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The Significance of Victory Day

Introduction: The Significance of victory day lies in the fact that this is the day when
Bangladesh emerged as an independent sovereign state to this world on 16th December 1971
through sacrifice of enormous bloodshed in the war of liberation. It particularly signifies the
victory of the Allied forces High Command over the Pakistani forces in the war of liberation
of Bangladesh in 1971. The Commanding officer of the Pakistani Forces General AAK Niazi
surrendered with his forces to the Allied forces commander Lt. Gen. Jagdit Singh Aurora,
which marked ending the 9 month-long Bangladesh Liberation War and 1971 Bangladesh
genocide and officially secession of East Pakistan into Bangladesh. Since then, we have been
living as an independent nation. Truth be told, the victory day is the most important event in
the history of the Bengalese, because it signifies the birth of independent Bangladesh.

The history of the day: we had been under the Pakistani rule from 1947 to 1971.
Bangladesh was named East Pakistan then. After of creation of Pakistan in 1947, the
Pakistani rulers were ruling our country with an iron rod. They were depriving us of our
rights. A sky-high disparity was created by them in all the spheres political, economic, social
and cultural. This deprivation and exploitation of the Pakistani rulers created serious
governance and resentment among the Bengalese. They were looting our money and sending
it to West Pakistan. They were establishing industries in West Pakistan. As a matter of fact,
the people of the east part were becoming jobless.

Not only that, the rulers were growing more brutal too. They were torturing those who
were raising their voice against their injustice. Even, the once tried to impose Urdu upon us.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was obstructed to form a government though his party
won absolute majority in the general election. Rather, he was taken the prisoner on the 25th
March 1971. The Pakistani rulers killed thousands of people. They fired villages after
villages. Finding no other way, Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared independence
on the 26th March. Then, the war of liberation began.

After a long 9 month of armed struggle, sacrificing a lot of lives and huge bloodshed,
valiant Bengalis claimed the victory on this very day. Dr. Emran Hossain shared in his book,
Bangladesh Compendium (2017), that: about 91 thousands 549 Pakistani soldiers surrendered
in the broad daylight. The Chief of Eastern regional wing of Pakistan army Lt. General Amir
Abdullah Khan Niazi signed the surrender document to the supreme commander to the
Eastern regional wing of the Allied forces Lt. General Jagjit Sigh Aurora at the historical
Race Course Ground (well known as Suhrawardi Uddyan today). Not through negotiations,
not through somebody’s kind favor, a victory through the struggle sacrificing sea of blood,
which defeated the Pakistan forces and were bound to surrender with heads all down. World
beholds the birth of a new independent state.

How it is observed: We observe the day with great honour, jubilation, and patriotic
zeal. Every year this day is observed with great solemnity and solidarity. This day begins
with gunshot. Our national flag is hoisted on the top of private and public houses, offices and
educational institutions. The president and the prime minister receive the salute in the march-
past of the defence forces. The whole country wears a festive look. Meetings, seminars and
discussions are held in various places. People go to the national memorial to show respect to
the martyrs. On this day, we take oath against any kind of injustice, tyranny and falsehood.
However, it is a day of joy, hope and inspiration. Children and student organizations bring
out colourful processions carrying placards and posters. Painting exhibitions by children are
held. As the evening sets in, the air is filled with patriotic sons of the liberation war.

The significance of the day: it is needless to speak of the significance of the victory
day in our life. We had to suffer deadly for long for lack of freedom and live quite a sub-
human life. We had no other alternative than to fit out the oppressors from the land, we rose
up and scattered the shackles of slavery and won victory on the 16 December 1971. This
victory is undoubtedly a landslide event in our national history. This day is not merely day of
the yearly calendar. It is a day of the great trill. It is a day of great sensation. It is a day of
great victory a victory of justice over injustice, truth over falsehood, lit over darkness,
freedom over slavery and humanity over inhumanity. It is a day of learning the lessons that
the will of people prevails for man is born to be free and that the weapons be defeated and
that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

The Importance of this day in our national life: This day has a great importance in
our national life for many reasons. We have earned both name and fame for this day. Now we
are the citizens of a free country. We are enjoying equal rights. We do everything freely.
Most importantly, we are living in respect. We don’t need to bow down our head before any
force. The whole world knows our country now. The day is a great inspiration. It encourages
us to go ahead. Moreover, with this surrender of the Pakistani forces it came to an end of a
two and a half decades of exploitation and deprivation of the Pakistanis. The nation got free
from persecution and oppression.

Conclusion: In conclusion, Bangladesh is our pride, our dreams, our life-blood and
our victory day is our greatest achievement as a nation. We have got a flag, a country and an
identity trout is victory day. However, thy day has given us a new recognition. Finally, we
have got political freedom. However, we must take an oath on this day to make our country
Independent in all respects.

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