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Second Edition

Design Concepts
Second Edition

Design Concepts

Suthan S. Suthersan
John Horst
Matthew Schnobrich
Nicklaus Welty
Jeff McDonough

Boca Raton London New York

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Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data

Names: Suthersan, Suthan S., author.

Title: Remediation engineering : design concepts / Suthan S. Suthersan, John
Horst, Matthew Schnobrich, Nicklaus Welty, and Jeff McDonough.
Description: Second edition. | Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis, CRC Press,
2017. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016032437 | ISBN 9781498773270 (hardcover : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Soil remediation. | Groundwater--Purification. | Hazardous
waste site remediation.
Classification: LCC TD878 .S88 2017 | DDC 628.5/5--dc23
LC record available at

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This book is dedicated to the memory of Steven Bruce Blake (1956–2016), a towering
influence in all our professional lives and whose support, motivation, and continuous
encouragement enabled all of us to accomplish our dreams individually and collectively.

This book is the culmination of a long, demanding, but surely worthwhile and exciting,
journey. My wife, Sumathy, and children, Shauna and Nealon, have been a source of love,
support, encouragement, and strength all these years, and for that I am so grateful.

—Suthan Suthersan
In moments like this, you realize how deeply you rely on those you love and who love you
back—that is the true foundation of happiness, strength, and courage. To my wife, Alison, who
is an unwavering source of light in my life, I am so incredibly blessed to have you at my side.
To Lorelei and Ahren, who every day fill me with an unfathomable sense of joy and pride.

—John Horst
Life is a series of banks and rivers, with boatmen to take us across. Each passage is a new journey
marked by guides, comrades, and friends—each contributing to the voyage. None have been more
important than my wife, Maria, who has been a cheerleader and an advocate. To our boys, Macpherson,
Patrick and Peter, may your own passages be as enjoyable as mine and your gratitude to others as deep.

—Matt Schnobrich
To Katie, Holden, Eve, and Miles for being the music makers in my life and making me smile
every day. And to my parents for taking me on all those rock-collecting hikes growing up.

—Nicklaus Welty
To my Laura, who is a beacon of love, support, patience, and resiliency, and to
our son, Grayson Giuseppe, who we fully anticipate will understand the technical
concepts within this book but never understand the depths of our love for him.

—Jeff McDonough

Chapter 1 Remediation Engineering: State of the Practice...................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Growth of an Industry...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Technical Discipline to Practice....................................................................................................... 3
1.1.3 Advances in Complementary Disciplines........................................................................................ 5 Advances in Remediation Hydrogeology......................................................................... 5 Advances in Environmental Microbiology....................................................................... 8 Environmental Geochemistry........................................................................................... 9 Geophysical Methods..................................................................................................... 10
1.1.4 Role of Remediation Engineer....................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Evolution and Maturation of Technologies.................................................................................................. 13
1.2.1 Timeline: 1980s to 2010s................................................................................................................ 14 Regulatory Influences on Technology Evolution............................................................ 14 Pump and Treat to In Situ............................................................................................... 15
1.3 Regulatory Framework................................................................................................................................ 16
1.3.1 Evolving Regulatory Influence....................................................................................................... 17
1.3.2 Evolution of Cleanup Standards..................................................................................................... 17
1.3.3 Risk-Based Approaches.................................................................................................................. 19
1.3.4 Technical Impracticability Considerations..................................................................................... 20
1.4 Importance of Health and Safety................................................................................................................ 20
1.4.1 Awareness and Current Trends...................................................................................................... 21
1.4.2 Potential Hazards........................................................................................................................... 22
1.4.3 Incorporation of Health and Safety into the Design Process......................................................... 22
1.5 Current Trends in Remediation................................................................................................................... 23
1.5.1 Sustainable (Green) Remediation................................................................................................... 24
1.5.2 Emerging Contaminants................................................................................................................ 26
1.5.3 Mine Reclamation.......................................................................................................................... 27 Mine Tailings.................................................................................................................. 27 Acid Mine Drainage....................................................................................................... 28 Mining Habitats.............................................................................................................. 28
1.5.4 Current Thinking on LNAPL Management................................................................................... 28
1.5.5 Protection of Water Resources....................................................................................................... 29 Environmental Concerns from Unconventional Energy Exploration............................. 30
References.............................................................................................................................................................. 31

Chapter 2 Contaminant Characteristics.................................................................................................................................. 33

2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 33
2.2 Molecular Structure of Compounds............................................................................................................ 33
2.2.1 Covalent Bonds.............................................................................................................................. 34
2.2.2 Polar Covalent Bonds..................................................................................................................... 35
2.2.3 Hydrogen Bonds............................................................................................................................. 37
2.2.4 Ionic Bonds..................................................................................................................................... 38
2.2.5 Van der Waals Interactions............................................................................................................ 39
2.2.6 Hydrophobic Bonds........................................................................................................................ 39
2.2.7 Dispersion Forces........................................................................................................................... 39

viii Contents

2.3 Contaminant Types...................................................................................................................................... 40

2.3.1 Organic Contaminants................................................................................................................... 40 Halogenated Organics..................................................................................................... 41 Ketones........................................................................................................................... 42 Petroleum Hydrocarbons................................................................................................ 42 Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons............................................................................. 43 Fuel Oxygenates.............................................................................................................. 43
2.3.2 Inorganic Contaminants................................................................................................................. 43 Metals............................................................................................................................. 43 Nitrogen Compounds...................................................................................................... 44 Perchlorate...................................................................................................................... 45
2.3.3 Other Bulk Parameters................................................................................................................... 45 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons....................................................................................... 45 Total Organic Carbon..................................................................................................... 46 Total Dissolved Solids ................................................................................................... 46
2.4 Properties of Contaminants......................................................................................................................... 46
2.4.1 Solubility........................................................................................................................................ 46
2.4.2 Vapor Pressure............................................................................................................................... 47
2.4.3 Henry’s Law Constant.................................................................................................................... 48
2.4.4 Density........................................................................................................................................... 48
2.4.5 Liquid Viscosity............................................................................................................................. 48
2.4.6 Fluid Properties.............................................................................................................................. 49
2.4.7 Sorption and Desorption Processes................................................................................................ 50 Adsorption...................................................................................................................... 50 Absorption...................................................................................................................... 51 Multicompartment Sorption Models.............................................................................. 51 Cation Exchange Capacity.............................................................................................. 53
2.5 Transport, Mobilization, and Partitioning in the Subsurface...................................................................... 54
2.5.1 Nonaqueous-Phase Liquids............................................................................................................ 54 NAPL Architecture......................................................................................................... 54 NAPL Saturation and Mobility...................................................................................... 55 NAPL Weathering.......................................................................................................... 56
2.5.2 Hydrodynamic Transport Processes.............................................................................................. 57 Solute-Based Transport.................................................................................................. 58
2.5.3 Volatilization and Transport in the Unsaturated Zone................................................................... 60
2.6 Transformation Processes............................................................................................................................ 61
2.6.1 Abiotic Transformation.................................................................................................................. 61 Oxidation and Reduction Reactions............................................................................... 62 Precipitation and Solubilization...................................................................................... 62 Hydrolysis....................................................................................................................... 62
2.6.2 Biological Transformation.............................................................................................................. 63 Microbial Oxidation....................................................................................................... 64 Microbial Reduction....................................................................................................... 64 Cometabolic Biodegradation.......................................................................................... 65
References.............................................................................................................................................................. 65

Chapter 3 Principles of Integrated Design.............................................................................................................................. 69

3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 69
3.2 Remediation Design Process....................................................................................................................... 69
3.2.1 Element 1: Define........................................................................................................................... 69
3.2.2 Element 2: Brainstorm................................................................................................................... 70
3.2.3 Element 3: Plan............................................................................................................................... 70
3.2.4 Element 4: Test............................................................................................................................... 71
3.2.5 Element 5: Refine........................................................................................................................... 71
3.2.6 Element 6: Deploy.......................................................................................................................... 71
Contents ix

3.3 Integrated Design: An Overview................................................................................................................. 72

3.4 Key Factors in Remediation Design............................................................................................................ 73
3.4.1 Health and Safety in Design........................................................................................................... 73 Hazard Identification and Critical Failure Analysis....................................................... 73 Hierarchy of Hazard Controls........................................................................................ 77 Response Planning.......................................................................................................... 78
3.4.2 Predesign Efforts............................................................................................................................ 79 Concepts and Definitions................................................................................................ 79 Thought Experiments..................................................................................................... 80 Real Experiments........................................................................................................... 82 Predesign Characterization............................................................................................. 87
3.4.3 Biogeochemical Considerations..................................................................................................... 87 Fouling of Wells and Equipment.................................................................................... 87 Porosity Reductions in the Aquifer................................................................................. 92 Secondary Water Quality Impacts.................................................................................. 95 Material Compatibility..................................................................................................101
3.4.4 Environmental Considerations..................................................................................................... 102
References............................................................................................................................................................ 103

Chapter 4 Remediation Hydrogeology.................................................................................................................................. 107

4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 107
4.2 Fundamental Concepts in Hydrogeology.................................................................................................. 107
4.2.1 Groundwater Flow........................................................................................................................ 107 Aquifers and Their Characteristics............................................................................... 107 Aquifer Building Processes, Heterogeneity, and Anisotropy........................................110
4.2.2 Contaminant Transport Processes.................................................................................................112 Advection.......................................................................................................................113 Dispersion and Diffusion...............................................................................................113
4.3 Evolution of Remediation Hydrogeology...................................................................................................113
4.3.1 Pre-1950s: The Water Supply Origins of Hydrogeology...............................................................113
4.3.2 1950s–1980s: Early Developments in Remediation Hydrogeology..............................................114
4.3.3 1980s–2000s: The First Generation of Remediation Hydrogeology.............................................114
4.3.4 2000s–Present: Remediation Hydraulics......................................................................................114 Heterogeneous Advection and Diffusion.......................................................................115 Stratigraphic Flux..........................................................................................................115 Flux-Focused Investigation and Remediation Strategies...............................................117
4.4 Site Characterization..................................................................................................................................118
4.4.1 Limitations of Traditional Site Investigation Methods.................................................................118
4.4.2 Smart Characterization: A New Way of Investigating Sites........................................................ 120 Permeability Characterization...................................................................................... 120 Concentration Mapping Tools...................................................................................... 123 Direct Flux Mapping.................................................................................................... 128 3D Visualization........................................................................................................... 129
4.5 Conceptual Site Models............................................................................................................................. 130
4.5.1 Elements of a Conceptual Site Model.......................................................................................... 130 Site History and Operations.......................................................................................... 130 Contaminants................................................................................................................ 130 Geology..........................................................................................................................131 Hydrogeology................................................................................................................131
4.5.2 Digital CSMs: The Next Frontier................................................................................................. 132
4.5.3 Using the CSM to Guide Investigation and Design and Optimize Remediation Systems........... 132 Case Study 1................................................................................................................. 132 Case Study 2................................................................................................................. 133
References............................................................................................................................................................ 135
x Contents

Chapter 5 Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation.................................................................................................................. 137

5.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 137
5.2 A New Model of Contaminant Transport.................................................................................................. 137
5.3 Design Concepts and Remedial Strategies................................................................................................ 139
5.3.1 Pump and Treat............................................................................................................................ 140
5.3.2 Complex Heterogeneous Systems.................................................................................................147
5.4 Case Study 1: Former Reese Air Force Base............................................................................................ 149
5.4.1 Background.................................................................................................................................. 149
5.4.2 The First Step: Refinement of the Conceptual Site Model........................................................... 149
5.4.3 The Second Step: Optimization of the Existing Remedy............................................................ 151
5.4.4 The Third Step: Adaptive Implementation of a Revised Remedy Strategy................................. 151 Strategy......................................................................................................................... 151 DGR.............................................................................................................................. 152 In Situ Engineered Reductive Dechlorination.............................................................. 153
5.4.5 Performance Metrics.................................................................................................................... 155 Achieving the Cleanup Objectives............................................................................... 155 Demonstrating a Complete Cleanup............................................................................. 158
5.4.6 Conclusions and Lessons Learned............................................................................................... 158
5.5 DGR Design Concepts.............................................................................................................................. 159
5.6 Case Study 2: Commercial Property and Metropolitan Setting.................................................................161
5.6.1 Conceptual Site Model..................................................................................................................161
5.6.2 Design Considerations.................................................................................................................. 163 Source Zone.................................................................................................................. 163 Plume............................................................................................................................ 163
5.6.3 Implementation............................................................................................................................. 165 Plume Adaptive Approach and Performance Tracking................................................ 165
5.6.4 Site Closure and Lessons Learned............................................................................................... 166
5.7 Case Study 3: Refueling Pad..................................................................................................................... 167
5.7.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 167
5.7.2 Geology and Hydrogeology......................................................................................................... 167
5.7.3 Summary of Soil and Groundwater Impacts................................................................................ 167
5.7.4 DGR Description.......................................................................................................................... 168
5.7.5 Groundwater Extraction and Reinjection......................................................................................170
5.7.6 DGR Performance and Results.....................................................................................................170
5.7.7 Summary and Conclusions............................................................................................................171
References............................................................................................................................................................ 172

Chapter 6 Injected Reagent–Based Remedies.......................................................................................................................173

6.1 Introduction to In Situ Reactive Zones.......................................................................................................173
6.1.1 Background...................................................................................................................................173 IRZ Definition...............................................................................................................173 Types of IRZ Reactions.................................................................................................174 Contaminant Considerations.........................................................................................175
6.1.2 Key Parameters for Design...........................................................................................................176 Volume–Radius Relationship........................................................................................176 Injection Delivery Methods...........................................................................................178 Injection Pressure Considerations................................................................................ 180 Reagent Types and Selection Considerations............................................................... 182 Injection Frequency...................................................................................................... 183
6.1.3 Injection Tests and Tracer Studies................................................................................................ 184 Tracer Types................................................................................................................. 185 Test Layout and Monitoring Programs......................................................................... 186 Mobile Porosity and Velocity Interpretation................................................................ 187
Contents xi

6.1.4 Injection Configurations............................................................................................................... 190 Pulse and Drift versus Recirculation............................................................................ 192 Large Plume Treatment: Barrier Spacing Design Considerations................................ 193
6.1.5 Performance Monitoring.............................................................................................................. 195
6.1.6 Enhanced NAPL Dissolution....................................................................................................... 196
6.2 In Situ Bioremediation............................................................................................................................... 199
6.2.1 Microbiology................................................................................................................................ 201 Types of Microbial Reactions....................................................................................... 202 Microbial Energetics..................................................................................................... 203 Microbial Analysis/Molecular Techniques.................................................................. 206 Biostimulation versus Bioaugmentation....................................................................... 209 Biofilms and Biofouling................................................................................................ 209
6.2.2 Aerobic Processes.........................................................................................................................211 Contaminant Types....................................................................................................... 213 Microorganisms............................................................................................................ 213 Oxygen Delivery Mechanisms......................................................................................217 Nutrient Addition.......................................................................................................... 220 Monitoring.................................................................................................................... 221
6.2.3 Anaerobic Processes.................................................................................................................... 221 Microbial Reduction..................................................................................................... 222 Anaerobic Oxidation..................................................................................................... 249
6.2.4 Cometabolic Degradation............................................................................................................. 255
6.3 In Situ Chemical Remediation.................................................................................................................. 257
6.3.1 Chemical Reactivity..................................................................................................................... 259 Oxidation States............................................................................................................ 259 Thermodynamics versus Kinetics................................................................................ 260 Reaction Mechanisms................................................................................................... 267 Geochemical Considerations........................................................................................ 270
6.3.2 Chemical Oxidation..................................................................................................................... 272 Radical Reactions......................................................................................................... 273 Reagent Loading and Geochemistry............................................................................ 275 Reagent Selection/Types............................................................................................... 285
6.3.3 Chemical Reduction..................................................................................................................... 304 Reagent Selection/Types............................................................................................... 305

Chapter 7 In Situ Treatment of Metals.................................................................................................................................. 323

7.1 Terminology.............................................................................................................................................. 323
7.2 Metals: An Overview................................................................................................................................ 325
7.2.1 Metal Bonding Characteristics..................................................................................................... 325
7.2.2 Heavy Metals................................................................................................................................ 326
7.2.3 Transition Elements...................................................................................................................... 326
7.2.4 Metals Characteristics Influencing Transport and Toxicity......................................................... 327
7.2.5 Regulatory Considerations........................................................................................................... 327
7.2.6 pE–pH Diagrams.......................................................................................................................... 328
7.2.7 A Need for Consistency in Equilibrium Constants...................................................................... 329
7.3 Geochemical Strategies for In Situ Treatment of Metals.......................................................................... 329
7.3.1 Direct Precipitation...................................................................................................................... 329 Chemical Methods.........................................................................................................331 Biological Methods....................................................................................................... 344
7.3.2 Sorption/Coprecipitation.............................................................................................................. 344
7.4 Strategic Considerations............................................................................................................................ 345
7.4.1 Geochemistry............................................................................................................................... 345 Solubility of the Targeted Mineral............................................................................... 345 Precipitate Formation and Inhibition............................................................................ 346
xii Contents Mineral Comparisons................................................................................................... 358 The “Matrix Effect”..................................................................................................... 367 Hydration...................................................................................................................... 368
7.4.2 Technology Type.......................................................................................................................... 368 Reactive Zones.............................................................................................................. 369 Permeable Reactive Barriers........................................................................................ 373 Stabilization.................................................................................................................. 375 Extraction...................................................................................................................... 384
7.4.3 Analytical..................................................................................................................................... 387 Dissolved Metal Analysis............................................................................................. 388 Solid Metal Analysis..................................................................................................... 388 Operational (Functional) Analysis............................................................................... 396
7.4.4 Characteristics of Specific Metals................................................................................................ 397 Chromium..................................................................................................................... 397 Arsenic.......................................................................................................................... 398 Radionuclides............................................................................................................... 401
7.5 Permanence on In Situ Metals Treatment................................................................................................. 404
7.5.1 Sulfides......................................................................................................................................... 405
7.5.2 Element Re-oxidation................................................................................................................... 405 Chromium..................................................................................................................... 406 Uranium........................................................................................................................ 406
References............................................................................................................................................................ 407

Chapter 8 Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery..........................................................................................413

8.1 Soil Vapor Extraction.................................................................................................................................413
8.1.1 Governing Phenomena..................................................................................................................413 Contaminant Partitioning..............................................................................................413 Contaminant Properties.................................................................................................415 Soil Properties...............................................................................................................419 Airflow Characteristics................................................................................................. 421
8.1.2 Applicability................................................................................................................................. 424 Contaminant Applicability........................................................................................... 424 Site Characterization.................................................................................................... 424
8.1.3 System Design.............................................................................................................................. 425 Pilot Testing.................................................................................................................. 425 Design Approaches....................................................................................................... 428 Operational Considerations.......................................................................................... 432
8.1.4 Bioventing.................................................................................................................................... 433 Laboratory Testing........................................................................................................ 434 Design of Bioventing Systems...................................................................................... 435 In Situ Respiration Test................................................................................................. 436
8.1.5 Monitoring Requirements............................................................................................................ 437
8.1.6 Vapor Treatment Technologies..................................................................................................... 437 Thermal Oxidation....................................................................................................... 437 Catalytic Oxidation....................................................................................................... 439 Adsorption.................................................................................................................... 440 Condensation................................................................................................................ 443 Cost Considerations...................................................................................................... 443
8.2 In Situ Air Sparging.................................................................................................................................. 444
8.2.1 Governing Phenomena................................................................................................................. 444 In Situ Air Stripping..................................................................................................... 445 Direct Volatilization..................................................................................................... 446 Biodegradation.............................................................................................................. 446
8.2.2 Applicability................................................................................................................................. 446 Examples of Contaminant Applicability...................................................................... 446 Geologic Considerations............................................................................................... 447
Contents xiii

8.2.3 Description of the Process............................................................................................................ 447 Air Injection into Water-Saturated Soils...................................................................... 447 Mounding of Water Table............................................................................................. 448 Distribution of Airflow Pathways................................................................................. 449 Groundwater Mixing.................................................................................................... 449
8.2.4 System Design Parameters........................................................................................................... 450 Air Distribution (Zone of Influence)............................................................................ 450 Depth of Air Injection.................................................................................................. 452 Air Injection Pressure and Flow Rate.......................................................................... 452 Injection Mode (Pulsing and Continuous).................................................................... 453 Injection Well Construction.......................................................................................... 453 Contaminant Type and Distribution............................................................................. 454
8.2.5 Pilot Testing.................................................................................................................................. 454
8.2.6 Monitoring Considerations........................................................................................................... 456
8.2.7 Process Equipment....................................................................................................................... 456 Air Compressor or Air Blower..................................................................................... 456 Other Equipment........................................................................................................... 457
8.2.8 Biosparging.................................................................................................................................. 457
References............................................................................................................................................................ 458

Chapter 9 Soil Treatment...................................................................................................................................................... 461

9.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 461
9.1.1 Screening Criteria........................................................................................................................ 461
9.1.2 Sorptive Processes........................................................................................................................ 462
9.2 Soil Excavation.......................................................................................................................................... 463
9.2.1 Ex Situ Soil Treatment................................................................................................................. 464 Disposal........................................................................................................................ 464 Incineration................................................................................................................... 465 Thermal Desorption...................................................................................................... 465 Land Farming and Biopiles.......................................................................................... 466
9.2.2 Design Considerations.................................................................................................................. 467 Soil Volume.................................................................................................................. 467 Soil Stability................................................................................................................. 467
9.3 In Situ Thermal Remediation.................................................................................................................... 467
9.3.1 Energy Input and Heating Mechanisms....................................................................................... 469 Conduction.................................................................................................................... 469 Convection.................................................................................................................... 469 Joule (Electrical Resistance) Heating........................................................................... 469 Combustion/Smoldering............................................................................................... 470 Radio Frequency or Microwave Heating...................................................................... 470
9.3.2 Energy Transport and Storage Mechanisms................................................................................ 470 Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity.......................................................... 470 Heat Capacity................................................................................................................ 471 Heat of Vaporization..................................................................................................... 471 Heat of Condensation.................................................................................................... 471
9.3.3 Treatment and Removal Mechanisms.......................................................................................... 472 Vaporization and Volatilization.................................................................................... 472 Preferential Partitioning into Vapor Phase................................................................... 472 Boiling at NAPL–Water Interface: Formation of Low-Boiling Point Azeotropes....... 472 Fluid Property Changes................................................................................................ 473 Temperature-Activated Autodecomposition Reactions................................................ 473
9.3.4 Thermal Treatment Technologies................................................................................................. 474 Electrical Resistance Heating....................................................................................... 474 Thermal Conduction Heating....................................................................................... 476 Steam-Enhanced Extraction......................................................................................... 477
xiv Contents Smoldering Combustion............................................................................................... 479 Low-Temperature In Situ Thermal Remediation.......................................................... 479 Thermal Technologies Available in North America..................................................... 480
9.3.5 Thermal Technology Selection and Design Considerations........................................................ 481 Target Treatment Temperature..................................................................................... 482 Mass and Energy Balance............................................................................................ 483 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control................................................................................ 483 Design Considerations.................................................................................................. 483
9.3.6 Thermal Remediation-Performance Monitoring......................................................................... 485 Thermal Well Field Monitoring.................................................................................... 485 Remote Monitoring....................................................................................................... 485 Process Monitoring....................................................................................................... 485
9.4 In Situ Soil Mixing.................................................................................................................................... 486
9.4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 486
9.4.2 Planning for Implementation........................................................................................................ 487 Reagent Selection.......................................................................................................... 488 Design Goals................................................................................................................. 489 ISS Treatability Challenges.......................................................................................... 490
9.4.3 Implementation Methods.............................................................................................................. 490 Deep Soil Mixing......................................................................................................... 491 Shallow Soil Mixing Methods...................................................................................... 491 Other Soil Mixing Methods.......................................................................................... 491 Implementation Challenges.......................................................................................... 492
9.4.4 ISS Case Studies........................................................................................................................... 493 Case Study 1: Former MGP Site (New York)............................................................... 493 Case Study 2: Former Creosote Facility (Idaho).......................................................... 494
9.4.5 In Situ Treatment (IST)................................................................................................................ 495 Chemical Oxidants....................................................................................................... 496 In Situ Soil Mixing with Zerovalent Iron and Clay...................................................... 496
9.5 Phytotechnologies...................................................................................................................................... 497
9.5.1 Chemicals in the Soil–Plant System............................................................................................ 498 Metals........................................................................................................................... 498 Organics........................................................................................................................ 499
9.5.2 Types of Phytotechnologies.......................................................................................................... 500 Phytosequestration........................................................................................................ 501 Rhizodegradation......................................................................................................... 501 Phytohydraulics............................................................................................................ 503 Phytoextraction............................................................................................................. 504 Phytodegradation.......................................................................................................... 505 Phytovolatilization........................................................................................................ 507
9.5.3 Phytoremediation Design............................................................................................................. 508 Contaminant Levels...................................................................................................... 508 Plant Selection.............................................................................................................. 509 Treatability.................................................................................................................... 509 Irrigation, Agronomic Inputs, and Maintenance.......................................................... 509
References............................................................................................................................................................ 509

Chapter 10 Reactive Walls.......................................................................................................................................................511

10.1 Reactive Barriers........................................................................................................................................511
10.2 Technology Overview.................................................................................................................................511
10.2.1 Configurations...............................................................................................................................511 Continuous Permeable Reactive Barrier....................................................................... 512 Funnel and Gate Permeable Reactive Barrier...............................................................513
Contents xv

10.2.2 Constructability Considerations....................................................................................................516 Components...................................................................................................................516 Installation Methods......................................................................................................518 Limitations of PRB Construction................................................................................. 522
10.2.3 Performance Considerations........................................................................................................ 522 Hydraulic Capture......................................................................................................... 522 Residence Time............................................................................................................. 523 Reactivity...................................................................................................................... 523
10.3 Treatment Processes.................................................................................................................................. 523
10.3.1 Reaction Mechanisms.................................................................................................................. 523 Physical Reaction Mechanism...................................................................................... 523 Chemical Reaction Mechanism.................................................................................... 526 Biological Reactive Mechanism................................................................................... 528
10.3.2 Reaction Considerations............................................................................................................... 529 Treatment Reagent Reactivity (Durability and Stability)............................................. 530 Treatment Reagent Availability (Cost)......................................................................... 530 Treatment Reagent Compatibility (Hydrogeological, Geochemical, and
Construction)............................................................................................................ 531
10.3.3 Treatment Reagent Types..............................................................................................................531 ZVI................................................................................................................................531 Mineral Treatment Reagent...........................................................................................531 Organic Treatment Reagent.......................................................................................... 532
10.4 Key Design Parameters............................................................................................................................. 533
10.4.1 Hydraulics.................................................................................................................................... 533
10.4.2 Treatment Kinetics and Minimum Residence Time.................................................................... 534
10.4.3 Contaminant Distribution and Mass Flux.................................................................................... 535
10.4.4 Longevity...................................................................................................................................... 535
10.5 Performance Monitoring........................................................................................................................... 535
10.5.1 Performance Objectives and Demonstration Considerations....................................................... 536
10.5.2 Secondary Water-Quality Concerns............................................................................................ 537
10.6 Performance Case Studies......................................................................................................................... 537
10.6.1 Case Study 1: GETS Replacement with a ZVI PRB.................................................................... 538
10.6.2 Case Study 2: Anaerobic Biological PRB for Perchlorate Treatment (Biowall).......................... 539
10.6.3 Case Study 3: Long-Term Evaluation of a ZVI PRB in Elizabeth City, NC................................ 543
References............................................................................................................................................................ 544

Chapter 11 Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation............................................................................................... 549

11.1 Influence of Big Data on Environmental Remediation............................................................................. 549
11.1.1 Remediation-Related Data Management..................................................................................... 549
11.1.2 Types of Remediation Big Data....................................................................................................551 Sustainability (Green Remediation) Data..................................................................... 553 Smart Investigation....................................................................................................... 553 Tracer Testing Data....................................................................................................... 553 Advent of Sensors......................................................................................................... 554
11.1.3 Opportunities for Gaining Insightful Knowledge........................................................................ 554 Stratigraphic Flux......................................................................................................... 554 Developing and Validating Benchmarks...................................................................... 555 Natural Attenuation of 1,4-Dioxane............................................................................. 556 LNAPL Management.................................................................................................... 556 Realistic Values of Porosities........................................................................................ 557 Large Plume Management............................................................................................ 557
11.1.4 The Future.................................................................................................................................... 559
xvi Contents

11.2 Large Contaminated Groundwater Plumes Can Be Cleaned Up.............................................................. 560

11.2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 560
11.2.2 Back Diffusion Can Be Overcome............................................................................................... 561
11.2.3 Importance of Combined Remedies for Cleaning Up a Large Plume......................................... 562
11.2.4 Unique Success............................................................................................................................. 563
11.3 Managing Emerging Contaminants.......................................................................................................... 563
11.3.1 Background.................................................................................................................................. 564
11.3.2 Emerging Contaminants Currently in the Spotlight.................................................................... 566 Lessons Learned from the Past.................................................................................... 566 1,4-Dioxane................................................................................................................... 567 PFAS............................................................................................................................. 567 Developing Advancements in Management of 1,4-Dioxane and PFAS....................... 569 Current State of the Science......................................................................................... 575
11.4 Managing Vapor Intrusion Concerns........................................................................................................ 575
11.5 Management of Coal Combustion Residuals............................................................................................ 577
11.5.1 Coal Ash Disposal Practices........................................................................................................ 577
11.5.2 CCR Regulations.......................................................................................................................... 577
11.5.3 Pond Closure................................................................................................................................ 578
11.5.4 Recycling...................................................................................................................................... 578
11.6 Nanomaterials in the Environment........................................................................................................... 578
11.6.1 Natural Particles........................................................................................................................... 579
11.6.2 Fate of Nanomaterials in the Environment.................................................................................. 579
11.7 Managing E-Wastes................................................................................................................................... 580
11.7.1 Contamination from E-Wastes..................................................................................................... 581
References............................................................................................................................................................ 581

Appendix: Physical Properties of Common Environmental Contaminants...................................................................... 583

Index.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 593
I am extremely honored to have been asked to write the green remediation and other worthy, cost-effective solutions?
foreword for Remediation Engineering: Design Concepts. How can we work with owners and potentially responsible
The vision, passion, and technical excellence the authors parties to sustainably and realistically return contaminated
have brought to this second edition reinforce their position sites to beneficial use? In short, how can we leave a last-
at the forefront of innovation in this critical and rapidly ing legacy that improves the quality of life for generations
evolving field. to come?
I first met Dr. Suthan Suthersan and his team in 2015, when The term “remediation engineering” was coined by Dr.
I joined Arcadis as chief operating officer. What had drawn Suthersan and Steve Blake, a former CEO of Arcadis’ North
me to this industry and to this firm in particular was its com- American operations. Together, they undertook a journey
mitment to improving the quality of life. It is truly inspira- that created the foundation for our firm and forged the path
tional, a point of pride and an objective I strive toward as the for our industry. By combining their efforts to advance the
end result of my labors. pure science and innovation of remediation, to advocate for
Dr. Suthersan, who serves as Arcadis’ chief technical offi- regulatory alignment with realistic environmental conditions
cer; John Horst, executive director of Technical Knowledge and human health needs, and to understand the reality of the
and Innovation (TKI); Matthew Schnobrich, director of business and residential communities, they struck the per-
Remediation Services; principal geologist Nicklaus Welty; fect balance of scientific achievement, ecological care, and
and principal environmental engineer Jeffrey McDonough— bottom-line investment.
all globally recognized thought leaders in their fields— Steve Blake, a great friend to the authors of this book,
immediately impressed me with their dedication to practical passed away this year. When we face loss like this, it brings on
innovation. Never satisfied with the status quo, they are tire- a period of reflection, where we take stock of our contributions
less pioneers in the development and application of cutting- and wonder if what we have achieved has made a difference.
edge solutions to remediation challenges. The authors of this book will never have reason to be con-
The first edition of Remediation Engineering, published cerned when that question is asked of them. They are admired
in 1996, broke the mold on conventional approaches to soil and respected experts in their chosen fields and leaders and
and groundwater remediation. As a model of innovation, it advocates for the interests of their fellow human beings. Their
challenged accepted, long-term, industry-wide paradigms contributions as scientists and men will endure and be looked
and dramatically impacted regulatory trends by introducing upon with gratitude and grace for decades to come.
highly efficient and cost-effective technologies, most of which I thank them for their dedication to—and passion for—
relied on natural processes. It was quickly integrated into uni- the field of remediation engineering, for their endless quest
versity curricula, focused the environmental industry on the to develop breakthrough technologies, for their commitment
practice of in situ remediation, and established Arcadis as the to health and safety, and for sharing their expertise through
leading remediation firm in the industry. this book. I trust it will not only inspire and guide engineers,
This comprehensive second edition fortifies that leadership scientists, regulators, students, and researchers but also truly
position. Dr. Suthersan and his team explore both the history advance our shared mission of improving the quality of life—
and the future of remediation. How can science address the today, tomorrow, and long into the future.
challenges of persistent and emerging contaminants? How is
the role of remediation engineers evolving to define and exem- Joachim Ebert
plify environmental stewardship? How can we work to align Chief Executive Officer
historical regulatory guidelines with advanced processes for Arcadis, North America

This second edition of Remediation Engineering: Design where a multidisciplinary team works together as a collective
Concepts provides a comprehensive guide to design and to understand and develop all aspects of the design. With
implementation of the complete spectrum of remediation the basic philosophy of design approach handled, the bulk
technologies for all major classes of subsurface environ- of the chapter tackles key factors in the success of remedia-
mental contamination. The types of contaminants covered tion design that can be major stumbling blocks if not properly
include hydrophobic and miscible organics, metals and other accounted for. This includes health and safety considerations
high-solubility inorganics, and radionuclides. It teaches a (hazard identification and critical failure analysis, hazard con-
wide range of fundamentals that underlie the deployment of trols, and response planning), predesign efforts (from thought
cutting-edge but cost-effective solutions, including but not experiments to real experiments), biogeochemical consid-
limited to contaminant characteristics, distribution and trans- erations (fouling impacts on equipment and the subsurface,
port patterns, and chemical and biological mechanisms that material compatibility, and secondary effects on water qual-
are used to achieve oxidation, reduction, and precipitation of ity), and finally peripheral environmental factors that need to
target contaminants. We believe this book provides remedia- be considered so that the proposed remediation activities will
tion engineers and scientists the tools and extensive cover- not affect the environment or nearby receptors.
age to design, implement, and manage remediation systems The fourth chapter provides an overview of remediation
through the entire life cycle of the projects. hydrogeology, the application of hydrogeology to remedia-
The first chapter covers the evolution of the remediation tion engineering. Fundamental concepts of groundwater flow
industry itself over the last three decades. The development of and contaminant transport are covered before reviewing the
remediation engineering as a stand-alone technical discipline evolution of remediation hydrogeology from water supply ori-
is discussed from its infancy across multiple facets. The influ- gins up through the breakthroughs of remediation hydraulics.
ence of regulatory developments, technological advances, Three exciting new areas are covered: Smart Characterization
merging of complementary disciplines, health and safety con- methods, stratigraphic flux, and return on investigation (ROI).
siderations, and emerging industry trends are discussed with Smart Characterization is a new way of approaching site inves-
penetrating insight. Current and future issues and trends that tigation, using real-time, high-resolution methods to develop
will have major impacts on further evolution of our indus- a mass-flux-based conceptual site model. Stratigraphic flux is
try are covered later in this book. These trends include influ- a powerful new approach that shows how an aquifer deposi-
ence of big data, large contaminated groundwater plumes, tional history creates a characteristic permeability pattern at
emerging contaminants and impacts on water supplies, and the site, which can be interpreted using a flux-based frame-
impacts from unconventional energy exploration and vapor work to classify soils as transport, slow-advection, and storage
intrusion. Most chapters are developed to meet current mar- zones. In turn, these classifications provide insights regarding
ket demands—to meet regulatory compliance in shorter time how permeability distributions within elements of the aquifer
frames at reduced costs while relying upon the most techni- architecture control contaminant transport, cleanup duration,
cally efficient solutions. and realistically achievable end points. ROI is the philosophy
A broad overview of the primary and emerging contami- driving Smart Characterization and stratigraphic flux—the
nant species encountered in cleanup sites and the unique idea that the most powerful way to save money on remedia-
physicochemical processes that govern their fate and trans- tion projects is by changing the way we investigate sites and
port in the environment is provided in the second chapter. placing the characterization strategy in an economic decision-
These properties are related to their solubility, volatility, making framework to deliver outcome certainty.
retardation, susceptibility to degradation, and transport in The fifth chapter reviews shifts in our conceptualization
groundwater systems, which are all integral to understanding of hydrogeology and contaminant transport and how this new
a contaminant’s behavior and are essential to selecting and understanding can be applied to groundwater extraction rem-
deploying treatment remedies. A discussion is also included edies. Remediation hydrogeology requires us to move away
on the transport of nonaqueous phase liquid and its transport from a simplistic depiction of permeability by recognizing
behavior and contribution to dissolved-phase plume develop- that the majority of the mass flux occurs in a small segment
ment. This information is provided as a precursor to subse- of the aquifer cross section. The inclusion of slow-advection
quent chapters that delve deeper into individual contaminants zones along with storage and transport zones provides a more
and the remedies available to address them. accurate picture of the subsurface and allows us to design
The third chapter reviews the approach to remediation highly effective groundwater extraction systems. The new
design. The discussion starts with the foundational elements understanding of hydrogeology is used to optimize ground-
of the design process and the role each element typically water extraction, using a system of dynamic groundwater
plays. This is followed by a comparison of a conventional recirculation (DGR), which provides significant performance
compartmentalized design approach with integrated design, improvement over traditional pump and treat. DGR has been

xx Preface

applied to cleanup plumes never before thought possible, such a contaminant from water through sparging was historically
as the three-mile-long plume at former Reese Air Force Base, attributed solely to Henry’s law, describing the contaminant-
which was reduced to below Maximum Contaminant Levels specific rate of dissolved-phase/vapor-phase partitioning. In
(MCLs) in less than ten years. our discussion, we introduce the dual-rate model for contami-
Since the first edition of this book, no other class of remedial nant stripping where, in addition to Henry’s law, molecular
technologies has evolved as significantly as injection-based weight plays a role by controlling contaminant diffusion from
cleanup strategies—which are discussed in the sixth chapter. untreated areas to the air channels formed by sparging. With
The combination of improved characterization techniques, a soil venting, we introduce the pore volume exchange approach
renaissance in our understanding of groundwater contaminant to design an advancement beyond the empirical and radius
transport, and expansion of our knowledge base pertaining to of influence approaches. The pore volume exchange approach
microbial ecology and chemical transformation processes has emphasizes the actual exchange of the air-filled pore volume
enabled deployment and completion of in situ remedies with as a driver for cleanup, along with how air movement occurs
considerable control and certainty. We have gained consid- in venting wellfields and how their operation can be cycled to
erable insights into how to leverage naturally occurring oxi- maximize venting effectiveness.
dation and reduction processes to enhance biotic and abiotic The ninth chapter covers soil treatment technologies where
transformation processes in ways that reduce overall cost and the focus is primarily on mass removal, extraction, or destruc-
remedial time frames. The lessons learned over the course tion. Ex situ and in situ treatment methods are described for
of in situ technology innovation have been plentiful, and this soil treatment options under different conditions. The technol-
chapter highlights the key aspects of characterization, design, ogies covered are thermal technologies, including incinera-
and operation to achieve best success. tion, in situ soil stabilization (ISSS), and phytotechnologies.
In situ immobilization strategies and regulatory manage- A detailed discussion on the suitability and implementation
ment of metals and radionuclides are explored in the seventh of ISSS methods is provided with some case studies. Multiple
chapter. A cursory discussion of governing geochemical con- configurations for the application of in situ thermal remedia-
cepts (pH, oxidation-reduction potential, and ionic strength) tion technology are discussed in detail. A state-of-the-science
and terminology precedes identification and detailed descrip- update on phytotechnologies and their applications are also
tions of the available physical, chemical, and biological presented in this chapter.
mechanisms for remediating metal-impacted groundwater. Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) have gained con-
Successful groundwater treatment is demonstrated through siderable popularity since the first edition of Remediation
several unique case studies that highlight the advantageous Engineering, and the tenth chapter is devoted to discussing
manipulation of the three governing geochemical concepts. the advancements and wealth of case study information avail-
Further discussion is provided on high-resolution charac- able in the literature. The holistic PRB process is explored,
terization, microscopy, and spectroscopy as crucial lines of including available configurations, innovative installation
evidence confirming the immobilization mechanism. The techniques, key design parameters, and typical regulatory
chapter closes with a discussion on imparting permanence of recommended performance monitoring. Since the first PRB
the implemented remedy and underscores the importance of field-scale installation in 1991 by the University of Waterloo,
proactive communication and knowledge sharing to manage more than 200 field-scale PRBs have been installed world-
regulatory and stakeholder concerns. wide, and a collective accounting of successes and lessons
In the eighth chapter, we look at sparging and venting— learned has identified groundwater hydrogeology and reac-
remediation techniques that have been in practice since the tivity as the two driving design parameters for PRBs. These
first edition of this book in 1996. This chapter covers the critical design parameters are explored in terms of three
application of these techniques with updates that reflect large-scale case studies, one of which has more than 15 years
how they have evolved. For example, the ability to remove of performance monitoring data.
First and foremost, I thank the large group of like-minded col- brain power to contribute in some form to shaping this area of
leagues throughout Arcadis and our base of forward-looking practice. While acknowledging every individual by name is
clients who share our passion and enthusiasm for constantly impossible, Mushtaque Ahmad, Caitlin Bell, Jon Spitzinger,
updating our knowledge base and being at the cutting edge of Shawn Burnell, and Denice Nelson all contributed either
implementing remediation solutions. I also thank Joachim Ebert, detailed information, critical review, or supporting reference
our chief operating officer, for his inspirational support to finish materials to expand the material presented in these chapters.
this ambitious effort of completing the combined second edition
of three successful books. I specially thank Dr. Scott Potter for —Matt Schnobrich
giving us permission to use his figure for the cover design.
Mere words cannot express our gratitude to Carol Yochum, I thank Joe Quinnan for his continued mentorship over
who functioned as the glue and the task master, for coordinat- the past ten years and his thoughtful review of this book.
ing the efforts of all the authors in the midst of busy schedules Many of the concepts around Smart Characterization were
and the demands of their day jobs. The significant inputs pro- developed by or with Joe’s help. The chapter on DGR could
vided by John LaChance, Eric Panhorst, Don Malone, Adam not have happened without the help of both Scott Potter for
Chwalibog, Dave Caballero, Margy Gentile, Caitlin Bell, and his guidance and Jennifer Wahlberg for her modeling sup-
Davinder Randhawa are immense. Rachel Stevens did an port. I also thank Patrick Curry, Jesse Wright, Allison
excellent job in utilizing a figure that captured the essence of Yanites, Allan Horneman, Mark Klemmer, Dan Lang, Aaron
this book in an attractive cover design. The drafting support Bobar, Craig Divine, Randy St. Germain, Dave Favero, and
provided by Matt Wasilewski is greatly appreciated. Matt  Wasilewski for their helpful reviews and contributions
to the book.
—Suthan Suthersan
—Nicklaus Welty
The insights captured in this book draw from a long list
of collaborative inputs over the years from both mentors and The technical content of the contributed chapters was
teammates. This includes Fred Payne and Scott Potter, who inspired and informed by the passion and excellence of
were always ready to share their knowledge and champion the Dr.  Jeff Gillow, Dr. Donald Carpenter, Dr. Margy Gentile,
value of critical thinking, and Margy Gentile, Mark Klemmer, Dr.  Michael Hay, Jeff Burdick, Shawn Burnell, Dr. Scott
Dwayne Campeau, and Jeff Gillow, all of whom contributed Potter, John Horst, and Dr. Mushtaque Ahmad. Carol Yochum
their time and enthusiasm to making sure we got it right. and Matt Wasilewski were more than instrumental in manag-
ing our technical content and organizing the framework of
—John Horst this book. A gracious appreciation and thank you is extended
to the following esteemed colleagues, who supported this
While this book ultimately provides the authors’ knowl- book: Chase McLaughlin, Caitlin Bell, Jon Spitzinger, Mike
edge and understanding of remediation processes, technology, Misakian, Jennifer Halcomb-LeBeau, Erik Mantor, Matt
and assessment techniques, the body of information presented Carney, Mike Bedard, and Carmen Vidal.
in this resource is the end result of countless individual engi-
neers, geologists, and scientists who have shed sweat and —Jeff McDonough

Dr. Suthan Suthersan, PE scale and complexity. John stays heavily engaged in technical
is chief technical officer and support and technology/intellectual property development
executive vice president at and in his current role supports in Arcadis toward the devel-
Arcadis, a global environ- opment of entrepreneurial technical leaders that can connect
mental, water, buildings, their expertise with market trends and the business perfor-
and infrastructure services mance drivers of clients (financial, nature, community, etc.).
company. He has enabled John earned a   BS in engineering at Drexel University,
Arcadis to be one of the where he participated in a National Science Foundation pilot
most respected knowledge- program to produce more business-savvy graduates. He has
based environmental ser- published on remediation topics ranging from restoration geo-
vices companies in the chemistry to specific treatment technologies and has given
world through his contributions toward technology develop- courses on in situ bioremediation. In his 19 years at Arcadis,
ment and the development of best practices and knowledge he has helped establish new capabilities, captured dominant
sharing platforms. His expertise and experiences are gained market positions in a number of key competencies, and devel-
from participating in hundreds of environmental remediation oped the first innovation program for the company, which is
projects in the United States, Canada, Europe, Latin America, now implemented globally.
and Asia.
Dr. Suthersan earned a BS in civil engineering at the Matthew R. Schnobrich is
University of Sri Lanka and a PhD in environmental engineer- a technical expert and asso-
ing at the University of Toronto. He has more than 35 years ciate vice president at
of experience. His groundbreaking book, Remediation Arcadis. He currently serves
Engineering, was published in 1996, and he has also authored as the director of remedia-
two additional books, Natural and Enhanced Remediation tion and has over 15 years of
Systems and In Situ Remediation Engineering, and has been experience in the design,
awarded 20 patents (and more pending) for remediation tech- implementation, and com-
nology applications. His column, “Advances in Remediation pletion of a variety of reme-
Solutions,” is regularly featured in the Journal of Groundwater diation technologies, in
Monitoring and Remediation. addition to the characteriza-
Dr. Suthersan has taught courses in remediation engi- tion, pilot testing, and strategy behind their development. He
neering at the University of Pennsylvania; University of also provides technical support for these systems within the
Wisconsin, Madison; and Northeastern University, Boston. United States and abroad. Through his direct experience on
He founded the biannual RemTEC conference on advanced hundreds of sites, he has the opportunity to consolidate and
remediation solutions and is also currently collaborating with evaluate data and extract information to develop best practices
the National Groundwater Association on a new conference and technical standards. From this experience, he continues to
combining the themes on emerging contaminants, large con- develop innovative approaches and remedial solutions to
taminated plumes, and their impacts on water supplies. enhance existing technologies for future implementation.
He has written extensively on the topic of in  situ biore-
John Horst, PE, is the exec- mediation and received the 2011 Samuel Greeley award from
utive director of TKI for ASCE. He has lectured at numerous conferences and con-
North America at Arcadis. tributed regularly to peer-reviewed publications to dissemi-
John is an expert in the nate best practices and emerging technologies throughout the
development, application, industry.
and optimization of new and He is a registered professional engineer with a BA in biol-
innovative environmental ogy and Spanish from St. John’s University and an MS in
restoration technologies and environmental engineering from the University of Minnesota.
integration of multiple disci- Outside of his engineering career, he also competed interna-
plines to address restoration tionally in the sport of rowing and won a bronze medal at the
challenges with significant Beijing Olympics with the US Men’s Eight.

xxiv Authors

Nicklaus Welty, PG, CPG, Jeff McDonough, PE, is a

is the director of site inves- principal engineer at
tigations for Arcadis, and Arcadis with 10  years of
has been with Arcadis for professional experience in
over ten years. Prior to his in  situ remediation applica-
current role, he founded and tions. Through his role as a
led the high-resolution site technical leader within
­characterization program at Arcadis’s TKI platform, he
Arcadis. He is the company brings informed and proven
expert in dynamic, adaptive in  situ remediation experi-
high-resolution site investi- ence to a broad range of
gations with real-time 3D hydrostratigraphic and plume multinational clients. He has published and presented on
modeling, and he led the first commercial applications of diverse subjects within remediation engineering, and his
several advanced site characterization tools and strategies knowledge base incorporates geochemistry, microbiology,
and the first real-time, adaptive Smart Characterization proj- systems engineering, and hydrogeology to establish balanced
ects on several international projects. Nicklaus has taught solutions to challenging site restoration. He earned a BS in
internal and external workshops to regulators, clients, and civil and environmental engineering, with a minor in environ-
consultants on innovative site characterization strategies and mental engineering, and an MS in environmental engineering
leads Arcadis’ company-wide training initiative for high- at Pennsylvania State University. His master’s research
resolution site characterization methods for geologic, per- focused on the influence of manipulated rate kinetics on the
meability, and contaminant mapping. He earned a BA in permanence of biologically immobilized radionuclides.
geology at the College of Wooster and an MS in environ-
mental geosciences at Michigan State University.
1 State of the Practice
Remediation Engineering

1.1 INTRODUCTION our  business. Motivated by “there must be a better way,”

scientists and engineers always look for innovative methods
The environmental remediation industry has grown from and solutions that evolve into accepted practice and preferred
its small roots in the late 1970s to be a multibillion dollar techniques. However, it should also be noted that the ability
global industry during the last four decades. At its birth, to separate emerging technologies built on a sound scientific
hazardous waste handling, transport, and disposal were the platform from the ones practiced on a speculative basis has
primary activities in the industry. During the 1980s, the face always been a challenge in our still maturing industry.
of the industry changed with the introduction of the under- Since the time the term “remediation engineering”
ground storage tank (UST) regulations and passage of the was coined by Suthersan and Blake in 1990,1 an enormous
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, amount of data and information have been collected within
and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund) and the Hazardous the umbrella of this overarching and multidisciplinary techni-
and Solid Waste Amendments to the Resource Conservation cal discipline. This rising tide of data and information should
and Recovery Act (RCRA). The volume and complexity of be viewed as an abundant, vital, and necessary resource to
the hazardous waste cleanup sites set the stage for the growth continuously expand the depth and breadth of the scientific
of the remediation industry. Traditional engineering and con- knowledge within remediation engineering. The sequential
struction firms were the first to enter this market followed by evolution and conversion of data to information to knowledge
many smaller, regional firms in addition to many niche firms to insights represent an emergent continuum, and the progress
with specialized skills and expertise. along this continuum was essential for this relatively young
Today, the remediation industry is quite different in com- technical discipline to become the foundational pillar of a
parison to its early beginnings. Regulatory trends are in a growing, global industry (Figure 1.1).
constant state of flux with a variety of standards enforced
at national, state, and local jurisdictions. Dramatic swings
1.1.1  Growth of an Industry
along legislative, technological and economic fronts have
occurred during the growth and expansion of this relatively In spite of nearly four decades of efforts in our country and
young industry. The staggering dimensions of cleaning up our across the globe, remediation of contaminated sites to its
nation’s hazardous waste sites, and also across the world, pro- pristine, precontamination conditions remains a significant
duced a substantial need for the introduction and development technical and institutional challenge. Since the 1970s, bil-
of efficient and cost-effective technologies. lions of dollars have been spent to mitigate the human health
The hazardous waste cleanup business was supposed to be and ecological risks posed by contaminants released to the
working itself out of a job since much of the contamination subsurface environment. These investments and efforts
at these legacy sites had their origin from the operation of have shown reasonable progress within the major regulatory
industrial facilities prior to the establishment of modern regu- programs. For example, 20% of the 1723 sites listed on the
lations. Before the onset of current regulations, methods of National Priorities List have been permanently removed by
hazardous waste disposal included industrial lagoons, unlined the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) because
landfills and dumps, and waste piles. Thus, the historical all the remediation actions required to remove the risks posed
inventory of sites requiring cleanup was very large and varied to human health and the environment were completed.3,4 Of
from region to region depending on the degree of industrial the 3747 hazardous waste sites regulated under the RCRA
activity. However, for those of us in the remediation business, corrective action program, 70% also have achieved control of
the work has kept coming as waves of new sites have come human exposure to contamination, and 686 have been desig-
into play over the past decade as new and emerging contami- nated as corrective action completed.5 The UST program has
nants are identified and regulated. In addition, new categories reported the most significant success with the closure of over
of contaminated sites like manufactured gas plants, fire train- 1.7 million USTs since the initiation of the program in the
ing locations, and shale gas sites will require remediation due early 1980s.6
to upcoming regulatory developments. Growth rates of many environmental industry segments
As the remediation industry started to evolve over the have been strong in recent years. Traditional environmental
years, advances in cleanup technologies have gained accep- markets are driven by the demand for essential services (such as
tance from both an economic and technical efficiency per- water supply and wastewater collection and treatment) and have
spective. Science and technology have never been static in increasingly become mature markets. However, the emerging

2 Remediation Engineering

matters for firms that need to meet the demands of multina-

Insight is simplified
complexity tional clients who are focused on maintaining their image
Insight (wisdom) on environmental consciousness and sustainability across
true potential and future
the globe.
Number of components or

capabilities of remediation
context independence

Knowledge from
technologies In spite of the progress mentioned earlier, thousands of
accumulated experience, contaminated sites across federal, state, and local programs
observations and conclusions
from multiple sites are thought to still have contamination at levels preventing
and sources
them from reaching closure. The source of funding for the
Information from implementation of remediation projects is an important con-
common trends from
similar sites and sideration on the rate and volume at which these projects are
technical applications
Commonsense undertaken and completed. Responsible parties required to
Data from
individual implement remediation activities face a certain level of uncer-
tainty initially in determining the maximum level of costs and
Level of understanding or connectivity in ensuring that the total expenditure produces a certificate of
regulatory compliance at the end. It is widely agreed that long-
FIGURE 1.1  Knowledge management continuum within remedia- term management will be needed at some sites for the foresee-
tion engineering. (From Suthersan, S. and Horst, J., Ground Water able future, particularly for the more complex sites in terms
Monitor. Remed., 27(3), 133, 2007.) of the type of contamination and/or the geologic conditions.
Considering the extent of the number of hazardous waste
regulation-driven markets like remediation are still expand- sites that require remediation, one question that has arisen
ing due to globalization, identification of emerging contami- consistently is the definition of site closure in relation to these
nants, and the investments on technologies, equipment, and sites. Does a closed site mean no residual contamination
delivery systems (Figure 1.2). Regulation-driven markets also above regulatory limits or is the definition flexible enough
fall into their own cycles depending on the time frames set for depending on the exposure pathways to the residual contami-
complying with the new standards or regulations or economic nation at the site? This confusion may not be limited to the
factors such as real estate booms and busts. general public but also to all the stakeholders, which may
The current remediation market is becoming global with include the regulators too. It should be noted that the defini-
international competition on all continents where the legis- tion of site closure varies within the different regulatory pro-
lation and regulatory requirements have been in place for a grams. Based on this discussion, it becomes philosophically
while. Competition is driven by experience and the presence important to distinguish remediation from another category
of large global companies from mature markets that have of corrective action, namely restoration. Attempts at restora-
expanded their activities outside their traditional borders and tion more typically lead to new end points and environments
operate at the global level. Broader geographic coverage also that share substantial, ecological, and aesthetic properties

Remediation market size (billions of dollars)



FIGURE 1.2  The trend showing the growth of the remediation industry during the last 35 years. The growth data prior to 1988 are anec-
dotal and from personal communications. Growth data from 2016 to 2018 are projections. (From EBJ, Environ. Business J., 2014; EBJ,
Environ. Business J., 2015.)
Remediation Engineering 3

with the original precontamination site. Remediation aims development of new remediation technologies has historically
to return a space to the exact condition in which it existed suffered from the fact that investing in such research activi-
before the contamination took place, whereas restoration ties presents a strong financial risk due to uncertainties in the
aims to return the space to a usable condition similar to which potential markets for these technologies. Financial support for
existed before with new materials. If the logic of restoration research and development efforts is critical to ensure continu-
is one of reproduction or recreation, the logic of remedia- ous innovation and to maintain the sector’s competitiveness.
tion is one of counteraction or undoing the harm. The influence of collaboration between the federal gov-
The remediation industry’s future relies upon trends in ernment and the remediation industry on research and devel-
ecological management of the natural and built environ- opment activities is already very high through the financial
ments, and sustainability and resilience is its evident future. support provided to research programs and projects and
Another significant issue facing the remediation industry is through the ability to highlight potential new market oppor-
the need for long-term stewardship at sites with institutional tunities. Evaluating the commercial application of emerg-
and engineering controls. By their definition, these controls ing environmental technologies, most of which fail to reach
are intended to last for an extended period of time and, in the market either because the technology is not sufficiently
most cases, in perpetuity, or until new technologies are devel- mature or because it does not meet the market’s current needs,
oped and implemented to further decrease the risk posed by is crucial for the technology evolution. Focusing on support
the residual contamination. Although recorded on deeds, for technologies that present the highest potential for market
there is generally little a property owner can do to ensure application could be an efficient way to promote the most rel-
that these controls remain in effect after the property is sold. evant research programs.
The industry is grappling with this issue and is in the process
of developing policies and procedures to address this issue.
1.1.2 Technical Discipline to Practice
The term “stewardship” has become an industry buzzword
that is defined in numerous ways or not defined at all within Remediation engineering is a unique technical discipline with
the context of cleanup projects. To date, no formal policies a history of integration of components from many scientific
or consistent procedures have come from within the regula- subjects and different fields of engineering. The reality of
tory programs specifically defining long-term stewardship dealing with significantly complex systems, such as the sub-
related to remediation, specifically institutional and engineer- surface environments contaminated by a multitude of chemi-
ing controls. What is needed is a comprehensive definition of cal compounds, led us to appreciate the need for the evolution
the term stewardship that includes a specific long-term plan of this emerging engineering discipline. Prior to the 1970s,
for implementing realistic and fully enforceable institutional civil (or sanitary) engineers were primarily responsible for
controls at remediation sites. environmental protection through design of municipal and
Establishing universally accepted standards for the deliv- industrial wastewater treatment plants. By the 1980s, sani-
ery of remediation services and promoting the integration of tary engineers with civil engineering training were renamed
environmental performance in construction standards are “environmental engineers” to better integrate the broader
also important for further maturation of the industry. In the engineering mission. Technological advances during the last
framework of the industry’s efforts to promote sustainable three decades have gradually altered the landscape on how
field activities and consumption, the development of sustain- we deal with recent and legacy environmental contamination.
ability standards and quality labels for environmental goods Remediation engineering has become part of the very fabric
and services will contribute to promote their quality and to of the progress of the environmental industry during the last
develop further market expansion. As technical standards are few years, and the practitioners working within this young
not systematically harmonized at the national or global level, industry have been amassing a large body of knowledge. It
some emerging advanced technologies face barriers when is vital that this knowledge and experience be expanded and
trying to penetrate new markets. Establishing technical stan- shared and that vision is the impetus to write this second
dards will also play a decisive role in ensuring the customer of edition.
a guaranteed level of quality. Integrating environmental per- The short history of remediation engineering is highly
formance requirements in production standards for the build- insightful because it reveals the technological, regulatory, and
ing and transportation industry can strongly develop markets cultural aspects of its rapid evolution that will help current and
for eco-construction in general and for technologies related to future students better understand the subject and take pride in
recycled materials, energy efficiency, water and waste man- their chosen career. Decades-long interplay between research
agement, noise reduction, and renewable energy consumption. in academia, industry, and concurrent advances in multiple
Technology development is key in this industry as the sup- subdisciplines gave rise to a rich knowledge base from which
pliers are differentiated by technical solutions that make it emerged the high profile practice of remediation engineering.
possible to achieve the cleanup goals at reasonable cost. High As mentioned before, advances in remediation engineering
level innovation capacity and the ability to provide creative have spurred the growth of a multibillion dollar industry.
solutions for complex problems is a critical factor to be suc- The inherent need to understand the assimilative capacity
cessful in this competitive market as they   enable the par- of the subsurface environment in dealing with the fate of con-
ticipants to continuously adapt to new market demands. The taminants has underscored the interdependence of knowledge
4 Remediation Engineering

from multiple technical disciplines. In many ways, the ground physical, biological, chemical, and engineering disciplines.
beneath our feet is as alien as a distant planet. The scientific Assessing transformation processes of organic and inorganic
techniques and approaches required to understand aboveg- compounds in complex environments requires a lot of tools,
round ecological systems don’t translate well to the subsurface and it is necessary for the knowledge transfer to occur from the
environment. Scientists have traditionally portrayed the sub- basic sciences to be applied in the implementation of field scale
surface environment as a black box due to the spatial, chemi- systems. There seem to be numerous unexplored possibilities
cal, and biological diversity within a few cubic centimeters. to further the understanding and answer some questions on
During the emergence of remediation engineering as a transformation processes by utilizing the latest techniques
stand-alone technical discipline, a productive collaboration available in the chemistry and microbiology toolboxes.
between the science and engineering communities grew. The need to develop and field-test combined remedies for
Recently, there has been much discussion about the future cost-effective remediation of contaminated sites became a
development of remediation engineering as a stand-alone necessity to achieve reasonable end points at sites with large
practice. Three parallel paths of evolution have taken place footprints of contamination, complex geology, and recalci-
within remediation engineering during its march toward trant contaminants. Robust, aggressive technologies designed
becoming a full-blown practice (Figure 1.3). The first is based for rapid source-zone mass removal must be linked to tech-
on the framework of understanding the fate and transport of nologies for achieving cleanup of the downgradient dissolved
contaminants such as hydrobiogeochemistry. The second path plume. Integration of remediation technologies should mini-
focuses on the integration of diverse engineering principles mize the overall cost of the project by selecting treatment trains
required for the design and implementation of various reme- that work in a synergistic manner. As such, strong themes
diation technologies. The third is the green remediation or have emerged commensurately and the multiple connected
sustainability model requiring the integration of sustainabil- disciplines have been woven together intricately to address
ity concepts into all phases of remediation projects. the growing scale of remediation engineering as a practice.
Remediation of contaminated sites initially was thought When full-scale remediation systems are being designed and
to be an expensive and technically complex process. During implemented successfully in the field, the distinction between
the early years, this industry has tended to rely primarily on the various scientific and engineering disciplines started to
heavy engineering solutions, which were expensive but were blur within the practice of remediation engineering.
quick-fix answers. As the practice evolved over the years, Revolutionary improvements in site investigation tech-
economical and technical effectiveness became the primary niques also had a significant impact on the evolutionary
deciding factors. As the coalescing and emerging practice of growth of remediation engineering as a practice. Direct
remediation engineering developed a wide variety of cost- push drilling technologies, routinely used in the geotechni-
effective technical solutions, technologies were developed to cal engineering arena, have allowed the use of a wide variety
address the simple as well as complex sites. It should also be of tooling and instrumentation that can be advanced into the
noted that during the same period, rapid evolution of environ- subsurface lithology. Compared to other types of environ-
mental investigation and analytical techniques with regard to mental drilling techniques, direct push techniques have many
sampling, detection, and analysis also took place. benefits with respect to environmental sampling, and they are
As remediation engineers, we are recognizing that differ- as follows: small volume or no drill cuttings, easy to handle
ent subsurface media are all linked in one way or another, and maintain thus resulting to higher daily productivity,
and the significance of an integrated practice like remediation easier to decontaminate properly, much smaller volumes of
engineering brings together the linkages between the various decontamination wastes, easier to mobilize and demobilize,
and much better access when access is limited or the site is
in a remote location. Direct push sampling today is routinely
used for soil sampling, groundwater sampling, and soil gas
sampling because of the reasons given here.
There have been significant advances over the last few
Remediation engineering
years in the development of field sampling as well as ana-
lytical chemistry techniques. Research was focused on
improving sample representativeness in highly heterogeneous

engineering disciplines
Integration of multiple

Sustainable and green

remediation models

systems, reducing sampling effort, and developing fundamen-

knowledge base

tal and practical aspects of passive sampling methods. The

design of new samplers or modification of existing ones has
permitted the development of improved strategies in in  situ
sampling and the expansion of passive sampling to a broader
range of contaminants. Significant advances have been made
in sample handling methods as well as in contaminant sepa-
ration and extraction techniques as well. The use of sensors,
FIGURE 1.3  The three foundational columns that support the biosensors, and nanomaterial is an active area of research in
advancement of remediation engineering as a practice. this arena. Environmetrics, which is the field involved with
Remediation Engineering 5

Some Key Milestones in the Evolution of Remediation Engineering as a Full-Fledged
Technical Discipline and Practice
1970 20 million people celebrate the first earth day.
1970 President Nixon establishes the USEPA with a mission to protect the environment and public health.
1976 Congress passes Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, regulating hazardous waste from its
production to disposal.
1976 President Ford signs the Toxic Substances Control Act to reduce environmental and human health risks.
1978 Love Canal, NY, residents discover contamination from buried leaking chemical drain.
1980 Congress passes Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act and creates
National Priorities List, and revises the national contingency plan.
1984 UST Regulations shift the focus of tank regulations based purely on safety (e.g., fire codes) to
regulations meant to protect the environment and public health.
1984 Health and Safety at Work Act promulgation stipulates corrective action requirements at facilities with
ongoing operations and introduces land ban of specific contaminants.
1980s Dig-and-haul and pump-and-treat technologies dominate due to “remove the source” and “contain the
plume” mind-set as a result of initial public reaction to subsurface contamination.
1980s Petroleum contamination is the primary factor influencing the evolution of in situ remediation
technologies—thus, soil vapor extraction (SVE), air sparging, and aerobic bioremediation become the
emerging technologies.
1990s Further development and enhancement of in situ technologies relying on physical mass removal such as
venting and air sparging and aerobic bioremediation.
1990s Chlorinated solvents become the primary focus of concern.
1990s Development of anaerobic bioremediation relying on engineered reductive dechlorination to address
chlorinated solvents.
1990s Sediments contamination starts to get attention.
1990s Dissolved metals also become an area of concern.
1990s Development of in situ metals precipitation.
1990s Development of thermal technologies.
2003 Development of remediation hydraulics revisiting the age old understanding and assumptions in
remediation hydrogeology.
2000s Green and sustainable remediation became an accepted practice.
2000s Focus is placed on multiple emerging contaminants.
2000s Combined remedies are included in large-scale system designs.
2010s Regulatory standards for some emerging contaminants are in place.
2010s Remediation of large plumes becomes a discipline on its own.
2010s Convergence of the remediation industry and water supply industry is beginning to take shape.

development and application of quantitative methods for envi- fully fledged academic program. Several key events can be cited
ronmental analysis, has become an essential supporting disci- in the transformation of remediation engineering into a broader
pline within the remediation practice. practice area with its own intellectual merit (Table 1.1).
Defining an emerging engineering or scientific field is dif-
ficult because of the overlapping nature of related scientific
1.1.3 Advances in Complementary Disciplines
disciplines as illustrated in Figure 1.4. The theoretical rigor of
Most fields of science and engineering evolve rather than the fundamental processes that are involved in contaminant
being invented as a result of someone’s burst of inspiration. mass removal mechanisms provides the basic framework for
Remediation engineering is an applied field of study that evolved integrating relevant disciplines across a diverse set of natural
from early foundations of several related technical and scien- and engineered environments. The focus is not so much on the
tific disciplines. Significant elements of hydrogeology, geology, subsurface environment itself but on what is in it as contami-
chemistry, geochemistry, microbiology, biology, and physics in nants that has to be removed and the preferred techniques to
addition to the many engineering disciplines such as environ- remove them. Recent advances in some of the core relevant
mental, civil, chemical, mechanical, and electrical form the core disciplines are discussed in the following sections.
foundation of the current incarnation of remediation engineer-
ing. Although we have witnessed a period of tremendous growth  Advances in Remediation Hydrogeology
for remediation as a global industry, remediation engineering as The early developments in hydrogeology mainly dealt with
a field of study is still in a transitional phase waiting to become a the development of groundwater and mineral resources.
6 Remediation Engineering

Modeling Geophysics
Hydrology Site inv

Groundwater Mineralogy
Fluid engineering
mechanics Hydrogeology Geology
Civil engineering
Geotechnical Metallurgy
treatment Ecology
Environmental Biology
Air engineering

Water Geochemistry Chemistry

treatment Microbiology

Soil Analytical
chemistry chemistry
Water Biochemistry

FIGURE 1.4  Illustration of the multiple technical disciplines that contribute to the foundational knowledge base of remediation engineering.

When the focus on potential drinking water sources designed, the subsurface is strikingly heterogeneous, and
shifted from surface water to groundwater extraction dur- large-scale averaging and steady-state observation obscure
ing the middle of the last century, the science of ground- details of aquifer structure that are essential for the design
water hydrogeology emerged as a scientific discipline. In and operation of successful groundwater remediation sys-
the water resources industry, groundwater extraction is tems (Figure 1.5).
designed and implemented at relatively large scales, and
(e.g., permeability, porosity, geochemistry)

the developments in groundwater hydrogeology was based

on a foundation of macroscale hydrogeologic and hydrody-
Observable aquifer characteristic

Representative elementary volume (REV)

namic principles.
The hydrogeologists who designed the early groundwater
remediation systems primarily were migrants from the water Avg value
resources and oil exploration industries to the remediation
industry. This was the reason for the initial dependency on a
conservatively designed groundwater pump-and-treat (P&T) Classical Darcian hydrogeology
systems for mass removal and containment of contaminated
groundwater plumes. The designs of these systems were Remediation
based upon pumping tests and capture zone analyses, and hydraulics
the proof of a system’s effectiveness being the successful
Scale of observation
redirection of groundwater flow toward the extraction points.
Large-scale averaging of key system variables has been an FIGURE 1.5  Differences in the domains of observation and utili-
essential and effective strategy in designing water supply zation of hydrogeologic parameters between traditional groundwa-
development and water resources development systems. ter hydrogeology and remediation hydrogeology. (From Payne, F.C.
However, within the scale in which remediation systems are et al., Remediation Hydraulics, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2008.)
Remediation Engineering 7

The concept of remediation hydrogeology began to evolve when warranted. Current injection-based systems have shifted
recently and encompasses the broader goals of understanding to high-volume, lower to moderate concentrations based on the
the subsurface environment and the necessary technical tools current understanding in remediation hydrogeology.
to design effective groundwater remediation systems. Thought A more frequent implementation of next-generation meth-
leaders of this emerging discipline realized that a more fun- ods such as high-resolution site characterization techniques
damental approach was needed based on the premise that all has enabled the development of far more accurate conceptual
porous media are heterogeneous at the smallest scales and site models (CSMs). Realistic conceptualization of an aquifer
natural aquifers are heterogeneous over all scales. They began structure recognizes that the majority of groundwater flow
emphasizing fundamental scientific rigor and quantitative and contaminant mass flux occurs through the most perme-
approaches in the areas of fate and transport of contaminants, able materials and that these can represent a relatively small
fluid flow in porous media, and properties and interpretation percentage of the overall aquifer volume at most sites. As a
of aquifer stratigraphy. Among the key events transforming result, remediation engineers of today have an increased level
remediation hydrogeology into its current thinking and utility of understanding of contaminant transport mechanisms from
are the introduction of the dual-domain concept and question- a very large body of empirical observations of plume dynam-
ing the age old concept of bulk hydrodynamic dispersivity in ics and remediation system performance. There has been a
analyzing and predicting contaminant transport.9 shift in thinking from a remediate everywhere mind-set to a
Only within the past few years, there has been considerable focus on mass flux—contaminant mass that moves.
focus on the adequate delivery and distribution of injected sub- To maximize the return and benefits of CSM development,
strates for the design and implementation of in situ remediation it’s necessary to move beyond conventional investigation
systems. Tracer studies have emerged as the most powerful tool methods developed decades ago and to use smart investiga-
to unmask the heterogeneous structure of groundwater flow and tion tools with a dynamic, adaptive approach. Smart inves-
to understand how injectants and contaminants behave in an tigation tools are more than a catch phrase—they enable
aquifer. In the past few years, a rich base of tracer study data has better, more cost-effective decision-making by increasing the
been collected, and the results from these tests have made us to information content and quality from the investigation efforts.
rethink how we design injection-based systems specifically and Compared to the conventional linear, iterative investigation
extraction systems as well. A significant insight derived from cycle using monitoring wells, this approach provides real-
the accumulated knowledge from tracer testing was regarding time, high-density data to accurately map the geology and
the presumptive assumptions of porosity of different types of contaminant distribution at high resolution. What’s unique
soils and how we estimate groundwater velocities. These tracer about this approach is that the investigation can be done not
tests have helped us to open the black box of fine-scale aquifer only better and faster but also cheaper. The cost savings are
architecture and understand contaminant and reagent migra- realized (Figure 1.6) during every stage of the project life
tion in the subsurface. As a result of this fundamental shift, a cycle by
significantly different thinking has been developed in how we
design injection-based in situ systems. The standard design and • Replacing the inefficient repeated investigation cycle
operating procedure, until recently, involved the use of high- of work plan, data collection, and report writing with
concentration low-volume injection of reagents, under pressure a streamlined, real-time communication process that

$ (IC)
Overall cost of remediation


Site investigation

costs = $ (IC)
Traditional Smart methods
Investigative methods

FIGURE 1.6  Overall cost savings utilizing smart investigation methods and developing better conceptual site models for cleaning up
contaminated groundwater plumes using the mass flux-based approach. (From Suthersan, S. et al., J. Ground Water Monitor. Remed., 35(3),
25, 2015.)
8 Remediation Engineering

informs stakeholders and builds consensus before Decision Making, sharpens the focus on the contaminant mass
the final report is written that moves to maximize the remediation benefits at any site.
• Minimizing the use of monitoring wells, which
are meant for monitoring and not characterization,  Advances in Environmental Microbiology
resulting in reduced short-term and long-term moni- Since its inception, environmental microbiology has been
toring costs over the life cycle of the project the science of the presence, abundance, interactions, and
physiological activities of microorganisms in terrestrial and
Mapping the site in terms of contaminant flux, rather than aquatic environments. The earth’s habitats present complex
simple concentration, is a cornerstone of the approach. gradients of environmental conditions that include variations
Knowing that contaminant mass moves in high permeability in temperature, light, pH, pressure, salinity, and the presence
zones and is stored in lower permeability zones is essential of both organic and inorganic compounds. Microorganisms
to remediation success. Distinguishing the mass in the trans- are the primary agents of biogeochemical changes in the
port zones from storage zones with this investigative approach subsurface environment. Their small size, ubiquitous distri-
enables you to focus your remedy on the mass that matters bution, high specific surface area, potentially high rate of
because of the following: metabolic activity and growth rates, physiological respon-
siveness, genetic malleability, and enzymatic and nutritional
• Of the contaminant transport, 90% is typically con- diversity provides them with an unrivaled opportunity to
centrated within 10%–20% of the cross section of play a significant role in many in situ and ex situ remedia-
the aquifer. tion processes.
• The interaction between transport and storage zones Over the past few years, microbial ecologists have demon-
determines realistic remedial end points and remedy strated the importance of understanding microbial processes
time frames. controlled by environmental variables and limited resources.
These processes are highly specific in terms of what, when,
Although many things have been improved with time within where, and why they are active and how they impact ecosystem
the larger context of remediation hydrogeology, one of the dynamics. Advances in analytical, imaging, micro-sensing,
most difficult practical challenges remains—namely, how and computational techniques in concert with molecular bio-
we deal with large dissolved plumes. Presumptive think- logical tools have revealed levels and mechanisms of micro-
ing emphasizes containment and management of these large bial organization and interaction that are both remarkably
plumes rather than focusing on mass removal and site clo- complex and intriguing. Before the widespread application of
sures. However, evolving insights related to plume structure genetic tools, our estimates of microbial diversity were based
and solute transport processes at the remediation system scale on observations obtained from enriched cultures despite the
is providing the opportunity to move from merely plume man- realization that only a few percent of strains were culturable.
agement strategies to successful remediation and relatively As a result, we have learned that, if nothing else, microbial
shorter time frames for closure of many large plumes. The diversity is astounding and greatly exceeds anything we could
combination of a mass flux perspective with dual porosity have imagined only 10 years ago.
concepts and the advection–diffusion transport concepts has These advancements in environmental microbiology are
helped us to understand how a contaminant plume matures in helping us to make the functional connection between the
its path from the source to the leading edge. Understanding seemingly infinite diversity and the multitude of environ-
the continuum of plume maturity is the cornerstone to design mentally relevant processes that diverse taxonomy groups
the remediation system that will help us to look at different carry out. The knowledge base developed has helped in link-
strategies and combined remedies being adopted in different ing the multitude of players to these processes under varying
portions of a large plume. environmental conditions and constraints that characterize
Significant developments in contaminant mass flux and habitats, ecosystems, and even regions. Characterizing and
mass discharge measurement techniques in recent years have developing a good understanding of relevant spatial and
increased the spotlight on the debate as to whether post- temporal scales over which microbially mediated remedia-
remediation or closure standards should be based on con- tion processes operate is of additional importance from an
centrations or mass flux. This approach provides a pragmatic interdisciplinary perspective. This is the realm of sliding
and scientifically based means to prioritize and allocate finite scales where environmental microbiologists must interact
resources to remediate a site for maximum return of benefits. with hydrogeologists, geochemists, biochemists, limnolo-
Recommendations have been made during regulatory policy gists, and modelers to determine the boundary conditions
discussions that a mass flux framework should be used to sys- over which monitoring measurements and analysis have to
tematically develop performance and compliance monitoring be made.11
programs. This framework will focus efforts on the high flux In some instances, ecosystem function can be inferred by
zone—zones that would potentially be used as a groundwater relating groups to the physical, chemical, and biological char-
resource and provide a direct measure of remedy performance acteristics of the particular environment of interest to imple-
and potential risks associated with contaminant migration. ment remediation. This strategy can work well in simple,
This approach, aptly captured as Flux-Informed Remediation structured environments where local microbial communities
Remediation Engineering 9

are dominated by only a few morphologically distinct organ-  Environmental Geochemistry
isms. In more complex communities where the microbial Geochemists have been interested in the chemistry of ground-
populations are heterogeneous, it remains difficult to unravel water systems for over a century. Environmental geochemis-
specific ecological roles played by particular organisms try is the discipline that explores the processes controlling the
within a group. As mentioned earlier, advances in molecular chemical composition of the subsurface environment. It deals
techniques have shifted the emphasis from culturing to the with the physical, chemical, and biological conditions of the
analysis of signature molecules, in particular, specific gene subsurface such as mineral composition, state of matter, tem-
sequences. The resurgence of the application of molecular perature, pH, redox potential, and microbial activity. These
tools for expression analysis from environmental samples is factors and others influence the mobilization, dispersion,
generally seen as a consequence of reduced technology costs, deposition, distribution, and concentration of dissolved com-
together with more effective methods for recovery for genetic pounds, specifically metals, often due to natural and anthro-
material and increasing amounts of data on the quantitative pogenic influences. Beyond defining and identifying chemical
systems that are available. impacts to an ecosystem, environmental geochemistry has a
Finally, the structure of knowledge in environmental big role to play in assessing the potential and feasibility of
microbiology emerges as an effort at balancing real-world physical, chemical, or microbial remediation technologies
significance of field sites and their puzzling complexity that can be implemented at any given contaminated site
between molecular insights from reductionism and the pos- (Figure 1.8).
sible inapplicability of information gathered (Figure 1.7). Geochemistry has played an important role in the devel-
The reductionism mentioned here refers to the reductionis- opment of remediation engineering, in part because of the
tic progression from field sample to laboratory incubation, to important role of biogeochemical processes in the design and
enrichment culture, to the isolation of pure cultures, and to implementation of remediation systems. Remediation system
elucidation of genetic information. As each layer of reduc- designers need geochemical data integrated with microbial,
tionism unfolds, the likelihood of the resultant informa- geological, and hydrogeological site information to evalu-
tion being ecologically relevant in the field also diminishes. ate the effectiveness of different remediation alternatives.
Environmental microbiology traverses from highly relevant, Geochemists respond to that need by designing and oversee-
but uncontrolled and sometimes uninterpretable field site ing geochemical investigations during the baseline and imple-
measurements to sophisticated yet much more simplified lab- mentation phases and also help in the design of bench-scale
oratory systems. Laboratory systems are increasingly likely and field-scale pilot studies. In developing CSMs, geochemists
to induce artifacts and hence maybe of uncertain relevance to work with specialty laboratories and utilize advanced analyti-
the microbial processes relevant to the remediation system in cal techniques to characterize and identify contaminants of
the field. The in situ biogeochemical processes of interest are concern. Understanding the physical and biogeochemical pro-
likely affected by intact, naturally occurring communities to cesses that determine the transport and fate of contaminants
intricate biogeochemical food webs. is a major challenge and represents an important requirement

microbial processes in field sites
Relevance to knowledge of


Means of producing information

Microbiology Field Laboratory Pure cultures

Cells Genes
techniques site incubations extracts

FIGURE 1.7  Relationship between means of producing environmental microbial information relevant to designing a remediation system
and to the microbial methodologies used. (From Madsen, E.L., Environ. Sci. Technol., 32(4), 429, 1998.)
10 Remediation Engineering

Laboratory analyses

Sample digestion methods

Wet chemistry
Specialized methods for non-
routine analytes
Advanced microscopy

knowledge management
Field measurements

Water and soil chemistry: COCs distribution

Geochemical mechanisms
pH Major cations and
Controlling COCs
Turbidity anions
Minor trace Geochemical CSM
Total and dissolved elements Data presentation
solids Geochemical modeling
Organics Strategy inputs
Anoxic or oxic Alternative end points
collection Temperature Remedy optimization

FIGURE 1.8  Importance of geochemistry in the everyday practice of remediation engineering.

to quantify the effectiveness of engineered remediation sys- advanced chromatographic and spectrometric techniques,
tems. Geochemical investigations and data collection usu- compound-specific isotopic analysis provides a more efficient
ally include, but are not limited to, characterization of solid means of identifying subsurface biogeochemical processes by
matrix of the subsurface at the site, sequential and regulatory examining changes in the isotopic composition of the con-
leaching procedures, mineral and element identification pro- taminants directly.
cedures, chemical fingerprinting, compound-specific isotopic Compound-specific isotopic analysis is a method that has
analyses, and determination of sorption coefficients. the potential to differentiate between contaminant degradation
The issue of by-product formation due to solid-phase inter- and other nondegradative processes of mass loss. Laboratory
actions as a collateral effect of in  situ remedies has gained studies have shown large shifts in the stable carbon isotope
more attention in the scientific, regulatory, and consulting values of tetrachloroethylene (PCE), trichloroethylene (TCE),
communities. Properly designed geochemical investigations cis-­dichloroethylene (Cis-DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC) dur-
and analysis can help in the design process to determine what ing reductive dechlorination of these compounds. In contrast,
secondary effects can be expected, what is the potential for nondegradative processes such as sorption, dissolution, and
these impacts to spread beyond the targeted treatment area, volatilization involve only relatively small isotopic shifts at
what are the time frames that can be expected for complete equilibrium.15 Isotopic studies coupled with chemical data are
recovery of the treatment zone and what is the permanence and powerful tools to trace single and multipollutant contamination
longevity of the treatment itself. The concept of geochemical events and to evaluate in detail the chemical and fractionation
gradients becomes relevant in this context, and the geochemi- processes that occurred. Full validation of the applicability and
cal model will help us to understand these gradients.13 Thus, effectiveness of the isotopic approach in characterizing the deg-
conceptual geochemical site models are important for the suc- radation or transformation processes will require additional field
cessful deployment of in situ remediation systems to balance and laboratory studies. Knowledge of the microbial ecology and
the design, implementation and site closure objectives. metabolic functions of microorganisms involved in the process
Major analytical methods and speciation techniques for is essential to arrive at reliable conclusions.
determining the solid-phase species and their physical distri-
bution to understand the mobility, bioavailability, and fate of  Geophysical Methods
the contaminant metals in soils, sediments, and natural waters Geophysics is the process of measuring and analyzing con-
by heavy metal forms have been used extensively in envi- trasts in the physical properties of materials in the subsurface
ronmental geochemistry. These methods include advanced in order to characterize geologic properties of interest and the
chemical extraction methods, scanning electron microscopy, distribution of materials of interest within the geologic frame-
low-energy electron diffraction, x-ray methods, and advanced work. Rarely are the physical properties of interest measured
mass spectrometric methods.14 With the development of directly. Instead, contrasts in physical properties that can be
Remediation Engineering 11

used to deduce material properties of interest are measured. development of accurate CSMs that will ultimately facili-
For example, variations in the electrical resistivity of buried tate and deliver more efficient and cost-effective remedial
soils are related to the occurrence and relative abundance of strategies.
clay minerals, the soil porosity, and the properties of materi- Electrical resistivity surveys also have a large pedigree in
als filling the pore spaces (gases or fluids). By measuring the the mineral resources industry. As with seismic techniques,
electrical resistivity of geologic materials, desired geologic advances in computing power have provided investigators
properties can be deduced including lithology, porosity and with a new tool for monitoring moisture travel in the vadose
permeability, and pore-fluid characteristics. zone in real time. The latest deployment of high-resolution
Geophysical methods are commonly applied to character- resistivity, a modified resistivity network with advanced ana-
ize geologic and hydrogeologic phenomena during site inves- lytical techniques, is revolutionizing soil-moisture monitor-
tigation and remediation applications. The following are some ing in highly contaminated zones by moving beyond dry well
examples: logging. The data obtained from high-resolution resistivity
surveys indicate both the time of release and the direction
• Lithology, porosity, and permeability of a spreading plume. High-resolution resistivity can also be
• Soil texture (grain size, sorting) applied to existing contaminant plume by mapping the charge
• Vertical and lateral distribution of geologic proper- distribution of a current-fed plume. The resulting map shows
ties and structures (e.g., geologic facies and faults) areal distribution of the charged body in plain view. Similar
• Presence and degree of saturation in pores cutting-edge applications of electrical resistivity include exci-
• Physical and chemical properties of pore fluids tation of mass and residual potential mapping, both of which
• Occurrence of anthropogenic features or structures have been successfully applied to contamination studies.
Recent advances in geophone construction, high-speed
Typical methods include the use of airborne, surface, and microcomputers, and processing algorithms have also moved
subsurface acquisition tools. Resolution generally varies seismic techniques into the fields of subsurface moisture map-
from hundredths of a meter to several meters (10 −2m to 105m) ping, aquifer boundary studies, and 3D vadose zone charac-
depending on the method and desired objective. Borehole terization. Field-grade geophysical instruments are equipped
geophysical methods provide vertically continuous, high- with digital signal processing and recording capabilities once
resolution data at a single location that can be correlated to restricted to large corporate computing centers. The use of
other locations for lateral characterization. Surface geophysi- geophysics in environmental applications is neither new nor
cal methods provide both vertical and lateral characterization unique, but the advancement of geophysical tools designed
of the subsurface, but at lower resolution, and the resolution specifically for environmental applications continues to pro-
generally varies (decreases) with the depth of investigation. vide cutting-edge technologies that will improve investiga-
Most geophysical tools were initially developed for tion methods and result in more efficient and cost-effective
geotechnical engineering, mining, and petroleum explora- solutions to environmental problems. The incremental cost
tion purposes, but many of those tools have been adapted associated with geophysical applications will in most cases be
to environmental applications in recent times. Advances significantly offset by savings in life-cycle costs for achieving
in surface geophysics acquisition and processing methods remedial objectives and project closure.
have yielded higher-resolution methods for the identification Geophysical investigation should be considered early in
and characterization of geologic parameters, the occurrence the development of site characterization. Monetary and time
and extent of contaminants in porous media, and the iden- efficiency will be greatest when the geophysical surveys are
tification of anthropogenic materials such as buried drums part of a phased program, especially at large and geologically
or military munitions and landfill delineation. Near-surface complex sites. Early geophysical exploration allows subse-
methods such as ground-penetrating radar and radio fre- quent geologic engineering or hydrogeologic verifications in
quency are commonly used for utility location and shallow an efficient and logical manner. Problems encountered late
investigations. in the field assessment may have little funding for their reso-
Traditional borehole geophysical tools have long been lution or verification. Further, there will be little advantage
applied to deeper environmental investigations, but new from geophysics performed during the later stages of investi-
applications have been designed for shallow investigations. gation activities, as compared to early geophysical application
Acoustical and optical televiewers provide visual data regard- where subsequent investigations may be revised or replanned
ing subsurface conditions, and flow meter tools that can be in scope in terms of specific locations and detail.
applied to extraction and production wells to identify and
quantify yielding intervals. Moreover, advances in push-tool
1.1.4 Role of Remediation Engineer
technologies such as conductivity dipoles, cone penetration
testing, membrane interface probes, laser-induced fluores- The practice of remediation engineering has undergone sig-
cence, hydrologic profiling tools, and other technologies are nificant evolution during the last three decades. Nonetheless,
providing high-resolution data specific to environmental it has retained four major characteristics from its earlier days.
investigation and remediation needs. These tools are revo- First of all, it still focuses primarily on issues related to human
lutionizing environmental investigations by aiding in the health and ecological impacts on the environment caused by
12 Remediation Engineering

hazardous waste contamination. Remediation engineering Remediation engineers have utilized many strategies
thus is highly relevant for the quality of life of populations acceptable to regulators and other stakeholders, which
living within and surrounded by natural and built environ- acknowledge site complexity and inherent technical and cost
ments. Second, it encourages a multidisciplinary perspective barriers to achieving stringent cleanup standards, yet pro-
based on integrated scientific principles and also extending vide an effective path forward that reduces risk and retains
across many connected engineering disciplines. Remediation the ability to determine when unrestricted use is appropriate.
engineers are comfortable in leading multidisciplinary teams Examples include applying for and being granted a technical
trying to understand contaminant behavior in the subsurface impracticability (TI) waiver, utilizing the potential flexibility
and the subsequent removal of it. Third, remediation engi- on regulatory guidance, developing alternate concentration
neers still view their domain to include all environmental limits (ACLs) as compliance values, groundwater zone reclas-
media: soil, water, air, surface water and groundwater, natu- sification, institutionalized restrictions on future site use, and
ral and engineered systems, and the gaseous and solid phases using flux-based compliance instead of groundwater concen-
with which water is in contact. Fourth, remediation engineers trations. These strategic alternatives can meet most regulatory
always have borrowed concepts and technologies freely from requirements and stakeholder expectations while protect-
other fields of inquiry and applying them to enhance the qual- ing human health and ecological impacts through exposure
ity of the environment by removing the risks to human health controls.
and the ecosystem. Convergence of viewpoints toward a more mature, com-
Given the interdisciplinary nature of remediation engi- mon vision to implement an environmentally protective and
neering, the practice will continue to benefit from advances cost-effective project is needed. Cleanup programs are chang-
in information management, analytical chemistry, molecular ing under the influence of regulatory and economic initiatives
biology, and transfer of more advanced technologies from and the different types of liability management programs.
other fields of engineering. Remediation engineers, who Investigations and cleanups increasingly need to be afford-
work across multiple scales, ranging from molecular level able, yet transparent and defensible. Technical goals and
contaminants to global portfolios of contaminated sites, are terminology need to better reflect real-world site conditions
poised to make additional contributions to improve the qual- while being more supportive of project needs. Yet technical
ity of the environment we live in. However, the role of the considerations alone will not ensure project success, and bet-
remediation engineer today is much different than when the ter integration of human factors into project management is
role was defined during the early stages of the remediation also required. We need to catalyze the continuous maturation
industry. of the remediation industry by emphasizing a central theme of
The issue of setting upon remediation objectives touches managing decision uncertainty, elimination of unambiguous
upon the core aspects of remediation engineering today, technical, regulatory, and stakeholder communications, and
but none more so than realistically evaluating the feasibil- streamlining varying project life cycles and multidisciplinary
ity of site closure. Whether a site can be regulatorily closed interactions. Remediation engineers need to lead the cleanup
depends largely whether the remediation objectives, defined industry toward an integrated, practical, second-generation
on the regulatorily accepted closure plan or the Records of paradigm that can successfully manage the complexities of
Decision (ROD), can be achieved from a practical perspective. today’s cleanup projects.
Evaluations of such practicality can be very difficult to make A recent development within the practice of reme-
when the objectives stated in the regulatory documents are in diation engineering is the use of best-value remediation
such ill-defined terminology as removal of mass to the maxi- design combined with traditional design principles. This
mum extent practicable. We can find many other examples is achieved by prescriptive specifications with the use of
of similar ambiguous and ill-defined remediation end points. open competition to determine design elements specified by
Thus, the role for the remediation engineer becomes one of a performance requirements instead of traditional end points.
leadership role in elucidating the practicality of the direction Compelling reasons to use best-value remediation design
of any remediation project from a technical and cost-effective include the potential realization of life-cycle cost savings,
perspective. an inherent flexibility that can accommodate changing reg-
Another positive development in the industry is related to ulatory, and public priorities, as well as evolving innova-
the healthy debates taking place within many regulatory juris- tive technologies and still maintain the ability to provide
dictions. These debates are focused on whether or not to alter a protective cleanup action. A major administrative and
long-standing cleanup standards when they are unobtainable implementation challenge is the development of a partner-
in a reasonable time frame and also within reasonable cost ing relationship, which fosters trust between project stake-
estimates in comparison to the overall benefit to the environ- holders with differing interests. The best-value approach is
ment. These are the instances where remediation engineers appropriate for most projects where the stakeholders have
will be expected to ask the question, “Are we going to reme- a genuine desire to pursue environmental restoration in
diate the site meeting absolute standards or restore the site to an effective, open, and cost-effective manner. It is impor-
beneficial use by removing or stabilizing the source mass and tant that the state of the practice will evolve in terms of
eliminating all exposure pathways to the residual contamina- effectiveness and cost savings as a result of the best-value
tion at the site?” approach because remediation engineers will be required
Remediation Engineering 13

to consider critical nontechnical elements during the pre- Although using the contaminant type provides a useful
design and design stages of a project. The quest for sound starting point for assessing the appropriateness of remedia-
financial performance in completing remediation projects tion technologies, it is a gross simplification of what in reality
measured by reducing costs and technical innovations will is likely to be a much more complicated scenario. Many con-
spur this concept further. taminated sites will contain more than one contaminant cat-
egory, and this may necessitate the evaluation of a combined
1.2 EVOLUTION AND MATURATION remedy consisting of multiple technologies. Even within the
same contaminant grouping, for example, nonhalogenated
organics, biodegradation may be more amenable to some
During the early years of the remediation industry, direc- compounds and not for others. There are also instances when
tion and efforts were mostly influenced by the regulations in a technology may be feasible in theoretical terms or even
place and the need for compliance and protection of human demonstrated at laboratory scale, but there may be practical
health and the environment. The industry, now three decades reasons why it cannot be applied at full scale, such as health
old, continues to evolve and is influenced today by regula- and safety concerns or scaling-up issues.
tory changes, economic factors, emerging contaminants, and Another perspective in viewing the evolution of tech-
sustainability considerations. However, the most important nologies within the remediation industry can be by looking
evolution has been, and will continue to be, in the area of through the lens of primary mechanisms for mass removal.
technological developments and enhancement of existing Remediation technologies for treating organic, inorganic, and
technical solutions. The demand for continuous evolution of metal contaminants from soil and groundwater have evolved
cost-effective technologies led to a technological convergence through three pathways with primary emphasis on (1) extrac-
based on the merger of different scientific disciplines within tion or gross removal processes with or without ex situ treat-
the overarching practice of remediation engineering. The ment, (2) in situ remediation of contaminants, and (3) reliance
expression “emerging technologies” is used to cover such new on natural degradation and mass transfer processes. Some
and cutting-edge technologies such as genetic engineering, technologies from each generation can be modified in order
artificial intelligence, and nanotechnologies. Since remedia- to reach the next generation along the evolutionary path. The
tion engineering is a young and emerging industry, many of progression reflects the increasing sophistication of society,
the innovative technologies that have been employed in this science, and engineering in dealing with environmental con-
industry go through the phase of being field-tested and proved tamination. The current generation is sustainable technolo-
to be “performed as designed” until they become conven- gies, and because of the need to achieve a combination of
tional technologies. environmental, economic, and social objectives, the transition
In the traditional world of engineering practice, design to sustainable technologies is becoming imperative.
and construction of a dam, a multistoried building, or a high- Following the initial synthesis of new remediation tech-
way has to take into consideration that these structures have nologies, innovation efforts are typically directed toward
to be built to last a lifetime and meet or exceed every design improving functionality and discovering stakeholder prefer-
standard and specification. However, when we design reme- ences. As the initial excitement stabilizes, the basis for com-
diation systems, these systems are designed as temporary petitive advantage shifts from technological differentiation
systems expected to last only until the contaminant mass to operational functionality and cost-effective implementa-
is removed or the remediation performance objectives are tion and cost management. The whole industry goes through
achieved—whichever comes first. Thus, the design process a phase of ferment when technology discontinuities are
and procedures employed in remediation engineering, with caused, specifically, by the emergence of new type of con-
respect to durability, is not standardized and universal as taminants. The rate of technological change and innovation
practiced in the traditional and established engineering dis- begins to accelerate and new solutions rapidly get introduced
ciplines. The focus is more on operational efficiencies and and old ones obsoleted. In an environment of confusion for
keeping the systems running continuously with minimum the stakeholders, technology developers who had the ability
downtime. to integrate rapidly changing technologies into functional,
Evolution of remediation technologies was influenced not complete, easy-to-use, and supportable solutions had a sig-
only by changing regulatory and economic factors, but also by nificant advantage over their competitors. When a technology
the type and chemical characteristics of contaminants under reaches the maturation phase, remediation system designers
focus. An example is the shift in emphasis from engineered are judged on the functionality, cost of the system, delivery
aerobic bioremediation systems of the 1980s to remediate and performance of the system.
petroleum hydrocarbons to engineered anaerobic bioremedia- While many industries have developed uniform standards
tion systems of the 1990s treating chlorinated solvents. Since for evaluating product or technology performance, no such
the 1990s, the ever-increasing understanding of the behavior standards exist for remediation technologies. Different stake-
of most contaminants and the assimilative capacity of natu- holders for site cleanups (such as responsible parties, regula-
ral environments have also led us toward understanding and tors, and community groups) may have different expectations
maximizing the remediation poise and potential of natural and perspectives on how technologies should be evaluated and
systems. selected, let alone perform. Currently, there is no standardized
14 Remediation Engineering

mechanism for reconciling these differing expectations. In technologies never reached the commercial stage because of
addition, multiple technologies may be available to reach the real or perceived risks in using them.
remediation objective and end point. A particular technology Regulatory concerns have also interfered with deployment
must not only be a success in that it meets the technical per- of full-scale innovative remediation technologies at many
formance criteria, but it also must be accepted by the numer- remediation sites. Especially problematic are the slow, linear
ous stakeholders involved in site remediation. nature of the regulatory process and inconsistencies in the
way the process is applied from site to site. These regulatory
concerns can delay the selection of remediation technologies
1.2.1 Timeline: 1980s to 2010s
(which further reduces demand) and result in the use of out-
The evolution of remediation technologies has occurred at dated technologies chosen years before site cleanup begins
a relatively rapid pace, and the most profound changes have (although at some sites regulators do allow changes to the
occurred in incremental changes in how we apply exist- original cleanup plans). Regulatory inconsistencies create
ing technologies. This was a result of the pressure from the uncertainties about whether a technology proven at one loca-
responsible parties and other stakeholders to improve techni- tion will meet the regulatory requirements at another location,
cal efficiency and cost effectiveness. During the early years, making the stakeholders hesitant to take the risk of using an
contaminated groundwater and vapor intrusion from soil con- innovative technology.
tamination were the driving concern because of the mobility Innovative technology as applied to the cleanup of
of the contaminated mass and potential liability moving off- groundwater and soil is an elusive term, for various reasons.
site. The need to contain the contamination immediately on- Regulators and other stakeholders may have different per-
site led to the universal application of pump and treat (P&T) spectives on which technologies are innovative. Another rea-
systems and excavation for source control and mass removal. son why innovative is hard to define is that technologies are
The need to develop cost-effective remediation solutions continually evolving. In this industry, only a few technolo-
led us to focus on aggressive technologies and risk-based gies represent true breakthroughs, in the sense that they apply
rational end points. While it can be argued that the initial concepts never before used in the field. More commonly,
motive for applying these technologies has been one of sav- innovation occurs incrementally, evolving from existing tech-
ing money, the end result is much quicker cleanup times to nologies. Experience and accumulated knowledge that lead
more acceptable cleanup levels. The metrics that influenced toward the best practices and technical standards are the best
the design and performance of remediation systems include metric in accepting innovative technologies.
mass removal, concentration reduction, mass flux reduction, Until the mid-1990s, changes to selected technologies in the
reduction of source migration potential, plume size reduc- record of decision (ROD) of Superfund sites to allow the use of a
tion, and changes in toxicity or mobility of residuals. more effective technology were extremely rare. The inability to
change to a different remediation technology once the ROD had  Regulatory Influences on Technology Evolution been signed created a barrier to the use of innovative remedia-
Historically, regulators have used drinking water standards tion technologies. Years can pass between signing of the ROD
as baseline cleanup goals for contaminated groundwater. For and construction of the cleanup remedy and during this time,
soil, regulators have commonly set cleanup goals designed to new technologies may emerge that could improve the prospects
protect the groundwater beneath the soil and to prevent expo- for site cleanup or reduce costs. However, since the late 1990s,
sure to contamination via vapor migration, soil ingestion, or EPA has changed its policies concerning ROD revisions and
inhalation. However, these policies are changing rapidly. New increasingly is allowing modifications to remedies specified in
policies for groundwater and soil cleanup will affect the range RODs to reflect new information about cleanup technologies or
of remediation technology options and will therefore influ- new understanding about the site. Remediation engineers must
ence priorities for technology selection. be familiar with these policy changes because the new policies
Despite the obvious demand for new and innovative reme- open an avenue for increasing use of innovative, cost-saving
diation technologies to enter the market to address the chang- remedies. Recently, many changes were approved to allow mod-
ing landscape of treatment objectives, numerous regulatory, ifications to the design of the original remedy, often to reflect
marketing, technical, and financial barriers have impeded the new monitoring from the site data. At many sites, conventional
progress in remediation technology development. As new or pump and treat systems were eliminated or changed to in situ
redesigned technologies became available, a new problem remediation or monitored natural attenuation remedies to reflect
surfaced—the unwillingness of regulatory agencies and the the improved site conditions by natural processes. Changes in
cleanup community to embrace them even as pilot tests. Many required cleanup levels (usually to less stringent levels) were
of the new technologies were considered unproven, and the also allowed at a number of sites.
risk of their use and potential failure was unacceptable. In An increasing number of state environmental agencies are
the environmental technology development community, this adopting a process known as “risk-based corrective action”
phenomenon became known as part of the “valley of death,” (RBCA) to evaluate and select cleanup remedies for sites that
symbolizing the failure of some remediation technologies the states oversee. The RBCA process was developed by the
to progress successfully from the research and development American Society for Testing and Materials and published
stage to full-scale implementation. Many good aggressive in the form of two industrial standard guides.16,17 The first
Remediation Engineering 15

standard guide, published in 1995, applies to sites contami- has been assessed to varying degrees and documented numer-
nated with petroleum hydrocarbons. The second, published in ous times. In situ technologies have application for both soil
1998, applies to sites with other chemical contaminants. Most and groundwater remediation and offer the potential to reme-
states allow use of the RBCA process or a variant. diate large areas and to greater depth with less site disruption
The petroleum RBCA standards and the super RBCA and faster cleanup times. A growing body of evidence gives
guidelines dealing with other contaminants combine site increasing level of confidence in their long-term success.
assessment, risk assessment, risk management, and reme- Recent advancements in related disciplines such as bio-
dial action into a single framework. Rather than aiming for technology and information management will help in expand-
a uniform goal of reducing site contaminants to natural or ing the breadth and depth of in situ bioremediation. The term
background levels or achieving maximum cleanup possible “environmental biotechnology” has a certain air of modernity
with current technology, the RBCA framework assesses cur- when in fact it already has a long history of use, if one consid-
rent and potential future risks at a site and sets cleanup goals ers the underlying principles and not the appellation. There is
accordingly. RBCA proceeds in a tiered progression; the a dynamic new definition and purpose in this discipline with
analysis moves from simple to complex only as necessary and regard to bioremediation. The ability to probe the environ-
becomes more site specific at each stage. ment at the molecular level with exquisite methods, to create
a new awareness of fundamental biological processes therein,  Pump and Treat to In Situ has created an important new paradigm within remediation
In the 1980s and 1990s, P&T remediation systems were engineering with respect to design and management of in situ
installed at many sites to mitigate risk and remediate contam- remediation systems. Further, biological lines of evidence
inants in groundwater. Although recognized as an effective made extremely robust through the merger of biotechnology
containment strategy, P&T systems may require decades to and environmental science are poised to be incorporated into
reach stringent cleanup goals such as maximum contaminant the very fabric of site evaluation and remediation at the regu-
levels (MCLs). For this reason, in situ remediation technolo- latory level.
gies, particularly those targeting source zones, have been Development of in situ reactive zones (IRZs) during the
developed and applied with increasing frequency in recent mid-1990s was essentially an outgrowth of the efforts to
years (Figure 1.9). In situ remediation technologies currently engineer the enhancement of the natural processes that con-
include in  situ air sparging, soil vapor extraction, in  situ tribute toward degradation of many contaminants. Today, an
chemical oxidation, in  situ chemical reduction, engineered IRZ is defined as an aquifer or vadose zone segment that is
in  situ bioremediation, in  situ metals precipitation, thermal managed to chemically or biologically destroy, remove, or
treatment, and in situ stabilization. transform contaminants through the injection of reagents.
These technologies advanced through basic research and An IRZ can also be sustained over a long time span, acting
field demonstrations and have become commercially available as a contaminant migration barrier, in addition to being a
technologies during the last two to three decades. The perfor- short-term treatment strategy for elimination of contaminant
mance of these technologies under full-scale field applications source zones.

MNA—Monitored natural attenuation

MNA with source reduction

Conventional pump and treat
In situ reactive zones (IRZ)
In situ air sparging

Only when
are aerobically
Clean-up standards


FIGURE 1.9  Comparison of progress toward achieving concentration reductions via different technologies.
16 Remediation Engineering

In Situ Reactive Zones for Metals Precipitation
Reaction Objective
Strategy Direct Precipitation Sorption/Coprecipitation
Biological Anaerobic biostimulation—Reduction Iron sulfide incorporation
Anaerobic biostimulation—Sulfide precipitation
Chemical pH manipulation Iron oxide incorporation
Anion manipulation

In Situ Reactive Zones for Organics
Reaction Objective
Strategy Oxidation Reduction
Biological Aerobic and anaerobic biostimulation Anaerobic biostimulation
Anaerobically mediated abiotic reduction
Cometabolic aerobic biostimulation Rhizodegradation (microbial reduction in plant root zone)
Chemical Fenton’s reagent
Permanganate Zero-valent iron
Persulfate Hydrolysis

There are many possibilities for designing and operating from micromeasurements to field-scale prediction, and simula-
an engineered IRZ. They are as follows: tion of remediation processes are becoming far more promising.
Based on the structure of the reactive zone: This computational power could be linked to the development
of improved methods for characterizing site conditions, for-
• Mass/phase transfer zones mulating conceptual models that represent system behavior,
• Permeable reactive barriers parameterization and calibration of site-specific models, and
• Impermeable reactive zones quantification of uncertainties in prediction. Modern computing
• Injected reagent systems (permeable zones) power can help ensure that more sophisticated numerical models
• Large-scale circulatory reagent distribution systems are well integrated with the biochemical, ecological, and geo-
chemical sciences sufficiently to provide the resolution needed
Based on the type of contaminant mass to be dealt with: to improve the accuracy of model simulations and predictions
needed to advance remediation and risk reduction efforts.
• DNAPL source mass removal zones
• Sorbed-phase mass desorption zones 1.3  REGULATORY FRAMEWORK
• Interception zones within extended dissolve plumes
• In situ metals precipitation zones As environmental awareness increased over the years so did
the passage of the laws designed to protect human health and
Various configurations and implementation strategies of bio- the environment. One of the first federal environmental laws
logical and chemical IRZs are presented in Tables 1.2 and 1.3. was the River and Harbor Act of 1899 for establishing the legal
It has been argued in the past that complex fate and transport basis for banning the pollution of navigable waterways. The
models are too cumbersome due to the complexity of the sites, Oil Pollution Act of 1924 prohibited oil discharges into coastal
required levels of resolution, and the computational capacity waters. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 autho-
required to integrate the different parameters to provide much rized the U.S. Public Health Service to work with other federal,
real value to remediation practitioners. While this may have state, and local entities to develop comprehensive programs to
been true in the past, advances in both the computational capa- eliminate or reduce the amount of pollution discharged into
bility and hydrogeology concepts clearly indicate that new mod- rivers, creeks, lakes, and other waterways. In the 1970s, major
eling efforts are becoming useful in design and implementation environmental laws were enacted including the Clean Air Act
of in situ remediation systems. Modeling of fate and transport (1970), Clean Water Act (1972), and Safe Drinking Water Act
of mixed contaminants, development of methods for scaling up (1974). In addition, the USEPA was created in 1970.
Remediation Engineering 17

The Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965, the first federal law in the overall process of site cleanup under RCRA, CERCLA,
regarding solid waste management, established the minimum State Voluntary Programs, and other regulations are becoming
federal guidelines for solid waste disposal. The Federal RCRA increasingly common. The driver for some of these changes
of 1976 gave the USEPA authority to control hazardous waste is recognition of the limits of available technologies for site
from “cradle to the grave.” This includes the generation, trans- cleanup and the realization that achieving existing baseline stan-
portation, treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) of hazardous dards with existing technologies is not possible for certain types
waste. This law also sets a framework for the management of of contamination at sites with complex geologic conditions. The
nonhazardous waste and encouraged states to develop com- driver for other changes in regulatory practice is recognition of
prehensive solid waste management plans that would mini- the extremely high costs of cleanup using conventional methods.
mize waste generation and increase recycling. It was amended Technologies that are unable to achieve baseline standards or
in 1991, and this amendment outlines strict requirements for the ones the regulators rejected as insufficient in the past may be
the location, design, operation, and closure of municipal solid acceptable for use in the new regulatory environment.
waste landfills and gave state and local governments responsi- Most stakeholders will admit that the last 30 years of com-
bilities the USEPA must authorize state programs. mand and control regulatory structure has produced significant
The National Environmental Policy Act (1969) is one of improvements in the quality of our environment. Yet analysts
the first laws written to establish a broad national framework and practitioners have begun to recognize that this regulatory
for protecting the environment. The most visible require- structure, along with its institutional rigidity, may have become
ments of the law, required of all federal agencies, are  envi- increasingly out of step with the demands and realities of envi-
ronmental assessments and environmental impact statements. ronmental protection. Insulated from external pressures, so they
These reports analyze how a new major project or action will can focus on protecting the values they are mandated to safe-
most likely affect the environment and suggest a range of guard, it becomes relatively easy for regulators to inform the
options to the proposed action. stakeholders about their procedural requirements than discuss
The CERCLA (1980) provides for a federally funded the inherent information gathering and decision-making require-
“superfund” to cleanup uncontrolled or abandoned hazard- ments. The need to preserve consistency and predictability of the
ous waste sites as well as accidents, spills, and other releases process within a command and control regulatory structure is at
of contaminants into the environment. The law gives USEPA odds with the push for implementing innovative and cutting-edge
the authority to locate the parties responsible for any release technologies without any proven track records.
and assures their cooperation in the cleanup. The law autho- In response to the tensions generated by traditional regula-
rizes two kinds of response actions: short-term removals, tions, a network of stakeholders, including academic institutions,
where actions may be taken to address releases or threatened government agencies, and private sector industries has begun to
releases requiring prompt response and long-term remedia- explore new institutional platforms that address the complexity
tion response actions, which permanently and significantly and uncertainty of reaching regulatory end points in remediation
reduce the dangers associated with releases of hazardous sub- projects. The hope today is that as the landscape within the reme-
stances that are serious, but not immediately life threatening. diation industry changes, the regulatory architecture evolves
These sites are listed on EPA’s national priority list. with a pragmatist philosophy. The instinct to seek consistency
In 1985, USEPA created the Office of Underground Storage and predictability of the process should be replaced with insti-
Tanks to carry out a congressional mandate to develop and tutionalization of better ways of continuous improvement and
implement a regulatory program for UST systems. EPA learning from the inevitable surprises that experience offers us.
works with state and local governments to prevent and clean The current relationship between responsible parties and the
up releases from USTs mostly containing petroleum products. regulatory institutions throughout the United States in certain
The mission of these regulations is to effectively regulate the industries and agencies, on the state and federal level, resembles
safe operation of USTs and to ensure appropriate investigation the philosophy described earlier. The evolution of these rela-
and cleanup of releases from these tanks for the purpose of tionships can be divided into three phases. The first phase is
protecting human health and the environment. conventional regulatory practices, more commonly known as
“command and control,” and the changes began after recogniz-
ing the importance of interaction and joint problem solving. The
1.3.1 Evolving Regulatory Influence
second phase, a period of experimentation and coeducation was
While this book does not attempt to cover the range of envi- marked by a deliberate dimension of the process of change. The
ronmental regulations and issues that impact the world we live last phase is marked by the notion of learning as a central con-
in, it is important to consider the regulatory arena in which cept in the process of developing new practices and institutional
the remediation work is being conducted. The degree of inter- frameworks. This is a healthy development within the overall
action required with the regulatory agencies will depend on evolution of the remediation industry for the next few years.
the regulations under which the project is being implemented,
complexity of the project, and the type of technologies being
1.3.2 Evolution of Cleanup Standards
used, whether conventional or innovative.
Although prescriptive cleanup standards generally must be A cleanup level is the concentration of a hazardous sub-
achieved at most contaminated sites, changes in these standards stance in soil, water, air, or sediment that is determined to be
18 Remediation Engineering

protective of human health and the environment under speci- of cancer of small enough to be considered insignificant. A
fied exposure conditions. Cleanup levels, in combination with lifetime excess cancer risk (probability) of 1 × 10−6 (one in a
points of compliance, typically define the area or volume of million) is used for calculating cleanup target ­levels for carcino-
soil, water, air, or sediment at a site that must be addressed by genic compounds. The USEPA has developed measurements of
the cleanup action. The first step in setting cleanup levels is cancer potency of carcinogens, which are termed “cancer slope
to identify the nature of the contamination, potentially con- factors.” CSFs are calculated through various low-dose extrapo-
taminated media, current and potential pathways of exposure, lation procedures and represent the increase in lifetime cancer
current and potential receptors, and current and potential land risk per unit dose, with the CSF units of 1/(mg/kg/day).
and resource uses. A conceptual site model (CSM) must be Surface soil contamination is a worldwide problem that
developed as part of this scoping process. represents both human health and ecosystem risks. Often,
Cleanup standards are identified for the specific hazard- regulatory jurisdictions seek to limit these risks by specifying
ous substances at a site and the specific areas or pathways, the maximum amount of contaminant that may be present in
such as land and water, where humans and the ecosystem soil without prompting a regulatory response. There is no gen-
can become exposed to these substances. Cleanup standards erally accepted terminology for the values used. In the United
consist of the following: States, they are often referred to as soil remediation levels,
risk-based screening levels, remediation goals, target levels,
• Cleanup levels for hazardous substances present at or generic soil remediation standards. Elsewhere around the
the site world, they may be called “trigger values,” “intervention val-
• The locations where these cleanup levels must be ues,” “permissible concentrations,” “limit values,” or simply
met (points of compliance) as “regulatory guidance values” (RGVs).
• Other regulatory requirements that apply to the site In the United States, national RGVs are promulgated by
as a result of the type of action and/or location of the the USEPA, but most soil contamination falls under state or
site (applicable state and federal laws) local regulatory jurisdiction. All 50 U.S. states, the District
of Columbia, several cities, counties, and territories, and at
This approach provides a uniform method for identifying least eight autonomous Native American tribes have devel-
cleanup standards, within each regulatory jurisdiction, and oped RGVs. Elsewhere around the world, there are at least 50
requires that all cleanups under that structure meet these nations that have promulgated national RGVs, and in several
standards. Setting cleanup standards also involves being countries (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Italy, Mexico,
able to demonstrate that they have been met. This involves New Zealand, Spain, and the United Kingdom), there are also
specifying where on the site the cleanup levels must be met city, regional, and/or provincial values.18 Jurisdictions seldom
(points of compliance) and how long will it take for a site agree on the number of chemicals that should be regulated but
to meet cleanup levels. There are two general approaches often agree on the most common pollutants.
to setting up cleanup standards at specific hazardous waste Regulatory guidance models that vary over 5 or 6 orders
sites: (1) standards are set equal to state or federal uniform of magnitude for comparable exposures are problematic for
numerical concentration limits, and (2) site-specific stan- several reasons. This has been discussed elsewhere, but is
dards are based on evaluations of factors such as human worth reiterating. Values that are too low lead to unjustifiable
health and ecological risk, technical feasibility, and cost. remediation obligations. This is unjust for those who must
All noncancer health effects are assumed to have a dose pay for remediation. Furthermore, when analyses yield val-
threshold. It is assumed that below some doses, there are no ues that span several orders of magnitude, one must question
health effects. A chemical can often produce many different the validity of the fundamental approach. RGVs are derived
types of adverse health effects, each with its own threshold. using simple models applied to standard, conservative expo-
If the threshold for the most sensitive health effect can be sure scenarios. If this approach is not capable of resolving the
identified—the effect that occurs at the lowest dose—limiting values to within 6 orders of magnitude, it is difficult to see
exposure to doses below that threshold should protect against how the approach is sufficiently protective of human health.
all of the adverse effects of the chemical. This concept is The two chlorinated solvents most typical of concern are
the basis for the USEPA reference dose (RFD). The USEPA PCE, a chemical long used in dry cleaning, and TCE, used
examines toxicity data for a chemical, identifies the most mainly in cleaning and degreasing activities in manufactur-
sensitive effect, and then determines a dose sufficiently low ing. Now, the rules for remediating these two solvents will
enough to prevent the effect from occurring in the most sensi- be changing as a result of human health risk assessments
tive individuals. It is important to point out that the toxicity (HHRA) conducted by the EPA. Human health assessments
values developed by the USEPA—the RFDs and cancer slope look at both the potential excess cancer and noncancer (such
factors (CSFs)—are developed conservatively. as neurotoxic) risk related to a contaminant. EPA determined
Regulatory agencies view risks from carcinogens differently that the cancer and noncancer risks related to TCE exposure
from noncancer health effects. For most chemicals, carcinoge- were greater than previously believed. As a result, it is antici-
nicity is assumed not to have a threshold, and even very small pated that EPA will lower the cleanup standard for drinking
doses are assumed to pose some (albeit small) risk of cancer. In water to a more stringent level, and vapor intrusion screening
this view, safety must be defined as some risk (i.e., probability) standards for TCE are also expected to go down.19
Remediation Engineering 19

EPA’s PCE human health assessment identified less cancer and contribute to decision-making gridlock. Stakeholders
risk, but more noncancer risk than previous assessments. The including community groups, environmental organizations,
combined information has prompted EPA to relax require- industry, and consumers are often disengaged from the risk-
ments for PCE sites by raising the Regional Screening Level assessment process at a time when risk assessment is increas-
for PCE. It will be up to individual states whether or not to ingly intertwined with societal concerns. Disconnection
adopt EPA’s new screening level; already, the regulated com- between the available scientific data and the information
munity is lobbying state agencies to take the new PCE risk needed by the decision-makers hinder the use of risk assess-
profile into account in evaluating screening and cleanup stan- ment as a decision-making tool.
dards. It is not yet known whether EPA plans to change the Addressing uncertainty and variability is critical for the
drinking water standard for PCE.20 risk-assessment process. Uncertainty stems from lack of
knowledge, so it can be characterized and managed but not
eliminated. Uncertainty can be reduced by the use of more or
1.3.3 Risk-Based Approaches
better data. Variability is an inherent characteristic of a popu-
Virtually every aspect of life involves risk, and how we deal lation, in as much as people vary substantially in their expo-
with it depends largely on how well we understand it. The pro- sures and their susceptibility to potentially harmful effects of
cess of risk assessment has been used to help us understand the exposures. Variability cannot be reduced, but it can be
and address a wide variety of hazards and has been an effec- better characterized with improved information.
tive tool to the regulatory agencies, industry, academic com- A challenge to risk assessment is to evaluate risks in ways
munity, and all other stakeholders in evaluating public-health that are consistent among chemicals that account adequately for
and environmental concerns. From protecting air and water variability and uncertainty and that provide information that is
to ensuring the safety of food, drugs, and consumer products timely, efficient, and maximally useful for risk characteriza-
such as toys, risk assessment is an important public-policy tion and risk management. Historically, dose-response assess-
tool for informing regulatory, technological, and corrective ments have been conducted differently for cancer and noncancer
action decisions and developing approaches for considering effects, and the methods have been criticized for not providing
the costs and benefits of regulatory policies and actions. the most useful results. Consequently, noncancer effects have
One of the most challenging and difficult aspects of envi- been underemphasized, especially in cost–benefit analyses.
ronmental management at contaminated sites is linking the A consistent approach to risk assessment for cancer and noncan-
environmental risk assessment with remedial actions selected cer effects is scientifically feasible and needs to be implemented.
to mitigate identified risks. Risk assessments, conducted From past experience, it is clear that developing risk assess-
in conformance with guidance from regulators, provide an ment toxicity criteria (e.g., RFDs or CSFs), even for more data-
understanding of environmental consequences that will persist rich chemicals (e.g., arsenic) with considerable epidemiological
in the absence of any remedial action. They include HHRA and mechanistic data, is not necessarily clearer or easier than
and ecological risk assessments (ERA), developed using simi- for chemicals with less information. The refined testing meth-
lar but independent methods. While more risk management ods and approaches will require that public health decision-
decisions have been driven by human health risks, ecological making consider more evidence-based approaches for dealing
considerations can also be a major driving force and are of par- with uncertainty. As our understanding of toxicity mechanisms
amount importance to many stakeholders. The HHRA process increases, so does our awareness of what we don’t know.
is better defined and more straightforward, while ERAs, which Toxicity testing has traditionally relied on studies of
can involve multiple receptors and contaminants, rely substan- adverse health outcomes observed in animals at high doses,
tially on a less prescribed weight-of-evidence approach. with subsequent extrapolations to expected human responses
However, risk assessment is at crossroads. Despite advances at much lower doses. These approaches date back to the 1950s
in the field, it faces a number of substantial challenges, includ- when knowledge of the biology underlying toxic response
ing long delays in completing complex risk assessments, some was primitive. However, current and anticipated scientific
of which take decades to complete, lack of quality data, which advances can be expected to transform toxicity testing to
leads to important uncertainty in risk assessments, and the permit broader coverage of the universe of potentially toxic
need for toxicological data of many unevaluated chemicals chemicals to which humans may be exposed, using more
and emerging contaminants. The science of risk assessment timely and more cost-effective methods for toxicity test-
has become increasingly complex. Improved analytical tech- ing.21 Greatly expanded use of high and medium throughput
niques have produced more data that lead to questions about in vitro screening assays, computational chemistry and toxi-
how to address issues of, for example, multiple chemical cology, systems biology, and pharmacokinetic models, along
exposures, multiple risks, and susceptibility in populations. with other emerging high-content testing methodologies such
In addition, risk assessment is now being extended to address as functional genomics and transcriptomics have enabled this
broader environmental questions, such as life-cycle analysis advanced vision of toxicity testing.22 Figure 1.10 illustrates
and issues of costs, benefits, and risk-benefit tradeoffs. the linkage between the current risk assessment paradigm
Decision-making based on risk assessment has also and the future vision of toxicity testing.
become bogged down. Uncertainty, an inherent property of In recent years, ERA methodologies to evaluate contami-
scientific data continues to lead to multiple interpretations nant risks have been refined. EPA’s current guidelines23,24
20 Remediation Engineering

Dose response
characterization Mode of action

based studies
pathways Dose
Assess analysis for Calibrating in
biological perturbations vitro and human
Perturbation of toxicity dosimetry
Metabolite of dose
(s) Human
in vitro
exposure data

Hazard identification

Exposure assessment

Risk characterization

FIGURE 1.10  Toxicity testing and risk assessment. (From National Research Council (NRC), Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: A
Vision and a Strategy, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2007.)

describe how to link management goals with assessment 1.3.4 Technical Impracticability Considerations
end points and measures of effects. They support a tiered
approach wherein the studies conducted for each tier are Under both CERCLA and RCRA, required cleanup standards
designed to reduce the uncertainty identified in the previous for contaminated groundwater and soil can be waived in cases
tier. Incorporation of ecological considerations into decisions where achieving these standards is not possible with existing
about cleanup, restoration, and long-term stewardship, both technologies. For example, CERCLA states that cleanup stan-
short term and long term, requires dards can be waived if cleanup is technically impracticable
from an engineering perspective.25 RCRA contains similar
• Understanding public perceptions of ecological val- conditions. Both statutes state that engineering feasibility and
ues, including aesthetics and existence values reliability, rather than cost, should be the key considerations
• Understanding contamination impacts within the in determining the practicality of a cleanup.
structure and functionality of ecosystems Although the USEPA guidance document is applicable
• Developing bioindicators of ecological health to all types of contaminants, it emphasizes DNAPLs. The
• Developing indicators of ecosystem functioning guidance document states, “As proven technologies for the
• Developing and implementing a biomonitoring removal of certain types of DNAPL contamination do not
plan before, during, and after corrective actions are exist yet, DNAPL sites are more likely to require TI [techni-
implemented cal impracticability] evaluations than sites with other types of
contamination.” It indicates that up to 60% of CERCLA sites
The impacts of high financial and public relation stakes of may contain DNAPLs, according to EPA surveys.
risk management have placed unprecedented pressure on The key elements of the TI guidance document are its dis-
risk assessors within regulatory agencies. But risk assess- cussion of (1) the timing of decisions concerning the TI of
ment remains essential to regulatory agencies’ mission to cleanup, (2) alternative remedial strategies where cleanup is
ensure protection of public health and the environment. not possible, (3) long-term monitoring requirements for sites
Much work is needed to improve the scientific status, util- where cleanup goals are waived due to TI, and (4) types of
ity, and public credibility of risk assessment. Future empha- data that must be provided to EPA to evaluate the technical
sis should be on designing risk assessments to ensure that feasibility of achieving cleanup standards.
they make the best possible use of available science, are
technically accurate, and address the appropriate risk-
management options effectively to inform risk-based deci-
sion-making. It is hoped that future recommendations and The number of full-scale systems, implementing a wide range
proposed framework for risk-based decision-making will of remediation technologies, has grown significantly during
provide a template for the future of risk assessment and the last three decades, in direct proportion to the growth of the
strengthen the scientific basis, credibility, and effectiveness industry itself. Occupational health and safety considerations
of future risk-management decisions. associated with these projects have also kept pace during this
Remediation Engineering 21

time frame. Along with the many innovative remediation tech- of the potential hazards in regard to the proximity of the site
nologies, innovative solutions concerning chemical protective location to the surrounding communities and stakeholders.
clothing, air monitoring, sampling equipment, and the man- Health and safety professionals from the project team must
agement of physical hazards have been introduced. However, take the opportunity to take local emergency responders to a
there is another school of thinking which implies that the site with highly complex operations and allow time for them
development of strategies to reduce health and safety risks at to walk the job site and be familiar with the hazards. The proj-
hazardous waste sites have not kept pace with the develop- ect team has an obligation to establish a contingency plan and
ment of aggressive innovative remediation technologies. an emergency action plan for the area of operational impact.
The risks that hazardous waste sites pose to society have tra-
ditionally outweighed the perceived risks they pose to workers
1.4.1 Awareness and Current Trends
partaking in remedial actions in the past. For without the soci-
etal drivers to initiate edicts to address these risks, the reme- A health and safety management system involves the intro-
diation industry would certainly have never been established. duction of processes designed to decrease the incidence of
However, as Occupational Safety and Health Administration injury and illness during project implementation. Successful
(OSHA) and Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) pro- implementation of the system requires the management’s
fessionals are obligated to protect workers regardless of their commitment, effective allocation of resources, and a high
occupational orientation, the protection of remediation work- level of employee participation. The scope and complexity of
ers cannot be an afterthought of the greater environmental a health and safety management system will vary according
and societal good when strategies exist to do both simultane- to the size and type of workplace. The following elements are
ously. The complex interrelationships between multiple parties the basic components of an optimal system and are very much
involved in a remediation project sometimes make it difficult interdependent: management leadership and organizational
to administer an effective health and safety program. To imple- commitment, hazard identification and assessment, hazard
ment an effective, well-coordinated program all participants control, work site inspections, worker competency and train-
must be made aware of the health and safety roles and respon- ing, incident reporting and investigation, emergency response
sibilities of all parties involved in site remediation. planning, and program administration.
Much has been learned within the remediation industry Most of the traditional activity-based health and safety
over the last 30 years. Today, it is understood that in order to programs focus on high-severity safety risks for large-scale
maintain quality operations and maintenance of remediation remediation system implementation or construction-related
systems in a safe manner, all aspects of the work process must activities. Such focus helps firms identify the high risk pro-
be carefully planned, budgeted, and executed. Importantly, cesses so they may be targeted for improvement. However,
this includes effective management systems that integrate there is so little focus on quantifying safety risk at the routine
health, safety, and environmental concerns into the daily rou- activity level or include low-severity, high-frequency risks that
tine. Project field staff and subcontractor employees face the contribute to a large portion of a total risk. General examples
potential risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals and physi- of prudent practice include minimizing chemical exposures,
cal agents for much longer hours and at potentially higher con- avoiding underestimation of risk, providing adequate ventila-
centrations than the general public. In order to minimize and tion, focusing on chemical safety programs, and attention to
mitigate the risk to the employees and the public from such permissible exposure limits.
exposure, management systems and programs that include In recent years, there has been a shift in emphasis within
effective standard operating, and communication procedures the remediation industry, away from individual level, activity-
must be developed and implemented. based factors that might be responsible for accidents and inci-
The remediation industry, during its early years, had to dents, such as human error and noncompliance with safety
address a broad range of health and safety transgressions procedures, toward organizational factors such as behavior-
while employing interdisciplinary project teams. During the based safety climate. An important driver toward this shift is
last few years, the industry has improved its health and safety the assumption that the relationship between safety climate
mission to a significantly higher level due to both internal and and system safety is significantly influenced by individual
external pressures. Health and safety considerations at reme- safety behavior. It is also believed that an excellent safety cli-
diation sites started to follow a strict and hierarchical meth- mate has a beneficial impact on the knowledge, motivation,
odology beginning with the investigation process. Following and performance of individuals within the organization.
this step, development and implementation of comprehensive Safety climate is a specific form of organizational climate,
work plans and health and safety plans to programmatically based on the behavior of the employees that describes indi-
protect workers through various engineering, administrative, vidual perceptions of the value of safety in the work environ-
safe work practice and personal protective equipment (PPE) ment. A range of factors has been identified as being important
control measures have become a routine practice. components of a safety climate. These factors include man-
Implementation of hazardous waste remediation projects agement values (e.g., management concern for employee
in close proximity to communities must be conducted in the well-being), management and organizational practices (e.g.,
safest possible manner. Thus, it is important that the health adequacy of training, provision of safety equipment, quality of
and safety planners take time to gain situational awareness safety management systems), communication, and employee
22 Remediation Engineering

involvement in workplace health and safety. A range of stud- • Moving vehicles

ies have demonstrated that these factors predict safety-related • Material handling
outcomes, such as accidents and incidents.26–28 • Heavy equipment operation
This shift is taking place as a result of health and safety per- • Building demolition
formance within the remediation industry being identified as a
domain that was in need of large-scale and long-term behav- The development of a health and safety plan is required by Title
ior change. For this to happen, however, a prominent paradigm 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations (29 CFR), promulgated
shift was required. It was realized that the standard command by the OSHA. 29 CFR 1910.120 specifically describes stan-
and control activity-based enforcement approach to safety has dards for employees engaged in hazardous material operations.
only a limited impact, as witnessed by the safety performance The provision, known as OSHA’s Hazardous Waste Operations
plateaus experienced by our industry during the early years. and Emergency Response, mandates the development of health
The behavior-based safety approach provides tools and pro- and safety programs for site remediation workers, emergency
cedures employees can use to take control of their own safety responders, TSD facility personnel, and UST workers. Health
performance, thereby enabling a bottom-up empowerment and safety programs require the designation of a safety coor-
approach to reducing occupational risks and preventing work dinator responsible for reviewing and approving the site safety
place injuries. Unlike the traditional safety culture, the focus is plan. A good program requires a written safety standard oper-
not on compliance with OSHA safety rules, government stan- ating procedure for normal work and during an emergency,
dards, or company policy, but rather on how to get more people sufficient employee training, employee medical monitoring,
involved in a behavior-based safety approach to proactive man- proper safety clothing, monitoring devices, and other PPEs.
agement of occupational health and safety risks. The health and safety plans are site specific and they are
designed to prevent injury and exposure to chemical, mechani-
cal, and work-related hazards. The plan should be prepared by
1.4.2 Potential Hazards
a qualified safety officer and reviewed and revised routinely. To
Remediation systems, incorporating a single technology or keep it current at a minimum, the site-specific health and safety
multiple technologies, have the potential to pose various levels plan must contain the following components at a minimum:
of hazards to workers. If these hazards are properly evaluated
and controlled, the systems can be operated safely. There is a • Evaluation of the health and safety risks associated
tendency for hazards associated with treatment technologies with the site and system operation
to be overlooked, particularly during routine and maintenance • Identification of key personnel and their alternates
operations. Common health and safety hazards associated responsible for site safety and emergency response
with remediation system operation are listed in the follow- • Appropriate level of protection for site workers
ing. To minimize or eliminate the potential hazards, the proj- • A site map based on the type of activity showing the
ect team should evaluate each phase of unit operations such different zones
as mobilization, installation, operation, maintenance, disas- • Established emergency procedures
sembly, and demobilization. Health and safety professionals • Emergency medical care locations through prior
should also evaluate how the equipment hazards may vary arrangements
with site-specific requirements and type of contaminants. • Implementation program for air monitoring and
Common factors that should be evaluated when developing a medical monitoring
site-specific health and safety plan are as follows: • Specified personnel and equipment decontamination
• Process chemicals • Control procedures for site access
• Site contaminants • Personnel training procedures
• Process waste materials • Established communication setup
• Dust • Established evacuation routes
• Ergonomic risks
• Thermal burns 1.4.3 Incorporation of Health and
• Confined space entry
Safety into the Design Process
• Corrosive materials
• Flying particles and falling material As new remediation technologies were being introduced into
• Slips, trips, and falls the remediation industry at a hastened pace, the health and
• Elevated work surfaces safety risks posed on the field staff have historically been
• Long duration tasks addressed at the end of the technology development stages.
• Electrical hazards In order to address this concern, regulatory agencies and
• Fire and explosion design teams must consider worker health and safety earlier
• Mechanical equipment in the design phase. Strategies to achieve this include identi-
• High pressure fying and mitigating technology hazards from the onset, uti-
• Noise lizing process safety management techniques to thoroughly
Remediation Engineering 23

evaluate these technologies, and improved training efforts. are incorporated in the design. This not only will
Design focus should be placed upon (1) new instrumentation incorporate safe design elements but will also help
and innovations in health and safety aspects of technologies, prevent costly project construction and startup delays
(2) controlling hazards before they appear through better pre- caused by a failure to design to regulatory-specific
pilot stage health and safety design, and (3) addressing health requirements.
and safety management elements such as physical hazards, 3.
Construction—Evaluate construction procedures to
medical surveillance, and project team training. More details determine whether inherent risks can be minimized,
on health and safety in design are provided in Chapter 3. or averted, by employing safe design best practices
The overall goal of incorporating safety in the design process during the design phase to ensure that construction
is to eliminate loss incidents related to remediation projects by can be completed in the safest manner possible.
promoting effective loss prevention planning during the engi- 4.
Operation and maintenance (O&M)—Evaluate
neering design phase, rather than waiting to address them as design modifications, material substitutions, or pro-
part of the task planning at the time of conducting construction cedures to prevent potential losses during routine
or operations and maintenance activities. The purpose should and nonroutine O&M and monitoring activities.
be to fully integrate the best safety engineering design practices
into project-level activities. This approach will promote own-
ership, stewardship, and creativity in the implementation of
effective health and safety and loss prevention practices by the Ongoing and potential future occurrences of environmental
project teams. This will provide a clear path from identification contamination due to industrial and other anthropogenic activi-
of the tasks and associated project hazards to implementation of ties such as natural resources exploration are an area of concern
engineering controls reflecting industry best practices, and shar- for environmental regulators and public health authorities. At
ing of lessons learned from similar projects. the same time, growing awareness regarding environmental
Safety design is an iterative continuous improvement pro- protection, pollution prevention, safer industrial ecology, and
cess that starts during a project’s conceptual and preliminary cleaner manufacturing technologies have propelled tremendous
design phases and continues through system implementation efforts toward eliminating pollution problems and protecting
(i.e., construction and operation). After engineered systems human health and the environment. To better promote and sup-
are built, there should be an ongoing continuous improve- port environmental protection and sustainable and responsible
ment process to optimize performance and effectiveness remediation solutions, our industry has launched an organized
(Figure  1.11). The incorporation of loss prevention into the effort supported by multiple programs and initiatives. The main
conceptual design should begin with industry and corpo- aim of this effort is to integrate, coordinate, and engage the dif-
rate best practices. Four categories of improvements to be ferent ideas put forth by the various stakeholders. Evolutionary
addressed during the design process are the following: developments in the expansion of remediation engineering are
presented in Figure 1.12.
System fail-safes—Analyze each engineered system Future advancements in the remediation industry have to
element (e.g., process, electrical, and mechanical) make sure our natural and built environments and brown and
within the overall system for potential issues that green fields are safe and clean for future developments. These
may lead to accidents and losses, and use an appro- responsibilities are extremely important to ensure that the
priate hierarchy of engineering controls to imple- next generation will not have to deal with problems like how
ment best practices for loss prevention. Design an our generation dealt with the legacies of past industrial and
appropriate level of redundant fail-safes to satisfy anthropogenic activities. As the human population continues
project and client safety requirements. to grow and industrial and property development continu-
Regulatory requirements—Ensure that process safety ally expands, the task of protecting the environment becomes
elements driven by local, state, and federal regulations even more complex. The focus of environmental protection
has shifted from regulating single chemicals to developing a
Design process multimedia approach to understand the synergistic efforts of
Conceptual design contaminants distributed throughout the environment. Our
industry should continue to seek innovative environmental
solutions and to conduct research designed to address gaps in
System Health and safety scientific knowledge.
Final design Best practices
design elements
It has become increasingly clear that remediation of com-
Field experience plex sites to drinking water standards is not only impractical,
feeds back into but also cost prohibitive to be completed within reasonable
QA/QC and design time frames. Setting such goals is unrealistic and ultimately
policies fails to provide a fiscally responsible solution that is protective
of human health and environment. The potential barriers to
FIGURE 1.11  Process for including health and safety consider- achieving restoration goals at these complex sites are due to
ations during system design activities. uncertainties in technology performance related to subsurface
24 Remediation Engineering

Merger of water
supply and remediation

Evolutionary phases of remediation engineering

Enhanced investigation
advanced analytical
Symbiosis of methods
multiple technical
disciplines Emerging contaminants

Anaerobic bioremediation
Ex situ focus Metals precipitation
Focus on sediments
incineration, P&T
containment In situ focus contamination and NAPLs
In situ physical
Discovery aerobic bioremediation
of wastes
in place

1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s

Expansion of knowledge base

FIGURE 1.12  Evolutionary developments in the expansion of remediation engineering knowledge base.

complexities and also the reluctance of some stakeholders to As stated previously, the selection of remediation tech-
accept the break through developments in scientific knowl- nologies in the United States historically has been driven by
edge. More often than usual, it is disappointing to note that human health and environmental protection criteria, cost,
the best practices and knowledge gained from successful clo- efficacy, technical practicability, and regulatory acceptance.
sure of different sites are not codified and scaled up across the However, stakeholders have learned that these remediation
industry for the benefit of all stakeholders. drivers do not necessarily result in a clean or closed site on a
timely basis and, depending on the perspective of the stake-
holder, could represent a net environmental loss to the larger
1.5.1 Sustainable (Green) Remediation
community. Accordingly, stakeholders have realized that the
It is important for us to define what is a “sustainable commu- selection of remediation technologies should also evaluate the
nity” for the stakeholders before we discuss the importance and probability with which these and future projects will have a
future direction of sustainable or green remediation. In its most net environmental and social benefit.
basic form, a sustainable community is one that can continue in Generally, the stakeholders in the remediation process
a healthy way in the midst of uncertain natural and built envi- belong to one of the following four groups: site owners, regu-
ronments impacted by developmental or remediation activities. latory entities, the public, and remediation service providers.
More formally, a sustainable community reflects the interde- The boundaries between these groups are, at times, indis-
pendence of economic, environmental, and social issues by tinct; however, each is represented in one form or another as
growing and prospering without diminishing the land, water, a stakeholder in the process. While sustainability may not
air, natural, and cultural resources on which communities mean the same thing to all of these groups, it is through an
depend (Figure 1.13). Infrastructure development, engineering, understanding of the perspectives of each of these groups that
and construction activities are managed in a way that protect the stakeholders can come to a mutually beneficial, project-
economic, ecological, and scenic values for the stakeholders to specific definition of sustainability.
experience the environment in their neighborhoods. Green remediation is the practice of considering environ-
In this section, sustainable remediation is defined as a mental impacts of remediation activities at every stage of the
remedy or combination of remedies whose net benefit on remediation process in order to maximize the net environ-
human health, the ecosystem, and the environment is maxi- mental benefit of a cleanup. It reduces the demand placed on
mized through the judicious use of limited resources. There the environment during cleanup actions, otherwise known as
is considerable debate among stakeholders regarding what is the “footprint” of remediation activities, and avoids the poten-
sustainable and what is judicious. However, many concepts tial for collateral environmental damage. The best definition
are garnering the interest of remediation stakeholders who for green and sustainable remediation is the site-specific
are willing to identify and evaluate net benefit solutions to employment of products, processes, technologies, and pro-
complex remediation challenges on a project-by-project basis. cedures that mitigate contaminant risk to receptors while
Remediation Engineering 25

Ideal sustainable
Environment solution

Social Economics

FIGURE 1.13  Concept of sustainable remediation.

making decisions that are cognizant of balancing community initiated the development of more appropriate frameworks
goals, economic impacts, and environmental effects (Figure and tools that will provide both a guidance for a shift toward
1.13). Evaluation factors include selection of remedy, selec- sustainability and a quantitative measure of that shift. Due to
tion of materials used, energy requirements, waste generation, the diversity of the parameters that are usually the focus of
emission of greenhouse gases, carbon footprint, efficiency of green remediation assessments, planning and evaluating the
on-site activities, and reduction of ecological impacts on sur- progress toward sustainability inevitably becomes a compli-
rounding areas29 (Table 1.4). Emphasis should also be placed cated task. In our view, these assessments have so far relied
on health- and safety-related activities. Presumptive thinking on reductionist methodologies and tools with the recurring
always has been to contain and clean up environmental con- appeal for keeping it simple.
tamination by focusing primarily on cost and technical effec- There are many quantitative models available to capture
tiveness. Furthermore, many of the presumptive remedies, and aggregate the diverse set of parameters with different
such as P&T systems, were designed and installed in an era units of measurement with a single scale of analysis. The com-
when energy was less expensive and sustainability consider- ponents of sustainability assessment should comprise clear
ations were not part of the equation. objectives for the assessment, clear boundaries, an agreed
The sustainability movement (and the green remediation scope (range) for sustainability indicators, and a methodology
concept) suffers from the ambiguities resulting from multiple for combining individual comparisons for particular indica-
definitions. Some embrace narrow meanings and others more tors into an overarching view of sustainability. The methodol-
multifaceted meanings under different contexts. The  reme- ogy follows a procedure relying on initial quantification and
diation industry is striving for a type of definition that col- subsequent aggregation of the diverse sustainability elements
lectively involves net beneficial environmental impacts, using a common currency and reliable supporting data. We
economic viability, and reduction in resource consumption believe that this approach is the best approximation to under-
and the long-term benefits to the environment we live in. stand and describe the set of conditions to the stakeholders
However, increasing prominence of green remediation has toward informed decision-making.

Sustainable Remediation Indicator Categories
Environment Social Economic
Emissions to air Human health and safety Direct economic costs and benefits
Soil and ground conditions Ethics and equity Indirect economic costs and benefits
Groundwater and surface water Neighborhoods and locality Employment and employment capital
Ecology Communities and community involvement Induced economic costs and benefits
Natural resources and waste Uncertainty and evidence Project lifespan and flexibility

Source: Bardos, P., Remed. J., Winter, 23, 2014.

26 Remediation Engineering

How companies implement green remediation, and sus- persistent and/or has potentially deleterious human or ecotoxi-
tainability in general is another area of growing importance cological effects. Alternatively, new observations or information
where linkage between the board room and operations is on contaminants can spur the reconsideration of a well-known
critical. Placing green remediation activities within the wider contaminant as a (re)emerging contaminant.32 Emerging con-
context of the corporate sustainability agenda creates the inev- taminants do not necessarily mean newly introduced chemicals
itable conflicts between the individual elements of the evalua- but can also include naturally occurring compounds with previ-
tion and implementation process. There is an ever expanding ously unrecognized adverse effects on ecosystems.
portfolio of objectives and initiatives at various management Better analytical methods and technology advances have
levels within any organization. The governing, macro-level allowed for the low level detection of most emerging contami-
sustainability criteria developed at the board level are very nants. At present, regulatory communities are placed in a reac-
qualitative in nature and, in most cases, conflict with the tive, rather than proactive, position with respect to identifying
measurable and quantifiable criteria assigned to remediation and regulating emerging contaminants and addressing public
project managers in the front lines of project implementa- concern. This position is exacerbated when chemical data are
tion. The micro-level, threshold criteria, project managers not available and no efforts or only sporadic and piecemeal type
are tasked with, still revolves around cost effectiveness as the of efforts are invested to fill the data gaps. It is often the case
primary factor. The senior-middle managers within organi- that emerging contaminants have actually been present in the
zations are the primary stakeholders incentivized to imple- environment for some time (in some cases, decades), but they
ment green remediation activities for the right reasons. They are discovered through a wider search of potential contami-
are judged by balancing criteria and metrics which enable nants or through the use of advanced analytical techniques.
them to maintain the profile of green remediation in front of Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, EPA has implemented
all stakeholders, encourage appropriate technologies into the its Unregulated Compounds Monitoring Rule (UCMR) since
market, ensure the development of standard competencies in 2001 to evaluate the frequency and occurrence of emerging con-
green remediation within our industry, and ensure that regula- taminants in public water supplies. Notable examples include
tions will be proportionate in the future. perchlorate, methyl tertiary butyl ether, flame retardants, and
One potential reason many companies do not actively pesticides. More recent additions include 1,4-dioxane,1,2,3-
address sustainability despite the attention paid to it by the trichloropropane and per-/poly fluoroalkylated substances and
media, consumers, and investors is that many have no clear dechlorination/disinfection by-products—all of which persist
definition of it. Overall, 20% of executives say their compa- in the environment. Increased attention on the identification,
nies don’t have a definition.31 Among those that do, the defini- characterization, and remediation of these contaminants has
tion varies: 55% define sustainability as the management of served to reopen a review of surface water and groundwater
issues related to the environment (e.g., greenhouse gas emis- utilized for public purposes. Because the emerging contami-
sions, energy efficiency, waste management, green-product nants are by definition an emerging issue, cost-effective resto-
development, and water conservation); 56% of all executives ration and treatment methods are not readily available.
define sustainability in two or more ways, including manage- One of the recent trends that serves as a challenge to clean-
ment of governance issues, and most companies incorporate ing up emerging contaminants is that EPA and regulatory risk
sustainability as a reputation-building effort. analysis programs base their health advisory levels on drinking
water end use, as opposed to adopting a federal MCL. Individual
states therefore develop drinking water and other health-based
1.5.2 Emerging Contaminants
standards that vary widely, are very low, and change over time—
Population growth, drought, and increased industrial demands which results in a patchwork of standards that are both difficult
for water are creating more pressure on limited groundwa- to understand and hard for compliance. Inconsistent regulation
ter resources. This pressure is heightened in populated and fosters inconsistent monitoring and represents a considerable
industrialized areas as common chemicals including solvents, cost risk for municipalities and the industry. Municipalities face
petroleum, agricultural chemicals, and heavy metals have dete- an immediate challenge where emerging contaminants might
riorated our freshwater supplies. As most potable aquifers are not be treated using existing water treatment technologies, and
highly transmissive, resulting contaminant plumes can be miles the industry must respond with new pretreatment methods or
in length and render water supply wells unusable or costly to invest new capital in achieving compliance standards. The
treat. In addition to these common pollutants, new chemicals implication is particularly significant as demands for balanced
continue to be identified as contaminants of emerging concern, aquifer storage and recharge/replenishment increase.
which are compounds or classes of compounds characterized Concerns from emerging contaminants continue to be a
by a perceived, potential, or real threat to human health or the driving force for innovation in environmental technologies
environment, or by a lack of published health standards. research. Just by the definition of these emerging contami-
The definition of an emerging contaminant is still a bit elu- nants, little is known about their production volumes, their
sive, because what is emerging is a matter of perspective as well physical/chemical properties, and the risks they pose on
as timing. Once a compound is deemed an emerging contami- humans and the environment. The properties and character-
nant, the longevity of its emerging status is largely determined, istics of what makes some contaminants emerging continues
and rightfully so, by whether the compound of concern is to remain elusive: are they emerging in their identification,
Remediation Engineering 27

emerging in the challenges they present, emerging in concern, the United States and Canada, to conform to stringent water
or emerging in interest? The difficulty in forming a consensus conservation and environmental standards in their disposal
definition reflects the concern that many contaminants are, of tailings. An increasing number of countries are start-
and will continue to be, off the radar for a while.33 The prog- ing to institute significant steps to require water reuse and
ress made with respect to managing the concerns stemming mitigate environmental damage during mining operations.
from different emerging contaminants that had attracted the Management of mining operations in developing or emerg-
attention of the regulators is discussed in Chapter 11. ing countries requires more efficient options for water recla-
mation and stiffer environmental regulations to minimize or
eliminate environmental impacts on local populations.
1.5.3 Mine Reclamation
Today, the preparation and planning of mine reclamation
During the early development of our country, one of the major activities occur prior to a mine being permitted and are a
concerns of the established industrial complex was to utilize standard part of modern mining practices. During the hard-
our natural resources to provide raw materials to advance the rock mining process, tailings impoundments and rock stock-
industrial revolution. It was not a major concern of industry, piles are typically generated. Tailings are the sandy residual
at that time, to consider the environmental consequences of sediments that remain after extracting mineral of economic
mining or of the effects of other heavy industry. The mining value from the ore. After the mineral has been removed, the
industry has made significant progress in environmental pro- remaining materials are discharged to a storage area called a
tection since that time, but much remains to be done. “tailings impoundment” or “storage facility” on the surface
Mining is a temporary activity, with the operating life of near the mine. Rock stockpiles (including mine overburden)
a mine lasting from a few years to several decades. Mine clo- may contain low concentrations of sulfide and/or oxide miner-
sure occurs once the mineral resource at a working mine is als and are managed for possible future mineral recovery, but
exhausted, or operations are no longer profitable. Mine closure may also be suitable for reclamation or other projects depend-
plans are required by most regulatory agencies worldwide ing on economics and technological improvements.
before a mining permit is granted and must demonstrate that A variety of environmental problems including air, land,
the site will not pose a threat to the health of the environment and water pollution arise from mining activities. The detri-
or society in the future. Depending on the site, the mine may mental impact of mining has been a topic of concern for many
be repurposed for other uses or restored to its premining use years. Abandoned mine tailings from a wide variety of indus-
following closure. Financial assurance is increasingly required tries are found around the world. The chemical composition
by regulators as a guarantee that the funds required for mine of tailings depends on the minerals mined and the extraction
closure will be available in the event that the responsible com- technique. For example, cyanide compounds have been used
pany is unable to complete the closure as planned. in some gold operations. Concentrated sodium hydroxide is
Mine closure is the process of shutting down mining used in the extraction of aluminum from bauxite ore. These
operations on a temporary or permanent basis. It typically processes add to the potential reclamation difficulties at these
takes 2–10 years to shut down a mine, but it can take longer sites. Chemicals reaching tailings ponds may undergo further
if long-term water monitoring or treatment is required. Mine reaction over an extended period of time and thus changing
closure activities typically consist of several steps: shutdown, their characteristics. Alleviation of the chemical and physical
decommissioning, remediation/reclamation, and postclo- impacts of tailings followed by reclamation of the tailings and
sure activities. Reclamation typically involves a number of the associated landscapes are challenging tasks.
activities such as removing any hazardous materials, reshap- Mining reclamation can take on various forms and achieve
ing the land, restoring top soil, and planting native grasses, different objectives in an attempt to mitigate environmental
trees, and/or ground cover. Monitoring programs are used to impacts of mining and restore land that has been mined to a
assess the effectiveness of the reclamation activities until they natural or seminatural state. In some cases, existing drainages
are completed. Long-term care and maintenance after mine are incorporated into the reclamation plan to receive clean
closure may include activities such as ongoing treatment of stormwater runoff from reclaimed mine facilities. Dormant
mine discharge water, periodic monitoring and maintenance habitats are being reestablished. New landscapes also open up
of tailings containment structures, and monitoring of ongoing the potential for future recreation opportunities. Reclamation
remediation technologies such as constructed wetlands. sometimes involves removing old mining facilities, including
mineral processing plants, shops, and other structures, in addi-  Mine Tailings tion to conducting additional technical studies to further refine
Disposal of mine tailings and their impact on water usage and mine closure/closeout activities. To address safety concerns, old
environmental issues is one of the more important concerns mine openings such as shafts or adits that were created decades
for any mine during its lifecycle. The challenge today in the ago as early miners explored for metals are closed properly.
management of tailings, whether they be copper, aluminum, Once tailings facilities and rock stockpiles are no longer
zinc, gold, or iron ore, is how to dispose of tailing materials needed in an operation, they can be reclaimed. Reclamation
such that it is contained and stable while maximizing water takes into account surface water, groundwater, air quality, and
reuse and minimizing surface footprint. Significant pressure erosion concerns from stormwater, revegetation of suitable
is placed on mining projects in developed countries, such as plant species, and provision of wildlife and aquatic habitats.
28 Remediation Engineering

The reclamation process generally includes resloping and  Mining Habitats
contouring of the impacted areas, ensuring drainage channels Sediments related to mining and milling activities may con-
are created to divert stormwater and limit percolation, and sist of small particles that often contain high concentrations
establishing points for stormwater to discharge into existing of heavy metals. Because of the hazardous nature of these
drainages. In addition, capping the area with soil and reseed- sediments, plants do not readily grow on it, and as a result, it
ing with native grasses and shrubs to encourage revegetation is easily removed and transported by water and wind. Mining-
and promote wildlife habitat are normal activities during related sediments can contaminate streams, rivers, wetlands,
mine reclamation. and other riparian areas. Heavy metals in the sediments are
released into the water in streams and ponds, impacting fish  Acid Mine Drainage and other aquatic life. The mill tailings particles can also
Contamination of streams and groundwater by acidic drain- impact aquatic habitats by covering the stream bottom and
age, commonly called “acid mine drainage,” is created by stressing the aquatic life by filling in locations that serve as
the chemical reaction of surface water and groundwater with fish habitat. Contaminated sediments can also affect suitabil-
rocks containing sulfur. The product of this reaction is sulfu- ity of available water resources for human uses such as agri-
ric acid, which then leaches metals (iron, copper, zinc, man- culture and drinking water.
ganese, cadmium, and lead) from mineralized rock and keeps Mining sites can be dismantled, reclaimed, and integrated
the metals dissolved in the water. This acidic metal-laden with the surrounding environment. Most mine sites are usu-
drainage can adversely impact aquatic and human health ally returned to their premine uses, which for the majority
when it enters the surface water and groundwater systems. of mines are wildlife habitats or forestry. However, the new
Elevated levels of metals can cause fish and other aquatic life concept of sustainability and its growing inclusion in mine
to be impacted and drinking and agricultural water sources to closure plans have resulted in the collaboration of mining
be contaminated. Acid mine drainage (AMD) can also form companies, regulators, land-use planners, investors, and local
in mines and in water percolating through waste rock dumps communities to identify the most beneficial use of a mine site,
and mill tailings piles. leading to the creative and successful reuse of a number of
AMD causes environmental pollution that affects many decommissioned mine sites across the world. Repurposing
locations having historic or current mining operations. mine sites can take advantage of existing infrastructure and
Preventing the formation or the migration of AMD from its contribute to the local economy by developing museums, edu-
source is generally considered to be the preferable option, cation or scientific centers, recreational areas, parks, or farms.
although this is not feasible in many locations. In such cases,
it is necessary to collect, treat, and discharge the mine water.
1.5.4 Current Thinking on LNAPL Management
AMD effluents sometimes can be extremely acidic and can
pose additional risks by the fact that they contain elevated The presence of petroleum light nonaqueous phase liquids
concentrations of metals (iron, aluminum, manganese, and (LNAPLs) has been and continues to be one of our most diffi-
other possibly heavy metals) and metalloids such as arsenic. cult challenges in cleaning up contaminated sites. Practitioners
It is estimated that thousands of miles of streams and rivers understand the complexities of bringing LNAPL sites to regu-
and thousands of acres of lakes and surface water bodies are latory closure based on decades of experience in remediat-
impacted worldwide by mine effluents. The true scale of envi- ing petroleum sites. An increased understanding of LNAPL
ronmental pollution caused by mine water discharges is dif- behavior in porous media, a connection between LNAPL
ficult to assess accurately. composition and its risk to human health and/or ecological
In brief, the major cause for the origin of acidic metal- receptors and a new awareness of the rate at which petroleum
rich mine drainage waters is the accelerated oxidation of iron depletes in the subsurface has changed our perspective on how
pyrite (FeS2) and other sulfidic minerals resulting from the to address LNAPL impacts. This new perspective, coupled
exposure of these minerals to both oxygen and water, as a with a similar change in regulatory perspective and policy,
result of the mining and ore processing activities. There are has recalibrated our investigation, assessment, and remedia-
various options available for remediating AMD, which may tion approaches for petroleum sites. This approach allows us
be divided into those that use either chemical or biological to make better remedial decisions as to when to deploy active
mechanisms to neutralize AMD and remove metals from solu- recovery remedies and when to manage the LNAPL in place
tion. These systems can be implemented for source control because it presents an acceptable risk. Our technical tools will
or migration control of AMD. Given the practical difficulties continue to evolve and improve, and the regulatory landscape
entailed in inhibiting the formation of AMD at source, often, will continue to accept the developments in scientific knowl-
the only alternative is to minimize the impact on the environ- edge. These developments collectively will have a consider-
ment via migration control measures. Quite often these can be able bearing on how we approach petroleum site assessment
divided into active and passive processes. The former gener- and remediation in the future.
ally (not exclusively) refers to the continuous application of The evolution of industry knowledge on the topic has
alkaline materials to neutralize AMD precipitate metals, and resulted in a change in how we assess and remediate LNAPL
the latter to the use of natural and constructed wetland sys- sites. The perspective has changed from a singular focus on
tems and permeable reactive barriers. the thickness of LNAPL in wells as a remedial end point to
Remediation Engineering 29

Observed NSZD
Oxygen transport contribution
Oxygen transport

Methane offgasing Volatilization

Mobile or residual LNAPL

Electron Electron Dissolved

acceptor Dissolution and Biodegradation
acceptor plume 1%–10%
flux depletion

Groundwater flow

FIGURE 1.14  Conceptual model of light nonaqueous phase liquid depletion mechanisms that collectively depict natural source zone
depletion (NSZD). The NSZD rates in both the saturated and vadose zones are quantified as part of a comprehensive NSZD assessment.
At sites where NSZD evaluations were completed, the contribution of vadose zone depletion was greater than 90% of the total NSZD
rate. (Adapted from Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC), Evaluating LNAPL remediation technologies for achieving project
goals, Published 2009; Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC), Evaluating natural source zone depletion at sites with LNAPL,
Published April 2009.)

evaluating the risk associated with the LNAPL, the mobility rate of LNAPL depletion in the subsurface has been greatly
and recoverability of the LNAPL, and the rate at which the underestimated. The key piece missing in traditional electron
LNAPL is being naturally depleted. This change in perspec- acceptor-driven mass balance models was a complete under-
tive and understanding realistic expectations has prompted standing of LNAPL depletion in the vadose zone and the role
a shift toward a more accurate and detailed site assessment. of methanogenesis (Figure 1.14). The mass loss due to bio-
Improvements in our sampling methodology have shed new degradation can be substantial (more than 90% of total mass
light on the dynamics of LNAPL mobility and the limitations removed) when the petroleum mass resides at a site where a
of the 0.01 ft thickness standard. fluctuating water table routinely exposes the LNAPL mass
The accumulation of LNAPL in a monitoring well is not a to oxygen-rich soil gas. In those settings, the vadose zone
reliable indicator of its presence in the subsurface. This shift effectively serves as a large-scale bioreactor. The LNAPL
in management perspective and increased characterization constituents partition into pore water and soil bacteria readily
methodology has enabled the collection of better site data to consume the hydrocarbons.
develop comprehensive LNAPL CSMs (LCSMs) that allow The change in how we view LNAPL behavior and risks has
us to make more informed site management decisions. In recalibrated our investigation and assessment approach for
many cases, new site assessment data are being collected at petroleum sites and allowed us to apply more rigorous think-
legacy LNAPL sites where remediation activities have failed ing on developing appropriate LNAPL treatment remedies.
to support more complete LCSMs and refine long-standing We recommend that LCSMs be developed for all LNAPL
remedies or petition for closure. sites, regardless of the applicable remediation requirements,
A comprehensive LCSM is built from all relevant site infor- to facilitate informed site management by remediation prac-
mation including the nature of the spill, the geologic setting of titioners across the industry.34,35 At many sites, an LCSM can
the site, and the physical and chemical properties of the LNAPL. be built primarily using existing data augmented with small
Determining the stability of the LNAPL plume is a key piece of investments in new data collection. Often the exercise results
the LCSM. A demonstration that the LNAPL plume is stable in a new perspective on the site and an immediate return asso-
and will not expand provides assurance that receptor exposure ciated with a change in direction for future actions.
pathways will not change in the future due to LNAPL migration
into previously non-impacted areas. As such, LNAPL mobility
1.5.5 Protection of Water Resources
assessments are a core component of contemporary LNAPL
site management strategies. LNAPL recoverability assessments Freshwater is one of the most important natural resources for
have also become a key part of the LCSM framework. society, and water supply systems belong to the critical infra-
Petroleum LNAPLs are a complex mixture of hydrocar- structure of most population centers. Reduced access to fresh-
bon compounds, and it is well known that LNAPLs weather water will lead to a cascading set of consequences, including
following release to the subsurface. These weathering pro- impaired food production, the loss of livelihood security,
cesses entail dissolution, volatilization, and biodegradation large-scale migration from population centers, and increased
of individual LNAPL constituents and result in a change economic and geopolitical tensions and instabilities. The term
in LNAPL properties over time. It is now apparent that the “security” is often used to connote conflict, but in this context
30 Remediation Engineering

it has a much broader meaning encompassing physical safety, also presents new challenges. Analytical detection techniques
livelihoods, human health and welfare, and overall state of a are often outpacing our toxicological understanding of what
country’s economy. the findings in parts per billion or trillion mean to the suitabil-
Groundwater is a critical component of the nation’s water ity and use of groundwater for specific purposes.
resources. Globally, groundwater resources dwarf surface In light of this situation, great interest has developed in
water supplies and, since they are hidden in the subsurface, are using the contaminated groundwater treated by P&T systems
often forgotten or misunderstood. Nearly all of rural America, for beneficial purposes that contribute toward meeting the
as well as large metropolitan areas, use groundwater-supplied water supply needs in many metropolitan areas. This could
water supply systems. In addition, the percentage of total irri- be addressed by using on-demand (e.g., well head) treatment
gation withdrawals from groundwater increased from 23% in of the contaminated groundwater or by treating the extracted
1950 to 42% in 2000.36 Even with this vast resource beneath groundwater in a centralized treatment plant. Hence, P&T sys-
our feet, many parts of the country are experiencing regional tems will continue to play a critical role in long-term manage-
and local declines in water levels in aquifers, saltwater intru- ment of contaminated mega plumes. Efforts to optimize the
sion along the coastline, and declining water quality due to operational cost effectiveness of such systems should include
over pumping and contamination due to human activities. consideration of their beneficial impacts on the reclamation of
Water has long been a scarce and valuable resource in local water resources.
the south western United States, particularly in California, Traditional assumptions need to change dramatically to
mainly because a sizable portion of this part of our coun- achieve a sustainable water future. A broadened understand-
try is arid—some of it dessert. Even a temporary decrease ing to water supply and governance must evolve to create gov-
in rainfall during the rainy season can strain water reserves. ernance structures that enable sustainable approaches using
When the annual rainfall is well below the historical average, diverse water supply resources. In the United States, regulatory
as has been the case for years, a water problem can become frameworks for water governance are somewhat disjointed. For
a water crisis. Streams, lakes, and reservoirs have shriv- example, there are drinking water regulations, wastewater reg-
eled up in many parts of the state, and now the groundwater ulations, requirements for remediation systems and reuse water
aquifers—always a backup source during the region’s peri- regulations. Often, the jurisdiction and implementation of these
odic droughts—are being pumped away at rates that scientists regulations are in the hands of different agencies. Consequently,
say are both historic and unsustainable. Aquifers provide us a holistic and sustainable view of managing our water resources
freshwater that makes up for surface water lost from drought- is difficult to achieve due to the fragmented oversight.
depleted lakes, rivers, and reservoirs.
Plans have to be developed in the arid west to meet three Environmental Concerns from
broad objectives: more reliable water supplies, restoration of Unconventional Energy Exploration
the groundwater aquifer in terms of quality and quantity, and Exploration and production from unconventional natural gas
a more resilient sustainably managed water resources system. reservoirs have substantially increased due to recent tech-
Groundwater accounts for more than one-third of the water sup- nological advances. Horizontal drilling and high-volume
ply in California—much more in dry years, when other sources hydraulic fracturing have opened vast new energy resources
are cut back. It is a fact that millions of Californians rely, at least such as low-permeability organic rich shale formations and oil
in part, on contaminated groundwater as a potential resource sands. This increase in energy exploration has been broadly
for their drinking water. Similarly, contaminated groundwater distributed across the United States but densely distributed
may pose a potential risk to the sustainability of potable water within specific shale basins, thus altering the domestic energy
supplies to many metropolitan areas. While most water purvey- landscape. However, this recent rise in natural gas exploration
ors blend or treat water to meet public health standards, many activities has triggered an intense public debate regarding the
disadvantaged communities cannot afford to do so. potential environmental and human health effects stemming
In general, U.S. groundwater quality remains good, but from hydraulic fracturing.
industrial and nonpoint source pollution has affected the Public concern about fracking has grown in the last few
resource when impacts were not controlled. For example, in years; an unconventional oil and gas development has become
California, perchlorate has been detected in multiple public more visible throughout many regions within our country.
supply sources and an equally large number of private home Fracking is a drilling method that uses millions of gallons of
owner wells. Agricultural chemicals impact groundwater water mixed with sand and a blend of proprietary chemicals
quality in many parts of the country. Contamination of nitrate to release oil or gas trapped in rock. The technique has been
from fertilizers and animal waste is common. Naturally linked to methane contamination of drinking water wells, air
occurring constituents, such as arsenic, chloride, and tan- pollution, and induced earthquakes associated with under-
nins, render some groundwater unusable for drinking or other ground disposal of fracking wastewater.
purposes without treatment. Many emerging contaminants, There could be few potential risks associated with natural
pesticide breakdown products and pharmaceutical agents, gas exploration activities to the environment, specifically to
are being found in groundwater at trace levels. Our ability to the surrounding water resources if precautions are not taken
detect constituents in water at lower and lower concentrations during exploration activities. The first risk is the potential
Remediation Engineering 31

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6. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 25. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
(2010), Semiannual report of UST performance measures, (1993), Office of solid waste and emergency response,
Mid-Fiscal Year 2010, USEPA Office of Underground Storage Guidance for evaluating the technical impracticability of
Tanks, Washington, DC. ground water restoration, Publication 9234-2-25.
32 Remediation Engineering

26. Dedobbeleer, N. and F. Beland (1991), A safety climate measure 33. Arp, H.D.H. (2012), Emerging decontaminants, Viewpoint,
for construction sites, Journal of Safety Research, 22, 97–103. Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 4259–4260.
27. Hofmann, D.A. and A. Stetzer (1996), A cross-level investi- 34. Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) (2009),
gation of factors influencing unsafe behaviors and accidents, Evaluating LNAPL remediation technologies for achieving
Personnel Psychology, 49, 307–339. project goals, Published 2009.
28. Neal A., M.A. Griffin, and P.M. Hart (2000), The impact 35. Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) (2009),
of organizational climate on safety climate and individual Evaluating natural source zone depletion at sites with LNAPL,
behavior, Safety Science, 34, 99–1091. Published April 2009.
29. ITRC (2011), Interstate technology and regulatory council, 36. Hutson, S.S., N.L. Barber, J.F. Kenny, K.S. Linsey, D.L.
green and sustainable remediation: A practical framework, Lumia, and M.A. Maupin (2004), Estimated use of water in
Report GSR-2, ITRC, Washington, DC. the United States in 2000, U.S. Geological Survey, Circular
30. Bardos, P. (2014), Progress in sustainable remediation, 1268.
Remediation Journal, Winter, 23–32. 37. Vengosh, A., R.B. Jackson, N.R. Warner, T.H. Darrah, and
31. McKinsey Global Survey (2014), How Companies Manage A. Kondash (2014), A critical review of the risks to water
Sustainability, McKinsey & Company, New York. resources from unconventional shale gas development and
32. Field, J.A., C.A. Johnson, and J.B. Rose (2006), Guest comment, hydraulic fracturing in the United States, Environmental
Environmental Science and Technology, December, 7105. Science and Technology, 48, 8334–8348.
2 Contaminant Characteristics

2.1 INTRODUCTION also imperative to ensure that subsurface vapor transport does

not result in vapor intrusion risks to human receptors.
The basic elements controlling the overall fate and transport The variety of contaminants that can be released to the
of contaminants in the subsurface are the physicochemi- subsurface and cause an adverse impact include organic
cal and biological properties of the contaminants and the contaminants (e.g., petroleum hydrocarbons or halogenated
physical structure and geochemical composition of the soil organics), inorganic contaminants (e.g., nitrogen or sulfur sub-
and groundwater in which contaminants reside. Nonreactive stituted compounds or perchlorate), and metals. Contaminants
or recalcitrant chemicals will move through the subsurface also include compounds that adversely impact the native geo-
with hydrodynamic groundwater processes and will not be chemistry (e.g., acids or bases) that can adversely affect natu-
affected by abiotic or biotic transformation processes that may ral geochemical conditions and liberate native minerals. Each
be active. Conversely, the behavior of reactive contaminants contaminant or mixture of contaminants will have its own
will depend on the nature of the subsurface and the potential distinct set of physicochemical characteristics that ­govern
for biological or chemical processes to facilitate contaminant contaminant behavior and the nature of transport mecha-
degradation and sequestration. Accordingly, while reactive nisms. In general, contaminants exist in four main phases:
chemicals have the potential to be affected during groundwater (1)  nonaqueous-phase liquid (NAPL), (2) sorbed phase, (3)
transport, the contaminant property and appropriate subsurface dissolved phase, or (4) vapor phase. The distribution of con-
conditions must exist to transform the contaminant. The goal taminants into these different phases is ultimately dependent
of this chapter is to provide an overview of subsurface and on the total contaminant mass, their physical properties, and
contaminant properties that may affect the behavior and par- the subsurface soil and groundwater environment in which
titioning of the contaminants in the subsurface. they reside (Figure 2.1).
The factors that affect the subsurface behavior and partition-
ing of contaminants are abiotic processes, biotic processes,
soil and groundwater geochemical composition, and the geo-
logic architecture and associated hydrodynamic environment. A contaminant molecule’s behavior in the environment is
Abiotic processes affect contaminant transport by facilitating controlled by its underlying composition. The specific atoms,
interaction between the contaminant and the subsurface soil chemical bonds, and elements included as part of the contam-
and groundwater materials (e.g., adsorption, volatilization, inant molecule all have a bearing on its overall nature and
and ion exchange) or via direct chemical interactions that reactivity. When describing the chemistry of a compound, the
transform the contaminant via oxidation or reduction reac- elemental composition has to be specified. It should be noted
tions. Biotic processes can affect contaminant transport via that most of the contaminants, organic or inorganic, are a
degradation and metabolic contaminant utilization as a car- combination of only a few elements: carbon (C), hydrogen (H),
bon source, as a nutrient for growth, or by immobilizing the oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), sulfur (S), phosphorous (P), and the
dissolved contaminant to reduce its mobility. Hydrodynamic halogens (Cl, F, Br, or I). As an example, a chlorinated hydro-
processes including advection, dilution, diffusion, and to a carbon will contain chlorine, hydrogen, and carbon atoms in
lesser extent, dispersion, all control contaminant mobility (or its molecular structure. The molecular formula is then used
sequestration) in groundwater systems. to annotate how many atoms of each of these elements are
Understanding contaminant distribution in the subsurface present in the molecular structure (CH4 for methane, C2HCl3
is a critical step for scientists and engineers practicing reme- for TCE), which allows calculation of the molecular weight
diation engineering to ensure that the total mass, distribution, for any given compound. The exact connection of each atom
and dominant transport mechanisms are well understood within the molecule is referred to as the molecular structure.
prior to implementing remedial technologies. The arsenal Electrons move around the nucleus of an atom in orbital
of investigative techniques continues to expand with real- clouds, which lie in a series of concentric energy level shells.
time high-resolution sampling methods available to support Each shell has a maximum number of electrons that it can
rapid, cost-effective, and remediation-focused site assess- hold and electrons in outer orbitals have more energy than
ment. Attention must be placed on the development of com- those in inner shells. Electrons fill the innermost shells of an
prehensive conceptual site models to understand contaminant atom first, then the outer shells. The atom’s energy level is
distribution in both the vadose and saturated zones, the mech- lowest when all of its orbitals are filled, and an atom’s reactiv-
anisms of release and mass flux in groundwater, and to ensure ity depends on how many electrons it needs to complete its
that all human health and environmental exposure pathways outermost orbital. The noble gases, helium (He), neon (Ne),
can be addressed. For volatile contaminants, an understand- argon (Ar), and radon, are nonreactive since all electrons
ing of contaminant depth and vadose zone soil architecture is within their orbitals are “filled.”

