Career Guidance Implementation

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Grade 12-B (HUMSS)

Appendix 7
Activity Sheet No.3
My Plan to Exit

Instructions: Please write your occupational interest based on your preference and plan after senior high school.

1. In the fourth column (Employment), write your preferred kind/nature of work if you plan to proceed to this exit and
indicate when.
2. In the fifth column (Entrepreneurship), write the specific business industry you want to pursue if you plan to procced
to this exit and indicate when.
3. In the sixth column (Higher Education), write the specific course if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate
4. In the seventh column (Middle Level Skills Development), put the specific skilled courses if you plan to proceed to
this exit and indicate when.
Interest based on Specific Career or Preferred Curriculum Exit
your preference Profession based on
and plan after Occupational Middle-Level
Senior High Interest Entrepreneurshi Higher
Employment Skills
p Education
School Development

Rank Theater/Movie Bachelor of

1 Film Maker Architecture Product Manager Director
Professionals Psychology

Engineering Bachelor of
Rank Structural Marketing Cinematographe
2 Specialized Engineer Arts in
Engineer Manager r
Areas Journalism
Music and
Rank Career Bachelor of Orchestral
3 Literary Composer Financial Advisor
Counselor Architecture Composer
Grade 12-B (HUMSS)

Appendix 1
Activity Sheet No.1
My Occupational Interests

Instruction: In the first column, write your occupational interests based on the results of your NCAE. In the second
column, reflect on your current occupational interests and plan after senior high
Occupational Interests Occupational Interests (based on preference and
(based on NCAE Results) plan after senior high school)

Rank 1 Arts Theater/Movie Professionals - Director Psychologist

Media & Communication – Mass
Rank 2 Journalist
Communication Journalist
Rank 3 Allied Medicine – Physical Therapist Architect
Grade 12-B (HUMSS)

Appendix 5
Activity Sheet No.2
My Entry Point in the Exit

Directions: Draw a symbol to represent the life and career you imagine to have after entering your chosen
curriculum exit. Briefly explain why you have chosen the symbol.

I draw this symbol as a sign of the career that I have imagined

for the future. Brain symbolized by the head that controls out
thinking. This relates to my career as a Psychologist, who does
observation to something like a person’s thinking or their behavior.
Grade 12-B (HUMSS)

Appendix 6
Activity Sheet No.1
My Meaningful Exit from Senior High School

(Use your journal notebook for Career Guidance.)

Since I am now receiving modular activities I managed to cope up and adjust to the new
normal. I have to admit that completing this portfolio has been quite a challenge and I have taken a
lot of time & effort to (hopefully) make it the best it could be. I do feel a sense of pride &
achievement after completing this module as I believe I have taken myself out of my comfort zone
many times to complete tasks in every activity.
The vast amount of information, knowledge and resources which I have gathered has been
great in giving me the confidence. It has also encouraged me to think about areas, issues & topics I
have never really considered due to a lack of opportunities to experience them in university and
whilst out on practice. In addition, I feel that it has made me want to continue making positive
changes (like exercise more, eat better) in my own life.
Grade 12-B (HUMSS)

Career Analysis Profile Sheet B

1. I am Joeriel
2. I am 18 years old
3. I am enrolled in Academic Humanities and Social Sciences.
4. I am planning to (curriculum exit) become a Psychologist -to understand human behavior much better, with all its social
interaction, language, communication, motivation, emotions, and decision making.
5. I believe that the aim of positive psychology is to catalyze a change in psychology from a preoccupation only with
repairing the worst things in life to also building the best qualities in life.
6. I have the values of diligence, empathy, trustworthiness, solid ethical core, and passion for learning
7. I have the following soft skills: interpersonal skills, can work under pressure, patience, adaptability, listening and
speaking skills, time management, decision making, and conflict resolution skills.
8. I have the following hard skills: communication, planning, analyzing, and problem-solving.
9. I have the following realities in life: I need to work since I do not have the means to enroll in college, I want to enroll in
HRM but it is not offered in my locality, however, there are some hotels or restaurants in my community where I can
work and, I possess skills that may help me survive and thrive in the world of work.
10. The Labor Market Information in my Region shows that the following sectors are Key Employment Generators:
Agribusiness; Construction; IT-BPM; Health, Wellness, and Tourism; Hotels and Restaurants; and Wholesale & Retail
11. I have the General Weighted Average of 85% which is described as Very Satisfactory.

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