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SPE 8980 SPE

Society of PetroleLm EngIneers Of AIME



by J. Klein and W.M. Kulicke. University of Braunschweig

(C)Copyright 1980, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.
ihls paper was presented at the SPE Fifth International Symposium on Oilfield and Geothermal Chemistry, held in Stanford, California, May 28-30, 1980. The material is subject to
correction by the author. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Write: 6200 N. Central Expwy., Dallas, Texas 75206.

A variety of vinyl type polymers has been accepted thit the polymers are used to
prepared and characterized to compare their achieve a mobility control by adjusting the
viscosity behaviour with "established" tech- mobil i ty rati 0
nical polymers. Special emphasis is given to Y'I
KH 0/ L H 0
fundamental aspects of solution structure M= 2 2
with regard to the conformation of a single
chain ~nd of chain to chain interaction. This
wi 11 be examplified by studying' homopolymers, close to one. The question however, wether
decrease of the mobility of the aqueous
copolymers and polymer mixtures of nonionic
and ionic charakter. phase is mainly caused by increase in visco-
Chain stiffening, based on intramolecular sity or a decrease of permeability has not
energetic and' steric interaction and hydrogen been settled completely. Arguments are pre-
bonding are considered as important structu- sented that different types of polymers may
ral parameters to describe the static and well act in a different fashion 3) Since
dynamic (time dependent) solution structure. viscosity of polymer solutions and adsorpti-
vity of polymers from solution increases
Polymer adsorption on quarz sand shows con- considerably with increasing molecular weight
siderable differences for polyacrylamide it is obvious that economics of EOR require
(PAAm) and polysaccharide in their dependence high molecular weight products to be able
on salinity. Polymer retention - in addition to apply solutions of low concentration.
to adsorption - can be made visible by scan- Rather early two types of polymers - namely
ning electron microscopy in combination with (acrylamid/acrylate)copolymers and Xanthan-
energy dispersive X-Ray analysis. gum polysaccharide - have been found which
1. INTRODUCTION performed quite satisfactory and were avail-
able in bulk quantities. Looking into the
The application of polymers in enhanced EOR literature so far not too much emphasis
oil recovery (EOR) has been well established, has been given to fundamental aspects of
not only in the laboratory 1) but also in polymer solution structure. Therefore no
field test 2) Furthermore it is generally clear concept has been available which may
serve as a guideline to develop or select
References and illustrations at end of paper.
polymers of comparable or even improved

pe rforman ce. energy dispersive X-ray analysis is used to
It is the intention of the first part of make polymers visible within a porous matrix
this paper to discuss the aspects (1) coil and to obtain information about the dependence
expansion and (2) polymer interaction which of polymer retention on flooding conditions.
we consider be important factors to obtain
solution structures with high viscosity 2. POLYMER SELECTION
levels. It is well known that viscosity of In the course of our investigations of
a polymer solution increases, due to an in- polymers and their relation to EOR application
crease in coil volume, if the thermodynamic the following substances have been studied:
quality of the solvent is improved. In EOR (1) Polyacrylamide (PAAm): as high purity
application the solvent quality - as given linear homopolymers of variable chain
by the brine composition - is fixed, there- length and
fore other ways have to be found to achieve
Mw/M n ~ 2.5 4 ),
an extended coil conformation. Application of
polyelectrolytes in low salinity reservoirs (2) Nonionic copolymers of acrylamide:
is an example of this type. If high salinity examples are (acrylamide/methacrylami-
reservoirs are considered other mechanismus de) and (acrylamide/vinylamine) copoly-
have to be used, and we believe that chain me rs 5) ,
stiffening may be an apprOpriate way. Intra-
molecular segment interaction along a poly- (3) Anionic copolymers of acrylamide:
mer chain will be shown to be an important examples are (acrylamide/sodiumcryla-
contribution to coil expansions based on te 5 ,6)and (acrylamide/sodiumethylensul-
chain stiffening. fonate) cOPOlymers.s),
Furthermore it should be stated that very (4) Cationic COPOlymers 5 ): vinylpyridine
high viscosity levels will not be caused polymers of different degree of proto-
by a single polymer chain alone but that nation and alkylation and as copolymers
intermolecular chain interactions is requi- with styrene and acrylamide.
red develop network like structures. While
(5) Short chain branched polymers 5):
chain extension improves the propability of
examples are (vinylmethylethermaleic
different chains to interact with each other
acid) copolymers and their ethylene-
specific energetic interactions are necessa-
glycole and n-alcohol esters,
ry to make this polymer-polymer contact an
effective link in a fluctuating network. (6) Vinylpolymers with saccharide side-
Intra- and intermolekular interactions may groups: examples are polymethacryla-
be chemically of the same nature and there te esters of mono-, di- and oligosac-
is considerable evidence, that hydrogen charides,
bonds playa dominant role. (7) Various non-vinyl-type-polymers 5 ):
The second part of this paper is related polyethyleneoxide (PEO). hydroxyethyl-
to the permeability problem by investigating cellulose (HEC) and polysaccharide
polymer solid interactions in two w~ys~odel from microbial synthesis (dextran,
systems are used to a) develop a better Act; gum CX-12 (CEKA ,France), Rhodopol(R)
understanding about adsorption behavior of Screening according to viscosity of these
PAAm and polysaccharide polymers and its de- polymers in H20 and salt solution eliminated
pendence on reservoir oriented parameters as groupe (2) and groupe (4) polymers. The pro-
salinity or temperature. Another approach perties of the other polymers will be subject
has been designed to observe b) additional to discussion in this paper. The polymers of
polymer retention in a direct fashion: groupe (1) to (6) have been prepared and
Scanning electron microscopy combined with characterized in our laboratory4,5,6,7,8).