34 Remediation Engineering


Total mass 800

1,300,000 lb

Elevation (feet above mean sea level)

Residual NAPL
890,000 lb 780

Soil vapor
67,000 lb

Drainable NAPL 760

110,000 lb
Sorbed phase
230,000 lb

Dissolved phase
55,000 lb

FIGURE 2.1  Conceptual distribution of mass in a dense NAPL (DNAPL) source zone. Distribution reflects orientation of drainable
NAPL; residual NAPL; zones with elevated sorbed and dissolved phase concentrations, containing primarily dissolved phase; and result-
ing soil gas concentrations overlying the impacted area.

Core electrons are those electrons that are never utilized covalent bonds with other atoms. As a rule, each type of atom
in chemical bonding. Their high ionization energies and con- forms a characteristic number of covalent bonds with other
tracted nature mean that they are not perturbed by the orbit- atoms. For example, a hydrogen atom, with one electron in
als of neighboring atoms. In general, core electrons may be its outer shell, forms only one bond, such that its outermost
defined as all those electrons in orbitals, which are associated orbital becomes filled with two electrons. A carbon atom
with the noble gas before that element in the periodic table. has four electrons in its outermost orbital; it usually forms
The first orbital holds only 2 electrons (He structure) and the four bonds, as in methane (CH4), in order to fill its outermost
second shell holds 8. The third can hold 18, but a stable config- orbital with eight electrons. The single bonds in methane that
uration is reached when the shell is filled with 8 (Ar structure). connect the carbon atom with each hydrogen atom contain
Understanding the quantity of electrons present in the outer- two shared electrons, one donated from the C and the other
most shell (called valence electrons) determines the chemical from the H, and the outer (s) orbital of each H atom is filled by
characteristics of an element. All valence electrons do not nec- the two shared electrons (Figure 2.2a).
essarily become involved in bonding in all the possible com- Nitrogen and phosphorus each have five electrons in their
pounds containing that element. For example, chromium (Cr), outer shells, which can hold up to eight electrons. Nitrogen atoms
arsenic (As), and manganese (Mn) do not form any compounds can form up to four covalent bonds. In ammonia (NH3), the
in the oxidation state corresponding to the utilization of all nitrogen atom forms three covalent bonds; one pair of electrons
electrons in their outer shells. They do, however, form com- around the atom (the two dots on the right) is in an orbital not
pounds in only a couple of oxidation states. Examples include involved in a covalent bond. In the ammonium ion (NH4+), the
Cr3+ and Cr6+, As3+ and As5+, and Mn7+ and Mn4+. nitrogen atom forms four covalent bonds, again filling the outer-
The primary intermolecular forces that occur between mol- most orbital with eight electrons (Figure 2.2b). Phosphorus can
ecules are summarized in the following sections. Fortunately, form up to five covalent bonds, as in phosphoric acid (H3PO4).
an understanding of a few governing rules about the nature The H3PO4 molecule is actually a “resonance hybrid,” a struc-
of these elements and chemical bonds enables us to under- ture between the two forms shown in the following text in which
stand important relationships between the structure of a com- nonbonding electrons are shown as pairs of dots (Figure 2.2c).
pound, its properties and reactivities, and thereby predict the The difference between the bonding patterns of nitrogen
compound’s likely behavior in the environment. If the relative and phosphorus is primarily due to the relative sizes of the
forces between the molecules within a biogeochemical system two atoms: the smaller nitrogen atom has only enough space
can be predicted, then we can also predict the potential reac- to accommodate four bonding pairs of electrons around
tions and behavior within that system. it without creating destructive repulsions between them,
whereas the larger sphere of the phosphorus atom allows more
electron pairs to be arranged around it without the pairs being
2.2.1 Covalent Bonds
too close together.
As discussed earlier, the outermost orbital of each atom has Both oxygen and sulfur contain six electrons in their outer-
a characteristic number of electrons, which readily form most orbitals. However, an atom of oxygen usually forms only
Contaminant Characteristics 35

H C H or H C H
(a) H H H

H N H or H N H N+ H C–
–C or C C
H H H (b)
H C C H or H–C–
H (c)

O –
δ– δ–
H O P+ O H O O or O —
— O O Dipole
moment δ– δ+ δ–
(d) + +
(c) O δ δ O C O
H 104.5° H +
(d) (e)
H FIGURE 2.3  (a) Molecular shape of methane. (b) Molecular struc-
ture of ethene with a C═C double bond. (c) Molecular structure of
ethyne with a ─C≡C─ triple bond. (d) The water molecule with two
polar O─H bonds and a net dipole moment. (e) Molecular structure
(e) of CO2 without a net dipole moment.

FIGURE 2.2  (a) Structure of CH4 molecule with its four covalent carbon atom and all three atoms linked to it lie in the same
bonds. (b) Molecular structure of NH3 and NH4+. (c) Molecular struc- plane. Atoms connected by a double bond cannot rotate freely
ture of phosphoric acid (H3PO4). (d) Structure of the O2 molecule. about the bond axis, while those in a single bond generally
(e) Structures of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), sulfur trioxide (SO3), and
can. The rigid planarity imposed by double bonds has enor-
sulfuric acid (H2SO4).
mous significance for the shape of large biological molecules
such as proteins and nucleic acids. In triple bonds, two atoms
two covalent bonds, as in molecular oxygen, O2 (Figure 2.2d). share six electrons, such as ethyne, and are rare in biological
Primarily, because its outermost orbital is larger than that of molecules (Figure 2.3c).
oxygen, sulfur can form as few as two covalent bonds, as in All outer electron orbitals, whether or not they are involved in
hydrogen sulfide (H2S), or as many as six, as in sulfur trioxide covalent bond formation, contribute to the properties of a mol-
(SO3) or sulfuric acid (H2SO4) (Figure 2.2e). ecule, in particular to its shape. For example, the outer shell of
Covalent bonds tend to be very stable because the energies the oxygen atom in a water molecule has two pairs of nonbond-
required to break or rearrange them are much greater than the ing electrons; the two pairs of electrons in the H─O bonds and
thermal energy available at room temperature (25°C) or the the two pairs of nonbonding electrons form an almost perfect
ambient temperatures under which we encounter these com- tetrahedron. However, the orbitals of the nonbonding electrons
pounds. For example, the thermal energy at 25°C is less than have a high electron density and thus tend to repel each other,
4 kJ/mol (kcal/mol), whereas the energy required to break a compressing the angle between the covalent H─O─H bonds to
C─C bond in ethane is about 348 kJ/mol. 104.58 rather than the 109.58 in a tetrahedron (Figure 2.3d).
When two or more atoms form covalent bonds with another
central atom, these bonds are oriented at precise angles to
2.2.2 Polar Covalent Bonds
one another. The angles are determined by the mutual repul-
sion of the outer electron orbitals of the central atom. These In certain cases, the bonded atoms in a covalent bond exert
bond angles give each molecule its characteristic shape. In different attractions for the electrons of the bond, resulting in
methane, for example, the central carbon atom is bonded to unequal sharing of the electrons. The power of an atom in a
four hydrogen atoms, whose positions define the four points molecule to attract electrons to itself, called electronegativity,
of a tetrahedron, so that the angle between any two bonds is is measured on a scale from 4.0 (for fluorine, the most electro-
109.58 (Figure 2.3a). Like methane, the ammonium ion also negative atom) to a hypothetical zero (Table 2.1). Knowing the
has a tetrahedral shape. In these molecules, each bond is a sin- electronegativity of two atoms allows us to predict whether
gle bond, a single pair of electrons shared between two atoms. a covalent bond can form between them; if the differences
When two atoms share two pairs of electrons—for exam- in electronegativity are considerable—as in sodium and
ple, when a carbon atom is linked to only three other atoms— chloride—an ionic bond, rather than a covalent bond, will
the bond is a double bond (Figure 2.3b). In this case, the form. Atoms located to the upper right in Table 2.1 tend to
36 Remediation Engineering

Electronegativity Values of Some Atoms
H 2.2 He
Li 1.0 Be 1.6 B 2.0 C 2.6 N 3.0 O 3.5 F 4.0 Ne
Na 0.4 Mg 1.3 Al 1.6 Si 1.4 P 2.2 S 2.6 Cl 3.2 Ar
K 0.8 Ca 1.3 Ga 1.6 Ge 2.0 As 2.2 Se 2.6 Br 3.0 Kr
Rb 0.8 Sr 1.0 In 1.8 Sn 2.0 Sb 2.1 Te 2.1 I 2.7 Xe
Cs 0.8 Ba 0.9 Te 2.0 Pb 2.3 Bi 2.0 Po 2.0 At Rn

Source: Lodish, H. et al., Molecular Cell Biology, W.H. Freeman & Company, New York, 2000.

have high electronegativity, fluorine being the most electro- Polarizability is a measure of how easily the electron
negative. Elements with low electronegativity values, such as distribution can be distorted by an electric field—that is,
the metals lithium, sodium, and potassium, are often called how easily a dipole moment can be induced in an atom or a
electropositive. Since the inert noble gases (He, Ne, etc.) molecule. Large atoms and molecules have more electrons
have complete outer shells of electrons, they neither attract and larger electron clouds than small ones. In large atoms
nor donate electrons, rarely form covalent bonds, and have no and molecules, the outer shell electrons are farther from the
electronegativity values. nuclei and, consequently, are more loosely bound. The elec-
In a covalent bond in which the atoms either are identical tron distributions can be more easily distorted by external
or have the same electronegativity, the bonding electrons are charges. In small atoms and molecules, the outer electrons
shared equally. Such a bond is said to be nonpolar. This is the are closer to the nuclei and are more tightly held. Electron
case for C─C and C─H bonds. However, if two atoms differ charge distributions in small atoms and molecules are less
in electronegativity, the bond is said to be polar. The electro- easily distorted.
negativities of several atoms abundant in chemical compound Therefore, large atoms and molecules are more polarizable
molecules differ enough that they form polar covalent bonds than small ones. Since atomic and molecular sizes are closely
(e.g., O─H, N─H) or ionic bonds (e.g., NaCl2). One end of a related to atomic and molecular weights, we can general-
polar bond has a partial negative charge (δ−), and the other end ize that polarizability increases with increasing atomic and
has a partial positive charge (δ+). The symbol δ represents a molecular weights. The greater the polarizability of atoms
partial charge, a weaker charge than the one on an electron or and molecules, the stronger the intermolecular dispersion
a proton. In an O─H bond, for example, the oxygen atom, with forces between them. Molecular shape also affects polariz-
an electronegativity of 3.5, attracts the bonded electrons more ability. Elongated molecules are more polarizable than com-
than does the hydrogen atom, with an electronegativity of 2.2. pact molecules. Thus, a linear alkane is more polarizable than
As a result, the bonding electrons spend more time around the a branched alkane of the same molecular weight.
oxygen atom than around the hydrogen. Thus, the O─H bond In a water molecule, both hydrogen atoms are on the same
possesses an electric dipole, a positive charge separated from side of the oxygen atom. As a result, that side of the molecule
an equal but opposite negative charge. We can think of the compared with the other side has a slight net positive charge
oxygen atom of the O─H bond as having, on average, a charge and the other side has a slight net negative charge. Because
of 25% of an electron, with the H atom having an equivalent of this separation of positive and negative charges, the entire
positive charge. The dipole moment of the O─H bond, defined molecule has a net dipole moment (Figure 2.3d). Some mol-
as a measure of the nonuniform charge separation, is a func- ecules, such as the linear molecule carbon dioxide (O═C═O),
tion of the size of the positive or negative charge and the dis- have two polar bonds. Because the dipole moments of the two
tance separating the charges. The dipole moment is equal to carbonyl C═O bonds point in opposite directions, they cancel
the magnitude of positive and negative charges at each end of each other out, resulting in a molecule without a net dipole
the dipole multiplied by the distance between the charges. moment (Figure 2.3e). Similarly, if any molecule is symmetri-
In general, if the electronegativity difference between two cal in a way that the bond polarity vectors add to zero, then
bonded atoms is zero, they will form a nonpolar covalent bond. the molecule is nonpolar, although it contains polar bonds.
Examples are the molecules of O2, H2, and N2. If the electro- Knowing whether a molecule is polar or not helps predict
negativity difference between two atoms is between 0 and 1.7, its water solubility and other properties. Nonpolar molecules
they will form a polar covalent bond. Examples are NO and invariably have low water solubility. A molecule with no polar
CO. If the electronegativity difference between two atoms is bonds cannot be a polar molecule. Thus, all diatomic mol-
greater than 1.7, they will form an ionic bond. Examples of ecules where both atoms are the same, such as H2, O2, N2, and
such a bond are NaCl, HF, and KBr. Because electronegativ- Cl2, are nonpolar because there is no electronegativity differ-
ity differences can vary continuously between 0 and 4, bond ence across the bond. Carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride,
character also can vary continuously between nonpolar, cova- and hexachlorobenzene are all symmetrical and nonpolar,
lent, and ionic. although all contain polar bonds.
Contaminant Characteristics 37

δ– δ– the hydrogen atom. Fluorine, oxygen, and nitrogen are the

smallest and most electronegative elements that contain non-
O bonding valence electron pairs. Although chlorine and sulfur
+ have similarly high electronegativities and contain nonbond-
δ+ H H δ ing valence electron pairs, they are too large to consistently
Additive dipole form hydrogen bonds (H bonds). Because hydrogen bonds are
moments both strong and common, they influence many substances in
important ways.
FIGURE 2.4  Water molecule showing a high net dipole moment as Hydrogen bonds are very strong (10–40 kJ/mol) com-
a result of the two O–H bonds. pared to other dipole–dipole forces (from less than 1 to 5 kJ/
mol). The hydrogen atom’s very small size makes hydrogen
Water is a particularly important polar molecule. Its bond bonding so uniquely strong. Hydrogen has only one electron.
polarity vectors add to give the water molecule a high polarity When hydrogen is covalently bonded to a small, highly elec-
(i.e., dipole moment) (Figure 2.4). The dipole–dipole forces tronegative atom, the shift of bonding electrons toward the
between water molecules are greatly strengthened by hydro- more electronegative atom leaves the hydrogen nucleus nearly
gen bonding, discussed in the following text, which contribute bare. With no inner core electrons to shield it, the partially
to many of water’s unique characteristics. These character- positive hydrogen can approach very closely to a nonbond-
istics include relatively high boiling point and viscosity, low ing electron pair on nearby small polar molecules. The very
vapor pressure, and high heat capacity. close approach results in stronger attractions than with other
All molecules are attracted to one another because of elec- dipole–dipole forces.
trostatic forces. Polar molecules are attracted to one another Because all covalent N─H and O─H bonds are polar,
because the negative end of one molecule is attracted to the their H atoms can participate in hydrogen bonds. By contrast,
positive ends of other molecules, and vice versa. Attractions C–H bonds are nonpolar, and hence these H atoms are almost
between polar molecules are called dipole–dipole forces. never involved in a hydrogen bond. Water molecules provide
Similarly, positive ions are attracted to negative ions. a classic example of hydrogen bonding. The hydrogen atom
Attractions between ions are called ion–ion forces. If ions and in one water molecule is attracted to a pair of electrons in
polar molecules are present together, as when sodium chloride the outer shell of an oxygen atom in an adjacent molecule.
is dissolved in water, there can be ion–dipole forces, where Not only do water molecules hydrogen bond with one another,
positive and negative ions (e.g., Na+ and Cl–) are attracted to they also form hydrogen bonds with other kinds of molecules,
the oppositely charged ends of polar molecules (e.g., H2O). as shown in Figure 2.6a. The presence of hydroxyl (─OH)
However, nonpolar molecules also are attracted to one or amino (─NH2) groups makes many molecules soluble in
another, although they do not have permanent charges or water at high concentrations due to the ability to form sev-
dipole moments. Evidence of attractions between nonpolar eral hydrogen bonds (methanol [CH3OH] and methylamine
molecules is demonstrated by the fact that nonpolar gases [CH3NH2]). In general, molecules with polar bonds that easily
such as methane (CH4), oxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2), ethane form hydrogen bonds with water can dissolve at high concen-
(CH3CH3), and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) condense to liq- trations in water and are said to be hydrophilic. In addition to
uids and solids when the temperature is lowered sufficiently. the hydroxyl and amino groups, peptide and ester bonds are
This attraction is caused by the transitory dipole movements other examples (Figure 2.6b).
due to the interaction between the electron clouds caused by Because of the strong intermolecular attractions, hydrogen
the collision of the molecules. bonds have a strong effect on the properties of the substances
in which they occur. Compared with non-hydrogen-bonded
2.2.3 Hydrogen Bonds compounds of similar size, hydrogen-bonded substances have
relatively high boiling and melting points, low volatilities,
Normally, a hydrogen atom forms a covalent bond with only high heats of vaporization, and high specific heats. Molecules
one other atom. However, a hydrogen atom covalently bonded that can form hydrogen bonds with water are highly soluble in
to a donor atom, D, may form an additional weak association, water. In liquid water, each water molecule apparently forms
the hydrogen bond, with an acceptor atom, as shown in Figure transient hydrogen bonds with several others, creating a fluid
2.5. In order for a hydrogen bond to form, the donor atom network of hydrogen-bonded molecules.
must be highly electronegative, so that the covalent  D─H The mutual attraction of its molecules causes water to
bond is polar. The acceptor atom also must be electronega- have melting and boiling points at least 100°C higher than
tive, and its outer shell must have at least one nonbonding pair they would be if water was nonpolar; in the absence of these
of electrons in its valence shell that attracts the δ+ charge of intermolecular attractions, water on Earth would exist pri-
marily as a gas. The exact structure of liquid water is still
δ + δ+ δ– δ– δ + δ+ unknown. It is believed to contain many transient, maximally
D – H + :A D – H + ····· –A hydrogen-bonded networks. Most likely, water molecules are
in rapid motion, constantly making and breaking hydrogen
FIGURE 2.5  Formation of a hydrogen bond. bonds with adjacent molecules. As the temperature of water
38 Remediation Engineering

O H ......... O H ......... O H O ......... H



O H ......... N CH3
H O ......... H O ..... ..... O H ......... O CH3



(a) Water–water Methanol–water Methylamine–water

Peptide Ester

FIGURE 2.6  (a) Water readily forms hydrogen bonds. (b) Other examples of molecular structures that can form hydrogen bonds.

increases toward 100°C, the kinetic energy of its molecules δ–

becomes greater than the energy of the hydrogen bonds con- H H
necting them, and the gaseous form of water appears.
2.2.4  Ionic Bonds δ–
H δ–
In some compounds, the bonded atoms are so different in δ– O
electronegativity that the bonding electrons are never shared: H δ– Mg2+
these electrons are always found around the more electroneg- H δ–
ative atom (Table 2.1). In sodium chloride (NaCl), for exam- H
ple, the bonding electron contributed by the sodium atom is H δ– H
completely transferred to the chlorine atom. Even in solid
crystals of NaCl, the sodium and chlorine atoms are ionized, δ– H
K+ O
so it is more accurate to write the formula for the compound O
H δ–
as NaCl2. Because the electrons are not shared, the bonds
(a) H (b) H
in such compounds cannot be considered covalent. They are
ionic bonds (or interactions) that result from the attraction of
a positively charged ion (a cation) for a negatively charged FIGURE 2.7  (a) Ionic interaction between a cation and water. (b)
ion (an anion). A shell of water surrounding a cation in aqueous solution.
Unlike covalent or hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds do not
have fixed or specific geometric orientations because the elec- Most ionic compounds are quite soluble in water because
trostatic field around an ion—its attraction for an opposite a large amount of energy is released when ions tightly bind
charge—is uniform in all directions. However, crystals of salts water molecules. This is known as the energy of hydration.
such as NaCl2 do have very regular structures because that is Oppositely charged ions are shielded from one another by the
the energetically most favorable way of packing together posi- water and tend not to recombine. Salts like NaCl2 dissolve
tive and negative ions. The force that stabilizes ionic crystals in water because the energy of hydration is greater than the
is called the lattice energy. The lattice energy is the energy lattice energy that stabilizes the crystal structure. In contrast,
required to convert one mole of a solid ionic compound in its certain salts, such as Ca3(PO4)2, are virtually insoluble in
usual lattice structure at absolute zero into its gaseous ions. water; the large charges on the Ca2+ and PO43− ions generate
In aqueous solutions, simple ions of biogeochemical sig- a formidable lattice energy that is greater than the energy of
nificance, such as Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Cl−, do not exist hydration.
as free, isolated entities. Instead, each is surrounded by a Most dissolved inorganic compounds are present in
stable, tightly held shell of water molecules. An ionic interac- groundwater in an ionic form. These include dissolved metals
tion occurs between the ion and the oppositely charged end such as Fe2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Cr6+, and Pb2+ and nonmetal species
of the water dipole, as shown in the following text for the K+ such as Cl−, CN−, F−, NO3−, SO42−, S2−, CO32−, and HCO3−.
ion (Figure 2.7a). In the case of a magnesium ion (Mg2+), six Some of these ions are considered to be contaminants, while
water molecules are held tightly in place by electrostatic inter- others play important and significant roles in the biogeo-
actions between the two positive charges on the ion and the chemical systems within groundwater systems. Important
partial negative charge on the oxygen of each water molecule parameters such as pH (concentrations of H+ ions), electron
(Figure 2.7b). acceptors (NO3−, SO42−, CO32−, etc.), alkalinity, and acidity
Contaminant Characteristics 39

(concentration of HCO3−, CO32−, OH−, and H+), which strongly complementary shapes, they make many van der Waals con-
influence remediation processes and contaminant transforma- tacts when they come into proximity. These van der Waals
tion behavior, depend on the presence or absence of these ions interactions, as well as other noncovalent bonds, mediate the
within the biogeochemical system. binding of many enzymes with their specific substrates (or the
substances on which an enzyme acts).
2.2.5 Van der Waals Interactions
2.2.6 Hydrophobic Bonds
When any two atoms approach each other closely, they cre-
ate a weak, nonspecific attractive force that produces a van Nonpolar molecules do not contain ions, possess a dipole
der Waals interaction, named for Dutch physicist Johannes moment, or become hydrated. Because such molecules are
Diderik van der Waals (1837–1923), who first described it. insoluble or almost insoluble in water, they are said to be hydro-
These nonspecific interactions result from the momentary phobic (“water fearing”). The force that causes hydrophobic
random fluctuations in the distribution of the electrons of any molecules or nonpolar portions of molecules to aggregate
atom, which give rise to a transient unequal distribution of together rather than to dissolve in water is called the hydro-
electrons, that is, a transient electric dipole. If two noncova- phobic bond. This is not a separate bonding force; rather, it is
lently bonded atoms are close enough together, the transient the result of the energy required to insert a nonpolar molecule
dipole in one atom will perturb the electron cloud of the other. into water. A nonpolar molecule cannot form hydrogen bonds
This perturbation generates a transient dipole in the second with water molecules, so it distorts the usual water structure,
atom, and the two dipoles will attract each other weakly. forcing the water into a rigid cage of hydrogen-bonded mol-
Similarly, a polar covalent bond in one molecule will attract ecules around it. Water molecules are normally in constant
an oppositely oriented dipole in another. motion, and the formation of such cages restricts the motion
These van der Waals interactions, involving either tran- of a number of water molecules. The effect is to increase the
sient induced or permanent electric dipoles, occur in all types structural organization of water which is energetically unfa-
of molecules, both polar and nonpolar. In particular, van der vorable because it decreases the randomness (entropy) of the
Waals interactions are responsible for the cohesion between population of water molecules.
molecules of nonpolar liquids and solids, such as heptane, The opposition of water molecules to having their motion
CH3 ─(CH2)5─CH3, which cannot form hydrogen bonds or restricted by forming cages around hydrophobic molecules or
ionic interactions with other molecules. When these stronger portions thereof is the major reason molecules such as hep-
interactions are present, they override most of the influence of tane are essentially insoluble in water and interact mainly
van der Waals interactions. Heptane, however, would be a gas with other hydrophobic molecules. Nonpolar molecules can
if van der Waals interactions could not form. also bond together, albeit weakly through van der Waals
The strength of van der Waals interactions decreases rap- interactions. The net result of hydrophobic and van der Waals
idly with increasing distance. If atoms get too close together, interactions is a very powerful tendency for hydrophobic mol-
they become repelled by the negative charges in their outer ecules to interact with one another, and not with water.
electron shells. When the van der Waals attraction between Small hydrocarbons like butane (CH3 ─CH2 ─CH2 ─CH3)
two atoms exactly balances the repulsion between their two are somewhat soluble in water, because they can dissolve
electron clouds, the atoms are said to be in van der Waals con- without disrupting the water lattice appreciably. However,
tact. Each type of atom has a van der Waals radius at which 1-butanol (CH3 ─CH2 ─CH2 ─CH2OH) mixes completely with
it is in van der Waals contact with other atoms. The van der water in all proportions. The replacement of just one hydrogen
Waals radius of an H atom is 0.1 nm, and the radii of O, N, atom with the polar ─OH group allows the molecule to form
C, and S atoms are between 0.14 and 0.18 nm. Two covalently hydrogen bonds with water and greatly increases its solubil-
bonded atoms are closer together than two atoms that are ity. Simply put, like dissolves like. Polar molecules dissolve
merely in van der Waals contact. For a van der Waals interac- in polar solvents such as water, while nonpolar molecules dis-
tion, the internuclear distance is approximately the sum of the solve in nonpolar solvents such as hexane.
corresponding radii for the two participating atoms. Thus, the
distance between a C atom and an H atom in van der Waals
2.2.7 Dispersion Forces
contact is 0.27 nm, and between two C atoms is 0.34 nm. In
general, the van der Waals radius of an atom is about twice as Molecules that have no permanent dipole still have their elec-
long as its covalent radius. For example, a C─H covalent bond trons in movement. Although the time-averaged distribution
is about 0.107  nm long and a C─C covalent bond is about of electrons is symmetrical, at any instant the electrons are not
0.154 nm long. uniformly distributed, so the molecule has a small instanta-
The energy of the van der Waals interaction is about l kcal/ neous dipole, m. This instantaneous dipole can polarize elec-
mol, only slightly higher than the average thermal energy of trons in a neighboring molecule, giving a small dipole in the
molecules at 25°C. Thus, the van der Waals interaction is even neighbor, and the dipole–dipole interaction results in attrac-
weaker than the hydrogen bond, which typically has energy tion between the molecules. This is the dispersion attraction
of 1–2 kcal/mol in aqueous solutions. The attraction between responsible for molecules sticking together. These dispersion
two large molecules can be appreciable. If they have precisely forces (sometimes called London forces after the theoretician
40 Remediation Engineering

Fritz London) are the weakest of all intermolecular forces. 2.3.1 Organic Contaminants
If the distance between two molecules is r, the dispersion
interaction energy is proportional to l/r, so dispersion forces By definition, organic contaminants contain mixtures of
only operate over very short ranges. The van der Waals forces carbon and hydrogen atoms. There are thousands of both
comprise the repulsive forces between electrons and nuclei on naturally occurring and anthropogenic organic compounds
adjacent molecules, as well as the dispersion attractions. present in both natural and polluted environments, with 2,857
All molecules, including nonpolar molecules, are attracted identified in recent counts1 and up to 104 –105 measured com-
to one another by dispersion forces. The larger the molecule, pounds estimated.2 Typical organic contaminants of interest
the stronger the dispersion force. Nonpolar molecules, large or include hydrocarbons associated with petroleum refining and
small, have low solubilities in water because the small-sized distribution, chlorinated and nonchlorinated solvents used as
water molecules have weak dispersion forces, and nonpolar degreasers, raw materials used or generated during manufac-
molecules have no dipole moments. Hence, there are neither turing processes, and other unique compounds used as addi-
dispersion nor polar attractions to encourage solubility. tives or building blocks for all of the above. As technology
and manufacturing processes continue to advance, it is likely
that currently unregulated or unknown organic contaminants
2.3  CONTAMINANT TYPES will continue to be generated and require mitigation.
It is essential to have a fundamental understanding of the prop- The fate and transport of organic contaminants is
erties and behavior of various classes of contaminants to under- highly dependent on their physical and chemical proper-
stand their overall fate and transport within the subsurface. ties. Depending on their size, substitution, solubility, and
These properties are founded on the forces and interactions volatility, organic contaminants can exist in all four phases
described in the preceding sections, and this understanding within the subsurface (Figure 2.8). As manufactured, many
provides a framework for understanding their tendency to dis- historic organic contaminants exist as a NAPL and exhibit
solve in and migrate with ambient groundwater flow, sorb to unique behaviors when released into the natural environ-
soil matrices volatilize into soil gas or to the atmosphere, or ment. Compounds with a higher specific gravity than water
degrade via abiotic or biotic mechanisms. While individual (e.g., chlorinated solvents) will exist as a DNAPL and have
compounds have their own unique physicochemical properties, a tendency to sink within the saturated zone. Compounds
contaminants with similar functional groups, bonding struc- with a lower specific gravity than water (e.g., petroleum)
ture, and properties can often be grouped together and expected will form light NAPL (LNAPL) and, depending on volume,
to behave and react similarly in soil and groundwater. will either spread laterally or depress the groundwater sur-
The following discussion serves to highlight examples of face. While NAPL materials can remain as a separate phase
the primary anthropogenic contaminant families encountered for considerable durations, the distribution of the NAPL and
in remediation practice. While contaminants can be classi- its decay is tied to the specific NAPL compound(s) and the
fied together based on their individual properties, it should relative solubility, volatility, and susceptibility to chemical
be noted that considerable variability in fate and transport transformation. Organic contaminants are segregated into
behavior exists even within chemically similar compounds. different contaminant classes that are grouped according to

Vapor pressure

Soil gas Contaminant as free

(air phase) product (separate phase)
Partition coefficient
Henry’s law constant





Groundwater Soil matrix

(aqueous) (solid phase)

Partition coefficient

FIGURE 2.8  Partitioning of a contaminant among air, water, soil, and free product phases when spilled in a subsurface environment.
(Adapted from Wilson, J.T. and Wilson, B.H., Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 49, 242, 1985.)
Contaminant Characteristics 41

their chemical structure and function groups that affect their their limited solubility and densities greater than water, with
behavior when released in the environment. Examples of variations in individual vapor pressures and reactivity attrib-
some of the primary organic contaminant classes that drive uted to their degree of substitution and presence or absence
remediation activities are provided in the following text. of double bonds. Many chlorinated solvents are carcinogenic
and can result in adverse health impacts to the central nervous  Halogenated Organics system and reproductive systems as well as to the liver and  Chlorinated Alkenes and Alkanes kidney.6 In addition to the aforementioned, a number of dif-
Extensive use of chlorinated aliphatic solvents (e.g., chlori- ferent degradation intermediates (e.g., cis-1,2-dichloroethene,
nated methanes, ethenes, and ethanes) in numerous industries 1,1-dichloroethene, and vinyl chloride) are generated during
has resulted in the release of bulk raw materials, effluent or biotic or abiotic dehalogenation reactions, are frequently colo-
discharge from process streams, and disposed waste products cated in groundwater with their parent species, and in some
containing mixtures of both the solvents and other materials cases can be of greater risk than the original materials.
with which they were used (e.g., aromatics, petroleum hydro- Chlorinated solvents can be addressed via a number of
carbons). Based on both widespread use and their relative different remedial applications. Their volatility allows for
recalcitrance, chlorinated solvents represent four of the top their removal via vapor extraction or thermal remediation
nine most commonly observed VOCs in public supply wells.3 techniques, and their solubility allows for capture via ground-
The most common contaminants include chlorinated ethenes, water extraction systems. Depending on the solvent material,
ethanes, and methanes. The four primary chlorinated alkenes multiple in situ remedies are also viable including enhanced
and alkanes used historically as solvents include carbon tet- biological degradation, chemical oxidation, or direct abiotic
rachloride, tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), reduction that serve to transfer the parent species through
and 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA). Carbon tetrachloride daughter products to inert end products.
production in the United States was initiated concurrent with
World War I and was later followed by PCE and TCE produc-  Chlorinated Aromatics
tion in the 1940s. Production of these materials increased con- Chlorinated aromatics consist of single-ringed (e.g., chloro-
siderably over the course of the next several decades (Figure benzenes) or multiringed molecules (e.g., polychlorinated
2.9) until more stringent emission controls were required biphenyls [PCBs]) that exhibit a wide variety of substitution
under the 1970 Clean Air Act.4,5 Between 1970 and 1980, and physicochemical properties. Most chlorinated aromat-
many industrial operations then shifted to 1,1,1-TCA, which ics were widely used in electrical, heat transfer, or hydraulic
offered equivalent solvency and was a less toxic replacement. processes due to their high degree of physical and chemical
While not used at the same scale, multiple other chlorinated stability. Many single-ringed chlorobenzenes were also used
aliphatics (1,2-dichloroethane, chloroform, methylene chlo- as intermediates in chemical production operations and as
ride, etc.) were widely used and are present in the environment solvents for degreasing applications. PCBs consist of a fam-
today. In general, chlorinated solvents are characterized by ily of anthropogenic compounds comprising molecules with


water act established
Clean air
Millions of pounds produced

1000 TCA





1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

FIGURE 2.9  Historic solvent manufacturing trends in the United States and relevant regulatory decisions. (Adapted and modified from
Doherty, R.E., J. Environ. Forensics, 1, 69, 2000; Doherty, R.E., J. Environ. Forensics, 1, 83, 2000.)
42 Remediation Engineering

two fused aromatic rings and between 1 and 10 chlorine contaminant due to their high degree of aqueous mobility,
atoms. With 209 individual PCBs identified,7 the compound- recalcitrance, and degree of use.
specific nomenclature (e.g., Aroclor 1242) is often derived by
the quantity of chlorine atoms (in this case 12) and/or rela- Ketones
tive weight percentage of chlorine/biphenyl (42%). PCBs have Regulated organic compounds also used as solvents or in
low vapor pressure, are strongly adsorptive, and have lim- manufacturing and process operations include acetone,
ited aqueous solubility.8 While PCB manufacturing and use methyl ethyl ketone, and methyl isobutyl ketone, which can
ceased in 1977,9 their recalcitrance and limited degradability result in potential risk to human and ecological receptors
within the subsurface have resulted in their continued pres- when released into the environment. Compared to chlori-
ence within the environment. PCBs have received increased nated solvents, these compounds are generally highly soluble
attention due to their ability to bioaccumulate within the food in water and are less sorptive to subsurface soil matrices.
chain and behavior in disruption of human endocrine and ner- As a result, these compounds have the ability to travel sig-
vous system processes. nificantly farther than chlorinated solvents under ambient
Due to their solubility and susceptibility to oxidation groundwater conditions. While they exhibit the potential to
and biological degradation, chlorobenzene species can be migrate with groundwater flow, based on the similarity of
addressed via multiple extraction-based or in  situ treatment their chemical structure to organic acids used in microbial
mechanisms. Considerable research has been conducted respiration, many of these compounds are susceptible to bio-
around development of noninvasive (i.e., excavation) remedia- logical degradation and replacement reactions around either
tion strategies for PCB treatment, with some limited practi- the carbonyl or acetyl groups.
cal benefit. Multiple microbial species have been identified
that can remove individual chlorines from the biphenyl group  Petroleum Hydrocarbons
and serve to generate less toxic intermediates, but extensive Refined petroleum products are generally complex mix-
deployment of these remedies has been limited by the overall tures of organic compounds with minor fractions of organic
slow rates of biodegradation. and inorganic additives that fall into a number of chemical
classes. Petroleum hydrocarbons are, for the most part, less  Fluorinated Organics dense than water and will exist as LNAPLs that float on top
Fluorinated organic compounds include chlorofluorocarbons of groundwater or reside in soils and within the upper satu-
(CFCs), and perfluorinated carboxylic and sulfonic acids are rated zone. Most petroleum species are sparingly soluble in
soluble in water, have low volatility and vapor pressure, and water and have vapor pressures and volatility that generally
due to the electronegativity of the fluorine atom and result- decrease with overall molecular weight. The risk associated
ing strength of the carbon–fluorine bond exhibit consider- with petroleum materials is highly variable based on their
able resistance to both abiotic and biotic degradation. CFC original use, degree of refinement, and discrete composition.
use in aerosols and release to the atmosphere since the 1940s Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene additives in gaso-
have been well documented, but most CFCs encountered in line are all volatile and have higher relative solubilities, while
considerable quantities at impacted environmental sites are lube oil contains few contaminants that are soluble in water
derived from their use in manufacturing operations or as and can be generally immobile in the subsurface. As shown
refrigerants. Commonly used per- or polyfluoroalkyl sub- on Figure 2.10, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, and waste oils
stances (PFASs) include C8 compounds perfluorooctane sul- have individual constitutions with different physical proper-
fonate and perfluorooctanoic acid, which are more widely ties, all of which affect their behavior in the subsurface and
known, but PFAS compounds include any molecule gener- their potential risk to human health and the environment. As
ally containing two or more carbons in which all hydrogen the individual compounds present in petroleum materials
atoms have been replaced with fluorine, with the exception (e.g., benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene, naphthalene)
of selected hydrogen atoms with functional group substi- often drive considerations regarding risk and mobility, these
tutions. PFAS compounds all contain at least one perfluo- are more strenuously regulated as individual contaminants.
roalkyl moiety C nF2n+1 and are currently defined under 42 In addition to the characteristic differences in product con-
different families of compounds.10 These compounds include stitution, the same refined products (e.g., gasoline) can often
straight-chain aliphatic compounds in addition to their vari- vary as a function of the crude oil source from which it was
ous homologues, precursors, and other fluorotelomers. PFAS manufactured, the facility in which it was refined, the geo-
compounds were used in manufacturing a variety of house- graphic area in which it is to be used, and the individual
hold and commercial products, industrial coatings, flame manufacturer’s formulation. Coupled with this product het-
retardants, and commercial fire-fighting foams. PFAS chem- erogeneity, petroleum materials will also weather with time
ical structures include a lipophilic fluorine–saturated carbon as more soluble and volatile species are lost to groundwater
chain with an ionic end group (e.g., carboxylic acid, sulfonic and soil vapor. Compositional changes in petroleum LNAPLs
acid, sulfonamide) that allow bioaccumulation within fatty will therefore have a bearing on the relative solubility of indi-
tissues as well as covalent binding with proteins in liver vidual contaminants within the material. These tendencies
and blood plasma.11 While detailed assessment of their risk all add complexity to the development of characterization
to human health is still ongoing, PFASs are an emerging and petroleum remediation strategies.
Contaminant Characteristics 43

69°C 126°C 218°C 343°C 402°C 449°C

156°F 258°F 421°F 849°F 750°F 840°F



Stoddard solvent

Jet fuel/kerosene


Diesel fuel/middle distillates

Fuel oils

Lube oil, motor oil, grease

C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30

FIGURE 2.10  Approximate carbon content and boiling ranges for different petroleum products. (Adapted from Gustafson, J. et al.,
Selection of Representative TPH Fractions based on Fate and Transport Considerations, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Criteria Working
Group (TPHCWG), Amherst Scientific Publishers, Amherst, MA, 1997.)  Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons oxygenates have relatively low boiling points and high aqueous
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are complex fused solubility (26 g/L for MTBE). As a result, it was historically
aromatic ring compounds that can be naturally occurring or believed that sites impacted with fuel oxygenates would exhibit
of anthropogenic origin. They have generally high molecular larger impacted groundwater footprints for oxygenates com-
weight, are readily adsorbed and sparingly soluble, and have pared to the petroleum materials with which they were codis-
low volatility. PAHs originate from incomplete combustion of posed. More recent review of data from hundreds of existing
fossil fuels and wood and a variety of industrial processes (e.g., hydrocarbon sites indicates that fuel oxygenate distribution is
coal gasification, petroleum refining, coking). Naturally, they generally consistent with that of soluble gasoline components.13
are sourced to the environment via volcanic activity or fire. While all three primary oxygenates are biodegradable under
PAH compounds of pyrogenic origin are detectable in soil and aerobic conditions, the anaerobic biodegradation of MTBE
river sediments throughout the inhabited world. PAH molecules commonly results in the formation of tert-butyl alcohol (TBA).
with fused ring numbers from two (naphthalene) to six (coro- Due to the presence of elevated hydrocarbon availability at
nene) that are bonded in either linear, angular, or clustered struc- sites with historic release(s), TBA is frequently observed within
tures.12 While some PAH compounds are more biodegradable close proximity to historical areas of petroleum discharge
than others, they typically exhibit half-lives on the order of years where abundant organic carbon has supported consumption of
to decades under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. available electron acceptors (e.g., oxygen, nitrate, ferric iron,
sulfate) and enabled the transformation of MTBE to TBA.  Fuel Oxygenates Based on the regional variability in use and negative
Fuel oxygenates have been used in fuel refining and blend- water quality effects associated with taste and odor issues in
ing activities since 1979, when they replaced tetraethyl lead groundwater—opposed to immediate risk to human and envi-
as the primary antiknock agent in gasoline to improve engine ronmental health—maximum contaminant levels for each of
combustion efficiency and minimize negative emissions asso- these constituents are not always available or applied.
ciated with volatile organic compounds and nitrogen and sul-
fur oxides in exhaust. The most widely used fuel oxygenate 2.3.2  Inorganic Contaminants
was methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), but others include
di-isopropyl ether and tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME). Metals
Oxygenated additive use in petroleum blending operations has Metal contaminants originate from both direct anthropogenic
varied widely in both duration and location and was almost (e.g., chromium, copper, zinc, lead) release or via indirect
entirely replaced by ethanol as of 2006. While often exclu- mobilization and dissolution from subsurface soils as a result of
sively present at sites with comingled petroleum hydrocarbon shifts in geochemistry (e.g., iron, manganese, arsenic). Despite
release, the variability in use does not imply that they are its widespread use, the term “heavy metal” does not have a rig-
present in all sites in which petroleum release has occurred. orous scientific basis or a chemical definition. Although many
Each of these constituents entails either five or six carbon of the elements listed as “heavy metals” have high specific
molecules arranged on either side of an ether group. Fuel gravities, major exceptions to this rule remain. A summary of
44 Remediation Engineering

the heavy metals representing a significant environmental con- extraction technologies or immobilized via biotic and abi-
cern and a comparison of commonly occurring light alkali and otic oxidation–reduction (redox) or complexation mecha-
alkali earth metals is presented in Table 2.2. nisms. The fate and transport of metal contaminants in
The fate and transport of metal contaminants are controlled the subsurface are therefore directly tied to an individual
by their different oxidation states and complexation behavior metal’s behavior based on the subsurface geochemistry. The
in the subsurface. The reactivities, ionic charges, and solubili- level of acidity, metal oxidation state, and its speciation and
ties of these metals in water vary widely. For their short- and tendency to form complexes ultimately affect the behavior of
long-term impacts, the maximum permissible concentra- metals, their transport with advective groundwater flow, or
tions of these heavy metals in drinking water and groundwa- their sequestration within soil matrices. Prior to developing
ter are closely regulated through legislation. As many heavy engineered remedial applications to address metal contami-
metals are also required as key micronutrients (with the nants, practitioners should have a detailed understanding of
exception of cadmium, mercury, and lead), the toxicity and both the behavior of individual metals and the permanence
inhibitory effects of these elements are largely related to their of the remedial solution to design and implement remedies
concentration.14 to restore environmental quality. While traditional reme-
Remediation applications do not result in destruc- dial technologies entail groundwater extraction and metals
tion of metals; they are either directly removed via removal via sorption applications, numerous in situ remedial
technologies have emerged that serve to condition aquifer
geochemistry and cost-effectively facilitate metal precipita-
tion and sequestration.
TABLE 2.2  Nitrogen Compounds
Commonly Occurring Heavy Metals, Light Alkali,
The natural nitrogen cycle is a complex and dynamic pro-
and Alkali Earth Metals cess that includes both atmospheric and biotic processes
Western Eastern (Figure 2.11) and results in nitrogen cycling between ammo-
United United Lindsay nia, nitrate, and nitrogen gas species. The commercialization
States States (1979) of synthetic fertilizer in the 1940s and subsequent widespread
Metal Specific Averageb Averageb Average expansion of use in agricultural production resulted in a dis-
Species Gravitya (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) ruption of the natural nitrogen cycle by increasing the total
Regulated heavy metals amount of nitrogen (N) mass present in the environment. As
a result of these activities, nitrate is frequently the most com-
Cr 7.19 41 33 100
Co 8.9 7.1 5.9 8
mon anthropogenic pollutant that exceeds water quality cri-
Ni 8.9 15 11 40
teria in drinking water wells in agricultural regions. When
Cu 8.96 21 13 30 consumed in drinking water, nitrate is converted to nitrite
Zn 7.13 55 40 50 during the digestion process and can react directly with hemo-
Ag 10.5 — — 0.05 globin in the blood to produce methemoglobin, which actively
Cd 8.65 — — 0.06 destroys the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen.
Hg 13.6 0.046 0.081 0.03 Nitrite is rapidly metabolized in healthy adults, but this con-
Ti 11.9 2,200 2,800 4,000 dition is especially serious in babies under three months of
Pb 11.4 17 14 10 age and causes a condition known as methemoglobinemia or
Regulated metalloids “blue baby syndrome.”
As 5.78 5.5 4.8 5 The nitrate impacts currently observed in many shallow
Se 4.79 0.23 0.3 0.3 aquifers are often a result of decades-old fertilizers, which
Sb 6.69 0.47 0.52 — served to load nitrogen into the shallow soil column. In aero-
Commonly occurring light metals
bic soils, the hydrolysis and nitrification of these materials
(e.g., anhydrous ammonia, ammonium nitrate, urea, diam-
Na 0.47 9,700 2,500 6,300
monium phosphate) result in their transformation to nitrate,
Mg 1.74 7,400 2,100 5,000
which then percolates downward to the water table.15 While
K 0.86 18,000 12,000 8,300
Ca 1.55 18,000 3,400 13,700
nitrate is often the sole contaminant monitored in ground-
Al 2.7 58,000 33,000 71,000 water, these other nitrogen compounds can often be over-
looked and serve as a long-term source of leachable nitrate to
Other relevant metals
groundwater. Given the increased attention to regional nitrate
Fe — 21,000 14,000 38,000
issues and associated impacts to community water systems,
Mn — 380 260 600
stronger requirements for remediation and source control
a Sen Gupta (2002). (e.g., fertilizer storage and distribution facilities) are being
b Smith and Huyck (1999). enforced by oversight agencies to reduce overall nitrogen
flux into the natural environment.
Contaminant Characteristics 45

nitrogen (N2)
δ15N (0%)

Ammonification Lightning
∆17O Denitrifying
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
bacteria ε15N (up to –20%)
ε15N (–1 to –5%) Animals Plants
Assimilation ammonium
Nitrates (NO3–)
Decomposers (aerobic Annamox
Industrial fixation and anaerobic bacteria
(e.g., urea, fertilizers) bacteria and fungi)
ε15N (–1%) Nitrifying bacteria

Nitrifying bacteria
Nitrites (NO2–)
Ammonia (NH3) (nitrosomas)
Hydrolysis Ammonium (NH4 )

FIGURE 2.11  The advanced nitrogen cycle showing industrial nitrogen fixation processes and transformation pathways. Unique isotopic
fractionation shifts in the nitrogen or oxygen isotope ratios can be observed depending on the processes involved. Perchlorate signature or to represent a qualitative indication of similar

While existing naturally in select regional mineral depos- behaving compounds as one bulk response. While certain
its, potash ores, or within the atmosphere,16 the majority of bulk parameters are regulated under both primary and sec-
perchlorate encountered within remediation sites is derived ondary water quality standards, others are used in engi-
from anthropogenic release during explosive production neering applications as key rules of thumb to guide both
and disposal or manufacturing operations. Containing investigation and treatment operations. While bulk param-
one chlorine anion and four oxygen anions (ClO 4 −), the eters can serve as a broad snapshot of existing conditions,
most common perchlorate salts for industrial use include however, specific attention should be paid to evaluate the
ammonium perchlorate, sodium perchlorate, and potas- significance and impact of the individual compounds that
sium chlorate. In addition to these, other anthropogenic constitute the total mixture.
sources are associated with experimental, medicinal, or
agricultural use (e.g., perchloric acid, chemical reagents,  Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
and fertilizers).16 While perchlorate salts are highly reac- During investigation and assessment of subsurface petro-
tive with organic and reduced materials, the perchlorate leum contamination, lump parameter total petroleum
anion in the natural environment is highly soluble in water, hydrocarbon (TPH) measurements can be used to quantify
exhibits low volatility and sorption, and is highly stable. the extent of contamination associated with nonregulated
Based on its physicochemical parameters, perchlorate is hydrocarbon compounds or provide a general indication
highly mobile within natural groundwater flow systems. of whether LNAPL or residual LNAPL is present. TPH
While generally not degraded via abiotic mechanisms, measurement captures a wide array of compounds present
many naturally occurring microorganisms can utilize per- in petroleum products with total carbon atoms extending
chlorate as an electron acceptor in the presence of natural up to 40 atoms (tetraoctane; C40H82). TPH analyses can be
organic carbon electron donors. As a result, many engi- used to assess the general signature of a petroleum mixture,
neered remediation applications entail either direct in situ and individual sampling spectra can be related to known
delivery of organic carbon reagents or ex  situ treatment banks of standards to identify whether the contamination
within bioreactors. consists of one or more of gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil,
jet fuels, kerosene, or miscellaneous lubricants, and waxes.
Gas chromatography column elution times can be tailored
2.3.3 Other Bulk Parameters
to the known petroleum mixture or can be used to provide
Several bulk parameter measurements bear some dis- a broad response for the materials present. As an example,
cussion as a useful method of identifying contamination gasoline range TPH analysis (TPH-g) is used to quantify
extent, serving to provide an indication of geochemical the total magnitude of hydrocarbon (C6 ─C12) associated
46 Remediation Engineering

with a known historical gasoline release. Similarly, the  Total Dissolved Solids
magnitude of hydrocarbon materials associated with a The amount of dissolved solids are useful indicators of the
diesel gasoline release (C10 ─C28) can be assessed utilizing presence of dissolved compounds including inorganic salts
diesel range TPH (TPH-d) analyses. As individual hydro- and metallic ions, organic materials, and other dissolved
carbon compounds have a greater tendency to volatilize ionic species (SO42−, Cl−, NO3−) present in groundwater.
or dissolve into groundwater, the presence or absence of Total dissolved solid (TDS) concentration is also important
select compounds (e.g., BTEX constituents) can also be in models used to characterize soil–water interactions with
reviewed relative to the analytical response from a new or regard to mineral and ionic activity (e.g., Debye–Hückel and
fresh gasoline release to assess the degree of hydrocarbon Davies equations), as these classical geochemical models are
weathering or depletion, which can be useful in assessing not applicable at elevated TDS concentrations, and alterna-
the age of impacts. tives must be used (i.e., Pitzer model).17 Similar to other bulk
While TPH measurement provides a broad indication parameters used in assessing water quality, TDS measure-
of the overall quantity of hydrocarbon materials present, ments should be coupled with more detailed analyses of major
they are often paired with other more specific analytes aqueous cations and anions to supplement characterization
(e.g., benzene, naphthalene) that are more carcinogenic efforts and correlate response. Further, in remediation sites
and explicitly regulated. Understanding the magnitude of utilizing TDS response as an investigative technique, sample
both the primary risk-driving contaminants as well as the collection should include a comparison of the site-specific
broader subset of TPH materials is integral to proper reme- background response relative to the area of known or sus-
dial system design. The broader TPH spectrum serves as a pected impact.
sink for chemical oxidants and electron acceptors injected
for in  situ treatment of select target contaminants. The
relative ratio of BTEX constituents to the total LNAPL 2.4  PROPERTIES OF CONTAMINANTS
or residual LNAPL mixture impacts the relative solubil- As noted previously, the behavior of contaminants in the
ity and limits their availability for treatment or removal environment is influenced to a great extent by the physi-
in the aqueous phase. TPH materials contribute to gran- cochemical properties of the contaminant and the con-
ular activated carbon loading during ex  situ treatment. taminant mixture. These properties govern the extent of
TPH materials are consumed by native microbial species, which they partition, migrate, or degrade when present in
which generate dissolved and vadose zone methane within bulk quantity, in dilute concentration, or in the subsurface
petroleum release areas. Accounting for these materials is as gases.
therefore a necessity as part of any investigation and reme-
diation design to make sure treatment specifications are
2.4.1 Solubility
The fate and transport of an organic or inorganic contaminant  Total Organic Carbon beyond the point in which it is released is primarily controlled
Total organic carbon (TOC) analyses serve as a bulk indica- by its aqueous solubility. The aqueous solubility represents
tor of dissolved, suspended, or colloidal carbon materials the maximum aqueous-phase concentration of chemical per
that are present in groundwater or surface waters. As all unit volume, while the solution is in equilibrium with the pure
natural waters contain some carbonaceous material, under- compound in its actual aggregation state (gas, liquid, solid) at
standing the differences in organic carbon attributed to a specified temperature and pressure. Above this concentra-
natural background availability and attributed to contami- tion, multiple phases will exist in the solvent–solute equilib-
nant concentrations can be important in assessing whether rium system.
impacts associated with anthropogenic release are pres- In general, the solubility of organic contaminants var-
ent. Most laboratory analytical methodologies entail the ies widely (between approximately 1 and 200,000 mg/L)
detection of total carbon dioxide following reaction of the and controls the amount of solute that can partition into the
specific sample with an oxidant (e.g., persulfate) and, as a aqueous phase for natural groundwater transport. Fully-
result, capture a broad response that can be correlated to miscible (infinitely soluble) or near-miscible organics include
other more specific analyses such as the presence of indi- alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, ethers, and carboxylic acids.
vidual organic contaminants present within the sample. These compounds do not form a persistent separate liquid
While TOC represents a relatively nonspecific analyses, phase (NAPL) when spilled into the subsurface and encoun-
this parameter is often used in many rule-of-thumb esti- ter groundwater. Many of these compounds are also poorly
mates associated with remedial design and operation, with sorbed on solid-phase organic matter and mineral surfaces
notable examples including assessment of the presence or in the aquifer matrix. Hydrophobic organics are consider-
absence of organic electron donors used during in situ bio- ably less soluble and form NAPLs with a potential to serve
remediation, the natural abundance of organic matter that as persistent dissolved-phase contaminant sources to ground-
can affect sorption on to soil matrices, influent loading on water. These compounds exhibit a wide range of densities,
ex  situ treatment systems, or potential sinks for chemical from very low relative to water (e.g., benzene, ρ = 0.6) to
oxidants applied in situ. very high relative to water (e.g., PCE, ρ = 1.6). Hydrophobic
Contaminant Characteristics 47

organics are generally susceptible to sorption on organic sol- aqueous activity coefficient, as represented in the following
ids and colloids, as well as mineral surfaces in aquifers, so a equation:
large portion of the mass of these contaminants may reside
outside the aqueous phase under normal physical–chemical log Cw = - log g w (2.2)

While solubilization to the aqueous phase is governed where
by typical equilibrium processes, many environmental Cw is the aqueous solubility of a compound
reactions are not occurring under a steady-state condition. γw is the activity coefficient of the compound in water
That is, solubility relationships typically assume that the
relationship between the contaminant and the environ- Another aspect that can affect the solution composition and
ment remains consistent with time. As most natural envi- solubility of organic chemicals involves the presence of other
ronmental conditions are dynamic in nature, with the fate aqueous organic compounds that are codissolved and can act as
of contaminants controlled by a combination of volatiliza- cosolvents to increase the overall solubility of a particular sol-
tion, adsorption, diffusion, advective transport, and degra- ute in water. In cases in which the codissolved species is both
dation mechanisms, the term “steady state” is often used miscible in water and present at elevated concentrations (>10%
to refer to the collective balance of these processes in the by volume), these constituents can act as solvents and result
absence of active remediation programs. Steady-state solu- in preferential dissolution as part of a dual-solvent system. In
bility relationships are therefore a reflection of the instan- cases in which codissolved contaminants are not miscible with
taneous equilibrium of a given contaminant. In this sense,
water but are present at elevated concentrations (e.g., waste oil
a dynamic state in remediation practices typically implies
LNAPL present at the groundwater surface), dissolution of con-
that engineered techniques are being applied to manipulate
taminants between multiple separate-phase fluid bodies will be
the natural fate and transport conditions.
proportional to the relative solubility of the contaminant and
For pure compounds, the aqueous solubility is a direct
will control partitioning within the dual-solvent system.
reflection of molecular structure and electrochemical char-
acteristics and serves as a fundamental physical constant
that governs contaminant partitioning. Environmental con- 2.4.2 Vapor Pressure
taminants have aqueous solubilities that can range over sev- A compound’s vapor pressure is a parameter that estimates the
eral orders of magnitude from highly soluble compounds extent of which a given compound can volatilize and partition
that are completely miscible in water (e.g., alcohols such into the gaseous phase. The vapor pressure is defined as the pres-
as methanol or ethanol) to levels of saturation that are so sure exerted by the vapor of a compound at equilibrium with its
low that the concentration can scarcely be detected (e.g., pure condensed phase, either liquid or solid, at a given tempera-
benzo(a)pyrene, PCBs). For mixtures of contaminants (e.g., ture. Vapor pressure is typically expressed in either millimeters
mixed waste solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons), solubility or inches of mercury or in atmospheres. The vapor pressure of a
is a general function of the mole fraction of the individual pure compound is equal to 1 atm at its boiling point temperature.
constituents within the mixture.18–20 The concentration of Similar to solubility, the vapor pressures of organic com-
an individual compound in water at equilibrium with the pounds vary widely between compounds based on structural and
contaminant mixture can be expressed according to the fol- molecular interaction differences. Vapor pressure is an important
lowing equation: parameter in determining the behavior of contaminants in the
subsurface environment and represents the tendency of a com-
Ci* = Ci0 Xi g i (2.1)
pound to volatilize from either aqueous, solid, or sorbed and/or
NAPL phase into vadose zone soil gas. The physical parameters
that have the greatest effect on vapor pressure are temperature
Ci* is the equilibrium solute concentration for component
and the nature of the compound itself (e.g., critical temperature,
i in the mixture
critical pressure, and heat of vaporization). For mixtures of com-
Ci0 is the equilibrium solute concentration for component i pounds, the composition of the mixture also has a bearing on the
as a pure compound vapor pressure according to the following relationship:
Xi is the mole fraction of compound i in the contaminant
γi is the activity coefficient of compound i in the contami- Pi* = Xi g i Pi 0 (2.3)
nant mixture
The activity coefficient of a specific compound in water (γw) Pi* is the equilibrium partial pressure of component i
represents the overall dissimilarity between the solute and Xi is the mole fraction of compound i in the contaminant
solvent (i.e., water) that is associated with structural and polar mixture
differences that affect the enthalpy and entropy of the con- γi is the activity coefficient of compound i in the contaminant
taminant in the aqueous phase. The aqueous solubility of a mixture
solute is sometimes defined as equal to the reciprocal of its Pi 0 is the vapor pressure of pure compound i
48 Remediation Engineering

Vapor pressures of selected compounds of frequent environ- 2.4.4 Density

mental concern are widely available in the literature.
The density of a compound is expressed as the ratio of its
mass to its volume. The property varies not only with molecu-
2.4.3 Henry’s Law Constant lar weight but also with molecular interactions and the associ-
ated chemical structure. As an example, primary and tertiary
The solubility and vapor pressure of volatile contaminants
butyl alcohols have the same molecular weight but their den-
are interrelated and control the extent of air–water partition-
sities at 20°C are 0.8098 and 0.7887 g/mL. In environmental
ing. This relationship is typically expressed via a contami-
remediation, density relationships are important in determin-
nant’s Henry’s law coefficient, which quantifies the escaping
ing whether a gaseous contaminant is heavier or lighter than
tendency of a compound to the vapor phase as opposed to
air and determining whether separate-phase liquids will float
remaining dissolved in water. Henry’s law is an expression of
or sink in groundwater. Density relationships are also impor-
the partitioning equilibrium between a solute and water when
tant in evaluating whether different solute concentrations will
the solute is at dilute aqueous concentrations. The Henry’s law
result in density-driven groundwater flow patterns. Examples
constant (KH) is expressed as the ratio of a compound’s abun-
of this arise in assessing the aqueous transport of concentrated
dance at equilibrium between the gas and aqueous phases,
brines discharged during petroleum recovery and refining
expressed as
processes or assessing the transport of concentrated injection
reagents following injection into groundwater.
KH = (atm × m 3 /mol) (2.4) Units of density express a mass to volume ratio. For liq-
Cw uids, the units can be expressed in g/mL or mol/mL and for
solids g/cm3. Vapor densities are typically expressed in units
where of g/L or mg/m3.
Pi is the partial pressure of a compound in the gas phase Densities for pure refined petroleum products range from
(atm) 0.75 g/mL for automotive gasoline to 0.97 g/mL for no. 6 fuel
Cw is the aqueous solution as a molar concentration (mol/m3) oil. In contrast, most chlorinated solvents have densities that
range from 1.1 g/mL for chlorobenzene to 1.63 g/mL for PCE.
The units of KH are dependent on the choice of measures. If When present above its aqueous solubility, the characteriza-
the abundance of a compound in air is expressed as moles per tion of a contaminant’s tendency to behave as a LNAPL or
cubic meter of air (Ca), the dimensionless Henry’s law (K ¢H ) DNAPL is determined by its relative density (lower or higher,
constant can be obtained via the following equation: respectively) to water at a given temperature.

K ¢H = (mol/(m 3a × mol) × m 3w ) (2.5)
Cw 2.4.5 Liquid Viscosity
The viscosity of a liquid is a measure of the cohesive forces
KH and K ¢H may be related to one another by applying the
between molecules of a similar substance that work to resist
ideal gas law for converting partial pressure in atmospheres
shear. A liquid’s viscosity has an important bearing on the
to moles per cubic meters. The dimensionless K ¢H can also
movement and recovery of bulk fluids from the subsurface.
be related to KH using the ideal gas law via the following
NAPL transport in soil matrices (or resistance to) is con-
trolled by NAPL adhesion to soil surfaces and whether suf-
ficient shear can be applied to overcome the cohesive forces.
K ¢H = (2.6) Under natural conditions, gravity and advective groundwater
RsT flow serve as the two primary forces to induce shear on an
NAPL body. Similar to flow in a conduit, bulk fluid velocity
where within the soil pore space is highest at the midpoint between
T is the temperature of water in degrees K the adjacent soil surfaces. Between the center of the soil pore
Rs is the ideal gas constant (8.20575 × 10 –5 atm · m3/mol · K) conduit and the soil particle surface, a decreasing velocity
gradient develops to the essentially immobile21 adsorbed frac-
Based on this equation, it is obvious that compounds with tion of NAPL that forms the soil wetting layer. Within the
high vapor pressures and low solubility in water should parti- microscale conduits that make up most soil matrices, a fluid’s
tion appreciably from water to air. However, compounds with viscosity has a considerable bearing on the development of
high vapor pressure and very high solubility (e.g., acetone, the velocity profile between the center of the soil pore and the
ethanol) do not partition easily from water. particle surface. For low viscosity fluids, less fluid cohesion
Henry’s law constant relationships are used extensively as allows transport even under conditions with limited shear.
part of vapor intrusion and fate and transport models to eval- For high viscosity fluids, however, natural environmental pro-
uate the partitioning of compounds from soil moisture and cesses may not be sufficient to overcome both soil adhesion
groundwater into soil gas. It is also integral for the design of and NAPL cohesion and may result in very low or near zero
air stripping and vapor extraction systems. fluid velocities (Figure 2.12).
Contaminant Characteristics 49

Flow axis

z θ

z΄ Radius, r
Pn–w Pw

2 Nonwetting Wetting fluid
Flow axis
center line
dvx dvx
dz dz

0 vmax
(b) Velocity (L/T)

FIGURE 2.12  Fluid velocity profiles of two fluids in a simple conduit. Curve 1 represents the lower viscosity, relative to the fluid in curve
2, with each fluid subject to identical shear stress (force per unit area, parallel to the flow axis). (a) Orientation of a cross-sectional transect,
perpendicular to the flow access. (b) Velocity profiles along the transect, y–y′. Wetting of the conduit wall leads to a zero-velocity static
layer at the side wall for each fluid. Movement of the fluids through the conduit requires continuous shearing, which exerts a drag on their
movement. The slope of the velocity gradient within the conduit is greater for high-viscosity fluids. (From Payne, F.C. et al., Remediation
Hydraulics, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2008.)

The force (F) of a fluid moving in a conduit can be deter- While an aquifer soil matrix has considerably more hetero-
mined based on the fluid viscosity (µ), the area of the conduit geneity than the simple conduit highlighted in Figure 2.12, the
(A), the fluid velocity (v), and the relative distance to the flow application of these flow concepts remains valid to develop
axis (z) via the following relationship: empirical mobility estimates. Knowledge of a NAPL viscos-
ity is required in formulas for calculating NAPL mobility and
v transmissivity in the soil matrices as well as its extractability
F = m A (2.7) and flow into an extraction well. For refined petroleum prod-
ucts that consist of a complex mixture of organic compounds,
the NAPL viscosity will vary based on the relative quantity
The fluid force determined in this equation can be used to
and the associated molecular weights of compounds present
relate the fluid viscosity to the shear stress applied and the
in the product. Similar to their associated density differences,
velocity gradient via the following relationship:
the viscosity of automotive gasoline is significantly lower than
that of no. 6 fuel oil. Similarly, chlorinated solvent DNAPLs
F /A
m= (2.8) have lower viscosities than coal tar, creosote, and PCBs.
dvx /dz

2.4.6 Fluid Properties
μ is the fluid viscosity (dyne ∙ s/cm2) A liquid’s chemical composition plays a defining role in its
F is the force of the fluid (dynes) subsurface interactions with air, soil surfaces, and other flu-
A is the area of the conduit (cm2) ids. The interfacial tension between an organic liquid, water,
dvx/dz is the change in velocity with distance from the flow and air affects the processes related to the formation and
axis (cm/s/cm) ­dispersion of NAPL droplets, the creation of stable emulsions,
and the resistance of contaminants to flow through ­soil capil-
Viscosity is commonly reported in units of centipoise laries. When two immiscible or partially miscible liquids are
(cP),  and the units presented in the previous relationship brought into contact, the interface between the fluids possesses
(dyne ∙ s/cm2) are equivalent to one Poise (P) or one millipas- free surface energy that is dictated by the physicochemical
cal second (mPa ∙ s). Values of viscosity for organic liquids properties of the two fluids. This surface energy ­represents
generally range from 0.3 to 20 cP.18 The viscosities of mixed the interfacial tension and is controlled by the unique relation-
DNAPLs are generally in the range of 10–100 cP, which ship between the two fluids.
are significantly greater than TCE (0.444 at 20°C), benzene Liquids exhibit both cohesive (liquid–liquid) and adhe-
(0.647 cP at 20°C), PCE (0.844 cP at 20°C), and water (1 cP sive (liquid–solid) interactions within the subsurface,
at 20°C). which, depending on the fluid, include a combination of
50 Remediation Engineering

both van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding.21 Within groundwater flow. If the equilibrium between adsorbed and
a fluid, individual molecules are surrounded by other simi- dissolved compounds occurs sufficiently rapidly and if the
lar molecules, and intermolecular attraction is balanced on concentration on the soil particles is proportional to aque-
all sides. At a fluid’s surface area, intermolecular forces are ous concentration (i.e., a linear sorption isotherm exists), the
arranged parallel with the surface and toward the center of expressions for the transport of a compound can be readily
the fluid body, which result in a greater inward attraction modified by a retardation factor (R) to describe the behavior:
away from the surface. The energy required to overcome
these intermolecular forces and deform or increase the flu- Dissolved (mobile) compound concentration
id’s surface area is the surface tension. + Sorbed compound concentration
R= (2.9)
Van der Waals forces, particularly relevant to organic com- Dissolved (mobile) compound concentration

pounds, are weak bonds that form between the electrons of
one molecule and the nucleus of another. The sum of the van
der Waals forces increases in magnitude with the total number
of atoms and results in increased attraction and higher boiling Adsorbed concentration
and melting points as organic compounds increase in molec- R = 1+ (2.10)
Dissolved concentration
ular weight. Hydrogen bonds exist as both intermolecular
bonds connect different molecules and intramolecular hydro-
gen bonds connect similar molecules. The angular chemical The rate at which the center of mass of a compound in equilib-
structure of a water molecule and the polarity between the rium with the soil matrix travels in an aquifer is equal to the
O and H atoms allow extensive hydrogen bonding capacity seepage velocity (υ) divided by R. As an example, if the retar-
with other water molecules (cohesion) and adhesion with dation factor for a compound is 5, a plume of the dissolved
negatively charged soil surfaces.21 Stronger than van der compound will advance only one-fifth as fast as a parcel of
Waals forces but approximately 20 times lower than covalent water. An understanding of contaminant sorption is a criti-
bonds,22 hydrogen bonds allow water to resist deformation but cal element of groundwater modeling activities, predicting
enable easy dissociation of polar or ionic solutes. Solute dis- plume transport behavior, and assessing the benefits of treat-
solution into water also plays a role in changing these relation- ment applications. As a considerable fraction of the overall
ships and decreasing its overall surface tension. As discussed contaminant mass within aquifers resides in the sorbed phase,
in the following section, unique surface energies of different consideration of both dissolved and sorbed phase is important
contaminants result in different transport behavior and inter- in understanding the total contaminant mass and whether it is
action between the contaminant and water and the soil surfi- accessible to a given remediation technology.
cial interface. Adsorption
Adsorption processes occur for both inorganic and organic
2.4.7 Sorption and Desorption Processes compounds and may occur at mineral surfaces or on the sur-
The extent of which organic and inorganic contaminants can faces of solid-phase organic matter in the soil. Adsorption
migrate in the aqueous phase is controlled by their tendency processes occur more slowly than absorption processes and
to adhere to or be retarded by the soil matrix through which are sometimes referred to as kinetic sorption, in contrast to
they migrate. There are three broad categories of sorption the more rapid partitioning process, which is referred to as
occurring in porous media that influence contaminant distri- equilibrium sorption. The adsorption process has also been
bution: (1) ionic adsorption and exchange, especially cation termed irreversible, but this is a misnomer.
exchange; (2) organic absorption, also known as partition- The relationship between aqueous- and solid-phase con-
ing; and (3) organic adsorption. In each of these processes, centrations is described by equations called isotherms.
dissolved-phase molecules or ions migrate into nonaqueous- Two examples are the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms.
phase media including mineral surfaces (ionic adsorption), Equation 2.11 shows the Freundlich isotherm, which is non-
mineral crystal lattices (cation exchange), solid-phase soil linear except in the special case in which the exponent, b,
organic matter (organic absorption and adsorption), and col- equals 1.0. In that case, the distribution follows the Langmuir
loidal and liquid-phase organic matter (organic absorption). isotherm, as shown in Equation 2.12.
An organic contaminant’s tendency to absorb or adsorb is
related to whether the contaminant exhibits a solute–solvent Csoil = K d ´ Caq

relationship (absorption) or is bound via direct intermolecular
forces (adsorption).
Csoil = K d ´ Caq (2.12)
In fate and transport evaluations, sorption equilibrium
reactions promote the reduction of aqueous-phase contami-
nant concentrations as contaminants present in groundwater For both isotherms, the concentration units are mg/kg for
partition into or are retained on natural soil materials. As soil and mg/L for aqueous phase. The distribution coeffi-
a consequence of their partitioning, the transport of dis- cient, Kd, has units of L/kg. If the adsorption isotherms fol-
solved contaminants is slowed or retarded relative to natural low the Langmuir equation (2.12), the adsorption capacity and
Contaminant Characteristics 51

binding coefficients can be determined graphically, using the measured Koc values, which is related to differences in the
following equation: nature of the sorbing organic matter, experimental tem-
peratures, or other factors that affect observed partitioning.
Caq 1 C Values of organic carbon partition coefficients are periodi-
= + aq (2.13)
Csoil b1b2 b2 cally updated by the U.S. EPA23 based on reported geometric
means of observed values from multiple sources to reflect an
where ever-expanding data set. Values for many of the compounds
β1 is a constant that reflects the adsorption binding energy not listed in the U.S. EPA references can be obtained from
β2 is the capacity of the adsorbing matrix Welkom and Montgomery.24 Values for organic carbon parti-
tion coefficients for a variety of contaminant compounds are
The slope of the plotted line equals 1/β2, and the binding also available in the literature.
energy constant equals the slope of the line, divided by the The previous equations are often integrated with all rele-
y-intercept. vant media to estimate the total mass of a given contaminant.
Two key aspects of adsorption processes are the fact that The total sorbed mass is determined from the sorbed-phase
there is a maximum capacity due to a limited availability of concentration and the soil bulk density (ρbulk) in conjunction
adsorption sites and that the adsorption process is associated with Equations 2.14 and 2.15, as follows:
with a binding energy. The adsorption of key contaminants is
an exothermic process, and the adsorption process is expected Masssorbed = Csorbed ´ rbulk (2.17)

to proceed more quickly than the desorption process. The
slower reverse reaction (desorption) leads to the adsorption Dissolved-phase mass can be expressed in terms of the aque-
process being described as irreversible, which is not the case. ous-phase concentration (Caq) and the total soil pore water
Adsorption is also a competitive process. Molecules or ions content (θ) as follows:
that have been adsorbed can be displaced by others that have
a higher binding energy. Massaqueous = Caq ´ q (2.18) Absorption
The results of Equations 2.17 and 2.18 are both expressed in
The absorption, or equilibrium partitioning process, occurs
units of mass per volume and can be summed to determine a
rapidly and is generally the dominant sorption process for
total mass using both sorbed and aqueous phases:
hydrophobic organics in many aquifers. Aqueous-phase con-
centrations are related to sorbed-phase concentrations by the
Masstotal = Massaqueous + Masssorbed (2.19)
following partition equation, which is essentially the same as
the Langmuir equation earlier:
Dividing Equation 2.17 by Equation 2.19 enables determina-
Csorbed = K d ´ Caq (2.14) tion of the fraction of total aquifer contaminant mass that will

reside in aqueous phase as a function of the organic carbon
where fraction for the aquifer soil:
Csorbed is the sorbed-phase soil contaminant concentration
in mg per kgsoil Masssorbed Caq ´ K oc ´ foc ´ rbulk
= (2.20)
Caq is the groundwater contaminant concentration in mg/L Masstotal Caq ´ K oc ´ foc ´ rbulk + (Caq ´ q)

Kd is the distribution coefficient in L/kg
The results of Equation 2.20 have been plotted for a variety
The distribution coefficient is calculated from the soil organic
of common contaminants as a function of soil organic car-
carbon fraction, ƒoc, and the organic carbon partition coef-
bon in Figure 2.13. These plots demonstrate that compounds
ficient, Koc, as follows:
with high Koc values (e.g., toxaphene, naphthalene, PCE)
K d = K oc ´ ƒoc (2.15) will reside primarily in sorbed phase when the soil organic

carbon fraction is high. The partitioning effects observed in
The units for Koc are L/kgorg, and the units for ƒoc are kgorg/ Figure  2.13 become very significant as the carbon fraction
kgsoil. Combining the results of Equations 2.14 and 2.15, we climbs from 0 to 0.005, corresponding to aquifer soil organic
can have matter contents from 0 to 5000 mg/kg.  Multicompartment Sorption Models

Csorbed = K oc ´ ƒoc ´ Caq (2.16)
The sorption behavior of hydrophobic organic compounds
in aquifers suggests that multiple sorption processes occur,
Values for the organic carbon partition coefficient, Koc, are leading researchers to suggest what are termed multicom-
available for many compounds and are available from a partment models of the sorption process. These models
number of sources. There is significant variability between typically have a rapid-equilibration component that reflects
52 Remediation Engineering


Percentage sorbed

40 cis-DCE

Vinyl chloride


0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
Organic carbon fraction ( foc )

FIGURE 2.13  Relationship between sorbed-phase and total contaminant mass per unit aquifer volume, as a function of soil organic matter
content, as measured by the organic carbon fraction foc.
partitioning absorption as expressed in Equation 2.14 and a The values of Equation 2.22 are expressed in mg/L. The K oc
slower-maturing adsorption component like that embodied in value is the conventional organic carbon partition coefficient.
the Freundlich isotherm (Equation 2.11). Luthy et al.25 provide The second compartment is calculated as follows:
a comprehensive review of the geosorbents found in aquifers
and the nature of their interactions with hydrophobic organic 2nd
K oc ´ foc ´ f ´ qmax
´ Caq (2.23)
q 2nd =
compounds. However, methods that characterize the various f ´ qmax + K oc ´ qmax ´ Caq
2nd 2nd 2nd

geosorbents described by Luthy et  al. are not available for
routine analysis of aquifer soils. Without that breakdown, where
the analysis of TOC provides a basis for estimating partition-
ing equilibrium behavior (which is expected to dominate the

K oc = 105.92 ± 0.16 (2.24)
sorbed mass in most circumstances), and a smaller-scale, lag-
ging desorption can be expected to occur as a result of adsorp-
tion processes, the magnitude or duration of which cannot be
æ K 1st ö
Chen et  al.26 provided an empirically derived two- 2nd
qmax = foc ´ ç oc ´ Csat ÷ (2.25)
compartment model that combined a rapid partitioning process è 0.63 ø
with a slower, capacity-limited adsorption process. Termed
the dual-equilibrium desorption (DED) model, the sorption The variable ƒ in Equation 2.23 represents the fraction of the
behavior is described by the summation of the partitioning and second compartment that is saturated upon exposure. Chen
adsorbing processes as shown in the following equation: et al. assume the value for ƒ is 1.0 in their calculations. The
value for K oc in Equation 2.24 was empirically determined
q = q1st + q 2 nd (2.21) from a population of 41 samples considered by Chen et al. Kow

is the octanol–water partitioning coefficient for the hydropho-
where bic organic and Csat is the aqueous-phase solubility of that
q is the total soil concentration compound. The exponent in Equation 2.25 was also empiri-
q1st is the soil concentration predicted by partitioning cally determined by Chen et al.26
equilibrium Combining terms, the result can be
q2nd is the soil concentration predicted by a linear adsorp-
tion isotherm 2nd
K oc ´ foc ´ qmax
´ Caq
q = K oc
´ ƒoc ´ Caq + (2.26)
qmax + K oc ´ foc ´ Caq
2nd 2nd

All values are mg/kg. The first compartment is calculated

according to Equation 2.16, using the DED terminology:
At low values of Caq, Equation 2.26 reduces to a Langmuir
isotherm, and at high values of Caq, the equation reduces to
Caq = (2.22) an equilibrium partitioning model. Equation 2.26 provides a
( K oc ´ foc ) + (qW /rbulk ) “bridge” between the adsorption- and absorption-dominated
Contaminant Characteristics 53


10 C

Soil concentration (mg/kg)





1e–5 1e–4 1e–3 1e–2 1e–1 1e+0 1e+1 1e+2 1e+3
Groundwater concentration (mg/L)

FIGURE 2.14  Dual-equilibrium desorption calculation for PCE, using the model described by Chen et al.26 The value for Csat was assumed
as 110 mg/L, the Koc was 265, and the aquifer soil organic carbon fraction was 0.001 (1000 mg/kg TOC). Curve segment A shows the portion
of the dual-equilibrium desorption model dominated by the Langmuir isotherm, segment B shows the transition zone between desorption
models, segment C is the zone dominated by partitioning equilibrium, and segment D shows the sorption relationship predicted by “classic”
equilibrium partitioning.

sectors of the overall sorption process and calls our atten- valence number and mass of the cations. The following are
tion to the bimodal nature of sorption behavior that can be common groundwater cations, shown in order of decreasing
expected for hydrophobic organic compounds in aquifers. exchangeability (increasing binding strength):
Figure 2.14 provides a graphic display of the aqueous phase–
sorbed phase relationship for PCE predicted by the dual- Na+ > K+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ (2.27)
equilibrium desorption model. For PCE, the model suggests
that the sorbed fraction significantly exceeds predictions of If the calcium and sodium concentrations in aqueous phase
the “classic” partitioning equilibrium model at concentrations are equal and no other cations are present in solution, calcium
from 0.001 to 10 mg/L. Because the adsorbed fraction reacts is likely to displace sodium that may reside on adsorption
more slowly than the partitioned phase to changes in aqueous- sites in the aquifer matrix mineral and organic matter. Metal
phase concentrations, desorption processes will occur much cations, particularly multivalent transition metals such as
more slowly under this model, particularly at lower aqueous- hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), are likely to be strongly sorbed
phase concentrations. to cation exchange sites.
One aspect of the DED model that might be controver- Because cation exchange is a competitive process, the
sial is the assertion that K oc can be represented by a single cations on any soil can be displaced by flooding the aqueous
value for a wide range of hydrophobic organic compounds. phase with competing cations. For example, sodium displaces
For comparison, Suthersan and Payne27 examined the appar- calcium and magnesium ions bound to cation exchange res-
ent Koc for a PCE sorption compartment that resisted oxida- ins in water softeners during the recharge cycle, in which the
tion in bench trials. In that case, the apparent Koc value was exchange resin is flooded with a saturated sodium chloride
104,000 L/kg for the oxidant-resistant fraction, compared to solution. During the operational phase, calcium and magne-
an apparent value of 2,600 L/kg for the oxidized fraction. sium, which are more strongly bound and present at higher
Both values far exceeded the EPA-published value for the Koc concentrations in influent water, displace sodium cations on
of perchloroethylene, and the Koc for the oxidant–resistant the exchange resin. If aqueous-phase chromium is added to
fraction was 5.5-fold lower than the low end of the range of groundwater, it is expected to displace a portion of the native
values suggested by Chen et al.26 Nonetheless, the DED model calcium, magnesium, and other cations adsorbed to the aqui-
appears to provide an order-of-magnitude approximation of fer matrix.
field-observed sorption behaviors. The magnitude of cation exchange capacity depends on the
soil particle size distribution (smaller particles, with higher  Cation Exchange Capacity surface area per volume, have a higher exchange capacity than
Soil minerals and organic matter can bind cations in com- large particles) and the mineral composition (clays have high
petitive adsorption. The strength of the binding increases with exchange capacities, sands have lower exchange capacities),
54 Remediation Engineering

both of which control the cation exchange capacity. The cat- With gravity being a primary driver for DNAPL migration,
ion exchange capacity is expressed as charge equivalents (the DNAPLs migrate downward via the path of least resistance
sum of exchangeable cation molarities, multiplied by their until they encounter confining or impermeable strata that
respective ion charges) per unit soil mass: prevent or limit further transport. Similar to aqueous-phase
contaminant transport, DNAPL migration is controlled by

CEC = å ([ A] ´ z A + [ B] ´ zB …) (2.28) hydraulic conductivity differences and relative changes in
soil permeability. In addition, DNAPL migration is also con-
trolled by the specific DNAPL physical properties and vol-
where ume, as downward pressure applied by a DNAPL body must
CEC is the cation exchange capacity be sufficient to enable it to be squeezed into and through
[A], [B], etc., are the molarities soil pores. As a result, differences in permeability between
z A, z B, etc., are the charges of all cations in aqueous phase soil strata and the presence or absence of confining layers
strongly affects both the vertical and horizontal distribution
The cations are measured in a solution of a displacing cation of DNAPLs in the subsurface.
such as ammonium chloride, NH4Cl, which has been used LNAPL materials comprise compounds that are lighter and
to flood a soil sample and displace all the cations other than immiscible in water. Commonly encountered contaminants
ammonium, NH4+. may include benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes; all
Cation exchange capacity is not often measured in aqui- of which may also be associated with multicomponent petro-
fer soil samples, but it may be an important determinant in leum LNAPLs released during fuel refining and distribution
the mobility of contaminant cations, such as transition met- activities. Similar to DNAPL transport, LNAPLs will sink via
als. In source areas, where high-concentration solutions gravity toward the groundwater surface following which they
flood an aquifer matrix, transition metal ions will displace mound and migrate horizontally via bulk fluid migration or
native calcium, magnesium, and potassium. When aque- capillary transport.
ous-phase concentrations of the transition metals decline Governed by solubility constraints and equilibrium par-
through groundwater flushing, the competitive replacement titioning, the slow dissolution of NAPLs will contribute to
of transition metals by native cations can drive a persistent, ongoing dissolved-phase plume formation over an extended
low-concentration leaching of the transition metals back into period of time. Individual compounds will dissolve up to
the groundwater. During periods of high contaminant metal their solubility limit, or their relative solubility if they exist
concentrations in groundwater, the cation exchange process as a mixture, at a given groundwater temperature. As a result,
acts as a scavenger. During later periods of low-contaminant the identification and characterization of NAPL materials
metal concentrations, adsorbed material becomes a low-level at remediation sites are of utmost importance as part of site
source. characterization to ensure that remedial designs can appro-
priately address and eliminate NAPL source mass during
remedial implementation. Improvements in rapid character-
2.5 TRANSPORT, MOBILIZATION, AND ization techniques have allowed practitioners to rapidly and
PARTITIONING IN THE SUBSURFACE cost-effectively conduct high-resolution mapping and real-
time characterization techniques that enable cost-effective
2.5.1 Nonaqueous-Phase Liquids
assessment of NAPL distribution in advance of remedial
NAPLs are, by definition, immiscible with water. To form selection. These techniques are presented in additional detail
persistent fluid bodies within an aquifer, a fluid must meet in Chapter 3 and can provide considerable value in reducing
two basic criteria: (1) its solubility must be exceedingly small the life-cycle cost of remediation.
so that the water surrounding the separate-phase fluid is at, or
near, the solubility limit for all the fluid’s components (other-  NAPL Architecture
wise, the NAPL would be lost entirely to the aqueous phase), NAPL architecture refers to the distribution and retention of
and (2) the interfacial tension at the NAPL–water interface either LNAPL or DNAPL materials with the soil and ground-
must be sufficient to prevent easy mixing of the fluid masses. water in which they reside. Intuitively, NAPL behavior is
Persistent NAPL masses are observed for fluids that generate strongly controlled by the total NAPL volume and the nature
an interfacial tension greater than 25 dynes/cm in contact with of release (e.g., one catastrophic event, reoccurring discharge
water.21 over multiple years). As NAPLs migrate downward through
Compounds that form DNAPLs are defined by their low soils, they exhibit a slight loss in overall volume as a fraction
aqueous solubility and densities greater than water. Typical of NAPL is retained and immobilized within the soil pores
DNAPL-forming contaminants include chlorinated solvents, through which it migrates. Gravity-driven NAPL transport
chlorinated benzenes, PCBs, coal tar, creosote, and some continues until the bulk fluid reaches less permeable or imper-
pesticides. Subsurface DNAPL behavior is categorized by meable soil strata (both LNAPL and DNAPL) or the ground-
their tendency to sink via gravity to depths well below the water interface (LNAPL). Being lighter than water, LNAPL
water-level surface. DNAPLs exhibit absorption behavior materials descend downward until they reach the groundwa-
and are preferentially retained in carbon-rich soil strata. ter surface, mound, and travel horizontally (Figure 2.15a).
Contaminant Characteristics 55

pooled and residual NAPL is encountered, with the bulk

UST retention capacity accounting for the total NAPL volume
retained.28 An NAPL’s mobility or immobility is controlled
by its overall saturation within the soil strata, and NAPLs
will not be encountered when the volume of contaminant is
below the soil saturation limit as calculated via the following

æ q + K oc,i × foc × rs + Hi × qa ö
Csat , soil , i = Si × ç w ÷ (2.29)
è rs ø

UST where
Csat, soil, i is the soil saturation limit for chemical i (mg/kg)
Si is the pure chemical aqueous solubility limit for chemi-
cal i (mg/L)
θw is the soil water content (cm3-water/cm3-soil)
Koc,i is the organic carbon/water partitioning coefficient for
chemical i (L-water/kg-oc)
foc is the mass fraction of organic carbon in soil (g-oc/g-soil)
(b) ρs is the dry soil bulk density (g/cm3)
Hi is Henry’s law coefficient for chemical i (cm3-water/
FIGURE 2.15  Conceptual distribution of LNAPL (a) and DNAPL cm3-air)
(b) distribution and resultant dissolved-phase plume evolution. θa is the soil air content (cm3-air/cm3-soil)
(Adapted and modified from Kueper, B.H. and Davies, K.L.,
Assessment and delineation of DNAPL source zones at hazard- The value of Csat,soil in this calculation represents the concen-
ous waste sites, GroundWater Issue, United States Environmental tration at which the contaminant is present above its aqueous
Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2009; Interstate Technology solubility limit and equilibrium saturation is achieved within
and Regulatory Council, Evaluating natural source zone depletion both soil pore water and vapor phases. While the previous
at sites with LNAPL, Washington, DC, April, 2009.)
calculation assumes a pure compound NAPL, this method
overestimates the value of Csat,soil in multicomponent NAPL
Increased LNAPL volumes will also displace groundwater mixtures. Modifications to the previous calculation can be
vertically downward, which can result in trapped LNAPLs in made to account for the vapor pressure and solubility limits
soil strata beneath the groundwater surface and be retained on for individual components using available methods29,30,33–35 to
soils within the saturated zone. Once deposited, subsequent more accurately predict Csat,soil values.
migration of LNAPL is primarily controlled by the volume Determining the concentration at which NAPL is immo-
of LNAPL, hydrodynamic processes associated with ground- bile can be critical to understanding contaminant fate and
water surface gradients (horizontal migration), and seasonal transport and determining whether the contaminant source
fluctuations in surface elevation (vertical migration). will continue to migrate or remain stationary. When present
While DNAPLs released in bulk quantities can form per- in volumes that exceed Csat,soil, residual NAPL will be pres-
sistent fluid bodies in the subsurface, gravity-driven migra- ent but not necessarily mobile. In general, free-flowing NAPL
tion through porous media results in DNAPL distribution as is not encountered when the volume present exists at quanti-
extended ganglia or as disconnected globules that can fol- ties that are greater than the value of Csat,soil but are less than
low circuitous pathways as they move downward through the the residual NAPL soil concentration (Cres,soil). The value of
more permeable soil strata (Figure 2.15b). This can result in Cres,soil can vary widely between 5% and 30% of the soil poros-
DNAPL residence in subsurface intervals that are not imme- ity28 depending on the soil makeup (e.g., fraction of organic
diately below the original point of release. Once distributed, carbon, grain size, moisture content), the structure of the soil
dissolution and absorption mechanisms result in the penetra- strata (e.g., porosity, heterogeneity), and the physicochemical
tion of contaminants within less porous soil strata where they composition of the NAPL or NAPL mixture (e.g., density,
can be retained for considerable durations. surface tension, interfacial tension, viscosity). At these con-
centrations, residual NAPL remains trapped within individual  NAPL Saturation and Mobility soil pores and the fluid entry pressure exerted by the NAPL is
As described earlier, NAPL architecture encompasses the not sufficient to exceed the capillary pressure of the water wet-
bulk distribution of NAPL as pooling fluid bodies or as ted soil pores. At concentrations below Cres,soil, the magnitude
residual NAPL that exists as interconnected ganglia, discon- of the collective capillary forces (i.e., water surface tension,
nected globules and droplets. The term “NAPL source zone” van der Waals, Coulombic forces) acting on the NAPL body
is used to refer to the spatial distribution over which collective exceeds the force of gravity by several orders of magnitude.29
56 Remediation Engineering

The following equations can be used to generate a conserva- complete NAPL removal is nearly impossible to achieve as
tive estimate for the specific NAPL concentration at which it fractions of residual NAPL will remain immobile in smaller
will remain immobile29: pore spaces within the soil matrix.
At volumes in excess of Cres,soil, NAPLs agglomerate, pool,
æ q ×r ö and are transmissive as separate fluid bodies. At these concen-
Cres,soil = ç o o ÷ × 106 mg/kg (2.30) trations, pooling NAPLs can account for anywhere between
è rs ø
30% and 80% of the total soil porosity,28 and the force of grav-
ity exceeds that of the capillary forces that otherwise limit
qo = Si × qT (2.31) mobility at values below Cres,soil (Table 2.3).
Understanding the tendency of LNAPL to accumulate
where and flow under natural hydrogeologic conditions is critical to
θo is the residual nonaqueous-phase volume fraction determining its ability to migrate within the subsurface or its
(cm3-res/cm3-soil) susceptibility to bulk removal via engineered extraction tech-
ρo is the density of chemical residual NAPL (g-res/cm3-res) niques. While the methodology earlier establishes a frame-
ρs is the dry soil bulk density (g-soil/cm3-soil) work for evaluating whether an NAPL will remain mobile
θT is the soil porosity (cm3-void/cm3-soil) or immobile within the subsurface, a more comprehensive
Sr is the fraction of residual NAPL-filled void (cm3-res/ assessment for determining LNAPL and DNAPL mobility is
cm3-void) described in Chapter 3.

It should be noted that while capillary forces restrict NAPL  NAPL Weathering
migration at values less than Cres,soil, engineered forces (pneu- Following release to the subsurface, NAPL materials are
matic forces associated with vapor extraction, groundwater weathered via multiple mechanisms: (1) sorption on to the soil
pumping) applied on the NAPL body or surfactants used to matrix through which it travels, (2) volatilization to soil gas,
increase its transmissivity can work to overcome these forces (3) dissolution into groundwater and natural soil moisture,
and induce migration. Even in these instances, however, and (4) biodegradation. These processes collectively result in

Example of Nonaqueous-Phase Liquid Concentration Values in Soil Matrices
NAPL Soil Type Sr (cm3/cm3) 1000 × θo (cm3/cm3) Cres,soil (mg/kg) Csat,soil (mg/kg) Ref.
Gasoline Coarse sand 0.15–0.19 61–87 24,954–31,609 106 a
Gasoline Medium sand 0.12–0.27 48–109 19,797–44,476 106 a
Gasoline Fine sand 0.19–0.6 79–240 31,065–98,100 106 a
Gasoline Graded fine-coarse sand 0.46–0.59 184–236 80,500–103,250 106 a
Mineral oil Ottawa sand 0.11–0.235 39–82 20,116–42,975 3 b
Mineral oil Glacial till 0.15–0.28 30–56 13,500–25,200 3 b
Mineral oil Glacial till 0.12–0.21 24–42 10,800–18,900 3 b
Mineral oil Alluvium 0.19 95 61,071 3 b
Mineral oil Loess 0.49–0.52 240 154,000–163,800 3 b
Trichloroethene Medium sand 0.12 78 70,448 1045 c
Trichloroethene Fine sand 0.15–0.2 65–86 62,344–83,125 1067 c
Trichloroethene Loamy sand 0.08 33 30,713 1057 d
Tetrachloroethene Fine/medium beach sand 0.002–0.2 1–82 830–83,025 195 e
O-Xylene Coarse sand 0 3 1,936 143 f
Gasoline Sandy loam 0.42–0.59 189–266 94,500–132,750 — g
Tetrachloroethene Sandy loam 0.85 383 413,000 — g
Trichloroethene Sandy loam 0.75–0.92 338–412 328,000–401,208 — g

Source: Brost, E.J. and DeVaull, G.E., Soil and Groundwater Research Bulletin, 9, 1–9, June 2000.
Note: Assumed 50:50 mixture diesel and gasoline to estimate Csat,soil; —, not estimated; Italicized values represent calculated terms.
a Hoag and Marley (1986).36

b Pfannkuch (1984).37

c Lin et al. (1982).38

d Cary et al. (1989).39

e Poulsen and Kueper (1992).40

f Boley and Overcamp (1998).41

g Zytner et al. (1993).42

Contaminant Characteristics 57

LNAPL and DNAPL compositional changes and yield devel- In conjunction with the vapor- and aqueous-phase parti-
opment of dissolved contaminant groundwater plumes. NAPL tioning, biodegradation processes in the vapor, aqueous, or
weathering processes are controlled by the physical proper- NAPL phase can often serve as a primary weathering mecha-
ties, including the contaminant solubility, recalcitrance, and nism. The extent of biodegradation is generally dependent on
degradability, and the hydrodynamic mechanisms that work the recalcitrance of the contaminant and the availability of
on the NAPL body. As groundwater flows past, through, and natural electron donors and electron acceptors that support
around the NAPL body, constituents dissolve into the aque- microbial metabolism. Hydrocarbons present in petroleum
ous phase based on their solubility. The steady-state influx of LNAPLs or in organic solvents (e.g., alcohols, ketones) serve
unimpacted groundwater from upgradient of the NAPL body as viable carbon electron donors for biological oxidation pro-
results in a constant rate of NAPL weathering as equilibrium cesses in which they are directly consumed in the presence
partitioning occurs between the NAPL body and groundwater. of naturally occurring dissolved oxygen, ferric iron, nitrate,
As a result, NAPL weathering processes are strongly linked and sulfate electron acceptors within many subsurface sys-
to the location of the NAPL body and whether it resides at or tems. Similarly, chlorinated solvent DNAPLs can be utilized
below the groundwater interface. as electron acceptors in the presence of naturally occurring
The tendency of LNAPLs to reside at the groundwater organic carbon or humic electron donors. Biodegradation of
interface yields multiple mechanisms that all contribute to its individual NAPL constituents depresses the aqueous con-
weathering. For petroleum LNAPLs, the variety of organic centration of the contaminant and promotes additional mass
compounds with a wide range in both vapor pressure and transfer from the NAPL body to the aqueous phase. In the
aqueous solubility results in considerable compositional case of highly degradable contaminants, this process also
changes over time. In multicomponent LNAPL mixtures (e.g., controls or reduces the overall extent of dissolved-phase con-
petroleum), an individual contaminant’s maximum aqueous taminant migration along the length of groundwater plumes.
equilibrium concentration, or effective solubility, is deter-
mined by both its specific mole fraction within the LNAPL
2.5.2 Hydrodynamic Transport Processes
and the solubility of the contaminant in the pure phase43:
The field of remediation hydrogeology has evolved over the
Sie = Xi × Si (2.32) last decade as practitioners, and academics have reexamined
the solute transport process. The conventional understanding
where of groundwater transport at a macroscale has been refined for
Sie is the effective solubility of an individual LNAPL con- the purposes of characterizing, modeling, and remediating
stituent (mg/L) contaminants that are controlled by more discrete and local-
Xi is the unitless mole fraction of the individual constituent ized hydrogeologic conditions. The result has been a revision
within the NAPL in the overall scale at which we evaluate both groundwater
Si is the solubility of constituent in the pure phase (mg/L) and contaminant transport, with a focus on accounting for
discrete transport pathways. This shift has changed how we
The weathering process results in the loss of lower-molecular- conceptualize soils and groundwater flow pathways and their
weight constituents in petroleum LNAPLs that are both more influence on contaminant plumes and concentrations. As
volatile and more soluble (e.g., benzene, toluene, ethylben- described in greater detail in Chapter 3, the transport of dis-
zene, xylenes) than other petroleum hydrocarbon compounds, solved contaminants in saturated porous media is controlled
which results in increasing LNAPL viscosity as heavier- by advection, molecular diffusion, and mechanical disper-
molecular-weight constituents are left behind. Based on the sion. Conventional hydrogeologic principles placed increased
relationship presented earlier, this process results in an overall importance on the influence of transverse dispersion, but
decrease in effective solubility of these lighter compounds and plume delineation and characterization activities have consis-
a reduction of dissolved-phase contaminants partitioning to tently demonstrated that plumes develop along focused flow
groundwater that resides in direct contact with the LNAPL. pathways and are most strongly controlled by both advection
The migration of DNAPLs to depths beneath the water and diffusion.
table results in increased surface areas for contaminant mass Advection is the bulk movement of solute at a velocity
transfer from the NAPL to the aqueous phase. The existence equal to the “mean velocity” of flow within an aquifer system.
of highly heterogeneous DNAPL ganglia and/or globules While many classical hydrogeologic equations are appropriate
increases the overall DNAPL surface area to further enhance for and have been used extensively in support of water supply
aqueous partitioning. While complete DNAPL dissolution well design, these methods cannot account for contaminant
may often take decades to centuries for highly impacted transport through heterogeneous soil architecture and local-
source zones,28,44 the combination of DNAPL physical trans- ized geologies at the scale of most remediation sites. As lithol-
port behavior (e.g., via circuitous, heterogeneous flow path- ogies comprising multiple or even single soil types can have
ways) and dissolution processes often results in DNAPL hydraulic conductivities that vary by multiple orders of mag-
saturations that are below the value of Cres,soil, and pooling nitude (i.e., or clay versus sand, or coarse-grained sand versus
DNAPL is often not encountered even in cases where the col- fine-grained sand, respectively), the mean velocity unique to
lective contaminant volume is considerable. individual soil types and specific lithologic intervals should
58 Remediation Engineering

be determined to adequately evaluate their contribution to understanding of the heterogeneities that contribute to plume
contaminant transport. development. Compared to the transport behavior represented
Diffusive mass transport has garnered considerable attention in Figure 2.16, several examples of groundwater plumes are
over the course of the past decade as remediation practitioners presented in Figure 2.17 that reflect the limited contribution
and responsible parties have grappled with elongated cleanup of transverse dispersion to plume evolution. While transverse
time frames and observed contaminant rebound following dispersivity plays an insignificant role in plume evolution,
engineered treatment applications. While primary contami- other mechanical dispersion mechanisms associated with
nant transport occurs via advection, contaminants migrating aquifer use (for agricultural or drinking water purposes) or
through the more permeable pathways will diffuse into the shifts in flow direction caused by temporal changes or geo-
surrounding less permeable soils over time. This relationship logic heterogeneities still contribute to dispersion influences
is often described as dual domain and is represented as a two- in plume development.
compartment system: one mobile that represents the portion of
an aquifer where most of the water movement and hence advec-  Solute-Based Transport
tion occurs and one immobile that represents the portion of Contaminant migration and fate and transport beyond the
an aquifer where the pore fluid is essentially stagnated. While point of release are highly dependent on the velocity and
differences in the rate of contaminant transport via advection flow of aqueous environments in which it resides. The prop-
or diffusion can vary up to 5–6 orders of magnitude,45 plume erties of water are highly unique relative to other fluids. The
maturation occurring over multiple decades can result in con- dipolar arrangement of electron orbitals between O and H
siderable contaminant storage along the sidelines of advective atoms yields both strong negative (at the oxygen atom) and
transport pathways. The end result is that stored diffuse con- positive (at both hydrogen atoms) charge densities and gives
taminants within an aquifer can diffuse back into the primary water the strongest dielectric coefficient of any fluid.22 The
advective pathways once they are clean or remediated. polarity and potential to form hydrogen bonds result in water
Dispersion is the spreading of a solute as it moves being an excellent solvent for both salts and polar molecules
through a  porous media. Dispersion can be characterized at that can dissociate and/or remain stable in solution. The
macroscopic and microscopic scales and has been histori- combination of a contaminant’s retardation and solubility
cally defined by longitudinal dispersion (in the direction of behavior with the natural advective groundwater velocity
flow) and transverse dispersion (perpendicular to flow). (or  seepage velocity) ultimately controls the distance dis-
Longitudinal dispersion is correlated with differences in rela- solved-phase plumes migrate and their potential influence
tive soil permeabilities and the associated variance in advec- on sensitive receptors.
tive transport that occurs along the length of plume transport. Solute transport in groundwater plumes is often described
Transverse dispersion was historically believed to contribute in terms of relative mass flux (J) and mass discharge (Md). Mass
to “lampshade” plume development characterized by the fan- flux is a measurement of an instantaneous rate of contaminant
ning spread of contaminants migrating away from a source transport for a given location or geologic interval within a
via porous media (Figure  2.16), but the effects of trans- plume. Mass flux is expressed in units of mass per time per
verse dispersion have been refuted21 supported by a greater area, with area defined in two dimensions perpendicular to

f1 θ = 34°

Direction of
average flow

18 Source
of tracer
f2 ∙ f1 injection)

19 20
28° arc (c)

FIGURE 2.16  Historical representation of transverse dispersivity in hydrogeology texts, including (a) Danel46, (b) Bear47, and (c) Freeze
and Cherry48. Plume characterization and observations have provided new insights into transport dynamics, diminishing the significance of
transverse dispersion on plume transport.
Contaminant Characteristics 59

Borden aquifer studies – Rivett, Feenstra and Cherry TCE concentration


TCM 322 Days 10,000

–45 –10


Pan Section at 95 4m


500 –40–40

100 20 40 20

–40 –40 –40
Source area
40 40


–30 –45 –25

40 40

10 10 PCE concentrations

5–100 μg/L
–35 –35 –32.5 –17.5

20 40 40 20
100 100–1000 μg/L

0 100 200 >1000 μg/L
–19 –15 –18
15 –26 –25 –27

FIGURE 2.17  Several observed groundwater plumes reflecting the highly focused nature of contaminant transport and lack of transverse
dispersivity influence on overall plume development. Compared to Figure 2.16, actual groundwater plume transport is narrow and focused.

the flow of the plume. Mass discharge is related to mass flux, contaminant transport is a key component to identify appro-
but represents a sum of all mass flux measurements for a given priate remedial strategies for focused treatment of the most
solute within a defined plume.49 mobile contaminant mass, while still accounting for the less
Mass flux is defined by the following relationship: mobile mass that may later contribute to the primary transport
pathways as remediation progresses.
J = KiC (2.33) Mass flux determinations are often made by characterizing
the relative differences in contaminant concentration and soil
where stratigraphy across multiple transects of a plume. The accuracy
J is the mass flux of a given contaminant (g/day/m2) of flux estimates is correlated to the overall volume of field
K is the hydraulic conductivity (m/day) information, and these determinations have benefited consider-
i is the groundwater gradient (m/day) ably from real-time investigation techniques that can be used to
C is the solute concentration (g/m3) collect high-density data sets for use in mapping contaminant
concentrations to the relative soil permeabilities. The combina-
As mass flux estimates are linked to the relative permeability tion of multiple transects spaced along the length of the plume
of an aquifer, values of J can be highly variable across the ver- can therefore allow the identification of dominant flow path-
tical through which a contaminant plume travels. Mass trans- ways and assess changes in mass flux along a plume’s length.
port through the more permeable and advective flow paths These estimates can be related to other monitoring well data
travels faster and contributes most strongly to overall plume or completed over time to also identify a plume’s behavior and
size, while contaminant mass entrained in lower-permeability whether it’s stable, expanding, or shrinking. A plume’s mass
strata migrates lower and has a lower associated mass flux. discharge at any given time is the integrated sum of the mass
As shown in Figure 2.18, the same contaminant concentration flux estimates, as defined by the following equation (ITRC):
results in significantly variable values of J depending on the
relative permeabilities of an aquifer. In Figure 2.18, a theoreti-
cal monitoring well containing 1 mg/L of a given contaminant
M d = J dA (2.34)
is installed in a formation with equal average values of K (3 ×
10 –3 cm/s). While the average K values are equivalent, the aqui- where
fer shown in Figure 2.18b exhibits 3 orders of magnitude differ- J is the variable contaminant flux observed within plume
ence in K values associated with permeable and impermeable (g/day/m2)
soil strata. The resulting value of J in the most permeable zone A is the area of the plane associated with individual values
shown in Figure 2.18b is 4 orders of magnitude higher than the of J (m2)
surrounding soil type and three times higher than that deter-
mined from Figure 2.18a. This example demonstrates that the Coupled with an appropriate monitoring network, an under-
most permeable soil strata will ultimately contribute most to standing of a given plume’s mass flux and mass discharge
overall plume transport. As the more mobile fraction is often supports the development of a complete conceptual site
the most accessible for remediation techniques, understanding model and is an effective tool to guide remedial decision-
the relative differences in stratigraphy and its relationship to making. These measurements are not associated with existing
60 Remediation Engineering

(cm/s) g/day/m2

3 × 10–3 cm/s 2.5 × 10–2


1 × 10–5 cm/s 8.6 × 10–6

1 × 10–2 cm/s 8.6 × 10–2

1 × 10–5 cm/s 8.6 × 10–6


FIGURE 2.18  Conceptual representation of hydraulic conductivity and flux differences in two theoretical soil matrices. Both (a) and (b)
exhibit the same average value of K, but flow conditions and associated contaminant flux in (b) behave significantly different than defined
by the average K measurement.

contaminant regulatory standards, but can inform risk-based model,50,51 which served as an empirical tool to generate
decision-making based on contaminant distribution and its an attenuation factor (α) to estimate the potential impact of
relative transport along a plume flow path. source concentrations beneath a building on concentrations
within indoor air. Expanded modeling assessments have been
2.5.3 Volatilization and Transport in the developed to incorporate 3D simulations that better capture
the nature and complexity of dynamic subsurface conditions
Unsaturated Zone
that affect vapor transport52–55 for both aerobically degradable
While transport in the vadose zone can include the migration and recalcitrant contaminants.
of gaseous, aqueous, and separate-phase materials (as discussed Within the subsurface, initial vapor transport from an exist-
in Section 2.2.1), unsaturated zone transport is discussed here ing source is generally upward toward the land surface (i.e., from
with respect to the partitioning and migration of gaseous vola- groundwater or near groundwater NAPL upward into soil gas).
tile contaminants within the vadose zone. Volatile subsurface Once present within vadose zone soil gas, diffusion processes
contaminants partitioning from either NAPL or groundwater result in a radial distribution of soil vapors from the area of high-
will migrate upward toward land surface and can result in vapor est concentration. The volume of impacted soil gas is therefore
intrusion risk via migration through voids in building founda- linked to the spatial distribution of NAPL or dissolved-phase
tions or walls. For constituents with increased vapor pressures, impacts from which it originates. At increased depth, diffusion
the degree of volatilization is governed by equilibrium partition- mechanisms generally represent the dominant mode of vapor
ing relationships (see Equation 2.5) with surrounding or adjacent transport, with increased  diffusion observed in soil-gas envi-
soil gas. Once volatilized, contaminants migrate via diffusive ronments with increased porosity and low moisture content.43,56
processes from areas with high to low concentrations (e.g., from Gaseous concentrations decline with increased transport dis-
groundwater upward toward the ground surface) and via advec- tance due to multiple attenuation mechanisms (discussed in the
tion (via applied or natural pressure gradients) (Figure 2.19). following text) depending on the overall soil permeability.
The variability in contaminant concentration, relative As soil vapors near the surface (generally within 1–2 m),56
depth to land surface, soil moisture content, soil permeabil- advective pressure differences play a more considerable role
ity and heterogeneity, the presence/absence of confining lay- on the transport of soil gas. These mechanisms are attrib-
ers, and a contaminant’s degree of biodegradation all affect uted to the pressure influence exerted on the subsurface by
the extent of which it will migrate away from the source. building activities (e.g., changes in ambient building tempera-
Assessment of vapor intrusion was initially supported by ture, operation of heating and air conditioning units) that can
the development and application of the Johnson and Ettinger result in both negative and positive pressure conditions that
Contaminant Characteristics 61

Vertical cross-section view


Depth bgs (m)



–4 0.5

Water table Vapor source

Plan view at 2 m bgs




40 0.2
y (m)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
x (m)
Building footprint Vapor migration
Vapor source zone footprint

FIGURE 2.19  Conceptual representation of vadose zone soil gas transport and developed concentration gradients from a localized source
of contamination. (From United States Environmental Protection Agency, Conceptual models for the vapor intrusion pathway, Office of
Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Washington, DC, February 2012.)

can induce or impede vapor intrusion, respectively.56 Due to physicochemical behavior and direct interaction with the hydro-
these processes, characterization of building operations is a geologic environment through which they migrate. In con-
critical component of any soil gas assessment. As an example, junction with these processes, contaminant interactions with
buildings that operate under constant temperature control and subsurface materials (e.g., oxidation, reduction, precipitation,
maintain positive pressures are far less susceptible to vapor solubilization), direct utilization by microbial communities (e.g.,
intrusion risk than buildings with old or degraded founda- aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation), and chemical decompo-
tions that are more prone to larger fluctuations in tempera- sition (e.g., hydrolysis) all serve to directly transform contami-
ture variation. While many vapor intrusion evaluations are nants from their original composition to alternative chemical
conducted assuming steady-state conditions, these advective states. Nearly all in situ remediation engineering technologies
transport mechanisms help illustrate the transient nature of employ at least one form of direct transformation process and
soil gas migration under variable field conditions. As a result, utilize chemical reagents or nutrient substrates to directly react
while available models have improved the ability to character- with or foster the development of subsurface conditions to facili-
ize and evaluate potential vapor intrusion risk, these quanti- tate contaminant destruction, mineralization, or immobilization.
fication methods are meant to be supported by field sampling
programs to accurately calibrate the modeled outcome.
2.6.1 Abiotic Transformation
Abiotic transformation processes are driven by a contami-
nant’s physicochemical properties and its interaction with the
The mechanisms described in the proceeding sections all specific geochemical and mineral composition of the environ-
serve to control a contaminant’s fate and transport based on ment in which it’s entrained.
62 Remediation Engineering  Oxidation and Reduction Reactions the subsurface environment, the activity of the free electron
In redox reactions, an overall net change in oxidation level (e−) can be utilized to assess the redox potential. The redox
occurs during reaction between the target contaminant and potential is often defined in terms of the negative logarithm of
the chemical species with which they interact. The major- the free electron activity:
ity of these reactions involve the direct transfer of electrons
from one species to the other, with participating species being pE = log(e−) (2.39)
either oxidized or reduced depending on whether they receive
a net loss or gain in electrons. A chemical species that trans- Large values of pE indicate low values of electron activity
fers electrons to another is referred to as an electron donor (or and indicate the existence of an electron-poor (i.e., oxidized)
reductant), and the species that receives electrons is referred environment. Small values of pE indicate high electron
to as an electron acceptor. Through this process, the electron activity and thus correspond to electron-rich (reduced)
donor is oxidized and the electron acceptor is reduced. The environments.
terms oxidation and reduction are therefore used to refer to
whether a contaminant is oxidized or reduced, respectively.  Precipitation and Solubilization
In oxidation reactions, oxidation can be associated either Inorganic compounds can occur in many species depending
via the introduction of oxygen into a molecule, via the removal on the specific geochemical equilibrium (e.g., pH, pE, pres-
of hydrogen, or via conversion of a molecule to a higher oxi- ence of other solid or aqueous compounds). As changes in
dation state, as shown in the following examples: the environmental conditions occur, the speciation of both
solid- and aqueous-phase compounds may also change as a
For an organic compound: new geochemical equilibrium is established.
R-CH2-H → R-CH2-OH → R-CHO (2.35) In groundwater, six categories have been suggested in
which an element or compound may exist57: (1) free ions (Na+,
For a metal species (iron): Fe2+), (2) insoluble precipitates (Cr(OH)3, PbS), (3) metal/
Fe2+ (l) + 3H2O → Fe(OH)3 (s) + 3H+ + e− (2.36) ligand complexes (Cu-humate), (4) adsorbed species (arsenic
adsorbed to ferric hydroxide surfaces), (5) species held on by
In the equation for the organic compound earlier, the first step ion exchange (Ca2+ on clay surfaces), and (6) species that dif-
in the reaction sequence is the incorporation of oxygen via a fer in oxidation states (Fe(II) vs. Fe(III), Cr(III) vs. Cr(VI)).
substitution reaction (to form an alcohol), which is then fol- As these phases include soluble, complexed, and bound states,
lowed by dehydrogenation that oxidizes the carbon atom to understanding the nature of the element or compound is
a higher formal oxidation state (forming a carbonyl group). important for remediation engineers as this greatly impacts
As shown in the example metal species, ferrous iron (Fe[II]) the fate, transport, reactivity, and toxicity of species in the
is oxidized by receiving oxygen and increasing in overall natural environment.
valence state to ferric iron (Fe[III]). While an understanding of a contaminant’s behavior is
Reduction reactions occur when there is a transfer of elec- integral to assessing overall environmental risk, it is also
trons from an electron donor (i.e., reductant) to an electron critical to the consideration and application of engineered
acceptor (i.e., oxidant). Typical examples of abiotic reduction in  situ treatment technologies. In  situ technologies can be
reactions are as follows: used to facilitate the direct precipitation and immobilization
of inorganic metal contaminants, but altered geochemical
For an organic compound: equilibrium will also affect the speciation of redox sensitive
R-Cl + Fe0 + H+ → R-H + Fe2+ + Cl− (2.37) metals present within the native soil minerals. As a result,
understanding the behavior of both target contaminants and
For a metal species (iron): nontarget species is a key component for achieving complete
CrO4− (l) + 3Fe2+ → Cr(OH)3 (s) + 3Fe(OH)2 + 4H+ (2.38) environmental restoration. Manipulation of subsurface envi-
ronments and their effect on both precipitation and solubili-
In abiotic redox reactions, equilibrium processes between zation reactions for remediation of certain contaminants are
chemical elements and the specific geochemical conditions discussed in Chapters 6 and 7.
exhibit the strongest control over whether individual reactions
will occur. This tendency can be characterized as the redox Hydrolysis
potential. Accordingly, redox reactions that do not result in Hydrolysis is a chemical transformation that occurs when an
direct contaminant destruction and only a change in oxidation organic molecule (RX) undergoes a substitution reaction with
state (e.g., metals) are fundamentally reversible depending water to cleave the covalent bond with X (the leaving group)
on the specific geochemical equilibria. Naturally occurring in the original molecule. The net reaction may or may not
chemical elements that are most commonly impacted by abi- entail the formation of anionic or carbocation intermediates,
otic reducing reactions are inorganic elements (e.g., Fe and but ultimately results in the hydration of the original molecule
Mn) and inorganic metallic ions (e.g., Cr6+ and As5+). and displacement of X by OH−:
Just as the concentration (activity) of free protons (hydro-
gen ions, H+) can be utilized to assess the acid–base status of RX + H2O → ROH + H+ + X− (2.40)
Contaminant Characteristics 63

In this reaction, certain functional groups (X) are potentially promotes contaminant removal via hydrolysis as well as vola-
susceptible to hydrolysis58: amides, carbonates, epoxides, ali- tilization and capture (Chapter 8).
phatic and aromatic esters, alkyl and aryl halides, nitriles, The presence of metal ions such as calcium, copper, mag-
ureas, and organophosphorous esters. Organic functional nesium, iron, cobalt, and nickel has been observed to cata-
groups that are relatively or completely inert to hydrolysis lyze the hydrolysis of certain compounds when the metal ions
are alcohols, phenols, glycols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, are present at high concentrations. It has also been suggested
biphenyls, and pesticides.58 In the case of pesticides, while that in some circumstances, metal ions associated with soil
hydrolysis serves as a transformation process (opposed to medium (i.e., clay minerals) serve to catalyze hydrolysis as
destruction), the resulting species can be considerably less well as increased concentrations of OH—when elevated dis-
toxic than the original compound.59 solved metals concentrations are observed. In most natural
When an organic compound undergoes hydrolysis, a systems, however, typical concentrations of dissolved metals
nucleophile (an electron-rich nucleus, in this instance water) exhibit negligible impact (relative to acid- or base-catalyzed
attacks an electrophile (electron-deficient electron seeker such and temperature effects) on the rate of hydrolysis.
as a carbon or phosphorous atom) to displace a less electro-
negative leaving group (e.g., chloride). It should be noted that
2.6.2  Biological Transformation
while the abiotic hydrolysis mechanism may play a larger role
in the degradation of certain classes of chlorinated compounds The combination of numerous environmental contaminants,
(e.g., 1,1,1-TCA and 1,2-dichloropropane), rates of hydrolysis microbial biodiversity, and continued evolution of microor-
for many chlorinated ethenes are negligible. ganisms to utilize compounds within their environment has
In many instances, abiotic hydrolysis can occur when resulted in a vast spectrum of available biodegradation path-
biodegradation cannot (or at considerably higher rates) and ways and mediating microbial species. While the mecha-
can result in the formation of byproducts with increased sus- nisms discussed in the proceeding sections all serve to control
ceptibility to biodegradation. As a result, hydrolysis can be a the fate and transport of contaminants in the natural envi-
significant process affecting the fate and transport of select ronment, biologically mediated transformation can be highly
contaminants and can increase the likelihood for eventual advantageous in expediting contaminant attenuation relative
contaminant biodegradation and mineralization. The rate of to otherwise slow physicochemical or abiotic processes.
abiotic hydrolysis is strongly dependent on environmental fac- Microbially mediated reactions affect the fate and trans-
tors such as pH, temperature, the presence of humic materials, port of almost all organic compounds and most inorganic
or natural metals within the subsurface. In biologically medi- compounds in both natural and engineered environments.
ated hydrolysis, the microbial community and enzyme activ- Direct biodegradation of organic contaminants often entails
ity act as controls. Both biotic and abiotic hydrolytic reactions the utilization of contaminants as food substrates (electron
are not mutually exclusive and may jointly contribute to the donors or acceptors) for energy (ATP) or biomass growth.
breakdown of a contaminant. Biodegradation can also be facilitated by indirect cometa-
The effect of pH can be attributed either to specific acid– bolic processes that require direct contaminant interaction
base catalysis effects or to a change in speciation of the com- with enzymes or cellular processes that are unrelated to the
pound. In addition to nucleophilic attack by H2O, hydrolytic contaminant’s presence. As a rule, direct biodegradation
reactions are sensitive to specific acid and base catalysis requires the combination of the appropriate microorganisms
(i.e., catalysis by hydrogen ion H+ and hydroxide ion OH−, at sufficient concentration with sufficient substrate availabil-
respectively). Accordingly, hydrolysis kinetics must take into ity for use in sustaining cellular activities. In remediation
account the potential for H2O to dissociate. Even at pH 7.0 engineering, biological transformation mechanisms are uti-
(where the concentration of H+ and OH− is only 10 –7 M), spe- lized to facilitate natural contaminant transformation in the
cific acid and specific base catalysis occurs because hydrogen absence of direct manipulation (natural attenuation) or are
ions provide an alternative mechanism for hydrolysis that is enhanced via the delivery of supplemental substrates to over-
energetically more favorable. come substrate deficiencies to promote microbial proliferation
Temperature effects on the rate of hydrolysis can be and activity.
pronounced. Compared to acid-catalyzed, base-catalyzed, The terms biotransformation, biodegradation, and bio-
and natural hydrolysis with water (all generally first-order catalysis are often used to explain the same process. While
reactions), temperature-dependent hydrolysis rates exhibit they have similar meanings, they should be used in differ-
second-order reactions. For a 10°C change in temperature, ent contexts. Biotransformation is more of a technical defi-
the hydrolysis rate constant could change by a factor of 2.5 nition and should be used to describe a metabolic process.
(with increasing temperature corresponding to increasing The term biocatalysis is used similarly to biotransformation,
rate constants).18 Based on the relationship between the rate with the additional connotation of metabolism for the purpose
of hydrolysis and temperature, it is intuitive that the extent of making a useful compound. The term biodegradation, by
of degradation attributed to hydrolysis will be encountered contrast, is most typically used when the objective is taking a
depending on site location and climate. The benefits of these compound away: a microbial process by which a potentially
mechanisms are utilized in engineered in situ thermal reme- toxic contaminant is transformed into a nontoxic one or few.
diation systems in which the heat applied to the subsurface Bioremediation is a more recently coined term that refers to
64 Remediation Engineering

the application of biodegradation reactions for the practical Couple E0΄(V)

cleanup of chemical contamination.60 CO2/glucose (–0.43) 24 e– –0.50
In general, numerous bacteria are involved in the metab- 2H+/H2(–0.42) 2 e–
olism of certain classes of compounds, such as aliphatic –0.40
CO2/methanol (–0.38) 6 e–
hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated aliphatic
NAD+/NADH (–0.32) 2 e– –0.30
hydrocarbons, or heterocyclic ring compounds. The presence
CO2/acetate (–0.28) 8 e–
or absence of oxygen often dictates the type of biodegradative –0.20
S0/H2S (–0.28) 2 e–
pathway and the types and number of bacteria involved in bio-
degradation. General terminology used to describe biodegra- SO42–/H2S (–0.22) 8 e– –0.10
dation include either aerobic or anaerobic mechanisms, which Pyruvate/lactate (–0.19) 2 e–
are generally applied based on the nature of transformation
occurring in the presence or absence of oxygen. As many +0.10
organisms are facultative and groundwater systems can con-
sist of variable electron acceptor (e.g., oxygen, nitrate, iron, Fumarate/succinate (+0.03) 2 e– +0.20
sulfate) concentrations over short distances, it is encouraged Mn3+/Mn2+ (+0.2) 1 e–, (pH 7)
that descriptions of these processes be drawn around micro- NO3–/NO2– (+0.42) 2 e–
bial oxidative versus microbial reductive reactions. +0.40  Microbial Oxidation +0.50

Within microbial oxidizing zones, contaminants (e.g., BTEX, +0.60
ketones) act as reductants while electron acceptors (O2, NO3−,
SO42−) function as oxidants. At neutral pH, thermodynam- NO3–/½ N2 (+0.74) 5 e– +0.70
ics mainly determines the order in which microorganisms use Fe3+/Fe2+ (+0.76) 1 e–, (pH 2)
electron acceptors, as microorganisms tend to perform redox +0.80
½O2–/H2O (+0.82) 2 e–
reactions close to thermodynamic equilibrium. Electron accep- +0.90
tors are utilized in the order of decreasing free energy (Figure
2.20) and overall substrate availability. Where elevated metal
FIGURE 2.20  The electron tower for commonly encountered
oxide minerals exist within the native soil matrix, reductive redox couples within soil and groundwater systems. Couples are
dissolution mechanisms can become important contributors to arranged from the strongest reductants on top to the strongest oxi-
oxidation processes. Zones of oxygen utilization, iron reduction, dants at the bottom. The magnitude of reduction potential between
sulfate reduction, and methanogenesis often overlap depending electron donor and electron acceptor is correlated with amount
on the volume of electron acceptor present in the subsurface. As of energy released. (From Madigan, M.T. et al., BrockBiology of
an example, methanogenic groundwater conditions often coin- Microorganisms, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2003.)
cide with petroleum LNAPL and sorbed soil mass within the
immediate vicinity of a UST release, while groundwater condi- on soil surfaces. Within saturated soils, oxygen’s limited
tions are frequently iron or sulfate reducing further downgradi- aqueous solubility and its consumption by a variety of aero-
ent where only dissolved petroleum species are observed. bic microorganisms that may or may not contribute treatment
Engineered biological oxidation applications entail the benefit often require active air or oxygen sparging, sustained
focused delivery of substrates to supplement the depleted injection of oxygenated water, or the delivery of aqueous or
natural supply of electron acceptors. Traditional aerobic treat- solid-phase peroxide materials that react and release oxygen
ment methods have relied on various means of oxygen deliv- over time. These applications have been applied widely with
ery to initiate the transformation of chemical contaminants success for the remediation of petroleum-derived or aromatic
using oxygen as the electron acceptor. Since O2 in the subsur- hydrocarbons, as discussed in Chapter 6.
face is not very reactive with most contaminants, microorgan- While oxygen-mediated oxidation methods have histori-
isms must invest metabolic energy to convert this oxygen into cally been most widely applied, engineered anaerobic oxi-
a more effective oxidant via mediating enzymes with metals dation applications have gained traction as viable means to
(e.g., oxygenases) and coenzymes like NAD(P)H. Engineered deliver elevated concentrations of nonoxygen electron accep-
oxygen delivery treatment applications have been used to tors into the subsurface. While nitrate and sulfate are less
address contaminants present within both vadose zone and energetically favorable than oxygen, the solubility of each
saturated soils via multiple means. While the Gibbs free of these anions allows for elevated dosing in aqueous-based
energy results in oxygen being the most energetically favor- injection applications.
able electron acceptor, oxygen’s limited solubility and persis-
tence in the subsurface mandate engineering programs that  Microbial Reduction
can both distribute oxygen within the treatment zone and sus- In the inverse of microbial oxidation, contaminants in micro-
tain it over time. Vadose zone applications include air sparging bial reducing zones (e.g., carbon tetrachloride, TCE, PCE,
and forced vadose zone venting, which serve to increase and TCA, methylene chloride) act as electron acceptors (oxidants)
sustain oxygen in soil gas to promote biological degradation while other electron donors (e.g., degradable organic matter,
Contaminant Characteristics 65

a. Oxygenolytic C C OH C O Methane oxidation

dechlorination H H O
1 O2 Cl H C H H C O H C O H C O H CO2
2 H
b. Hydrolytic 2H, O2 2H 2H
dechlorination C OH
(H2O) TCE epoxidation (cometabolic oxidation)
C Cl + CI–
Cl Cl MMO Cl O Cl
C C C C ? CO2, Cl–, H2O
c. Reductive Cl Cl Cl H
dechlorination C H
2H, O2
2e–, 2H+ (a)

d. Elimination C CH3
FIGURE 2.21  Four fundamental dechlorination mechanisms CH3
capable of cleaving the carbon–chlorine bond. (Adapted and modi- Methyl-tert-butyl ether
fied from Wackett, L.P. and Hershberger, C.P., Biocatalysis and (b)
Biodegradation, ASM Press, Washington, DC, 2001.)
FIGURE 2.22  MMO-facilitated oxidation processes for methane
and TCE. Note: “?” represents unknown intermediates.
applied organic carbon substrates) function as the electron
donor (reductants). The widespread use and release of haloge-
between a contaminant and a mediating enzyme and result
nated organic chemicals over the course of the twentieth cen-
in no overall benefit to the microorganism from which the
tury have resulted in widespread deployment of engineered
enzyme was excreted. While cometabolic degradation has
reductive dechlorination treatment programs. For chlorinated
been identified for a number of different contaminants, it
solvents, microorganisms have evolved different strategies to
is often not the dominant process when metabolic degrada-
remove the chlorine substituent and utilize these chlorinated
tion is viable based on available growth substrates. Several
compounds for their own benefit. Commonly observed meta-
of the chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons can be microbially
bolic mechanisms for dechlorination are (1) oxygenolytic
transformed through cometabolism, as was first demonstrated
dechlorination, where under aerobic conditions the chlorine is
for TCE in 1985.62 A summary of this process is provided in
replaced by a hydroxyl group derived from oxygen; (2) hydro-
Figure 2.22, where methane monooxygenase (MMO) initiates
lytic dechlorination, where the chlorine is replaced by the
the oxidation of methane by forming methanol. This process
hydroxyl group derived from water; (3) reductive dechlorina-
also requires molecular oxygen and a supply of reducing power
tion, where (under mostly anaerobic conditions) the chlorine
noted as 2H. MMO also fortuitously oxidizes TCE, convert-
is replaced by hydrogen; and (4) elimination (Figure  2.21).
ing it into TCE epoxide, an unstable compound that degrades
Of these, reductive dechlorination is the most dominant and
biochemically into many compounds that can be mineralized
prevalent microbial reaction responsible for the complete
by many microorganisms. Cometabolic degradation has also
transformation of chlorinated organics.
been documented for the emerging contaminant 1,4-dioxane,
Reductive dechlorination is a biologically mediated reac-
again in the presence of monooxygenase enzymes produced
tion that entails transferring electrons to the chlorinated
by known methane, propane, and toluene degraders.
contaminant of interest from the electron donors. The more
oxidized the chlorinated compound is, the more susceptible it
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Methods of Estimation for Organic Compounds. Marcel- Program Report 83-WR-2, October, Water Resources
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Contaminant Characteristics 67

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model. Environmental Science and Technology 39: 4550–4561. 49: 242–243.
3 Principles of Integrated Design

3.1 INTRODUCTION In many cases, these process elements are implicitly realized

by design teams, but the ability to explicitly realize them can
While there are as many different perspectives on design as support an improved outcome. Highlights for each process ele-
there are references that touch on it, from an engineer’s per- ment are provided here, some of which will be touched on in
spective, design represents the development of a plan that will greater depth later in this chapter. As we explore each of these,
support the implementation of a concept. The word “design” something that will become apparent are the multiple levels
can be used to refer to either the plan or the act of creating the of design that are layered into the process—the activities that
plan. In either case, design is required for complex systems to are germane to several of the process elements require their
ensure that the final form successfully supports the functions own design.
and objectives originally envisioned and that all other critical
parameters (safety, sustainability, etc.) are also fulfilled.
By definition, the field of engineering is intertwined with 3.2.1 Element 1: Define
design. This vocation is devoted to solving challenges faced
by our society; it harnesses the sciences and through their In order to adequately respond to a particular design chal-
creative application in the design process has the potential lenge, it must be sufficiently understood. This primarily
to deliver innovations that can impact cultural and indus- relates to the articulation of both requirements and con-
trial development at a broad scale. While this is certainly straints. Requirements represent necessary functional and
a very high-level perspective, at a more practical level, we nonfunctional characteristics of the system being designed
can simply say that design, and more precisely the methods (what it must do and features it must have) and as such deter-
used in the design process, will affect the results achieved mine the technical success of the design. These are some-
for the focus of the design. As a consequence, entire careers times documented in a performance specification, and for
have been devoted to the subject of engineering design, trade a remediation design might include things like flow capac-
journals focused on it, and schools chartered to hone its phi- ity, limits of treatment that can be achieved, and sustained
losophy. As much as the engineers in training are focused system operation (often referred to as uptime)—some of
on mastering the sciences, they are often equally focused on which is predicated on the understanding of the site condi-
how to merely think, in part to make them better designers. tions and development of an accurate conceptual site model.
The design process is a common thread for all engineer- By comparison, constraints represent restrictions that the
ing disciplines and is typically represented as a circular and system must conform to or be designed around for ease of
iterative set of process elements. There are literally hundreds implementation or satisfaction of stakeholders and as such
of graphical interpretations of the engineering design pro- determines the practical success of the design. For a reme-
cess, each with its own focus and with varying levels of detail. diation design, this might include overall cost, size/footprint
Figure 3.1 is an adaptation that we can apply to problems limitations, and degree of visibility or disruption to other
encountered in the field of environmental remediation. site operations.
It is important to note that we have specifically chosen to In some cases, requirements placed on a design can be
refer to these as process elements rather than steps, because vague. An example might be that a groundwater treatment
while there is an aspect of chronology to them, they do not system must meet drinking water criteria. This warrants
have to (and often don’t) happen in perfect sequence. While clarification to ensure there is a sufficient amount of detail to
the process depicted by Figure 3.1 is fairly easy to grasp, put- inform the design: For what compounds will this be relevant
ting it into practice is complicated. This complexity can be at the site in question? What will be the basis of demonstra-
appreciated through a closer look at what is represented by tion? Often, it is not possible to satisfy all requirements and
each of the elements in the process. In the sections that follow, constraints. Once they are adequately understood, it is pos-
we will first describe each element in this design process and sible to map them out in a matrix to identify and even rank
then consider what it means for the process to be “integrated.” conflicts between the two in terms of importance so they can
Finally, we will explore some common stumbling blocks that be prioritized for resolution.
can affect the outcome of the design process, specifically as it An added component of this design process element (some-
relates to environmental remediation. times shown as a separate, stand-alone element) is to fully
research the problem to understand the spectrum of available
solutions, related risks, and opportunities for improvement.
This will ensure that the design team is aware of the current
As previously depicted by Figure 3.1, the conventional approach state of relevant technology and isn’t retracing ground already
to remediation design can be broken into six process elements. covered by others.

70 Remediation Engineering

Define Not every brainstorming dialogue leads to this type of

breakthrough, but even when it doesn’t, it does help increase
the level of engagement within the team, strengthen the team
dynamic, and increase the potential for a successful session.1

3.2.3 Element 3: Plan
In this element of the process, the available information is
synthesized into a plan for implementation.2,3 In practice, this
Test is often divided into three phases: (1) the conceptual or 30%
Deploy design, (2) the embodiment or 60% design, and (3) the detailed
or 90% design (referred to as such because it is typically not
FIGURE 3.1  Design process. deemed 100% until approved by the governing agency). The
rationale behind this sequence is that it provides opportunity
for iterative reevaluation of the design in the ­central loop
3.2.2 Element 2: Brainstorm
depicted in Figure 3.1.
In the famous words of Dr. Linus Pauling, “the best way to As with brainstorming, there are significant texts devoted
have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.” Before moving into to explaining the goals and methods embodied in each of
design, it is natural to brainstorm possible solutions. This is a these planning phases. The following are highlights:
process that is scalable depending on the nature of the design
challenge; it can be focused and quick for simple design chal- Conceptual design: In his text on conceptual design,
lenges, or relatively broad and more time consuming for large Michael French said that “this is the phase where
complicated challenges. In either case, brainstorming delivers engineering science, practical knowledge, production
important building blocks that can be used in the basis for a methods, and commercial aspects need to be brought
final design solution. together, and where the most important decisions are
There are many philosophies on methods for brainstorm- taken.”4 Also, “it is the design phase that makes the
ing, but there are two things they all seem to agree on. The greatest demands on the designer and where there is
first is that brainstorming requires the input of a team. For the most scope for improvement as fundamental errors
complicated design challenges, this involves making sure the at the conceptual stage can be the most serious and
right disciplines are represented and including a variety of elusive.”
experience levels and backgrounds to encourage new perspec- The synthesis involved in developing a conceptual design
tives and thinking that diverges from the norm. The second is schematic describing the whole proposed system that
that the process should encourage creativity and avoid imme- satisfies the requirements and constraints of the proj-
diate dismissal of ideas. Even something that might at face ect can truly be one of the most challenging aspects of
value be seen as out of bounds could stimulate a discussion the design process. Most engineers are equipped for
that yields a viable solution. analysis (ironically, the etymological root of which
An example that is often used to illustrate the importance is “anal”). Analysis involves the reduction of a com-
of these two facets of effective brainstorming is the story plex system into its component parts for examination,
behind how Pacific Power and Light developed its approach but this ignores the interactions of those parts.5 This
to safely remove ice buildup on power lines.1 The traditional is where synthesis comes in—helping to create new
practice was to send linemen out to climb the poles and physi- system concepts and breakthrough solutions by decon-
cally shake the lines. This was a dangerous practice that the structing known concepts or processes and selectively
company wanted to find an alternative to, so they set up sev- reassembling key elements to form something new.5
eral brainstorming sessions to that end. In one of the sessions, The ability to synthesize in support of design requires
a lineman made a comment during a coffee break that he the intuition that can only be developed through prac-
had been chased by a bear one time when coming down off tice and has been viewed by some as an art as much as
a pole. The group joked that they should train the bears to it is based in science.6
climb the poles for them. The conversation turned to how they There is never one right answer for a given problem, so at
might motivate the bears to climb the poles, and a member of the conceptual design phase, there may be a compara-
the group offered the idea of placing honey pots on top of the tive evaluation of several alternatives to help select
poles—perhaps using the helicopters reserved for the corpo- something that seems to best fit the mix of require-
rate executives. At that point, a secretary recounted her expe- ments and constraints for the project. After this deci-
rience with helicopter downwash as a field nurse in Vietnam sion is made, it becomes increasingly difficult to make
and wondered whether the downwash would be powerful significant departures. This relates to both human
enough to knock the ice off the lines. The group instantly nature and the inertia developed as a design pro-
realized they had identified a solution, and it had come from ceeds, which underscores the observations made by
the most unlikely of sources. Mr. French.
Principles of Integrated Design 71

Embodiment design: This planning phase is also some- Each of the planning phases mentioned earlier can rely
times referred to as the layout design or configuration on/benefit from information yielded by Element 4 of
design.7 In this phase, the scheme chosen in the con- the design process loop (discussed next). The number
ceptual design phase is refined into something that can of planning phases can vary from one to all three for
actually be implemented. This involves establishing a any given design project, depending on the complex-
more definitive selection of key equipment and materi- ity of the system being designed.
als, layout of mechanical and electrical systems, devel-
opment of a preliminary operational program, and an
3.2.4 Element 4: Test
initial set of specifications to support construction/
implementation. It also typically involves producing This element of the process is devoted to guiding design
a draft set of engineering drawings to convey these refinement through the collection of critical proof of concept
details. These drawings are accompanied by calcula- and other physical information required to validate various
tions and other information necessary to document the elements of a design. This can range from a thought experi-
basis for the design and its conformance to relevant ment to real experiments either in the laboratory or in the field,
codes of regulation. to further characterization of the site conditions, all of which
In addition to the previous text, this planning phase is require careful planning and design in their own right. Most
where safety and reliability are more carefully consid- of these activities are categorized as “predesign,” as they lie
ered to ensure adequate management of physical risks. between the initial concept and completion of the final design.
These need to be considered through all of the planning Some form of predesign testing is nearly always needed, and
phases, but the embodiment design is where the details it can come in many different flavors. We will discuss this
begin to take form. Reliability is focused on the likeli- element in greater depth later in this chapter.
hood that in a given environment a system will oper-
ate as intended over the intended time frame. A failure
3.2.5 Element 5: Refine
reflects a situation when the system stops functioning
properly. Safety is focused on avoiding injury and/or This element of the design process represents the bridge
damage to property. The two are largely intertwined between the conceptual phase of the design process and the
and should be considered concurrently. detailed design phase. Information from predesign testing is
The conventional method for accomplishing this is incorporated into the next iteration of the design to further
referred to as Failure Mode and Effect Analysis refine it. This process is not limited to the number of design
(FMEA).8 FMEA is a systematic approach to reliabil- phases (i.e., 30%, 60%, 90%) and should be repeated until
ity analysis that involves the study of the failure modes uncertainties regarding performance, reliability, or safety
in every subcomponent of the system. While anticipat- have been reduced to an acceptable level.
ing that every failure mode is not possible, the design
team should formulate as extensive a list of potential
3.2.6 Element 6: Deploy
failure modes as possible so they can be ranked and
addressed as appropriate in the design. This is an This element of the design process includes the activities
extensive topic with a significant body of literature and necessary to deploy the system to the field and achieve full
practice behind it, so we will delve into it further later operational capability. This typically involves four steps:
in this chapter. (1) construction (with quality management), (2) operational
testing and evaluation (typically referred to as system shake-
Detailed design: This is the final phase of planning and down), (3) field modification based on the shakedown results
involves comprehensive completion of design cal- (although the need for field modification can be encoun-
culations, dimensioning and tolerancing, material tered after the system has entered into long-term operation,
specification, and other details required to facilitate monitoring, and maintenance), and (4) long-term operation,
implementation. Prior to beginning this phase of the monitoring, and maintenance. There are typically detailed
planning process, the design should be roughly com- reports (recurrent in the case of long-term operation, moni-
plete and testing performed to verify performance. At toring, and maintenance) generated for each of these steps.
this phase, the remaining uncertainties should be few. This process ensures that the system that has been designed
One of the critical elements of this planning phase is remains reliable and usable and conveys the related details
the preparation of the final design documents. These are to stakeholders.
meant to be used directly by those that will be respon- Over the years, studies conducted on designers of vary-
sible for the construction and operation of the system, ing degrees of experience and education have connected a
so should include both. Whenever possible, the direct number of characteristics to better outcomes.3 These include
involvement of the contractors and technicians that the ability to understand the requirements and constraints
will be responsible for operation can help improve the connected to a problem, the ability to allow creative brain-
final design and save a lot of time during deployment storming without fixating, getting stuck, or allowing too
(Element 6 of the design process). many variants, the ability to work in teams, and the ability to
72 Remediation Engineering

effectively communicate. All of this provides valuable insight remediation concept. The complexity prevents clear visual-
into a process that is at the core of remediation engineering. ization of the issues creating uncertainty and in turn slowing
But it doesn’t capture an important evolution that has occurred down the decision-making.
over the past 15 years. We will explore this next. The watershed example is extremely relevant because the
industries with the largest environmental footprint (resource
extraction, food production, etc.) all have significant water-
3.3  INTEGRATED DESIGN: AN OVERVIEW and watershed-related implications. This is one of the next
In the conventional paradigm, designers tend to divide prob- frontiers for environmental remediation, creating oppor-
lems into their individual pieces. This is most commonly tunities for practitioners to develop sustainable strategies
reflected in the segregation of each area of expertise during the at remediation sites once thought to be intractable due to
design process, with the various designers meeting occasion- scale. In their reflections on lessons learned over 20  years
ally to ensure that their solutions don’t clash, but for the most in the efforts to restore the 1500 square mile Coeur d’Alene
part staying out of each other’s way. By comparison, an inte- River basin due to impacts from the Bunker Hill Mining
grated design process involves the team working together as a and Metallurgical Complex Superfund Site, the National
collective to understand and develop all aspects of the design. Research Council, among their many conclusions, pointed
The design can then emerge organically, with the full benefit of to the lack of a basin-wide understanding of contaminant
each expert’s input. While successful outcomes can certainly fate and transport and connections between areas being tar-
be realized for simple systems using the conventional approach, geted for remediation and unremediated areas (i.e., potential
the integrated approach can lead to enhanced outcomes by for recontamination).12 The best outcome for a site like this
identifying and leveraging connections between the parts. often involves a strategy to minimize the level of effort and
The Rocky Mountain Institute, an independent nonprofit risk associated with long-term stewardship (vs. identifying a
Colorado-based think tank, spends much of their time on the “final” remedy). The goal would be to avoid invasive, detri-
subject of integrated design, calling it “integrative” design mental, and unnecessary remediation and support reasonable
as a reflection of an adaptive versus fixed practice.9 In one solutions that can protect the environment with a low level
of their technical briefs, they make the point that optimizing of long-term stewardship and can lead to systems that are
individual parts of a system with little thought to their interac- self-sustaining beyond the time frame of human intervention.
tions yields inferior results,10 and their cofounder wrote in one This in turn will garner broader support from stakeholders
of his books: for implementation.
In summary, there are three key characteristics of an inte-
Designing a window without the building, a light without the grated design effort that are relevant to environmental reme-
room, or a motor without the machine it drives works as badly diation, as follows:
as designing a pelican without the fish.
Optimizing components in isolation tends to pessimize the 1.
Holistic or whole-system viewpoint: As we’ve already
whole system—and hence the bottom line. You can actually
touched on, holistic thinking is the underpinning
make a system less efficient while making each of its parts
more efficient, simply by not properly linking up those com-
of integrated design and can lead to dramatically
ponents. If they’re not designed to work with one another, improved effectiveness. It relies on the creation of an
they’ll tend to work against one another.11 easy-to-understand macroscale conceptual model—
something that can be interactive and is often based
Where this becomes glaringly apparent is when the sys- on the smart simplification of large data sets using
tem or solution being designed is only one part of a much electronic tools that were not available 10 years ago.
larger puzzle. Take for example the need to restore an entire This supports better contextual visualization of the
watershed. A watershed is an area of land that drains to system, identifying the system elements that have
the same river, lake, or coastal estuary. Given the scale of the greatest influence on the desired outcomes along
most watersheds (tens to thousands of square miles) and with their connection to other elements of the sys-
multiple media involved (surface water, groundwater, soil, tem. The ability to help stakeholders visualize the
sediment, etc.), the ability to protect and/or restore them is whole system can be a powerful tool in negotiating
highly complicated and costly. Designing management or a reasonable response, thereby helping to neutral-
restoration solutions in the context of a watershed involves ize the scale factor for very large sites. It allows the
developing a technical understanding of the overall water team to prioritize areas of focus and develop more
balance, contaminated media (and other human influences), detailed submodels as needed to further refine the
natural resources, and their interactions and overlaying this understanding of the risks, limitations, and benefits
conceptual site model with relevant political, regulatory, and in developing solutions.
business considerations to support reasonable solutions to Integrated development: The opportunity for integra-
restore, sustain, or enhance watershed functions. Complex tion in design planning is present on two fronts: syn-
hydrologic and geochemical conditions can also be a bar- ergy between different components of a large-scale
rier to achieving stakeholder alignment on a reasonable or complex rehabilitation effort and collaboration
Principles of Integrated Design 73

between multiple disciplines to create a team that remediation design efforts that are worth touching on. These
acts as a unit. The former creates the potential to include
leverage the benefits of work in one area to modify
1. Health and safety (H&S)
(minimize) the level of effort in another area or real-
2. Predesign efforts
ize a cumulative effect, the net of which will end up
3. Biogeochemical considerations
achieving the desired results. The latter creates the
4. Environmental considerations
potential to optimize the approach as a result of the
entire team being part of the design development. In Each of these four topics can be mapped back to the elements
some cases, this can/should include the client along of the engineering design process. While there are numerous
with the technical team, to allow for clarification and other subelements of the design process that we could spend
potential real-time adjustment of project require- time on, most are covered in the many books on engineering
ments and constraints. design or are subject to the policies of the particular organiza-
Incremental implementation: This essentially rep- tion doing the work. What makes these worthy of separating
resents adaptive management. At the small scale, out is that from a practical perspective, they can (and often do)
it boils down to the timely adjustment of a remedy impact the feasibility, implementability, and cost of a remedy.
configuration or operation (or both) to ensure opti-
mal performance. At the large scale, it involves 3.4.1 Health and Safety in Design
approaching a remedy in increments to facili-
tate meaningful progress guided by observation, Simply put, if something can’t be done safely, it shouldn’t
a concept pointed to by the NRC in their recom- be done at all. H&S must be the first priority throughout the
mendations related to lessons learned on the Coeur entire design process. This includes integrating H&S into the
d’Alene River basin.12 For many large sites, there initial proposal decision process, the project planning pro-
are certain remedial measures that provide value cess, project execution, and project closeout.
regardless of whatever the full characterization Demonstration of an effective safety program is typically a
may ultimately reveal. These measures can often threshold criterion for doing business in the remediation mar-
be agreed to and possibly expedited and imple- ketplace. As a result, most companies that offer remediation
mented in phases, while data collection are geared services have adopted behavior-based safety programs that
toward understanding the cumulative effect toward focus on the elimination of behaviors that can result in acci-
site rehabilitation. These data feed back into the dents. While we don’t need to explore this very deeply for our
decision-making process and can both accelerate purposes, one important distinction is that this goes far beyond
the remedy and lead to more creative and optimized the creation of a project-specific H&S plan (HASP). Such plans
solutions. In either case (small or large scale), the are designed to collect and document important project specific
design of the data collection and the responsiveness safety program information such as roles and responsibilities,
of the decision-making process are key to success, emergency procedures, and identification of safety critical tasks
and something we will touch on further later in this and communicate the controls to be implemented for each. In
chapter when we discuss performance monitoring. design, we have the opportunity to identify the hazards up front
and then consider how the design might be adapted in order to
eliminate them altogether or minimize them through substitu-
For a remediation practitioner, it is worth considering how tion or isolation. This happens before the HASP is finalized.
an integrated approach to remedy planning and design might With this in mind, there are three topics related to the sup-
lead to more coordinated strategies for both small and large port of safe designs that we will focus on for this discussion:
sites. As the industry has matured and is turning to address hazard identification and critical failure analysis, the hierar-
the types of problems once thought to be unsolvable, this phi- chy of hazard controls, and response planning. The following
losophy is overtaking conventional design. This is particularly sections offer more insight into each of these.
useful where the project may involve the need to incorporate
other service lines outside of remediation, such as support for Hazard Identification and
infrastructure installation, protection, or relocation. While Critical Failure Analysis
most clients procuring remediation services certainly do not As it applies to remediation design, safety (the avoidance of
spend a lot of time thinking about design philosophy, they personal injury and/or damage to property) can involve things
will gravitate toward the practitioner that can deliver at this like process-related risks (risk of injury based on the tasks to
level of performance. be completed), ergonomics (the risk of injury based on the
placement of equipment), the adequacy of material and equip-
ment specifications (risk of injury or equipment damage due to
chemical or physical incompatibilities), or the implications of
Now that we have covered the philosophy of remediation site factors that may complicate operation. This is by no means
design and the benefits of taking an integrated approach, an exhaustive list, but clearly represents a mix between hazards
there are a number of key factors that can affect the success of related to process/task and hazards related to system reliability.
74 Remediation Engineering

The identification of such hazards is a critical part of the of chemicals or nuisance odors to the environ-
design and typically involves questions such as the following13: ment. The severity of the effect is one of the
What can go wrong? What are the consequences? How could three variables that are assigned with a numeric
it arise? What are other contributing factors? How likely is it rating as part of the analysis to support priori-
that the hazard will occur? While anticipating that every haz- tization and/or justification for design modifica-
ard is not possible or practical, the design team should think of tions. The common industry standard is to use
as many of the main hazards as possible so they can be ranked 1 to represent no effect and 10 to indicate very
and addressed as appropriate in the design. One systematic severe effects that come with no warning. Tables
approach that can help accomplish this for both process-/task- 3.1 through 3.4 provide a sample ranking chart
related hazards and system reliability–related hazards is a for failure mode and safety issue severity.
FMEA. FMEA involves the study of potential failure modes d.
Causes and probability of occurrence: For each
in every subcomponent of a system.8 This type of analysis is a failure mode identified, the design team must
topic with a significant body of literature and practice behind also consider the cause. These should be iden-
it. Those practices vary slightly between industries and orga- tified very specifically and in technical terms.
nizations, but there are two common elements14: Examples of potential causes of mechanical
component failure might include the incompat-
Creating a block diagram of the system and opera- ibility of piping materials with the chemicals
tion process: This will highlight the major compo- they are in contact with, excessive pressure
nents or process steps as blocks, with lines to indicate generation due to line sizing, introduction of
how the components or steps are connected/related. debris, and geochemical reactions. For opera-
The goal is to show the logical relationships of the tional activities, examples might include inad-
major components and establish a structure around equate head clearance due to poor positioning
which the FMEA can be developed. of equipment, and containment capacity. Note
Completing an analysis worksheet: This can be
2. that for a system, failure of one component can
done on a custom form or make use of commercially be the cause of failure in another component.
available computer software. The goal is to docu- Probability of occurrence is the second of three
ment the outcome of the review so that the recom- variables that are assigned with a numeric rat-
mendations can be acted upon, and there is a record ing as part of the analysis to support prioritiza-
of the actions to reduce risk and increase reliability. tion and/or justification for design modifications.
A generic example worksheet is provided in Tables The common industry standard is to use 1 to
3.1 through 3.4. As shown, the fields on a typical represent not likely and 10 to indicate inevitable.
worksheet include the following: Tables 3.1 through 3.4 provide a sample ranking
a. System element: This involves a description of chart for probability of occurrence.
a specific mechanical component or operational e.
Current controls and likelihood of detection:
function/activity, its role, and any relevant quan- These are factors in the current design that would
tification or metrics that can be attached to either. either prevent the cause of the failure mode from
b. Failure mode: This involves identifying the occurring or detect that the failure is likely and
manner in which a system element could poten- provide advance warning so it can be managed.
tially fail to meet the design intent. This includes Detection is the third of three variables that are
mechanical components and operational activi- assigned with a numeric rating as part of the
ties. For mechanical system components, it might analysis to support prioritization and/or justifi-
reflect things like material degradation and fail- cation for design modifications. The common
ure, overheating, line blockage or rupture, and industry standard is to use 1 to represent almost
electrical short. For operational activities, it certain to detect and 10 to indicate no chance of
might reflect things like loss of containment, detection. Tables 3.1 through 3.4 provide a sam-
ignition of an explosive gas, subsidence of work ple ranking chart for detection.
area, and obstruction to safe access. Risk priority number (RPN): This is the prod-
c. Effects and severity: For each failure mode iden- uct of the rankings for severity, occurrence, and
tified, the design team must attempt to quantify detection. These values can range from a low end
the severity of the effects. This should be specific of 1 to a high end of 1000. While these values
regarding the level to which it affects either the are relative only with no significance in absolute
system, the operators, or the area surrounding the terms, in general, the higher the risk priority num-
system. The level of system in operability typi- ber, the more serious the risk. It is important to
cally breaks down to total failure, partial failure, recognize that the RPN provides a relative means
intermittent failure, overfunction, or unintended of ranking failure modes. There is no threshold
function. Other effects could include equipment value for RPNs above which it is mandatory to
damage, personal injury, or unintended release take action or below which action is excused.
Principles of Integrated Design
Example Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Worksheet
Probability Likelihood Risk
Severity of of Priority
System of Effect Causes of Occurrence Current Detection Number Recommended
No. Element Role Failure Mode Failure Effect (1–10) Failure (1–10) Controls (1–10) (1–1000) Actions Follow Through
Name of the Description of Identification Quantification of Numerical Identification of Numerical Elements Numerical Product of Documentation Documentation
system what the of the the potential ranking root cause for ranking to of the ranking to severity, of actions of follow
element system manner of outcomes of of failure. For describe current describe occurrence, recommended through, to
being element failure for failure—degree severity, mechanical the design the and by the design ensure effective
evaluated being mechanical of impaired 1 being components likelihood that likelihood detection team to implementation
(can be a evaluated components system no effect, this might of a failure. would of ratings; address/control of
function or accomplishes (material operability 10 being include 1 being either detecting provides a a system recommended
activity vs. in the system degradation, (total failure, most chemical least 10 prevent the cause relative component actions; should
a specific operation overheating, partial failure, severe incompatibility, being the cause of a means of that could assign an
mechanical blockage, intermittent with no excessive greatest. of the failure ranking potentially fail, individual to be
component) electrical failure, warning. pressure due to See table. failure mode. failure or a particular responsible and
short, etc.) overfunction, See line size, mode or See table modes operational a target date for
as well as unintended table. introduction of detect activity that completion,
failure for a function) and debris and that the could create an with final
function/ equipment geochemical failure is unsafe confirmation of
activity (loss damage, reaction. For a likely and condition completion
of personal injury, function/ provide
containment, releases to the activity, this advance
ignition of environment, might include warning
an explosive regulatory ergonomics and so it can
gas, noncompliance, containment be
subsidence etc. capacity. managed
of work area,
to safe
access, etc.)

