Laboratory Rules and Regulation: Brief History of Siwes

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 Always wear protective such as laboratory coat, hand gloves when

carrying out any work and safety goggles when carrying hazardous tests.
 Always label samples brought into the laboratory by writing of the
patient’s name, test to be run and the laboratory reference number on
the sticker on the specimen container. Register it with the receptionist
and also into the laboratory registration book before processing.
 Do not eat, drink, smoke, nor chew gum in the laboratory
 Do not store any edible in the same refrigerator where blood bag
specimens and reagents are preserved.
 Always wash hand with soap and water before and after work each day.

The students industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) is a skills training

programme designed to expose and prepare students of Universities,
Polytechnics/Colleges of Technology/Colleges of Agriculture and Colleges of
Education for the industrial work situation they are likely to meet after graduation.
The scheme also affords students the opportunity of familiarizing and exposing
themselves to the needed experience in handling equipment and machinery that are
usually not available in their institutions. It is a cooperative industrial internship
program that involves institutions of higher learning, industries, the Federal
Government of Nigeria, Industrial Training Fund (ITF), and Nigerian Universities
Commission (NUC).


The student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) was established in
1973/1974 session by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF). Prior to the establishment
of this scheme, there was a growing concern among our industrialists that
graduates of our institutions of higher learning lacked adequate practices
background studies preparatory to employment in the industries. It is against this
background that the aim of initiating and designing the scheme was hinged.
SIWES Report Microbiology-Laboratory

Consequently, the scheme affords students the opportunity of familiarizing and

exposing themselves, to the needed experience in handling equipment and
machinery that are usually not available in the institutions. The ITF solely funded
the scheme during its formative years. It withdraws from the scheme in 1978 due
to the financial problem. The federal government handed the scheme in 1979 to
both the National University Commission (NUC) and the National Board of
Technical Education (NBTE). Later, in November 1984, the federal government
changed the management and implementation of the SIWES Report Microbiology-
scheme to ITF and it was effectively taken over by the Industrial Training Fund
(ITF) in July 1985 with the funding being solely borne by the federal government.


I. It act as medium for job opportunity for students

II. It provides students with experience outside their programe in school

III. It grants students opportunity tQ practicalise the theoretical aspect of their

course in school

IV. Expose student to the kind of work experience they will encounter when they

V. Expose students to know the operation and function of the instruments involved
in their course of study.

VI. It makes students know how to manage difficult in work when they graduate.


Microscope: Is used to examine samples and to analyze their contents that are not visible to
the naked eye. It is used to count pathogen and other cells and to view under x10, x40, and
x100 objectives.
Autoclave: For Sterilization 
Centrifuge: Is used for spinning specimen e.g. urine to enable separation into constituents or
components e.g. blood into serum and plasma.
Refrigerator: Provides suitable temperature for storage and preservation of reagents, unused
media, blood samples etc.
Bunsen burner: Serves as the source of heat for sterilizing wire loop, surgical forceps and
other metal instruments to be used for analysis.
Weighing Balance: Use for measurement.
Wire loop: It is used for streaking specimen on culture plates and it can also be used for
making smear of samples on slides.
Lancet: It is a sterile needle used to prick the thumb for the collection of blood samples.
Capillary tube: It is used for the collection of blood samples to determine the packed cell
Universal bottle: used for sample collection e.g. urine, stool, semen
Glass slide: It is used for the preparation of samples to be viewed directly under the
Sterile swab stick: Is used for the collection of samples to directly from the sight of infection
e.g. Ear, nose, vagina, cervix, etc.
Sampling bottles: They are bottles used for the collection of blood samples e.g. universal
bottle, fluoride oxalate bottle, Ethylene-Di-amine-Tetra acetic Acid bottle (EDTA), Lithium
Heparin bottle, plain bottle.
Incubator: used for culturing or drying of microorganism.
Micro heamatocrit centrifuge machine: it is used to spin sample for the analysis of packed
cell volume of blood sample.
Water bath: Use as heating apparatus
Micro haematocrit reader: used to read the packed cell volume in percentage.
Tourniquet: it is tightened on patient hand in the collection of blood sample in order to get a
prominent vein before incision.
Needle and Syringe: It is used for the collection of blood samples.
Macro centrifuge machine: It is used for the separation of blood samples in order to get the
plasma and also used for the separation of urine sample so as to get the supernatant and
the specimen 
Glucometer: used to check for the sugar level in the body with the aid of its strip.     
Hematology analyzer: Is used for the analysis of Full Blood Count (FBC).


