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F.Y. Diploma : Sem.

Basic Science
Time: 1Hrs 30 Min.] Prelim Question Paper [Marks : 70

PHYSICS (T_1 to 3)

Topic 1 : Units and Measurements

1. Select the correct option of Fundamental Quantities with SI units. [1]
Quantity Units
(a) Length (i) A
(b) Temperature (ii) m
(c) Electric current (iii) mol
(d) Amount of substance (iv) K
(a) a-ii, b-iv, c-i, d-iii (b) a-iii, b-i, c-iv, d-ii
(c) a-ii, b-i, c-iv, d-iii (d) a-iv, b-iii, c-ii, d-i
2. [L1 M0 T−1] are the dimensions of the quantity _________. [1]
(a) acceleration (b) density (c) speed (d) area
3. An error caused due to faulty instrument is called _________. [1]
(a) systematic error (b) personal error
(c) random error (d) constant error
4. 1 gigahertz means _________. [1]
(a) 106 Hz (b) 103 Hz (c) 1012 Hz (d) 109 Hz
5. Dimension of power is _______. [2]
(a) L1 M1 T−2 (b) L2 M−1 T3 (c) L2 M1 T−3 (d) L2 M−1 T3
6. Length of table is 3 m. Convert this into mm. [2]
(a) 3  10−3 mm (b) 3  103 mm (c) 3  10−2 mm (d) 3  102 mm
7. In a given measurement, if percentage error is 0.123, then relative error is _________. [2]
(a) 0.00213 units (b) 0.0123 units (c) 0.0213 units (d) 0.00123 units

Topic 2 : Electricity, Magnetism and Semiconductors

8. The figure represents _______. [1]
(a) Electric lines of force in uniform electric field.
(b) Electric lines of force in non-uniform electric field.
(c) Electric lines of force in uniform magnetic field.
(d) Electric lines of force in non-uniform magnetic field.

9. One ampere current is given by _______. [1]

1C 1C 1s
(a) 1A = (b) 1A = (c) 1A = 1s * 1C (d) 1A =
1ohm 1s 1C
10. If distance of a point from a charge is halved then the potential at that point becomes [1]
(a) same (b) four times (c) half (d) double
11. Dielectric constant or relative permittivity of medium w.r.t. vacuum is the _________. [1]
(a) ratio of permittivity of vacuum to permittivity of medium
(b) ratio of permittivity of medium to permittivity of vacuum
(c) product of permittivity of vacuum to permittivity of medium
(d) none of these
12. Specific resistance (resistivity)  is given by the formula (with usual symbol meaning). [1]
(a)  = (b)  = (c)  = (d)  =

F.Y. Diploma  Basic Science

13. An electric iron of 50  generates 378 kcal of heat in 30 minutes. What is the voltage of [2]
mains? (J = 4200 J/kcal).
(a) V = 170 volts (b) V = 210 volts (c) V = 190 volts (d) V = 240 volts
14. Calculate effective resistance of the following combination. [2]

(a) 5  (b) 0.25  (c) 1.25  (d) 2.5 

Topic 3 : Heat and Optics

15. Given below is the graphical representation _______. [1]

(a) Joules law (b) Charles law (c) Boyles law (d) Gay Lussacs law
16. The measure of hotness or coldness of a body is known as _______. [1]
(a) heat energy (b) temperature (c) chemical energy (d) potential energy
17. A dimensionless quantity [1]
(a) Never has a unit (b) Always has a unit
(c) May have a unit (d) Does not exist
18. Heat is _________. [1]
(a) an intensive property
(b) an extensive property
(c) an intensive as well as extensive property
(d) none of the above
19. Temperature gradient is equal to _________. [1]
change in temperature time
(a) (b)
time change in temperature
distance change in temperature
(c) (d)
change in temperature distance

20. Conditions for T.I.R. (Total Internal Reflection) _________. [1]

(a) (only) angle of incidence should be greater than c (critical angle)
(b) (only) 1 should be greater than 2
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these
21. A wire of resistance R is stretched which increases its length by 1%. Its new resistance is [2]
(a) (1.01)2R (b) 1.01R (c) (d)
1.01 1.01 2
22. Temperature scales degree Celsius (C) and degree Fahrenheit (F) are related as [2]
9 5 C°  °F  32  5
(a) C = (b) F = (c) = (d) C =
5  °F  32  9  °C  32  5 9 9  °F  32 

Prelim Question Paper

23. When an impurity is doped into an intrinsic semiconductor the conductivity of the [2]
(a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remains the same (d) Becomes zero
24. V1 = 20 cc, T1 = 300 K, T2 = 340 K. Calculate V2. [2]
(a) 25 cc (b) 27 cc (c) 30 cc (d) 22.67 cc
25. Speed of light in quartz is 1.95  108 m/s. Calculate refractive index of quartz. [2]
(a) 1.3 (b) 1.54 (c) 1.4 (d) 1.2

