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Think of a business.

Enumerate and expound on the details of each domain of its

entrepreneurial ecosystem.

When I think of business, the first thing that comes into my mind is the poultry
production. It was one of the main businesses that my course, which is agro-forestry
covered. Poultry production is a very lucrative type of business since it is an essential
product that involves in sustaining all of the major industries such as fast food chains,
local restaurants, fresh egg production (including healthy organic eggs) and more
numerous manufacturing institutions that utilizes poultry products as raw and main
material. Engaging in this kind of business can give you a high profit, if properly manage
and have good investing strategy for technology in enhancing the accuracy and mass

The next section is all about the application and assessment of the poultry
production subjected to the domains of entrepreneurship ecosystem. According to, entrepreneurial ecosystem is consist of hundreds specific elements. In that
immense number, they break down and grouped it in six domains such as; conducive
culture, enabling policies and leadership, availability of appropriate finance, quality
human capital, venture friendly markets for products, and a range of institutional and
infrastructural supports.

Conducive Culture
Conducive culture measures how favorable or beneficial your certain project and
plans and what its impact to the different branches that is associated with the industry or
environment linked with. Here in the Philippines, poultry production is one of the most
preferable type of business since Philippine land topography, geographical conditions,
climate, and the availability of raw materials is suitable in raising chickens (native or
imported). Not only the commercial institution, it was also accepted and practiced by a
low-profile backyard raiser that also brings a great contribution in poultry industry.
Enabling Policies and Leadership
An enabling policy is a system of structured and informal rules and regulations.
This enables the poultry farmers across the country to derive a net benefit from birds in
terms of nutrition, cash income, reduced vulnerability, crop productivity (using chicken
manure for fertilizer) and also energy (e.g.biogas from poultry litter). To put it another
way, it is to increase the poultry contribution to our livelihoods.

In managing a poultry farm, it requires a meticulous, diligently created dozens of

interventions that can be formulated and implemented by leader and policy makers such
as poultry manager. Enabling a smallholder policy environment includes free (or at least
grant-free ) ND vaccination, supplemental bird feeding, institutionalization of community
animal health workers and financial support to marketing cooperatives.

Availability of Appropriate Finance

Considering many different factors that may lead you to bankruptcy is a must
since especially when starting business like this. As most of the business, it is also kind
of risky type of business so you must choose our type of finance. Capital is one of the
primary requirements in starting a business like poultry production. Commercial
Property Finance is arranged on an individual basis, and it is important to have
expert help to get the arrangement in funding poultry houses, feed stores, farm
buildings, handling and packing of equipment, incubators, vehicles, lighting, heating,
ventilation such as poultry farm loans and poultry farm financing that is in favor of
this type of business.

Quality Human Capital

Poultry production is a labor intensive type of business so it needs a huge

amount of man power to disseminate in diverse components that plays a different role
such as the veterinarian to ensure animal health, feed analyzer to calculate and control
the feed consumption of animal aiming for higher profit, and lastly the work force that
involved in the internal and actual labor such as in feeding, immunization, culling, as
well as the litter collector.

One of the main concern of this business is the access to poultry health services
and veterinary drugs is essential in all production systems to avoid/control the negative
effects of epidemic and zoonotic diseases .Public intervention may occur either directly
(i.e.  with the public sector itself providing animal health services and/or drugs) or
indirectly, when governments provide incentives to veterinarians, animal health
assistants and/or community-based animal health workers to supply services and drugs.

Venture Friendly Markets for Products

Having a set of target market is also good in selling your products. In poultry
production, there are many types of industry that is demands a chicken and egg meat
such as fast food chains, huge companies selling chicken lechon, local restaurants that
serves main dishes with the use of chicken meat and eggs as one of the main
ingredient or even just for everyday consumption necessity. Make yourself known to
potential customers and producing good quality chicken meat and eggs are good
attribute of being a competent seller.

Range of Institutional and Infrastructural Supports

There are groups of organization that establish an institution to disseminate the

knowledge in poultry production business such as U.S. Poultry and Egg Association,
National Chicken Council and Poultry Science Association. Housing and/or cages for
birds, waterers, feeders and some lighting are essential to increase bird productivity In
scavenging poultry systems, information/advice on the investment cost for cages/shelter
using locally available material (e.g. paddy straw) is important. In intensive production
systems, some one-off support could be given to farmers for infrastructure and/or
equipment as farmers rarely, if ever, had enough savings to make this type of

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