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Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions out of 12 questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. What is continuous random variable?

öuõhº \©Áõ´¨¦ ©õÔ Gߣx ¯õx?

2. Define Mathematical Expectation.

Pou Gvº£õº¨£ÍøÁø¯ Áøµ¯Ö.

3. What do you mean by Poisson distribution?

£õ´\õß £µÁÀ Gߣuß ö£õ¸Ò ¯õx?

4. Define Normal distribution.

C¯À¦¨£µÁø» Áøµ¯Ö.

5. Define Standard Error.

vmh¨¤øÇø¯ Áøµ¯Ö.

6. What is meant by test of significance?

ªøPzußø©a ÷\õuøÚ°ß ö£õ¸Ò ¯õx?

7. State contingency table.
JÊ[S AmhÁøn GߣuøÚU SÔ¨¤kP.
8. Define replication.
v¸¨¦uÀ GߣuøÚ Áøµ¯Ö.
9. What is local control?
EÒ Pmk¨£õk Gߣx ¯õx?
10. Define RBD.
\©Áõ´¨¦ •øÓ°À Aø©UP¨£mh öuõS¨¦z
vmh® GߣuøÚ Áøµ¯Ö.
11. State any two comparison between parametric and
non parametric tests.
_mhÍøÁ ©ØÖ® _mhÍøÁ°À»õa
÷\õuøÚPÐUQøh÷¯¯õÚ J¨¥kPÒ CµsiøÚU
12. What is sign test?
SÔ±ka ÷\õuøÚ Gߣx ¯õx?

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions out of 7 questions..

All questions carry equal marks.

13. Explain the moments of random variable.
\©Áõ´¨¦ ©õÔ°ß _mhÍøÁPÒ £ØÔ ÂÍUSP.
14. Explain the moment generating function.
_mhÍøÁPøÍ E¸ÁõUS® \õº¦ £ØÔ ÂÍUSP.
2 61755/SBAOD
15. Explain the Binomial distributions.
D¸Ö¨¦¨ £µÁø» ÂÍUSP.
16. A fertilizer mixer machine is set to give 12 kg
nitrate for every quintal bag of fertilizer. Ten
100 kg bag are examined. The percentage of
nitrate is given below :
11, 14, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 14, 11, 12.
Is their reason to believe that the machine is
JÆöÁõ¸ SÂßhõÀ Eµ¨ø£PÐUS J¸ Eµ®
P»US® C¯¢vµ® 12 kg ø|m÷µmøh ÁÇ[SQÓx.
A¨ø£PÎÀ £zx 100 kg ø£PÒ ÷\õvUP¨£mhÚ.
AÁØÔÀ ø|m÷µmiß \uÂQu AÍÄ ¤ßÁ¸©õÖ
GÛÀ £¯ß£kzu¨£mh C¯¢vµ® SøÓ£õkÒÍx
GÚU P¸xÁuØPõÚ Põµn® EÒÍuõ GÚ Bµõ´P.
11, 14, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 14, 11, 12.
17. In a sample of 8 observations, the sum of squared
deviations of items from the mean was 94.5. In
another sample of 10 observations, the value was
found to be 101.7. Test whether the difference is
significant at 5% level?
8 AÍÄPÒ öPõsh J¸ ©õv›°À, \µõ\›°¼¸¢x
EÖ¨¦UPÎß Â»PÀPÎß ÁºUPU TmkzöuõøP
94.5 GßP. 10 EÖ¨¦UPÒ ©ØöÓõ¸ ©õv›°À
AzuøP¯ ©v¨¦ 101.7 GߣuõS®. 5% ªøPzußø©
Áµ®£À ÁºUPU TmkzöuõøPPÒ ©õÖ£kQßÓÚÁõ
GÚ Bµõ´P.
3 61755/SBAOD
18. Explain the two way classification in analysis of

©õÖ£õmk¨ £S¨£õ´ÂÀ C¸ {ø»

ÁøP¨£kzxuø» ÂÍUSP.

19. Explain the procedure for run test for one and two

J¸ ©õv› ©ØÖ® C¸ ©õv›PÐUPõÚ öuõhº

÷\õuøÚ •øÓ°øÚ ÂÍUSP.

PART C — (3 × 10 = 30 marks)

Answer any THREE questions out of 5 questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

20. State and prove Chebycheff’s inequality.

ö\¤ö\ÆÂß \©Û¼ø¯U TÔ {ÖÄP.

21. Fit a binomial distribution for the following data :

x: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
f: 6 20 28 12 8 6 0

¤ßÁ¸® uµÂØS J¸ D¸Ö¨¦¨ £µÁø» ö£õ¸zxP.

x: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
f: 6 20 28 12 8 6 0

4 61755/SBAOD
22. Two random samples were drawn from two
normal populations and their values are :

A : 66 67 75 76 82 84 88 90 92 — —

B : 64 66 74 78 82 85 87 92 93 95 97

Test whether the two populations have the same

variance at the 5% level of significance. (F = 3.11
at 5% level for ν 1 = 8 and ν 2 = 10 ) .

C¸ C¯À¦¨ £µÁÀPμ¸¢x C¸ \©Áõ´¨¦

©õv›PÒ ö£Ó¨£mhÚ. ©õv› EÖ¨¦UPÎß
©v¨¦PÒ ¤ß Á¸©õÖ :

A : 66 67 75 76 82 84 88 90 92 — —

B : 64 66 74 78 82 85 87 92 93 95 97

C¸ •ÊzöuõSvPЮ J÷µ ©õÖ£õmk AÍøÁø¯U

öPõskÒÍÚÁõ GߣuøÚ 5% ªøPzußø©
Áµ®¤À Bµõ´P. (F = 3.11 Gߣx 5% AÍÂÀ
ν 1 = 8 ©ØÖ® v2 = 10 BQ¯øÁPÐUPõÚ F ©v¨¦

23. Explain the analysis of CRD.

•Êø©¯õP \©Áõ´¨¦ •øÓ°À Aø©UP¨£mh

vmh® Gߣuß £S¨£õ´øÁ ÂÍUSP.

5 61755/SBAOD
24. Explain the following :
(a) Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.
(b) Mann Whitney U Test.
(A) ÂÀPõU\Ûß uµUSÔ±ka ÷\õuøÚ
(B) ©õßÂm÷Ú°ß U – ÷\õuøÚ.


6 61755/SBAOD

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