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Semester Terminal Exam Autumn 2020

Program /level: B. Ed Maximum Marks 100

Title /Course
English-IV (6471) Pass marks 50

Instructions for Exams:

1. Attempt All Questions.

2. Write answers in your own words and avoid copying from an internet source or any book.
3. Be precise, avoid unnecessary details, answer to each question must be between 600-800
4. Students are advised to upload their answer sheets/solutions on LMS portal as soon as
they complete their answers and not to wait for 8:30 PM.
5. Submissions after due date & time will not be entertained. Attach undertaking with each
course code which were allowed to attempt in Urdu.
6. If plagiarism found, Student may be declared fail.
Questions Marks
Describe the “Elizabethan Age of English Literature” in detail. Highlight the salient
1 33
features of this age/period comprehensively
Give the details of Problems involved in Teaching of Drama to Pakistani English
2 Language Learners. Elaborate your answer with real life examples/practices in 33
Pakistani institutions.
What are the modern methods to teach English Literature? Give a detailed and
3 34
comprehensive note keeping in mind the recent methodology for each literary genre.
Name: Asma Sultana Roll number: BM 671759

The Elizabethan era began in1558, when Elizabeth-I became queen for the first
time. She was оnе of English history's most famous monarchs. This era has
been remembered for its richness in drama and poetry. This era came to an
end in 1603.Elizаbeth, was a protestant. She used the official church in England
to re-establish the Church of England. Everyone was required to join their own
home church, and there were regulations governing the types of religious
buildings and prayers that may be uttered, but Elizabeth made no inquiries into
people's true beliefs. She excelled at bridging the gap between Catholic and
more extreme Protestant viewpoints. She avoided any substantial theological
controversy in England in this way. Elizabeth became one of the most famous
royals in English history.
The Elizabethan Age has seen so much Because of the differences between the
eras before and after. Between the English Reformation, with clashes between
Protestants and Catholics, and the wars between parliament and the king that
would overwhelm the seventeenth century, there was a brief period of
essentially internal quiet. For a period, the Elizabethan Religious Settlement
established a protestant-catholic split, and parliament was still unable of
challenging royal absolutism.
English literature has evolved from a shell to a beautiful being full of
imagination, creativity, and limitless stories since the Elizabethan age. It wasn't
about mystery or miraculous plays, and the poetry had nothing to do with
religion or the Church's doctrines. With the addition of several authors, the
importance of personal views or feelings, rather than facts, rose, and the
examination of various aspects of life expanded.
According to L. Arbaoui(2012), Elizabethan literature laid a strong foundation
for English literature and influenced hundreds of thousands of writers in
subsequent literary periods. The Elizabethan period is recognised as the
"golden age of English literature" for this reason.
Elizabethan literature is a collection of works written during Elizabeth I of
England's reign(1558–1603), arguably the most glorious period in the history of
English literature, when such writers as Sir Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser,
Roger Ascham, Richard Hooker, Christopher Marlowe, and William
Shakespeare flourished. The term "Elizabethan" refers to the period in which
the writing was written, not to any particular feature of the work.
The Elizabethan period saw a flowering of poetry (sonnets, Spenserian stanzas,
dramatic blank verse), a golden age of drama (particularly Shakespeare's
plays), and a vast range of superb prose (from historical chronicles, versions of
the Holy Scriptures, pamphlets, and literary criticism to the first English
novels). A sudden darkening in tone became visible in most kinds of literary
expression, notably theatre, around the beginning of the 17th century, and the
transition roughly coincided with Elizabeth's death.
Though the period produced several fine prose works, it is primarily known for
its poetry, which is notable for its variety, freshness, youth, and passionate
Salient Features of Elizabethan Age :
1. Reigniting Interest in Greek Literature
The fervent revival of interest in Greek literature has shone a bright light on
many previously dark areas of interest. The addition of new classical
inspirations was a huge plus. They softened and polished English Literature's
former roughness.
2. A large amount of output
There was a plethora of literary works produced throughout the Elizabethan
period. It wasn't until Queen Elizabeth's accession that things began to
improve. Pamphlets and treatises were freely written during the Elizabethan
3. Translations in Elizabethan Age
Several major foreign books were translated into English during the
Elizabethan period. Many of the translations were as well-received as the
4. Independent spirit
Despite borrowings from other countries, the authors of this era exhibited a
sense of independence and creativity. Shakespeare freely took, yet he
converted the dross into gold through the alembic of his creative imaginations.
5. Development of drama
Drama sprang up quickly and magnificently during the Elizabethan period. The
drama reached its pinnacle in the hands of Shakespeare and Ben Jonson, albeit
there was a decrease in drama quality in the later half of the age, particularly
during the Jacobean period. Poetry's Popularity During the Elizabethan period,
poetry was at its peak.