3. POLYMER - POLYMER - INTERACTIONS Example (2) ;s related to certain observati-

3.1. Intramolecular effects onswith respect to solution viscosity as a
The solution conformation of a viny1po1ymer function of time. For a number of water so-
chain is determind by the rotational freedom luble polymers as PAAm and polysaccharides a
around the carboncarbon main chain bounds. considerable decrease of solution viscosity
Specific energetic or general steric inter- with time - in the scale of weeks - has been
actions of neighbouring side groups can put observed. This "viscosity loss" would put a
restrinctions upon such rotations ~nd thus negative influence upon the mobility ratio.
will lead to an extended chain conformation Detailed studies of this phenomenon have been
based on intramolecular chain stiffening. performed with high purity PAAm samples 4)and
Example (1) demonstrates the effect of showed the following 10,11)(see Figure 3):
specific energetic interactions along a a) Viscosity decrease did not occur for
partly ionic copolymer chain:
Mw .( 1. 5 x 1 0 6 ;
As shown in Figure 1 (acrylamide /sodium-
acrylate) copolymers reveal a maximum of the b) viscosity decrease could only be obser
intrinsic viscosity at around 70 % acrylate ved in aqueous solution, but not in
content. Increasing copolymer concentration formamide or ethylene glycol;
and/or molecular weight enhances this effect, c) viscosity loss was observed in a
while the viscosity of homopolymer mixtures wide concentration range from 0,00 1
is given by linear interpolation. Since all to 5 % ;
these measurement have been perfomed in the
d) no viscosity loss was observed at
presence of high amounts of low molecular
low temperature (T = 239 K) and in
weight electrolyte, simple effects of cou-
D2 0 solution or by adding isopropano11~
lomb repulsion can be excluded as being the
basis for the observed phenomenon. Therefore e) solution viscosity could be strongly i nfl uer-
it is postulated, that intramolecular hydro- ced by PH-variation and by the additior
gen bondings of an aminogroup to an adjacent of structure forming or structure brea
carboxylic anion yields a ring formation king additives.
with resulting chain stiffening 6 ). From all these experperiments it was conclude(,
that not a chain scission reaction but a con-
Additional experimental evidence to support
formational transition at constant molecular
this interpretation can be given as follows: weight is the reason for the decrease visco-
sity. Light scattering measurements were used
a) The exponent a1 of the Mark-Houwink to directly confirm this hypothesis 11 ).
equation has a maximum and as of the Plotting in Figure 4 the angular dependence
sedimentation equation correspondingly of scattered light, extrapolated for c=o for
a minimum 8) (see Figure 2).
different storing times it can be seen,that
b) In correspondence to the increase in the slope decreases while the ordinate value
viscosity a shift of the GPC elution at c = 0 remains constant. This means that
volume to smaller values is found 6) the radius of gyration decreases with time,
while the molecular weight definitely remains
c) (acrylamide/sodiumethy1sulfonate)
unchanged. We believe that the conformational
copolymers do not show a viscosity in-
change can be interpretated as a transition
crease 5 ).
from a partly helical and thus stiffer struc-
d) The heat of dilution of the copolymers ture (stabilized by hydrogen bonding along
is negative, while that of the polymer the chain) to a more flexible structure.
mixture is pos;t;ve 9 ).
Further experiments have to show, whether this
finding for PAAm is more general nature and