76 Remediation Engineering

Severity Effect: Evaluation Ranking Criteria
Rank Severity Severity Effect
10 Hazardous without warning Destructive, life-threatening failure mode that can occur without warning
9 Hazardous with warning Destructive, life-threatening failure mode that can occur with warning
8 Very high Extreme effect, system damaged, inoperable, and a safety problem; may cause severe injury
7 High Major effect, system inoperable with equipment damage; may cause injury
6 Moderate Significant effect, compromises system operation, and possibly regulatory compliance with minor damage
5 Low Moderate effect, compromises system operation, and possibly regulatory compliance with no damage
4 Very low Some effect, system operable with significant degradation of performance
3 Minor Slight effect, system operable with noticeable degradation of performance
2 Very minor Very slight effect, system operable with minimal degradation of performance
1 None No effect

Probability of Failure Occurrence: Evaluation Ranking Criteria
Rank Probability Description
10 >1 in 2 Very high–failure almost inevitable
9 1 in 3
8 1 in 8 High–repeated failures likely
7 1 in 20
6 1 in 80 Moderate–occasional failures likely
5 1 in 400
4 1 in 2,000
3 1 in 15,000 Low–relatively few failures likely
2 1 in 150,000
1 1 in 1,500,000 Remote–failure unlikely

Likelihood of Failure Detection: Evaluation Ranking Criteria
Rank Detection Likelihood
10 Absolute uncertainty Design control cannot detect potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.
9 Very remote Very remote chance the design control will detect potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.
8 Remote Remote chance the design control will detect potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.
7 Very low Very low chance the design control will detect potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.
6 Low Low chance the design control will detect potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.
5 Moderate Moderate chance the design control will detect potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.
4 Moderately high Moderately high chance the design control will detect potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.
3 High High chance the design control will detect potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.
2 Very high Very high chance the design control will detect potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.
1 Almost certain Design control will almost certainly detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.

Recommended action: This documents the layout, limiting operating range for a piece of
action(s) recommended by the design team to equipment, providing monitoring mechanisms,
address/control a system component that could performing preventative maintenance, and inclu-
potentially fail or a particular operational activ- sion of backup systems or redundancy. Each rec-
ity that could create an unsafe condition. These ommendation would fall somewhere into the
actions could include selection of different hierarchy of controls, which is discussed in the
components or materials, modified equipment next section.
Principles of Integrated Design 77

Follow through: This clearly assigns responsi- The hierarchy mentioned previously is listed in order of pref-
bility and sets a schedule for the recommended erence based on reliability, with PPE the last resort. In prac-
action to be completed. tice, a combination of controls is often used, but whatever the
combination that is arrived at, the opportunity for incorporat-
This process creates a living document that should be ing controls comes in the design. This should be monitored,
revisited and updated periodically throughout the system updated as needed, and positively reinforced through a larger
lifecycle and whenever there is a substantive change to H&S program.
the system. These updates can and often do identify new To illustrate the application of this hierarchy in design, we
failure modes. The value in this process is lower risk of can consider a project that involved the need to mix large vol-
personal injury and damage to property, strengthened per- umes of concentrated sulfuric acid with a volume of soil to
ception of reliability in the marketplace. It is also often support the evaluation of an experimental treatment process.
required to comply with safety and quality standards such This was to be done in situ and if possible in an open area.
as those published by the International Organization for Proper handling and storage of the acid and monitoring of air
Standardization (ISO). The analysis also can be a valuable quality around the area of application were all areas of focus
tool for training new employees in the steps required to for a safe design minimizing the exposure potential for field
perform their jobs safely. employees. The following are the controls that were incorpo-
rated into the design at each level of the hierarchy:  Hierarchy of Hazard Controls
Once a hazard has been identified, a control measure must • Engineering controls
be put in place. Building from the discussion in the previous • Vapor control: To eliminate risk of generating
section, this in effect would reduce the RPN by changing the sulfur dioxide fumes, fully hydrated 50% sulfu-
severity of the failure, its frequency, or its detection—or some ric acid was used in place of concentrated (96%)
combination thereof. All hazard controls fall into a three- sulfuric acid.
tiered hierarchy, as follows15: • Method of storage: In order to minimize han-
dling, the acid was delivered in a chemical
Engineering controls: Engineering controls are the tanker truck, and the chemical tanker was stored
most reliable and effective controls because they onsite until all of the acid was utilized.
directly eliminate or minimize hazard. This is • Secondary containment: To minimize the risks
accomplished by such means as providing sufficient of an associated release. A secondary contain-
ventilation, substituting a less hazardous substance ment representing 120% of the largest delivery
for a process, physically isolating the hazard, or volume of acid (compared to the 110% required
incorporating process safety controls that are clearly by OSHA). The secondary containment con-
documented and understood. sisted of flexible sides that could be lowered
Work practices and administrative controls: Safe or flattened to allow for access by the storage
work practices include general workplace rules tanker.
and other operation-specific policies that may • Piping and valving: All piping and valves were
apply. It is important to conduct a review to make chemically compatible with 50% sulfuric acid.
sure that all such applicable policies are identified The piping was set up to allow the acid to grav-
and incorporated into the deployment element of ity drain from the tanker to the treatment cell,
the design. This might include subsurface utility preventing the line from pressurizing. The flow
clearance requirements for confined space entry. was managed using a pneumatically actuated
Administrative controls overlap with safe work valve and controls located outside of the exclu-
practices, but can be limited to control or manipula- sion zone, with remote flow measurement. Acid
tion of the work schedule or work habits to further was discharged from the tanker in a top-load
limit exposure. Job rotation is a type of administra- configuration, allowing the flow to be shut down
tive control. Training is also considered an adminis- even in the event of a failure of the pneumatic
trative control. valve, with siphon breaks to allow the line to
Personal protective equipment (PPE): When expo- drain down, and a clean water tie in to flush the
sure to hazards cannot be engineered completely out line after each use.
of a design, and when safe work practices and other • Neutralization capacity: Sufficient granular
forms of administrative controls cannot provide suf- limestone was kept on hand for neutralization
ficient additional protection, a third method of con- capacity in the event of a small/incidental acid
trol is the use of protective clothing or equipment. release.
This is collectively called personal protective equip- • Administrative controls
ment (PPE). The correct PPE to be used are deter- • Staff involvement and training: All staff that
mined by the residual hazards after application of were to be involved in the actual acid handling
other controls. process during field implementation were part
78 Remediation Engineering

of the design and construction team and were conducted between each acid addition were
intimately familiar with the procedure that was specified to wear chemical resistant PPE (inner
established. and outer gloves, chemical protective boots,
• Documentation of procedures: Regardless of the splash apron) and Level B supplied air with a
staff involvement and training, the acid-loading cascade system and escape bottle.
procedure was carefully documented with haz-
ards and hazard controls identified in a job safety Figure 3.2 presents photographs depicting some of the con-
analysis. This analysis was used and updated in trols mentioned earlier. The combination of controls that were
the field in real time. employed allowed the addition and mixing of over 6000 gal
• Staffing rotation: To avoid overexertion, staff of 50% sulfuric acid with the targeted volume of soil to be
were rotated out of the exclusion zone every completed over a period of approximately 6  days, with no
45 min. Further, all staff were removed from the incidents. The knowledge gained through this process would
exclusion zone during acid addition. support refining of the individual controls to find the optimum
• Site management: The site was set up with outer balance of efficiency and risk management.
fencing to demarcate the limits of the support
zone and inner fencing to demarcate the exclusion  Response Planning
zone. Access to the exclusion zone was gained One final aspect of H&S planning during design relates to
through the contamination reduction zone. Two the preparation of response plans. It is not enough to sim-
separate chemical management areas were set up, ply develop the controls designed to prevent an incident. If
one for the acid and one for all other chemicals to there is a failure, the team needs to be ready to respond. This
be used in the treatment. A wind sock was used requires planning that follows the four pillars of emergency
to keep the support team upwind of the treatment response, as follows:
area during acid addition and mixing.
• Environmental management: To ensure the 1.
Prevention and mitigation: Identifies and reduces the
safety of staff in the support zone and site per- impacts and risks of hazards before an emergency or
sonnel in the larger area surrounding the treat- disaster occurs
ment location, air sampling was conducted to 2.
Preparedness: Increases the ability to respond
monitor for sulfur dioxide, excessive levels of quickly and effectively to emergencies and to recover
carbon dioxide, particulates, and a variety of more quickly from their long-term effects and
other parameters. The mixing area was sub- involves actions taken prior to an event to ensure the
jected to continuous misting to suppress particu- capability and capacity to respond
lates. In addition, the temperature and pH of the 3.
Response: Outlines actions to be taken during or
treatment cell were carefully monitored to pre- immediately after an emergency situation for the
vent steam generation through the heat of neu- purpose of managing the consequences
tralization, or excessive pH swings. 4.
Recovery: Outlines actions taken after an emergency
• PPE is controlled, to reestablish preemergency conditions
• Regardless of all the engineering and adminis-
trative controls, the staff that were to be posi- The intent of the first pillar is accomplished through the
tioned in the exclusion zone during the mixing process of completing the hazard identification and critical

(a) (b)

FIGURE 3.2  Hazard controls at an in situ remediation site. (a) Work practice and administrative controls in the form of site management
(exclusion zone, highly visible safety barrier around the work area, and visible wind direction indication), coupled with level B personal
protective equipment to protect against potential fumes related to sulfuric acid. (b) Engineering controls in the form of storage method,
secondary containment, and remote valve actuation for acid addition to the treatment cell.
Principles of Integrated Design 79

failure analysis and following through with the incorporation so the benefits of the information to be gained have to be
of controls to support hazard prevention or mitigation, which weighed against the cost of collection, both financially and in
leaves the remaining three pillars unaddressed. The need to time spent. There are three important questions that can help
do so will be limited to certain situations where there is a support the decision to propose/pursue data collection:
residual hazard that has not been completely eliminated and
has a significant severity ranking. For these, the design team 1.
What purpose will the data serve? It might seem
needs to consider an appropriate emergency response plan important to simply focus on identifying the ques-
that will cover preparedness, response, and recovery. tions the data will answer—but that alone cannot
For most projects, this will result in a very limited num- convey a clear need because not all questions need
ber of response plans. It is critical that the staff involved in to be answered. Articulating how the data will be
the operation of the system being designed receive training used and how that in turn will benefit the overall out-
to orient them with the details of the response plan so they come of the design effort provides a better basis. For
can execute without hesitation if the need arises. Here, we example, we could propose detailed vertical aquifer
can build on the example from the previous section, where sampling along the planned orientation of a perme-
over 6000 gal of 50% sulfuric acid were added to and mixed able reactive barrier in order to better understand the
with a targeted volume of soil in situ. In that case, the controls contaminant concentration profile and stratigraphy
put in place significantly mitigated the risk of a catastrophic that the barrier will be installed in. This may not pro-
failure of the acid storage tank by modifying the probabil- vide sufficient reason to proceed. However, it makes
ity and improving the ability to detect and stop the release. a much stronger case if it is pointed out that these
Regardless, the relative severity of that type of failure would data are critical to ensuring the final design that sup-
be high, so a spill response plan was developed in conjunction ports complete treatment and that they also create
with the local fire department. While it was never needed in the opportunity for optimization and lower overall
execution, it was critical to have it. remedy costs.
What is the cost of the data collection? The answer
to this question should look at financial cost, time
3.4.2 Predesign Efforts
required to complete the activity, and any risks that
Predesign is synonymous with the testing element (Element may be relevant over the time frame of the data collec-
4) of the overall design process. While the title implies that tion. Financial costs should reflect planning, gaining
this phase of analysis occurs before the design begins, it often required approvals, collecting the data, and analyz-
(necessarily) happens simultaneously and possibly in several ing the data collected. The question of time can be
iterations. The term predesign is more of a reflection of the answered with a simple schedule, and the question
fact that these activities lie between formulation of the initial of risks could pertain to hazards in execution, com-
design concept and completion of the final detailed design. pliance deadlines that may be missed, complications
The types of predesign activities common to environmental with stakeholders, or many other possibilities.
remediation typically involve either experimentation (the act of 3.
Does the potential benefit justify the cost? There is
conducting a controlled test to determine/demonstrate how well no specific formula for determining a cutoff point in
something works) or characterization (collecting physical and this regard. The benefits in how the data will be used
chemical information that more fully describes the features of will speak for themselves. Costs can be compared
the subject). Experimentation can be further broken down into to the anticipated cost for the overall remedy being
thought experiments and real experiments, either in the labora- designed. The evaluation of time and potential risks
tory or in the field. By comparison, characterization typically is necessarily more subjective.
involves the collection of additional site data to clarify gaps in
the understanding of the area targeted for remediation to better This loosely fits with the EPA’s seven step data quality objec-
inform the design. There is some overlap between these catego- tives process.16 In this process, the investigator must consider
ries, but we will use these designations for our purposes. the following: What is the problem and related question that
needs resolving? What data can answer the question and from  Concepts and Definitions where? How will the decision be made based on the data?
Before we begin drilling into the details, we need to focus on What is an acceptable range of uncertainty? The final step is
a few concepts and definitions. The first is that to be effec- to articulate how the data will be collected.
tive, predesign activities beyond thought experiments funda- Care must be taken to not get bogged down in this pro-
mentally require proper design in their own right. There are cess. The goal is to prioritize the critical technical issues in
usually three steps in the predesign process: data collection the interests of making progress and avoiding getting bogged
design, data collection, and data analysis. As with the larger down in unraveling all the complexities at a site. If we look
design process, these steps are not independent and may back on the example of vertical aquifer sampling along the
require some iterative refinement. planned orientation of a permeable reactive barrier, there
As a practitioner, it is important to recognize that collect- could be a wide range in the level of sampling depending on
ing data is costly. Funding and time are major constraints, the number of locations and the number of discrete intervals
80 Remediation Engineering

targeted at each location. A scope must be developed that 2.

Can the proposed mechanism work? This is a thresh-
provides a good balance between the cost of the effort and old question focused on technical viability outside of
the data yielded. At the scale of such a remedy, planning for a field setting. If first principles tell us the mecha-
vertical profiling on 5 ft centers is likely to be unnecessary. nisms won’t work, there is no need to pursue further.
However, every 50 ft or greater may be both more reasonable This may be easy or hard to answer depending on the
and adequate for the purpose, depending on the site charac- nature of the technology involved. Where possible,
teristics. Once the data collection effort is justified and the calculations can be completed to provide insight into
objectives clear, the data collection program can be finalized whether the mechanisms being invoked can meet the
to ensure that the questions of interest can be answered accu- benchmark for success from a physical–chemical
rately within any constraints. perspective.
Another key concept in predesign is the distinction of 3.
Is the method deployable? This is a refining question.
what represents proof of concept testing and what does not. There are many cases in which a proposed method
Proof of concept testing is used to demonstrate the technical works in the lab, but can’t be supported in an aquifer.
validity/feasibility of something. This is most often accom- 4.
Is the method cost effective? Another refining ques-
plished in a laboratory at the bench scale, but can extend to tion. Questions of cost effectiveness are always rela-
pilot testing when the technology is new and unproven, such tive and will be subjective depending on the various
that field-scale implementability can be demonstrated under drivers for the project.
the operating conditions and environment in which the rem-
edy is intended to function. This type of technology evaluation won’t necessarily be
definitive, but can help identify key questions to be asked  Thought Experiments along the way. It can also (of course) incorporate any data
A thought experiment is a mental exercise used to investi- that might be available. A good example of a thought experi-
gate the nature of physical things,17 a mental test using the ment related to the screening of an innovative technology
scientific method and first principles to validate a theory, involves the encrustation of NAPL. This type of technology
principle, or hypothesis. In remediation, thought experi- would be designed to form a skin or solid crust at the NAPL
ments can be used to test theories about the physical environ- surface/water interface, with the express goal of slowing
ment. This can help eliminate misinformation and improve down diffusive transfer of contaminant mass from the NAPL
stakeholder clarity. Thought experiments can also be used to groundwater to in turn reduce the dissolved contaminant
to screen technology applications to avoid completing costly mass flux leaving the area of NAPL in groundwater (essen-
real experiments where there is a high potential for failure. tially reducing dissolved mass flux without significantly
In this case, the goal isn’t to simply save the cost of a failed reducing source mass). Some additional goals would be to
lab or field experiment. accelerate weathering of the NAPL (destruction of the more
There are a number of interesting thought experiments soluble components) and slow its mobility in the subsurface
involving the physical environment in the recent publication where that is an issue.
Remediation Hydraulics.18 One of these involves an exploration This type of mechanism was first postulated by Richard
of the validity of random walk as an explanation for disper- Luthy of Carnegie Mellon in 1993.19 In later years, a study
sion, that is, the random movement of a groundwater “particle” was completed at the University of Waterloo exploring the use
around soil grains as it flows forcing the particle to move far- of the chemical oxidant potassium permanganate to form a
ther and farther from the centerline on which it started. Another crust of manganese dioxide minerals around an NAPL body
involves the exploration of the notion that fluid injection into to achieve the desired effects. The initial study was a labora-
an aquifer can displace existing groundwater laterally, as the tory study, followed by a field study using a small emplaced
injected fluid takes up the space that the groundwater once source of coal tar in the Borden aquifer.20–22 Around the time
occupied. These thought experiments, respectively, revealed that these studies were going on, a group of researchers at the
that statistically speaking random walk could not result in wide University of Florida developed a streamtube model to link
dispersion patterns as groundwater moves through a porous NAPL source architecture to dissolved contaminant mass flux
media, and that the injection of a fluid into an aquifer has a very emanating from the source.23 On a parallel path, a commer-
limited chance of displacing the existing groundwater laterally, cial extensions of this NAPL encrustation approach was being
more than likely the pressure required to do so would result in developed, focusing on the use of permanganate-based chem-
failure or fracturing of the formation media first. Instead, the ical oxidants for NAPL source zone control and weathering.
existing groundwater is predominantly displaced vertically. This creates an opportunity for a thought experiment.
Where thought experiments are used to screen technol- The fundamental question is whether reducing contaminant
ogy applications, the process will follow the following set of diffusion from an NAPL source at the NAPL/water inter-
questions: face through encrustation would materially reduce dissolved
mass flux from the source zone. The key parameters to the
What are the mechanisms to be applied and the University of Florida streamtube model were the degree
desired result? This orients the thought experiment of NAPL saturation, the tubetime (residence time of the
on what to focus on and the benchmark for success. water next to the NAPL surface as a reflection of the NAPL
Principles of Integrated Design 81

architecture), and the mass transfer coefficient. As depicted consequence, successful weathering of the coal tar
by Figure 3.3, the model showed that a four to six order of could enhance solubility of those components not
magnitude decrease in mass transfer would be needed to yield affected by the oxidant by changing the NAPL com-
a meaningful decrease in average mass flux, and that regard- position, increasing their dissolved concentrations.
less of the mass transfer, equilibrium at the NAPL/water inter- This effect was observed in the laboratory portion of
face is still achieved in minutes. In order for a crust around the published creosote experiments for compounds
an NAPL body to achieve this, it would have to decrease the such as biphenyl, dibenzofuran, and fluoranthene.21
hydraulic conductivity around the NAPL body by the same • Secondary water quality effects: This relates to the
amount (multiple orders of magnitude). types of long-term consequential impacts to water
This calls into question the technical viability of the mech- quality that could arise from the technology appli-
anism. However, we need to keep in mind that the results of cation. The solubility enhancement of compounds
this thought experiment may not be definitive, so we should not susceptible to oxidation by permanganate would
explore the next question in the process related to deploy- have a limited impact if the diffusion-limiting mech-
ment. For this we can draw some support from the short- and anism works. Even the by-products from incomplete
long-term observations published on the Borden aquifer field oxidation leaving behind high concentrations of par-
study.21,22 This raises a few more questions: tially oxidized organic compounds would tend to be
transient, as these would be highly susceptible to bio-
• Oxidant-target compatibility: Permanganate is a degradation. By comparison, something that could
selective oxidant that works well for some petro- be  a longer-term concern would be the stability of
leum hydrocarbons and very poorly for others. As a the manganese deposited in the subsurface as part of

é é kC (T - ti ) ù ù
n ê exp ê s ú ú
C (T ) = f cC s å ê1 -
ë N û
é kC (T - ti ) ù
i =1 ê exp[k Siti ] + exp ê s ú - 1 ú
êë ë rN û úû
Time (days) C(T ) (mg/L) k (1/h) Tubetime (days) NAPLSAT Model of mass flux response to change in NAPL
100.0000 0.3599 0.0010 100.0000 0.0010 arhitecture and mass transfer from Fure et al.23
100.0000 3.5607 0.0100 100.0000 0.0010
100.0000 32.0342 0.1000 100.0000 0.0010
• Ŝn is the average NAPL saturation along flow
100.0000 136.4250 1.0000 100.0000 0.0010
100.0000 150.0000 10.0000 100.0000 0.0010
100.0000 150.0000 50.0000 100.0000 0.0010 • k is the mass transfer rate coefficient
100.0000 150.0000 100.0000 100.0000 0.0010 • T, ti is the total time and reactive travel time
Time (days) C(T ) (mg/L) k (1/h) Tubetime (days) NAPLSAT
• C(T) is the flux averaged concentration
100.0000 1.7982 0.0010 100.0000 0.0050
100.0000 17.0421 0.0100 100.0000 0.0050
100.0000 105.0925 0.1000 100.0000 0.0050 Modify k, Ŝn, T, ti
100.0000 149.9991 1.0000 100.0000 0.0050
100.0000 150.0000 10.0000 100.0000 0.0050 • NAPL saturation and tubetime (architecture);
100.0000 150.0000 50.0000 100.0000 0.0050 mass transfer coefficient are key parameters
100.0000 150.0000 100.0000 100.0000 0.0050
• Typical baseline k values on the order of 10(1/h)
Time (days) C(T ) (mg/L) k (1/h) Tubetime (days) NAPLSAT
100.0000 0.3599 0.0010 100.0000 0.0100 • Four to six order of magnitude decrease in k
100.0000 3.5607 0.0100 100.0000 0.0100 needed to drive meaningful decrease in average
100.0000 32.0342 0.1000 100.0000 0.0100 mass flux
100.0000 136.4250 1.0000 100.0000 0.0100 • Equilibrium still achieved in minutes (not shown)
100.0000 150.0000 10.0000 100.0000 0.0100
100.0000 150.0000 50.0000 100.0000 0.0100
100.0000 150.0000 100.0000 100.0000 0.0100
Time (days) C(T ) (mg/L) k (1/h) Tubetime (days) NAPLSAT
100.0000 1.7982 0.0010 100.0000 0.0500
100.0000 17.0421 0.0100 100.0000 0.0500
100.0000 105.0925 0.1000 100.0000 0.0500
100.0000 149.9991 1.0000 100.0000 0.0500
100.0000 150.0000 10.0000 100.0000 0.0500
100.0000 150.0000 50.0000 100.0000 0.0500
100.0000 150.0000 100.0000 100.0000 0.0500

FIGURE 3.3  Model of source control via encrustation.

82 Remediation Engineering

the treatment. Manganese is susceptible to reductive analysis of the results are common threads regardless of focus.
dissolution in anaerobic environments. Given that In the circles of academia and certain sciences, an experiment
the prevailing environment around a coal tar source usually tests a hypothesis (an educated guess about the possible
is typically strongly anaerobic (to the point of metha- relationship between two or more variables). In remediation,
nogenesis), it would be important to understand the experiments more frequently aim to answer a question or dem-
long-term fate and risk associated with manganese. onstrate a process, without expectation about what the experi-
• Uniformity of coverage: This relates to the ability to ment will reveal. This is often referred to as treatability testing.
achieve uniform coverage of the NAPL surfaces. In Clearly defining the details of an experiment supports the
addition to logistical challenges, the mode of delivery desired outcome and ensures the validity of the results. This
would tend to be self-limiting. As the oxidant reacts is critical for remediation designers given that the experi-
at the NAPL surface, there would be significant gen- mental data are often used to drive decisions in a larger-scale
eration of gas (carbon dioxide) and precipitation of design. In addition, the overall data collection and analysis
manganese oxide solids. Delivery of the treatment plan must consider how the experimental factors, both con-
solutions using high-pressure direct push methods trolled and uncontrolled, fit together in a way that will meet
would exacerbate the lack of uniform coverage by the specific objectives of the experiment and satisfy the prac-
causing formation failure (fracturing), which affects tical constraints of time and money. The goal should be for
the delivery pattern and degree of vertical and lateral the experiment to utilize the available resources in a manner
distribution. that maximizes the information gained relative to the question
being investigated.
In conclusion, the investigators found that the treatment pro- There are significant texts available on experimental
duced no long-term effect on the dissolved plumes emanating design. For our purposes, we will review a few key definitions:
from the coal tar source. When considering all of the issues
mentioned above, there would certainly be reason to ques- • Focus and goals: This is critical for ensuring that
tion the level of success that could be achieved with such a stakeholders have clear and appropriate expecta-
technology. tions in terms of the question that is the focus of the
experiment and on what will constitute a successful  Real Experiments experiment.
Most thought experiments don’t require a design per se but are • Factors: These are the variables relevant to the
rather a free-form type of problem solving where the experi- experiment. Dependent variables are those that are
menter explores different angles to see what insights they manipulated by the experimenter. Independent vari-
can provide. Compared to thought experiments, and because ables are those that change in response to manip-
they involve the collection of physical data, real experiments ulation of the dependent variables. There are also
require a rigorous design prior to their execution.24,25 factors that represent noise in the experiment. These
Real experiments help confirm what outcome will occur are factors that are present and can induce variation
when a particular factor or set of factors are manipulated. The in the outcome, but cannot be effectively controlled.
purpose for doing this can include the following: • Framework: There are numerous frameworks that
can be applied to experimental design, but facto-
• Confirming viability of a process: Determining what rial experimental frameworks are probably the most
combination of factors will yield a successful result common and widely accepted for remediation appli-
based on the goals of the experiment. cations. A full factorial experiment is an experi-
• Confirming the significant factors: Sometimes an ment whose design consists of two or more factors,
experiment can point to significant success factors each with discrete possible values or levels, with the
that were previously unknown or unanticipated. experiment testing all possible combinations of these
• Optimizing inputs: Determining the optimal level of factors and their levels. Full factorial experiments
various inputs that will still yield a successful result can be costly to pursue, so fractional factorials are
based on the goals of the test. This often involves often used in their place. Figure 3.4 illustrates the
breaking down the factor levels used in an initial concept of a fractional factorial experimental design.
experiment to smaller increments. This involves selecting only a fraction of the possible
• Selecting between alternatives: Supporting selection combinations required for the full factorial for test-
between various process alternatives representing a ing based on their relevance.
range of quality and cost, based on how they affect • Control: Experimental control is a test setup that is
outcomes. not exposed to a chemical or treatment being inves-
• Reducing variability: Identifying ways to improve tigated so that it can be compared with test setups
the reproducibility of an outcome. that are exposed to the chemical or treatment. This
supports the validity of the results by confirming the
The scope and scale of an experiment can vary significantly portion of the observed outcome that can be directly
depending on the focus, but repeatable procedure and logical attributed to the action of the chemicals or treatment
Principles of Integrated Design 83

Test Amendments
# Notes
Nutrients Molasses EVO Methanol Nitrate Heat
Test 1 Tests to evaluate the ability of different organic carbon substrates, an electron
Test 2 acceptor, and a small increase in temperature (10°C relative to the other tests)
to support biodegradation of the target contaminants.
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
Test 6 Tests to evaluate the potential positive effect of nutrients to support biode-
gradation of the target contaminants when applied alone, or in combination
Test 7 with organic carbon substrates, compared to the tests without nutrients.
Test 8
Test 9
Test 10 Control set - two controls with soil and water only with no amendments to
rule out effects resulting in losses in the tests that are unrelated to the
Test 11 amendments. One is sterile and one natural, to distinguish between biological
Test 12 and nonbiological mechanisms. The third control is a heated natural control
to evaluate the effects of higher temperature on natural biological mechanisms.

FIGURE 3.4  Example fractional factorial experimental design and controls.

versus other factors present in the control. Figure 3.4 • Time to reach a certain level of contaminant
illustrates the concept of a control. reduction. The level would be a preselected
• Replication: To improve the statistical significance reference point that has relevance to the proj-
of an experimental result, replication (repetition) is ect, and the units of time would be relevant to
required. Replication can help determine the repro- the rate of change expected with the specific
ducibility or variability of the results and therefore process.
the confidence level that can be assigned to the effec- • Regression analysis to identify and describe
tiveness of the treatment. Replication is of course trends and associated kinetics. This provides a
costly, so it is often limited to situations where a level of predictability that can be useful in the
positive outcome is anticipated. design when appropriately applied. Most often,
• Methods: The methods employed to execute the this involves linear (zero order) and exponen-
experiment must be carefully considered in their tial (first order) trends. These types of trends,
ability to yield the desired information without the respectively, imply a constant reaction rate
introduction of noise factors that could confound that is concentration versus a reaction rate that
the results. Experimental methods are typically declines as concentrations decline. Trend analy-
described in great detail and include the equip- sis can also involve Monod kinetics, where the
ment, materials, setup, procedures, and analyses. rate variation is based on microbial growth and/
Examples of different setups typically relied on for or inhibition.
remediation designs include batch or microcosm • Statistical tests to evaluate variance or confi-
testing and column testing. Batch or microcosm test- dence levels exhibited in the data set. For labora-
ing typically involves individual containers that are tory experiments, it is important to view results
relatively static in their exchange with the outside such as rates of degradation as approximations
environment and are often configured so they are of what might actually be achievable in the field,
completely closed. By comparison, column experi- with field testing required for further validation
ments typically involve the passing of water and/or of a full-scale design. This is related to the fact
reagents through a column of media. that laboratory-scale treatments can overesti-
• Analysis and interpretation: The manner in which mate or, in some cases, underestimate perfor-
the data collected from the experiment is analyzed mance of a full-scale system based upon degree
and conclusions drawn. Examples include the of contact or other factors.
• Simple correlations that look at the change in These definitions are most relevant to experiments completed
one factor as another is modified. Correlation of in a laboratory setting, but experiments can also be com-
factors does not automatically indicate that one pleted in a field setting. Because factorial experimentation
is the cause of the other. The variations in two is most economically handled in the lab, field testing is typi-
factors may be highly correlated without one cally limited to one or possibly two factor combinations that
causing the other; they may both be caused by have in a sense been prequalified. A key difference between
a third factor. field tests and most laboratory tests is that field tests allow
84 Remediation Engineering

for adaptive operation, where key factors can be adjusted in degradation products associated with the targets
in real time to see how they impact outcomes/performance. could provide sufficient evidence of enhanced con-
This requires that the key factors be clearly identified ahead taminant degradation.
of time, a monitoring program set up to track them, appro-
priate bandwidths for their adjustment be defined up front, We will now examine an example of a real laboratory
and some rationale established for the adjustments that might treatability experiment connected with an active indus-
be made based on the data generated. Focusing on key fac- trial facility with operations dating to the World War II
tors is critical to prevent this from becoming too onerous; it era (1940s). The operations required the aboveground stor-
cannot be overly comprehensive. If something is observed age of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA). Historic releases
that can only be explained by some factor outside of those resulted in the presence of 1,2-DCA at concentrations up to
deemed most important for regular operation, then the suite 4900 mg/L in shallow groundwater beneath the site. This
of monitoring can be temporarily expanded to accommodate represents nearly 60% of saturation, indicating the pres-
troubleshooting. ence of NAPL.
Field experiments can range from pilot tests to simple field The project team was interested in evaluating the poten-
tests. While these are often used interchangeably, they are tial for harnessing and/or enhancing natural biodegradation
different. The term pilot implies a level of process demon- as a means to drive groundwater restoration. Consequently,
stration, whereas a simple field test is usually geared toward a laboratory treatability test was planned with the objective
determining a site-specific engineering parameter for the of evaluating the following using microcosms of site soil and
purposes of design. This generally makes pilot tests much groundwater:
longer in duration than simple field tests—most pilot tests
last months to more than a year depending on the technol- 1. The rate and nature of 1,2-DCA degradation without
ogy being tested, while most field tests last days to weeks. the addition of remedial amendments
An example of a pilot test would be a demonstration that a 2. The rate and nature of 1,2-DCA degradation with
bioremediation technology is deployable to the field and can the addition of remedial amendments, as compared
be supported in the site-specific environment. An example to unamended controls, one set of which would have
of a simple field test would be the determination of the site- been sterilized to eliminate microbial activity as a
specific relationship between applied vacuum, soil vapor factor
recovery rates, and radial distance to which the recovery rate 3. The relationship between 1,2-DCA concentration
will drive meaningful pore volume exchange. In either case, it and degradation rates
is critical that the right goals be established to temper expec-
tations. For example, the goals for a pilot test to demonstrate These objectives were pursued in two phases. The first
the application of in situ bioremediation for groundwater res- phase examined the ability of various amended systems to
toration (using an approach that requires reagent injection) degrade an initial 1,2-DCA dose of 30 mg/L. The second
might be as follows: phase examined the effect of increasing 1,2-DCA concen-
tration on the rate of degradation in those microcosms com-
1. Collect site-specific data from hydraulic injection/tracer pletely degrading the 1,2-DCA that was initially present.
testing to support engineering design of the full-scale The sequence of concentration increases was 100, 200, 300,
injection program. This would focus on injectability 500, and 1000 mg/L.
factors and hydraulic factors. Injectability relates The study employed site soil and groundwater combined
to sustainable injection capacity at rates that won’t in sealed vessels (microcosms) to which various reme-
result in system damage due to overpressurization dial amendments were added in an attempt to stimulate
(determines time needed for a complete injection). increased 1,2-DCA degradation. A summary of the treat-
Hydraulic factors involve injection volume–delivery ments incorporated into the study and how they related to
radius relationships (which determine well spac- a factorial setup can be found in Figure 3.4. Three elec-
ing), and groundwater flow rate and direction (which tron donors—molasses, emulsified vegetable oil (EVO), and
determines the spacing of multiple injection lines). methanol—an electron acceptor (nitrate), and supplemen-
2. Demonstrate creation of a geochemical environment tal nutrients in the form of diammonium phosphate (DAP)
conducive to degradation of the targeted compound(s). were added to the microcosms alone and in combination
This would require clarification of what that opti- to determine which could stimulate the degradation of 1,2-
mal environment is, the parameters that can con- DCA. The experiment also included unamended and abi-
firm it, and the frequency with which they should be otic (autoclaved) controls. The abiotic controls were used
monitored. to monitor nonbiological losses from the microcosms due
3. Demonstrate evidence of enhanced contaminant deg- to abiotic reactions or other losses. Additional unamended
radation. This is important because within the time treatments were prepared and incubated at a higher tem-
frame of a pilot, target contaminant concentrations perature (25°C) to evaluate the effect of temperature on the
(in some situations) may not drop significantly or degradation of 1,2-DCA. These microcosm experiments
may even increase slightly. Alternatively, increases provided a screening tool that was useful for quantitative
Principles of Integrated Design 85

comparison between treatments. The material and meth- kill nearly all bacteria, including spore-forming
ods used in the experiment, and the observed outcome are organisms. Microcosm treatments and controls
described below. were set up in triplicate. 1,2-DCA was added to the
microcosms to achieve the targeted concentration
Materials and Methods
using a gas-tight syringe. The bottles were incu-
Sample collection and processing: Three 4 ft long cores bated lying on their sides in the dark to prevent any
in acetate sleeves were collected from the aquifer headspace in the bottle from coming into contact
zone targeted for remediation. The sleeves were with the screw cap thus limiting the potential for
sealed using wax and plastic liner caps immediately significant oxygen diffusion into the microcosms.
upon retrieval, then packed in coolers with ice, and The incubation temperature was controlled to a
sent by overnight courier to the treatability labora- value approximating the average groundwater tem-
tory. Upon arrival, they were placed in an anaero- perature of the site (12°C), except for the elevated
bic glove box, passed through ¼ in. sieves to remove temperature systems.
large particles, and then transferred to glass jars. Amendments: The amount of electron donor added to
Preliminary soil analysis: Initially, sieved soil from dif- each bottle was calculated based upon an estimate of
ferent cores and/or depths (designated subsamples) the stoichiometric demand of the primary contami-
was kept separate so that the contribution of each of nant and the background demand imposed by the
the soil subsamples to the final aqueous concentra- competitive electron-accepting processes of nitrate
tions of 1,2-DCA concentrations in experimental reduction and sulfate reduction. A safety factor of
microcosms could be estimated. In order to predict 10× was used to account for competitive processes
the contribution of the site soil to dissolved 1,2-DCA that could not be easily quantified (e.g., iron reduc-
in the experimental microcosms, preliminary mock tion and methanogenesis). The organic carbon con-
microcosms containing 40 g of site soil and 72 mL centration in each of the amended treatments was
of distilled, deionized water were constructed in monitored and adaptively managed to maintain suf-
duplicate in sterile 120 mL serum bottles for each ficient concentrations to stimulate microbial activity.
soil subsample. The amounts of soil and groundwa- This was more frequent for soluble donors and less
ter in each mock microcosm were less than those of for EVO. Nutrients were added only at the beginning
the normal experimental microcosms, but the ratio of of the study.
soil to water was identical. The bottles were shaken
and allowed to remain static overnight, and then the During the study, the concentration of DCA and its related
aqueous phase was analyzed for volatile organic degradation products were monitored over time using gas
compounds to determine the concentration of DCA chromatography. Total organic carbon (TOC), nitrate and
that was dissolved/desorbed from the soil. After the nitrite (where applicable), and pH were monitored regularly,
soil subsample mock microcosms were analyzed, the with adjustments made to TOC and pH when needed to main-
final blend of subsamples to be used in the experi- tain consistent conditions. Sampling occurred every several
mental microcosms was determined. All soils for use weeks initially, then increased in frequency after the first sev-
in the microcosms were thoroughly homogenized eral months once the microbes began to acclimate. The study
prior to use in order to obtain as uniform as possible was conducted for nearly 1 year. 1,2-DCA degradation trends
a distribution of microorganisms as well as 1,2-DCA. observed during the study are presented in Figure 3.5. The
Preliminary water analysis: Fifteen liters of ground- key experimental findings were as follows:
water were obtained from an area coincident with
where the cores were collected. The groundwater
was collected in 1 L glass containers, filled to the • All carbon substrates were capable of supporting
top to eliminate headspace, capped, securely packed rapid and complete DCA degradation.
in coolers with ice, and shipped by overnight courier • Degradation rates of 1,2-DCA at concentrations
to the treatability laboratory. Once at the laboratory, between 30 and 1000 mg/L appeared to be zero
the groundwater was stored at 4°C and analyzed to order, indicating a lack of toxicity.
determine pH and 1,2-DCA concentrations. • Degradation of 1,2-DCA in the absence of any added
Microcosm preparation: In an anaerobic glove box, amendments is also possible.
the microcosms were created using sterile 250 mil- • The addition of nutrients was not an important factor
liliter (mL) screw-cap bottles and filled with 100 g in stimulating degradation.
of homogenized site soil and 180 mL of nonster-
ile site groundwater. The bottles were sealed with These findings satisfied the objectives of the experiment and
Telfon-coated Mininert™ screw caps. The threads provided sufficient information for the team to proceed to the
under the screw caps were wrapped with polytet- design of a pilot demonstration. It also revealed a factor that
rafluoroethylene tape. The abiotic controls were was previously unknown—the fact that natural degradation
autoclaved for 3 consecutive days in an attempt to could be stimulated with the addition of some heat.
Phase 1—DCA degradation (~30 mg/L 1,2-DCA)


250 Respike 100 ppm — unamended control at 25°C

Unamended at 12°C 1000
DCA (μM)


DCA and ethene (μM)

200 800
EVO Ethene
150 Methanol
Molasses + nutrients
100 EVO + nutrients
Methanol + nutrients
50 Unamended at 25°C 200

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (days) Time (days)

Respike 300 ppm—EVO Respike 500 ppm—EVO Respike 1000 ppm—EVO

3500 5000 10,000
DCA and ethene (μM)


DCA and ethene (μM)

DCA and ethene (μM)

4000 8,000 Ethene

3000 6,000
1500 2000 4,000
1000 1,2-DCA
1,2-DCA 1000 2,000
500 Ethene
0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (days) Time (days) Time (days)

Remediation Engineering
FIGURE 3.5  Degradation trends from 1,2-DCA bioremediation bench test.
Principles of Integrated Design 87  Predesign Characterization the planned approach of using surfactant/cosolvent flushing

Characterization is a broad topic that can have a wide variety was determined to be a poor match given that the technol-
of focal points ranging from strategy, to methods, to physi- ogy relies on the ability to achieve contact with the mass
cal targets. As early as 1991, the USEPA acknowledged the through circulation of the extraction fluid. Without the ability
need to consider possible remediation methods early in the to eliminate any NAPL using this approach, the chemical oxi-
site characterization process to allow for the collection of dation polish would not be effective either. Consequently, it
data that would support remedy selection and design, in an was determined that in situ thermal remediation via electrical
effort to reduce the time it would take to initiate cleanup resistance heating would be employed to complete the source
efforts.26 Over the years, the very linear characterization pro- zone remediation.
cess relying on coarse techniques has given way to methods
like the triad approach, which combines systematic planning, 3.4.3  Biogeochemical Considerations
dynamic work strategies, and advancements in real-time
Biogeochemistry is a term that combines the effects of micro-
data collection with the goal of reducing the uncertainty of
biological stimulation, aqueous chemistry, and geochemistry.
decision-making while providing spatial coverage for an area
These are all topics that most remediation practitioners would
without sacrificing sample representativeness or driving up
prefer to avoid, but can have disastrous consequences for
total sampling program scope and cost.
remediation systems if not properly anticipated. Our under-
In the context of remedy design, predesign characterization
standing of these topics allows us to manipulate and manage
needs are generally focused on better understanding contami-
various reactions to support remediation, as well as control
nant mass distribution, stratigraphy, and other relevant physi-
their effects on the success or failure of a remedy design.
cal or chemical parameters within an already delineated area
There are a number of ways that biogeochemical effects on
of interest. This is where techniques that can provide rapid
a remedy can be manifested, most commonly the following:
results at high resolution (and with 3D visualization capabil-
ity) can pay off by helping to make the right remediation tech- Fouling of wells and equipment: This relates to the
nology selection and focus it, where it can provide the most buildup of organic or mineral solids to an extent that
value in working toward the goals for the site. impedes proper and/or safe system function.
An example of where this type of predesign approach Porosity reduction in the formation: This relates to
supported a change in final remedy is the former Spellman reductions in aquifer permeability as a consequence
Engineering Company site in Orlando, Florida, a long defunct of porosity reductions, which can have a significant
aerospace company that over its history of operation had impact on the operational cost of injection or extrac-
releases of trichloroethene (TCE), a common chlorinated sol- tion based remedies.
vent used for part cleaning. Over the years, these releases con- Secondary water quality impacts (SWQIs): This
taminated about 40 acres of groundwater underlying the site relates to changes in general water quality result-
and the adjacent properties. The final remedy selected for the ing from the biogeochemistry of an in situ remedia-
site involved the use of surfactant-enhanced chemical oxida- tion process that can potentially delay restoration of
tion for the source zone, defined as the area where TCE con- groundwater to a beneficial use.
centrations in groundwater exceeded 100,000  µg/L. Within Material compatibility: This relates to both the
this area, surfactant/cosolvent flushing was to be used initially structural integrity of various materials used in a
to remove the bulk of the contaminant mass, with subsequent remedial system due to an incompatibility between
treatment using chemical oxidation to destroy any remaining the materials and the chemicals being handled, and
contaminant mass. the potential for interference with equipment being
To ensure an appropriate and successful remedy design, a relied upon for system control (floats, sensors, etc.).
predesign investigation was implemented in the source area
to improve the understanding of contaminant mass distribu- In most cases, each of these ways can be anticipated. Careful
tion and its overlay with the local stratigraphy. The inves- consideration during remedy design can help identify poten-
tigation made use of a membrane interface probe (MIP) in tially significant geochemical effects up front, creating the
concert with cone penetrometer testing equipment. Because opportunity to effectively address them via a combination of
the MIP soundings provide only qualitative, screening-level engineering, monitoring, and active management in the form
data, physical samples were collected at one foot intervals of operational adjustment and/or maintenance. Designing
and analyzed in real time on-site. The data were used to cre- with this in mind will ensure better overall system perfor-
ate a 3D model to support visualization of the contaminant mance and avoid surprises during the implementation. The
mass and hydraulic conductivity profile of the source area. following sections explore each of the categories mentioned
The predesign investigation revealed new information that earlier of biogeochemical effects in greater detail.
ultimately led to a change in the remedial strategy for the
source area. The main finding was that the majority of the con-  Fouling of Wells and Equipment
taminant mass in the source area was located within the fine- The manipulation of groundwater and the delivery of reagents
grained soils, and not in the permeable materials. As a result, to the subsurface can create conditions that lead to fouling.
88 Remediation Engineering

This is a condition that through deposition of solid material with inorganics (such as iron), it forms solid
on surfaces limits proper system function through the block- sulfide particulates that impart a black color to
age of piping, wells, pumps, and other system components. the biofilm. SRBs often proliferate in protected
In addition to slowing or halting effective treatment, if left locations, beneath other biofilms or within tuber-
unchecked, fouling can permanently damage system infra- cules of corrosion products.
structure and in some cases represent a safety concern. There b. Iron- and manganese-oxidizing bacteria: These
are four basic types of fouling that can be encountered in bacteria can derive energy from the oxidation of
remediation systems: divalent iron and manganese and carbon from
carbon dioxide dissolved in the water. This pro-
Microbially induced fouling: This is where microbes cess generates varying amounts of iron and man-
generate a sufficient mass of biofilm to begin ganese oxide and hydroxide precipitates, which
restricting the flow in a system (pipe flow or porous impart reddish to orange to brown color to the
media).27 Biofilm consists of bacteria and the extra- biomass. There are many different types of these
cellular polymeric substance (EPS) that they pro- bacteria, most commonly ribbon and tube-form-
duce. The EPS helps microbes with attachment to ing species, and they can sometimes be associ-
surfaces, agglomeration, protection from environ- ated with sulfate-reducing bacteria.29
mental stressors, and even nutrient capture.28 EPS c. Aerobic bacteria: The readily available energy
composition is widely variable, but generally consists gained from aerobic respiration supports rapid
of compounds such as polysaccharides, proteins, growth of a wide variety of heterotrophic aerobic
nucleic acids, glycoproteins, and phospholipids. bacteria and related biomass generation in the
When encountered, the type of microbes involved presence of readily degradable organic carbon-
in biofouling may be partially diagnosed based on containing compounds. These bacteria use the
visual observation and odors, but is often bolstered organic carbon as a source of energy and carbon
by laboratory analysis. for cellular growth and can have various appear-
Because of the complexity of biofilms, there are a ances and odors. For example, certain species of
number of techniques that are often brought to bear Pseudomonas bacteria are known hydrocarbon
to sort out their composition. This can include (but is degraders and can generate a fish-like odor when
not limited to) any of the following: flourishing.
a. Simple transmitted light microscopy as a quick d. Algae: These simple plantlike organisms can
look at the biofilm and deposits. generate their own energy via photosynthesis
b. High-level indication of microbial community and create a strong vegetable-like odor when
composition using biological activity reaction they flourish. The presence of algae is typi-
tests, which can identify iron-reducing bacteria, cally reflective of a light source to support their
sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), heterotrophic growth or leakage from a surficial source where
aerobic bacteria, algae, etc. algae have proliferated.
c. More detailed analysis of the taxonomic com- e. Fungi: These are typically filamentous organ-
position and relative abundance of each mem- isms once classified as plants, but which lack the
ber through phospholipid fatty acid profiling ability to generate energy via sunlight. They are
or DNA-related analysis. DNA-related methods mostly aerobic and play a significant role in the
can include tests such as denaturing gradient gel degradation of complex organic material. Fungi
electrophoresis, terminal restriction fragment can form filamentous mats and can proliferate in
length polymorphism, and fluorescent in  situ environments that would be inhibitory to most
hybridization. bacteria.
d. Evaluation of deposits in the EPS through x-ray The passing of nutrients over surfaces that micro-
diffraction and electron microscopy techniques. organisms can adhere to creates the opportunity
The analytical program used to investigate biofoul- for their colonization and proliferation, particularly
ing sources and composition will depend on the when competition is low. Whether or not biofouling
degree of knowledge about the factors behind the develops will depend on a variety of factors, includ-
fouling and the physical manifestation of the fouling. ing the availability of an energy source (organic car-
The following is a list of common culprits in biofoul- bon or other), the availability of nutrients (carbon,
ing cases and some of the physical conditions that nitrogen, phosphorous), the availability of electron
they are typically associated with27: acceptors for respiration (oxygen and its alternatives),
a. Sulfate-reducing bacteria: These bacteria, typi- residence time where the surfaces are in contact with
cally referred to as SRBs, thrive in anaerobic a continual influx of all three (energy source, nutri-
environments and generate sulfide through the ents, and electron acceptors), temperature, and pH.
reduction of sulfate. The sulfide is character- Mineral scaling: The abiotic formation of mineral
ized by a rotten egg odor, and when it combines precipitates can occur when something changes or
Principles of Integrated Design 89

manipulates the water chemistry. For something to

form scale, it has to be able to form rapidly enough TABLE 3.5
and sufficient quantities to build up. Calcium car- Point of Zero Charge for Common Metal Oxide Minerals
bonate is a mineral that is often implicated in Mineral Formula PZC (pH)
scale formation, but there are many other forms of Amorphous iron oxyhydroxide Fe(OH)3 8.5
scale  that can be produced. Regardless of the type Iron oxyhydroxide (goethite, lepidocrocite) FeO(OH) 7.8
of scale, prediction of whether something can rea- Iron oxide (hematite) Fe2O3 6.7
sonably be expected to precipitate comes from its Aluminum oxyhydroxide (boehmite) AlO(OH) 8.2
solubility product. In contact with water, a mineral Aluminum hydroxide (gibbsite) Al(OH)3 5.0
will dissolve to yield its component ions in solution Magnesium Oxide (periclase) MgO 12.4
at a specific ratio, and the solubility product or Ksp
describes that equilibrium. The general formula for Source: Kirk, G.: The Biogeochemistry of Submerged Soils, John Wiley &
the solubility product of a solid with two component Sons, West Sussex, U.K., 2004. Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag
GmbH & Co. KGaA. Reproduced with permission.
ions can be expressed as follows30:

K sp = {M y +}x {A x -}y (3.1)

means of screening for scale formation potential,
there are a number of assumptions inherent to these
In this formula, the brackets denote the activity of calculations that are not always correct:
the ion. This is expressed in units of molar concen- a.
Total analytical values equal free ion concentra-
tration (moles per liter) and reflects only the reactive tions: Some ions can form complexes, which are sol-
portion. Activity is an issue as the concentration of uble associations that render the complexed fraction
ions in solution increases. Electrostatic interactions unreactive. Examples of ions that tend to form these
between the ions increase with ionic strength, limit- associations are carbonate and sulfate (can associate
ing individual ion activities to something less than with various metals like iron). Care should be taken
their measured concentration. In practice, aqueous to fully evaluate the potential for this type of interac-
solutions with ionic strength lower than seawater are tion to reduce free ion concentrations, particularly in
generally considered to have an activity coefficient highly concentrated solutions.
of one.31 b.
Carbonate concentrations can be estimated with rea-
Whether a particular solid could reasonably be sonable accuracy: This is typically completed based
expected to precipitate will depend on how its pub- on analysis of alkalinity, which if not corrected can
lished solubility product compares to the actual con- be biased high by noncarbonate sources.
centrations of its component ions (more specifically, pH is a constant: This parameter can vary depend-
the product of the reactive dissolved molar concen- ing on a number of factors that may be manipulated
trations, referred to as the ion activity product). This by the process for which scaling is being examined.
comparison yields the saturation ratio, as follows For example, changes in temperature can result in
(again, for a solid with two component ions): changes in pH, if carbon dioxide is driven off.
Kinetics are not a factor: When a solid is supersat-
{M y +}x {A x -}y (3.2) urated, precipitates implicated in scaling can form
Saturation ratio = directly on surfaces or in the bulk fluid.32 In either
K sp
case, there are a variety of factors that can affect the
rate at which this occurs, including the availability
Saturation ratios calculated in this manner can be of nucleation sites for crystallization, temperature,
interpreted as follows: pressure, and pH.
a. ≤1 indicates undersaturation: This is a condi- Considering the correctness of these assump-
tion that would tend to dissolve the targeted solid tions will lead to more accurate estimates of scal-
(if any is present) until equilibrium is reached. ing potential. Many engineers choose to make use
b. =1 indicates equilibrium: This is a condition where of geochemical modeling tools to ensure that the
the targeted solid won’t dissolve or precipitate. complex considerations are accurately accounted for.
c. ≥1 indicates oversaturation: This is a condition Mitigating techniques for scaling can be
in which the targeted solid would tend to precipi- grouped into three general categories: (1) adjust
tate until equilibrium is reached. feed water chemistry, (2) optimize operating
Table 3.5 summarizes some of the more common parameters and system design, and (3) antiscalant
forms of mineral scale and their associated solu- addition. Selection among these methods/tech-
bility products under standard temperature and niques depends on the nature of the feed water,
pressure and at neutral pH. While saturation ratios membrane compatibility with acid or scale inhibi-
provide a simple (and somewhat conservative) tor, and cost.
90 Remediation Engineering

Rust The hydroxide created in this reaction is then free

2Fe2+ + ½O2 + 4OH– to combine with the ferrous iron liberated at the
Fe2O3 + 2H2O Water anode through another reaction involving oxygen,
OH– as follows:
2Fe 2+ + 1/2O2 + 4OH - ® Fe 2O3 + 2H 2O (3.4)
Iron e– O2 + 2H2O + 4e– 4OH–
Anode In addition, oxygen can react directly with the
Fe0 Fe2+ + 2e– metal through the following pathways:

2Fe 0 + O2 ® 2FeO( s ) (3.5)

FIGURE 3.6  Oxidation of iron metal in water.

4Fe 0 + 3O2 ® 2Fe 2O3( s ) (3.6)

Corrosion: Corrosion is the deterioration of a
material due to interactions with its environment.33 While  these pathways are relevant, the solids cre-
The corrosion of metals generally involves the ated by these reactions can accumulate to cover
transfer of electrons from the metal to a receptor, the metal surface. This creates a barrier that over
oxidizing the metal and reducing the receptor. This time will typically slow the rate of corrosion.
creates an electrical circuit, where the anode is the Another way by which oxygen can accelerate cor-
point on the metal surface where the electrons are rosion involves its reaction with atomic hydrogen,
generated and the metal is oxidized/corroded, and as follows:
the cathode is represented by whatever the elec-
trons flow to. O2 + 4H + + 4e - ® 2H 2O (3.7)
Figure 3.6 shows a depiction of corrosion at the
surface of a piece of metal. The metal is oxidized
This reaction removes the polarizing layer of
and water (or another receptor) is reduced. As oxi- atomic hydrogen on the cathodic regions of the
dation proceeds in the anode region, an oxide film metal surface, increasing the rate of corrosion.
begins to form on the metal surface. This film can b.
Chloride: Chloride itself is not an oxidizing
slow the rate of corrosion because oxidants have to agent but can enhance corrosion in a number
diffuse through it, so the uniformity and tenacity of ways. Typically, the primary concern is that
(durability) of the film will determine the level of it can promote pitting and crevice corrosion in
protection. In addition, atomic hydrogen can absorb stainless steel, which represents localized attack
onto the metal surface in the cathode region. The at locations where free access to the surrounding
hydrogen polarizes the cathode and blocks sites environment is restricted. This type of corrosion
where electron acceptors can be reduced. This in can proceed very rapidly to a failure by the fol-
turn slows the rate of corrosion because the oxida- lowing mechanisms:
tion half of the reaction cannot proceed any faster i. Pit initiation: Corrosion starts in places where
than the reduction half. the passive film on stainless steel is compro-
Corrosion is driven by a balancing of anodic mised or weak. This can be due to scratches
and cathodic reactions, both of which can be accel- or damage to the surface or areas along grain
erated by various processes. If not controlled, boundaries where the film is weak or com-
corrosion will cause structural damage and/or promised under tensile stress. It can also start
debilitation of the well screens, piping, and equip- in crevices where the film has been compro-
ment, especially at connections and welded points. mised such as along threads or connections.
The following are some common factors that can ii. Pit growth: The electrons yielded by cor-
cause or contribute to the corrosion of iron and rosion inside the surface defect flow to
iron-based alloys: cathodic regions peripheral to the pit, where
a. Oxygen: Oxygen can drive corrosion in a number they react. This creates a positive charge
of ways. The first relates to oxygen’s status as an imbalance in the pit, which attracts chloride.
oxidizing agent. Oxygen can serve as an electron The chloride supports hydration of the fer-
acceptor in the cathodic regions of the corrosion rous iron liberated by the corrosion, which in
cell, as follows: turn increases the acidity in the pit according
to the following reaction:

O2 + 2H 2O + 4e - ® 4OH - (3.3) FeCl 2 + 2H 2O ® Fe(OH)2 + 2HCl (3.8)

Principles of Integrated Design 91

As the pH within the pit drops below 4, iron the pathway shown in the following text. Iron
oxyhydroxides are soluble, and atomic hydrogen sulfide is highly conductive and can promote
forms hydrogen gas. This inhibits the formation solid-state acceleration of corrosion by pass-
of oxidation deposits and results in depolarization, ing electrons to elemental sulfur.
both of which accelerate the rate of corrosion.
Hydrogen sulfide: In environmental applications, S0 + H 2O + 2e - ® HS- + OH - (3.12)
hydrogen sulfide–based corrosion is typically
microbially induced, involving the action of d.
Carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide (CO2) itself is
sulfate-reducing bacteria. Microbially induced/ not an oxidizing agent, but it can increase the
influenced corrosion (MIC) is a complex process rate of steel corrosion in aqueous solutions pri-
that has been the subject of much research over marily by enhancing cathodic reactions that lead
the years. There are a number of mechanisms by to hydrogen evolution. This relates to the rate at
which the activity of SRBs can drive MIC: which H + ions are made available at the iron sur-
i. Acceleration of anodic reactions. In the face, particularly at pH > 4, which is common for
presence of reactive sulfide, ferrous iron is most carbon dioxide saturated systems. In water,
removed from solution in the form of iron sul- carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid:
fide solids, such as by the following reactions:

CO2 + H 2O ® H 2CO3 (3.13)

Fe 2+ + HS- ® FeS( s ) + H + (3.9)

The carbonic acid can then yield additional
Fe + H 2S ® FeS( s ) + H 2 (3.10) hydrogen ions through dissociation:

H 2CO3 ® H + + HCO3- (3.14)

This can drive the anodic reaction, but also
results in the formation of solid by-products
in the form of iron sulfides. While there are HCO3- ® H + + CO32- (3.15)
a variety of sulfide precipitates that can form
depending on iron and sulfide concentrations, The hydrogen ions subsequently serve as an elec-
the dominant precipitate is Mackinawite. tron acceptor in the cathodic region of the metal
Sulfide films are inherently unstable and, surface, yielding hydrogen gas as follows:
rather than suppressing corrosion through
surface passivation, can act to stimulate local- 2H + + 2e - ® H 2 (3.16)
ized corrosion where the film is damaged.
Acceleration of cathodic reactions: There In addition, there is some debate as to whether
are a number of ways that MIC accelerates carbonic acid and bicarbonate may also serve
cathodic reactions. The first is microbial as electron acceptors themselves and undergo
metabolism of molecular hydrogen. SRBs direct reduction depending on the pH and carbon
can use molecular hydrogen for energy, dioxide partial pressure, as follows34:
removing it from the metal surface, which
results in cathodic depolarization. The sec- H 2CO3 + 2e - ® H 2 + 2HCO3- (3.17)
ond is chemical reduction of hydrogen sul-
fide created by SRBs. Hydrogen sulfide can
serve as an electron acceptor at the cathode, 2HCO3- + 2e - ® H 2 + 2CO32- (3.18)
via the following pathway:

This set of reactions versus the reduction of
hydrogen would be most likely to occur at high
2H 2S + 2e - ® 2HS- + H 2 (3.11) partial pressures of carbon dioxide and higher
pH. In a carbon dioxide saturated system, it is
The third involves the reduction of elemental also possible for iron carbonate solids (FeCO3)
sulfur. Often, SRBs are found in layered bio- to form, which as with other corrosion products
films where the outer layer comprises aerobic can form scale in the area of the corrosion.
bacteria, with SRBs located at the interior e.
Acids: Acids accelerate corrosion by affecting
and anoxic regions of the biofilm. This can the pH of the system. At a pH below approxi-
result in sulfide oxidation and the creation mately 4, iron oxyhydroxide solids produced by
of elemental sulfur at the anoxic/oxic inter- the corrosion reactions become soluble. This
face. Elemental sulfur can serve as an elec- prevents passivation of the metal surface through
tron acceptor to drive cathodic reactions via the accumulation of a protective oxide coating,
92 Remediation Engineering

leaving the metal surface in direct contact with devoid of water. The relevance of this to in  situ anaerobic
the water, which encourages anodic corrosion bioremediation is only beginning to gain attention in the lit-
reactions. In addition, hydrogen ions combine erature,39 while it has been a focal point for zerovalent iron
more readily to form hydrogen gas at a pH below reactive barriers for some time.35,37 Regardless of the treat-
approximately 4, supporting depolarization and ment technique, the extent of gas accumulation within the
driving cathodic corrosion reactions. pore space is a balance between the rate of gas generation
f. Water velocity: When water velocity is extremely and the rate of dissipation. Consequently, lower permeability
high, it can remove protective layers of corrosion aquifers with significant interbedding (less conducive to gas
products, exposing unprotected metal to propa- dissipation) will be more susceptible to extended periods of
gate corrosion. Water velocities of 30–40 ft/s are permeability loss by gas generation than aquifers with high
usually considered to enhance corrosion through permeability and little interbedding.
these mechanisms. For remedies relying on the stimulation of anaerobic activ-
Particulate fouling: Particulate fouling is gener- ity, the metabolism of organic carbon substrates ultimately
ally caused by the movement of fine grained aqui- yields dissolved gases. Most soluble carbon substrates are
fer material into the filter pack causing a decrease in readily metabolized, and gas generation can occur in real
permeability and through the screen where the par- time during an injection once the microbial ecology is estab-
ticulate buildup can decrease the amount of avail- lished around the injection points. This is more prevalent
able screen and can cause excessive wear of pump during large-volume, long-duration injections. Figure 3.7
impellers. Particulate fouling is caused primarily by shows this effect in the field where a soluble carbon substrate
poor well design, inadequate well development, and (alcohol) was injected as pulsed inputs within a continuously
improper well operation. run large-scale recirculation system. After an initial acclima-
tion period, elevation head began increasing in the injection  Porosity Reductions in the Aquifer well and would only recover during periods without substrate
The solid matrix of an aquifer acts as a physical regulator for injection. These transient effects could not be improved by
remediation. Aquifers have a finite capacity to assimilate liq- mechanical or chemical well rehabilitation, and there were no
uids, gasses, and solids introduced by a remedy, either directly stratigraphic interferences. The likely factor attributing to the
or indirectly, without compromising the ability for a remedy declining injection performance was increased aquifer resis-
to perform. This is critically important for remedies that inter- tance resulting from gas formation. This was addressed by
cept contaminant flux (like a permeable reactive barrier) and increasing the intervals between the pulsed substrate injec-
remedies that rely on the injection and subsurface distribution tions to allow time for gas dissipation and recovery of the
of water and/or reactive reagents. For these, temporal changes water level between injection events.
in aquifer permeability can dramatically reduce remedy Another source of gas generation includes abiotic reac-
effectiveness and cost. tions related to reactive solids or an injection solution itself.
In the literature, there is evidence through empirical For example, the introduction of acidic solutions to an aquifer
relationships like the Kozeny–Carman equation that small with high alkalinity and carbonate minerals in the soil matrix
reductions in porosity can result in much larger reductions in can generate carbon dioxide. Similarly, the acid titration of
permeability.35,36 While this is dependent on the mechanism of an alkaline water source to prevent carbonate scaling can
the reduction, real data support this with one literature study
reporting an order of magnitude decrease in permeability 0
Injection well depth to water

after only a 10% decrease in porosity.37 This is based on data

(feet below land surface)

for saturated flow. Relative permeability will vary depending 5

on the nature of the intrusion into the absolute porosity (from 10
the edges vs. in the core). Research on relative permeability in
oil/water systems show that oil intrusion into a water-wetted 15
system results in much lower relative permeability for the
20 Water level
water than water intrusion into an oil-wetted system because
Substrate injection events
in the latter, the water occupies the center of the pore space 25
instead of the oil.38 0 5 10 15 20 25
Some of the key biogeochemical factors that must be con- Time (days)
sidered at the design stage to minimize this risk include the
resorting of fines, gas formation, and mineral precipitation. Soil grain Gas accumulation: blocks
These are each discussed in the following text. largest portion of the pore
space  Gas Formation and Accumulation
The formation and accumulation of gases in a treatment zone
will decrease permeability through the entrapment of gases
within the aquifer matrix, leaving the occupied pore space FIGURE 3.7  Gas-induced injection network hydraulic response.
Principles of Integrated Design 93

also generate carbon dioxide. Another example would be the reductions in permeability across their test columns.43,44 Up to
addition of bicarbonate to raise or maintain pH in a microbial 90% reduction in permeability was observed within only a few
reactive zone, which would also generate significant amounts pore volumes. The Kozeny–Carman equation approximates
of carbon dioxide. These reactions relate to the equilibrium “average” effects of porosity reduction, so in this research,
between the three forms of carbonate (carbonate, bicarbonate, it underestimated permeability reductions from the clay
and carbonic acid). agglomeration, which would occur at the center of  the pore
Off-gassing can also occur during a shift in ionic strength throats maximizing the effects. This is similar to the effects
resulting from the addition of injected fluid. This is directly one would expect with gas accumulation. One important thing
related to the “salting-out” effect whereby gas solubilities that has been observed is some recovery of permeability when
decline with increasing ionic strength (i.e., as more water saline water is reintroduced, up to approximately 65% of the
molecules are engaged in dissolving the salt, there are fewer original porosity. This means that a portion of the effects
available to dissolve the gas). could be permanent.
Figure 3.8 depicts trends in specific injection capacity  Dispersion of Fines (injection rate in gallons per minute as a function of injec-
When freshwater is injected into a brackish aquifer, it can result tion pressure in pounds per square inch) for a freshwater
in the dispersion of clay particles, allowing them to accumu- injection solution compared to a saline injection solution at
late and block the pore throats, thereby dramatically reducing a site with a naturally saline groundwater. The site where
permeability. This is driven predominantly by sodium ions these injections were completed is located very close to the
and their disruption of the charge balance between the nega- ocean, so the cation profile of the groundwater is dominated
tively charged surfaces of clay particles, something that is a by sodium. As part of a pilot test, an injection was completed
factor in soil dispersion due to surface releases of brine. The using potable water, but injection capacity rapidly dropped
initial brine release does not disperse the clays—the density by over 2 orders of magnitude reaching a point where further
of cations in the brine solution more than sufficiently counters injection was impractical and injection volumes less than one
the surface charge of the clays. However, sodium will take third of what was targeted. Following this initial injection,
a larger role given that it’s predominance over other cations it was recognized that particle dispersion and possibly some
with higher charge density (in seawater, sodium is present at clay swelling were likely factors in the dramatic reductions
concentrations 25 times greater than calcium). When the first in injection capacity. In response, a recipe was developed to
rain event hits, the brine is diluted and the sodium can no provide the injection solution with sufficient cation charge
longer maintain the charge balance, so the clay particles repel density to prevent particle dispersion. The use of this injec-
each other and are dispersed. Swelling of the clay particles as tion solution resulted in not only a partial recovery of injec-
a result of enhanced hydration is also a possibility where we tion capacity but also sustained injection capacity so that the
have salinity contrasts and would exacerbate the effects of the next injection event easily achieved volumes that exceeded
particle dispersion. what was targeted.
The effects of freshwater injection into saline aquifers have
been studied in the petroleum industry for many years,40 with  Biomass Accumulation
related research more recently emerging in the areas of reme- Just as it is a factor in equipment fouling, biomass accumu-
diation and aquifer storage and recovery.41,42 In remediation- lation in an aquifer can block pore space and dramatically
related column studies, researchers saw dramatic and rapid reduce permeability. This is most relevant to large-volume,

Groundwater ionic profile

Ion Na
K+ Mg2+ Ca2+ Cl SO42+ HCO3 Br–
Natural concentration (mg/L) 12,000 684 953 444 28,000 2,900 308 90
Specific injection capacity



Freshwater-specific injection capacity

Saline-specific injection capacity

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000
Cumulative volume injected (gal)

FIGURE 3.8  Injection capacity changes observed during injection of freshwater and engineered saline solutions into naturally saline
94 Remediation Engineering

Land surface
0 100

15 Depth to 90
water Rehabilitation

Cumulative injection volume (104 gal)

30 80
45 70

(feet below land surface)

Flow rate (gpm)

Depth to water
60 60
75 Cumulative 50
90 volume 40

105 30

120 20
Flow rate
135 10

150 0
0 7 14 21 28 35 42
(c) Time (days)


FIGURE 3.9  Biofouled injection well screen (a) before and (b) after rehabilitation and (c) fouling-induced injection well hydraulic response.

long-duration injection programs and is amplified in continu-

ously fed recirculation systems.
Uncontrolled microbial growth is driven mostly by the
availability of organic carbon, dissolved oxygen, nutrients,
and reduced iron or manganese, which can be utilized by
slime producing iron and manganese-oxidizing bacteria. The
presence of these compounds allow mixed microbial consor-
tia to proliferate opportunistically, with growth occurring on
surfaces of pumps, mixing equipment, conveyance piping,
injection well casing and screen, and the granular material
surrounding the injection well (filter pack and native aquifer
The buildup of organisms (ultimately resulting in the for-
mation of biofilms) will result in resistance to fluid flow and
in some cases can compromise well integrity by accelerating
the corrosion of certain materials. Figure 3.9 shows photo-
graphs of biofilm on an injection well screen and the same FIGURE 3.10  Calcium carbonate scale buildup in a water treat-
screen section after rehabilitation. The hydraulic monitoring ment system pipe.
data associated with this system (Figure 3.9) show the grad-
ual increases in water level in response to biomass growth precipitation. This can be extended to an aquifer setting; there-
and clogging of the screen and filter pack. For this large- fore, engineered precipitation within a reactive zone must be
scale injection system, water levels eventually reached the designed to spread the precipitates over an adequate aquifer
high-water cutoff inside the casing, resulting in rapid system volume in order to minimize hydraulic effects. Research has
cycling. Sustained injection could only be reestablished after shown that the accumulation of precipitates in these types of
chemical rehabilitation of the injection wells. scenarios can have a less dramatic effect on permeability than
gas (or biomass) accumulation.37,47 This is presumably related  Mineral Precipitation to the fact that gas will accumulate in the largest portion of
The abiotic precipitation of various minerals can also impact the soil pores (where the bulk fluid movement occurs), while
all aspects of the treatment system, compromising injection precipitates will form as a coating on the surfaces of the soil
performance. Figure 3.10 shows the effects of scale formation particles, slowly building outward toward the center of the
that can occur inside conveyance piping related to mineral soil pores.
Principles of Integrated Design 95

This construct, however, does not hold when there is rapid guidance documents have relatively little focus on secondary
bulk precipitation. An example of this involves the intentional water quality effects except for temperature recovery and tar-
neutralization of highly acid or alkaline groundwater. These get contaminant rebound.58–60 However, the effects of ther-
types of conditions are characterized by elevated dissolved mal systems on microbial communities, biological oxygen
solids from chemical weathering of the native aquifer miner- demand, oxidation–reduction potential, chloride concentra-
als including elevated concentrations of dissolved metals such tions, and long-term abiotic treatment have been studied.61,62
as iron, aluminum, and calcium along with elevated concen- SWQIs are now acknowledged as a full-fledged emerging
trations of dissolved silica. While the composition of acidic issue, with a SERDP-funded research effort underway (proj-
versus alkaline groundwater will be very different, the role ect ER-2129) titled Secondary Impacts of In Situ Remediation
of silicon, aluminum, and iron are common threads given on Groundwater Quality and Post-Treatment Management
that they are the second, third, and fourth most abundant ele- Strategies. This project is projected to be complete in 2014
ments in the earth’s crust, and their common mineral forms and has focused on furthering the understanding of in situ
are highly pH-sensitive. The introduction of bulk acidity or remediation technology impacts on groundwater quality,
alkalinity to a highly alkaline or acidic groundwater with the specifically for thermal remediation and subsequent micro-
intent of rapid neutralization will yield the undesirable result biological treatment.
of rapid re-precipitation of dissolved solids into a low-density Outside the information found in historical technical
(high volume) amorphous mass, filling all of the available guidance documents, there is an existing but not compiled
pore space. body of knowledge (published and nonpublished) that pro-
vides more insight into quantitative evaluation of various  Secondary Water Quality Impacts SWQIs. In general, SWQI can be classified in the following
One unavoidable aspect of in  situ remediation is the sec- five categories:
ondary effect it can have on water quality, resulting from
the biogeochemistry of various process options and their  Reactant-Related By-Products
interaction with the aquifer matrix. These effects are This category includes any intrinsic component of the reac-
potentially persistent changes that can delay restoration of tant being delivered to support remediation that could show
groundwater to a beneficial use, representing impacts in up as a by-product, such as trace metal impurities, cations,
their own right related to parameters other than the con- anions, acidity, alkalinity, and heat. An example of this is
taminants targeted for treatment. As the experience base provided in our reviews of the impurities in permanganate
with engineered in situ treatment techniques has increased, oxidants.63,64 Some of the by-products in this category have
so has the awareness of and attention to secondary water drinking water standards or can contribute to other sec-
quality impacts (SWQIs). To date, the level of attention ondary effects (i.e.,  supporting the liberation of naturally
from one regulatory jurisdiction to another is inconsistent, occurring metals) discussed in the next section. They can
but SWQIs are gaining prominence in the United States also provide additional remediation benefit, that is, the sul-
among both state and federal regulators. Evidence of this fate produced when persulfate oxidizes organics can also
can be seen in a brief review of how potential SWQIs are be an electron acceptor in the anaerobic oxidation of hydro-
addressed in key technology specific guidance documents. carbons.65 Heat intended to cause physical removal mecha-
Starting with in  situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), early nisms can also accelerate hydrolysis of some chlorinated
reviews by the environmental security technology certifica- solvents.66
tion program (ESTCP) and the groundwater remediation Impacts in this category tend to be transient in nature, but
technology analysis center in 1999 had little if any mention should be evaluated relative to the uses (current or planned) of
of secondary effects outside of what would be an immedi- the resource being treated.
ate H&S concern.48,49 Guidance issued later by the interstate
technology and regulatory council (ITRC) and the strategic  Cycling of Metals in the Aquifer Matrix
environmental research and development program (SERDP) Metals in an aquifer can be mobilized and (re)precipitated
between 2001 and 2005 highlighted potential detrimental in response to specific geochemical changes. This is true for
effects, expanding beyond gas and heat evolution to discuss both metals that are naturally occurring/geogenicin origin
mobilization of metals, toxic intermediates, and other by- and metals that are the result of human activity/anthropogenic
products.50–52 The 2006 USEPA ISCO review contains an in origin.
entire section devoted to consideration of by-products and This category of SWQI is highly relevant as redox-
geochemical effects.53 Guidance documents for enhanced sensitive metals such as arsenic, iron, and manganese are eas-
anaerobic bioremediation follow a similar trend, starting with ily affected and have received a lot of attention in this regard.
very little if any mention of secondary effects in the early There are also other metals that can be mobilized depending
reviews by ITRC and ESTCP in 1998 and 2002.54,55 Guidance on the native mineralogy and the geochemical conditions,
issued later by the Air Force Center for Environmental such as aluminum, barium, chromium, and vanadium, to
Excellence in 2004 and ITRC in 2008 contain entire sec- name a few.
tions devoted to consideration of by-products and geochemi- There are three primary mechanisms that the release of
cal effects.56–58 Existing in situ thermal treatment reviews and metals in an aquifer.67
96 Remediation Engineering   Development of High- or Low-pH product constant (Ksp) of the mineral (decreased activity,
Extremes  Fluctuations in groundwater pH will affect the denoted as γ, requires higher molarity):
surface charge of naturally occurring metal oxide miner-
als (and organic matter) in an aquifer. This in turn affects K sp = {M y +}x {A x -}y = g M [ M y + ]x g A[ A x - ]y (3.19)
the electrostatic interactions by which these materials retain
surface bound/adsorbed metals. At low pH, the abundance
of hydrogen ions (H+ ) saturates sorption sites giving the sur-  Stimulation of Oxidation or Reduction
faces a predominantly positive charge, attracting anions, and Reactions  Certain elements are susceptible to changes in
repelling cations. As pH increases, there are fewer hydrogen valence state as a result of external processes that drive elec-
ions and the surfaces will exhibit a predominantly negative tron transfer, both chemical and biological. Figure 3.11 sum-
charge, attracting cations, and repelling anions. Somewhere marizes stability characteristics for several redox-sensitive
between the two extremes, there is a pH where a point of metals, metalloids, and radionuclides, with their thermody-
zero/neutral surface charge occurs. Table 3.6 lists the point namic ranking shown along with other key elements. As indi-
of zero charge (PZC) for several common metal oxide cated, some are stable only in oxidizing environments making
minerals. them susceptible to reductive dissolution, and just the oppo-
At extremely high or low pH, these interactions become site for others. Some are soluble in any environment unless
irrelevant because aquifer minerals lose their stability and can they are sorbed to or incorporated with other minerals.
actually be dissolved by the excess hydrogen or hydroxyl ions These reactions have the greatest effect on the amorphous
in solution. This also affects the stability of naturally occur- fractions with crystalline fractions generally more recalci-
ring organic matter, which particularly at elevated pH can trant.69 With respect to naturally occurring metals, these reac-
become mobile in the form of colloidal particles complexed tions can also affect metals sorbed to or incorporated with
with metal cations. other minerals (or organic material) by virtue of their depen-
dence on the stability of the sorbing or incorporating material.  Increase in Ionic Strength or Specific The following discussions examine these dynamics for both
Dissolved Ion Concentration  As with pH, dissolved ion oxidizing and anaerobic remedies.
concentrations affect both sorption interactions and intrin-
sic mineral solubility. The ions of metals sorbed to mineral Metals Mobilization in Oxidizing Systems
surfaces can be displaced by other specific ions competing Chemical oxidation can have a significant effect on naturally
for sorption sites or through the formation of soluble com- occurring metals, metalloids, and radionuclides via all three
plexes. Preferential sorption can be based on differences mobilization triggers, making it relevant to a larger num-
in electrostatic attraction, or differences in the strength ber of elements. In general, commercially available ISCO
of electron sharing interactions. A good example of this approaches can be broken down into two types: (1) direct oxi-
is phosphate displacement of arsenic from iron minerals. dation (e.g., permanganate) and (2) advanced oxidation rely-
Phosphate is a strong ligand (an ion that bonds with a metal ing on the creation of radicals (e.g., catalyzed peroxide and
atom through electron sharing) that can preferentially dis- activated persulfate). The geochemical effects will vary by
place arsenic oxyanions from surface sites (a mechanism oxidant system but can generally be expected to be greater for
that has been investigated to deliberately remove arsenic those oxidants that have significant metals content and result
from soil).68 in significant increases in ionic strength and/or swings in pH.
As ionic strength continues to increase, it will eventu- In the case of permanganate, the oxidant itself comprises
ally decrease the activity of all the ions in solution due to the sodium or potassium and manganese and is known to have
magnitude of the electrostatic interactions. This can actually impurities that can contribute to its geochemical effects.63,64
increase mineral dissolution as the aqueous system attempts The secondary effects of these impurities and inorganic compo-
to balance out the constituent ions based on the solubility nents of the oxidant will depend on the oxidant concentrations

Common Forms of Mineral Scale and Their Associated Solubility Products
Scale Type Description Chemical Formula Solubility Product (pKsp)a
Hydroxyapatite Calcium phosphate Ca 5 (PO 4 )3 OH 54.45b
Struvite Magnesium ammonium phosphate NH4MgPO4 · 6H2O 13.15c
Calcite Calcium carbonate CaCO3 8.48b
Gypsum Calcium sulfate CaSO4 · 2H2O 4.58b

a Solubility product at standard temperature and pressure, and assuming activity coefficients of 1 pKsp = −log(Ksp).
b Ball and Nordstrom.97
c Harrison et al.98
Principles of Integrated Design 97

1.0 pe
Oxidation Oxidation pH = 7
Eh (V) Oxidized Reduced
state state 15
Primary pH = 7
0 O2 H2O –II
valence 0.8
Element statesa Stability V NO3– N2 0
Soluble in both
Arsenic (As) III, V valence states 0.6

Propagation of reduction reactions

IV MnO2 II 10

Propagation of oxidation reactions

(anionic) Mn2+
III relatively VI SeO42– HSeO3– IV
Chromium (Cr) III, VI insoluble, VI VI HCrO4– Cr(OH)3 III
soluble (anionic) 0.4
II soluble
Iron (Fe) II, III (cationic), III
IV HSeO3– Se 0
relatively insoluble 0.2
II soluble VI UO22+ UO2 IV
Manganese (Mn) II, III, IV (cationic), III and IV III Fe(OH)3 Fe2+ II
relatively insoluble V HAsO42– H3AsO3 III
0.0 0.0
0 insoluble,
Selenium (Se) 0, IV, VI IV and VI soluble
IV relatively –0.2 VI SO42– H2S –II
Uranium (U) IV, VI insoluble, VI IV HCO3– CH4 –IV
soluble (cationic) –5.0
a Relevant to natural systems –0.4

FIGURE 3.11  Stability characteristics for several redox-sensitive elements.

used and the site conditions. Sodium and potassium can be Figure 3.12 presents data for several naturally occurring met-
attenuated through flushing and cation exchange on the soil als from a bench study conducted using sodium persulfate.
surfaces. Permanganate decomposition forms manganese The study involved batch reactors constructed with soil and
oxide solids that are stable under aerobic conditions but can groundwater set up into treatment trials with varying levels
represent a long-term source of manganese in reducing envi- of persulfate (none, 1%, and 5%). Each of these three trials
ronments. The PZC for manganese oxide surfaces is relatively included treatments with ambient activation (no added activa-
low (ranges from pH 1.5 to 5), and they are known to have sorp- tor), ferrous iron activation, and alkaline activation (sodium
tive capacity for many heavy metal cations, but under acidic hydroxide). Based on the data, the most significant impacts
conditions can release certain surface-bound metal cations for were observed at the highest persulfate dosing and the spe-
which they have lower affinity, such as nickel.64 Manganese cific metals affected determined by the final pH.
oxides are particularly effective at the oxidation of trivalent Based on the previous text, the development of pH extremes
chromium Cr(III) to hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) through a appears to be a primary factor in the mobilization of natu-
series of reactions that start with Cr(III) sorbing onto the man- rally occurring metals by chemical oxidation, followed by the
ganese oxide surfaces.70 If not sufficiently buffered, this can effects of direct oxidation (attack of organic matter to which
be exacerbated by excess acidity or alkalinity (increases the metal cations may be sorbed and redox-sensitive metals such
solubility of Cr(III) hydroxides). Other elements that are more as chromium). In a field application, the most mobile metals
soluble in their oxidized forms and can be similarly affected liberated by oxidation would be the products of oxidation such
include uranium, selenium, and vanadium. as hexavalent chromium. For the most part, the mobility of
Peroxide-based oxidant systems can also oxidize Cr(III) any other metals liberated should be limited by pH neutral-
to Cr(VI).71 As with permanganate, acidity generated by the ization and moderation of ionic strength. These will support
destruction of organic contaminants can liberate surface- both precipitation and sorption to naturally occurring aquifer
bound metal cations, an effect that is exacerbated by the rapid materials. In some cases, the precipitation of certain metals
oxidation of natural organic matter with which the metals could further enhance the precipitation of others (fresh alumi-
may have been associated.72 num and iron hydroxides can interact with many other metals
Persulfate is typically sold as a sodium salt and generates through sorption and coprecipitation). All of the interac-
acidity simply through its decomposition. In order to induce tions mentioned earlier can be evaluated as part of predesign
effective oxidation via persulfate chemistry, an activator efforts, both in the laboratory and in the field.
must be present. This can include ferrous iron, alkalinity,
heat, or other options.73 Depending on the method selected, Metals Mobilization in Anaerobic Systems
the engineered application of an activator can have signifi- Of the three key triggers for metals mobilization, reduction
cant geochemical effects that are either exacerbated or miti- reactions are most relevant to engineered anaerobic biore-
gated by the persulfate chemistry (through the generation of mediation. While some acidity can be generated, the typi-
acidity and the increase in ionic strength from the dosing). cal operating range of pH does not include extremes that
Metals concentrations (μg/L) Cr concentrations as a function of pH
Treatment ID Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Manganese Nickel Zinc pH 300
250 Presulfate only and
0% S2O82– 5 <4 <11 69 <20 <50 8.8 persulfate +Fe
0% S2O82–+ Fe 4 <4 <11 110 37 <50 7.1

Concentration (µg/L)
200 low pH
dissolution and
0% S2O82–+ NaOH 160 <4 33 18 35 <50 13.6 150
perhaps some
2– high pH
1% S2O8 65 18 <11 480 290 510 4.3 dissolution and
100 mixed radical
1% S2O82–+ Fe 89 25 35 880 310 620 5.1 system oxidation

1% S2O8 2–+ NaOH 280 <4 160 <11 <20 <50 13.3 50
5% S2O82– 88 20 20 450 340 550 3.4
5% S2O82–+ Fe 130 27 60 1000 380 720 2.8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
5% S2O82–+ NaOH 270 <4 270 <11 <20 <50 12.7 pH No persulfate

Al and Si concentrations as a function of pH Mn concentration (with Fe) as a function of pH As concentrations as function of pH

200,000 140,000 1200 350
Persulfate only As
180,000 and persulfate +Fe Al 40 Fe Persulfate only
120,000 300
treatments: Si Mn 1000 and persulfate
160,000 35
low pH dissolution Iron and persulfate +Fe

Concentration (µg/L)
140,000 100,000 treatments: exchangeable
Aluminum (µg/L)

Persulfate only As and Fe mineral

Manganese (µg/L)
Silica (µg/L)

25 80,000 200 dissolution

Iron (µg/L)

20 Alkaline activation 600
80,000 60,000 150
15 Iron only
60,000 400 100 NaOH
10 40,000 Background
40,000 NaOH treatments:
20,000 treatments: 5 200 50 point of zero
high pH dissolution 20,000 charge
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0
0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
pH No persulfate pH
pH No persulfate

FIGURE 3.12  Transient pH-dependent liberation of naturally occurring elements by chemical oxidation.

Remediation Engineering
Principles of Integrated Design 99

would have a significant effect on metals of environmental 105

relevance. Similarly, ionic strength will increase due to the Crust concentration
metabolism of injected organic carbon substrates. However, 104 Soil concentration
these increases are typically moderate, and the amendments

Concentration (mg/kg)
don’t typically incorporate ions that offer strong competi- Mn Ba
tion for sorption sites (although nutrients like phosphate can, 102 Sr
something to be considered). V
The reductive potential of organic substrates depends on the 101 Ni Li
Co Pb
number of electrons yielded during microbial respiration. For
100 Cs U
example, alcohol (C2H6O) can yield six electrons per C atom, Be Sn As
while carbohydrates (CH2O) can yield four electrons per C 10–1 Sb
atom. At face value, this means that more or less of a specific Cd Ag Se Hg

carbon substrate may be required to achieve a certain strength 10–2

of reduced conditions (mildly reducing vs. strongly reducing).
In reality, the degradability of a specific substrate balanced FIGURE 3.13  Relative abundance of selected elements. (From Bowen,
against the available electron acceptors will determine the H.J.M., Environmental Chemistry of the Elements, Academic Press,
dosing required to achieve a specific reductive poise. The size London, U.K., 1979; Schacklette, H.T. and Boerngen, J.G., Element
concentrations in soils and other surficial materials of the contermi-
and strength of the resulting reducing environment in conjunc-
nous United States, USGS Professional Paper 1270, USGS, Reston,
tion with the native mineral characteristics will determine the
VA, 1984; Sposito, G., The Chemistry of Soils, Oxford University Press,
degree to which metals may be mobilized. This is true regard- New York, 1984 by permission of Oxford University Press.)
less of the source of organic carbon, something demonstrated
at sites impacted by releases of degradable petroleum hydrocar-
bons. Recent research does, however, indicate that high dosing indicated by the data in Figure 3.14. Some solubility control is
of fermentable substrates can facilitate more aggressive reduc- actually possible within the anaerobic zone due to the forma-
tive dissolution of native minerals and mobilization of metals tion of iron and manganese carbonate minerals as well as iron
by creating metabolites that act as electron shuttles or chelating sulfides capable of incorporating some arsenic. Regardless,
agents, affecting even crystalline mineral phases.74 the dissolved concentrations of these metals can be expected
Data from engineered anaerobic/reducing environments to remain elevated while the anaerobic environment is main-
created in normally aerobic aquifer settings have shown iron, tained, even if that time frame is over years.
manganese, and arsenic to be of primary relevance. This is Fortunately, as indicated by the data in Figure 3.15, there
likely attributable to the following: are natural processes that can control the mobility of metals
mobilized from the aquifer matrix. This is focused mainly at
• Both iron and manganese susceptible to reduc- the boundary of the anaerobic zone. In the absence of oxygen,
tion are soluble in their reduced valence states and it is likely that sorption mechanisms dominate in importance
are abundant (Figure 3.13). Because they are also to at least initially impart this control. Ferrous iron is also
ubiquitous, they are primary rungs in the ladder susceptible to sorption but can also oxidize via reaction with
of alternate electron acceptors used by microbes certain soil minerals (such as manganese dioxides), creating
for respiration in anaerobic environments. This additional ferric iron minerals. Similarly, arsenic transport is
makes them significant in terms of the potential likely limited by partitioning to both naturally occurring and
for mobilization, with elevated dissolved iron and freshly precipitated ferric iron minerals, and there is evidence
manganese typical in engineered anaerobic reac- that it can also react with manganese dioxides in a similar
tive zones. manner to ferrous iron. Divalent manganese is comparatively
• Arsenic is a metalloid that is soluble in all of its more mobile than both arsenic and iron owing to the fact that
valence states unless (typically) it is adsorbed to or the reactions mentioned earlier will contribute to its solubility
incorporated with other minerals (most often those at the edge of the anaerobic reactive zone, it is less susceptible
of iron). Although it is not abundant in the earth’s to sorption, and it requires more strongly aerobic conditions to
crust as shown on Figure 3.13, arsenic is ubiquitous reoxidize and precipitate.76
in small amounts and can be liberated by direct One final but important concept is that the cycling of nat-
reduction, complexation with reactive sulfide, or urally occurring metals can also enhance remediation, for
reductive dissolution of the iron minerals with which example, through the formation of reduced iron minerals such
it is typically associated.75 as iron sulfide and magnetite that can react with target con-
taminants. There is a significant body of literature specifically
Available dissolved electron acceptors, hydrogeologic hetero- on the abiotic degradation of chlorinated solvents through
geneities, and the complexities of solid phase–aqueous phase contact with such reactive minerals (i.e., numerous works
interactions prevent rapid depletion of metals in the aquifer by Lee and Batchelor and Butler and Hayes), but the same
matrix following creation of anaerobic groundwater environ- minerals are also reactive toward redox-sensitive elements
ments. Instead, this process occurs very slowly over time, as such as hexavalent chromium.77 As it relates to chlorinated
100 Remediation Engineering

40,000 800
Depletion of redox-sensitive
35,000 700 elements via reductive

Iron (mg/L) and arsenic (μg/L)

dissolution is very slow due to
30,000 600
Competing electron
Manganese (μg/L) acceptors
25,000 500
20,000 400
15,000 300 Solid phase–aqueous phase
10,000 200
Natural solubility control in
5,000 100 solid matrix
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Manganese Time (days)
Iron Monitoring location approximately 40 days
Arsenic groundwater travel time downgradient of injection line

Soil data (Average) GW data (Average)

mg/kg mmol/kg mg/L mmol/L
Iron 4867 87.2 Iron 143 2.6
Manganese 90 1.6 Manganese 14 0.25
Arsenic 6.2 0.08 Arsenic 0.3 0.004

FIGURE 3.14  Dissolved metals data from a long-term engineered anaerobic in situ reactive zone.

Anaerobic reactive zone

Arsenic (μg/L) and iron (mg/L)

800 30
700 25

Manganese (mg/L)
600 Arsenic
500 Iron 20
400 Manganese 15
300 10
100 5
0 0
–100 0 100 200 300 400 500
Distance (ft)

Upgradient Location Downgradient

of injection
Conditions after 4.5 years of operation (1640 days)

FIGURE 3.15  Dissolved metals data through an engineered anaerobic in situ reactive zone.

solvents, this avenue of enhanced contaminant degradation Most of the dissolved metabolic by-products are a reflec-
has been coined biogeochemical reductive dechlorination tion of intense fermentation that indicates too rich a loading
or “BiRD” by the Air Force Center for Engineering and the of an organic substrate. These by-products are highly degrad-
Environment.78 able themselves so are typically transient in nature and do
not persist once organic carbon levels are moderated. The  Microbial Metabolic By-Products uncontrolled formation and evolution of microbially gener-
These are primarily associated with the fermentation of organic ated gases like methane can run the risk of creating signifi-
substrates (i.e., oils, carbohydrates, and proteins) and include cant porosity reduction challenges as discussed earlier in this
dissolved gases (methane, hydrogen sulfide), volatile fatty chapter and can even pose safety issues if not monitored and
acids, ketones (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone), alcohols, and aro- managed appropriately.
matic compounds (phenol). The mechanisms and quantitative
considerations associated with these are covered in wastewater  Nonmetal Inorganic Reaction By-Products
guidance and the general biogeochemistry literature, which are This includes reactions such as the conversion of naturally
not often familiar to many remediation practitioners but have occurring bromide to bromate by reaction with ozone80
been cited in some in situ remediation texts.56,79 or the conversion of nitrate to ammonia by reaction with
Principles of Integrated Design 101

zerovalent  iron.81 These by-products can be of significance in their intended mode of deployment or affect contaminant
from a toxicity and persistence perspective but can also be concentrations that are the target of monitoring through leach-
avoided or minimized in a careful design. ing, sorbing, or other interactions.
The materials that most remediation systems are con- Degradation Intermediates of structed from typically fall into the following two categories:
Organic Contaminants
This includes transformation intermediates that are typically 1. Plastics
monitored and targeted themselves for treatment such as would a. Thermoplastics, which include compounds such
be encountered with reductive dechlorination of chlorinated as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene, and
solvents. Also included are intermediates that are not typically acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
monitored, such as partial oxidation products that can include b. Fluoropolymers, which include tetrafluoroethyl-
aldehydes, carboxylic acids, or other chlorinated compounds ene, fluorinated ethylene propylene, and polyvi-
that can form during chlorinated solvent oxidation.82 nylidene fluoride
Some of these by-products can be anticipated and dis- c. Fiberglass-reinforced materials, which include
cretely monitored; in other cases, they cannot be discretely fiberglass-reinforced epoxy and fiberglass-rein-
monitored and only show up in bulk parameters. A good forced plastic
example is using total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) analysis 2. Metals
to confirm the complete mineralization of petroleum-related a. Most typically carbon steel, stainless steel, and
targets. This is particularly important as our ability to moni- aluminum
tor and quantify discrete compounds does not typically cover The following sections contemplate high-level consider-
the full spectrum of possible by-products, which for some ations related to the compatibility of these materials for use
contaminant types can number in the thousands. This is in environmental applications, but practitioners should always
extremely relevant for emerging contaminants such as poly- ­discuss/confirm material compatibility with the manufactur-
and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which include many ers they are working with.
thousands of organic fluorine compounds that can transform
in the environment. This is driving the development of meth- Plastics
ods to quantify total organic fluorine (similar to TPH analysis Plastics are nonconductive and therefore generally immune
for petroleum hydrocarbons) to provide insight on the pres- to corrosion/electrochemical attack. They are not, however,
ence of a much more comprehensive range of PFAS. immune to decomposition (polymer molecule destruction,
typically through oxidation, hydrolysis, photodegradation,  Implications for Design etc.) or solvation (polymer dissolution, which typically causes
Consideration of the degree to which the categories of SWQI transient swelling and weight gain).83,84 These types of inter-
mentioned earlier may be relevant to a particular remedial actions can compromise the strength of the polymer resulting
strategy for groundwater is an important part of the design in various modes of failure, including stress cracking.
process—they can have a major effect on the ultimate suc- Chemical compatibility of plastics used in environmen-
cess of a remedy relative to both its physical performance and tal applications has been the subject of a variety of studies
its completeness. The collateral impact of solid and chemical over the years, including the special report series sponsored
interactions is gaining more attention in the scientific, regula- by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the mid-1990s.85–87
tory, and consulting communities that form the backbone of the The first part of this study evaluated the behavior of a num-
environmental site restoration industry and will likely become ber of plastics in each of the subcategories identified earlier
a more standard focus of associated monitoring programs. when exposed to individual organic compounds, acidic condi-
tions, and alkaline conditions. Additional follow-up work was  Material Compatibility done to evaluate the performance of PVC when exposed to
The basic strength profiles of most materials (what pressures mixtures of chemicals. This work showed fluoropolymers to
and temperatures they can be exposed to without compromis- be the most inert relative to the chemicals tested, with ABS
ing their structural integrity) are well understood, but those can the most readily degraded. It also showed that despite how a
change when compounded with other factors such as corrosion polymer performs in contact with a single organic chemical,
(electrochemical attack), decomposition (chemical attack), and results can be much different when you combine them. As
solvation (dissolution). Consequently, where a remediation sys- it related to PVC, they concluded that softening of the PVC
tem will either be recovering or delivering chemicals, the effect does not appear to occur in any solutions where the sum of the
of those chemicals and the physical setting (pressure, tempera- individual relative solubilities is less than 0.1 (where relative
ture, etc.) on the materials the system is constructed of must be solubility equals the concentration of a compound in solution
evaluated to ensure they are compatible. divided by its solubility).
With this in mind, the definition of “compatibility” for Another piece of work was also published by the USEPA
this discussion involves the situation where the chemicals and around the same time88 as the work by the U.S. Army Corps of
conditions that the system materials are exposed to will not Engineers, which tabulated a more comprehensive summary
unacceptably impair the structural integrity of those materials of chemical compatibility and commented on interference
102 Remediation Engineering

that various materials might have on the accuracy of water don’t replicate field conditions (e.g., where a material might
quality measurement, given that polymers can both leach and be subjected to physical stresses such as aggressive scrubbing/
sorb certain compounds depending on their composition.84 cleaning that are not examined in a laboratory setting).
This is something that is mainly relevant where monitoring As a result, designers need to consider what the ratings in
involves low contaminant concentrations, the monitoring of any given compatibility chart reflect (study conditions and
which is increasingly accurate due to the continually improv- outcomes), and how outcomes might differ in a field appli-
ing resolution of commercial analytical capability. In general, cation from what was reported by a laboratory study. For
rigid plastics were found to be most inert, with more inter- example, applications that involve elevated temperatures will
ference coming from flexible plastics (both sorption of target reduce the resistance of plastics to chemical attack by driving
contaminants and leaching of plasticizers). reactions and can cause failure where it might not otherwise
be predicted by lower-temperature laboratory study results. Metals The same is true for combinations of chemicals. A best prac-
By comparison to plastics, metals are very stable in presence of tice in this area is to get the most up-to-date information from
most organic solvents. They are, however, susceptible to corro- manufacturers and couple that with the practical experience
sion and other forms of electrochemical attack. Most compat- of those that have used a certain material in situations that
ibility charts rate the performance of metals in terms of mils of combine various factors.
penetration per year (units of one thousandth of one inch per
year), reflecting the potential impact of these reactions. 3.4.4 Environmental Considerations
An example is the fact that metals are highly incompatible
with acids and bases (or compounds that decompose to form In any remediation design, there are peripheral environmental
acids or bases). Under these conditions, the metals will react rap- factors that need to be considered and plans included to man-
idly with the corresponding acid or base, generating a significant age and mitigate the ones that are relevant, so that the proposed
amount of heat and decomposing to produce salts and hydrogen remediation activities will not affect the environment or nearby
gas. This rapidly erodes the metal, impacting not only its struc- receptors. These factors include things such as the following:90
tural integrity but creating a potentially unsafe situation. • Volatile emissions and odors: Volatile substances
The natural corrosion of a metal is typically a slow process can cause varying types and degrees of environ-
that converts the metal from refined elemental form to a more mental impact, such as explosive conditions, unac-
stable oxide or hydroxide. This type of reaction is typically ceptable health risks (either acute or chronic), and
encouraged when any of the following conditions exist88: objectionable odors. All of these must be considered
• pH < 7 in remedy design. The creation of odors can cause
• DO > 2 ppm worker and community concern due to perception,
• H2S > 1 ppm regardless of actual health risk.
• CO2 > 50 ppm • Dust/particulate emissions: Dust and the chemi-
• Cl > 5000 ppm cals within it can have potential health and environ-
mental impacts if generated at unacceptable levels.
Several of these parameters reflect extreme conditions relative Meteorological conditions (e.g., wind) or human
to most natural waters, with the first two simply indicating activities (e.g., traffic, earthmoving) can generate
that more acidic and highly oxygenated environments support dust that can impact site workers and migrate off-site
corrosion. to affect surrounding community members.
With respect to the impact that metallic components may • Noise: Noise from earthmoving, compaction activi-
have on the accuracy of water quality measurement, they can ties, pumps, blowers, machinery, sirens, and vehicles
leach low concentrations of their component elements (e.g., can be a risk to worker hearing and a nuisance for
iron, nickel, and chromium from stainless steel)89 and can also neighboring community members. Failure to ade-
adsorb elements of interest. Carbon steel casing can potentially quately address noise issues associated with reme-
react with target contaminants to reduce them (in the case of diation activities may also have legal implications
dissolved metals) or reductively destroy them (in the case of depending on local rules and regulations.
certain organics)—the same interactions relevant to a zerova- • Vibration and subsidence: Vibration from con-
lent iron barrier. As indicated in the discussion related to plas- struction equipment operation and subsidence from
tics, these interactions are mainly relevant where monitoring groundwater extraction can cause damage to nearby
involves low contaminant concentrations, the monitoring of structures (e.g., buildings, buried utilities, surface
which is increasingly accurate due to the continually improv- paving) and/or cause a nuisance to those nearby.
ing resolution of commercial analytical capability. • Traffic: In addition to being a source or dust, vola-
tile emissions, noise, and vibrations, traffic can pose  Implications for Design  It is important to a serious safety risk to the communities that it is
keep in mind that most of our knowledge in the area of chem- routed through, increasing the risk of vehicular and
ical compatibility of materials comes from manufacturer pedestrian accidents, as well as wear and damage to
information and other reports based on laboratory studies that road infrastructure.
Principles of Integrated Design 103

• Security: Necessary measures should be considered 6. Ertas, A. and J.C. Jones. 1996. The Engineering Design
to protect unauthorized individuals from potential Process. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
risks related to remediation systems. This could 7. Kroll, E., S.S. Condoor, and D.G. Jansson. 2001. Innovative
Conceptual Design: Theory and Application of Parameter
involve protection from excavations, equipment, Analysis. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
contaminated media, or chemicals. The safety haz- 8. Stamatis, D.H. 2003. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis:
ards associated with remediation systems can prove FMEA from Theory to Execution. American Society for
catastrophic if not properly managed. Quality, Quality Press, Milwaukee, WI.
• Surface water protection: Runoff water from rainfall 9. Malin, N. November 2004. Integrated design. Environmental
and natural site drainage may carry with it leachate Building News. 13(11).
10. Lovins, A., M. Bendewald, M. Kinsley, L. Bony, H.
or suspended solids containing chemical substances.
Hutchinson, A. Pradhan, I. Sheikh, and Z. Acher. 2010. Factor
Management of runoff and containment of chemi- ten engineering design principles. Document ID: X10-10.
cals used during remediation activities is an impor- Report or White Paper. RMI, Basalt, CO.
tant part of protecting the health of our waterways 11. Hawken, P., A.B. Lovins, and L.H. Lovins. 1999. Natural
and preventing the spread of pollution. Capitalism—The Next Industrial Revolution. Earthscan,
Washington, DC.
In some cases, these factors are addressed by the permitting 12. National Research Council of the National Academies. 2005.
process. In others, they are up to the designer. Good design Superfund and Mining Megasites: Lessons from the Coeur
practices will take these into consideration to appropriately D’Alene River Basin. National Academies Press, Washington DC.
13. OSHA. 2002. Job Hazard Analysis. OSHA, Washington DC,
limit their impact on the area and inhabitants/occupants sur- Publication No. 3071.
rounding the project site. 14. Manner, K.J. 2015. Engineering design projects. Mechanical
In addition but connected to this same area of focus, there Engineering 349 course materials. University of Wisconsin,
has been a growing movement to improve the social and envi- Madison, WI.
ronmental impacts of energy and resource intensive remedia- 15. U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health
tion designs to maximize their overall benefit. This has been Administration. 2002. Job Hazard Analysis. OSHA publica-
tion 3071.
coined “Green and Sustainable Remediation” by the ITRC. 91
16. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Some of the areas that these practices focus on are as follows92: Environmental Information. February 2006. Guidance on
Systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives Process.
• Energy (demand optimization, renewable sources, etc.) EPA publication EPA/240/B-06/001. Washington, DC.
• Air and atmosphere (equipment operation optimiza- 17. Brown, J.R. and Fehige, Y., Thought experiments, The Stanford
tion, low-emission fuels, and other controls) Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2011 Edition), E.N. Zalta
• Water (demand optimization, reuse options) (ed.). Metaphysics Research Lab Center for the Study of
• Land and ecosystems (sedimentation management, Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford University,
protection of biodiversity, etc.) Stanford, CA.
18. Payne, F.C., J.A. Quinnan, and S.T. Potter. March 27, 2008.
• Materials and waste (salvage, reuse, recycling) Remediation Hydraulics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
19. Luthy, R.G., A. Ramaswami, S. Goshal, and W. Merkel. 1993.
The USEPA has generated a whole collection of related web- Interfacial films in coal-tar nonaqueous-phase liquid-water sys-
accessible best management practices for designers to refer tems. Environmental Science and Technology. 27, 2914–2918.
to,92 in support of minimizing the overall footprint of site 20. MacKinnon, L.K. and N.R. Thompson. 2002. Laboratory scale
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tainability, subsequently reflected in the citizenship goals of manganate. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 56, 49–74.
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4 Remediation Hydrogeology

4.1 INTRODUCTION high-density soil and groundwater sampling with hydrostrati-

graphic interpretations and permeability mapping in three
Remediation hydrogeology, the application of hydrogeology dimensions. By correlating high-resolution concentration data
to remediation engineering, is a relatively recent field, having with hydrostratigraphy and permeability data, it is possible to
only emerged in the last few decades. As with any emerging map and distinguish contaminant mass transport zones from
scientific field, major shifts in thinking have occurred over mass storage zones. This approach enables real-time classifi-
the course of its young history. Early concepts in remediation cation of the scales of variability that control mass transport
hydrogeology were based on ideas from more mature fields in the source and distal segments of groundwater plumes.
of hydrogeologic study, like development of water resources Finally, conceptual site models (CSMs) are built to rep-
and aquifer storage. Challenges in the fields of groundwater resent the geologic, hydrogeologic, mass distribution, and
remediation and water supply both dealt with understanding transport conditions at the site and serve as a framework for
where and how groundwater flows in an aquifer. Landmark making remediation decisions. The idea of a “living” CSM
environmental cases like the Love Canal and Woburn, MA, is also experiencing a renaissance, with practitioners recog-
sites increased the public awareness of contaminated site nizing the importance of continually testing and revising the
cleanup, leading to increased application of remediation CSM based on updated information from investigations as
hydrogeology. However, as the science entered the 1990s well as performance-based data from the site. Application of
and 2000s, it became clear that very few sites were clean- 3D visualization software for CSMs is transforming our abil-
ing up as quickly as had been predicted. Practitioners reex- ity to view and evaluate site data and resulting in more effec-
amined remediation hydrogeology and found out the reason: tive and efficient remedies.
small-scale variations in geology and permeability control With the shifts in thinking about groundwater flow and
contaminant transport, but the fundamental groundwater
­ contaminant transport, new strategies for site characterization
flow concepts were developed from water supply engineer- and interactive, digital CSMs, it is truly an exciting time to be
ing, which relies on large-scale averages rather than small- a remediation hydrogeologist!
scale variations (Figure 4.1). Remediation hydrogeology
began to take a new shape, based on mass flux, the impor-
tance of local-scale heterogeneities (variations) in geology as 4.2 FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS
expressed in contaminant storage and contaminant transport IN HYDROGEOLOGY
zones, and the significance of diffusion rather than disper-
sion and transient rather than steady-state observations. The primary goals of the remediation hydrogeologist are to
One of the key shifts in the field was from approaches determine where groundwater is flowing and the behavior of
based on concentration (mass per unit volume) to those based contaminants present in the groundwater. Therefore, the two
on mass flux (mass per unit area per time), as a flux perspec- most important concepts relevant to the discussion of remedi-
tive provides a measure of relative strength of individual ation hydrogeology are groundwater flow (Section 4.2.1) and
sources, which enables one to rank and prioritize remedies contaminant transport (Section 4.2.2).
accordingly. Mass flux is useful because it describes whether
a source is concentrated or diffuse; mass flux allows further 4.2.1  Groundwater Flow
refinement in prioritization efforts and development of appro-
priate strategies to target and effectively mitigate it. Transport Before we can understand the fate and behavior of contami-
behavior and the most effective cleanup options are differ- nants present in groundwater, we must first understand the
ent along the length of a plume, because the plume matura- manner in which groundwater flows through the subsurface
tion process leads to different levels of contaminant mass in and review a number of fundamental concepts of hydrogeol-
transport zones and storage zones. Therefore, the flux-based ogy, including aquifers, porosity, heterogeneity, and hydraulic
approach focuses remedies on the “mass that matters,” maxi- conductivity. The following text provides an introduction to
mizing treatment efficiencies and minimizing total life-cycle the major concepts of groundwater flow; the reader is encour-
cost. It is important, then, to change our approach to site char- aged to seek out one of the many textbooks on hydrogeology
acterization, focusing on tools and methods that enable the for additional material.1,2
identification of mass flux.
A new approach to site characterization is needed to  Aquifers and Their Characteristics
match our new understanding of remediation hydrogeology. An aquifer is a geologic unit that has the ability to store,
We call this new approach “Smart Characterization” Smart transmit, and yield groundwater at rates sufficient for a speci-
Character­ ization methods integrate dynamic, real-time, fied need. For example, the well-known Ogallala aquifer, also

108 Remediation Engineering

(e.g., permeability, porosity, geochemistry) can separate aquifer zones and represent important barri-
ers to flow; in these settings, an aquitard may be referred to
Observable aquifer characteristic

Representative elementary volume (REV) as a confining layer. As discussed in subsequent sections,

aquitards and low-permeability material may allow signif-
icant contaminant storage through diffusion of mass and
Average value act as a long-term secondary source continuing to impact
groundwater quality even after primary sources have been
Classical Darcian hydrogeology
An aquifer that is not overlain by an aquitard or low-
Remediation permeability materials and is recharged by downward
hydraulics infiltration through the overlying unsaturated materials or
vadose zone is referred to as an “unconfined aquifer” or
Scale of observation
“water-table aquifer” (Figure 4.2). Conversely, an aquifer
that is overlain by an aquitard and is primarily recharged
FIGURE 4.1  Representative volumes for water scale engineer- from outcrops or other distal recharges zones is a “confined
ing and remediation hydrogeology. (From Payne, F.C. et al., Reme­
aquifer” (Figure 4.2).
diation Hydraulics, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2008.)
The total porosity (θt) of a geologic material is the volume
of void space relative to the material volume and is the space
known as the High Plains aquifer, is generally composed of where groundwater occurs in an aquifer. The total porosity
highly permeable coarse-grained sediment and is one of the of unconsolidated materials can range from 20% to 30% or
world’s largest aquifers, supplying about 30% of the ground- more, while the total porosity of bedrock aquifers is much
water used for irrigation in the United States and drinking lower.
water to about 80% of the more than two million people who In most aquifer systems, the vast majority of ground-
live within its boundaries.3,4 While this typical definition of water flow occurs in only the most permeable zones and
an aquifer is based on a large-scale water supply perspective, therefore only in a fraction of the total porosity. This allows
thin transmissive zones can be significant for contaminant us to separate the subsurface into zones responsible for
transport, demonstrating the importance of scale in the dif- groundwater flow and contaminant transport, dominated by
ference between water supply hydrogeology and remediation advection–transport zones, from zones responsible for con-
hydrogeology. An aquifer may consist of loose or uncon- taminant storage or storage zones. The component of the
solidated sediment such as an alluvial aquifer or may be a aquifer porosity where the majority of the groundwater flow
consolidated or fractured material such as sandstone or lime- is occurring is referred to as the “mobile” or “migratory
stone bedrock. porosity” (θ m), while the porosity in low-permeability zones
An aquitard is a layer or zone with relatively low perme- where flow is very low is termed “immobile” or “storage
ability and therefore cannot support a significant amount porosity” (θim) (note that θ m + θim = θ t). Figure 4.3 is a fre-
groundwater flow or yield (Figure 4.2). Depending on quency distribution of measured mobile porosity (θ m) values
their continuity and geometry, low-permeability materials for alluvial aquifers determined from tracer tests completed

Piezometric surface
(in confined aquifer)

Well in
confined aquifer

Water table well

(in unconfined aquifer)


Confined aquifer
Aquitard (low permeability)
Top of the
confined aqifer

Aquitard (low permeability)

FIGURE 4.2  Illustration of the basic hydrogeologic terms.

Remediation Hydrogeology 109

25 The aquifer permeability, or more precisely hydraulic

conductivity, quantifies the resistance to groundwater flow
20 through the aquifer and is expressed in units of L/T. The
hydraulic conductivity of earth materials varies dramati-
Frequency (%)

cally; well-sorted (i.e., uniform grain size distribution) sands
and gravels may exhibit values exceeding 10  cm/s, while
fined–grained silts and clays exhibit values orders of magni-
5 tude lower (see Figure 4.4). This dramatic range in hydraulic
conductivity is a root cause for the complexities in contami-
0 nant migration and plume characteristics and the significant

Greater than 0.30

challenge to fully remediating all areas of a site to low drink-
Less than 0.03









ing water quality standards.
As water enters an aquifer through recharge, the total
hydraulic head or simply head, which is the sum of the eleva-
tion head and the pressure head, of the groundwater increases.
Measured mobile porosity, θm The hydraulic gradient (i) is therefore defined as the change in
head per unit of length along a specific flow path direction and
FIGURE 4.3  Frequency distribution of measured mobile represents a vector quantity. The hydraulic gradient represents
porosity (θ m) values for alluvial aquifer types determined from the driving force for groundwater flow as groundwater flows
tracer tests completed at 73 different sites across the United
from higher head toward decreasing head.
States. (From Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed.,
34(3), 33, 2014.)
Darcy’s Law, which acknowledges the French civil engi-
neer Henry Darcy’s pioneering work in the 1850s, quanti-
fies the relationship between the groundwater flux (q), K,
at 73 different sites across the United States. The median and i as
value of these data is 10%; a large percentage of values are
less than 5% and only a small fraction of the values are
greater than 20%. q = Ki (4.1)

Igneous and metamorphic rocks

Unfractured Fractured

Unfractured Fractured Lava flow

Fractured Semiconsolidated

Unfractured Fractured

Carbonate rocks
Fractured Cavernous
Clay Silt, loess

Silty sand

Clean sand
Fine Coarse

Glacial till Gravel

10–11 10–10 10–9 10–8 10–7 10–6 10–5 10–4 10–3 10–2 10–1 100 101 102

FIGURE 4.4  Hydraulic conductivities of selected rocks and earth materials. (Modified from Heath, R.C., Basic ground-water hydrology,
U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2220, 86pp., 1983.)
110 Remediation Engineering

The volumetric groundwater flow is obtained by multiply- accumulate in the middle. While fluvial and lacustrine depos-
ing by the aquifer thickness (b) and width perpendicular to its resulted from running water, desert/eolian environments
flow (w): have been created through wind. The two major types of eolian
deposits are well-sorted sand and windblown silt, called loess.
Q = Kibw (4.2) Glacial deposits may be the most complex environment, as
deposits resulting from the glacier can mix with components of
For some applications, the term transmissivity (T) is used and the other depositional environments (lakes, rivers, and eolian).
is equal to the product of the hydraulic conductivity and the The power of an active glacier is tremendous, and as such sedi-
aquifer thickness (T = Kb) and has units of L2/T. Although ments can range from clay sized all the way up to boulders. In a
q has the units of L/T, it represents the groundwater flux or simple sense, glacial deposits can be classified based on whether
specific discharge, which is the volumetric flow per unit area; they resulted from direct contact with the ice or they resulted
the average linear groundwater flow velocity (n) or advective from forces outside the glacier. One common ice-contact deposit
velocity is equal to: is till, a poorly sorted mixture of clay, silt, sand, and coarser
material created by the force of the advancing glacier. Running
n= (4.3) water coming off of the glacier (meltwater) results in more well-
qm sorted deposits, including the common deposits of glacial out-
wash plains with features similar to those of braided rivers. Aquifer Building Processes, Obviously, each depositional environment can lead to a dis-
Heterogeneity, and Anisotropy tinctive style of heterogeneity, anisotropy, and range in perme-
In a simple system, groundwater (and contaminants transported abilities. This complexity can be managed by the remediation
with the groundwater) will follow the direction of the maximum hydrogeologist by linking the scales the depositional processes
hydraulic gradient. However, it is critically important to recog- operate at with the reflection of the processes in the subsurface.
nize that all aquifers are built by geologic processes and that The scales of the depositional processes can be divided into
these geologic processes impart a complex structure that con- the mesoscale, the macroscale, and the microscale. Mesoscale
trols groundwater flow at a range of scales. The aquifer build- processes operate at the regional or basin scale and are rep-
ing processes create both the spatial variability or heterogeneity resented in the subsurface by regional aquifers and aquita-
and directional dependence or anisotropy of aquifer properties. rds. Macroscale processes operate at the site scale and are
Different geologic depositional environments will have differ- represented in the subsurface by storage and transport zones.
ent styles of heterogeneity and anisotropy and different ranges Microscale processes operate at the particle scale and are rep-
in permeability. Adding to the complexity, multiple, overlap- resented in the subsurface by mobile and immobile porosity.
ping depositional environments may be present at a single site. The ability to link processes in the depositional environment to
It is outside of the scope of this chapter to provide guidance on the resulting features in the subsurface that control groundwa-
all depositional environments, as entire textbooks have been ter flow is powerful and demonstrates the critical importance
published on single depositional environments (7provides an of the geologist on project teams. The photographs in Figure
excellent overview of multiple environments). To illustrate the 4.5a and b highlight the heterogeneity, anisotropy, and struc-
complexity of these processes, consider how depositional pro- ture imparted on alluvial aquifers as a result of the deposition
cesses in a few of the different commonly encountered geologic and aquifer building processes at two dramatically different
environments lead to different styles of heterogeneity, anisot- scales. The permeability structure imparted from depositional
ropy, and permeability ranges. Braided and meandering are two processes occurs at a range of scales—Figure 4.5a illustrates
common river, or fluvial, depositional environments, and each the large-scale heterogeneity created by a braided stream
has a distinctive set of soil types and resulting permeabilities. deposit in Siberia, while Figure 4.5b shows a similar pattern of
Braided rivers consist of multiple overlapping channels, which heterogeneity but at a much smaller scale.
deposit mainly gravel and sand, while meandering rivers are There are dramatic differences in depositional processes and
largely confined to a single channel and deposit relatively finer the nature of storage and transport zones between different depo-
sediments. Both braided and meandering systems therefore pos- sitional environments. A meandering stream will have transport
sess strong anisotropy based on the direction of the fluid move- zones in the higher permeability sands and gravels in the channel
ment. Meandering rivers can be further subdivided by different and point bar deposits and storage zones in the low-permeability
depositional processes, each with its own distinctive character- silts and clays on the floodplain, while an eolian environment
istics: channel deposits, dominated by coarse, gravelly deposits, will have transport zones in the windblown sand and storage
point bars with fining upward sequences commonly seen, and zones in the loess deposits. Dramatic differences in permeabil-
overbank deposits with fine sands, silts, and muds on the flood- ity are present within single depositional environments—a gla-
plain. The heterogeneity of these fluvial deposits is compounded cial environment must be ­evaluated to determine what glacial
by the fact that they are continually reworked by the stream as process were active in the area to understand if the anticipated
it meanders back and forth across the floodplain, eroding, and sediments are likely to be poorly sorted, low-permeability tills or
redepositing portions of the sediments. Lake or lacustrine depos- higher-permeability outwash sand and gravels.
its may have a large range in grain sizes, as gravels and sands Aquifers comprising rock or consolidated materials rep-
accumulate at the edges of a lake and finer-grained sediments resent a special class of groundwater flow complexity and
Remediation Hydrogeology 111



FIGURE 4.5  (a) Aerial photograph of a braided stream in Siberia, highlighting the aquifer building process and the large-scale structure
that can result. (b) Aerial photograph of a stream deposit in California, showing the smaller scale structure that results from the aquifer
building process. Pebble in upper right of photo is approximately 2 inches long. (Photo courtesy of Dan Rogers.)

include some of the most problematic and challenging sites or extension, and uplifting or cooling/shrinking in the case of
to remediate, because they often are characterized by extreme lava flows. Fractures can align with planes of weakness that
spatial heterogeneity and anisotropy, high groundwater flow occur along the rock fabric as a result of bedding or foliation
velocities, and large storage porosities.8 The terms “bedrock” and often occur in orthogonal sets—one parallel to the pri-
and “rock” refer to the consolidated geologic materials and mary direction of stress and one orthogonal.
formations that occur below the soil or “overburden”; how- Any fracture in rock is potentially a permeable pathway that
ever, many of the concepts also apply in fractured overburden can facilitate fluid flow. Although the ease of fluid flow varies
units, such as some clay and glacial till formations. The term as a function of fracture width or “aperture,” fractures are much
“fracture” refers to any break in bedrock that is still open and more permeable than the unfractured portion of the rock or
not filled with precipitated minerals. Fractures occur due to “matrix” and therefore usually control the flow paths and direc-
brittle deformation of the rock; the forces that cause fractur- tions of contaminant transport (Figure 4.6). Many rock forma-
ing typically result from plate tectonics, regional compression tions contain one or more groups of parallel fractures known as
112 Remediation Engineering

(a) (b)

FIGURE 4.6  Photographs of drill cores collected from a granitic aquifer with limited fracturing and essentially no matrix porosity (a)
and a highly fractured sandstone aquifer with relatively high matrix porosity (b). (Courtesy of Tom Vespalac and Craig Divine (Arcadis).)

Flowing fracture
Solute flow direction

(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 4.7  Flow complexity at fracture intersections. (a) Diverging flow (dispersion), (b) converging flow (flow focusing), and (c) flow
redirection. (Courtesy of Craig Divine (Arcadis).)

“fracture sets”; multiple crosscutting fracture sets are also com- in unconsolidated porous media and are often in the range of
mon. Although individual fractures may have limited length, the tens to hundreds of feet per day. Groundwater flow pathways in
combination of intersecting fractures and fracture sets produces a fractured bedrock are particularly complex and are controlled
composite “fracture network” that behaves as an interconnected by the orientation, spacing, aperture and interconnectedness of
flow system. Because plumes will orient themselves with the fractures and fracture sets, and the direction of the hydraulic
regional fracture network, it is critical to understand the geologic gradient (Figure 4.7). These factors highlight the importance
history, structure, and stresses that created the fracture network. of characterizing fractures and fracture sets on a site-specific
The various bedrock types each exhibit common types basis, where solute transport analysis is required.
of fracture patterns. For example, sedimentary rocks, which
are formed by the deposition and subsequent cementation of
4.2.2 Contaminant Transport Processes
sedimentary materials, form in horizontal stratigraphic layers
(“beds”) during the deposition of sediments or precipitation of The study of the behavior and transport of contaminants in
saturated minerals from solutions. The contacts between beds water separates remediation hydrogeology from classical
are often planes of weakness, and sedimentary rocks commonly water supply hydrogeology. Contaminants can be introduced
have bedding plane fractures parallel to the layers; however, they into the environment as either “point” sources or “nonpoint”
also often have crosscutting fractures that form at a high angle sources. Nonpoint sources are sources distributed over a large
to the beds. Metamorphic rocks, which result when existing spatial area, like agricultural fertilizers or urban runoff. Point
rock is subjected to extreme heat and pressure, also commonly sources refer to contaminants originating at a specific loca-
have a planar fabric known as “foliation” due to the alignment of tion. Point sources could range from a simple spill of a con-
mineral crystals. Metamorphic rocks with obvious foliation may taminant at the ground surface that works its way down to
fracture preferentially parallel to the planar fabric; however, they the water table to more complex sources that may introduce
also often have crosscutting fractures that form at a high angle contaminants at depth, including leaking underground stor-
to the foliation. Igneous rocks, such as basalt and granite, are age tanks, hazardous waste disposal (e.g., buried waste-filled
formed by the cooling and solidification of molten rock material. drums), septic systems, and leaking landfill liners.
These rock types may exhibit fracture patterns that are parallel Once contaminants are introduced to the groundwater,
to the surface of the rock or they may have fractures that are they are transported by one of the following three processes:
oriented in a variety of directions depending on regional stresses
and granular composition. 1.
Advection: Transport with the bulk fluid movement
Fracture hydraulic conductivities are generally much 2.
Dispersion: Transport resulting from different
higher than those of porous media. Consequently, groundwa- groundwater velocities and pathways in the aquifer
ter velocities in fractured rock are generally much higher than 3.
Diffusion: Transport based on concentration gradients
Remediation Hydrogeology 113

For years, the advection–dispersion model of contaminant trans- C100

Normalized concentration
port has been used, which states that contaminants generally travel A
with the advective groundwater but “spread” based on velocity
differences. This “spreading” would be seen in tracer data as a
smooth, Gaussian-shaped breakthrough curves. However, this
ideal behavior was not observed in real-world tracer tests. Instead, B
tracer test data show nonsymmetrical breakthrough curves with
long tails following breakthrough, which is caused by diffusion, Time
indicating that contaminant transport should be thought of as
advection–diffusion rather than advection–dispersion. FIGURE 4.8  Conceptual contaminant arrival (breakthrough) and
cleanup (elution) characteristics at a point located down gradient Advection from a source area and remediation system. (Courtesy of Craig
As groundwater flows across a site, contaminants travel Divine (Arcadis).)
with the bulk fluid movement in a process called advection.
Conceptually, advection is analogous to leaves floating down a Historically, hydrodynamic dispersion (i.e., variations in
stream or fine dust blowing in the wind. If all other transport advective velocities) was believed to be the primary mecha-
phenomena are relatively insignificant, the average rate of solute nism behind the observed smooth nature of contaminant break-
movement equals the average linear groundwater flow velocity through and lateral plume spreading, but recent advances in
(n). It is important to remember that at the local scale, geologic contaminant transport research9 have indicated that diffusion is
heterogeneity and anisotropy cause significant variability in a more significant process than hydrodynamic dispersion. The
the magnitude and direction of the groundwater flow velocity, question of the underlying process driving contaminant transport
and therefore contaminant transport behavior due to advection is not academic: it influences the decisions we make on charac-
is strongly controlled by the local hydrogeologic conditions. As terization and remediation strategies at every site. For example,
such, transport via advection should be reconsidered as hetero- if dispersion was a significant process, then plumes would be
geneous advection, where a spectrum of advective velocities easier to characterize, as one would not need to be concerned
occur, including permeable transport zones with velocities in about “missing” a plume that is traveling in-between monitor-
the range of tens of feet per year, as well as less permeable slow ing wells; in situ, injection-based remedies could take advantage
advection zones, where velocities are in the range of 1–10 ft/ of transverse dispersivity to distribute reagents. Yet observation
year. Due to these high velocities, advection dominates mass has repeatedly shown us pencil-thin plumes frequently missed
transport; however, the transport behavior is strongly influenced by monitoring well networks and that injection reagents must be
by the interaction between advection and diffusion, as discussed distributed laterally during the injection event. Additionally, the
in the following section. Contaminant transport velocity by importance of diffusion leads to another important realization
advection can be estimated by Darcy’s law and other flow and that significant mass can be stored in low-permeability zones,
transport models, but it is most reliably determined by a direct and these storage zones act as long-term sources.
measurement technique such as tracer testing.
4.3 EVOLUTION OF REMEDIATION  Dispersion and Diffusion
Dispersion is a general term that has been used to describe the
tendency for solute plumes to spread and become diluted as they Although the field of remediation hydrogeology is relatively
travel away from a source. For example, contaminant arrival young, dramatic shifts in thought have occurred over its short
or breakthrough at areas downgradient from a release point is history. Remediation hydrogeology emerged in the second half
not “sharp” but instead is usually characterized by a relatively of the twentieth century, with its origins rooted in water supply
gradual and smooth increase over time (Figure  4.8,  “A”). As engineering and with many early remedies based on ground-
contaminant sources are remediated, contaminant cleanup or water extraction and the advection–dispersion theory of con-
elution at downgradient areas is also characterized by a rela- taminant transport. Subsequent advances in our understanding
tively smooth and gradual curve; furthermore, the cleanup of contaminant flow and transport along with poorly perform-
curve often exhibits notable “tailing” (Figure 4.8, “B”). ing groundwater extraction systems led to a refined approach
There are two general mechanisms that cause this spreading called remediation hydraulics. Remediation hydraulics recog-
behavior: hydrodynamic dispersion and diffusion. Hydrodynamic nized that fine-scale permeability changes create contaminant
dispersion is the result of local-scale variations in advective veloc- mass storage zones and mass transport zones and moved to an
ities, whereas diffusion is the process of solute transport due to advection–diffusion model of contaminant transport.
concentration gradients. Hydrodynamic dispersion is commonly
attributed to pore-scale bifurcation of groundwater flow paths 4.3.1 Pre-1950s: The Water Supply Origins
created by geologic heterogeneities and bulk water mixing.9 In
of Hydrogeology
contrast, diffusion is the mass transfer mechanism driven by
concentration gradients and random molecular motion alone. The importance of groundwater to humanity cannot be over-
Diffusion is commonly described by Fick’s laws of diffusion. stated. Groundwater is the most extracted raw material on the
114 Remediation Engineering

planet, and it is estimated that groundwater accounts for more

than 98% of domestic water supplies in the United States.10,11

Concentration in groundwater
Therefore, it is not surprising that the early development of
hydrogeology as an applied science was highly influenced by
questions related to bulk groundwater flow, water yield, and the
hydrologic cycle. Consequently, the most well-established con-
cepts, investigative tools, and quantitative techniques in hydro- Theoretical
removal Removal with
geology are most relevant to water supply problems that involve tailing in reality
time and distance scales that are much greater than typical
site-specific groundwater remediation problems. For example,
some of the most seminal and paradigm-shifting contributions
to hydrogeology and water resources by Józeph Tóth focused on
the controls and characteristics of basin-scale groundwater flow Pore volumes removed
and drainage,12 while the typical remediation project is usually
more than 1000 times smaller than this area. FIGURE 4.9  Theoretical removal curve showing the number of
pore volumes of groundwater that must be pumped to remove the
4.3.2 1950s–1980s: Early Developments
in Remediation Hydrogeology
of the science, as groundwater extraction was applied on large
Prior to the 1970s laws and regulations related to groundwater scale and based on bulk averages of aquifer properties deter-
were focused primarily on water rights and management of water mined through pumping tests and capture zone analysis. The
resources. As industrialization greatly increased after World War appeal of groundwater extraction as a remedial strategy was
II, the use and distribution of refined fuels and synthetic chemicals due to its simplicity: groundwater is physically extracted from
also significantly increased (Figure 2.9). Unfortunately, because the subsurface and treated; system effectiveness can be evalu-
groundwater is unseen and therefore often forgotten (“out of sight, ated by calculating the mass of contaminants removed from
out of mind”), there was a great lack of understanding and apprecia- the subsurface.
tion for the connection between waste management, land use prac- However, as groundwater extraction was being applied
tices, and groundwater quality. For example, it was often assumed more commonly, practitioners began to find weaknesses in the
that liquid wastes discharged to pits or ponds would simply disap- approach. Pump-and-treat systems had been originally proposed
pear through evaporation; furthermore, it was widely believed that as approaches to restore groundwater to concentrations less than
aquifers could effectively filter and treat most chemicals. However, the maximum contaminant level (MCL) in a defined timeframe
in the early and mid-1970s, several situations gained high pub- (often around 20 years), but most pump-and-treat systems would
lic profile where communities (e.g., Niagara Falls, New York; reach the target date for restoration to MCLs with asymptotic
Seymour, Indiana; Woburn, Massachusetts) were greatly impacted contaminant concentration trends indicating MCLs would not
by groundwater contamination caused by the inappropriate storage be reached for decades or longer (see Figure 4.9), with costs
and disposal of industrial chemicals. Ultimately, these situations continuing to increase linearly. This “tailing” phenomenon
and others resulted in the creation of many new waste management had two important results. First, it influenced the economics of
and environmental regulations specifically intended to restore remediation into considering alternate remediation approaches
and protect groundwater. The recognition of the importance and that could achieve target concentrations in a shorter timeframe.
unique challenges of groundwater restoration provided the critical These “forever pump and treats” were designed thinking that
driver for the development of site-scale investigation techniques, they were the lowest cost remedy, but the prospect of decades
solute transport concepts, and remediation technologies. Many of more of extraction and treatment was leading to total costs far
the early developments in remediation hydrogeology were cap- higher than had been originally considered. The second devel-
tured in a number of landmark books,12–14 which were utilized as opment, which perhaps is more important, prompted practitio-
university classroom texts for a generation of hydrogeologists and ners to reexamine the foundations of remediation hydrogeology
quickly became standard resources for practitioners. and led to the developments of remediation hydraulics.

4.3.3 1980s–2000s: The First Generation 4.3.4  2000s–Present: Remediation Hydraulics

of Remediation Hydrogeology
The most recent advances in remediation hydrogeology have
The first generation of applied remediation hydrogeology relied been the ideas of remediation hydraulics, which posits that
primarily on pump and treat as the presumptive remedy— small-scale geologic heterogeneities create contaminant mass
between 1982 and 1992, 73% of the cleanup agreements at storage zones dominated by diffusion and mass transport
Superfund sites specified the use of pump-and-treat technol- zones dominated by heterogeneous advection. The distribu-
ogy to treat contaminated groundwater15,16 (see Chapter 5 for tion of these storage and transport zones can only be mapped
additional discussion of the history and application of pump by integrating the site depositional history using the princi-
and treat). This strategy fit well with the water supply origins ples of hydrostratigraphy. The mass transport in these zones
Remediation Hydrogeology 115

is better represented using mass flux that measures plume 1000

strength by integrating the permeability of the contaminant Wellhead impact
(μg/L): More impact
storage or transport zone rather than by concentration alone, 100
which is only a measure of contaminant mass per unit volume.

Plume mass discharge (g/day)

Furthermore, the model of contaminant transport is reshaped 10 1
based on advection–diffusion instead of advection–dispersion.
The remediation hydraulics concepts make it possible to apply 1
flux-based characterization and remediation strategies that tar-
get the mass that moves—which is the mass that creates risk. 0.1  Heterogeneous Advection and Diffusion

At the most fundamental level, the developments of remediation Less impact
hydraulics require us to revise our conceptual model of contami-
nant transport. The classical approach to transport is based on 1 10 100 1000
advection–dispersion, but we now realize that the contributions Receptor flow rate (gpm)
of dispersion to plume spreading are limited.9 Instead, plume
spreading is a result of either time-dependent spreading (molecu- FIGURE 4.10  Relationship between plume mass discharge and con-
lar diffusion), pore-scale flow-dependent spreading, or spread- centration at a down gradient pumping well or surface water receptor as
a function of receptor flow rate (i.e., supply well or surface water body).
ing due to aquifer heterogeneities. This realization has replaced
The isolines represent exposure point concentrations based on complete
advection–dispersion with advection–diffusion as the mode of
plume capture and complete mixing at the receptor. (From Suthersan,
contaminant transport. The new model of contaminant transport S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 30(1), 36, 2010.)
also led to the classification of aquifer zones as transport zones
dominated by advection and storage zones dominated by diffu-
sion. The transport/storage zone model was a major step forward poorly sorted mixture of silt, clay, sand, and coarser particles,
for remediation hydrogeology but was limited by the classifica- while running water flowing off the glacier will create a well-
tion of all soils as either transport or storage. There is a broad sorted, higher-permeability deposit.
range of permeabilities in the subsurface; the highest permeabil- The other half of the stratigraphic flux approach is to apply
ity zones (sands and gravels) will act as pure transport zones, a mass flux perspective to the site. Mass flux is the product of
and the lowest permeability zones (silts and clays) will act as contaminant concentration and volumetric flow, per unit cross-
pure storage zones. But there are also intermediate permeability sectional area. Multiplying mass flux by the cross-sectional
zones—interbedded sand–silt–clay mixtures—that are currently area of flow results in the total mass discharge or mass loading
lumped and classified as storage zones. We call these “slow rate. Because they integrate both concentration and flow, mass
advection” zones, and they will have both diffusion and advec- flux and mass discharge provide a measure of source strength
tion occurring in them. Notably, while their advection rates are and potential risk to receptors. Figure 4.10 presents an example
far lower than the rates in a pure transport zone, their advection nomograph that demonstrates the utility of mass discharge by
rates are still far higher than the diffusion rate in the zone (het- evaluating the potential contaminant concentration at a pump-
erogeneous advection and slow advection zones are discussed in ing well or a surface water body assuming full plume capture.17
more detail in Chapter 5). As shown on the nomograph, a trichloroethene mass discharge
of 1 g/day might represent a concern for a low-capacity sup-  Stratigraphic Flux ply well because exposure point concentrations could exceed
The transport, slow advection, and storage zones are best 100 µg/L. However, the equivalent contaminant mass discharge
evaluated using an approach we call stratigraphic flux, which to a high-capacity well or high flow surface water body poses
combines the principles of hydrostratigraphy and mass flux. much lower risk because dilution may reduce the exposure point
Hydrostratigraphy is the approach by which we can evaluate the concentration below detection limits.
aquifer permeability distribution by linking it to the aquifer dep- Figure 4.11 demonstrates how geologic heterogeneity cre-
ositional environment. As discussed previously in this chapter, ates in significant spatial variability in mass discharge and how
the geologic processes that deposited soils create heterogene- a relatively small fraction of the aquifer pore space may partici-
ity and anisotropy of the aquifer properties. The hydrostratig- pate in the majority of advective transport.9,17 The left side of
raphy approach accounts for heterogeneity and anisotropy and Figure 4.11 shows a simulated aquifer that is based on a braided
moves beyond the simple layer-cake depictions of geology that river channel environment with a permeability range of 2 orders
are unfortunately all too common in remediation hydrogeology. of magnitude (blue is high, white is low). The right frame shows
Instead, the type of depositional environment is identified and fluid flow density—dark shading reflects flow focusing in high-
the resulting style of heterogeneity, anisotropy, and permeability permeability channels. More than 90% of groundwater flow is
ranges are applied to the interpretation of the aquifer at the site. concentrated in 20% of the aquifer volume, while less than 10%
For example, recall again the differences between the aquifer of the flow occurs in more than 80% of the aquifer.
properties resulting from different depositional processes: a gla- On their own, hydrostratigraphic analysis and mass flux
cial till deposit resulting from the advancing glacier will have a are powerful approaches that advance our understanding of
116 Remediation Engineering

400 ft

300 ft
(a) (b)

FIGURE 4.11  Geologic heterogeneity results in significant spatial variability in mass discharge, and a relatively small fraction of the
aquifer pore space may participate in the majority of advective transport.9,17 (a) The image is a simulated aquifer based on a braided river
depositional environment; blue corresponds to higher permeability and white to lower permeability and the water elevation contours are
shown at 0.5-foot intervals. (b) The image shows the fluid flow density, with the darker shaded portions representing flow focusing in high-
permeability channels. Notably, more than 90% of the groundwater flow occurs in 20% of the area.

the subsurface. By combining the two, we can develop a strati- interpret trends between the boreholes to map the
graphic flux framework that shows how the aquifer depositional aquifer architecture. Downhole geophysical methods
history leads to the distribution of permeability at the site, which can be used to support facies trend analysis and bore-
can be interpreted using a flux-based framework to classify soils hole to borehole interpretations.
as transport, slow advection, and storage zones. The result is a 3D • Quantify concentration and permeability: The next
description of the aquifer architecture that describes the subsur- step is to develop a quantitative distribution of con-
face in terms of transport potential. The advantage of this approach centration and permeability across the aquifer. The
is that it builds on sequence stratigraphy methods and provides contaminant concentrations must be mapped using
insights regarding how permeability distributions within elements tools that provide quantitative data rather than screen-
of the aquifer architecture control contaminant transport, cleanup ing level data and at a resolution that matches the scale
duration, and realistically achievable end points. This process is of the depositional environment heterogeneities iden-
different from the conventional stratigraphy approach in which it tified in the first stage. The continuous relative perme-
uses relative flux to classify the system and provide a quantitative ability mapping that was created in the first stage is
metric to rank and prioritize remediation efforts. now converted to a quantitative representation of per-
The stratigraphic flux approach consists of the following meability by correlating hydrostratigraphic unit trends
elements: with permeability estimates (from grain size analyses,
hydraulic testing, etc.) to a stratigraphic flux mapping
• Depositional framework and stratigraphic logging: that links transport zones, slow advection zones, and
The first step is to develop hydrostratigraphic classi- storage zones with permeability ranges.
fications with knowledge of the depositional environ- • 3D stratigraphic flux model: The final stage is to
ment and use the appropriate characterization tools integrate groundwater contaminant concentrations
for permeability mapping. The permeability mapping and permeability estimates in the transport, slow
tools must be matched to the depositional environ- advection, and storage zones to derive a 3D mapping
ment; as discussed in the next section, there are a of relative flux and aquifer architecture. The model
variety of permeability mapping tools suited for dif- output can be a series of transects, fence diagrams, or
ferent permeability ranges. The relative permeability 3D solids that graphically depict the relative flux and
is then mapped in terms of the mass flux–based inter- enable one to readily understand the geometry and lat-
pretations. This approach provides hydrostratigraphic eral connectivity of the transport zones (Figure 4.12).
units that will enable correlation with permeability The stratigraphic flux model uses a multiple lines of
and enable use of classical stratigraphy methods to evidence approach, integrating available information
Remediation Hydrogeology 117

HPT-01 HPT-14
HPT-02 HPT-13
HPT-03 HPT-11
HPT-04 HPT-10
HPT-05 HPT-06 HPT-09
HPT-07 HPT-08




50 2,175,500

348,900 30 2,176,100

20 2,176,300

348,600 10 2,176,500

348,500 0


FIGURE 4.12  Example output from a 3D stratigraphic flux analysis. Colors represent higher and lower flux zones.

including geochemistry, hydraulic testing, and reme- Flux-Focused Investigation and

diation performance data to enable further refinement Remediation Strategies
of the flux-based model. The stratigraphic flux model A stratigraphic flux perspective leads to the ability to employ
can then be used to refine existing groundwater flow flux-based investigation and remediation strategies. The concep-
and solute transport models or as part of a dynamic tual evolution of plume maturity from a source through trans-
remedy implementation program to optimize soil and port and storage zones illustrated in Figures 4.13 and 4.1417 can
groundwater treatment performance. be used to understand the advantages of a flux-based approach.

ent g ed
n pm din
ec elo lea
s d ev e
me me Plum
plu lu
ring rlyp
atu Ea

contaminant plume

source mass,
placed in the
aquifer at t = 0 Location of
“clean water” traveling
Groundwater transport direction
from source at t = 0

FIGURE 4.13  An expanding plume (pre–mass flux reduction), with advective transport in the higher permeability segments
(mass flux zones), which enables faster transport of the contaminant mass. (Modified from Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit.
Remed., 30(1), 36, 2010.)
118 Remediation Engineering

nt ge
e g ed
ion pm din
t elo ea
s ev el
me me
d m
plu lu Plu
ring rlyp
atu Ea

source mass

Contracting or
Location of
Groundwater transport direction “clean water”
traveling from
source at t = 0

FIGURE 4.14  A contracting plume (post–mass flux reduction), with higher concentrations now present in the low-permeability areas in
the source zone. (Modified from Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 30(1), 36, 2010.)