CHEMISTRY (T_4 to 6)
Topic 4 : Chemical bonding and Catalysis
1. Weak forces between molecules are called as ______. [1]
(a) molecular forces (b) intermolecular forces
(c) intramolecular forces (d) extramolecular forces
2. Unit cell is the smallest building unit of ______. [1]
(a) crystal lattice (b) liquids
(c) gases (d) none of the above
3. The co-ordination number of BCC structure is ______. [1]
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 2 (d) 12
4. The process in which catalyst has a different phase to a reaction mixture is known as [1]
(a) homogeneous catalysis (b) hypergeneous catalyst
(c) heterogeneous catalysis (d) hypogeneous catalyst
5. Dative covalent bond is found in ______. [1]
(a) ammonia (b) ammonium ion (c) urea (d) nitrogen

Topic 5 : Metal Corrosion, its prevention and Electrochemistry

6. Immersed corrosion of metal is brought in presence of conducting medium through [1]
(a) Ionic reaction (b) Condensation
(c) Addition (d) None of these
7. Immersed corrosion take place in acidic medium ______. [1]
(a) with absorption of oxygen (b) with evolution of oxygen
(c) with absorption of hydrogen (d) with evolution of hydrogen
8. According to Faraday's first law of electrolysis, the amount of any substance deposited [1]
at the electrode is directly proportional to the quantity of ______.
(a) voltage drop (b) resistance
(c) electricity passed (d) conductivity
9. Secondary cells ______. [1]
(a) cannot be recharged and reused (b) can be recharged and reused
(c) have shorter life (d) have irreversible chemical reaction
10. 1 Faradays is ______. [1]
(a) 1 coulomb (b) 1000 coulomb
(c) 5900 coulomb (d) 96500 coulomb
11. Electroplating is the process in which first ______ then it is treated with ______. [2]
(a) dil acid, metal coating (b) dil acid, colouring
(c) dil alkali, dil acid (d) colouring, dil.alkali
12. [2]

 C C C +

In this diagram the dark square shows ____ copper metal & white colour square shows ____.
(a) Cathode, anode (b) Impure metal, pure metal
(c) pure metal, impure metal (d) Anode mud, impure copper

F.Y. Diploma  Basic Science

13. The cell in which chemical reactions occur irreversible is known as ______ and the cell in [2]
which chemical reaction occur reversible is known as
(a) Electro-chemical cell, Electrolysis cell
(b) Anode cell, cathode cell.
(c) Secondary cell, primary cell
(d) Primary cell, secondary cell.
14. Balance the following reaction [2]
2nCu2 2n2 Cu
(a) 2n + e⊝, Cu2 + 2e⊝ (b) 2n2+ + 2e⊝, Cu2+ + 2e⊝
(c) 2n+ + e⊝, Cu+ + e⊝ (d) 2n2+ + e, Cu+ + 2e⊝
15. The bond is formed by sharing of electron is known as ____ and the bond which on [2]
getting formed by transfer of electrons is known as ______.
(a) Covalent bond, ionic bond (b) Ionic bond, metallic bond
(c) Ionic bond, covalent bond (d) Ionic bond, Hydrogen bond

Topic 6 : Paints, Varnishes, Insulators, Polymer, Adhesives and Lubricants

16. Good insulator should be ______. [1]
(a) Fire proof (b) Chemically inert
(c) Odourless in use (d) All of the above
17. Thermocole is ______. [1]
(a) monomer (b) polymer (c) plastic (d) both (b) and (c)
18. A trade name for epoxy resin is ______. [1]
(a) Glass wool (b) Bakelite (c) Araldite (d) Teflon
19. Semi-solid lubricants are ______. [1]
(a) Waxes (b) Vaselines (c) Greases (d) All of the above
20. A good lubricant should have oiliness ______. [1]
(a) High (b) Low (c) Medium (d) All of the above
21. Thermoplastic polymers are on heating ______ on cooling. [2]
(a) hard, soft (b) soft, hard
(c) hard, hard (d) soft, soft
22. Metals like ______ & ______ are purified by electro-refining process. [2]
(a) 2n, Ag (b) Mg, Au (c) Dt, Pd (d) Ni, Co
23. Electroplating contains ______ & ______ objectives. [2]
(a) Decoration, protection (b) Colouring, protection
(c) Repairs, metallic lusters (d) decoration colouring
24. Faraday first law depend upon ______ & ______. [2]
(a) weight & E.C.E. of substance (b) weight & ECE plus time.
(c) E.C.E. & time (d) weight & time
25. Which type of reaction is this? [2]
RCHCHRH2  RCu2 C u2  R 
(a) Homogeneous catalysis (b) Homogeneous gas phase catalysis
(c) Heterogeneous catalysis (d) Both
Paper Discussion Schedule for FY Diploma Sem.-I
Date Day Timing Centres
Dadar, Andheri, Borivali,
19 Nov. 2017 Sunday 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Ghatkopar, Thane, Nerul,
19 Nov. 2017 Sunday 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Kandivali, Panvel, Chembur
19 Nov. 2017 Sunday 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Kalyan

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