has to be considered in the interpretation quently enough that a continuous fluctation

of the viscosity of other polymers as well. network can be formed. Without discussing the
Example (3) demonstrates the possibility to details involved the present understanding
obtain some degree of chain extension by the of the "entanglement" concept it can be assu-
incorpo~ation of short side chains (combelike med th at
structure) due to steric hindrance 5). Such a) an extended chain conformation and
polymers were prepared by grafting hydrophy- b) strong energetic interactions (e.g.hydro-
lic (ethylene glycoles) or hydrophobic gen bonds) will be favourable for a
(n-alcohols) side chains onto alternating network formation at low concentrations.
copolymers of (methylv;nyiether/maleic acid).
As can be seen from Table 1 increased visco- For PAAm has been shown elsewhere 12,13)
sity levels could be obtained in aqueous and that concentrations of about 1 000 ppm have
saline solutions for samples No.2, No.3 to be used to reach this network region for
and No.5. Too long hydrophobic chains{No. 6) the highest molecularweight sample. The vis-
obviously have an opposite effect, possibly cosity level within reach is 3.5 m Pas at
caused by decreasing solubility. The chain Mw = 7 x 10 6 . In Figure 5 the viscosity
length of all polymers in Table 1 is Pn =2.000 functions of some polymers are compared to
and a corresponding PAAm-scample would have PAAm, where water and NaCl/water have been
a viscosity of 1.2 m Pas; or otherwise spoken used as solvents. It is interesting to note
samples No.3 and No.5_show - in salt solu- that PEa, though nonionic behaves like a
tion - the same viscosity effect as a PAAm polyelectrolyte, obviously due to the speci-
of about five fold chainlength. It should be fic interactions of the ether groups with
made clear that the viscosity drop at the cations. In general it becomes obvious that
addition of salt indicates the necessity to not only the absolute viscosity at very low
consider electrostatic contributions in the concentration but rather more the drastical-
interpretation of the solution behaviour of ly different concentration dependence is an
these polymers as well. important factor in classifying polymers for
Such a complication is avoided if nonionic EaR application. It seems to be clear that
polymers are studied, as examplified by the the possibility for formation and concen-
group of vinyl polymers with saccharide side tration of hydrogen bonds increases in the
groups. This includes polymers with mono-.di- order PAAm (.HEC .(Rhodopol and has to be
and oligo (tetra) saccharide groups. Which considered as a dominating factor in these
have been prepared via free radical polymeri- solutions. Another possibility to obtain
zation of the corresponding methacryloxyl- information about intermolecular interaction
esters. So far viscosity levels of 2 mPas is to investigate mixtures of different
POlymers 5 ). This can be informative in the
(at cp =0,1 %) have been obtained and more
preparation and characterization work has comparison to chemically identical copoly-
to be done to evaluate the performance of mers. Furthermore there are examples in the
this type of polymers. literature that polymer-polymer complexation
may give mixtures higher viscosity. Some
3.2 INTERMOLECULAR-EFFECTS typical examples from our studies are shown
The importance of intermolecular inter- in Figur~6. While in many cases a drop of
actions can be demonstrated by comparing the the mixed viscosity will be observed due to
concentration dependence of the solution vis- polymer incompatibility, this should not be
cosity of different polymers. It is generally generalized: Mixtures of dextrane with
accepted that the onset of a steap increase ir sodiumpolyacrylate in H20 are an example for
viscosity occurs if the intermolecular chain a viscosity increase. However as in the
interaction due to coil overlapping is fre- interaction of polymers with surfactants only


