Pulse Api Version 1.1: Sunoutage

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4/21/2019 iDirect | DevTools

Pulse API version 1.1

API 1.1 has been developed to o er improved speed and

reliability to API 1.0 using di erent technology. API 1.1 should
be used in preference to API 1.0, although the API load can be
shared between the two API versions as they have identical

The following resources are available on API 1.1:

[GET] /dde/event
[GET] /dde/alarm
[GET] /dde/event/{id}
[GET] /dde/alarm/{id}
[GET] /stats
[GET] /status

Additional resources are available in API 1.1. Full details of each

are available in the Dev Tools API Documentation Interface


The sunoutage endpoints return sets of timestamp ranges

when sunoutages are likely to occur.

[GET] /sunoutage
[GET] /sunoutage/terminal
[GET] /sunoutage/site


curl -sk
/site?site_id=2247&band=C&season=Spring&year=2017" \
-X GET | json_pp

Response: 1/2
4/21/2019 iDirect | DevTools

{ "errors": [], "data": [ { "end_epoch":

"1488975976", "start_epoch": "1488974011", "id":
"2247", "end": "2017-03-08 12:26:16", "start": "2017-
03-08 11:53:31" }, { "end_epoch": "1489062293",
"start_epoch": "1489060463", "id": "2247", "end":
"2017-03-09 12:24:53", "start": "2017-03-09 11:54:23"
} ], "meta": { "count": 17 } }

Update Actionplan

The Update Actionplan endpoint gives information about

outstanding actionplans .

[GET] /update/actionplan


curl -sk
tionplan?limit=1" | json_pp


{ "errors": [], "data": [ { "targets": [ {

"service_attributes": { "SERVICE_EXTRA_ID":
"Site4_Stats_Reader_XDR_1" }, "element_id": 67,
"target_type": 601 } ], "transmission_protocol":
"TCP", "umd_instance_id": 0, "created_time":
1504799407, "site_id": 4, "umd_service_name":
"update_manager_NMS_SVC_XDR", "finished_time": 0,
"execution_time": 1504799412, "modified_time":
1504799407, "plan_id": 723, "destination_ip":
"INET;;15962", "plan_state": 3 }, {
"targets": [ { "service_attributes": {
"Site4_Hist_Stats_Mgr_Reader_XDR_1" }, "element_id":
67, "target_type": 601 } ], "transmission_protocol":
"TCP", "umd_instance_id": 0, "created_time":
1504799407, "site_id": 4, "umd_service_name":
"update_manager_NMS_SVC_XDR", "finished_time": 0,
"execution_time": 1504799412, "modified_time":
1504799407, "plan_id": 724, "destination_ip":

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