Figure 4.13 shows an expanding plume at three transects at dif- 4.4  SITE CHARACTERIZATION
ferent distances from the source: the leading edge, early plume
development, and maturing plume, with relative concentration With the advent of remediation hydraulics, it became neces-
shown in a pink to red color scale. As the plume travels from sary to rethink how we investigate sites. Smart Characterization
the source, flow is concentrated in the most permeable aquifer methods are now favored in place of traditional methods, as they
segments, but mass also diffuses into the matrix around these integrate dynamic, real-time, high-density soil, and groundwater
most permeable aquifer segments. This diffusive mass trans- sampling with hydrostratigraphic interpretations and permeabil-
fer retards the plume advancement, which results in a “clean ity mapping in three dimensions.18 By correlating high-resolu-
water” front that travels farther than the fast-moving, concen- tion concentration data with hydrostratigraphy and permeability
trated plume. In Figure 4.14, the same conditions and conven- data, it is possible to map and distinguish contaminant mass
tions are used, but now the contaminant source mass has been transport zones from mass storage zones. This approach enables
removed. Upon source removal, the most permeable aquifer real-time classification of the scales of variability that control
segments near the source clean up first, but the mass that has mass transport in the source and distal segments of ground-
diffused into storage remains as a long-term source. water plumes. This mass flux–based perspective is the founda-
The continuum of maturity along a plume from the source tion of the Smart Characterization approach. When the Smart
to the leading edge may support the application of different Characterization approach is applied in the proper framework, it
characterization and remedy strategies in different portions of a helps to significantly reduce the life-cycle remediation costs and
plume.17 The leading edge of a plume is where dissolved phase provide a return on investigation (ROI).
mass flux mapping is the preferred characterization method and
where pump-and-treat remedies may be applied cost-effectively. 4.4.1 Limitations of Traditional Site
Closer to the source, relatively high concentrations may persist in
Investigation Methods
the mass storage zones even after successful initial remediation
of the mass flux zones. In the source zone, it is difficult to map Traditional site investigation methods rely on a linear process of
mass using the same methods as the leading edge of a plume, iterative work plans, soil and groundwater sampling, geologic
as the mass resides in low-permeability zones that are difficult and hydrogeologic testing, and analysis of data and reporting.18
to sample using groundwater vertical aquifer profiling. Instead, The typical approach might include soil borings with interval
the preferred characterization method is whole-core saturated split spoon soil sampling to evaluate stratigraphy and soil con-
soil (WCSS) sampling, which directly measures stored mass. taminant concentrations above the water table, less frequent
Following aggressive source treatment, diffusive mass trans- split spoon sampling of soil beneath the water table to evaluate
fer from storage zones can result in significant “rebound”, so at soils and hydrostratigraphy, and much less frequent groundwa-
least some treatment of mass storage zones may be necessary to ter sampling via monitoring wells, which are often placed at
achieve meaningful mass flux reductions. Mass storage zones arbitrary depth intervals in thick aquifers (e.g., at the water table
are hydraulically inaccessible; therefore, treatment of these and middle and bottom of the aquifer). Historical approaches to
zones by injected fluid-based techniques requires adequate con- site characterization tended to artificially separate soil sources
tact time and longevity of in situ chemical or biological treat- from groundwater impacts, unless light or dense nonaqueous
ment processes as discussed in Chapter 6. phase liquids (LNAPLs or DNAPLs) were  present. This was
Remediation Hydrogeology 119

Nested wells

Water level


50 ppb Inferred plume from monitoring wells (50 ppb)

Nondetect Flow

High-resolution boring

Water level

Previously inferred
50 ppb plume contour
ND Actual plume
1000 ppb
5000 ppb
1000 ppb

FIGURE 4.15  A comparison of plume characterization using monitoring wells and high-density vertical aquifer profiling from a site
where a 5,000 ft long TCE plume was missed by the conventional approach.

mainly because regulatory frameworks often required separate in permeability can lead to several orders of magnitude vari-
regulated units for soil and groundwater. As a result of soil reg- ability in concentration over less than a meter.19 Figure 4.15
ulatory limits based on the risk of leaching to groundwater, soil shows a comparison of plume characterization using monitor-
contamination sampling was limited to the vadose zone, while ing wells and high-density vertical aquifer profiling from a
groundwater and NAPLs were evaluated using monitoring site where a 5000 ft long TCE plume was missed by the con-
wells. Historically, significant emphasis was placed on preci- ventional approach. While the data from the monitoring wells
sion of the testing and laboratory methods to ensure reproduc- were precise and reproducible over many rounds of sampling,
ibility of groundwater samples. The unintended consequence the result was not representative of site conditions because the
has been to limit the number of well locations due to the cost arbitrary well placement missed the core of the plume that was
associated with rigorous laboratory quality assurance. As a later mapped with vertical aquifer profiling. The lesson learned
result, practitioners were often forced to make CSM interpreta- is that monitoring wells are reliable for monitoring, once the
tions based on sparse data, with limited horizontal and vertical geometry and distribution of the plume has been determined
resolution that often lacked important geologic and hydrogeo- through appropriate sampling.
logic context necessary to accurately interpret the data. This Additionally, wells provide little or no direct information
skewed our perspective on sources and source behavior and regarding the presence and amount of nonaqueous, sorbed,
limited our ability to develop reliable remedial strategies to or vapor phase contaminants; nor can they elucidate the dis-
cost-effectively meet groundwater cleanup objectives. tribution and mass stored in less permeable storage zones.9,20
Monitoring wells are the most commonly applied site inves- The limitations of the conventional approach is obvious when
tigation tool. The primary limitation of relying on conventional one considers the challenges of using monitoring wells to
monitoring wells for groundwater investigations is that they accurately characterize the vertical distribution of LNAPL
simply provide a transmissivity-weighted average dissolved mass in the context of a fluctuating water table. The Interstate
phase concentration that reflects the influence of the most per- Technology and Regulatory Council’s and ASTM’s approach
meable segments within the screened interval.9 While wells to LNAPL CSMs have shown that “measured” LNAPL thick-
are ideally suited for reproducibility, they often provide an nesses in wells depend on the maturity of the release and
inaccurate assessment of dissolved-phase distributions at the water table fluctuations relative to hydrostratigraphy and well
fine scale within a screened interval. Facies-related changes screen placement.21,22 This approach has correctly shifted our
120 Remediation Engineering

perspective from LNAPL distribution similar to pancakes, the implementation of Smart Characterization methods can
with uniform NAPL floating on the water table, to shark fins, be measured in three primary ways:
with vertical variations in NAPL saturation based on water
table fluctuation and hydrostratigraphy. It is important to note 1. First, high-resolution mapping of contaminant
that LNAPL accumulation in a well is only part of the story, concentration, hydrostratigraphy, and permeabil-
much like dissolved phased concentrations are in monitoring ity enables quantitative CSMs, where contaminant
wells. If one understands the distribution of mass relative to transport is defined based on reliable plume geom-
hydrostratigraphy before the well is installed, mobility and etry, flux, and maturity.
migration assessments will be much more effective and reli- 2. Second, Smart Characterization reduces overall site
able. Similarly, the better definition of potential exposure path- investigation costs through dynamic planning and
ways will also help in the evaluation of risk-based methods to stakeholder engagement and minimizes the repeated
determine whether LNAPL management is a cost-effective cycle of work plan, investigation, and reporting. In
and equally protective solution instead of active remediation. addition, the number of monitoring wells is signifi-
cantly reduced, which also reduces long-term moni-
toring costs.
4.4.2 Smart Characterization: A New
3. Third, the flux-based approach focuses remedies on
Way of Investigating Sites the mass that matters, maximizing treatment effi-
The Smart Characterization approach utilizes new high-res- ciencies and minimizing total life-cycle cost. Smart
olution tools in a technical and economic decision making characterization enables plume maturity evaluations
framework designed to maximize the ROI through reduced by quantifying the interaction between mass storage
total cost of remediation, better definition of uncertainty and and mass transport zones. This enables the optimiza-
risk, and understanding achievable end points before remedia- tion of the remedy at different segments of the plume
tion commences.18 The Smart Characterization tools described and establishes reliable end points and period of per-
in the following sections are geared toward providing quantita- formance before design and construction.
tive mappings of the distribution of relative permeability and
contaminant concentrations in real time and at high resolution,  Permeability Characterization
thus enabling development of 3D, flux-based CSMs. The key The geology comprising most sites is complex, and tradi-
is to select the right tools to ensure that the data collected will tional approaches to permeability characterization are insuf-
meet the data quality objectives of the project. Screening level ficient to enable interpretation of the flow and transport
tools are appropriate for source prospecting but are not likely pathways. Traditionally, geologic logging and soil classifi-
to enable delineation to meet groundwater quality standards. cation are completed using the Unified Soil Classification
Conversely, quantitative sampling at the outset of a new proj- System (USCS), which was developed by engineers with
ect when little is known about potential sources can be cost the intent of understanding the geotechnical properties of
prohibitive and inefficient. The bottom line is that investments soil. Because the USCS approach is based on engineering
in Smart Characterization may be one of the most powerful properties instead of sedimentary processes, it lumps soils
economic tools we have today to continue to improve the reli- in broad categories that provide little insight regarding the
ability and cost-effectiveness of remediation projects. permeability of the soils or the hydrostratigraphy at these
Traditionally, high-density sampling and high-resolution sites. USCS descriptions often broadly group the soils, with
site characterization are largely viewed as synonymous with limited emphasis on the depositional elements and facies
high cost investigations. The reality is that it is fundamentally trends that are diagnostic of the aquifer architecture and are
cheaper and more reliable to use Smart Characterization to critical in interpreting the lateral and vertical connectivity of
map a plume and develop a quantitative CSM that focuses the the most permeable units where transport occurs. In contrast,
remedy on the mass that matters than it is to develop a remedy Smart Characterization methods provide high-resolution,
based on an inaccurate site understanding. Smart character- quantitative data on aquifer permeability and can generally
ization leads to ROI because our experience has found that be divided into methods that provide a continuous, high-
the majority of the mass that moves is concentrated in a rela- resolution record of relative aquifer permeability or ­methods
tively small portion of impacted aquifers. Understanding how that provide a discrete (not continuous) lower-resolution
the mass in the transport zones interacts with storage zones record of absolute aquifer permeability. There is no “perfect”
enables one to focus on the mass that matters most. Targeting method that will work at all sites; every site presents a unique
transport zones for remediation increases mass removal effi- set of data quality objectives that must be used to tailor the
ciencies and reduces the duration of remedies, so that poten- ideal characterization strategy.
tial risks can be addressed more quickly and cost-effectively.
Knowing whether mass reduction in storage zones will reduce  Permeability Profiling Methods
mass flux or reduce cleanup time is critical in determining if Cone Penetrometer Testing  Cone penetrometer testing
it is technically feasible and economically viable to do so or (CPT) methods have been used for decades in the geotech-
whether a management strategy is a better allocation of lim- nical and environmental industries. While CPT methods
ited remediation dollars. The ROI that can be achieved from were originally developed for geotechnical applications,
Remediation Hydrogeology 121

the Department of Defense Site Characterization and pressure can be interpreted as lower-permeability storage
Analysis Penetrometer System program lead to more wide- zones. An additional benefit of CPT is the availability of
spread application in the environmental industry.23 During supplemental tools that can be added to the CPT to allow
CPT, a cone is pushed into the subsurface and the resulting screening level assessments of water quality (laser-induced
soil behavior is logged, without physically retrieving a soil fluorescence [LIF] for aromatic hydrocarbons, membrane
sample. The CPT soil behavior parameters are collected at interface probe [MIP] for a variety of volatile organic com-
high resolution (measurements approximately every 1 in.) pounds, as shown in Figure 4.16).
and include tip stress (resistance to penetration), sleeve fric- One of the most common methods for interpreting CPT
tion (friction along the wall of the cylinder of the probe), data is to use the soil behavior type methodology.24–26 The soil
and pore pressure (hydrostatic pressure surrounding the behavior type is an empirical calculation of soil type based on
probe). CPT is a useful method for mapping hydrostratigra- a simple chart that plots the tip resistance and friction ratio.
phy, because the method discriminates between transport While the soil behavior type classification chart is useful as a
zones (sands and gravels) and storage zones (silts and clays) frame of reference, the divisions are generally more applica-
due to the way the sensors respond to soil characteristics. ble to engineering classification than hydrostratigraphy.9 We
For example, tip stress generally correlates with increas- favor making manual correlations of the CPT parameters to
ing grain size, and pore pressure will track the hydrostatic develop site-specific interpretations.
pressure gradient in higher permeability sands and grav- The utility of the CPT logging technique is that, once cali-
els that readily dissipate the pore pressure increase caused brated to site conditions, it is possible to use the tip stress, sleeve
by the advancing probe. Therefore, portions of a CPT friction, and pore pressure responses in the vertical profile to
boring with high tip stress and pore pressure near hydro- identify storage and transport zones and use the supplemental
static can be interpreted as higher-permeability transport contaminant profiling tools to map relative mass flux in a single
zones, while portions with low tip stress and excess pore boring. Figure 4.16 shows a CPT log where the CPT parameters

CPT tip stress (tsf) CPT pore pressure (psi) MIP log


Depth (ft)




0 100 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 1e+6 1e+7
Tip stress (tsf) Pore pressure (psi) ECD detector (μv)

FIGURE 4.16  Example of high-resolution stratigraphic mapping using cone penetrometer testing (CPT) and membrane interface probe
(MIP) with an electron capture detector (ECD) for chlorinated solvents in a source zone. The panels on the left and center show CPT pore
pressure and tip stress sensor readings that were used to interpret relative permeability. The shaded area represents a low-permeability
interbedded sand–silt–clay zone. The panel on right shows elevated MIP ECD response in interbedded zone, which was shown to contain
several hundred parts per million total VOCs. Sands above and below show concentrations are 1–2 orders of magnitude lower. Based on
permeability and mass distribution, more than 90% of the contaminant mass is contained in a low-permeability zone that contributes less
than 10% of the groundwater flow. (After Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 30(1), 36, 2010.)
122 Remediation Engineering

have been interpreted into a sequence that includes a shal- 300 mL/min) during advancement of the probe. At the same
low and deep sand unit, separated by an interbedded zone of time, the fluid back pressure due to injection into the formation
silts, clays, and sands.17 Contaminant concentrations collected and the flow rate are measured and logged at a high frequency.
through groundwater vertical aquifer profile sampling and MIP The changes in flow and pressure are proportional to the aquifer
discussed in a later section profiling indicated that the highest relative hydraulic conductivity: low-permeability zones corre-
contaminant levels are present in the low-permeability inter- late to increased pressure/decreased flow and high-permeability
bedded zone (several hundred parts per million), while concen- zones correlate to decreased pressure/increased flow.
trations in the sand units above and below were 10–100 times An example of HPT data is shown in Figure 4.17. Note in
less. The result is that over 90% of the contaminant mass is Figure 4.17 that in the permeable transport zones, little to no
present in a zone that is responsible for less than 10% of the pressure is built up, while in the lower-permeability storage
mass flux.17 Therefore, the geometry of the low-permeability zones, pressures are elevated. Similar to CPT, responses must be
storage zone was critical to map in three dimensions, as it was calibrated against continuously sampled soil borings to ensure
the primary reservoir for contaminant mass. accurate interpretation. We recommend completing these cali-
bration borings at the beginning of each investigation, so that
Direct-Push Injection Logging Tools  Direct-push injection the hydrofacies present in the continuously sampled boring can
logging (DPIL) tools are similar to CPT, as they also provide a be identified in the DPIL curves.
continuous profile of relative soil permeability at the centimeter DPIL is a valuable tool in the Smart Characterization tool-
scale. There are two commonly used DPIL tools: the Waterloo box, because it provides high-quality, high-resolution data on
Advanced Profiling System (APS) by Stone Environmental/ one of the key parameters in remediation hydraulics: the aqui-
Cascade Drilling and the hydraulic profiling tool (HPT) by fer’s capacity to transmit water. Because of the simplicity of
Geoprobe Systems. Both tools provide a profile of relative per- interpretation of DPIL data, DPIL tools are gradually replacing
meability that can be used to correlate hydrogeologic units across CPT for many sites as the preferred method of permeability pro-
a site and be used as a guide for conducting groundwater sam- filing. However, both tools are only applicable within a specific
pling. The tooling is advanced through an aquifer using a stan- window of permeability ranges—the range for CPT is generally
dard direct-push drilling rig. The DPIL equipment is attached around 10 –5 to 10 –3 cm/s and for DPIL is generally around 10 –4
at the end of a drill string and enables a continuous metered to 10 –2 cm/s. Future versions of the DPIL may bridge the divide
injection of small volumes of water (typically between 200 and between relative-continuous permeability and absolute-point
permeability: an advanced version, which can conduct point
permeability injection tests to measure an absolute K, has been
Corrected HPT press. developed27,28 but is not yet commercially available.
0  Point Permeability Methods
5 Sand to silty sand High-Resolution Direct-Push Slug Testing Hydraulic
­testing using slug tests is a well-established method for mea-
suring permeability.29 Slug tests provide data more consistent
15 with the remediation hydraulics paradigm, because they are
of a shorter duration than a typical pumping test. Large-scale,
20 long-term, steady-state pumping tests result in an average per-
Low-permeability meability for the portion of the aquifer providing water to the
clay and silt
pumping well during the test. As such, a long-term pumping
Depth (ft)

30 test will be biased low with respect to the mobile porosity,

whereas short-term tests like slug tests allow better isolation
of hydrostratigraphic units where the majority of mass flux
40 is present.9 The traditional approach to slug testing is to con-
duct the testing at permanent monitoring wells, but this only
45 provides a single permeability estimate for the entire aquifer
High-permeability thickness at the location. For sites where the vertical changes
50 coarse sands
in permeability are important to capture, it is possible to con-
55 duct slug tests at multiple depth intervals during drilling using
a temporary screen point. An example of the result of this
60 method is shown in Figure 4.18. The value of high-resolution

clay aquitard slug testing is clear when compared to traditional slug tests
0 50 100 on a permanent well. If the location shown in Figure 4.18 had
a permanent well screened from 100 to 110 ft, the traditional
FIGURE 4.17  Example hydraulic profiling tool (HPT) data, show- slug test at the permanent well would only see a single value
ing elevated HPT pressure in the low-permeability clay and silt and for permeability, but the permeability across the well screen
no excess HPT pressure in the higher permeability coarse sand. varies by 4 orders of magnitude.
Remediation Hydrogeology 123






Depth (ft)





1.00E–05 1.00E–04 1.00E–03 1.00E–02 1.00E–01 1.00E–00
Permeability (cm/s)

FIGURE 4.18  Example of high-resolution slug testing profile, showing approximately 4 orders of magnitude variation.

Grain Size Analysis  Another method for estimating perme- type of discrete screen or sample interval that can be advanced
ability at a specific depth is to use high-resolution sieve data into the subsurface during drilling activities, and groundwater
to correlate hydrostratigraphic units and permeability. It is is collected from the device. It is outside of the scope of this
important to target sample collection from the different hydro- book to describe each potential drilling method and sampling
stratigraphic units present at the site rather than composit- process, but Table 4.1 presents some of the potential options
ing or collecting samples that span different units. Laboratory based on site conditions and drilling methods.
sieve analysis should be run using sieves that correspond to the Some of the DPIL methods covered in the earlier section on
Udden–Wentworth classification approach rather than with the permeability profiling are also capable of groundwater vertical
minimal number of sieves associated with a basic USCS clas- aquifer profile sampling. The Waterloo APS is able to pause at
sification. In lower-permeability zones with silt and clay, meth- prescribed depths, reverse the flow of water, and collect ground-
ods like Shelby tube sampling and permeameter analysis can water samples directly into VOA vials in-line with the APS
provide quantitative data on storage zones. Once the data are tooling. Similarly, Geoprobe produces a modified HPT, called
collected, there are several empirical formulas that provide a an “HPT–GW,” which is capable of collecting groundwater
reliable means of estimating hydraulic conductivity from grain samples. Both of these methods are better suited for sites with
size distribution data, provided that the formation does not con- permeable geology where groundwater samples will be easy to
tain abundant fines, which result in cohesive or plastic behavior collect from the relatively small screen interval of the tools.
or cobble-sized grain size distributions.30 A valuable addition
is the availability of simple programs for evaluating grain size Case Study  Permeability profiling and VAP sampling
distribution and estimating permeability by various methods.31 were applied at a site with a pump and treat system with
more than 20  years of operation with likely another  Concentration Mapping Tools 20–30  years of pumping remaining.18 The key question
There are a variety of different Smart Characterization tools for was whether the capital investment related to expanded
mapping contaminant concentrations”. Some methods like verti- source treatment would meet the business objectives of
cal aquifer profile sampling or sampling from a DPIL tool provide the organization. A Smart Characterization program was
high-resolution, quantitative groundwater concentrations. Other applied with exit ramps to evaluate whether the groundwa-
methods like MIP provide high-resolution, qualitative screening ter extraction system could be optimized. While the tra-
data on bulk dissolved phase concentrations. And finally, WCSS ditional characterization based on concentration indicated
sampling is a method that measures the total mass in a storage widespread impacts, the Smart Characterization mapped
zone, which makes it well suited for source zone investigations. mass flux that was found to be concentrated in a small seg-
ment of the aquifer cross section (Figure 4.19). Evaluation  Vertical Aquifer Profile Sampling of the mass flux transect downgradient of the source
Vertical aquifer profile sampling is a family of methods that are area cost $100,000 based on the difficult drilling condi-
used to collect discrete, vertically dense groundwater samples tions but showed that moving the existing pumping well
during drilling activities. The different methods all use some would enhance capture of contaminant mass and decrease
124 Remediation Engineering

Drilling Methods and Groundwater Sampling Approaches
VAP Sampling Method
Drilling Depth (ft) Drilling Method Example Relative Cost Notes
<50 Small direct-push machine Screen point $ Relatively fast method for shallow systems; limited
(e.g., Geoprobe 6620) by cobbles, till, bedrock. Small footprint.
<100 Larger direct-push machine Screen point $$ Similar to small direct-push speed and limitations.
(e.g., Geoprobe 8040)
<150 Minisonic Push-ahead sampling $$$ Uses dual casing to reach target depth, sealing off
devices borehole.
May require addition of water during drilling, which
can affect subsequent groundwater sample integrity.
>150 Full-sized sonic Sonic: push-ahead $$$$ Similar limitations to minisonic.
sampling devices
Large footprint (requires support vehicle).
>500 Rotary methods Rotary: hydropunch $$$$$ Unlike the previous methods, a high-quality
sampler inside of drilling continuous soil core is not generated. Soil types and
equipment relative permeability data are obtained through
cuttings, split spoon sampling, or borehole
geophysics following completion of the boring.

the long-term operation (Figure 4.19). A second stage of reduction in operational costs, due to the overall improve-
Smart Characterization was then applied to evaluate the ment of system performance.
viability of potential source treatment and found that while
source treatment was viable, the payback period was too  Membrane Interface Probe
long relative to the responsible party’s cash flow stream for Geoprobe Systems’ MIP is a direct-push investigation tool that
the current groundwater extraction system. An optimized is designed for rapid, screening level evaluation of volatile con-
pumping well limited the capital costs compared to the taminants in the vadose and saturated zones.32 The probe con-
aggressive source treatment strategy and the ROI on the sists of a semipermeable membrane, a heater block, inert tubing/
“Smart Characterization” was gained by the significantly carrier gas stream, a series of detectors (up-hole), and typically
increased capture of contaminant mass and the resulting an electrical conductivity sensor for relative soil type mapping.



Elevation (ft)




0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Distance (ft)

FIGURE 4.19  Mass flux transect for case study. Colored plume shows the zone where the majority of the CVOC flux is occurring; gray-
outlined area represents approximate extent of CVOC concentrations.
Remediation Hydrogeology 125

The probe works by heating the soil to induce volatilization of subsurface data, MIP may be an excellent method to screen
contaminants from the soil and diffusing contaminants across large areas to find the “smoke” coming off of source areas and
the membrane, into the carrier gas line, where the gases are then zoom in later with more quantitative methods, like WCSS
carried up-hole to the detectors—commonly a photoionization sampling (discussed in the next section). If using MIP, it is
detector for aromatic compounds like BTEX, a flame ioniza- always prudent to systematically evaluate the MIP response
tion detector for general hydrocarbon detection, and either an at each site and when geologic conditions or composition of
electron capture device (ECD) or a halogen specific detector for contaminant mixtures change across a site.
chlorinated VOCs.33,34
Since the mid-1990s, the MIP has been used to qualita-  Whole-Core Saturated Soil Sampling
tively screen and map the distribution of volatile contaminants, WCSS sampling, which consists of collecting vertically dense
including petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated volatile soil samples below the water table and analyzing the total con-
organic compounds, at hundreds of sites in the United States. taminant mass present, is frequently the preferred characteriza-
The MIP represented a major leap forward in VOC plume tion approach in low-permeability source zones. Groundwater
characterization, as for the first time we were able to iden- vertical aquifer profile sampling in source zones provides high-
tify significant mass stored in low-permeability zones.20 Later quality, quantitative data but is typically a time-consuming
enhancements to the MIP, such as the halogen-specific detec- process due to the low-permeability soils commonly present.
tor and the combination with an HPT probe to simultaneously The MIP provides data much faster than vertical aquifer profile
map VOCs and relative permeability, made the tool even more sampling but provides qualitative data only as discussed in the
useful. While these improvements to the MIP are valuable, our previous section. WCSS is often the best method for character-
experience has found that MIP should be used for screening- izing source zones because it provides the best of both worlds:
level applications and not applied as a quantitative tool to map rapid and quantitative data. When investigating a source zone
groundwater concentrations at the MCL, or to design remedies. with WCSS, samples may be collected at intervals as small
This is because there are a number of different factors that can as 1 or 2 ft to accurately identify the zones where the high-
influence the response of the MIP,35 and because of these fac- est concentrations are present. Figure 4.20 shows data from a
tors, MIP is best applied as a screening tool.20,36 WCSS source zone investigation where concentrations changed
MIP will continue to be an important method in the Smart by orders of magnitude over very small vertical distances—
Characterization toolbox. However, each site requires a care- changes that would have been missed if traditional methods
ful look at data quality objectives to define the ideal approach. were being used. In a 2 ft interval concentrations changed by
In simple terms, if one imagines a DNAPL source zone as a 4 orders of magnitude, from 11 to 6,500,000 ppb, and then 2 ft
fire and the downgradient plume as the smoke, MIP sees the later concentrations had dropped by over 5 orders of magni-
smoke but not the fire. Therefore, for large sites with limited tude, down to <5 ppb. To capture this critical vertical variation,

PCE soil concentration (μg/kg)










30.0 Competent till

Depth (ft bgs)




Competent till


FIGURE 4.20  Data from a whole-core saturated soil sampling source zone investigation where concentrations changed by orders of mag-
nitude over very small vertical distances—changes that would have been missed if traditional methods were being used.
126 Remediation Engineering

Mobile lab whole‐core soil TCE

MIP detector responses (µV)
concentration (mg/kg)
1.E + 05 1.E + 06 1.E + 07 1.E + 08 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
0 0

10 10

Depth (ft)

NAPL result
20 20

30 30

40 40
(a) (b)

FIGURE 4.21  The difference between the qualitative data of the membrane interface probe (MIP) and the quantitative data of the whole-
core saturated soil (WCSS) approach. The figure is showing co-located borings in a chlorinated VOC source where MIP and WCSS were
both completed; (a) shows the MIP detector responses and (b) shows the co-located whole-core saturated soil samples zone.

a typical source zone investigation may result in hundreds of extent of NAPL in the subsurface and fail to reveal the loca-
samples, which makes the WCSS approach ideally suited for tions of NAPL at residual saturations that can serve as long
use of a specialized, high-throughput mobile lab, which can term sources. The family of LIF tools provide high-resolution,
cost-effectively analyze 50 or 100 samples per day. real-time information on the extent of NAPL. LIF is a tech-
Figure 4.21 illustrates the difference between the qualita- nique that uses laser light to excite fluorophores—fluorescent
tive data of the MIP and the quantitative data of the WCSS molecules—that exist in NAPLs such as petroleum fuels/
approach. The figure is showing vertical profiles of co-located oils, coal tars, and creosotes. The NAPL’s inherent fluores-
borings in a chlorinated VOC source zone where MIP and cence can be logged with depth at high resolution to map the
WCSS were both completed; the left side of the plot shows the extent of NAPL. As with any Smart Characterization tool,
MIP detector responses and the right side of the plot shows it is important to match the project data quality objectives
the co-located saturated soil sample concentrations. As illus- with the proper tool, as there are different versions of LIF for
trated in the figure, the ECD detector is at its maximum value petroleum-range LNAPLs, tars, and chlorinated DNAPLs.
for most of the boring, but the WCSS data i­ndicate that there
is significant variability across the boring. The PID and FID LIF Overview  The most widely applied version of LIF con-
detectors correlate slightly better with the WCSS data, with the sists of a probe with a clear sapphire window that is pushed
detectors reaching peak value at the same depth as the WCSS through the soil column by either direct push or CPT. As this
peak concentration. The bottom five feet of the boring has low sapphire-windowed probe is advanced steadily into the soil
concentrations in the WCSS sample, but the PID, FID, and column at approximately 2 cm/s, pulses of laser light are sent
ECD detectors show no significant difference from the interval down the rod string via fiber optic, where they exit the sap-
around 18 ft bgs where the highest concentrations were present. phire window and shine onto the soil passing the window. A
An added bonus of the WCSS approach is the ability to add portion of the resulting fluorescence and/or scattered laser
dye testing to screen for the presence of DNAPL, which was light that comes back into the window is brought up-hole by
detected in the sample with the highest concentrations. By con- a second fiber, where the light is processed and analyzed in
ducting dye testing to screen for DNAPL, it was also possible to real time. The logs indicate in real time where NAPL fluores-
identify the presence of DNAPL at around 18 ft. cence is occurring, with major differences in the fluorescence
color and lifetime due to differing NAPL types, weathering, Laser-Induced Fluorescence or false positives.37 Different versions of LIF are available,
NAPL Mapping Tools including rapid optical screening tool (ROST®™), ultraviolet
Conventional approaches (like using monitoring wells) to optical screening tool (UVOST®), and the fuel fluorescence
map the extent of both LNAPL and DNAPL provide low- detector (a similar optical technology but not laser-based).
resolution data that fail to accurately map the heterogeneous There is also a version of LIF designed specifically for coal
Remediation Hydrogeology 127

Depth (ft) Signal (% reference

emitter) 350 400 450 500

80 5.0

4.24–5.16 ft 10.0
32.2% RE (s 20.2)

5 20.0

17.51 ft
15.6% RE

FIGURE 4.22  Example laser-induced fluorescence log. (From Randy St. Germain, personal communication.)

tars and creosote NAPLs that have heavier PAHs relative with an approximately 1 ft thick LNAPL zone in the forma-
to petroleum LNAPL, called the tar-specific green opti- tion. Figure 4.23 also demonstrates how LIF provides a rich
cal screening tool (TarGOST®).38 The primary difference dataset that can be used for more than simple indications of
between LIF for petroleum-range NAPL and coal tar/creosote thickness. The shallow portion of the UVOST boring shows
NAPL is the wavelength of the laser—LIF designed for petro- a fluorescence response similar in magnitude to the LNAPL
leum NAPL typically has a laser wavelength between 280 and seam at depth. However, because the LIF instrumentation
310 nm, while LIF designed for coal tars and creosote NAPL records both fluorescence magnitude and the underlying
has a longer wavelength of over 500 nm. Additionally a new waveform, it is possible to screen out false positives, such as
LIF-style probe has recently been developed by Geoprobe the shallow response on the log, which has a different wave-
Systems, called the Optical Image Profiler (OIP), which form than the LNAPL at depth and was instead found to be
works by inducing fluorescence through ultraviolet light, and related to shallow roadbed fill material in the area.
the resulting fluorescence is captured by a down-hole camera.
As of writing, the OIP is not widely available.” LIF for Chlorinated DNAPL Mapping  LIF as discussed in the
An example LIF log is shown in Figure 4.22. In the main previous section is a successful, mature technology, with wide
window of the log, total fluorescence versus depth is logged application for mapping NAPL. However, LIF was limited only
and colored based on the relative contribution of different to petroleum LNAPL and tar-based DNAPLs until the recent
wavelengths of fluorescence, which can be diagnostic of the development of the dye-enhanced laser-induced fluorescence
type of NAPL. Depth specific callouts to the left of the main (DyeLIF) by Dakota Technologies. DyeLIF combines standard
plot contain both spectral and temporal fluorescence data that LIF technology with injection of a fluorescent dye ahead of
provide additional information on the relative contribution the LIF window to render nonfluorescent NAPLs fluorescent
and lifetimes of the different wavelengths of fluorescence. in situ.39 The probe functions by injecting an aqueous delivery
The value of LIF for LNAPL characterization is illustrated fluid containing a proprietary hydrophobic dye through a small
in Figure 4.23. The monitoring well shown in the figure regu- injection port that is situated below the LIF window. As the
larly contains over 10 ft of LNAPL. However, the UVOST probe is advanced through the subsurface, the injected dye con-
boring advanced directly next to the well (within 3 ft) indi- tacts the soil and quickly partitions into any DNAPL present.
cated only a thin seam of LNAPL is present in the formation. A slightly modified TarGOST is used to detect the fluorescence
Other UVOST borings in the area showed the same pattern, of the dye-labeled chlorinated solvent DNAPL. An additional
128 Remediation Engineering

Depth (ft) Signal (% reference Using DyeLIF, we were able to delineate the extent of
emitter) 350 400 450 500 DNAPL in the source zone in a single mobilization, thanks to
the adaptive strategy and real-time DyeLIF data evaluation.
The DyeLIF data resulted in a significant change to the CSM.
5.0 Monitoring wells from the area had up to 8 ft of measured
DNAPL and the adjacent MIP boring indicated the maximum
ECD or PID responses were approximately 5–10 ft thick.
However, DyeLIF borings at the same locations revealed that
the DNAPL in the aquifer is present in thin seams 6–12 in.
15.0 thick, as shown in Figure 4.24. The monitoring wells exag-
gerated the apparent thickness due to confined conditions in
the thin sand seams, while the MIP could not resolve the true
LNAPL nature of the DNAPL distribution. Three-dimensional inter-
thickness pretation of the hydrostratigraphy and DyeLIF results showed
25.0 in well that the actual DNAPL impacted volume in the formation is
almost 99% less than previously believed. The DyeLIF results
were supported by subsequent NAPL bail down and recovery
testing, which suggested that the NAPL was not mobile and
LNAPL that a risk-based approach to management would be appropri-
thickness in
35.0 formation ate. The ROI at this site became very clear when less than
$35,000 of DyeLIF reduced the DNAPL impacted volume to
less than 1% of what was understood to be present prior to the
Figure 4.24 also demonstrates that qualitative tools such
45.0 as MIP are limited in ability to distinguish NAPL-bearing
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0
zones from high dissolved phase concentrations. LIF is
capable of reliably identifying NAPL-bearing zones, but it is
FIGURE 4.23  Comparison of laser-induced fluorescence and often not possible to use relative sensor response to differen-
monitoring well data. The monitoring well shown in the figure regu-
tiate residual from mobile NAPLs. The ideal approach is to
larly contains over 10 ft of light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL).
However, the ultraviolet optical screening tool boring advanced
combine LIF with quantitative Smart tools such as saturated
directly next to the well (within 3 ft) indicated only a thin seam soil sampling and analysis via a high-capacity mobile lab.
of LNAPL is present in the formation. (From Randy St. Germain, This provides quantitative data on the chemical composi-
personal communication.) tion and concentration that is necessary to evaluate poten-
tial remedy options. Screening and quantitative tools can
be combined in phases to develop more quantitative CSMs.
benefit of the approach is that the pressure associated with the However, it is often more cost-effective to characterize a site
injection of the dye is logged during probe advancement and in a single attempt using quantitative data rather than char-
can be used to interpret changes in relative permeability, simi- acterize it once with qualitative tools and a second time with
lar to the commonly available DPIL tools in the market. By quantitative tools to “calibrate” the response of the qualita-
simultaneously interpreting both the relative permeability and tive tools.
the DyeLIF log, it is possible to identify DNAPL presence and
the relative transport potential in the same boring.  Direct Flux Mapping
One of the foundations of remediation hydraulics is the idea
LIF Case Study  By applying the correct Smart Characterization that mass flux is more important than concentration alone, and
tool, significant ROI savings were achieved at a remediation site the Smart Characterization tools outlined so far are designed
because the Smart Characterization revealed that aquifer volume to map the two most important elements of mass flux: per-
with chlorinated solvent DNAPL impacts was significantly less meability and concentration. By mapping permeability and
than the apparent thickness provided by conventional methods.18 concentration in high resolution, one can take the product of
Despite 20 years of conventional investigation and monitoring, the two to evaluate relative mass flux. However, for sites with
the actual thickness and extent of DNAPL in the subsurface was monitoring wells installed in the proper locations and depths
not clearly identified. Conventional techniques had been used in the dissolved phase plume, passive flux meters (PFMs) pro-
for site characterization, and wells in the source area contained vide another way to directly measure mass flux.40–42
up to 8 ft of measured DNAPL. Remedial strategies for manage- Each PFM is a nylon mesh tube filled with a mixture of
ment of the DNAPL were based on traditional data and were sorbent (activated carbon) and tracers (alcohols). PFMs are
well in excess of $10M. As a result, a Smart Characterization designed to fit snugly inside monitoring well screens and pas-
approach was implemented to evaluate potential treatment and sively intercept groundwater flow. The tracer inside of the
management strategies for the DNAPL present at the site. PFM leaches from the sorbent as groundwater flows through
Remediation Hydrogeology 129

Monitoring well MIP DYE-LIF

0 0 0

5 5 5

10 10 10


15 15 15
Depth (ft)

20 20 20

25 25 25

30 30 30
1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08 2% 4%

Measured ECD response (uV) DYE-LIF signal (%RE)

DNAPL in well PID response (uV) Positive DNAPL
FID response (uV)

FIGURE 4.24  Comparison of dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) thickness using dye-enhanced laser-induced fluorescence
(DyeLIF) and monitoring wells. While the monitoring well has approximately 8 ft of DNAPL present and the membrane interface probe
electron capture device sensor indicates an elevated response over approximately 10 ft, the DyeLIF found significantly less DNAPL present
in the formation. (Modified from Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 35(3), 25, 2015.)

the PFM, and the sorbent inside the PFM retains dissolved 4
contaminants present in the groundwater. After several weeks
inside the monitoring well, the PFM is removed and sampled.
The sorbent is analyzed to determine the mass of the con-
taminants retained by the PFM, and the tracer is analyzed to
determine how much tracer is remaining. The mass of con-
taminant on the sorbent is used to calculate a time-averaged
contaminant flux, and the remaining tracer mass is used to 8
calculate cumulative groundwater flux. By inserting baffles
into the PFM prior to deployment, a single PFM can be used
Depth (ft)

to understand the range of mass flux across the well screen. 10

If a transect of PFMs perpendicular to the plume is deployed,
then it is possible to estimate mass discharge of contaminant
rather than just mass flux. Figure 4.25 provides an example 12
profile of mass flux calculated from a PFM.  3D Visualization
To understand the CSM for a site with Smart Characterization
tools, it is imperative to use a 3D model. The conventional
approach to viewing and interpreting data relies on 2D databox
figures, which were adequate when characterization datasets 16
only consisted of a small number of permanent monitoring 0 500 1000
wells. However, a Smart Characterization project may yield lit- Carbon tetrachloride flux (mg/m2/day)
erally anywhere from hundreds to tens of thousands of individ-
ual measurements, which quickly overwhelm any traditional FIGURE 4.25  Example mass flux data from a passive flux meter,
approach to evaluation. Software like Earth Visualization showing significant variation in mass flux across the well screen.
130 Remediation Engineering

Studio (by CTech Corporation) and RockWorks (by RockWare where they will travel in the future. There is no such thing
software) allow 3D viewing of hundreds of high-resolution as a “final” CSM; it is best to consider the CSM a continuous
borings simultaneously, as well as construction of 3D solid evolution of our understanding of site conditions. The CSM is
models of groundwater plumes and geologic units (see the fig- dynamic, and the best CSMs are continually tested, reviewed,
ures in Section 4.4.2 for examples of 3D model output). and revised at all stages of the project. Figure 4.26 illustrates
We recommend that 3D models be employed on more projects how in the early stages of development the CSM is qualitative
but only by the scientists and hydrogeologists that are building and, as additional data are collected and analyzed, the CSM
and testing the CSM. It is now common to see 3D visualization progresses to a quantitative framework.
provided as a commodity service by the vendor when one con-
tracts for MIP or LIF services. While an attractive option, the  Site History and Operations
resulting narrative has little value without geologic constraints The history and operations at the site are critical to understand
and human intervention. DNAPL source zones are inherently and to define where potential contaminant sources are located,
complex because subtle variations in permeability have a signif- as well as when any releases occurred, which allows estimates
icant impact on DNAPL mobility and transport rates in aquifers. of the likely limits on the extent contamination has traveled.
Considering most aquifer systems exhibit more than 3 orders of There are many locations that should be evaluated, like where
magnitude in permeability v­ ariability, it is easy to understand chemicals were stored, transferred, or used, where wastes were
how 3D DNAPL structure is controlled by aquifer architecture. disposed (infiltration lagoons, etc.), areas of stressed vegetation,
Common industry practices for 3D visualization are providing or where documented or undocumented practices could have
inaccurate CSMs of DNAPL source zones, because MIP, LIF, led to releases. It is also important to understand if boundar-
and analytical data are typically contoured independent of the ies have changed through time, to better understand if histori-
geology and transport processes. cal source areas could be present outside of the current area of
The key to success is to use the hydrostratigraphy of the site the site. Historical aerial photography is now widely accessible
to interpret the contaminant data before interpolation. We rec- online and can provide valuable interpretive support.
ommend an approach for plume interpretation that is founded in
the most robust geologic interpretation methods: manual inter- Contaminants
pretation to constrain the interpolation algorithm combined with Potential contaminants will be related to the site history and
hypothesis testing to verify the accuracy of the result rather than operations established in the first stage of the CSM. The spe-
reliance on the software and automated error analysis. cies of contaminant are important to identify, as the proper-
ties of different compounds (solubility, vapor pressure, density,
etc.) lead to dramatically different styles of behavior in the
4.5  CONCEPTUAL SITE MODELS subsurface (see Chapter 2). In addition to common contami-
The ultimate goal of site characterization is to construct a nants like chlorinated solvents, the next challenge in our indus-
CSM. The CSM is the most critical piece of information for try is emerging contaminants, which are persistent and/or
any remediation site, as it is the basis for all decisions made have potentially deleterious human or ecotoxicological effects.
for the site. The following sections describe the core ele- Notable examples of emerging contaminants include perchlo-
ments of a CSM, strategies for constructing the CSM, and rate, methyl tertiary butyl ether, flame retardants, pesticides,
case studies demonstrating how to use the CSM to optimize 1,4-dioxane, 1,2,3-trichloropropane, per-/polyfluoro alkylated
characterization and remediation approaches. For additional substances, and dechlorination/disinfection by-products—all
detail on the CSM process, there are many excellent sources of which persist in the environment. These groups of contami-
available.9,40,43,44 nants may be considered less “mainstream” in terms of the
nature of their occurrence, or because our understanding of
their impacts is still in the early stages of development.
4.5.1 Elements of a Conceptual Site Model As discussed in Section, it is time to move away from
A CSM can be constructed by answering the questions of the traditional approaches to contaminant data evaluation, based
when, how, what, and where: When and how did contaminants on 2D databox figures, which are quickly overwhelmed by the
enter the subsurface? What are the contaminants? Where are thousands of individual measurements that can be collected dur-
the contaminants in the aquifer today and where will they ing Smart Characterization and toward 3D visualization meth-
travel? While every site will require a unique CSM, in gen- ods. Three-dimensional visualization methods provide a way
eral, there will be common elements to all CSMs. In order to to fuse together multiple big datasets to gain predictive insights.
evaluate when and how the contaminants entered the subsur- Big data fusion is needed because the high-density data collected
face, the facility history and operations must be understood. must be organized into a stratigraphic flux framework, where
The facility history and operations will also help answer the permeability and concentration data are combined to provide an
question what are the contaminants, but additional informa- indication of mass flux. If only groundwater data are considered
tion will be required to understand how the contaminants and auto-interpolated, the resulting picture provides a distorted
behave once they are in an aquifer. Finally, the geology and view of the mass distribution in the source zone. Groundwater
hydrogeology must be evaluated on both regional and local sampling is inherently biased toward the most permeable zones
scales to understand where the contaminants are today and in the aquifer, so in a source zone groundwater sampling misses
Remediation Hydrogeology 131

Remedy completion

Remedy operation
and monitoring

Adaptive design

Design basis

Remedy pilot Injection tracer

testing testing
Data-driven evolution

Remedy selection
Hypothesis testing

Exposure Regulatory
assessment framework

Contaminant mass
transport analysis

Contaminant Superficial flow

distribution mapping characterization

Develop preliminary
conceptual model

Depositional environment Regional hydrogeology

Facility operating history Contaminant release data

Define project objectives

FIGURE 4.26  The process of conceptual site model development, from the initial definition of project objectives through remedy comple-
tion. (From Payne, F.C. et al., Remediation Hydraulics, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2008.)

a key indicator of plume maturity: mass present in storage observations set limits on the aquifer parameters (permeabil-
zones and slow advection zones. Thus, in a mature source zone, ity, heterogeneity) that will control contaminant transport at the
groundwater data alone will underestimate contaminant mass. In site scale. With the regional setting established, the site-specific
contrast, interpolation of groundwater data alone for the down- expression of the regional depositional environment can be
gradient leading edge of a plume is also misleading, because interpreted. The site-specific expression of the regional depo-
automated interpolation that ignores the permeability structure sitional environment is developed with a focus on developing
will interpolate mass into storage zones even though the mass is flux-based descriptions of the different hydrostratigraphic units
present almost exclusively in transport zones. These limitations (transport, slow advection, and storage zones). Cross sections
are overcome using big data fusion and interpreting groundwater, should be created that show the thickness and extent of hydro-
WCSS, and permeability data simultaneously using the concepts stratigraphic units across the site; as with the extent of contami-
of plume maturity. Most importantly, the interpretations should nation, 3D visualization models are one of the most powerful
be made by a hydrogeologist familiar with the overall CSM. tools available to interpret the site geology, as they can integrate
the contaminant datasets at the same time. Geology
The geology should be evaluated starting at a regional scale, by Hydrogeology
identifying the surficial unconsolidated deposits and bedrock In the CSM, the hydrogeologic description of the site will
in the area and their depositional environment. These regional describe how groundwater moves within the geologic units
132 Remediation Engineering

underlying the site. Similar to the geologic evaluation, the and remediation project that consists of soil and groundwa-
hydrogeology should be evaluated starting at a regional scale, ter impacts in unconsolidated and bedrock units across over
by identifying the regional discharge boundaries for ground- 200 acres for a redevelopment deadline of under 2 years. The
water flow and then zooming to the site scale. At the site scale, second case study shows the importance of critically testing a
the geologic cross sections (or 3D model) developed for the CSM, as conventional characterization at the site had missed
CSM should incorporate the water elevations. Plan-view water a 1 mile long, 10 ppm VOC plume that was revealed by the
elevation contours should be developed, but as stated earlier Smart Characterization conducted at the site.
for concentration contouring, contours must be developed by
a trained hydrogeologist familiar with the CSM. The plan-  Case Study 1
view contours can be used to estimate groundwater hydraulic The first case study examines three former General Motors facil-
gradients and groundwater velocities, and the geologic cross ities that operated on a 250 acre site beginning in the early twen-
sections can be used to evaluate saturated and unsaturated tieth century and continuing through 2007 in Lansing, Michigan.
formations, whether aquifers are confined and identify trans- Following decommissioning of the plants and the bankruptcy of
port, slow advection, and storage zones. General Motors in 2009, the Revitalizing Auto Communities
Environmental Response Trust was created from the bankruptcy
4.5.2 Digital CSMs: The Next Frontier process to complete the environmental remediation of the site.
A limited site investigation initiated in 2011 identified more than
Just as our approach to characterization and remediation 65 areas of interest (AOIs) that needed to be investigated, includ-
has changed based on our better understanding of contami- ing two LNAPL areas, a former hexavalent chromium plating
nant transport, so must our approach to building and using area, and several known issues with VOCs and metals. Due to
CSMs. The first CSMs developed were essentially static docu- an existing agreement with the municipality, the site investiga-
ments, based on an accumulation of monitoring data. Later, tion was required to be completed in a period of 18 months. The
there was a change from static CSMs to dynamic CSMs, as investigation began in earnest in the spring of 2012.
CSMs were updated to include performance monitoring data. The Lansing area obtains its drinking water from the
Despite this improvement, these CSMs were still “trapped” in regional bedrock aquifer underlying the site. The site straddles
the reporting documents for the site. The next stage of evolu- two wellhead protection areas with numerous municipal water
tion of the CSM is to the concept of a dynamic, digital CSM. supply wells located within a half mile. The goals of the inves-
In this chapter we have described moving from a perspective tigation were to assess on-site and off-site risk associated with
based on concentration to one based on mass flux, and the the existing soil and groundwater contamination and, most
resulting shifts in our approach to characterize sites (through importantly, determine if soil and groundwater contamination
high-resolution Smart Characterization). This shift in char- posed a significant risk to the bedrock drinking water aquifer.
acterization strategies has meant that we must collect and The investigation relied on the use of a Smart Characterization,
analyze “big data” in our CSMs, which is only possible in a real-time adaptive strategy that allowed for rapid characterization
digital CSM, rather than one trapped in a report. These digital of the AOIs. The real-time results were used to focus the investiga-
CSMs are more than just adding a 3D model to the CSM: they tion on areas determined to be of greatest potential risk to off-site
enable functional linkage between geospatial data and tem- receptors or to the underlying bedrock aquifer. Rather than conduct
poral data. We are able to change how we engage and inform a traditional phased investigation with a formal sequence of work
stakeholders by enabling them to see interpretations as well as plan, investigate, and report, a dynamic work plan approach was
examine the underlying boring logs and sample results, all of used that defined the data quality objectives and prescribed deci-
which can be cloud-based and accessed by stakeholders. The sion rules for adaptively characterizing each AOI. The Michigan
digital CSM is a paradigm shift in how we report: rather than Department of Environmental Quality and other stakeholders were
develop reports with dozens of figures, we are now develop- updated and engaged at key “milestones” during the investigation.
ing digital CSMs using 3D models that show all of our data This stakeholder partnership has been key to timely buy-in and
simultaneously-hydrostratigraphy, permeability, and concen- approval of the approach and investigation results.
trations. Future developments in the technology sector like The adaptive approach implemented a targeted toolkit of
augmented reality applications will advance the digital CSM investigation and sampling methods to delineate the nature
even further. But already today, application of digital CSMs is and extent of soil, groundwater, and LNAPL impacts at the
leading to improved performance, cost controls, and regula- site. Three-dimensional analysis and visualization was used
tory engagement on our projects. to refine the CSM and guide the ongoing investigation.
The characterization of the hydrostratigraphy was crucial
4.5.3 Using the CSM to Guide Investigation and to understanding the risk to the underlying bedrock aquifer.
HPT was used to produce a continuous profile of relative per-
Design and Optimize Remediation Systems
meability at locations across the site. This understanding of
The following case studies are offered as examples of some the hydrostratigraphy was used to focus groundwater sampling
of the lessons learned through construction and testing of on the transport zones in the aquifer and used as a line of evi-
CSMs. In the first case study, we see the importance of con- dence to bolster the CSM. Groundwater was encountered in a
structing a robust CSM to support a complex investigation perched zone on top of till, at the base of the unconsolidated
Remediation Hydrogeology 133

formation at a portion of the site where bedrock was deep, and Once impacts were fully defined, monitoring wells
in the weathered bedrock zone. were installed in the perched zone, the deep overburden,
The investigation included approximately 500 soil bor- and weathered bedrock formations to enable plume sta-
ings with the collection of more than 2300 soil samples and bility and monitored natural attenuation (MNA) analysis.
more than 400 vertical aquifer profile groundwater samples to When sufficient monitoring data were collected, statistical
assess and delineate impacts at 65 AOIs. The initial phase of analysis was used to demonstrate stability of the perched
the investigation required coordinating up to five drilling rigs zone VOC and 1,4-dioxane impacts. Geochemical analy-
working simultaneously and an on-site mobile laboratory to sis demonstrated the elevated metals in groundwater were
analyze the soil and groundwater samples in real time. At each stable, spatially limited, and the result of minor shifts in
AOI, a set number of borings were completed to characterize site geochemistry.
soil and groundwater impacts, followed by adaptive step-outs The approach led to the successful delineation of 65 AOIs
based on the results provided by the mobile laboratory. Based within a 2-year time period. The high-resolution data collected
on the real-time data, sampling grids were optimized to pro- for the site demonstrated that impacts are isolated within the
vide delineation with the smallest number of borings possible. perched zone, deep overburden, and weathered bedrock and
Two areas of LNAPL were delineated using an adap- pose little threat to the underlying bedrock; interim ground-
tive grid of more than 80 LIF borings to define the extent of water monitoring activities and several localized investiga-
LNAPL impacts. The qualitative LIF data were used as a basis tions are currently being used to support the CSM. Metals
for a more thorough LNAPL assessment that focused on the detected above criteria across the site were shown to be
characterization of LNAPL composition and mobility. The related to variable geochemistry and not likely to migrate.
results of the mobility testing indicated the LNAPL transmis- Additionally, it was successfully demonstrated that the two
sivity was 1–3 orders of magnitude below the threshold the areas of LNAPL are not mobile and have limited recover-
regulatory agency considered as potentially recoverable. As ability. As of 2015, preengineering studies are underway to
a result, a risk management-based remedy was designed to develop the final remedy for the 1,4-dioxane plume located in
largely manage the LNAPL in place. the weathered bedrock.
At one location, 1,4-dioxane was detected within the deep
overburden and weathered bedrock beneath an area where the  Case Study 2
glacial till had been excavated as part of the plant construction In our second case study, we can see the importance of
activities. As a response, a series of deep vertical aquifer pro- critically evaluating a CSM and the value of the Smart
file transects successfully delineated the 2600 ft long plume Characterization approach. The site is a former manufactur-
at high resolution within a couple of months (Figure  4.27). ing facility, with an industrial history dating back to the early
Follow-up investigation identified a depleted source in the 1900s. Site activities included but were not limited to former
perched zone and a relatively small source foot print in the automotive parts manufacturing and furniture manufactur-
deep overburden and weathered bedrock. ing, with potential chlorinated VOC sources including vapor

Perched 1,4-dioxane

Lower 1,4-dioxane

FIGURE 4.27  Example of 3D model output from case study 1, showing the groundwater plume mapped during the high-resolution
134 Remediation Engineering

degreasers and wastewater lagoons. Historically, investiga- of work, HPT and vertical aquifer profile sampling was
tions at the site for chlorinated VOC concentrations had only performed to enable expedited access and expansion of the
used conventional methods, with monitoring well screens downgradient investigation. As the investigation adaptively
placed at arbitrary depths in the aquifer. The original CSM mapped the plume, it resulted in approximately 150 verti-
at the site was based on monitoring well data and suggested a cal aquifer profile borings, 90 HPT borings, and more than
TCE groundwater plume in the low hundreds of micrograms 600 WCSS samples.
per liter was present. The Smart Characterization approach Ultimately, a 10 ppm CVOC plume core was mapped
was applied to develop a high-resolution, flux-based CSM and nearly 5000 ft downgradient of the site, beneath a residential
improve understanding of the nature and extent of the chlo- neighborhood and discharging to a stream. Soil, groundwa-
rinated solvents in groundwater. The approach used CPT and ter, and permeability data were analyzed in a 3D model to
the HPT to develop a 3D interpretation of hydrostratigraphy map the complex distribution of the compounds at the site
and differentiate high-permeability transport zones from less (see Figure 4.28 for an example view from the model). The
permeable storage zones. The dissolved-phase plume was 3D model was a critical tool in constructing the CSM and
mapped using vertical aquifer profile groundwater sampling agreement from the regulatory agency on the CSM elements.
nominally every 5 ft. A specialized mobile lab using direct The rapid site characterization resulted in significant
sampling ion trap mass spectroscopy was used for high-res- updates to the CSM, including the following:
olution saturated soil sampling in the source area and fine-
grained matrix in the downgradient plume to evaluate mass • Identification that the majority of CVOC mass is
contained within the storage zones. present in a low-permeability storage zone, mapped
During the initial phase of work near the source, a using a combination of permeability profiling and
10  ppm+ CVOC plume was discovered at a depth interval WCSS sampling.
midway between intermediate and deep monitoring wells, • Mapping of a 5000 ft long VOC plume with concen-
indicating that the core of the plume was missed with the trations greater than 10,000 µg/L in the plume core
monitoring well network and suggesting a significant poten- (Figure 4.29). The plume is located in a thin segment
tial for off-site migration. During the subsequent two phases (<10 ft thick) at the aquifer base (deeper than 80 ft

FIGURE 4.28  Case study 2 CVOC plume and fence diagrams showing higher permeability sands (yellow) and lower clay aquitard (blue).


Upper sand
TCE >5 μg/L
TCE >10,000
Lower silt μg/L

Basal clay
~1000 ft

FIGURE 4.29  Case study 2 cross-sectional view of plume and geology.

Remediation Hydrogeology 135

missed by the monitoring well network, in an example of how

Cree monitoring wells have excellent precision but poor accuracy.
While the data from the monitoring wells were precise and
reproducible over many rounds of sampling, the result was
not representative of site conditions because the arbitrary well
placement missed the core of the plume that was later mapped

with vertical aquifer profiling. The lesson learned is that mon-
Plume 4
itoring wells are reliable for monitoring, once the geometry

and distribution of the plume has been determined through

appropriate sampling.



Plume 3 1. Fetter, C.W. Jr. 1980. Applied Hydrogeology. Merrill,
Columbus, OH, 488pp.

2. Freeze, R.A. and J.A. Cherry. 1979. Groundwater. Prentice


Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 604pp.

3. Darton, N.H. 1903. Preliminary report on the geology and
water resources of Nebraska west of the one hundred and third
Plume 2
meridian (Vol. 17). Govt. Print. Off.
4. Dennehy, K.F. 2000. High plains regional ground-water study:
U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-091-00. United States
Geological Survey: Reston, VA.
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Flux-informed remediation decision making. Ground Water
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proper tools for characterization. More than 50 wells had 18. Suthersan, S., J. Quinnan, and N. Welty. 2015. The new ROI:
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and had been monitored for nearly 10  years. However, the tion methods. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation
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of Conceptual Site Models and Remediation Strategies for S. Pitkin, M. Rossi, and M. Singletary. 2014. Membrane inter-
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5 Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation

5.1 INTRODUCTION from sources. This concept supported the belief that adequate

characterization of the distal plume is achieved with less
Pump and treat is the earliest groundwater remediation tech- investigative points as plumes expand. Collectively, these
nology and still remains one of the most commonly employed ideas support the use of data averaging and application of
approaches. In the 1980s and early 1990s, over 70% of REVs, the minimum scale at which averaging groundwater
groundwater remediation projects relied solely on pump and flow hydraulic analysis is effective. The limitations with the
treat,1,2 and even today, pump and treat continues to be an REV model were revealed in the early 2000s by advances in
essential element of most remediation projects. However, site characterization. Tracer studies performed in sand and
there are few technologies that are less maligned or polar- gravel aquifers showed that the effective porosity was usu-
izing than pump and treat. End users typically consider pump ally less than 10% (typically 7.5%; Figure 4.3), much differ-
and treat to be a failed technology, and industry performance ent from the specific yield estimated from long-term pumping
supports this assessment. Pump and treat is successful in tests (typically 25%). This contrast in testing results was fur-
achieving cleanup objectives at some sites, but at most sites, ther investigated using aquifer-profiling methods across and
systems operate long after the original cleanup projections along plumes to assess large-scale plume behavior. These
are passed. The rare pump and treat successes look to be due investigations found that our plumes were not mixing across
to luck rather than design, but closer inspection has revealed aquifers with distance but rather were moving through net-
that hydrogeology rather than serendipity divided projects works of small-scale pathways in higher permeability zones.
between success and failure. Conceptually, these networks are consistent with the geologic
The conceptual model of contaminant transport has processes that created our aquifers (e.g., see Figure 4.5). An
undergone a paradigm shift over the last decade. The early anastomosing stream network filling a valley with fluvium
applications of pump and treat relied on the concept of the will create aquifers with anastomotic hydraulic conductivity
representative elemental volume (REV), in which the sub- patterns. Collectively, these observations showed that con-
surface could be treated as an equivalent homogeneous taminant transport needs to be assessed at a smaller scale than
system using large-scale bulk averages.3 This concept was the REV so that important fine-scale geologic heterogeneities
developed from groundwater resources management, for controlling flow and transport could be included.
water supplies, as a means to address aquifer heterogeneity. The effect of real soils on plume movement produces unex-
The REV is an innovative approach that works well for water pectedly fast arrival of concentrations as well as a delayed
supply because flow pathways are less important than flow flushing of contaminants. This behavior, when observed in
quantity. The importance of this distinction has long been monitoring wells, is analogous to the breakthrough curves
recognized, but data to understand this distinction have only observed when incomplete mixing occurs in chemical reac-
recently been widely available. Tracer studies reveal that con- tors. This process was described in depth in the 1950s4–6 as
taminants move much faster than previously thought, while caused by velocity differences generated by the drag or shear
plume profiling methods reveal that contaminants move stress of vessel walls and baffles on fluids as they move through
through only a small fraction of the aquifer (as demonstrated vessels. The effect of this process is well approximated using
in Chapter 4). In this chapter, we explore the effect of these the three-parameter model representing the advective frac-
conditions on pump and treat performance and determine tion of the vessel, the static fraction of the vessel (slow advec-
what ­hydrogeologic features are important during predesign tive zones approximated as being static), with mass transfer
investigations and how they can be exploited using dynamic between zones.7 Others8 extended these works to solute trans-
groundwater recirculation (DGR). port through porous media presenting the differential capaci-
tance model, known today as the dual-domain model (DDM),
5.2 A NEW MODEL OF CONTAMINANT and demonstrated the applicability of the DDM using column
data. The DDM matched breakthrough data significantly bet-
ter than the simple ADE equation, allowing quantification of
Our understanding of contaminant transport has evolved dead-end pores in soils, and the effects of velocity on mass
greatly in the past 20 years, and it is time to transform it again. transfer through this space.
The 1990s was the era of parameter parsimony emphasizing The division of the soil into two compartments, one immo-
the importance of reducing complexity to describe plume bile and the other mobile exchanging mass through a mass
conditions and behavior. The theory of the approach assumes transfer coefficient, was an important step in advancing our
the effect of transport processes as a plume moves through ability to represent heterogeneities in our transport models.
an aquifer results in a uniformity of conditions, smooth- It also created a clearer distinction between the concepts of
ing concentrations, and mass flux with time and distance groundwater supply and solute transport. For example, the

138 Remediation Engineering

specific yield representing water storage is not the fraction are static, it may not be possible to ever reduce concentra-
of the aquifer representing plume movement, but occasion- tions in a meaningful, long-term sense at some sites without
ally, each parameter may have similar values. The addition a costly, brute force approach. The distribution of mass flux
of a third parameter, mass transfer coefficient, also permitted and our preconceived limitations on accessing that 20% of
adjustments in calculations to represent observed declines in the mass is a consequence of how we have conceptualized the
remedial performance. Collectively, the concepts of transport subsurface into a binary system of either transport or storage
and storage zones along with a mass flux–based perspective zones. In reality, there are a range of permeabilities in the
and hydrostratigraphic analyses allowed a much more real- subsurface; the highest permeability zones (sands and gravels)
istic representation of contaminant movement in the subsur- will act as pure transport zones, and the lowest permeability
face, thus improving our ability to clean up sites. Although zones (silts and clays) will act as pure storage zones. But there
the DDM has improved our ability to clean up sites dramati- are also intermediate permeability zones—interbedded sand–
cally, this storage/transport zone model is a simplification of silt–clay mixtures—that are currently lumped and classified
the subsurface, lumping broad ranges of permeability classes as storage zones. We call these “slow advection” zones, and
within each soil fraction. These simplifications are clearly they will have both diffusion and advection occurring in them.
evident when we assess high resolution aquifer studies. These Consider Figure 5.1 that presents groundwater concentrations
mass flux mappings repeatedly demonstrate that the majority and hydraulic conductivity data collected using a vertical pro-
of flux occurs in a small fraction of the cross sectional area; filing tool through a plume. The data show the majority of the
typically, over 80% of the flux occurs in less than 20% of the aquifer is unaffected by contaminants. Figure 5.2 presents the
cross section.9,10 Because the majority of the mass flux occurs relative mass flux (product of hydraulic conductivity and con-
exclusively in the most permeable sections of the aquifer, the centrations) with the aquifer concentration data. This analysis
distribution of flux implies that 20% of the flux is in the low illustrates that the majority of the mass flux moves through a
permeability storage zones. These low permeability storage fraction of the contaminant zone, but equally important, the
zones are commonly thought of as representing silt and clay, figure shows the mass flux is variable. Notably, there are por-
where advection is negligible and diffusion is the dominant tions where the advection rates are far lower than the rates
process, essentially creating static zones where mass is not in a pure transport zone with advection rates that are still far
moving. However, if 20% of the mass is present in zones that higher than the velocity of diffusion.

Hydraulic conductivity (cm/s)

1 × 10–5 2 3 5 1 × 10–4 2 3 5 1 × 10–3 2 3 5 1 × 10–2


10 Measured soil
Depth below land surface (ft)

Sand and
20 gravel

30 Silt

Sand and gravel


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Soil concentration (mg/kg)

FIGURE 5.1  High-resolution soil concentration and hydraulic conductivity profile, demonstrating the majority of the aquifer is unaffected
by contaminants.
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 139

Relative mass flux

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

Measured soil
Depth below land surface (ft) concentrations

Sand and
20 Mass gravel

30 Silt

Sand and gravel


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Soil concentration (mg/kg)

FIGURE 5.2  Relative mass flux was calculated for the soil and hydraulic conductivity data from Figure 5.1. Note that although soil con-
centrations are present across 15 ft of the subsurface, the majority of the mass flux is present in a segment less than 5 ft thick.

These examples are intended to emphasize that contami- advection zones in our model of transport allows us to make
nant storage zones are often misconceptualized as static. The meaningful cleanup progress at sites where previously it was
proper description is that they appear to be static. While a not thought possible; we can affect contaminant mass in slow
portion of these zones are static, the majority of the immo- advection zones while restoration of storage zones will always
bile or static aquifer fraction is slowly moving. By recogniz- be limited by diffusion. In this chapter we will revisit contam-
ing this distinction, we establish a framework for enhanced inant transport, evaluate how we can improve pump-and-treat
performance. Table 5.1 proposes a three compartment model performance, and introduce a new approach to groundwater
based on hydraulic conductivity ranges. The inclusion of slow extraction we call dynamic groundwater recirculation (DGR)
that provides significant performance improvement over tra-
ditional pump and treat.
Three-Compartment Model of the Subsurface 5.3 DESIGN CONCEPTS AND REMEDIAL
Advective zones: Pure advection STRATEGIES
Sands and gravels (mobile fraction)
Hydraulic conductivity >10−2 cm/s A traditional pump and treat system design is built upon a
Advective/storage zones: Slow advection
premise that aquifer systems at large scale behave as equiva-
lent homogeneous systems. This framework emphasizes the
Sands mixed with silts and clays (immobile fraction)
importance of monitoring wells to understand contaminant
10−5 cm/s <Hydraulic conductivity <10−2 cm
behavior and risk, ultimately guiding remedial decisions.
Storage zones: Static water/storage
Extraction wells are typically located downgradient of source
Silts and clays (storage fraction) areas with an expectation that steady operation will achieve
Hydraulic conductivity <10−5 cm/s
performance objectives.
Source: Potter, S.T. et al., Large plume remediation: Quantifying the effects These concepts are explored further by evaluating pump
of scale on remedy design and operation, Remediation Technology and  treat performance at the manufacturing site shown in
Summit (RemTEC15), Denver, CO, March 1–4, 2015. Figure 5.3. The site is underlain by approximately 50  ft of
sand and gravel with 5 ft of fine silty sand present in the
140 Remediation Engineering

Wastewater lagoon Cross-section A–A΄
Leakage rate = 2 gpm 45
22 22
35 Lagoon
21.5 Water table Supply well
21.5 25
Northing (ft)


15 Sand and gravel
21 21
Point B 10 Hydraulic conductivity—100 ft/day


Fine sand/hydraulic conductivity—10 ft/day


Supply well 20.5 20.5 –5

15 gpm Sand and gravel
Hydraulic conductivity—100 ft/day

A΄ –20
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Eastings (ft) Distance

FIGURE 5.3  Site conditions for the case study of pump-and-treat performance. A manufacturing facility had a leaking wastewater lagoon
north of the main building, and contaminants began to show up in the supply well to the south. The subsurface consists of a medium-to-
coarse sand, with a 5 ft thick silty sand layer. The facility extraction well is screened only in the lower sand unit.

middle of the aquifer and groundwater present around and affecting 30 million gallons of groundwater. As with
20–25 ft. The average hydraulic conductivity of the shallow all large plumes, remedial strategies are driven by the mass
and deep portions of the aquifer is approximately 100 ft/day flux. Two basic strategies are assessed. The first is a conven-
(0.0353 cm/s), while the silty sand has an average hydraulic tional pump and treat approach at the toe of the plume. Two
conductivity of 10 ft/day (0.00353 cm/s). Ambient groundwa- extraction wells are operated, one shallow and one deep at
ter moves from north to south at an average hydraulic gra- 10 gpm each. Given the plume developed over 10 years under
dient of 0.001, naturally discharging to two small streams the influence of a single 15 gpm supply well, it is a reason-
south of the factory (Figure 5.3). The manufacturing facil- able premise that groundwater will flush out in a similar time
ity is extracting groundwater at 15 gpm in the southern area frame under the influence of 20 gpm of pumping. The second
of the property to support general factory operations. The approach is a DGR system. The DGR system incorporates
extraction well is screened across the lower 20 ft of the aqui- four extraction wells and seven injection wells, recirculat-
fer. Facility wastewater is temporarily stored in a lagoon at ing treated groundwater at 21 gpm designed to minimize the
the north end of the site before treatment and discharge to travel time of contaminants to extraction wells. The following
the small tributary at the south end of the site (Point B). The sections compare the performance of each strategy.
wastewater has an average TCE concentration of 100  µg/L.
The lagoon had an unidentified leak not recognized until
5.3.1 Pump and Treat
TCE was detected in the groundwater extraction well at the
south end of the site. Investigations revealed the lagoon had The performance of the conventional pump and treat
been leaking for approximately 10 years, and a groundwater approach is shown in Figure 5.5a through d. In this scenario,
plume extended approximately 1000 ft downgradient from the two extraction wells are present, one in the water table aquifer
lagoon (Figure 5.4a and b). Contaminant mass is present in all and one in the deep aquifer, each pumping at 10 gpm. The
three aquifer units, with the most widespread, highest concen- remedial objective is to reduce concentrations from 100  µg/L
trations in the water table sand unit (up to 100  µg/L), while to less than 1  µg/L. Investigations determined that the mobile
the low permeability unit has up to 100  µg/L and the deep fraction is approximately 0.1, the total porosity is 0.35, and
groundwater unit has up to 30  µg/L. The discovery of TCE in TCE has a retardation factor of 1.0 (i.e., no adsorption). Solute
the groundwater extraction well resulted in the lagoon being transport is approximated with the DDM using MT3DMS.12
remediated and the source removed, approximately 15 years A mass transfer coefficient of approximately 2.5 × 10−4 was
after the leak began. assigned based upon the discretization and hydrogeology.
The remedial challenge is the groundwater plume: 250 ft The results after 5 years show noticeable improvement in the
wide, extending over 1100 ft downgradient from the lagoon, water table layer and the deep groundwater, with only modest
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 141

Water table Low “K” unit Deep groundwater

21.5 21.5 21.5

21.0 21.0 21.0

20.5 20.5
Feet Feet Feet

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

TCE concentration (μg/L)

(a) 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Water table Low “K” unit Deep groundwater

21.5 21.5 21.5

21.0 21.0 21.0


20.5 20.5
Feet Feet Feet

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

TCE concentration (μg/L)

(b) 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

FIGURE 5.4  (a) Development of the groundwater TCE plume, approximately 5 years after the start of the leak in the wastewater lagoon.
Pink circle represents location of the pumping well. (b) Development of the groundwater TCE plume, approximately 10 years after the start
of the leak in the wastewater lagoon.
142 Remediation Engineering

Water table Low “K” unit Deep groundwater

21.5 21.5 21.5

21.0 21.0 21.0



Feet Feet Feet

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

TCE concentration (μg/L)

(a) 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Water table Low “K” unit Deep groundwater

21.5 21.5 21.5

21.0 21.0 21.0




Feet Feet Feet

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

TCE concentration (μg/L)

(b) 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

FIGURE 5.5  The results of pump and treat applied to the TCE plume, in the three hydrostratigraphic units; pink circles represent pumping
well locations. (a) Five years after the start of pump and treat; (b) 10 years after the start of pump and treat. (Continued)
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 143

Water table Low “K” unit Deep groundwater

21.5 21.5 21.5

21.0 21.0 21.0




Feet Feet Feet

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

TCE concentration (μg/L)

(c) 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Water table Low “K” unit Deep groundwater

21.5 21.5 21.5

21.0 21.0 21.0





Feet Feet Feet

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

TCE concentration (μg/L)

(d) 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

FIGURE 5.5 (Continued )  The results of pump and treat applied to the TCE plume, in the three hydrostratigraphic units; pink circles
represent pumping well locations. (c) 20 years after the start of pump and treat; (d) 30 years after the start of pump and treat.
144 Remediation Engineering

improvements in the lower-K middle unit. After 10 years, the water along the plume spine, and injecting water at the edges
water table and deep groundwater units have limited mass of the plume to create a simple DGR system (Figure 5.6a).
remaining, but the low permeability unit still has concen- The total injection and extraction rate is 21 gpm, approxi-
trations similar to the start of pump and treat. After 20 and mately matching the total extraction rate of 20 gpm of the
30 years of pump and treat, the plume continues to persist in pumping wells in the previous scenario. The flow between
the low permeability unit. The persistence of the contaminants layers is slightly unbalanced, extracting more in the shallow
is caused by the permeability contrast between soil layers and and injecting more in the deep, in order to create upward
the simultaneous extraction of groundwater both shallow and head differentials between the water table and the deep
deep; the pump and treat strategy of a uniform withdrawal of zone. These conditions are opposite of those during plume
water effectively isolates less permeable zones from primary development where in the infiltration from the lagoon (slight
pathways even though the contrast is only 10:1. Even with this mounding of the water table above the middle layer) and
limited permeability contrast, it takes approximately 50 years deep extraction (drawdown and water level declines in the
of pump and treat to entirely remove the plume. By extension, deep aquifer) created a pathway for TCE to invade the lower
this effect becomes greater with typical soil profiles as greater permeability zone. The hydraulic gradients from the unbal-
permeability contrasts usually vary from 1,000:1 to 10,000:1. anced flows drive the flow through the lower permeability
With traditional pump and treat, we are constrained by the zone enhancing flushing. While the traditional pump and
ambient hydraulic gradient and aquifer hydraulic conductiv- treat required decades to make meaningful cleanup prog-
ity and are unable to decrease the period of performance. The ress, the DGR system makes noticeable progress after a
time to clean up is also unchanged if the pumping rate on year (Figure 5.6b), and the entire plume has been cleaned up
the extraction well is increased. This is because if the pump- within 10 years (Figure 5.6e). After 7 years of DGR opera-
ing rate is increased, the groundwater flow rate through the tion, the injection and extraction flow rates were altered to
plume is unchanged; the pumping well capture zone merely focus efforts on the portion of the aquifer where the plume
increases in size. One key lesson, then, is that pumping harder was still present. The  injection and extraction wells in the
does not reduce cleanup time. northern portion of the plume were shut down, and the wells
The alternate scenario shows how DGR can dramati- in the southern portion of the plume pumped at higher rates.
cally reduce cleanup times (Figure 5.6a through e). This The optimization could be more effective if an injection was
is achieved by increasing the actual groundwater flow rate well installed below the recalcitrant portion of the plume to
through the plume, which we can achieve by extracting increase vertical gradients and flushing.

Water table Low “K” unit Deep groundwater

21.5 21.5 21.5

21.0 21.0 21.0

Feet Feet Feet

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

TCE concentration (μg/L)

(a) 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

FIGURE 5.6  The results of dynamic groundwater recirculation (DGR) applied to the TCE plume, in the three hydrostratigraphic units;
pink circles represent extraction wells and green squares represent injection wells. (a) Initial conditions at start of DGR. (Continued )
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 145

Water table Low “K” unit Deep groundwater

21.5 21.5 21.5

21.0 21.0 21.0

Feet Feet Feet

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

TCE concentration (μg/L)

(b) 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Water table Low “K” unit Deep groundwater

21.5 21.5 21.5

21.0 21.0 21.0

Feet Feet Feet

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

TCE concentration (μg/L)

(c) 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

FIGURE 5.6 (Continued )  The results of dynamic groundwater recirculation (DGR) applied to the TCE plume, in the three hydrostrati-
graphic units; pink circles represent extraction wells and green squares represent injection wells. (b) A year after the start of DGR. (c) 4 years
after the start of DGR. (Continued )
146 Remediation Engineering

Water table Low “K” unit Deep groundwater

21.5 21.5 21.5

21.0 21.0 21.0

Feet Feet Feet

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

TCE concentration (μg/L)

(d) 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Water table Low “K” unit Deep groundwater

21.5 21.5 21.5

21.0 21.0 21.0

Feet Feet Feet

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

TCE concentration (μg/L)

(e) 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

FIGURE 5.6 (Continued )  The results of dynamic groundwater recirculation (DGR) applied to the TCE plume, in the three hydro-
stratigraphic units; pink circles represent extraction wells and green squares represent injection wells. (d) 7 years after the start of DGR;
(e) 9 years after the start of DGR.
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 147

This example demonstrates that conventional pump and 5.3.2 Complex Heterogeneous Systems
treat systems can be reengineered and enhanced as an effec-
tive remediation strategy. The key to success is to focus on the The simple example in the previous section illustrates the
following critical elements: difference between traditional pump and treat and DGR
for a site with relatively simple conditions; however, most
• Site-specific hydrogeology and the conceptual site aquifer systems are considerably more complex. The com-
model (CSM) plexity of real-world systems can be divided into a static
• Contaminant distribution and mass flux component derived from the permeability distribution in
• Extraction and reinjection well configuration com- the aquifer, and a dynamic component derived from hydrau-
bined with adaptive operation linked to remedial lic conditions. The static permeability component is due to
progress the geologic processes that create aquifers. Consider Figure
• Short- and long-term performance objectives: adjust- 5.7a taken along the bank of the Teklanika River in Denali
ing the system to maximize contaminant removal National Park. The river is a network of braided and anasto-
rates, clearly defining remedial endpoints, and pri- mosing streams, with an ever-varying discharge from melt-
oritizing schedule compliance to meet the targeted ing snow and precipitation events, carrying eroded materials
remediation time frame from adjacent uplands, filling the valley with sediment.
These complex erosional and depositional processes impart
We define this concept of enhanced groundwater flushing and a permeability structure consistent with the braided geom-
the technology to implement it as DGR. etry of the streams as shown in Figure 5.7b. In essence, the
Implementation of DGR can achieve endpoints that his- resulting aquifer permeability structure creates a network of
torically were considered impossible or not cost-effective small-scale pathways in higher permeability zones just as in
to reach with the conventional approach to pump and treat. the original fluvial environment.
The use of an enhanced flushing-based solution is a necessity As a plume develops in this permeability structure, it is
to address large plumes and difficult-to-treat contaminants affected by dynamic conditions from variations in ground-
because of the complexities and related costs of large-scale water levels, hydraulic gradients, and flow directions that
implementation of in situ technologies. Historically, the pre- result from seasonality of recharge rates, variations in
sumptive assumption toward large plume remediation is that it river stage, tidal influences, and nonsteady pumping rates
cannot be done, and the best approach is to control the plume from water supply wells. The dynamic temporal conditions
movement. However, the effectiveness of DGR combined lead to plume development in all advective pathways and
with mass flux–based solutions can enable stakeholders to diffusive storage zones, a process similar to how a breeze
plan for site closure with both relatively shorter time frames moves through a home with open windows. Consider all
and reduced costs. the space inside a home as representing a potential pathway

(a) (b)

FIGURE 5.7  (a, b) The natural geologic processes that deposit sediment impart a permeability structure to the subsurface. The photo on
the left shows the Teklanika River in Denali National Park. This style of deposition leads to an aquifer structure like the image shown on
the right. Water flows through both systems in a similar fashion, with the majority of the water flowing in small-scale features of the overall
system. (Photo courtesy of Scott Potter.)
148 Remediation Engineering

to move and circulate air. As air enters through a window, hydraulics vary less tend to have long, thin, and relatively
the configuration of interior walls and doors act to baffle uniform plumes; conversely, sites with highly varying
airflow differently through each room. As the direction hydraulic conditions tend to have wider plumes with more
of the wind changes, airflow through each room of the irregular contaminant distribution. Researchers in chaos
home changes as well. This process is analogous to how ­t heory describe this element of transport as plume stretch-
plumes develop and advance through our aquifers. In an ing and folding.13–16
aquifer, high permeability zones focus groundwater flow, In summary, the process of plume development occurs
while low permeability zones deflect groundwater flow. in a complex permeability structure under the influence of
The dynamic influence of seasonal changes in water levels constantly varying hydraulic conditions. The problem with
and hydraulic gradients gradually introduce contaminants traditional pump and treat is that it is static and continually
across all permeable portions of an aquifer downgradi- draws water from the same permeable pathways in the aqui-
ent of the source. And by extension, the concentration fer. The contaminant mass located off these main pathways,
gradients between high and low permeability materials emplaced through complex plume development, is isolated
along these primary pathways induce forward diffusion of and never affected by clean water drawn through the plume.
contaminants into less permeable zones over time. These The most efficient way to clean up a plume, therefore, is to
processes and the analogy earlier bring to light a critical unravel the complex distribution of contaminant mass by
observation that large plumes are created over decades of mimicking the process of plume development through vary-
varying hydraulic conditions and changing principal flow ing the hydraulic conditions in a similar manner. This is
paths. Figure 5.8 illustrates the development of a plume in why DGR is so successful: the dynamic application forces
the permeability structure created by the braided stream water through all pathways in the subsurface rather than
shown in Figure 5.7. It is this temporal variation in aquifer just the primary static pathway. As demonstrated in the
hydraulics, coupled with sorption and diffusion into low case study earlier, a minor reconfiguration of the DGR after
permeability zones that acts as the primary mechanism several years of operation flushed additional pathways and
behind transverse plume spreading. Sites where aquifer reduced the cleanup time.

Source area Source area

(a) (b)

Extraction well Extraction well

Injection well Injection well
Source area Source area

Source area Source area

(c) (d)

FIGURE 5.8  Groundwater flow and solute transport in a heterogeneous aquifer like the example shown in Figure 5.7. Background shading
represents relative differences in hydraulic conductivity associated with alluvial deposition. Panels a and b represent the effects of seasonal
variation in groundwater flow patterns and contaminant transport during the phase of plume propagation. Panel c represents the plume
configuration sometime after the implementation of dynamic groundwater recirculation (DGR) technology. Panel d represents DGR recon-
figuration and restoration that has taken place. (After Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 35(2), 23, 2015.)
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 149

5.4 CASE STUDY 1: FORMER REESE both scale and lithologic complexity, restoring the aquifer
AIR FORCE BASE to unrestricted beneficial reuse was the primary goal of the
restoration effort.17
In this case study we examine how DGR facilitated In 2004, the Air Force kicked off an effort to complete
groundwater cleanup at an unprecedented scale and time the cleanup of the Reese AFB TCE plume within 10  years.
frame. A large groundwater plume in the sole-source aqui- The concept of accelerating plume-wide groundwater cleanup
fer beneath former Reese Air Force Base (AFB) was over at Reese AFB from a baseline of 100–1000 µg/L across the
three miles long with a footprint of over 700 acres. The bulk of the plume to less than the TCE MCL (5 µg/L) within
performance-based contract required reducing contami- a 10-year time frame was initially met with a healthy dose of
nant concentrations to below maximum contaminant levels skepticism. The water table is 150 ft deep, and the plume con-
(MCLs) in less than 10 years. The available time for active figuration was complicated by the presence of paleochannels,
remediation is roughly half of the 10 years, as 3 years are changes in depositional environments, 30–50 ft of caliche in
required for postclosure monitoring to ensure restoration, the vadose zone, operating supply wells, and the presence
and 2 years are needed to develop a remediation strategy, of multiple, independent contaminant sources with different
obtain regulatory approval, and for system construction. release histories. On top of this, there was the challenge of
Therefore, this schedule on an incremental basis necessi- collecting and interpreting data from over 700 monitoring,
tated that 2–3 acres of the 700 acre plume needed to be remedial extraction, irrigation, and domestic wells to make
cleaned up each week for the 5-year period of active reme- remedial decisions. Prior to adjusting the strategy, the most
diation. In order to meet this aggressive cleanup rate, an recent 5-year review concluded there was at least 50 years of
approach was needed that could cost-effectively improve further remediation required.
the short-term efficiency, reliability, and performance of
the remedy, while at the same time enhancing the pace of a
plume-wide cleanup. At the scale of the plume’s footprint,
5.4.2 The First Step: Refinement of the
an approach focusing on mass flux hinged on adaptive Conceptual Site Model
operation and optimization using real-time performance An honest refinement of the CSM, unburdened by alle-
data seemed necessary. This strategy would require treat- giance to historic precedent, was integral to the success
ment system components that could be relocated or aug- of the Reese project. As discussed earlier in this chapter,
mented to adjust treatment configurations and drive the historically, the concept of a CSM had much narrower defi-
overall rate of cleanup—in contrast with the fixed opera- nition and was grounded in the belief that complex systems
tional configuration typically employed to control plumes could be adequately represented by simple equivalents—
of this magnitude. the REV—but modern CSMs incorporate the importance
This adaptive approach was what ultimately yielded suc- of fine-scale processes on contaminant transport. The
cess. The collective process required to achieve a cleanup Reese CSM provides a good illustration of this shift, as
at Reese included upfront revisions to the CSM based on when the initial CSM for Reese was developed in the early
mass flux rather than REVs, optimizing the existing remedy 1990s; contaminant data and water levels were organized
based on the revised CSM, designing combined remedies to indicate that plume movement was entirely consis-
while repurposing existing infrastructure for efficiencies, tent with groundwater potentiometric maps. This was an
and adaptive operation of that remedy through constant expected outcome considering the concepts of contaminant
feedback from analysis of the plume-wide performance transport and groundwater modeling applications at the
data. The outcome was a reduction of contaminant concen- time. This CSM intrinsically assumed that soil complexi-
trations to MCLs over the three mile plume and restora- ties could be effectively averaged to reproduce behavior at
tion of a sole-source aquifer to unrestricted use in less than all wells, in spite of all soil borings showing a complex soil
10 years. profile varying from clay to gravel. This interpretation was
extended to subsequent wells and boring locations as inves-
tigations expanded, inadvertently screening the potential to
5.4.1  Background
observe certain types of behavior. Anisotropy is typically
Former Reese AFB, located approximately 10 miles west framed as a property of soils, where permeability affect-
of Lubbock, TX, opened in 1941. It had a flight training ing the movement of water and contaminants is different
mission for pilots until its closure in 1997 under the Base depending upon direction; however, anisotropy can also be
Realignment and Closure Act. Contamination consisting an effect driven by the larger scale hydrostratigraphy of
mainly of petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents the geology. The initial CSM concluded the aquifer was
that had been used to clean aircrafts stood in the way of effectively isotropic at the plume scale and that there was
the transfer and redevelopment of the base property. The no preferred pattern of plume movement largely because
main challenge was an extensive TCE plume in groundwater asymmetrical drawdown local to extraction wells was not
that extended off-base, covering a total distance of approxi- identified. This interpretation became the basis for the
mately 3 miles. The aquifer involved is the sole drinking initial positioning of the pump and treat extraction wells
water source for the local area, so while considerable in and was also used to identify private wells potentially at
150 Remediation Engineering

dw ater
G roun


er g

0 0.5 1

FIGURE 5.9  Groundwater flow is not aligned with the potentiometric gradient. The anisotropic plume movement resulted from the perme-
ability structure in the aquifer. (After Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 35(4), 27, 2015.)

risk. It  was not until after remedy implementation when moving in a direction that was approximately 40° of the
perimeter monitoring wells were found to contain VOCs observed hydraulic gradient (Figure 5.9). In addition, it was
consistent with the core of the plume and extraction wells also observed that at approximately 3000–5000 ft intervals
immediately downgradient of the plume were not extract- along the plume axis, contaminant transport and mass distri-
ing any mass, that it became evident that there were defi- bution patterns changed.
ciencies with the CSM. These observations drove the evolution of the CSM from
The early CSM had resulted in a failure to achieve an a single simplified system to a macrosystem comprising
operating properly and successfully designation as required several small interconnected systems. This conclusion was
by the ROD even though the project was 5  years into the also a logical fit with the scale of the plume—noticeable
remedy. In 2004, the transition of the project to a program differences should be expected in the depositional environ-
whose goal was to complete the cleanup in a 10-year time ment over a distance of 18,000 ft. As a result, the refined
frame created the opportunity to rethink both the CSM and site-wide CSM reflected anisotropy driven by geologic
the existing remedy. A careful review of the historic con- structure, and was revised to include five different areas
taminant data and plume-wide hydrostratigraphy yielded with their own conceptual model based on unique geology,
some important findings relative to the previous interpreta- distance from source areas, and contaminant distribution
tion; most notably, the groundwater plume appeared to be (Figure 5.10).

me 5
in plu

Primary 3
Landfill 1 km

FIGURE 5.10  The refined site-wide conceptual site model was divided into five distinct areas based upon geology, distance from the
source area, and contaminant distribution. (After Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 35(4), 27, 2015.)
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 151

The distance from the source affects how long contami- Recognition of the anisotropy in the flow system sup-
nants have been present at a location, which in turn affects the ported a significant reengineering of the capture approach.
degree to which contaminants have been able to diffuse into High contaminant concentrations downgradient of the source
immobile fractions of the aquifer. This means the way plumes could only be present if they were hydraulically connected to
appear does not always reflect the processes by which they source areas, and these were the zones where pumping was
were created. For example, contaminants in the aquifer near- focused. The new strategy was simple: focus on the contami-
est source areas were almost uniformly distributed not because nant mass flux through the preferred pathways. A numerical
contaminants were moving uniformly but because 50  years model was developed using MODFLOW with a supplemental
of exposure allowed coarse and fine grained soils (soils with piece of MODALL software18 to consider the current site data
higher and lower permeability) to become impacted at similar and support a change on how groundwater was extracted and
concentrations through heterogeneous advection and diffu- reinjected. The resulting modifications took a 650 gpm sys-
sion. At the leading edge of the plume, where contaminants tem with 32 extraction wells and nonstrategic reinjection and
had been present for the least time, the plume tended to be reduced it to a 300 gpm system with 20 extraction wells and a
limited to the most permeable channels conveying the mass more strategic reinjection. While groundwater extraction was
flux. This contrast in conditions naturally leads to a realiza- reduced by nearly 60%, the overall mass removal increased by
tion that different remedial approaches would likely be more 25% (Figure 5.12). These changes resulted in immediate sav-
effective in different portions of the plume. ings and created flexibility to consider further modifications of
the remedy to more effectively drive restoration of the aquifer.19

5.4.3 The Second Step: Optimization

5.4.4 The Third Step: Adaptive Implementation
of the Existing Remedy
of a Revised Remedy Strategy
As part of the base closure process, a regulatory order issued in
the 1990s required implementation of a conventional pump and  Strategy
treat system to achieve plume containment. Air stripping with When regulatory decision documents were developed
carbon adsorption was employed to treat the extracted water, throughout the 1980s and 1990s, they frequently focused on
and the treated water was reinjected into the aquifer. Location selecting a single remedy for any given site. Responsible par-
of extraction wells and pumping rates were influenced by the ties, remediation practitioners, and regulatory stakeholders
previous interpretation of plume structure and driven by con- now almost wholly embrace the value of a combined rem-
ceptualizations built from solutions to the advection–disper- edy approach since the pendulum of technology selection has
sion equation in homogeneous settings. Operated between swung significantly. For complex remediation sites, multiple
1997 and 2004, the limitations of the CSM had resulted in the technologies are brought to bear to utilize the unique ben-
ongoing operation of multiple extraction wells outside of the efits of each individual technology to expedite bulk source
plume footprint, and during this period of operation, there was mass removal, initiate sustaining treatment chemistries, and
little change in plume footprint (Figure 5.11). enable ongoing mechanisms to both eliminate mass flux and



0 0.5 1

FIGURE 5.11  Extraction, treatment, and reinjection system in 2004 prior to system optimization (total extraction rate was 651 gpm).
Pumping distribution was based on potential plume movement inferred by water level elevations. The symbol sizes shown are proportional
to the flow rate of the well. (After Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 35(4), 27, 2015.)
152 Remediation Engineering

Primary flow

0 0.5 1

FIGURE 5.12  Extraction, treatment, and reinjection system in 2009 after system optimization (350 gpm). Pumping distribution was based
on mass flux and preferred groundwater flow paths. (After Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 35(4), 27, 2015.)

achieve remedial goals. Benchmark Record of Decision docu- Contaminated groundwater was extracted at 240 gpm from
ments now reflect not only the regulatory-approved treatment 12  wells, treated with GAC, amended with organic carbon,
remedies but also the sequencing and adaptive methodology and reinjected via 36 wells distributed within the Area 3
through which the remedy train can be deployed. plume. Based on the continuum of maturity along the plume
Selection of a combined remedy approach was integral to axis and a high density of the residential supply wells, ground-
the potential for success at this site by providing a flexible water extraction and reinjection were the preferred remedial
framework to meet the contractual objective to clean up the solutions within Areas 4 and 5.
entire plume in less than 10 years. This was a critical element Insights into the soil heterogeneities drove the approach to
of the revised strategy, given that the 700 acre footprint of the remedy operation. While additional direct permeability map-
plume made it necessary to restore an average of 2–3 acres of ping of preferential contaminant transport pathways would
aquifer per week. have yielded a wealth of additional information, it was cost
The individual components of the revised remedy devel- prohibitive. Instead, a monitoring philosophy was developed
oped for Reese AFB were directly tied to the CSMs of the that utilized analytical data to support routine (i.e., quarterly)
sequential plume segments and different approaches to modification of the remedy operation to maintain progress.
address source mass and diffuse plume areas. Recognition of This approach maintained the focus on areas with higher con-
the complex structure of the plume and the need to comple- taminant concentrations that directly correlated to the overall
ment the modified pump and treat system necessitated the rate of plume change.
implementation of different remedies within each subarea of The following discussions provide more detail on the design
the plume. Figure 5.10 shows the reassessed plume map with and operation of the two primary remedial technologies used
all five areas in the CSM. Area 1 had two hot spots of TCE at the site: DGR and enhanced reductive dechlorination.
co-mingled with petroleum hydrocarbons undergoing par-
tial reductive dechlorination. Extraction wells were installed DGR
in the center of each hotspot, and the extracted water was The most important design innovation that drove the suc-
treated with GAC and reinjected with added organic carbon cess of the Reese AFB project was the reliance on DGR to
to enhance complete dechlorination of TCE. Injected reagents overwhelm aquifer heterogeneities and overcome the impacts
were distributed within Area 1 via natural and extraction- of matrix-controlled back-diffusion through enhanced flush-
controlled hydraulic gradients. Area 2 was less impacted than ing. Faster cleanup rates (2–3 acres/week) were achieved
Area 1, and there was no reductive dechlorination occur- by creating the conditions to accelerate contaminant mass
ring. Presence of TCE was concentrated in a narrow channel flushing by strategically moving more pore volumes (PVs)
flowing from west to east where three extraction wells were of water. This was achieved by manipulating the water levels
installed. Extracted groundwater was treated with GAC and to create gradients across less permeable zones and estab-
reinjected to enhance natural gradients. lish flow through zones where contaminant mass was stored.
Area 3 was approximately a quarter of a square mile and The combined result is the enhancement of advective con-
contained the majority of the TCE mass within the plume. taminant transport that occurs through the mobile fraction of
A continuous reagent delivery system was implemented to the aquifer while also increasing mass recovery from storage
engineer enhanced reductive dechlorination within this area. zones through advection and diffusion. This awareness led
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 153

to the most important component of the Reese plume rem- wells while maintaining hydraulic control of the plume. It was
edy, which included a dynamic treatment approach reliant also designed to segment the plume by employing multiple
on routine monitoring data to continually focus groundwater cutoff measures and to actively reduce the plume footprint
extraction from wells containing the most mass. In addition, along its entire length.
well design specifications included the placement of injection
and extraction well screen intervals across multiple fine- and  In Situ Engineered Reductive Dechlorination
coarse-grained stratigraphic layers to overwhelm the natural Within Area 3, organic carbon recirculation was implemented
heterogeneity of the aquifer and ensure contaminant removal. to deliver electron donor throughout the 120 acre treatment
We followed an adaptable implementation of DGR from an zone and promote development of anaerobic conditions and
analysis of dynamic conditions of contaminant concentrations TCE dechlorination through daughter products (cis-1,2-DCE,
and hydraulic data and thus continuously focused on enhanc- vinyl chloride [VC]) and end products (ethene and ethane).
ing the rate of clean up. Figure 5.13 shows a plot of total foot- The total injection program was completed between April
print (area) and the rate of aquifer cleanup versus time. 2007 and December 2009 and required a total of 320,000 lb of
The circles identify each instance where the rate of cleanup carbon substrate over the life cycle of operation (Figure 5.14).
declined necessitating a change to be made to the system to This delivery system required a well-designed performance
drive restoration rates and maintain momentum toward the monitoring program to measure hydraulic heads and injection
endpoint. This plume cleanup was successful primarily flow rates and also to evaluate temporal and spatial variations
because we were able to incorporate the temporal and spatial in aquifer geochemistry, carbon substrate concentrations, and
changes in aquifer hydraulics and contaminant concentrations by-products formation. Another critical challenge that had to
as a key element of remediation system operation. The sys- be overcome related to implementing the continuous injection
tem in Areas 4 and 5 were designed to maximize contaminant of organic carbon is the management of well fouling due to
mass removal rates by extracting from high concentration microbial growth, biofilm formation, and mineral precipita-
areas while enhancing flushing by injecting clean water on the tion. The zone of fouling can, at times, extend several feet into
plume periphery. The DGR design was also based upon man- the aquifer from a well screen exacerbated by the deposition
aging the transit times between injection wells and extraction of carbonate and other minerals.

800 4.0

700 3.5

Plume remediation (acres restored per week)

600 3.0
Total plume area (acres)

500 2.5

400 2.0

300 1.5

200 1.0

100 0.5

0 0.0
1/1/05 1/1/06 1/1/07 1/1/08 1/1/09 1/1/10 1/1/11 1/1/12 1/1/13

System optimization and re-engineering

Plume area (acres)

Plume remediation (acres/week)

FIGURE 5.13  Plume area in acres at the Reese Air Force Base during remediation. The pace of performance (represented by the line)
shows the number of acres cleaned up per week. The circles represent major system optimization events. (After Suthersan, S. et al., Ground
Water Monit. Remed., 35(4), 27, 2015.)
154 Remediation Engineering

Extraction well Injection well


FIGURE 5.14  The layout and performance of the Area 3 in  situ remediation system to achieve complete reductive dechlorination of
TCE and associated by-products. Groundwater with TCE was pumped from the edge of the plume (figure top and bottom), amended with
molasses and injected into the core of the plume. The system operated at 200 gpm for 3 years, treating 370 million gallons of impacted
groundwater to nondetect. (After Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 35(4), 27, 2015.)

An injection well monitoring and rehabilitation program adaptive operation, balanced system uptime and maximized
was developed and systematically implemented on an ongo- recirculation flow rates. While this program did offset biofoul-
ing basis. The biofouling challenges became immediately ing challenges to a large extent, fouling issues were unavoid-
apparent following initiation of the original carbon delivery able. To address these, the injection program was coupled
strategy, which relied on the continuous recirculation feed of with strategically timed rehabilitation events that allowed
a 300 mg/L total organic carbon (TOC) feedstock. Within real-time assessment of individual well performance and sys-
weeks of starting the first phase of operation, injection pres- tematic maintenance activities to restore flow. As presented
sure increased by 50 psi to sustain the required injection well in Figure 5.15, a simple methodology was developed utilizing
flow rates indicating that this was not a sustainable solution. the observed injection well water elevation and flow rate to
This approach was then transitioned to a pulsed injection pro- determine the timing of necessary rehabilitation events. Each
gram of 4 hours at 1800 mg/L followed by 20 hours of clean event was completed using a 35% hydrogen peroxide solu-
water injections for 7–10 days, followed by a 2-day shutdown tion to eliminate biomass growth within the well screen and
period. While this approach allowed sustained delivery for annulus, combined with mechanical scrubbing and pumping
approximately a month, injectability declined and became to remove debris, to restore baseline flow. These rehabilitation
untenable. Ultimately, this approach developed through events were coupled with the adjustment of organic carbon

Land surface
0 100

15 Depth to 90
Cumulative inj. volume (104 gallons)

water Rehabilitation
30 event 80
(feet below land surface)

45 70
Flow rate (gpm)
Depth to water

60 60

75 Cumulative 50
90 volume 40

105 30

120 20
Flow rate
135 10

150 0
0 7 14 21 28 35 42
Time (days)

FIGURE 5.15  Injection well biofouling causing water level increases in wells. Biomass growth was managed using periodic addition of
hydrogen peroxide. (After Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 35(4), 27, 2015.)
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 155


Apparent TOC threshold


Minimum design target


Half life (days)

1 10 100 1,000 10,000
TOC concentration (mg/L)

FIGURE 5.16  Summary of average total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations and TCE degradation rates collected from monitoring wells
within 18 independent active ERD treatment areas. All sites entailed biostimulation alone (no bioaugmentation). Plotted data represent trend analy-
ses derived from data demonstrating an R2 value greater than 0.75. Observed degradation half-lives are generally consistent as long as sufficient
TOC (greater than 10 mg/L) is available to sustain anaerobic conditions and provide excess electron donor. (From Schnobrich, M. et al., Optimized
design of large plume enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) systems: An analysis of 85 sites, RemTEC 2011, Platform Presentation, 2011.)

dosing to the recirculation stream to maintain targeted aquifer transport zones; however, as remediation progresses, it should
geochemical conditions. be expected that the effects of diffusion will become apparent.
The initial objectives of the carbon delivery program were It was widely recognized in 2004 when the remedial strat-
to sustain delivery of electron donor into the subsurface, and egy was developed and implemented that diffusion would
it was not immediately understood how advantageous con- govern achievable endpoints. In essence, the aquifer would
tinuous operation was to both the biodegradation and flushing never be expected in a reasonable time frame to be totally free
process. While a completely uniform distribution of TOC was of contaminants. The question that could not be answered at
not achieved throughout the entire reactive zone, a low but the onset of remediation was whether the achievable endpoint
sufficient range was available for enhanced treatment (i.e., at was higher or lower than the MCL. This quandary is faced at
least 20 mg/L above baseline). As the rate of enhanced bio- all sites but should never be used as an excuse for not making
remediation is not electron donor dependent as long as a sur- progress and not working toward objectives. Therefore, while
plus of organic carbon is maintained (Figure 5.16), the overall the objective of the project was to achieve MCLs, the focus of
objective was to sustain at least 20 mg/L of TOC within the the remediation was always to remove the most mass as effi-
reactive area to ensure that sufficient electron donor was ciently as possible. With finite resources, this strategy focused
available to drive the dehalogenation processes. Once this was team attention away from very low concentration (between 1
achieved, organic carbon dosing was removed from the recir- and 5 μg/L) areas of the plume toward where the mass flux is
culation system, and treated groundwater alone was flushed concentrated. Monitoring well concentrations away from the
throughout the treatment area to exhaust residual organic car- mass flux began to rapidly decline 4 years into active remedia-
bon stockpiled as biomass and restore aquifer geochemistry. tion (2010), 2 years before goals were met.
Data collected from one of the first monitoring wells
installed at the site are presented in Figure 5.17. This well
5.4.5 Performance Metrics experienced all phases of plume evolution and restoration
over a 15-year monitoring period. Figure 5.18 is a concep-  Achieving the Cleanup Objectives tual illustration of the mass invasion and removal processes
Early recognition that preferential contaminant transport was at different stages of the plume lifecycle. The invasion phase
occurring based on geologic factors allowed the rest of the (A) captures the increase in contaminant concentrations as
CSM and remedy refinements to fall into place. The incre- the plume expands and contaminates the aquifer near the
mental improvements followed by rapid declines in TCE con- well. The middle phases (B and C) show the declining con-
centrations within the different areas of the plume were from centrations as a result of remediation. The rapid decline dur-
the aggressive flushing caused by the recirculation. The chal- ing phase B reflects the first stage of mass removal through
lenge was determining the influence of diffusion on remedial advective processes from the most permeable pathways.
endpoints. Initially, in the flux-focused remediation that was Phase C represents the decreased rate of concentration
implemented at this site, the effects of diffusion were masked reductions due to the inherently slower advective removal
by the magnitude of bulk mass removal from advective of contaminant mass from the immobile fraction but is also
156 Remediation Engineering

180 A: Invasion
B: Washout
C: Back diffusion
140 B D: Late term

Concentration (μg/L)


80 C


40 D

1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013

FIGURE 5.17  Fifteen years of monitoring data collected from one well within the Reese Air Force Base plume. TCE data represent
(A) plume changes during invasion and maturation, (B) early stage treatment dominated by advection, (C) late-stage treatment dominated by
advection and back-diffusion, and (D) end-stage treatment where dual-directional diffusion contributed to widespread TCE disappearance.
(After Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 35(4), 27, 2015.)

Groundwater Mass storage zone

Diffusion processes
Stage A—Invasion

Diffusion processes
Stage B—Advective

Diffusion processes
Stage C—Advective

Diffusion processes

Stage D—Diffusive
assimilation and
Diffusion processes stasis

Mobile fraction Immobile fraction

FIGURE 5.18  Advection and diffusion mass transfer mechanisms during plume evolution; stages A through D correspond to the same
stages shown in Figure 5.19. Mass transfer between mobile and immobile zones results in contaminant storage, following which diffusion
occurs via both forward and back-diffusion gradients. (From Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 33, 2013.)

influenced by the effects of back-diffusion. Phase D repre- shapes but will have different magnitudes of mass removal
sents the final stages of remediation, when mass removal from achieved through the phases described earlier.21
the advection-dominated fraction of the aquifer has been Back-diffusion models have traditionally focused on (1)
achieved and diffusive processes are the remaining mecha- contaminant penetration during plume invasion/maturation
nism of mass removal. During this stage, the only contribu- from zones of high to low permeability and (2) the reverse
tion to the observed mass flux is back-diffusion from very low discharge of stored mass based on diffusion gradients into
permeability soils, which are 10,000–100,000 times less than newly treated high permeability zones. This relationship is
the historical mass flux in the mobile fraction. Concentration captured in Stages A and B presented in Figure 5.17. This
decline trends represented in Figure 5.17 will have similar has seemed intuitive based on the 5–6 orders of magnitude
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 157

difference between advective and diffusive mass flux in modeling assumptions, so the model grid was made very fine
large plumes. Considering the decade-long time-scales under (0.1 mm). The first 90 days of Figure 5.19 represent the inva-
which many solvent plumes have evolved and an understand- sion period, with maximum concentration gradients observed
ing that heterogeneous advection results in considerable aqui- between compartments resulting in the highest rates of mass
fer mass storage capacity, the current assessments of matrix storage. As concentrations increase in the silt and clay, there
diffusion do not adequately capture diffusion gradients that is a significant decrease in the accumulation of mass after
are both forward into the low permeability strata and reverse 90  days and storage rates have declined by a hundred fold.
into mobile pathways. This process of dual-directional dif- After 90 days, clean water begins to flow past the silt and clay,
fusion can result in a bifurcation of diffusive mass transport and back-diffusion begins and extends for 10 additional years.
that facilitates both back-diffusion tailing effects followed by The mass flux during this period is negative but is shown as
contaminant sequestration and stasis (Figure 5.17, stages C positive for easy comparison with the mass storage phase. The
and D). These effects of dual-directional diffusion cannot be initial rate of back-diffusion is the same as the initial rate of
assessed by approaches that use a mass transfer coefficient storage, but back-diffusion rates decrease rapidly as concen-
(simplifying the diffusion process) because the internal con- trations decline at the interface between the zones. The shape
centration distribution in the low permeability zones is not of the back-diffusion curve for the first 2  years also aligns
explicitly represented; rather, it is simply approximated as a with expectations, as rates decrease exponentially and reflect
single uniform concentration. the exponential tailing of concentrations typically observed
The effects of dual-direction diffusion were explored using during plume remediation. What is not expected, however, is
a two-compartment model, one with mobile water (sand/ the accelerated decline after approximately 800  days. This
gravel) and one with static water (silt/clay). The model was transition occurs because mass transport is happening in
designed to assess the diffusive mass flux of TCE between two directions, diffusion deeper into the immobile zone and
compartments, specifically the mass storage from mobile back-diffusion into the mobile zone. During the early phases
to immobile strata in Stage A and the back-diffusion dur- of back-diffusion, a steep concentration gradient at the inter-
ing Stages B, C, and D. The mass storage during Stage A face results in a greater rate of diffusive flux into the mobile
assumed constant TCE concentrations in the mobile compart- phase as compared to the continuing diffusive flux deeper
ment for the first 90 days. After 90 days, DGR was assumed into immobile zones; however, if the immobile zone is large
to have flushed contaminants from the mobile pathways and enough, there is a time when the mass release from storage
back-diffusion was monitored during Stages B, C, and D. It declines as mass is further sequestered, diffusing deeper into
was suspected that diffusive behavior could be masked by the immobile zones. This process accelerates the flattening


B and C—early stage

10–2 back-diffusion
phase diffusion
Mass flux (mass/time)

10–3 Washout
Rate of back diffusion
10–4 Rate of storage


D—late stage
diffusive assimilation
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000
Time (days)

FIGURE 5.19  A two-compartment model simulating dual-direction diffusion between high permeability (sand/gravel) and low perme-
ability (silt/clay) strata. Simulation conducted with TCE loading during first 90 day (followed by clean water) and completed using very
fine model grid (0.1 mm) and very short time steps (5 s). Negative mass flux during back-diffusion stage (B, C, and D) is shown as positive
value for comparison to invasion (A) phase. Exponential decline in back-diffusion rates during stages B and C is consistent with plume
tailing (i.e., days 90–800), following which declining rates of back-diffusion accelerate due to contributions of forward diffusion (gray
circle inflection point and beyond). (After Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 33, 31, 2013.)
158 Remediation Engineering

of the concentration gradient between mobile and immobile shallower portions of the mobile fraction will contribute less
zones and thereby limits mass release via back-diffusion. water to the well, and deeper portions of the mobile fraction
The influence of dual-directional diffusion on contami- will contribute more. The finding obviously had implications
nant storage has not been well quantified to date, due in part regarding the nature and extent but were also important when
to an imprecise understanding of the process and the lack of assessing the remedial strategy. If the portion of the aquifer
developed procedures that can accurately integrate dynamic where the contaminants resided could only be accessed under
changes in plume concentration with complex heterogeneous pumping conditions, an in situ strategy of injecting reagents
soil architecture. While the general effects of diffusion on and allowing them to drift with natural gradients would not
remedy performance and plume behavior are recognized, the be successful as the reagents would not come in contact with
inability of characterization techniques to quantify the scale contaminants. It also provided insight on why a dynamic
of the diffusion process results in diffusion being largely omit- remedy operation could enhance remedy performance. If we
ted. In flux-focused remediation and risk-based remedies, the delivered reagents via continuous pumping and injection, we
relative magnitude of contaminant sequestration compared to could access more contaminants. Similarly, if we simply var-
bulk mass removal from advective transport zones is poten- ied injection and extraction patterns, we could accelerate con-
tially negligible and of little consequence as advective mass taminant flushing and aquifer restoration.
removal may be sufficient to achieve remedial endpoints. In the end, each sampling method was important.
With regard to achieving contaminant MCLs for large plume Compliance wells were sampled using the low flow methods as
applications, however, the impacts of dual-directional diffu- required by the regulatory framework in the ROD. Domestic
sion can be significant. supply wells were sampled using both methods to meet the
regulatory requirements and also to simulate the actual usage  Demonstrating a Complete Cleanup conditions by all the home owners. Samples collected from all
The saturated groundwater is approximately 50 ft thick below the wells met the regulatory compliance as well as consump-
the site, with the plume being characterized using over 700 tion conditions before closure was requested for the site.
wells. Monitoring wells typically had screen lengths vary-
ing from 10 to 20 ft, while remediation extraction wells, pri-
5.4.6 Conclusions and Lessons Learned
vate wells, irrigation wells, and clean water injection wells
were typically screened across the entire saturated thickness. The scale of the groundwater restoration achieved at Reese
These differences in construction and purpose led to multiple AFB to support unrestricted use of an aquifer formerly
sampling protocols. Low flow sampling methods were used contaminated with TCE over a three mile long footprint is
at monitoring wells, while extraction wells were sampled unprecedented (Figure 5.20).
during normal operation or after a 3-volume purge. These The site cleanup also made good fiscal sense. The USAF
approaches, while expected to yield different numeric results, has estimated the cleanup has saved US taxpayers at least
were acceptable as the overarching objective of the project $22 MM.22 Looking back on the success, there are a few clear
was to restore a sole-source aquifer, and a good measure takeaways:
of that progress is the concentration at extraction wells, the
potential points of future exposure. In most locations, concen- • Honest challenging of the conceptual model allowed
trations were similar between extraction wells and adjacent an initial breakthrough with the configuration of the
monitoring wells, but at scattered locations, sampling results existing remedy, cutting operational flow rates (and
varied from nondetect to several hundred parts per billion. costs) needed to achieve containment (as required by
All the available data in the these areas of the plume were the ROD) while increasing the rate of contaminant
assessed, and after confirming all the wells were appropriately mass recovery.
placed aerially and vertically within the plume, the wells were • The application of DGR was extremely successful,
tested using all approved methods to understand conditions. likely due in part to sequestration of contaminant mass
The last method, collecting grab samples with pumps in the in fine grained aquifer materials by dual-directional
wells, produced some of the more challenging observations: diffusion, driven by the strategic recirculation of clean
the concentrations in wells would gradually increase from water. While the ERD remedy was a success as well,
nondetect under low flow to hundreds of µg/L when pumped it likely would have been possible and more cost-
at 30 gpm. A review of the CSM revealed the patterns of soil effective to rely on DGR to clean up the entire plume.
heterogeneities were affecting groundwater flow near operat- • The adaptive operation and frequent modification
ing wells as drawdown developed. The Ogallala aquifer is an of the remedy configuration (including the installa-
alluvial system of upwardly fining sequences varying from tion of new infrastructure) optimized concentration
gravels to clays with the groundwater flow apportioned pref- gradients on a regular basis to drive flushing of the
erentially through facies containing the most permeable sands contaminant mass from the aquifer.
and gravels. Collectively, these zones of groundwater flow • Sampling in a manner that reflects how the aquifer will
represent the mobile portion or mobile fraction of the aquifer. be used is an essential test of true cleanup; however, it
As drawdown develops in a well under pumping conditions, is reasonable to use other more cost-effective methods
the pattern of flow through the mobile fraction will change as to guide remedy operation and assess progress.
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 159

April 2005 October 2006

September 2010 May 2012

FIGURE 5.20  Observed reduction in TCE plume over the 8-year remediation period at the Reese Air Force Base. Shaded plume areas
represent plume footprint in excess of the MCL (5 μg/L). (After Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 35(4), 27, 2015.)

The methods used to clean up the aquifer under Reese AFB mechanisms are well understood, but the key to success is tied
are being replicated in numerous places with tremendous to dynamic DGR system operation using performance data to
results. While this will not be true for every site with a large frequently optimize the remedial system.
or complex contaminant plume in groundwater (the site con- For example, Figure 5.21 highlights the results of a minor
ditions must be conducive, etc.), we are clearly able to achieve reconfiguration of a DGR system resulting in a mass recovery
what was unthinkable just a decade ago (Figure 5.20). This efficiency increase of more than 200%. The increase in mass
shows that the advancements being made in in situ remedia- recovery efficiency does not reflect a significant increase in
tion are supporting the real possibility of large-scale restora- the zone of capture (total groundwater extraction rates were
tion, in a world where clean groundwater is one of our most decreased by about 50%), but rather more efficient recovery
important natural resources. of high concentrations from a former source zone.
The underlying basis for design of a DGR system is the vol-
ume of water contained within the plume and the number of
5.5  DGR DESIGN CONCEPTS pore volume flushes (PVFs) required to achieve water quality
The most important difference between DGR and conven- goals set forth by the performance objectives. Simple equa-
tional pump and treat is the reliance on the CSM to develop a tions can be applied within the context of the CSM to begin
hydraulic flushing framework, a dynamic operation plan, and
the approach for continuous adaption based on actual remedial 8
performance. DGR systems are designed to maximize contami-
VOC mass removal efficiency

nant mass removal rates by extracting contaminants within the

(lb/10,0000 gal extracted)

plume core while treated water is injected at strategic locations 6

to direct contaminants toward extraction wells. This process 5
helps maintain water levels, provides an efficient way to man- 4
System reconfigured
age treated water, and reduces time required for remediation
through enhanced hydraulic flushing. System performance is
further enhanced through dynamically varying pumping rates 2
and locations in response to groundwater concentrations in 1
extraction wells to maximize contaminant mass removal rates,
while maintaining hydraulic control of the plume. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Following implementation, the rule of optimization is Cumulative VOC mass removed (lb)
direct: always maximize contaminant recovery by focusing
groundwater extraction from the highest mass flux within the FIGURE 5.21  Increase in VOC mass removal efficiency following
various treatment areas of the plume, while injecting clean dynamic groundwater recirculation reconfiguration at a site. (After
water on the plume periphery to enhance flushing. Flushing Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water Monit. Remed., 35(2), 23, 2015.)
160 Remediation Engineering

the design process. An estimate of the volume of water needed DGR design that will evolve throughout a project life cycle as
to achieve remedial goals can be developed from concepts of the system is optimized based on field performance.
complete mixed reactors often referred to as batch flush or As discussed, the purpose of DGR is to accelerate plume
batch reactor models.23–25 The concept assumes the reactor is PV flushing to maximize contaminant mass recovery via all
always well mixed, and a fixed volume of contaminated water advective pathways and diffusive gradients. A measure of the
flushed with an equal volume of clean water will reduce con- expected benefit of this process is estimated by comparing
centrations by 50%. The number of flushes needed to achieve flushing rates to ambient groundwater flow. For example, the
a specific reduction in concentration can be approximated as increase in groundwater flow through the plume is compared
to the ambient groundwater flow to derive a performance factor
æC ö (e.g., a value of 2 means DGR will flush contaminants at twice
N PV = R f ln ç o ÷ the rate of ambient groundwater). Knowing the total volume
è Cg ø of water to be treated, the target cleanup time frame, and the
hydrogeology, an overall extraction rate and a scale of the treat-
where NPV is the number of PVFs needed to reduce contami- ment system can be estimated. Consider a cleanup time frame
nant concentrations from observed levels (Co) to concentration of 5 years and a total treatment volume of 50 million gallons.
goals (Cg). The basic remedial design therefore needs to target roughly
The retardation factor (Rf) accounts for additional flushing 20 gpm (50 million gallons over 5 years). The number of wells
that would be needed to address sorbed contaminants. The needed for this system and their specific locations depends on
retardation factor can be estimated for a saturated soil matrix the hydrogeology that defines achievable well yields, injection
from the following equation: rates, and the contaminant distribution throughout the aquifer.
An effective DGR design is based upon managing the tran-
rb K d sit times between injection wells to the extraction wells while
Rf = 1 + maintaining hydraulic control of the plume. This is generally in
contrast to conventional containment approaches that are often
designed as cutoff measures to prevent further plume migration
where with the plume slowly contracting toward the extraction wells.
ρb is the bulk density of the soil A DGR system designed to accelerate restoration will segment
Kd is the distribution coefficient of a solute (i.e., a direct a plume by employing multiple cutoff measures to reduce the
measurement of the partitioning of a contaminant plume footprint along its entire length. Segmentation of the
between the solid and aqueous phases) plume is a natural element in the application of DGR when plac-
n is the total porosity ing injection and extraction wells throughout the plume. This
approach allows transit times and PVFs to be managed based
A typical range for this factor for organic compounds is 1–2. on local concentrations and for mass removal to occur plume-
Once the number of flushes needed to achieve remedial tar- wide. Consider a site where three PVFs may be needed in more
gets is estimated, the total volume of water within the plume distal plume areas, while six PVFs may be needed closer to the
is calculated by multiplying the volume of impacted aquifer source areas. In this case, the injection-to-extraction well tran-
by the total porosity. While the mobile fraction or mobile sit times in the higher concentration areas should be about half
porosity describes how fast water can be exchanged through a those in the more distal less impacted areas for the remedia-
plume, the total porosity is the best estimate of the impacted tion time frame to be uniform throughout the plume. This can
volume of an aquifer. A single PV of contaminated groundwa- be achieved by closer well spacing and/or higher flow rates in
ter within the plume is defined as source areas. Minimizing transit flush times will also enhance
back-diffusion (and therefore shorten cleanup times) by maxi-
PV = B ´ n ´ A mizing the concentration gradient between the more perme-
able zones (where injected clean water is flowing) and the less
where permeable zones (where there is contaminant mass storage).
B is the average thickness of the plume Once a general design is complete with the number of PVFs to
n is the total or formation porosity achieve remedial objectives and the desired remediation time
A is the area of the plume frame determined, application of a quantitative groundwater
model is recommended to develop pumping and injection sce-
By combining pore flushes with the pore volume, the total narios. The model should be used as a tool to evaluate different
volume of groundwater needed to be exchanged can be esti- well placements and flow rates while weighing site-specific fac-
mated based solely on flushing mechanisms of remediation. tors of implementability and capital costs. Various analytical
Quantifying this value, the representation of how much water and numerical modeling approaches are available to evaluate
needs to be moved out of the aquifer and treated, is then con- the system hydraulics. The appropriate tool should be based
sidered in the context of the CSM. Specifically, factors such as upon scale and the site hydrogeology complexity.
ambient groundwater flow, measured injection and extraction Particle tracking methods to assess flow fields are particu-
rates, and past changes in plume shape all influence the initial larly useful for quantifying relative flushing transit times for
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 161

return (i.e., contaminant recovery and mass flux reduction)

while managing the overall scale of the system throughout the
period of active remediation. This can lead to a more focused
remedial strategy and, subsequently, a significant reduction in
lifecycle remedial costs.





This case study discusses the application of DGR at a com-

mercial site located in a high property value metropolitan
setting. The contaminants of concerns included TCE and
its breakdown products, cis-1,2-DCE and VC in a 12.1 acre
(a) (b)
plume (Figure 5.23). The remedial goal was the achievement
of the applicable water quality standards everywhere—source
Injection well
area and plume—within 15–18 months of start-up.
Extraction well
The aggressive cleanup time frames could only be achieved
using a remedy founded on a strong understanding of the
FIGURE 5.22  Conceptual layouts of dynamic groundwater recircu-
hydrogeology, geochemistry, and groundwater flow and trans-
lation with groundwater flow vectors. Flow pathways are controlled
by placement of the injection and extraction wells. Panel a illustrates a port zones. The remedial approach resulted in a successful
2:1 ratio of injection and extraction wells with injection on the plume cleanup that exceeded conventional approaches by decades
periphery and extraction in the plume core. Panel b illustrates a 3:1 and achieved remedial goals ahead of the most optimistic
ratio of injection to extraction wells with injection positioned on the projections.
plume periphery and within the plume and extraction positioned within In the following, sections we provide a summary of the
the plume and downgradient. (After Suthersan, S. et al., Ground Water CSM, remedial design and design consideration, adaptive
Monit. Remed., 35(2), 23, 2015.) implementation, and performance of the system toward the
remedial goals. In the conclusion, we discuss lessons learned
different schemes as well as how water can be expected to that will help us more efficiently face the challenges associ-
move throughout the aquifer. Figure 5.22 shows flow patterns ated with large plume remedial efforts in the future.
of multiple injection and extraction well configurations that
can be readily examined to evaluate potential remedial per-
5.6.1 Conceptual Site Model
formance and an initial DGR design.
Once implemented, a DGR system should be continuously As shown in Figure 5.24, the site has only a few feet of topo-
assessed using the performance data. Even with a strong CSM graphical relief. The geology consists of marine clay overlain
used to aid in DGR system design and implementation, it is by 3–20 ft of alluvial sand and gravel deposits with varying
an approximation of reality while performance data repre- amounts of silt. At some locations, increased silt content has
sents the actual response. These data are the backbone of the been observed in the zone just above the clay deposits. The
decision-making process to manage and optimize the DGR clay surface undulates up to 8 ft, due to erosional channels
system by changing flow rates, adding wells, and when to turn in the surface of the marine clay. The sand and gravel aqui-
recirculation elements off. fer materials are overlain by discontinuous peat and organic
Successful implementation of DGR also requires that per- silt deposits, related to a former marsh. The marsh deposits
meability information be combined with contaminant informa- are covered by up to 10 ft of urban fill. The current ground-
tion to understand mass flux. This is not to advocate that every water table is typically located just below the organic silt and
well needs extensive testing, but a range of methods can be uti- peat deposits. The thickness of the organic silt and peat layers
lized from simple slug tests to short-term pumping tests and increases to the northeast, reducing the sand and gravel unit
injection tests. Special consideration should be given to injec- thickness to a few feet at the downgradient edge of the plume
tion rate estimates in design and implementation because of (Figure 5.24).
the practical difficulties of injecting water. It is our experience The groundwater flow is generally northeasterly; how-
that long-term reinjection rates are commonly one-third or less ever, the easterly flow component becomes more pronounced
of the specific capacity for similarly built extraction wells in toward the plume front. The hydraulic gradients range from
equivalent geologic conditions. Tests across the plume footprint 0.002 to 0.035 ft/ft and sand and gravel hydraulic conductivi-
will greatly improve overall system understanding, providing ties range from 10 to 300 ft/day, with the average hydraulic
better insight on how installing additional wells in specific conductivity of approximately 30 ft/day.
locations may affect flow pathways and enhance flushing effi- The source zone is approximately 2.3 acres and has ground-
ciency. Balancing operation in this manner allows the opera- water total chlorinated volatile organic compound (CVOC)
tor to focus remedial efforts in areas that result in the highest concentrations up to 4500  µg/L and concentrations in the
162 Remediation Engineering

Site boundary


Extent of groundwater
exceeding standards
ctio low

dire ater f

Small plume

associated with Monitoring well


shallow soil A A΄ Cross section


0 250

Scale (ft)

FIGURE 5.23  Schematic view of the site, including the source zone, extent of groundwater exceeding the water quality standards, ground-
water flow direction, and cross section A–A′ (Figure 5.24).

A A΄
15 15

10 10

Urban fill
5 5

0 0
Elevation, ft

Peat and organics

–5 Sand and gravel aquifer –5

–10 –10

–15 Clay –15


FIGURE 5.24  Cross section A–A′ depicted on Figure 5.23. The cross section summarizes the general geology and depicts the patchy peat
and organic silt layers that thickens in the northeastern portion of the plume and pinches the sand and gravel aquifer. Also shown is the
undulating nature of the clay surface.
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 163

underlying clay up to several thousand microgram/kilogram. 5.6.2 Design Considerations

The source area is located adjacent to past releases along for-
mer railway tracks.  Source Zone
The remediation target area extends north below a 5-lane An enhanced resistivity heating (ERH) remedy was chosen
avenue to an off-site property with approximately one-third for the source zone to address the underlying clay soils where
of the plume located off-site. CVOC concentrations up to high concentrations of CVOCs were likely to result in long-
1000  µg/L have been observed in the off-site portion of the term back-diffusion to the sand and gravel aquifer (2.1 acres
plume, and generally consist only of daughter compounds cis- of the total 12.1 acre plume). The DGR system targeted the
1,2-DCE and VC. Local groundwater is generally reducing due sand and gravel aquifer surrounding the ERH area, where
to elevated levels of organic carbon from the peat and organic concentrations in clay were lower (less than 50 µg/kg) and not
silts beneath the site, facilitating degradation of TCE to cis-1,2- expected to contribute to groundwater impacts above criteria.
DCE and VC. Groundwater contains appreciative dissolved
iron concentrations (up to 30 mg/L) resulting from the reduced Plume
geochemical conditions. DGR was selected as the remedy for DGR was the best option for meeting the required concentra-
the diffuse plume based on the aggressive remedial schedule, tion reductions and aggressive cleanup time frame. The DGR
and challenging access considerations to restore groundwater design was supported by a groundwater flow model that was
beneath subsurface utilities, buildings, roads, and soil borings. used to assess hydraulic control and flushing through the
With the exception of the source zone, the silt and clay beneath plume. Based on access considerations, groundwater con-
the plume contained low concentrations of total volatile organic centrations, and low yields from extraction wells, the plume
compounds (TVOCs). Therefore, back-diffusion was not antici- area was divided into 11 flushing zones (Figure 5.25). The
pated to be a significant impediment to site closure. estimated number of PVFs to meet the cleanup goals within


1.75 2.8
1.75 2
5.6 gpm 1.75
1.75 2.5 9
3.0 6.7 gpm
8 1.75
1.75 11.5 gpm 1.5
1.75 2.5
2.0 3.0 2.5
1.75 2.3 1.75
7 1.75
10.3 gpm
3.0 1.75 3.0 1.5
1.75 6
1.75 6.5 gpm 1.3 1.75
1.75 3.0
ERH 3.0
1.75 2.6 gpm 1.75
1.75 1.75

1.75 1.75 9 gpm 1.75

1.0 1.75 1.3

1.75 1.75
1.75 1.5 3
2.3 gpm
1 1.5 1.75 1.75
3 gpm
1.75 2
3.5 gpm 1.75

1.75 1.7
Injection well (gpm)
11 1.3
3.3 gpm Extraction well (gpm)

1.75 0 250

Scale (ft)

FIGURE 5.25  Depiction of the 11 dynamic groundwater recirculation flushing zones and the theoretical flushing rate required to achieve
site closure within 15 months.
164 Remediation Engineering

a 15-month period was assessed for each zone and is sum- Hydraulic testing of each injection and extraction well
marized in Tables 5.2 and 5.3. The assessment evaluated the was performed concurrent with the well development. Well
current contaminant concentration and cleanup goals (TCE, development was performed at multiple extraction rates while
cis-1,2-DCE, and VC); the volume of water in the sand and monitoring the drawdown across the well network to ensure
gravel aquifer and the estimated retardation factors of each the injection and extraction configuration was capable of per-
contaminant. forming to the design specification (total of 56 gpm for DGR
As summarized in Table 5.2, the number of required pore system—average of 1.9 gpm per extraction well).
flushes were greatest in the source zone (e.g., Zone 7 with 6.8 The major components of the ex  situ treatment system
flushes), whereas the plume front with lower concentrations included
required fewer flushes (e.g., Zone 10 with 3.5 flushes). The
required pore flushes for each zone was used as the basis of 1. Filtration to address particulates and dissolved iron
design for the DGR system. The entire system consisted of 2. Air stripping
29 extraction wells and 59 injection wells. The wells were 3. Granular activated carbon to ensure all VOCs were
constructed with 5–15 ft of 4 in. inner diameter wire mesh removed
screens (adjusted for aquifer thickness), PVC risers, and 5 ft 4. Posttreatment nitrogen stripping to reduce dissolved
of PVC sumps (set 5 ft into the clay). Risers of wells located oxygen content before reinjection to prevent in  situ
in the vicinity of the ERH area were constructed of fiberglass mineral precipitation (bench testing indicated that
to withstand elevated temperatures. The bottom of each well flushing with oxygenated water would precipitate
screen is immediately above the clay surface, while the top minerals, reducing permeability and the ability to
of screen is a minimum of 3 ft below the lowest seasonal inject water)
groundwater elevation. The top-of-screen placement limited
exposing the screens in the extraction wells to air during All piping was buried below the frost line and the injec-
operation reducing the potential for iron precipitation and tion and extraction wells were completed below ground in
well fouling. 3 ft deep vaults; however, wells that had the potential to be

Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation Design Parameters for Case Study 2
Cleanup Total Retardation
Compound Goal (µg/L) Koc (L/kg) Site foc (%) KD (L/kg) Porosity (%) Bulk Density Factor
Trichloroethylene 5 60.7 0.08 0.05 30 1.86 1.30
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 20 39.6 0.08 0.03 30 1.86 1.20
Vinyl chloride 2 21.7 0.08 0.02 30 1.86 1.11

The Number of Required Pore Volume Flushes to Meet the Cleanup Goals within a 15-Month Period for Each
of the 11 Zones
Maximum Observed Number of Pore Maximum Rate
Concentration in Zone Flushes Required Maximum Volume Required for
Volume of (µg/L) (NF = −(ln(Co)/C)* Rf) Number of Removal a 15-Month
Groundwater Pore Flushes Required Closure
Zone Area (ft2) (ft3) TCE cisDCE VC TCE cisDCE VC per Zone (ft3) (gpm)
1 32,100 115,560 6.4 3.7 15 0.3 NA 2.2 2.2 257,871 3.0
2 29,300 105,480 46 140 27 2.9 2.3 2.9 2.9 304,368 3.5
3 48,300 173,880 ND 15 5.6 NA NA 1.1 1.1 198,274 2.3
4 61,200 220,320 47 59 48 2.9 1.3 3.5 3.5 775,453 9.0
5 27,000 97,200 8.2 40 16 0.6 0.8 2.3 2.3 223,848 2.6
6 36,300 130,680 25 180 100 2.1 2.6 4.3 4.3 566,175 6.5
7 36,200 130,320 960 720 23 6.8 4.3 2.7 6.8 890,884 10.3
8 58,700 211,320 190 480 57 4.7 3.8 3.7 4.7 999,505 11.5
9 43,700 157,320 3.3 200 57 NA 2.8 3.7 3.7 583,655 6.7
10 39,000 140,400 20 360 4.6 1.8 3.5 0.9 3.5 485,301 5.6
11 29,300 105,480 40 20 13 2.7 NA 2.1 2.7 285,199 3.3
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 165

affected by the heating from the ERH area were completed After 6 months of DGR operations the reductions in TCE,
with stickup to reduce health and safety concerns associated cis-1,2-DCE and VC concentrations were 99%, 93%, and 81%,
with below-grade steam. The injection and extraction wells respectively, and well above the 60% goal. After 9 months of
were equipped with pressure transducers and automatic shut- operations, water quality met the cleanup goals everywhere
off to ensure operations within the design draw down (extrac- except two wells screened immediately above the clay located
tion wells) and pressure head (injection wells). south and east of the source area and in deep monitoring wells
screened just above the clay in a patch just north of the source
area stretching below the avenue. The residual concentrations
5.6.3  Implementation in the deep monitoring wells reflect: Plume Adaptive Approach and
• Difficulty achieving sufficient flushing below the
Performance Tracking road (deep wells north of the source) due to distance
The DGR performance was tracked on a biweekly basis and between injection and extraction wells located on
included sampling of extraction wells and selected monitor- either side of the road
ing wells. This allowed for an adaptive outside–in approach • Depressions in the clay potentially creating slow
focusing on concentration reduction, mass recovery, and advection zones (north of source)
hydraulic control. Focus would shift away from an area once • Increased silt content in sands in the deeper por-
the remedial goals had been achieved. The CSM was updated tions of the aquifer just above the clay creating slow
based on data from each successive monitoring round, and advection zones (south, east, and north of the source)
the findings were used to inform changes to the injection and
extraction scheme; injection and extraction wells in areas The challenges of creating sufficient flushing below the road
where the remedial goals were achieved were either turned off and addressing the slow advection zones were met by fre-
or operated at a lower injection and extraction rate to maintain quently changing the injection and extraction patterns in the
a level of hydraulic containment. The result (Figure 5.26) was surrounding DGR wells, and thereby continuously optimizing
a rapid cleanup, exceeding the schedule and requiring signifi- the pushing and pulling of clean water through the residual
cantly fewer PVFs than projected. impacted zones. Figure 5.27 summarizes the concentration

Source Source Source

zone zone zone

Baseline —
before DGR DGR 10 weeks DGR 23 weeks

1–10 × standard

Source Source
>10 × standard
zone zone

0 1000

Scale (ft)

DGR 29 weeks DGR 38 weeks

FIGURE 5.26  Reduction of plume after 10, 23, 29, and 38 weeks of dynamic groundwater recirculation.
166 Remediation Engineering


cis-1,2-DCE concentration (µg/L)



0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
Time since DGR start (months) Time since DGR start (months) Time since DGR start (months)

15 months 18 months cis-1,2-DCE 20 µg/L Baseline conc.

projected closure projected closure cis-1,2-DCE conc.

FIGURE 5.27  Representative concentration reduction trend curves for three different monitoring wells.

reduction trends in three monitoring wells. Example 1 is a The injection and extraction well performance was
water table well screened within the higher permeability sand confirmed during well development.
and gravel deposits, which is reflected in the efficient flush- • Performance monitoring in a selected subset of
ing and concentration reduction significantly ahead of the monitoring wells and extraction wells—biweekly
15-month target. Examples 2 and 3 are both deep monitoring monitoring of 7–15 monitoring wells. The num-
wells that are affected by increased silt content and depres- ber of wells included in the biweekly monitoring
sions in the clay layer elevation. Flushing in Example 3 is fur- was reduced as areas met the cleanup goals and
ther challenged by the nearby avenue. Example 1 has met the the monitoring was shifted to areas with residual
cleanup goals 9 months ahead of schedule, whereas Examples CVOC concentrations.
2 and 3 required adjustments to the injection and extraction • Continuously adjusting the injection and extrac-
scheme to accelerate the cleanup. tion scheme to focus on concentration reduction
and mass recovery while maintaining hydraulic
5.6.4 Site Closure and Lessons Learned
After 10  months of DGR operations, the flow has been Only a limited rebound in concentrations has been observed
reduced from the original 56 gpm to approximately 20 gpm in areas where injection and extraction have either been
with the effort primarily being focused on the few areas with reduced or are no longer occurring and concentrations
residual concentrations of CVOCs. The site is on track for clo- remain below the remedial goals. The faster than antici-
sure ahead of the remedial goal; key elements for the success- pated cleanup and limited rebound suggest that the retar-
ful remediation included the following: dation factor used in the assessment of required flushes is
overestimating the importance of storage in the sand and
• Application of DGR in a dissolved-phase plume with gravel aquifer. The retardation factor is based on adsorp-
minimal storage zones (low permeability layers or tion to organic carbon; however, the performance of the
organic carbon for sorption sites. DGR effort (combined with the source zone remedy) sup-
• Design based on quantitative modeling to inform ports that once the high advection zones in the plume have
and optimize DGR well layout and flushing. been cleaned up, desorption- and diffusion-controlled mass
• Careful design of injection and extraction well screen transfer from the storage zones are too limited and slow to
intervals to limit potential for exposed screen during significantly impact the volume of water moving through
pumping and low seasonal groundwater elevation. the mobile fraction.
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 167

5.7  CASE STUDY 3: REFUELING PAD consisting of the bedrock unit. Groundwater data indicate that
the water table elevation ranges between 40 and 50 ft below
5.7.1  Introduction ground surface (bgs). The upper aquifer is generally divided
This case study examines the application of DGR at a site into two aquifer zones. Aquifer Zone A represents the upper
with light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) and dissolved- saturated portion of the aquifer and consists of a poorly sorted,
phase impacts. A spill at a helicopter refueling pad resulted in medium to fine sand, while Aquifer Zone B represents the
a 3.6 acre LNAPL source zone and a 2800 ft dissolved-phase lower saturated portion of the aquifer overlying the silty clay
plume, as shown in Figure 5.28. DGR was implemented pri- unit and consists of fine, stratified silty sand, with frequent,
marily to prevent further downgradient movement of dissolved- thin silt and clay layers.
phase VOCs from the LNAPL source area, through hydraulic
control of the dissolved-phase plume in the source zone, and 5.7.3 Summary of Soil and Groundwater Impacts
contaminant mass treatment and removal through enhanced
oxygenation of the subsurface. In just 18 months, DGR was suc- The site is an active helicopter refueling pad servicing military
cessful at reducing almost 95% of the dissolved-phase mass, aircraft. The fuel point is the endpoint of a fuel distribution and
significantly decreasing the dissolved-phase plume footprint. delivery system that includes two 135,000 gal aboveground
storage tanks, buried distribution lines, pumps, and associated
equipment. JP-8 aviation fuel leaking from a damaged fuel line
5.7.2  Geology and Hydrogeology
leaked into a service pit then entered the subsurface at a depth
The unconsolidated deposits at the site are shown in Figure 5.29 of approximately 16 ft bgs, migrating vertically until intercept-
and consist of deltaic sand deposits overlying a discontinuous ing the water table at 40–45 ft bgs (Figure 5.29). Upon reach-
lacustrine silt and clay unit. This silt and clay unit provides a ing the water table, the fuel spread radially directly beneath
semiconfining layer between the upper sand deposits and an the release point. Approximately 400,000 gal of LNAPL were
underlying, semiconfined boulder–gravel–sand till unit that is initially estimated to be present at the water table interface;
present at the bedrock interface. The thickness of the semi- however, given the large volume of fuel handled at the site, the
confining unit varies across the site and is very thin or absent volume of the release is uncertain. At the start of the DGR pro-
in some areas. The basal boulder till underlying the semicon- gram, the measurable LNAPL extended across approximately
fining silty clay consists primarily of a basal till with a matrix 4 acres from the vicinity of the service pit to the northeast. The
of coarse sand, gravel, and boulders with some silt and clay. LNAPL is emulsified in surfactant solution remaining from a
Although this unit is somewhat compact, it yields significant surfactant-enhanced aquifer remediation event that was per-
amounts of water to wells screened within it. In most areas formed in 2009 in the vicinity of the service pit.
of the site, the basal till is confined below the silty clay unit, Due to seasonal fluctuations in the water table, an 8 ft
and comprises a separate water-bearing unit in contact and LNAPL smear zone developed at the water table (Figure 5.29).
associated with the underlying bedrock aquifer. The bedrock The area with the thickest interval of petroleum-impacted soil
aquifer consists of fractured upper Ordovician limestone and at the water table interface is beneath the original release at
Cambrian sandstone units. the service pit.
The subsurface is divided into an upper unconfined aqui- A dissolved-phase groundwater plume, extending over
fer, consisting of the unconsolidated soils, and a lower aquifer, 2800 ft, formed downgradient of the JP-8 spill (Figure 5.28).

Monitoring well A A΄ Cross section

LNAPL extent >100 µg/L TVOC
0 250 Approximate regional
>1000 µg/L TVOC
groundwater flow direction
Scale (ft)

FIGURE 5.28  Setting for case study 3, including extent of light nonaqueous phase liquid, TVOC concentrations, approximate groundwater
flow direction, and location of cross section A–A′.
168 Remediation Engineering

West East
700 Fuel point pad North ramp 700

680 680

660 660
Feet above mean sealevel (AMSL)

640 640

620 620

600 600
Unconsolidated aquifer
zone A
580 Unconsolidated aquifer 580
zone B
560 560

540 540

520 520
Bedrock source aquifer
0 50 100 200 300

500 Geology Total VOCs in groundwater (2013) 500

Aircraft pad/apron/tarmac Approximate horizontal scale (ft)
Medium to very fine sand <5–50 μg/L Vertical scale 1'' = 30'
LNAPL smear zone Interbedded sand/clay/silt 50–500 μg/L
Water table (dashed where inferred) 500–5,000 μg/L
Silt and clay
5,000–10,000 μg/L
Boulders, gravel, and sand >10,000 μg/L


FIGURE 5.29  Cross section A–A′ for case study 3, illustrating the extent of TVOC concentrations in the aquifer, geology, aquifer zones,
and extent of light nonaqueous phase liquid.

The plume includes petroleum constituents, methyl-tert injection well clusters, three downgradient extraction well
butyl ether, and acetone. The local groundwater flow direc- clusters, and three intermediate performance monitoring
tion, observed to be to the northeast then turning to the east, well clusters (PMWs). The three injection well clusters were
has influenced migration of the dissolved-phase ground- installed within the dissolved-phase plume just inside the
water plume. Although the hydraulic gradient in the vicin- upgradient LNAPL plume edge as established in December
ity of the spill is low (0.003–0.006 ft/ft), it increases steeply 2012. The three extraction well clusters were installed in a
(0.01 ft/ft) farther to the east. Vertically, the dissolved-phase chevron pattern at the northeastern-most corner of the fuel
plume extends from the water table–LNAPL interface to point pad, within the pad apron.
approximately 65–70 ft bgs, with concentrations decreasing Area B is installed within the dissolved-phase plume
downward. across the leading edge area of the December 2012 LNAPL
plume (Figure 5.30). The Area B system consists of three
upgradient injection well clusters, five downgradient extrac-
5.7.4 DGR Description
tion well clusters, and four intermediate PMW clusters. The
The DGR system at the site is operated to hydraulically con- extraction well clusters are installed east of the leading edge
trol and oxygenate the portion of the dissolved-phase plume LNAPL DPE system, in a line extending approximately
beneath the LNAPL source area. The DGR system consists north–south. Based on the pilot system design assessment,
of three independently operating groundwater recirculation additional groundwater extraction beyond the recirculation
cells (A, B, and C), which can be operated in concert to cells was included in the design for Area B to achieve full
direct groundwater flow throughout the area beneath the capture of the dissolved-phase contaminant plume in areas
LNAPL source zone (Figures 5.30 and 5.31). The DGR beneath the LNAPL plume. While not contributing signifi-
system operates in combination with a dual-phase extrac- cantly to the creation of the recirculation cell, the northern-
tion (DPE) system in the LNAPL source area to remediate most and southernmost extraction wells in Area B primarily
the spill and control plume movement downgradient. The function as hydraulic control wells to control and capture
DPE system also includes bioventing to enhance LNAPL downgradient plume movement.
degradation. Expansion Area C was installed to the north of Areas A
Area A, shown in Figure 5.30, is located in the northeast- and B along the northern edge of the source area to expand the
ern portion of the fuel point and consists of three upgradient system to its full-scale capacity and increase dissolved-phase
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 169

Groundwater monitoring
C well
DGR injection well
A DGR extraction well
Performance monitoring
A well
LNAPL extent
0 200
A A΄ Cross section
Scale (ft)

FIGURE 5.30  View of dynamic groundwater recirculation (DGR) system including injection wells (circles), extraction wells (squares),
and DGR Areas A, B, and C.