limited effects of a viscosity increase The adsorption isotherms of the polysaccharide

should be expected. actigum CX 12 (CEKA, France) have a similar
4. POLYMER-SOLID INTERACTION shape with a somewhat slower transition into
4.1 Polymer adsorption the saturation level, especially with higher
In performing the adsorption studies 14) salinity. But in all cases the saturation le-
the following experimental conditions have vel has been reached in equilibrium with a
been chosen: The polymers were dissolved in solution concentration of 6 0.2 g . dm- 3 .
pure water or NaCl-solution by gently shaking In Figure 8 the saturation levels of PAAm
and then filtered through a Sartorius-8-r - (two samples of different Mw) and CX-12 are
membrane filter. Purified Valentin-Busch- summarised as a function of temperature and
Quarz (particle diameter~20rm, specific salinity. For both types of polymers the ad-
surface area 1.3 m2 . g-l) was suspended in sorbed amount decreases with increasing tem-
the polymer solution and equilibrated for 72h perature and increases with increasing salini-
under isothermal conditions. After centrifu- ty. While PAAm shows a distinct level of ad-
gation the supernatant solution was injected sorption even at zero salinity, it is a
into a GPC-system and the chromatographic peak special feature of the polysaccharid that ad-
area (differential refractometer) was used in sorption is neglegible below a certain salt
the quantitative analysis of the polymer concentration (15 g . dm- 3 ). This effect is
concentration; the polymer amount in the ad- more clearly shown in Figure 10 and can be
sorption layer was obtained by mass balance understood on the basis of current theories
calculatiQn~. An appropriate modification of of polyelectrolyte adsorption. Comparing
this method was applied in the measurement PAAm and CX-12 it becomes also obvious, that
of desorption behaviour. the absolute amount of polymer adsorption
Adsorption isothermes of PAAm (Mw 2.7 x 106 ) of the polysaccharid under light salinity
are shown in Figure 7, where the numbers conditions may be considerably higher by fac-
refer to different NaCl-concentration from tor two and more.
zero (1) to 130 g . dm- 3 (4). Different sym- Relating these results to EOR application
bols for isotherme (1) represent different three points should be mentioned:(l) The
behaviour of PAAm and Cx-12 under low salini-
measurement sets to control for reproducti- ty conditions is in accordance with the ob-
bility. The rectangular isotherms indicate, servation, that mobility control with PAAm is
that the adsorption of PAAm onto quartz fol- achieved via permeability reduction and with
lows the so called "high affinity" type, i.e .. polysaccharid via viscosity increase. (2)
strong adsorption of even smallest amounts Further experiments showed, that above result
in solution up to surface saturation in one from the static experiments are in agreement
surface layer. Once this saturation level has with dynamic experiments using Valendis type
been reached no additional adsorption occurs, sandstone as adsorbent. (3) A rough estimate
furthermore since no desorption can be ob- of "polymer loss" of PAAm under reservoir con-
served the surface of the quartz is irrever- ditions would give values from 0.04 to 0.3
sibly covered. (PAAm) or zero to 0.7 (CX-12) pore volume of
a 1 000 ppm solution, depending on temperatu-
GPC-analysis prior to and after adsorption
re and sal i n i ty .
shows no significant selectivity with regard
to molecular weight (see Figure 8 ) in a 4.3 POLYMER RETENTION