Teaching drama does not seem to be very easy; it is shrouded by lots of
difficulties, which may range from the nature of text; some texts are in old
English, i.e. Shakespeare’s plays, the kind of teachers; their teaching strategies
may be traditional and not up to the expectations of the students, some
students are not familiar with such new genre. Drama sessions are sometimes
misinterpreted for "playground time," and schools and parents prioritise
alternative activities, oblivious to the fact that drama offers so much more
than a respite from academics.
Poor English level
This occurs in any place where English is not the native language and pupils are
expected to master it as well as their native tongue. Some youngsters may be
able to acquire an early foreign education, but the majority will not be able to
do so because not everyone can afford it.

Students criticizing the teachers’ activities.

This is a pretty frequent issue, and it may be rather aggravating when it occurs.
Some students believe it is acceptable to question the teacher by criticising or
refusing to engage in specific theatre activities, claiming that they are either
foolish or uninteresting. The learners' negative attitude about English is a
significant impediment to successful instruction. This negative attitude stems
from learners' inadequate proficiency in the language, which prevents them
from fully participating in classroom activities. There is an issue with children
confusing the distinct sounds of the English language with the sounds of their
native tongue, as well as a lack of capacity to distinguish foreign sounds
quickly. Although the sounds of English and Urdu in Pakistan are clearly
distinct, Pakistani pupils mix them up and strive to bend their speech organs to
sound like Urdu while pronouncing English syllables.

A huge number of pupils in the classroom causes a lot of disruption and stress
for the teachers because they have to put in more effort and work to teach
such a huge number of children. Students get bored and try to do other things
during lectures, which causes disruption for the professors when teaching
English. They try to talk to other students during lectures, which causes a lot of
disruption for the professors. Some pupils arrive late for class. They entered
the classroom during the lecture, which caused the teacher to become
irritated. As a result, it is impossible for a teacher to execute successful
techniques in a textbook context. Other constrained resources include
overcrowded buildings, noisy and dangerous surroundings, inadequately
ventilated classrooms, and water and sanitation facilities that are not
conducive to efficient teaching for both students and teachers.
Typically, teachers experience this challenge because they lack the tools
necessary to present English language lessons to students in a way that allows
them to learn effectively. It became extremely difficult for teachers to teach
without the necessary resources for lectures. Speakers, microphones,
projectors, computers, and other digital devices are among the resources.
The most basic requirement for teaching English is a proper and pleasant
atmosphere. If the teaching and learning process of the English language is
harmed because the setting is not adequate and comfortable for the teachers,
the entire process of teaching and learning the English language is harmed. It is
critical to provide a positive and pleasant learning atmosphere when teaching
English. Lessons are being hijacked by students. They take over the lessons and
engage in other types of activities, effectively defeating the English learning
process. Teachers of English usually count their students since they cannot
progress farther in the course if they are absent.
Students made no attempt to learn and communicate on their own. Those
pupils rely on their teachers to assist them in learning and provide them with
the correct answers. They did not attempt to form words and phrases in the
English language. As a result of this issue, the students failed to master the
technical terms and conditions.
Methodology is a method of teaching that is systematic and scientific. It
instructs teachers on "How to Teach" and "How to Make His Teaching
Effective." It is critical for English teachers to be familiar with a variety of
teaching approaches and techniques. Method is also a possibility. be defined
as the process of selecting, assessing, and planning linguistic materials,
teaching methods, and so on. Under the influence of classical languages such
as Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit, the Grammar-Translation Method was employed
to teach English in the beginning. Students first study the parts of speech and
syntax in the Grammar-Translation Method. The English and mother tongue
sentences were compared and contrasted.
ANS3: The study of works published in the English language from all around
the world is known as English Literature. Methods are a collection of
techniques that teachers utilise and plasticize in the classroom to teach their
students, whereas approaches are instructors' attitudes about language
teaching that can be implemented in the classroom utilising various language
teaching strategies.

