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The preliminary design of the air-intake

system and the nacelle in the small

aircraft-engine integration process
Wieńczysław Stalewski and Jerzy Żółtak
Centre of New Technology, Aerodynamics Department, Instytut Lotnictwa (Institute of Aviation), Warsaw, Poland

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the results of the preliminary design and optimization of the air-intake system and the engine
nacelle. The work was conducted as part of an integration process of a turboprop engine in a small aircraft in a tractor configuration.
Design/methodology/approach – The preliminary design process was performed using a parametric, interactive design approach. The parametric
model of the aircraft was developed using the PARADES™ in-house software. The model assumed a high level of freedom concerning shaping all
the components of aircraft important from the point of view of the engine integration. Additionally, the software was used to control the fulfillment
of design constraints and to analyze selected geometrical properties. Based on the developed parametric model, the preliminary design was
conducted using the interactive design and optimization methodology. Several concepts of the engine integration were investigated in the process.
All components of the aircraft propulsion system were designed simultaneously to ensure their compliance with each other.
Findings – The concepts of the engine integration were modified according to changes in the design and technological constraints in the preliminary
design process. For the most promising configurations, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) computations were conducted using commercial
Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes solver FLUENT™ (ANSYS). The simulations tested the flow around the nacelle and inside the air-delivery system
which consists of the air-intake duct, the foreign-particles separator and the auxiliary ducts delivering air to the cooling and air-conditioning systems.
The effect of the working propeller was modeled using the Virtual Blade Model implemented in the FLUENT code. The flow inside the air-intake
system was analyzed from the point of view of minimization of pressure losses in the air-intake duct, the quality of air stream delivered to the engine
compressor and the effectiveness of the foreign particles separator.
Practical implications – Based on results of the CFD analyses, the final concept of the turboprop engine integration has been chosen.
Originality/value – The presented results of preliminary design process are valuable to achieve the final goal in the ongoing project.
Keywords Parametric design, Optimization, Air intake, Air delivery system, Turboprop engine integration
Paper type Case study

Nomenclature Introduction
Symbols The cost of small- and medium-sized distance air transport is
generally significantly higher than the cost of alternative
CMFR ⫽ mass flow rate coefficient
modes of transport such as the car and/or train, making it one
DC60 ⫽ total pressure distortion coefficient
of the major barriers to the improvement of competitiveness of
ṁ ⫽ mass flow rate through the AIP
this sector. Reduction of costs which are generated in different
ṁR ⫽ required mass flow rate through the AIP
phases of an aircraft life cycle and development of dedicated
(defined by the engine manufacturer)
engines seem to be the necessary solution. The cost-effective
Pt,A ⫽ area-averaged total pressure on the face of
small aircraft (CESAR) project, supported by the European
the AIP
Union (EU) in the 6 Frame Programme, focused on the
Pd,A ⫽ area-averaged dynamic pressure on the face
development of technologies that both shorten the small
of the AIP
aircraft market entry time and reduce the cost of the process.
Pt,60,min ⫽ area-averaged total pressure computed on the
Selected results worked out at the Institute of Aviation, related
60° sector of the AIP face with the minimum
to cost-effective small-aircraft wing design and optimization,
area-averaged total pressure
were presented by Stalewski and Żółtak (2011a, b; 2012).
The ongoing EU project ESPOSA (Efficient Systems and
Propulsion for Small Aircraft) focuses on the development of
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at modern power units for small aircraft: The ESPOSA project plans to deliver better GTE engine affordability and
10-14 per cent reduction of direct operating costs through the development

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal

86/3 (2014) 250 –258 The research was supported by the FP7-AAT-2011-RTD01 Integrated
© Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 1748-8842] Project ESPOSA (Efficient Systems and Propulsion for Small Aircraft),
[DOI 10.1108/AEAT-01-2013-0015] Contract No.: 284859