given adsorption batch. Appropriate marking of a polymer sample
However the adsorbed amount of polymer in- could be shown to be basis for a direct ob-
creases with molecular weight if different servation of polymer deposition in a porous
batch experiments with different average matrix by using Scanning Electron Microscopy
molecular weight samples are compared. (SEM) combined with energy dispersive X-ray
analysis. Simple calculations show that mono- mertypen zur Terti~rforderung von Erdol
layer adsorptions. as discussed in 4.1, could aus Lagerst~tten hoher Salinit~t"
not be detected at the given level of resoluti Forschungsbericht (£T 3159 A), Bundesmi-
on. Thus all polymer observed in the microsco- nisterium fUr Forschung und Technologie,
pe must be retained in the matrix by other Energieforschung (1978)
mechanismus in addition to adsorption.
6. J. Klein. R. Heitzmann "Preparation and
The details of this technique have been given characterization of poly(acrylamide - co-
elsewhere 5) Different series of experiments
acrylic acid)" Makromol.Chemie 179 1895
showed e.g. that this level of additional po-
lymer retention increases with increasing po-
lymer concentration and increasing salinity. 7. J. Klein. K.-D. Conrad "Characterisation
Also results for different flooding schemes of polyacrylamide in solution" Makromol.
(PV of polymer and water) can well be under- Chemie 181 227 (1980)
stood. It should be made clear however,that 8. J. Klein. K.-D.Conrad "Molecular weight
this method up to now can only give semi- determination of Polyacrylamide and
quantative results and that their level of poly(acrylamide-co-sodium acrylate)"
accurancy can never be compared with data from Makromo1.Chemie 179 1635 (1978)
4.1. 9. J. Klein. W. Scholz "Kalorimetrische Un-
tersuchungen zum Losungsverhalten von Po-
Support of this works by the Federal lyacryls~ure und Poly(natriumacrylat) in
Ministery of Research and Technology (BMFT) Wasser, Formamid und Ethylenglykol h
- as part of the EOR research program coor- Makromol.Chemie 180 1477 (1979)
dinated by the DGMK - under grant No.3159 A 10. W.-M. Kulicke, J. Klein "Zur Frage der
and 1077 A is gratefully acknowledged.
Instabilitat von Polyacrylamidlosungen"
Angew.Makromol.Chemie ~ 189 (1978)
1. A. Metzner in "Improve Oil Recovery by
11. W.-M. Kulicke, R. Kniewske "Langfristige
Surfactant and Polymer Flooding"
Konformations~nderung von MakromolekUlen
Ed. D.O.Shah. R.S. Schechter ,Academic
in Losung, 1. Polyacrylamide"
Press Inc, New York 1977. P...
Makromol.Chemie 181 (1980) in press
2. K.H. Grodde and W. Sch~fer"Experience
12. W.-M. Kulicke, J. Klein "Die Bedeutung
with the application of Polymer to
der Polymerkonzentration fUr die Viskosi-
Improve Water Flood Efficiency in the
t~t von Polyacrylamidlosungen"_Erdol und
Erdol-£rdgas-Zeitschrift ~, 252 (1976)
Kohle, Erdgas-Petrochemie 373 (1978)
3. M. Rieckmann "Terti~re Gewinnungsmethoden"
13. W. - M. Ku1i c ke, J. K1a re "E i ne i'l. - M- c-
Compendium 74-75, Erg~nzungsband Erdol +
Bezi~h~ng fUr Polymerlosungen"
Kohle, Erdgas-Petrochemie 156
Angew. Makromol.Chemie 84 67 (1980)
4. W.-M. Kulicke, J. Klein "Zur Pr~paration
14. J. Klein and A. Westerkamp "Comparative
und Charakterisierung hochmolekularer
adsorption studies using a polyacrylamide
Polyacrylamide" Angew.Makromol.Chemie
and a polysaccharide type polymer in
69 169 (1978)
oilfield oriented model systems"
5. J. Klein et a1. "Entwicklung neuer Poly- Anqew. Makromol.Chem. (submitted)
No Po lyme r '1..H 2 O 'tsalt XE
(mPas) (mPas (mol %)

