 $523.01 $12.14 $32.08 $579.81
2 18 $577.00 $538.36 $12.75 $37.54 $567.09
2018 3 19 $612.00 $563.62 $15.15 $44.09 $573.41
4 20 $600.00 $577.82 $14.97 $22.50 $602.91
1 21 $624.87
2 22 $645.29
2019 3 23 $666.81
4 24 $660.19

MSE 1940.842172
Alpha 0.324005
Beta 0.191534
Gamma 0.835464
0 5 10 15 20

0 15 20 25
Auto Survey
Question 5:
Gender Type PurchasedVehicle A Mileage MPG (a)
Male Mid-size Used 15 127233 28.7
Female Mid-size New 1 23970 43.4
Male Small New 7 77392 24
Female Large SUVUsed 14 185397 15.2
Female Small New 2 26001 37
Female Minivan New 9 180643 20
Male Small Used 6 72083 45.7
Male Small New 11 165353 42
Male Small Used 13 205288 33
Female Small New 7 142897 31
Male Minivan Used 14 182584 12
Male Small SUVUsed 13 140479 20
Female Small New 2 22114 28
Female Mid-size New 0.25 3454 28.3
Female Large SUVNew 7 130905 21
Female Small Used 10 105628 35
Female Small New 5 48678 30.4
Male Mid-size New 0.5 6849 40.2
Female Small Used 10 137941 30
Female Small SUVNew 4 29823 24.9
Male Small SUVUsed 14 85763 21
Female Small Used 12 134172 31
Male Mid-size Used 12 86387 27
MPG with respect to Vehicle Age Ho: population slope co-efficient=0
SUMMARY OUTPUT Ha: population slope co-efficient<>0

Regression Statistics We reject the null hypothesis, that is, there is

Multiple R 0.4705451962 that the slope co-efficient is not equal to zero
R Square 22%
Adjusted R Square 0.1843371999
Standard Error 7.9956786155
Observations 23

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 381.7907234764 381.7907 5.97193006 2.35%
Residual 21 1342.548406958 63.93088
Total 22 1724.339130435

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

Intercept 36.07434591 3.312926289809 10.88897 4.2735E-10 29.18473853108
Vehicle Age -0.852503078 0.348849896959 -2.443753 0.02345146 -1.57797615321

MPG=36.07435-.8525 X1

MPG with respect to Mileage Ho: population slope co-efficient=0

SUMMARY OUTPUT Ha: population slope co-efficient<>0

Regression Statistics We can't reject the null hypothesis, that is, th

Multiple R 0.4062667974 that the slope co-efficient is not equal to zero
R Square 17%
Adjusted R Square 0.1252933159
Standard Error 8.2800169165
Observations 23

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 284.6068475558 284.6068 4.15128831 5.44%
Residual 21 1439.732282879 68.55868
Total 22 1724.339130435

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

Intercept 34.806647155 3.299309761503 10.54968 7.5296E-10 27.94535689678
Mileage -5.676474E-05 2.78603894E-05 -2.037471 0.05440012 -0.00011470359
Ho: population slope coefficients=0
Regression Statistics H1: atleast one of slope coefficients is <>0
Multiple R 0.529460603
R Square 0.2803285301 We reject the null hypothesis, i.e. at 95% CL
Adjusted R Square 0.2083613832 we can state that one of the slope co-efficients
Standard Error 7.8770479132 is significantly different from zero.
Observations 23

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 483.3814538917 241.6907 3.89522917 3.73%
Residual 20 1240.957676543 62.04788
Total 22 1724.339130435

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

Intercept 44.040928067 7.029592931325 6.265075 4.0661E-06 29.37745416271
Purchased -6.698979986 5.235342827773 -1.279569 0.21534233 -17.6197137585
Vehicle Age -1.39736999 0.547206746568 -2.553642 0.01892785 -2.53882326191

Ho: population slope coefficient of training=0

We can't reject the null hypothesis, i.e. at 95% CL
we can state that the slope co-efficient of purchased is not significantly
different from zero meaning the factor does not impact MPG
opulation slope co-efficient=0
opulation slope co-efficient<>0

eject the null hypothesis, that is, there is statistical evidence

he slope co-efficient is not equal to zero.

Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

42.9639532888 29.1847385311 42.9639533
-0.1270300023 -1.5779761532 -0.12703

opulation slope co-efficient=0

opulation slope co-efficient<>0

an't reject the null hypothesis, that is, there is no statistical evidence
he slope co-efficient is not equal to zero.

Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

41.6679374129 27.9453568968 41.6679374
1.1741144E-06 -0.0001147036 1.17411E-06
pe coefficients=0
slope coefficients is <>0

hypothesis, i.e. at 95% CL

one of the slope co-efficients
erent from zero.


Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

58.7044019705 29.3774541627 58.704402
4.22175378676 -17.619713759 4.22175379
-0.255916719 -2.5388232619 -0.25591672
Type of Ad Exposure per minute Cost per minute ($)
Radio 350 400
TV 800 2000

Budget $25,000

Type of Ad Runtime Time Allocation

Radio 2
TV 12 9.8
Total Run Time 14

Type of Ad Exposure Cost ($)

Radio 700 800
TV 9600 24000

Total Exposure 10300

Total Cost $ 24,800.00

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