Air-intake system and the nacelle Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Wieńczysław Stalewski and Jerzy Żółtak Volume 86 · Number 3 · 2014 · 250 –258

of advanced concepts for key engine components, development of lean in Figure 1. The appropriate engine mounting system was
manufacture technologies and modern engine systems improving engine
designed based on a fixed position of the engine, and the
overall efficiency and maintainability (ESPOSA, 2012).
baseline design of the nacelle inner space was established. The
One of the subprojects is focused on the development of design presents the fundamental constraint for the integration
power unit airframe integration methodology. Selected process of the turboprop engine, as shown in Figure 2. The
properties of engines developed in the project will be shape and positions of:
demonstrated on three flying platforms in a flight test. ● the engine;
One of the platforms is I-23 Manager – a tractor ● the engine mounting system;
single-engine aircraft (ESPOSA, 2012), where the integrated ● the battery;
engine is Baseline Engine 1 of the ESPOSA project based on ● the front landing gear; and
the TP100 engine of the PBS Velká Bíteš (ESPOSA, 2012). It ● the propeller and the spinner.
was assumed that the preliminary, conceptual stage of the
integration would result in the overall concept of the principal are fixed and must not be changed during the design process.
systems that are part of the propulsion system of the aircraft. Additionally, the necessary equipment, such as an oil cooler or
It concerns in particular with: converter, must be contained within the nacelle, in positions
● the air-delivery system for the engine compressor, the that guarantee appropriate air delivery. Although the shapes of
nacelle cooling system and the cabin air conditioning; these components are fixed, their positions may be adjusted
● the engine nacelle; and during the design process.
● the exhaust system. Finally, additional constraints referred to the shape of the
nacelle which must be compatible with the rest of the fuselage
As all of the aforementioned elements affect each other, they shell and must cover the propulsion system of the aircraft with
need to be designed simultaneously. The results of a an appropriate margin.
thermodynamic analysis of the nacelle cooling system were The aforementioned constraints were present in the design
presented by (Łapka, 2014).
process of the air-delivery system and the shape of the nacelle.
The present paper focuses on the demonstration of selected
Due to mutual dependencies between different aircraft
aerodynamic aspects of the preliminary design of the TP-100
systems, the works also involved the exhaust system design.
engine and I-23 aircraft integration process. The problem
As an essential part of the air-delivery system is the air
description is presented first. Next, the methodology of the
intake that passes fresh air to the engine compressor,
design process is briefly described. Finally the results are
according to the engine manufacturer, the air-inlet duct
presented in the following order:
should be designed within a particular airframe dimensional
● selection of the engine intake concept;
and shaping limitations and must fulfill the following three
● the foreign parts separator design;
● the air-intake lip and air-delivery subsystems design;
1 The inlet duct must ensure steady air delivery without
● the exhaust subsystem concept; and
excessive pressure losses and distortion in all the engine
● the nacelle geometry.
and flight operating conditions.
2 The curves and internal shaping of the inlet duct design
Problem definition must be as smooth as possible. The duct must be adjusted
The I-23 aircraft was originally designed for integration with a to internal contents of the nacelle, i.e. the engine with the
piston engine, as shown in Figure 1. At the initial stage of the necessary equipment, the firewall, the battery, the engine
aircraft and turboprop engine integration, the only allowable mounting system, the exhaust ducts and the landing gear.
changes were assumed to refer to the engine nacelle and 3 To provide engine protection, it is recommended to use a
the propeller (the part of the aircraft in red in Figure 1). The foreign particles separator in the air-inlet system. For
preliminary analysis of the appropriate propeller and the higher air supply system efficiency, the separator duct
dimensions of the engine defined the optimal positions of
the engine and the propeller for the aircraft integrated with the Figure 2 The inner space of the nacelle in the baseline version of the
turboprop engine. These data were frozen and provided the I-23 integrated with the turboprop engine
input to design a preliminary version of the nacelle, as shown

Figure 1 The original version of the aircraft I-23 with piston

propulsion (left) and the baseline version of aircraft I-23 with
turboprop propulsion (right)

Air-intake system and the nacelle Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Wieńczysław Stalewski and Jerzy Żółtak Volume 86 · Number 3 · 2014 · 250 –258

should be opened for take off and landing and closed for The design and optimization of the nacelle, the air-delivery
high-altitude cruise flights. and the exhaust systems were assumed to be performed taking
into account four flight priorities:
To evaluate the mass flow rate and the quality of the air flow 1 FP1. High-altitude cruise;
delivered to the engine compressor, the aerodynamic interface 2 FP2. Low-altitude climb;
plane (AIP) was defined in the first material cross-section of 3 FP3. Low-altitude climb in the presence of a cross-wind;
the engine inlet to the compressor. At the AIP, the following and
quantities have been defined: 4 FP4. Static, while warming up the engine with the
● the mass flow rate coefficient CMFR; maximal static thrust of the propeller.