A A΄
West East
700 North ramp 700

680 680

660 660
Feet above mean sealevel (AMSL)

640 640

620 620

600 600

580 580

560 560

540 540

520 520

500 Well locations Geology

Total VOCs in groundwater (2013) 500
Aircraft pad/apron/tarmac
Monitoring Injection Extraction
LNAPL Medium to very fine sand <5–50 μg/L
LNAPL smear zone
Interbedded sand/clay/silt 50–500 μg/L
Water table (dashed where inferred) Well riser
500–5,000 μg/L
Silt and clay
0 50 100 200 300 5,000–10,000 μg/L
Screen Boulders, gravel, and sand
interval >10,000 μg/L
Approximate horizontal scale (ft)
vertical scale 1'' = 30' Bedrock

FIGURE 5.31  Cross section A–A′, with dynamic groundwater recirculation system overlain.

treatment in that area (Figure 5.30). The Expansion Area C being treated. The areas have the following design elements
system consists of two injection well clusters installed in the in common:
fuel point pad at the upgradient LNAPL plume extent and two
downgradient extraction well clusters installed to the north of • The injection and extraction wells are screened
the pad, to the northeast of those for Area A. across two 20 ft depth intervals within the shallow
Each DGR area consists of upgradient injection wells to aquifer zone. The shallow interval extends 20 ft
deliver oxygenated water to the subsurface and downgradi- below the smear zone, from approximately 60–80 ft
ent extraction wells to control groundwater flow through the bgs. The deep interval extends to the base of aquifer
treatment zone and movement of the portion of the plume Zone A, from approximately 80–100 ft bgs.
170 Remediation Engineering

• Reinjection of the groundwater is unbalanced, upgradient. The resultant total recirculation profiles for
with injection rates approximately 60% of the each cell are
extraction. Excess extracted water is either dis-
charged to the combined storm water/sanitary sys- • Approximately 21,600 gpd from three extraction
tem on-site after treatment or used for smear-zone well clusters, with reinjection of approximately
recirculation to further enhance source zone mass 15,840 gpd in three injection well clusters in Area A
reduction. • Approximately 36,000 gpd from five extraction
• Extracted groundwater is treated through an ex situ well clusters, with reinjection of approximately
treatment system, consisting of oil/water separators, 24,480 gpd in three injection well clusters in Area B
air stripping, and bag filters. • Approximately 25,920 gpd from two extraction well
• The treated groundwater is dosed with oxygen to clusters, with reinjection of up to 10,080 gpd in two
increase the dissolved oxygen levels in the injected injection well clusters in Area C (the balance of
water. The amended water is then reinjected upgra- injection and extraction rates in Area C is less than
dient of the extraction well to allow for in situ treat- 60% because of the hydraulic interaction with the
ment of the dissolved-phase contaminants via the other recirculation cells)
injected amendment.
5.7.6 DGR Performance and Results
PMWs consisting of a shallow and deep interval well are
installed at the approximate midpoint of each recirculation The initial DGR systems (Areas A and B) became operational
cell to monitor the effectiveness of the recirculation cell at in early 2014, and the expanded system began operation in late
delivering and distributing oxygen and change in contami- 2015. As of this writing, the expanded system has not been
nant concentrations over time. The PMWs are screened at fully evaluated for performance. Therefore, only Areas A and
the same intervals as their respective DGR cell injection and B are discussed herein. Following a baseline monitoring event
extraction wells. in the DGR wells performed prior to operation, systems A and
B were monitored on a monthly basis through mid-2014 after
system start-up, and then quarterly after mid-2014.
5.7.5  Groundwater Extraction and Reinjection
As of mid-2015, the combined injection volume for DGR
As stated earlier, the groundwater recirculation in each Areas A and B was over 18,400,000 gal, resulting in a total
cell is unbalanced, with an overall total injection rate for injected oxygen mass of almost 1700 lb. The oxygen mass
all recirculation cells of approximately 60% of the total injected represents approximately 55% of the total expected
extracted groundwater volume from all cells. These opera- oxygen mass required to treat the initial estimated dissolved-
tional recirculation profiles were selected to limit drawdown phase mass beneath the LNAPL source area, which was esti-
and expansion of the LNAPL smear zone during recircula- mated at approximately 3100 lb.
tion, while allowing for hydraulic control of the plume and Total extraction for both DGR Areas A and B as of June
delivery of oxygenated water to the subsurface. The total 2015 is approximately 27,500,000 gal. Based on average esti-
operational extraction rate for groundwater treatment from mated VOC concentrations from the extraction well efflu-
the expanded full-scale system is up to 83,520 gal/day (gpd), ent, and the volume of water extracted, approximately 108
with up to 50,400 gpd total to be oxygenated and reinjected lb of dissolved-phase VOCs have been removed through

A A΄ Cross section
Monitoring well
LNAPL extent >10 µg/L TVOC
0 250 Approximate regional >100 µg/L TVOC
Scale (ft) groundwater flow direction

FIGURE 5.32  Extent of TVOC concentrations in groundwater after 18 months of DGR operation. Compare to Figure 5.30 for original
extent of TVOCs.
Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation 171

A A΄
West East
700 North ramp 700

680 680

660 660
Feet above mean sealevel (AMSL)

640 640
>100 µg/L
620 620
>10 μg/L
600 600

580 580

560 560

540 540

520 520

500 Well locations Geology Total VOCs in groundwater (2015) 500

Aircraft pad/apron/tarmac Monitoring Injection Extraction >10 μg/L
Medium to very fine sand
LNAPL smear zone Interbedded sand/clay/silt >100 μg/L
Well riser
Water table (dashed where inferred)
Silt and clay
0 50 100 200 300
Screen Boulders, gravel, and sand
Approximate horizontal scale (ft)
Vertical scale 1'' = 30'

FIGURE 5.33  Cross section A–A′ showing extent of TVOC concentrations in groundwater after 18 months of dynamic groundwater recir-
culation (DGR) operation. Compare to Figure 5.31 for TVOC contours prior to DGR operation.

groundwater extraction. This represents approximately 7.5% edge of the source area plume, resulting in flow toward the
of the initial estimated dissolved-phase mass for the portion of Area B extraction wells from the stagnation point, and cutoff
the dissolved-phase plume beneath the LNAPL source area. of the dissolved-phase plume from areas further downgradient.
Based on the 18-month assessment, almost 95% of the
combined dissolved-phase mass of BTEX, naphthalene, and
5.7.7 Summary and Conclusions
acetone has been removed during the evaluation period. This
estimate is further supported by the plume-wide monitoring To date, the DGR system has been effective at meeting its
data in Figures 5.32 and 5.33, which indicates decreased VOC primary goals, arresting plume movement, and reducing
concentrations and a shrinking dissolved-phase plume both dissolved-phase concentrations. Dissolved-phase concentra-
beneath the LNAPL source area and in areas downgradient tions of VOCs beneath the LNAPL source area have sig-
of the source area. The largest reduction of dissolved-phase nificantly decreased (95%) in just 18  months of operation,
mass was from acetone, representing approximately 98% of and the DGR system has been further expanded to treat
the mass reduction in the dissolved phase. The reduction of additional areas of the dissolved-phase plume north of the
dissolved-phase contaminant mass appears to be primar- previous pilot areas. The DGR system has also cut off the
ily from degradation, as the DGR system is limiting further dissolved-phase plume from further downgradient migration
downgradient migration of the dissolved-phase plume. beyond the source area thereby supporting enhanced natural
Groundwater potentiometric contour maps show- attenuation of the greater plume. The next phase of work will
ing groundwater elevations in the DGR area were used to include evaluation of recalcitrant areas and stagnation points
assess hydraulic control of the LNAPL and dissolved-phase within the dissolved-phase plume as the basis for optimiz-
plumes. Typical heads during system operation are shown ing the direction and magnitude of the recirculation cells.
in Figure 5.34. Based on an analysis of flow direction from The DGR system was designed with operational flexibility
the potentiometric contours, the DGR system has maintained such that the recirculation cells can redirect flow in multiple
hydraulic control of the dissolved-phase plume beneath the directions to flush and oxygenate potential stagnation points
LNAPL source area. As shown in Figures 5.33 and 5.34, that may have developed beneath the source area.
plume-wide monitoring data supports this assessment. Figure The expanded system is expected to operate until reduc-
5.34 also shows a stagnation point along the downgradient tions of the LNAPL source area are such that continued flux
172 Remediation Engineering

648 646

649 647 Groundwater monitoring well

650 DGR injection well


DGR extraction well

651 64
Performance monitoring well
648 Groundwater contour
Groundwater flow direction
Stagnation point
LNAPL extent
649 0 200
650 A A΄ Cross section
Scale (ft)

FIGURE 5.34  Typical groundwater elevations in the dynamic groundwater recirculation area during operation.

of contaminants off the LNAPL body will not result in further 12. Zheng, C. 2010. MT3DMS v5.3 supplemental user’s guide.
downgradient expansion of the dissolved-phase plume. Once Technical Report to the U.S. Army Engineer Research and
active remediation has been discontinued, additional monitor- Development Center, Department of Geological Sciences,
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, 51pp.
ing will confirm the stability of the dissolved-phase plume. If
13. Bagtzoglou, A.C. and P.M. Oates. 2007. Chaotic advection
necessary, portions of the DGR system can be switched on and enhanced groundwater remediation. Journal of Materials
to provide additional treatment and hydraulic control, until in Civil Engineering 19(1): 75–83.
plume stability can be confirmed. 14. Mayes, D.C. and R.M. Neupauer. 2012. Plume spreading in
groundwater by stretching and folding. Water Resources
Research 48: 1–10.
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2. Kelly, M.M. February 1994. Applying innovative technologies injection and extraction to enhance reaction for improved in situ
to site contamination: Historical trends and future demand. remediation. Water Resources Research 49: 1–8.
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3. Hubbert, M.K. 1957. Darcy’s law and the field equa- Force Base, Docket No. VI-7003-93-1. July 23, 1993.
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l’Associationd’Hydrologie Scientifique 5: 24–59. MODALL: A practical tool for designing and optimizing cap-
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6 Injected Reagent–Based Remedies

6.1 INTRODUCTION TO IN SITU processes play a major role in the mobility, transport, and
REACTIVE ZONES fate of inorganic and organic contaminants in the subsurface,
specifically in groundwater systems. Hence, engineering and
Since the first edition of this book, no other class of remedial manipulation of these conditions and processes to create dif-
technologies has evolved as significantly as injection-based ferent types of IRZs to remediate contaminated sites was a
cleanup strategies. The combination of improved character- predictable evolution. Different processes to achieve various
ization techniques, a renaissance in our understanding of microbial reactions or chemical reactions can be designed to
groundwater contaminant transport, and expansion of our be implemented within these IRZs.
knowledge base pertaining to microbial ecology and chemi-
cal transformation processes has enabled deployment and  IRZ Definition
completion of in  situ remedies with considerable control. The concept of an IRZ is based on the creation of a unique sub-
While it can be argued that the initial motive for applying surface zone in which contaminants retained in saturated soil
these technologies was one of saving money as an alternative media or migrating in groundwater are intercepted and per-
to many underwhelming groundwater extraction remedies, manently immobilized or degraded into inert or harmless end
continuous innovation has led to (1) faster, cheaper solutions, products. Figure 6.1a and b depict the concept of IRZs. The
(2) less-invasive technologies capable of achieving stringent successful design of these reactive zones requires the ability to
cleanup objectives, and (3) complementary technologies to engineer two sets of reactions: (1) between the injected reagents
the natural environment that leverage nature’s capacity to and the contaminants; and (2) between the injected reagents and
degrade pollutants. the subsurface environment to manipulate the biogeochemistry
Oxidation, reduction, and natural biogeochemical pro- to optimize the required reactions. These two different sets of
cesses play a major role in the mobility, transport, and fate of reactions are often complementary and reagent selection con-
inorganic and organic contaminants in the subsurface, specif- siderations include an accounting of both favorable geochemi-
ically in groundwater systems. The development of engineer- cal indicators to the IRZ treatment process and potentially
ing applications to manipulate and enhance these conditions detrimental site conditions that could limit overall treatment
was therefore a predictable extension of bench-scale and effectiveness. As these conditions will be different at each con-
site assessment observations. As most contaminants exhibit taminated site (or within a given plume), the biggest challenge
unique transformation processes in the presence of other is designing an engineered system for the systematic control of
naturally occurring and anthropogenic materials, these reac- these reactions under the naturally variable or heterogeneous
tions can be utilized to achieve various microbial reactions conditions found in the field.
or chemical reactions within in situ reactive zones (IRZs) to The fundamental requirements for developing effective
remediate contaminated sites. reactive zones can be generally consolidated into two over-
arching principles: (1) the kinetics of the target reactions
must occur at a rate equal to or greater than the mass flux of
6.1.1  Background
contaminants and other competing reactants passing through
The realization that mass removal efficiencies can be signifi- the IRZ with moving groundwater, and (2) injected reagents
cantly enhanced using air as a stand-alone extractive media must be successfully distributed and sustained at sufficient
or in addition to water led to the development and application concentration within the IRZ to promote the target reaction.
of in situ extractive technologies such as soil vapor extraction Successful execution is therefore reliant on the proper reagent
and in situ air sparging. While the shift towards these tech- selection but also the receptivity of the reactive zone to uni-
nologies was driven by reductions in overall remedial cost, form fluid introduction.
the end result has been much quicker cleanup times to more Many processes that take place in groundwater systems
acceptable cleanup levels. This win–win situation for the entire influence contaminant transformation in the subsurface and
remediation industry fostered development of a wide array of have to be taken into consideration when designing an IRZ.
alternative in situ technologies that represented environmen- Contaminants can sorb onto the soil, volatilize, react with
tally, economically, and sustainable treatment solutions. water and hydrolyze, undergo chemical precipitation, be sub-
The in situ extractive techniques subsequently gave way to jected to abiotic reactions and/or biodegradation, and be part
in situ nonextractive techniques such as funnel and gate sys- of oxidation–reduction sequences. The factors that are criti-
tems. In situ mass destruction techniques such as IRZs are the cal for successful engineering and implementation of in situ
preferred remediation technologies today, due to their supe- remediation processes are chemical and physical character-
rior technical and cost efficiencies and the ease in which they istics of the contaminants, which are influenced mostly by
are deployed. Oxidation, reduction, and other biogeochemical their molecular structure; environmental conditions, which

174 Remediation Engineering

Individual reactive zones created by

individual injection points providing a
collective IRZ curtain
Source area
IRZ grid

Contaminant plume


Reagent Injection Reagent

O2 In situ
reactive zone
SO42– Contaminant
Continuous flux of
electron acceptors

FIGURE 6.1  (a) Plan view of creation of downgradient IRZ barrier transect and source area IRZ grid. (b) Cross-sectional view of IRZs
created by individual injection wells.

can be summarized as the biogeochemical conditions; and the reactions relatively rare in the groundwater environment. This
hydrogeologic conditions that control delivery and transport difference in reaction types is most apparent in discrepancies
of reagents for the target in situ reactions. between bench-scale reaction vessel observations and actual
achievable field treatment performance.  Types of IRZ Reactions Reactions can be defined as processes in which chemical
Contaminants within the subsurface environment are sub- bonds are broken, new bonds are formed, or one atom replaces
jected to various physical, chemical, and biological processes. another in the molecular structure of a compound. Reactions
These processes act in an interconnected way in environ- in general can be categorized as substitution, elimination, and
mental systems that determine the overall fate of these com- configuration reactions. Within the IRZs, the general expecta-
pounds. Some of these processes leave the structure of the tion is for transformation to result in harmless end products or
chemical unaffected and are generally termed as transport products less harmful than their parent compounds—with the
mechanisms. Other processes transform the chemical into one ideal case being mineralization. Mineralization is defined as
or several other products of different environmental behav- the complete conversion of an organic chemical to stable inor-
ior and effects. These types of processes alter the molecular ganic forms of natural C, H, N, O, P, and other elements (e.g.,
structure of a compound and may include chemical, biochem- conversion to CO2, H2O, NO32−, NH4+, PO43−). As there are
ical, and/or biological transformation reactions. examples of “incomplete” transformation daughter products
The types of reactions that can be designed and imple- that are of greater environmental concern (e.g., vinyl chlo-
mented within an IRZ are many. Chemical, physical, ride generated during chlorinated ethene or ethane degrada-
biochemical, and microbial reactions in water can be homo- tion), appropriate reaction zone design is necessary to ensure
geneous, occurring entirely among dissolved species, or het- that the properties, reactivities, and toxicities of intermediate
erogeneous, occurring at the liquid–solid–gas interfaces. The products do not pose greater risk.
development of microbial communities within biofilms and For our evaluation of the various transformation reac-
on soil surfaces and the presence of naturally occurring reac- tions that contaminants undergo naturally or are engineered
tive metals within the soil matrix result in most subsurface in the subsurface environment, it is convenient and common
reactions being heterogeneous, with purely homogeneous to divide these processes into two major categories: chemical
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 175

and biological. These reactions can be subdivided into those injection-based treatment applications. A contaminant’s rela-
where there is no net electron transfer occurring between the tive susceptibility to biological or chemical transformation
contaminant and a reactant in the environment and into oxi- reactions, its tendency to sorb to soil matrices or form precipi-
dation–reduction (redox) reactions where electrons are either tates, and its degree of volatility and solubility all control the
transferred from (oxidation) or to (reduction) the contaminant. particular phase in which contaminants reside, how they par-
Historically, geochemical processes were thought to be tition and migrate through the subsurface, and how they react
largely, if not entirely, driven by abiotic chemical reactions. or are transformed. These nuances are highlighted throughout
We now know that many important geochemical reactions are this chapter, with specific attention paid to the development
driven by bacteria. Microorganisms have been found in even of injection-based design applications that can be deployed as
the harshest of environments—deep-sea hydrothermal vents, part of biological, chemical, or abiotic IRZ applications.
toxic abandoned mine sites, and even deep under the Earth’s Contaminants can be utilized by microorganisms as
surface—so their ability to adapt to and utilize a variety of electron donors (and are oxidized), electron acceptors (and
toxic contaminants is not unexpected. Numerous studies have are reduced), or cations and anions in exchange reactions.
documented that chemical reactions close to microbial sur- For biodegradation applications, depending on contaminant
faces or within networks of biofilm are very different from behavior and the natural capabilities of a site-specific micro-
those of the bulk solution. The chemistry of this “microbial bial community, injection reagents often entail the limiting
space” is complex and has a significant influence on the desir- species (either an electron donor or acceptor) to support utili-
able reactions within an IRZ. zation by the microbial species. A variety of organic contami-
Reactions, chemical or biochemical, may be described nants serve as electron donors and include benzene, toluene,
from the standpoint of either kinetics or equilibrium. Kinetics ketones, and single- or multiringed petroleum hydrocarbons
describe the rate at which a reaction takes place and is sig- (PHCs). The corresponding injection reagents designed to
nificant when comparing a particular reaction rate to the rate foster in situ biological treatment of these constituents there-
at which a comparable process takes place. Equilibrium, by fore include a spectrum of natural electron acceptors includ-
contrast, describes the final expected chemical composition ing oxygen, nitrate, or sulfate, which are then utilized by the
in a control volume. A control volume with its biogeochemi- microbial community as the contaminant is transformed.
cal components is often referred to as a system. Equilibrium Conversely, electron donors are utilized as the primary
is relevant in the case of reactions that are rapid (e.g., during injection reagents for treatment of contaminants that serve
chemical oxidation processes) and accounts for the particular as electron acceptors—most notably chlorinated aliphatic
geochemical conditions within a reactive zone. hydrocarbons, perchlorate, explosives, and other inorganics.
When reactants first come together—before any products Contaminant metabolism by individual microbial species
have been formed—their rate of reaction is determined in part or the broader microbial consortia varies based on a variety
by their initial concentrations. As the reaction products accu- of factors including a contaminant’s relative stability, degree
mulate, the concentration of each reactant decreases and so of substitution and steric availability to enzymatic attack, its
does the reaction rate. For reversible reactions, the accumu- molecular similarity to other common organic compounds
lation of the product molecules begins to participate in the involved in cellular metabolism, its relative toxicity, and the
reverse reaction, which reforms the reactants. This reaction overall time that a compound has existed within the environ-
is slow at first but speeds up as the concentration of products ment. For classes of contaminants that have existed for millen-
increases. Eventually, the rates of the forward and reverse nia (e.g., aromatic hydrocarbons), microbial species long ago
reactions become equal, so that the concentrations of reac- adapted the ability to utilize these compounds for both energy
tants and products stop changing. The mixture of reactants and growth. For other contaminants of more recent anthro-
and products is then said to be in chemical equilibrium. pogenic origin (e.g., 1,4-dioxane, polychlorinated biphenyls
As most groundwater aquifers are “open systems” (i.e., [PCBs], poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances [PFAS]), consid-
no control volume) and continuously exposed to naturally erably fewer organisms are available that mediate transforma-
migrating organics and inorganics, equilibrium in these set- tion reactions—if at all.
tings is usually referred to as a “steady-state” condition—but Where microbial technologies are not applicable or require
true equilibrium is not achieved. These steady-state condi- too much time, chemical oxidation and reduction technolo-
tions can be easily perturbed based on changes in concentra- gies are considered. Similar contaminant properties related to
tion of either the reactants or products of a given equilibrium bonding, ligand substitution, and structure also affect whether
relationship, via the introduction of contaminants, which can specific oxidants are applicable or the kinetics by which these
upset the existing geochemistry or be consumed by micro- contact reactions occur. For kinetic-based oxidation–reduction
organisms, and by injection reagents designed to induce remedies, where the mediating reactant has a defined or lim-
target reactions to facilitate contaminant destruction or ited half-life, contaminant solubility is of high importance as
transformation. treatment occurs in the dissolved phase.
In  situ remedial strategies inherently leverage the natural  Contaminant Considerations processes that contribute to contaminant decline and reagent-
A contaminant’s physicochemical properties dictate its over- related contaminant transformation. The process of performing
all behavior within the subsurface and its accessibility for a detailed analysis of a contaminated site in order to assess the
176 Remediation Engineering

potential of the site for the application of an IRZ has much in sequestered in finer-grained low-permeability matrices is a
common with the assessment performed for monitored natural key aspect for approaching IRZ designs. Ultimately, more
attenuation (MNA). Such an assessment bases decision making permeable soils control the advancement of injection fluids
on a review of data that includes the contaminants themselves, both vertically and laterally from a delivery point and play
electron donors, electron acceptors, partial-degradation by- a significant role in the advective and diffusive distribution
products, geochemical parameters, and hydrogeology. Trend of reagents following delivery. While classical hydrogeologic
analyses can help determine whether an ongoing source exists interpretations remain important from a macroscopic site
at the site that is still contributing dissolved-phase contaminants assessment standpoint, a more microscopic view of specific
at a rate that natural attenuation processes cannot overcome. In site heterogeneities is provided by injection tracer testing and
such a situation, in situ treatment may accelerate contaminant appropriate geologic interpretation to best guide injection
destruction significantly. In extreme cases, a more aggressive reagent selection, dosing considerations, injection point place-
source removal approach may need to be initiated first. ment, and fluid introduction strategies. The following sections
For contaminants known to be biodegradable, it is impor- provide a detailed view of how each of these components is
tant to stress that scientific documentation of the mechanism integrated in IRZ delivery design.
claimed as responsible for contaminant destruction or con-
trol is scientifically feasible and that the proposed mecha-  Volume–Radius Relationship
nism is actually occurring at the site. Thus, in addition to Within the subsurface, we can envision a network of intercon-
documenting contaminant removal in a pilot test or full-scale nected pore spaces, the larger and better connected of which
treatment process, an IRZ system designer should also be provide less resistance to groundwater movement and serve
able to d­emonstrate the fingerprints of the contaminant(s) as the primary groundwater migration pathways. Figure 6.2
transformation processes. For example, these would include shows a pore-scale depiction of an aquifer matrix. Smaller and
the appearance of intermediate degradation products more poorly connected pore spaces present greater resistance
(e.g., cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis-DCE), vinyl chloride, and to groundwater movement and harbor a static groundwater
ethene during PCE or TCE dehalogenation), the appearance mass that lies on the sideline of more migratory pathways.
of indicators that the desired alternate electron acceptor pro- A key concept in this construct is that a relatively small frac-
cesses have been achieved (e.g., reduced dissolved oxygen tion of the aquifer pore spaces is “migratory” and actually
(DO) and oxidation reduction potential (ORP), increased fer- participates in advective groundwater and contaminant flow.
rous iron, sulfide or methane), and the utilization of appropri- This concept is especially important when we consider the
ate electron donors during the implementation of a microbial distribution of contaminants and design methods for distribu-
IRZ system for enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD). tion of reagents in aquifers.
In a homogeneous soil system, fluids injected into an aquifer
matrix through a vertical injection well travel outward radially
6.1.2 Key Parameters for Design
through the soil formation that intersects the depth interval of
From a classic hydrogeology standpoint, groundwater aqui- the injection well. Differences between horizontal and vertical
fers are homogeneous and isotropic and could be interpreted
simply based on slug testing, groundwater potentiometric
gradients, and aquifer transmissivity. This approach was rea-
sonable for the design of groundwater supply wells, which
captured groundwater from broad areas with little concern
for its origin. It took decades of groundwater remediation
through the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s to fully understand that
the application of classic hydrogeologic principles to contami-
nant cleanup was resulting in extended treatment time frames,
remedy failure, and extensive remedial cost overruns due to
inadequate subsurface characterization and an overall limited
awareness of contaminant transport. The emergence of injec-
tion-based remedial strategies and the accumulation of data
pertaining to subsurface reagent transport were a key driver
in prompting a reevaluation of hydrogeology as it pertains to
contaminant transport. The original assumption that contami-
nants moved via advection and dispersion has been entirely
replaced by the awareness that transport is controlled via
advection and diffusion. Further, application of historic site
depositional concepts has yielded the new assumptions that
aquifers are actually heterogeneous and anisotropic as a rule. FIGURE 6.2  Dual-domain transport in an aquifer; arrow size rep-
The understanding that contaminants migrate via advec- resents migratory pore fraction with size differences variable based
tive pathways in more permeable soils and are stored or on differences in relative permeabilities.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 177

hydraulic conductivities determine the relative proportions of observed values of θm (as a percentage of total aquifer volume)
horizontal and vertical injected fluid movement. In many aqui- is provided in Table 6.1, with corresponding injection volumes
fers, the vertical hydraulic conductivity is significantly lower provided for variable target values of rinj in Figure 6.3. For a
than the horizontal hydraulic conductivity, effectively confin- given unit volume, the value of rinj will increase with decreas-
ing injected fluids to the injection screen interval. As discussed ing values of θm. As observed in Table 6.1, the values of θm
in Section 6.1.2, injected fluids travel principally through the will always be less than the total drainable fraction (or total
migratory flow paths or the mobile fraction of the aquifer. Even porosity) of an aquifer and are most often lower than con-
in homogeneous soil systems, the mobile fraction will repre- ventional effective porosity assumptions for most soil types.
sent some percentage of the total porosity and serve as the cor- It is easy to understand that fluids will migrate more exten-
rection factor to determine how far injection fluids travel based sively within gravels compared to clays (with the quantity of
on the injection volume introduced. Equation 6.1 provides a gravel contributing to the value of θm), but differences in θm
calculation of rinj, the radius occupied by the injected fluid are also encountered in sands and gravels of variable grain
immediately after the injection process is completed: size. The overall differences in values for mobile fraction,
effective porosity, and total porosity illuminate the role that
dual-domain transport plays in reagent, contaminant, and
rinj = (6.1) groundwater transport. Reagents will migrate preferentially
p ´ h ´ qm within the mobile fraction, will move via slower advection
through permeable soils with lower hydraulic conductivity
where values, and diffuse between these zones and into the surface
h is the injection zone thickness (normally the length of the of low-permeability soils.
injection well screen) Intuitively, the introduction of fluids into the mobile frac-
θm is the mobile fraction tion of an aquifer will displace existing groundwater (and
Vinj is the injected volume contaminants) radially outward from the zone of injection or
vertical upward via groundwater mounding. This is a function
Equation 6.1 is only valid when the rate of fluid injection of the overall incompressibility of water and can represent a
temporarily overwhelms the natural groundwater movement potential concern, particularly in applications when injection
through the injection zone and is a reasonable assumption in wells are positioned as part of a broad grid, the target injection
most slow to moderate flow groundwater systems where injec- volumes are considerable (e.g., 1000s of gallons per point),
tions are completed over a matter of days to weeks. and injection activities are conducted as part of routine deliv-
The mobile fraction of an aquifer represents a certain ery events. Estimates for plume displacement can be deter-
percentage of the overall aquifer porosity. A summary of mined for a given injection well by reorganizing Equation 6.1

Summary of Mobile Porosity Estimates Determined by Tracer Tests
Location Aquifer Aquifer Material Mobile Porosity Notes
Quebec, Canada — Poorly sorted sand and gravel 8.5% 6.4 m3 injection in 7.25 h
Central Valley, California — Poorly sorted sand and gravel 4% to 7% 575 m3 injection over 30 days; arrival
monitored in 7 wells
Northern Texas Ogallala Poorly sorted sand and gravel 9% 1460 m3 injection over 28 days
New Jersey Passaic Formation Fractured sandstone 0.1% to 0.7% 24.6 m3 injection over 2 days
Los Angeles, California Gaspur Aquifer Alluvial formation 10.2% 17 m3 injection over 8 h
Northern New Jersey — Glacial outwash 14.5% 7.57 m3 in 3 days
Northern Missouri — Weathered mudstone regolith 7% to 10% 4.54 m3 in 9 days
Sao Paulo, Brazil — Alluvial formation 7% 18.9 m3 over 2.5 days
Phoenix, Arizona — Alluvial formation 7% 2.27 m3 in 8 h
Savannah River Site, South Atlantic Coastal Plain Silty sand 5% Model calibration
Kaiserslautern, Germany Trifels Formation Fractured sandstone 0.08% to 0.1% Multiple injections and volumes between
0.1 m3 and 5 m3
West Texas Rio Grande River Valley Alluvium, sand, and gravel 1.7% 18.9 m3
Northern Texas Ogallala Alluvium, poorly sorted sand, 0.3 to 1.7% Dipole test, 61.3 m3 in 22.8 h
and gravel
Central Colorado Cherry Creek Alluvium, sand, and gravel 11% to 18% Two injection tests, 4.9 m3 and 7.6 m3
Central Colorado Denver Formation Siltstone, sandstone, mudstone 1% to 5% Monopole—tracer injected in monitoring
well/pumping well
178 Remediation Engineering


Typical fractured bedrock

Typical natural porous medium

Volume (gal) per 10 ft thick section



Mobile porosity


20,000 0.10

10,000 0.05

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Radial distance (ft)

FIGURE 6.3  Relationship between aquifer mobile fraction, target radial distribution from an injection well, and injection volume for
porous media and fractured rock systems. (From Payne F.C. et al., Remediation Hydraulics, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2008.)

to solve for the injection radius based on a volume equiva- IRZ programs that require multiple or routine injection activi-
lent to two-times that injected (i.e., the injection volume plus ties. In bedrock, an open borehole in the target-saturated zone
the native groundwater displaced). This calculation assumes is acceptable, but conversion of existing bedrock open-hole
that all groundwater travels horizontally (and negates mound- wells to screened wells is advantageous to focus delivery of
ing), so represents a conservative estimate in unconfined reagents into the specific fracture zones requiring treatment.
systems. As detailed as part of Section, the potential Wells constructed in this fashion provide a permanent and
for plume displacement can be managed as part of injection repeatable means of delivering reagent to the subsurface.
layout design, is minimized in barrier-style applications ori- IRZ wells must be screened to target the vertical impacts
ented perpendicular to groundwater flow, or can be irrelevant in groundwater. Thus, the depth and screened interval will
when employing soluble substrates that will migrate within be determined by the vertical delineation of the groundwa-
advective groundwater flow following delivery (i.e., into the ter impacts—with all the limitations this implies. The lithol-
displaced groundwater). ogy will also have an impact on the well design and screened
interval since the injected reagent will flow with groundwater,  Injection Delivery Methods following the path of least resistance. Where the saturated
Injection delivery methods include fixed injection wells, thickness of contamination exceeds 20 to 30 ft, multiple well
temporary injection points, direct-push delivery techniques, points are recommended to improve horizontal distribution
hydraulic fracturing, or pneumatic fracturing. The spe- and circumvent the possibility of injection fluids being trans-
cific delivery methodology is generally selected based on mitted through preferential flow intervals.
the desired injection reagent (i.e., whether it is soluble or Hydraulic or pneumatic fracturing applications are both
insoluble) and target soil formation in which the injection is viable techniques to engineer subsurface soil formation fail-
intended. Permanent well applications are constructed with ure such that reagents can be propagated via the pressure-
materials appropriate for the geologic formation, groundwa- induced fractures. Hydraulic injection applications utilize
ter quality, and selected reagent. A typical injection well is direct-push tooling to advance injection rods to the target
shown in Figure 6.4. Wells in an unconsolidated formation are delivery depth or utilize predrilled guide borings through
typically 2 to 4 in. in diameter and constructed using either which the fracture tooling is extended to the desired depth of
stainless steel or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) wire wrapped well injection (Figure 6.5a and b). As the name implies, hydraulic
screens sized for the soil formation. Stainless steel screen fracturing relies on creating weaknesses and deformation in
constructions, while more expensive, represent the gold stan- the soil matrix through which small volumes of fluidized
dard for injection applications. Stainless steel provides for reagent slurries (for semisoluble or nonsoluble reagents) or
improved hydraulic communication with the aquifer; can be dissolved reagents in water are introduced. Comparatively,
more aggressively redeveloped using jetting, surge block, and pneumatic fracturing employs similar delivery concepts but
well rehabilitation chemicals; and are wise investments for relies on either gas, sand, or other propagants to establish
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 179

¼'' pressure relief

1'' ball valve
Concrete pad
Land surface

4 '' boot seal well cap


8 '' casing
Hydrated bentonite
(from top of neat
cement to well vault)

4 '' SCH. 80 PVC

Neat cement grout

(double length of screen)

Fine choker sand

4'' stainless steel/SCH. 80 PVC


4'' stainless steel wire wrap screen

(≤15 ft. length)

Sand filter pack


FIGURE 6.4  Typical injection well design.

fractures through which the reagents are then advanced. Well-based injections typically entail significant volumes of
There are a variety of fracture techniques and injection tool- fluid (often 1000s of gallons) that consume the available pore
ing available, each of which has specific nuances by which space over which the well screen is installed. Comparatively,
fractures are established and fluids are delivered. These fractures developed via high-pressure applications are less
vary in overall complexity from simple direct-push drive than one inch in vertical thickness and considerably smaller
rods with delivery equipment capable of achieving injection reagent volumes (10s to 100s of gallons) are applied to move
pressures between 50 and 100 psi to more complex applica- horizontally through these narrow features. To compensate
tions reliant on predrilled boreholes, injection nozzles that for the narrow vertical delivery achieved, fracture injection
extend deeper into the subsurface, and equipment feasible designs utilize multiple discrete intervals to allow vertical
of achieving injection pressures in excess of 1000 psi. Due coverage across the interval of contamination. These intervals
to limitations with advancing direct-push injection tooling, are often spaced between 1 to 5 ft apart. This approach results
this more simplistic delivery method is frequently limited to in an overall reagent distribution that is highly stratified, with
shallow, unconsolidated formations at depths typically less concentrated reagents emplaced within thin fractures that are
than 50 ft below grade. interbedded with reagent deficient native soil materials that
There are considerable differences in overall injection vol- also contain contaminants. As reagent transport and diffu-
umes between well-based delivery and fracture applications. sion are the primary mechanisms by which contaminants
180 Remediation Engineering

Reagent delivery Reagent delivery

Ground surface Ground surface

(a) Media-filled fractures (b) Media-filled fractures

FIGURE 6.5  Fracture-based injection tooling. (a) Direct-push delivery point. (b) Precased boring with downhole fracture injection tooling.

in reagent-deficient soil strata are treated following fracture when the geology is less permeable or uninjectable via low-
injections, adequate assessment of the site-specific geology pressure applications or in cases where solid-phase reagents
and the nature of contaminant distribution is imperative to are desired and require fracture emplacement opposed to
enable achievement of complete treatment and reduce the standard well screens.
required number of injection applications.
As fracture-based delivery methods require only tempo-  Injection Pressure Considerations
rary injection points and no permanent well network, these Reagent injection can be implemented in two ways: via grav-
can be more cost-effective when only one injection event is ity feed delivery or via pressurized injection application
required. When multiple events are expected, permanent well- (Figure 6.6a and b). Fluid injection into a saturated soil media
based strategies are more cost-effective due to the reduced must overcome resistive forces associated with groundwater
costs of completing subsequent injection events. Well-based displacement from within the target radius of influence (ROI).
strategies can also be more cost-effective on a per-event While general resistance to fluid displacement is tied to the
basis due to the ability to manifold multiple wells together natural incompressibility of water, injection flow rates are fur-
for simultaneous injection. Generally, well-based applications ther limited by the natural soil permeability, the presence of
provide more uniform reagent coverage, enable larger vol- confined or semiconfined aquifer systems, or the buildup of
umes during delivery, and offer far greater fluid distribution gases and precipitates from the target reactions. As discussed
control during delivery. These are not appropriate, however, in Section, the horizontal hydraulic conductivity is

(a) (b)

FIGURE 6.6  Multiple wellhead connection fittings and injection setups to achieve either gravity feed delivery (a) or pressure-based appli-
cation (b).
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 181

significantly greater than the vertical conductivity, which which is a characteristic of a particular soil and describes the
results in the preferential transport of injection fluids laterally resistance to shear.
away from the point of introduction. While lateral transport While methods for determining safe injection pressures
predominates, vertical groundwater mounding does occur are available for a given soil type, these empirical calcula-
and can act to limit injection flow rates in confined aquifer tions can be further supported via laboratory geotechnical
systems where vertical transport is not available. In these analyses (soil cohesive strength, shear testing, compression
systems, which often exhibit naturally upward groundwater testing) or via data collected by cone penetrometer testing
gradients or are under natural pressure, fluid injection under to obtain shear strength estimates. A theoretical injection
gravity feed or even via pressurized applications is often pressure calculation does provide a reasonable starting
limited. pressure for injection testing and is particularly relevant
As described in the preceding section, a variety of injec- to the preservation of permanent injection wells. Some
tion techniques are available to introduce fluid into the sub- key concepts to keep in mind as designers are determin-
surface. With fixed injection well applications, gravity feed ing appropriate injection pressures are summarized in the
(or low-pressure) delivery approaches are preferable to pres- following:
surized applications as they are most protective of the injec-
tion well integrity, require less above-grade infrastructure, • In a homogeneous soil, the likelihood of fracture at
and rely on the natural distribution of reagents through the a given injection pressure decreases with depth. The
primary aquifer transport pathways. Gravity feed delivery is top of an injection interval (top of screen) is most
also the best means to ensure that the pressure applied to the vulnerable.
soil formation does not result in the failure of the soil matrix • In heterogeneous soils (essentially all natural soils),
and result in unintended hydraulic fracturing. the resistance to fracturing (the shear strength) of
Hydraulic fracturing occurs when pore water is overpres- soil is highly variable, depending on whether the soil
surized to the point that it physically separates the soil matrix. is cohesive and on the grain size and sorting.
Safe injection pressures can be determined considering the • When injecting into the heterogeneous medium,
overburden stress of an aquifer at the top of an injection inter- the weakest intervals will fracture first. Existing
val assuming normally consolidated soils. The weight of over- planes of weakness or low-strength strata (such as
burden soils compresses the soil matrix, giving it strength to well-sorted fine sand) have the greatest tendency for
resist shear deformation. This stress is transmitted as grain- deformation.
to-grain contact pressures that increase with depth and pro- • Fractures will typically not propagate across strata
vide natural vertical and horizontal effective stresses that of differing strengths or across existing planes of
resist shearing.1 Below the water table, groundwater in pore weakness.
spaces counteracts natural soil stiffening by exerting pressure • Many unconsolidated formations are already frac-
in all directions and reducing the grain-to-grain contact pres- tured naturally. This is particularly true of shallow
sures. Under normal subsurface conditions, changes in pore cohesive soils that may have been unsaturated at
pressure do not alter the soil architecture except for some some point in geologic history or undergone signifi-
minor elastic strain. However, if the pore pressure increases cant stress and strain.
excessively, the contact pressure between the grains may drop
to zero, effectively separating the grains (i.e., fracturing the The theoretical injection pressure that would result in aquifer
soil). In noncohesive soils, fracturing will alter the soil struc- deformation can be calculated based upon the position of the
ture and decrease the formation yield. In cohesive soils, these injection interval in relation to the vadose and saturated zones
fractures may then persist as new mobile pathways and may within an aquifer in both unconfined and confined settings.
permanently serve as preferential pathways that can short- The total vertical stress (σs) of the overburden soils is calcu-
circuit future fluid introduction. lated by multiplying the thickness of the vadose zone (hvz) and
The weight of soils and groundwater above the injection saturated zone (hsz) above the injection interval by their cor-
interval results in a vertical effective stress that is consider- responding density (ρvz and ρvz, respectively) via the following
ably greater than the horizontal effective stress. Accordingly, equation:
the horizontal effective stress is the determining factor for
formation failure. Applied injection pressure increases the
ss = (hvz ´ rvz ) + (hsz ´ rsz ) (6.2)
soil pore pressure and increases the ratio of the vertical to
horizontal effective stress. As this ratio increases (as horizon-
tal effective stress approaches zero), failure occurs.1 Applied The saturated pore pressure (P) can be calculated by multi-
pressures used to engineer fractures leverage this relationship, plying the height of the static water column above the injec-
ultimately enabling the lateral transport of reagents from the tion interval (water table elevation to the top of the screened
injection point. The lateral extent of fractures is limited, how- interval) by the unit weight of water (ρH2O) as shown in the
ever, as fractures will naturally propagate upward toward the following:
vadose zone or ground surface. The angle at which the frac-
ture would propagate vertically is related to the friction angle, P = (hsz ´ rH2 O ) (6.3)
182 Remediation Engineering

The initial vertical effective stress (σe) represents the differ- be achieved in confined aquifers, these systems support (and
ence between the total vertical stress and the pore pressure, as generally require) larger injection pressures:
shown in the following:
æ P - (hvz + hsz - hwc ) ´ rH2 O ) ö
Pg = ç max ÷ (6.7)
se = ss - P (6.4) è 1 + SF ø

While gravity or low-pressure injections can be preferable for

This method assumes normally consolidated soils and that the
a number of reasons, low-pressure application is not always
horizontal effective stress represents the limiting constraint
feasible based on the soil type, reagent selected, or aquifer
with respect to fracturing. Under this assumption, vertical
conditions. In these instances, applied pressure injections are
fractures would be expected. If overly consolidated soils
preferable to allow delivery. While fracture-based injection
exist, the vertical effective stress becomes the limiting con-
applications can achieve higher flow rates and require shorter
straint and horizontal fractures are of concern. Based on the
durations to complete compared to low-pressure delivery,
composition of the lithology (i.e., sand, fine sand, gravel), a
engineered fracture formation is inherently hard to control.
friction angle (φ) is assumed according to previous experience
As described earlier, fractures are established through less
at the site or based on representative literature values.1 The
cohesive soils, natural formation weakness, or toward points
friction angle is then used with the initial vertical effective
of pressure relief. Pressure relief often occurs via monitoring
stress to determine the maximum allowable injection pressure
wells used to evaluate the treatment area, buried infrastruc-
(Pmax), as shown in the following:
ture, or upward toward the groundwater interface or vadose
zone (with decreased vertical pressure). These pathways can
Pmax = (1 - sin q) ´ se ´ 0.5 (6.5) be challenging to control in both homogeneous and heteroge-
neous soil systems and if not accounted for as part of injection
Note the additional 0.5 coefficient in this calculation, which point orientation can result in reagent short circuiting and lim-
is related to the assumption of normally consolidated soils. A ited contact between the reagents and the target contaminants.
complete derivation of the method mentioned earlier and the
applicability to variation in differing soil types is detailed in  Reagent Types and Selection Considerations
Remediation Hydraulics.1 The value of Pmax is presented in Based on the preliminary evaluation of the existing subsur-
units of pressure but can be also correlated with a correspond- face environment, appropriate reagents have to be selected
ing change in water elevation within the injection well via unit that are tailored to a contaminant’s or group of contami-
conversion. As Pmax represents the allowable stress at the top of nants’ concentration, distribution within the aquifer (e.g.,
the well screen (or injection tip depth), these values can all be within advective transport or diffuse storage zones), and
integrated with a safety factor (SF) to determine an allowable phase (nonaqueous-phase liquid [NAPL], sorbed, dissolved).
gauge pressure observed at the wellhead via the following: There are currently a wide variety of commodity and propri-
etary reagents available that can be effectively used in IRZ
æ P - (hvz ´ rH2 O ) ö applications—and this list will only continue to expand as
Pg = ç max ÷ (6.6)
è 1 + SF ø new reagents are developed. A detailed discussion of many
materials used in biological and chemical treatment remedies
Values for SF can be selected by the designer and used to eval- is provided in Sections 6.2 and 6.3, respectively. In addition
uate a range of potential injection pressures that could result to contaminant-specific considerations, the following are a
in formation fracturing or well failure. As the aforementioned number of other key design factors that must be considered
methodology allows the determination of a starting safe injec- during the IRZ design phase:
tion pressure for use during injection, it is recommended that
this be evaluated once the well is constructed at the onset of 1.
Reagent solubility dictates the maximum dosing
the injection program. Incremental additions of pressure can concentration that can be mixed above grade and
be applied gradually upward from no pressure (gravity feed) applied into subsurface; dissolved reagents migrate
to the target safe injection pressure. Stepwise changes in pres- with advective groundwater flow beyond the area
sure can then be applied with corresponding measurements of of injection, while semisoluble or solid injectants
injection flow rate, and these observations can then be used to exhibit limited mobility.
establish a target injection pressure and flow rate for a given 2.
Reagent injectability is considered when selecting
well over the course of the injection program. the appropriate delivery methodology to achieve dis-
For a confined aquifer, a similar progression is followed tribution; materials that are soluble in water or have
with the addition of compensating for unique specific weights a small enough particle size (e.g., less than 1 micron)
of the confining layer and the potential for pore pressure satu- can be delivered via a fixed well and advanced
ration above the confining layer (represented as the height of through a soil matrix. Other solid materials will
the observed static water column [hwc]), as corrected in the require elevated injection pressures to induce soil
following. Due to the negligible vertical displacement that can fractures for reagent emplacement.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 183

Reagent longevity is the duration of time over which  Injection Frequency
the reagent remains present within the IRZ at suf- The successful application of an IRZ system is first and fore-
ficient strength to promote the target reaction; these most reliant on the timely, cost-effective, and consistent deliv-
durations can vary from hours to days (peroxides) to ery of the reagent to the treatment zone in quantities carefully
years (emulsified vegetable oils [EVOs], zerovalent tuned to produce the desired reactions in the subsurface.
iron [ZVI]). Injection timing is based on two primary controlling factors:
Reagent-related by-products are considered to (1) the duration over which a “working strength” concentra-
account for any potential chemical intermediates tion of reagent remains available and (2) the rate of which the
generated during the target reactions; these can reagent migrates away from the injection zone via advective
include transient intermediates formed during con- groundwater transport. These two criteria can often be satis-
taminant transformation, redox-sensitive metals lib- fied based on initial tracer or injection pilot testing (Section
erated from native soils, or gaseous species that may 5.1.3) and can be continuously evaluated over the course of
form associated with either biological or chemical treatment to tailor the injection events to changes in contami-
treatment. nant concentrations and observed IRZ conditions.
Reagent handling considerations include an over- As detailed in Section, injection fluids migrate
all awareness of a chemical’s reactivity, negative within the mobile fraction to a target ROI. As the mobile
exposure risks to personnel, negative ecological fraction represents some portion of the overall soil porosity,
interactions, or compatibility with above-grade or reagent dilution between the mobile and less mobile pore water
subsurface materials to ensure that proper health will occur and needs to be accounted for as part of dosing.
and safety precautions or engineering controls are Theoretically, if the mobile fraction for a given soil formation
implemented to mitigate any adverse impacts during is 10% and the total porosity is 30%, reagent concentrations
remediation. would be expected to be diluted by two-thirds after the injec-
tion is completed. Once delivered, all reagents will have a
An overall assessment of these factors is necessary as part unique half-life based on their overall molecular constitution,
of any IRZ design development. The solubility, injectability, their reactivity with the soil and groundwater geochemistry,
and longevity considerations are integral to achieving the nec- or their rate of microbial utilization. The reagent-specific half-
essary subsurface delivery and duration of target treatment life is utilized to determine the overall duration to exhaustion
reactions. As discussed earlier, injected reagents tend to flow based on the in situ starting concentration (C0; following dilu-
through the mobile fraction of an aquifer, which also serve as tion) and the minimum concentration that must be available to
contaminant migratory pathways. Contaminant mass that has promote the target reactions based on the half-life equations
resided in an aquifer for extended periods of time will have provided in Chapter 2. Once obtained, this duration repre-
had sufficient time to diffuse into less permeable portions of sents the minimum time between injection events.
the aquifer matrix. This stored mass outside of the primary For soluble substrates that migrate with natural groundwa-
injection intervals increases the overall difficulty of establish- ter flow, the second primary criterion for dosing frequency is
ing contact between injected reagent and contaminants. To the overall rate of reagent washout from the injection area.
address diffuse or stored mass present in low ­permeability As highlighted in Figure 6.7, the overall distance a reagent is
or interbedded soil systems, IRZ design preferences often expected to travel is determined based on the duration of time
­consider more persistent reagents that can diffuse into these calculated using the aforementioned half-life method divided
static pore spaces for treatment. by the groundwater velocity. Complete washout is defined as
As nearly all reagents used in either biological or chemi- the duration of time required for groundwater advection to
cal IRZ applications will disrupt the natural steady-state carry the reagent beyond the diameter of the injection area
equilibrium conditions within a given soil and groundwater (Figure 6.7), following which subsequent injection applica-
system, it is important to have an awareness of specific non- tions are warranted to sustain the IRZ. By critically evaluat-
target by-products (a number of which are also regulated and ing the rate of reagent consumption versus that of washout
included as part of monitoring programs) that may be gener- as part of upfront IRZ designs, we can tailor which variable
ated and their resultant behavior within or outside the IRZ. To represents the controlling parameter for design purposes and
accommodate both nontarget by-product generation and man- modify the injection approach to achieve ideal scenarios that
age bulk reagents above grade, appropriate health and safety balance reductions in field implementation time, injection
precautions must be taken by on-site personnel to eliminate delivery infrastructure, and overall program cost.
the potential exposure to potentially hazardous or nuisance Finally, as the half-lives for different reagents can change
conditions. Most handling provisions are generally tied to the over the course of injection programs and as treatment is
behavior of the reagents themselves and are more rigorous achieved within and downgradient of the IRZ, performance
and explicit for chemical oxidation and generally less robust monitoring activities are used to confirm the reagent longevity
(outside of secondary containment or incidental spill response and transport in order to adapt the injection strategy over the
plans) for many food- or feed-grade reagents used in biologi- course of the program. It is an expectation that modifications
cal treatment remedies. to the injection frequency will be warranted over multievent
184 Remediation Engineering

Reactive zone length governed by:

Time of groundwater travel (days)

Reagent longevity (days):
60 C0

Groundwater velocity:
Distance = vt × t

FIGURE 6.7  Dynamics of soluble reagent transport in groundwater downgradient from injection points.

injection programs, and performance data are integral to tai- full-scale IRZ implementation, and satisfying regulatory
loring the program based on IRZ development and observed agency questions regarding the applicability of the desired
treatment of the target contaminant(s). As examples, chemi- IRZ technique.
cal oxidants may react faster with natural soil organics or These tests should always focus on a significant area of con-
labile metal species present at the onset of injection (and have cern within the plume and can vary in scale from single-well
reduced longevity) or biological substrates may be consumed injection tests to larger injection areas that can be applicable
faster as the target microbial community proliferates within as an interim remedial measure. The following feasibility and
the IRZ over time. selection criteria should be considered while evaluating the
design of an IRZ pilot test:
6.1.3  Injection Tests and Tracer Studies
• Aquifer permeability and thickness in the targeted
The most fundamental activity to determining the key design test area
parameters presented in Section 6.1.2 is via completion of • Volume of fluid required to achieve a target horizon-
injection or tracer testing. An injection test may be com- tal and vertical distribution
pleted at any stage in the design and/or implementation of a • Technical specifications and equipment require-
full-scale in situ remedy; however, these tests are most com- ments for reagent delivery
monly completed as part of pilot or predesign project phases. • Injection and monitoring well(s) position and their
While many tests follow a similar overall approach—inject anticipated hydraulic communication
reagents and pay close attention—each is unique to the spe- • Reagent dosage, frequency, and subsurface dilution
cific site conditions, contaminant types, and overall remedial • Reagent consumption, persistence, and potential
application. concerns with respect to the formation of any by-
The phrase “tracer test” is often used as reference to injec- products—even over short durations
tion tests that include only an inert tracer (e.g., fluorescent dye, • Pilot test groundwater monitoring protocol
salts, isotopes) for use in assessing reagent distribution from a • Implementation costs
delivery point and the subsequent dissolved-phase transport.
The terms “pilot test” and “field demonstration” typically Groundwater tracer tests entail two general components:
entail both a tracer and the reagents anticipated as part of the (1) the delivery of a tracer into the subsurface and (2) post-
full-scale design. As many reagents in themselves serve as delivery monitoring to assess changes in tracer concentration
tracers while they are present in the subsurface, they are often within the subsurface. Tracer tests can be completed using
employed to serve as both tracers and reactants for contami- one individual well or multiple wells depending on the design
nant treatment. Reagent-based injection tests are expected to parameters sought. Single-well tests entail the delivery of a
vary significantly from conservative tracer test as the reagents tracer and then follow-on groundwater monitoring to assess
are reactive, may sorb to the geologic matrix, and are tran- the rate of overall washout of the tracer from the specific well
sient based on their utilization. When coupled together, how- location. As these tests are not capable of understanding the
ever, the combination of tracer transport, reagent distribution overall horizontal or vertical distribution of the tracer, they are
and consumption, and confirmation of contaminant treatment only appropriate to assess the rate of groundwater transport
performance provides a robust set of information for use in through the given well location. Comparatively, multiple well
demonstrating the efficacy of the target reactions, supporting tracer tests entail combinations of injection and monitoring
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 185

wells, and offer a direct means to understand the nature of however, there is potential for minimal sorption to soils with
hydraulic communication within a groundwater system, and high clay content2,3 or natural soil organics, which may drive
are the general standard for use in supporting IRZ designs. designers to consider nonretardative tracers in highly inter-
Multiple well pilot tests must employ a minimum num- bedded systems. These dyes are also not applicable for chemi-
ber of injection wells that can be used to properly deliver cal oxidation injection tests, as they are organic and will be
the reagent to the target zone. The screened interval should consumed by most oxidants.
intercept the impacted zone, with consideration given to the A significant advantage to fluorescent dyes is the high
lithology and groundwater flow conditions. As one of the fun- signal-to-noise ratio. Analytical detection limits are reported
damental primary objectives of completing a tracer test is to to be as low as 0.0005 parts per billion (ppb) to 0.1 ppb in the
determine the mobile fraction of an aquifer, conservative esti- absence of interference, which compared to a typical injection
mates should be made for this parameter and then confirmed concentration of 25,000 to 50,000 ppb yields over five orders
directly by the test. If there are little or poor quality geologic of magnitude for dilution in the subsurface. The visual detec-
data available, consideration should be given to the need to tion limit with the naked eye is also approximately 140 ppb,
gather supplemental geologic data using split spoon sampling which allows for qualitative comparisons to field-mixed dye
techniques during installation or via other appropriate means. standards to guide real-time decision making in the field.
Detailed geologic information collected during installation Soluble salts are conservative environmental tracers that
of the tracer well network should also be used to make any are low cost, are relatively easy to use, and are measurable
final modifications to the spatial injection test well layout and in real time. Typical salt tracers commonly use chloride and
the vertical placement of well screen intervals in the field and bromide, which are readily soluble in water. Both of these
to revise planned injection volume assumptions. Following are readily available, are low cost, and can be monitored in
installation, wells should be fully developed to remove fines the field using a downhole conductivity probe or conductivity
and soil particles within the injection and monitoring wells logger to generate breakthrough curves. A vertical profile of
to ensure hydraulic communication with the surrounding conductivity across monitoring well screened intervals can be
aquifer. collected and used to generate high-resolution breakthrough
The tracer test duration or frequency of injections (if mul- curves at multiple depth intervals within a well to understand
tiple are planned) will vary with the geologic, biogeochemi- preferential conductive flow pathways. As both bromide and
cal, and hydrogeologic conditions of each site. As a result, chloride are present at some background concentration in
the injection duration can be highly variable dependent on most groundwater systems, understanding the initial back-
the ability of the aquifer formation to receive fluid and the ground concentration is important for determining the appro-
total volume planned. Careful injection test planning is there- priate dosing strength.
fore used to select the appropriate well network arrangement, There are some conditions where soluble salts may not be
determine the delivery volume and types of tracers, and to the best choice for a tracer. The high detection limit (relative
develop the associated monitoring program. These aspects to fluorescent dyes) of soluble salts requires a higher injec-
are then used to balance overall cost based on anticipated site tion concentration for the tracer signal to be measurable at
injectability. A summary of these injection test components is extended distances. Injection solutions with elevated soluble
discussed in the following sections. salt concentrations result in a significant contrast in density
between the tracer and ambient groundwater and can con-  Tracer Types tribute to density-driven transport (Figure 6.8). In permeable
As described earlier, there are a wide variety of tracers that systems where fluid density allows for downward vertical
can be used to acquire the necessary IRZ design parameters. transport, alternative tracers may be more applicable to assess
These include fluorescent dyes, soluble salts, isotopes, or the horizontal flow. Bromide should not be used at sites where
injection reagents and associated biogeochemical indicators strong oxidizing chemicals are being used to minimize the
linked to their chemical makeup or IRZ process. Selection potential for generation of bromate, which is a suspected
of a given tracer is determined by their overall compatibil- human carcinogen. When deployed in the vicinity of surface
ity with subsurface geochemistry, site geology, reagents used, waters, bromide distribution and dilution in the subsurface
their detection limits relative to injection strength (the signal- should also be considered as photolytic reactions can also
to-noise ratio), and overall cost of materials and analyses. produce bromate.
Fluorescent dyes are conservative tracers that are read- Stable isotope tracers are isotopes that do not undergo
ily available, nontoxic, relatively easy to use, practical, and radioactive decay; the nuclei are stable and therefore masses
convenient. Commonly used dye tracers include fluorescein, remain the same. In terms of the water molecule itself, oxy-
rhodamine WT (rhodamine), eosine, and sulforhodamine B gen has three stable isotopes, 16O, 17O, and 18O; and hydro-
(SRB). While these dyes are widely applied, the site-specific gen has two stable isotopes, 1H and 2H (deuterium), of which
geology and geochemistry should be considered prior to use. 16O and 2H are the most abundant. The stable isotopes 18O

Fluorescent dyes are pH sensitive and will lose visual color (oxygen-18) and deuterium occur naturally in the environment
at low pH. While this reduces the ability to visually detect and are used routinely to provide information on hydrological
dyes in the field, fixed-lab analytical accuracy is not affected. processes, including groundwater–surface water interactions.
Fluorescent dyes do not appreciably sorb or biodegrade; Of these, deuterium is most frequently used as an applied
186 Remediation Engineering

Injection Monitoring Injection Monitoring

well well well well

(a) (b)

FIGURE 6.8  (a) Horizontal reagent transport and (b) reagent density-influenced transport.

tracer and consists of water with the heavier deuterium atom  Test Layout and Monitoring Programs
at a higher overall percentage than that observed naturally. There are a variety of well orientations that can be utilized to
Similar to salt tracers, the background deuterium concentra- perform injection tests. Typical layouts include a minimum
tions must be sampled to understand the appropriate dosing number of injection wells that are surrounded by multiple
strength, and the magnitude of overall isotope response is monitoring wells placed at strategic distances. Monitoring
determined relative to background concentrations. Deuterium wells positioned within the target injection ROI are com-
is the only perfectly conservative tracer and is chemically monly referred to as “dose-response” wells, and monitoring
inert, so is often used in conjunction with in  situ chemical wells positioned further away are referred to as “drift” wells
oxidation (ISCO) remedy designs. (Figure 6.9). Dose-response wells are frequently placed at dif-
The toxicity of deuterium water is low4 and does not pose ferent distances within the injection radius to allow assess-
human health or ecotoxicological risks at typical injection ment of aquifer heterogeneities based on the timing of tracer
concentrations. The primary drawback of using deuterium is breakthrough. The functional objective of these wells is to
that it cannot be measured via visual or geochemical indica- enable capture of periodic samples over the course of the
tors real time in the field, but its high signal-to-noise ratio injection in order to develop an injection breakthrough curve
and true representation of aqueous transport are considerable (Figure 6.10).
advantages. Drift monitoring wells are positioned in spatial locations
At the simplest level, a tracer is any parameter that when that align with the expected direction of groundwater flow. It
injected into an aquifer demonstrates a deviation from the is preferable for injection test monitoring wells to be placed
preinjection steady-state condition. While the applied trac- at variable distances from the injection well(s) to correlate
ers discussed earlier are the most effective for quantitative with the predicted arrival of the tracer (e.g., one, two, or three
assessment of injection response, considerable creativity
can be employed when selecting qualitative indicators of
Flow direction variance
to assess injection breakthrough. Individual reagents will
exhibit different geochemical signatures (e.g., specific con-
ductivity, pH, turbidity) unique to their molecular composi- MW5 MW3 MW4
tion, which can be significantly different from the native
groundwater. These can serve as stand-alone indicators of MW1 MW2
response or as supporting lines of assessment in conjunc-
tion with more quantitative tracers. Temperature is also an
inherent tracer that can also be used as a secondary indica- Approximate
GW flow
tor of tracer arrival due to the relative difference between direction
injected water temperatures and that of the ambient ground- Injection
water. Heat loss from the injection fluid to the groundwa-
ter and soil formation is relatively rapid, so temperature is
usually applicable at wells in close proximity to the injec- Initial target tracer distribution
tion well. Downhole data loggers that provide temperature,
water level, and conductivity response in injection response FIGURE 6.9  Conceptual pilot test well layout; well locations
monitoring wells can be good practice if significant devia- reflect associated use for injection (IW), dose response (DR), and
tions in these parameters are expected. downgradient drift monitoring wells (MW).
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 187

0.40 Tracer response

C – Cbackground
0.35 Cinj – Cbackground

Normalized concentration response (NCR)


Cmax/2 indicates bulk Stabilized breakthrough

tracer response for use in
in situ concentration and mobile Cmax
0.20 fraction calculations.
Cumulative injected volume
corresponding to Cmax/2 is used
0.10 for predicting injection volume
estimates to achieve specified in situ
0.05 reagent concentrations.


0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000
Cumulative injected volume (gal)

FIGURE 6.10  Ideal tracer breakthrough at a monitoring well, representing the normalized change in tracer concentration response with
cumulative volume injected.

months postinjection) based on the expected groundwater Aside from injecting an insufficient volume of fluid to
velocity and desired pilot test duration. Reasonable ground- achieve tracer breakthrough, there are several common rea-
water velocity estimates can be estimated using a recent sons for tracer test failure. A primary reason is the placement
potentiometric surface map, the estimated mobile porosity, of an inadequate, or inappropriately screened, monitoring
and an applicable hydraulic conductivity (K) to the geologic network. Achieving direct hydraulic communication between
material within the injection interval using Darcy’s law—but the injection and monitoring wells is the fundamental aim
these estimates will then be confirmed by actual postinjection of tracer testing, so geologic information should be obtained
field data. This method of well orientation allows the reactive during well installation to screen wells within the apparent
zone to be defined both parallel and perpendicular to ground- permeability zones. Another common cause for tracer test
water flow. Once again, consideration should be given to the failure is an inappropriate monitoring frequency. Upfront
variability of the site geology in locating screened intervals. It estimation of the anticipated groundwater velocity is a key
may be necessary to monitor multiple intervals if the geology component for timing tracer sampling events for a specific
dictates. Heterogeneity can also lead to channeling into pref- well network. An adaptive monitoring plan should always be
erential flow pathways, thus requiring more pilot test wells employed to allow changes in monitoring frequency based
to ensure adequate evaluation. When possible, existing moni- on real-time observations. Finally, erroneous assumptions of
toring wells may be used as injection or observation wells in groundwater flow direction prior to the tracer test can also
order to control costs. lead to the migration of tracers away from the monitoring
Tracer monitoring activities are typically completed as network. Although flow direction is typically assumed from
part of two different phases: the injection phase and the drift various lines of evidence (e.g., developed contaminant plume
phase. Injection phase monitoring includes frequent (one to shape or hydraulic gradient), subsurface heterogeneities can
several times per day) monitoring at dose-response wells dur- result in actual flow directions different from those originally
ing the active injection. Information collected at this stage assumed. The placement of dose-response and drift monitor-
will be used to determine the mobile fraction and injected ing at a variety of locations offset from the injection well is
volume to distribution ratio. Drift phase monitoring is com- advantageous to capture localized differences in groundwater
pleted following the active injection and includes periodic flow direction (Figure 6.9).
monitoring at the injection well(s), dose-response wells,
and downgradient drift wells following injection activities.  Mobile Porosity and Velocity Interpretation
Data are used to assess the decline in tracer concentrations Once the well network is installed, the injection is imple-
within the injection area (i.e., tracer washout) and the arrival mented. The injection is conducted while continuous moni-
of tracer within the drift network. These data support deter- toring is performed at the dose-response wells. Careful
mination of groundwater flow direction and average ground- observation is used to track increases in tracer breakthrough
water velocity, and in tests where reagents are applied, the response over the duration of the test, and the completion of the
data can also support assessment of reagent persistence and tracer injection is identified once a stable and consistent tracer
reaction rate. concentration is observed at the target dose-response well(s).
188 Remediation Engineering

This determination is supported by field assessment of real- velocity identifies the average rate at which the center of the
time sampling parameters (e.g., visual dye response, changes injected tracer radius will pass through downgradient moni-
in specific conductivity), which are then coupled with sam- toring points. The transport velocity can be determined based
ples collected for quantitative lab analysis. To achieve a on the following equation:
breakthrough curve similar to Figure 6.10, at least five dose-
response samples are typically required. After the injection, d
vt = (6.10)
normalized tracer responses (the observed sample concentra- t C peak
tion divided by the concentration injected) are determined 2

based on the following equation:

Cobserved - Cbackground vt is the transport velocity
Cnormalized = (6.8) d is the distance from the leading edge of the injected
tracer ROI to the drift monitoring well
tCpeak/2 is the time to observe a tracer response equivalent
The normalized concentration is then plotted as a percent-
to one-half of the maximum tracer response during the
age versus cumulative volume injected to develop the break-
postinjection monitoring period
through curve. The appropriate injected volume to achieve
the desired percentage response is selected from the break-
The bulk velocity is more complicated and requires
through curve and Equation 6.1 is rearranged to solve for a
more specific attention to the concepts of groundwater flow
corresponding mobile porosity as shown in Equation 6.9:
through a porous media. The tracer arrival curve at an obser-
Vinj vation well during the drift monitoring period represents a
qm = (6.9) finite data distribution, and as such statistical moments exist
p ´ rinj ´ h ´ 7.48

to describe the size and shape of distribution (Figure 6.11).

The calculated mobile pore space and selected injection vol- Temporal moments can provide information on transport in
ume are referred to as the volume to distribution ratio. While an aquifer. The first temporal moment of a tracer distribution
the theoretical volume for a specific concentration dose represents the mean tracer travel time (T) and when corre-
response can be obtained based on the corresponding volume lated with distance d provides a bulk groundwater velocity.
required to achieve a specific normalized response, geologic The first temporal moment (zeroth absolute) (M0) is defined
heterogeneities often result in variable values of θm when in Equation 6.11 as
comparing multiple dose-response wells. For this reason, it is
common to select one value of θm that corresponds to 50% of
the maximum tracer response observed. ò
M 0 = C dt (6.11)

Following the injection portion of the tracer test, down- Equation 6.11 can then be rewritten in Equation 6.12 as
gradient drift wells are monitored over the course of several
weeks to months to support development of ambient trans- n

Ck + Ck -1
port breakthrough curves. Immediately after the injection, M0 = (t k - t k -1 ) (6.12)
the center of the injected ROI is assumed to be at the injec- 2
k =1
tion well and represents the center of mass. While the 50%
breakthrough concentration is typically used to identify a where
representative value of θ m , the nature of the breakthrough C is the normalized tracer concentration
curve is a true reflection of the variance in permeabilities t is the elapsed time
within the injection area. The first breakthrough arrival rep-
resents tracers migrating through the most permeable strata, The normalized concentration is given by Equation 6.13:
and tracer concentrations increase as it moves through
the less permeable strata. Similar behavior is anticipated c - cbg
C= (6.13)
as tracer migrates downgradient toward the drift wells. cs - cbg
Accordingly, it is expected that low concentrations will be
initially observed, will increase over time to a peak, and will where
then subsequently decline. The center of mass concept can C is the analytical concentration of the tracer response at
still be applied to these locations and is used as the preferred time t
method to determining groundwater velocity. cbg is the background concentration
To optimize the value of groundwater velocity data cs is the concentration of the injected tracer, all in units of
gleaned from a tracer test, it is necessary to separate seep- mass per volume
age or “transport” velocity from the effective or “bulk” veloc-
ity. In the absence of applied pressure or active injection, the The second temporal moment expresses a degree of spread-
transport velocity identifies the rate at which injected reagent ing and asymmetry about the mean tracer travel time and is
will first reach downgradient monitoring points and bulk a reflection of heterogeneities and anisotropy of the aquifer.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 189

Elapsed time (days)

0 200 400 600 800
1 100%

First arrival 90%


Normalized tracer concentration


Cumulative tracer arrival


0.01 50%
Mean arrival 40%



0.0001 0%

FIGURE 6.11  Method of moments washout curve for a normalized tracer injection test. Curves represent observed washout of tracer con-
centration versus that calculated and mean arrival time determined based on 50% cumulative tracer breakthrough.

In order to accurately determine the mean tracer travel time and M1Model) over a specified model duration and the observed
following a normalized tracer input of time duration Ts, it is moments from analytical data (M0 and M1) in Equation 6.17:
necessary to relate the first and second moments to account M1Model + M1
for retarding effects of porous media on transport. The Tcorrected = + 0.5 * Ts (6.17)
M 0 Model + M 0
second temporal moment (first absolute) (M1) is defined by
Equation 6.14 as A certain extent of field monitoring during tracer washout
is essential to validate the model. Relating the mean travel
n times T and Tcorrected with a simple percent difference equa-
Ck + Ck -1 æt +t ö

M1 = TC dt =
k =1
(t k - t k -1 ) ç k k -1 ÷ (6.14)
è 2 ø
tion indicates the agreement between the two measurements.
A percent difference less than 20% indicates that additional
monitoring is not required.
The mean tracer travel time, T, can be used in conjunction Comparing the bulk and transport velocities provides infor-
with d to determine an approximate bulk groundwater veloc- mation about the transport efficiency of an aquifer. The bulk
ity and is calculated according to Equation 6.15 as velocity divided by the transport velocity is defined here as
the degree of transport. Note that the degree of transport can-
T= - 0.5 * Ts (6.15) not be greater than 1 as it is a proportion of the bulk ground-
M0 water velocity (slower) to the transport velocity (faster). For
the purpose of this discussion, aquifer transport is discussed
The distribution of postinjection tracer responses at down- in three main categories: significant, moderate, and minimal
gradient drift wells is heavily influenced by the early arrival nonideal transport (Figure 6.12). Nonideal transport refers to
and tailing regions of the breakthrough curve. For this rea- the expected dual-domain effects of porous media, specifi-
son, practical implementation of tracer tests must balance cally the mobile to immobile fractions of an aquifer:
the cost of prolonged monitoring with the value of fully
developing the asymptotic tail. Experience with tracer test- • Significant nonideal transport is approximated by a
ing data sets indicating the tail portion of the breakthrough degree of transport less than 0.25 and implies poor
curve closely follows first-order rate kinetics in agree- hydraulic connectivity of immobile and mobile pore
ment with a site-specific half-life of the observed tracer. space. This type of transport is usually associated
Therefore, the tail portion of the curve can be projected with impermeable materials that exhibit unfavorable
using the half-life calculation below to avoid extended mon- injection hydraulics (clays and silts). Aquifers classi-
itoring durations: fied as exhibiting significant nonideal transport typi-
cally demonstrate multiple peaks of tracer response
C = Coe - kt (6.16) and indicate major retardation of tracer during ambi-
ent migration. Prolonged postinjection field moni-
The projected tail moments can then be used to determine toring is often necessary to obtain representative
a corrected T by summing the predicted moments (M0Model velocity information.
190 Remediation Engineering

Elapsed time (days) Elapsed time (days)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
0.01 100% 0.01 100%
Significant nonideal transport Moderate nonideal transport
90% 90%

80% 80%

Normalized tracer concentration

Normalized tracer concentration

0.001 0.001

Cumulative tracer arrival

Cumulative tracer arrival
70% 70%

60% 60%

0.0001 50% 0.0001 Mean arrival 50%

Mean arrival time
40% 40%
30% 30%
0.00001 0.00001
20% 20%

10% 10%

0.000001 0% 0.000001 0%
(a) (b)

Elapsed time (days)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
0.01 100%
Minimal nonideal transport

Normalized tracer concentration


Cumulative tracer arrival



0.0001 50%
Mean arrival
time 40%



0.000001 0%

FIGURE 6.12  Tracer data representing (a) significant nonideal, (b) moderate nonideal, and (c) minimal nonideal transport.

• Moderate nonideal transport is approximated by 6.1.4  Injection Configurations

a degree of transport between 0.25 and 0.75 and
implies average dual-domain influence. Moderate Reactive zones can be implemented in a number of differ-
nonideal transport distributions are Gaussian, sug- ent configurations and approaches, which is consistent with
gest modest retardation, and indicate equal influence the fact that no two source areas or groundwater plumes are
of immobile and mobile porosity on transport. The exactly the same. Whether biological or chemical, the cre-
duration of postinjection field monitoring in these ation of a coherent injection zone requires uniform reagent
instances can be dictated by the data set and confir- distribution within the target IRZ. There are a variety of
mation of tailing tracer concentrations. reagent distribution orientations used in IRZ implementa-
• Minimal nonideal transport is approximated by a tion including injection wells, direct-push points, polar injec-
degree of transport between 0.75 and 1. Minimal tion and extraction wells used for recirculation, infiltration
nonideal transport suggests excellent communica- galleries, or via injection-based permeable reactive zones.
tion between immobile and mobile aquifer fractions Several example injection-based applications are highlighted
and is usually associated with permeable materials in Figure 6.13. While these strategies reflect an injection and
that exhibit favorable injection hydraulics (sands, drift delivery approach, these applications can also be cou-
coarse sands, gravels). Distributions of this type of pled with groundwater recirculation to enhance reagent deliv-
transport are Gaussian and indicate little retardation ery as detailed in Chapter 5 and in Section Selection of
of tracer during ambient migration. The duration of the appropriate delivery strategy is driven by multiple techni-
postinjection field monitoring in these instances can cal factors including groundwater velocity, reagent solubility,
be dictated by the data set and confirmation of tail- geologic conditions, and injectability, which are then gener-
ing tracer concentrations. ally balanced by cost-driving decisions associated with the
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 191

(a) (b) (c) (d)

FIGURE 6.13  Conceptual IRZ injection configurations. (a) Plume-wide treatment. (b) Focused source zone and downgradient cutoff IRZ
placement. (c) Multiple barrier injection transects along plume length. (d) Downgradient cutoff injection transect.

necessary infrastructure, field execution time, and reagent represents a critical boundary for remediation (Figure 6.13b,
demands. For the purposes of this discussion, there are three c and d). This layout is commonly employed along or near a
basic layouts that can be used: source area treatment, barrier property line or in the vicinity of other boundaries established
transects, and plume-wide applications. Each of these can be for the purpose of containment or closure. The location of this
modified based on given site conditions and can be integrated layout can also be selected based on practical means (e.g.,
with or enhanced by other remedial technologies or treatment located near a road for drilling and injection access) or in an
strategies. available open area in developed settings. In most cases, from
Source area reactive zones are specifically designed to a capital cost perspective, cutoff or transect-based layouts are
target localized areas that contribute dissolved contami- less expensive to deploy relative to plume-wide remediation
nant concentrations to a downgradient groundwater plume due to the reduced well installation costs and decrease in total
(see conceptual plume in Figure 6.13a through d). Source reagent required. Barrier operational objectives are focused
area layouts are often employed in situations where natural on establishing strategic plume control points by which the
attenuation processes or downgradient capture strategies (via plume can be segmented and managed based on predeter-
injection barriers or other plume cutoff/containment strategy) mined operational durations.
are successfully controlling the movement of the contaminant Plume-wide reactive zones target a large portion of the
plume. Achieving source treatment has become a fundamental impacted groundwater in order to achieve more aggressive,
aspect (and in many cases a regulatory requirement) of most short-term treatment. Typically, the injection points will be
remediation applications, and IRZ approaches are designed to spaced throughout the target-impacted groundwater (Figure
eliminate the source of contaminant mass quickly. Once the 6.13a). By applying the reactive zone across the entire plume,
IRZ has brought down concentrations in the source area to reagents can be distributed across a broad area enabling expe-
target concentrations, injections in the source area can cease. dited treatment in less time. There are obvious cost and imple-
Depending on the volume of contaminant source mass, IRZ mentability implications with such an application: higher
source treatment may result in the transient increase in daugh- capital costs are traded for shorter remedial time frames and
ter compounds and facilitate contaminant desorption from commensurate reduction in total life-cycle operational costs.
the soil matrix. In these cases, it may be important to initiate In many cases where stand-alone IRZ remedies are deployed
treatment downgradient of the source zone prior to or concur- for plume treatment, a combination of source area and barrier
rent with source treatment to eliminate any transient loss of transect layouts is employed (Figure 6.13b and c). The number
contaminant beyond the IRZ. of injection points and the spatial distribution of these points
Plume cutoff barrier transects consist of a series of reagent are a function of the contaminant distribution, the hydrogeol-
injection wells or points typically established in a row per- ogy of the impacted zone, the type of injection delivery, and
pendicular to the groundwater flow direction along a line that the nature of the reagent being used. The injection wells need
192 Remediation Engineering

to achieve reagent distribution within the entire area targeted distribution system with permanent subsurface delivery infra-
by the reactive zone. The geology and groundwater transport structure may be desirable even though it adds to the cost of
velocity will control how wide an area a single point can impact the remediation program.
and how far the reagents will migrate. In less permeable geolo-
gies, groundwater is likely to move relatively slowly and may  Pulse and Drift versus Recirculation
limit the overall injectability of the formation. The resulting This section and Section detail available methods by
reactive zone developed from a single point will have a lim- which to construct IRZ injection delivery networks to achieve
ited impact laterally from the injection point and reagents will source and plume-wide cleanup objectives. Once injected
move shorter distances in the direction of groundwater flow. into the subsurface, the reagent-specific longevity, the reagent
Therefore, more points will be needed on a closer spacing. solubility, and the advective groundwater velocity will dictate
The type of reagent used has a large bearing on the spa- where the IRZ develops and how far it extends in the sub-
tial distribution of the injection points. Water-soluble reagents surface. For assumption purposes, completely soluble (and
will have flow characteristics similar to that of groundwater, nonsorptive) reagents will advance at rates equivalent to the
will move readily with ambient advective transport, and can groundwater transport velocity. Depending on the reagent
support development of elongated IRZs. Semisoluble or spar- characteristics, the overall transport will be affected by nat-
ingly soluble reagents (e.g., EVO, ZVI, oxygen-releasing slur- ural sorption mechanisms (for organic substrates), soil ion
ries) will be retained within the soil matrix as groundwater exchange processes (for inorganic reagents), and dual-domain
migrates through the IRZ. The design of these systems is dis- processes. As the overall rate of cleanup achieved within an
cussed in further detail in Sections 6.2 and 6.3. IRZ and a given groundwater plume is related to how far
Depending on the overall scale of injection and number of the reagents advance in the subsurface, the identification of
points, a decision can be made as to whether manual batch design groundwater velocities via available site information or
mixing (Figure 6.14a) or a fully automated injection sys- the methodology discussed in Section is paramount to
tem (Figure 6.14b) is required. This decision is made based developing an overall IRZ well network. This is also used to
on costs (injection labor vs. equipment), site conditions that develop the capital and operational costs for the injection pro-
warrant either above- or below-grade infrastructure, or the gram and to establish the well network based on site cleanup
expected duration of the overall injection program. For exam- objectives or necessary remedial time frames.
ple, where injection wells are positioned in a high-traffic area Pulse and drift generally refers to injection programs that
(e.g., in a parking lot, at an active facility) and ongoing injec- rely solely on natural groundwater transport for postinjection
tions are required over an elongated duration, a centralized reagent distribution. Injection events are completed, reagent

(a) (b)

FIGURE 6.14  (a) Batch mixing injection setup. (b) Fully automated mixing system.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 193


Residual reagent concentration

90% 0.1 ft/day
0.5 ft/day
1 ft/day
90 70% 2 ft/day
Time of groundwater travel (days)

60 30%
30 0 50 100 150 200
Travel distance (ft)

FIGURE 6.16  Normalized reagent concentration at variable dis-

tances for systems of variable groundwater velocities; injection
r = 5 days reagent assumed to have a 20-day half-life.
r = 15 days
concentration, and then strategic reinjection to deliver the
FIGURE 6.15  Conceptual superposition of injection events to reagent into the subsurface. In some instances, the reagent
form a coherent reactive zone at a site with a groundwater velocity applied to the extraction stream also serves as the treatment
of 1 foot per day. Injection volumes on the left are sufficient to cover remedy and eliminates the need for additional ex  situ treat-
a 30-day diameter and are repeated at a 30-day interval. Injection ment infrastructure.
volumes on the right are sufficient to cover a 10-day radius and must
From a construction standpoint, pulse and drift designs
be repeated every 10 days to maintain steady reagent concentrations.
Reactive zone tracer tests show very little longitudinal or transverse
require less overall infrastructure and equipment to operate.
dispersion, and designed overlap of injection fields is required to These injections are completed periodically (e.g., monthly,
avoid gaps in reagent coverage. quarterly, annually) and usually only require operational
oversight while injections are being completed. Injections are
completed using mixing tanks, injection and mixing pumps,
distribution is achieved perpendicular and parallel to ground- and conveyance lines to facilitate reagent preparation and
water flow corresponding to the volume to radial distribution wellhead delivery. Depending on site complexity, these sys-
ratio, and the reagent subsequently migrates downgradient tems can comprise temporary equipment that is staged for
of the injection zone (Figure 6.15). As discussed previously, each event and then demobilized following completion, dedi-
the timing of injection events is then balanced by the overall cated trailer-based setups with some degree of automation, or
reagent longevity (how long it exists at a working strength fully automated systems that run with limited oversight. For
concentration) and the degree of washout, whichever is short- recirculation setups, the need for ex  situ treatment prior to
est. For groundwater systems with moderate or faster transport reagent dosing and reinjection will require a dedicated treat-
velocities (e.g., greater than 0.5 ft per day) and reagents with ment train. While these can be developed to be somewhat
longer overall half-lives (i.e., weeks to months), a considerable mobile, these injection setups are commonly positioned in
area of influence can be achieved using pulse and drift strate- one location for the duration of the remedy.
gies. These systems ultimately enable fewer injection wells or
barriers of injection wells to achieve broad treatment coverage Large Plume Treatment: Barrier
within the injection area. Accordingly, where groundwater Spacing Design Considerations
velocities are slower (e.g., less than 0.1 ft per day), the area of While plume-wide treatment can be conducted using injec-
the IRZ is likely to remain limited in the vicinity of the injec- tion configurations similar to that shown in Figure 6.13a,
tion wells and would require more closely spaced injection these strategies are not economical for the vast majority of
transects to ensure IRZ coverage (Figure 6.16). groundwater plumes larger than several hundred feet in
As discussed in Chapter 5, groundwater recirculation can length. Instead, plume treatment applications typically entail
be highly advantageous in overcoming the extended remedial combinations of both source zone IRZ and injection transects
time frames of conventional groundwater extraction remedies that are positioned strategically along the length of the plume
by enhancing the transport of groundwater and contaminants (Figure 6.13c). These transects are used to support IRZ estab-
through the subsurface. This concept can be similarly applied lishment, establish treated fronts of groundwater as contam-
for IRZ applications, with the added benefit that the applied inants decline within the IRZ, and segment the plume into
transport gradients within injection/extraction well dipoles reasonable distances by which contaminant attenuation can be
enhance the subsurface transport of injected reagents. These achieved between barriers. The overall operational duration
applications can have a variety of orientations depending on of any injection barrier is driven by the duration of time over
a site’s specific geologic conditions, but in general, most uti- which untreated contaminants migrate toward it. Therefore,
lize groundwater extraction, above-grade treatment to remove when installed in series, the total injection program dura-
contaminants, above-grade dosing to achieve a target reagent tion is driven by the rate of contaminant flushing and treated
194 Remediation Engineering

1 Reactive barriers
2 Source treatment
flow 2 1 3 1 3 4
3 Flushing zones
4 MNA zones

FIGURE 6.17  Conceptual large plume injection approach reflecting multiple reactive zones.

groundwater from one barrier to the next. As a result, identi- 2 1 1

fying the appropriate barrier spacing is one of the most criti-
cal elements to achieve the ideal balance between operational 3

Aqueous-phase concentration (mg/L)

duration (i.e., treatment time) and overall remedial cost.
Plume-wide barrier designs rely on three primary com- 1
ponents: the IRZ, the flushing zone (or redox recovery zone),
and the MNA zone (Figure 6.17). Within the IRZ, injection
activities are completed on a periodic basis to sustain suffi-
cient reagent strength in the subsurface. Contaminant declines
within this zone are the fastest observed and the residence time
within the IRZ must be sufficient to enable complete treatment
1 Reactive barriers
prior to reagent exhaustion. The overall IRZ residence time is
2 Source treatment
determined based on the groundwater velocity and reagent half- 3 3
3 Flushing zones
life and will be different for completely soluble reagents (which
move with advective groundwater flow) versus semisoluble or
nonsoluble reagents (which remain relatively stationary). For FIGURE 6.18  Contaminant treatment and desorption patterns in a
reactive zone sequence and source treatment strategy. Contaminant
semisoluble or nonsoluble reagents, the IRZ barrier residence
desorption occurs within flushing zones where contamination is
time will be similar to that of a permeable reactive wall, in that delivered to downgradient barrier where it is treated. Downgradient
the diameter of the injection zone parallel to groundwater flow barrier placed in strategic location such that distal plume toe can be
is divided by the site-specific groundwater velocity. managed via natural attenuation (or treated via barrier).
For soluble reagents that migrate with both contaminants
and groundwater, the residence time accounts for both the
injection program (Figure 6.18). The exhaustion of reagent
duration of groundwater flow through the injection barrier
at the downgradient edge of the IRZ means that the primary
and the time over which working strength reagent concentra-
treatment mechanisms within the flushing zone are primar-
tions remain. The longevity of the reagent can be determined
ily due to dilution. If the IRZ achieves its design intent, con-
by solving for t in the half-life equation based on the in situ
taminant flux will be eliminated and multiple passes of clean
starting concentration (C0) following injection (accounting for
groundwater through the permeable soil strata will serve to
dilution in groundwater between the aquifer mobile fraction
dilute contaminant concentrations via groundwater flushing.
and total pore water), the minimum reagent concentration
The total number of pore flushes required (NPV) to achieve suf-
necessary to promote treatment (C), and the reagent-specific
ficient dilution from a starting concentration within the plume
half-life (used to develop a decay rate). The overall length of
(C0) to the target cleanup objective (C) can be estimated via
the IRZ (residence time) is then determined by multiplying
the following equation:
the reagent longevity and the groundwater velocity to iden-
tify a total transport distance. This residence time can then
be compared to the necessary time needed to achieve con- æC ö
N PV = - R ´ ln ç ÷ (6.18)
taminant treatment objectives within the IRZ. As appropri- è C0 ø
ate, designers can increase the dosing strength to extend the
overall residence time (and allow greater transport) or reduce In this equation, R represents the contaminant retardation
the dosing strength to limit and control reagent distribution (if factor obtained by first determining the contaminant sorp-
downgradient receptors are a potential concern). In addition to tion coefficient (Kd). This is calculated based on the fraction
allowing prediction of overall reagent distribution, residence of organic carbon in soil (foc) and the contaminant-specific
time estimates are also highly useful in identifying locations organic carbon partitioning coefficient (Koc) as shown in
for IRZ monitoring well placement. Equation 6.19. R is then determined using Kd in conjunction
Treated groundwater exiting the downgradient end of the with the bulk density of soil (ρs) and the total aquifer porosity
IRZ is referred to as, the clean water front. Over the course (θt), as shown in Equation 6.20:
of operation, this front will advance downgradient toward
the subsequent barrier (or the distal plume toe) during the K d = foc ´ K oc (6.19)
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 195

rs volatilized, or captured, IRZ treatment strategies rely on care-

R = 1 + Kd ´ (6.20) ful inferences of overall treatment progress based on changes
observed in groundwater. The expectation that all IRZ appli-
The total NPV required to achieve cleanup objectives is used cations will be modified or adapted over the course of opera-
to determine the total flushing time (tF) using the groundwater tion implies that the performance monitoring program should
velocity (vgw) and the overall flushing distance (dF) between include the appropriate data that can guide overall remedial
the downgradient edge of the IRZ (the point of reagent exhaus- decision making and serve as a constant feedback loop to
tion) and the subsequent treatment barrier (Equation 6.21): tailor treatment activities and determine when they can be
dF To properly evaluate the IRZ technology in the field,
t F = N PV ´ (6.21)
vgw a network of monitoring wells is required. The monitoring

wells need to be located within the IRZ treatment zone and
Once the flushing duration is determined, designers should downgradient of the injection network in the direction of
use an iterative approach to identify the ideal barrier spacing groundwater flow to confirm reagent distribution, validate
that balances the overall capital costs for injection infrastruc- design parameters (e.g., groundwater velocity), evaluate the
ture (i.e., number of injection wells and injection barriers), rate of reactant utilization, assess contaminant transforma-
the operational expense associated with running the injection tion rates and treatment extent, and evaluate heterogeneities
program, and the duration of time required to achieve treat- within the treatment area. This is typically accomplished by
ment within both the IRZ and the flushing zones. This pro- spacing individual wells or sets of wells at different transport
cess can be used to avoid installing barriers that are too far distances from the IRZ treatment area or within a downgradi-
apart to achieve treatment objectives within a reasonable time ent flushing zone, and different configurations of wells can
period and can guide regulatory and stakeholder expectations be used based on the IRZ well network orientation, site-spe-
pertaining to treatment progress over the course of operation. cific conditions, and regulatory requirements. It is preferable
This evaluation also provides a reasonable assessment of life- to have at least one monitoring well with sufficient histori-
cycle IRZ treatment costs for comparison to other potential cal contaminant data that can be used to correlate treatment
remedial strategies. observations. All new wells installed to assess IRZ treatment
The utilization of flushing zones allows designers to limit performance should be sampled at least once prior to start-up
the overall footprint in which IRZ treatment is applied and to obtain a representative baseline pretreatment value.
to significantly leverage dilution as a natural attenuation pro- Ongoing monitoring of IRZ system implementation is
cess. Flushing zones provide an added advantage in that sec- done for two purposes: to help control the system (process
ondary by-products generated within the IRZ (e.g., reduced monitoring) and to evaluate its performance (performance
metal species, pH change, soluble inorganics, dissolved meth- monitoring). Groundwater sampling for process monitoring
ane) can precipitate, attenuate, or repartition via ambient purposes should be performed using select injection wells
reactions within native soils and groundwater. To reflect this and closely-associated monitoring wells. The intent is to pro-
benefit, the term flushing zone is often referred to as the redox vide almost real-time feedback that can be used to adapt and
recovery zone. control the selected IRZ reactive processes and maintain it
The expected rates of treatment within both IRZ and flush- to optimize the treatment efficiency. The frequency for these
ing zones can be used to develop an overall management sampling events should be selected and fine-tuned as the pro-
strategy for the plume. It is common for these two zones to cess is ongoing. However, it is likely that these events will be
be focused on the primary plume core where contaminant more frequent near the beginning of the injection program,
concentrations exist at one to several orders of magnitude when the optimum reagent-dosing plan for each site is being
above the treatment goals. In these instances, contaminant established. A typical frequency is weekly to biweekly during
concentrations outside of the IRZ and flushing zones would the first month of injections, biweekly or monthly during the
be expected to attenuate via a combination of natural attenua- next 2 to 3 months of implementation, and bimonthly to quar-
tion mechanisms (e.g., dilution, sorption, biotic/abiotic trans- terly for the remainder of the active implementation period.
formation) while active treatment is ongoing. If the objective The parameter list for these sampling events will vary based
is to achieve complete treatment over a period of five years, a on the target contaminants and reagents selected, and detailed
minimum target concentration expected to attenuate over the lists of these parameters are discussed pertaining to specific
same duration can be determined based on site-specific data biological and chemical strategies presented in Sections 6.2
and used to establish an MNA zone. and 6.3, respectively.
Performance monitoring should be initiated after process
monitoring has demonstrated that the target reactions within
6.1.5 Performance Monitoring
the IRZ have been initiated. The list of parameters measured
Sections 6.1.1 through 6.1.4 provide a broad overview of how during performance monitoring will likely include the concen-
to carefully select, design, and implement an IRZ treatment tration of contaminants, their intermediate by-products, and
strategy. Compared to other treatment strategies that allow complete transformation end products. The frequency of moni-
direct confirmation that contaminant mass is being excavated, toring will vary between the monitoring wells immediately
196 Remediation Engineering

associated with the reactive zones and other monitoring wells Early NAPL remedies applied combinations of prod-
located within the plume. Generally, the monitoring wells asso- uct recovery and vacuum-enhanced physical techniques or
ciated with the reactive zones will be measured more frequently looked to enhanced oil recovery options that used surfactants,
than the site-wide monitoring wells that are monitored as part polymers, steam, or increased temperatures.5 Application of
of the required compliance monitoring. the patented Suntech method6 during the mid-1970s was the
Data collected over the course of the monitoring program first time a remedy akin to in situ bioremediation was applied
is used to confirm declines in contaminant concentration commercially as a stand-alone measure to restore impacted
trends. For IRZ programs that facilitate contaminant transfor- soils and aqueous solutions. This method entailed delivery of
mation or destruction, the contribution of destructive degra- both oxygen and nutrients to promote the aerobic bioremedia-
dation processes should be discerned from nondestructive or tion of PHCs and light nonaqueous-phase liquids (LNAPLs),
physical attenuation that will also be ongoing. As an example, and this concept provided the foundation on which much of
the observed increase in contaminant daughter products cis- the design applications discussed in Section 6.2 have been
1,2-DCE and vinyl chloride during TCE solvent biodegrada- built. Still, while the successes with LNAPL treatment were
tion provides real-time indication that the targeted treatment building, hydraulic containment was viewed as the only
mechanisms are being achieved. Comparatively, correlated “practical contaminant management option”5 and biodegra-
declines in all of these constituents demonstrate that physical dation or in situ concepts were thought to be “generally inef-
attenuation may predominate. Data review will also support fective for DNAPL sites.”7 This [well-placed] pessimism is
qualitative and quantitative trend analyses that can be used to reflected in regulatory and industry-consortium guidance
assess changes in contaminant concentrations, confirm that documents, where biological DNAPL treatment programs
treatment is progressing according to the design objectives, or were designated as “unlikely” or only “possible” in 2003,8
identify areas for optimization. and then cautiously identified in 2005 as a potential DNAPL
Many of the same tools that are used for data evaluation strategy when applied correctly or when implemented at sim-
and interpretation prior to and during IRZ system design can ple sites.9 Finally, in 2007, the ITRC expert panel concluded
be used during IRZ implementation as well. However, some with a “unanimous ‘Yes’” that bioremediation is a viable
additional tools become valuable during and after imple- DNAPL source zone remedial option.10 While the industry
mentation. For example, comparison of rate(s) of change of has reached broad consensus that injection strategies are via-
contaminant(s) concentration before and after treatment from ble for DNAPL source zones, this optimism is still tempered
time series curves is often helpful in clearly demonstrating the when measureable thicknesses of separate-phase DNAPL (or
effectiveness of the remedy. However, since the reaction pro- LNAPL) exist and may likely be more efficiently addressed
cesses that take place within a microbial IRZ proceed through via other technologies found in this book.
several mechanisms and are controlled by microbial population While injection-based remedies are applicable for source
dynamics and desorption processes, the changes in contami- zone treatment, these techniques (biological or chemical) are
nant concentration(s) will not necessarily fit a simple kinetic inherently dissolved-phase treatment remedies. In order to
model. Where applicable to capture changes in parent contami- achieve NAPL treatment, contaminants must partition from the
nants and their respective daughter products (e.g., chlorinated NAPL phase into the aqueous phase. Design of any injection-
ethenes and ethanes), time series concentration curves should based remedy for source areas containing free-phase or resid-
be done on a molar rather than mass basis so that the effects of ual DNAPL or LNAPL must therefore be done with a sober
sequential degradation processes can be more clearly perceived. understanding of the volume and distribution of contaminants
Monitoring frequency should always remain flexible dur- within the soil architecture. These factors relate to the degree
ing the life cycle of the reactive zone. This allows modifi- of source mass accessibility to injection techniques and have a
cation of sample timing based on earlier observations and significant bearing on the overall remedial duration.
fine-tunes future data collection to site-specific nuances and Remedial design oriented toward enhancing removal of
the process being implemented. Acceptance of the need to be sorbed, residual phase, and separate phase NAPL mass within
flexible is critical to the regulatory agency’s perceptions of the source areas is desired as it is strongly linked to reductions in
monitoring effort and the client’s understanding of the budget the overall remediation time frame (Figure 6.19). NAPL dis-
and schedule. solution is controlled by two primary factors: the mass trans-
fer coefficient and the concentration gradient, as described by
Equation 6.22:
6.1.6 Enhanced NAPL Dissolution
NAPL treatment has been and remains one of the primary dC
= K L (Cs - Ceq ) (6.22)
challenges of remediation. Historically a challenge requiring dt
more presumptive recovery remedies opposed to in situ treat-
ment, increased confidence in injection-based remedies for where
NAPL treatment has been directly correlated with refinement dC/dt is the rate of change of NAPL dissolution (mg ft−1 t−1)
of our site characterization techniques, increased awareness Cs is the relative solubility of a contaminant (mg/L)
of injection hydraulics, and our overall familiarity with the Ceq is the interfacial equilibrium concentration (mg/L)
treatment mechanisms and deployment requirements. KL is the mass transfer coefficient (t−1)
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 197

Hydrophobic organic contaminant mass distribution 0.07

NAPL mass

Solubility concentration (mol/L)

Residual 0.05
Aquifer mass (g /m3)

nonaqueous-phase mass 0.04

Sorbed mass 0.03

Migrating aqueous-phase mass
Static aqueous-phase mass

Total aqueous-phase mass, g/m3 PCE TCE cis-DCE trans-DCE VC
Total aquifer mass, g/m3
Cl Cl Cl H H H H Cl H H
FIGURE 6.19  Conceptual distribution of hydrophobic organics Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl H Cl H
along the core of a plume that has complete saturation of aque-
ous and sorbent compartments in the source zone, with formation FIGURE 6.20  Relative solubilities of PCE, TCE, and their daugh-
of residual and drainable nonaqueous-phase liquids. Steady-state ter products cis-DCE and VC.
concentrations in downgradient areas are determined by combined
effects of dilution and degradation.
biosurfactants, and NAPL can increase NAPL sur-
face area,16 which thereby contributes to the overall
The mass transfer coefficient is a function of several param- enhancement of NAPL dissolution.
eters, including NAPL surface area, groundwater velocity,
and physical properties such as molecular diffusion, dynamic Mechanism 1 is achievable via a variety of different IRZ strat-
viscosity, and density.11 In reviewing Equation 6.22, there are egies, as the majority of injectants are specifically targeted to
four general mechanisms by which dissolution is enhanced by achieve contaminant degradation or destruction. In addition
injection-based techniques: to Mechanism 1, Mechanisms 2 through 4 are all achievable
via biological remedies. In addition to NAPLs, sorbed mass
1. Depress Ceq —perhaps the most intuitive mechanism, also contributes significantly to lingering soil and dissolved-
achieving treatment in the dissolved phase increases phase concentrations in source areas. Sorption of hydrophobic
the overall value of Cs − Ceq, thereby promoting addi- compounds is based on the soil partitioning coefficient (Kd),
tional mass transfer from the NAPL to the aqueous which represents the extent that the hydrophobic compound
phase. partitions between aqueous and soil systems.17 Kd has been
2. Increase Cs —similar to historical enhanced oil shown to decrease during fermentation of carbon substrates,16
recovery techniques, surfactants or cosolvents both confirming that desorption of sorbed mass occurs in the pres-
affect the overall magnitude of Cs.12–14 This is a pri- ence of fermented fluid.
mary advantage of in  situ biological treatment, as The collective benefit of these processes in biological IRZs
biosurfactants, such as glycolipids and lipoproteins, is regarded as the primary advantage of in  situ biological
are all exuded by the microbial community, and fer- treatment strategies for source zone treatment when compared
mentable carbon substrates will generate alcohols to other injection-based remedies (e.g., chemical oxidation).
and ketone intermediates that also increase the value A review of chlorinated solvent source zone applications has
of Cs —in some cases up to threefold.15,16 demonstrated that biological IRZs can be near equivalent to
3. Transform the parent contaminant into lighter, thermal remedies for total reduction in DNAPL parent spe-
higher-solubility daughter products—particular cies concentration and exhibited twofold less rebound that
to chlorinated ethene and ethane transformation, comparable chemical oxidation strategies.18 An example of
the relative solubility of key transformation daugh- this collective benefit is highlighted in Figure 6.21, in which
ter products (e.g., cis-DCE and VC) is higher than the total molar mass of observed chlorinated ethenes follow-
the parent species and allows for increased overall ing treatment increased fivefold within six months following
mass transfer of the parent compound to the aqueous initiation of the carbon-based injection program.
phase as dechlorination occurs (Figure 6.20). The aforementioned parameters (concentration gradient,
4. Increase the overall NAPL surface area to mass NAPL surface area, and soil partitioning coefficient) all con-
ratio—modification of K L through the interaction of tribute to the overall dissolution of NAPL and desorption of
198 Remediation Engineering


PCE, TCE, c-DCE, VC, and ethene (µmol/L)

400 VC
5× increase in molarity from baseline TOC
350 Methane
TCE 100,000
300 PCE 10,000

TOC and methane (mg/L)

250 1,000
150 1

100 0.1
0 0.0001
–49 112 174 232 312 357 425 553 663 819 959 1022 1113 1208 1323
Time (days)

FIGURE 6.21  Field data set from source zone monitoring well influenced by organic carbon injections. Following initiation of treatment,
total chlorinated ethene molarity increased by fivefold reflecting a combination of DNAPL source removal mechanisms related to increased
daughter product solubility, enhanced dissolution of residual source mass, and enhanced dissolved-phase treatment rates.

sorbed mass within a source zone. Understanding how these the water surface and through the saturated zone allows for
can be manipulated can lead to optimized source mass removal. more effective treatment using injection-based techniques. As
As all are dependent on saturating the mobile aquifer fraction discussed in Chapter 2, physical DNAPL transport also allows
with reagent to reduce dissolved-phase concentrations, injec- for its distribution as smaller globules or ganglia that diminish
tion wells or delivery points must be installed to achieve this its tendency to accumulate in pools and result in greater over-
reagent distribution objective. As detailed in Chapter 4, many all NAPL surface areas. These two factors can allow greater
high-resolution sampling techniques can provide a robust data in situ treatment success for DNAPL source zones when com-
set to understand the vertical stratification of source mass and pared to LNAPL. LNAPL exhibits a generally opposite behav-
its residence in either high- or low-permeability intervals. ior trend based on its relative density to water, with free-phase
These techniques can inform design decision making and materials predestined to accumulate at the groundwater sur-
ensure that the NAPL is both accessible to in situ techniques face (decreasing overall NAPL body surface area) where it is
and can be addressed within a reasonable time. This infor- less accessible to dissolved-phase reagents. While the solubil-
mation can also provide early warning indications to support ity and degradability of many regulated LNAPL contaminants
evaluation of alternative short-term physical removal tech- (e.g., benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX),
niques intended to capture bulk phase mass prior to deploy- and, ketones) are relatively significant, these materials must
ment of an injection-based polishing strategy. Due to its higher partition across the LNAPL-water interface in order to be
density relative to water, downward DNAPL transport toward accessible to injection-based techniques. Figure 6.22 presents

Persulfate concentration (mg/L)

Benzene concentration (µg/L)

1,000 20,000

Benzene 5,000
1 0
–30 10 50 90 130 170 210 250 290 330 370 410 450 490
Elapsed time relative to injection (days)

FIGURE 6.22  Observed benzene concentrations at a monitoring well within an area containing residual petroleum LNAPL. Persulfate
injection from adjacent injection well results in significant persulfate anion (and associated sulfate radical) breakthrough achieving treat-
ment of dissolved-phase benzene. Following persulfate oxidant consumption, additional benzene dissolution from residual LNAPL at the
groundwater interface results in restoration of preinjection concentrations.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 199

a data set collected at a monitoring well containing LNAPL species that appear later. For terrestrial ecosystems, the suc-
in a source area where a persulfate oxidation injection was cession occurs over time, on a particular piece of real estate.
completed. While significant benzene treatment was achieved Over many generations, a dynamic equilibrium is achieved.
while free persulfate was present, complete benzene rebound In an aquifer, groundwater flow is a dominant feature of the
to levels above the baseline concentration was observed as the habitat, and the concept of succession needs to be adjusted
oxidant was consumed. This example highlights the potential somewhat to support analysis of typical aquifer microbial
value in addressing sideline NAPL material (in this case at or ecology. To make those adjustments, we borrow from con-
above the groundwater interface) via alternative physical tech- cepts of stream ecology.
niques (e.g., soil vapor extraction [SVE], vacuum extraction, In 1980, Robin Vannote and his coworkers published
LNAPL skimming) prior to implementing an in situ dissolved- a benchmark study on aquatic ecology titled “The River
phase remedy. Continuum Concept.”19 They provided a framework for
understanding how communities of organisms are structured
in flowing ecosystems. From their analysis, it became clear
that stream communities form a continuum of species associ-
In  situ bioremediation is a technology that utilizes biologi- ations that are structured in response to the carbon and energy
cal processes to remove a contaminant through metabolic or sources arriving at any point in the continuum. In the upper-
cometabolic processes, resulting in either lesser toxic com- most reaches of a stream, carbon arrives largely unprocessed,
pounds or innocuous end products such as carbon dioxide as particulate organic matter (e.g., in the form of leaves and
and water. The type of microbial community present, its rela- twigs). Here, the stream communities are dominated by spe-
tive stability, and how the community might be “engineered” cies that perform the first stages of carbon decomposition. In
differ for each contaminant and each individual site. Within the lower reaches, carbon is highly processed, arriving mostly
every ecosystem, there is a network of interacting organisms in the form of dissolved organic matter. At any point in the
competing for limited resources. Each of these organisms continuum, the composition of species is determined by the
must have the following four basic needs fulfilled: quality and quantity of arriving carbon and energy.
It is very useful to borrow from “The River Continuum
1. An energy source to support the endergonic reac- Concept” in building an understanding of the aquifer ecosys-
tions that are entailed in the building of proteins tem, because the structure and dynamics of an aquifer resem-
and other molecules. Organisms capture energy ble those of a surface stream ecosystem in many ways: there is
from reduction–oxidation reactions they organize a unidirectional flow of water through the system; the biomass
between electron donors and electron acceptors and is predominantly affixed to solid surfaces and the organisms
store that energy in molecules such as adenosine-5′- survive by processing organic matter that arrives in the passing
triphosphate (ATP). water; organisms are adapted to remain attached to the solid
2. A carbon source to build proteins and other mol- medium as long as the habitat is suitable but may detach and
ecules. In many cases, the electron donor and car- drift in the flowing water when conditions become adverse;
bon source are the same. However, chemotrophic the products of organic carbon processing by organisms at any
species gain energy from reduction–oxidation reac- point in the continuum comprise the carbon source (input) to
tions arranged between inorganic compounds, so the organisms occupying a position immediately downstream;
they must gather carbon to build biomass from other availability of oxygen, nitrates, and other electron acceptors
sources. at any point in the continuum is determined by the amount
3. Mineral nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus passed along from upstream communities and by the rate of
are required in the formation of many biochemical recharge from above; the biomass and its composition at any
compounds critical to life. ATP, DNA, and RNA are point in the continuum are determined by the rate and nature
a few examples. of the carbon supply, by the rate and nature of electron accep-
4. Many organisms require organic nutrients that they tor supply, and by the rate and composition of mineral nutrient
cannot synthesize, but which are essential to their supplies, all arriving from upstream (upgradient).
metabolism. Vitamins such as B12 and other cofac- An aquifer microbial continuum is a succession of micro-
tors are examples of organic nutrients. bial community structure, aligned along the groundwater flow
path in any aquifer. This succession constitutes a continuum of
These four components, combined with variables such as tem- habitat conditions and species composition. The steady-state
perature, pH, and redox potential, comprise the backbone of microbial community structure at any point in the continuum
the aquifer habitat. is a reflection of the inputs received from upgradient commu-
The composition of aquifer microbial communities shifts nities and through recharge from above (or below). When the
continuously in response to changes in the physical and chem- inputs remain approximately constant, the microbial commu-
ical habitat. Ecologists use the term succession to describe nity structure will maintain an approximate steady state. This
a predictable progression in the species composition of plant continuum can be disrupted by a change in the inputs at any
and animal communities in response to major habitat distur- point—and that is our objective in deploying in situ biologi-
bances. Species early in the succession prepare the habitat for cal treatment remedies. The microbial community structure
200 Remediation Engineering

downgradient from the point of disruption will restructure Electron acceptors Electron donors
in response to the changing habitat, and a succession of spe- (O2, NO3–, SO42–, etc.) (C6H12O6, etc.)
cies occurs in response to these changes as a new steady-state Microbial reactions on
structure develops. e– e–
The dearth of information about soil microbial commu-
Contaminant Contaminant
nities is a consequence of their enormous complexity and
as as
genetic diversity, and the fact that the microorganisms that electron donor electron acceptor
can be isolated from soil and studied in isolation represent
Oxidation Reduction
only a small portion of the microbial groups present in situ.
Soil microorganisms do not behave as a homogeneous trophic
FIGURE 6.23  Depiction of contaminant(s) participating in micro-
level and the species composition of a soil microbial com-
bial oxidation or reduction reactions.
munity can influence microbial processes in the soil both
qualitatively and quantitatively. As a result, it is important to
examine the internal dynamics of soil microbial communities compounds such as PHCs, ketones, alcohols, lightly chlo-
not simply for the sake of characterizing these fascinatingly rinated (less oxidized) ethenes, ethanes, and methanes also
complex biotic systems but also to understand how bacterial can act as electron donors. Electron acceptors are elements or
populations evolve based on changes in the biogeochemical compounds that occur in relatively oxidized states and include
environment. dissolved oxygen, NO32−, Fe3+, SO42−, CO2, and several highly
The great diversity of microorganisms and their versatile chlorinated solvents.
metabolism mirrors the wide range of substrates that are used A reaction is considered to be biotic if it directly involves
for microbial growth and the natural environments in which the participation of metabolically active microorganisms.
they are found. Many types of microorganisms are able to The consumption of naturally occurring electron donors and
adapt and metabolize different and often relatively new indus- acceptors will result in an overall change in aquifer geo-
trial compounds, which are often considered to be recalcitrant chemical composition, which can in turn influence second-
and persistent in the environment. ary reactions and support abiotic reactions with the target
Metabolic processes involve the use of the contaminant by contaminants of interest. Many important pathways by which
the organisms as a source of energy or as a carbon source for contaminant molecules are microbially transformed within
growth. Cometabolic processes involve the degradation of the the reactive zones involve oxidative and reductive steps. The
contaminant by an enzyme produced by the microorganism easiest way to recognize whether a contaminant has been oxi-
for another reason, resulting in fortuitous degradation of the dized or reduced during a reaction is to check whether there
contaminant with no direct benefit to the organism respon- has been a net change in the oxidation state(s) of atoms like C,
sible for enzyme synthesis. In the case of cometabolism, N, or S involved in the reaction.
contaminant degradation occurs in the presence of an alter- Since most subsurface redox reactions are microbially
native growth substrate used as the predominant energy and mediated, the evaluation of how much energy an organism
carbon source.20 These processes can be enhanced through may derive from a given reaction may provide very useful
the addition of a growth stimulant, which is something that insight into the sequences of these reactions and the kinds of
is currently limiting or missing from the natural environ- organisms expected under given conditions.
ment. Bioremediation can be achieved either ex situ, such as In general, the more easily biotransformable contaminants
within an aboveground bioreactor, or in  situ, by emplacing have simple molecular structures (which are often similar to
the microbial stimulant into the targeted treatment zone in the the structures of naturally occurring organic compounds), are
natural environment. The type of stimulant added to the treat- water soluble and nontoxic, and can be transformed by aero-
ment zone depends on the contaminant type, the site-specific bic metabolism. In contrast, contaminants that resist biotrans-
geochemistry, and the targeted biodegradation mechanism. It formation may have complex molecular structures (especially
is critical to understand what primary degradation pathway structures not found in nature or of recent anthropogenic
is being targeted and the underlying science behind why the origin) and low water solubility, or they may be toxic to the
stimulant will work in order to be successful in field applica- microorganisms. As microbial communities reside in ground-
tion of in situ bioremediation methods. water and soils with sufficient moisture content, microbial
Microorganisms, just as humans, obtain energy for growth contaminant transformation via biochemical reactions can
and energy from physiologically coupling oxidation and only take place when the contaminants are present and avail-
reduction reactions. During these growth-promoting reac- able in the dissolved phase.
tions, electrons are transferred from one group of compounds It has been conventional to categorize all microbially
called electron donors to another group called electron accep- catalyzed reactions as either aerobic or anaerobic reactions.
tors, and energy is released. Electron donors are compounds Under aerobic conditions (in the presence of oxygen), bacte-
that occur in relatively reduced states and include a variety ria couple the oxidation of contaminants (electron donors) to
of natural organic materials, sugars, and organic acids that the reduction of oxygen (electron acceptors). Under anaerobic
can be either directly utilized or fermented to yield dissolved conditions, most organic compounds are degraded by groups
hydrogen electron donor (Figure 6.23). Many contaminant of interacting microorganisms referred to as a consortium.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 201

Electron acceptors Microorganisms Change Aqueous chemistry are populated by organisms that make a living from organic
(oxidants) in ΔH + reduced species matter flowing past in the groundwater, by consuming organic
matter trapped among the mineral particles, or by the oxida-
O2 Aerobic respiration +ve CO2, H2O
tion and reduction of inorganic matter that may include the
NO3– Nitrate reduction +ve N2
mineral particles themselves. The soil, the groundwater, and
Mn4+ Manganese reduction –ve Mn2+
the organisms populating that physical structure comprise the
Fe3+ Iron reduction –ve Fe2+
aquifer ecosystem.
SO42– Sulfate reduction +ve S2–, HS–
Aquifer microbial populations may include representatives
CO2 Methanogenesis +ve CH4
from all three of the biological domains: Bacteria, Archaea,
and Eukarya. Bacteria include genera such as Bacillus,
FIGURE 6.24  Primary microbial oxidation processes. Clostridium, and Pseudomonas, while Archaea include the
methanogens such as those in the genus Methanosarcina.
While the terms aerobic and anaerobic are commonly used, Aquifer communities are dominated both in biomass and in
it is important to note that within the same system subsurface numbers by members of the Bacteria and the Archaea, but
groundwater system, different microenvironments may exist Eukarya (which include all of the higher plants and animals)
that exhibit oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor conditions and con- may be represented in aquifer communities by members of
tain other electron donors and acceptors that can be utilized the fungi, the ciliates, and the flagellates.
by the microbial community. Accordingly, referring to the The primary microbes targeted in bioremediation appli-
collective microbial processes more generally as either oxida- cations include those found on the Bacteria and Archaea
tion or reduction reactions better describes the occurrence of branches of the tree of life (Figure 6.25). Both Bacteria
microbial electron transfer from electron donors to electron and Archaea are prokaryotic organisms, meaning that they
acceptors based on their relative availability. Several typical are single-celled organisms that lack a membrane-enclosed
examples of microbial reactions that are leveraged within IRZ nucleus and other organelles. The use of the terms “microbe”
systems are highlighted in Figure 6.24. During these reac- and “microorganism” to collectively refer to both types of
tions, the electron donors and electron acceptors are both organisms is intentional rather than lumping both groups
considered primary growth substrates because they promote into the category “bacteria” as there are key differences in
microbial growth. the membrane structure between these two groups. The four
fundamental differences between the archaeal membrane and
those of all other cells (both Bacteria and Eukaryotes) are
6.2.1 Microbiology
as follows: (1) chirality of glycerol, (2) ether linkages (ester
An aquifer is a very complex and dynamic system, teeming bonds are present in bacterial and eukaryotic cells), (3) iso-
with life. The number of microbial species populating an prenoid chains, and (4) branching of side chains. The side
aquifer ecosystem is typically very high. Studies have shown chains in the phospholipids of bacteria and eukaryotes are
up to 4000 distinct genomes in soil samples analyzed for fatty acids, chains of usually 16 to 18 carbon atoms. Archaea
DNA content.21,22 This was more than 200-fold higher than do not use fatty acids to build their membrane phospholipids.
results or enumeration of phenotypes in isolation plate counts. Instead, they have side chains of 20 carbon atoms built from
Bacterial populations in aquifer ecosystems are numerically isoprene. These differences are important to understand as
immense. Groundwater samples often contain 109 or more they factor into some of the molecular techniques described
colony-forming units (CFUs) per milliliter, and soil samples in Section, which can be used as part of a bioremedia-
may contain more than 106 CFUs per gram. CFUs are spores tion monitoring program.
and viable bacterial cells that form colonies when placed in Most biodegradation in nature occurs via consortial
favorable laboratory culture conditions. Most of the bacterial metabolism (or syntrophy), that is, by sequential metabolism
biomass in an aquifer is firmly attached to the soil particles, in which part of the pathway is found in one microorganism
and the groundwater fraction of the population is quite small and part in others. This conjecture is often applied to sys-
in comparison. Generation times for bacteria can be very tems where the enzymological details of the biodegradation
short, ranging from tens of minutes to tens of hours. This step(s) are unknown, are inadequate, or cannot be derived
makes the aquifer ecosystem very responsive to changes in from studies conducted with pure cultures. While many
habitat conditions. in  situ systems observed in a field setting are challenging
Every cubic meter of an aquifer formation is composed of to reproduce in a lab, numerous microorganisms have been
intermingled solids and liquids, populated by a diverse array identified that carry out specific chemical transformation
of flora and, in some cases, fauna. In an unconsolidated aqui- steps for a variety of target contaminants. As we attempt
fer formation, the habitable surface area of particles that com- to target these existing organisms (or augment them with
prise the porous medium may reach 1 million square meters pure cultures) as part of injection programs, we must keep
for every cubic meter of aquifer. The specific surface of non- in mind the vast diversity of biological IRZs that results
swelling clays such as kaolinite ranges from 10 to 30 m2 g–1, in an environment that metabolizes collectively, shares
while the specific surface of swelling clays such as montmoril- biodegradative genes, and evolves collectively to biode-
lonite and vermiculite may reach 800 m2 g–1.23 These surfaces grade new compounds that enter an environmental niche.24
202 Remediation Engineering

Methanogens Animals Green plants

Extreme Fungi
Bacteria halophiles Protozoa


FIGURE 6.25  Evolutionary relationships between the three major domains of life on Earth: the Bacteria, the Archaea, and the Eukarya.
The number of groups within each domain has been simplified, and spatial relationships on the graphs are not meant to imply evolutionary
relationships within the domains. All three domains are represented in aquifer biota.

While select microbial species may be largely responsible for may not be part of the electron donor/acceptor process but
the specific transformation processes, we still must consider is required for anabolic reactions. In the oxidation–reduction
the aggregate potential of the entire microbial community process, two compounds are transformed simultaneously—
and its bearing on treatment rates, geochemical conditions, one is reduced (gains electrons) and the other is oxidized
and reagent-dosing considerations. (loses electrons). The compound that is reduced is called the
electron acceptor (or oxidant) and the compound that is oxi-  Types of Microbial Reactions dized is termed the electron donor (or reductant). The intent
As described in Section 2.6.2, microbial transformation of bioremediation is to add a key component missing from the
processes can be classified under several primary mecha- microbial environment that either limits or prevents the target
nisms: (1) microbial oxidation, (2) microbial reduction, and contaminant transformation reaction from occurring. In many
(3) cometabolic transformation. As described in Section cases, this is either an electron donor or an electron acceptor,
6.2.1, select contaminants are degraded via combinations of which may be either naturally limited within a given ground-
these mechanisms via syntrophic processes. While there are water system or have already been depleted in the presence of
obvious differences in organism physiologies between these the contaminant.
groups, the manner in which they metabolize food and gener- Microbial metabolisms can be classified based on the fol-
ate energy for growth and movement is the same. There are lowing key principles: (1) how they obtain carbon for anabo-
two key elements to microbial metabolism: catabolism, by lism, (2) how they obtain electron donors, and (3) what they
which organisms generate energy (specifically generation of use as an energy source (Table 6.2). The naming conventions
ATP), and anabolism, where energy is used to build cellu- reflected in Table 6.2 are often combined into descriptors
lar components and additional biomass (Figure 6.26). Three for specific groups of organisms. For example, a chemo-
things are required for metabolism: an electron acceptor, an lithoautotroph is an organism that obtains energy from the
electron donor, and a carbon source. Microorganisms, same as
humans, obtain energy for growth by coupling together oxida-
tion and reduction reactions, where electrons are transferred
from one group or compounds (electron donors) to another TABLE 6.2
group (electron acceptors), thereby releasing energy. Carbon Microbial Naming Conventions Based on Primary
Metabolic Functions
Metabolism Principle Name Description
Energy Small Energy Large
molecules molecules Method for obtaining carbon Autotrophic Carbon from CO2
Heterotrophic Carbon from organic
Method for obtaining Lithotrophic Electrons from
electron donor inorganic compounds
Organotrophic Electrons from organic
Catabolism Anabolism compounds

FIGURE 6.26  Simplified microbial metabolism. Catabolism Method for obtaining energy Chemotrophic Energy from external
entails the breakdown of larger molecules and food substrates yield- chemical compounds
ing smaller by-products and energy; anabolism requires energy and Phototrophic Energy from light
yields additional cell mass and cellular constituents.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 203

oxidation of an inorganic compound and carbon from the fix- when chemicals undergo energy-releasing reactions. Glucose,
ation of carbon dioxide. Nitrifying bacteria, sulfur-oxidizing present in sugar, for example, is high in potential energy.
bacteria, and iron-oxidizing bacteria are all examples of Microbial cells degrade glucose continuously, and the energy
chemolithoautotrophs. released when glucose is metabolized is harnessed to do many
Aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, and fermenta- kinds of “microbial” work.
tion are the three types of metabolisms in which these pro- Another biologically important form of potential energy,
cesses occur. In aerobic processes, oxygen is used as the to which we shall refer often, is the energy in a concen-
electron acceptor. Anaerobic reactions use something other tration gradient.25 When the concentration of a substance
than oxygen as an electron acceptor such as nitrate, iron, on one side of a permeable barrier, such as a membrane,
manganese, and sulfate, among other compounds. In many is different from that on the other side, the result is a con-
cases, electron acceptors can be a contaminant targeted for centration gradient. Microbes form concentration gradients
destruction (perchlorate, nitrate, chlorinated compounds). between their interior and the external fluids by selectively
Fermentation processes occur under anaerobic conditions and exchanging substrate, nutrients, waste products, and ions
use the same organic compound as an electron donor and an with their surroundings. Also, compartments within bacte-
electron acceptor. The end products of these reactions can rial cells frequently contain different concentrations of ions
vary widely, dependent both on the contaminant undergoing and other molecules.
biodegradation processes and the type of metabolism process. Two important questions can be asked about any prospec-
When organic compounds are completely oxidized to inor- tive biochemical reaction: (1) does the reaction yield energy
ganic end products such as carbon dioxide and water, the pro- or consume energy? and (2) how fast does the reaction pro-
cess is referred to as mineralization. ceed? The first question is one of chemical thermodynamics,
and calculations can be performed to determine whether a  Microbial Energetics particular reaction will be profitable (by yielding energy) for
Microorganisms can cause major changes in the biogeochem- an organism. Organisms gaining the most energy from the
istry of a groundwater system. Their small size and adaptabil- available electron donors and electron acceptors will tend to
ity, as well as the diversity of nutritional preferences, enable dominate the microbial community for as long as that par-
them to catalyze a wide range of biotransformation reactions. ticular set of donors/acceptors are present. For example, when
Microorganisms use enzymes to accelerate the rates of bio- oxygen is available, aerobic bacteria will be present in highest
chemical reactions, which in turn help them to reproduce by quantities, and when oxygen becomes unavailable, opportuni-
creating daughter cells composed of various cellular compo- ties arise for anaerobic bacteria that survive on less energy-
nents (Figure 6.27). The production of energy, its storage, and effective reduction–oxidation reactions to gain a foothold in
its use are central to the economy of the bacterial cell in a the community. With respect to the second question, enzymes
biogeochemical system. facilitate metabolic reactions by lowering energy thresholds
There are two principal forms of energy: kinetic and poten- for reactions to occur. These enzymes determine how fast a
tial. Kinetic energy is the energy of movement—the motion of reaction proceeds.
molecules, for example. The second form of energy, potential According to the first law of thermodynamics, energy
energy, or stored energy, is more important in the function of is neither created nor destroyed, but it can be converted
biological or chemical systems. from one form to another (conversion of mass to energy in
Several forms of potential energy are biologically signifi- nuclear reactions is an exception to this rule). In all cells,
cant.25 Central to biology is the potential energy stored in the chemical potential energy, released by breakage of certain
bonds connecting atoms in molecules. Indeed, most of the chemical bonds, is used to generate potential energy in
biochemical reactions involve the making or breaking of at the form of concentration and electric potential gradients.
least one covalent chemical bond. This energy is recognized Similarly, energy stored in chemical concentration gradi-
ents or electric potential gradients is used to synthesize
chemical bonds or to transport other molecules “uphill”
New against a concentration gradient. This latter process occurs
n d
sa during the transport of nutrients such as glucose into
t r on n cells
c o microbial cells and transport of many waste products out
Ele carb
of cells. Because all forms of energy are interconvertible,
Organic + Energy they can be expressed in the same units of measurement,
such as the calorie or joule.25
organism Ele
The maintenance and growth of any bacterial popula-
on acceptors tion are founded on its ability to extract energy from the
(e.g., O2)
chemical reaction of electron donors and acceptors. These
reactions can be described in terms of the enthalpy (H) or
heat consumed or released and the change in entropy (S)
FIGURE 6.27  Conceptual description of microorganisms gaining entailed in the conversion of reactants to products. This
energy and utilizing contaminants as an electron donor for growth. total energy change is termed the Gibbs free energy (G).
204 Remediation Engineering

Reactions that lead to a net release of energy are termed If T (expressed in units Kelvin (K)) remains constant, a
exergonic, while reactions that require a net input of reaction will proceed spontaneously only if the free energy
energy are termed endergonic. The products and reactants change ∆G in the following van’t Hoff equation is negative:
involved in a reaction can be used to predict the direction
in which their reaction will proceed. Each can be used to DG = DH - TDS (6.25)
determine the relative values of free energy (∆G), as shown
in the following: In Equation 6.25, the enthalpy H of reactants and products
is equal to their total bond energies, and ∆H represents the
DG = G products - Greactants (6.23) overall change in bond energies.
Entropy S is a measure of the degree of randomness or
In mathematical terms, Gibbs law can be described by the fol- disorder of a system. Entropy increases as a system becomes
lowing set of statements about ∆G: more disordered and decreases as it becomes more structured.
Consider, for example, the diffusion of solutes and nutrients
• If ∆G is negative for a biochemical reaction, the for- from one solution into another one in which their concentra-
ward reaction or process (from left to right as writ- tion is lower. This important biological reaction is driven only
ten) will tend to occur spontaneously. by an increase in entropy; in such a process, ∆H is near zero.
• If ∆G is positive, the reverse reaction (from right to The negative free energy of the reaction in which nutrient
left as written) will tend to occur. molecules are liberated to diffuse over a larger volume will be
• If ∆G is zero, both forward and reverse reactions due solely to the positive value of ∆S in Equation 6.25.
occur at equal rates; the reaction is at equilibrium. Another example is when the formation of hydrophobic
bonds is driven primarily by a change in entropy. When a long
For example, if one mole of glucose is completely oxidized, hydrophobic molecule is dissolved in water, the water mole-
686 kcal of energy is produced along with carbon dioxide and cules are forced to form a cage around it, restricting their free
water: motion. This imposes a high degree of order on their arrange-
ment and lowers the entropy of the system (∆S < 0). Because
C6H12O6 + 8O2 ® 6CO2 + 12H 2O + 686 kcal the entropy change is negative, hydrophobic molecules do not
dissolve well in aqueous solutions and tend to stay associated
Thus, microbial cells using one mole of glucose as the energy with one another.
source cannot obtain more than 686 kcal of energy. This does We can summarize the relationships between free energy,
not mean, however, that all of that 686 kcal of energy is avail- enthalpy, and entropy as follows:
able to the cells. The second law of thermodynamics states
that some portion of the energy, the free energy, will be avail- • An exothermic reaction (∆H < 0) that increases
able to do work, whereas another portion, called entropy, will entropy (∆S > 0) occurs spontaneously (∆G < 0).
be unavailable to do work. Studies of energy utilization in liv- • An endothermic reaction (∆H < 0) will occur spon-
ing cells show that, of the 686 kcal released, a maximum of taneously if ∆S increases enough so that the T∆S
only about 280 kcal is actually available as free energy (∆G) term can overcome the positive ∆H.
and can be utilized by the microbial cells. The rest (60%) of • If the conversion of reactants into products results in
the energy released by glucose oxidation goes toward increas- no change in free energy (∆G < 0), then the system is
ing entropy and is lost as heat.26 The aforementioned example at equilibrium, that is, any conversion of reactants to
reflects an aerobic microbial process, where glucose is used products is balanced by an equal conversion of prod-
as an electron donor in the presence of oxygen as an electron ucts to reactants.
acceptor, which yields a substantial energy gain. Anaerobic
organisms also may utilize glucose as a food source, but the The change in Gibbs energy for a reaction is calculated by
electron acceptors that are available (e.g., sulfate, nitrate, iron) the difference between the Gibbs energy of products and
do not provide the same high energy yield obtained in aerobic reactants:
The value of ∆G, like an equilibrium constant, is inde-
pendent of the reaction mechanism and rate. Reactions with
DG = åG 0
products - åG 0
reactants (6.26)
negative values that have very slow rate constants may not
occur, unless a catalyst is present—but the catalyst presence where G 0 are values for the free energy of formation for indi-
does not affect the value of ∆G. At constant temperature (T) vidual compounds, referenced to a standard physical–chemical
and pressure (consistent with most biological systems), the state. Values of ∆G for a reaction can be classified as either
change in bond energy between reactants and products (H) exothermic, endothermic, or energy-conserving reactions. In
and the change in the randomness of the system (S) can be an exothermic reaction, the products contain less bond energy
determined via the following: than the reactants, the liberated energy is usually converted
to heat (the energy of molecular motion), and ∆H is nega-
G = H - TS (6.24) tive. In an endothermic reaction, the products contain more
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 205

bond energy than the reactants, heat is absorbed, and ∆H is has limited energy gain potential, as shown in the compari-
positive. Reactions tend to proceed if they liberate energy (if son earlier, and the use of Gibbs free energy in determining
∆H, 0), but this is only one of two important parameters of whether any reaction system supports growth in chemotrophic
free energy to consider; the other is entropy. anaerobes can be outlined.27 Researchers have recognized the
The metabolic energy yield of glucose consumption can energy required for the formation of ATP as a threshold value,
be calculated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions using below which energy released from metabolic reactions cannot
Equations 6.25 and 6.26 and values for Gibbs free energy of be captured by an organism:
formation from Table 6.3:
ADP + Pi ® ATP DG = +60 kJ/mol (6.29)

C6H12O6 (s) + O2 (g) ® 6CO2 (g) + 6H 2O(g) where ADP is adenosine diphosphate and Pi is inorganic
DG = -2879 kJ/mol (6.27) All organisms utilize ATP to store and transfer energy
captured in metabolic reactions. Bacteria consume 20 mmol
Anaerobic of ATP in the production of 1 g of biomass.27 They also esti-
mated that the formation of ATP from ADP and inorganic
C6H12O6 (s) ® 3CO2 (g) + 3CH 4 (g) DG = -425 kJ/mol phosphate consumes between 42 and 50 kJ mol21 when the
(6.28) ATP-generating process is fully reversible. The ATP forma-
tion energy sets a threshold energy yield for a metabolic reac-
This comparison shows the limited energy available to anaer- tion to be energy conserving.
obes and explains the typically lower biomass observed in Adding a 20 kJ/mol heat loss estimate to the energy
anaerobic systems when electron donors are abundant. demand of ATP formation, it was estimated that 70 kJ/mol is
For an organism to survive on the metabolism of any required for ATP formation, 60 kJ/mol under the best circum-
electron donor–electron acceptor pair, the organism must be stances.28 The author also updated the notion of the minimal
capable of conducting its reduction and oxidation reactions energy gain to support growth: ATP synthesis is driven by
in an energy-conserving manner. Anaerobic metabolism active (energy-demanding) transport of protons across cells or
mitochondrial membranes. Because three protons must pass
the membrane for every ATP formed, the minimum energy
TABLE 6.3 gain from catabolic metabolism is 20 kJ/mol. Smaller free
Values for Gibbs Free Energy of Formation energy changes cannot be “captured” in support of bacterial
for Selected Compounds growth.
The standard free energy change of a reaction ∆G° is the
Compound DGf0 (kJ/mol) value of the change in free energy under the conditions of
O2 (g) 0 25°C (298 K), 1 atm pressure, pH 7.0 (as in pure water), and
CH4 (g) −50.53 initial concentrations of 1 M for all reactants and products
CO2 (g) −394.36 except protons, which are kept at pH 7.0. The sign of ∆G°
H2 (g) 0 depends on the direction in which the reaction is written. If
N2 (g) 0 the reaction A → B has a ∆G° of –x kcal/mol, then the reverse
H+ (at pH 0) 0 reaction B → A will have a ∆G° value of +x kcal/mol.
H+ (at pH 7) −40.01 Most biological reactions differ from standard conditions,
OH− (aq) −157.2 particularly in the concentrations of reactants. The change in
H2O (aq) −237.14 free energy of a reaction (∆G) is influenced by temperature,
HCO3− (aq) −586.8 pressure, and the initial concentrations of reactants and products.
NO3− (aq) −111.3
Most biological reactions—like others that take place in aqueous
NO22− (aq) −32.2
solutions—also are affected by the pH of the solution. The Gibbs
SO42− −744.5
free energy for a reaction at nonstandard conditions is described
H2S (g) −33.4
by Equation 6.30, where A and B are reactants and C and D are
HS− (aq) 12.1
products. The free energy change is determined by the standard
Fe3+ (aq) −4.7
Fe2+ (aq) −78.9
free energy of the reaction (calculated using Equation 6.30), the
CI− (aq) −131.2
reaction temperature, reaction stoichiometries, and the concen-
CH2CH2 (aq) 81.43 trations of the products and reactants as shown in the following:
CHClCH2 (aq) 59.65
DG = DG° + RT lnQ
CHClCHCl (aq) 27.8
CCl2CHCl (aq) 25.41 é [C ]c [ D]d ù
[ products]
CCl2CCl2 27.59 = DG° + RT ln = DG° + RT ln ê a b ú
C6H12O6 (s) −910.6  [reactants ] ë [ A] [ B] û
206 Remediation Engineering

where R is the gas constant of 1.987 cal K–1 mol–1, T is the other conditions. What has been learned from recent studies
temperature (Kelvin), and Q is the initial ratio of products to on microbiological analyses of environmental samples can be
reactants. summarized as follows: (1) the cultured microorganisms rep-
Thermodynamics determines which reactions are energeti- resent only a small fraction of natural microbial communities
cally favorable and which are not. However, the rate at which and hence the microbial diversity in terms of species richness
the reactions are actually carried out does not depend on free and species abundance is grossly underestimated, and (2) our
energy change but rather on the reaction mechanism itself. understanding of microbial diversity is not represented by the
If one were to mix glucose with oxygenated water in a bea- cultured fraction of the diversity.
ker, glucose and O2 will react only at an immeasurable rate to A 2002 report published by the American Society of
form CO2 and water, even though that reaction is energetically Microbiology points to two critical concerns regarding stud-
favorable. At ambient temperatures (25°C), collisions of oxy- ies on microbial diversity. First, those few microbial spe-
gen and glucose molecules occur too infrequently and without cies that are grown and studied in culture poorly represent
enough force for the reaction to proceed. This reaction can the diversity of physiology, biochemistry, and morphologies
only take place at extremely high temperatures, say, 500°C or that can be found in nature. “Although the general patterns
higher, without the presence of a catalyst. of macroorganismal diversity are relatively well known, spa-
Microbial organisms, which depend on thousands of bio- tial patterns of microorganismal diversity are completely
chemical reactions like the uptake of glucose in order to unknown.”29 Constraints on knowledge are caused largely
sustain life and grow, solve this problem through the use of by methodologies that do not contend well with the complex-
enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze chemical reac- ity of field sites and the scale differential between field habi-
tions in living cells. In the previous example, if glucose oxi- tats and laboratory microorganisms. It is easy to understand
dase, an enzyme that brings glucose and oxygen together, is this difficulty when we realize how small a sample we take
added to the solution in the beaker, the reaction will be com- to represent a typical field site. A contaminated aquifer that
pleted to CO2 and water with some intermediate steps. During measures 500 ft in length, 100 ft in average width, and 20 ft
the biochemical reactions of microbial metabolism, glucose in thickness has a total volume of 1,000,000 ft3. Each split
oxidase is produced by the bacteria. spoon sample we collect has a volume of 0.025 ft3, so there are
Enzymatically catalyzed reactions can be summarized as more than 40,000,000 possible split spoons in the aquifer soil
population. Similarly, assuming a 30% aqueous porosity, this
E + S « ES (6.31) same aquifer contains approximately 8,500,000 L of water,
which equates to 170,000,000 individual 50 mL groundwater
ES « E + P (6.32) samples. While the number of available molecular diagnos-
tic tools has grown considerably over the course of the past
where decade and provide a number of methods by which to assess
E is the enzyme microbial communities, it is important to understand that the
S is the substrate results of lab assays on a few split spoons or groundwater
ES is the enzyme–substrate complex samples cannot be representative of an entire field site.
P is products As a result of our inability to cope with microbial diversity,
efforts have been spent to develop methodologies that are con-
Field-scale and enrichment culture degradation behav- sidered to be a quantum leap from the previous ones. These
ior represents the superposition of several variables, includ- methodologies are referred to as environmental molecular
ing (1) bacterial biomass and nutritional status, (2) available diagnostics (EMDs) and include two primary categories of
enzyme mass, (3) available coenzyme mass, (4) rate of coen- analysis: (1) compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) and
zyme replenishment, and (5) enzyme kinetics. It is important (2) molecular biological techniques (MBTs).30 These tools
to keep in mind that fast kinetics are not usable from an engi- have been developed as an additional line of evidence for use
neering point of view if the bacteria cannot generate signifi- in conjunction with hydrogeologic and biogeochemical data
cant biomass in the field. Conversely, cometabolic processes to assess relative differences in contaminant origins, evaluate
with low per-unit-biomass degradation rates may provide whether contaminant transformation is occurring, and iden-
substantial dechlorination in the field, if the species involved tify the mechanisms and microorganisms responsible. A sum-
reach high biomass levels. mary of the commonly applied bench-scale tests or EMDs is
provided in Table 6.4, with a discussion pertaining to each of  Microbial Analysis/Molecular Techniques the specific methods in the following.
Microbial communities differ in both qualitative and quan- Microcosm tests are the most traditional method of assess-
titative compositions. The relative proportion of their com- ing contaminant transformation under various conditions.
munity members is subject to biogeochemical changes of the These bench-scale tests are usually developed with soil and
environment as well as changes caused by the physiological groundwater samples from a given site, with individual ves-
and metabolic changes caused by the organisms. Organisms sels sampled or sacrificed over the duration of the study to
that are abundant and culturable under some conditions may assess relative changes in contaminant concentrations, trans-
develop into dormant and possibly uncultured forms under formation by-products, or other geochemical parameters.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies
Commonly Used Microbial and Molecular Analytical Tools
Test Method Description Data Required Pros Cons
Microcosm testing Bench-scale testing using site soil • Laboratory data associated with • Detailed, definitive information on • Elevated cost, extended time
and groundwater containing target liquid and headspace samples contaminant removal • Does not eliminate need for pilot
contaminants and reagent(s) • Reagent and geochemical parameters • Provides proof of concept with select substrate testing to confirm design parameters
considered for field deployment • Microbial sampling and nutrient selection
CSIA Laboratory quantification method to • Groundwater samples from locations • Provides relative assessment of contaminant • Data interpretation limited to known
evaluate changes in contaminant where target contaminant and transformation via fate and transport processes transformation behaviors and
composition as a result of biotic and associated by-products are present available benchmarks for isotopic
abiotic transformation • Geochemical and microbial shifts
PCR Provides definitive evidence of the • Soil samples or groundwater • Demonstrates presence of target • Does not provide relative abundance
presence of a particular microbial samples from wells microorganism(s) responsible for target of target microbial population
species • Microbial biomass extraction from treatment or attenuation process • Potential for false negatives when
in-well sampling devices target microorganisms are present
but at low overall population density
qPCR Provides definitive evidence of the • Soil samples or groundwater • DNA data demonstrate presence of target • Sampling limited to identified
presence of a particular microbial samples from wells microorganism(s) responsible for target primers and target gene sequences
species and their relative abundance; • Microbial biomass extraction from treatment or attenuation process and their
quantifies microbial activity in-well sampling devices relative abundance
associated with mediating enzymes • RNA data provide evidence of ongoing
responsible for target reactions microbial activity and synthesis of key
enzymes for treatment process
Microbial fingerprinting Provides overview of total viable • Soil or groundwater samples • Provides detailed information on microbial • Specific only to known groups of
(PLFA, DGGE, etc.) biomass, the types of organisms community and can identify known organisms organisms, does not quantify
present, and their general responsible for target treatment mechanisms specific target organisms
physiological characteristics • Low cost per sample
SIP Use of isotope-labeled contaminants • Microbial extraction from in-well • Provides detailed information pertaining to the • Extended deployment time for
to assess degree of microbial sampling device utilization of a target contaminant based on sample collection
transformation or incorporation as • Groundwater samples from target changes in seeded contaminant isotope • Limited to contaminants with
microbial biomass well location composition available isotope-enriched solution

208 Remediation Engineering

Individual vessels can be augmented with potential substrates Microbial fingerprinting techniques are broad-brush
considered for use in the field, which allows tailored experi- assays for use in quantifying particular groups of microorgan-
ment setup to best reflect future IRZ performance. isms based on shared microbial characteristics or structure.
CSIA is a laboratory forensic method used to understand There are several different analyses including phospholipid
the relative change in element isotopic ratios within the fatty acid (PLFA) analysis, denaturing gradient gel electro-
environment. Each element that comprises a contaminant phoresis (DGGE), or terminal restriction fragment length
molecule has a known isotopic ratio, which when affected polymorphism (T-RFLP). Of these, PLFA is the most gen-
by biological or abiotic degradation can preferentially shift eral and provides an overall assessment of the presence and
toward the heavier end isotopes remaining in the compound. viability of broad classes of organisms (e.g., proteobacteria,
The isotope signature of a given contaminant will be unique firmicutes, anaerobes) under native conditions or in response
to its origin and specific method of manufacturing, so CSIA to remediation activities. While DGGE and T-RFLP do not
allows comparison of a given contaminant molecule (or ele- provide the degree of organism specificity of qPCR analyses,
ments therein) to the original material in order to determine the outputs of these are based on a DNA-based assessment of
whether transformation processes have occurred. A repository the predominant groups of organisms (e.g., sulfate-reducing
of information has been completed (and continues to expand) bacteria, iron-reducing bacteria), which are collectively active
that provides benchmark shifts in isotopic ratios under differ- or responded similarly to treatment activities.31
ent biodegradation scenarios, and these expected shifts are Stable isotope probing (SIP) is used to assess whether a
then used to assess whether transformation has occurred. specific contaminant is being actively degraded at a given
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifies the genes of site. SIP techniques have been developed for a variety of con-
a particular microorganism, a family of microorganisms, or taminants and typically entail the seeding of an in situ sam-
genes present in a given media.31 The PCR sampling process pling device with a known volume of enriched contaminant
entails an initial cell lysis step to release the genetic mate- with a specific ratio of carbon 12 (12C) and carbon 13 (13C).
rial (e.g., DNA), which is then followed by an initial high- Degradation is demonstrated by analyzing the parent com-
temperature (94°C–97°C) denaturation step during which pound within the sampling device or carbon dioxide dissolved
DNA within the sample is unzipped into two separate strands. in the surrounding water to assess the relative quantity of 13C
Once unzipped, the temperature is reduced to between 47°C and its enrichment in the parent compound, cellular biomass,
and 60°C and primers are added to initiate DNA replication. or as a degradation end product. These analyses can be cou-
These primers are unique to the specific organism targeted pled with other microbial analyses to test for known microor-
that serve to initiate replication of target gene sequence(s) dur- ganisms or families of organisms responsible for the specific
ing the elongation process. During elongation, the tempera- degradation pattern.
ture is increased to 72°C, and in the presence of nucleotides There are other EMD tools that can be used to assess either
that serve as the building blocks for replication, DNA reduc- specific microbial enzyme activity or population variability
tase facilitates gene replication. This process is then repeated that are either not widespread or not commercially available.
multiple times to amplify the individual target genes within Several of these include enzyme activity probes, which can be
the sample to achieve a sufficient number of gene copies. The used to detect for the presence of select enzymes with identi-
DNA sequences identified in PCR results are then compared fied relevance to biodegradation; microarray sampling, which
to known DNA sequences of organisms responsible for bio- enables comparison of DNA PCR signatures from indepen-
degradation and are reported as either present/absent for a dent samples; or fluorescence in  situ hybridization, which
specific DNA target.31 entails the fluorescent labeling of target microorganisms for
Quantitative PCR (qPCR) expands on the PCR method- use in assessing the relative organism abundance and their
ology to provide information regarding the abundance and spatial distribution, as the method leaves the cells intact.
activity of microorganisms in a given sample. The process- How each of these tools is applied can be highly variable
ing methodology is similar to that of PCR with the exception depending on the particular site conditions and the particular
that fluorescent dye markers are added to the DNA amplifica- question being asked. Due to the higher relative cost of these
tion mixture and are then replicated over the course of the analyses compared to other conventional fixed-lab analysis,
amplification process to achieve a threshold level. The num- it is important to understand what questions the diagnostic
ber of amplification cycles required to achieve the threshold tools or bench studies are being used to answer and how this
cycle can be calibrated with known standards and can then information is to be integrated into the available site informa-
be used to quantify the abundance of specific genetic targets tion. Many of these tools can be used as part of site charac-
in the original sample.31 Where qPCR can be used to identify terization activities to provide a more robust understanding of
whether and how much of a specific organism’s DNA is pres- contaminant fate and transport and to support remedial deci-
ent, reverse transcriptase (RT)-qPCR can be used to quan- sion making, or as part of remedial troubleshooting to support
tify whether that particular organism is actively producing assessment of IRZ treatment already underway. Deployment
the target enzymes responsible for a known degradation step. of these sampling techniques is not a requirement to develop
This process is similar to that of qPCR but instead entails an IRZ design, as the hydrogeologic and biogeochemical
the extraction of RNA, which is then reverse transcribed back information can be sufficient. If field-scale pilot testing is
into the complementary DNA strand. planned to develop useful predesign information (volume to
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 209

radial distribution ratios, reagent dosing, injectability, etc.), is the process of supplementing the native aquifer microbial
extensive EMD sampling or completion of laboratory bench- community through the injection of large quantities of com-
scale testing may be overly redundant. mercially grown bacteria intended to overwhelm the native
communities. In laboratory microcosms, these bacteria can  Biostimulation versus Bioaugmentation achieve degradation rates that exceed those achieved through
After studying and cataloging halophilic microorganisms in biostimulation of native communities at the field scale. This is
salt lakes across the globe, the Dutch botanist and microbiolo- expected in that the conditions in laboratory reaction vessels
gist Lourens Baas Becking hypothesized that “everything is can be maintained within an ideal range for degradation. The
everywhere, but the environment selects.”32 This hypothesis challenge in utilizing bioaugmentation is therefore maintain-
reflected his observation that consistent groups of organisms ing reasonable control over key microbial habitat variables
were encountered in widely dispersed salt lakes with similar required to increase overall performance.
properties and that a unique environment’s geochemistry and As bacteria prefer to adhere to soil surfaces, their injection
condition would stack the deck for different groups of organ- in the subsurface is not anticipated to mimic that of a soluble
isms to proliferate and thrive. As we have steadily identified tracer. While bacteria are expected to migrate some distance
the organisms responsible for many contaminant transfor- with advective groundwater flow (adhering to and colonizing
mation mechanisms, Baas Becking’s hypothesis has gener- soil surfaces as they go), adhesion behavior will tend to limit
ally held true. Dehalococcoides mccartyi is active at many their migration to zones surrounding the injection points. In
sites where PCE and TCE have been released, regardless of many cases, these are also the zones in which the IRZ is being
whether the site is in North America, Europe, or Australia. performed, which allows additional control over the reactant
Assuming an ideal geochemistry for a particular process, injection and subsurface delivery.
there are two primary means by which designers can control There has been a significant level of debate among the
the overall rate of treatment in biological IRZs. The first is to designers of microbial IRZs with respect to the efficacy of
achieve a sufficient quantity of the limiting growth substrate biostimulation and bioaugmentation. The debate has centered
for a sustained period of time to allow treatment. So long as on whether all biological IRZs should be bioaugmented at the
growth substrate is available, the target microorganism will outset or whether the first level of the treatment should be
perform the target transformation process as fast as the cells completed via biostimulation only. In practice, the subsur-
allow. In these cases, simply enhancing the activity of these face conditions must be appropriate prior to bioaugmenta-
organisms is sufficient to expedite contaminant cleanup. This tion such that the introduced cultures are not eradicated or
process, biostimulation, entails the addition of the limiting outcompeted immediately following introduction. This need
growth substrate to foster development of naturally occur- often requires initiating treatment using biostimulation alone,
ring aquifer bacteria within an engineered IRZ. In the case where the limiting growth substrates are delivered into the
of PCE or TCE, which serve as electron acceptors, this is subsurface to foster the desired IRZ conditions. Following
accomplished through the injection of electron donors at rates start-up, performance monitoring can then be used to evaluate
that exceed the recharge of electron acceptors. The increased whether the native community is capable of achieving treat-
availability of electron donor drives the aquifer microbial ment rates consistent with cleanup objectives. While Baas
communities into sulfate reduction, acetogenesis, and metha- Becking’s hypothesis has generally held true, there are select
nogenesis. The generation of enzymes for these activities can conditions in which the native microbial community does not
foster broad-spectrum cometabolic dechlorination, and other contain the target species at the necessary abundance (or at
microorganisms including Desulfuromonas, Dehalospirillum, all) or it is desirable to expedite treatment and introduction
Dehalococcoides, Dehalobacter, and Desulfomonile may also of supplemental microorganisms is warranted. Thus, we’ve
directly utilize PCE and TCE as alternative electron acceptors. learned that Diego Fontaneto’s revised hypothesis is likely
In the aforementioned example, while one species rep- more appropriate in that: “everything is not everywhere, but
resents the primary target of the IRZ, the combined benefit most things are pretty widespread.”33
of stimulating the broader microbial consortia generates a For IRZ systems with available bioaugmentation options, a
robust approach reliant on coarse adjustments of the micro- discussion is included to outline the overall design or optimi-
bial ecology to induce the desired dechlorinating behaviors. zation thought process later in this chapter.
In biostimulation-based programs, if the target microbial
species is not significantly active—or at reduced population  Biofilms and Biofouling
size—there may be an observed lag phase as the microbial As discussed earlier, the injection of growth substrates or
community responds to disruption of the native aquifer equi- nutrients into the subsurface will result in the proliferation
librium and specific organisms proliferate according to sub- of the microbial community. The growth of microbial aggre-
strate availability. gates is a natural behavior of microbial communities, and they
The second method by which we can control biological are typically encountered as suspended flocs or as surface bio-
IRZ treatment rates is to enhance the overall population of films. Biofilms are large aggregations of bacteria and other
the target microorganism by essentially increasing the target microorganisms bound together in a mass of extracellular
or organism population to perform more of the target trans- polymeric structures (EPS) that connect cells together and tie
formation step. This is referred to as bioaugmentation and them to a surface. EPS is generated by bacteria to provide
210 Remediation Engineering


Attachment Maturation Maturation and dispersal

FIGURE 6.28  Agglomeration of microorganisms and EPS materials during biofilm growth phases. (From Burnell, S. et al., Remediation,
23(1) 85, 2013.)

biofilm stability and enable mixed microbial communities to in overall thickness, the penetration of nutrients present in soil
exist in close proximity, thereby promoting cooperation and pore water to the soil surface declines and results in concen-
communication between cells.34 EPS typically comprises tration gradients that have a bearing on the development of the
polysaccharides, nucleic acids, and proteins, with the fraction colony. In general, biofilm growth is more significant under
of each varying under different biogeochemical environments. aerobic conditions but can be self-limiting due to the more sig-
It is classified as both bound EPS in the form of solid-phase nificant concentration gradients that develop. Increased aero-
material present as sheaths, and capsular polymers, form- bic biofilm thickness prevents oxygen penetration through the
ing attached organic material and soluble EPS in the form of biofilm, and anaerobic growth closer to the soil surface can
soluble macromolecules, colloids, and slimes. Soluble EPS result in biofilm shearing. The thickness of the biofilm under
develops through the slow but steady dissolution of solid EPS anaerobic conditions is significantly smaller due to the afore-
via enzymes excreted for the purpose of digesting and hydro- mentioned shearing effects and the fact that the rate of biomass
lyzing food substrates.34 As EPS develops, the biofilm colony growth is substantially lower under anaerobic conditions.
expands and is generally represented in Figure 6.28 through The introduction of nutrients and substrates as part of any
the attachment, maturation, and dispersal stages. biological treatment remedy is intended to enhance the target
Similar to EPS, soluble microbial products (SMPs) are microbial activity and will therefore promote the proliferation
biodegradable compounds that are released during either cell of the native microbial consortia. As a result, biofouling chal-
growth or cell lysis and are composed of moderately sized lenges related to biological growth and subsurface geochemi-
organic carbon molecules.34 These products typically com- cal modification should be expected as part of any biological
prised proteins, polysaccharides, and some humic-like mate- treatment strategy (Figure 6.29a through d). Biofouling chal-
rials.35 SMPs can be categorized either as those compounds lenges can be generally bucketed in three primary categories:
released during substrate metabolism (substrate-utilization- (1) biofilm growth and expansion, (2) metal precipitation reac-
associated products) or those released during biomass decay, tions, and (3) microbial gas generation. Biofilm development
following cell lysis (biomass-associated products). Both EPS can temporarily or permanently reduce injection or extrac-
and SMP compounds are microbially produced and will tion well performance, can reduce the effective pipe diameter
be present during biomass growth. While the terms EPS for above-grade infrastructure, and can reduce aquifer soil
and SMP were coined during different areas of wastewater matrix conductivity and permeability. Similarly, labile metals
treatment research, both these terms are commonly used to (e.g., Fe2+, Mn2+) released from native soils under reducing
describe the form of carbon exuded as part of biofilms and conditions will precipitate on well and piping infrastructure
microbial communities. when brought in contact with oxygen or will form precipitates
Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria not only can thrive side by in the subsurface during target or secondary treatment reac-
side within biofilms when biogeochemical conditions permit, tions, which can also influence soil permeability.
but species also collaborate to share metabolic by-products, Gas generation can be a significant challenge in organic
exchange genetic capabilities, or reinforce their polysaccha- carbon delivery programs, where CO2 released during fermen-
ride protection. The polysaccharide structure in which these tation consumes large portions of the available soil porosity
colonies reside acts as a form of armor, prevents sloughing and limits fluid delivery. Gas buildup within a soil formation
within passing groundwater, insulates against impacts of sig- has a marked influence on permeability reduction and can be
nificant geochemical change, and gives the microorganisms determined based on the Kozeny–Carman equation shown in
protection beyond their usual defense mechanisms. the following:
While the typical average diameter of a bacterium in estab- 3 2
lished biofilms is about 0.5–1  mm, biofilm bacteria rarely é n - Dn ù é 1 - n0 + Dn ù
K = K0 ê 0 ú ê 1- n ú (6.33)
adhere directly to solid surfaces. Instead, at distances shorter ë n0 û ë 0 û
than 1 nm, short-range forces such as hydrogen bonding and
dipole formation tend to be the dominant adhesion effects. As where
bacteria are held in place and fed by the organic and inor- K0 is the initial hydraulic conductivity
ganic molecules trapped by these short-range forces, they K is the final hydraulic conductivity
form slime that anchors them to solid surfaces and serves as a n 0 is the initial porosity
home for additional bacterial growth. As the biofilm increases ∆ is the relative change (decrease) in porosity
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 211

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 6.29  (a–d) Various forms of biofouling encountered during in situ biological treatment strategies.

The relationship between reductions in permeability and proliferate and generate both more biomass and more exten-
porosity using this equation is shown in Figure 6.30. It should sive biofilms as compared to anaerobic microorganisms. But
be noted that this formula generally oversimplifies the aquifer comparatively, anaerobic systems often utilize large volumes
conditions,36 but it does demonstrate that minor declines in of organic carbon that must be delivered via piping and well
the available porosity can have a significant bearing on the infrastructure. In the case of carbon delivery injection wells,
associated hydraulic conductivity. robust and focused biological growth will occur around the
The biofouling categories identified earlier are relevant for injection points and contributes to the deterioration in well
both aerobic and anaerobic treatment systems. Oxygen deliv- performance over extended injection programs. To enable
ery applications leverage aerobic communities that readily effective management of biofouling challenges associated
with all of these mechanisms, system design specifications,
100 routine rehabilitation, and substrate dosing strategies should
90 all be considered prior to remedy deployment and then adap-
Permeability reduction (%)

80 tively managed based on field observations during operation.

70 Examples of each of these considerations are highlighted
as part of Table 6.5. While these challenges are a necessary
evil for biological treatment strategies, system downtime and
30 operational and maintenance challenges can be minimized by
20 adequate planning and proactive management.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 6.2.2 Aerobic Processes
Porosity reduction (%)
Given the ubiquitous nature of aerobic microorganisms, the
FIGURE 6.30  Relationship between porosity reduction and per- widespread use of gasoline, and the susceptibility of petro-
meability reduction as defined by the Kozeny–Carman equation. leum compounds to biodegradation, it is not surprising that
212 Remediation Engineering

Primary Biofouling Mechanisms and Associated Design and Operational Management Strategies
Mechanism Associated Challenges Design Considerations Operational Considerations
Biofilm growth • Reductions in aquifer hydraulic • Install wells with sufficient access and • Adoption of routine maintenance
and conductivity size to accommodate redevelopment activities to preempt biofouling
agglomeration • Decreased injection/extraction tooling concerns—flushing reagents from wells
well performance (well screen • Select well and system materials and conveyance infrastructure following
fouling) compatible with chemical treatments to delivery, routine housekeeping, and
• Agglomeration within and prevent/eliminate fouling cleaning
clogging of system conveyance • Limit oxygen infiltration in all system • Completion of periodic rehabilitation
infrastructure and treatment components (wells, above-grade techniques to restore performance
train treatment train)—particularly for reduced • Routine physical well redevelopment
groundwater systems techniques (surge block, jetting, air lift)
• Minimize residence time of substrates or • Well cleaning agents (acids, peroxide,
treatment fluids in piping infrastructure biocides, chlorine)
Precipitate • Oxidation of reduced metals and • Limiting oxygen infiltration in all system • Utilization of acids with minimal health
formation precipitation of target metal components (wells, above-grade and safety concerns (phosphoric acid,
contaminants treatment train) is the most important hydroxyacetic acid, citric acid) to
• Reductions in aquifer hydraulic provision for limiting long-term solubilize iron precipitates for removal
conductivity inorganic precipitation within system • Use of metal chelating agents for
• Scaling in above-grade components recirculation programs to prevent
conveyance infrastructure or • Install wells that fully penetrate the precipitation of reduced metals in
treatment train groundwater table to eliminate oxygen above-grade infrastructure
• Reductions in injection/ entry into wells (and extracted fluids)
extraction well performance • Install wells with sufficient access and
size to accommodate redevelopment
• Select well and system materials
compatible with chemical treatments
used for inorganic rehabilitation
Biogenic gas • The generation of supersaturated • Install wellhead pressure relief valves on • For organic carbon delivery programs,
generation carbon dioxide concentrations injection wells to evacuate fermentation reduce dosing concentrations to limit
results in gas bubble occupation gases during access fermentation gas accumulation
of pore space and reduces soil • Adopt clean water injection practices • Use groundwater surging techniques to
permeability following reagent addition to push evacuate accumulating soil gas
• Significant pressure buildup fermentable substrates from the well • Perform upward pH titration of
within injection wells between column into the soil formation injection solution to limit robust
delivery events short-term fermentation during injection
• Sustained reductions in • Adopt pulsed carbon delivery programs
injectability and well (carbon dosing with clean water cycles)
performance to alleviate localized gas generation

the foundation of bioremediation was laid with petroleum favorable electron acceptor for microbial degradation and
cleanup. Aerobic bioremediation was first developed in the organisms capable of aerobically degrading contaminants
early 1970s in response to observations made after marine do so through the production of dioxygenase or monooxy-
petroleum spills.37 Subsequent studies demonstrated that genase enzymes that are responsible for transforming these
organisms capable of degrading petroleum materials could be compounds into food sources such as phenols, alcohols, or
further enhanced by adding oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphate,38 epoxides. The intent of aerobic bioremediation is therefore
and the concepts for in situ remediation were conceived. to provide a sustained source of oxygen to maintain aerobic
Petroleum contaminants, like several other contami- conditions in the aquifer. In many cases, there will be a lag
nants, can serve as carbon substrate and/or an electron donor time associated with establishing sustained oxygen concen-
(e.g., PHCs), and nearly all are biodegradable under aerobic trations as compounds that can serve as an electron donor will
conditions.39 Aerobic biodegradation is also applicable for have consumed available dissolved oxygen and can also be
contaminants susceptible to cometabolic degradation (chlori- degraded under anaerobic conditions. If sufficient time has
nated ethenes), and in general the stimulation of aerobic bio- elapsed from the time of release, utilization of these contami-
degradation can be a robust and rapid remedial strategy. As nants can foster development of moderately (iron-reducing to
discussed previously, oxygen is the most thermodynamically sulfate-reducing) to very reducing (methanogenic) conditions.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 213

In addition to the organic oxygen demand, reduced metals lib- Methane oxidation
erated during these reduction processes will consume deliv- H H O
ered oxygen and will require a sustained period of operation H C H H C O H C O H C O H CO2
to transition the system back to aerobic conditions in order to H H
2H, O2 2H
capitalize on the rapid biodegradation processes.
The key considerations for successful implementation of TCE epoxidation (cometabolic oxidation)
aerobic biodegradation include (1) the susceptibility of the Cl Cl MMO Cl O Cl

contaminant to aerobic biodegradation, (2) the presence or C C C C ? CO2, Cl , H2O
Cl Cl Cl H
absence of NAPL, and (3) the current status of the oxidation–
2H, O2
reduction potential of the aquifer (geochemistry). Aerobic (a)
organisms capable of degrading petroleum and other con-
taminant compounds are generally ubiquitous and are present
at the vast majority of sites, so the primary goal for overall
success entails efficient, sustained delivery of oxygen delivery CH3
to the subsurface. Methyl-tert-butyl ether
(b)  Contaminant Types
In addition to the PHCs discussed earlier, other compounds FIGURE 6.31  (a) Cometabolic oxidation of TCE. (b) Methyl tert-
that are more conducive for aerobic biodegradation are non- butyl ether.
chlorinated phenolic compounds, alcohols, ketones, carbox-
ylic acids, amides, amines, esters, aldehydes, and aliphatic of MTBE, as the effective half saturation constant (Ks) for
and aromatic hydrocarbons with a single chlorine atom or oxygen during MTBE degradation is significantly higher
two chlorine atoms. Among the chlorinated compounds, than general oxidative respiration.40 In addition, inhibition of
chlorobenzene, methylene chloride (MC), chloromethane, MTBE degradation has been reported at oxygen concentra-
chloroethane, and vinyl chloride are among the commonly tions less than 1 mg/L.41
encountered contaminants that are biodegradable faster under
aerobic conditions. Microorganisms
The most significant biological mechanism for the aerobic There are a wide array of microbial species capable of degrad-
degradation of chlorinated solvents is when they are used as ing organic compounds in the presence of oxygen. While the
a primary substrate (electron donor). In these direct oxidation known species can be grouped into a range of different micro-
reactions, the chlorinated compound acts as an electron donor bial genera (Table 6.6), this list is abbreviated based on our
and the microorganism uses molecular oxygen as an electron limited capability to culture and catalog only select organisms
acceptor. The microorganism obtains energy and organic in a laboratory. Most species do not have the enzymatic capac-
carbon from the degraded chlorinated compound. The more ity to completely oxidize all or even most contaminants in the
chlorinated compounds, PCE, carbon tetrachloride (CT), and subsurface20 and as described previously behave instead as a
hexachloroethane (HCA), due to their highly oxidized char- broad cooperative consortium that metabolizes contaminants
acter, are neither susceptible to aerobic oxidation nor are they as a collective. This behavior is well suited to the degradation
degraded under anaerobic oxidizing conditions when used as of petroleum contamination, as these materials contain a vari-
a primary substrate. TCE undergoes very slow aerobic deg- able range of straight-chain, cyclic, or aromatic hydrocarbons
radation to trichloroethanol and then to acetic acid, but the that must be collectively consumed. This is advantageous
reaction is not thermodynamically favorable. The tendency from a treatment design standpoint, as broad enrichment of
of chloroethene compounds to undergo oxidation increases subsurface oxygen concentrations will promote the activity of
with decreasing number of chlorine substituents. Therefore, a wide range of organisms that contribute to cleanup.
discussion of aerobic oxidation and mineralization has always While no species serves as a universal hydrocarbon
been focused on DCE and VC. degrader, some are pretty proficient. Pseudomonads are aero-
The capacity to degrade methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) bic gram-negative species that never exhibit fermentation
(Figure 6.31) is also found in a wide variety of microorgan- reactions, are ubiquitous to most soil systems, and exhibit
isms. Some organisms can use MTBE as their sole substrate the strongest degradation potential.20 Several Pseudomonas
for growth, and others need another substrate for cometab- strains have demonstrated the capacity to metabolize over
olism. The prospects for aerobic biodegradation by native 100 different types of organic compounds.20 Other organisms
microorganisms may be related to the age of the spill and are uniquely qualified to degrade organic pollutants, such as
the time that has been available for acclimation of the native the Rhodococcus genus (aerobic actinomycetes) that contain
microorganisms to MTBE. Under aerobic conditions, MTBE long-chain mycolic fatty acids as part of the cell wall that act
is mineralized directly to CO2. MTBE-degrading organisms as biosurfactants and increase their overall affinity for lipo-
require higher concentrations of oxygen than the usual aerobic philic nutrients20,42—like petroleum compounds. As described
bacteria. Maintaining adequate concentrations of oxygen is in Section 6.1.6, these surfactants act as emulsifying agents
an important design concentration for aerobic biodegradation for NAPL materials and increase contaminant solubilization.
214 Remediation Engineering

Some Rhodococcus species and others belonging to the

TABLE 6.6 Arthrobacter and Mycobacterium genera are known hydro-
Some Isolated Bacterial Genera with One or More carbon degraders that can also metabolize MTBE and tert-
Species Capable of Degrading Aromatic Compounds butyl alcohol (TBA) as a primary growth substrate.43
An individual organism’s unique genetic makeup affects
Gram-Negative Bacteria Gram-Positive Bacteria
how and which organic compounds they metabolize. Organic
Achromobacter Arthrobacter compounds are used as the sole substrate for both carbon
Acinetobacter Bacillus
and energy, during which the contaminant is mineralized.
Acidovorax Brevibacterium
This process can also occur cometabolically, during which
Alcaligenes Corynebacterium
an alternative growth substrate is used, but the organic com-
Burkholderia Janibacter
pound is metabolized in the presence of exuded microbial
Chryseobacterium Mycobacterium
enzymes. Petroleum materials contain a broad range of aro-
Cycloclasticus Nocardioides
Cytophaga Staphylococcus
matics, straight chain, and cyclic alkanes that are susceptible
Flavobacterium Terrabacter
to different enzymatic pathways. For n-alkanes, oxidation
Marinobacter is typically initiated on either end of the carbon chain to
Pasteurella form an alcohol (Figure 6.32), aldehyde, or fatty acid, which
Polaromonas then proceeds through β-oxidation to yield acetyl-CoA or
Pseudomonas propionyl-CoA, depending on the number of carbon atoms.
Ralstonia Cyclic alkanes, while relatively resistant to degradation, are
Rhodanobacter degraded cometabolically by the broad aerobic consortium,
Rhodococcus and several species have been identified that metabolize these
Stenotrophomonas compounds.20
Sphingomonas Aromatic organic compounds are of particular relevance
Xanthomonas as the BTEX constituents present in gasoline are widespread
in contaminated retail service stations and fuel terminals
Sources: Fritsche, W. and Hofrichter, M., Aerobic degradation by microor-
and in the case of benzene have very low regulatory cleanup
ganisms, in Biotechnology: Environmental Processes II, Volume
11b, Section Edition; Seo, J.S. et  al., Int. J. Environ. Res. Publ.
criteria (1 µg/L in New Jersey). Aromatics can be degraded
Health, 6, 278, 2009. by both monooxygenase and dioxygenase (Figure 6.32), with
dioxygenase interactions being most prevalent. Oxidation of
the aromatic ring occurs via hydroxylation in the presence of

Monooxygenase reactions
O2 H2O

CH3 - (CH2)n - CH3 CH3 - (CH2)n - CH3OH

n-Alkane Primary alcohol

Rubredoxin Rubredoxin
Fe2+ Fe3+


Benzene Arene oxide trans-Dihydrodiol Catechol
Dioxygenase reaction
Benzene cis-Dihydrodiol Catechol

FIGURE 6.32  (a) Initial oxygenase and (b) dioxygenase enzymatic pathways for hydrocarbon transformation into associated alcohols.
(Adapted from Seo, J.S. et al., Int. J. Environ. Res. Publi.Health, 6, 278, 2009.)
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 215


Phenol Aniline

Benzene Phenanthrene





Benzoate (CH2)n-CH3

OH m-Nitrobenzoate
benzoate OH

FIGURE 6.33  Primary catechol and protocatechuate degradation intermediates of a variety of different aromatic hydrocarbons. (Adapted
from Seo, J.S. et al., Int. J. Environ. Res. Publ. Health, 6, 278, 2009.)

a dioxygenase that is then transformed to catechol via a dehy- require reduced glutathione as a cofactor, dehalogenate the
drogenase. As shown in Figure 6.33, this two-step pathway substrates by means of nucleophilic substitution. The first
is common for a variety of one-ring aromatic compounds of product of this degradation pathway is an S-chloroalkyl-
variable substitution. Similar mechanisms are observed for glutathione, which is probably nonenzymatically converted
multiringed PAH compounds, wherein dioxygenase attack on to glutathione and an aldehyde. Hydrolytic dehalogenases
one of the aromatic rings yields a diol prior to a sequence hydrolyze their substrates, yielding alcohols. Oxygenases use
of dehydrogenation steps to yield salicylate. As shown for molecular oxygen as a reactant for the attack on the haloge-
naphthalene in Figure 6.34, salicylate is then decarboxylated nated compounds; the products could be alcohols, aldehydes,
to form catechol prior to ring fission via meta- and ortho- or epoxides, depending on the structure of the compound.
pathways.44 While larger PAH compounds (fluorene, phen- Numerous chlorinated short-chain aliphatic hydrocar-
anthrene, pyrene, etc.) proceed through unique metabolic bons have been demonstrated to undergo aerobic transfor-
intermediates depending on the number of aromatic rings mation. Compounds that have all the available valences on
and their relative substitution, the dioxygenase and dehydro- their carbon atoms substituted by chlorine, such as PCE or
genase enzymatic series highlighted earlier for both benzene CT, have never been shown to transform through any other
and naphthalene are consistent for a wide range of petroleum but reductive pathways. Generally, as the degree of chlori-
compounds.20,44 nation increases, the likelihood of aerobic transformation
Chlorinated aliphatic compounds with one or two carbons decreases (Figure 6.35); the opposite is true for anaerobic
per molecule can be transformed under aerobic conditions by (reductive) transformations. Rates of aerobic oxidation are
three types of microbial enzymes45,46: dehalogenases, hydro- more rapid for the less chlorinated organics, such as VC,
lytic dehalogenases, and oxygenases. Dehalogenases, which when compared to their reductive dechlorination rates; it
216 Remediation Engineering





OH 2-carboxylic acid




Catechol Gentisate

Ring fission Further degradation

Acetaldehyde Succinate
+ +
Pyruvate Acetyl CoA

FIGURE 6.34  Proposed catabolic pathway for naphthalene degradation. (Adapted from Seo, J.S. et al., Int. J. Environ. Res. Publ. Health,
6, 278, 2009.)

has been well documented in the literature that VC is oxi- and Hyphomicrobium have been isolated, which can
dized directly to carbon dioxide and water.46 Aerobic oxi- grow on MC as the sole carbon and energy source.45–47
dation of cis-DCE has been proven, with some discrepancy Alkylhalides (haloalkanes), such as 1,2-dichloroethane
as to whether cis-DCE reduction occurs to VC and is then (1,2-DCA), are frequently hydrolytically dehalogenated.
followed by direct oxidation of VC to carbon dioxide, or Xanthobacter autotrophicus utilizes 1,2-DCA as the sole
whether direct oxidation of cis-DCE occurred to produce carbon source. Complex communities consisting of meth-
carbon dioxide. Other reports suggest that cis-DCE can be anotrophs and heterotrophs, which inhabit groundwater
degraded with cis-DCE acting as the primary substrate in aquifers, mineralize 1,2-DCA. A Pseudomonas fluorescens
aerobic microbial reactions. strain isolated from water and soil contaminated by chlo-
Among the methane compounds, MC and chlorometh- rinated aliphatic hydrocarbons was shown to utilize 1,2-
ane have been found to be amenable to aerobic microbial DCA, 1,1,2-trichloroethane (1,2,1-TCA), and TCE, but not
transformation. Pure cultures of the genera Pseudomonas PCE or 1,1,1-TCA.45–47
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 217

and delivery infrastructure, the total cost of a pound of dis-

solved O2 delivered into the subsurface could range from
Re $33 to $488 depending on the method selected. The cheapest
re duc e
tiv s
method of delivering dissolved O2, if hydrogeologic condi-
ac t
tio i v e da tions are conducive, is by injecting compressed air into the
ns xi tion
O ac
re contaminated plume. Other options include induced airflow
through the vadose zone to enhance oxygen transfer through
areas of petroleum impact, via direct injection of dilute hydro-

gen peroxide or oxygen-enriched water into the contaminated

zone, or by emplacing solid or slurried oxygen-releasing
materials (ORMs) via fracture-based injection strategies.
Ultimately, site-specific parameters are going to control what
form of O2 delivery is most appropriate, as permanent deliv-
ery ­systems—while inexpensive to operate—are not always
deployable at a given location. Biosparging
Poly Mono Originally developed in Europe, air sparging is a conventional
Degree of chlorination
means of engineered in  situ bioremediation via aerobic bio-
degradation. Injection of either compressed air or pure oxy-
FIGURE 6.35  Relative trends of oxidative versus reductive micro-
bial reactions as a function of chlorination. (Adapted from Loeffler,
gen directly into the contaminated zone is an efficient way to
F.E. et al., Diversity of dechlorinating bacteria, in Dechlorination: deliver oxygen to achieve the target reactions and can also be
Microbial Processes and Environmental Applications, M.M. used to strip volatile contaminants from the saturated zone. The
Haggblom and I.D. Bossert, Eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, primary difference between biosparging and air sparging (see
Boston, MA, 2003.) Chapter 8) is the overall delivery rate of air to groundwater.
The purpose of a biosparge system is to deliver sustained, ele-  Oxygen Delivery Mechanisms vated concentrations of oxygen to the groundwater for use as an
The primary design challenge of any aerobic treatment remedy electron acceptor while minimizing volatilization of the con-
is determining the most technically effective and economical taminants. This is typically achieved by injecting compressed
method by which to deliver oxygen to the contaminants. Due oxygen or air to the groundwater at low pressure and low flow
to oxygen’s low solubility (approximately 9 mg/L at 20°C) and (typically 0.5–4 standard cubic feet per minute (SCFM)).
rapid rate of utilization by a variety of different microorgan- Biosparge systems are typically used to treat shallow,
isms, delivery applications require either automated delivery dissolved-phase groundwater impacts but can be applied to
systems or solid-phase materials to provide a sustained oxy- address deeper impacts or shallow LNAPL impacts. In order
gen supply while degradation is ongoing. To illustrate this, the for biosparging to be successfully implemented, the aquifer
amount of oxygen required for complete aerobic mineraliza- must be permeable enough to inject oxygen or air at pressures
tion of 1 g of hydrocarbon ranges from 3 to 3.5 g. In simple low enough to avoid damage to the soil formation and to sus-
volumetric terms, 300,000 kg of oxygen-saturated water must tain flow rates sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions. In
be delivered and mixed in order to ­mineralize 1 kg of PHCs. addition, permeable soil matrices allow greater oxygen dis-
As shown in Table 6.7, accounting for standard equipment tribution from the sparge wells and limit channeling effects
that can be observed in heterogeneous or less permeable
soil strata. The sparging of gases in aquifers with horizontal
TABLE 6.7 stratification or low-permeability strata below the water table
Comparative Costs for Oxygen Delivery may also result in the uncontrolled lateral migration of sparge
gases that can limit distribution within the target treatment
Cost to Deliver 5,000 Pounds
interval or potentially mobilize volatile constituents beyond
Technology of Dissolved Oxygena
the treatment zone. Therefore, biosparging should be care-
Air sparging $164,000 fully evaluated for aquifers with horizontal stratification or
Oxygenated water injection $173,000 confining units below the water table.
Oxygen diffusion $368,000 In a biosparge system, pure oxygen or atmospheric air is
Dilute peroxide injection $1,071,000 injected into the subsurface through sparge wells screened
Electrolytic oxygen generation $1,140,000
within the saturated zone (Figure 6.36). The rate of oxygen
Pure oxygen sparging $1,436,000
transfer into the bulk water is a diffusion-limited process,
Oxygen-releasing materials $2,438,000
and oxygen transfer occurs as the compressed oxygen or air
a Based on standard aboveground equipment and conveyance infrastructure, injected within the saturated soil matrix migrates upward
standardized for a defined area. and partitions into groundwater based on the Henry’s law
constant, vapor pressure, and groundwater temperature
218 Remediation Engineering

contaminants migrating with advective groundwater flow.

