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Prepared by Rajesh Dangi (Trinity International SS & College)


(Objective Questions for Grade XI)

1. The oxidation number of C in H2C2O4 is

i. 4
ii. -4
iii. 0
iv. +3

Hint: the sum of O.N of all elements in a neutral molecule is zero,

So, (2 +1) + 2x + (4 -2) = 0

Or, 2 + 2x -8 = 0

x = 6/2= +3

2. The O.N of Fe in Fe4[Fe (CN)6 ]3 is

i. -3
ii. 5
iii. +2
iv. -2

3. The O.N of C in H-C-H is

i. 1
ii. 2
iii. 0
iv. 4

Note: But the valencey of C in above compound is 4.

4. The O.N of N in N2 is
v. 1
vi. 2
vii. 0
viii. 4

Hint: In covalent molecules, if bonded atoms are same, the bonding electrons
are attracted equally. Therefore, there is no charge on each atom and
oxidation number is zero. E.g. N2, I2, Cl2, P4 etc has O.N zero.

Similarly, O.N of an element in elementary state is zero. E.g. C, Cu, Zn


rajesh_dangi@trinity.edu.np Page 1
Prepared by Rajesh Dangi (Trinity International SS & College)

5. The O.N of N in N3H is

i. -
ii. +3
iii. -3
iv. +1

Note: N3H – Hydrazoic acid

6. The O.N of any atom cannot be greater than

i. +4
ii. +7
iii. +8
iv. +6
Note: Sometimes the O.N of certain element may be greater than 8; however
O.N of any atom cannot be greater than eight. Under such condition, O.N of an
element should be assigned based on the bonding structure.
The highest known oxidation state is +8 in the tetroxides of ruthenium,
xenon, osmium, iridium, and some complexes involving plutonium; the
lowest known oxidation state is −4 for some elements in the carbon group.
But the highest known oxidation state is reported to be +9 in
the tetroxoiridium (IX) cation (IrO+4). (in one research paper )
Maximum lowest O.N = -5 in Al3XC(X =Boron, Gallium, Indium etc.)
7. Which of the following is an oxidizing agent?
i. KMnO4
ii. K2Cr2O7
iii. O3
iv. All

Hint: In terms of oxidation number, oxidizing agent is a species whose

oxidation number gets decreased and reducing agent is a species whose
oxidation number gets increased.

Some common oxidizing agents are KMnO4, K2Cr2O7, O3, H2O2, HNO3,
H2SO4, Cl2, Br2 etc.

Let’s look why Cl2 is categorized into oxidizing agent?

0 -1

Cl2 + H2O HCl + HClO (disproportionation reaction)

Some common reducing agents are H2, H2S, C, CO, HI, HBr, metals, etc.

rajesh_dangi@trinity.edu.np Page 2
Prepared by Rajesh Dangi (Trinity International SS & College)

8. The reducing agent is

i. H2
ii. HI
iii. Metal
iv. All of above

Hint: reducing agents are those species whose O.N gets increased at
product side during reaction. Examples H2, H2S, C, CO, HI, HBr, metals,

Look at examples for illustration:

Reaction involving H2:

0 +3

H2 + N2 2NH3

Reaction involving HI:

-1 0

2HNO2 + 2 HI 2NO + I2 + 2H2O

Reaction involving metals:

0 +2

Zn + HNO3 Zn (NO3)2 + NO + H2O

In all above examples we observed that the O.N of HI, Zn (metal)

increased, so they are the examples of Reducing agents.

9. Better reducing agents have a good capacity of

i. Losing electrons
ii. Gaining electrons
iii. Being reduced
iv. All of the above

Hint: Better reducing agents have a good capacity of losing electrons.

Better oxidizing agents have a good capacity of accepting electrons.

rajesh_dangi@trinity.edu.np Page 3
Prepared by Rajesh Dangi (Trinity International SS & College)

10. Which one of the following is a best reducing agent?

i. Cl-
ii. Br-
iii. I-
iv. Cl2

Hint: larger the size larger will be the possibility of losing electrons easily.

