Online Exam Instruction: of May 2021, To Be Able To Participate in The Spring 2021

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Online Exam Instruction

Please carefully read the following instructions before attempting the online

• Please make sure to clear the three (3) installments of your tuition fee
before 20th of May 2021, to be able to participate in the Spring 2021
online Midterm examination.

• Please make sure to use a laptop or desktop computer while attempting

your online exam. The mobile devices, tablets, iPad, and phones are not
the appropriate devices and do not meet the technical requirement.

• Please use the Google Chrome browser to access your “My Kardan”

• Before starting your online terminal exam, please follow below steps:
o Please make sure to have enough charge in your laptop before you
start your exam
o Please check your internet connection before you start your exam
o Login to your “My Kardan” portal
o Click on My Exams
o Select the Midterm Exam section where you will find your exam
papers for each course as per your exam schedule. Please note
that your exams will open based on your exam schedules and will
close on specific deadlines as specified by your lecturer.

• Use the attached “Answer Sheet Template” to complete your exams and
submit it in the word format. Other types of templates and file formats will
not be acceptable.
• Students are strictly advised to not use handwriting. Handwritten papers
are not acceptable, except for some specific part of the paper that
contains graphs, mathematical functions or pictures. In such exceptional
cases student can do it in the paper take the picture and insert it in the
Answer Sheet Template.

• In case you have multiple exam files, please make a zip folder and
upload them all together.
• You can submit your exam in your “My Kardan” portal- exam section;
submissions through other platforms as e-mail, WhatsApp etc. will not be
accepted under any circumstances.

• Upload your answer sheet before the given deadline. After uploading the
paper, please download your paper and cross check your answer sheet
to ensure that the correct file is uploaded. The University will not accept
any excuses in regards and you will be responsible for the consequence.

• No exam submission will be accepted after the expiry of the deadline

and no extension of time will be provided. The University will not accept
any excuses in regards.

• The types of exams for each course are illustrated in the exam schedule
sheet. Besides, every exam sheet contains explicit instructions on how to
attempt the questions, the word limit, the acceptable font and format to
use, the distribution of marks and the rubric or set of expectation in the
paper. You can contact your concerned professor for any questions.

• Once you upload the answer sheet, it will be considered as an attempt

of the exam. You will not be given another chance to attempt the exam.
Empty answer sheets will be marked zero and no excuse in regards will
be accepted.

• If you face any technical issue in accessing your exam paper or at the
time of paper submission, please contact and inform your concerned
department immediately before the deadline. We will ensure to provide
you with possible support and solutions on time. After the deadline we
will not accept any excuse.

• All submissions are strictly subject to plagiarism check. Use only your
own words and appropriate citation to answer the exam questions.

• Any act which improperly affects the evaluation of a student’s academic

performance or achievement including:
o Plagiarism: the representation of the words or ideas of another as
one’s own, including direct quotation, paraphrasing without
attribution or expression in one’s own words, but without attribution
o Fraud: the misrepresentation of academic work, including the
resubmission of work performed for one class for credit in another
course without the informed permission of the second instructor; or
getting other’s assistance to complete the paper
Are considered as academic misconduct and will be directly reported to
the Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Committee.

• All exam submissions will be checked against the exam rubric and will be
evaluated accordingly.

• As the Midterm exam is conducted remotely; therefore, we highly

discourage makeup exam. Those who do not attempt their papers without
a valid excuse and prior approval from the department will not be allowed
for the makeup exam.

• Those students having internet issue or do not have access to

computer, can use University facilities (computer Lab, internet). The
University will remain open during the online exam period.

• Midterm makeup exam will be conducted inside the campus from 12th of
June to 17th of June 2021.

Kardan University
Office of Academic Affairs

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