Air For  shallow groundwater systems, the radial influence from
compressor a given sparge point has conventionally been assumed to be
a maximum of one foot horizontal for each one foot of depth
below the water table, but the achievable radial distribution
declines with increased overall soil permeability as air has
greater ability to migrate vertically toward the groundwater
surface. Accordingly, radial distributions equivalent to 30%–
40% of the saturated depth interval are more conservative for
design purposes. As discussed in more detail in Chapter  8,
pilot testing can be completed to confirm the oxygen mass
transfer efficiency using an inert tracer gas or by monitor-
Low airflow ing oxygen concentrations at monitoring wells within the
rates expected sparge radius.
Whether a focused or barrier-based well network, suffi-
FIGURE 6.36  Conceptual design of a biosparging system. cient oxygen must be delivered to groundwater to overcome
the reduced groundwater geochemistry and enable complete
transformation of the target compounds. A conceptual repre-
sentation of soil oxygen measurements as a function of oxy-
gen utilization within the saturated zone over the course of
a biosparge system operation is provided in Figure 6.38. In
this example, observed oxygen within the vadose zone is not
detectable until labile soil minerals and reduced inorganic
species have been converted to their oxidized form. Once
achieved, soil oxygen partial pressures increase over time
depending on both delivery and microbial utilization. As
Stagnant shown in this example, several periods of sparge shutdown
water zone Diffusion are plotted to demonstrate the decline in oxygen attributed

to microbial consumption. While DO measurements can be


obtained within the saturated zone, vadose zone gas measure-


ments allow broad assessment of dynamics within the under-

lying treatment zone.
As part of the design process, the air delivery rate, oxy-
gen transfer efficiency, site-specific groundwater velocity, and
total oxygen demand are all used to determine the placement
of delivery wells required to achieve sufficient residence time
in order to achieve treatment objectives. This process is com-
FIGURE 6.37  Representation of upward oxygen transport from a pleted by balancing two primary variables: (1) the length of
biosparge well. Air channels develop during periods of supplied air time for oxygen supply to meet the demand and (2) the resi-
and bubble transport through porous media. Dissolved oxygen from dence time of groundwater within the sparge area. The total
the air channel dissolves into surrounding groundwater (diffusion
mass of oxygen required to achieve the treatment demand
zone) for consumption by native microbial consortia. Outside of air
channels and associated diffusion zones, dissolved oxygen concen-
(mO2) is determined based on the stoichiometric ratio of oxy-
trations are depleted. gen to the estimated mass of the target contaminant (e.g., 3.1
pounds of oxygen per pound of benzene) within the sparge
area as shown in Equation 6.34:
(Figure  6.37). The diffusion path lengths for transport of
oxygen through groundwater are defined by the distances moles of oxygen
between air channels. Where channel spacing is large, diffu- mO2 = p ´ rsparge
´ h ´ C0 ´ (6.34)
moles of contaminant
sion alone is not sufficient to transport adequate oxygen into
all areas of the aquifer. To overcome these limitations, many
biosparge systems are cycled on a consistent basis to induce where
mixing between oxygen-rich air channels and the oxygen- rsparge represents the radial distribution of oxygen from a
poor groundwater to enhance oxygen distribution and the rate sparge well
of oxygen transfer. h represents the height of the water column above the
Biosparge well networks can exhibit a variety of con- sparge depth
figurations, with grid-style networks applied for source area C0 represents the maximum contaminant concentrations to
application or as barrier systems to eliminate degradable be treated
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 219

pO2 = 0.20 atm

Soil oxygen partial pressure, pO2



0.05 2

pO2 = 0.00 atm


Fe2+ Fe3+
Mn2+ MnO2
NO2– NO3– Lag-time in free O2 due to oxidation of reactive, reduced ions
2– SO42–
H2S S(s)

Air inject Air inject Air inject

Off Off Off

FIGURE 6.38  Observed soil oxygen partial pressures over various cycles of biosparge operation. (1) Biosparge initiation where oxidation
of reduced geochemical species occurs. (2) Observed oxygen consumption during periods of sparge shutdown. (3) Relative differences in
oxygen utilization as a result of microbial community growth.

If known, a measurement of the biological oxygen demand treatment, so values of tresidence must be equal to or greater than
can also be used in lieu of (or in conjunction with) the con- that of ttreatment. Therefore, a review of the outputs of Equations
taminant concentration. 6.35 and 6.36 allows for an iterative design assessment, and
The total duration of time necessary to achieve the above modifications can be made to the cycle times (more or less
oxygen demand is then obtained by solving for the following oxygen delivered), the sparge point depth (affecting radial dis-
where Qsparge is the sparge flow rate (in SCFM), COg 2 is the tribution), or the well network (by adding additional wells) to
oxygen concentration per unit volume of sparge gas (mg/ft3), η accommodate the design needs.
is the overall oxygen mass transfer efficiency to groundwater,
and tcycle is the sparge operational time (in hours or days):  Aqueous Oxygen Delivery
While successful oxygen delivery has been achieved using
ttreatment = (6.35) sparged air applications for several decades, changes in the
( )
Qsparge ´ COg 2 ´ h ´ tcycle way we view hydrogeology, contaminant transport, and mass
flux have enabled innovation around this conventional treat-
In this equation, mass transfer efficiencies for sparge systems ment remedy. As discussed in Chapter 5, the observed benefits
range from a maximum of 1% to a more typical 0.1 to 0.01%. of recirculation techniques have allowed development of inte-
Once the minimum duration required to achieve oxy- grated strategies that leverage enhanced aquifer pore volume
gen delivery has been determined using Equation 6.35, this exchange with supplemental in situ treatment. Similar to bio-
value is used to determine the required sparge well network sparge applications, aqueous oxygen delivery techniques rely
to achieve the necessary residence time. The total residence on delivering a sufficient amount of oxygen to promote con-
time within the sparge area is determined by dividing the total taminant degradation to the treatment objectives. Oxygenated
travel length of groundwater migrating through the sparge water injections, however, rely on achieving oxygen saturation
area (lsparge) by the groundwater velocity (vgw) as presented in in water (up to 30–40 mg/L) above grade prior to injection.
Equation 6.36: When coupled as part of a continuous recirculation setup, the
combined treatment program includes groundwater extrac-
lsparge tion, ex situ treatment (preferably with an air stripper), water
tresidence = (6.36)
vgw oxygenation, and directed reinjection into the subsurface.
Where aquifer permeability is sufficient, the combination of
Within the biosparge area, groundwater must have enough these techniques can be an effective means of leveraging both
residence time to receive the necessary mass of oxygen for physical and biological treatment mechanisms.
220 Remediation Engineering

The design of an oxygenated water recirculation system  Solid (Oxygen Release Compounds)
is similar to that of a dynamic groundwater recirculation As a complement to either gaseous or aqueous-phase oxygen
(DGR) system, with design operational durations developed delivery, solid-phase ORM represents an applicable means
based on the total aquifer pore volume and required number to provide focused oxygen delivery and sustain dissolved
of pore exchanges to physically sweep contaminants from oxygen concentrations for an extended period of time (9 to
the treatment area. The addition of oxygen, however, pro- 18  months). With a variety of formulations available, these
vides an additional advantage by overcoming the geochemi- materials are generally composed of calcium and magnesium
cal demand and enhancing the overall rate of biodegradation. oxides, peroxides, or hydroxides that are sparingly soluble in
In determining design time frames, a similar approach to water and provide an extended source of dissolved oxygen
that detailed in Section can be followed to account when hydrated. Depending on the starting material, material
for the necessary pore volume exchange, but these estimates decomposition results in oxygen generation via a series of fol-
can be corrected for the equivalent contaminant mass that is lowing mechanisms:
oxidized by the mass of oxygen delivered over the life-cycle
operation. Subsurface oxygen longevity is expected to change 2CaO2 + 2H 2O ® 2Ca(OH)2 + O2 (g) (6.37)
over the course of operation, with more rapid oxygen utiliza-
tion observed at start-up as it is utilized to oxidize reduced 2MgO2 + 2H 2O ® 2Mg(OH)2 + O2 (g) (6.38)
metals, but the overall longevity will increase as an aerobic
geochemical poise is reestablished. The system components While these mechanisms represent the formulations that are
required to achieve oxygen delivery are usually staged in a most wildly available, other materials containing calcium
mobile trailer or within a small storage shed, with effluent oxyhydroxide (CaO(OH)2) and combinations of ORM and
groundwater from the treatment vessel amended by an oxygen persulfate are also available. Under mildly acidic to acidic
generator in-line prior to recirculation. pH, the aforementioned decomposition reactions result in
A permanent recirculation setup is not a requirement for increased ratios of peroxide to oxygen, which then serves as a
aqueous oxygen delivery. In some instances, hydrogen perox- short-term oxidant and source of oxygen. The by-products of
ide (H2O2) is used as a dissolved source of oxygen. Peroxide the reaction (magnesium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide) also
serves a dual purpose as both a short-term oxidant and a provide moderation of pH within the treatment area but can
means to achieve substantially greater dissolved oxygen con- also result in significant pH excursions (above 11–12 S.U.) and
centrations than via air saturation. In most cases, dilute perox- be detrimental to biodegradation when insufficient mixing is
ide is injected according to pulse and drift strategies similar achieved.
to those described in Section These materials have been regularly applied as polishing
The naturally reduced groundwater conditions at sites techniques after open-hole excavations (e.g., underground
with elevated contaminant concentrations (sites with residual storage tank [UST] removal) and can be directly spread,
LNAPL or elevated sorbed concentrations) represent one of the mixed, or evenly layered in soil backfill. Due to the solid
primary challenges for oxygenated water delivery programs. nature of the material, however, the primary design challenge
The introduction of oxygen-enriched water directly into the associated with in situ ORM use is selecting an appropriate
reduced groundwater system will result in rapid precipitation of method for delivery. While the materials are produced as a
iron, manganese, and other labile metals, and the development fine powder, the grain size is too large for injection via per-
of aerobic biomass within the vicinity of the injection well can manent wells and too large to migrate through the soil matrix.
also result in biofilm and biomass growth within the well annu- Instead, these materials are delivered as a slurry via pressured
lus, reducing performance. Upfront assessment of these param- direct-push injection or hydraulic fracturing techniques to
eters prior to implementation can help support troubleshooting establish enriched seams in which the ORM is emplaced and
activities (well redevelopment) and can support extraction and can subsequently dissolve. As described in Section,
injection well designs to eliminate fouling. Nontoxic chelating fracture intervals are selected across the vertical interval of
agents can also be amended to the injection stream during the contaminant impact, and points are spaced in close proximity
onset of treatment to also avoid these challenges. to establish overlap and coverage between the delivery points.
Compared to biosparge applications, during which oxy- While this is the preferred means to achieve delivery, the solid
gen migrates upward through the groundwater to the vadose nature of the ORM material, the rapid utilization of oxygen in
zone, oxygenated water recirculation strategies are viewed the subsurface, and the loosely or sparingly connected frac-
primarily as a dissolved-phase treatment approach. Oxygen ture intervals can result in residual contaminant mass that is
concentrations are both injected and consumed in the aque- left untreated between injection intervals. As a result, multiple
ous phase, so injection and extraction well screens should be delivery events are typically required.
placed to intersect the contaminant vertical distribution to
enable treatment. Where LNAPL exists or considerable smear  Nutrient Addition
zone mass is present, which are not readily available in the Like any living organism, macronutrients serve as essential
dissolved phase, alternative treatment options may be more building blocks of proteins, enzymes, and nucleic acids. While
viable to address these impacts or in advance of implementing the necessary organic and inorganic nutrients to sustain micro-
a dissolved-phase program. bial growth are generally present in groundwater systems, are
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 221

recharged from the atmosphere, and are periodically recycled

via endogenous cellular decay processes, robust population TABLE 6.8
growth and development of cellular biomass in response to Sample Monitoring Program for Oxygen-Based
oxygen delivery can lead to conditions in which nitrogen and Treatment Applications
phosphorus macronutrients are limited. The conventional rule
Baseline Primary Secondary
of thumb for aerobic systems indicate that the ratio of C:N:P
should be approximately 100:5:1 for optimal aerobic cell Contaminant(s) Contaminant(s) CO2
growth, and systems may require periodic dosing with select
macronutrients as part of the delivery schemes. Nutrient sup-
Ferrous iron Sulfate
plements can come in a variety of different forms, but com-
Manganese Ferrous iron
monly used substrates include triethyl phosphate, which can be
Sulfate Manganese
delivered as a gas via biosparge wells, or diammonium phos-
Methane Methane
phate, which can be dissolved and injected as an aqueous solu- Field parameters Field parameters Field parameters
tion. Nutrient monitoring over the course of remedial operation
is often not a requirement, but upfront baseline sampling and Note: Field parameters include ORP, DO, pH, temperature, specific conduc-
intermittent confirmation events can be useful in determining tivity, and turbidity.
whether concentrations are sufficient or warrant augmentation. Monitoring acceptors, understanding these shifts provides insight into the

In addition to understanding contaminant distribution and rate of response to oxygen delivery and the potential duration
transport, biogeochemical characterization is a key element required to overcome the background geochemical demand.
in understanding site conditions prior to implementation of an While a full suite of geochemical parameters is useful and
aerobic treatment program. There are numerous geochemi- often necessary to support design, it is expected that the pro-
cal parameters to choose from, and each designer has their cess and performance monitoring programs can be fine-tuned
own preferred analytes for use in evaluating conditions prior as operation is initiated. Understanding that available oxygen
to treatment and then tracking them once treatment is under- is going to serve as the primary electron acceptor and that
way. Site characterization programs will provide information increased oxygen concentrations will be an indicator that the
pertaining to the vertical and spatial distribution of contami- background geochemical demand has been satisfied, opera-
nant impacts and the specific soil stratigraphy in which mass tional programs can focus on tracking oxygen concentrations
is retained. The utilization of high-resolution sampling tools as a benchmark indicator of overall progress—demonstrat-
or LNAPL test kits also helps understand the overall distribu- ing both influence from delivery and serving as the primary
tion of mass and its relative accessibility to oxygen delivery reactant for enhancing treatment. This is reflected in the ana-
strategies. This information will also help bias monitoring lytes provided in Table 6.8, which reflects a highly focused
programs to focus on demonstrating remedial success within monitoring program on the key parameters that drive decision
areas requiring treatment. With this understanding, an appro- making. The secondary analytes are all supporting param-
priate suite of biogeochemical parameters can be incorporated eters that can be woven into the performance monitoring
into the sampling program to assess the relative concentrations program as necessary for troubleshooting purposes or can be
of dissolved-phase electron acceptors (oxygen, nitrate, sulfate), sampled more sparingly over the course of the program as
reduced metal species (iron, manganese), dissolved gases (car- secondary lines of evidence to document treatment.
bon dioxide, methane), and other relevant geochemical species
(total organic carbon [TOC], Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen [TKN],
6.2.3 Anaerobic Processes
ORP, pH, etc.) to correlate the geochemical profiles with the
understanding of contaminant distribution. A summary of the The energy microbial species obtained from a given meta-
key baseline analytes and both primary and secondary perfor- bolic process is directly tied to the difference in reduction
mance monitoring analytes is presented in Table 6.8. potential between the electron donor and electron acceptor
As part of baseline sampling, selection of at least one or involved. As oxygen represents the strongest available oxi-
two background monitoring locations for geochemical sam- dant, its utilization in aerobic systems allows the release of
pling is recommended to allow comparison between the plume considerably more energy for utilization by the aerobic micro-
source area, the plume fringes, and native groundwater con- bial consortia. As described in the preceding sections, a wide
ditions. This information provides information regarding the variety of organisms are adapted to utilize this robust energy
influence of contaminants on the developed redox conditions. supply to spur rapid microbial growth rates and significant
For PHC sites, it is very common to observe highly reduc- generation of cellular biomass and to excrete extracellular
ing conditions (sulfate reducing to methanogenic) within the material. Comparatively, the reduction potential of alternative
vicinity of the source coupled with gradational shifts toward electron acceptors in anaerobic systems yields less overall
mildly anoxic or aerobic conditions along the length of the energy to individual microbial species and has driven anaero-
plume (Figure 6.39). While these redox gradients are antici- bic and facultative organisms to become highly efficient in the
pated to vary based on the natural availability of electron presence of reduced energetics. As discussed in the following
222 Remediation Engineering

Aerobic Aerobic
Nitrate reducing
Iron reducing (until Fe3+ depleted) Nitrate reducing
Sulfate reducing Iron reducing (until Fe3+ depleted)
Sulfate reducing

Solid Fe3+

FIGURE 6.39  Anticipated geochemical signatures downgradient of a leaking fuel UST, assuming background conditions are aerobic.

sections, isolating individual species within anaerobic micro- 38  moles of ATP for every mole of glucose that enters the
bial consortia is challenging due to their reliance on one aerobic glycolysis metabolic pathway.
another and the necessity of syntrophic relationships to per- Many phylogenetic classifications of bacteria participate
form their primary metabolic functions. Many organisms are in the aerobic carbohydrate metabolism and the carbohydrate
facultative and will utilize the most energy-yielding electron fermentation that occurs in the upgradient portions of an
acceptors based on availability, while others are true anaer- ERD zone. However, the portion of the reactive zone that car-
obes and are highly adapted to carry out day-to-day activities ries out reductive dechlorination is populated by only a few
in lean energy conditions. metabolic classifications of bacteria. These groups behave
very differently from one another and include methanogens,  Microbial Reduction sulfate-reducing bacteria, and dehalorespiring bacteria.
Microbial reduction takes place when the compound is used
as an electron acceptor (primary growth substrate) during Biogeochemistry
reductive reactions (Figure 6.23). Most interest in reductive Aquifer microbial communities adapt quickly and predict-
transformations of environmental contaminants involves ably to changes in the electron donor and acceptor loadings,
dechlorination of aliphatic and aromatic organic compounds and this gives us an opportunity to engineer the continuum
and the reduction of nitroaromatic compounds. Other exam- to create an IRZ for the destruction of contaminants. When
ples of reductive transformations that may occur in the sub- highly degradable organic carbon is injected into the ground-
surface environment include the reduction of ethers, azo water flow, bacterial biomass increases and is sustained as
compounds, disulfides, and sulfoxides. long as the loading continues. As presented in Figure 6.40, a
Many of the metabolic steps in anaerobic respiration are geochemical cascade is initiated and results in the preferen-
not the classic reduction–oxidation half-cell reactions in tial depletion of available electron acceptors in the order of
which one compound (the electron donor) is oxidized and a energetic benefit. When electron donor loadings are sufficient
second compound (the electron acceptor) is reduced. In anaer- to induce consumption of alternative electron acceptors, the
obic systems, oxidation and reduction often occur simultane- composition of the aquifer microbial community undergoes
ously through the action of enzymes on a single compound, a a fundamental shift. Microbial consumption of dissolved
process known to chemists as disproportionation and to biolo- organic carbon (DOC) drives a succession of habitat changes
gists as fermentation. The anaerobic metabolism that can be that lead to a continuum of decreasing redox potential and
sustained by fermentation and by oxidation–reduction reac- the associated progressive shift of terminal electron accep-
tions that consume alternative electron acceptors yields much tors. Reactions in the upper portion of the cascade consume
less energy than oxidative metabolism. Under anaerobic con- electron acceptors, leaving reactions in the lower parts of the
ditions, the oxidation of glucose yields only 2 moles of ATP cascade to be supported by other, potentially less energy-
per mole of glucose, clearly not a competitive strategy when yielding, electron acceptors. The subsurface geochemical
oxygen is present (with a theoretical yield of 38 moles). transition shown in Figure 6.41 develops under high electron
It is important to note that dissolved oxygen levels in the donor loads, and the various anaerobic metabolic processes
aquifer decrease, and the concentration gradient through the are carried out by distinct groups of organisms (unlike aerobic
vadose zone increases in magnitude to support the additional degradation, which can be completed with competitive energy
demand. Aerobic metabolism of simple sugars often used to yields by a single organism).
engineer reductive IRZs can be accomplished within a sin- These metabolic processes occur in several steps and, at
gle organism. The first metabolic phase is aerobic glycoly- any point in the cascade, the most likely next reaction is deter-
sis, producing pyruvate. The pyruvate then enters the citric mined by the concentration of donors and acceptors and the
acid cycle, yielding carbon dioxide. The entire process yields energy that competing organisms can gain from the reaction.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 223


Concentration NO3– (when NH4+ was present)

S2–(Concentration pH
SO42– dependent)



O2 CO2 + H2O NO3– N2 SO42 S2– CO2 CH4

Anaerobic oxidation
oxidation MnO2 Mn2+

Fe3+ Fe2+

FIGURE 6.40  Sequential pathways of microbial oxidation reactions. (Schwarzenbach, R.P. et al.: Environmental Organic Chemistry,
2nd ed., Wiley Interscience, New York, 2003. Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Reproduced with permission.)

Degradable carbon (electron donor) injection These substrates include a variety of soluble (lactate, ethanol,
methanol, whey, molasses, corn syrup, glycerin), insoluble
(neat soybean oil, EVOs), and solid (chitin, mulch) carbon
sources. While each of these carbon compounds has unique
soluble carbon release profiles and is fermented through dif-
ferent intermediate carbon species, all are intended for the
same purpose: to provide a sustained source of dissolved
hydrogen. The following sections provide an overview of the
0 100 200 variety of fermentation pathways associated with the organic
Days travel in groundwater electron donor utilization and the design nuances of how each
is generally applied.
FIGURE 6.41  Zonation of dominant metabolic processes in the Microbial ecology data from active reductive dechlorina-
aquifer microbial continuum, when electron donor loading is sus- tion communities indicate that dehalogenating bacteria make
tained at levels that exceed electron acceptor recharge. up less than 1% of the total microbial biomass (Lee et  al.,
2004). If possible, engineered applications for chlorinated ali-
The reaction that gains the most energy at any point in the phatic treatment would allow focused electron donor delivery
cascade is thought to be the most competitive, therefore most to dehalogenators alone, but the complexity of the microbial
likely to occur. For example, in Figure 6.42, hydrogenotro- community that grows in response to carbon addition coupled
phic methanogens compete with lithotrophic sulfate reducers with the low percentage of dehalogenating bacteria makes the
for hydrogen as an electron donor (these organisms will also wide-scale consumption of carbon substrate and associated
require a source of carbon for growth). When hydrogen sup- fermentation products by nontarget organisms unavoidable.
plies are limited, the sulfate reducers are expected to outcom- These other organisms mediate a variety of other oxidation–
pete the methanogens, because they gain more energy from reduction processes that are candidates for nondehalogenating
the oxidation of hydrogen (they use a more energetic electron IRZs, several of which are discussed later in this chapter.
acceptor). It is important to note that when hydrogen is abun- For injection programs reliant on the periodic or routine
dant, sulfate reducers and methanogens can coexist—they delivery of organic carbon, microbial biomass will build up
may compete for other resources, but the energy disadvantage over time and result in increased carbon consumption by the
of CO2 as an electron acceptor is not a major factor. aquifer microbial continuum. This consumption increase
is reflected in a decreasing overall half-life of DOC in the Substrates aquifer, so theoretically the same dose of organic carbon
Numerous organic carbon substrates have been success- will be consumed faster (Figure 6.43). While this is some-
fully applied to promote development of reductive IRZs. what intuitive from an empirical standpoint (more organisms
224 Remediation Engineering




Acetate and hydrogen


Acetate H2

Sulfate Sulfide

Iron (III) Iron (II)

acceptors End
dioxide Methane


FIGURE 6.42  Steps in the process of biodegradation of chlorinated ethenes by reductive dechlorination. Biodegradable organic matter is
used to supply electron donor to initiate the process, with different microorganisms involved at each stage. As shown at the bottom, available
electron donor is used for a variety of metabolic functions, meaning that sufficient electron donor must be available to overcome background
electron acceptor demand for chlorinated ethenes to serve as electron acceptors. (Adapted from McCarty, P.E. and Semprini, L., Groundwater
treatment for chlorinated solvents, in Handbook of Bioremediation, R.D. Norris et al., Eds., Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, 1994.)

consume more electron donor), the graphic representation in

Figure 6.43 fails to acknowledge one significant detail: that
Dissolved organic carbon half-life (days)

microbial biomass is recycled via endogenous decay to pro-

vide a sustained source of usable carbon material. So while
new carbon substrate injected into the subsurface will be
consumed faster over time, stockpiled biomass by the micro-
bial consortium—if injections are completed routinely—will
result in as-measured DOC half-lives that contradict Figure
6.43 and increase over the course of remedial operation. This
Microbial biomass is reflected conceptually in Figure 6.44 for a theoretical injec-
30 development Mature microbial
community tion program in which quarterly injections are completed over
20 a three-year period. Incremental carbon dosing (sucrose) over
this time period is correlated with the biomass derived from
sucrose addition, biomass loss due to decay, and the quan-
tity of recycled biomass based on an 80% degradable frac-
0 200 400 600
tion.48 The projected biomass buildup and its endogenous
Duration of increased loading (days)
recycling in this case may result in approximately four addi-
tional years of organic carbon availability following the last
FIGURE 6.43  Response of the microbial community to increased
dissolved organic carbon loading. In its pretreatment condition, dis- injection event. Thus, where multiyear injection programs are
solved organic carbon consumption is balanced by recharge and the completed, residual carbon concentrations may remain for an
apparent half-life is longer. When dissolved organic carbon loading extended time period to provide low levels of hydrogen and
is increased, microbial biomass increases and the half-life declines. support follow-on polishing to prevent rebound.49–52
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 225

6000 35,000
3 years injection
5000 3,0000
12 total injection events

Estimated biomass (lb)

Sucrose injected (lb)

32,000 lb sucrose 25,000
4000 Biomass decay: 4.7 years
1000 5,000

0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Projected biomas—injection phase Projected biomas—decay phase

Injection events Total sucrose injected

FIGURE 6.44  Projected biomass growth and decay during theoretical injection and postinjection remediation phases. Injection mod-
eled with sucrose as electron donor and 3 years of quarterly injection. Biomass accumulation represents net difference between biomass
generated from sucrose and that generated from carbon liberated via endogenous cell decay minus inert carbon lost via microbial decay.
Assumed stoichiometric biomass production of 0.35 pounds per pound of sucrose using TCE as an electron acceptor, a first-order decay rate
of 0.015 day−1, and a biomass reducing potential of 20 mole reducing equivalent per mole of electron donor.  Fermentation Reactions  The production of producing more H2. Conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA is
H2 by different microorganisms is intimately linked with their an oxidation process, and the excess electrons generated must
respective energy metabolisms. The production of H2 is one of either be used to make a more reduced end product or can be
the specific mechanisms to dispose excess electrons through used in the production of H2.
the activity of hydrogenase present in H2-producing microor- Fermentation by bacteria can also be important in control-
ganisms.53,54 Production of H2 by obligate anaerobic micro- ling the biogeochemical environment of anaerobic aquifers.
organisms has optimum stoichiometry (1:4, with glucose as Bacterial fermentation can be divided into two categories46,54:
substrate) compared with facultative anaerobes (1:2), although
the latter process is comparatively simpler than the former.53 Primary fermentation: The fermentation of primary
Under natural conditions, fermentation is the process that substrates such as sugars, amino acids, and lipids
generates the hydrogen used in microbial reduction reactions. proceeds through multiple intermediates en route
In the absence of externally available electron acceptors, many to generating acetate, formate, CO2, and H2. These
organisms perform internally balanced (different portions of intermediates are frequently referred to broadly as
the same substrate are oxidized and reduced) oxidation–reduc- volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and include lactate, suc-
tion reactions of organic compounds with the release of energy, cinate, propionate, and butyrate. Depending on the
and this process is called fermentation. Since only partial oxi- starting carbon molecule, this process can also yield
dation of the carbon atoms of the organic compound occurs, ethanol. While primary fermentation often yields H2
fermentation yields substantially less energy per unit of sub- as part of these primary steps, the production of H2 is
strate compared to oxidation reactions. (Oxidation reactions not required for these reactions to occur.
occur in those external electron acceptors that participate in Secondary fermentation or coupled fermentation: The
the reaction.) For instance, the fermentation of glucose to etha- secondary fermentation of intermediates generated
nol and CO2 has a theoretical energy yield of 257 kcal mol21, during primary fermentation products yields acetate,
enough to produce about 6 ATPs. However, only 2 ATPs are formate, H2, and CO2. Bacteria that carry out these
produced, which implies that the organism operates at consid- reactions are called obligate proton reducers because
erably less than maximum efficiency.53 the reactions must produce hydrogen in order to bal-
In any fermentation reaction, there must be a balance ance the oxidation of the carbon substrates. These
between oxidation and reduction. In a number of fermenta- secondary fermentation reactions are energetically
tion reactions, electron balance is maintained by the produc- favorable only if hydrogen concentrations are very
tion of molecular hydrogen, H2. In H2 production, protons low (10 −2–10 −4 atm or 8000 to 80 nM dissolved hydro-
(H+) of the medium, derived from water, serve as electron gen, depending on the fermentation substrate). Thus,
acceptors. The energetics of hydrogen production are actually these fermentation reactions occur only when the pro-
somewhat unfavorable, so that most fermentative organisms duced hydrogen is utilized by other bacteria, such as
only produce a relatively small amount of hydrogen along methanogens that convert H2 and CO2 into CH4 and
with other fermentation products. Fermentation reactions that H2O. The process by which hydrogen is produced by
have pyruvate as an intermediate product have the potential of one strain of bacteria and utilized by another is called
226 Remediation Engineering

(sugars, amino

Mixed acid Fermentative
Butanediol Fermentative
Organic acids Uptake fermentation species
fermentation species
Acetone– (see below)

Oxidation H2 + CO2 Acetate Organic acids Acetate Organic acids

Butanol Acetone
H2- producing
Acetogens Acetogenesis Fermentative
Desulfobivrio fatty-acid oxidizing
Acetogens species
methylotrophs Fermentation bacteria (syntrophs)
2-Butanone H2 + CO2 Acetate CO2 + H2 Ethanol H2 + CO2
+ CO2
Uptake (see left)
Uptake by: Methanogens Methanogenesis
Acetogens (shown) 2-Butanone
Dehalorespirers CH4
Lithotrophic bacteria
(reduction of e-acceptors)

FIGURE 6.45  Generalized subsurface primary and fermentation pathways for select microbial species following injection of an organic
carbon electron donor.

interspecies hydrogen transfer. It should be noted that

the terminal products of anaerobic decomposition, TABLE 6.9
CH4 and CO2, respectively, are the most reduced and Common Injectable Organic Electron Donors
the most oxidized carbon compounds.46,54 Moles of Reducing
Equivalents (e–) Average Cost
A generalized summary of the aforementioned fermenta- Chemical per Mole Electron per Pound of
tion processes is shown in Figure 6.45. This figure highlights Carbon Source Structure Donor Substrate ($)
the variety of mediating species and primary and secondary Dissolved hydrogen H2 2 —
pathways that are expected for a nondescript carbon substrate. Acetate CH3CO2− 8 0.75
The intermediate species will vary based on the molecular Corn syrup C6H12O6 24 0.35
structure of the starting monomer, and these will be reflected (glucose)
in the relative ratios of the individual VFAs observed. These Lactate C3H6O3− 12 1.20
pathways also provide an explanation for the periodic obser- Molasses (sucrose) C12H22O11 48 0.15
vation of several ketone compounds (acetone and 2-butanone) Ethanol C2H6O 12 0.15
in some active IRZs, which are generated as primary fermen- Soybean oil C18H32O2 313 1.50
tation byproducts and then subsequently consumed. (linoleic acid)
Biomass Variable 20 —  Substrate Selection Considerations  All com-

mercially available carbon substrates have some characteris-
tics that are similar, including some degree of degradability substrates can exhibit significantly different subsurface behav-
and solubility. They differ in the speed with which the mate- ior and injection design applications so cost per pound should
rial becomes bioavailable and is degraded, in the complexity of not be the sole criterion for substrate selection.
their composition, and in their cost. A comparison of candidate A substrate’s physical characteristics and molecular com-
electron donor and carbon substrate products for field applica- position determine whether they serve to provide a slow, low
tion is provided in Table 6.9. The representative moles of reduc- concentration release of soluble carbon or are immediately
ing equivalents per donor is provided, which when divided by available at higher concentrations. This carbon release profile
half is equivalent to the moles of dissolved hydrogen generated is critical from a design standpoint, as DOC must be sustained
per mole of electron donor. These values can then be coupled at sufficient strength to support development of the necessary
with available target electron acceptors to obtain the overall reducing conditions and provide a surplus of dissolved hydro-
energy released during metabolic reactions (see Figure 2.2055). gen for the target microorganisms. While some carbon sub-
Table 6.9 also provides a cost comparison, which highlights the strates are similar, no two are the same and each will exhibit
relative price differences on a cost per pound of electron donor. a unique behavior based on site-specific conditions; therefore,
While cost is a factor for consideration as part of design, these substrate selection should be given as much attention as other
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 227

critical elements of site characterization and injection design injection infrastructure, increase operational efficiency, and
parameters. In most cases, a given substrate is identified as thereby limit life-cycle costs associated with system operation.
part of the design and then ongoing performance monitoring The application of IRZs for any plume treatment should be
is used as a feedback loop to modify carbon dosing and tim- considered from two different perspectives: (1) source zone
ing of injection events or to select alternative substrates that treatment and (2) treatment of the dissolved contaminant foot-
may be best suited for a given site. print. Mass reduction mechanisms differ in these treatment
The geochemical character of the matrix and groundwater areas based on the location of the IRZ (where the contaminant
and hydrologic conditions such as groundwater velocity influ- and electron donor are present) and the physical flushing zones
ence the efficacy and spatial extent of the created IRZ. In cases (where contaminant is present and electron donor is depleted). A
where extensive contaminant plumes are being treated, it is cost-effective approach involves placing injection barriers ori-
desirable that carbon supplements are consumed at a rate high ented perpendicular to groundwater flow along the length of the
enough to lower the redox conditions rapidly but low enough contaminant plume. The intent of this design is to achieve com-
to propagate the maximum area of desired treatment from a plete treatment of the target contaminant(s) in the groundwater
given injection point. Excessive application can result in the carrying substrate (IRZ) as it flows toward the next barrier. As
production of increased levels of unwanted by-products such substrate concentrations are depleted to background groundwa-
as methane or organic acids. Also, an excessive consumption ter concentrations (or below the minimum design threshold),
rate can result in inadequate temporal distribution of the car- the system shifts from biological degradation as the dominant
bon substrate, requiring more frequent injection events or an removal mechanism to physical attenuation (Figure 6.41).
increased delivery network. It has been argued at length in A comparison of observed field treatment half-lives
the literature that a slow and steady release of hydrogen from for PCE, TCE, cis-DCE, and VC obtained by evaluating85
degradation of the electron donor is desirable to optimize the reductive dechlorination sites with more than three years of
biological conditions—but while this provision may be easily operation is presented in Table 6.10. Well locations used to
achievable in the lab, it may not always be technically viable, determine these values were located within the IRZ (with
cost-effective, or beneficial in field settings. sustained TOC and methane), the downgradient flushing zone
The economic application of soluble carbon substrates thus (no TOC but elevated methane from upgradient activities),
requires the ability to match the biogeochemical and hydro- and areas outside of the plume (no treatment influence). As
dynamic character of the aquifer to the biogeochemical char- these rates were compiled from IRZ monitoring wells over
acter of one or more sources of soluble carbon. The selection the course of treatment operation, the half-lives shown reflect
of a carbon substrate(s) will be primarily driven by overall the overall contribution of bulk treatment processes to treat-
reaction rates and advective carbon washout from the injec- ment duration observed in the field. In all cases, these half-
tion area, which are, in turn, controlled by the site conditions. lives are higher than those commonly reported in bench-scale
The primary goal should be to minimize overall project cost studies, as the half-life in Table 6.10 represents the overall net
by minimizing the number of required injection points, the
number of injection events, and reagent cost.
Where groundwater velocities are relatively high, the effect TABLE 6.10
of the carbon injections may be reduced by dilution into a large Reductive Dechlorination Rates Determined for Select
volume of oxygenated groundwater, and thus a high consump- Contaminants at Field Sites with at Least 3 Years of
tion of substrate may be necessary to induce anaerobic conditions Active Operation; Rates Representative of Treatment
required for treatment. In systems that are naturally aerobic, it
Completed Using Biostimulation Only
is necessary to use a highly soluble, rapidly acting carbon sub-
strate to quickly drive the redox potential down. Additionally, a Contaminant Regression Fit n Mean Half-Life
highly degradable substrate may aid in overcoming the micro- Tetrachloroethene All data 42 164
bial lag phase attributed to the facultative, anaerobic microbial R2 > 0.5 P < 0.1 35 145
populations that are targeted as part of reductive dechlorination R2 > 0.75 P < 0.01 17 127
IRZs. Once the necessary reducing conditions are achieved, the Trichloroethene All data 64 196
substrate dosing and frequencies can then be reduced to mini- R2 > 0.5 P < 0.1 42 155
mize cost while maintaining the optimum conditions. R2 > 0.75 P < 0.01 20 152
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene All data 56 244  Design Considerations  Cost-effective treat- R2 > 0.5 P < 0.1 36 187
ment of small and even moderately sized plumes may be R2 > 0.75 P < 0.01 12 128
possible via full-scale biological enhancement across the Vinyl chloride All data 38 205
R2 > 0.5 P < 0.1 19 144
contaminant footprint. However, focusing on plume-wide
R2 > 0.75 P < 0.01 8 154
biological reduction as the primary removal process for
large contaminant footprints is often cost prohibitive. In these Source: Schnobrich, M. et al., Optimized Design of Large Plume Enhanced
situations, IRZ implementation is generally a hybrid design Reductive Dechlorination (ERD) Systems: An Analysis of 85 Sites.
approach that utilizes a combination of enhanced microbial Proceedings from the RemTEC Summit, March 2011.
treatment and physical attenuation processes to reduce the
228 Remediation Engineering

100 days Design 100 days Design

travel time time frame travel time time frame

Biological reactive zone

Biological reactive zone

flushing zone

flushing zone
reactive zone

reactive zone


First injection Second injection First injection Second injection
barrier barrier barrier barrier
(a) (b)

FIGURE 6.46  Conceptual remedial strategies associated with reactive and flushing zones in soluble carbon approaches or under faster
groundwater flow conditions (a) and in insoluble substrate approaches or under slower groundwater flow conditions (b).

contribution of both mass loss (due to biological degradation, 160

abiotic degradation, and dilution) and mass gain (desorption, 140 0.05 ft/day
0.1 ft/day
Flushing distance (ft)

NAPL dissolution) during treatment. Therefore, these values 120 0.2 ft/day
are representative estimates for designers projecting the over- 100 1.0 ft/day
all duration of a given IRZ treatment program. 80
Attenuation rates in the physical flushing zone are signifi- 60
cantly slower than those observed in the biological reactive
zone and include ambient physical attenuation mechanisms
such as sorption, advection, and diffusion. These mecha-
nisms will occur as the treated groundwater leaving the 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
biological reactive zone (and no longer containing substrate) Flushing time (years)
is mixed into the untreated groundwater present between
injection barriers along the plume flow path. The time frame FIGURE 6.47  Depiction of required flushing time to achieve
required for the physical attenuation of impacted ground- remedial endpoint based on transect spacing and groundwater veloc-
water located between biological reactive zones can be ity. Estimates based on C0 (TCE) of 1000 µg/L, C (TCE) of 5 µg/L,
estimated using the batch flush model56–58 as discussed in soil density of 2.65 kg/m3, Koc (TCE) of 94.94, foc of 0.001 kg/kg, and
Section a porosity of 35%.
In this simple model, the total time required to achieve
treatment is dependent on the time it takes for the treated by two conditions: (1) the rate of carbon washout attributed
water coming from an upgradient IRZ to flush through the to groundwater flux and (2) the rate of carbon utilization
physical attenuation zone for the required number of pore due to fermentation and microbial consumption processes.
volumes in order to achieve the targeted treatment endpoints. These conditions are governed by groundwater velocity, as
Because of this, the relationship between groundwater veloc- described below.
ity and transect spacing must be carefully considered to mini- Faster groundwater velocity—Advective transport of
mize life-cycle costs. The importance of this is highlighted in organic carbon will control the overall distance over which
Figures 6.46 and 6.47, where wide barrier spacing at sites with the reactive zone can be established. In faster groundwater
slow groundwater velocities can result in significant extension flow systems, more frequent application events are required to
of remediation time. replenish carbon as it flushes away from the injection zone when
Enhanced treatment rates are dependent on the sustained compared to slower-moving systems. Inject and drift substrate
presence of organic carbon above baseline conditions,59 application with soluble substrates allows for significant exten-
and injection frequency and loading concentrations are two sion of the biological reactive zone (Figure  6.46). Therefore,
mechanisms to control overall organic carbon longevity while faster groundwater velocity will result in more frequent
and the transport distance over which the reactive zone is substrate application events, the cost associated with the overall
observed.59 There is an upper limit to dosing strength, how- system operation can be balanced by reducing the number of
ever, given the potential for decreases in pH resulting from injection barriers (because organic carbon travels further) and
fermentation reactions. Injection frequency is influenced capitalizing on the shorter physical flushing durations.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 229

Slower groundwater velocity—Carbon washout from the process by which microorganisms utilize chlorinated com-
injection area is minimal and application frequency will be pounds as electron acceptors. Reductive dechlorination is a
governed by the intrinsic rate of carbon consumption. In these biologically mediated reaction that entails transferring elec-
systems, the resulting footprint over which carbon is observed trons to the chlorinated contaminant of interest from the elec-
will be generally limited to the vicinity of the injection area, tron donors. In this process, the chlorinated hydrocarbon is
leading to a relatively short biological reactive zone (Figure used directly as an electron acceptor and dissolved hydrogen
6.46). To achieve similar remediation time frames to that of a is used directly as an electron donor. As described in Section
faster flowing system, injection barriers must be positioned in, a variety of electron donor substrates are used to
closer proximity to minimize the overall distance over which stimulate this process and serve as indirect electron donors
ambient flushing is required. that are fermented in situ to yield hydrogen.
The differences represented in Figure 6.46 highlight the This class of compounds targeted for reductive dechlori-
importance of tailoring the carbon substrate to the site ground- nation includes widely used solvents such as CT, MC, TCA,
water velocity and the remediation design and infrastructure. trichloroethene (TCE), and tetrachloroethene (PCE). Other
For soluble substrates, there is a distinct advantage of using industrial compounds include a wide variety of chlorinated
more complex sugar substrates (e.g., fructose, sucrose) that organics such as chlorofluorocarbons, chlorinated phenolics,
undergo multiple fermentation steps and have longer in  situ and chlorinated benzenes, representing products with diverse
half-lives in comparison to shorter, small carbon compounds end uses as solvents, degreasers, fumigants, biocides, dielec-
(acetate, butyrate, propionate) at sites where groundwater flow tric fluids, flame retardants, and chemical intermediates. The
can support inject and drift strategies. Application of less more oxidized the chlorinated compound is, the more suscep-
soluble or solid substrates, which are generally immobile, in tible it is to reduction. The reduction of chlorinated solvent
faster groundwater systems must consider the shortened reac- molecules entails the cleavage of individual chlorine atoms
tive zone (i.e., reduced groundwater residence time within which are then each replaced with a hydrogen atom. This pro-
the area where TOC is elevated) to ensure that contaminant cess results in the sequential dechlorination pattern observed
breakthrough on the downgradient edge of the barrier does in many contaminated aquifers (Figure 6.48, shown for PCE
not occur. This can be overcome by employing multiple and TCE).
stacked barriers or grid-style application to ensure that suf- Microorganisms have evolved different strategies to
ficient residence time is achieved. remove the chlorine substituent and utilize these chlorinated
Less soluble or solid carbon applications are ideal to compounds for their own benefit. Commonly observed met-
slower groundwater flow systems since DOC hydrolyzing abolic mechanisms for dechlorination are (1) oxygenolytic
from these substrates facilitates treatment within the reac- dechlorination, where under aerobic conditions the chlorine is
tive zones over longer residence times. In the case of EVO, replaced by a hydroxyl group derived from oxygen; (2) hydro-
the recommended contaminant residence time within the lytic dechlorination, where the chlorine is replaced by the
area of oil application is recommended to be approximately hydroxyl group derived from water; (3) reductive dechlorina-
2–4 months,60 which is consistent to the 100-day time frame tion, where mostly under anaerobic conditions the chlorine is
highlighted by others for soluble substrate applications.61 replaced by hydrogen (also referred to as hydrogenolysis); and
Outside of the injection area, smaller DOC compounds are (4) elimination (Figure 6.49). Of these mechanisms, reductive
readily consumed and do not travel a significant distance dechlorination is the most dominant and prevalent microbial
beyond the injection area. Therefore, while greater EVO car- reaction responsible for the complete transformation of chlo-
bon longevity requires less frequent reapplication events, the rinated organics.62
number of injection barriers must be increased to offset the The energy gained by bacteria in metabolic reactions is
longer treatment duration associated with the slower physical determined by the nature of the electron acceptor and electron
flushing mechanisms between barriers. donor compounds. Chlorinated solvent molecules yield very
As discussed in Section, the buildup of microbial little energy to the bacteria that utilize them as electron accep-
biomass over the course of an injection program will extend tors. As a result, the populations of bacteria that can utilize
the overall longevity of as-measured DOC concentrations chlorinated solvents as electron acceptors can be suppressed by
within the IRZ. Ongoing process monitoring over the course competing species that utilize more beneficial electron accep-
of the remedial program is the most appropriate means by tors such as oxygen, nitrate, and oxidized forms of iron and
which to quantify the initial reagent half-lives versus the per- manganese (Figure 6.50). That is why reductive dechlorination
ceived half-life over the course of the program. This aware- is only observed in aquifers where oxygen and nitrate replen-
ness then informs decision making pertaining to the timing ishment is minimal or cut off, or they have been consumed
of injection events once the IRZ is well established and may in the degradation of available carbon supplies. Bacterial con-
allow the elimination of unnecessary late-stage injection sumption of the degradable carbon consumes matching quanti-
events to reduce operation and maintenance costs. ties of electron acceptor compounds, according to constituent
stoichiometry. When the rate of carbon consumption exceeds  Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination the rate of high-yield electron acceptor recharge, an anaero-
The terms reductive dechlorination, dehalorespiration, and bic IRZ is created that provides full dechlorination of target
dehalogenation are all used interchangeably to refer to the alkenes and other chlorinated compounds.
230 Remediation Engineering

Perchloroethene Electron
e– H2
Cl Cl flow
Cl Cl

Cl Cl + Cl– H+ ion

Cl H

(Predominant biological reaction)

Cl Cl

Vinyl chloride
H Cl

Fermentation (Reductive dechlorination) Fermentation Direct oxidation

acetogenesis ethene
H h
C C Chlorethanol CO2, Cl–

Sulfate reducing CO2, (CH4)

CO2, CH4, Cl– methanogenic



FIGURE 6.48  Transformation of reactions of PCE during reductive dechlorination with H2 acting as the electron donor and the chlori-
nated compounds acting as electron acceptors.

In practice, ERD can be implemented in a variety of differ- and sulfate reduction, methanogenesis, and reductive dechlo-
ent well-based configurations similar to those shown in Figure rination further downgradient (Figure 6.41). The technology
6.13, can be performed via combination of extraction and injec- operates most effectively when groundwater is passing through
tion wells to expedite carbon distribution, or can be achieved the sulfate-reducing zone, still bearing a degradable carbon
via fractured delivery techniques. The objective of any of these load that will support methanogenesis and reductive dechlo-
designs is to achieve uniform carbon delivery in order to foster rination. Under these circumstances, cis-DCE is degraded to
an in situ bioreactor downgradient of the injection points. The ethene or ethane without significant accumulation of VC.
system is initiated by delivering sufficient carbon substrate to A “high-performance” reductive dechlorination system can
promote oxygen and nitrate metabolism near the injection line only be achieved when the rate of electron donor consumption
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 231

a. Oxygenolytic C C OH C O substantially exceeds the rate of electron acceptor recharge.

dechlorination The carbon source must be highly mobile and highly degrad-
1 O2 Cl
2 able and injected at rates commensurate with the overall flux
b. Hydrolytic
of groundwater, electron acceptors, and chlorinated aliphatic
dechlorination C OH hydrocarbons (CAHs) that move into the treatment zone. The
C Cl (H2O) organic acids that form must be buffered by aquifer carbonates
+ Cl–
or by the addition of carbonates and bicarbonates to the injec-
c. Reductive tion mix. Certain site hydrogeologic characteristics will neces-
dechlorination C H sitate modification of the high-performance approach, but
2e–, 2H+ most sites can still be treated by ERD systems that are more
cost-effective than many alternative approaches. Examples of
d. Elimination C
sites requiring modification are those with very low and very
high groundwater flow velocities and those with high electron
FIGURE 6.49  Four fundamental dechlorination mechanisms
acceptor recharge rates.
capable of cleaving the carbon–chlorine bond. (Adapted from
Logan, B.E., Bioremed. J., 69, 1998.)  Degradation Pathways  ERD technology
Electron donor (s) implemented within an IRZ is intended to facilitate and expe-
dite the biological reductive dechlorination of chlorinated
organics through the well-documented mechanisms shown in
Table 6.11 and Figures 6.51 and 6.52. Microbially catalyzed
Reducing processes that take place within an IRZ during ERD are a
power result of the interaction between the biochemical conditions
[H] pool engineered and the complex, dynamic, and unique bacte-
Acetogenesis rial community. Ecological selection pressures including the
Aerobic changing availability of electron acceptors, pH, and elec-
respiration Methanogenesis
tron donor availability will define the site-specific reductive
Denitrification Sulfidogenesis dechlorination bacterial community. While Dehalococcoides
Iron reduction Dehalorespiration species are the most well known as the only genus capable of
performing all chlorinated ethene dehalogenation steps, there
FIGURE 6.50  Variety of metabolic processes supported by elec- is no one biochemical mechanism or any one single bacte-
tron donor delivery, highlighting competition for available H2 elec- rium that is completely “responsible” for the complete trans-
tron donor within anaerobic systems. formation process. It is a consortium of microorganisms and

TABLE 6.11
Reductive Dechlorination Processes
Direct aerobic N N Y&N Y N N N N Y
Cometabolic (methanotrophic) N Y Y Y Y&N N* N Y NR
Cometabolic (organic substance) N Y Y Y N N* N Y&N NR
Cometabolic w/NH4 N Y Y Y Y N* N Y NR
Direct anaerobic N N N Y N N N N Y
Anaerobic/denitrification Y&N Y&N N* N* N* N* Y Y&N NR
Anaerobic/sulfate reduction Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NR
Anaerobic/methanogenic Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NR

Sources: ITRC Training Session. (2002). Technical protocol for using soluble carbohydrates to enhance reductive
dechlorination of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons. Prepared for Air Force Center for Environmental
Excellence (AFCEE) and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP). December
19. Interstate Techology and Regulatory Cooperation (ITRC) Work Group. (1998). Technical and regula-
tory requirements for enhanced in situ bioremediation of chlorinated solvents in groundwater. December.
Notes: N, not documented in the literature; Y, documented in the literature many times (consensus opinion); Y&N,
both occurrence and absence documented in the literature more than once; N*, not documented in the litera-
ture to date, but not investigated significantly; NR, process may occur but is not relevant because competing
process occurs more rapidly.
232 Remediation Engineering

PCE CT bacteria: (1) as carbon or energy source or both, (2) as sub-

strate of cometabolic activity, and (3) as terminal electron
acceptor in an anaerobic process (dehalorespiration). The
TCE 1,1,1-TCA CF utilization of chlorinated compounds as growth substrates is
restricted to very few compounds and organisms. In contrast,
the main metabolic processes observed in reductive dechlori-
cis-DCE* 1,1-DCE 1,1-DCA DCM nation are cometabolism and dehalorespiration.
Table 6.12 shows free energies of reaction for several
dechlorination reactions, as well as key metabolic reactions
VC CA CM of the aquifer microbial community. The standard free energy
of each reaction, ∆G 0′, was calculated using Equation 6.30,
using values for free energy of formation of reactants and
Ethene Acetic acid
products given in Table 6.3. Data for dechlorination reac-
tions under nonstandard conditions show that energy yields
exceed the ATP formation minimum of 20 kJ/mol under
Ethane CO2, H2O,
Cl– most temperature and pH conditions examined. The smallest
energy gains are associated with dechlorination of cis-DCE
and the largest with dechlorination of PCE, for any specified
Biotic reactions Abiotic reactions * Primary reactions physical–chemical conditions.
Thermodynamic analysis shows that each of the chlori-
FIGURE 6.51  Biological and abiotic degradation pathways of the nated alkenes in the PCE-to-ethene degradation sequence can
common chlorinated compounds encountered at contaminated sites. be used as alternative electron acceptors with energy yields
far above the ATP formation threshold. Under nonstandard
a variety of mechanisms that bring about the desired transfor- conditions, including low H2 levels, low temperatures, and
mation pathways of the target contaminant. low pH, the reactions remain strongly exergonic. This shows
A variety of metabolic processes have been identified in that the differences in utilization of these compounds as elec-
anaerobic dechlorinating bacteria. Chlorinated compounds tron acceptors are more likely related to enzyme kinetics than
can serve three different metabolic functions in anaerobic to chemical thermodynamics.

Reductive 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
Elimination Reductive
Chloroform Trichloroethene dechlorination

Reductive Reductive 1,1-Dichloroethane

dechlorination dechlorination
1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane
Anaerobic Dichloromethane 1,2-Dichloroethene
Reductive Reductive
Reductive dechlorination dechlorination
Reductive dechlorination
dechlorination Chloroethane Di-halo
Chloromethane Vinyl chloride
Reductive dechlorination Hydrolysis

Acetic acid Methane Ethene Acetic acid Ethane Ethanol Ethene

Aerobic mineralization to CO2
Aerobic cometabolism to CO2
Aerobic cometabolism to CO2 in presence of methane
Biotic reactions (anaerobic conditions)
Abiotic reactions (anaerobic or aerobic conditions)

FIGURE 6.52  Common degradation pathways. (From Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council, Overview of In Situ Bioremediation
of Chlorinated Ethene DNAPL Source Zones. October 2005.)
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 233

TABLE 6.12
Gibbs Free Energy Yield for Reactions in Standard Biochemical Conditions (298 K, 1 atm, pH 7)
and at Four Nonstandard Conditions (a through d) of Interest in Aquifer Formations
Reaction ΔG0 (kJ/mol) ΔGa (kJ/mol) ΔGb (kJ/mol) ΔGc (kJ/mol) ΔGd (kJ/mol)
Reductive dechlorination reactions
C2Cl4 + H2 → C2HCI3 + H + + Cl− −173 −162 −156 −171 −150
TCE to cis-DCE
C2HCl3 + H2 → C2H2Cl2 + H + + Cl− −169 −157 −152 −167 −145
cis-DCE to VC
C2H2Cl3 + H2 → C2H3Cl + H + + Cl− −139 −128 −122 −137 −115
VC to ethane
C2 H 3Cl + H 2 ® C2 H 4 + H + + Cl - −149 −138 −132 −148 −126

Native microbial metabolism

Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis
CO2 + 4H2 → CH4 + 2H2O −130 −130 −62 −130 −130
Acetoclastic methanogenesis
CH3COO− + H2O → CH4 + HCO3− −1 −31 −31 −31 −31
Lithotrophic sulfate reduction
SO22− + 4H2 + H + → HS− + 4H2O −152 −163 −83 −154 −94
Acetate-oxidizing sulfate reduction
CH3COO− + SO42− → HS− + 2HCO3− −48 −48 −48 −48 −48
pH 7 5 7 7 6
H2 (atm) 1.0 1.0 0.001 1.0 0.001
Temperature (°C) 25 25 25 10 10
PCE (M) 1 1 1 1 1
TCE (M) 1 1 1 1 1
cis-DCE (M) 1 1 1 1 1
VC (M) 1 1 1 1 1

Considerable recent attention has been dedicated toward As highlighted earlier for the tceA reductase enzyme,
identifying the primary reductase enzymes responsible for reductive dechlorination can also be a cometabolic process
the individual dechlorination steps. Much of this research in which enzymes and cofactors produced for other pur-
has centered on the Dehalococcoides genus, several strains poses perform dechlorination reactions. These cometabolic
of which have fully sequenced genomes and at least six have reactions are linked to bacteria that are surviving by means
been described with dehalogenation capability.63 Among other than reductive dechlorination but that produce enzymes
known dehalogenating bacteria (next section), a variety of and cofactors that reduce chlorinated solvents. Bacteria can-
different reductive dehalogenase (RDase) genes have been not gain energy for growth by cometabolic reactions, so it is
identified that support CAH respiration. From these, sev- necessary to provide electron donors, electron acceptors, and
eral specific genes have been identified that are now used a carbon source to support populations of a density that can
as biomarkers to support determinations as to whether perform meaningful cometabolic dechlorination.
the necessary microbial community is present and active
in the subsurface. The tceA gene present in several strains  Dechlorinating Organisms  Even though  the
codes for an enzyme responsible for TCE transformation to conventional assumption is that chlorinated alkenes and
both cis-DCE and VC and then supports the cometabolic alkanes were introduced into the environment only in the last
generation of ethene from VC.63 The reductase coded for 50–60 years, volcanic emissions have been shown to contain
by the vcrA gene reduces both cis-DCE and trans-DCE to significant amounts of chlorinated alkanes and alkenes and
VC, and bvcA reductase metabolizes VC to ethene. While chlorinated benzoates.65,66 Significant amounts of chloroor-
these three serve as representative biomarkers for a deha- ganic compounds that are of biogenic and geogenic origin
logenating microbial consortia (and the Dehalococcoides have been identified in both marine and terrestrial habitats.
species present), they are not all synthesized by the same The fact that these chloroorganic compounds did not accumu-
Dehalococcoides strain. Further, anywhere from 11 to 32 late in the environment indicates that many microorganisms
other RDase genes are synthesized by Dehalococcoides have evolved strategies to benefit from the presence of these
species of which the substrate specificity and function compounds, possibly from the earliest stages of microbial
remain unknown.63,64 evolution. A number of bacteria that obtain energy for growth
234 Remediation Engineering

TABLE 6.13
Identified Dehalogenating Microbial General
Microbial Genus Natural Metabolic Function Transformation Step(s) Reference
Dehalococcoides Dehalorespiring PCE → TCE → cDCE → VC → Ethene [71]
Dehalobacter Dehalorespiring (obligate) PCE → TCE → cDCE/tDCE [71–73]
Desulfitobacterium Dehalorespiring PCE → TCE [72–75]
Sulfate reducing
Sulfurospirillum Dehalorespiring PCE → TCE → cDCE/tDCE [72, 73]
Dehalospirillum Dehalorespiring PCE → TCE → cDCE/tDCE [71–73]
Clostridium Dehalorespiring PCE → TCE → cDCE/tDCE [72]
Desulfuromonas Dehalorespiring PCE → TCE → cDCE/tDCE [71–73]
Sulfate reducing
Iron reducing
Geobacter Iron reducing PCE → TCE → cDCE/tDCE [72,73,76]
Desulfomonile Dehalorespiring PCE → TCE → cDCE/tDCE [72]
Sulfate reducing
Enterobacter Facultative anaerobe PCE → TCE → cDCE/tDCE [71,72]

a Other electron acceptors include nitrate, metals, and humic acids.

by metabolizing chlorinated compounds have been recovered (Table 6.13). Many of these contain species that participate
over the last few decades from contaminated and uncontami- in the anaerobic processes previously highlighted in Table
nated sites. These findings suggest that nature has provided 6.11. Considering that many of these genera contain multiple
appropriate mechanisms for long-term microbial adaptation organisms capable of reductive dechlorination and the fact
and for the evolution of enzyme systems specific for chloroor- that the dechlorinating abilities of available cultures have
ganic compounds.62 not been comprehensively explored, it is very likely and
One of the earliest observations of reductive dehalogena- almost certain that a large number of new dechlorinating
tion was reported by researchers at the University of California species await discovery. What has been clearly demonstrated
in 1966. Their mixed culture soil enrichment dehalogenated is that reductive dechlorination can be a growth-supporting
EDB, an exact analog of 1,2-DCA, to ethene by a dihaloe- process, in which chlorinated alkenes are used as terminal
limination reaction.67 Increasing awareness of surface water electron acceptors in the oxidative metabolism of electron
and sediment contamination by chlorinated compounds led donors that include molecular hydrogen, C1 compounds
to an expanding interest in the fate of these compounds in (CO2, CH3OH, CH2OO −, and CH2O), acetate (CH3COO −),
the environment, particularly their degradation mechanisms. and other low-molecular-weight organic compounds, all of
Early studies were based on cultures of well-known bacterial which can be formed in the anaerobic metabolism of higher-
species. For example, the biochemical feasibility for micro- molecular-weight carbohydrates.
bial degradation of insecticide residues was demonstrated for On a global scale, the distribution of well-understood bac-
DDT using cell membranes isolated from Escherichia coli and teria such as methanogens and SRBs is assumed to be uni-
by cell-free extracts of Clostridium rectum for lindane.68–70 versal by microbiologists.77,78 Since both of these bacteria
Dechlorination of hexachlorocyclohexanes (which include are obligately anaerobic, larger concentrations are expected
lindane) in intact cultures of Clostridium sphenoides was also in  anaerobic environments. Even in aerobic soil environ-
demonstrated.69 Ongoing parallel research was conducted to ments, anaerobic “microsites” provide for the survival of obli-
isolate bacteria from river sediments and wastewater sludges gately anaerobic bacteria. Additionally, some types of SRBs
in a search for dechlorinating species, which provided numer- can form spores under adverse conditions, which germinate
ous examples of dehalogenating species and consortia, even upon the reestablishment of suitable growth conditions.
in uncontaminated river sediment environments.46 Methanogens are obligate anaerobic bacteria that are
As reported extensively in the literature, significant capable of reducing carbon dioxide to methane. Many metha-
progress has been achieved over the course of the past two nogens use hydrogen as their electron donor while reducing
decades to shed insights on the transformation of chlo- carbon dioxide. These bacteria are autotrophic, since they use
rinated compounds by anaerobic bacteria. As detailed both an inorganic electron donor and acceptor for metabo-
in the previous section, much of this has centered on the lism. Some species of methanogens can also reduce formate,
Dehalococcoides genus. In addition to Dehalococcoides, carbon monoxide, methanol, various amines, and acetate
however, a range of microbial genera have been identi- to methane. Many of these methanogenic electron accep-
fied that perform at least one of the dehalogenation steps tors are produced within an ERD system via fermentation.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 235

Methanogens are also capable of degrading CAH compounds,

although this process occurs cometabolically. Methanogens TABLE 6.14
reductively dechlorinate compounds such as tetrachlorometh- Sample Monitoring Program for Reductive
ane and trichloromethane, 1,2-DCA, and tetrachloroethene. Dechlorination Programs
The purified corrinoid containing carbon monoxide dehy-
Baseline Primary Secondary
drogenase of Methanosarcina thermophila, an acetoclastic
Contaminant(s) Contaminant(s) TDS
methanogen, has been reported to dechlorinate TCE, mainly
End products (ethene/ethane) End products Alkalinity
to cis-DCE and to traces of VC and ethane.79 TOC (ethene/ethane) Nitrate
While Table 6.13 represents a summary of microbial spe- Alkalinity TOC Nitrite
cies that directly or indirectly dehalogenate, abiotic trans- Nitrate Methane Ferrous iron
formation pathways have garnered attention over the past Ferrous iron (field filtered) Manganese
10 years as direct interaction between chlorinated ethene spe- Manganese Arsenic
cies and reduced iron minerals can exhibit expedited rates of Sulfate Sulfate
decay. While multiple sulfate-reducing bacteria also perform Methane Sulfide
metabolic dehalogenation steps, sulfide produced during sul- Dissolved hydrogen
fate reduction reacts readily with dissolved Fe(II) present in Volatile fatty acids
Microbial analyses
groundwater under reducing conditions. For chlorinated eth-
Reductase enzymes
enes, these transformation steps proceed via dichloroacety-
Field parameters Field parameters Field parameters
lene, chloroacetylene, or acetylene intermediates depending
on the starting compound (PCE, TCE, and cis-DCE, respec- Note: Field parameters include ORP, DO, pH, temperature, specific con-
tively) opposed to the traditional microbially mediated path- ductivity, and turbidity.
ways through cis-DCE and VC.80 These species also play a
significant role in reducing carbon tetrachloride to chloro-
form, which occurs slowly via biological processes. Iron sul- operational sampling. This reflects the upfront characteriza-
fide minerals (specifically mackinawite and pyrite) formed tion activities required to understand the background geo-
in anaerobic IRZs therefore provide a secondary means of chemical conditions (i.e., pH, redox poise, competing electron
degrading CAH compounds through end products. While acceptors) and the degree of ongoing reductive dechlorination
these reduced metal species can be widely distributed within processes (parent species, dehalogenation daughter products,
an IRZ, they often form embedded within microbial biofilms and end products). As the suite of available sampling param-
and may not be readily accessible to contaminants passing in eters can be extensive and the operational period for reductive
groundwater.81 dechlorination programs spans multiple years, it is imperative
to select a refined set of parameters that are directly tied to  Monitoring  There are a wide array of sam- key remedial decision making for a given site. In general, the
pling tools and analytical parameters that can be potentially primary decision-making steps revolve around the following
employed during reductive dechlorination treatment pro- key questions:
grams. These include the contaminants and associated ter-
minal end products; geochemical parameters used to assess 1. Is sufficient organic carbon donor available to
the consumption of background electron acceptors and devel- enhance treatment?
opment of the appropriate reducing conditions; and micro- 2. Have the necessary geochemical conditions been
bial sampling techniques to quantify the presence of select established?
microbial communities (e.g., Dehalococcoides), their change 3. Is complete dechlorination being achieved through
over the course of treatment operation, and target reductase daughter and end products?
enzymes excreted for dehalogenation purposes. There are a
variety of sampling parameters that can also be used to assess As discussed in Section, injection program monitoring
reagent availability and fermentation, including TOC, DOC, networks utilize well locations positioned at variable spacing
and VFA analyses. Other monitoring parameters are specifi- from the injection points and along the longitudinal flow path
cally related to managing secondary by-products formed dur- of the IRZ and dissolved-phase plume. These wells will there-
ing IRZ operation such as regulated labile metals (ferrous fore have different operational monitoring functions depend-
iron, manganese, arsenic), methane that can represent a poten- ing on their proximity to the known source area, injection
tial vapor intrusion concern, or the development of conditions wells or injection barrier transects, or compliance points. As
adverse to the target microbial consortia (pH). an example, monitoring wells positioned in close proximity
A typical sampling program for reductive dechlorination to the injection wells are likely to be used to assess substrate
treatment programs is provided in Table 6.14, which reflects distribution and longevity in support of reinjection frequency
not an exhaustive list of available parameters but those that decisions, while others more distant will be used to confirm
are integral to guiding treatment operations. As reflected in declines in the target contaminants, which may occur in the
Table 6.14, it is expected that there will be considerable dif- absence of substrate arrival. Accordingly, each of these loca-
ferences between baseline sampling activities and remedial tions should have its own unique set of analytes and sampling
236 Remediation Engineering

frequency that is tailored to treatment rate expectations and 1100

operational considerations. 1000 PCE
The following discussion is organized with a focus on the 900 TCE

Point degradation half-life

aforementioned questions and the related sampling param- 800
eters applicable to support operational decisions and perfor- 700
mance assessment. 600
500  Is Sufficient Organic Carbon Donor 400
Available to Enhance Treatment?  Organic carbon is 300
required to provide a source of dissolved hydrogen electron 200
donor that fosters and sustains a highly reduced biogeo- 100
chemical environment. While dissolved hydrogen represents 0
1 10 100 1,000 10,000
the primary electron donor and can be monitored directly, Mean TOC concentration (mg/L)
dissolved hydrogen analysis is expensive relative to standard
TOC and DOC analyses, is susceptible to greater error or FIGURE 6.53  Observed relationship between total organic carbon
loss during sample handling, and does not provide a com- concentrations and PCE and TCE dechlorination half-lives in moni-
prehensive summary of the pool of electron donor available toring wells at active treatment sites (biostimulation alone). TOC
within the IRZ. As detailed in Section, the avail- concentrations represent mean concentration observed at the moni-
able pool of organic carbon substrate is gradually fermented toring well over the course of an injection program at least 3 years
to generate dissolved hydrogen—with hydrogen being the in length.
primary end product of interest. Dissolved hydrogen con-
centrations therefore represent the instantaneous hydrogen collected via grab sampling, low-flow, or equivalent sam-
electron donor at the time of sampling and do not quantify pling procedures. Conventional rules of thumb are a­ vailable
the potential for future dissolved hydrogen concentrations whether TOC concentrations are sufficient, with target con-
that will be generated from available carbon substrates as centrations being at least 10–20 mg/L above the baseline
part of ongoing fermentation processes. For these reasons, sampling analysis. As long as TOC concentrations are sus-
sampling programs are best focused to capture the bulk res- tained above this threshold and an appropriate microbial
ervoir of residual substrate concentrations over the course community is established, dechlorination rates are generally
of operation. constant (Figure 6.53) as the rates of fermentation and dis-
The longevity of a given carbon substrate will be variable solved hydrogen production are controlled by the mediating
based on the complexity of the primary carbon molecule and microbial species. Other sampling parameters that can be
the associated fermentation mechanisms. Simple, soluble used to assess fermentation activity are VFA analyses. While
carbon substrates such as acetate and ethanol (both C2 com- considerably more expensive than standard TOC and DOC
pounds) are readily fermented and exhibit rapid half-lives analyses, VFA sampling provides definitive proof that fer-
that can be less than 15 days. Lactate (C3) exhibits a longer mentation processes are underway and can provide insights
relative half-life (15–30  days), reflecting both primary and into the discrete fermentation steps for a given substrate—as
secondary fermentation processes used to generate dissolved shown in the comparison between lactate and molasses fer-
hydrogen. Other more complex soluble substrates like corn mentation in Figure 6.54a and b. VFA sampling for soluble
syrup (glucose and fructose—both C6), molasses (sucrose substrate applications is generally unnecessary, as a general
[C12]), or whey (lactose [C12]) contain larger primary car- awareness that each substrate will have a unique fermentation
bon molecules, which proceed through multiple fermentation signature (which can be site dependent) is likely sufficient
stages, generate more dissolved hydrogen per unit weight, and TOC or DOC analyses will capture the VFA contribu-
and exhibit longer half-lives (30–60 days). Compared to the tions as part of the bulk parameter response. VFA analyses
soluble substrates, vegetable oils (either emulsified or neat) can be valuable as a secondary monitoring parameter during
contain a variety of different long-chain fatty acids that are vegetable oil applications, as the observed dissolved carbon
slowly hydrolyzed to release smaller chained soluble carbon concentrations released from residual vegetable oil sorbed to
compounds (generally acetate and glycerol) that migrate with the soil matrix can be very close to the minimum threshold
groundwater flow. While the soluble species released from requirements for enhanced treatment (i.e., 10 to 20 mg/L). In
vegetable oils are readily consumed, the fatty acid hydro- these cases, VFA analyses can be used to supplement TOC/
lysis mechanisms occur far more gradually and provide an DOC analyses to document the existence of soluble vegeta-
extended source of dissolved carbon species. Understanding ble oil derivatives and demonstrate that sufficient substrate
the relative differences in fermentation mechanisms is there- remains in the subsurface.
fore important in selecting a carbon substrate for use and then
monitoring its consumption.  Have the Necessary Geochemical
Multiple sampling techniques can be used to assess Conditions Been Established?  Most of the sampling and
residual carbon availability. TOC and DOC analyses are analyses required for biogeochemical characterization are
the most straightforward, are inexpensive, and can be easily routine analyses for evaluating soil and groundwater systems.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 237

7000 7000
Acetic acid Acetic acid
6000 Propionic acid 6000 Propionic acid
Butyric acid Butyric acid
5000 TOC 5000 TOC
Concentration (mg/L)

Concentration (mg/L)
4000 4000

3000 3000

2000 2000

1000 1000

0 0
(a) Baseline Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 (b) Baseline Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

FIGURE 6.54  Relationship between observed TOC concentrations and individual VFA intermediate fermentation species following
­side-by-side injection of molasses (a) and lactate (b). Data collected by authors as part of field pilot testing.

Geochemical sampling is an important part of predesign and monitoring program should be used, however, which can
baseline sampling activities as it is used to assess the rela- integrate additional secondary analytes into the plan for
tive redox poise within the contaminant plume and provide troubleshooting purposes or to answer specific remedial
multiple lines of evidence to demonstrate that reductive decisions, as applicable.
dechlorination can be achieved within the IRZ. Most of the The collection of field parameters is often a requirement at
parameters listed in Table 6.14 are typically analyzed off-site, sites where low-flow sampling techniques are being deployed.
but the various field parameters (DO, pH, ORP, conductivity, As a result, many sites with extended historical monitoring
temperature, turbidity), sulfide, and dissolved metal filtration durations likely have a deep repository of pH, ORP, DO, tem-
steps should be done in the field. perature, conductivity, and turbidity data that can be used to
As part of baseline sampling activities, an expanded geo- support both baseline review and for comparison to observa-
chemistry screen is advantageous as a relative comparison tions over the period of operation. Of these parameters, pH
of DO, nitrate, ferrous iron, manganese, sulfate, and meth- represents the most critical parameter for IRZ performance,
ane concentrations is useful in assessing redox conditions as Dehalococcoides, sulfate-reducing bacteria, and methano-
within the plume compared to background groundwater. gens are all adversely affected at low pH. The overall rate of
These analytes provide an understanding of the background dechlorination is strongly dependent on pH (Figure 6.55), and
electron acceptor demand that must be overcome by carbon complete dechlorination is not achievable at values outside
substrate delivery, support assessment of observed dechlori- of a target range. The ideal pH range at which chlorinated
nation trends that may be naturally occurring, and provide aliphatic degradation is fastest falls between 6.2 and 8,84 but
insights into the anticipated durations for IRZ development
and dechlorination lag time. Sampling of the anion couples 100
for several of these inorganics (nitrite from nitrate, sulfide
Extent of PCE dechlorination (%)

from sulfate) can also be helpful in understanding whether 80

ongoing reduction of background electron acceptors is under-
way. Guidance pertaining to typical geochemical parameters
and the ranges necessary for dechlorination are available.46,83
As geochemistry is always site specific and will be unique to
the interval in which a monitoring well is screened (which 40
may straddle multiple groundwater horizons where variable
redox conditions exist), it is good practice to assess the rela- 20
tive difference in these parameters opposed to specific thresh-
old values. 0
As routine delivery of organic carbon promotes redox 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
transition from the baseline conditions (e.g., aerobic, iron pH
reducing) to methanogenic, much of the geochemical FIGURE 6.55  Relationship between pH and observed PCE dechlo-
sampling suite can be reduced and methane can be used rination extent. (Chappelle, F.H.: Groundwater Microbiology and
as the stand-alone primary indicator that highly reduced Geochemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2001. Copyright Wiley-
groundwater conditions have been achieved. An adaptive VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Reproduced with permission.)
238 Remediation Engineering

complete dechlorination can still be achieved at pH values out- negative ORP values, and this methodology has been used
side of this range (generally between pH 5 and 9) depending historically to assess the relative redox conditions. Similar
on the extent and distribution of subsurface biomass, which to DO measurements, however, ORP measurements are also
can shield dehalogenating organisms from potentially adverse only qualitative as they are affected by all reactions occurring
groundwater conditions. In addition to evaluating whether on the probe electrode and can drift based on ionic strength
natural groundwater conditions are conducive to treatment, or impurities on the electrode surface. Further, ORP measure-
pH monitoring is also important to confirm the delivered ment (and related EH) assumes that the system being moni-
carbon substrates are not adversely impacting overall treat- tored is in thermodynamic equilibrium—which is inherently
ment. VFA production during organic carbon fermentation flawed due to the dynamic biological system being monitored.
will generate acidity that can reduce pH in poorly buffered In addition to the geochemical assessment parameters dis-
groundwater systems or following excessive carbon substrate cussed earlier, a number of other parameters may be useful or
delivery (Figure 6.56). pH monitoring can therefore be used necessary depending on regulatory concerns or the nature of
to reduce carbon dosing to avoid transient pH depression or the aquifer being treated. These potentially include total dis-
used to identify an appropriate means to modify the injection solved solid (TDS) (used to qualify the usability of some aqui-
solution with base (to achieve a more alkaline titration) or a fers), alkalinity, or reduced metal species. The fermentation
buffering agent (e.g., bicarbonate). and utilization of organic carbon will generate alkalinity over
DO and ORP measurements collected as part of monitor- the course of an injection program. As shown in Figure 6.56,
ing programs are useful qualitative indicators of both back- transient pH depression occurring immediately following car-
ground electron acceptor availability and general redox poise. bon injection is related to primary fermentation processes that
Many guidance documents highlight these as key sampling produce VFAs. This acidity is then neutralized by the native
parameters for performance assessment, but both should be aquifer matrix mineralogy, and additional alkalinity also sup-
viewed qualitatively compared to laboratory analytical tech- ports a restoration in groundwater pH.
niques. DO measurements collected with a field sampling The mobilization of labile iron, manganese, and arse-
probe can be subject to individual operator calibration and nic metal species is an expected secondary effect of IRZ
temperature, salinity, and dissolved gas interferences. For applications. Fe(III) reduction releases Fe(II) that can react
these reasons, it is not uncommon to encounter DO concen- with sulfide to form iron sulfide precipitates (and contrib-
trations between 1 and 2 mg/L in wells that also contain dis- ute abiotic treatment as detailed in or can inter-
solved iron, sulfide, or elevated methane concentrations that act with oxygen to form iron hydroxide, oxyhydroxides, or
are representative of anaerobic groundwater conditions. As an other precipitates—which can contribute to well fouling. As
alternative, downhole optical sensing probes can offer more detailed in Section 6.3 and Chapter 7, iron dissolution and
reliable DO measurements, specifically at low concentra- precipitation mechanisms play a role in a number of other
tions. The ORP value for groundwater is a measurement of metal interactions. Notable in organic carbon IRZs is the for-
electron activity and an indicator of the relative tendency of mation of dissolved arsenic (As[III]), which either exists as
a biogeochemical system to accept or transfer electrons. In arsenate (As[V]) within the soil mineralogy or as a copre-
very oxidizing environments, the activity of electrons is low cipitate with Fe(III). While secondary water quality standards
(positive ORP values), and in very reducing environments, the exist for iron and manganese minerals and can drive sampling
activity of electrons is high (negative ORP values). In reduc- requirement, dissolved arsenic can be of increased concern
ing IRZs, increased electron transfer results in increasingly due to its relative toxicity. While arsenic mobilization may

Electron donor injection zone Aquifer matrix buffers pH back

to normal range

Fermentation Excessive carbon loading

reactions depress pH overcomes aquifer buffering
Upgradient Downgradient

FIGURE 6.56  Potential pH changes in groundwater as a result of organic carbon injection and primary and secondary fermentation pro-
cesses. Above line demonstrates natural acidity neutralization by the soil matrix and groundwater buffering capacity; lower line reflects
sustained pH depression following carbon delivery in the absence of sufficient matrix neutralization and buffering capacity.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 239


10000 Ferrous iron

Cation concentration (µg/L)




Reactive zone
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Downgradient travel time (days)

FIGURE 6.57  Reduced metal species in groundwater downgradient of an active reductive dechlorination IRZ. Iron and arsenic mobiliza-
tion observed where reduced groundwater conditions persist; both species coprecipitate from groundwater as reduced groundwater mixes
with downgradient ambient aerobic groundwater conditions.

be expected to occur in an IRZ, arsenic solubility is closely The observation of incomplete dechlorination may be attrib-
linked to that of iron and they form complexes that reprecipi- uted to several primary factors, many of which are related to
tate from groundwater within the redox recovery zone. An the first two performance questions. The inability to distribute
example of this is highlighted in Figure 6.57, where both dis- and sustain sufficient organic carbon concentrations translates
solved iron and arsenic behavior are closely correlated within to inadequate dissolved hydrogen for use in reducing compet-
and downgradient of the IRZ location. Dissolved metal sam- ing electron acceptors and providing sufficient electron donor
ples should be field filtered prior to transmittal to a laboratory, for treatment. Low pH conditions affect Dehalococcoides
as oxygen entrained in solution as part of sampling or trans- and their reductase enzyme synthesis, which represents the
mittal to the lab can generate similar precipitates and prevent primary microbial genera and enzymes responsible for com-
accurate measurement. plete PCE and TCE transformation through ethene. Sulfate-
reducing bacteria, which can also perform PCE dechlorination   Is Complete Dechlorination Being through cis-DCE, are less affected under these conditions, and
Achieved through Daughter and End Products?  While therefore observations of accumulating cis-DCE (with no VC
this represents the ultimate objectives of IRZ treatment appli- or ethene) can be encountered. In other instances, while lim-
cations, the answers to this question are more straightforward ited, Dehalococcoides species may not be present and bioaug-
than the nuanced geochemical assessment highlighted ear- mentation may be a requirement. In these instances, adding
lier. One of the primary advantages of reductive dechlorina- in supplemental microbial analyses similar to those discussed
tion monitoring programs is the definitive demonstration that in Section can provide value in determining whether
treatment is ongoing. Regardless of the chlorinated aliphatic the target microbial species are present (via direct microbial
parent compound (PCE, TCE, 1,1,1-TCA, CT, 1,1,2,2-TeCA), community quantification) or whether they are actively exud-
each species is transformed to equivalent molar concentra- ing reductase enzymes (via focused mRNA qPCR analyses).
tions of their respective daughter products, which are then Collectively, all of these lines of evidence can be integrated to
converted to the molar equivalent end product. While a com- perform potential remedial troubleshooting.
plete mass balance for this process is often obtainable in a
laboratory microcosm, field-scale IRZs are open systems and  Explosives Degradation
contain residual DNAPL or sorbed-phase mass that generally Explosives are materials that, when suitably initiated, result
impede completion of a perfect stoichiometric balance. As in the rapid release of energy. Detonation of a solid explosive
shown in Figure 6.58, these transformation steps provide com- generates expanding hot gases, and this expansion creates a
pelling lines of evidence to document that the target treatment shock wave that exerts high pressures on the surroundings,
objectives have been achieved. To demonstrate these changes, causing an explosion. Explosives generally have high nitrogen
standard VOC analyses and dissolved gas sampling are neces- and oxygen contents, which aid the formation of the gaseous
sary as part of baseline and ongoing performance monitoring products, typically including carbon dioxide, carbon mon-
activities. While dissolved gas analyses are focused primarily oxide, nitrogen, and water vapor. The history of explosives
on ethene and ethane, acetylene could also be added to these can be defined from the first mixture of gunpowder to the
parameters to assess potential abiotic treatment contributions industrialization of explosives manufacturing to provide both
to the overall change in contaminant concentrations. greater power and control.
240 Remediation Engineering

2500 20,000

TOC and sulfate (mg/L)

2000 16,000

Methane (µg/L)
1500 12,000
1000 8,000
500 4,000 Sulfate
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Chlroinated ethenes (µmol/L)

Ethene and ethane (µmol/L)

60 25
50 20
30 Trichloroethene
10 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
Vinyl chloride
10 5
0 0 Ethane
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Days elapsed

FIGURE 6.58  Visual data assessment of primary decision-making analytes over the course of reductive dechlorination IRZ application.
Increased TOC concentrations correlate with the onset of methanogenesis, which is followed by sequential chlorinated ethene transforma-
tion in the presence of sustained organic carbon availability. Data reflect biostimulation response alone.

The manufacture, use, and disposal of explosives from NO2 NO2 CH3
military operations have resulted in extensive contamina- N N O2N NO2
tion of soils and groundwater.86,87 Of the nearly 20 differ- O2N N
ent energetic compounds used in conventional munitions by N N N NO2
the military today, hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine
(RDX) and octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine
(HMX) are the most powerful and the most commonly used. (a) (b) (c)
RDX and HMX are acronyms that stand for royal demolition
explosive and high melting explosive, respectively. Another FIGURE 6.59  Molecular structure of three explosives: (a) RDX,
commonly used military explosive is 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (b) HMX, and (c) TNT.
(TNT). Figure 6.59 illustrates the molecular structure of
these three compounds. toxicological exposure limits have not been determined for
The release of these contaminants, resulting in significant explosive compounds. In addition, explosive compounds are
soil and groundwater contamination, has been associated with also considered to be highly recalcitrant.
various commercial and military activities including manu- A characteristic of explosives is the presence of multiple
facturing, waste discharge, testing and training, open burn- nitro (–NO2) groups on the molecule (Figure 6.59). Although
ing, and open detonation. It has been estimated that during TNT reductive transformation has been known for some time,
RDX manufacturing up to 12 mg/L can be discharged into the only recently have TNT reductive transformation products
environment in process wastewaters. Major factors affecting been routinely measured in laboratory and field studies.79
the fate and transport of TNT in the subsurface are transfor- Possible TNT transformations include reduction of one, two,
mation, sorption, and irreversible soil binding. In addition to or all three of the nitro-moieties to amines and coupling of
dilution and dispersion, processes important to groundwater amino transformation products to form dimers. Formation
transport of explosives include biotic and abiotic transforma- of the two monoamino transformation products, 2-amino-
tions, covalent bonding to soil organic matter, and adsorption 4,6-dinitrotoluene (2ADNT) and 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene
by soils. (4ADNT), is favored, and they are typically observed in
In addition to their destructive capacity, explosives com- TNT-contaminated soils and groundwater. Since the diamino
monly have toxic effects on ecological systems. All explo- products are energetically more difficult to form, they are
sives exhibit harmful effects to varying degrees; however, observed less frequently and typically at lower concentration
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 241

than the monoamino products. The triamino product is rarely to the release of –NO2 groups and substitution of –OH. This
observed not only because it is more energetically difficult to can lead to mineralization. In some cases, the nitro group is
form but also because once formed, it does not persist, but is reduced to an amino group, and the resulting amino aromatics
likely to be immobilized by chemical reactions with soil com- accumulate as dead-end products.89
ponents or by microbial degradation. The reductions can be In principle, TNT should be biodegradable by a two-stage
enzymatically catalyzed or, under proper reducing conditions, reductive/oxidative process (Figure 6.60). Due to the stability
occur via abiotic transformation. of the aromatic ring and the electron-withdrawing properties
The amino transformation products are amenable to sev- of the nitro group, microbial action on compounds such as
eral attenuation mechanisms in soils. These include covalent TNT generally proceeds via reduction of the nitro groups,
bonding to functional groups on soil organic matter such as reducing them successively to nitroso, hydroxylamino, and
described for similar amines, reactions at mineral surfaces, amino groups. Candidates for key metabolites in such a
sequestration, and reversible adsorption. Although these pathway are the products of reduction of the nitro groups or
mechanisms for attenuation of TNT have received attention the aromatic ring system. For example, the hydroxylamino
in laboratory and field studies in the last several years, lit- toluenes could be substrates for mutases or hydroxyaminoly-
tle data have been reported on their occurrence in the field ases, which generate aminophenols or catechols. The amino
beyond detection of the amino transformation products in derivatives, in particular, are also very stable and adsorb very
soil and groundwater and decline in TNT concentrations over strongly to soil, factors that strongly hinder further break-
time.88,89 Hence, there is a school of thought that TNT tends to down in the subsurface environment. In addition, the hydrox-
undergo only transformation reactions rather than mineraliza- ylamino and amino derivatives can dimerize to form azo and
tion. The transformation products bind to the soil and become azoxy dimers, which are resistant to further metabolism.90
unextractable. Such compounds and the triaminotoluene (TAT) from
While TNT biodegradation is problematic, toluene, ben- complete reduction of TNT or its hydride complexes harbor
zene, and phenols with one or two nitro groups on the mol- structural features and sufficient chemical reactivities to be
ecule are more subject to biodegradation and mineralization. potential parent compounds of complete, mainly oxidation
Initial monooxygenation or dioxygenation reactions can lead pathways. The potential function of TAT as a key metabolite


NO2 Path b

Path a





O2N NH2 NO2– + ?


FIGURE 6.60  Microbial transformation of TNT. Path a. TNT can undergo reduction of the nitro groups through nitroso, hydroxylamino,
and amino derivatives. Each of the nitro groups may undergo reduction, although triaminotoluene only forms under anaerobic conditions.
Azo and azoxy dimers can form from nitroso and hydroxylamino dimerization. Path b. TNT can also undergo hydride addition to form
hydride- and dihydride-Meisenheimer complexes.
242 Remediation Engineering

in a two-stage reductive/oxidative process is limited, how- are considerably slower, it would be impossible to evaluate the
ever, by its high reactivity toward oxygen, which gives rise to degradation process at the microbial level unless some inno-
extensive misrouting and finally the generation of dark high- vative research is undertaken to either slow down the abiotic
molecular-weight products.89,91,92,94 processes or enhance the enzymatic ones.93
The research conducted thus far shows tentatively that bio- Recent studies indicate that hydrogen is a key factor in
degradation of RDX and HMX under both aerobic and anaer- stimulating the anaerobic biotransformation of TNT, RDX,
obic conditions is feasible. Unlike TNT, which is subject to and HMX. It was shown that electron donors that produce
biotransformation rather than mineralization, the two cyclic H2 support the biodegradation of these compounds.98 The
nitramines RDX and HMX undergo ring cleavage following authors’ experience in field tests indicates that TNT, RDX,
initial transformation of the molecules by anaerobic sludge. and HMX degradation can be achieved within anaerobic
Under reducing conditions, small organic molecules (HCHO, reducing IRZs created with organic carbon electron donor.
HCOOH, CO, CO2) and small nitrogen-containing products The capacity constant for sorption of RDX onto soil is
(NO2−, NO3−, CN−, and NH3) are produced. Mineralization of relatively low, indicating that RDX is not extensively sorbed
either RDX or HMX under anaerobic conditions is extensive by soil, but once it occurs, sorption is reported to be nearly
(60% with anaerobic sludge). Under aerobic conditions, the irreversible.99 Because the desorption isotherm lies above the
biodegradation of the two explosives is clearly far from being sorption isotherm and the capacity constants for desorption
understood and certainly further research is needed. In gen- are significantly higher than that for sorption, there is consid-
eral, the current understanding of the biodegradation of cyclic erable sorption–desorption hysteresis. Therefore, it appears
nitramines, particularly with respect to the microbial popula- that a proportion of the RDX may be irreversibly bound to the
tions and enzymes involved, is incomplete.88,89,93 It should be soil and desorption should not be significant in the presence of
noted that RDX can also be broken down by alkaline hydroly- organic carbon electron donors—as occurs in other microbial
sis under the right conditions. The mechanism by which this IRZs due to microbial surfactant and cosolvent effects.
reaction is proposed to occur involves the abstraction of a pro- Similar to RDX, TNT can be irreversibly sorbed by soils.
ton by the alkali, with the simultaneous loss of nitrite (NO2−), However, reactions that remove TNT from solution and bind
to form an unstable intermediate that further degrades.95 its transformation products to soil in an unextractable man-
RDX contains chemical groups, such as the nitramine ner can be mistaken for adsorption. The reaction products
group, which were not previously found in nature. It could be of TNT, particularly hydroxylaminodinitrotoluene and TAT,
proposed that the novelty of these compounds would mean have been demonstrated to bind irreversibly to soil compo-
that the environmental microflora would not possess enzymes nents. Substantially fewer data are available on the sorption of
that could degrade or transform them. However, laboratory, HMX; however, it is apparently sorbed less than TNT by soils.
field, and composting studies indicate microorganisms are In summary, soil–water partitioning coefficients for RDX and
able to remove the nitramine explosives. HMX (Kd, 1) are less than those reported for TNT (Kd. 4),
RDX is much more amenable to biodegradation than TNT. indicating that the nitramines are more mobile than TNT and
With no aromaticity, it appears to be able to undergo several capable of migration through subsurface soil to groundwater
types of reaction (Figure 6.61). Under anaerobic conditions, supplies. TNT transformation products bind irreversibly to
reduction of the nitro groups forms nitroso intermediates that soil and are immobilized.
subsequently break down further.96 Under aerobic conditions, The threshold concentrations at which these compounds
nitrite has been seen to accumulate. Unlike the nitrate ester become toxic in aqueous solution cannot be achieved as they
and nitroaromatic explosives, there has been no identifica- are relatively insoluble in water and cannot reach toxic lev-
tion of enzymes responsible for any of the reactions that RDX els. At 20°C to 25°C, the reported solubilities for TNT, RDX,
undergoes. This interesting and fundamental area remains to and HMX are 140 mg/L, 42 mg/L, and 5 mg/L, respectively.
be investigated.97 However, the toxicity of these explosives when adsorbed by
There are only a few reports of microbial activity on soil is another matter. In general, TNT is the most toxic of
HMX. Products of the anaerobic degradation of HMX include these explosives to soil microorganisms, while RDX and
nitroso derivatives, indicating a mechanism similar to the HMX are also toxic at certain concentrations.
anaerobic degradation of RDX, and also at a slower rate than Under anaerobic conditions, at redox potentials below
RDX. Aerobic removal of HMX has also been reported.97 The −200 mV, the transformation of TNT to triaminotoluene
reduced microbial activities against these compounds may (TAT) has been reported. However, further degradation of
be due to the lower solubility than RDX, the greater steric this compound has not been conclusively proven. There are
effects within transition states, and the higher bond dissocia- some reports that hydroxylated toluene derivatives form but
tion energy of the N–NO2 bond. these reports have not yet been substantiated. In general, the
One clear conclusion that can be reached from the litera- anaerobic mode of attack on TNT looks more promising as a
ture reports is that once the ring in cyclic nitramine cleaves, process leading to mineralization because aerobic attack ends
the resulting degradation products are expected to be ther- up forming dead-end products.
mally unstable and to hydrolyze readily in water. Such abiotic Neither RDX nor HMX contains any carbon-to-carbon
reactions would compete with other biological reactions dur- bonds and is metabolized by methylotrophic bacteria that
ing attempted biodegradation. If the biodegradation reactions have the capacity to degrade and assimilate these compounds.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 243



Anaerobic sludge


Methylenedinitramine Bis(hydroxylmethyl)nitramine

H NO2 NO2– NO2 NO2–
H2O 2H2O
Acetogens NO2 NO2
O 2N
C2H5N3O3 + N H NH
Methanogens CO2 HCHO [NH2CHO] H
CO2 + CH4 NH3 H
(a) (b)







[Ring cleavage products]

CH3OH (methanol) HCHO (formaldehyde) +

H2N-NH (hydrazine) +
1,1-dimethylhydrazine +
(c) 1,2-dimethylhydrazine

FIGURE 6.61  (a) Second putative pathway for RDX degradation by anaerobic sludge. Compounds identified include methylenedinit-
ramine, bis(hydroxymethyl)nitramine, formaldehyde, formate, methanol, nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide. Two hypothetical
intermediates are also shown in brackets. Traces of nitrogen gas and nitrite were also detected, along with some soluble, nonextractable
degradation products. (Adapted from Zhuang, P. and Pavlostathis, S.G., Chemosphere, 31(6), 3537, 1995.) (b) Proposed mechanism of RDX
biodegradation by Rhodococcus sp. strain DN22. Denitration as an enzymatic first step creates unstable intermediates that undergo ring
cleavage. NO2−, N2O, NH3, HCHHO, and CO2 were identified as products of RDX degradation, as well as the dead-end product C2H3N3O3.
Hypothetical components of the pathway are shown in brackets. (c) Putative pathway for the anaerobic biodegradation of RDX via nitroso
intermediates. Compounds identified include the three nitroso derivatives, formaldehyde, methanol, and hydrazine, and the two dimethyl-
hydrazines. The hydroxylamino derivatives and ring cleavage products are hypothetical intermediates and are shown in brackets. (Adapted
from Spain, J.C., Biodegradation of Nitroaromatic Compounds, Plenum Press, New York, 1995.)
244 Remediation Engineering

This may account for the suggestions that RDX degradation (favored by the high heat of the fire near ground surface) could
is primarily a cometabolic process as only certain members lead to perchlorate formation at the soil particle surfaces or on
of any soilborne microbial population will be able to uti- the surfaces of atmospheric particulates created by the for-
lize RDX and HMX as a source of carbon and an electron est fire itself. Perchlorate produced by this mechanism could
donor for respiration. These explosives may be more readily reach the ground surface through wet deposition and could be
biodegraded as a nitrogen source in the presence of a read- transported by the oxic rainwater.
ily degradable carbon source. Hence, it may be important to The postulated chemical mechanisms that would produce
choose an organic substrate with the lowest C:N ratio to create perchlorate are oxidative in nature: reaction of ozone with chlo-
the reducing IRZ for explosives degradation while maintain- rine is an example of an oxidation reaction. However, oxidized
ing sulfate-reducing or methanogenic conditions. materials that are subsequently buried become isolated from
the oxygen in the atmosphere, and they may become anaerobic  Perchlorate Degradation where reduced minerals or organic carbon is available. As an
Perchloric acid and its salts have been used extensively in a num- example, a natural process could be envisioned where perchlo-
ber of commercial applications such as wet digestions, organic rate was naturally produced during forest fires and then subse-
syntheses, electropolishing of metals, animal feed additives, quently buried by rapid sedimentation where it was precipitated
explosives, pyrotechnics, missile propellants, and herbicides. and concentrated as a salt under evaporative conditions. In the
Perchlorate (ClO4−) is the soluble anion associated with the presence of naturally occurring organic carbon (e.g., impartial
solid salts of ammonium, potassium, and sodium perchlorate. combustion products), perchlorate would then be subject to
Ammonium perchlorate is used as an energetics booster or biological reduction and dechlorination by bacteria utilizing
oxidant in solid propellant for rockets and missiles. Ammonium the organic carbon and perchlorate as reductant and oxidants,
perchlorate is also used in certain fireworks, the manufacture respectively. In this example, naturally formed perchlorate
of matches, as a component of airbag inflators, and in analyti- would be short-lived due to a natural biogeochemical process.
cal chemistry to preserve ionic strength. Large-scale produc- Natural geologic settings that would preserve or have
tion of ammonium perchlorate began in the United States in preserved perchlorate over long time frames can be called
the mid-1940s. Ammonium perchlorate has a limited shelf life “permissive geological units.” Two examples of such settings
and must be periodically replaced in munitions and rockets. include the following:
This had led to the disposal of large volumes of this compound
since the 1940s in Nevada, California, Utah, and other states. Oxidation poise setting.  This would involve deposition
The anion perchlorate poses potential environmental con- of perchlorate within oxidized materials with other
cerns because its ionic radius and charge are similar to that of natural materials that contribute oxidation equiva-
iodine, which allows perchlorate to competitively block thy- lents over a long time frame (nitrate deposits are
roid iodine uptake.100,101 The first concerns about perchlorate examples of this, where nitrate would tend to oxidize
in the environment surfaced in 1896 when sodium and potas- any reductants within the system, including reduced
sium salts of perchlorate found in Chilean potassium nitrate sulfide, iron, manganese, and organic carbon). In
deposits were noted to be harmful to certain agricultural such systems, it is not required that the naturally
crops.101 These deposits (Chilean saltpeter) have been used in occurring oxidant be at a higher formal oxidation
the manufacture of some chemical fertilizers. potential than perchlorate but rather that the oxidant
Since the discovery of the naturally occurring perchlo- be either in great molar excess (percentage-level
rate in Chilean saltpeter, additional natural occurrences of nitrate vs. ppm-level perchlorate) or that it be physi-
perchlorate have been identified in natural potash-bearing cally or geochemically in a more reactive position
evaporite, hanksite, and playa crust samples.102 All of these (such as layered around the perchlorate) within the
perchlorate sources are in arid climates and associated with formation. Geologic units in contact with the atmo-
evaporite deposits. Since naturally occurring concentrations sphere where rainfall is also limited could also com-
of perchlorate are too low to be of any economic benefit, it prise an oxidation poise setting, where oxygen from
is not surprising that until the recent emergence of concern the atmosphere supplies the oxidation equivalents.
about perchlorate as a contaminant, few efforts have been Biogeochemical inhibitor setting.  This would involve
made to map its distribution in geologic materials. deposition of perchlorate within a geologic formation
While the mechanism for the natural formation of perchlo- that contains other materials that generally prevent
rate is not well understood, it has been hypothesized that per- biological oxidation–reduction reactions from occur-
chlorate can be formed in the atmosphere by the reaction of ring. Examples of this mechanism could include
tropospheric ozone with chlorine.103,104 It is unlikely that this direct inhibition mechanisms, such as the presence
mechanism would produce substantial quantities of perchlo- of specific compounds in the formation that would
rate that would reach the surface via precipitation, as the con- act as poisons for biological electron transport, pre-
centration of reactive chlorine existing in the troposphere is venting perchlorate reduction by biochemical inhibi-
low. However, it has been postulated that the reaction between tion, or indirect inhibition mechanisms, such as low
the ozone and halogenated acid gases and chlorinated vola- water availability in a brine or evaporite materials,
tile organics produced in the combustion zone of forest fires which generally inhibit all biological processes.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 245

These two speculative mechanisms may explain the distribu- The conversion of chlorine in perchlorate to chloride requires
tion of naturally occurring perchlorate in some regions of the the overall transfer of eight electrons. The sequence of inter-
United States. mediates involved in perchlorate reduction is as follows:
Most of the anthropogenic perchlorate contamination in
the groundwater originates from the historical legal discharge
ClO 4 - ® ClO3- ® ClO2 - ® O2 + + Cl -
of then unregulated waste effluents containing high levels of
ammonium perchlorate. Although ammonium perchlorate (perchlorate) (chlorate) (chlorite) (chloride) (6.40)
was released initially, the salt is highly soluble and dissociates
completely to ammonium and perchlorate ions upon dissolv- Although oxygen is produced, it is used by the perchlorate-
ing in water: respiring bacteria and does not accumulate in solution.109 The
breakdown intermediates ClO3− and ClO2− do not accumulate
NH 4ClO 4 ® NH 4 + + ClO 4 - (6.39) to measurable levels (Figure 6.62b).112
In  situ bioremediation via IRZ deployment is the most
It is likely that most of the ammonium has been biodegraded economically feasible, fastest, and easiest means of dealing
and the cation is now best viewed as mostly Na+ or possibly with perchlorate-laden groundwater at all concentrations.
H+, especially where perchlorate (ClO4−) levels are below Microbial transformation of perchlorate to chlorite occurs
100  ppb. At those sites where contamination dates back in the absence of oxygen as a result of anaerobic respiration.
decades, very little (if any) ammonium has been found.105 Implementation of an IRZ with the introduction of easily bio-
The persistence of perchlorate in aquifers results primar- degradable electron donors (e.g., acetate, lactate) is highly
ily from a combination of aerobic conditions and lack of an effective in reducing dissolved ClO4−. Laboratory column
electron donor. A number of bacteria that synthesize nitrate experiments have demonstrated that perchlorate degradation
reductases are capable of dissimilatory reduction of perchlo- can be rapidly achieved at influent levels ranging from 0.1 to
rate.105,106 Many mixed cultures have reduced perchlorate, 1000 mg/L.109 The effluent levels achieved were in the range
chlorate, chlorite, nitrate, nitrite, and sulfate under the right of 0.005 mg/L, which is lower than the state of California
conditions. Inhibition of perchlorate reduction also has been drinking water action level of 0.018 mg/L.
observed in the presence of other substrates, particularly The elevated perchlorate solubility and decades-old age
chlorate, chlorite, and sulfate.105 Chlorate reductase has been of many perchlorate plumes can result significant groundwa-
isolated from microorganisms that also possess nitrate reduc- ter plume evolution, specifically within aerobic groundwater
tase. Although most perchlorate strains may be denitrifying systems where the oxidative poise contributes to ongoing
facultative anaerobes, not all denitrifiers are (per)chlorate persistence. Matching an appropriate electron donor that
reducers. Simultaneous reduction of NO3− and ClO4− has been minimizes overall treatment cost while overcoming naturally
demonstrated in many laboratory and field studies.105,106 aerobic groundwater conditions is therefore important. There
Microbially catalyzed perchlorate reduction is metaboli- are many reports in the literature where ethanol, methanol,
cally promising because the chlorine atom within the per- acetate, acetic acid, whey, corn syrup, lactate, lactate polymer,
chlorate molecule is in its highest oxidation state (17). Hence, and vegetable oil have all been applied as the source of the
the reduction of perchlorate is highly thermodynamically degradable organic carbon to create the mildly reducing IRZs
favorable. Thermodynamic data indicate that perchlorate is for perchlorate degradation. As only iron-reducing conditions
a strong oxidant and could provide a large amount of energy are required to achieve complete perchlorate treatment, dos-
to microorganisms as an electron acceptor. Some research- ing considerations are often less than what would be other-
ers have claimed that chlorite (ClO2−) is the microbial per- wise applied for chlorinated aliphatic dehalogenation.
chlorate (ClO4−) reduction end product because it has been Two example data sets are provided in Figure 6.62b and c
demonstrated that the microbially mediated transformation of to reflect the overall magnitude of achievable perchlorate treat-
ClO2− to Cl− is a dismutation reaction that yields no energy for ment in situ. Both examples demonstrate that complete biodeg-
perchlorate-reducing microorganisms.107,108 radation of perchlorate within anaerobic IRZs can be achieved
Denitrifying microorganisms that have the enzyme chlo- to cleanup goals within a reasonably short time frame. A com-
rate dismutase can use the denitrification pathway to reduce parison of TOC concentrations and associated ORP response
(per)chlorate, and there is evidence in some microorgan- for TCE and ClO4− is presented in Figure 6.63. As shown, the
isms that an enzyme system may exist that is not involved operational basis for implementing perchlorate IRZ applica-
in NO3− reduction and is also able to reduce ClO3− and tions is to maintain the redox conditions within the denitrify-
ClO4 −.109,110 So far, perchlorate-degrading isolates reported ing to iron-reducing range. Injection frequency, electron donor
have been mostly heterotrophic and require organic sub- selection, and carbon dosing considerations should therefore
strates for synthesizing cellular materials. However, the be balanced to achieve the required mildly reducing conditions
isolation of a novel chemolithoautotrophic, perchlorate- to achieve ClO4− degradation while avoiding the development
reducing, hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium (Dechloromonas of highly reducing (e.g., sulfate-reducing to methanogenic)
sp. strain HZ) has been reported,111 which was grown using conditions—where treatment can stall. This is reflected in
acetate as the electron donor with chlorate, nitrate, or oxy- Figure 6.63, where organic carbon concentrations are signifi-
gen as electron acceptors. cantly lower compared to other microbially reducing IRZs.
246 Remediation Engineering


300,000 35,000 36

ClO4– concentration (µg L–1)

250,000 Nitrate 30

Nitrate concentration (mg/L)

TOC concentration (mg/L)
ClO4– 25,000
200,000 Injection event 24
150,000 18
100,000 12

50,000 5,000 6

0 0 0



(b) Date

180,000 6000 30

5000 25
140,000 Nitrate
Nitrate concentration (mg/L)
ClO4– concentration (µg L–1)

TOC concentration (mg/L)

120,000 ClO4– 4000 20
Injection event
3000 15

60,000 2000 10

1000 5

0 0 0







(c) Date

FIGURE 6.62  (a) Perchlorate. (b) Performance data from an IRZ system for perchlorate degradation. (c) Performance data from an IRZ
system for perchlorate degradation.

Anaerobic reduction can also represent a viable remedial impacts may also contain elevated soil impacts in the area
strategy for perchlorate in soils. While exhibiting a high solu- of release. As described further earlier, perchlorate will be
bility, perchlorate will adsorb slightly to variable-charge soils naturally reduced in the presence of natural soil organic
or soils with high anion exchange capacity in low pH envi- matter, so perchlorate longevity is inversely correlated with
ronments.113 As a result, sites with decades-old perchlorate the quantity of native soil organics. Conditions  needed for
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 247

TOC (mg/L) REDOX (mV)

300 TOC (TCE) 250 mV
TOC (ClO4–)
For perchlorate
0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
(weeks) reduction –50
ORP (TCE) –)
ORP (ClO4 –150
For reductive dechlorination
–400 mV

FIGURE 6.63  Biogeochemical operating principles of an IRZ system for perchlorate degradation.

biodegradation in soils include anaerobic conditions and the Denitrification

presence of sufficient carbon. The presence of perchlorate- Nitrogen can form a variety of compounds due to its differ-
degrading bacteria is an important factor, as indigenous ent oxidation states. In the natural ecosystem, most changes
perchlorate-degrading microbes take a long time to develop from one oxidation state to another are biologically induced.
a population large enough to reduce perchlorate, even when Nitrogen species of primary interest in relation to the subsur-
a carbon source is available.114 Due to the limited natural face environment are provided in Table 6.16.
occurrence of perchlorate in the environment, the lag time As detailed in Chapter 2, nitrogen in the environment can
for microbial species that facilitate perchlorate reduction can be introduced by many anthropogenic activities in addition to
be much longer than the lag time for NO32 reduction in soils the natural nitrogen cycling through the environment. Waste
not previously exposed to perchlorate. Growth of microbial produced by humans and animals are important sources of
populations able to degrade perchlorate and/or the induction nitrogen in any area characterized by significant human or
of enzymes able to degrade perchlorate may strongly affect animal populations. Nitrates from such waste can exhibit the
whether perchlorate or NO3− is used first as a terminal elec- characteristics of either point or nonpoint source pollution.
tron acceptor. Nitrogen is the most common element used as a fertilizer
Engineering perchlorate reduction in vadose zone soils supplement and other anthropogenic nitrogen sources can be
requires sufficient delivery and infiltration of an organic associated with the testing and usage of explosives and indus-
carbon source through the area of impact. These applica- trial activities and waste discharge. Nitrate’s high solubility
tions can be achieved via delivery points within the vadose and low sorptivity make it an excellent fertilizer component.
zone or via direct surficial application of carbon substrate. Nitrate is a major element in the manufacture of explosives,
Above  the saturated zone, it should be expected that grav- which primarily uses ammonium nitrate as a raw material.
ity infiltration will facilitate downward carbon delivery, and Nitrogen compounds are also used extensively in industrial
horizontal transport will be controlled primarily by the soil settings in the form of anhydrous ammonia, aqua ammonia,
strata and degree of lower permeability bedding planes. As nitric acid, ammonium nitrate, and urea. Plastic manufactur-
shown in Table  6.15, however, where carbon delivery can ing, metal processing, textile industry, acid production, refrig-
be achieved, treatment extent is similar to that observed in eration, pulp, and paper are some of the industries that use
the dissolved phase. In this example, corn syrup was uti- significant amounts of nitrogen compounds.
lized as the primary carbon substrate and was delivered into The neutral, molecular ammonia exists in equilibrium with
the vadose zone in two different areas to achieve treatment. the ammonium ion, the distribution of which depends upon
Significant to complete degradation was achieved within the pH and temperature of the biogeochemical system; in
these pilot plots within a period of 6 weeks, with extended fact, very little ammonia exists at pH levels less than neutral.
treatment benefit ongoing until 19 weeks postapplication. Transformation of nitrogen compounds can occur through
This pilot study demonstrated that perchlorate contamina- several mechanisms, including fixation, ammonification, syn-
tion present in soil can be biodegraded in situ by injecting thesis, nitrification, and denitrification. Ammonification refers
an appropriate organic carbon and maintaining optimum to the change from organic nitrogen to the ammonium form.
biogeochemical conditions. In general, ammonification occurs during decomposition of
248 Remediation Engineering

TABLE 6.15
Field Demonstration of Biological Remediation of Perchlorate Present in Soil
Perchlorate Concentrations in Soil (µg kg−1)
Historic Baseline 1 Week 6 Weeks 19 Weeks
Depth (ft bgs) 9/12/2003 12/3/2003 1/7/2004 2/10/2004 5/10/2004
Area 1
5 510 1,800 4,900 2,200 770
10 1,700 250 3,600 3,400 <10
20 310 4,600 4,300 21 <10
30 13,000 170 290 3,700 920
40 100 39 <10 <10 <10
50 — — 10 <10 —
60 — — 11 <10 —
70 — — 16 — —
Totals: 15,620 6,859 13,090 9,321 1,690 89%
Remaining TOC in pore water (mg/L) 2,100 reduction
Perchlorate Concentrations in Soil (µg kg−1)
Baseline 1 Week 6 Weeks 19 Weeks
Depth (ft bgs) 12/3/2003 1/7/2004 2/10/2004 5/10/2004
Area 2
5 85 54 170 <10
10 440 66 23 <10
20 3,200 3,300 <10 <10
30 9,700 330 990 <10
40 <10 <10 <10 <10
50 — <10 <10 —
60 — <10 <10 —
Totals: 13,425 3,750 1,183 0 100%
Remaining TOC in pore water (mg/L) 110 reduction

The transformation reactions are generally coupled and pro-

TABLE 6.16 ceed rapidly to the nitrate form.
Nitrogen Forms Present in the Subsurface Environment In  situ denitrification can be accomplished by organ-
Nitrogen Compound Formula Oxidation State
isms belonging to the genera Micrococcus, Pseudomonas,
Denitrobacillus, Spirillum, Bacillus, Achromobacter,
Ammonia NH3 −3 Acinetobacter, Gluconobacter, Alcaligenes, and Thiobacillus,
Ammonium ion NH4+ −3
which are present in the groundwater environment.
Nitrogen gas N2 0
Denitrifying organisms will utilize nitrate or nitrite in the
Nitrite ion NO2− +3
absence of oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor for their
Nitrate ion NO3− +5
metabolic activity. If any oxygen is present in the environ-
ment, it will probably be used preferentially. The energy
animal and plant tissue and animal fecal matter and can be for the denitrifying reactions is released by organic carbon
expressed as follows: sources that act as electron donors. The microbial pathways
of denitrification include the reduction of nitrate to nitrite and
Organic nitrogen + Ammonifying microorganisms
the subsequent reduction of nitrite to nitrogen gas:
® NH 3 /NH 4 + (6.41) NO3- ® NO2 - ® N 2( g ) (6.43)

Nitrification refers to the biological oxidation of ammonium In biological wastewater treatment processes employing deni-
ions under aerobic conditions by chemoautotrophic nitrifiers. trification, a cheap, external carbon source such as methanol
Two specific chemoautotrophic bacterial genera are involved, (where necessary) is added as the electron donor. It has long
using inorganic carbon as their source of cellular carbon: been known that NO3− can be converted to N2 gas in anaerobic
NH 4 + + O2 (Nitrosomonas) groundwater zones in the presence of a labile carbon source.
In situ microbial denitrification is based on the same prin-
® NO2 - + O2 (Nitrobacter ) ® NO3- (6.42) ciple as conventional biological wastewater treatment systems,
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 249

except that it is carried out in the subsurface by injecting the There are a number of advantages to applying anaerobic
appropriate organic carbon source. Since methanol could be an biological oxidation (ABOx) systems as part of an IRZ rem-
objectionable substrate from a regulatory point of view, any of edy. Electron acceptor reagents such as nitrate and sulfate have
the soluble or semisoluble carbon substrates shown in Table 6.9 high aqueous solubilities and are therefore considerably easier
could be injected to accelerate the rate of denitrification and con- to deliver at elevated doses into the reactive zone. As shown in
vert nitrate to nitrogen gas within the reactive zone. Within the Table 6.17, the comparative solubility between these reagents
hierarchy of redox reactions, NO3− is the most favored electron and oxygen is significant, which can eliminate the need for a
acceptor after dissolved oxygen. Similar to perchlorate reduc- sustained delivery methodology as described previously for aer-
tion discussed earlier, nitrate reduction only requires mildly obic treatment applications. Table 6.17 also provides a summary
reducing conditions and the degree of carbon loading and sub- of the stoichiometric relationship of benzene mass mineralized
strate selection are expected to be considerably lower than that per unit mass of each electron acceptor and the corresponding
required for chlorinated aliphatic reduction. Hence, considerable biodegradation yield that could theoretically be realized based
attention should be focused in maintaining the redox potential in on the achievable dissolved electron acceptor concentrations.
the optimum range in order to eliminate electron donor scaveng- The elevated feasible concentrations that can be achieved with
ing for use in supporting Mn(IV), Fe(III), or sulfate reduction. sulfate result in an oxidizing payload that is orders of magnitude
larger than oxygen-based systems, with only a secondary maxi-  Anaerobic Oxidation mum contaminant level (MCL) to be aware of in terms of resid-
Source zones associated with organic contaminants such as ual sulfate concentrations. While the solubility limits reflected
petroleum, ketones, or other nonchlorinated aromatics serve in Table 6.17 are intended to provide a relative comparison
as large reservoirs of electron donor that are utilized by indig- between feasible electron acceptor dosing, this magnitude is not
enous microorganisms in the presence of naturally available always applied in field-scale engineered systems. Instead, dos-
electron acceptors. The rapid depletion of available dissolved ing strategies seek to generally maintain concentrations within a
oxygen drives the microbial community to utilize substitute target range to achieve enhanced treatment rates.
electron acceptors including nitrate, Mn(VI), Fe(III), and The relationship between rate-limiting substrate concen-
sulfate, which result in highly anaerobic and methanogenic trations (S) and the overall reaction rate (v) is provided for
conditions. This redox sequence for biological oxidation is sulfate-based oxidation reactions in Figure 6.64. Classical
sometimes referred to as oxic (aerobic), suboxic (denitrifi- microbial kinetic analyses show that at lower concentrations
cation, manganese reduction), and anoxic (iron reduction, of a rate-limiting substrate, the microbial-mediated rate of
sulfate reduction, and methanogenesis) conditions.115 Of the reaction proceeds as first order.21 As the concentration of the
nonoxygen electron acceptors, sulfate represents the domi- rate-limiting substrate is increased, v will approach zero order
nant terminal electron acceptor process, is often the natural where the rate of reaction is no longer dependent on substrate
electron acceptor in largest supply, and accounts for approxi- concentration. Engineered systems that increase sulfate avail-
mately 70% of the natural biodegradation capacity.46 ability can enhance the rate of PHC oxidation by more than

TABLE 6.17
Comparison of Various Electron Acceptors and Their Potential to Degrade Benzene
Reaction Yield: Potential
Effective Maximum Benzene Degraded Maximum
Concentration in per Unit Mass Benzene
Electron Acceptor Water (mg/L) Electron Acceptor Degraded (mg/L) Potential Complications
Oxygen (ambient air) 9–10 0.33 3.0–3.3 • Limited solubility
Oxygen (pure) 60–70 0.33 19.8–23.1 • Numerous nontarget scavengers
• Potential aquifer clogging through
biofouling and precipitation of iron
Nitrate 670,000 (NaNO3) 0.21 140,000 • Primary MCL of 10 mg/L NO3-N
1.1 × 105 (Mg(NO3)2) 220,000 (45 mg/L NO3)
Iron (III) 0–1 0.024 0–0.024 • Not practical to inject—very low
solubility at neutral aquifer pH
Sulfate 48,000 (Na2SO4) 0.22 9,000 • Secondary MCL for sulfate—250 mg/L
140,000 (MgSO4) 25,000 • Hydrogen sulfide produced as a
by-product; rarely documented as an
issue in the field

Source: Leahy, J.G. and Colwell, R.R., Microbiol. Rev., 52(3), 305, 1990.
250 Remediation Engineering

Injection of NO3–, SO42–, and (O2 if necessary)

v (mg/L/day)

NO3– NO3– SO42–

SO42– SO 2–
No longer 4
Sulfate limited sulfate limited (O2)

~2000 mg/LSO42–
BTEX contamination
[S] (mg/L)

FIGURE 6.65  Expected biogeochemical zones during the injec-

FIGURE 6.64  The relationship between rate-limiting substrate tion of NO3−, SO42−, and O2 for microbial oxidation of BTEX
concentration (S) and overall reaction rate (v) in microbially medi- compounds.
ated reactions. Rate-limiting sulfate concentrations based on kinetic
data presented in Reference 108.
C6H 6 + 3.75SO24 - + H 2O
one order of magnitude above intrinsic or nonengineered
conditions. Generally, the recommended minimum threshold ® 1.875H 2S + 1.875HS- + 6HCO3- + 0.375H + (6.45)
sulfate concentration to sustain treatment is approximately
100 mg/L, equivalent to the concentration at which microor- Sulfate reduction produces reactive sulfide (i.e., H2S and HS−
ganisms conduct intercellular sulfate storage and operate most from Equation 6.45). If not controlled, the accumulation of
efficiently (Habicht et al., 2005). As indicated in Figure 6.64, reactive sulfide can eventually become inhibitory to sulfate-
increased reaction rates are observed up to a maximum sul- reducing bacteria. In situ, sulfide inhibition has been reported
fate concentration of approximately 2000 mg/L, above which to reduce the rate of sulfate reduction by approximately one-
excess sulfate concentrations do not result in an overall change third at concentrations between 8.5 and 320 milligrams per
in oxidation rate. liter (mg/L).117 This chemistry reflects the fact that the utiliza-
Other advantages of sulfate or nitrate addition to ground- tion of sulfate to support the ABOx process can have a variety
water systems include the lack of scavenging reactions that of geochemical secondary effects that must be understood to
play a significant role in aerobic treatment applications.116 best implement the technology. If not adequately understood
These reagents are resistant to abiotic reactions and are uti- and accounted for, these geochemical factors can limit the
lized by a variety of nitrate- or sulfate-reducing bacteria that effectiveness of the technology.
are generally ubiquitous and able to metabolize the organic In general, the specific concentration range at which hydro-
contaminants. Further, sulfate-reducing bacteria are prolific gen sulfide will be inhibitory is likely tied to the site-specific
and capable of metabolizing broad classes of PHCs.21 As a microbial community and site-specific geochemistry. There
remediation reagent, low-cost sulfate or nitrate salts are com- are a number of natural mechanisms that help suppress sul-
mercially available at the industrial scale. fide accumulation, the most predominant of which involves
direct reaction with naturally occurring iron from the soil Biogeochemistry matrix. Naturally occurring iron will help support sulfide
While nitrate, Mn(VI), Fe(III), and sulfate can all be used as control in two ways: (1) through direct oxidation–reduction
electron acceptors to support anaerobic oxidation processes, reactions between iron in the aquifer soils and the sulfide,
nitrate and sulfate represent the most applicable reagents for where sulfide is oxidized (primarily to elemental sulfur) and
engineered injection application due to their high solubility the iron is reduced to ferrous form (Fe2+), and (2) through
and low relative cost (Figure 6.65). More importantly, neither the formation and precipitation of iron sulfide precipitates
of these species adds to the pool of reduced metals that can by the reaction of sulfide with available ferrous iron. Several
precipitate within the IRZ and limit overall injectability. Both of the mechanisms serving as sulfide sinks are shown in the
Mn(VI) and Fe(III) represent electron acceptors that will following equations:
contribute to the collective anaerobic oxidation processes, but
these are generally avoided during injection applications due - -
4Fe(OH)3 (s) + 3H 2S + 3HS ® 2S + 4FeS(s) + 9H 2O + 3OH
to precipitate formation. With both nitrate and sulfate serv-
ing as the electron acceptors, the mineralization of benzene is
given by Equations 6.44 and 6.45 at neutral pH: - 2+ -
4Fe(OH)3 (s) + 3H 2S + 3HS ® 2S + 4Fe + 3H 2O + 9OH

- +
C6H 6 + 6NO + 6H ® 6CO2 + 3N 2 + 6H 2O (6.44)
3 (6.47)
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 251

4Fe(OH)3 (s) + 1.28H 2S + 1.28HS- + 3.48HCO3- highly soluble and will still be a viable source of sulfate
to sulfate-reducing bacteria, the precipitation of significant
® 2S0 + 0.52FeS(s) + 3.43FeCO3 + 7H 2O + 4.72OH - (6.48) amounts of gypsum can result in temporary reductions in
aquifer permeability that limit the ability to conduct effec-
Ultimately, the ability to suppress sulfide accumulation will tive repeat injections. Calcium ion relationships can also
be a balance between the rate of its production and the rate represent a potential issue when excess sulfate loads are
of its reactions. Based on the natural abundance of iron in being applied in contact with subgrade concrete structures
the subsurface, and assuming a reasonable level of control on (building footers, subway infrastructure, sewer systems).
sulfate dosing, the accumulation of sulfide will be limited at The sulfate concentrations expected during ABOx imple-
most sites; observed sulfide concentrations within the reac- mentation typically lie in the moderate (150–1,500 ppm) to
tive zone have been generally less than 1–10 mg/L, with some severe (1,500–10,000 ppm) corrosion environment based
sites maintaining nondetected sulfide concentrations through on ACI 201.2R-92 classification.120 The sulfate anion reacts
intrinsic control (i.e., Equations 6.46 through 6.48) following with hydration products present in hardened cement (e.g.,
repeat sulfate applications. tricalcium aluminate (3CaO · Al2O3), calcium hydroxide
In addition, sulfide oxidation in the presence of oxygen (Ca(OH)2), and silicate hydrate) to form two reaction prod-
can be very rapid, with half-lives in the order of minutes to ucts: ettringite and gypsum (CaSO 4 · 2H 2O). The formation
a few hours.116 So, while iron-related reactions generally rep- of ettringite causes an approximate twofold increase in con-
resent the dominant mechanism for sulfide control within the crete matrix volume and leads to the physical expansion and
biologically active zone, outside of that zone, the presence of cracking of the hardened concrete. The process can result
oxygen (or nitrate) adds another mechanism that will limit its in a reduction of the concrete’s mechanical properties (load
persistence.118 carrying capacity)121 and can lead to failure and collapse
As indicated in Equation 6.45 describing the anaero- of the concrete structure. While these deleterious reactions
bic oxidation of benzene, the anaerobic metabolism of PHC can be cause for concern (or consideration of alternative
yields alkalinity in the form of bicarbonate. This bicarbon- remedies) when subgrade concrete materials are present,
ate will neutralize acidity in the aquifer, building up alkalin- sulfate-resistant concretes are used in many coastal envi-
ity and likely raising the pH of the groundwater system over ronments and these concerns are generally more significant
time. These effects can support the precipitation of calcite when the concrete in place is considerably aged. Further,
(calcium carbonate), which if not managed can lead to perma- these reactions occur on the concrete surface, so the degree
nent reductions in aquifer permeability. An uncontrolled rise of concrete permeability is generally more important than
in alkalinity and aquifer pH can also inhibit the activity of weathering reactions.
sulfate-reducing bacteria. The optimal pH range for sulfate-
reducing bacteria is generally between 7.5 and 8, with inhibi-  Petroleum Hydrocarbons
tion effects observed at values outside of the 5.5–9 range.119 Traditional methods of remediating PHCs and other biologi-
Potential pH excursions (i.e., greater than 9) have been cally oxidizable contaminants have historically focused on
observed at ABOx sites with limited ambient buffering capac- strategies employing volatilization (i.e., in  situ air sparging
ity. As with sulfide accumulation, short-term pH excursions and soil vapor extraction) and/or aerobic biodegradation of the
will be a balance between the rate of alkalinity production water-soluble fraction of residual mass. As discussed earlier,
and the rate of its neutralization. many PHC-impacted sites are associated with former leaking
The introduction of soluble sulfate salts will result in a USTs or bulk fuel terminals, from which considerably PHC
buildup of TDS and increased ionic strength within the reac- mass and LNAPL were released. The anaerobic conditions—
tive zone. The increase in TDS can cause density-driven frequently methanogenic within the source area—developed
migration of injection solutions downward, which should over time results in an established microbial community and
be considered in the delivery design, and can also act as a geochemical environment that is already conducive to ABOx
stressor to the microbial community, reducing overall treat- treatment. PHC degradation via ABOx pathways has been
ment efficiency. TDS is also used as a qualifying parameter reported in the literature for well over 30 years with the initial
to designate drinking water supply aquifers. While the rela- focus on PHC releases in marine environments122 and more
tive loading of TDS from injection locations will be diluted recently in soil systems.123,124
with bulk groundwater within the aquifer and will decline Most PHC plumes that persist following source removal
with distance away from the injection points, changes in TDS are usually the result of residual mass present within a “smear
concentration as a result of electron acceptor loading should zone” located at or near the water table. Therefore, a viable
still be considered when the aquifer being treated is intended remedial strategy must be capable of addressing both the dis-
for beneficial reuse. solved-phase PHCs and residual source mass. Through effec-
In addition to the iron sulfate relationships, calcium-rich tive bio-oxidation of the water-soluble fraction and through
aquifer systems can contribute to near instantaneous pre- expedited “weathering” of residual source mass, ABOx has
cipitation of gypsum solids following injection, where the been found to be effective as a polishing remedial approach
sulfate concentrations being applied lead to an exceedance in achieving groundwater compliance concentrations. While
of the saturation index for that mineral. While gypsum is it can be effective in the dissolved phase, ABOx remedies
252 Remediation Engineering

are generally not applicable for LNAPL or residual LNAPL. sulfate heptahydrate (Epsom salt) or calcium sulfate dihydrate
While IRZ remedies can be effective for chlorinated aliphatic (gypsum). While both serve as a source of dissolved sulfate,
DNAPLs (which are submerged beneath the water table), there are considerable differences in their relative solubilities.
LNAPL materials are by definition lighter than water and Epsom salt is readily dissolved and exhibits a solubility of
large fractions of this source mass typically reside at or above approximately 140 g/L at 20°C, where gypsum solubility is
the groundwater interface. As a result, injection-based reme- approximately 2.5 g/L at 20°C. This significant contrast in
dies deployed for PHC source treatment fail to achieve contact solubility affects considerations of how these materials are
with the bulk source mass and require extended operation to best applied. Epsom salt is the preferred sulfate source for
account for the slow rate of dissolution between the LNAPL well-based injection applications and must be periodically
and dissolved phase. Even sites with elevated dissolved-phase reinjected over time to sustain concentrations in the IRZ.
concentrations should be evaluated carefully as elevated aque- Comparatively, gypsum is more applicable for slurried type
ous concentrations are definitive indication of unidentified (or application (direct-push injection) or open-hole mixing where
identified) LNAPL presence. Based on experience deploying its low solubility supports an extended sulfate supply as the
ABOx remedies, threshold aqueous concentrations for typical solid materials dissolve.
PHC indicator compounds that should be cause for careful
consideration include benzene (>3 mg/L), toluene (25 mg/L),  Degradation Pathways  At fuel release
and xylene (>15 mg/L). sites, aromatic hydrocarbons (i.e., BTEX) and higher-
As in all biologically mediated treatment approaches, select- molecular-weight dissolved hydrocarbons (e.g., total petro-
ing the most cost-effective means by which to provide a steady, leum hydrocarbon (TPH)-gasoline range organics [GRO],
sustained source of reagent within the target treatment area TPH-diesel range organics [DRO]) serve as the collective
is critical to success. Delivery strategies must account for the target compounds for bio-oxidation processes. In unweath-
site-specific rate of depletion to sustain sulfate concentrations ered gasoline, the total concentration of BTEX constituents
within a targeted range, in the targeted area of PHC impacts. represents approximately 10 to 15% of the overall volume,
Dissolved-phase delivery mechanisms via batch injections into so the broad range of dissolved hydrocarbons present will be
permanent wells, groundwater recirculation via injection and significantly higher than that of BTEX. While many of these
extraction wells, direct-push injection via temporary points, broad-range PHCs are unregulated (outside of TPH analy-
and solid-phase application via placement in open excavations ses, where required), they do serve as an electron donor
or direct application of sulfate to the ground surface are all and a significant sink for applied electron acceptors—thus
potentially viable sulfate delivery strategies. reducing the sulfate available for BTEX transformation.
Achieving sustained electron acceptor availability is When present, sulfate utilized to deplete higher-weight con-
an essential part of promoting ABOx treatment processes. stituents will generate increasing quantities of lower-weight
Typical half-lives for sulfate generally fall between 20 and molecules. In the application of ABOx for the treatment of
40 days at the onset of treatment application but will decrease TPH-DRO, a review of TPH chromatograms of samples influ-
over time (10–20 days) as sulfate-reducing bacteria respond to enced by ABOx processes shows a compositional shift of the
ongoing delivery. For nitrate, these half-lives are often shorter TPH-DRO constituents towards lighter partially oxidized
and similar to other injection designs discussed in Section molecules.125 TPH-DRO composition is initially observed as
6.1.4, the delivery program must balance the rate of electron being dominated by compounds with longer gas chromato-
acceptor consumption, the rate of groundwater transport and graph (GC) retention times and higher molecular weight.
washout from the injection area, and the required minimum Over time with exposure to ABOx processes, the TPH-DRO
concentration necessary to sustain treatment. There are some composition comprises compounds with shorter GC retention
nuances to ABOx injection program designs that are different times and lower molecular weights. Many of these nondiffer-
from those associated with chlorinated aliphatics. Due to the entiated dissolved hydrocarbon compounds are not quantified
relative difference in Koc values between PHC compounds individually in standard compound-specific analyses but may
and TCE, for example, the degree of sorbed PHC mass within be captured in bulk compound analyses (e.g., TPH-GRO and
a groundwater plume will be significantly greater than that TPH-DRO). While the bulk concentration results may indi-
for TCE. The reduced half-life of sulfate and presence of sig- cate that hydrocarbon concentrations are relatively unchanged
nificantly higher sorbed mass diminishes the applicability of (or slowly declining) in an engineered ABOx system, analysis
pulse-and-drift or barrier-based injection strategies. Instead, of the GCs can be used as qualitative indicators that degra-
most sulfate delivery applications require wells on much dation and transformation of these compounds are ongoing.
closer spacing that are more aligned with the example pro- There are also several degradation intermediates that might
vided in Figure 6.13d. offer direct evidence of biological transformations (i.e., phe-
Several nitrate-based products have been used to sup- nol for benzene, cresol for toluene).
port ABOx treatment applications. These include calcium Where aerobic degradation pathways include an initial
nitrate, sodium nitrate, and ammonium nitrate, which are dioxygenase step, anaerobic microorganisms generally per-
often delivered at dissolved NO3− concentrations between form one of four general enzymatic activation steps: (1) the
1000 and 3000 mg/L. For sulfate-based treatment applica- addition of fumarate to form aromatic-substituted succinates,
tions, the most commonly applied substrates are magnesium (2) methylation, (3) hydroxylation via a dehydrogenase, or
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 253

OH OH COO PHC degradation and the various mechanisms that they per-
2HO• –COO– form. While the majority of research has historically focused
CO2 on aerobic pathways, focus during the past two decades has
H2O OH– turned toward the microorganisms that facilitate anaerobic
COO– PHC metabolism. This research is of great interest, in that
the majority of PHC-contaminated sites are naturally highly
FIGURE 6.66  Benzene transformation via anaerobic oxidation anaerobic and these organisms perform the bulk of the heavy
mechanisms. lifting responsible for natural source zone depletion and atten-
uation processes. As highlighted in the preceding section, the
(4) carboxylation. Each of these steps transforms the primary phylogenetic and physiological diversity of these communities
aromatic molecule into different metabolic intermediates, is broad, and these species are active in the presence of a wide
which can include phenol, benzoate, or the corresponding range of potential electron donors (advantageous considering
coenzyme A form, following which enzymatic ring cleav- the variability of PHC compounds), pH conditions, salinity,
age produces 3-acetyl CoA and CO2.126 The starting step and and temperature.128 Extensive reviews of PHC metabolism and
transformation intermediates will vary based on the aromatic the microbial communities responsible have been conducted,
compound, the microbial species mediating the transforma- and readers are urged to consult these resources for a fully
tion, and the specific electron acceptor(s) used. informed perspective on the microbial diversity and primary
Based on its structure and the significant activation energy transformation pathways that have been identified.127–131 As
required to remove hydrogen from the aromatic ring, benzene new microbial strains continue to be identified, this resource
is the most thermodynamically stable of the BTEX compounds will not do justice to the volumes of research developed to
under anaerobic conditions. Benzene transformation has been date and that which continues to emerge.
documented through hydroxylation, methylation, and car- The wide array of PHC molecules present in a given petro-
boxylation activation steps, following which transformation leum source material is matched and far exceeded by the
occurs via benzoyl-CoA (Figure 6.66). While all three have array of microorganisms that can degrade them. The impor-
been documented, determination of the exact transformation tant awareness that any reader should have is that while bac-
steps has been hampered by the inability to isolate individual terial genera that perform nitrate, iron, and sulfate reduction
hydrocarbon degraders that rely on the broader anaerobic and methanogens are generally ubiquitous, the microbial
consortia for syntrophic interaction.127 While several strains community performing PHC metabolism will be site spe-
have been identified that mediate complete mineralization, cific. Therefore, while it has been a challenge to glean the
these organisms represent a glimpse into one degradation specific transformation pathways and grow these organisms
pathway—knowing that broader consortia cooperation facili- in enriched culture lab experiments, we should be aware that
tates other combinations of oxidation mechanisms. each given site will have a somewhat individualized and com-
Even for toluene, which represents the most readily degrad- plicated fingerprint of PHC species and transformation mech-
able and most widely studied BTEX compound under aerobic anisms. As an example, any given site could include Azoarcus
and anaerobic conditions, our understanding of the specific or Dechloromonas strains that can completely mineralize the
degradation pathways is complicated by the participation benzene ring; Geobacteraceae species that perform similar
of the microbial consortium in the various metabolic steps. or cooperative mechanisms under iron-reducing conditions;
One model presented includes a combination of a syntroph, a Desulfovibrio, Desulfotomaculum, and Desulfobacteraceae
homoacetogen, an acetoclastic methanogen, and a hydrogeno- species that utilize sulfate as the ultimate electron accep-
trophic methanogen; but select single species have been iden- tor of energy metabolism126,127; or Methanosaeta and
tified that perform mineralization through CO2. The toluene Methanospirillum methanogens.127 As a result, understand-
degradation pathway is initiated by the addition of fumarate ing the individual species becomes less important com-
to the methyl group to yield benzyl-succinate, following which pared to contaminants like chlorinated aliphatics—where
the benzyl-succinate intermediate is oxidized to eventually one organism (Dehalococcoides) is responsible for complete
form benzoyl-CoA. This same fumarate activation pathway transformation.
is typically observed for both xylenes and ethylbenzene, with From an engineering design standpoint, we therefore focus
hydroxylation also reported for ethylbenzene.127 Of the xylene on which electron acceptors will provide the broadest over-
isomers (ortho-, meta-, and para-), both p-xylene and m-xylene all benefit to stimulate the native microbial consortium into
are more susceptible to degradation and will exhibit faster loss achieving treatment objectives. The naturally present anaer-
from hydrocarbon source zones and dissolved-phase plumes. obic conditions are beneficial from an ABOx remediation
Comparison of the relative shift in concentration ratios standpoint, as the nitrate-, iron-, or sulfate-reducing bacte-
between these three isomers can therefore be an assessment ria and methanogenic communities can readily utilize these
technique in confirming that biodegradation is ongoing. electron acceptors in an IRZ application. These communities
are preprimed to respond to electron acceptor influx, which  Microorganisms  Widespread research con- limits the overall lag time associated with microbial stimu-
ducted over the past four decades has been effective in iden- lation and acclimation and can expedite treatment success.
tifying the variety of microorganisms responsible for aerobic Even where baseline site biogeochemical characterization
254 Remediation Engineering

data suggest little to no sulfate reduction activity occurring, Assessing the relative changes in contaminant concentra-
field results show successful microbial community stimula- tions (BTEX, TPH species) can be done with an eye on the
tion within 45  days of electron acceptor addition, which is expected order of overall biodegradability. Historical research
consistent with sulfate-reducing microbial lag times reported indicates that BTEX constituents generally degrade in the fol-
in the literature.117,132–134 lowing order: toluene and o-xylene; p-xylene and m-xylene;
ethylbenzene; and benzene (from most to least susceptible).  Monitoring  The objectives of individual ABOx While the relative abundance of these materials will be unique
performance monitoring programs will differ based on the pri- to different gasoline formulations, these constituents degrade
mary objectives and sampling needs to assess treatment and at different rates and will exhibit relative shifts as part of
optimize future applications (e.g., reagent dosing, injection fre- naturally occurring biodegradation or once IRZ treatment is
quency). All are generally consistent in that they require assess- underway. It is therefore important to evaluate each constitu-
ment of contaminant concentrations to document changes over ent separately rather than looking at trends in “total BTEX” or
time and supporting biogeochemical lines of evidence that sup- “total unleaded gasoline (ULG)” constituents, for example. As
port assessment of electron acceptor distribution, longevity, and described earlier, even if declines in TPH-GRO and TPH-DRO
utilization in mediating ABOx treatment mechanisms. bulk parameter concentrations are not observed during active
In general for all data sets, a baseline sampling event (prior treatment, shifts in the composition of the TPH-DRO signature
to and within approximately one month of an injection) is is expected which may be masked by the variety of molecules
important. This sampling event (or multiple events) is used quantified with this sampling method. Partial and incomplete
to assess the geochemical conditions and identify nuances in oxidation of TPH molecules will result in the enrichment of
reduced groundwater poise within the source areas and down- smaller compounds with shorter GC elution times. As identi-
gradient plume footprint. These programs often include at least fied in Table 6.18, for sites requiring TPH-G and TPH-D analy-
three to five wells (based on site specifics) that are strategi- ses, running samples with and without a silica gel cleanup step
cally positioned upgradient, within, and downgradient of the at the analytical laboratory can be a highly effective means
source such that a geochemical conceptual model can be identi- to assess the relative contributions of polar PHC compounds
fied to understand the relative abundance of terminal electron that are partially degraded (containing hydroxyl, carboxyl, or
acceptors in native groundwater and within the area of impact. other polar ligands) and contribute to the overall TPH bulk
Ideally, monitoring wells with elongated data sets are prefer- parameter measurement. Native, unweathered PHC materials
able as they provide relative insights into the degree of naturally are exhibited to contain no polar subgroups and would still be
occurring degradation processes over  time—which the geo- captured as part of the sampling response. So while the bulk
chemical CSM then builds upon. A summary of the key ana- TPH parameter measurements may not change significantly at
lytical and field sampling parameters is provided in Table 6.18. the onset of treatment, the silica gel cleanup method can quan-
tify the fraction of hydrocarbon mass that has been subjected
to at least partial degradation. A comparison of these data over
TABLE 6.18 time can then be used to assess the relative extent of unweath-
Sample Monitoring Program for ABOx Treatment ered LNAPL source material.
Applications Following initiation of injection activities, data should be
collected at least quarterly to support performance assessment
Baseline Primary Secondary
and treatment response. More frequent sampling can also be
Contaminants (BTEX, TPH,a Contaminants Carbon dioxide used at the outset of treatment to confirm electron acceptor
MTBE, TBA) Nitratec TKN longevity, distribution, and transport away from the injec-
Nitrate Sulfatec TOC
tion wells. In general, the operational monitoring analytes
Ferrous iron (field filtered) Sulfide Manganese
are typically fewer than those sampled as part of the baseline
Manganese (field filtered) Ferrous iron (field (field filtered)
Sulfate filtered) Methane
activities and should be focused on the key decision-making
Sulfide Unique reagent- Alkalinity parameters (i.e., contaminant concentrations, selected elec-
Methane related tracersb tron acceptor cation and anions) to guide future operations
Alkalinity (Table 6.18).
Unique reagent-related tracersb A typical injection frequency for PHC-impacted sites is
Field parameters Field parameters Field parameters one injection every two months. Site-specific injection fre-
quencies should be based on the electron acceptor utilization
Note: Field parameters include ORP, DO, pH, temperature, specific con-
half-life, which can be calculated after the first injection has
ductivity, and turbidity.
a Performing TPH-G and TPH-D analyses with and without use of a silica
been completed using the in situ starting concentration (C0)
gel cleanup column can be highly advantageous in assessing the relative
and at least one postinjection data point (C at a given postin-
contribution of partially degraded polar TPH constituents and unweath- jection time t). As the rate of electron acceptor utilization can
ered nonpolar (or native) TPH materials. change over time, performing this evaluation using each indi-
b Generally the complementary cation for electron acceptor material. vidual sampling event can be advantageous to adapt the injec-
c Depending on use as the primary treatment electron acceptor. tion program accordingly. Similar to this assessment, relative
comparisons between the electron acceptor anion (nitrate or
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 255

sulfate) and their associated cation (sodium, calcium, mag- transformation is similar for aerobic and anaerobic pathways.
nesium) can also be a valuable method to evaluate the rate of Transformation of MTBE to TBA occurs via demethylation,
utilization versus dilution in the subsurface. While both will removing the terminal methyl group to produce an alcohol.
be diluted over time with advective groundwater flow, prefer- TBA is subsequently converted to 2-hydroxy-isobutyric acid
ential depletion of the electron acceptor compared to its cation (HIBA), which is then converted via several alternative inter-
provides further utilization information and supports distri- mediate pathways leading to either acetyl-CoA or pyruvate,
bution assessment in the subsurface. It should be noted that which are funneled into the microbial Krebs cycle. TBA
this assessment is somewhat qualitative, given that dissolved degradation has been reported across different reducing con-
metal species are not inert tracers and would be expected to ditions, but this degradation step is not known to be energy
react with the subsurface soil geochemistry and precipitate. yielding, occurs cometabolically, and therefore requires a
Other supporting parameters that are beneficial to include supplemental growth substrate. This is not likely to be an
are sulfide (for sulfate-based delivery strategies) to confirm issue in gasoline site source areas, where residual PHC mate-
that sustained accumulation is not occurring, which could rials can fulfill this need, but portions of dissolved plumes
otherwise reduce microbial performance. As sulfide will pre- that are depleted of hydrocarbon contaminants or at sites
cipitate in the presence of ferrous iron, both of these ions are containing only MTBE and TBA, extensive lag times may
valuable to assess overall geochemical change—or to iden- be observed for TBA degradation. The fermentation of TBA
tify mitigation steps, if warranted. Nutrient analysis for TKN is feasible based on the relative energetics, with free energy
and TOC can be valuable as secondary assessment criteria to yield (∆rG°(w)) values determined to be relatively similar
ensure that nutrients and carbon sources are within accept- between oxygen (−2659 kJ) and nitrate (−2360 kJ) compared
able ranges to support biostimulation. Generally, if TKN is to ferric iron (−814 kJ), sulfate (−171 kJ), or methanogenesis
less than 5 mg/L, a nitrogen amendment may be considered (−72.06)138; but 14C isotopic studies have documented that the
so that nitrogen is not a potential limiting nutrient. Analytical methane generated from TBA fermentation under sulfate-
results of TOC that are less than approximately 10 mg/L may reducing to methanogenic conditions was considerably lower
imply carbon substrate limitation to biological growth, poten- than that anticipated based on the TBA loss observed.139
tially limiting the extent or efficiency of ABOx treatment. The natural conversion of MTBE to TBA under anaero-
bic conditions in many PHC-contaminated sites demon-  Fuel Oxygenates strates that ABOx applications are appropriate where MTBE
Like many contaminants discussed in this section, MTBE is a primary regulatory driver. As TBA degradation can be
was originally thought to be completely resistant to biodegra- highly site specific and dependent on the presence of an
dation due to the tertiary carbon structure and ether linkage. alternative carbon source for microbial growth, stand-alone
As research paid closer attention, however, MTBE biological ABOx treatment should be considered carefully and weighed
oxidation was observed under both aerobic and anaerobic con- against alternative TBA treatment remedies (e.g., aerobic
ditions. Like other oxygen-based treatment strategies, MTBE biodegradation)—particularly in cases where the TBA plume
degradation occurs faster than anaerobic biodegradation. is detached from the source area and organic carbon con-
Early studies that focused on anaerobic biodegradation of centrations in groundwater are limited. TBA does not have
MTBE were somewhat inconclusive but led to a general specu- a federal MCL within the United States and has an identi-
lation that MTBE will not biodegrade in the absence of oxy- fied cleanup standard in only a minority of U.S. states. As
gen. While additional work has been conducted to demonstrate aerobic degradation mechanisms occur far more readily than
that MTBE can biodegrade under nitrate-reducing, Mn(VI)- anaerobic steps (and are in some cases energy yielding), the
reducing, Fe(III)-reducing, sulfate-reducing, and methano- background dissolved oxygen concentration along the distal
genic conditions, the pile of research is still significantly toe of the PHC plume can be sufficient to control the plume
smaller than that available for aerobic MTBE degradation and limit overall transport.140
(Haggblom reports 12 studies conducted between 1993 and As MTBE and TBA are most frequently encountered in
2007135). While MTBE degradation has been reported under PHC sites, the sample monitoring program proposed within
these various conditions, there is considerable inconsistency in Table 6.18 is generally appropriate for anaerobic applications.
the research conducted, which demonstrates that degradation For aerobic applications, Table 6.18 is also appropriate.
pathways are highly site specific. Some studies have shown
MTBE mineralization concurrent with nitrate reduction, but
6.2.4 Cometabolic Degradation
not under sulfate-reducing or methanogenic conditions.136
Others have shown MTBE degradation concurrent with sulfate As detailed in the preceding sections, cometabolic degrada-
reduction, but not under methanogenic, nitrate-reducing, or tion processes can play a significant role in contaminant trans-
Fe(III)-reducing conditions.137 The body of the science there- formation. Cometabolic processes involve the degradation of
fore points to site-specific consortia that are uniquely adapted the contaminant by an enzyme produced by the microorgan-
to MTBE utilization, and we still have limited information ism for another reason, resulting in fortuitous degradation
pertaining to the specific microorganisms responsible.43,135 of the contaminant with no direct benefit for the responsible
Under anaerobic conditions, MTBE loss is coupled with organism. These processes are related to the broad spectrum
stoichiometric increases in TBA, suggesting that initial of metabolic reactions carried out by microbial consortia and
256 Remediation Engineering

the limited specificity of some primary enzymes produced can achieve complete degradation of chlorinated alkenes.
during these processes. This section captures some notable The same communities fail to transform PCE, however,
cometabolic interactions, the contaminants affected, and their because this compound is too oxidized. Pure cultures of
relative contributions to aerobic or anaerobic IRZ treatment methanotrophs such as Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b or
applications. Methylomonas sp. MM2 have been shown to partially trans-
As discussed earlier, organisms capable of aerobically form TCE, trans-DCE, and cis-DCE.46,143 Other microor-
degrading contaminants such as PHCs do so through the pro- ganisms capable of transforming chlorinated alkenes belong
duction of dioxygenase or monooxygenase enzymes. These to the genera Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes, Mycobacterium,
enzymes can support the transformation of MTBE to TBA and Nitrosomonas. All of these microorganisms, except the
and subsequent TBA mineralization, and these are the pri- genus Nitrosomonas, are heterotrophs that grow on various
mary mediating species for 1,4-dioxane treatment (discussed organic substrates (e.g., toluene, cresol, phenols, propane);
further in the following). These can also fortuitously oxidize Nitrosomonas is a chemolithotroph that derives energy from
a variety of different chlorinated contaminants by producing oxidation of ammonia. All of them cometabolize chlorinated
unstable chlorinated epoxides that will quickly break down compounds such as TCE or cis-1,2-DCE while growing on
via abiotic processes. Aerobic organisms that utilize phenol, their respective growth substrates; the chloroalkenes are only
toluene, methane, ethane/ethene, propane/propene, butane, fortuitously transformed, not utilized for growth. However, it
isoprene, isopropylbenzene, and ammonia as primary growth has been demonstrated that a Mycobacterium strain isolated
substrates produce the mono- and dioxygenase enzymes, from soil contaminated by VC could grow on VC as sole car-
which result in cometabolic degradation of chlorinated eth- bon and energy source.144
enes.141,142 As many of these are encountered in PHC sites, it is Methanotrophs produce catabolic methane monooxygen-
not uncommon for aerobic IRZ application for petroleum con- ases (MMOs) that incorporate one atom of oxygen from the
tamination to also provide some chlorinated aliphatic treat- oxygen molecule into methane to yield methanol.46,143–145 This
ment in mixed contaminant plumes or source areas. Several alcohol is further oxidized via a series of dehydrogenation
chlorinated hydrocarbons can also be utilized as growth sub- steps through formaldehyde and formic acid to CO2, which
strates for these processes including VC and chlorobenzene.142 is the final product of catabolism. MMO enzymes utilize
Toluene, phenol, and cresol oxidizers, such as Pseudomonas molecular oxygen as a reactant and require a reduced elec-
putida or P. cepacia, express the TCE transformation activity tron carrier to reduce the remaining oxygen atom to water.
upon induction by their aromatic substrates. These bacteria Similar to mono- and dioxygenase enzymes, MMO enzymes
have a great potential for remediation of groundwater aquifers have relaxed substrate specificity and will oxygenate many
that are contaminated by mixtures of gasoline or jet fuel (or compounds that are not growth substrates for methanotrophs.
other petroleum derivatives) and chlorinated solvents, such as Such compounds include various alkanes, alkenes, ethers,
TCE, DCE, or VC. If the aromatic contaminants are not pres- alicycles, aromatics, nitrogen heterocycles, and chlorinated
ent, however, bacterial growth substrates need to be injected alkanes, alkenes, and aromatics.46,146,147 Based on the findings
into the site in order to stimulate the transformation of chlori- with methanotrophs, it can be concluded that TCE is most
nated solvents. In this situation, methanotrophs become more likely oxygenated to TCE-epoxide (Figure 6.49). The epox-
attractive agents of bioremediation: methane, their preferred ide is unstable and is quickly nonenzymatically rearranged
substrate, is a nontoxic and inexpensive chemical and is often in aqueous solution to yield various products including car-
present naturally in petroleum-impacted sites. Once methane bon monoxide, formic acid, glyoxylic acid, and a range of
(if not already present) and oxygen are injected into the sub- chlorinated acids. Recent findings with purified MMO from
surface, methanotrophs (if present) will start cometaboliz- M. trichosporium OB3b indicate that TCE-epoxide is indeed
ing chlorinated solvents, as well as a great number of other a product of TCE oxygenation. In nature, where cooperation
contaminants (see Table 6.11), and the accompanying hetero- between the TCE oxidizers and other bacteria (most promi-
trophs will mineralize their transformation products. nently heterotrophs) occurs, TCE can be completely mineral-
Aerobic cometabolism of chlorinated compounds at low ized to carbon dioxide, water, and chloride.
concentrations by methane- and propane-utilizing bacteria Two types of MMOs have been suggested: a particulate
is well documented. In comparison, butane-utilizing bacte- (membrane bound) and a soluble enzyme.46 The soluble MMO
ria are less susceptible to the toxic effects of elevated chlo- (purified from M. trichosporium OB3b and Methylococcus
rinated compound concentrations. Butane is approximately capsulatus), which is produced under the conditions of copper
four times more soluble in groundwater than methane. Butane limitation and increased oxygen tension, has been considered
injection results in large radii of influence at injection well- to have broader substrate specificity. It has been stated that
heads, but the primary difficulty of utilizing alkanotrophic only the soluble MMO can transform TCE. However, recent
bacteria stems from the low solubility of alkanes and the dif- findings indicate that the particulate MMO in some metha-
ficulty of maintaining homogeneous concentration of the dis- notrophs may be as effective in the transformation of chlori-
solved alkane within the reactive zone. nated solvents as the soluble MMO. Since the soluble MMO
Methanotrophic communities that initiate the oxidative is not constitutively expressed whereas the particulate MMO
transformation and heterotrophs that subsequently utilize is, the latter methanotrophs (Methylomonas sp.) have a signifi-
the products of oxidation and hydrolysis are very active and cant potential for in situ bioremediation.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 257

Mono- or dioxygenase enzyme formation requires both is currently viewed as the most widely applicable mechanism
the growth substrate and oxygen. This can complicate design by which 1,4-dioxane degrades in situ.
for chlorinated ethene cometabolic degradation as the pri- Soluble MMO produced by methanotrophic and propane
mary growth substrate will compete for the mono- or dioxy- monooxygenase (PPO) produced by propanotrophic bacte-
genase enzymes and decrease the reaction efficiency with ria both have the capacity to catalyze the cometabolism of
chlorinated ethenes. There has been a significant amount 1,4-dioxane.154 Genetic surveys to quantify the genes that
of research toward evaluating what specific mono- and encode these enzymes and their expression are available,
dioxygenase enzymes have greater specificity toward some providing a potential line of evidence for the mechanism of
chlorinated compounds and also in engineering microbial natural attenuation of 1,4-dioxane in groundwater. In addition
strains to express these oxygenases to improve degradation to 1,4-dioxane, soluble MMO can also catalyze cometabolic
efficiency.148 degradation of chlorinated ethenes,157 as discussed earlier.
Mechanisms have been attempted to increase the over- Demonstration that cometabolic degradation is ongoing
all efficiency of cometabolic degradation by selecting for can be challenging using standard sampling techniques.
specific groups of microorganisms responsible for mono- or Relative comparisons of trend analyses and the disap-
dioxygenase synthesis. Substrates such as toluene, phenol, pearance of the contaminants of interest can suggest that
methane, propane, ethene (for VC only), ethane (for VC only), cometabolic degradation is occurring, but it can be hard to
and butane (for CT) with the potential to stimulate microbial provide definitive proof in the absence of EMD and MBT
production of oxygenase enzymes have been applied in con- analyses. A sample data set using these tools is provided in
junction with nutrient amendment in an attempt to increase Figure 6.67, which integrates concentrations of the metha-
chlorinated ethene degradation efficiency. While some posi- notrophic growth substrate (methane), dissolved oxygen
tive evidence has been developed demonstrating that these concentrations, and microbial DNA and RNA molecular
processes can be enhanced,142 other data are inconclusive. analyses used to assess both the presence and enzymatic
Nutrient addition (both nitrogen and phosphorus) has been activity of methanotrophs in a groundwater system contain-
observed to increase the number of methanotrophs (soluble ing 1,4-dioxane. The results indicate that elevated methane
MMO expression) and TCE transformation potential com- concentrations are present (>1000 µg/L) in conjunction
pared to systems without nutrient addition; but others have with low-level DO concentrations. The DNA-based analy-
exhibited very limited change in cultures when comparing ses indicate the potential for MMO production based on
nitrogen-limited and nitrogen-fed systems.149 the presence of methanotrophic DNA, and the RNA-based
Regardless of nutrient addition, chlorinated ethene deg- analyses identified SMMO activity at the majority of sam-
radation will not take place unless sufficient carbon growth pling locations. In conjunction with observed declines in
substrate and oxygen are present to stimulate the targeted 1,4-dioxane within plume monitoring wells, this sampling
organisms into expressing the desired oxygenase enzymes. technique can provide a significant line of evidence docu-
Field application of substrate has ranged from use of liquid menting 1,4-dioxane transformation—opposed to via phys-
injection or recirculation systems (injection of substrate/ ical processes alone.
extraction of groundwater) to create reactive zones with sub-
strates such as propane, phenol, and toluene.150,151 Gaseous
carbon substrates such as propane and methane can also be
applied via sparge techniques.152 The addition carbon sub- Groundwater containment (e.g., groundwater extraction and
strate is coupled with oxygen delivery (usually via air sparge treatment systems [GETS]) and physically enhanced removal
applications) to ensure that both electron donor and electron strategies (e.g., aquifer sparging) are fundamentally limited
acceptor are present concurrently. As mentioned earlier, it is by the dual-domain nature of porous media (Chapter 4). As
important to maintain a reasonable high and uniform O2 and highlighted earlier in the chapter, the limitations of these
CH4 concentrations to achieve significant methanotrophic remedial strategies inspired a transition in the remediation
degradation. Cometabolic oxidation often is not considered industry from containment and removal to in situ treatment
a significant, long-term mechanism for nonengineered biore- strategies. Rather than struggling to remove contaminant
mediation of chloroethenes in groundwater but has been suc- mass from a heterogeneous and complex pore structure,
cessfully exploited within engineered IRZ systems. in  situ treatment facilitates proven destruction and immobi-
A considerable body of more recent research has been lization mechanisms within the contaminated aquifer. The
developed to detail the biodegradation of 1,4-dioxane under stakeholder preference for contaminant destruction naturally
aerobic conditions. Only a limited number of microorganisms kindled an interest in chemical reaction mechanisms. There is
with the capacity to directly metabolize 1,4-dioxane as the a wide-ranging repertoire of reaction mechanisms that were
primary growth substrate have been identified,153–156 includ- developed for ex situ water supply and wastewater treatment
ing Amycolata sp. strain CB1190, Mycobacterium vaccae, systems, several of which were subsequently adopted for
and two strains of Rhodococcus sp. As these species are not in situ chemical remediation. Compared to above-grade treat-
ubiquitous to most groundwater systems and genetic surveys ment processes, the major differences of applying chemical
to characterize the activity and abundance of these organisms reaction mechanisms in aquifers are the large volumes that
are not yet commercially available, cometabolic degradation are engaged in reactions and the loss of reaction control.
258 Remediation Engineering

1,000,000 2000


Methane and dissolved oxygen (µg/L)

mRNA: transcript copies/bead 1400
DNA: cells/bead


1,000 1000


1 0
MW-12-09 MW-14-62 MW-14-60 MW-03-07

FIGURE 6.67  Multiple lines of evidence used to assess potential for 1,4-dioxane cometabolic degradation. Data show correlation between
methane, DO, DNA from organisms known to excrete soluble methane monooxygenase (SMMO), and mRNA demonstrating that SMMO is
being actively transcribed. mRNA data from eubacteria (EBAC) shown as validation of SMMO mRNA quantification accuracy.

