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Lesson 9

Career: engineer
The 5 Types of Engineering
Engineering is a broad term that encompasses any scientific or
technological branch that deals primarily with designing and
developing machines, engines, and other products or
architectural structures. After all, to "engineer" something means
to create, build, or design it.

Some types of engineering are considered subfields of other

broader kinds of engineering. For example, environmental
engineering is often described as a subset of civil engineering.
Moreover, some branches, like industrial engineering, are
considered interdisciplinary because they combine aspects from
multiple disciplines.

There are also some types of engineering that fall into more than
one category, as well as those that don't fit neatly in any
category, such as nuclear engineering, biological engineering,
and rehabilitation engineering.
The 5 Types of Engineering
The 5 Types of Engineering
The 5 Types of Engineering
The 5 Types of Engineering
The 5 Types of Engineering
Should you major in engineering?
Engineering is an in-demand tech field with tons of options for
specializations and industries to work in. When determining whether
you should major in engineering, think about your interests, skills, and
professional goals. Here are three questions to consider before
deciding whether to declare an engineering major.
Exercise 1

What types of engineers are involved in the following activities?

Develop diagnostic machines, artificial organs and prosthetic devices.

Design vehicles – cars, trucks, heavy equipment, buses, aircraft.

Work up ways to reduce energy consumption .

Create irrigation systems, tractors and buildings, experiment with food

processing and farming techniques.

Construct the wings, landing gear, etc. Design, analyse, model,

simulate, and test satellites, missiles, and rockets.

Use computer technologies and advanced materials to design

structures that meet the needs of a growing population.
Exercise 1

What types of engineers are involved in the following activities?

Make sure pollutants are removed from various streams released to

the air and water.

Discover and manufacture better plastics, paints, fuels, fibers,

medicines, fertilizers, semiconductors, paper, and all other kinds of

Engineer structural supports for human colonies in space or on the


Apply the laws of physics governing electricity, magnetism, and light

to develop products and services for the benefit of humankind.
Exercise 2

Can you describe tasks and activities of these kind of engineers?

Exercise 3

Read quickly the paragraphs and match them to the right headings given below :
Creative Thinking, Potential to Benefit Society, Intellectual Development,
Financial Security, Professional Environment, Challenging Work, Job Satisfaction,
Variety of Career Opportunities, Technology and Scientific Discovery, Prestige
Exercise 3

Read quickly the paragraphs and match them to the right headings given below :
Creative Thinking, Potential to Benefit Society, Intellectual Development, Financial
Security, Professional Environment, Challenging Work, Job Satisfaction, Variety of
Career Opportunities, Technology and Scientific Discovery, Prestige
Exercise 3

Read quickly the paragraphs and match them to the right headings given below :
Creative Thinking, Potential to Benefit Society, Intellectual Development, Financial
Security, Professional Environment, Challenging Work, Job Satisfaction, Variety of
Career Opportunities, Technology and Scientific Discovery, Prestige
Exercise 4

Buatlah sebuah tulisan 1-2 halaman, spasi 1,15, untuk

menuliskan apa yang akan Anda lakukan sebagai seorang Guru
Vokasi. Tulisan disusun minimal dalam 3 paragraf:

Paragraf 1 : apa yang dimaksud dengan Pendidikan dan Guru


Paragraf 2 : tantangan Pendidikan dan Guru Vokasi saat ini

Paragraf 3 : apa yang akan Anda lakukan sebagai Guru Vokasi

untuk meningkatkan Pendidikan Vokasi

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