The main problems encountered were getting placement and transportation. It was quite
challenging for me that live in far place to get to the organisation every working day, other
problems encountered during the training was attending to different people with different
personalities at the reception.
My four months industrial attachment with tunger maje primary health care center was one
of the most interesting, productive, instructive and educative experience in my life. Through
this training, I have gained new insight and more comprehensive understanding about the
real industrial working condition and practice and also improved my soft and functional skills.
All these valuable experiences and knowledge that I have gained were not only acquired
through the direct involvement in task but also through other aspects of the training such as:
work observation, supervision, interaction with colleagues, supervisors, superior and other
people related to the field. It also exposed me to some certain things about medical
environment. And from what I have undergone, I am sure that the industrial training program
has achieved its primary objective.
As a result of the program, I am now more confident to build my future career which I have
already started with god’s glory medical laboratory diagnostic center.
I recommend that all institutions or bodies involve in Student Industrial Working Experience
Scheme, should provide places for industrial attachment for Student Industrial Training Fund
and also pay some allowances to students and the company should provide more safety
equipment to prevent further environmental and health hazards.
Also, to students that are to undergo the training, I recommend that they should take it very
seriously, because it is one of the most important parts of their studies which will help them
build a very significant and effective meaning in their career pursuit.



        Malaria parasite is a disease caused by a bacteria plasmodium, resulting from the female
mosquito’s bite popularly known as Anopheles mosquito. This mosquito is the carrier of
malaria parasite when she bites an infected person and releases the infected blood into the
blood system of a healthy individual. Malaria parasites are of various types these are:
Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malaria, Plasmodium valve and Plasmodium falcipurum.
However, it is a disease prevalent in the continent of Africa and has claimed millions of lives

Aim: To test for malaria parasite.

Apparatus: Glass slide leishman’s stain, microscope, distilled water, dropper, blood sample,
lancet or tourniquet and swab.


       A drop of patient’s sample collected with sterilized hypodermic syringe is placed on a
glass slide and smeared for film making, which could be thick or thin. After smearing, the
film was allowed to dry, then placed on a stain rack and flooded with leishman’s stain for
about three minutes and diluted with distilled water. The dilution lasted for five (5) minutes
the flooded was washed with clean water and allowed to dry. Then a drop of emission oil was
placed on the film and presence or absence of plasmodium in the patient.


        The pink, blue or brown spots in the slide shows the presence of malaria parasite in the
patient, and colorless film indicates absence of malaria parasite in the patient.


        Spots or stains in the film confirms malaria parasite in the patient.




        This is one of the viral disease and very active indeed. When infected, it attacks the
immune system of a patient and reduces his or her immunity against any infection within or
outside the body.
HIV test is the antibody screening test (imonuassay) which test the antibody that your body
makes against HIV the imonoassay may be performed on blood

The several test are being used more commonly that can detect both antibodies and antigen.

these test can find recent infection earlier than test that detect antibody .these antigen
Antibody  combination test can find HIV a soon as 3 weeks after exposure to the virus  but is
only available to the blood testing .

The procedure is not less than 30 mints.

HIV can be done by following serial algorithm steps i.e when the first test is positive then
you go to the next step.




Serial Algorithms for testing HIV







Stat PaK  


Test Result

The cassette has two line (i.e. Test line and Control line). When  both two red lines appeared
in the window the result indicates Positive while when only one line appeared, either in the
control line, which indicates Negative.

When there is no any line appeared, the test is invalid.



        Urinalysis test is the routine physical chemical and microscopic examination of the
urine, the microscopy has to be observed first, if the urine is pale amber or amber in colour
only. This is done to detect the presence of substance in the urine whose quantity would lead
to diagnosis of certain abnormalities e.g. the specific gravity, protein, glucose ketones,
urobilinogen, Bilirubine, Blood, and PH.

Aim: To diagnose urinalysis.


        Urine sample collected from the patient in a clean sterile container, immerse test areas of
the strip completely in urine and remove immediately to avoid dissolving of reagents. Tap
excess urine at the edge of the container. Hold the strip in a horizontal position. Compare the
test result with the colour chart on the container label, and it has to be done in a good light.
Record the result.


        The optional reading time of each test parameters varies from 30 seconds up to 60
seconds, changes in colour that appear black printed on the contain label at the specified time.


This is to measure the volume of the red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the blood.

Apparatus: Capillary tube, EDTA bottles, syringe and needle, hand gloves, centrifuge, blood
samples, cotton wool and tourniquet.


 The haematocrit capillary tube was filled with ¾ of blood.

 The mark end of the tube was sealed.
 The blood was spined using haematocrit machine.
 After which the readings were taken using a micro-haematocrit reader.


Normal range

Male: 47-54%

Female: 36-46%

Children: 40-60%

Pregnant Woman: 28-34%

This is by the use of rapid immune chromographic strip embedded specific antigens being
used to detect Hepatitis “B” and “C” in the serum.

Apparatus: Test tube, hepatitis Catradge, centrifuge.


          Collection of blood sample was made. It’s was transfer into anticoagulant bottle and is
spin it to separate serum from whole blood. The strip is dipped into the patient serum, but not
expects the maximum level. It was allowed to stay for 5 to 10 seconds. Result is read after
band line appeared.


          One band line on the control line indicates negative result and double band line means
the result is positive.



