Christmas or Christmas Day Is Celebrated On 25 December

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Plot-8, Sector-23, Rohini, New Delhi-110085

Session 2020-2021
Name: ________________ S.No: F- 23
Roll No. ____ Class: V-___ Subject: EVS
Read, discuss and know more about theFestival
of Christmas! Date of Submission:

Christmas or Christmas Day is celebrated on 25th December

every year. It is believed to be the day when Lord Jesus was born.
According to the holy book of Christians, ‘The Bible’, Jesus was
born to Mary and Joseph, who was a carpenter, in a place called
Bethlehem (in Egypt).

Jesus spread the message of love, care and peace among all the
people. Jesus always taught people to live happily together, love
and look at all the people as children of God.

The preparations begin a week or two before Christmas. People

decorate their homes with a Christmas tree and lights. On Christmas
Eve, people go to the church to attend the Christmas Mass/Service.
They offer prayers and sing ‘Christmas Carols’ and ‘Hymns’ to
welcome the lord.

On the day of Christmas, people visit their near and dear ones,
exchange gifts, dance, sing carols and relish the Christmas Plum

Have you ever wondered how Santa Claus is related to Jesus’ birthday celebration?

Let’s read and know about it…

Where Did the Legend of Santa Begin?

Nicholas was born hundreds of years ago in a wealthy family, many

years after Jesus was born. Unfortunately, when he was very young,
his parents passed away from the outbreak of a plague (a disease
that is life-threatening that could lead to death). He was then raised
in an orphanage (a home for those children who don’t have parents)
and are taken care of there.

Soon, everybody realized that he was a very special person because he was compassionate
and had a loving heart. He cared for everyone. When he was 17 years old, he became a
priest, a bishop in the city of Myra (in modern Turkey). He was the youngest priest of his
time. He followed and practised what Jesus always did and shared with the people who
were needy, sick and in pain.

He was especially known for his love and generosity towards children. He left presents for
children, who loved, cared for and helped each other. He died on 6 th December at the age
of 75.
Due to his good deeds, he was declared as a ‘Saint’. Saint Nicholas did many good things
for people and children, and is always remembered for it. Therefore, in the loving memory
of all the good things he did, Saint Nicholas is remembered on the birth of Jesus Christ as

After reading this, you must have now come to know that Jesus and Santa Claus are not
related but we celebrate two occasions on the same day.

Wish you a Merry Christmas! 

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