Nothing about in  situ chemical remediation is subtle. The In  situ chemical remediation has been deployed in source
most reliable reaction mechanisms are simple and, generally, zone treatments, reactive barriers, and comprehensive site
energetic. The reactions engage many nontarget compounds, treatments for metals and organics. Success and failure of
and nontarget reaction losses typically dominate the reagent in situ chemical remediation rely heavily upon a comprehen-
budget. The fluid volume that must be injected to achieve com- sive understanding of the CSM, most importantly the degree
plete contact between reagents and contaminants is often quite of residual NAPL or adsorbed contamination. Chemical reme-
large, and the injection points must be spaced at appropriate diation kinetics are comparatively faster than biological reme-
distances to achieve uniform distribution in order to overcome diation kinetics or MNA. An appropriately applied in  situ
physical limitations on the injected reagent. Despite these chal- chemical reactive zone may demonstrate dramatic concentra-
lenging attributes, in situ chemical remediation can be success- tion reduction on an abbreviated timeline. Chemical reactive
ful and plays an important role in soil and groundwater cleanup. zones may cautiously be used for rapid source zone mass reduc-
Based on publication of field applications from academic tion, which would require other remediation technologies to
institutions and conference proceedings158–162 (and references provide a holistic treatment program for a large-scale contami-
therein), it is clear that chemical oxidation historically has nant plume. Typical chemical reactive zone treatment mecha-
been the dominant in  situ chemical remediation strategy, nisms and deployment methods are summarized in Table 6.19.
with recurring demonstrations of permanganate (MnO4−) and This section describes the chemistry that is associated with
catalyzed hydrogen peroxide (CHP). In the past ten years, in situ chemical remediation. Key concepts that are discussed
chemical reduction has gained popularity, due in large part include chemical thermodynamics, which is used to deter-
to the effectiveness of ZVI ([Fe0]) and curious observations in mine whether a reaction is energetically feasible, and chemi-
reductive dechlorination pathways. cal kinetics, the study of reaction rates and the variables that

TABLE 6.19
Table of Commonly Deployed Processes in Chemical Reactive Zone Treatments
Applications Reactive Zone Treatment Mode
Chemical Treatment Mechanism Metals Organics Source Zone Reactive Barrier Comprehensive Treatment
Precipitation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Chemical oxidation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Chemical reduction ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Nucleophilic substitution ✓ ✓

Note: Chemical oxidation for metals is primarily during novel applications, mostly associated with arsenic pretreatment.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 259

affect them (e.g., temperature and concentration of reactants). remediation is most often controlled by the concentrations of
Thermodynamic feasibility has been determined for most target compounds and treatment reagents that can be estab-
reactions of interest,163 so a greater emphasis is placed on lished in field applications. Finally, the treatment of chem-
chemical kinetics and their influence on in situ chemical reac- istry fundamentals is not intended to be exhaustive, and
tive zone designs. Detailed descriptions of the major chemical advanced readers are directed to Stumm and Morgan164 and
reactive zone technologies, including ISCO and in situ chemi- Schwarzenbach et al.165 as additional reading.
cal reduction (ISCR) methods, are discussed conceptually
and illustrated through select case study examples. A com-  Oxidation States
mentary on the limitations of in situ chemical remediation is The most common in situ chemical remediation involves oxi-
woven throughout the section. dation or reduction of target compounds. It is useful to rec-
ognize the oxidation states of molecules involved in these
reactions, particularly among the organic molecules that
6.3.1 Chemical Reactivity
might be targets of either chemical reduction or chemical oxi-
The biologically mediated reactions examined in Chapter 2 dation. The oxidation state of a molecule is calculated from
and in Sections 6.1 and 6.2 are fundamentally similar to the the oxidation numbers of its component atoms, according to
mechanisms associated with in  situ chemical remediation the following guidelines (after Kotz and Treichel)166:
(i.e., reductions and oxidations). The important difference is
that microbial reactions are catalyzed by enzymes that sig- 1. Atoms of elements in their pure states (e.g., H2 and
nificantly decrease the activation energy, increasing the rate O2) are assigned the oxidation state of 0.
at which many reactions occur, especially at low reactant 2. Single-element ions (e.g., Fe2+ and Cl−) are assigned
concentrations (Figure  6.68). The catalytic systems built by an oxidation number equal to the charge on the ion.
microbial communities are more persistent than the chemi- 3. The oxidation number for fluorine (F) is always 1 in
cal reagents used for in situ chemical remediation. Chemical compounds with other elements.
remediation, lacking the catalytic capacities of biological 4. Hydrogen (H+) is assigned +1 and oxygen is assigned
remediation, must operate at higher energy levels to achieve −2 with the following exceptions:
the same level of treatment. This is accomplished through a. Metal hydrides: hydrogen in metal hydrides is
the use of more energetic reagents (e.g., the hydroxyl radical assigned −1 (e.g., calcium hydride [CaH2]).
[OH•]), along with the use of high reagent concentrations. b. Peroxides: oxygen in peroxides is assigned +1
This section provides a brief review of chemical reactiv- (e.g., hydrogen peroxide [H2O2]).
ity, including chemical thermodynamics and reaction kinet- 5. Chlorine, bromine, and iodine are assigned −1,
ics. The objective is to describe some of the key variables that except when they are compounded with oxygen or
control chemical reactivity in aquifers, allowing the reader to fluorine (e.g., perchlorate [ClO4−] where the chlorine
critically examine reaction systems that might be considered carries the oxidation number +7).
for deployment and to troubleshoot systems that have not met 6. The sum of oxidation numbers for atoms in a com-
remedial objectives. The greatest emphasis is placed on reac- pound equals the net charge on the compound. This
tion kinetics, because the performance of in  situ chemical guideline, combined with those mentioned earlier, is
used to determine oxidation numbers for atoms that
have not been specified. For example, in the perman-
ganate ion (MnO4−), the oxygens total −8 (i.e., −2 ×
4), so the manganese is +7 (calculated as −1 = x +
Gibbs free energy (kJ/mol)

4(−2)), which is represented as Mn+7.
The oxidation state of each carbon on an organic
molecule can be calculated by these guidelines, and
the overall oxidation state for an organic molecule
can be characterized by a mean oxidation number for
the carbons.167 The value of this analysis for organic
molecules is in the initial screening of potential
chemical mechanisms for treatment.
Calculation of the mean oxidation number for car-
Reactants Activated Products bon compounds follows the aforementioned rules,
with one addition:
7. Carbon atoms are neutral with respect to oxida-
FIGURE 6.68  Effect of enzyme participation on the activation
tion number in carbon–carbon bonds, regardless of
energy of an exergonic reaction. The activation energy reaction,
ΔG ‡, is dramatically reduced by the intervention of an enzyme in the number of bonds (single, double, or triple). For
the reaction, as depicted by the lower activation energy, DGcat

. The example, each carbon atom in acetylene (HC≡CH)
overall reaction energy yield, ΔGrxn, is unaffected by the presence has the oxidation state (−1), balancing the hydrogens
of a catalyst. (+1) that each carries.
260 Remediation Engineering

Carbon can assume oxidation numbers ranging from −4 to In this section, specific discussion is provided on thermo-
+4. To calculate the mean oxidation number for a molecule, dynamic and kinetic fundamentals, such as bond energies,
the oxidation number is calculated for each carbon atom, and Gibbs free energy, the Nernst equation, and a detailed dis-
then the oxidation numbers are averaged for all carbon atoms cussion on the different reaction orders and rate equations.
in the molecule. Here are some examples: The most important distinction between thermodynamics
and kinetics is that thermodynamics informs whether or not a
• Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Four chlorines at −1 reaction is energetically feasible, while reaction kinetics dic-
each indicate that the carbon in this molecule has tate whether or not a reaction will occur within a meaningful
an oxidation state of +4. That is the maximum for time frame in situ.
carbon, so additional oxidation is not likely to be
productive (it is possible to oxidize carbon tetrachlo-  Bond Energies
ride to carbon dioxide, but the energy input would Chemical reactions entail the breaking and making of bonds
be quite large, and by-product production would be between atoms. The strength of these bonds determines the
significant). energy input required to initiate bond breakage and the energy
• Methane (CH4). Four hydrogens at +1 each indicate that will be gained when new bonds are formed at reaction
that the carbon in this molecule has an oxidation state completion. Chemical reaction strategies for the destruction
of −4. That is the minimum for carbon, so additional of soil and groundwater contaminants are most often directed
reduction is not possible. This explains why meth- at breaking bonds between carbon atoms and heteroatoms,
ane persists in reactive zone applications that rely on that is, atoms of elements other than carbon in organic mol-
chemical or biological reduction mechanisms. ecules. Removal of heteroatoms from toxic organic compounds
• Tetrachloroethene (PCE; C2Cl4). Each carbon has normally reduces or eliminates their toxicity and typically
two chlorines at −2, so each carbon is assigned the increases their mobility and susceptibility to natural attenua-
oxidation state +2, and the mean oxidation number tion mechanisms such as biodegradation.
for the molecule is +2. Tetrachloroethene is the most Dissociation energies for chemical bonds between atoms
oxidized of the chlorinated ethenes, is more suscep- in organic carbon molecules are summarized in Table 6.20.
tible to reduction and less susceptible to oxidation From these data, the heteroatoms chlorine and bromine have
than the other chlorinated ethenes. relatively lower dissociation energies than the bonds between
• 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA; C2H3Cl3). The carbon atoms and oxygen or hydrogen. Bond energies between
chlorine-bearing carbon has a +3 oxidation state, carbon and halogens decrease with increasing halogen atomic
balancing the three chlorines at −1 each, and the sat- mass: F > Cl > Br > I. The decrease in bond strength is linked
urated (–CH3) carbon has a −3 oxidation state, bal- to the increase in atomic radius, which leads to greater bond
ancing the three hydrogens at +1 each. This gives the lengths for the larger halogens.
molecule a mean oxidation number of 0. 1,1,1-TCA is
susceptible to either reduction or oxidation.  Gibbs Free Energy
Gibbs free energy incorporates changes in enthalpy (ΔH) and
For organic molecules, the addition of hydrogen (H+) or the
entropy (ΔS) to reflect the total energy change of any reac-
loss of oxygen (O2) or halogen atoms yields a reduction in the
tion. When the Gibbs free energy associated with a reaction is
mean oxidation number and would be indicative of chemical
positive, the reaction requires energy input to occur, and the
or biological reduction mechanisms at work. The addition of
reaction cannot occur spontaneously. When the Gibbs free
oxygen (O2) or halogen molecules or the loss of hydrogen (H+)
energy associated with a reaction is negative, the reaction
yields an increase in the mean oxidation number, indicating
releases energy and can occur spontaneously. Spontaneous
that a chemical or biological oxidation mechanism is at work.
reactions are those that can occur without the input of energy  Thermodynamics versus Kinetics into the system. Spontaneity does not imply speed.
Gibbs free energy is defined by the change in enthalpy (H)
The thermodynamic properties of reactions can be used
and entropy (S) in a reaction and can be calculated by the
as a screening tool to identify reactions that are energeti-
van’t Hoff equation (Equation 6.49):
cally feasible. Thermodynamics does not, however, deter-
mine whether a reaction can be deployed effectively in situ.
DG = DH - TDS (6.49)
Thermodynamics is part of the analysis of reactions, and
it quantifies the energy that can be gained from a reaction.
Thermodynamics does not reflect the rate at which a reac- The change in Gibbs energy for a reaction (ΔGrxn) is calcu-
tion will occur, and a large thermodynamic energy yield does lated by the difference between the Gibbs energy of products
0 0
not always lead to high reaction rates. In many cases, less (G products ) and reactants (Greactants ), as shown in Equation 6.50:
energy-yielding reactions occur more quickly, so the most
stable product is not always the first to form. Rate predictions
are the domain of chemical kinetics.
DGrxn = åG 0
products - åG
reactants (6.50)
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 261  Enthalpy Consideration  The first law of

TABLE 6.20 thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created nor
Selected Bond Dissociation Energies destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form to another.
Bond Bond Dissociation Energy (kJ/mol) In chemical reactions, this energy accounting is measured in
the form of heat flow, and enthalpy (H) is the key parameter to
Methyl bonds
describe this process thermodynamically. The definition of a
CH3–H 435
change in enthalpy (ΔH) is the quantity of heat absorbed by a
CH3–Cl 351
CH3–Br 293
system at constant temperature and pressure.170 Enthalpy (H)
CH3–OH 381
is defined by Equation 6.51 as
Primary carbon bonds
CH3CH2–H 410 H = E + PV (6.51)
CH3CH2–Cl 339
CH3CH2–Br 285
CH3CH2–OH 381
Secondary carbon bonds E is the internal energy
(CH3)2CH–H 397 P is the pressure
(CH3)2CH–Cl 335 V is the volume
(CH3)2CH–Br 285
(CH3)2CH–OH 381 Calculating the total enthalpy (H) of an aquifer would be
Tertiary carbon bonds extremely difficult and highly inaccurate, and therefore the
(CH3)3C–H 381 change in enthalpy (ΔH) is targeted for calculation. In reac-
(CH3)3C–Cl 331 tive zones that are relevant to in situ chemical remediation, the
(CH3)3C–Br 272 pressure and temperature are relatively constant (an assump-
(CH3)3C–OH 381 tion that should be challenged if temperature manipulation is
Carbon–carbon bonds
part of the treatment process). Through algebraic manipula-
CH3–CH3 368
tion of Equation 6.51 and the first law of thermodynamics,
CH3CH2–CH3 356
the expression for the change in enthalpy (ΔH) at constant
C=C (second bond) 264a
pressure is expressed as Equation 6.52:
Other bonds
Ph–Cl 402a

DH = q p (6.52)
Source: Wade, L.G., Jr., Organic Chemistry, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, Upper
Saddle River, NJ, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
a Data from [168].
where qp is the heat absorbed at constant pressure.
Because the change in enthalpy (ΔH) is the main con-
tributor to the free energy calculation in Equation 6.49, a
similar concept is used to calculate the change in enthalpy
where G 0 are values for the standard free energy of formation (ΔH). That is, based on a balanced equation for a chemical
for individual compounds, referenced to a standard physical– reaction, the heat of the reaction is equal to the sum of the
chemical state (viz., 1 atm pressure and 25°C [298.15 K]). standard enthalpies of the products minus the sum of
Values of G 0 for most compounds are typically tabulated in the  standard enthalpies of the reactants. A summary of
standard data compendiums and available in Internet data- standard Gibbs free energies and enthalpies is tabulated
bases such as the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.163 The in Table 6.21 to facilitate the following example. Here, the
change in Gibbs energy (ΔGrxn) for a reaction can be classified change in enthalpy (ΔH) of the complete mineralization of
according to the following: benzene (C6H6) to carbon dioxide (CO2) by oxygen (O2) is
determined. The balanced chemical reaction is as follows
Endergonic reactions. Reactions that are energy (Equation 6.53):
consuming as measured by an increase in Gibbs
free energy are termed endergonic. Endergonic
reactions cannot occur spontaneously. Metabolic C6H 6(aq) + 7.5O2(aq) ® 6CO2(aq) + 3H 2O(l) (6.53)

reaction sequences may include endergonic steps,
but the overall reaction must be exergonic to
proceed. Note the phase subscripts in Equation 6.53. Unique standard
Exergonic reactions. Reactions that are energy enthalpies exist for different phases, and, in some instances,
releasing, as measured by a decrease in Gibbs free the change in enthalpy (ΔH) can be appreciably different
energy, are termed exergonic. Exergonic reactions based on the phase of the compound. When calculating the
may occur spontaneously. change in enthalpy (ΔH), it is important to know the phase
262 Remediation Engineering

TABLE 6.21
Standard Gibbs Free Energy and Enthalpy Values for Selected Compounds
in Specified Phases at 25°C (298.15 K) and 1 atm
Compound Name Chemical Formula DGf0 (kJ/mol) Reference DHf0 (kJ/mol) Reference
Hydrogen ion H (aq)
+ 0 [171] 0 [171]
Neutral-pH hydrogen ion H+(10−7)(aq) −39.87 [172]
Hydrogen H2(aq) 17.57 [173] −4.18 [173]
Water H2O(l) −237.18 [174] −285.80 [174]
Hydrogen peroxide H2O2(aq) −134.097 [172] −191.13 [175]
Hydroxide ion OH− (aq) −157.2 [174] −230.0 [174]
Oxygen O2(aq) 16.32 [173] −11.71 [173]
Ozone O3(g) 165.7 [174] 142 [174]
Carbon dioxide CO2(aq) −386.23 [174] −412.92 [174]
Carbonic acid H2CO3(aq) −623 [174 −699 [174]
Bicarbonate HCO3− (aq) −586.85 [171] −692.00 [171]
Carbonate CO32− (aq) −527.80 [171] −677.10 [171]
Chloride ion Cl− (aq) −131.30 [174] −167.20 [174]
Ferrous iron Fe2+(aq) −78.87 [173] −89 [171]
Ferric iron Fe3+(aq) −4.60 [172] −48.5 [171]
Manganous manganese Mn2+(aq) −228.0 [173] −220.7 [173]
Ammonia NH3(aq) −26.65 [174] −80.83 [174]
Ammonium NH4+(aq) −79.37 [174] −132.50 [174]
Nitrate NO3− (aq) −111.34 [172] −207.4 [171]
Hydrogen sulfide H2S(aq) −27.87 [172] −39.3 [174]
Bisulfide HS− (aq) 12.05 [172] −17.6 [174]
Sulfide S2− (aq) 79.5 [171] 30.1 [171]
Sulfate SO42− (aq) −744.63 [172] −909.3 [171]
Benzene C6H6(aq) 133.9 [176]
Ethylbenzene C8H10(aq) 136 [176]
Toluene C7H8(aq) 127 [176]
m-Xylenes C8H10(aq) 122.9 [176]
o-Xylenes C8H10(aq) 124.6 [176]
p-Xylenes C8H10(aq) 125.2 [176]
Chloroethane C2H5Cl(aq) −36.83 [177]
Chloroethene C2H3Cl(aq) 59.65 [177]
1,1-Dichloroethane C2H4Cl2(aq) −68.69 [177]
1,2-Dichloroethane C2H4Cl2(aq) −72.93 [177]
1,1-Dichloroethene C2H2Cl2(aq) 32.23 [177]
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene C2H2Cl2(aq) 27.8 [177]
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene C2H2Cl2(aq) 32.06 [177]
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane C2H2Cl4(aq) −77.75 [177]
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane C2H2Cl4(aq) −88.92 [177]
Tetrachloroethene C2Cl4(aq) 27.59 [177]
1,1,1-Trichloroethane C2H3Cl3(aq) −69.04 [177]
1,1,2-Trichloroethane C2H3Cl3(aq) −77.64 [177]
Trichloroethene C2HCl3(aq) 25.41 [177]
Ethane C2H6(aq) −17.43 [177]
Ethene C2H4(aq) 81.43 [177]
Methane CH4(aq) −34.74 [177]

of each compound in the chemical reaction. The change in The superscript 0 indicates the standard heat of formation
enthalpy (ΔH) of Equation 6.53 is defined by Equation 6.54: with reactants and products at 1 atm and 25°C (298.15 K).
The standard enthalpies from Table 6.21 for the com-

pounds in this example are as follows: benzene (C6H6) =
DH 0f = 0
products - 0
reactants (6.54)
48.95 kJ/mol, oxygen (O2) = −11.71 kJ/mol, carbon dioxide
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 263

(CO2) = −412.92 kJ/mol, and water (H2O) = −285.80 kJ/mol. where A and B indicate reactants and C and D indicate prod-
Therefore, ucts. The “…” in Equation 6.56 is included to imply that all
products and reactants are included in Equation 6.56.
The free energy for a compound at nonstandard condi-
DH 0f = éë( 6 mol ´ -412.92 kJ/mol ) + ( 3 mol ´ -285.80 kJ/mol )ùû tions can be determined by the partial molar free energy cal-
culation, shown in Equation 6.57. The bar above the Gibbs
- éë(1 mol ´ 48.95 kJ/mol ) + ( 7.5 mol ´ -11.71 kJ/mol )ùû energy symbol, G, indicates a molar quantity for compound
A, in contrast to the Gibbs energy for a reaction, shown in
= -3296.04 kJ Equations 6.50 and 6.56:

The standard change in enthalpy (DH 0f ) for the mineraliza- G A = G A0 + RT ln[ A] (6.57)
tion of benzene (C6H6) to carbon dioxide (CO2) is equal to
−3296.04  kJ. The negative standard change in enthalpy  Kinetic Control of Reaction Rates
(DH 0f ) indicates a reaction that generates heat and is therefore Thermodynamic analysis tells us the energy yield (ΔGrxn)
referred to as exothermic and will proceed spontaneously. when a reaction occurs, but it does not give us information
Had the standard change in enthalpy (DH 0f ) been positive, the on the probability that the reaction will actually happen. The
reaction would be observed to absorb heat, and it would have rate at which a reaction occurs, measured as moles per liter
been endothermic. The difference between endothermic and per second (mol/L/s or M/s), is a reflection of the probability
exothermic reactions is similar to the Gibbs free energy dif- of the reaction. There are two major factors that determine
ference and describes the spontaneity (i.e., required energy the probability of completing a particular irreversible reaction
to proceed) of the reaction. The largely negative change in in aqueous solution*:
enthalpy (ΔH) does not mean to imply Equation 6.53 pro-
ceeds at a rapid rate. 1.
Frequency of collisions between reactants. For a
reaction to occur, the reactants must make contact.  Entropy Consideration  The Gibbs free The frequency of contact events is controlled by two
energy equation defined in Equation 6.49 includes both variables: the concentration of reactants and their
enthalpy (H) and entropy (S). Entropy (S) is an abstract effective velocities in solution. Reactions are more
topic that generally describes the spontaneity of a reaction likely to occur at high reactant concentrations and at
to trend toward equilibrium and is related to the second law higher molecular velocities (i.e., higher temperatures).
of thermodynamics. Briefly, the second law of thermody- Molecules that rapidly diffuse in aqueous solution
namics states that entropy will increase over time. When would also be expected to achieve more contact events
a spontaneous reaction occurs, the change in entropy (ΔS) than reactants that migrate slowly in solution.
is always found to be positive.170 Therefore, if all entropy 2.
Likelihood that a contact event will result in a com-
(S) increases over time, all reactions are slowly progressing pleted reaction. Many collisions occur between
toward equilibrium. If the change in entropy (ΔS) is zero, reactants, which do not result in a completed reac-
this implies the reaction is already at equilibrium. Typically, tion. The rate at which contact events generate reac-
in most reactions relevant to in  situ chemical remediation, tions is determined by the steric interaction of  the
rapid rate kinetics progress to equilibrium quickly, and in reactants (the “fit” of the reacting molecules),
most instances the contribution of entropy (S) to the free the velocity (energy) at which the contact occurs, and
energy in Equation 6.49 is negligible. the free energy of formation of the reaction interme-
diate (activated complex), ΔG ‡. Nonstandard Conditions: The The effects of contact frequency, likelihood of reaction, and
Nernst Equation other variables are lumped into a kinetic constant that can
The Gibbs free energy for a reaction at nonstandard conditions be used to estimate the rate that a reaction occurs under
is described by the Nernst equation. The free energy change specified conditions. Kinetic analysis of possible reactions is
is determined by the standard free energy of the reaction, the important in the development of in situ chemical remediation
reaction temperature, reaction stoichiometries, and the con- because many reactions that are thermodynamically feasible
centrations of products and reactants, as shown in Equation occur at rates that are too slow or too fast to achieve remedial
6.56, where A and B are reactants and C and D are products, objectives. Kinetic analysis of reactions can also be used to
as shown in Equation 6.55: determine when competition for reactants will affect in situ
chemical reactive zone operation. This allows practitioners to
aA + bB ® cC + dD (6.55) engineer the aquifer chemistry to minimize competitive limi-
tations on reaction effectiveness.

é [C ]c D d ¼ ù * This treatment of kinetics is not intended to be a comprehensive treatment

DGrxn = DGrxn
+ RT ln ê a b ú (6.56) of the subject but rather a summarization offered to assist the nonchemist
ë [ A] [ B] ¼ û in understanding the major factors that underlie reaction kinetics.
264 Remediation Engineering  Reaction Order and Rate Equations  There 1.0

are four basic kinetic classifications for reactions that are rel-
evant to in situ chemical remediation: zero-order, first-order, 0.8

Reaction concentration (M)

second-order, and a special case of second-order reactions
called pseudo-first-order reactions. In the sections that follow,
reaction mechanisms and associated mathematical descrip- 0.6
tions are provided for each of the reaction classifications. For
in  situ chemical remediation purposes, the value of kinetic 0.4
analysis lies in the ability to calculate the rate of reaction as a a b
function of a target compound and the injected reagent con-
centrations and to estimate the rate of loss of injected reagents
to competing, unproductive reactions.
In the simplest reactions, there is one reactant that is changed 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000
to make one or more products, as shown in Equation 6.58. This
Time (s)
reaction may follow either zero- or first-order kinetics:

A ® products (6.58) FIGURE 6.69  Concentration versus time with zero-order (a) and

first-order (b) kinetic rate constants. For these reactions, the initial
reaction rates are identical. With zero-order kinetics, the reaction  Zero Order  Zero-order reactions proceed at a rate remains constant as the concentration of the reactant decreases.
constant rate over time. This may occur in a catalytic reaction With first-order kinetics, the reaction rate declines as the reactant
with a single reactant, when the reactant is present in large concentration decreases.
quantities. The zero-order rate equation in differential form is
presented as Equation 6.59:
where [A]0 is the concentration of A when time = 0. A first-
dA order reaction generates a log-linear decrease of concentration
= k (6.59) over time, as shown in Figure 6.69. True first-order reactions
are unlikely to be encountered in reactive zone applications,
although pseudo-first-order reactions are quite common.
Integrating to find a formula for the concentration of A as a
Pseudo-first-order reactions are a special case of second-order
function of time,
reactions and are discussed later.
[ A] = [ A]0 - k ´ t (6.60)  Second Order  Second-order reactions pro-
where ceed at a rate that is determined by the concentrations of two
k is the kinetic rate constant (M/s) reactants. The rates of most reactions of interest in chemical
[A]0 is the concentration of A when time = 0 reactive zones are described by second-order reaction kinet-
ics. For the reaction
A zero-order reaction generates a linear decrease of the reac-
tant over time, as shown in Figure 6.69. Zero-order reactions A + B ® products (6.63)
are unlikely to be encountered in reactive zone applications.
the rate of reaction is described by the following equation:  First Order  First-order reactions also follow
Equation 6.58, and they proceed at a rate that declines over d[ A] d[ B]
time. The reaction rate (k) at any time is determined by the = = k ´ [ A] ´ [ B] (6.64)
dt dt
concentration of a single reactant. Radioactive decay and
many enzyme reactions follow first-order reaction kinetics:
where the units for k are M/s.
dA Notice that the rate of reaction (k) for A and B is the same,
= k ´[ A] (6.61) because for each molecule of A reacted, a molecule of B also
reacts. For simple reaction systems, solutions to Equation 6.64
where are provided by numerous authors. The following solution,
k is the kinetic rate constant of the reaction (s−1) given by Barrow,178 is useful because it expresses the moles
[A] is the molar concentration of the reactant, A, at any reacted per liter after time (t) in seconds as “x,” which can be
time, t isolated algebraically:

Integrating, we obtain
kt =
éë B ùû 0 ( éë Aùû 0
-x ) (6.65)
[ A] = [ A]0 ´ e - kt (6.62)
éë B ùû 0 - éë A ùû 0 éë A ùû
0 ( éë Bùû 0
- x)
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 265

where x is the number of moles reacted per liter in time t. concentration relative to the concentration of B, the terms
Solving for x (using the equation-solving facility of MathCad*) are lumped as follows:
at a specified time, t,
k¢ = k éë A ùû (s-1 ) (6.69)
( kt éë Aùû0 - kt éë Bùû0 ) - 1
x = éë A ùû 0 éë B ùû 0 ; éë A ùû 0 ¹ éë B ùû 0
éë A ùû 0 e
( kt éë Aùû0 - kt éë Bùû0 ) - é B ù where k′ is the pseudo-first-order kinetic rate constant for the
 ë û0 reaction.
(6.66) The reaction can then be expressed in the same manner as
a first-order reaction, as in Equation 6.62 (with A at a constant
The concentration of each reactant remaining after t seconds is concentration):

éë A ùû = éë A ùû 0 - x (mol/L) (6.67) éë B ùû = éë B ùû 0 ´ e - kt (6.70)

éë B ùû = éë B ùû 0 - x (mol/L) (mol/L) (6.68) The half-life (t1/2) of a reactant can be calculated for both first-
order and pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics. The half-life
Most reactions used for destruction of organic contami- (t1/2) is the time at which half of the reactant remains:
nant in chemical reactive zones are second order. The reac-
tion rate (k) depends on the concentration of the targeted éë B ùû
= 0.5 = e - k ¢t (6.71)
contaminant as well as the injected reagent. Simplifying éë B ùû 0
assumptions are sometimes used to collapse the second-
order kinetics into a pseudo-first-order kinetic analysis, as
Rearranging equation 6.71,
described in the following section. These assumptions must
be made with care to avoid overestimation of the expected
ln ( 0.5 ) = -k¢t (6.72)
reaction rates.
and setting t equivalant to the half-life (t1/2),  Pseudo-First Order  Pseudo-first-order reac-
tion kinetics are a special case of second-order kinetics, in ln ( 0.5 )
which three conditions are met: t1/ 2 = - (6.73)

1. The reaction is first order relative to both the targeted The above equations can be simplified to 6.74 or 6.75,
contaminant and the injected reagent.
2. The injected reagent concentration is significantly
t1/ 2 = -
( -0.69 ) (6.74)
higher than the targeted contaminant concentration.

3. The injected reagent is not significantly reactive with
any other chemical species in the reactive zone. 0.69
t1/ 2 = (6.75)

These conditions are not always met, and the conservative
approach is to use full second-order kinetic analysis of the The error that would be induced by the assumption of a
expected reactions. In chemical reactive zone applications, pseudo-first-order analysis in a true second-order reaction is
pseudo-first-order reaction assumptions may be met at the presented in the example in Figure 6.70, when reactant “B” is
point of injection; however, dilution of injected reagents by initially present at double the concentration of reactant “A”.
groundwater may invalidate the assumptions within a short The assumption of a constant concentration of reactant “B”
distance of the injection point. (the pseudo-first-order assumption) overstates the rate of reac-
Cases in which the conditions are met allow a simpli- tion, giving a lower concentration for reactant “A” than would
fying assumption: the concentration of the higher-con- actually be observed. As shown in Figure 6.70, the error is
centration reactant is effectively constant relative to the minimal during early stages of the reaction and leads to the
lower-concentration contaminant, which allows us to col- greatest error when the reaction is more than 50% complete.
lapse the kinetic rate equation to a pseudo-first-order cal- The magnitude of the error becomes quite large when the two
culation. This is accomplished by lumping the kinetic rate reactants are at similar concentrations.
constant (k) and the concentration of the excess reactant A summary of the reaction kinetic equations for zero-,
into a pseudo-first-order rate constant (k′). For the reac- first-, second-, and pseudo-second-order kinetics is presented
tion described in Equation 6.63, if A is present at a large in Table 6.22.  Kinetic Feasibility  Thermodynamic analysis

* Expansion of the natural log term was required for MathCad to achieve a
determines whether a reaction is energy yielding (exother-
solution. mic) or energy consuming (endothermic). Energy-yielding
266 Remediation Engineering

1.0 the reaction. The principle of kinetic feasibility can be stated

as follows: a reaction is kinetically feasible if it proceeds at a
rate and at concentrations that achieve remedial objectives in
Reaction concentration (M)

a cost-effective manner.
There are several potential kinetic limitations on the feasi-
0.6 bility of an in situ chemical reactive zone strategy:

0.4 1.
It is possible for a reaction to occur too quickly. Many
aquifer contaminants are present in two or more
a b distinct phases. It is the aqueous-phase fraction of
0.2 aquifer contamination that is typically quantified
and that is the phase in which most chemical reac-
0.0 tive zone reactions occur. For hydrophobic organic
0 200 400 600 800 1000 contaminants, the nonaqueous fractions constitute a
Time (s) majority of the contaminant mass in many aquifers.
During a reactive zone treatment for hydrophobic
FIGURE 6.70  Comparison of second-order and pseudo-first-order contaminants, the loss of the target compound from
kinetics for the reaction A + B → products. Curve (a) shows the aqueous phase is balanced by desorption of contami-
concentration of reactant A, when the concentration of reactant B
nant from nonaqueous phase. The half-life (t1/2) of
is assumed to remain constant (pseudo-first-order kinetics). Curve
(b) shows the slower rate of reaction when the concentration of B
highly reactive treatment reagents, such as hydroxyl
declines through the reaction process. As the initial concentration radical (OH•), is so short that the reagent may be
of B is increased, the curve (b) converged to match curve (a). See spent before the desorption process is completed.
additional explanation in the text. This causes rebound of nonaqueous-phase contami-
nant concentrations, and under these conditions, a
reactions meet the criterion of spontaneity and are thus ther- slower-acting reagent may be favored.
modynamically feasible. However, many reactions that are 2.
It is possible for a reaction to occur too slowly. A
thermodynamically feasible do not occur at a rate that can be reagent that acts too slowly may be washed out of
used cost-effectively in a remedial system. This leads to the the treatment area by groundwater movement, before
second determination that must be made for candidate reac- reactions occur.
tion systems: kinetic feasibility. 3.
It is possible for a reactant to be consumed by com-
The determination of kinetic feasibility is more subjective peting chemical processes. Most reagents used in
than the determination of thermodynamic feasibility because chemical reactive zones can react with at least sev-
a judgment must be made on the economic viability of eral chemical species present in the aquifer. It is

TABLE 6.22
Summary of Equations Describing Reaction Kinetics
Reaction Order Differential Solution to Differential Units for k
A → products
Zero order =k [A] = [A]0 − k × t M * s−1
First order = k ´ éë A ùû [A] = [A]0e−k × t s−1
A + B → products

Second order
dA dB
= = k ´ éë A ùû ´ éë B ùû k´t =
éë B ùû 0 ( éë Aùû 0
-x ) M−1 * s−1
dt dt A -
éë ùû 0 éë ùû 0 é A ù
ë û0 ( éë Bùû 0
- x)

[A]0 ≠ [B]0 Solving for x, the amount of A and B

reacted after t seconds:

( kt éë Aùû0 -kt éë Bùû0 ) - 1
x = éë B ùû 0 éë A ùû 0
( kt éë Aùû0 -kt éë Bùû0 ) - é B ù
ëé A ùû 0 ´ e ë û0
Pseudo-first order = k ¢´ éë B ùû éë B ùû = éë B ùû 0 ´ e - k¢t s−1
[A]0 ≫ [B]0
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 267

not uncommon to observe significant reagent loss reductions in an acceptable time frame. With the
to reactions that have low kinetic rate constants (k). high reagent strength comes an increased rate of by-
This occurs when the concentration of the compet- product-forming reactions. Examples of by-product
ing reactant is high. The bicarbonate ion (HCO3−) formation are given throughout Section 6.3.2.
is an example of a reactant that is only moderately
reactive with the hydroxyl radical (OH•). Its second-  Reaction Mechanisms
order kinetic rate constant is approximately 1000- Most of the reaction systems considered for use in aquifer reme-
fold lower than the rate constant for hydroxyl radical dies were developed and tested in wastewater applications (e.g.,
(OH•) reaction with trichloroethene (TCE). However, ozonation) or industrial chemical synthesis (e.g., the Fenton’s
when the pH exceeds 7.0, a significant fraction of oxidation process). Useful remediation reactions have been
the dissolved-phase inorganic carbon is in the bicar- drawn from four classes: electron transfers, nucleophilic sub-
bonate ion (HCO3−) form. If the magnitude of the stitutions and eliminations, precipitation reactions, and hetero-
inorganic carbon pool is large, the molarity of the geneous (liquid–solid) reactions. The general mode of action
bicarbonate ion (HCO3−) will be high, relative to the for each of these reaction classes is introduced in this section,
trichloroethene (TCE) concentration. As the oxida- and detailed discussions of the most effective examples of each
tion reaction proceeds and trichloroethene (TCE) class of reactions are provided in the subsequent section.
concentrations decline, an increasing portion of
the hydroxyl radicals (OH•) react with bicarbonate  Electron Transfer Reactions
(HCO3−) rather than with the targeted trichloroeth- Electron transfer reactions, also known as oxidation–
ene (TCE). The effect of carbonate (CO32−) competi- reduction or “redox” reactions, are the most common of the
tion on trichloroethene (TCE) oxidation is quantified chemical reactive zone mechanisms. Both ISCO and ISCR
in Section take advantage of electron transfer reactions in the destruc-
The reactant concentration that must be sustained tion of contaminants. Biological reactions are predominantly
to fully treat a target contaminant can be uneco- electron transfer reactions as well (Chapter 2). The most sig-
nomical.  There are many cases in which the aquifer nificant distinction between bacterial and chemical reactive
matrix consumption of a reagent is large, and chemi- zone chemistries is the use of catalysts (i.e., enzymes) by the
cal reagent mass that must be supplied to achieve bacteria. Lacking the benefit of catalysts, chemical reactive
contaminant removal is economically unattractive. zones rely on much higher reactant concentrations to over-
come activation energy limitations.
All of these potential pitfalls should be examined in the deter- There are two chemical roles fulfilled in each electron
mination of kinetic feasibility for a reaction strategy. transfer reaction: an electron donor (donor) and an electron
Kinetic feasibility generally must be determined on a site- acceptor (acceptor). A compound or an element may serve
specific basis. Here are elements of the kinetic analysis that as a donor in some reactions and as an acceptor in others.
should be considered for each in situ reaction scenario: As detailed earlier in this chapter, an electron migrates from
the donor to the acceptor during the reaction process, signifi-
1. Kinetic rate constants for the primary reactions. cantly changing the chemical behavior of both reactants. The
2. Kinetic rate constants for competing reactions that reactants and products when two compounds, A and B, par-
are reasonably anticipated. Examples of these are ticipate in a redox reaction are illustrated in Equation 6.76:
a. Decomposition reactions of the injected reagents
b. Reaction with dissolved inorganic species such Areduced + Boxidized ® Aoxidized + Breduced (6.76)
as carbonates (CO32−)
c. Reaction with nontarget organic compounds For each electron transferred in the reaction of Equation 6.76,
3. Concentration patterns that will be achieved for the the oxidation number of molecule A is increased by 1, and the
injected reagents. Reagents are normally injected at oxidation number of molecule B is reduced by 1. Compound
a high concentration, in anticipation of dilution by or element A is referred to as the reductant or reducing agent,
groundwater. The injected reagent concentration is and compound or element B is the oxidant or oxidizing agent.
likely to range several orders of magnitude from a The oxidation of methane (CH4) by oxygen (O2), shown in
single injection point out to a dose-response moni- Equation 6.77, is an example of an electron transfer reaction:
toring well. The effectiveness of the planned reaction CH 4 + 2O2 ® CO2 + 2H 2O (6.77)

and the production of by-products will be dramati-
cally different over the area of injection influence. The oxidation potential of the carbon in methane (CH4) was −4
4. Groundwater flushing rate. Will the injected reagent and in carbon dioxide (CO2) its oxidation potential increased
be swept out of the treatment area before the intended to +4, which occurred through donation of electrons to the
reactions have been completed? oxygen (O2) atoms of the carbon dioxide (CO2) and water
5. By-products review. Reagents that are poorly (H2O) molecules. The oxidation potential of the diatomic
matched to a target contaminant (slow reaction rates) oxygen (O2) molecule was 0, which decreased to −2 in each of
require high reagent concentrations to achieve needed four oxygen atoms in the products. The hydrogen (H+) atoms
268 Remediation Engineering

had an oxidation state of +1 in both the methane (CH4) reac- an alkene. For further readings on SN1, SN2, and E2 reactions,
tant and water (H2O) product. In this reaction, the carbon see Schwarzenbach et al.165
atom in methane (CH4) served as the donor (reductant) and Target sites for nucleophilic substitution reactions are elec-
oxygen (O2) served as the acceptor (oxidant). tron depleted due to a more electronegative bonding partner.
Electron transfers utilized for in  situ chemical remedia- Electrons in carbon atoms that are bonded to halogens or
tion include homogeneous aqueous-phase reactions (both other strongly electronegative atoms are drawn away from the
reactants are aqueous phase) and heterogeneous reactions, in carbon, and this electron depletion endows the carbon atom
which one of the reactants is in the solid (or sorbed) phase with a slightly positive charge. An electron-depleted atom is
and the other is in the aqueous phase. The gaseous reagents a target for reaction with anions and molecules with electron-
that might be used for in situ chemical remediation (e.g., the rich atoms that can be donated to a covalent bond. Because
oxidant ozone [Section]) react in the dissolved phase. the substituting molecules are attracted to the positive charge
centered in an atom’s nucleus, they are termed nucleophiles. Nucleophilic Substitution and Stated more formally, a nucleophile is an electron-rich mol-
Elimination Reactions ecule or ion that can react with a locus of electron depletion in
Most of the reactions used in chemical treatment strategies an organic molecule.*
are highly energetic, with reaction half-lives (t1/2) measured Two nucleophilic substitution reactions with chloroethane
in minutes to hours. In this section, we introduce nucleophilic (C2H5Cl) are presented in Figure 6.71—base-mediated elimi-
substitutions and elimination reactions, which comprise a nation (E2) and neutral-pH hydrolysis (SN2):
much quieter class of reactions, with half-lives (t1/2) measured
in days to years in aquifers. With their low reaction rates, sub- • In the base-mediated elimination reaction (E2), the
stitution and elimination reactions are most often associated hydroxyl ion (OH−) is the nucleophile, capturing a
with MNA processes (e.g., hydrolysis for 1,1,1-trichloroethane hydrogen nucleus (a proton; H+) from the methyl
[1,1,1-TCA; C2H3Cl3]). It may be possible to accelerate hydro- group (CH3) end of the chloroethane molecule. The
lysis reactions through temperature increase or pH change. It electron of the C2–H bond migrates to form a dou-
is also possible to generate substitution reactions with other ble bond with the other carbon atom (C1), while the
nucleophiles. That is the reason why this relatively low- electrons of the C1–Cl bond migrate to the chlorine
intensity reaction mechanism has become a subject of study atom, generating ethene (C2H4), water (H2O), and a
for chemical reactive zone design.179–181 chloride ion (Cl−).
Hydrolysis is an example of a ubiquitous nucleophilic • In the neutral-pH hydrolysis (SN2) reaction, the elec-
substitution reaction, in which a water molecule (H2O) or tron-rich oxygen atom of the water molecule (H2O)
hydroxyl ion (OH−) is a reactant. The reaction is slow but sus- attacks the chlorine-bearing carbon atom (C1) from
tainable. Hydrolysis is likely to be considered a mechanism a position opposite the chlorine atom. An electron
supporting the natural attenuation of contamination, but most from one of the water’s hydrogen bonds migrates to
of the reactions are too slow to be deployed in a reactive zone form an O–C1 bond, releasing the proton (H+). At the
strategy. However, the literature shows that other nucleophilic same time, the electrons in the C1–Cl bond migrate to
reactions can be used effectively for treatment of some of the the chlorine atom, releasing a chloride ion (Cl−). The
halogenated alkanes and can be considered for deployment resulting products of the neutral-pH hydrolysis are eth-
in in  situ chemical reactive zones.179–181 These studies cen- anol (C2H6O), chloride (Cl−), and hydrogen ions (H+).
tered on treatment of fumigants, including methyl bromide
(CH3Br) and 1,3-dichloropropene (C3H4Cl2). In this section, Activation energies for nucleophilic substitution reactions are
we describe the nucleophilic substitution mechanism and pro- typically high, so they are temperature sensitive. For hydroly-
vide a basis for estimating rates of proposed nucleophilic sub- sis of chlorinated ethanes and methanes, the activation ener-
stitution reactions from known hydrolysis rates. gies (EA) generally were estimated near 110 kJ/mol, with a
The substitution reaction we consider in greatest detail is minimum 92.4 kJ/mol for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (C2H2Cl4)
termed a concerted reaction, because the substitution of one and a maximum value of 122.9 kJ/mol for chloroform
functional group for another occurs in a single action. The (CHCl3).182 As an example, the neutral-pH hydrolysis (SN2)
substituting group (the nucleophile) approaches the target car- half-life (t1/2) for 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA; C2H3Cl3)
bon atom in the molecule from a position opposite the atom
or group of atoms that will be displaced (the leaving group). * Electrons shared by atoms of different elements in covalent bonds are not
In a single concerted reaction, electrons from the nucleophile evenly distributed between the atomic nuclei. The elements vary in their
affinity for electrons, and the density distribution of the electron bonding
begin migration into a bond with the target carbon atom,
cloud is tipped toward the more electronegative atom. Carbon atoms lie in
while electrons of the existing bond migrate to the leaving the middle of the range between electronegative and electropositive atoms.
group. These reactions are also known by the acronym SN2, The halogens, such as chloride and fluoride, are strongly electronegative
denoting “substitution (S), nucleophilic (N), bimolecular (2).” elements. When these elements form a bond with other elements, the bond-
ing electrons are drawn strongly toward the halogens nucleus. The alkalis,
Other important modes of nucleophilic substitution are the
such as hydrogen and sodium, are strongly electropositive. Atoms of these
SN1 reaction, a unimolecular nucleophilic substitution, and elements readily release their bonding electrons, and a positive charge
the E2 reaction, a bimolecular elimination (E) that generates accumulates at these atoms.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 269

Base-mediated elimination (E2) reaction

Cl Cl H H H

C C + OH C C C C + Cl– + H2O

Neutral‐pH nucleophilic (SN2) hydrolysis reaction

H H H Cl H H H H H H
H Cl H
O + C C O C C HO C C + Cl– + H+

FIGURE 6.71  Potential reaction pathways for base-mediated elimination and nucleophilic substitution (water hydrolysis) of chloroethane.
Curved arrows show electron migrations.

TABLE 6.23
Kinetic Rate Constants and Arrhenius Parameters for Base-Mediated (KB) and Neutral-pH (KN) Hydrolysis
Neutral-pH Reaction Base-Mediated Action
Target Compound Product A (per min) EA (kJ/mol) A (L/mol/min) EA (kJ/mol) kobs (per min) Half-Life (Years)
Carbon tetrachloride CO2 + H2O 4.07 × 1012 114.5 3.46 × 10−8 38.1
Chloroethane Ethene + HCl 1.37 ×1013 110.8 3.72 × 1013 101.2 5.18 × 10−7 2.54
Acetaldehyde + HCl
1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroethene + HCl 3.54 × 1011 109.5 9.95 × 1013 114.8 2.26 × 10−8 58.2
Acetaldehyde + HCl
1,2-Dichloroethane Chloroethene + HCl 2.83 × 1010 103.7 1.75 × 1013 97.4 1.88 × 10−8 70
1,2-Dichloropropane 1-Chloropropene + HCl 1.6 × 1012 110.1 1.4 × 1014 110.1 7.93 × 10−8 16.6
1,1,1-Trichloroethane Acetic acid 4.06 × 1014 117.2 1.6 × 10−6 0.826
1,1-Dichloroethene 3.7 × 1014 119.4

Source: Washington, J.W., Groundwater, 333, 415, 1995.

Note: All values are for reactions at 25°C and pH = 7.0.

increased from 0.86 to 10.3 years, as the reaction temperature Nucleophilicity

decreased from 25°C to 10°C. The hydrolysis reaction activa- Nucleophilic substitution reactions can be driven by com-
tion energy for 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA; C2H3Cl3) is pounds other than water (H2O) and the hydroxyl anion (OH−).
119.4 kJ/mol.182 A discussion of temperature effects on reac- A list of common aqueous-phase nucleophiles is presented
tion rates, along with methods for kinetic rate calculation, is in Table 6.24. The strength of each compound’s reactiv-
presented in Section ity in nucleophilic substitution reactions, or nucleophilicity,
There are three categories of hydrolysis that can occur: is also provided in Table 6.24. The nucleophilicity values
acid mediated, neutral pH, and base mediated. The observed given are for each nucleophile’s reaction with methyl bromide
hydrolysis rate for any compound is the sum of the rates of the (CH3Br), scaled relative to the neutral-pH hydrolysis reaction
three categories: for methyl bromide (CH3Br). Schwarzenbach et al.165 provide
Equation  6.79 developed by Swain and Scott (published in
kobs = K A + K N + K B (6.78)
1953) for the extrapolation of nucleophilic substitution reac-
tion kinetics for methyl bromide (CH3Br), from its neutral-pH
Washington182 summarized rate constant and Arrhenius
hydrolysis rate constant, k H2O:
parameters for the neutral-pH and base-mediated reaction
mechanisms, pointing out that natural aquifers are normally
buffered into pH ranges that do not support acid-mediated æk ö
hydrolysis.182 Data excerpted and converted from Washington log ç nuc ÷ = s ´ nnuc,CH3 Br (6.79)
are presented in Table 6.23. è kH2 O ø
270 Remediation Engineering

From experimental studies reported by Wang et  al.,181 the

TABLE 6.24 rate constant for overall hydrolysis, k obs, was reported as
Nucleophilicity of Selected Ions, nnuc ,CH3Br , Based on 9.19 × 10 −4 h−1 (2.6 × 10 −7 s−1) at 20°C. This indicates good
Reaction with Methyl Bromide agreement between theoretical and experimental observa-
tions of hydrolysis for methyl bromide (CH3Br). Larger dif-
Nucleophile Compound Name Chemical Formula nnuc ,CH3Br ferences are likely to arise for nucleophilic reactions with
Water H2O 0.0 target compounds other than methyl bromide (CH3Br),
Nitrate ion NO3− 1.0 however. Some of these differences will be related to the
Fluoride ion F− 2.0 susceptibility factor (s) in Equation 6.79, and in other
Sulfate ion SO42− 2.5 cases, unrecognized nucleophiles may be present in reac-
Acetate ion CH3COO− 2.7 tion solutions (e.g., phosphate [PO 43−] buffers have nucleo-
Chloride ion Cl− 3.0 philic potential). Pagan et al.183 noted significant differences
Bicarbonate ion HCO3− 3.8 among reported hydrolysis rate constants for chlorinated
Phosphate ion HPO42− 3.8 ethanes and propanes.
Bromide ion Br− 3.9 There are many potential nucleophilic reaction pathways
Hydroxyl ion OH− 4.2
and a large number of potential nucleophiles that could be
Iodide ion I− 5.0
used to support destruction of aqueous-phase contaminants.
Cyanide ion CN− 5.1
Most of the reactions are slow at aquifer temperatures but
Bisulfite ion HS− 5.1
do contribute to the broader natural attenuation mechanisms
Thiosulfate ion S2O32− 6.1
for select contaminants. Due to the increased susceptibil-
Source: Schwarzenbach, R.P. et al.: Environmental Organic Chemistry, ity of the chlorinated alkanes to hydrolysis mechanisms at
2nd  ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2003. Copyright Wiley- increased temperatures, these reactions can be levered suc-
VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Reproduced with permission. cessfully as part of heated oxidation applications. Candidate
Note: Values for nnuc,CH3Br can be used in Equation 6.80 to estimate kinetic reaction systems should be tested at the bench scale, with
rate constants for nucleophilic substitution reactions. great care taken to run the tests at expected aquifer tempera-
tures, due to the temperature sensitivity of the nucleophilic
knuc  Geochemical Considerations
= 10 s´nnuc ,CH3Br (6.80)
kH2 O This section provides a brief discussion of three important

geochemical considerations for chemical reactions: tempera-
Using Equation 6.80 and Table 6.24, the second-order kinetic ture, pH, and ionic strength. The importance of geochemistry
rate constant for the reaction of methyl bromide (CH3Br) when implementing in situ chemical remediation is exempli-
with other nucleophiles can also be estimated. For example, fied by the influence on reaction rates, feasibility of targeted
the nucleophilicity of the hydroxyl anion (OH−) is 4.2. That reactions, secondary by-product formation, and the cost of
value can be substituted into Equation 6.80 to determine the implementation.
second-order reaction rate constant for base-mediated hydro-
lysis of methyl bromide (CH3Br):  Effect of Temperature on Reactions
The temperature of a reaction solution is one of the variables
kOH,CH3 Br = kH2 O,CH3 Br ´10 nOH,CH3Br (6.81) controlling the frequency of contact events between reactants
(another is the concentration of the reactants). Temperature also
Schwarzenbach et  al. (2003) indicate that the value for
determines the energy at which contact occurs. Consequently,
k H2O, CH3Br is approximately 5 × 10 −9 L/(mol s) at 25°C (298 K).
temperature can have a significant impact on reaction rates.
That value can be used to project a value for kobs, the combined
The Arrhenius equation (Equation 6.83) describes the rela-
rate constant for K N and KB. Using Equations 6.78 and 6.81,
tionship between the temperature and the kinetic rate constant
we can estimate kobs as a function of hydroxyl anion (OH−)
for a reaction as follows:
concentration (note that kobs is typically shown as a pseudo-
first-order rate constant): - EA

( ) (
kobs = kH2 O ´ éëH 2O ùû + kOH,CH3 Br ´ 10 4.2
´ éëOH ùû (6.82)
- k = A ´ e RT (6.83)

where A is the preexponential factor that describes the fre-

Solving (at neutral pH),
quency of collisions with the correct geometry for a reaction

kobs = 2.8 ´ 10 -7 + 5 ´ 10 -9 ´ 10 4.2 ´ 10 -7 ) to occur (L/[mol * S]) and the exponential term quantifies the
fraction of collisions that occur with sufficient energy to com-
kobs = 2.8 ´ 10 -7 + 4.4 ´ 10 -10 plete a reaction. EA is the activation energy, and R and T are
the universal gas constant (8.3145 J/[mol * K]) and the reac-
kobs = 2.8 ´ 10 -7 tion temperature (K), respectively.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 271

In many cases, a kinetic rate constant (k) for a reaction

is available at a generic temperature (T1), and a calculation TABLE 6.25
is required to determine the kinetic rate constant (k) for a Ionization Constants for Pure Water
site-specific temperature (T2). If the activation energy (EA) is
Temperature (°C) K wa = éëH+ ùû ´ éëOH- ùû
known for the reaction of interest, the kinetic rate constant (k)
can be calculated for the reaction at an alternative tempera- 10 0.29 × 10−14
ture using Equation 6.84: 15 0.45 × 10−14
20 0.68 × 10−14
æk ö E æ 1 1ö 25 1.01 × 10−14
ln ç T1 ÷ = A ç - ÷ (6.84) 30 1.47 × 10−14
è kT2 ø R è T2 T1 ø
Source: Kotz, J.C. et al., Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, 5th ed.,
Many reactions that can be considered for in  situ chemical Thomson-Brooks/Cole, 2003.
a The units for K are mol2/L.
remediation are temperature sensitive, and it is important w

to consider the expected reaction temperature when evalu-

ating the use of these reactions. Nucleophilic substitutions
and persulfate (S2O82−) oxidation are among the especially sometimes referred to as the proton concentration. For exam-
temperature-sensitive reactions. ple, at pH 11 and 20°C, Kw = 0.68 × 10 −14 (Table  6.25) and
(using Equation 6.87)  Effect of pH on Reactions
Changes in the solution pH for reactions that involve a hydro- éOH - ù = 0.68 ´ 10 -14 ´ 1011 = 6.8 ´ 10 -4 (M)
ë û
gen ion (H+) or hydroxyl anion (OH−) directly affect the reac-
tion rate. The effect can be assessed by supplying alternative The ionic strength that results from the hydroxyl anion (OH−)
values for the hydrogen ion (H+) or hydroxyl anion (OH−), as concentration at pH 11 can reduce the activity of other ions
appropriate for the reaction. The hydrogen ion (H+) concen- in solution.
tration is calculated as the negative log of the pH, and the
hydroxyl anion (OH−) concentration for a specified pH value  Effect of Ionic Strength on Reactions
can be calculated from the dissociation of water, which is Aqueous-phase molar concentrations are utilized in cal-
expressed by Equation 6.85: culations as an estimate of chemical activity. The activity
of a chemical species, {A}, is related to its aqueous-phase
H 2O « H + + OH - (6.85) concentration [A] by its activity coefficient (γA), as shown in

Equation 6.88:
The activity of a pure substance (a solid or a liquid) is typi-
cally approximated to be unity in equilibrium expressions due { A} = g A éë Aùû (6.88)
to the relative insensitivity to dilute species.166 In other words,
water (H2O) is present at a high concentration compared to The value of the activity coefficient (γA) approaches unity in
the dissolved contaminant concentrations that the concen- very dilute aqueous solutions, and under these conditions,
tration of water (H2O) remains unchanged during reactions. the concentration ([A]) provides an accurate representation
This is an appropriate universal assumption that is applied to of chemical activity. However, as dissolved ionic solids’ con-
pure liquids and solids relevant to discussions in this book. centrations increase, the value of the activity coefficient (γA)
Therefore, the dissociation rate for Equation 6.85 is defined decreases significantly. Ionic solids’ concentrations in many
by Equation 6.86: chemical reactive zone applications are high, and calculations
that use molar concentrations, in lieu of chemical activities,
K w = éëH + ùû ´ éëOH - ùû (mol 2 /L or M2 ) (6.86) may overestimate reaction rates.
The calculation of ionic strength (I) is a function of the
concentration (Ci) and the ionic charge (zi) of the dissolved
Applicable dissociation constants for water (Kw) as a function
constituents (Equation 6.89):
of temperatures ranging from 10°C to 30°C are presented in
Table 6.25. The hydroxyl anion (OH−) concentration is defined
åC z (6.89)
as a function of pH and the dissociation constant for water I= 2
i i
(Kw) in Equation 6.87:

éOH - ù = K w ´10 pH (6.87) For solutions with relatively low ionic strength (I < 10 −2.3), the
ë û Debye–Huckel equation provides an estimate of the activity
Further, pH also affects reactions through the contribution to coefficient at 25°C (Equation 6.90):
ionic strength from hydroxyl anion (OH−) or hydrogen ion (H+)
concentration at extreme pH values. The hydrogen ion (H+) is log ( g ) = -0.5z 2 I (6.90)
272 Remediation Engineering

TABLE 6.26
Summary of Available Oxidants, Characteristics, and Resultant Reactive Species
Oxidant Chemical Formula Available Form Initiator/Activator Resultant Reactive Species
Permanganate MnO4 − Powder or liquid None MnO4−
Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 Liquid None, Fe2+, Fe3+ OH•, O2•−, HO2•, HO2−
Ozone O3 Gas None, H2O2 O3, OH•
Persulfate S2O82− Powder None, Fe2+, Fe3+, heat, H2O2, high pH S2O82−, SO4•−
Percarbonate Na2CO3 · 1.5H2O2 Powder Fe2+ OH•
Calcium peroxide CaO2 Powder None H2O2, HO2−

Source: Huling, S.G. and Pivetz, B.E., Engineering issue paper: In-situ chemical oxidation. EPA 600-R-06-072. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA) Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Cincinnati,
OH, 60 p, 2006.

The extended Debye–Huckel equation adds a correction factor are the most common oxidant sources for ISCO treatments.184
(a) that accounts for the effects of the ionic radius of each spe- A collection of characteristics of available chemical oxidants
cies and is valid for ionic strengths up to 0.1 M (Equation 6.91): is presented in Table 6.26, and the standard reduction poten-
tial of commonly resultant reactive species is presented in
æ I ö Table 6.27. Each of the ISCO reagents has limitations related
log ( g ) = -0.5z 2 ç (6.91)
ç 1 + 0.33a I ÷÷ to its reactivity, stability, and transport. CHP has the poten-
è ø
tial to degrade a wide range of organic contaminants and has
Values for the correction factor (a) are given by Stumm and been shown to treat sorbed contaminants and DNAPL.185–
187 However, the CHP oxidant source, hydrogen peroxide
An example of interest is the ionic strength (I) of reagents (H2O2), is unstable and short-lived in the subsurface. Ozone
at the solution “working strength” commonly used in in situ (O3)-based ISCO processes have the potential for treating
chemical reactive zones. For example, the persulfate anion groundwater contaminants but are limited by mass transport
(S2O82−) is likely to be applied in aquifers at a strength of and stability. In contrast, permanganate (MnO4−) is stable in
1% by weight (10 g/L) or greater. The molecular weight of the subsurface but is reactive with a narrow range of contami-
sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8), which is often used to gener- nants.188 Persulfate (S2O82−) is the newest ISCO reagent and is
ate the oxidant solution, is 238 g/mol. Therefore, a 10 g/L more stable than CHP and more reactive than permanganate
sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) solution is equivalent to a molar
concentration of 0.042 mol/L. Because the chemical formula
for sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) shows the sodium (Na+) to TABLE 6.27
persulfate (S2O82−) mole ratio is 2:1, the sodium cation (z = +1) Summary of the Standard Reduction Potential of
concentration is twice that of the persulfate anion (z = −2)
Common Resultant Reactive Species and Parent
concentration. Using Equation 6.89,

å ( 0.084 ´ ( +1) + 0.042 ´ ( -2 ) )

1 2 2
Standard Reduction
2 Resultant Reactive Species Formula Potential (V)
Hydroxyl radical OH• +2.8
Sulfate radical SO4•− +2.6
I = 0.126 M Ozone O3 +2.1
Persulfate anion S2O82− +2.1
This result exceeds the application of the extended Debye– Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 +1.77
Huckel equation (Equation 6.91). It is clear that this ionic Permanganate anion MnO4− +1.7
strength (I) would have an influence on the assumption that all Perhydroxyl radical HO2• +1.7
Oxygen O2 +1.23
activity coefficients are unity and underscores the importance
Hydroperoxide anion HO2− −0.88
of understanding the assumptions upon which rate calcula-
Superoxide radical O2•− −2.4
tions are built.
Source: Huling, S.G. and Pivetz, B.E., Engineering issue paper: In-situ
6.3.2 Chemical Oxidation chemical oxidation. EPA 600-R-06-072. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA) Office of Research and Development,
ISCO involves the injection of strong chemical oxidants into National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH,
the subsurface. CHP (modified Fenton’s reagent), permanga- 60 p, 2006.
nate (MnO4−), ozone (O3), and activated persulfate (S2O82−)
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 273

(MnO4−)189; however, persulfate (S2O82−) requires activation it to split into a hydroxyl anion (OH−) and a hydroxyl radi-
for efficient degradation of contaminants. cal (OH•). Notice that the oxygen atom in the hydroxyl anion
This section comprises several fundamental principles (OH−) has a total of eight valence electrons, including the pair
of ISCO, combined with some example demonstrations and shared in the covalent bond with a hydrogen atom. Hydrogen
bench-scale and field-scale case studies. The chemical oxida- and oxygen in the hydroxyl anion (OH−) together bring
tion field of study has a lengthy publication history, and some seven valence electrons. The eighth, donated by the ferrous
key references that the reader is referred to are Siegrist et al.,184 iron (Fe2+) atom, is an “extra,” conferring a negative charge
Osgerby,159 ITRC Guidance Document,160 the Petroleum on the molecule. The fact that the electrons are all “paired”
Environmental Research Forum Project in 2013,161 and the decreases their reactivity, relative to the unpaired electron of
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency review in 2006.162 the hydroxyl radical (OH•).
The hydroxyl radical (OH•) is electrically neutral, because  Radical Reactions there are seven valence electrons in the molecule (six from the
The most aggressive of the chemical reactive zone mecha- oxygen and one from the hydrogen) so the protons and elec-
nisms is the radical chain reaction. It is the basis for CHP trons are equal in number. Although the molecule is electri-
reagent, the basis of engineered flexibility for persulfate cally neutral, the unpaired electron associated with the oxygen
(S2O82−) chemistry, and much of the functionality of ozona- atom is highly reactive, readily capturing electrons from other
tion (i.e., ozone [O3] can act directly as an oxidant or serve as atoms and molecules. The aggressive capture of electrons
a feedstock reagent for hydroxyl radical [OH•] formation). The makes the hydroxyl radical (OH•) a strong oxidant. Many of its
kinetic rate constants (k) of radical reactions are the highest reactions are so fast that they are limited by the aqueous dif-
of any of the chemical reactive zone mechanisms, with many fusion rates of its reactants (hence the term ­“diffusion-limited
of the reaction rates exceeding 1010 M−1 s−1. Because radical reaction rate”). There are many mechanisms of hydroxyl radi-
reactions used in chemical reactive zones occur quickly, con- cal (OH•) formation, but for in situ chemical reactive zones,
centrations of radicals in solution never reach high levels. The the primary sources of hydroxyl radical (OH•) are reactions
hydroxyl radical (OH•), for example, is expected to range from with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), as in the Fenton’s reagent
1 × 10 −13 to 1 × 10 −11 M.190,191 reactions, alkaline activation of the persulfate anion (S2O82−),
A summary of second-order kinetic rate constants (k) for and sparingly through radical initiation reactions with the
reactions of the hydroxyl radical (OH•), ozone (O3), perman- ozone (O3) molecule.
ganate (MnO4−), and persulfate (S2O82−) with typical organic
contaminant compounds, along with reaction rates for com-  Chain Reactions
pounds that may act as scavengers, is provided in Table 6.28. As a result of their high reactivity, radicals can enter into
Scavengers are defined as those competitive inhibiting com- many reactions in any natural groundwater system. Hassan
pounds that consume oxidant capacity yet are not targeted et al.197 incorporated the kinetics of 72 reactions to effectively
contaminants. Additionally, estimates of molarities that can model the hydroxyl radical (OH•) reaction network with ozone
be achieved in reactive zone applications for each oxidant are (O3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) feedstock, in the presence
provided (Table 6.28). These values can be used in conjunc- of bromide (Br−), phosphate (PO43−), and carbonate (CO32−)/
tion with kinetic rate constants (k) and target contaminant bicarbonate (HCO3−) ions.
concentrations to estimate treatment rates and competitive Many of the potential reaction products are radicals, and
interactions that are likely to be observed in field applications. the formation of a radical chain reaction network is a fea-
ture of efficient use of radicals in chemical reactive zones.  Radical Chemistry There are three basic processes occurring in a radical reaction
Radicals are atoms or compounds that have unpaired electrons network—initiation, promotion, and termination:
and are typically extremely reactive. Many chemical reac-
tion mechanisms include formation and instantaneous reac- • Initiation. The first step in a radical chain reac-
tion of radicals to form new compounds. To harness radical tion is the formation of a radical through reaction
reactions during in situ chemical remediation, it is necessary between an initiator and a feedstock reagent. A
to generate useable radicals from a feedstock reagent in situ. practical way to envision a radical-based chemical
The most sought-after of these highly reactive agents is the reactive zone is the injection of a compound that
hydroxyl radical (OH•). Reflecting its high level of reactivity, carries energy that can be used to drive reactions,
the Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory/National Institute of but which is not sufficiently reactive to drive the
Standards and Technology (NDRL/NIST) solution kinetics process directly. Reaction with an initiator acti-
database characterizes 1787 reactions in which the hydroxyl vates the feedstock reagent, forming a radical and
radical (OH•) is a reactant, while it is a product of only 54 thereby concentrating the available energy in the
listed reactions.196 unpaired valence electron.
The creation of a hydroxyl radical (OH•) from hydrogen • Promotion. Many of the possible reactions of the first
peroxide (H2O2) through reaction with a ferrous iron (Fe2+) is radical formed generate radicals as products. The
presented in Figure 6.72. The ferrous iron (Fe2+) donates an secondary radicals may react with target compounds
electron to the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) molecule, causing in termination reactions, form other radicals that
274 Remediation Engineering

TABLE 6.28
Summary of Kinetic Rate Constants for Oxidation Reactions
with Common Organic Contaminant Compounds
Second-Order Kinetic Constants (M/s)
Hydroxyl Radical Permanganate
Compound Ozone (O3) Radical (OH•) (SO4•−) (MnO4−)
PCE <1 × 10−1 3 × 109 4.5 × 10−2
6.5 × 10−1
TCE 1.7 × 101 4 × 109 6.6 × 10−1
8.9 × 10−1
cis-DCE <8 × 102 9.2 × 10−1
1,1-DCE 1.1 × 102 7 × 109 2.4 × 100
1,1,1-TCA <1.2 × 10−2 1 × 108
1,2-DCP <4.0 × 10−3 3.8 × 108
MTBE 0.14 [192] 1.6 × 109 3.1 × 107 [195] 3.5 × 10−5 [193]
1,4-Dioxane 3.2 × 10−1 2.4 × 109 Not reactive [194]
Tetrahydrofuran 4.0 × 109 [191] 1.1 × 108 [195]
NDMA 10 3.3 × 108
tert-Butyl alcohol 3 × 10−3 2.4 × 109
Methanol 2.4 × 10−2 3.3 × 108
Ethanol 1.6 × 109 [191] 7.8 × 105 [195]
Phenol 1.4 × 102 5.9 × 108
Acetate 3 × 10−5 9.7 × 108
Benzene 2 × 100 7.8 × 109
Fluorene 1.8 × 1010
Phenanthrene 1.5 × 104 2.3 × 1010
Naphthalene 3 × 103 9.4 × 109
Nitrobenzene 4.0 × 109
HCO3− 8.5 × 106 6.1 × 106 [195]
CO32− 4.0 × 108 1.6 × 106 [195]
Cl− 4.3 × 109 [191] 2.5 × 108 [195]
Fe2+ 5 × 105 1.7 × 1010
Formic acid 5 × 100 3.5 × 10−1
Glyoxylic acid 1.7 × 10−1 3.7 × 10−1
Oxalic acid 1.1 × 10−1
H2O2 (HO2−) (5.5 × 106)
Oxidant Feasible oxidant molarities (mol/L)
Ozone 1 × 10−3 (6% O3 gas phase)
Hydroxyl radical 1 × 10−13 to 1 × 10−11
Sulfate radical
Permanganate 2.5 × 10−1 to 2.8 × 100 (4% KMnO4 to 40% NaMnO4)

Source: Ross, A.B. et al., NDRL-NIST solution kinetics database—Version 3, Notre Dame Radiation
Laboratory, Notre Dame, IN, and NIST Standard Reference Data, Gaithersburg, MD, 1998.

propagate the chain reaction, or serve as initiators. during alkaline activation of persulfate (S2O82−) (or
The secondary radicals might be more reactive with activation through trace aquifer minerals), which
the target compound than the first radical formed. subsequently reduces geogenic ferric iron (Fe3+) to
An example of radical promotion is the generation ferrous iron (Fe2+), which serves to initiate more per-
of the superoxide (O2•; moderate reductant) radical sulfate radicals (S2O8•).198–200
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 275

Fe2+ Fe3+ scavengers in chemical reactive zones are carbonate (CO32−)

and bicarbonate (HCO3−) ions.
A conceptual radical chain reaction network, which is fed
by either hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or ozone (O3) as a feed-
stock reagent, is presented in Figure 6.73. Ferrous iron (Fe2+)
•• •• serves as an initiator, generating the first radical, a hydroxyl
H •• O •• O •• H
•• •• radical (OH•). The hydroxyl radical (OH•) can then enter a pro-
motion reaction, enter a target compound termination reaction
sequence, or succumb unproductively to a scavenger reaction
•• •• such as shown with the bicarbonate (HCO3−) ion.
H •• O • ••O •• H
•• ••  Reagent Loading and Geochemistry
(OH•) (OH–) Not surprisingly, the two main drivers for chemical reagent
Hydroxyl Hydroxyl
loading to an in situ chemical reactive zone are the contami-
radical anion
nant concentrations (or the contaminant oxidant demand) and
FIGURE 6.72  Creation of hydroxyl radical (OH•) from hydrogen the amount of oxidant that is scavenged by the aquifer (or
peroxide (H2O2), showing Lewis structures. Ferrous iron (Fe2+) is the matrix oxidant demand). These important ISCO design
the initiator and is reduced to ferric iron (Fe3+) by the donation of an parameters are site specific, and it is best to conduct bench-
electron to the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) molecule. scale treatability testing prior to a field implementation to
fully understand them.
• Termination. The final step in the radical chain The nontarget demand is termed the matrix oxidant
reaction is termination of the radical. When radi- demand (commonly referred to as the natural oxidant demand
cal chemistry is employed for oxidation of dissolved (NOD) as well). The matrix oxidant demand dictates how
organic compounds in a chemical reactive zone, the much oxidant can be distributed throughout the treatment ROI
radical propagation sequence generates a carbon to completely destroy the appropriate quantity of contaminant
radical (R•). The carbon radical (R•) acts as a donor, mass. Matrix oxidant demand is a function of the aquifer soil
reducing a susceptible molecule. Then, the organic type and the oxidation–reduction status. It represents all of
molecule bearing the carbon radical (R•) cracks and the reduced species likely to exert scavenging or competitive
releases carbon dioxide (CO2). In an ideal radical inhibition on the in situ engineered chemistry. Lower matrix
chain reaction, the carbon radical (R•) reduces an oxidant demand is expected from coarse-grained sands and
oxidized initiator, recycling it to rejoin the radical gravels, while relatively higher demands are expected for
chain reaction network. fine-grained soils such as silts and clays. The results of matrix
oxidant demand testing for a range of soil types collected at a
Unproductive termination reactions also occur in reactions Midwestern site are presented in Table 6.29. The permanga-
that are often referred to as scavenging. Two of the prominent nate (MnO4−) demand ranged from 6.3 to 18.5 g of oxidant per

Precursor termination pathways
(H2O2, O3) (CO2(g))
Reduced initiator
initiator (Fe2+)
Radical propagation pathways
(O•3–, HO•2, O•2–, O•–)
Oxidized Carbon
radical Oxidized
(•C---R) initiator

Radical Smaller
(OH•) organic

Scavengers Dissolved
(HCO3–) organic
Unproductive termination pathways carbon
(HCO3• , OH–) (C---R)

FIGURE 6.73  Radical chain reaction network (simplified), showing the network or reactions that develop when hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
or ozone (O3) is injected into an aqueous-phase solution containing dissolved organic carbon.
276 Remediation Engineering

oxidant demand (ODM) is based on the mass of the soil (Ms)

TABLE 6.29 in the treatment ROI, which is calculated to be 1.3 × 105 kg.
Permanganate Matrix Demand Results for Aquifer Therefore, the conceptualized matrix oxidant demand (ODM)
Soils at a Midwestern Site for this example treatment ROI is approximately 1 × 103 kg of
oxidant. The four order of magnitude difference between the
Observed Permanganate
Sample Soil Description Demand(g KMnO4/kg dry wt)
matrix oxidant demand (ODM) and the contaminant oxidant
demand (ODC) demonstrates the significance of the matrix
1 Sand, gravel 7.53
oxidant demand in ISCO design and implementation and
1-rep Sand, gravel (replicate) 9.84
highlights the importance of pretreatment bench-scale treat-
2 Sand, gravel, rock 6.34
ability testing. The calculations discussed in this paragraph
3 Clay 18.53
are illustrated in the following:
4 Clay loam (wet) 7.91
5 Sand, clay 8.21
(hydrocarbon odor) Vgw = p ´ ROI 2 ´ h ´ qT = 31 m 3

Note: Batch testing was conducted over a 4-day exposure period on soil M c = Vgw ´ Cgw = 3.1 ´ 10 -2 kg
samples collected from an aquifer contaminated by trichloroeth-
ene. Total organic carbon concentrations were 550–580 mg/kg in
two samples that were analyzed for that parameter. ODc = MR ´ M c = 1 ´ 10 -1 kg

M s = p ´ ROI 2 ´ h ´ rb = 1.3 ´ 105 kg

kilogram of soil gox/kgs. For an aquifer with a bulk density of
1500 kg of soil per cubic meter of soil kgs/m3s, that translates ODM = M s ´ ODm = 1 ´ 103 kg
to 9.5 to 27.8 kg of oxidant per cubic meter of soil kgox/m3s
( )
or 16 - 47 lbox /yd 3ox . Typical matrix oxidant demand values A potential strategy to dealing with the matrix oxidant demand
range from less than 0.1–20 g of oxidant per kilogram of soil is to recognize the total matrix oxidant demand and divide
gox/kgs.201 For conceptual budget preparation (prior to bench- it equally among multiple injection events. This reduces the
scale treatability testing), most sites can be expected to fall oxidant injection concentration and allows for field-scale data
within the range of 1–20 gox/kgs. analysis to dictate the actual level of matrix oxidant demand.
To demonstrate the significance of the matrix oxidant Additionally, matrix oxidant demand may be realized over
demand, consider a site that has a measured matrix oxidant time as reactions with aquifer minerals occur, and front-load-
demand (ODm) of 8 gox/kgs. The total benzene (C6H6), tolu- ing all of the matrix oxidant demand may result in excessive
ene (C7H8), ethylbenzene (C8H10), and xylene (C8H10; BTEX) wasted oxidant load. A general equation that integrates the
concentration in groundwater (Cgw) at this site is 1000 µg/L, total injection volume, the aquifer pore space through which
and numerous soil samples indicate that minimal adsorbed the reagent travels, and the matrix oxidant demand deter-
BTEX is present. There are no observations of drainable or mined in a laboratory (ODm) is included in Equation 6.92.
nondrainable LNAPL, and the injection hydraulics are ame- This calculation also includes the soil bulk density (ρb) and
nable to the ISCO technology. The targeted ROI is 3 meters the anticipated injection concentration (Cox):
over a 3 meter thickness (h), and the total porosity (θT) and
bulk density (ρb) of the soil are 36% and 1500 kgs/m3s, respec- (
ODm ( gox /kgs ) ´ rb kgs /m 3s )
tively (as confirmed through geotechnical testing). The antici- ( )
Injection volume L ox soln /m 3s =
Cox ( gox /L ox sol )
pated groundwater volume (Vgw) in the treatment ROI is 31 m3.
Therefore, the estimated dissolved-phase mass of BTEX in
the groundwater (MC) is 3.1 × 10 −2 kg. For the sake of this This highlights a significant issue of any chemical reactive
example, it is assumed that oxygen is the oxidant and the reac- zone application—aqueous-phase liquid injections are lim-
tion between BTEX and oxygen is a direct electron transfer ited in the reagent mass that can be delivered per unit vol-
that follows ideal stoichiometry. From Equation 6.53, the stoi- ume, and multiple aquifer pore volumes of fluid injection are
chiometric ratio of oxygen and benzene (C6H6) is 7.5:1, and often required to deliver the specified reagent mass. Multiple
the resultant mass ratio (MR) is 3.1 kg of oxygen per kg of injection episodes or days-long, slow-paced injections may be
benzene.* Therefore, the conceptualized contaminant oxidant required to deliver oxidant at a rate that matches the rate at
demand (ODC) for 1000 µg/L BTEX over this example treat- which the reactions occur in the aquifer. Dilution that occurs
ment ROI is approximately 1 × 10 −1 kg of oxygen. The matrix when the injected fluid reaches the formation and travels along
preferred flow paths further complicates the delivery process.
* In this example, BTEX is conceptualized to be represented by benzene The hydraulic challenges associated with multiple
(C6H6). It can be shown through stoichiometry of balanced chemical reac- pore volume chemical floods are evaluated by Ibaraki
tions that the approximation of 3.1  kg oxygen per kg of benzene (C6H6)
is sufficiently representative of toluene (C7H8), ethylbenzene (C8H10), and
and Schwartz.202 They concluded that contact efficiencies
total xylenes (C8H10), which have oxygen to contaminant ratios of 3.1, 3.2, of chemical floods will be low in heterogeneous media.
and 3.2 kg oxygen per kg contaminant, respectively. Because their study did not include consideration of carbon
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 277

dioxide (CO2) gas production associated with oxidation (and concerns. If ISCO is the preferred remedy at a site, oftentimes
the associated localized reduction of hydraulic conductivity), effective bench-scale treatability testing can garner support.
chemical flood efficiencies are likely to be even lower than Sample collection for bench-scale treatability testing is
their modeling projected. important, as extreme deviations from the natural aquifer
The contaminant oxidant demand is not always insignifi- reduce the relevance of the testing. Previous experience with
cant. If considerable adsorbed contaminant mass or drainable/ more than 100 ISCO bench-scale treatability tests indicates
nondrainable NAPL exists (adsorbed/NAPL mass), the con- that variance for pretreatment contaminant concentrations in
taminant oxidant demand can be considerable and may even source areas is typically high. The variance is typically also
preclude ISCO as a remedial alternative. As will be discussed quite high for other characteristics affecting remedy perfor-
in this chapter, the reaction rate associated with most ISCO is mance, such as TOC. Samples collected in parallel from a
extremely rapid compared to biological reactions. Additionally, contamination source zone are often too variable to be rep-
the scavenging rate of oxidants is a considerable competitive resented by a sample mean (the standard error may exceed
inhibitor. In Section, this was referred to as diffusion- the mean estimate). If multiple samples are collected and
limited reaction rates, implying that the rate of oxidation is some are sacrificed for pretreatment analysis while others
actually limited by aqueous-phase diffusion-facilitated con- are treated and then analyzed, the high variance may prevent
tact between the oxidant and contaminant molecules. As the comparison of pre- and posttreatment sample means. To gain
contaminant in groundwater is destroyed, the concentration the benefit of uniform pretreatment test material and to obtain
gradient between the contaminant in the groundwater and the useable replication in the bench-scale treatability testing, a
adsorbed/NAPL mass increases, and this drives dissolution sample homogenization protocol is recommended.
and desorption of the adsorbed/NAPL mass into the ground- The scale and procedure of the bench-scale treatability
water. Considering that the rate of oxidation is so fast that con- testing should be matched to the specific objectives at a par-
tact within the same phase is rate limiting, it is unrealistic to ticular site. For example, if anoxic sample collection is neces-
assume that the residence time of the oxidant in situ will match sary due to high anticipated ferrous iron (Fe2+) and sulfide
the dissolution and desorption rate. With the advanced under- (S2−) concentrations, nitrogen gas purged anoxic sample con-
standing of remediation hydraulics203 and the complexities of tainers may be used to reduce sample exposure to atmospheric
adsorbed/NAPL mass in heterogeneous stratigraphic porous oxygen. Sample processing may be conducted in an anaerobic
media, it should be expected that ISCO implementation for chamber to further minimize exposure to atmospheric oxy-
significant adsorbed/NAPL mass will require numerous injec- gen. If pretreatment laboratory analysis indicates consider-
tions over an extended time frame. This reality should be con- able contaminant concentration variability or contaminant
sidered against preliminary remedial strategies that physically concentrations below field observed contaminant concentra-
remove adsorbed/NAPL mass. While treatment of contami- tions, a laboratory-grade form of the contaminant may be
nant source zones and adsorbed/NAPL with various forms “spiked” into the sample homogenate. It should be noted that
of ISCO is possible, the practical implementation should be each added consideration may incrementally increase the cost
expected to be lengthy with numerous injection events, and of the bench-scale treatability test.
the cost of such effort and reagent loading may be impractical.  Secondary Water Quality Concerns  Importance of Bench Testing The concern of secondary water quality following an ISCO
Considering the importance of matrix and contaminant oxi- implementation is universal to all ISCO reagents. Typically,
dant demand, pretreatment bench-scale treatability testing the focus is on metal mobility, but there are other forms of
should be strongly considered as a requirement for ISCO. secondary water quality that may cause site-specific con-
Typical costs of bench-scale treatability testing range from cerns, such as associated anions from the oxidant or contami-
$10,000 to $40,000 depending on the scale and are inclusive nant intermediaries. In reality, any result of ISCO that creates
of sample collection and shipment, treatability testing, and an exceedance of a primary or secondary MCL may be scru-
analytical laboratory costs. Common objectives of an ISCO tinized by a regulatory agency. It is industry experience that
treatability test include secondary water quality concerns are temporary and spatially
limited to the ISCO treatment area, but these concerns should
1. Understanding the matrix oxidant demand be acknowledged before ISCO implementation. If necessary,
2. Evaluating the potential for secondary water quality sentinel monitoring plans may be devised with contingency
concerns action.
3. A comparison of different oxidants, oxidant concen- The influence on geogenic metals by altering the pH,
trations, and/or activator efficacies through acidity or alkalinity generation, is intuitive and dis-
4. Proof of concept, whereby the destruction of a par- cussed at length in Chapter 7. Some metals (arsenic, chromium,
ticular contaminant is demonstrated to be feasible (if iron, molybdenum, selenium, vanadium, etc.) are oxidation–
necessary) reduction potential sensitive, and the oxidizing conditions
imposed by the presence of a powerful oxidant will influence
Bench-scale treatability testing may be a regulatory require- the solubility of these metals. An example of the spatial limits
ment to understand the potential for secondary water quality of metal mobility related to ISCO is presented in Figure 6.74.
278 Remediation Engineering

Cadmium Aluminum
Copper Arsenic
1.0 Iron
Normalized increase in metal concentration


Normalized increase in metal concentration

Manganese 1.0
Nickel Nickel
0.8 Zinc Zinc



0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
4 7 10 12 4 7 10 12
(a) Distance from injection well (b) Distance from injection well

1.E+07 8.0
1.E+07 8.0 7 ft from IW
4 ft from IW 1.E+06
Metal concentration (mg/L)

Metal concentration (mg/L)

Sulfate 1.E+05 7.0 Al

1.E+05 Injection 7.0 Al Injection As
As 1.E+04
1.E+04 Cr
Cr Fe
Fe 1.E+03 6.0
1.E+03 6.0 Mn
Mn Ni
Ni 1.E+02
1.E+02 Na
Na Zn
Zn 1.E+01 5.0
1.E+01 5.0 pH
1.E–01 4.0
1.E–01 4.0
3/3/08 4/2/08 5/2/08 6/1/08 3/3/08 4/2/08 5/2/08 6/1/08

1.E+07 8.0 1.E+07 8.0

10 ft from IW 12 ft from IW
1.E+06 1.E+06
Metal concentration (mg/L)
Metal concentration (mg/L)

Injection Sulfate Injection

1.E+05 7.0 Al 1.E+05 7.0 Sulfate
As Al
1.E+04 Cr 1.E+04 As
Fe Cr
1.E+03 6.0 Mn 1.E+03 6.0 Fe
Ni Mn
1.E+02 1.E+02 Ni
Zn Na
1.E+01 5.0 1.E+01 5.0 Zn
1.E+00 1.E+00

1.E–01 4.0 1.E–01 4.0

3/3/08 4/2/08 5/2/08 6/1/08 3/3/08 4/2/08 5/2/08 6/1/08

FIGURE 6.74  Total metals analysis from 4, 7, 10, and 12 feet downgradient of an injection well one month after a sodium persulfate
(Na2S2O8) injection. The results suggest considerable metal mobility 4 and 7 feet from the injection well, but spatial attenuation within a
relatively short distance considerably limits the mobilization at 12 feet downgradient. The total normalized percent increase of all metals is
shown in (a). A subset of metals typically associated with secondary water quality concerns is shown in (b). The four plots in (c) show the
actual analytical concentrations of the metals with respect to 4, 7, 10, and 12 feet from the injection well. (Continued)
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 279

1.E+07 8.0 1.E+07 8.0

4 ft from IW 7 ft from IW
1.E+06 1.E+06 Injection
Metal concentration (mg/L)

Metal concentration (mg/L)

1.E+05 7.0 1.E+05 7.0
Al Al
1.E+04 As 1.E+04 As
Fe Fe
1.E+03 6.0 Mn 1.E+03 6.0 Mn
Ni Ni
1.E+02 Zn 1.E+02 Zn
pH pH
1.E+01 5.0 1.E+01 5.0

1.E+00 1.E+00

1.E–01 4.0 1.E–01 4.0

3/3/08 4/2/08 5/2/08 6/1/08 3/3/08 4/2/08 5/2/08 6/1/08

1.E+07 8.0 1.E+07 8.0

10 ft from IW 12 ft from IW
1.E+06 Injection 1.E+06 Injection

Metal concentration (mg/L)

Metal concentration (mg/L)

1.E+05 7.0 1.E+05 7.0

1.E+04 As 1.E+04 As
6.0 Fe
1.E+03 6.0 Mn 1.E+03
1.E+02 1.E+02 Ni
1.E+01 5.0 1.E+01 5.0 pH

1.E+00 1.E+00

1.E–01 4.0 1.E–01 4.0

3/3/08 4/2/08 5/2/08 6/1/08 3/3/08 4/2/08 5/2/08 6/1/08

FIGURE 6.74 (Continued)  Total metals analysis from 4, 7, 10, and 12 feet downgradient of an injection well one month after a sodium
persulfate (Na2S2O8) injection. The results suggest considerable metal mobility 4 and 7 feet from the injection well, but spatial attenuation
within a relatively short distance considerably limits the mobilization at 12 feet downgradient. The four plots in (d) shows a subset of metals
typically associated with secondary water quality concerns.

The distance progression presented in Figure 6.74 represents observed through either an increase in dissolved concen-
4, 7, 10, and 12 ft downgradient from an injection well where trations postinjection or reduced viscosity of LNAPL with
4350 gal of a 1% by weight solution of sodium persulfate observations of sheens or LNAPL thickness not previously
(Na2S2O8) was injected. There was no engineered activation reported. An example of increased aqueous concentrations
as it was anticipated from baseline geochemistry that the following an approximate 3000 gal injection of a 5% by
ambient dissolved-phase metal concentrations would be suf- weight sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) injection with chelated
ficient for ambient persulfate (S2O82−) activation. Monitoring iron activation in the eastern United States is presented in
wells located at 4 and 7 ft observed persulfate (S2O82−) break- Figure 6.75. ISCO was selected as a remedial technology to
through of 88% and 30%, respectively. Only one month of address residual dissolved-phase concentrations primarily
postinjection performance monitoring data is available; how- of benzene (C6H6) that appeared to follow a seasonal pattern
ever, persulfate (S2O82−) was observed to be consumed within Postinjection concentrations are observed to increase above
this time period. The data presented in Figure 6.74 provide baseline concentrations, most notably for toluene (C7H8) and
a snapshot one month after an ISCO injection and demon- xylenes (C8H10). The precise mechanism for this observation
strate orders of magnitude reduction of metal mobility within is not well understood and could be either a combination or
a few feet. This demonstrates that the extreme geochemistry directly attributable to one of the following:
engineered for ISCO implementation influences the treatment
ROI and will mobilize metals, but this influence is limited to • Higher dissolved-phase concentrations within the
the treatment ROI and considerable attenuation is expected immobile fraction of the porous media that were
further downgradient. flushed during the injection.
The engineered pH, already mentioned to influence metal • Strongly acidic conditions appear to be main-
mobility, may also accelerate source mass dissolution and tained for several years postinjection and this may
desorption. This has been observed in numerous persulfate have facilitated reduced interfacial surface tension
(S2O82−)-based PHC implementations and has been attributed between adsorbed/NAPL mass and groundwater
to extremely acidic or alkaline pH. This result is typically promoting dissolution.
280 Remediation Engineering

3500 Ethylbenzene
3000 Injection

Concentration (µg/L)





06/17/07 08/25/09 11/03/11 01/11/14 03/21/16

9.0 50

8.0 pH 49
7.0 Groundwater elevation 48

Groundwater elevation (ft)

pH (standard units)

2.0 42

1.0 41

0.0 40
6/17/2007 8/25/2009 11/3/2011 1/11/2014 3/21/2016

FIGURE 6.75  (a) Petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations at an influenced dose-response well after a sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) injec-
tion. The results, particularly for toluene and xylenes, show considerable increases after the injection suggesting liberated adsorbed mass/
NAPL following the injection. (b) pH and groundwater elevation trends at the influenced dose-response well. The groundwater elevation
fluctuates from 42 to 46 ft. The pH shows considerable acidity sustained more than 3 years postinjection.

• Incomplete oxidized PHCs (CxHy), which are poten- CSM where the nature and extent of contamination are well
tially oxidized to alcohols (CxHyOz) or other inter- understood. If ISCO is selected with the understanding of the
mediates, that act as surfactants to dissolve the potential for adsorbed/NAPL mass, repeat injections over an
adsorbed/NAPL mass. extended duration should be the expectation, and the second-
• Microbial surfactants generated as a result of aerobic ary water quality ramifications of the selected oxidant over
or anaerobic metabolisms using the residual electron numerous events should be considered.
acceptor after the ISCO chemistry is exhausted. Other related secondary water quality concerns include
the anions or metals associated with the oxidants (i.e., per-
While an increase in contaminant concentrations postinjec- sulfate [S2O82−] results in high sulfate [SO42−] concentrations
tion seems counterintuitive and unproductive, accelerating and permanganate [MnO4−] results in high total manganese
access to this stored contaminant mass that would otherwise concentrations). Examples presented in Sections
slowly advect and diffuse into mobile groundwater over an and present the potential for minor trihalometh-
extended duration is actually beneficial. This is, however, anes (THMs) and chloroethane production. The influenced
a good example of the resource commitment of an ISCO ionic strength of salt-based oxidants may create concerns of
implementation. It underscores the importance of a sound high TDS. The type of by-product formation is a trade-off that
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 281

must be considered for any oxidant injection, and site-specific Taking the negative log of both sides of Equation 6.95 yields
testing is useful in determining the upper acceptable concen- Equation 6.96:
tration. It is important to note that some potential target com-
pK A = pH (6.96)
pounds would require such a high oxidant strength that the
benefit gained by initial target destruction may be outweighed The insinuation of Equation 6.96 is that when the pH is at the
by the formation of more troublesome by-products. same numeric value as the pK A, the concentrations of the acid
(HA) and conjugate base (A−) are equal.  Carbonate Interference
Inorganic carbon in groundwater reacts readily with hydroxyl  Two-Step Dissociations  Carbonic acid
radicals (OH•) and other compounds in the radical chain reac- (H2CO3) bears two hydrogen atoms (H+; protons) that readily
tions of ozonation, ultraviolet oxidation, and CHP reactions. dissociate in groundwater (Equation 6.97):
In aquifers, the inorganic carbon pool is composed of three
carbonates: the carbonic acid (H2CO3), the bicarbonate ion K A1 KA2

(HCO3−), and the carbonate ion (CO32−). To determine the H 2CO3 « H + + HCO3- « 2H + + CO32 - (6.97)
extent of potential interference, it is first necessary to calcu-
or in the generalized form (Equation 6.98):
late the molarities of the two main interfering compounds,
bicarbonate (HCO3−) and carbonate (CO32−). This is accom- K A1 KA2

plished using alkalinity data, the hydrogen ion (H+) concen- H 2 A « H + + A - « H + + A - (6.98)
tration (from pH), and the acid–base dissociation constants for The mole fraction of each constituent can be calculated by spec-
the two-step dissociation from carbonic acid (H2CO3) to the ifying a pH value and solving the two kinetic equations simulta-
carbonate ion (CO32−). After the carbonate species molarities neously. The first step is to set the sum of mole fractions of the
have been calculated for a particular aquifer, the reaction rates carbonate system constituents equal to 1.0 (Equation 6.99):
between radical and target compound can be compared to the
rates of radical chain termination reactions that will be gener- H 2CO3 + HCO3- + CO32 - = 1.0 (6.99)

ated by dissolved carbonates. From that estimate, it can be
determined whether the expected losses of reagent to carbon- The next step is to express carbonic acid (H2CO3) and carbonate
ate termination will be small or, alternatively, the level of pH (CO32−) in terms of the common ion, bicarbonate (HCO3−), using
adjustment that would be needed to achieve acceptable radical Equation 6.94. The following can be used to evaluate the first
reaction rates with the target compounds. Inorganic carbon dissociation (Equation 6.100):
generally needs to be greater than 100 mg/L in groundwater
to adversely influence hydroxyl radical formation. éH + ù ´ éHCO3- ù
K A1 = ë û ë û (6.100)
éëH 2CO3 ùû  Acid–Base Equilibrium  Aquifer carbonate
concentrations are controlled by the two-step carbonic acid
(H2CO3) dissociation. The general form of the acid–base Rearranging Equation 6.100,
equilibrium is described by Equation 6.93: éH + ù ´ éHCO3- ù
éë 2 = ë û ë û (6.101)
KA H CO 3ù
HA « H + + A - (6.93) K A1

where HA is the undissociated acid, H+ is a proton, and A− is From the second dissociation (Equation 6.102):
the conjugate base.* The kinetic rate constant (K A) for the 2
acid dissociation is defined by Equation 6.94: éH + ù ´ éCO32 - ù éH + ù ´ éCO32 - ù
K A2 = ë +û ë û=ë û ë û (6.102)
é H ù ´ éHCO3- ù éHCO3- ù
éH ù ´ é A ù
+ -
ë û ë û ë û
K A = ë û ë û (6.94)
ëéHA ùû Rearranging Equation 6.102,

In the special case when the acid is half dissociated, the K A 2 ´ éëHCO3- ùû
concentrations of the undissociated acid (HA) and the con- éCO32 - ù = (6.103)
ë û é +ù
jugate base (A−) are equal, so Equation 6.94 reduces to ëH û
Equation 6.95:
Substituting Equation 6.101 and Equation 6.103 into Equation
K A = éëH + ùû (6.95) 6.99:

éH + ù ´ éHCO3- ù é -
* The conjugate base of an acid is formed when the acid (HA) donates a ë û ë û + éHCO - ù + K A 2 ´ ëHCO3 û = 1.0
K A1 ë 3 û é +ù
ëH û
proton (H+). For example, the hydroxyl anion (OH−) is the conjugate base
of the acid water (H2O), because water (H2O) donates a hydrogen ion (H+)

to form the hydroxyl anion (OH−). (6.104)
282 Remediation Engineering

Solving Equation 6.104 for the bicarbonate ion (HCO3−): 1

éCO32 - ù =
ë û æ
éH + ù éH + ù ö

1 ç1 + ë û+ ë û ÷
éHCO3- ù = (6.105) çç
ë û æ éH ù K ö
+ K A2 K A1K A2 ÷÷
ç1 + ë û A ÷ è ø
+ 2
ç K A1 éH + ù ÷
è ë ûø æ éH + ù éH + ù ö

where µ3 = 1 + ë û + ë û ÷ (6.110)
çç K A2 K A1K A2 ÷÷
Solving Equation 6.101 for carbonic acid (H2CO3): è ø

éH + ù 1 Recall that for Equation 6.99 the total concentration of the

éëH 2CO3 ùû = ë û ´ (6.106) example carbonate compounds was arbitrarily set to 1 but
K A1 æ éH + ù K ö
ç1 + ë û + A2 ÷ could be more generically defined as the total concentra-
ç K A1 éH + ù ÷ tion (CT). Therefore, the total concentration (CT) divided by any
è ë ûø
of the alphas (α) presented in Equations 6.108 through 6.110 at
a given pH with known dissociation constants (K A) will provide
Solving Equation 6.103 for the carbonate ion (CO32−): the concentration of the respective compound. In Chapter 7,

K 1 0
éCO32 - ù = A 2 ´ (6.107) pKA1 = 6.3 pKA2 = 10.3
ë û éH + ù æ éH ù K ö
ë û ç ë û A2 ÷ [H2CO3] [HCO3 –] [CO32–]
1+ +
ç K A1 éH + ù ÷ –2
è ë ûø
For oxyanions (or negatively charged compounds with oxy-

gen) with numerous hydrogen ions (H+), the calculations –5

summarized earlier can be tedious and time intensive. Based –6 [H+]
on Equations 6.105 through 6.107 for each of the carbonate –7
compounds, it is evident that a repetitive pattern of hydrogen
ions (H+) and dissociation constants (K A) occurs for sequen-
tially protonated compounds. Multiplying the leading expres- –9
sions in Equations 6.106 and 6.107 through the rest of the –10
equation results in expressions presented as Equations 6.108 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
through 6.110, which can be used to quickly solve for other pH
sequentially protonated compounds. The equations presented
in Equations 6.108 through 6.110 are referred to as alpha (α) FIGURE 6.76  Speciation diagram for carbonate system. Total car-
values, and the user requires only a pH and the compound- bonate concentration = 10 −2 M.
specific dissociation constants (K A) to solve for the desired
compound: 10
Relative reactive rate: TCE/HCO3–

éëH 2CO3 ùû = 1
æ ö
ç 1 + K A1 + K A1K A2 ÷
çç éH + ù é + ù 2 ÷÷
è ë û ë û ø 0.1

K A11 K A1K A2
where µ1 = 1 + + (6.108)
éH + ù éH + ù 2
ë û ë û 0.01

1 0.001
éHCO3- ù =
ë û æ 1 10 100 1,000 10,000
éH ù K A2 ö÷
ç1 + ë û + TCE cleanup goal TCE concentration (µg/L)
ç K A1 éH + ù ÷
è ë ûø
FIGURE 6.77  Relative reaction rates of TCE (C2HCl3) and bicar-
éH + ù K bonate ion (HCO3−) reaction with the hydroxyl radical (OH•), as a
where µ2 = 1 + ë û + A+2 (6.109) function of pH. Total carbonate alkalinity is 100 mM (300 mg/L as
K A11 éH ù
ë û CaCO3).
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 283

several logarithm of the concentration versus the pH diagrams Second, calculate the bicarbonate (HCO3−) molarity using the
(log C–pH diagrams) are presented and discussed for other total alkalinity and the mole fraction of bicarbonate (HCO3−)
sequential deprotonated compounds (i.e., sulfur, arsenic, and at pH 8.0. From Figure 6.76, it is evident that the bicarbonate
chromium). (HCO3−) mole fraction is 0.95 at pH 8.0 (Equation 6.105 could
The logC–pH diagram for the carbonate compounds is pre- also be used to make a more exact calculation):
sented in Figure 6.76. The relevant dissociated constants for the
carbonate compounds are K A1 = 4.467 × 10 −7 and K A2 = 4.677 × éHCO3- ù = 3 ´ 10 -3 M as
ë û
10−11, and the negative logarithms (or pKA1 and pKA2) are 6.33
and 10.33 respectively. Note that the intersection of the carbon- CaCO3 ´ 0.95 mol HCO3- /mol CaCO3
ate curves in Figure 6.77 occurs at values equal to the pKA val-
ues, demonstrating equivalent concentrations at equilibrium. and   Calculation of Competitive Interaction  The éHCO3- ù = 2.85 ´ 10 -3 M

ë û
loss of the hydroxyl radical (OH•) to carbonate (CO32−)/bicar-
bonate (HCO3−) scavenging can be calculated as a function This is the value that will be used in the kinetic rate calcula-
of target contaminant concentration at a specified aquifer tions that follow.
pH and alkalinity. The calculations summarized in Section Third, develop a formula that expresses the relative rates are first used to determine the mole fraction of the of reaction with the hydroxyl radical (OH•). To do this, differ-
bicarbonate (HCO3−) and/or carbonate (CO32−) ion for the pH ential equations of the second-order rate constants for the two
of interest. Then, the molarity is calculated by multiplication competing reactions are necessary:
of the mole fraction and total carbonate alkalinity, expressed
in molar concentration. TCE + OH • ® Products
Consider a site where hydroxyl radical (OH•) oxidation is
proposed for in  situ chemical remediation. The subject site
has an approximate pH of 8.0 and a carbonate alkalinity of
300 mg/L as CaCO3. The target compound is trichloroeth-
HCO3- + OH • ® H 2O + CO•3-
ene (TCE), and it is necessary to evaluate if pH adjustment is
necessary for a successful oxidation, using a chelating agent*
to maintain iron levels in groundwater. In this circumstance, The first differential equation is based on the TCE oxidation
competition from carbonate (CO32−) ions could be significant. reaction (Equation 6.111):
The calculation strategy is as follows:
dTCE æ mol ö
= kTCE éë TCE ùû éëOH • ùû ç -1 ÷
1. Estimate the mole fraction of bicarbonate (HCO3 ) − dt è L´s ø
and, combined with the carbonate alkalinity data,
calculate the bicarbonate (HCO3−) molarity at the and the second differential equation is calculated for the
specified pH and alkalinity. bicarbonate anion (HCO3−) reaction with the hydroxyl radical
2. Develop a formula that expresses the reaction rate of (OH•) as follows (Equation 6.112):
the hydroxyl radical (OH•) with TCE, divided by the
rate of reaction between hydroxyl radical (OH•) and
bicarbonate (HCO3−). This gives a value for the frac- dt
( )
= kHCO3 éëHCO3- ùû éëOH • ùû mol/L ´ s-1 (6.112)

tion of productive, relative to total, reactions.

3. Prepare a graphic representation of the results. A ratio is used to establish a comparison of the two reaction
rates (Equation 6.113):
First, calculate the bicarbonate (HCO3−) molarity under the
specified conditions: dTCE
kTCE éë TCE ùû éëOH • ùû
dt = (6.113)
MWCaCO3 = 100 mg/mmol dHCO3- kHCO3 éHCO3- ù éOH • ù
ë ûë û
300 mg/L
= 3 mmol/L as CaCO3
100 mg/mmol Simplifying Equation 6.113,

= 3 ´ 10 -3 M CaCO3 total alkalinity dTCE kTCE éë TCE ùû

= (6.114)
dHCO3 kHCO3 éëHCO3- ùû

* A chelating agent is a molecule that can form several weak bonds to a single
metal ion and essentially maintain the metal reactivity at a pH that (in the
absence of the chelating agent) would typically result in metal precipitation.
The bicarbonate (HCO3−) concentration is much larger than the
Another way to describe a chelating agent is as a multidentate ligand, and TCE concentration for the concentrations of interest, so it can
an example is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA; C10H16N2O8). be assumed to be constant (this assumption is also supported
284 Remediation Engineering

by the fact that bicarbonate [HCO3−] will be refreshed by con- overly diluting the sample or influencing the performance
version from carbonate [CO32−] soil minerals): monitoring results. Another alternative to oxidant quench-
ing is delaying the collection of performance monitoring data
dTCE kTCE until the oxidant has been consumed. Oxidant quenching is
= ´ é TCE ùû (6.115)
dHCO3- kHCO3 éHCO3- ù ë typically not necessary for ozone (O3) or hydrogen peroxide
ë û (H2O2) ISCO implementations, may be necessary for persul-
fate (S2O82−) oxidation and is typically required for perman-
The rate constants for hydroxyl radical (OH•) reaction
ganate (MnO4−) oxidation. Quenching can be performed in
with TCE and bicarbonate (HCO3−) can be obtained from
the field with a simple titration from a concentrated ascorbic
Table 6.28:
acid (C6H8O6) solution and then confirmed with field testing
for residual oxidant.
æ 1 ö
kTCE = 4 ´ 109 ç ÷
è M ´s ø  Health and Safety Considerations
The implementation of ISCO usually requires some degree of
æ 1 ö
kHCO3 = 8.5 ´ 106 ç ÷ materials handling of potentially dangerous chemical oxidiz-
è M´s ø ers and manipulating oxidation chemistry may lead to unsafe
conditions. A rigorous health and safety plan rooted in practi-
Using the value of bicarbonate (HCO3−) calculated earlier cal experience and a behavioral-based health and safety sys-
(2.85 × 10 −3 M), Equation 6.116 is determined: tem are cornerstones to mitigating the risk of injuries and/or
fatalities associated with ISCO implementation. The publica-
dTCE 4 ´ 109
= ´ éë TCE ùû (6.116) tion literature is rich with case study examples highlighting

dHCO3- ( )(
8.5 ´ 106 2.85 ´ 10 -3 ) lessons learned and potential unsafe outcomes.158,160,162,205
Each chemical oxidant will have its own health and safety
dTCE considerations, and the safety data sheet (SDS) should be con-
= 1.65 ´ 105 ´ éë TCE ùû (6.117)
dHCO3- sulted for safe handling of a particular oxidant. The vendor
producing the oxidant is required to provide the SDS. In gen-
The value of the function described by Equation 6.117 can be eral, a few ISCO guidelines for health and safety include the
graphed as a function of TCE concentration values. The com- following:
parison of the relative reaction rate of TCE and bicarbonate
(HCO3−) with the hydroxyl radical (OH•) versus TCE concen- • Implementing engineering controls to avoid field
trations ranging from 1 to 10,000 µg/L is presented in Figure staff handling of an oxidant is a primary risk miti-
6.77. At high TCE concentrations, the ratio is approximately gation strategy. Where it is cost effective and stor-
10.5, indicating that more than 90% of the radical reactions age logistics allow, small volumes of concentrated
occur with TCE. When the TCE concentration decreases liquid solutions that are diluted in-line for injection
to 1000 µg/L, only a little more than 10% of the reactions may be preferable as they avoid field dissolution of
occur with TCE. When the TCE concentration approaches the solid oxidants. Additionally, it prevents manual lift-
typical target value established for drinking water protection ing of oxidant packages, which typically weigh 50 to
(5 µg/L), fewer than 1 reaction in 100 is occurring between 55 pounds.
TCE and the hydroxyl radical (OH•). From this exercise, it is • Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a require-
concluded that bicarbonate ion (HCO3−), when present at a ment for all field staff involved in the implementation
concentration greater than 100 mg/L, is a significant competi- of oxidant mixing and dose-response monitor-
tor for TCE in hydroxyl radical (OH•) oxidation, and it may be ing. At a minimum, full-body chemically resistant
necessary to lower the aquifer pH to reduce TCE levels to the suits, chemically resistant shin-high rubber boots,
5 µg/L range. chemically resistant elbow-length gloves, and splash
aprons should be worn by those conducting the oxi-  Oxidant Quenching dant mixing. For those oxidants that are salts (potas-
If a postinjection sample is collected from within a treatment sium permanganate [KMnO4] and sodium persulfate
ROI of an ISCO injection, there is a potential for residual oxi- [Na2S2O8]), a full-face particulate respirator is typi-
dant to remain in the groundwater. This oxidant, if included cally required. Duct tape is used to seal the boots
into a performance-based sample, may continue to influence and gloves to the chemically resistant suite. This
the chemistry within the sample bottle in transit to the lab- degree of PPE is referred to as Level C. The rule of
oratory and especially during laboratory analysis. As such, thumb for PPE is that an appropriate level of PPE
depending on the data quality objectives at a particular site, should be worn to mitigate all hazards, but not itself
it may be appropriate to actively quench the residual oxidant create an unsafe condition. If no solid oxidant is used
prior to sample collection for laboratory analysis. A procedure (i.e., concentrated liquid is diluted in-line), a full face
for quenching has been established204 and uses ascorbic acid respirator may not be required, but face shield with
(C6H8O6) to actively consume the residual oxidant, without safety glasses equipped with side splash guards will
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 285

still be required. The required degree of PPE should conveyance may be required to inspect and con-
be determined by a qualified health and safety site firm the injection equipment remains functional.
officer and documented in the health and safety plan. Additionally, the chemical compatibility of sub-
Additionally, the field conditions should be consid- surface utilities for shallow ISCO implementations
ered for the working environment for the field staff. should be considered as most utilities are some form
Specifying Level C PPE for extremely hot and humid of carbon steel that is highly susceptible to reactions
conditions may create unsafe conditions. with oxidants. Some methods of utility compatibility
• Proper ventilation of the mixing area is of critical have been implemented (such as cathodic protection
importance. While the most commonly used salt- for metallic utilities), but in general avoidance of oxi-
based oxidants (permanganate [MnO4−] and per- dant and utility contact is recommended.
sulfate [S2O82−]) do not generate inhalation vapors, • Mixed reagents or concentrated bulk reagents need
the particulates that may accumulate in an enclosed to be secondarily contained to 110% of the volume
mixing area may create an unsafe inhalation hazard. of the storage tank. Oftentimes, space is at a pre-
Indoor mixing systems should have Occupational mium for a temporary batch ISCO implementation,
Safety and Health Administration–approved venti- and sufficient secondary containment cannot be pro-
lation systems capable of exchange rates that avoid vided. This forces smaller tanks and more frequent
unsafe inhalation conditions. While outdoor tempo- mixing and should be considered during the design
rary batch mixing configurations typically provide and health and safety plan development.
sufficient ventilation, field staff awareness of par-
ticulate inhalation is important and full-face res- These preceding examples are applicable to ISCO implemen-
pirators while dissolving salt-based oxidants are a tations in one way or another, and it is clear that potential
requirement. health and safety risks need to be assessed during oxidation
• Ozone (O3) sparging and CHP may yield significant applications. These risks can be managed through proactive
gas generation and temperature change. These poten- strategies to avoid field staff contact with oxidants and educa-
tial observations should be discussed with field staff tion of the potential hazards.
prior to implementation, and reasonable response
actions should be documented in the site-specific  Reagent Selection/Types
health and safety plan. At a minimum, monitoring Available forms of chemical reagents for ISCO and their
should be conducted for the oxygen content of the reactive species are summarized in Table 6.26, and the resul-
off-gas, and provisions for safely venting the vadose tant standard reduction potential (measured in volts) is sum-
zone to prevent the development of explosive condi- marized in Table 6.27. Of the available forms of chemical
tions should be considered. Observations of ozone reagents, permanganate (MnO4−), CHP, persulfate (S2O82−),
(O3) discharge through cracks in asphalt parking and ozone (O3) are the four primary forms of oxidants and
lots have been observed. Ozone (O3) air monitoring will be discussed in detail in this section. A summary of con-
around the ozone (O3) generation system is recom- taminant applicability to the four main forms of oxidants is
mended to avoid field staff exposure. summarized in Table 6.30. The different forms of oxidants
• Some states have Homeland Security limitations on provide a great deal of flexibility with respect to appropriate
the storage mass of particular oxidants. This is not chemistries, and each oxidant has benefits and weaknesses.
federally mandated and should be confirmed with Some general differences are discussed in this section, and
the governing fire department in the area where then oxidant-specific benefits and weaknesses are discussed
ISCO is to be implemented. This concern also in the following subsections.
relates to burglary or vandalism of stored oxidants The effectiveness of ISCO for dissolved-phase contami-
on-site. Appropriate lockout tag-out procedures nation is predicated on achieving the greatest uniform and
should be documented in the site-specific health and homogeneous distribution of the chemical oxidizing reagents
safety plan. possible. This general ISCO distinction presents comparative
• Chemical compatibility is a major concern for oxi- benefits and weaknesses of the available oxidants. For exam-
dation chemistry. Typically, PVC or high-density ple, potassium permanganate (KMnO4) has a lower solubility
polyethylene are preferred for working with aggres- than the other available forms of oxidants. Therefore, a con-
sive oxidants, but the exact chemical compatibility siderably larger volume would need to be injected to achieve
of the aboveground conveyance should be confirmed a comparable oxidant load. Sodium permanganate (NaMnO4)
with the oxidant prior to specifying a bill of mate- provides better solubility but influences the implementation as
rials. Temperature considerations when using CHP it is only provided as a liquid reagent. Ozone (O3) is sparged
and diluting strong acids and bases may preclude into aquifers and is therefore susceptible to similar mass
PVC as there have been field observations of melted transfer limitations as biosparging applications and similar
PVC wells or malleable injection conveyance equip- physical limitations as with air sparging. The hydroxyl radi-
ment from rapid temperature increase. Routine (i.e., cal (OH•) associated with CHP has negligible lifetime in situ,
daily) operation and maintenance of the injection which may significantly limit its practical distribution within
286 Remediation Engineering

TABLE 6.30
Classes of Contaminants and Applicability to Various Forms of In Situ Chemical Oxidation
Permanganate Catalyzed Hydrogen SO4•− (Activated
(MnO4−) Peroxide (CHP [H2O2/Fe]) S2O82− (1) Persulfate)1 Ozone (O3)
Cited Literature for Applicability
Contaminant a b c d a b c d e/f a a b c a b c d
Petroleum hydrocarbons G 4 E4 G/E 4 E4 E4

TEX E4 E4 E E E4 E E E E4 E G4 E
Benzene P4 G4 P4 E4 E4 E G 4 G/E 4 E4 E4 G4
Phenols G E E E E E E E P/G G/E E E E E E
tert-Butyl alcohol E G E E
Chlorinated ethenes E E E E E E E E E G E E E E E E
Carbon tetrachloride P P P P/G G P P P P/G P/E P/G P
Chloroform P P P P P G/E P
Methylene chloride P G G P G/E G
Chlorinated ethanes5 P P G/E P P P G/E G P
Trichloroethane5 P P E P P P/E P
Dichloroethane5 P G G P G/E G
Chlorobenzene P E E E E E E
Energetics (RDX, HMX) E E G E E
Explosives E E E G G G/E E E
Pesticides G G P P G/E6 G G/E P E
1,4-Dioxane7 E E E

Source: Huling, S.G. and Pivetz, B.E., Engineering issue paper: In-situ chemical oxidation. EPA 600-R-06-072. U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (USEPA) Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH, 60 p, 2006.
Key: P = poor, G = good, E = excellent.
a: Sperry and Cookson (2002) [388]
b: ITRC (2005) [389]
c: Brown (2003) [390]
d: Siegrist (2001) [391]
e: Rating based on the second-order reaction rate constants between contaminants and OH reported in Buxton et al. (1988) and Haag and Yao
(1992): Excellent (>109 L/mol-s), Good (108–109 L/mol-s), Poor (<108 L/mol-s).
1 Persulfate/sulfate radical reactivity studies with 66 organic compounds and isomers under various conditions have been conducted elsewhere

(FMC, 2005).
2 The reaction between O and H O produces OH•. Therefore, the ratings from source (e) by catalyzed hydrogen peroxide (CHP) apply equally
3 2 2
to the O3/H2O2 (peroxone, HiPOx, Perozone) technology.
3 Source (c) rated Fe-catalyzed and heat-catalyzed persulfate (S O 2−) separately; the lower rating applies to Fe-activated and the higher rating
2 8
applies to heat-activated persulfate (S2O82−).
4 Benzene was rated separately from TEX or petroleum hydrocarbons; thus, the TEX or petroleum hydrocarbon rating excludes benzene.

5 Trichloroethane (CA) and dichloroethane (DCA) were rated separately by some sources, and the other sources rated chlorinated ethanes as a

class of contaminant.
6 A detailed summary of second-order reaction rate constants between pesticides and OH• is reported in Haag and Yao (1992).

7 Brown et al. (2004) present experimental results indicated that permanganate (MnO −), catalyzed hydrogen peroxide (CHP), persulfate (S O 2−),
4 2 8
and ozone (O3) are effective in oxidizing 1,4-dioxane.

a treatment ROI. Persulfate (S2O82−) has a favorable solubility clearly reagent specific and must be a determining criterion
and the flexibility of activation chemistry supports better dis- for reagent selection.
tribution of the oxidant, but manipulating propagating chain The relevance of ISCO to significant adsorbed mass/NAPL
reactions is contingent on achieving distribution of activat- was discussed in Section If ISCO is still selected as the
ing agents as well. The oxidant payload to the subsurface is preferred remedial alternative in the presence of significant
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 287

adsorbed mass/NAPL, it is important to note that the chem- Lastly, in order to implement ISCO, the geochemistry
istry is highly likely to be successful, but the cost efficiency within the treatment ROI must be aggressively influenced
and degree of secondary water quality concerns are directly (Section, and a key geochemical parameter describ-
linked to the selected reagent loading and longevity. A host ing this influence is pH. The unique chemical reagents per-
of literature has demonstrated oxidative destruction of differ- form differently under acidic and alkaline pH. For example,
ent NAPL,185–187,206–211 but the field-scale implementation of a ozone (O3) radical chemistry is highly pH dependent, with
mature contaminant source zone will still be limited by the significant radical formation at alkaline pH and nearly all
hyperreactivity of the chemical oxidant with the separate- direct oxidation (no radical chemistry) occurring under
phase adsorbed mass/NAPL. Permanganate (MnO4−) has acidic pH. CHP is most effective over the 3.0 to 5.0 pH
been observed to develop crusts at the NAPL mass–oxidant range. Depending on the selected activation method, per-
interface, and it has been theorized that this crust may encap- sulfate (S2O82−) injections characteristically result in acidic
sulate the NAPL preventing further dissolution. Convincing pH with the dissociation of the persulfate into the bisulfate
evidence in two-dimensional sand tank studies by MacKinnon anion (HSO 4 −). The wide range of extreme pH differences is
and Thomson212 clearly identifies manganese dioxide (MnO2) unique to ISCO and presents both challenges to and oppor-
crust at the interface of placed DNAPL that were described as tunities for remediation success.
rocklike deposits. As the crust encapsulates the DNAPL dur-
ing injection of the permanganate (MnO4−), it would inhibit Permanganate
destruction of the DNAPL in favor of a passivated DNAPL The permanganate ion (MnO4−) is a selective oxidant that
surface. The longevity of such encapsulated DNAPL at the can be effective for treatment of many aquifer contaminants,
field scale is not well understood and may be susceptible particularly chlorinated alkenes over a wide range of pH.
to continuity and uniformity concerns associated with the Chlorinated ethenes, phenols, sulfides, organosulfur com-
crust formation. CHP in contact with adsorbed mass/NAPL pounds, and double-bonded, nonaromatic organics are suit-
is highly reactive and may exacerbate temperature and gas able targets for permanganate oxidation, while fuels, aromatic
generation issues associated with this oxidant. The aggressive organic compounds (e.g., benzene), chloromethanes (e.g.,
generation of gas in the presence of adsorbed mass/NAPL is carbon tetrachloride), and MTBE are not suitable targets for
not necessarily specific to CHP, as ozone (O3) and persulfate permanganate oxidation.213 In particular, the permanganate
(S2O82−) activation may result in the formation of the highly ion (MnO4−) is less reactive with single carbon–carbon bonds
active hydroxyl radical (OH•) and field and laboratory studies (e.g., saturated hydrocarbons).214
associated with permanganate (MnO4−) have demonstrated As a selective oxidant, permanganate (MnO4−) is consid-
considerable carbon dioxide (CO2) generation. A few consid- ered a fairly stable oxidant compared to the radical-based
erations associated with excessive gas formation are summa- alternatives. This “stability” enables better distribution
rized in the following: throughout an injection ROI but limits the contaminant list
that can be treated with permanganate (MnO4−).215–221 The
1. Pore water displacement.  The displacement of pore permanganate (MnO4−) oxidation chemistry follows second-
water by gas significantly reduces the hydraulic con- order rate kinetics but, in the absence of a considerable NOD,
ductivity of porous media. Reagent injection back- may often be simplified as pseudo-first-order rate kinetics.
pressures can increase to high levels as the aquifer The permanganate (MnO4−) concentration is not considered
formation becomes “gas-locked.” constant but is typically significantly greater than the con-
2. Oxygen gas buildup.  Most of the gas generated in taminant concentration.
ozone (O3), persulfate (S2O82−), and CHP is oxygen, Permanganate is available as salts of potassium (K+) or
which pushes its way into the vadose zone overly- sodium (Na+), and the determination of which to use is based
ing the treated volume. Oxygen partial pressures can on the required concentration, purity, and ease of handling.
build to high levels in the vadose zone, creating sig- The potassium permanganate (KMnO4; molecular weight =
nificant safety hazards. Vadose zone soils should be 158.03 g/mol) salt is sold as a fine crystalline solid that can be
vented as needed to maintain safe conditions. dissolved in the field, creating injection concentrations of up
3. Volatile organic carbon stripping. The elevated to 6.5% by weight at 20°C. It is important to incorporate the
temperatures associated with strong exothermic aquifer temperature into the injected solution concentration
oxidation reactions in the presence of NAPL and determination to avoid precipitation of permanganate (and the
rapid generation of gas combine to cause signifi- associated aquifer clogging that might occur) at lower temper-
cant mass transfer of volatiles from the aquifer into atures. Advances in mixing (i.e., dry powder, in-line eductors)
the overlying vadose zone. These fugitive vapors help to reduce material handling improving health and safety
may constitute a significant contaminant removal when working with potassium permanganate (KMnO4).
mechanism as well as a safety hazard. As with the The sodium permanganate (NaMnO4; molecular weight =
oxygen vapors, volatile organic carbon vapors that 141.93 g/mol) salt is comparatively more soluble than potassium
accumulate in the vadose zone should be monitored permanganate (KMnO4) and can be used to generate higher
and vented/recovered, as needed, to maintain safe in situ concentrations. It is commercially available as a 40% by
conditions. weight liquid solution and should be handled with great caution.
288 Remediation Engineering

Sodium permanganate (NaMnO4) is normally diluted substan- (NaMnO4) can be diluted in-line since it is delivered as a 40%
tially prior to injection into a chemical reactive zone. by weight liquid. However, as mentioned, dry powder in-line
It is possible for the commercially available permanganate mixing apparatus exist.
(MnO4−) salts to contain trace metals, including chromium,
which may cause secondary water quality impacts following  Reaction Mechanisms  The manganese (Mn)
injection. For example, consider a 2.5% by weight (25 g/L) atom in permanganate (MnO4−) has a “+7” valence and is
potassium permanganate (KMnO4) injection of a reasonable expressed as Mn7+. During the oxidation process over a prac-
volume (18,900 L; approximately 485 kg KMnO4). The mate- tical pH range (3.5 to 12), the manganese (Mn7+) is reduced
rial specification sheet indicates the potassium permanganate to a “+4” valence and is expressed as Mn4+. The main reduc-
contains a maximum of 7.5 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) tion product is manganese dioxide (MnO2), which precipitates
of chromium. This indicates that in the 18,900 L injection vol- from solution. Under strongly acidic conditions (pH <3.5), the
ume, it is possible to have a maximum concentration of chro- manganese may remain in solution as manganous manganese
mium of approximately 0.2 mg/L (200 µg/L). Considering the (Mn2+), resulting in a greater electron transfer.214 Conversely,
oxidizing nature of permanganate (MnO4−), it is reasonable under strongly alkaline conditions (pH >12), the green man-
to assume that most of this chromium will be in the form of ganate ion (MnO42−) may form with the transfer of only one
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), and some states (e.g., California) electron.214 As is evident by these pH ranges compared to
have primary MCLs for hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) as low ambient aquifers, discussion in this section regarding perman-
as 10 µg/L. The injection concentration will be diluted in situ ganate (MnO4−) oxidation will focus on manganese dioxide
into the ambient groundwater, but even a 10% concentration (MnO2) generation with an electron transfer of three electrons
response at a dose-response monitoring well could have tem- as the primary reaction mechanism.
porary exceedances of some ancillary water quality criteria. Yan and Schwartz23 provided a reaction network for per-
This simple calculation of the potential trace chromium con- manganate (MnO4−) oxidation of trichloroethene (TCE;
centration contribution to an aquifer should be completed prior C2HCl3) that showed several alternative pathways, all of which
to injection, and a product-specific analysis may be requested began with a two-center reaction that forms a hypomanga-
from the vendor to improve the accuracy of the estimate. It is nate ester (Figure 6.78). From this point, several potential
important to note that metals may be solubilized from aquifer unstable intermediates were postulated, leading to the forma-
soils, independent of metal content of the injected oxidant for- tion of four intermediate products that were observed in their
mulation, a topic discussed for each oxidant. experiments: formic acid (CHO2), glycolic acid (C2H2O3), gly-
Permanganate (MnO4−) is typically injected over the oxylic acid (C2H2O3), and oxalic acid (C2H2O4). All of these
course of a few days to weeks using batch or in-line mixing products were susceptible to reaction with permanganate
and injection equipment. Typically, potassium permanganate (MnO4−), forming the final product, carbon dioxide (CO2).
(KMnO4) requires batch mixing and sodium permanganate The general overall oxidation reaction of TCE (C2HCl3) to

Mn Mn
O O– O O
+ Cl H
Cl H
C C Acyclic
Cl Cl hypomanganate
Cl Cl Cyclic ester
Cyclic manganate Acyclic
ester hypomanganate ester Trichloroglycol

Additional unstable reaction intermediates


Formic acid Glycolic acid Glyoxylic acid Oxalic acid
MnO4– MnO4–
MnO4– O C O
Carbon dioxide

FIGURE 6.78  Reaction pathways for the permanganate (MnO4−) oxidation of trichloroethene (C2HCl3). (Redrawn from Yan, Y.E. and
Schwartz, F.W., Environ. Sci. Technol., 34(12), 2535, 2000.)
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 289

carbon dioxide (CO2) coupled with the reduction of perman- calculated by pseudo-first-order degradation (Equations 6.69
ganate (MnO4−) to manganese dioxide (MnO2) is presented as and 6.70). The starting concentration for each compound was
Equation 6.118: 1 mg/L. Permanganate (MnO4−) concentrations ranged from
5 to 50,000 mg/L as MnO4−. The visual detection limit for
- - + permanganate is 5 mg/L213 and 50,000 mg/L is the maximum
2MnO 4 + C2HCl3 ® 2MnO2 + 2CO2 + 3Cl + H (6.118)
working strength of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) that
would conceivably be applied in a field application (higher
Of note from Equation 6.118 are the reaction products, which concentrations can be achieved with sodium permanganate
include manganese dioxide (MnO2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and [NaMnO4], but significantly higher concentrations are not
acidity (H+). In the presence of NAPL or extremely high NOD, recommended). These data can be interpreted to develop
the rate and extent of manganese dioxide (MnO2) solid forma- expectations for permanganate (MnO4−) performance for
tion may reduce the injection capacity (defined as injection flow each compound in a field application.
rate [Qinj] divided by the injection pressure [Pinj]) in the imme-
diate vicinity of the injection area by occupying the available  By-Product Formation  Permanganate (MnO4−)
porosity.223–226 The formation of manganese dioxides (MnO2) can influence the mobility of geogenic metals by changing the
is likely to occur as a crust encapsulating the NAPL or within ambient geochemistry (i.e., pH, oxidation–reduction potential,
the most permeable pore throats of the aquifer. Either way, the and ionic strength). Additionally, manganese itself is a metal,
distribution and resultant contaminant contact is inhibited. and the commercially available reagents may have other trace
The degree of carbon dioxide (CO2) generation may be effec- metals (Section The formation of manganese dioxide
tively controlled by the pH of a well-buffered aquifer. Based (MnO2) may have the capacity to adsorb some liberated metals
on the discussion in Section, it is clear that under cir- (i.e., aluminum [Al], cadmium [Cd], cobalt [Co], copper [Cu],
cumneutral pH with elevated carbonate (CO32−) and bicarbon- lead [Pb], nickel [Ni], silver [Ag], titanium [Ti], uranium [U],
ate (HCO3−) concentrations, carbon dioxide (CO2) generation and Zn [Zn]), which would be expected to inhibit metal mobil-
will be largely sequestered. Notice the acidity (H+) gener- ity. The interaction between manganese dioxide (MnO2) and
ated in Equation 6.118, and with high concentrations of TCE chromium (Cr) is well documented,227 suggesting that it is one
(C2HCl3) (such as NAPL), the pH may shift below 6.3, which of only a few mechanisms available to oxidize trivalent chro-
would be expected to favor carbonic acid (H2CO3) formation mium (Cr3+) to hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) under most natural
and resultant carbon dioxide (CO2) off-gassing. Gaseous car- conditions according to Equation 6.119:
bon dioxide (CO2) will influence permeability and contami-
nant partitioning. Gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2) movement
is unpredictable in aquifers and could result in deposition of CrOH 2 + + 3b-MnO2 + 3H 2O ® HCrO -4 + 3MnOOH (s) + 3H +

contaminant mass in previously unimpacted unsaturated soils (6.119)
or shallower groundwater. These observations, along with the
aforementioned limitations of ISCO treatment of NAPL, sup- This process is somewhat limited because manganese diox-
port considering other alternatives for NAPL impacts. ide (MnO2) and chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) are typically
found as solids (decreasing the likelihood of contact), but col-  Kinetics  Reaction kinetics for permanganate loidal interactions in groundwater may occur. Metal mobility
(MnO4−) oxidation are several orders of magnitude lower than associated with permanganate (MnO4−) oxidation is consis-
for reactions between similar target compounds and hydroxyl tent with other oxidant metal mobility and is observed to be
radical (OH•). Compare, for example, the second-order transient and spatially limited from the injection point. One
kinetic rate constants for oxidation of TCE by permanganate nuance associated with permanganate (MnO4−) is the com-
(MnO4−) and the hydroxyl radical (OH•) summarized in Table paratively higher concentrations of total manganese follow-
6.28. For permanganate (MnO4−), the average rate constant is ing an injection (23,100 mg/L as Mn for a 5% by weight as
0.67/M ∙ s, while the rate constant for hydroxyl radical (OH•) is MnO4− injection solution). Portions of this manganese will
4 × 109/M ∙ s. That 10 order of magnitude gap is largely closed be precipitated out as manganese dioxide (MnO2) and diluted
by the concentrations of oxidant that can be achieved: more in the ambient groundwater, but temporary exceedances of
than 0.1 M for permanganate (MnO4−) compared to only 1 × the secondary water quality standard of 50 µg/L should be
10 −13 to 1 × 10 −11 M for hydroxyl radical (OH•). Still, hydroxyl anticipated.
radical (OH•) reactions are, relatively, quite fast. In addition to metal mobility, the reactivity of perman-
For oxidation reactions between permanganate (MnO4−) ganate (MnO4 –) with naturally occurring compounds and
and potential target compounds, it is helpful to calculate co-contaminants may yield undesirable by-products. The
expected concentrations as a function of time, at various per- higher the permanganate (MnO4 –) solution strength, the more
manganate (MnO4−) concentrations. This was conducted for likely it is to form by-products. The formation of nonmetal-
TCE (C2HCl3), PCE (C2Cl4), and MTBE (C5H12O). The results lic by-products, such as acetone (C3H6O), carbon disulfide
of calculations are presented in Figure 6.79. For each plot, the (CS2), chloroform (CHCl3), and some other THMs (trifluo-
permanganate (MnO4−) concentration was held constant at the romethane [CHF3], chlorodifluoromethane [CHClF2], tri-
level shown, and the target compound concentrations were chloromethane [CHCl3], bromodichloromethane [CHBrCl2],
290 Remediation Engineering

1 1
5 mg/L MnO4–

0.1 0.1
Concentration (mg/L)

Concentration (mg/L)
0.01 0.01

5 mg/L MnO4– 50 mg/L MnO4–

0.001 0.001

50 mg/L MnO4– 500 mg/L MnO4–

0.0001 0.0001
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
(a) Time (days) (b) Time (days)

500 mg/L MnO4–

5,000 mg/L MnO4–
Concentration (mg/L)



50,000 mg/L MnO4–

0 2 4 6 8 10
(c) Time (days)

FIGURE 6.79  Pseudo-first-order reaction rates for permanganate (MnO4−) oxidation of trichloroethene (TCE; C2HCl3) [Curve a]; tet-
rachloroethene (PCE; C2Cl4) [Curve b]; and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE, C5H12O) [Curve c]. For each compound, reaction rates were
calculated for multiple permanganate (MnO4−) concentrations.

dibromochloromethane [CHBr2Cl], and tribromomethane 10

[CHBr3]), during bench testing is discussed below as an
example. cis‐DCE
A bench-scale treatability study was conducted to evalu- Chlorobenzene
Concentration (µmol/L)

ate the efficacy of sodium permanganate (NaMnO 4) to treat Chloroform

TCE (C2HCl3), cis-DCE (C2H 2Cl2), and chlorobenzene
(C6H5Cl). Four concentrations of sodium permanganate
(NaMnO4) were used (1%, 4%, 7%, and 10% by weight),
plus an untreated control. TCE (C2HCl3) and cis-DCE
(C2H 2Cl2) were both destroyed to below detectable lev-
els in the 1% by weight sodium permanganate (NaMnO 4)
solution, as shown in Figure 6.80. Treatment of chloroben-
zene (C6H5Cl) was less effective, with a 10-fold reduction
observed at the 7% by weight solution strength and reduc- 0.01
0 2 4 6 8 10
tion to below detectable levels observed only at the 10% by Permanganate treatment concentration (%)
weight sodium permanganate (NaMnO 4) solution strength.
Chloroform (CHCl3) was not observed in groundwater from FIGURE 6.80 By-product formation during permanganate
the site but appeared in treatments with sodium permanga- (MnO4−) oxidation bench trial. Chloroform (CHCl3) was observed
nate (NaMnO 4) concentrations of 4% by weight and greater as a by-product at concentrations that increased as a function of
(Figure 6.80). increasing permanganate (MnO4−) solution strength.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 291   Future Innovation and Current Research  The In an in  situ chemical reactive zone application, it is not
chemistry associated with permanganate (MnO4−) is well possible to maintain the reaction conditions within the narrow
established and understood throughout the literature. limits defined for ex situ treatment applications. The injected
However, room exists for innovation and improvement. One hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) may be catalyzed by any number of
such area is the use of paraffin wax shells to emplace per- mineral species under a wide range of pH. There are several
manganate (MnO4−) into an in  situ chemical reactive zone. critical challenges for the field application of CHP, some of
The concept suggests that as the paraffin wax dissolves slowly which are active field of research229:
over time, incremental amounts of permanganate (MnO4−)
are released into the groundwater, hence creating a slow- 1.
pH adjustment limitations.  Aquifer minerals at most
release source of a soluble chemical oxidant. The distribution sites resist significant adjustments to pH. Injection of
radius is limited to the cylindrical dimensions of the shell, and acids to push pH into the preferred range (between
emplacement into boreholes is likely to be inefficient from a 3.0 and 5.0) may generate large quantities of gas
volume to distribution relationship perspective. Deployment (carbon dioxide [CO2]) and heat. Moreover, pH lev-
in a gravel trench of a funnel and gate permeable reactive bar- els typically rebound if acid loading is too small, and
rier (PRB) may be more appropriate if supported by sufficient sizable acid doses are expensive and dangerous.
pilot-scale testing. 2.
Large-scale gas production.  Even under ideal stoi-
chiometry, CHP generates large quantities of gas  Monitoring  Performance monitoring associ- that displace groundwater. At an injection rate of
ated with a permanganate (MnO4−) oxidation implementation only 1 gal/min of 10% peroxide, more than 11 moles
is required to demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is being injected each
and also monitor the persistence and attenuation of by-prod- minute. If one-third of the injected hydrogen perox-
ucts. The in situ residence time of permanganate (MnO4−) has ide (H2O2) is converted to oxygen (ideal stoichiom-
been observed to be months to years, indicating that a single etry), oxygen is being generated at a rate of 83 L/min
injection of permanganate (MnO4−) could require performance (nearly 3 cfm) at standard temperature and pressure.
monitoring for an extended duration. Visual observation of the Under ideal stoichiometries, even this small liquid
characteristic purple color may be tracked, and various com- injection rate generates off-gas that is comparable to
mercial field test kits for permanganate (MnO4−) analysis are an aquifer sparge well. In the event that dispropor-
available. If contaminant analysis is required prior to exhaus- tionation reactions are significant, off-gas rates can
tion of permanganate (MnO4−), quenching (Section climb even higher.
is typically good practice and likely a regulatory requirement. 3.
Short-duration reactions.  The speed of reagent con-
sumption in CHP may cause reagents to be expended  Catalyzed Hydrogen Peroxide before the nonaqueous contaminant mass is desorbed
Chemical oxidation utilizing the highly reactive hydroxyl rad- or dissolved into groundwater. Contaminant rebound
ical (OH•) is common practice for ex situ and in situ contami- will most likely occur as nonaqueous-phase target
nant destruction and dates back to 1894 and H.J.H. Fenton’s mass enters the aqueous phase where hydroxyl radi-
description of iron CHP228. The popularity of the hydroxyl cal (OH•) reactions occur.
radical (OH•) for in  situ remediation influenced significant
research and development on the catalysis process, and what CHP is implemented through the injection of hydrogen per-
was once formally referred to as “Fenton’s chemistry” is now oxide (H2O2) and the catalysis (typically ferrous iron [Fe2+]
more broadly referred to as CHP. This section will describe in the form of ferrous sulfate heptahydrate [FeSO4 * 7H2O]).
the basic associated reaction mechanisms, the remaining The injections are typically implemented separately to avoid
prevalence of iron CHP, as well as the associated by-product the rapid activation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) ex situ. The
formation and the remaining implementation challenges. geochemistry of the aquifer to be treated could scavenge
When CHP is used in ex  situ treatment applications, the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or ferrous iron (Fe2+) depending
reaction mixture contains the target compound to be oxi- on the oxidation–reduction potential, and there is no broad
dized and the catalyst (typically ferrous iron [Fe2+]) that will preference on which to inject first. If the temperature can be
be required to quickly react with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). controlled, mixing in-line may be an option, but this is less
The reaction mixture is adjusted to a pH between 3.0 and 5.0. desirable because of the heat and gas generated relatively
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is then added into the reaction quickly.
mixture at a rate that is controlled to minimize the loss of
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to disproportionation.*  Reaction Mechanisms  The reaction mecha-
nisms associated with CHP are categorized as radical pro-
cesses and, kinetically speaking, are completely driven by
* Disproportionation is simultaneous oxidation and reduction of a com- radical chain reactions (Section A proposed reac-
pound. With respect to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the oxygen is in the
valence state of −1. When it dissolved into water, it can be reduced to water
tion mechanism for CHP, using ferrous iron (Fe2+) as the
(H2O) and a −2 valence state or dissolved as oxygen (O2) with a valence catalyst, is summarized in Equations 6.120 through 6.127
state of 0. and represents an intensive literature search by Petri et al.230
292 Remediation Engineering

summarizing proposed reactions by both Haber and Weiss231 constant (Ka) for the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)–hydroperoxide
and De Laat and Gallard232: anion (HO2−) pair is 11.6. Also, note that there is a four and
eleven order of magnitude difference between the reaction rate
2+ 3+ -
Fe + H 2O2 ® Fe + OH + OH   k = 6.3 ´ 10 M s
• 1 -1 -1 constants (k) for the oxidation of ferrous iron (Fe2+) to ferric
(6.120) iron (Fe3+) and the reverse reduction. This implies that regen-
eration of ferrous iron (Fe2+) will be the rate-limiting step in
-1 -1 initiating continued hydroxyl radical (OH•) formation. It is also
OH + H 2O2 ® H 2O + HO2  k = 3.3 ´ 10 M s (6.121)
• • 7
possible for the superoxide radical (O2•−) to reduce ferric iron
(Fe3+) to ferrous iron (Fe2+) (Equation 6.124). The superoxide
HO•2 + H 2O2 ® H 2O + O2 + OH • (6.122) anion (O2•−) provides moderate reductive capacity at compara-
tively more neutral pH (greater than 4.8).
Fe 2 + + OH • ® Fe3+ + OH -  k = 3.2 ´ 108 M -1s-1 (6.123) CHP provides radical-based oxidation and reduction
facilitating contaminant destruction of a broad range of
HO•2 « O•2- + H +  pK a = 4.8 (6.124) contaminants (Table 6.30). The nonselective reactivity of
the hydroxyl radical (OH•), which is the most powerful oxi-
3+ 2+ + -1 -1 dant available (Table 6.27), offers strong oxidation and is
Fe + HO2 ® Fe + O2 + H   k =< 2 ´ 10 M s (6.125)
• 3
often the benchmark as to whether chemical oxidation is
feasible. The  three mechanisms of oxidation most likely
Fe3+ + HO2- ® Fe 2 + + HO•2   k = 2.7 ´ 10 -3 s-1 (6.126)
attributable to the hydroxyl radical (OH•) are hydrogen
abstraction, addition to multiple bonds, and direct electron
Fe + H 2O2 « Fe ( HO2 ) + H   k = 3.1 ´ 10 unitless
3+ + -3 transfer.234
(6.127)  Direct Oxidation  Direct oxidation of
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) of organic carbon contaminants
Fe ( HO2 )
® Fe 2 + + HO•2   k = 2.7 ´ 10 -3 s-1 (6.128)
is a great example of kinetic control over governing reac-
tion mechanisms. Direct oxidation here is defined as electron
Identification of each of the radical species in Equations transfer reactions (Section Take, for example, the
6.120 through 6.128 is summarized in Table 6.27, as well as direct oxidation of benzene (C6H6) by hydrogen peroxide
the standard reduction potential233 and speciation influenced (H2O2) in Equation 6.129:
pH.191 A brief discussion of crucial radicals is provided in
Section 15H 2O2 + C6H 6 ® 6CO2 + 18H 2O (6.129)
The reaction mechanism presented in Equations 6.120
through 6.127 provides examples of the initiation, propagation,
and termination reactions discussed in Section In This reaction has a strongly negative change in Gibbs free
Equations 6.120 and 6.126, nonradical reactants ferrous iron energy (ΔGrxn) of approximately −4900 kJ235 (Table 6.21),
(Fe2+) and ferric iron (Fe3+) initiate the generation of a radi- which implies an exothermic reaction and spontaneity.
cal. In Equations 6.121 and 6.122, propagation reactions are However, from a reaction kinetics perspective, in situ direct
shown as the hydroxyl radical (OH•) and the perhydroxyl radi- oxidation by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is comparatively
cal (OH2•) react with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to form radi- much slower than radical oxidation reactions to be of any sig-
cals. Lastly, termination reactions are observed in Equations nificance.236 Therefore, aside from recognizing the thermody-
6.123 and 6.125 when the hydroxyl radical (OH•) and the per- namic feasibility of this reaction, no further attention is given
hydroxyl radical (OH2•) engage in reactions that do not gen- to direct oxidation by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
erate new radicals. The value of initiation and propagation
reactions is intuitive, and the value of termination reactions  Radical Oxidation  The list of generated
may be either the regeneration of the catalyst (Equation 6.125) radicals in Equations 6.120 through 6.128 is summarized in
or the destruction of an organic contaminant. Undesirable Table 6.26. In addition to those reactions shown in Section
termination reactions are associated with nontarget species, it is noteworthy to mention that organic radicals
(i.e., Section and, because of the universal nature (R•) may form as propagating or terminating reactions. Two
of reactivity of radicals, represent a considerable source of potential examples of organic radical (R•) propagation reac-
inefficiency of CHP. The regeneration of the catalysis (in this tions are presented in Equations 6.130 and 6.131160,237:
example ferrous iron [Fe2+]) is an important consideration as
it is directly related to maximizing the residence time of radi- OH • + RH ® + R • + OH - (6.130)
cal chemistry in situ. Regeneration of the ferrous iron (Fe2+)
catalysis is demonstrated in Equations 6.125 and 6.126 and R • + H 2O2 ® ROH + OH • (6.131)
coupled with 6.127 and 6.128. At the typical pH values of most
CHP implementation (3.0 to 5.0), Equations 6.127 and 6.128 The radicals included in CHP are difficult to characterize
are the primary regeneration reaction, as the acid dissociation because their half-lives range from microseconds to seconds,
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 293

and analysis requires indirect measurements that are consid- initiation reactions. This strategy increases injection
erably complex.230 volume significantly and may reduce hydraulic con-
The hydroxyl radical (OH•) is extremely reactive over a ductivity through iron precipitation.
wide range of pH, and, based on the precise mechanism of 2.
Iron chelation.  The main limitation on radical pro-
generation, its lifetime in an in situ system could be as short duction strategies is loss of ferrous iron (Fe2+) from
as 10 −7 s.191 Therefore, often the applicability of the hydroxyl solution when pH exceeds 3.0. The ferrous iron
radical (OH•) to the destruction of a particular contaminant (Fe2+) that is injected to serve as the radical initia-
is determined by the comparative scavenging kinetics of tor is sufficiently soluble, but the initiation reaction
hydroxyl radical (OH•) interactions with other species. Such is converts the ferrous iron (Fe2+) to ferric iron (Fe3+),
the difference between in situ and ex situ applications of CHP. which has a low solubility above pH 3.0 (Equation
The perhydroxyl radical (HO2•) is the protonated (i.e., hydro- 6.120). Effective Fenton’s reactions require recycling
gen [H+] attached) form of the superoxide anion (O2•−) and is of ferrous iron (Fe2+; Equations 6.125 and 6.126 and
the dominant form at pH below 4.8. The perhydroxyl radical coupled with 6.127 and 6.128), and this cannot be
(HO2•) is important in propagation reactions of the CHP pro- sustained above pH 3.0. Chelation of injected fer-
cess but is only a mild oxidant.238 The superoxide anion (O2•−) rous iron (Fe2+) has been recommended as a strat-
is the conjugate base to the perhydroxyl radical (HO2•) and egy to avoid the loss of ferrous iron (Fe2+). Chelation
serves as a mild reductant and nucleophile. At higher con- solves the iron retention problem and allows opera-
centrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and in the presence tion of the process at pH above 3.0. Competition for
of aquifer solids, the generation and reactivity of superoxide hydroxyl radical (OH•) scavengers is another pH-
anion (O2•−) can be improved, and its involvement in regener- related limitation on Fenton’s efficiency, and it can-
ating the catalyst (Equation 6.124) improves the effectiveness not be addressed by chelation.
of CHP. 3.
Mineral iron strategies.  Many aquifers contain iron
(or other metal) minerals that can catalyze radical  Iron Catalysis Strategies  Although Fenton’s formation from hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). In these
chemistry is more broadly referred to as CHP, ferrous iron cases, it has been suggested that the Fenton’s reac-
(Fe2+) is still the most popular engineering catalysis process. tion can be developed with injection of hydrogen
It is not possible to deploy “classic” Fenton’s chemistry to peroxide (H2O2), alone, relying on aquifer miner-
in  situ chemical reactive zones because the porous medium als in lieu of ferrous iron (Fe2+) injections or pH
constrains mixing, and the aquifer matrix participates in adjustment.198–200,239
many of the oxidation or reduction reactions that accom-
pany the process. One of the most important deviations from   Conventional Fenton’s Process  The con-
classic Fenton’s chemistry is the natural aquifer’s tendency ventional approach to in situ application of Fenton’s chemistry
to buffer pH through carbonate (CO32−) and other alkalinity is to acidify groundwater to low pH (3.0 to 5.0) to maintain
mechanisms. This introduces competition for hydroxyl radi- solubility of ferric iron (Fe3+), supporting the iron regenera-
cal (OH•). A more neutral pH supports the predominance of tion reactions. This approach requires significant acid addi-
the superoxide radical (O2•−), which can facilitate the regen- tion and, in high-carbonate (CO32−) aquifers, neutralization
eration of iron at higher hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concen- reactions may limit the duration of pH suppression and gen-
trations, but the speciation of iron at circumneutral pH and erate considerable carbon dioxide gas (CO2). Bench-scale
oxidizing conditions supports ferric iron (Fe3+). treatability testing can be performed to determine the neu-
Three hydroxyl radical (OH•) production approaches have tralization capacities of aquifer soils. Repeated acidification
been suggested for use in aquifers, and all are attempting to suppresses the neutralization capacity of aquifer soils, likely
generate Fenton’s or Fenton-like reactions: due to occlusion of the carbonate mineral surface by reaction
products. Acidification of the carbonate minerals may limit
Conventional. The conventional Fenton’s process competitive hydroxyl radical (OH•) scavenging.
relies on soluble ferrous iron (Fe2+) as the radical
initiator. This is normally achieved by adding fer-  Iron Chelation Strategies  Ferrous iron
rous iron (Fe2+) in the reaction mixture and adjust- (Fe2+), or a comparable reduced metal species, is critical to
ing the pH to near 3.0. In a reactive zone, aquifer initiation of the hydroxyl radical (OH•) chain reaction. The
minerals may buffer pH into a range too high to initiation reaction oxidizes ferrous ion (Fe2+), and the result-
sustain iron recycling reactions, so the conventional ing ferric ion (Fe3+) rapidly precipitates from solution when
Fenton’s strategy may only be operable in short epi- the pH is greater than 3.0.240 It is possible to use chelating
sodes of acidification (with iron) followed immedi- agents that maintain dissolved-phase iron concentrations for
ately by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) injection. The extended periods of highly oxidizing and acidic pH conditions.
acidification–oxidation cycle is repeated as needed Chelating agents (ligands) are soluble compounds that have the
to achieve remedial objectives. It is also possible to ability to bind to metal cations or soil minerals. Once chelated,
simply accept the ferric iron (Fe3+) loss rate and sup- the metal may interact with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) differ-
ply ferrous iron (Fe2+) to match its consumption by ently than the metallic cationic form. The use of chelation may
294 Remediation Engineering

be desirable in aquifers with high pH-buffering capacity or in and the oxidation–reduction potential was generally reduc-
geochemical environments where strongly acidic pH may sig- ing. A 1150 gal batch of 5% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was
nificantly enhance the mobility of heavy metals in groundwa- injected steadily over a 30 h period, at a location 10 ft upgra-
ter. Examples of organic-based chelating agents that have been dient from the observation point with the highest baseline
used are citric acid (C6H8O7), cyclodextrins (sugar molecules iron concentration. The observation well was located outside
bound in a ring), EDTA (C10H16N2O8), and amino-poly-acetic the radius that could be reached by the liquid injection; how-
acids.230,241–243 Studies in the literature identified nitrilotriac- ever, gases generated by the reactions reached the observation
etic acid (C6H9NO6), as well as other organic acids (i.e., gallic location within 5 h of the start of injections. Dissolved oxygen
[C7H6O5] and picolinic [C6H5NO2] acids), and pyrophosphate concentrations immediately increased to three times atmo-
(P2O74−) as effective chelators for iron to support CHP oxida- spheric saturation from a baseline concentration of <1 mg/L.
tion.240,244 The organic acids were observed to improve rate Losses of dissolved iron were observed beginning 24 h after
kinetics and are believed to be destroyed by the hydroxyl radi- the start of injections, a period during which the oxidation–
cal (OH•), as opposed to inorganic chelators. The destruction reduction potential increased, but only traces of hydrogen
of the chelate is likely a terminating reaction but does elimi- peroxide (H2O2) were observed. On the eighth day following
nate the chelation of metals following ISCO. injection, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) measurements climbed
to more than 30 mM (1000 mg/L), and dissolved iron levels   Aquifer Mineral Strategies  The catalysis fell to less than 1 × 10 −3 mM, as groundwater directly influ-
strategy relying on geogenic minerals to result in the forma- enced by the injected reagent reached the observation well.
tion of the hydroxyl radical (OH•) continues to be an area of The complementary loss of soluble iron and arrival of hydro-
focus and ongoing research. Studies available in the literature gen peroxide (H2O2) at the observational well are presented in
have evaluated several specific minerals in terms of hydrogen Figure 6.81. Unreacted hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an indi-
peroxide persistence and catalysis of reactions, and in general cation that the Fenton’s reaction sequence lacked the soluble
iron and manganese have been observed to be the most pro- iron needed for complete radical initiation.
nounced.239,245–249 Natural mineral interaction with hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) appears to be pH dependent. For example,  Kinetics  Conceptualizing the kinetics of
goethite (α-FeOOH) appears to generate the hydroxyl radi- CHP ISCO is challenged by the rapid rate of hydroxyl radi-
cal (OH•) faster under acidic conditions than hematite (Fe2O3), cal (OH•) consumption. Of the kinetic reaction order and rate
which appears to be more active at neutral pH.230 Forgoing an equations discussed in Section, second-order rate
initiator of CHP in favor of mineral catalysis should be pilot kinetics most aptly fits CHP reactions. Considering that the
tested in the field prior to full scale. hydroxyl radical (OH•) has near universal reactivity and there
The following example describes a field trial for hydrogen are an unquantifiable amount of reduced species in any given
peroxide (H2O2) treatment without an initiator at a site where contaminated aquifer, attempting to model second-order
moderate dissolved-phase iron levels (0.36 mM or 20 mg/L) rate kinetics for CHP would require numerous differential
indicated that Fenton’s reactions might be sustained by iron equations to be solved simultaneously. Indeed, second-order
minerals in the aquifer soils. The baseline aquifer pH was 6.1, rate constants have been developed for contaminants and

0.4 35
Dissolved Fe (mM)
H2O2 (mM) 30

Hydrogen peroxide (mM)

Dissolved iron (mM)



0 0
–40 10 60 110 160
Elapsed time (days)

FIGURE 6.81  Loss of soluble iron (ferrous iron [Fe2+]) from aqueous phase during a catalyzed hydrogen peroxide (CHP) reagent oxidation
test to determine reaction rates with mineral iron radical initiation.
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 295

scavengers throughout the literature (Table 6.28), but cau- respectively.190, 191 The second approach, offered by
tion should be used in applying these rate constants for site- Miller and Valentine,250 is to simplify CHP reactions
specific predictions as the differences in geochemistry will into three pseudo-first-order reactions occurring in
drastically influence the calculations. two steps. The first is the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
Petri et  al.230 discuss three methods of CHP rate kinetic reaction with aquifer minerals and the catalyst, and
evaluations, which are briefly summarized here, but the com- the second is the resultant undefined radicals with
mon recognition is that all of the kinetic evaluations are based the contaminants or scavengers. Neither of these
on the variable persistence of the hydroxyl radical (OH•) in an approximations is anticipated to produce universally
aquifer: accurate rate kinetic evaluations.