ṁ The foreign particle separator was considered open for flight

CMFR ⫽ (1)
ṁR priorities FP2, FP3 and FP4, whereas the separator duct was
considered closed for FP1 priority.
● the distortion coefficient DC60;
Design methodology
pt,A ⫺ pt,60,min
DC60 ⫽ (2) The aforementioned problem was solved using the parametric
pd,A design methodology developed at the Institute of Aviation
(Rokicki et al., 2009; Stalewski and Żółtak, 2011a, b). The
where: general scheme of this methodology is presented in Figure 3.
● ṁ - mass flow rate through the AIP The design process is managed by the designer, either a
● ṁR - required mass flow rate through the AIP, as defined by human or the computer code. In the former case, an
the engine manufacturer; experienced engineer interactively designs sequential variants
of the product and manages the optimization cycles including
● Pt,A - area-averaged total pressure on the face of the AIP;
executing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) computations,
● Pd,A - area-averaged dynamic pressure on the face of the
whereas in the automatic mode, the designer is an
optimization code. In the present study, only the interactive
● Pt,60,min - area-averaged total pressure computed on the
design approach was applied. The numerical optimization
60° sector of the AIP face with the minimum; and
will be conducted in the next stages of the ESPOSA project.
● area-averaged total pressure. Figure 3 shows that the designer uses the parametric
To meet the engine manufacturer’s requirements, the inlet modeling software to create different variants of the optimized
duct must be designed to ensure a steady air mass flow rate, product. In the presented methodology, the parametric model
following the equation: was built using the in-house software PARADES™
(Stalewski, 2011). The graphical user interface (GUI) of this
CMFR ⫽ 1 (3) software, used in the interactive design mode, is shown in
Figure 4. The PARADES uses the non-uniform rational
B-splines (NURBS) representation of parameterized objects.
Several limitations on the flow quality in the inlet duct were
For the shape modeling, the design parameters most
defined by the engine manufacturer regarding the distortion frequently describe smooth changes of the Control Points
coefficient DC60 and the local pressure deviation. defining a given NURBS object.
Furthermore, several design requirements related to the
nacelle were formulated. The length of the nacelle is limited
by the position of the propeller which cannot be changed. The Figure 3 The general scheme of the parametric design and
shape of the nacelle must not collide with its internal content, optimization methodology applied to the small aircraft and turboprop
engine preliminary integration
including the turboprop engine with its frame and the
necessary equipment and the air intake duct. Additionally, the
shape of the nacelle should ensure the tangential continuity of
the geometry along the contact line with the rest of the or
Genetic Algorithm
fuselage. The nacelle shell should be divided into several fixed
Interactive Design Numerical Optimisation
and removable parts, thus enabling the engine montage and
service. The design of the nacelle must ensure introduction of
additional intakes which deliver appropriate mass flow of cold Design Parameters Objectives & Constraints
air for the cabin air conditioning system, the oil cooler, the
auxiliary electrical system converter and the engine bay PARADES FLUENT + VBM
Geometric Aerodynamic
ventilation. Parametric Model Properties Properties RANS Solver
(in-house) (ANSYS)
The nacelle and air intake must comply with the
simultaneously designed exhaust system able to ensure the
exhaust mass flow rate evaluated by the engine manufacturer.
The layout of the exhaust ducts should prevent excessive IGES Mesh Generator
heating of the nacelle composite shell and ensure safe exhaust
flow outside the nacelle.

Air-intake system and the nacelle Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Wieńczysław Stalewski and Jerzy Żółtak Volume 86 · Number 3 · 2014 · 250 –258