11. Br- can be oxidized to Br2 using

i. I2
ii. Cl2
iii. Br2
iv. I-

Hint: Chlorine (Cl2) can oxidise Br− to Br2. As chlorine is more electronegative
than Bromine

12. Oxidation number of Zn in Cu-Zn is

i. +2
ii. -2
iii. 0
iv. +4

Note: Oxidation number of metal in alloy is zero.

13. In [Fe(CN)6]4-, oxidation number of the Fe is:

i. +1
ii. +3
iii. 0
iv. +2
14. Oxidation number of C in HNC is
i. +2
ii. -2
iii. 0
iv. +4

Hint: in H-C N, Each covalent bond contributes -1 oxidation number for N

and +1 O.N for hydrogen.

+1 +2 -3


So, the oxidation state of C in HCN is +2

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Prepared by Rajesh Dangi (Trinity International SS & College)

However, In H-N C,

In coordinate covalent bond, like HNC as above if donor atom is

electronegative than the acceptor atom, the contribution of coordinate
covalent bond is neglected.

Since the donor atom N is more electronegative than C, the contribution of

the coordinate bond is neglected. Therefore, oxidation number of N is to be -3
but that of C is +2.

15. Anode is an electrode:

i. Having positive charge
ii. Having negative charge
iii. Where oxidation takes place
iv. Where reduction takes place

Note: in electrolysis, Negative terminal of cell connected = Cathode

Positive terminal of cell connected = Anode

Anode is an electrode where electrons can donate (loss of electrons) to

cathode during electrolysis so its charge (O.N) is decreased (O.N decreased
means Oxidation happens).

16. Which of the following act as oxidant as well as reductant?

i. H2SO4
ii. H2S
iii. HNO3
iv. SO2

Hint: A species having an element in maximum oxidation number can act as

oxidizing agent but not reducing agent.

Similarly, a species having an element in minimum oxidation number can act

as reducing agent but not as oxidizing agent.

A species having an element neither in maximum nor in minimum oxidation

number can act as oxidizing agent as well as reducing agent.

This can be illustrated w.r.t compounds of Sulphur, H2SO4, SO2, and H2S.

Compounds O.N of Sulphur Oxidant Reductant

H2SO4 +6 (maximum Yes No, if the O.N of
O.N of S) S or H has to be
SO2 +4 Yes Yes
H2 S -2 (minimum No, if the O.N of Yes
O.N of S) S has to be

rajesh_dangi@trinity.edu.np Page 5
Prepared by Rajesh Dangi (Trinity International SS & College)

17. Which of the followings can act both as oxidizing as well as reducing agent?
i. HNO3
ii. HNO2
iii. KNO3
iv. NH3

Hint: in above the O.N of H, K and O are +1, +1 and -2 respectively but the
O.N of N may be vary. So let calculate the O.N of N in above species

O.N of N in HNO3 is +5

O.N of N in N in HNO2 is +3

O.N of N in KNO3 is +5

O.N of N in NH3 is -3

In HNO2, oxidation state of nitrogen is +3. Thus oxidation state

of nitrogen present in HNO2 can be increased or decreased
within the range −3 to +5.and hence it can act as an oxidizing
agent or as a reducing agent.

18. In the given reaction,

Cu + 2H2SO4 CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2O
i. H2SO4 is oxidant
ii. H2SO4 is reductant
iii. H2SO4 is oxidant as well as acid
iv. H2SO4 is acid

Hint: Here, O.N of H and O isn’t changed. So, let’s observe the change of
O.N of S in the above equation.

O.N of S in H2SO4 is +6

O.N of S in CuSO4 is +6 (no change in O.N)

O.N of S in SO2 is +4

19. A reducing agent

i. Oxidizes other substance
ii. Accepts electron
iii. Has maximum oxidation number
iv. Itself oxidized

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