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SHES 2302 Sistem Maklumat


Bioinformatics Department

Tutorial 11

Matric No:

1 Briefly answer the following question.

a. Differentiate between a form and a report.

Form is a business document that contains some predefined data and may
include some areas where additional data are to be filled in. An instance of a
form is typically based on one database record while report is a business
document that contains only predefined data; it is a passive document used
solely for reading or viewing. A report typically contains data from many
unrelated records or transactions. A report is only for reading and often contains
data about multiple unrelated records on a computer file while a form contains
data from only one record or is at least based on one record. The guidelines for
creation are very similar.

b. Identify several general guidelines for the design of forms and reports.

- Meaningful titles:
i. Clear and specific titles describing content and use of form or report
ii. Revision date or code to distinguish a form or report from prior versions
iii. Current date which identifies when the form or report was generated
iv. Valid date which identifies on what date the data in the form or report were

- Meaningful information:
i. Only needed information should be displayed
ii. Information should be provided n a manner that is usable without modification

- Balanced layout
i. Information should be balanced on the screen or page
ii. Adequate spacing and margins should be used
iii. All data and entry fields should be clearly labeled

- Easy navigation
i. Clearly show how to move forward and backward
ii. Clearly show where you are (page numbers)

- Notify user when on last page of a multi-paged sequence

c. When should you use tables? When should you use graphs?

Tables is used when want to read individual data values.

Graphs is used when want to provide quick summary, display trends over time,
compare points and patterns of variables, forecast activity, have simple reporting of
vast quantities of information.

d. Identify ten validation tests and techniques used to enhance the validity of data input.
e. As a Website designer, how can you avoid errors caused by links that do not provide
enough information?

2 Briefly identify the four types of installation.

1. Direct installation – Changing over from the old information system to a new one by
turning off the old system when the new one is turned on.
Users are at the mercy of the new system.
– If the new system fails considerable delay may occur until the
old system can again be made operational and business
transactions reentered to make the database up-to-date.
– It requires complete installation of the system.

2. Parallel installation – running the old information system and the new one at the
same time until management decides the old system can be
turned off.
– The old system continues to run alongside the new system
until users and management are satisfied that the new
system is effectively performing its duties and the old system
can be turned off.

3. Single location installation – trying out a new information system at one site and
using the experience to decide if and how the new
system should be deployed throughout the
– It is also known as location and pilot installation.
– Change from the current to the new system in only
one place or in a series of separate sites over time.
– The advantage is that it limits potential damage and
potential cost by limiting the effects to a single site.
– Once deemed a success then may be deployed.
– There is a burden in this case to support two systems.

4. Phased installation – changing from the old information system to the new one
incrementally starting with one or a few functional
components and then gradually extending the installation to
cover the whole new system.
– Parts of the old and new system are used in cooperation
until the whole new system is installed.
– It requires careful version control, repeated conversions at
each phase, and a long period of change which can be
frustrating and confusing to users.
– The change is smaller at each phase and is more
3 Briefly identify and categorize the seven different types of tests as proposed by Mosley.

 Inspections – a testing technique in which participants examine program code for

predictable language specific errors. Syntax, grammar, and some other routine
errors can be checked by automated inspection software so manual inspection
checks are used for more subtle errors. Exactly what the code does is not examined.
Can detect 60 – 90% of errors.

 Walkthrough – using structured walkthroughs in a very effective method of detecting

errors in code. Code walkthroughs tend to be informal. The purpose is to correct the
errors uncovered in a walkthrough. It can be hard to resist adding functionality.

 Desk checking – informal process were the programmer or someone else who
understands the logic of the program works through the code with a paper and
pencil. The programmer executes each instruction using rest cases that may or may
not be written down. In one sense the reviewer acts as the computer mentally
checking each step and its results for the entire set of computer instructions.

 Syntax checking – done by a compiler. Uncovered by the code is not executed. For
the other three automated techniques the code is executed.

 Unit testing – (module testing) each module is tested alone in an attempt to discover
any errors that may exist in the module’s code. Since modules coexist and work with
other modules in programs and systems they must be tested together in larger

 Integration testing – the process of bringing together all of the modules that a
program comprises for testing purposes. Modules are typically integrated in a top
down incremental fashion.

 System testing – The bringing together of all of the programs that a system
comprises for testing purposes. Programs are typically integrated in a top down
incremental fashion.

4. Identify several types of user documentation.

I. Reference guide – exhaustive list of the system’s functions and commands

II. Quick reference guide – provides essential information about operating a system in a
short concise format.

III. User’s guide – provide information on how users can use computer systems to
perform specific tasks

5. What factors influence implementation success?

 Personal stake of users

 System characteristics
 User demographics
 Organizational support
 Performance
 Satisfaction
6 What is maintainability? Identify several factors that influence the maintainability of a system.

Maintainability is defined as the probability of performing a successful repair action

within a given time. Maintainability is the ease with which software can be understood,
corrected, adapted and enhanced. In other words, maintainability measures the ease
and speed with which a system can be restored to operational status after a failure

Several factors that influence the maintainability of a system:

a) Number of latent defects – the number of unknown errors existing in the system
after it is installed. The number of latent defects in a
system influences most of the costs associated with
maintaining a system. If there are no errors then
maintenance costs will be relatively low.

b) Number of customers of the system – the more customers, the higher the
maintenance cost. Change requests are
numerous and can conflict, customer
support, retraining, and notification are

c) Quality of the system documentation – maintenance effort increases with the lower
the quality of documentation.

d) Quality of maintenance personnel – high skill levels as maintenance personnel are

not likely to be the creators.

e) Structure of the system – well structured programs makes it easier to understand

and fix problems.

7 What is the role of CASE in maintenance?

The objective of using CASE for systems maintenance:

a) To radically change the way in which code and documentation are modified and
b) When using an integrated development environment, analysts maintain design
documents such as data flow diagrams and screen designs not source code.
c) Design documents are modified and then code generators automatically create a
new version of the system from the updated design.
d) Since changes are made at the design specification level, most documentation
changes such as updated data flow diagrams will have already been completed
during the maintenance process itself.
e) One of the major benefits of CASE is its impact on maintenance.

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