Figure 4 The GUI environment of the PARADES software

The PARADES software creates a given variant of the sections. In the simulations, the input data for the VBM
optimized product based on a set of Design Parameters, i.e. a were established to obtain an assumed value of the propeller
set of numbers uniquely describing a certain subclass of all thrust.
possible forms of the product. The output data from the A mathematical model of each variant of the aircraft with
PARADES software is the geometry of the designed product propulsion systems was created by the PARADES code, saved
written in the initial graphics exchange specification (IGES) in the IGES format and used by the ICEM software to
format. Besides creating the geometry, the PARADES generate the computational mesh – the input data for the
software also performs specialized analyses of this geometry. FLUENT code.
In the present design process, these analyses concerned the The CFD simulations were conducted using the following
distribution of the cross-section area of the air-intake duct. computational model:
The design criteria in the presented design problem were ● the flow model: steady, compressible, viscous;
formulated mainly based on the properties of the air flow – ● the turbulence model: turbulence model: k-␻, SST; and
both the external, around the aircraft, and the internal, inside ● the mesh quality: y⫹ ⬃ 1 criterion.
the air-delivery system ducts. The aerodynamic analyses were
The computational mesh typical for CFD calculations
conducted using the CFD package. The principal component
presented in the study is shown in Figure 5. The results of
of this package is the FLUENT™ code, which is the
RANS simulation conducted using the mesh are shown in
Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) solver based on
Figure 6, where contours of static pressure on both the walls
the finite volume method. For the simulation of the crucial
effects caused by the rotating propeller, the virtual blade
Figure 5 The computational mesh used in the CFD simulations
model (VBM) (Ruith, 2005) was applied. In this approach,
the real propeller is replaced by a fluidic disc influencing
the flow field similarly to the rotating propeller. The
time-averaged aerodynamic effects of the rotating blades are
modeled using momentum source terms placed inside the
fluid-disc zone. The source terms are computed based on
the blade element theory. The propeller blade geometry is
represented by radial distributions of the twist, chord and the
type of the airfoil. The local blade aerodynamics is simulated
based on the local flow parameters (the angle of attack, Mach
and Reynolds numbers) associated with the databases of
two-dimensional aerodynamic characteristics of the blade

Air-intake system and the nacelle Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Wieńczysław Stalewski and Jerzy Żółtak Volume 86 · Number 3 · 2014 · 250 –258

Figure 6 The contours of static pressure on the walls of the nacelle Figure 8 Two alternative concepts of the air-intake system
(right) and the air-delivery system ducts (left)

of air-delivery system ducts and the nacelle surface are

presented. In Figure 7, the effect of the rotating propeller
modeled by the VBM is presented.

The development of the preliminary concept of

the turboprop engine integration in the small
The intake concept selection
The preliminary concept of integrating the turboprop engine
TP100 in aircraft I-23 was developed using the
aforementioned methodology. At this stage of the design
process, the highest priority was established for the concept of
the air intake which delivers air to the engine compressor.
Initially, two alternative concepts of the air-intake system were
taken into consideration: a single-bottom duct and
double-side ducts.
Simplified models of these alternative concepts are shown in
Figure 8. For different variants of these concepts, the CFD
analyses of the flow inside the air-intake duct (s) were
conducted. The simulations concerned only the internal flow, intensive total-pressure-losses region covers the side parts of
without the influence of the rotating propeller. Figure 9 shows the AIP.
the total pressure distributions at the AIP for the concepts The results partially influenced the final choice of the
presented in Figure 8. For the single-bottom duct concept, the air-intake concept. Additionally, the choice was based on
major losses of total pressure occur in the central-bottom part engineering analyses and constructional limitations. Finally,
of the AIP, while for the double-side duct concept, the the single-bottom duct concept was chosen, and this concept
only was investigated during the further studies.
Figure 7 The contours of total pressure in the plane of the aircraft
symmetry. The effect of the rotating propeller modeled with the VBM The foreign particles separator design
The air-intake ducts and the foreign particles separator were
modeled in the same manner by the NURBS curves which
define their central line (along the ducts) and several
parameters which define the distribution of the cross-section
area of the duct. By smooth changes of the Control Points
defining a given central line, it was possible to change the
shape of the ducts. Thus, the ducts of the exhaust system and
the auxiliary air delivery system were also parameterized, as
shown in Figure 10.
The surface of the nacelle shell was defined by a family of
the Section Curves swept along a family of the Guiding Curves.
The shapes of the curves could be modified by the smooth
changes of the Control Points, thus influencing the nacelle
shape. In the same manner, the intake lip and the cover of the
front of the landing gear were parameterized.
The aforementioned parametric model was applied to
generate sequential variants of the designed components of the

Air-intake system and the nacelle Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Wieńczysław Stalewski and Jerzy Żółtak Volume 86 · Number 3 · 2014 · 250 –258

Figure 9 The total pressure distribution at the AIP for the two alternative concepts of the air-intake system