HB hemoglobin estimation, Hemoglobin is the main transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide
in the blood it is composed of globin a group of amino acid that for a protein and heme which
contains iron atoms and the red pigment, porphyrine. As with Hematocrit, it is an important
determinant of anemia. A protein-iron compound in red blood cells carries oxygen from the
lungs to body cells, the normal levels in the blood are 12 to 16g/dL in woman and 13.5 to
18g/dL in men less than 7g/dL is considered as Anemia.

Apparatus: Tallquist paper and hemocue cartradges machine,micropipet disposal hand

gloves, blood lancets and dry cotton.

Procedure: The blood sample was collected from the patient, 0.05 micro litre was dropped
into the cartradge hole and put it in a hemocue machine, for about 2 minutes and count the
percentage of the hemoglobin (blood). When using the tallquist paper, is compeering
analysis. When the amount of blood cross match the colour, then you take your reading from
the matching colour.


Normal Zone

Men and Women

100% 15.6 gms

Normal Zone

Men and Women

100% 14.1 gms

Boarder Line
Anemia: Men

Boarder Line to

Normal: Women

80% 12.5 gms

Boarder Line


Men and Women

70% 10.9 gms

Frank Anemia

Men and Women

60% 8.4 gms

Frank Anemia

Men and Women

50% 7.8 gms

Frank Anemia

Men and Women

40% 6.3 gms

Frank Anemia

Men and Women

30% 4.7 gms



          Based on the training conducted, this report can be summarized as follows:-

1. The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) can be seen as the only vital tool
for bridging the gap between the theoretical knowledge and the practical aspect.
2. All analysis conducted on the human body fluid require sound knowledge of the body system
by the professional to ensure accurate data analysis.
3. The report indicate an over view of the various challenges the student may likely encounter in
the course of practicing the chosen professions.
4. During this period, some basic things which ordinarily I would have not been aware of in the
class rooms have been made plain as my doubts are cleared on some issues relating to the
health of man.
5. Through this SIWES practice more experience have been gained far beyond what I learned in
the theory classes, as I moved from theoretical to the practical aspect. 

Having carried out this training successfully, it can be concluded that the SIWES remain the
only medium for completing the theoretical training. Medical laboratory science remain the
only medium of determining the actual cause of illness in the human body before
prescriptions are made.


Having undergone the four (4) months mandatory SIWES training, it is important to note that
the training was not all-round smooth as there were problems arising from the use of some
laboratory equipment/apparatus, cost of transportation to training site and personal


It is recommended that:

1. Facilities used for the training should be upgraded to modern days equipment so as to aid
better training experience.
2. Also organizations and SIWES should make more effort and work hard in the development
and training of student without difficulty in other to get the standard of education.
3. Fund should be made available to the organization giving SIWES training to enable the
students have access to off-set the cost of transportation in the training site.


 Baker and Silverton, introduction to Medical Laboratory technology page 6, 31, 293, 335, 339
and 360.
 Sarojini .T. Ramlingam (1993) modern bilogy for senior secondary school science series,
New (Ed), published by Africa-Fep Publisher Limited 1993.
 Information and Guideline for SIWES, 2002.
 Clinical chrmistry, Richard J. Henry, Donal C. Cannan. James W. Winklman, (1974),
2nd Eddition, New York.
 Textbook of Medical Physiology, (1996) MC Grawthll, 4th Eddition.
 Oxford Advance Dictionary (2000) Oxford University Press 6th Eddition

The source of water that is being using in De
ShalomPharmaceutical Lab. is
bore hole.
The water is treated in order to get rid of some micro-organism and metals like 
magnesium ion (Mg
), Calcium ion (Ca
) etc.
The water is pumped from the bore hole into a 1,500Litre surface tank.
The first treatment is chlorination (chlorine disinfection) which is done by thea
ddition of 6% De
Shalom chlorine solution to the water that has been pumpedinto the surface ta
nk. This is done to make the water microbial free and to introduceoxidation.
Add of 100g sodium bicarbonate (Na
) to soften the water and to shift the pHvalue from acidic towards neutral or ba
sic medium.
The water is allowed to pass through sand bed filtration. There are two types o
f sand bed filtration, they are.
Rapid sand bed filtration.2.
Slow sand bed filtration by composite filter.
The water is transferred into the holding tank of 10,000L and then pass throug
hseries of micron filters ranging from 5 micron to 0.5 micron.5micron 2micron 
2micron 1micron 0.5microndeionizer 
The water is passed through the deionizer (an ion exchange resin i.e Na
and K 
 exchange resin) which remove all ions except Na
and K 
The water is then exposed to ultra violet sterilizer so as to screen and to kill an
ymicrobe that may be present.
Water source 1500L Surface tank Sand bed 5micron filter 10000LStorage tank Series 
of micron filters ranging from 5micron filter to0.5micronfilter Deionizer with ion e
xchange resin Ultra Violet sterilizer.

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