1 GAN-H 16,1 1,56 -

b GAN-P~G 300 22,7 1,67 -
3 GAN-P~G 600 47,9 1,91 -
4 GAN-Octanol 19,8 1,54 17,4
5 GAN-Dodecanol 22,5 1,95 15,6
6 GAN-H.Dodecanol 3,02 1,68 20,4

Viscosities of modified (methylvinylether-maleicacid)

copolymers in water and NaCl-solution (T = 20 oC,
3 3
CPolymer = 1 g/dm , Csalt = 10 g/dm ).

Copolymers PAAm/AAcNo
'1.0, 30 /,. ... -~%
PAAm' I c
2,0 /
I .......
- ---
1,.,./" o~~
1.0 "-0

0,1% mixture of PAAm+PAAc No

o 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 1
Viscosities vs. mol % acrylamide of poly(acrylamide-
co-sodium acrylate) compared with mixtures of polyacry-
lamide and polyacryllc.acid at constant degree or polymeri-
zation Pw = 6.700 ; solvent: aqueous 0,5 NaBr -solution.
Molecular weights of the polymers in the mixture
6 6
M1. ,PAAm = 1,3 . 10 fvl"1, PAAcNa = 1,6 . 10 (g/mol).
PAAm in H2Q..
F 0,84
c; 0.34
0,80 1.6
0,32 Mr). < 1,5'10~ plus 2% iso propanol,
0,78 solventD 2 0 ,storaged at -34°C
1.4 0,30
0,76 \ I
1.2 \( 0,14
0.72 1.0
0,10 Mrt> 1.5·1Q6,additives,
0.70 0,8
0, 0.24 0,0.6
without iso propanol
0 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100
xAAtn Ifl mol ~ -I. X,um In mol- -I.

a) Plot of pre exponential Factor kt and exponent alf of
o 10 20 30 40
("1)= k" Ma'l vs, composition of different poly-(acryla- i /days
mide-co-sodium acrylates).
Viscosity time behaviour for polyacrylamides in aqueous
b) Plot of preexponential factor ks and exponent as of
a solutions of different molecular weights and different
So= ks . 14 s VS. composition of different poly(acryla-
mide-co-sodium acrylates).
conditions. ~ viscosity at time ~ viscosity after
dissolving (mostly' 1 day).

.:. 2000
i"" 4

....E 1000
c:v Rhodopol
/W/S A


/ ; .<PAAm
0 ~ ~!::-:-s PEO

0 4 8 12
tp I 3
0. i i i i
0. 0.,2 0,4
Viscosity vs. concentration for different polymers
0.,6 0,8 1,0
sin 28/2 measured in H20 (w) and salt (s)-solution. T 20 o C.
Angular dependence of scattered light for C 0 as Rhodopol: Polysaccharide
a function of storing time of aqueous polyacrylamide HEC Hydroxyethylcellulose
solutions M"l = 6,9 . 10 6 g/mol PAAm Polyacrylamide
PEO Polyethyleneoxide
1. day dn/dc 0,326 ml/g
9. day dn/dc 0,278
89. day dn/dc 0,197
1,0 0,3
E 4
.0 E
Z +
I ...... 0,2 + +
< < +-+--:r-+-----:;+:---- 3
it 0,5 -0 •
C'-> Q)
-::::---;.--"'--'.=---i- 2
.gJ 0,1


o 20 40 60 80 100 E
o 0,0+--,--,---,--,----,,...--,----,,...--,--
PAAc- Na Imol"lo 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8
Vi seasi ty vs. m.ol % PAAcNa for di fferent polymer
equilibrium concentration C I
mixtures. T 25 0 C ~
Adsorption isotherms for PAAm Mw = 2.7 x 10 6 on
PAAcNa + PAAm in 0,5 m NaBr, Cp = 10g/dm 3 Valentin-Busch-Quartz at 298 K in H20 solution at
different NaGl concentrations:
PAAcNa + Dextran in H20, Cp 20 9 /dm 3
1) 0.0 ; 2) 9.0 ; 3) 58 ; 4) 130 9 . dm- 3 (Broken
PAAcNa + lonen in 0,5 m NaBr, Cp 20 g/dm 3
lines represent results from desorption experiments).

E 0,6 T/K
E • •• [J

~ 0,4
• t:. 348

20 40 60 80 100 120
salt concentration I g·dm-3
Saturation amounts of adsorption for PAAm and Actigum 10 100
GX-12 on Valentin-Busch-Quartz as a function of NaGl con- salt concentration I 9 ·dm- 3
centration at three different temperatures. Amount of adsorbed Actigum CX-12 on Valentin-Busch-
Quartz as a function of NaCl concentration to demon-
strate the transition from neglegible to substantial

~0 0.3
---- ------

I!.> ___ prior to adsorption

0 ----- after adSorption
..;::; 0.2
.::.= 01
u '

I qo 0.0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0

molecularweight .106, g.Mol-1 - - - - - - -

Comparision of the molecular weight distribution of

PAAm in solution (from GPC analysis) prior to and
after adsorption equilibration.

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