Figure 10 The parametric model of the designed components of the aircraft: The system of the NURBS curves (left picture) defining the system of
the NURBS surfaces (right picture)

aircraft. The works started from designing of the main air Figure 11 The final designed system of the air intake and the foreign
intake which delivers air to the compressor. Simultaneously, particle separator
the foreign particle separator was designed. At this stage, the
main design criterion was to achieve the required mass flow
rate of the air entering the engine compressor – equation (3).
The criterion should be fulfilled for all the assumed flight
priorities. During the process of the air-intake system design,
several variants of the system were prepared. For each variant,
the CFD analyses of the flow were conducted. The flow was
considered both in the intake ducts and the separator and
outside the nacelle in the presence of the rotating propeller.
The final design of the air-intake system and the separator is
shown in Figure 11. Based on the CFD simulations, for all the
flight priorities, the mass flow rate at the AIP satisfies the
engine manufacturer’s requirements. Additionally, the CFD
analyses seem to confirm the assumed effectiveness of the
foreign particle separator. of the system of the NACA Ducts (Frick et al., 1945) was
considered. The ducts deliver fresh air for cooling and air
The air-intake lip and the auxiliary air-delivery conditioning. However, another concept was applied as final.
system design The inlets to the auxiliary air-delivery system were placed on
The next task was to design the initial version of the air-intake both sides of the inlet to the main air-intake duct, as shown in
lip and the auxiliary air-delivery system. First, the application Figure 12, which also shows the final version of the intake lip.

Air-intake system and the nacelle Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Wieńczysław Stalewski and Jerzy Żółtak Volume 86 · Number 3 · 2014 · 250 –258

Figure 12 The final design of the inlets to the air-delivery system Figure 14 The CFD simulation of the exhaust exiting the exhaust

Next, the auxiliary air ducts were designed, together with the
appropriate positions of the oil cooler, the auxiliary electrical
system converter, the heat exchanger and the cabin-heating
valve (which mixes the hot and cold air delivered to the cabin).
The complete air-delivery system, together with the cooling
system, the cooled devices and the cabin air-conditioning Figure 15 The exhaust system
system, is shown in Figure 13.

The exhaust system concept

Simultaneously, with the air delivery system, the exhaust
system was designed, so as to avoid possible collisions between
them. The exhaust system design criteria aimed to ensure the
exhaust mass flow rate evaluated by the engine manufacturer.
The shape of exhaust ducts should prevent excessive heating
and provide safe exhaust flow outside the nacelle. Initially, the
exhaust ducts were assumed to be led sideward directly from
the engine. However, the CFD analyses conducted for such a
configuration showed a potential threat of the exhaust entering
the cockpit. An example of such a CFD simulation is shown in
Figure 14. As a result of the air stream swirl behind the
propeller, the exhaust exiting the right outlet flows mounted onto the engine, while the outer ducts are
dangerously close to the cockpit. This effect might even be mounted onto the engine mounting system. Thus, it was
more dangerous in the presence of a side wind. Results of the possible to minimize the danger of strong warming of the
CFD simulations proved decisive in directing the exhaust nacelle composite shell, which has no contact with the hot
ducts down inside the nacelle and backward. Finally, a exhaust ducts. To protect the parts of the nacelle shell
completely new concept of the exhaust system was designed, which are most heated (by heat radiation), additional
as shown in Figure 15. protective covers have been introduced.
Apart from removing the exhaust, the system is designed
to remove the hot air from the engine bay by using the The nacelle geometry
ejector-pump effect. In this system, the exhaust stream After the design of all the internal systems necessary for the
should generate an under-pressure, sucking the hot air turboprop engine integration was finished, the final shape of
through the ejector slot. The inner exhaust ducts are the nacelle shell was designed. The CFD simulations were
conducted for several variants of the nacelle shell to design the
Figure 13 The complete air-delivery system, the cooling system, the nacelle possibly most optimal in terms of aerodynamic
cooled devices and the cabin air-conditioning system properties of the aircraft. The investigations also aimed at
finding the solution for possibly the most profitable
aerodynamic interactions between the nacelle surface, the
air-delivery system and the exhaust system. It particularly
concerned the design of additional outlets of the hot air from
the inside of the nacelle. It was assumed that the hot air would
be removed from the nacelle through the following four types
of outlets:
1 the ejector slots (described above);
2 the slots between the nacelle shell and the outer exhaust

Air-intake system and the nacelle Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Wieńczysław Stalewski and Jerzy Żółtak Volume 86 · Number 3 · 2014 · 250 –258