Grammar translation methodology

Methodology for analysing literature study approach entails reading,
analysing, and sorting literatures in order to determine the most important
characteristics of materials. It differs from other techniques in that it does not
interact directly with the item under research, instead relying on indirect
access to material from a variety of literatures, which is referred to as
secondary data.
Literature materials are the crystallisation of wisdom, the ocean of
information, and have significant significance for human society, history,
culture, and research researchers. Education research must thoroughly
exchange information and conduct literature searches to grasp sources of
important research and scientific breakthroughs, as well as to comprehend
what our forefathers have accomplished.

The Direct Method

Without any practise, a child learns his mother tongue instinctively. It indicates
that the child is learning the mother tongue directly. The Direct Method refers
to an endeavour to teach the language as though it were a mother tongue.
Because it is learned, it is also known as the natural approach. Because it is
learned, it is also known as the natural approach. This strategy was in direct
opposition to the Grammar Translation technique. The overuse of mother
tongue had a negative impact on the naturalness of language. The students did
not study a language; instead, they practised learning their mother tongue or
first language. This strategy creates a similar setting for learning a second or
foreign language. Learning SL, on the other hand, is not a natural process.
In private language schools, the Direct Method was a huge hit. The similarities
between naturalistic first language learning and classroom foreign language
learning were exaggerated and twisted by the Direct Method. Franke, a
German linguist, studied the psychological principles of direct linkage between
forms and meanings in a target language. He believes that the greatest way to
teach a language is to use it actively in the classroom. The teacher must
promote direct and indirect communication. In the classroom, students make
spontaneous use of a foreign language.

Bilingual Method
Many languages are spoken in Pakistan. To make coaching powerful, the
appropriate techniques must be implemented in coaching getting to know
method. For this method we want huge fund. We understand that coaching
substances are very expensive so we can not use them in coaching activities.
There are simple necessities like college building, blackboard, language
laboratory, language rooms and hassle of overcrowded class. How are we able
to remedy these problems? We want big quantity for this. Through particular
technique the coaching can be made powerful because of many problems.
Only there may be one impediment that could remedy this hassle and this is
use of mom tongue in coaching of English. This technique is improved model of
audio visible aid. Dr. C.J. Dodson of the University College of Wises has evolved
this technique in the course of 1967 to 1972. This technique is referred to as
Bilingual technique due to right use of mom tongue is allowed. The use of
mom tongue is one of the assets of this technique. There is drilling of the
sample to allow newcomers to master simple required sentence sample that's
powerful exercise of this technique.


Dr. Michael waste became the Director of training in Bengal earlier than
partition. He became an progressive professor in Dacca. His via take a look at in
discipline of coaching raised a number of the simple know-how of coaching
English. At that point the direct technique became getting used by trainer and
the end result became very weak. Dr. Waste drew his interest towards the
software and pursuits of coaching English especially to Indian learner. Dr.
Waste stated that "English language became the want of the time as it became
the language that furnished the easy channel for verbal exchange with the
global community. In his opinion the Indian had been studying English to open
the window of the sector to appearance with inside the development with
inside the discipline of technology and technology.


This method is likewise called situational language teaching. British
implemented situational method evolved via way of means of linguists. It
dated from Nineteen Thirties to the Sixties and which had an effect on
language courses. Many instructors are nevertheless the use of this method.
This method is primarily based totally at the structural view of language. In this
method speech is emphasised as the foundation of the language and shape
may be very crucial for growing talking ability.

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