Figure 16 The CFD analyses of the pressure distribution on the nacelle shell

3 slots around the front landing gear; and Figure 18 The final design of the engine nacelle of aircraft I-23 with
4 additional ventilation grilles localized in the nacelle shell. the turboprop propulsion
Optimal localization of the ventilation grilles was the subject of
computational studies, during which the static pressure
distribution on the nacelle surface was analyzed. The task
consisted in finding the region of possible lowest pressure on
the nacelle which favors air suction from the inside of the
nacelle. The computations were conducted for all the assumed
flight design priorities. Results of these analyses are shown in
Figure 16, where the lowest pressures are marked in red and
other warm colors. Based on these analyses, the obtained
isobars surrounding the lowest pressure regions were used to
determine the optimal localization of ventilation grilles, as
shown in Figure 17. The final design of the nacelle is shown in
Figure 18.

The main goal of the research reported in the present paper
● the air intake, delivering air to the engine compressor;
was to demonstrate the preliminary concept of the integration
● the foreign particles separator;
of turboprop engine TP100 in aircraft I-23. The design works
● the auxiliary system, delivering air to the cooling system of
were conducted using the parametric design methodology
the engine bay, the oil cooler, the cooler of the auxiliary
based on the PARADES software applied in the presented
electrical system converter and the cockpit
study for the interactive parametric design and on the RANS
air-conditioning system;
solver FLUENT used for the CFD analyses. All the basic
● the exhaust system;
components of the engine integration were designed during
● the system removing the hot air from the engine bay; and
the preliminary design process, and they include:
● the engine nacelle.

Figure 17 The optimal localization of the ventilation grilles defined The down selection and recommendation for each component
with the system of isobars ⫺500 Pa (red lines) obtained for the were done based on the result of CFD calculations. The
assumed flight priorities fulfillment of defined conditions and constrains were
analyzed. Finally, the systems together created the baseline
concept of the turboprop engine TP100 integration in the I-23
Next stages of the ESPOSA project will concern the
improvement and optimization of the aforementioned
systems, so as to design the fully feasible and implementable
technical project of the integration.

ESPOSA (2012), “Efficient systems and propulsion for small
aircraft” available at:
Frick, C.W., Davis, W.F., Randall, M.R. and Mossman, E.A.
(1945), “An experimental investigation of NACA
submerged-duct entrances”, NACA-ACR-5I20.

Air-intake system and the nacelle Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Wieńczysław Stalewski and Jerzy Żółtak Volume 86 · Number 3 · 2014 · 250 –258

Łapka, P., Seredyński, M., Furmański, P., Dziubiński, A. and Proceedings of The International Conference of the European
Banaszek, J. (2014), “Simplified thermo-fluid model of an Aerospace Societies (CEAS 2011), Venice, Italy.
engine cowling in a small airplane”, Aircraft Engineering and Stalewski, W. and Żółtak, J. (2011b), “Multicriteria design
Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, Vol. 86 and optimisation of helicopter fuselage”, in Poloni, C.,
No. 3, pp. 242-249. Quagliarella, D., Périaux, J., Gauger, N. and Giannakoglou,
Rokicki, J., Stalewski, W. and Żółtak, J. (2009), K. (Eds), Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design,
“Multi-Disciplinary Optimisation of Forward-Swept Optimization and Control, CIRA, Capua.
Wing”, in Burczynski T. and Périaux J. (Eds), Evolutionary Stalewski, W. and Żółtak, J. (2012), “Multidisciplinary
Methods for Design, Optimization and Control, CIMNE, optimisation of wing for cesar AC-1 aircraft”, paper
Barcelona. presented at Fluid Mechanics Conference, Gliwice, Poland,
Ruith, M.R. (2005), “Unstructured, multiplex rotor source submitted to Archive of Mechanics, September.
model with thrust and moment trimming – Fluent’s VBM
model”, 23rd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, AIAA, Further reading
Reston, VA, AIAA-2005-5217.
Dzibiński, A. (2012), “The preliminary analysis of inlet and
Stalewski, W. (2011), “Parametric modeling of aerodynamic
outlet position in case of engine cooling”, EASN Workshop,
objects-the key to successful design and optimisation”,
Prague, November.
Proceedings of The International Conference of the European
Aerospace Societies (CEAS 2011), Venice, Italy.
Stalewski, W. and Żółtak, J. (2011a), “Multi-objective and Corresponding author
multidisciplinary optimization of wing for small aircraft”, Jerzy Żółtak can be contacted at:

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