Fundamental chemistry models. This approach  Competitive Inhibitors  CHP is imple-
involves determining individual rate constants for mented in  situ to destroy targeted contaminants, and any
significant reactions within a radical chain reaction use of the hydroxyl radical (OH•) other than targeted con-
and developing a set of balanced chemical equa- taminant destruction could be considered competitive inhi-
tions upon which to base the individual mass bal- bition. Known competitive inhibitors of the hydroxyl radical
ances for each reactive species. This set of nonlinear (OH•) chemistry include carbonate (CO32−) and bicarbon-
differential equations is then solved simultaneously ate (HCO3−), chloride (Cl−), sulfate (SO42–), and biological
for an overall oxidant and contaminant degradation enzymes. The following is a brief description of the inhibit-
rate, informed by site-specific data of mineral con- ing mechanism:
tent, aqueous concentrations, existing reaction rates,
etc. To underscore the complexity of this approach, • Carbonate (CO32–) and bicarbonate (HCO3–). A
a “simple” hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and iron cata- detailed example of carbonate (CO32–) and bicar-
lyst aqueous-phase-only system was modeled over a bonate (HCO3–), taken together here as bicarbonate
range of pH, and it was found to have 21 reactions (HCO3–) with respect to competitive inhibition, is
to obtain an acceptable model to fit the experimen- presented in Section for hydroxyl radical
tal data.232 This example is rudimentary compared (OH•) oxidation of TCE (C2HCl3). The conclusion of
to in situ applications of CHP, which would be site that demonstration is that when ISCO with CHP is
specific. used to target MCLs, bicarbonate (HCO3–) exerts a
Competition kinetic analysis. This approach is a considerable competitive inhibition. Bicarbonate
simplified model that is more of a comparison of the (HCO3–), which predominates at pH less than 10.3
various sources of radical consumption. This form of (Figure 6.76), is considered for inhibition of CHP
kinetic analysis can be used to understand the gen- because there are literature studies that suggest
eral order of contaminant degradation and the role highly alkaline applications of hydrogen peroxide
of potential scavengers and to evaluate the feasibility (H2O2) may generate a unique radical reaction mech-
of CHP in a given aquifer considering the scavenger anism series related to carbonate (CO32–).245,251–252
concentrations. This approach does not include reac- Sodium percarbonate (Na2CO3 * 3H2O) is an oxidant
tion intermediates, which can be responsible for con- that uses alkaline pH and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
taminant transformation or propagation reactions. to purposefully form the carbonate radical (CO3•–).
The many limitations of this approach suggest that • Chloride (Cl–). Chloride (Cl–) may interfere with
it should be used as a general assessment of reaction CHP in two ways. First, chloride (Cl–) can com-
conditions. plex with ferric iron (Fe3+), reducing the availabil-
Simplified pseudo-first order. This method is offered
3. ity of ferric iron (Fe3+) to initiate hydrogen peroxide
in two ways. First, a steady-state hydroxyl radical (H2O2) reactions. Second, chloride (Cl–) may react
concentration ([OH•]ss) may be approximated based directly with hydroxyl radicals (OH•), forming the
on laboratory treatability testing. The approxi- dichloride radical (Cl2•−) under acidic pH in the pres-
mated hydroxyl radical concentration ([OH•]ss) is ence of high chloride concentrations (greater than
then used in pseudo-first-order rate calculations of 1000 mg/L) and when the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
the target contaminants under similar CHP geo- concentration is less than 1000 mg/L.253,254 The gen-
chemistry. The main limitation of this approach is eration of the dichloride radical (Cl2•−) could form
that it violates two of the three basic pseudo-first- chlorine gas (Cl2), which could halogenate other
order conditions that the injected reagent is pres- organic compounds.
ent at concentrations significantly higher than the • Sulfate (SO42−). The interaction of the hydroxyl radi-
targeted contaminant and that the injected reagent cal (OH•) and sulfate (SO42−) is beneficial, in that the
is not reactive with other chemical species in the sulfate radical (SO4•) is formed. In some instances,
reactive zone (Section The lifetime and sulfate (SO42−) has been observed to strongly com-
estimated concentration of a hydroxyl radical (OH•) plex ferric iron (Fe3+) reducing its availability to
in situ are likely less than 10 −7 s and 10 −13 to 10 −11 M, react with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).254
296 Remediation Engineering

• Biological enzymes. Although present in most The reactions that comprise CHP ISCO occur rapidly,
groundwater at low concentrations, biological generating significant quantities of gas and heat. The gas
enzymes (such as catalase and peroxidase) may mix that erupts from the aquifer surface during the injec-
quench CHP. These microbial generated enzymes tion can provide clues as to the reaction process. These
are antioxidants and protect microorganisms from gases can be monitored as the reaction proceeds, allowing
the damaging hydroxyl radical (OH•). adjustments to be made during the course of the oxidation
treatment.  By-Product Formation  CHP can influence Several processes contribute to the gas mixtures observed
the mobility of geogenic metals by changing the ambient geo- in the vadose zone soils overlying CHP reactions:
chemistry (i.e., pH, oxidation–reduction potential, and ionic
strength). Additionally, assuming complete mineralization to • Carbon dioxide propagation. The presence of ele-
carbon dioxide (CO2) of the targeted organic contaminants by vated carbon dioxide (CO2) in the off-gas is an indi-
CHP, the main by-products specifically associated with the cation that organic carbon oxidation is occurring. If
injection of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and an associated cata- carbon dioxide (CO2) is not present in the off-gas,
lyst are oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and the catalyst organic carbon oxidation is not occurring, which
(typically iron). The iron is most likely present as a precipi- may indicate lack of radical formation or may be
tated ferric iron (Fe3+) and poses minimal risk. The reactivity an indication that no organic carbon remains in the
of the hydroxyl radical (OH•) may result in the generation of formation.
incomplete oxidation by-products that may also be regulated • Oxygen propagation.  Disproportionation of hydro-
constituents. For example, the oxidation of MTBE (C5H12O) gen peroxide (H2O2) is an alternative reaction path-
can lead to the generation of TBA (C4H10O), which can be way, often consuming a large fraction of injected
more mobile in groundwater. Treatability testing prior to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Reaction of hydrogen
field-scale implementation is recommended and will provide peroxide (H2O2) with ferric iron (Fe3+) is a major
clues as to which contaminants may require either numerous source of oxygen (O2) in the off-gas. Because pro-
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) injections or focused attenuation ductive (radical-forming) reactions of hydrogen per-
monitoring to evaluate the incomplete oxidation by-product oxide (H2O2) with ferrous iron (Fe2+) result in the
persistence. formation of ferric iron (Fe3+), the disproportionation
reaction and formation of significant quantities of   Future Innovation and Current Research  ​ oxygen (O2) are unavoidable.
Briefly, future work on CHP will likely focus on improved sta- • Vaporization of target compounds.  Oxygen (O2) and
bilization methodology to enhance hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) carbon dioxide (CO2) gases escaping the aquifer also
distribution in an aquifer and potentially extend the reactivity of carry gas-phase volatile and semivolatile organic
the reagent. Recent research by Watts et al. showed that sodium compounds into the vadose zone. Gas-phase con-
citrate (C6H7NaO7−), sodium malonate (C3H2O4Na2), and sodium taminant concentrations often surge in the vadose
phytate (C6H6Na12O24P6) can be potentially slow hydrogen per- zone at the start of a CHP injection and remain ele-
oxide (H2O2) decomposition rates by up to 50-fold.229 New min- vated until oxidation reactions are completed.
eral surfaces that are capable of behaving as catalysts may be
explored. As computational software improves, more accurate Persulfate
kinetic models may be attempted, involving complicated numer- An exciting and comparatively newer approach to ISCO is
ical methods for solving a series of mathematical equations. persulfate (S2O82−) chemistry. Persulfate (S2O82−) chemistry
Finally, the influence of gas generation on porous media trans- has been established for more than 50 years, but only since the
port may also be further explored to understand the magnitude beginning of the 2000s was it applied in laboratory- and field-
and duration of its influence. scale applications for in  situ chemical reactive zones with
increased frequency.214 Owing to the potential for radical-  Monitoring  Performance monitoring associ- based oxidation, there are numerous similarities with CHP
ated with a CHP implementation is required to demonstrate the ISCO, and some of the initiation and propagation reactions
effectiveness of the treatment and also monitor the persistence result in the formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the
and attenuation of by-products. The in situ residence time of hydroxyl radical (OH•).
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been observed to be minutes Persulfate (S2O82−) may also be referred to as peroxydisul-
to days (depending on the level of catalysis), indicating that a fate because there is another form of “persulfate” called
single injection of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) will not persist peroxymonosulfate (SO52−) that exists and is also a strong
for an extended duration. Field parameters (specifically tem- oxidant. For all practical applications, peroxydisulfate is the
perature, pH, and specific conductivity) may be good aque- available form of “persulfate,” and therefore in this chapter,
ous indicators of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ferrous iron peroxydisulfate is referred to as persulfate (S2O82−). With
(Fe2+) breakthrough and the associated chemistry. Quenching respect to the commercial availability of persulfate (S2O82−),
(Section is typically not required for CHP because ammonium ((NH4)2S2O8), potassium (K2S2O8), and sodium
of the short lifetimes of the hydroxyl radical (OH•). (Na2S2O8) salts are available (Table 6.31), and the most
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 297

persulfate (S2O82−) ISCO, but considerably more attention is

TABLE 6.31 directed toward the engineered activation and radical oxida-
Physical and Chemical Properties of Available Forms tion mechanisms.
of Persulfate (S2O82−)
Common name Ammonium Potassium Sodium  Direct Oxidation  A potential chemical
persulfate persulfate persulfate equation expressing the direct oxidation of benzene (C6H6) by
Chemical name Ammonium Potassium Sodium persulfate (S2O82−) is presented in Equation 6.134:
peroxydisulfate peroxydisulfate peroxydisulfate
Physical form Crystalline Crystalline Crystalline C6H 6 + 12H 2O ® 6CO2 + 30e - + 30H + (6.132)
(monoclinic) (triclinic) (monoclinic)
Formula (NH4)2S2O8 K2S2O8 Na2S2O8
( )
15 ´ Na 2S2O8 + 2e - ® 2SO24 - + 2Na + (6.133)
Molecular weight 228.2 270.3 238.1
Crystal density 1.98 2.48 2.59 + -
(g/cm3) 15Na 2S2O8 + C6H 6 + 12H 2O ® 6CO2 + 30Na + 30HSO 4
Color Off-white White White
Odor None None None
This oxidation is built on the half reaction of persulfate
Loose bulk 1.05 1.30 1.12
density (g/cm3)
(S2O82−) to sulfate (SO42−), which involves the sulfur element
Solubility (g/100 85 6 73 reducing from the +7 valence state in persulfate (S2O82−) to the
g H2O) 25°C +6 valence state in sulfate (SO42−). Other relevant reactions at
Solubility (g/100 116 17 86 different pH are included as Equations 6.135 through 6.136,255
g H2O) 50°C and all demonstrate that pH is highly influential on the specia-
tion of the persulfate (S2O82−) anion:
Source: FMC, Persulfates technical information. Informative brochure, 2001.
S2O82 - + H 2O ® 2HSO 4- + O2 pH 3.0 to 7.0 (6.135)
commonly used for in  situ chemical reactive zones is the
sodium salt (Na2S2O8). Therefore, throughout this chapter, 2- -
S2O8 + 2H 2O ® 2HSO 4 + H 2O2 pH > 0.3; [H ] < 0.5 M
persulfate refers to sodium persulfate and will be abbreviated
as persulfate (S2O82−). (6.136)
Persulfate (S2O82−) is an oxidant that allows for engineered
“activation.” Whereas in Section, reactants that began
S2O82 - + H 2O ® HSO -4 + HSO5- [H + ] > 0.5 M (6.137)
radical chain reactions were referred to as initiators or as part
of an initiation reaction, the ISCO vernacular has adopted the
term activation, and therefore, throughout this chapter, activa- 1
S2O82 - + OH - ® HSO 4 - + SO 4 2 - + O2 pH > 13.0 (6.138)
tion and initiation are used synonymously. The various forms 2
of engineered persulfate (S2O82−) activation include heat acti-
vation, activation with dissolved/chelated metals, activation The direct oxidation rate kinetics associated with the persul-
with hydrogen peroxide, and alkaline pH activation. Direct fate (S2O82−) anion are similar to the CHP direct oxidation
oxidation with electron transfer reactions from persulfate rate kinetics in that they are comparatively reasonable to other
(S2O82−) to more reduced organic molecules is also possible. electron transfer reactions, but in comparison to the radical
Certain aspects of the reaction mechanisms are understood oxidation kinetics they are less significant.
quite well and supported by a reasonable amount of literature
citations. However, some reaction mechanisms are not well  Radical Oxidation  Whereas the direct
understood and will be identified through this section. Gaps oxidation reactions with the persulfate (S2O82−) anion are
in the literature typically represent current focuses of research selective and comparatively slower from a kinetic standpoint,
agencies and academic institutions. radical oxidation reactions via the sulfate radical (SO4•−) are
Persulfate (S2O82−) is injected similarly to permanganate faster and less selective. The radical-based reactivity of the
(MnO4−) when there is no engineered activator and similar sulfate radical (SO4•−) is slightly slower than the hydroxide
to CHP when there is an activator. Several configurations radical (OH•), but the universal reactivity is somewhat compa-
are possible with alternating partial volumes of persulfate rable. Hydroxyl radicals (OH•) destroy targeted contaminants
(S2O82−) and activator, mixing both in-line, or injecting all of through numerous mechanisms at estimated second-order
the persulfate (S2O82−) or activator first and injecting the other. rates of 106 to 1011 M−1 s−1.191 Hydroxyl radical (OH•) oxida-
tion rates are said to be diffusion controlled and occur more  Reaction Mechanisms  Similar to CHP, the readily than the rate of diffusion. This limits the extent of
reaction mechanisms for persulfate (S2O82−) include both overall contact that can be achieved between the hydroxyl
direct and radical oxidation. The direct oxidation reaction radical (OH•) and the targeted contaminant in cases where
mechanism is discussed briefly to acknowledge its role in the contaminant is stored in less accessible soil matrices.230
298 Remediation Engineering

The sulfate radical (SO4•−) is also a powerful oxidant, but activators are available as chelated ferric iron (Fe3+) with
its reaction mechanism is primarily direct electron transfer EDTA (C10H16N2O8). Conflicting reports from the literature
with estimated second-order rates of 105 to 109 M−1 s−1.195,256 demonstrate that persulfate (S2O82−) activation with ferric
These rates are likely near diffusion-controlled rates as iron (Fe3+) is less understood; however, the proposed ferric
well but are comparatively slower than the hydroxyl radical iron (Fe3+)–persulfate (S2O82−) interactions in Equations 6.141
(OH•) and may explain the longer in  situ residence time of through 6.144 provide a possible mechanism for ferric iron
the persulfate (S2O82−) anion (i.e., days to weeks) compared (Fe3+) to regenerate ferrous iron (Fe2+):
to the hydroxyl radical (OH•; minutes to hours). Propagation
reactions with the sulfate radicals (SO4•−) are likely to exist S2O82 - + 2H 2O « 2HSO 4 - + H 2O2
just as with the hydroxyl radicals (OH•); however, the differ- k = 6.12 × 10 −6 min−1 (pH = 1.7, 25°C) (6.141)
ent activation strategies and widely diverse geochemistry of
available implementations have yet to discern consistent and
Fe3+ + H 2O2 « Fe ( OH 2 ) + H + k = 3.1 ´ 10 -4 (equilibrium)
predictable propagation mechanisms. For example, consider-
able research is published on highly oxidized compounds (i.e.,
carbon tetrachloride [CCl4]) being destroyed by the hydroxyl
Fe ( OH 2 )
or sulfate radical (OH• and SO4•−, respectively). This would ® Fe 2 + + HO•2 k = 2.7 ´ 10 -3 s-1 (6.143)
imply that the superoxide radical (O2•−), which may act as a
reductant or nucleophile, is generated and could also regener- 3+ 2+ + -1 -1
Fe + HO2 ® Fe + O2 + H k = 2 ´ 10 M s (6.144)
• 3
ate oxidized minerals to initiate new radical chemistry.238,257
The most comprehensive way to discuss the available radi-
The noticeably lower rate constants observed in Equations
cal oxidation mechanisms for the persulfate (S2O82−) anion is
6.141 through 6.144 suggest this process is slow, and the first
to step through each of the activation mechanisms and their
reaction (Equation 6.141) is believed to occur under strongly
associated radical chemistry. The first activation method is
acidic conditions.265 The injection of persulfate (S2O82−) can
thermal activation or heat, as shown in Equation 6.139:
create strongly acidic conditions, which would support this
reaction mechanism, but under neutral or alkaline conditions
S2O820 ® 2SO•4- (6.139) the generation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is not as prevalent.
The combination of persulfate (S2O82−) and hydrogen per-
The rate of oxidation is intuitively increased through the oxide (H2O2) is a powerful activation technique that is poorly
application of heat, not only by generating the sulfate radi- understood.259,264 It seems logical that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
cal (SO4•–) but also through the Arrhenius equation (Equation is first catalyzed by aquifer minerals (Section and
6.83) discussed in Section Another noteworthy then in the presence of persulfate (S2O82−) forms the sulfate
component of heat activation is reported increases in hydro- radical (SO4•−) similarly to that discussed in Section
lysis rates, consistent with discussion in Section and repeated here slightly differently as Equation 6.145:
Analytical data from studies by Huang et  al. and Jeffers
et al. reported a consistent and improved degradation rate in S2O82 - + OH • ® SO24 - + SO•4- + O2 + H + (6.145)
2,2-dichloropropane with temperature increase, regardless of 2
persulfate (S2O82–) concentration in Huang’s study.257,258 The reason why this type of chemistry may be poorly under-
The second activation strategy is using transition metals stood is due to the futility of attempting to separate sulfate
(most commonly ferrous iron [Fe2+]) to react with the persul- radical (SO4•−) chemistry from the hydroxyl radical (OH•)
fate (S2O82–) anion to yield a series of reactions. The metals chemistry. The nearly universal reactivity of both of these
may be dissolved in solution (i.e., ferrous sulfate heptahydrate radicals in geochemically diverse aquifers at estimated sec-
[FeSO4  *  7H2O]) or be chelated with an organic acid259 (i.e.−., ond-order reaction rates ranging from 105 to 1011 M−1 s−1 make
citric acid [C6H8O7]). Using metals to activate the persulfate it challenging to separate the relative contributions of both
(S2O82−) anion avoids the need to heat the aquifer, and using radical chemistries in field settings.
a chelating agent enables activating metal solubility over a Lastly, activation with alkaline pH provides a highly ver-
wider range of pH. The relatively straightforward implemen- satile activation strategy for persulfate (S2O82−). Alkaline
tation with fewer health and safety risks has led to this form of activation is typically most successful at pH values >11.0 to
activation becoming one of the more readily implementable. decompose the persulfate (S2O82−) anion to form the sulfate
The use of ferrous iron (Fe2+) for persulfate (S2O82−) activation radical (SO4•−). Once formed, the sulfate radical (SO4•−) inter-
is well understood260–264 and is likely a one-electron transfer acts with the hydroxide anion (OH−) to form the hydroxyl
reaction with ferrous iron (Fe2+) as shown in Equation 6.140: radical (OH•) according to Equation 6.146230:
2- 2+ •- 2- 3+
S2O8 + Fe ® SO 4 + SO 4 + Fe k = 8.3 M -1s-1 (6.140) SO•4- + OH - ® SO24 - + OH • (6.146)

It has been noted in the literature that ferric iron (Fe3+) A benefit of the highly alkaline activation of persulfate (S2O82−)
may also activate persulfate, and commercially available is the formation of the moderate reductant and nucleophilic
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 299

superoxide radical (O2•−). Recall from Section the temporary formation of THMs and chloroeth-
that the superoxide radical (O2•−) is the conjugate base to the anes.270 The reaction mechanism summarized in the
perhydroxyl radical (HO2•), with an acid dissociation constant following (Equations 6.147 through 6.152) is hypoth-
(pKa) of 4.8. Under strongly alkaline pH and because of the esized as the explanation, which has been adapted
longer residence time of sulfate radicals (SO4•−), the genera- after Liang et al. 2006268:
tion of the superoxide radical (O2•−) can be appreciable and
could provide a justifiable mechanism for the destruction of SO•4- + Cl - « SO24 - + Cl• k = 6.1 ´ 108 M -1s-1(6.147)

highly oxidized halomethanes and chloroethanes.185,239,259,266
Clearly, the complexities of activated persulfate (S2O82−)
Cl• + Cl - « Cl•2- k = 7.8 ´ 109 M -1s-1 (6.148)
ISCO bring new challenges and exciting opportunities. The
combination and seemingly inseparable reaction mechanisms
of the hydroxyl radical (OH•) and the sulfate radical (SO4•−) Cl•2- + Cl•2- « 2Cl - + Cl 2 k = 7.2 ´ 108 M -1s-1 (6.149)
present a powerful oxidant alternative with areas for innova-
tion and research yet to come.
Cl• + H 2O « OHCl• - + H + (6.150)  Kinetics  The kinetic discussion associated
with persulfate (S2O82−) is somewhat similar to the hydroxyl
OHCl• - « OH • + Cl - (6.151)
radical (OH•) discussion (Section because of the
high reactivity and short lifetimes of the radical species. A
comparison of the summarized rate constants from the lit- Cl•2- + H 2O ® OHCl• - + H + + Cl - (6.152)
erature and field observations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
and sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) injections supports the cur- In this reaction mechanism, chloride (Cl−) reacts
rent understanding that persulfate (S2O82−) has a longer in situ with the sulfate radical (SO4•−) to form the chlo-
residence time than hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). This does not, ride radical (Cl•), which then reacts with more
however, provide an indication of the residence time of the chloride (Cl−) to form the dichloride radical (Cl2•−).
hydroxyl (OH•) radical versus the sulfate radical (SO4•−). The The dichloride radical (Cl2•−) results in the genera-
flexibility of engineered activation provides the opportunity tion of chlorine gas (Cl2), which in water tends to
to impart some control over how quickly the sulfate radi- speciate as hypochlorous acid (HOCl) under acidic
cal (SO4•−) is created in  situ, which can help match oxidant pH (pKa of 7.53). The hypochlorous acid (HOCl•−),
consumption to contaminant availability. This control over chloride (Cl•), and dichloride (Cl2•−) radicals along
sulfate radical (SO4•−) generation may support a pseudo-first- with the chlorine gas (Cl2) have the potential to form
order rate approximation more closely because even though THMs, not unlike chlorine treatment in wastewater
the reactant (i.e., the sulfate radical [SO4•−]) is short-lived, its treatment plants. This is not unlike the observations
rate of introduction into the aqueous phase compared to the from the case study described in Section,
contaminant destruction rate may fit for the pseudo-first-order except in this instance radical chemistry is involved.
assumptions.189,257,263,267–269 As would be expected, this is not In addition to the formation of THMs, the generation
a rule and diversions from the pseudo-first-order assumption of organic radicals (R•) and subsequent interaction
have been observed as reactions stalling suggesting other may lead to chloroethane contaminants. The exact
unaccounted influences.261,262 Rate kinetics are best predicted mechanism is not fully understood but is believed
with treatability testing at the bench scale and detailed geo- to be associated with chloride (Cl•) and dichloride
chemical characterization for scaling up to field scale. (Cl2•−) radical interaction with contaminant mass,
DOC, or the NOD of the aquifer. These reactions  Competitive Inhibitors  The prevalence and/ create intermediate organic radicals (R•), which react
or potential generation of aqueous compounds in the natural with each other to form chloroethanes. An example
aquifer is an important consideration for persulfate (S2O82−) demonstration of these potential by-products is pre-
ISCO design. The predicted radical chemistry is somewhat sented in Figure 6.82. The data from the subject site
simplistic compared to the potential geochemistry encoun- represent data from an approximate 70,000 gal 4%
tered in  situ, and Section discussed some of the by weight sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) injection
leading competitive inhibitors for hydroxyl radicals (OH•). into alluvial deposits in the western United States.
There are many similarities with respect to sulfate radical Successful distribution of the injected oxidant was
(SO4•−) scavenging, and therefore this discussion is focused to achieved and correlated with a resultant order of
observed persulfate (S2O82−)-specific competitive inhibitors. magnitude reduction in trichloroethene (TCE). After
the injection, chloroethanes and THMs are observed
• Chloride. Chloride is a known radical scavenger and to increase and subsequently attenuate. Clearly,
has the potential to complex transition metals used the potential for generating these constituents is an
as activators for persulfate (S2O82−). As part of the important consideration and believed to be closely
radical scavenging, chloride is believed to facilitate tied to chlorine radical chemistry.
300 Remediation Engineering




CVOCs (µM/L)

5/28/2005 6/17/2007 7/6/2009 7/26/2011 8/14/2013



CVOCs (µM/L)

0.01 1,1,2,2‐TCA
5/28/05 6/17/07 7/6/09 7/26/11 8/14/13

FIGURE 6.82  (a) Chlorinated ethene response to a sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) injection. Analytical data confirm a sustained order of
magnitude reduction following a single sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) injection, despite a two order of magnitude rebound during postin-
jection monitoring. (b) Acetone, trihalomethanes (THMs), and chlorinated ethane intermediary response to sodium persulfate (Na 2S2O8)
­injection suggesting that temporary by-products other than mobilized metals may need to be considered during ISCO implementation.

• Aquifer minerals. One appropriate form of activa-  By-Product Formation  Sodium persulfate
tion not discussed previously was ambient activation, (Na2S2O8) can influence the mobility of geogenic metals
which relies on the naturally occurring metals in by changing the ambient geochemistry (i.e., pH, oxidation–
the aquifer to activate the persulfate (S2O82−) anion. reduction potential, and ionic strength). Commercially avail-
There are a few reports in the literature that study able sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) for use in in situ remediation
the interaction of persulfate (S2O82−) with natural has lower reported metal impurities than permanganate prod-
minerals,198–200 and “persulfate (S2O82−)-only” injec- ucts, though technical specifications of the purchased product
tions, implicitly relying on ambient activation, occur should still be requested. Certainly chelating metal activators
frequently in the remediation industry. A common for persulfate (S2O82−) will result in increased metal concentra-
result of this type of activation is strong acidity, as tions, and the acidity associated with the dissociation of per-
Equation 6.141 shows the formation of the bisulfate sulfate (S2O82−) in groundwater may enhance metal solubility
ion (HSO4−), which has a pKa of 1.9. This acidity may in a weakly buffered aquifer. Lastly, THMs and intermediary
be buffered by the aquifer, but in some instances contaminants may temporarily be detected within or immedi-
considerable acidic pH may last for a long period ately downgradient of the ROI of a persulfate (S2O82−) injection.
of  time. Increased acidity can further activate per-
sulfate (S2O82−) through hydrolysis reactions or by  Future Innovation and Current Research 
dissolving more transition metals. Persulfate (S2O82−) is a comparatively new oxidant, and the
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 301

flexibility of activated radical-based chemistry enables a wide Figure 6.83. The  calculations for Figure 6.83 were made
range of applicability to existing and emerging contami- from Henry’s law data for ozone (O3) given in Sander.271 At
nants. Cyclic ether contaminants like 1,4-dioxane (C4H8O2) 20°C, a 6% by vol ozone (O3) injection gas is expected to
are amenable to destruction by radical oxidation processes, generate approximately 7 × 10 −4 M ozone (O3) in solution,
particularly persulfate (S2O82−) ISCO. In addition to a broad- if no reactions occur to scavenge the injected ozone (O3).
based applicability, new activation strategies may be possible, However, ozone (O3) is the target of numerous aqueous-
prolonging the residence time of persulfate (S2O82−) in  situ, phase reactions, and the sustainable ozone (O3) concentra-
increasing the oxidizing power, or prolonging the propagation tion in an aquifer is likely to be much lower. Assuming the
reactions in the radical mechanism. 7 × 10 −4 M ozone (O3) concentration is achievable, that is a
mass concentration of approximately 30 mg/L. The atmo-  Monitoring  Performance monitoring associ- spheric dissolved oxygen concentration at 20°C mg/L is
ated with a persulfate (S2O82−) oxidation implementation is approximately 10 mg/L, and it is clear that ozone (O3) has
required to demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment and a higher solubility in groundwater than dissolved oxygen.
also monitor the persistence and attenuation of by-products. This has been reported to have a beneficial aerobic biologi-
The in  situ residence time of persulfate (S2O82−) has been cal benefit.272–275 However, as a highly scavenged oxidant
observed to be days to months (depending on the level of acti- in an in  situ chemical reactive zone, sustained ozone (O3)
vation), indicating that a single injection of persulfate (S2O82−) distribution may be a challenge. Additionally, as demon-
could require performance monitoring for an extended dura- strated in Figure 6.83, the solubility of ozone (O3) decreases
tion. Commercially available field test kits for persulfate with increases in temperature. As most radical-based ISCO
(S2O82−) analysis are readily available. If contaminant analysis results in some modest temperature increase, physical solu-
is required prior to exhaustion of persulfate (S2O82−), quench- bility may also limit the distribution of ozone (O3).
ing (Section is typically good practice and likely a When ozone (O3) injection is deployed to create an in situ
regulatory requirement. chemical reactive zone, three modes of ozone (O3) demand are
observed. When ozone (O3) is first injected, a large transient Ozone demand is observed as reduced inorganic species, aquifer
Ozone (O3) for use in an in situ chemical reactive zone pres- matrix material, and target contaminants combine to rapidly
ents many benefits and limitations that are markedly different consume injected ozone (O3). After the transient ozone (O3)
from the other oxidants discussed. Ozone (O3) is a suitable demand has been satisfied, the reactive zone is expected to
oxidant for many compounds and facilitates both direct and settle into a lesser, constant demand composed of two com-
radical-based oxidation. The most popular uses of ozone (O3) partments: target contaminant demand and ozone (O3) scaven-
are in aboveground treatment systems, in which ozone (O3) ger losses. If the scavenging demand is sufficient to generate
is used for its direct oxidation capacity, or in combination an ozone (O3) half-life in the range of 10 to 15 min, which may
with another oxidant, such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), to be typical for groundwater, the effective treatment zone that
generate hydroxyl radicals (OH•). Ozone (O3) has also been can be established around any injection point will be limited
deployed in situ through injection of an ozone (O3)–air com- by time of travel of the injected gas through the formation.
bination in aquifer sparging. Both aboveground and in  situ The aqueous-based half-life of ozone is contrasted with the
ozonation systems combine the effects of direct ozone (O3) gaseous half-life of 3 days and is believed to be related to the
oxidation of target compounds with ozone (O3)-driven forma- reactivity between the ozone (O3) molecule and the hydroxide
tion of hydroxyl radical (OH•). ion (OH−).276
Ozone (O3) is a gas that can be generated from air or oxy- In order to meet the requisite oxidant demand of the for-
gen at the location where it is intended to be used. Ozone mation and contamination, the implementation of an ozone
(O3) is highly unstable with a decomposition half-life rang- (O3) injection may be extended several months. This differs
ing from several hours to several days. Ozone (O3) solubil- from that of aqueous-based oxidants that can be injected
ity and the concentration of ozone (O3) in the injected gas over an ROI over a few days to weeks. Typically, a tempo-
stream are variables affecting the rate of treatment that rary enclosure is required for an air compressor and ozone
can be achieved. Commercial ozone (O3) generation equip- (O3) generator to remain operating at a pulsed frequency
ment produces ozone (O3) from air or oxygen. Typical air- for the duration of the ozone (O3) injection. Ozone (O3)
based systems can produce 10,000 ppmv (1% by vol) to injections can be constructed to include telemetry and pro-
20,000 ppm (2% by vol), and oxygen-fed systems can pro- grammable logic to reduce the on-site labor of operating
duce up to 80,000 ppmv (8% by vol) to 100,000 ppmv (10% the system. A cost–benefit analysis between investing in a
by vol). Ozone (O3) generation is often referred to in pounds system with sophisticated logic and the ozone (O3) injection
of ozone (O3) generated per day, and larger ozone (O3) gen- duration will generally determine the level of detail of the
eration systems are typically limited to 50 pounds of ozone system.
(O3) per day. The aqueous-phase solubility of ozone (O3)
in balance with gas-phase ozone (O3) concentrations rang-  Reaction Mechanisms  The unstable
ing from 0 to 1,000 ppmv and from 0 to 60,000 ppmv at nature of ozone (O3) provides decomposition to radical
temperatures ranging from 10°C to 35°C is presented in intermediates that can propagate radical chain reactions.
302 Remediation Engineering



Aqueous-phase ozone (mol/L)


1.0E–05 30°C


0 200 400 600 800 1000
(a) Gas‐phase ozone (ppmv)



Aqueous-phase ozone (mol/L)

0.001 10°C
0.0006 30°C


0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000
(b) Gas‐phase ozone (ppmv)

FIGURE 6.83  (a) Aqueous-phase ozone (O3) solubility for gas-phase concentrations of ozone (O3) up to 0.1% ozone (O3), by volume (0 to
1000 parts per million by volume), at 1 atm total pressure. (b) Aqueous-phase ozone (O3) solubility for gas-phase concentrations up to 6%
ozone (O3), by volume (0 to 60,000 parts per million by volume), at 1 atm total pressure.

Additionally, ozone is a powerful oxidant from an electron dissolution into groundwater but does so as the sparged
transfer perspective. These two reaction mechanisms are bubbles migrate vertically through the aquifer. A high
discussed in this section. It is noted that gaseous phase oxi- chemical oxidant demand and a mass transfer–limited dis-
dation has been reported in the literature via the sparging solution process further complicate ozone (O3) distribution
of ozone (O3) into the unsaturated zone of an aquifer. The in situ.
discussion here is limited to aqueous-phase reactions in Lastly, direct oxidation is expected to be the more active
groundwater. oxidation mechanism under acidic conditions in the absence
Because ozone (O3) is a gas, it is sparged into an aquifer. of catalysts. Ozone (O3) radical chemistry is closely tied to pH
This means the dissolution of ozone (O3) into groundwater and under alkaline conditions is expected to be the predomi-
is a mass transfer–limited process. Sparging is typically nant reaction mechanism.
implemented in a pulsed operation to prevent preferential
vertical conduits from forming and focusing the ozone  Direct Oxidation  The direct oxidation
(O3) delivery to isolated seams. The high chemical oxidant mechanism is a selective process that general follows either
demand for ozone (O3) of most natural systems drives the cycloaddition of an alkene bond (a carbon-to-carbon double
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 303

O O and intermediates within the chain. Hoigne, Staehelin, and

+ + Bader278–280 propose the HSB model (shown in the following
– – as mechanism A), and Tomiyasu et al.281 propose mechanism
(a) B. Both mechanisms are shown to highlight the similarities
O and differences:
O O Mechanism A—the HSB model
O O O3 + OH - ® HO•2 + O•2- k = 70 + / - 7 M -1s-1 (6.153)
(b) HO•2 « O•2- + H + pK a = 4.8 (6.154)

C O O3 + O•2- ® O3- + O2 (6.155)

O O3- + H + « HO•3 (6.156)


C O HO•3 ® OH • + O2 (6.157)

O C OH • + O3 ® HO•4 (6.158)
HO 4 ® HO2 + O2 (6.159)
FIGURE 6.84  (a) Ozone (O3) is a zwitterion, an electrically neu-
tral molecule that carries a resonating charge concentration that HO 4 + HO 4 ® H 2O2 + 2O3 (6.160)
imparts reactivity. (b) Sequence of ozone (O3) reaction with an eth-
ene (C2H4). (c) Breakup of the reaction intermediate to form water
and two aldehyde molecules. HO•3 + HO•4 ® H 2O2 + O3 + O2 (6.161)

Mechanism B—Tomiyasu, Fukutomi, and Gordon model

bond) or electrophilic attack on an aromatic hydrocar-
bon.276,277 Typically, alkene bonds, aromatic rings, and phe- O3 + OH - ® O3- + OH • (6.162)

nolic contaminants are most susceptible to ozone (O3) direct
O3 + OH - « HO2- + O2 (6.163)
The direct ozonation through cycloaddition with an ethene
(C2X4) is presented in Figure 6.84. The ozone (O3) molecule
is electrically neutral but carries opposing charge concentra- O3 + HO2- ® HO•2 + O3- (6.164)
tions. This structure is known as a zwitterion and contributes to
the reactivity of ozone (O3). Reaction with ozone (O3) requires HO•2 « O•2- + H + (6.165)
bonding at two sites simultaneously, forming the first reaction
intermediate known as a primary ozonide. Formation of the O3 + O•2- ® O3- + O2 (6.166)
initial linkage is a relatively improbable event for an ozone
(O3)–ethene (C2X4) reaction, and the probability decreases as O3- + H 2O ® OH • + OH - + O2 (6.167)

the level of chlorination increases. This low reaction probabil-
ity is reflected in the second-order kinetic rate constants for
O3- + OH • ® O•2- + HO•2 (6.168)
ozone (O3) reaction with ethenes (C2X4), and by far the low-
est rate with tetrachloroethene (PCE; C2Cl4), the most highly
chlorinated of the ethenes. O3- + OH • ® O3 + OH - (6.169)
Electrophilic attack on an aromatic ring is primarily the
electron attraction to the ozone (O3) molecule. This can cre- OH • + O3 ® HO•2 + O2 (6.170)
ate the superoxide radical (O2•−) and typically results in ozone
(O3) further attacking and breaking the aromatic ring. The similarity between these two proposed mechanisms
is that they both start with the ozone (O3) molecule react-  Radical Oxidation  Ozone (O3) radical ing with the hydroxyl anion (OH−), which means that the
chemistry is complex and disputed in the literature. There is most powerful ozone (O3) radical chemistry is at alka-
an agreement as to how the ozone (O3) radical chemistry is line pH. A  major difference between these two proposed
brought about, but there are two separate propagating chain mechanisms is the hydroperoxide anion (HO2−) versus the
mechanisms. These mechanisms differ over the exact radicals superoxide radical (O2•−), which is important when ozone is
304 Remediation Engineering

combined with hydrogen peroxide because the hydroperox- ends, the likelihood of sustained ozone (O3) in situ is highly
ide anion (HO2−) is a key catalyst.276 unlikely. The best metric for observing the distribution and
influence of ozone (O3) during sparging is to observe the dis-  Kinetics  The challenges with attempting to solved oxygen concentration of the groundwater. Quenching
quantify ozone radical second-order rate kinetics are not of residual oxidant is likely not an issue as the ozone (O3) has
unlike those for the hydroxyl radical (OH•) and the sulfate a small half-life.
radical (SO4•−) and are not repeated here. Briefly, direct oxi-
dation with ozone (O3) is observed to obey second-order rate Combined Reagents (Advanced
kinetics as well, likely because of the decomposition reaction Oxidation Processes)
of the ozone (O3) molecule. Based on the discussion in this section, there are clear syn-
ergies between the four major classes of chemical oxidants.  By-Product Formation  Ozonation gener- Combining oxidant chemistries to harness the benefits and
ates numerous classes of partial decomposition products and offset weaknesses of radical-based chemistry is an ongoing
reaction end products that may be of concern for drinking area of study and research. Activating persulfate (S2O82−) with
water protection. Reaction intermediates include ketones, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an example of combined chemi-
aldehydes, and carboxylic acids. Many of these intermediates cal oxidants that produces both the hydroxyl radical (OH•) and
are less reactive with ozone (O3) or hydroxyl radical (OH•) the sulfate radical (SO4•−). Another example is the combina-
than the original organic in the reaction and are susceptible tion of ozone (O3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is the
to accumulation when there is kinetic competition from more subject of multiple patents throughout the remediation indus-
reactive substrates. Formaldehyde (CH2O) is an example of try. When applied in  situ, this form of combined advanced
a potential product of ozonation reactions, and the second- oxidation process is known as peroxone or Perozone®. When
order kinetic rate constant for its decomposition with ozone combined ex situ, it is known as HiPOx®. There are numerous
(O3)192 is 0.1 M−1 s−1, which is lower than for many potential nuances to the implementation, such as slipstream ozone (O3)
ozonation targets. In most cases, these highly soluble reaction diffusers that are coated in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), shal-
intermediates and by-products are biodegradable in the aero- low injection of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and deep sparging
bic aquifer conditions that follow application of ozone (O3). of ozone (O3), and groundwater circulation with aboveground
Ozone (O3) also has the capacity to react with bromide HiPOx® through vendor-supplied mobile ex situ systems.
anion (Br−) forming the bromate anion (BrO3−),192 which often The peroxone chemistry relies on alkaline pH and the
has a low regulatory threshold concentration (e.g., 10 µg/L or formation of the hydroperoxide anion (HO2−) to create super­
lower). The rate of bromate (BrO3−) formation from bromide oxide (O2–) radicals and hydroxyl radicals (OH•), according to
ion (Br−) increases with increasing pH and with increasing Equations 6.171 and 6.172:
ozonation intensity. Von Gunten provided a detailed review
of ozone oxidation chemistry and by-product formation and H 2O2 « HO2 - + H + pKa = 11.6 (6.171)
minimization and indicated that bromate (BrO3–) formation
can be limited somewhat by operation of ozonation systems O3 + HO2 - ® OH • + O2-• + O2 (6.172)

at reduced pH and through the addition of ammonia (NH3),
which suppresses formation of a key intermediate in the bro- Although combining oxidants provides the benefits of both
mate (BrO3–) formation reaction sequence.282,283 respective oxidants, it may also compound or create circum-
Ozone (O3) can influence the mobility of geogenic metals stances that require special attention. For example, when
by changing the ambient geochemistry (i.e., pH, oxidation– ozone (O3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) are combined
reduction potential, and ionic strength). The decrease in pH is in situ, ozone (O3) is sparged as a gas and hydrogen peroxide
generally associated with naturally occurring organic mate- (H2O2) may disproportionate or be oxidized to oxygen (O2).
rial that is partially oxidized by the ozone (O3).162,284 The gen- This has the potential for considerable oxygen off-gassing.
eral by-products from the injection of ozone into the aquifer Implications of combined oxidant systems have yet to be
is an increase in dissolved oxygen. The secondary water qual- fully realized. With each new novel application of an oxidant,
ity constituents that may be liberated by radical-based ISCO or combination of an oxidant system, more information is
or competitively inhibit the radical formation (i.e., carbonate gained about radical propagating chain reactions, hazards and
[CO32−], bicarbonate [HCO3−], chloride [Cl−]) are similar and secondary water quality considerations, and interactions with
therefore not repeated here (Sections,, particular aquifer minerals. Effective and safe combination of, and chemical oxidants is likely to be critical as regulatory limits
for recalcitrant contaminants are continually scrutinized and  Monitoring  Performance monitoring associ- emerging contaminants present new challenges.
ated with an ozone (O3) oxidation implementation is required
to demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment and also
6.3.3 Chemical Reduction
monitor the persistence and attenuation of by-products. The
in  situ residence time of ozone (O3) has been observed to Reductive dechlorination and precipitation processes can also
be minutes, indicating that after a pulsed ozone (O3) cycle be driven abiotically through reagent injections. Lacking the
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 305

catalytic function of microbially driven reduction processes, reagent. Similar to ISCO, interactions of the reductants with
direct chemical reduction approaches require injection of the natural geochemistry (viz., oxygen) result in rapid unpro-
energetic reagents at high concentrations, in lieu of the car- ductive or scavenging reactions. Oxidation of sulfide (S2−) to
bohydrates or organic acids that are used to stimulate bacte- sulfate (SO42−) and ferrous iron (Fe2+) to ferric iron (Fe3+) is
rial reductions. Chemical reduction follows a similar design thermodynamically and kinetically favorable in natural aqui-
construct as chemical oxidation, except it relies on chemical fers. Many of the naturally occurring chemical reductants
reactions that reduce more oxidized contaminants. Chemical summarized in Table 6.32 are generated in organic carbon
reduction is inseparably linked to anaerobic biological strate- injection IRZs. As oxygen influxes from upgradient ground-
gies because it is primarily driven by speciation cycling of water into these zones, the available surface area for abiotic
iron and sulfur, two elements that are routinely encountered reduction may be passivated with ferric iron (Fe3+) coatings,
in natural aquifers. Tratnyek cites several studies that con- which inhibits further abiotic chemical reduction. Therefore,
firm the acknowledged abiotic reductants are of three types: incorporating ISCR into remedial alternative strategies should
ferrous iron (Fe2+), sulfide (S2−), and components of natural recognize that the treatment area influenced with either the
organic matter such as quinones.285–296 A summary of natu- injected chemical reducing reagent or where TOC has trans-
rally occurring minerals suspected to be critically involved ported and influenced the ambient geochemistry is limited.
in abiotic chemical reduction is provided in Table 6.32. Therefore, propagation of a chemically reducing signature in
Considerable research and focus have been spent on the syn- support of an injection well transect in situ remediation strat-
ergy of ISCR and anaerobic biological strategies,297–302 mainly egy is not appropriate.
because these mineral forms are generated as precipitates fol-
lowing organic carbon injections.  Reagent Selection/Types
One separation made in this book is chemical reduction of Commercially available chemical reductants are available for
contaminants and metal precipitation. In  situ metal precipi- ISCR, the most popular of which is ZVI (Fe0), but also include
tation is the subject of Chapter 7, but there are many reme- polysulfides (Sx2−), ferrous iron (Fe2+), and sulfur oxyanions
diation technologies that are chemical in nature and involve (i.e., dithionite S2O42−). Additionally, more innovative products
immobilizing metals from groundwater. Some discussion of combining sparingly soluble carbon sources and fine-grained
chemical reductant applicability to commonly encountered ZVI (Fe0) are available to actively pursue simultaneous abi-
metal contamination (i.e., hexavalent chromium [Cr6+] and otic and biotic reduction. A summary of available chemi-
arsenic [As5+, As3+]) in this section is unavoidable, but for all cal reductants and recent pricing is provided in Table 7.8. A
detailed discussion of metal removal from groundwater, the consideration of the commercially available chemical reduc-
reader is referred to Chapter 7. tants is the different technical specifications for use. In some
The literature base for ISCR is broad and heavily domi- respects, chemical reduction as a stand-alone in  situ reme-
nated by ZVI (Fe0) focused studies. Metal precipitation and dial technology with a line of supportive chemical reagents
abiotic reductive dechlorination (for chlorinated ethenes is in its infancy, with considerable research and development
and ethanes) have received the primary attention, but other throughout the 2000s. Creative and innovative applications
contaminants include 1,2,3-trichloropropane (1,2,3-TCP; of commercial reductants used in water/waste­water treatment
C3H5Cl3),303 organic chlorinated pesticides (OCPs),304–307 may require a level of purity for in situ remediation that is not
nitrate (NO3−), chlorinated benzenes, chlorinated methanes, readily available. Some chemical reductants in ex situ water/
perchlorate (ClO4−), and explosives.309 For more detailed and wastewater treatment rely upon treatment train approaches,
specific reading on chemical reduction, the reader is referred and impurities in a particular reagent are either addressed at
to the numerous short courses and guidance documents for a later time or diluted by massive quantities of treated water.
PRBs that focus intently on ZVI (Fe0)309–312 and the aforemen- The vendor providing the chemical reducing reagent should
tioned citations here. provide an SDS and technical specifications to ensure safe
Lastly, chemical reduction is limited by the achievable handling and storage and allow for calculations of expected
contact between the contaminant and the chemical reducing loading to groundwater of metal impurities.
The selection of the appropriate chemical reducing reagent
is similar to the selection process for the appropriate chemi-
TABLE 6.32 cal oxidant. It is a balance of the contaminant applicability,
Naturally Occurring Chemical Reductants the matrix reductant demand, and the contaminant reductant
Mineral Chemical Formula demand. An important difference between chemical oxida-
Troilite Fe(1−x)S (x = 0 to 0.2); Fe2 to 2.5+
tion and chemical reduction is contaminant applicability.
Mackinawite Fe(1+x)S (x = 0 to 0.11); Fe1.8 to 2+ Chemical oxidation can destroy a wide range of contami-
Pyrite FeS2; Fe2+ nants, including even compounds that exist in a highly oxi-
Goethite α-FeO(OH) dized state, whereas chemical reduction (to date) is primarily
Green rust sulfate Fe2+4Fe3+2(OH)12SO4 × yH2O geared toward oxidized compounds that are amenable to
Green rust carbonate Fe2+4Fe3+2(OH)12CO3 × yH2O reductive destruction or immobilization (i.e., heavy metals,
Magnetite Fe3O4; Fe2.7+ oxidation–reduction potential sensitive metals, chlorinated
ethenes and ethanes, OCPs, 1,2,3-TCP). Reduction reactions
306 Remediation Engineering

are electron transfer reactions, and only minimal forms of reactions that occur with soil minerals. The sulfoxyl radi-
radical chemistry are reported. cal (SO2•–), formed by dissociation of dithionite (S2O42–)
Discussion in this section is focused on three popular chem- (Equation 6.173), can react with solid-phase ferric iron (Fe3+)
ical reductants, dithionite (S2O42−), to represent the sulfur oxy- and water to form solid-phase ferrous iron (Fe2+) and the sul-
anion classification, polysulfide (Sx2−), and ZVI (Fe0), which fite anion (SO32−), as shown in Equation 6.175316:
will include some discussion on ferrous iron (Fe2+). Based on
Tables 6.32 and 7.8, it is clear that there are other forms of SO2 2 - + Fe(s)3+ + H 2O ® Fe(s)2 + + SO32 - + 2H + (6.175)
chemical reductants available, some more so for ex situ water
treatment instead of in  situ remediation (i.e., trisodium salt This solid form of ferrous iron (Fe2+) is likely to be present as
or TMT-15 [C3N3Na3S3], phosphites [PO33−] including sodium one of the forms in Table 6.32 and engage in abiotic reduc-
and calcium [NaH2PO2 and CaH4P2O4, respectively], and tive reactions once groundwater with amenable contaminants
sodium borohydride [NaBH4]). interacts with its surface. The reduced form of sulfur (+3
compared to sulfate [SO42−] as +6) in dithionite (S2O42−) may  Sulfur Oxyanions donate electrons directly to more oxidized contaminants or
The dithionite anion (S2O42−) is a moderately strong reducing form metal sulfide (MeS) precipitates as direct chemical treat-
agent that is used in paper-making processes to bleach pulp.313 ment. A case study example of conditioning an in situ chemi-
Dithionite (S2O42−) is available as a sodium salt and has his- cal reducing zone for hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) treatment is
torically been used to generate strong reducing conditions presented in Chapter 7. The primary by-products associated
in aquifers to support in situ metal precipitation and abiotic with dithionite (S2O42−) treatments are reduced and subse-
reductive dechlorination.314 The dithionite anion (S2O42−) dis- quently oxidized species of iron and sulfur. In metal precipi-
sociates to form two sulfoxyl radical anions (SO2•−), as shown tation strategies, contaminant metals are immobilized rather
in Figure 6.85 and Equation 6.173: than destroyed. To ensure permanence of the precipitated
immobilization, predesign consideration of the solubility of
S2O4 2 - « SO2 2 - + SO2 2 - (6.173) targeted metals compared to natural geochemical conditions
is necessary to ensure that targeted treatment standards are
The back reaction to reform dithionite (S2O42−) is quite fast
(k  = 1.7 × 109 M−1 s−1 at 25°C, pH 6.5 according to Ross Polysulfide
et al.),315 so the molarity of the sulfoxyl radical anion (SO2•−) is Polysulfides (Sx2−) have commercial and industrial appli-
likely to remain low. The sulfoxyl radical anion (SO2•−) that is cations of vulcanizing natural rubber and other polymers
generated is highly reactive with dissolved oxygen, producing (i.e., improving durability),317 in the production of dyes,318 and
the strong reductant superoxide radical anion (O2•-) and sul- in photoelectrochemical solar cells as electrolytes for elec-
fur dioxide gas (SO2). The kinetic rate constant for the reac- trochemical storage.319,320 Additionally, they have been used
tion is 2.4 × 109 M−1 s−1, and the dithionite (S2O42–)-generated for agricultural processes to limit infection and prevent the
sulfoxyl radical anion (SO2•–) is an effective oxygen scavenger spread of certain fungal diseases for fruit trees.321 Polysulfide
(Equation 6.174): (Sx2−) reagents are nonhazardous and typically available as
sodium polysulfide (Na2Sx; 33% by weight assay with 27%
SO2 2 - + O2 ® SO2( g ) + O2 2 - (6.174) by weight as sulfur) and calcium polysulfide (CaSx; 27% by
weight assay with 20.5% by weight as sulfur) (Table 7.8). The
pH of these assays ranges from 10.0 to 12.0, and the specific
This demonstrates the potential to engineer an aquifer using
gravity is approximately 1.25–1.39. They are solid as ruby-red
dithionite (S2O42–) to support anoxic metal precipitation or
colored liquids dissolved in water and smell strongly of hydro-
chemical reducing conditions for chlorinated volatile organic
gen sulfide (H2S; i.e., rotten eggs).
compounds. As the sulfoxyl radical (SO2•–) reacts with dis-
The complexities of polysulfide (Sx2−) speciation far exceed
solved oxygen (as well as other constituents), the sulfoxyl
the scope of this chapter, and for more in-depth reading on the
radical (SO2•–) is consumed driving continued dithionite
history and advances of understanding polysulfide (Sx2−) spe-
(S2O42–) dissociation until the dithionite (S2O42–) is exhausted.
ciation, the reader is referred to Maronny,322 Schwarzenbach
The dithionite (S2O42–) reactions that are valuable from an
and Fischer,323 Cloke,324 Teder,325 Giggenbach,326 Boulegue
in situ chemical reactive zone perspective are heterogeneous
and Michard,327 Kamyshny et  al.,328 and Rickard and
Luther.329 From all of the research reviewed and the general
consensus from more recent publications (Kamyshny and
–O O –O O Rickard and Luther), the exact number of polysulfide (Sx2−)
S S S• + •S species existing in aqueous media remains unknown, and it is

O O– O O– likely that S42−, S52−, and S62− are the dominant forms of poly-
sulfide at pH > 7.5.328,329 In Chapter 7, many forms of polysul-
FIGURE 6.85  Dissociation of dithionite anion, forming two sulf- fides (Sx2−) over the available oxidation states for sulfur are
oxyl radical (SO2•−) anions. presented in Figure 7.3, and consider Figure 6.86, which was
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 307

0 reactive species have short residence times in  situ because

they are rapidly oxidized to sulfate (SO42−), indicating that
Total sulfur there is an extensive degree of reductive capability of the
S5= polysulfide (Sx2−) compound.
2 S4=
S7=  Zerovalent Iron
S8= ZVI metal (Fe0) can be used as a solid-phase reducing agent

in chemical in situ reactive zones. A number of factors deter-

4 mine the reactivity of ZVI (Fe0), including surface area per
volume, processing and handling protocols, and alloys and
HS4– HS–
HS5 H2S impurities. Some typical physical characteristics of commer-
– HS2– cially available granular ZVI (Fe0) include a grain size of 0.25
HS6– HS3–
6 to 2 mm, a bulk density of 160 lb/ft3 (2.6 g/cm3), a specific
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 surface area of 2600 m2/L, and a hydraulic conductivity of
pH 5 × 10 −2 cm/d.310 Costs are market driven but typically fluctu-
ate around $0.50 per pound. The purity of ZVI (Fe0) is usu-
FIGURE 6.86  Concentration of different sulfide (S2−) and poly- ally good, with few trace metals and a low carbon content
sulfide (Sx2−) species in oversaturated solution of 50 mM polysulfide (typically less than 3%). Surface area is important because
precursor (K 2S5) as a function of pH (I = 0.3).328
many chemical reduction reactions (metal precipitation and
solvent destruction) occur on the surface of the ZVI (Fe0). A
generated by Kamyshny et al., and is a speciation diagram for larger surface per volume implies greater treatment potential
the polysulfide (Sx2−) system for an oversaturated solution of (Section Processing and handling influences the
5 × 10 −2 M potassium polysulfide (K 2S5). This graph supports reactivity of ZVI (Fe0) because prolonged exposure to oxygen
the current thought that S42−, S52−, and S62− are the dominant can result in oxidation of the ZVI (Fe0; i.e., corrosion) from
forms of polysulfide (Sx2−) at pH > 7.5. It is noteworthy that Fe0 to ferrous (Fe2+) or ferric (Fe3+), effectively decreasing
HS2− is the dominant polysulfide (Sx2−) species over the envi- the treatment payload. Lastly, a well-documented method for
ronmentally significant pH range of 6.0 to 7.0329 because of increasing the chemical reactivity of ZVI (Fe0) is to create an
the presence of the disulfide ion (S22−) in key minerals such alloy with another metal (i.e., bimetallic ZVI; e.g., Pd, Pt, Ag,
as pyrite (FeS2). Even though pentasulfide (S52−) is expected Ni, Cu).331
to be the predominant sulfide species in aqueous polysulfide ZVI (Fe0) reactive zones initiate a complex network of
(Sx2−) solutions (Figure 6.86), the potential for other forms homogeneous (same media; i.e., solid to solid) and hetero-
complicates even the chemical formula used to refer to poly- geneous (different media; i.e., solid to liquid) reactions that
sulfide (Sx2−). may directly or indirectly destroy or precipitate contami-
The predictive speciation work and geochemical graphs nants. Some of the reactions may be catalyzed by mineral
supported by available thermodynamic constants are theo- surfaces or by metal-reducing microbial populations that
retical and highly sensitive to the equilibrium constants used develop in situ. Many reactive zone processes consume the
to generate them. Based on the pE–pH stability diagram for ZVI (Fe0), and any ZVI (Fe0) application has a finite life
the sulfur system presented in Figure 7.6, sulfide (S2−) is not span that is directly related to the flux and chemical com-
expected to predominate in aqueous systems, and under cir- position of groundwater passing through the reactive zone.
cumneutral mildly oxidizing geochemical conditions, sulfide To achieve effective reduction, the iron surface area con-
(S2−) is expected to oxidize to sulfate (SO42−) or elemental sul- centration (defined as the surface area of soil per volume of
fur (Figure 7.6). Transferring the nebulous and complicated liquid; m2/L) must be significant, and the contact time must
oversaturated sulfide (S2−) aqueous chemistry to in situ chemi- be comparatively longer than other in  situ chemical reac-
cal reactive zone design and implementation requires that the tive processes. To achieve these requirements, ZVI (Fe0)
practitioner recognize the geochemical challenge of injecting is generally deployed in a trench oriented perpendicular to
a strongly alkaline sulfide (S2−)-rich chemical reagent into the groundwater flow. The trench is typically backfilled with a
natural aquifer. mixture of ZVI (Fe0) and sand or other porous supporting
Similar treatment interaction and by-product formation media to create a reactive barrier (based on hydrogeological
associated with dithionite (S2O42−) are observed for polysul- and geotechnical considerations; Chapter 10). The most com-
fide (Sx2−) injections. Although not yet reported in the litera- mon applications of ZVI (Fe0) reactive barriers have targeted
ture, polysulfide (Sx2−) may form the superoxide radical (O2•−) chlorinated solvents, polychlorinated biphenols, explosives,
or donate electrons directly to oxidizing contaminants. As etc.332–343 Other ZVI (Fe0) applications have been applied for
demonstrated in Figure 7.3, there are a wide variety of aque- hexavalent chromium (Cr6+)344–354 and other dissolved metals
ous species associated with injection polysulfide (Sx2−) into an and radionuclides.355–365
aquifer (polysulfides [Sx2−], sulfane monosulfonic acids [poly- Numerous competing reactions are expected in aquifer for-
thiosulfates; SxO32−], sulfane disulfonic acids [polythionates; mations, and the longevity of ZVI (Fe0) in situ is more likely
SxO62−], sulfite [SO3−], and sulfate [SO42−]).330 Most of these to be determined by consumption of nontarget compounds.
308 Remediation Engineering

Furakawa et al.366 provided two examples of competing reac- charge concentration supported the multiple-electron-transfer
tions (Equation 6.176 and 6.177): reactions of reductive dechlorination.
Homogeneous reactions occur in the same media; in the
2Fe(s0 ) + O2(g) + 2H 2O(l) ® 2Fe(aq)
+ 4OH (aq) (6.176) case of ISCR with ZVI (Fe0), this is within the groundwater.
Because ZVI (Fe0) is a solid granular material, the homoge-
Fe (0s ) + 2H 2O( l ) ® Fe (2aq - neous reactions in groundwater associated with ZVI (Fe0) are
) + H 2 ( g ) + 2OH ( aq ) (6.177)
likely in the form of ferrous iron (Fe2+) as a result of Equations
6.176 and 6.177.
The oxic reaction shown in Equation 6.176 is likely to occur
in the upgradient interface between the ZVI (Fe0) mass and
influent groundwater. Further along the migration pathway,  β-Elimination Reaction  With respect to
the anoxic reaction shown in Equation 6.177 is likely to occur. abiotic reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes and
Reactions with ZVI (Fe0) lead to pH increases through con- ethanes facilitated by ZVI (Fe0), the β-elimination reaction
sumption of protons as well as release of hydroxyl anions (e.g., is most simply defined as eliminating chloride (Cl−) ions from
Equation 6.176 and 6.177). the more chlorinated starting compound. This reaction chain
is sometimes referred to as the acetylene pathway because
the sequential elimination of chloride (Cl−) ions from each  Reaction Mechanisms  There are three gen-
molecule results in sequentially less chlorinated acetylenes
eral reaction mechanisms related to ZVI (Fe0), which will be
(dichloroacetylene [C2Cl2], chloroacetylene [C2HCl], and
discussed in this section: elimination reactions, hydrogena-
acetylene [C2H2]). The β-elimination reactions for chlorinated
tion, and hydrogenolysis. Additionally, because ZVI (Fe0) is a
ethenes are presented as Equations 6.178 through 6.181:
solid and is mostly used to treat dissolved contaminants, there
are reactions that occur over the two phases, referred to as
C2Cl 4 + Fe 0 ® C2Cl 2 + 2Cl - + Fe 2 + (6.178)
homogeneous and heterogeneous.

C2Cl 2 + Fe 0 + H + ® C2HCl + Cl - + Fe 2 + (6.179)  Heterogeneous versus Homogeneous
ZVI (Fe0) Reactions  Heterogeneous reactions involve two C2HCl + Fe 0 + H + ® C2H 2 + Cl - + Fe 2 + (6.180)

phases, the liquid and solid phases, in the case of reactive
zone chemistries (particularly ZVI (Fe0)). Solid surfaces can C2H 2 + Fe 0 + 2H + ® C2H 4 + Fe 2 + (6.181)

participate in reactive zone chemistry in several ways:
The half-lives of the chlorinated acetylenes (dichloroacety-
• Catalysis. Electrical charge concentrations on the lene [C2Cl2], chloroacetylene [C2HCl], and acetylene [C2H2])
mineral surfaces can attract ions or polar molecules are short, and they are rarely captured in most practical in situ
to the surface. There, reaction geometries can be field applications.
optimized for aqueous-phase molecules reacting
with atoms on the mineral surfaces or with other  Hydrogenolysis  With respect to abiotic
aqueous-phase molecules.
reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes and ethanes
• Regenerable reactive centers. Mineral surfaces can
facilitated by ZVI (Fe0), the hydrogenolysis reaction is most
be activated, amended, or reactivated through injec-
simply defined as exchanging a chloride (Cl−)–carbon (C)
tion of reagents such as dithionite (S2O42−) or iron
bond with a hydrogen (H+)–carbon (C) bond. In this sequen-
sulfide (FeS). This is the basis for the creation of
tial process, two electrons are added to the carbon as part
in situ reactive zones from iron minerals in aquifer
of the “reductive” dechlorination. The hydrogenolysis reac-
tions for chlorinated ethenes are presented as Equations 6.182
• Adsorption sites. Aquifer minerals also can provide
through 6.185:
adsorption sites for contaminants such as the chlo-
rinated alkenes and for reactive metal ions such as
ferrous iron (Fe2+) and arsenic. C2Cl 4 + Fe 0 + H + ® C2HCl3 + Cl - + Fe 2 + (6.182)

The reduction reactions mediated by reduced iron compounds C2HCl3 + Fe 0 + H + ® C2H 2Cl 2 + Cl - + Fe 2 + (6.183)
are likely heterogeneous processes. Amonette et  al.,288 for
example, studied the abiotic reductive dechlorination of car- C2H 2Cl 2 + Fe 0 + H + ® C2H 2Cl 2 + Cl - + Fe 2 + (6.184)
bon tetrachloride (CCl4). They found that the mineral goethite
(α-FeOOH) adsorbed ferrous iron (Fe2+) from aqueous solution C2H 3Cl + Fe 0 + H + ® C2H 4 + Cl - + Fe 2 + (6.185)
and promoted dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4),
while ferrous iron (Fe2+) in the aqueous phase was unreac- In each reaction, the half reaction of ZVI (Fe0) is oxidized
tive. A similar observation has been made by others.297–302 to ferrous iron (Fe2+) and gives up two electrons that are
They postulated that the ferrous iron (Fe2+) was adsorbed to transferred to the carbon. Of the ZVI (Fe0) reaction mecha-
the hydroxyl groups of the goethite (α-FeOOH) and that the nisms, hydrogenolysis is less desirable because it results in
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 309

sequentially less chlorinated by-products, which have their

own regulatory standard and toxicity profile. Fortunately, TABLE 6.33
based on both laboratory and field studies in the litera- Degradation Rates Reported as Half-Lives Normalized
ture,312,367,368 >90% of the degradation of tetrachloroeth- to 1 m2 Surface Area per mL Solution
ene (PCE; C2Cl4) and trichloroethene (TCE; C2HCl3) is
Compound ZVI (Fe0)-Mediated Half-Life(t1/2), h
expected to follow the β-elimination reaction. However, a
recent evaluation of a 15-year PRB in Elizabeth City, North Chlorinated ethenes
Tetrachloroethene 2.1–10.8a; 3.2f
Carolina, suggested that some sequentially less chlorinated
Trichloroethene 1.1–4.6a; 2.4f; 2.8a
by-products from abiotic reductive dechlorination of influent
1,1-Dichloroethene 37.4f; 15.2a
TCE (C2HCl3) were observed at maximum concentrations
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 4.9c, 6.9f, 7.6a
of 10% of the influent TCE (C2HCl3) downgradient of the
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 10.8–33.9a; 47.6f
PRB.369 A possible explanation for this may be that passiv-
Vinyl chloride 10.8–12.3a; 4.7f
ation of available ZVI (Fe0) surface area over an extended
Chlorinated ethanes
operation may inhibit TCE (C2HCl3) contact with the ZVI
Hexachloroethane 0.013b
(Fe0), and abiotic dechlorination facilitated by dissolved-
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.053b
phase ferrous iron (Fe2+) or biological reductive dechlorina-
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.049b
tion facilitated by hydrogen (H2) from anoxic corrosion of
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.7–4.1a
the ZVI (Fe0) may be contributing to reductive dechlorina-
1,1-Dichloroethane Not reported
tion as the PRB matures. 1,1-Dichloroethane No treatment observeda
Methanes  Hydrogenation  For completeness, hydro-
Tetrachloromethane (carbon 0.31–0.85a
genation, or simply the addition of hydrogen to a compound, is
mentioned as a final reaction mechanism in the β-elimination Trichloromethane (chloroform) 4.8a
reaction. Note that Equation 6.181 in Section Tribromomethane (bromoform) 0.041b
does not involve the removal of a chloride (Cl−) ion because Dichloromethane No treatment observedb,h,i
acetylene (C2H2) does not have a chloride (Cl−) remaining Chloromethane No treatment observeda
to remove. Nevertheless, acetylene (C2H2) may be further
Other compounds
reduced to ethene (C2H4) via hydrogenation.
1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 1.02a
(Freon 113)  Kinetics  Because ZVI (Fe0) is typically 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 24d
emplaced in a trench such as a PRB, at the beginning of treat- 1,2-Dichloropropane 4.5d
ment, the ZVI (Fe0) and reactive surface sites are plentiful 1,3-Dichloropropane 2.2a
in comparison to the influent contamination and therefore 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.72a
first-order rate kinetics are an appropriate assumption for 1,2-Dibromoethane 1.5–6.5a
ZVI (Fe0) treatment kinetics. The rate constant (which is typi- n-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) 1.83a
cally ZVI [Fe0] product specific) is influenced by the available Nitrobenzene 0.008e
surface area of the ZVI (Fe0), the type of iron, the inorganic 1,4-Dichlorobenzene No treatment observeda
composition of the groundwater, the temperature, and the
Source: Gillham, R.W., In-situ treatment of groundwater: Metal-enhanced
concentration/competition effects (i.e., scavenging losses).312
degradation of chlorinated organic contaminants, in Advanced in
A summary of available contaminant half-lives and first-
Groundwater Pollution Control and Remediation, 1996, pp. 249–274,
order rate constants for several common chlorinated volatile Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
organic compounds of concern is summarized in Table 6.33. Note: Italicized results were performed with pure iron.
Of all of the factors influencing the rate constant, the surface a Gillham (1996)375

area is likely the most influential. b Gillham and O’Hannesin (1994)374

c Unpublished Waterloo data (no date or author provided by Gillham 1996)  Implementation Methods d Focht (1994)392

For all intents and purposes, it is an appropriate assumption e Agrawal and Tratnyek (1994)370

f Sivavec and Horney(1995)371

that granular ZVI (Fe0) is insoluble. The direct injection of
h Matheson and Tratnyek (1994)372
granular ZVI (Fe0) into semipermanent injection wells is not
i Schreier and Reinhard (1994)393
recommended and will almost certainly result in considerable
permeability reduction of the injection well and poor distribu-
tion of the iron. By far, the most common method of injection
ZVI (Fe0) into the subsurface is via the use of pressure- In addition to injection-based delivery, ZVI (Fe0) can be
based fracture tooling. As described in Section, these installed in a trench as a PRB or used as a slurry with benton-
included slurried injection with direct push tooling, hydraulic ite grout in an in situ soil stabilization/solidification (ISSS)
fracturing with a liquid carrier, or pneumatic fracturing with implementation. The use of ZVI (Fe 0) in PRBs and ISSS
a combination of gas and sand. implementations is well established and well understood,
310 Remediation Engineering

and numerous successes are reported throughout the litera- Bare nZVI particles tend to agglomerate (or aggregate),
ture and technical conferences. Uniform and homogeneous meaning that the separate particles form larger particles by
distribution of the ZVI (Fe0) is achieved through manual adhering to themselves or soil particles. This decreases the
placement in the trench or through the mixed monolith surface area of the nZVI, which decreases the mobility and
without the burden of soil structure straining an insoluble reactivity and limits the achieved ROI.383 The agglomeration
slurry solution. on soil grains clogs the porosity and limits the distribution of
nZVI in situ. Several conditions can cause the nZVI particles  Iron Type  Different types of ZVI (Fe0) are to agglomerate, including the nZVI particle concentration, the
available, and the differences generally originate from how magnetism of the particles, and the zeta potential (ζ) (or sur-
the ZVI (Fe0) is prepared. The different types of ZVI (Fe0) face charge).384,385 Agglomeration caused by magnetism and
include acid-washed, high-purity iron; oxide-coated commer- high concentrations are intuitive, and we will briefly discuss
cial materials; slag products from spent foundry sand; and the influence of the zeta potential (ζ). The zeta potential (ζ) is
other waste products from iron and steel industries.312 Some the electric potential of a particle and dictates the attraction
of the iron materials may have the potential for oil or grease to other particles. Generally, a zeta potential (ζ) greater than
coatings if they originate from the automotive or manufactur- +30 mV or less than −30 mV is considered stable (there is sig-
ing industry, and it is generally good practice to avoid the use nificant surface charge to facilitate particle-to-particle repul-
of ZVI (Fe0) with oil or grease coatings. sion). The highest attraction of a particle to other particles
A critical observation from a literature review by Gillham occurs when the zeta potential (ζ) equals 0.386 Many param-
et al. is that the metallic iron component is the treatment effi- eters (e.g., surfactants, solution pH, and ionic strength) influ-
ciency differentiator among the different iron types. Among ence the zeta potential (ζ); thus, the industry has attempted
the different types of ZVI (Fe0), there was not a large range in to manipulate these parameters to make a nZVI product that
reactivity, implying that if a comparable percentage of metal- is stable and distributable in situ. The influence of pH on the
lic iron is present in different iron types, selecting the least zeta potential (ζ) is shown in Figure 6.87.386
expensive will have minimal impact on the reactivity.312 BNPs increase the kinetics of the oxidation–reduction reac-
Other forms of zerovalent metals are available, such as tion and generally result in more reactive ZVI.381 BNPs are
zerovalent zinc (Zn0) and zerovalent tin (Sn0).303,332,377–379 essentially coatings of metal catalysts (Pt, Au, Ag, Cu, Ni, Pd,
However, a concern with these heavy zerovalent metals is that etc.) over the surface of the nZVI to reduce agglomeration and
they themselves are typical contaminants of concern. The improve kinetics.383 The concept of BNPs is effective because
designed process of zerovalent metal is to facilitate oxidation the ZVI (Fe0) is sacrificially oxidized to protect the catalyst,
of the metal, and zerovalent zinc and zerovalent tin both oxi- with chemical reduction occurring at the bimetallic surface
dize to the stable +2 valence as dissolved zinc (Zn2+) and tin either via direct electron transfer with the catalyst or by the
(Sn2+); however, these are stable valence states that promote hydrogen (H2) generated through ZVI (Fe0) corrosion.331
transport in groundwater. Complications with BNPs arise from the cost of the catalysts
being market driven and regulated metals themselves. In addi-  Nanoscale ZVI  An alternative material to tion to using BNPs, studies have been completed evaluating
“macro” ZVI (Fe0) (i.e., millimeters in size) that can achieve coatings to support stabilization. Some coatings can be inhibi-
high surface area concentrations by unit volume is nanoscale tory in  situ by interfering with contact of contaminants and
ZVI (Fe0) (nZVI; 10 to 200 µm in size). The characteristics
that make nanoparticles qualitatively different from larger 15
particles are greater surface area to volume ratios and higher
natural reactivity of the reactive surface sites.380,381 10
Although the greater surface area concentration makes 5
nZVI seem like the best choice, there are many issues with
Zeta potential (mV)

nanoparticles that are actively being addressed and researched 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6
in the industry. Over the past 15 years, several advancements –5
in nZVI have improved its workability and mobility in situ;
however, industry-wide acceptance of nZVI for in situ reme-
diation via injection is not universal. Some of the complica- –15
tions and proposed solutions are discussed here, but for a more
thorough review of the advancements in nZVI, the reader is
referred to Keane,308 Crane and Scott,331 and Liu et al.382 for –25
“snapshot” critical reviews of nZVI throughout the develop- –30
mental timeline. There are three main forms of nZVI avail- pH
able for remediation efforts: bare nZVI, bimetallic nanoscale
particles (BNPs) (or alloys with other metals), and emulsified FIGURE 6.87  The influence of pH on the zeta potential. (From
zerovalent iron (EZVI). Zhang, X.-W. and Elliott, D.W., Remediat. J., 16(2), 7, 2006.)
Injected Reagent–Based Remedies 311

reactive surface sites on nZVI.385 Ideal coatings are biodegrad- 5. Mercer, J.W., Cohen, R.M. 1990. A review of immiscible flu-
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7 In Situ Treatment of Metals

Remediation of groundwater impacted with dissolved metals, during active remediation but also the range of factors that
metalloids, and radionuclides is perhaps one of the big- might erode or compromise the stability of the precipitated
gest challenges in in  situ environmental remediation today. solids over the long term.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA), metals are present at more than 70% of the fed-
erally owned or federally regulated cleanup sites across the
United States (more than 11,000)—before considering sites A list of terms that are often associated with in situ metal
in state programs or the more than 30,000 abandoned mine precipitation and aquifer geochemistry is defined here to
sites requiring environmental remediation.1 A recent query serve as a reference throughout the discussion presented in
(December 2015) of the USEPA National Priority List data- this chapter. The terms selected are those commonly used in
base found that more than 86% of the approximate 1,830 environmental geochemistry vernacular, and some may be
superfund sites had metals in soil and/or groundwater.2 More an entire subject of study by themselves. Basic definitions
evidence of the magnitude of the issue lies with the increase are provided here with clarifications as to how they are used
in stakeholder awareness, fueled by advancements in toxicol- with respect to in  situ metal precipitation, and consistent
ogy coupled with press coverage of metal-related impairment terms are maintained throughout this chapter to minimize
of drinking water resources. confusion.
This creates an opportunity for in situ remediation practi-
tioners. However, unlike organic contaminants, metals can- Acid dissociation constants: The acid dissociation con-
not be destroyed or their recovery easily enhanced. Instead, stant (Ka) is a quantitative measure of the strength
active and passive in situ remedial strategies for the treatment of an acid in solution. It is the equilibrium constant
of metals in groundwater generally involve direct precipita- for a chemical reaction known as dissociation (i.e.,
tion or sorption/coprecipitation, with the goal of permanently deprotonation) in the context of acid–base reac-
sequestering and immobilizing the metals in the aquifer soil tions. Numerous speciation diagrams are presented
matrix. Therefore, the end result is a reduction in the ground- throughout this chapter where they are relevant,
water concentrations, but the actual metals remain in situ. The and they present the expected dissolved species at
success of precipitation-based in situ treatment approaches is a given concentration over a range of pH values.
dependent upon the following: For dissolved protonated compounds (protonated
meaning having one or more hydrogens [H+]), the
Kinetics: The ability to support meaningful rates of acid dissociation constant (Ka) defines the equilib-
precipitation is a minimum threshold that must be rium between sequentially protonated compounds.
met. If the reaction is thermodynamically spontane- For example, carbonic acid (H2CO3) and bicarbon-
ous (i.e., requires no energy to occur) but the rate is ate (HCO3−) are sequential protonated compounds of
too slow, the approach will have limited usefulness. the carbonate system. The acid dissociation constant
The relationship of kinetics and thermodynamics is (Ka) to describe the equilibrium between carbonic
discussed in Chapter 6. acid (H2CO3) and bicarbonate (HCO3−) is 4.7 × 10 −7.
Equilibrium solubility: The ability to achieve the When the ratio of products and reactants describ-
required cleanup standards for groundwater is criti- ing the balanced chemical equation of carbonic acid
cal. This is determined by the solubility of the pre- (H2CO3) dissociation to bicarbonate (HCO3−) equals
cipitated solid phases as they form and mature in the this number, the dissociation is said to be in equi-
treatment zone. librium. Note, further dissociation (i.e., bicarbon-
Durability/permanence: The long-term stability of ate [HCO3−] to carbonate [CO32−]) is described by a
the precipitated solids is a critical consideration. unique acid dissociated constant (4.7 × 10 −11). The
Changes in the geochemical environment (pH, ionic speciation diagram for the carbonate system is pro-
strength, or stimulation of oxidation/reduction reac- vided in Chapter 6.
tions) can affect this stability. Alkali metals: The metals in Group 1A of the periodic
table (page ii): lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium
Thus, the concept of in situ metal precipitation extends beyond (K), rubidium (Rb), cesium (Cs), and francium (Fr).
numeric cleanup goals and invokes a required standard of Alkaline earth metals: The metals in Group 2A
care that considers not only short-term solubility achieved of the periodic table (page ii): beryllium (Be),

324 Remediation Engineering

magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), bar- phosphate [PO 43−], bicarbonate [HCO3 −]) as well
ium (Ba), and radium (Ra). as all organic amines that by definition include
Anion: An ion that is negatively charged (e.g., sulfide ­a mmonia (NH 3).
[S2−], carbonate [CO32−], hydroxide [OH−]). Ligand: An anion or molecule that forms coordination
Buffering capacity: Practically speaking, it is the aqui- compounds or complexes with metals. Inorganic
fer’s resistance to change. It could be related to ligands of primary importance in natural waters
pH when acid or alkali is added or the oxidation– are fluoride (F−), chloride (Cl−), sulfate (SO42−),
reduction potential when an oxidant or reductant is hydroxide (OH−), bicarbonate (HCO3−), carbonate
added. Classically, buffering capacity is tied to acid– (CO32−), phosphate (PO43−), ammonium (NH4+), and,
base chemistry and determined empirically in a lab- in anoxic groundwater, bisulfide (HS−) and sulfide
oratory with titration testing. In this chapter, it may (S2−). Nitrate (NO3−) does not form strong complexes
also be used to describe changes in the oxidation– with metals.
reduction potential. Oxidation–reduction potential: A relative measure of
Cation: An ion that is positively charged (e.g., calcium the potential for chemical species present to acquire
[Ca2+], uranyl [UO22+], ammonium [NH4+]). electrons (become oxidized) versus lose electrons
Colloidal particle: A particle ranging in size between 1 (become reduced), measured in volts (V) or millivolts
and 1,000 nanometers in diameter. (mV) using a platinum electrode. In this chapter, the
Common ion effect: The reduction in the solubility of oxidation–reduction potential may be referred to as the
an ionic precipitate when a soluble compound (con- aquifer’s “redox,” and may be abbreviated as EH or pE.
sisting of the ions of the precipitate) is added to the pH: The negative logarithm of the molar hydrogen con-
solution in equilibrium with the precipitate. centration [H+]. pH is the direct measure of acidity
Co-precipitation: The concept of an ion or compound of the groundwater, and is related to water by the
that is soluble, yet precipitates due to incorporation water dissociation constant (Kw), which is 1 × 10 −14.
into the crystal structure of another precipitating The “p” is the symbol for the negative logarithm.
mineral (either through substitution, adsorption, or The units for pH in the SI system are standard units,
occlusion). abbreviated as s.u. For brevity, the units for pH will
Heavy metal: A metal of relatively high density or high not be carried through this chapter.
relative atomic weight. Point of zero charge: Specific to adsorption and
Heterogeneous reactions: A chemical reaction that describes the condition when the electrical charge of
occurs between substances of different phases (e.g., a surface is zero. pH is typically the parameter that
solid and liquid). Another potential for heteroge- governs the surface charge and the pH at the point of
neous reactions are on the surface of a catalyst of zero charge is referred to as the pHpzc.3
a different phase. With respect to in situ metal pre- Precipitation: The formation of a solid mineral, which
cipitation, zerovalent iron (ZVI; Fe0) presents an typically happens when the concentrations of the
example of heterogeneous reactions. component ions of that mineral (more specifically
Homogeneous reactions: A chemical reaction that the product of the reactive dissolved molar concen-
occurs between substances of the same phase. trations, referred to as the ion activity product), are
Ionic strength: The measure of the concentration of dis- greater than (or “saturated” compared to) the solubil-
sociated ions in a solution. The total concentration ity product (Ksp).
of ions in solution influences the activity of the dis- Solubility product: The solubility product (Ksp) is an
solved components (their availability for reaction) equilibrium constant that captures the specific ratio
and can drive the dissociation and increase the solu- at which a mineral will dissolve in water to yield its
bility of some solids. component ions. This concept was also discussed
Lewis acid: A compound or ionic species that can earlier in Chapter 3.
accept an electron pair from a donor compound. Sorption: In this chapter, sorption will be used to refer
Examples of Lewis acids include hydrogen (H+), to adsorption, which involves a dissolved substance
most metallic cations (MeX+), carbon dioxide (CO2), becoming attached to the surface of a solid. This can
and sulfur dioxide (SO2). Knowing whether a com- happen due to coulombic forces (electrostatic attrac-
pound or ionic species behaves as a Lewis acid (and tion) or electron sharing, through Lewis acid–base
to what comparative degree) allows for prediction as interactions. It should not be confused with absorp-
to how it will speciate at a given pH. Strong Lewis tion, which is the incorporation of a substance in one
acids will readily form bonds and complexes with state into another of a different state.
available Lewis bases. Stability constants: (formation constant or binding con-
Lewis base: A compound or ionic species that can stant) An equilibrium constant for the formation of
donate an electron pair to an acceptor com- a complex in solution. It is a measure of the strength
pound. Examples of Lewis bases anions (e.g., of the interaction between the reagents that come
hydroxide [OH−], sulfide [S2−], carbonate [CO32−], together to form the complex.
In Situ Treatment of Metals 325

Transitional elements: Any of the set of metallic ele- Thus, the oxidation–reduction (redox) potential sensitivity
ments occupying a central block (groups IIIB– and the geochemical behavior of different oxidation states
VIIIB, IB, and IIB, or 3–12) in the periodic table of the element targeted for remediation must be considered.
(page ii; e.g., iron, manganese, chromium, and cop- These differences can be critical when choosing a remedia-
per). Chemically, they show variable valence and a tion approach as some metals may be more amenable to direct
strong tendency to form coordination compounds, precipitation in one oxidation state than another. A common
and many of their compounds are brightly colored. range of concentrations for environmentally relevant metals,
a list of their primary valence states, and the form of precipi-
tates that can be utilized to remove them from groundwater
are presented in Table 7.1.4,5
The term “metals” is often used interchangeably for metals
and metalloids. Metals tend to lose electrons during chemi-
7.2.1 Metal Bonding Characteristics
cal reactions, becoming positively charged ions (cations) in
groundwater, in addition to having specific physical proper- The presence of metals in aquifers can be in many forms.
ties.4 Examples of metallic elements include barium (Ba), cad- Metals can be present in elemental form, as metal alloys, in
mium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and zinc ionic form, and/or in organometallic (i.e., a metal bound to at
(Zn). By comparison, metalloids exhibit physical properties least one carbon) form. Distribution of the commonly encoun-
of both metals and nonmetals and tend to form negatively tered metals in the subsurface can be categorized as summa-
charged ions (anions) in groundwater. Examples include arse- rized in Table 7.2.
nic (As), boron (B), and selenium (Se). Some metals, such as Metal cations can be classified as “hard,” “borderline,”
chromium (Cr) and vanadium (Vd), will combine with oxy- and “soft” cations. Note that most of the metals of interest
gen to form oxyanions depending on their oxidation state. with respect to environmental remediation fall under the

Common Concentration Range of Metals in Soils (mg/kg), Typical Oxidation States, and
Potential Metal Precipitates
Primary Oxidation States
Element Range Average in the Natural Environment Potential In Situ Precipitatesa
Aluminum (Al) 700–10,000 72,000 +3 Hydroxide, oxides
Antimony (Sb) 2–10 — +3, +5 Sulfide
Arsenic (As) 1–50 5 +3, +5 Typically requires coprecipitation
Barium (Ba) 100–3,000 430 +2 Sulfate
Beryllium (Be) 0.1–40 6
Cadmium (Cd) 0.01–0.7 0.06 +2 Carbonate, phosphate, sulfide
Chromium (Cr) 1–1,000 100 +3, +6 Hydroxide
Cobalt (Co) 1–40 8
Copper (Cu) 2–100 3 +1, +2 Hydroxide, phosphate, sulfide
Iron (Fe) 10,000–100,000 70,000 +2, +3 Hydroxide, carbonate, sulfide
Lead (Pb) 2,200 10 +2 Carbonate, phosphate, sulfide
Manganese (Mn) 1,000 1,000 +2, +3, +4 Oxide, carbonate
Mercury (Hg) 0.02–0.3 0.03 0, +1 +2 Sulfide
Nickel (Ni) 5–500 40 +2 Hydroxide, sulfide
Selenium (Se) 0.1–2 0.3 −2, 0, +4, +6 Elemental, mixed Fe–Se
Silver (Ag) 0.01–5 0.05
Tin (Sn) 2–200 1
Vanadium (V) 20–500 100 +3, +4, +5 Typically requires sorption
Zinc (Zn) 10–300 50 +2 Hydroxide, carbonate, sulfide

Sources: Sen Gupta, A.K., Environmental Separation of Heavy Metals: Engineering Processes, Lewis Publishers,
New York, 2002; Sposito, G., The Chemistry of Soils, Oxford University Press, New York, 1984 by permission
of Oxford University Press. Schacklette, H.T. and Boerngen, J.G., Element concentrations in soils and other
surficial materials of the conterminous United States, USGS Professional Paper 1270, USGS, Reston, VA, 1984;
Bowen, H.J.M., Environmental Chemistry of the Elements, Academic Press, London, U.K., 1979; Kotz, J.C.
et al., Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, 5th edn., Thomson-Brooks/Cole, 2003.
a Reflects easily formed precipitates relevant to in situ remediation, not all possible solid phases. Sorption and coprecipi-

tation may also promote varying degrees of metal sequestration.

326 Remediation Engineering


Common Forms of Metals Encountered in Natural Heavy Metals, Metalloids, and Light Metals of
Systems Significant Environmental Concern
Metallic Form Examples Classification Elemental Symbol and Specific Gravity
Elemental Mercury, lead, gold, silver, and the other noble metals Regulated heavy metals Cr (7.19), Co (8.90), Ni (8.90), Cu (8.96),
Metal alloys Brass (copper and zinc), bronze (copper, tin, and zinc), Zn (7.13), Ag (10.5), Cd (8.65), Hg
nickel–cadmium (13.6), Ti (11.9), Pb (11.4)
Ionic Arsenic: As(III) arsenite, As(V) arsenate Regulated metalloids As (5.78), Se (4.79), Sb (6.69)
Chromium: trivalent Cr(III), hexavalent Cr(VI) Commonly occurring light Na (0.47), Mg (1.74), K (0.86), Ca (1.55),
Iron: ferrous Fe(II), ferric Fe(III) metals Al (2.70)
Copper (Cu+, Cu2+), lead (Pb2+), zinc (Zn2+), cadmium
(Cd2+), mercury (Hg+, Hg2+) Source: Sen Gupta, A.K., Environmental Separation of Heavy Metals:
Engineering Processes, Lewis Publishers, New York, 2002.
Organometallic Dimethyl mercury, Hg(CH3)2; dimethyl arsenic,
As2(CH3)4; tetraethyl lead, Pb(C2H5)4; metal cyanide
complexes, Hg(CN)2, Zn(CN)42−, Cu(CN)2−, Fe(CN)64−

7.2.2 Heavy Metals
The term “heavy metal” is often used for both metals and met-
classification of “borderline” and “soft” (Cd2+, CH3Hg+, Cu2+, alloids. Despite its widespread use, this term does not have
Hg2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Zn2+, etc.). In general, the toxicity of met- a rigorous scientific basis or a chemical definition. Although
als increases as it moves from hard to soft cations because many of the elements listed as heavy metals have higher
borderline and soft cations can deplete essential ligands from atomic weights (e.g., heavy metals nickel [Ni; 58.69] and zinc
biological systems and promote the potential for dysfunc- [Zn; 65.38] compared to “light metals” potassium [K; 30.10]
tional reactions.9 Relative affinities of these metal ions to and calcium [Ca; 40.08]), major exceptions to this rule remain.
form complexes with O-, N-, and S-containing ligands vary Heavy metals that are of significant environmental concern
widely. While hard cations prefer oxygen-donating ligands, along with commonly occurring light alkali and alkaline
soft cations exhibit higher affinities toward nitrogenous and earth metals are presented in Table 7.3 for comparison.4
sulfurous species. Borderline cations demonstrate relatively In a typical aquifer, heavy metals may be classified into at
equal affinity for O-, N-, and S-containing ligands.9 least two different categories:
Classification of selected metal cations and the specific
characteristics of each type are described as follows10,11: • In true solution as free or complexed ions (e.g., Cu2+,
Fe2+, Zn(OH)42−, CrO42−)
• Hard cations (Class A metals; A character behavior): • In particulates from adsorption onto other par-
These include Al3+, Ba2+, Be2+, Ca2+, K+, Li+, Mg2+, ticles (e.g., mineral sediments or cations sorbed to
Na+, and Sr2+. These cations are spherically symmet- sediments), or incorporation into biomass of liv-
ric and their electronic configurations conform to ing organisms and inorganic precipitates such as
inert gases; they form complexes only with ligands hydroxides (OH−), carbonates (CO32−), sulfides (S2−),
containing oxygen donor atoms and have weak affin- and sulfates (SO42−)
ity toward ligands with nitrogen and sulfur donor
atoms; of these, beryllium (Be2+) is the only one con- These heavy metal elements also often exist in aquifers in dif-
sidered to be toxic at low concentrations. ferent oxidation states. Aqueous reactivity, ionic charge, and
• Borderline cations: These include Cd2+, Co2+, Cu2+, solubility of these metals vary widely. For their short- and
Fe3+/Fe2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, and Zn2+. These cations long-term impacts to receptors, the maximum permissible
are spherically asymmetric, and their electronic con- concentrations of these heavy metals in drinking water and
figurations do not conform to inert gases; they form groundwater are closely regulated through legislation (Section
inner sphere complexes with O- and N-atom con- 7.2.5). Nevertheless, barring the exceptions of cadmium (Cd),
taining ligands and have moderate affinity toward mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb), heavy metals are also required
S-atom containing ligands; all are toxic except iron micronutrients. Toxicity and inhibitory effects of these ele-
(Fe) and manganese (Mn). ments are, thus, largely a function of concentration. However,
• Soft cations (Class B metals; B character behavior): nonessential heavy metal elements are considered to be inhib-
These include Ag+, Au+, Bi3+, CH3Hg+, Cu+, Hg+/ itory at all concentrations.4
Hg2+, and Tl3+/Tl+. These cations are spherically
asymmetric, and their electronic configurations do
7.2.3 Transition Elements
not conform to inert gases; they have high affinity
toward S-atom containing ligands, and most of the Some of the elements from the central portion of the peri-
heavy metals are toxic. odic table (page ii) can assume multiple oxidation states that
In Situ Treatment of Metals 327

are relevant to typical pressures and temperatures encoun- shells (1,  2, 3,  4, etc.), followed by the relevant subshells
tered in a natural system. Compounds including these (s, p, d, and f) with orbital electrons present in comparison to
elements, especially the transition metals, may exhibit with the number of possible electrons in the subshells (s2, p6,
variable solubilities according to the pH and oxidation– d10, and f14). The electron configuration for Ca2+ and Cu2+ is
reduction potential of the groundwater. For example, “plat- shown in the following text:
ing metals” used in plating processes (e.g., cadmium [Cd],
iron [Fe], nickel [Ni], and zinc [Zn]) are typically associ- Ca2+: 1s22s22p63s23p6
ated with strong acidity and yield species that are highly
soluble. The plating metals are most often handled (and Cu2+: 1s22s22p63s23p63d9
released to aquifers) as soluble salts or acids, and their
mobility is somewhat constrained by interactions with the The atomic number for Ca2+ is 20 and for Cu2+ is 29, indicat-
aquifer soil matrix. Typical metals releases to the aquifer ing Ca2+ has 20 protons and Cu2+ has 29 protons. Therefore,
from plating processes are characterized by high metal summing the electrons from the electron configurations ear-
concentrations and acidic pH. However, alternative valence lier for Ca2+ and Cu2+ to 18 and 27, respectively, confirms the
states and/or circumneutral pH render these metals effec- +2 charge on these ions.
tively insoluble under a wide range of natural aquifer chem- Note that the outermost electron subshell of Ca 2+ (p) is
istries. Other metals that are oxidation–reduction potential completely filled with six electrons, and the octet forma-
sensitive (i.e., chromium [Cr], molybdenum [Mo], selenium tion is satisfied. Thus, Ca2+ is not a good electron accep-
[Se], vanadium [Vd]) exist naturally at concentrations near tor and, hence, a poor Lewis acid. Ions like Ca 2+ are hard
regulatory standards and may be liberated by anthropo- cations, and they form only outer sphere complexes with
genic influences. Reversion of these influences results in aqueous-phase negatively charged ligands containing pri-
precipitation. These observations provide an opportunity marily oxygen-donor atoms.4 They are typically referred to
to engineer the aquifer chemistry to mitigate the mobiliza- as “Class A” metals, exhibiting “A character” behavior. In
tion of metals that can be harmful to receptors. contrast, Cu2+ has an incomplete subshell (d; 9 out of 10 pos-
Most natural soil minerals are also compounds of transi- sible electrons) and contains an electron cloud more readily
tion elements. It is usually not the presence of these metals influenced by electric fields of other species. In general, Cu2+
that drives environmental concerns, but rather their mobility is a fairly strong Lewis acid and tends to form inner sphere
in groundwater. Thus, modifications to the aquifer chemistry complexes with aqueous-phase negatively charged ligands.
in engineered reactive zone applications that influence their Electrostatically, Ca2+ and Cu2+ are identical, that is, both
solubility must be carefully designed. Transition elements Ca2+ and Cu2+ have +2 charges. However, Cu2+ is a stronger
that form oxyanions (e.g., arsenic [a metalloid]) may have Lewis acid and a relatively soft cation compared to Ca2+,
high mobility in aquifers, especially under reducing condi- which is a poor Lewis acid and hard cation. This observation
tions. Clearly, implementing in  situ remedial technologies provides specific insight into the fate and transport of Ca 2+
to address metals contamination is complex, and it requires and Cu2+ in an aquifer, but more generally guides in situ met-
careful consideration of the ambient aquifer chemistry als treatment based on anticipated speciation and toxicity.
(Chapter 3). If the primary anions in the natural aquifer are correspond-
ingly borderline or soft anions/Lewis bases, then it would be
7.2.4 Metals Characteristics Influencing expected that the Cu2+ would preferentially form complexes
facilitating its mobility in groundwater. Conversely, if the
Transport and Toxicity
primary anions naturally occurring were hard Lewis bases,
The ultimate fate and transport of all contaminants in  situ Ca2+ formation would be expected (along with likely precipi-
is heavily influenced by the hydrostratigraphy of an aqui- tation), but Cu2+ would remain as a free ion. Therefore, by
fer (Chapter 4). However, to understand the fate of metals simply knowing the characteristic Lewis acid/base behavior,
in an aquifer, it is equally important to understand the gen- it is possible to frame the geochemical strategy for in  situ
eral characteristics of the soil and the speciation of metals metals treatment.
in groundwater. The speciation and fate of metals in natu-
ral and engineered environments are ultimately governed
7.2.5 Regulatory Considerations
by the metal-specific chemical characteristics. Such charac-
teristics also dictate the biochemical reactions of metals as Relevant USEPA federally promulgated primary and second-
nutrients or toxicants. In order to develop an insight, consider ary maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for typical metals
the electron configurations of an alkaline earth metal cation of concern are summarized in Table 7.4. Where possible, up
(calcium; Ca2+) and a heavy metal (transition metal) cation to three standards per metal are provided in Table 7.4. These
(copper; Cu2+). The ground state electron configurations (the represent the primary MCL, the secondary MCL, and the
assignment of electrons that result in the lowest energy for MCL goal (MCLG). The MCLG is representative of the health
the atom) for each element is provided in the periodic table goal, and although not enforceable is the basis for the primary
of elements (page ii).12 Conventionally, electron configura- MCL. For noncarcinogens, the MCLG is generally equivalent
tions may be presented by listing the number of electron to the primary MCL. For carcinogens, the MCLG is set to
328 Remediation Engineering

An important concept that extends beyond simply meet-

TABLE 7.4 ing regulatory standards in the short term is the permanence
Summary of Some Federal Maximum Contaminant of the in situ metals treatment. Careful consideration of the
Levels for Metals of Concern naturally occurring aquifer chemistry is necessary before
pursuing in situ metals treatment because as the engineered
USEPA Federal Standards in
influence dissipates, the precipitated or adsorbed metals may
be susceptible to dissolution. Effective management of stake-
Primary Secondary
holder expectations before remedy implementation through
a holistic conceptual site model (CSM) approach will help
Metals Symbol (µg/L) (µg/L) (µg/L)
identify any potential limitations of compliance with federal
Antimony Sb 6 — 6
and state thresholds. This concept is more fully explained in
Arsenic As 10 — 0
Section 7.5.
Barium Ba 2000 — 2000
Beryllium Be 4 — 4
Cadmium Cd 5 — 5 7.2.6  pE– pH Diagrams
Chromium Cr, total 100 — 100
Cr, hexavalent — — — The status of an aquifer chemical environment can be sum-
Cr, trivalent — — — marized by two master variables*: pH, which measures
Cobalt Co — — — the tendency of the solution to accept protons, and pE (the
Copper Cu 1300 1000 1300 negative of the log of electron activity), which measures the
Iron Fe — 300 — tendency of the solution to accept electrons. The concept
Lead Pb 15 — 0 of pH and pE as master variables is described in Stumm
Manganese Mn — 50 — and Morgan,15 which is recommended for further reading.
Mercury Hg 2 — 2 Stability diagrams can be used to identify the compounds
Nickel Ni — — — of each element that are most stable for any pE–pH condi-
Selenium Se 50 — 50 tion, and an example comparison for zinc–water and zinc–
Silver Ag — 100 —
water–sulfur is presented in Figure 7.1. There are three
Tin Sn — — —
important limitations on the use of stability diagrams in
Vanadium V — — —
reactive zone design:
Zinc Zn — 5000 —

Source: California Environmental Protection Agency State Water Resources 1.

Availability of chemical equilibrium data: Stability
Control Board, diagrams are built from chemical equilibrium data,
quality_goals/search.shtml, accessed December 2015. and published data may not adequately describe the
reactions that will occur in a treatment zone.
Equilibria are thermodynamic properties: Chemical
equilibria, and the determination of the “most stable”
zero (e.g., lead [Pb] and arsenic [As]). The primary MCL is compound, are based on thermodynamic properties
enforceable and is as close the MCLG as possible given avail- of the compounds under study. The rate at which
able treatment technologies and cost. The secondary MCL is reactions occur is also critical—it is possible to
not enforceable and is generally applicable to metals that do identify “the most stable” compounds from stability
not pose a health risk. The secondary MCL provides a thresh- diagrams that are formed only over long time scales
old based on aesthetics such as color and odor (e.g., iron and at aquifer temperatures. The compounds that form
manganese). in reactive zones are determined by kinetic as well
The MCLs provided in Table 7.4 are federal and specific as thermodynamic properties of potential reactions.
to the USEPA. This means they are likely to be applicable Kinetic rate constants often control the outcome of
on environmental remediation projects governed by the reactive zone endeavors (Chapter 6).
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, 3.
Reactive zones violate chemical activity assump-
and Liability Act where the USEPA is the lead regulatory tions: The chemical activity of charged elements
agency. State environmental regulatory agencies also have and compounds in solution (ions) is controlled by the
state specific thresholds for metals, some of which are more solution’s ionic strength, a measure of the effect of
stringent than USEPA. For example, barium (1,000  µg/L), charged species on solution chemistry (Section 3.2.6).
total chromium (50 µg/L), and hexavalent chromium
(10  µg/L) are metals that have lower California primary
MCLs than USEPA. It is the responsibility of the remedia- * For in situ chemical reactive zones, the conventional assumption of a dilute
aqueous-phase solution is often violated. Consequently, ionic strength may
tion practitioner to identify the appropriate threshold driv- also be considered as a critical variable in characterization of aqueous-
ing the environmental concern prior to initiating engineered phase chemical environment. Ionic strength influences both homogeneous
remedies. and heterogeneous reactions.
In Situ Treatment of Metals 329

20 through 7.7). These experimentally determined constants can

vary by several orders of magnitude (Figure 7.2). Some of the
15 reasons for discrepancies associated with these solubility pre-
dictions were as provided by Stumm and Morgan15:
Zn2+ 1. The formation of a metal precipitate and its equilib-
rium with groundwater is a complicated process and

Zincite (ZnO) is different than the equilibrium of dissolved ions

and complexes.
–5 2. The reactivity of a metal precipitate varies for dif-
ferent modifications of the same compound or for
different forms of the same compound (i.e., chro-
–15 mium hydroxide as Cr(OH)3 versus chromium iron
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 hydroxide as Cr0.75Fe0.25(OH)3 versus chromium–
(a) pH iron hydroxide as Cr0.25Fe0.75(OH)3).
3. Variable species in a natural aquifer influencing the
20 solubility equilibrium of a metal precipitate have
been overlooked in defining solubility products (Ksp).
When selecting equilibrium constants as part of geochemical
Zn2+ modeling, it is important to establish a reliable and defensible
5 rationale for the selection. Matching the ambient geochemi-

Zincite cal conditions to the specifications of a literature study is a


0 good way to do this. Building safety factors into the model

Sphalerite to account for one to two orders of magnitude difference in
–5 equilibrium constants of more generically tabulated values is

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
The objective of in situ metals treatment is to create insoluble
FIGURE 7.1  (a) pE–pH diagram for zinc–water system. (b) pE–pH compounds directly from the reaction of injected reagents with
diagram for zinc–water–sulfur system. This figure shows the influ- target metals or indirectly through modification of the aquifer
ence of a reactive sulfide (S2−) over a broad range of pH level. Note
geochemistry, reducing the solubility of the target metal in the
in (a) that zinc (Zn2+) and zincite (ZnO) are the primary forms of
aquifer. The geochemical strategies that can be used to reduce
zinc, with zinc (Zn2+) being soluble over a broad range of pH level
and mildly oxidizing conditions. In (b), sphalerite (ZnS) is the stable the concentrations of metals dissolved in groundwater are
species under mildly oxidizing conditions over nearly the entire pH transformation and immobilization. These mechanisms can
range, suggesting that insoluble sphalerite (ZnS) will form in the be induced by both abiotic and biotic pathways. Abiotic path-
presence of zinc (Zn2+), zincite (ZnO), and sufficient reactive sulfide ways include oxidation, reduction, precipitation, hydration,
(S2−). This pE–pH stability diagram was calculated assuming a tem- and sorption. Biotic pathways include oxidation, reduction,
perature of 25°C and a zinc concentration of 7.7 × 10 −4 M. This fig- precipitation, biosorption, bioaccumulation, organometal for-
ure was made using PH Redox Equilibrium EQuation in C language mation, and phytoremediation. This section presents various
with the wateq database.
strategies for achieving in situ metals treatment.

Many chemical reactive zones are operated at high

ionic strength, and chemical properties of poten- 7.3.1 Direct Precipitation
tial reactants should be corrected for ionic strength Direct precipitation of a metal can involve reducing the metal
effects, when necessary. to its elemental form (e.g., selenium [Se0]), but most often
involves inducing its combination with a complimentary ion
7.2.7 A Need for Consistency in to form a precipitate (e.g., ferric iron [Fe3+]). As an example,
the equations describing the reaction of a trivalent chromium
Equilibrium Constants
(Cr3+) ion with a hydroxide (OH−) ion and the corresponding
The solubility products that are used in hand calculations equilibrium expression are as follows:
or modeled predictions of metal speciation (such as pE–pH
stability diagrams) are available in the literature (Tables 7.5 Cr(aq )3+ + 3OH (-aq ) « Cr(OH)3(s) (7.1)
330 Remediation Engineering

Solubility Product Data for Common Soil Minerals
Chemical Compound Name Mineral Name Chemical Formula Solubility Product, Ksp Temp. (°C) Data Source
Aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3 3 × 10 −34 25 UNC14
Barium carbonate Witherite BaCO3 7 × 10−9 16
Barium sulfate Barite BaSO4 8.7 × 10−11 18
Cadmium hydroxide Cd(OH)2 7.2 × 10−15 25 UNC14
Cadmium sulfide Greenockite CdS 3.6 × 10−29 18
Calcium carbonate Calcite CaCO3 9.9 × 10−9 15
Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 5.02 × 10−6 25 UNC14
Calcium sulfate Anhydrite CaSO4 1.95 × 10−4 10
Chromium fluoride Cr(F)3 6.6 × 10−11 25 Internet
Chromium hydroxide Cr(OH)3 6.3 × 10−31 25 Internet
Cobalt hydroxide Co(OH)2 5.92 × 10−15 25 UNC14
α-Cobalt sulfide CoS 5 × 10−22 25 UNC14
β-Cobalt sulfide CoS 3 × 10−26 25 UNC14
Copper hydroxide Cu(OH)2 4.8 × 10−20 25 UNC14
Copper(II) sulfide Covellite CuS 8.5 × 10−45 18
Copper(I) sulfide Chalcotite Cu2S 2 × 10−47 16–18
Ferric oxyhydroxide Goethite FeOOH 3.16 × 10−42 Internet
Iron(III) hydroxide Fe(OH)3 1.1 × 10−36 18
Iron(II) hydroxide Fe(OH)2 1.64 × 10−14 18
Iron(II) sulfide Troilite FeS 1 × 10−19 18
Iron(II) disulfide Pyrite FeS2
Lead(II) carbonate Cerussite PbCO3 3.3 × 10−14 18
Lead hydroxide Pb(OH)2 1.43 × 10−20 25 UNC14
Lead(II) sulfate Anglesite PbSO4 1.06 × 10−8 18
Lead(II) sulfide Galena PbS 3.4 × 10−28 18
Magnesium carbonate Magnesite MgCO3 2.6 × 10−5 12
Magnesium hydroxide Brucite Mg(OH)2 1.2 × 10−11 18
Manganese hydroxide Pyrochroite Mn(OH)2 4 × 10−14 18
Manganese sulfide Alabandite MnS 1.4 × 10−15 18
Mercury hydroxide HgO 3.6 × 10−26 25 UNC14
Mercury sulfide (black) HgS 2 × 10−53 25 UNC14
Mercury sulfide (red) HgS 2 × 10−54 25 UNC14
Nickel carbonate NiCO3 6.6 × 10−9 25 Kotz et al.12
Nickel hydroxide Ni(OH)2 2.8 × 10−16 25 Kotz et al.12
α-Nickel sulfide α-NiS 3 × 10−21 25 Kotz et al.12
β-Nickel sulfide β-NiS 1 × 10−26 25 Kotz et al.12
γ-Nickel sulfide γ-NiS 2 × 10−28 25 Kotz et al.12
Nickel sulfide Millerite NiS 1.4 × 10−24 18
Zinc hydroxide Zn(OH)2 1.8 × 10−14 18–20
Zinc sulfide Sphalerite ZnS 1.2 × 10−23 18

Sources: Weast, R.C. et al., Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 65th edn., F-146, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1984; Kotz, J.C. et al., Chemistry
and Chemical Reactivity, 5th edn., Thomson-Brooks/Cole, 2003; North Carolina State University website: http://www4.ncsu.
edu/~franzen/public_html/CH201/data/Solubility_Product_Constants.pdf. Solubility Product Constants, accessed December 2015.
Note: Data source is Weast et al.5 unless otherwise noted.

K sp = [Cr 3+ ][OH - ]3 (7.2) targeted metal by precipitating it in the solid phase to maintain
this equilibrium. The resulting precipitates can form on the
The equilibrium expression describes the degree to which the surfaces of existing soil particles or in the pore water, where
constituent ions comprising the precipitate will dissolve in they are subsequently immobilized through sorption, sedi-
water. This concept was introduced in Chapter 3 and is dis- mentation (gravity settling), or straining (filtering) through
cussed in more detail in Section Providing an excess of soil pores. Hydroxides (–OH), carbonates (–CO3), phosphates
the complimentary ion will drive down concentrations of the (–PO4), and sulfides (–S) represent the typical solids targeted
In Situ Treatment of Metals 331

conventional industrial wastewater systems. Alkaline solu-

TABLE 7.6 tions of lime (Ca(OH)2) or potash (KOH) are used as reagents
Solubility Products of Some Metal Sulfides16,17 and the for hydroxide (OH−) precipitation. Sodium sulfide (Na2S) and
Difference between the Metal Sulfide and Metal calcium or sodium polysulfide (CaSx, Na2Sx) are normally
Hydroxide used as the reagent to form extremely insoluble metallic sul-
fide precipitates. Injection of these chemical reagents into an
Metal Ksp of MeS Difference Factor
aquifer contaminated with dissolved metals (and potentially
Cadmium 3.6 × 10−29 3 × 108 acidity) creates a reactive zone that results in the precipita-
Chromium None — tion of targeted metals. Metal sulfides (MeS) are insoluble
Iron 1.1 × 10−19 5 × 103 over a broader range of natural geochemical conditions and
Copper 8.5 × 10−45 1 × 1011 are typically favored over metal hydroxides (MeOH; Section
Lead 3.4 × 10−28 3 × 108 Metallic cations (Mex+) precipitated out as metal
Mercury 2.0 × 10−49 6 × 1017
hydroxides (MeOH) could be resolubilized slightly as a result
Nickel 1.4 × 10−24 1 × 107
of any significant shift in groundwater pH. Obtaining the
Zinc 1.2 × 10−23 3 × 108
requisite permits to inject sulfide-rich, pH-altering chemical
Silver 1.0 × 10−51 5 × 1012
reagents in an aquifer requires regulatory approval, typically
Me(OH)2 solubility (mg/L) associated with a clear performance monitoring plan with
Note: Difference factor = .
MeS solubility (mg/L) sufficient sentinel wells to demonstrate the local extent of the
reactive zone.
Chemical precipitation strategies simply engineer an
aquifer chemical environment to facilitate the conversion of
soluble compounds to insoluble compounds. Development of
a chemical precipitation strategy entails two main elements:
Comparison of Metal Oxides and Metal Sulfides (1) characterization of the chemical environment that will per-
Metal Oxide Solubility (mg/L) Metal Sulfide Solubility (mg/L) sist after the physical and chemical influence of the injected
Cr2O3 1 × 10 −4 CrS Dissolves reagent has dissipated, and (2) selection of a precipitation reac-
MnO2 3 × 101 MnS 6 × 100 tion that will maintain acceptable aqueous-phase contaminant
FeOOH 2 × 10−7 FeS 6 × 10−2 concentrations in the persistent chemical environment. It is
Co3O4 3 × 100 CoS 5 × 10−3 important to note that the chemical environment that devel-
NiO 5 × 103 NiS 2 × 10−5 ops during reagent injection (e.g., pH, ionic strength, EH) is
CuO 1 × 10−1 CuS 3 × 10−14 different from ambient conditions. In situ chemical strategies
ZnO 1 × 10−3 ZnS 8 × 10−9 for metals discussed here include adjustment of the pH and
CdO Dissolves CdS 4 × 10−13 oxidation–reduction potential and iron- and sulfide- mediated
PbO Dissolves PbS 1 × 10−13 precipitation.
SnO2 3 × 10−3 SnS2 3 × 10−5
Sb2O5 1 × 10−17 Sb2S3 5 × 10−3  pH Adjustment
Ag 1 × 100 Ag2S 2 × 10−14 Of the governing parameters dictating the speciation and
Au 1 × 10−15 Au 2 × 10−27 solubility of metals, pH is the most important. In  situ met-
Hg 4 × 10−5 HgS 6 × 10−36 als contamination is typically associated with some degree of
Source: Rickard, D. and Luther, G.W., Rev. Mineral. Geochem., 61, 421, pH extreme (either acidic or alkaline). Because many of the
2006. regulated metals are naturally occurring in the geochemical
Note: Solubility provided on a dissolved metal basis (e.g., Cr2O3 has a composition of soil (Table 7.1), a release of acid or alkaline
resultant chromium solubility of 1 × 10−4 mg/L). Bold values are the reagent devoid of metals will still likely result in exceedances
most soluble solid. The solubilities are calculated for pure water at of pH sensitive metals through dissolution of the site soils.
25°C, 1.013 bars total pressure, pH = 7, EH = 0.5 V (oxide), Eh = The buffering capacity of the soils can neutralize pH varia-
−0.2 V, total S2− = 32 mg/L. Where at least 1 g of solid dissolves in tions to some degree, but more than likely acidic or alkaline
1,000 g of water, solubility is defined as dissolves. release to the aquifer will be most rapidly addressed with a
chemical adjustment of the pH.
pH adjustment presents an effective in  situ metals treat-
in direct precipitation strategies (Table 7.1). Sulfates can also ment strategy for acidic/alkaline releases that are relatively
be important, as in the case of barium. Barium (Ba2+) can small and well understood. The cost of the reagents and the
combine with sulfate (SO42−) to form the insoluble precipitate health and safety procedures required to handle pH adjust-
barite (BaSO4). ment reagents (strong acids and bases) can become exces-
sive for larger source areas. Careful attention must be paid  Chemical Methods to the ambient pH and the targeted metals to be precipitated.
Chemical precipitation of metals using hydroxide (OH−) A pH adjustment strategy that requires sustaining a pH that is
and sulfide (S2−) precipitation has been used successfully in greater than ambient conditions is not practical.
332 Remediation Engineering



0.8 NiS NiS NiCO3


Ni2+ solubility (mg/L)

0.6 A

0.5 1 2


0.3 Generally accepted

regulatory standard
0.2 for nickel (Ni2+) in

5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0

FIGURE 7.2  Predicted dissolved-phase nickel concentrations in equilibrium with each of two compounds: nickel sulfide (NiS) and nickel
carbonate (NiCO3). Solubility of nickel carbonate was calculated at three alkalinities: 50 mg/L (A), 100 mg/L (B), and 300 mg/L (C), rep-
resenting low, midrange, and higher aquifer alkalinity values, respectively. Solubility of nickel sulfide (NiS) was calculated using Ksp values
from Kotz and Treichel12 for 25°C (1) and from Weast5 for 18°C (2).

pH adjustment can also be a component of other forms  Sulfide Precipitation

of in situ chemical treatment for metals. For example, a dis- It should seem reasonable that an injection of an organic
cussion of sulfide acidity scavenging is presented in Section substrate into an aquifer with naturally occurring sulfate (SO42−) dissolved in groundwater will ultimately create sul-
fides (S2−) that are reactive with dissolved metals. This is one Reduction
way of achieving reactive sulfide in situ. Other ways to uti-
Chemical-reducing reagents, such as polysulfide (Sx2−), dithi- lize sulfur for metal precipitation is by using a sulfur-based
onite (S2O42−), and zero-valent iron (ZVI; Fe0), can be intro- chemical reductant to condition an aquifer (i.e., dithionite;
duced into the source zone to precipitate redox-sensitive S2O42−) or injecting a chemical reagent that is rich in sul-
metals such as hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), molybdenum fide (polysulfide; Sx2−). Some of the concepts behind these
(Mo), selenium (Se), and vanadium (Vd). A summary of some reactive forms of sulfur are discussed in this section. It is
available chemical-reducing reagents with their chemical for- important to remember that while our attention for in  situ
mula and relatively recent pricing is presented in Table 7.8. metal precipitation may focus on sulfate (SO42−) and sulfide
Chemical reduction can be accomplished by directly transfer- (S2−), there are numerous metastable species of aqueous sul-
ring electrons to oxidized compounds of the targeted metal fur compounds that can form when a chemical reagent rich
(hence reducing the oxidation state of the targeted metal) or in sulfur is used for remediation purposes.25 In this applica-
by indirectly reducing the natural geochemistry, which then tion, the term metastable is defined as not stable, but chang-
interacts with the targeted metal. An example of direct reduc- ing so slowly over a long enough time frame that it can be
tion is the reduction of selenate (SeO42−) by ferrous iron (Fe2+) considered stable. A collection of the known sulfur species
summarized in the following equation: with significant lifetimes in aqueous solutions is presented
in Figure 7.3 and demonstrates the major groups of aque-
SeO 4 2 - + 6Fe 2 + + 8H + ® Se 0 + 6Fe3+ + 4H 2O (7.3) ous sulfur compounds available: polysulfides (Sx2−), sulfane
The selenium (Se) in the selenate (SeO42−) oxyanion is reduced monosulfonic acids (polythiosulfates; SxO32−), sulfane disul-
to elemental selenium (Se0), which has a considerably lower fonic acids (polythionates; SxO62−), sulfite (SO3−), and sulfate
solubility in groundwater than selenium in selenate (SeO42−) (SO42−).25
in the plus six oxidation state. The ferrous iron (Fe2+) donates Whether sulfide (S2−) availability is the result of abi-
the electrons and is subsequently oxidized to ferric iron (Fe3+). otic or biotic processes, the metal sulfides (MeS) that form
This mechanism has been documented in the literature using occur through interaction of the metal (Me2+) and sulfide
green rust carbonate (Fe42+Fe23+(OH)12CO3 * yH2O), ­magnetite (S2−) ions:
(Fe3O4), and mackinawite (Fe(1+x)S [x = 0–0.11]; Fe1.8 to 2+) as
sources of ferrous iron (Fe2+).20–24 Me 2 + + S2 - ® MeS ¯ (7.4)
In Situ Treatment of Metals 333

concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), bisulfide (HS−), and

TABLE 7.8 hydroxides (OH−) with a more alkaline pH. A slight modera-
Available Chemical Reagents for In Situ Metal tion of an acidic aquifer pH will result in the precipitation
Precipitation of pH sensitive metals—such as aluminum (Al3+) and iron
(Fe3+)—and those precipitates will offer sorptive surfaces for
Reductant Chemical Formula Costa Unit
dissolved metals. Additionally, aluminum and iron hydroxide
precipitates will form a broader matrix of precipitates that can
ZVI Fe0 $1.011 $/ton
encapsulate and protect targeted metal precipitates, making
EHC (ZVI and carbon) Fe0-soybean oilb $1.60 $/lb
them less environmentally available and susceptible to dis-
Ferrous iron Fe2+ $0.65–$0.95c $/lb
solution. This approach is commonly used in ex situ treatment
Calcium polysulfide CaSxd $0.24–$0.87 $/lb
of industrial wastewater.4,27
Sodium polysulfide Na2Sxd $0.92 $/lb
Sodium dithionite Na2S2O4
A series of stability diagrams that depict general solubility
Trisodium salt (TMT-15) C3N3Na3S3 $2.15 $/lb
profiles for various metal sulfides, assuming crystalline min-
Sodium metabisulfite Na2S2O5 $0.49–$0.89 $/lb eral form, and that the mineral is the only source of reactive
Sodium sulfite Na2SO3 $0.49–$0.89 $/lb sulfide are presented in Figure 7.4. Metal sulfide stability can
Phosphites PO33− be enhanced in sulfide-rich environments, but depending on
Sodium hypophosphite NaH2PO2 the magnitude of free sulfide and pH, there is a point at which
Calcium hypophosphite CaH4P2O4 it can also be compromised through the formation of thio-
Formic acid CH2O2 sulfate complexes (S2O32−). At excess sulfide concentrations,
Oxalic acid C2H2O4 solubility of some metals can be increased by the formation
Ascorbic acid C6H8O6 $1.85–$2.35 $/lb of thiosulfate complexes (S2O32−) (Figure 7.3). However, the
Citric acid C6H8O7 $0.85–$1.20 $/lb stability of these complexes is still questionable. These thio-
Phosphorous acid H3PO3 sulfate anions may potentially preferentially form soluble
Sodium borohydride NaBH4 metal–thiosulfate complexes, which increase the solubility of
Indirectly formed H2 — — a targeted metal in groundwater. In addition, fresh precipi-
hydrogen tates are amorphous (finely divided) with high specific surface
a Costs based on estimates obtained in 2015. Many products are driven by
area that makes them more reactive and more soluble. Given
industrial markets and are subjective change. enough time, however, in an environment conducive to sulfide
b Soybean oil typically combinations of large chained fatty acids (i.e., pal- mineral precipitation, these amorphous forms mature into
mitic acid [C16H32O2], stearic acid [C18H36O2], oleic acid [C18H34O2], lin- more stable, crystalline forms. Note the 3 × 105 and 1.5 × 107
oleic acid [C18H32O2], and linolenic acid [C18H30O2]).19 times decrease in solubility products (Ksp) for β-, and γ-nickel
c Cost based on an iron basis and based on ferrous sulfate. sulfides (β-NiS and γ-NiS), respectively, compared to α-nickel
d Typical forms of polysulfide in sodium and calcium polysulfide likely to sulfide (α-NiS) presented in Table 7.5. Given this complexity,
be pentasulfide (S52−). equilibrium-based geochemical modeling software such as
PHREEQC (PH Redox Equilibrium EQuation in C language),
MINEQLT, MINTEQ, and Geochemists Workbench can be
It is the source of the sulfide (S2−) that determines whether a critical tools in evaluating and predicting the formation of
biological agent is implicated in metal sulfide (MeS) forma- precipitates and precipitate solubility for in situ remedies. It
tion. If the sulfide (S2−) results from bacteria reducing sulfate can be seen from Figure 7.4 that it is theoretically not fea-
(SO42−), it is of biotic origin. If sulfide (S2−) is provided via sible to reach the cleanup standards for Ni (100 μg/L) around
an injection of a chemical rich in sulfide (S2−), it is of abiotic neutral pH values due to the solubility of the dominant solid
origin. Metal sulfides (MeS) form readily at natural tempera- phases. However, achieving the Ni standards is possible once
tures and pressures and are comparatively less soluble than the precipitates have matured into stable crystalline forms and
other metal precipitates, such as metal oxides (MeO), metal under moderate groundwater velocity conditions resulting in
hydroxides (MeOH), and metal carbonates (MeCO3). A list nonequilibrium conditions.
of solubility products (Ksp) and some comparisons of common The sulfide ions (S2−) necessary to mediate metal sulfide
metal sulfides (MeS),16,26 metal oxides (MeO), metal carbon- precipitation can be directly injected into a reactive zone in
ates (MeCO3), and metal hydroxides (MeOH) are provided the form of dithionite (S2O42−), polysulfides (Sn2−), or bisul-
in Tables 7.5 through 7.7. Note in Table 7.718 that for all but fite (HSO3−). However, the sulfide ion (S2−) is one of the most
chromium (Cr), the solubilities of metal sulfides (MeS) are reduced ions, and its stability within the aquifer is short lived.
lower than metal oxides for metals that are typically contami- It will be oxidized to elemental sulfur (S(s)) and potentially
nants of concern (i.e., Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn). The sulfate (SO42−) quickly in the presence of oxidizing conditions
metal sulfide (MeS) solubilities presented in Table 7.7 are within the contaminated plume.
simple pure water systems and do not consider complexities The distribution of sulfide (S2−) between various phases
with competing ligands or pH neutralization. Under acidic is similar to that of the carbon dioxide (CO2)/bicarbonate
pH conditions, reactive sulfides (S2−) will scavenge hydro- (HCO3−)/carbonate (CO32−) interactions. At neutral pH, the dis-
gen (H+) during hydration, resulting in greater dissolved tribution between hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and bisulfide (HS−)
334 Remediation Engineering

Charge on Charge on
oxygen Charge on compound sulfur
Number of sulfur atoms S2– — — –2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SO32– –6 –2 4
–2 S2– SO42– –8 –2 6
–1 S22– S22– — — –1
–0.67 S32– S2O32– –6 –2 2
–0.5 S42– S2O42– –8 –2 3
–0.4 S52– S2O52– –10 –2 4
–0.33 S62– S2O62– –12 –2 5
–0.29 S72– S2O7 2– –14 –2 6
0 S2O8 2– –16 –2 7
Average formal charge on sulfur

0.57 S7O32– S32– — — –0.67

0.67 S6O32– S3O32– –6 –2 1.33
S5O3 2–
0.8 S3O62– –12 –2 3.33
1 S4O32– S42– — — –0.5
1.33 S3O32– S4O32– –6 –2 1
1.43 S7O62– S4O62– –12 –2 2.5
1.67 S6O62– S52– — — –0.4
S2O3 2– 2–
2 S5O6 S5O3 2– –6 –2 0.8
2.5 S4O62– S5O6 2– –12 –2 2
3 S2O42– S62– — — –0.33
3.33 S3O62– S6O32– –6 –2 0.67
2– S2O5 2–
4 SO3 S6O62– –12 –2 1.67
5 S2O62– S72– — — –0.29
6 SO42– S2O72– S7O32– –6 –2 0.57
7 S2O82– S7O62– –12 –2 1.43

FIGURE 7.3  Sulfur speciation diagram. (From Williamson, M.A. and Rimstidt, J.D., Geochim. Cosmochim., 56, 3867, 1992.)




3.5 CdS PbS ZnS NiS

Concentration (mg/L)






100 μg/L standard
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

FIGURE 7.4  Metal solubility in equilibrium with associated crystalline sulfide phases.
In Situ Treatment of Metals 335

will be equivalent. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a gas of inter- 0

mediate solubility (approximately 0.4% at 20°C), and may be –1 pKA1 = 7.04 System
  point [HS–]
stripped from solution. Higher H2S production per unit vol- [H2S]
ume of the anaerobic IRZ system and a lower pH favor strip-
ping of H2S from the groundwater system. Hydrogen sulfide
(H2S) is more water soluble at higher pH where it is predomi- –4

nantly dissociated as hydrogen (H+) and sulfide (S2−) ions. As –5
[H+] [OH–]
the pH is decreased below 7.0, undissociated hydrogen sulfide –6
(H2S) gas begins to predominate and is released. Since vapor
density of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is greater than 1, hydrogen
sulfide (H2S) gas tends to settle in low places and can poten- –8
tially create a toxicity hazard.28 –9
–10  Acidity Consumption of Sulfide  Both dithi- 2 4 6 8 10 12
onite (S2O42−) and polysulfide (Sx2−) demonstrate strong
protonation under low pH and therefore have some acidity
neutralization capacity (ANC). This is beneficial as many FIGURE 7.5  Logarithmic conversion of concentrations versus pH
groundwater contaminant plumes of dissolved metals are for the sulfur system. The graph is created for the total concentration
of 10 −2 M as sulfur.
associated with acidic pH. From a design perspective, bench-
scale treatability testing is recommended. Bench-scale treat-
ability testing can determine an appropriate chemical reagent 20
dose that accounts for the ANC of sulfide (S2−), provides
enough sulfide (S2−) to accommodate aqueous speciation 15
of sulfur species, and satisfies the dissolved metals sulfide HSO4–
demand, but not overdose the aquifer and cause health and
safety concerns (such as fugitive emissions of hydrogen sul- SO42–
5 S(s)
fide [H2S(g)]). Bench-scale treatability testing (an example of

which will be discussed specific to polysulfides [Sx2−]) can be 0

a relatively low-cost endeavor that may facilitate regulatory
acceptance and gain valuable design insight. –5
A simple conceptualization of the sulfide (S2−) system can
be described by the following two chemical equations:
HS- + H + « H 2S (7.5) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

S2- + H + « HS- (7.6)

FIGURE 7.6  pE–pH stability diagram for the sulfur system for a
One mole of sulfide (S2−) will scavenge two moles of acidity total concentration of 10 −2 M as sulfur.
(H+). The first and second acid dissociation constants (Ka) for
this simple conceptualization of the sulfide system are pKA1 = pH = 7.0, governed by the water equilibrium constant K W =
7.04 and pKA2 ~ 18, respectively,3,15,18,29,30 indicating that under 1 × 10 −14 (log K W = −14). The only acid dissociation constant
most aquifer pH conditions that are acidic to circumneutral, (Ka) of meaning under ambient geochemical conditions for the
sulfide (S2−) is anticipated to scavenge protons (i.e., acidity; sulfur–hydrogen–oxygen system (pKA1 = 7.04) is presented
H+). This relationship highlights the sensitivity of metal sul- in Figure 7.5, and represents the system point at which the
fides (MeS) to the presence of acidity and to environments concentration of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is equivalent to the
low in reactive sulfide (S2−). concentration of bisulfide (HS−). Note that the only observa-
The equilibrium speciation of the sulfur–hydrogen– tion of sulfide (S2−) is at low concentration and highly alkaline
oxygen system is presented in Figures 7.5 and 7.6. The graph pH (pH > 10, log C < −8). The speciation shown in Figure 7.5
of the logarithm of the concentration versus pH (log C–pH) demonstrates the acidity scavenging potential of sulfide (S2−).
(Figure 7.5) represents a mass balance for a given pH, where If a high concentration of sulfide (S2−) was injected into an
pH in this example is provided from 2.0 to 12.0. In Figure 7.5, acidic aquifer, the predominant form of sulfide (S2−) would
the total concentration (CT) of sulfide is 1 × 10 −2 molar (M), be hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and the pH would be increased.
represented by a solid black line at log (1 × 10 −2) = −2. Note, The injected sulfide (S2−) would deprotonate the water, remov-
because the oxidation–reduction potential is held constant ing hydrogen [H+] from the water by forming hydrogen sul-
for this graph, sulfur (S) may be referred to freely as sulfide fide (H2S). This would move the equilibrium condition in
(S2−) at any pH. The speciation of hydrogen [H+] and hydrox- Figure 7.5 from the left to the right, resulting in a decrease
ide [OH−] is also provided as two straight lines intersecting at of the hydrogen [H+] concentration (e.g., increasing the pH),
336 Remediation Engineering

an increase of the hydroxide [OH−] concentration, and a neg- The  spent dithionite solution was then recovered from the
ligible decrease and increase of the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) aquifer by extracting 375,000 L (99,600 gal) of groundwater
and bisulfide (HS−) concentrations, respectively. Remember, and dithionite solution (4.9 times the initial injection volume).
for the mass balance of Figure 7.5 to be maintained (e.g., CT = Estimates of the recovery mass balance were not provided in
[H2S] + [HS−] + [S2−]) at log CT = −2, the increase observed the cited publication.
in bisulfide (HS−) as the acidic pH is neutralized must result The dithionite-induced reduction of solid-phase ferric
in a decrease of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) even though a flat iron (Fe3+) was estimated by comparing the oxygen reduc-
line is presented in Figure 7.5 (e.g., the decrease is negligible tion capacity of post-dithionite-injection soil samples to
on a logarithmic scale). If we consider both the oxidation– the baseline oxygen reduction capacity (measured from
reduction potential and pH (Figure 7.6), we see a similar spe- pre-dithionite-injection soil samples). An average of 53%
ciation under acidic and reducing conditions. The significance of solid-phase ferric iron (Fe3+) within a 10 ft radius of
of Figure 7.6 is that under ambient geochemical conditions the injection well was converted to solid-phase ferrous iron
(mildly oxidizing and circumneutral), oxygen and acidity (Fe2+) (calculated from data in Fruchter et  al.33). A small
scavenging can influence the effectiveness of chemically iron reduction effect (8% reduction) was detectable at
induced sulfide (S2−) precipitation. 27 ft from the injection well. The pattern of iron reduction
achieved was shown by Fruchter et al.33 in cross-sectional  Dithionite Metal Precipitation  The use of figures, indicating heterogeneity of dithionite distribution
dithionite (S2O42−) as a chemical reductant was introduced in (as would be expected). The significance of this observation
Chapter 6. Here, a well-researched field demonstration for the is that the highly reactive dithionite was preferentially dis-
purposes of in situ metal precipitation is discussed. tributed according to the natural heterogeneity and anisot-
In situ dithionite-driven chromium reduction/precipitation ropy of the aquifer, which is typical. Repeat applications
strategies have been described by Chilakapati et  al.,31 Istok are usually necessary when injecting a chemical reagent
et  al.,32 Fruchter et  al.,33 and Khan and Puls.34 Dithionite is like dithionite because stored metals and acidity contami-
injected into aquifers to reduce solid-phase ferric iron (Fe3+) nation in the less mobile fraction of the aquifer are likely
in soil to solid-phase ferrous iron (Fe2+) or to generate other to be uninfluenced with a single injection. Subsequent slow
reduced metallic compounds that can serve in dechlorina- advection and (to a lesser extent) concentration gradient-
tion reactions. The reduction of soil minerals generates an driven diffusion leads to increases in concentrations after
in  situ chemical-reducing zone that supports heterogeneous the effects of the injected reagent have dissipated (i.e.,
reduction of redox-sensitive metals, such as chromium (Cr), rebound) (Chapter 4).36
uranium (U), and technetium (Te) and reducible hydropho- Chilakapati et al.31 described a process for creation of an
bic organics such as chlorinated ethenes and ethanes. With in situ reduced iron barrier, using periodic sodium dithionite
respect to in  situ dithionite-driven chromium reduction/pre- injections. The main reaction of the dithionite ion with solid-
cipitation, the reduced iron species (Fe2+) was engineered to phase ferric iron (Fe3+) is as follows:
react with soluble hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) in groundwater
to create trivalent chromium (Cr3+), which readily precipitates S2O 4 2 - + 2Fe3(s+) + 2H 2O ® 2SO32 - + 2Fe(22+) + 4H + (7.11)
out of solution as chromium hydroxide (with or without iron
substitution) potentially following one of the following pro- Chilakapati et al.31 noted that hydrolysis losses of dithionite
posed reactions34,35: and iron reduction rate are maximized at high pH. To take
advantage of those reaction characteristics, they delivered
2- 2+ -
CrO 4 + 3Fe + 4(OH ) + 4H 2O ® Cr(OH)3 + 3Fe(OH)3 dithionite in a potassium carbonate/bicarbonate buffer, at four
(7.7) times the dithionite concentration (pH 11). The tested aqui-
fer was poorly buffered by the soil matrix, and the high pH
CrO 4 2 - + 3Fe 2 + + 4(OH - ) + H 2O ® 4(Cr0.25Fe 0.75 )(OH)3 (7.8) condition was likely maintained while the dithionite reagent
remained active.
At elevated pH, the hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) precipita-
3CrO 4 2 - + FeS(s) + 9H 2O tion reactions are expected to be limited to the solid-phase
reaction (Equation 7.9). As ambient pH groundwater fluxes
® 4[Cr0.75Fe 0.25 ](OH)3 + Fe 2 + + S2O3 + 6OH - (7.9)
through the reduced iron barrier, greater solid-phase ferrous
iron (Fe2+) dissolution is likely and aqueous-phase reactions
3Fe 2 + + HCrO 4 - + 8H 2O ® 4[Cr0.25Fe 0.75 ](OH)3 + 5H + (7.10) with hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) are likely to occur.
As the hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) is reduced to triva-
In field trials reported by Fruchter et al.,33 77,000 L (20,500 lent chromium (Cr3+), the solid-phase ferrous iron (Fe2+)
gal) of a buffered dithionite solution (average 0.066 M) was loses available surface area to continue to facilitate the
injected into a permeable formation that consisted of sandy reaction. Reducing capacity of the iron barrier is also lost
gravel overlying sandy silt/clay. The injection fluid was to other electron acceptors such as dissolved oxygen and
pumped into the 8 in. diameter injection well at 20 gpm nitrate (NO3−). Some of the lost reducing capacity can be
for 17.1  h. The fluid remained in place for the next 18.5  h. recovered (i.e., reversible reactions), but require periodic
In Situ Treatment of Metals 337

reapplication of the dithionite reductant to reestablish solid- acidity neutralization may decrease the permeability of the
phase ferrous iron (Fe2+) in the reactive zone. The frequency aquifer (Chapter 3). This “geochemical fouling” of the aqui-
at which reapplication is required is determined by the total fer permeability is intentional and beneficial from an in situ
electron acceptor flux (which determines the rate of con- metal precipitation perspective but may ultimately limit the
sumption of the solid-phase ferrous iron [Fe2+]). There are distribution and reduce the resultant contact efficiency with
reactions that are not reversible and permanently remove impacted groundwater. More densely spaced injection loca-
reactive iron from the reactive zone (i.e., the inclusion of tions may be necessary.
iron into trivalent chromium [Cr3+] hydroxide precipitates). To demonstrate some of the concepts discussed in this
Any irreversible mineral formation permanently removes section, a treatability test case study with both bench-
reducing capacity from the reactive zone. A critical design scale and field-scale components is presented. Historical
objective is to ensure the dimensions of and iron loading to releases associated with a former galvanizing operation in
the reactive zone are sufficient to accommodate irreversible the Southeastern United States lead to an acidic groundwa-
mineralization until remedial objectives are complete or the ter plume with dissolved concentrations of metals exceed-
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) is sufficiently mitigated to pre- ing applicable regulatory criteria for groundwater (Al, As,
vent harm to receptors. Cd, Cr, Fe, Pb, Ni, and Zn). The site-specific geology is
conceptualized as fine to medium grained sands overly-   Polysulfide Metal Precipitation  Implementing ing a low-permeability semiconfining layer. Discontinuous
polysulfide (Sx2−) injections for in  situ metal precipitation depressions of variable thickness into the surface of the low-
can be highly successful, but also requires careful consider- permeability semiconfining layer are present throughout the
ation of numerous factors to be effective over long-term time site as a result of natural erosion. The depressions are filled
frames. In acidic metal-rich-contaminated aquifers, acidity with fine-grained silts and clays and are of lower perme-
neutralization reactions (e.g., sulfide scavenging) can hap- ability than the overlying sand. Over time, acidity and high
pen instantaneously and polysulfide (Sx2−) disproportionation concentrations of dissolved metals have collected in these
reactions (e.g., sulfide oxidation and speciation) can happen depressions through density-driven advection. Estimates
on the order of seconds.37 As is predicted by Figure 7.6, dilut- of the groundwater velocity using Darcy’s law suggest an
ing the polysulfide assays to concentrations relevant from an approximate 700 ft per year in the Sand Zone (SZ) and 10 ft
in  situ metal precipitation perspective (i.e., 0.5%–10% by per year in the Transition Zone (TZ). Therefore, the CSM is
weight) results in the precipitation of elemental sulfur due to characterized as mildly acidic, moderate concentrations of
the oxidation of sulfide (S2−). For strongly acidic aquifers, it dissolved metals in groundwater within the overlying SZ,
may be beneficial to co-injection a source of alkalinity (e.g., and strongly acidic, high concentrations of dissolved metals
sodium carbonate [Na2CO3], sodium bicarbonate [NaHCO3], within the discontinuous depressions (referred to as the TZ).
sodium hydroxide [NaOH]) to reduce sulfide (S2−) scaveng- The depth to groundwater is approximately 5–7 ft below
ing for acidity neutralization and optimize metal sulfide ground surface (bgs), the depth of the SZ is approximately
(MeS) formation. 15 ft bgs, and the TZ has been observed to range from 0 to
Practicality must be incorporated into key design 50 ft in thickness.
assumptions regarding achievable in  situ sulfide (S2−) dis- A bench-scale treatability test using site-specific soil and
tribution, sustainable injection flow rates, and acidity neu- groundwater was conducted in March 2006. The objectives of
tralization. For example, the effectiveness of polysulfide the bench-scale test were as follows:
(Sx2−) for in  situ metal precipitation should be considered
only in the saturated interval influenced during the injec- • Assess whether the reagents (calcium polysulfide
tion. This is different from an injection of a soluble carbon [CaSx] and sodium hydroxide [NaOH] buffered
substrate (i.e., molasses or lactate), which follows pseudo- with sodium bicarbonate [NaOH/NaHCO3]) could
first-order reaction kinetics and has an approximate half-life remove dissolved metals (primarily zinc and nickel)
of 40 days (k = 0.02 day−1). Injected carbon is anticipated to from groundwater.
propagate degradable carbon downgradient of the injected • Identify the more effective of the two reagents.
radius of influence (ROI) 10s–100s of feet before being con- • Estimate the optimal dosage of the selected reagent.
sumed to an insignificant level. Second-order reaction rate
constants available in the literature for metal sulfide (MeS) Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells
formation are too rapid to determine experimentally, but are representing background, low, and high metals concentra-
estimated to be greater than 8 × 1012 M/day.18 This clearly tions, and soil samples were obtained from both the SZ and
demonstrates that chemically induced in situ reactive zones TZ. The bench-scale treatability test was conducted in three
(IRZs) for metal precipitation using polysulfides (Sx2−) must separate phases, each using low and high groundwater in both
achieve contact with impacted groundwater during injection the SZ and TZ soil. Phase I used titration of groundwater
with little to no reliance on propagation of reactive sulfide only to set pH endpoints (6.0, 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0) to estimate
(S2−) downgradient postinjection. The formation of targeted appropriate reagent dosing for Phase II. Phase II tested the
metal sulfides (MeS) and coprecipitation of ancillary metal determined reagent concentration on soil and groundwater
oxides (MeO) and metal hydroxides (MeOH) as a result of mixtures. Finally, Phase III tested the permanence of the
338 Remediation Engineering

metal precipitation through exposure to background ground- 3. Phase III of the bench-scale treatability test was to
water under aggressive agitation. test the permanence of the precipitated metal sul-
fides (MeS). Following the more aggressive mixing
1. Analytical results from Phase I demonstrated trials of Phase II, treated soil was suspended in back-
CaSx was effective over a broader pH range than ground groundwater and shaken for approximately
NaOH/NaHCO3 in removing zinc and nickel from 24 h. Measurements and analyses performed on the
site groundwater only (data not shown). This was supernatant indicated minor dissolution of zinc and
expected based on a comparison between the solubil- nickel (Figure 7.8), both below the treatment goals.
ity constants of metal sulfides and metal hydroxides This is in good agreement with the literature solubil-
(Table 7.6 and Figure 7.7). Dissolved zinc concen- ity constants presented in Tables 7.5 through 7.7.
trations in the high groundwater trial were reduced
from approximately 140 mg/L to below 0.1 mg/L The results of the bench-scale treatability test confirmed
as a result of CaSx treatment over all pH endpoints. that sulfide precipitation was likely to be more effective at
Sodium hydroxide/sodium bicarbonate was effective this site. The optimal pH for sulfide precipitation with CaSx
at reducing zinc, but only at pH greater than 8.0. was determined via titration to be approximately 7.0; how-
2. In spite of the increased metal loading and acid- ever, according to the predictive speciation of nickel sulfide
ity associated with the addition of soil in Phase II, (NiS; Figure 7.4) and the 100 μg/L treatment goal at this site, a
CaSx removed 99% of zinc and 88%–97% of nickel more alkaline pH was targeted for the in situ field-scale treat-
(Figure 7.8). Sodium hydroxide/sodium bicarbon- ability test. The in situ dosing strength was determined to be
ate did not achieve the treatment goals in all cases, 0.4% by weight for the SZ and 0.8% by weight for the TZ.
seemingly because the buffering capacity of the Lastly, the permanence of metal sulfide precipitates appeared
NaOH/NaHCO3 was insufficient to account for the to be recalcitrant to dissolution when subjected to background
increased acidity of the soil. The Phase II testing was groundwater.
duplicated with more aggressive mixing to realize The in  situ field treatability test was implemented in
the full acidity and metal loading of the soil, but CaSx November 2006 with monitoring conducted through June
was consistently effective (data not shown). Because 2007. The field-scale treatability test was implemented using
CaSx out performed NaOH/NaHCO3, NaOH/ direct-push technology (DPT) injection within a grid pat-
NaHCO3 was not carried through to Phase III. tern. This type of injection is amenable to polysulfide (Sx2−)


NiCO3 solubility

100 20
Concentration (mg/L)

Ni(OH)2 solubility
10 10 Ni2+

5 NiCO30

1 Ni(OH)2

NiS solubility –5 Millerite

MCL = 100 mg/L

0.01 –15
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
(a) pH (b) pH

FIGURE 7.7  (a) Comparisons of nickel solubility in equilibrium with common solubility controlling solid phases. Solubility calcula-
tions were performed using MINEQL+. (From Schecher, W.D. and McAvoy, D.C., MINEQL+, 4.5 ed., Environmental Research Software,
Hallowell, ME, 1998.) (b) pE–pH stability diagram for the nickel–sulfur–carbonate–water system. As expected, millerite (NiS) would form
under reducing conditions, likely precipitating nickel out of groundwater. Sequentially nickel (Ni2+), nickel carbonate (NiCO30), and nickel
hydroxide (Ni(OH)2) speciate according to pH. This pE–pH stability diagram was calculated assuming a temperature of 25°C and the fol-
lowing nickel, sulfur (as sulfate [SO42−]), and carbon (as bicarbonate [HCO3−]) concentrations, respectively: 1.7 × 10 −4 M, 1.0 × 10 −2 M, and
4.9 × 10 −3 M. This figure was made using PH Redox Equilibrium Equation in C language with the wateq database.
In Situ Treatment of Metals 339

Untreated NaOH CaSx Zn goal Untreated NaOH CaSx Ni goal

1000 1000


Nickel (μg/L)
Zinc (mg/L)



0.1 1
SZ/low SZ/high TZ/low TZ/high SZ/low SZ/high TZ/low TZ/high
(a) Soil type/groundwater type (b) Soil type/groundwater type

Untreated CaSx Back Zn goal Untreated CaSx Back Ni goal

1000 1000


Nickel (μg/L)
Zinc (mg/L)



0.01 1
SZ/low SZ/high TZ/low TZ/high SZ/low SZ/high TZ/low TZ/high
(d) Soil type/groundwater type
(c) Soil type/groundwater type

FIGURE 7.8  Calcium polysulfide (CaSx) treatability test data. (a) and (b) represent zinc and nickel treatment in sand zone and transition
zone under high and low contaminant loading with treatment by sodium hydroxide/sodium bicarbonate (NaOH/NaHCO3, abbreviated as
NaOH) and calcium polysulfide (abbreviated as CaSx). (c) and (d) represent posttreatment stability in ambient groundwater, abbreviated
as Back.

treatment because the spacing of the grid can be adjusted in in zinc, nickel, and pH depicted in Figure 7.9. Perhaps the
the field based on sulfide distribution and injection capacity most notable observation of the data is the simultaneous dip
observations. There can be issues with the DPT rig compact- in zinc and nickel accompanied by a peak in pH approxi-
ing the annulus of the borehole, and it is important to consider mately 500 days after the injection event. Based on the rate
the hydrostratigraphy before selecting the injection technol- kinetics of metal sulfide precipitation discussed earlier, it is
ogy. The dosing concentrations of CaSx in the SZ and TZ were unlikely that this reduction in zinc and nickel (and increase
4% and 8%, respectively. The dosing concentrations were in pH) was the result of this monitoring well being influ-
increased an order of magnitude from those determined dur- enced by the injection. If these results had been directly influ-
ing the bench-scale treatability testing to account for aquifer enced by the injection, a decrease in zinc and nickel and an
dilution and an anticipated greater sulfide (S2−) scavenging at increase in pH would have been expected coincident with
the field scale. Approximately 9,600 and 3,150 gal of CaSx the injection. The challenging injection hydraulics limited
were planned for injection into 12 injection locations. Each the distribution of reactive sulfide (S2−), and it is likely that
location had two points, one screened over the SZ and one treated groundwater from the injection influenced area moved
screened over the TZ. Due to challenging injection hydraulics through this monitoring well, demonstrating a dilution sig-
and geochemical fouling, only 2,343 gal was injected into the nature. About 1,000 days after the injection, zinc and nickel
SZ (approximately 25% of the targeted volume), and 1,955 gal concentrations and pH measurements stabilize. The zinc and
was injected into the TZ (approximately 62% of the targeted nickel concentrations stabilized at concentrations less than
volume). Analytical data for zinc, nickel, and pH from a moni- preinjection, most notably nickel stabilized below the treat-
toring well located within the injection grid are presented in ment goal. This demonstrates that upgradient treatment was
Figure 7.9. In addition to the analytical data, the time of the sufficient for nickel. The stabilization of zinc is an order of
injection event and the zinc and nickel treatment goals are magnitude below preinjection concentrations, but remains
presented in Figure 7.9 to facilitate this discussion. above the treatment goal. Additionally, insufficient acidity
Critical observations of in  situ metal precipitation treat- neutralization occurred to reestablish the background pH of
ment effectiveness, metal sulfide permanence and stability, approximately 6.2. Therefore, it is likely that additional buf-
and acidity neutralization can be made from the response fer will be required for full-scale in situ metal precipitation.
340 Remediation Engineering

Aqueous zinc and nickel concentration versus time


Nickel and zinc concentrations (μg/L)





10 3.5

1 3.0
–1000 –500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Days elapsed since injection

Zinc Zn goal Nickel Ni goal pH Field-scale injection

FIGURE 7.9  Groundwater concentration response of zinc (Zn2+), nickel (Ni2+), and pH to a calcium polysulfide (CaSx) injection. The delayed
decrease in groundwater concentrations indicates that the representative monitoring well was not influenced during injection, but that upgra-
dient treatment influenced migrated downgradient over the course of the post injection performance monitoring period.

The analytical data in Figure 7.9 are presented on a logarith- maximum depth explored of 30 ft bgs (deeper aquifer). The
mic y-axis, and therefore, it is not visually apparent that the measured depth of water is shallow (approximately 5 ft bgs)
zinc concentration is slowly increasing over time. This is not and may be tidally influenced. The baseline concentrations
surprising considering that this field-scale implementation in the two pilot study areas ranged from 19 to 1,800 μg/L
was a small-scale in situ demonstration to support the broader for nickel and 190 to 20,000 μg/L for zinc. The baseline pH
full-scale design. However, it is difficult to assign a specific ranged from 4.1 to 6.5 and was classified as mildly acidic.
mechanism to the slow increase of zinc. Some explanations In general, higher dissolved metal concentrations and more
are impacted groundwater further upgradient moving into the acidic pH were observed in the deeper aquifer. The CaSx was
field-scale treatability test area, slow-advective equilibrium injected into the shallow aquifer (5–15 ft bgs) through tempo-
from the less mobile fraction of the aquifer, or acidic pH jeop- rarily installed injection points over two discrete 5 ft screens
ardizing the stability of the zinc-sulfide precipitates. Based on (5–10 and 10–15 ft bgs). Approximately 1,200 gal of CaSx solu-
the predictive speciation diagram in Figure 7.4, the pH range tion was injected into the 5–10 and 10–15 ft bgs intervals in
of 3.5–4.5 should theoretically result in the dissolution of zinc the shallow aquifer at reasonable injection pressures and flow
and nickel sulfide precipitates, but the nickel sulfides appear rates. The CaSx was injected into the deep aquifer (25–30 ft
to be comparatively stable. This may be the result of stable bgs) through DPT points due to the expected lower perme-
crystalline nickel sulfides forming during the first 1,000 days ability over 1 ft discrete intervals. Approximately 620 gal of
following the injection and the natural groundwater velocity CaSx was able to be injected into the deep aquifer under chal-
creating nonequilibrium conditions.38 Regardless of the precise lenging injection pressure and low flow rates. The distribution
mechanism for slight increases greater than 2,000 days post- of sulfide and an inert tracer (bromide) demonstrated more
injection for this field-scale treatability test, the results show meaningful response of the injected reagent in the shallow
that in situ metal precipitation using polysulfides (Sx2−) can be aquifer. The analytical results for baseline and approximately
highly effective and permanent, but implementation is complex 30 and 40 days after the injection are presented in Figure 7.10.
and proper dosing and acidity neutralization is essential. Two monitoring wells are shown for each aquifer with ana-
Another case study helps us evaluate the importance of lytical results presented for arsenic (As), iron (Fe), selenium
reagent distribution and secondary water quality concerns (Se), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn).
for a calcium polysulfide (CaSx) injection. A small field-scale Other metal analysis was completed, but the results of those
comparison of delivery mechanisms for CaSx was conducted metals were negligible in comparison to those presented (cad-
in 2010 in the Western United States to primarily address mium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, and molybdenum).
nickel and zinc in a shallow aquifer. The lithology at the sub- The graphs presented in Figure 7.10 are shown as normalized
ject site is characterized as fine to medium silts and sands concentrations (normalized to the baseline concentration; C/
from 5 to 15 ft bgs (shallow aquifer), underlain by less perme- C0) to account for the large variability in magnitude of the
able and highly heterogeneous sands, silts, and clays to the different metals (e.g., iron was detected at concentrations as
In Situ Treatment of Metals 341

10.00 MW-A shallow aquifer (5–15 ft bgs) 10.00 MW-B shallow aquifer (5–15 ft bgs)

Normalized concentration
Normalized concentration

response (C/C0)
response (C/C0)

1.00 1.00
As As
Fe Fe
Se Se
0.10 Co 0.10 Co
Ni Ni
Zn Zn
Mn Mn
0.01 0.01
Baseline 30 days 40 days Baseline 30 days 40 days

10.00 MW-C deep aquifer (25–30 ft bgs) 10.00 MW-D deep aquifer (25–30 ft bgs)

Normalized concentration
Normalized concentration

response (C/C0)
response (C/C0)

1.00 1.00
As As
Fe Fe
Se Se
0.10 Co 0.10 Co
Ni Ni
Zn Zn
Mn Mn
0.01 0.01
Baseline 30 days 40 days Baseline 30 days 40 days

FIGURE 7.10  Normalized groundwater concentration responses for numerous metals prior to and 30 and 40 days following a calcium
polysulfide (CaSx) injection.

high as 350,000 μg/L compared to selenium that was detected spacing and potentially more than one application to
at concentrations as high as 150 μg/L). Presenting the data address stored acidity and high-concentration metals
as a normalized concentration enables quick identification of in the immobile fraction of the aquifer.
increases and decreases in metal concentrations. Comparing 2. Another indication that strongly reducing conditions
those changes on a logarithmic scale allows for a compari- were more homogeneous in the shallow aquifer than
son of treatment effectiveness and secondary water quality the deep aquifer is the response in selenium (Se). Large
concerns. There are numerous observations that can be made increases in selenium (Se) are observed at MW-A and
about this data set, and this summarizes some of the most MW-B, compared to a smaller response at MW-C and
relevant observations: a decrease in MW-D. The sorption of selenium (Se) to
iron surfaces is redox sensitive. Under reducing con-
1. The overall treatment effectiveness in the shallow ditions where iron is soluble as ferrous iron (Fe2+), an
aquifer is higher than the deep aquifer. This is likely increase in selenium (Se) is an indication that the tar-
attributed to better reagent distribution and polysul- geted engineered conditions were likely achieved in
fide (Sx2−) contact with the targeted dissolved phase the shallow aquifer and to a lesser extent in the deep
metal and acidity. Neutralizing the pH may have aquifer. However, selenium (Se) has a primary MCL
contributed to iron precipitation (and subsequent of 50 μg/L (Table 7.4) and can present a secondary
arsenic precipitation; Section, particularly water quality concern. This side effect is expected to
in MW-B. The targeted metals concentrations of be temporary as the naturally occurring geochemis-
nickel and zinc demonstrated 75% and 99% and 82% try of the aquifer is reestablished upon flushing the
and 99% reductions in MW-A and MW-B, respec- treated area. The solubilized ferrous iron (Fe2+) will
tively. This contrasted with nickel and zinc decreases reprecipitate as iron oxyhydroxides, and selenium (Se)
of 12% and 53% and 28% and 30% in MW-C and is expected to sorb and coprecipitate.
MW-D, respectively. As the shallow aquifer wells 3. Arsenic precipitation is highly associated with
showed a stronger dose response to the injection and iron precipitation (Section Locations such
more volume was injected into the shallow aquifer, as MW-A, MW-C, and MW-D where stable or
this result underscores the importance of the vol- increased arsenic concentrations are observed,
ume to distribution relationship and reagent contact so are stable or increased iron concentrations.
for chemically induced sulfide precipitation. From However, at MW-B, a large decrease in iron and
a design perspective, the deep aquifer will likely an associated decrease in arsenic are observed.
need more temporary injection points with a tighter The difference in magnitude between the iron and
342 Remediation Engineering

arsenic at MW-B slightly mutes the effect, but the  Zero-Valent Iron Metal Precipitation
decrease in iron and arsenic at MW-B is the greatest In  situ ZVI treatment for hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) is
of all four compared monitoring wells (iron decreased believed to involve reduction of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+)
from 200,000 to 7,100 μg/L and arsenic decreased to trivalent chromium (Cr3+), coupled with the oxidation of
from 130 to 65 μg/L). Notice that baseline arsenic ZVI (Fe0) to ferrous (Fe2+) and ferric (Fe3+) iron, followed by
concentration at all locations at the site exceeds the the precipitation of ferric (Fe3+)-trivalent chromium (Cr3+)
primary MCL of 10 μg/L and was attributed to natu- oxyhydroxides or hydroxides.44 Blowes et al.45 provide a sum-
ral geogenic arsenic. The observed iron decreases mary of theory and field experience for conventional ZVI
and associated arsenic decreases imply that the applications. They identified two key reactions that drive
injected CaSx resulted in the consumption of acidity hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) removal in ZVI reactive walls: a
and the resultant precipitation of iron oxyhydroxides. heterogeneous reduction reaction that is followed by precipi-
This is an important observation because had the per- tation of the trivalent chromium (Cr3+), shown in the following
meability in the shallow aquifer been as challenging equations:
as the deep aquifer, the iron and arsenic precipitation
may have clogged the porosity and inhibited further CrO 4(aq )2 - + Fe(s)0 + 8H (aq ) + ® Fe(aq )3+ + Cr(aq )3+ + 4H 2O( l )
distribution. The field-scale testing was essential to (7.13)
demonstrate the porosity clogging was not a limiting
factor in the shallow aquifer. The arsenic (As), iron ( 1 - x )Fe(aq )3 + + ( x )Cr(aq )3 + + 2H 2O( l ) ® Fe(1- x )Cr( x )OOH (s) + 3H(aq)) +
(Fe), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) results at MW-A seem  (7.14)
to imply that insufficient ANC was provided to result
in precipitation of iron and arsenic; however, enough The net consumption of protons would be expected to raise
reactive sulfide (S2−) was distributed to result in some pH during the reaction series.
reductions of nickel and zinc. Slight increases in A small-scale field trial in the Eastern United States
arsenic at MW-A may be associated with enhanced reported by Puls et al.46 indicates that ZVI reactive barriers
solubility of arsenic under reducing conditions with a can reduce dissolved chromium concentrations. In their test
higher concentration of anions (Chapter 3). of auger-installed ZVI “tubes,” the authors observed a reduc-
tion of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) from 1 to 3 mg/L to less
As a closing note on polysulfides (Sx2−), an observation in than 0.01 mg/L on passage through the reactive barrier. Puls
Tables 7.6 and 7.7 is highlighted for discussion. These tables et al.46 observed pH increases across a ZVI reactive barrier.
show the comparison of metal sulfides (MeS) to metal hydrox- On the influent side, pH ranged from 5.5 to 6.1, while values
ides (MeOH) and metal oxides (MeO), and for the majority of on the downgradient side ranged from 7.5 to 9.9. Mineral pre-
metals that typically cause concern in aquifers, metal sulfides cipitate formation accompanies many of the ZVI consuming
(MeS) are superior from precipitation and stability perspec- reactions, so that dissolved iron concentrations on the effluent
tives. Most noticeably, chromium is an important environmen- side of a reactive barrier may be relatively low, considering
tal contaminant (Section In Table 7.6, the solubility the large mass of iron deployed. Puls et  al.,46 for example,
constant of chromium sulfide (CrS) is not provided, and in observed ferrous iron (Fe2+) concentrations ranging from 2 to
Table 7.7, chromium sulfide (CrS) is listed as “dissolves” 20 mg/L in the effluent of a ZVI reactive barrier.
indicating that the solubility is greater than 1 g in 1,000 g of Furakawa et  al.47 studied the mineralogy of the barrier
water. Wouldn’t this imply that strongly reducing chemically described by Puls et  al.46 and an additional iron reactive
induced sulfide precipitation could be confounded by chro- barrier near Denver, CO. Both walls had been in place for
mium exceedances, regardless if other dissolved metals were 4 years at the time of mineral sample collections. Ferrihydrite
addressed? Fortunately, even though chromium sulfide (CrS) (Fe2O3 * 0.5H2O) formation was significant, but the mineral
may not be stable under relevant in situ aquifer geochemistry, did not accumulate on the ZVI surfaces and therefore did not
chromium hydroxide is indeed stable. The injection of poly- contribute to passivation. This is contrary to laboratory batch
sulfide (Sx2−) can facilitate the reduction of soluble hexavalent and column findings that showed ZVI filings developed coat-
chromium (Cr6+) to trivalent chromium (Cr3+), and the acidity ings of goethite (FeOOH) with trivalent chromium (Cr3+) con-
scavenging characteristic of sulfides increases the concentra- centrated at the outermost grain boundary.48 Furakawa et al.
tion of hydroxide (OH−) in groundwater.39–43 The following pointed out that ferrihydrite (Fe2O3 * 0.5H2O) may be ben-
equation summarizes the process of calcium polysulfide (CaSx, eficial, as the site of arsenate (As5+) and trivalent chromium
assumed to be in the pentasulfide form for simplicity [S52−]) (Cr3+) adsorption. They observed numerous other minerals in
mediated hexavalent chromium (Cr6+, in the form of chromate the reactive wall samples and concluded that the geochemical
[CrO42−]) reduction to trivalent chromium (Cr3+) and the subse- environment within the reactive barrier was highly heteroge-
quent trivalent chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3(s)) precipitation: neous. The working model for hexavalent chromium (Cr6+)
removal when using ZVI (based on laboratory and field obser-
2CrO 4 2 - + 3CaS5 + 10H + vations) is via the formation of a solid solution or by adsorp-
tion of trivalent chromium (Cr3+) onto the surfaces of iron
« 2Cr(OH)3(s) + 15S(s) + 3Ca 2 + + 2H 2O (7.12) corrosion products.44 This is supported by the observations
In Situ Treatment of Metals 343

from Wilkin and McNeil, who observed adsorption onto concluded that arsenic precipitation may be a viable mecha-
the ZVI surface as the initial and most rapid metal removal nism in field-scale iron reactive barriers. However, arsenic
mechanism for copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), zinc sorption will be significantly influenced by variations in the
(Zn), mercury (Hg), aluminum (Al), manganese (Mn), and pH and oxidation–reduction potential that develop in ZVI
arsenic (As).49 reactive barriers, and arsenic precipitation will not occur in
The ZVI reactive barrier investigated by Puls et al.46 was all sections of the barrier. Site-specific aquifer chemistry will
investigated by Wilkin et  al. in 2003 and 2005, approxi- control the ability of ZVI to achieve desired arsenic treat-
mately 8  years after the barrier was installed, using high- ment, and pilot-scale testing is essential.
resolution mineral characterization, spectroscopy, and It is clear that ZVI can facilitate effective chemical reduc-
microscopy.44,49 After 8  years of operation, a decrease in tion of oxidation–reduction potential sensitive metals and sup-
the remedial performance of the reactive barrier (evidenced port adsorptive immobilization of sorptive metals; however,
by an increase in hexavalent chromium [Cr6+] concentra- achieving distribution of ZVI via injection remains challeng-
tions within or downgradient of the reactive zone) has not ing. The advances in nanoscale (nZVI) over the past 15 years
been observed.44 It is estimated that approximately 33 kg of are promising and with a greater understanding of agglomera-
chromium has been removed from groundwater at the time tion and its causes there will no doubt be a ­solution to chal-
of the publication.44 Following on the mineralogical assess- lenging slurry injections in the future (Chapter 6). It behooves
ment by Furakawa et  al. and others, mineralogical charac- the practioner to recognize the physical and geochemical
terization of soil materials indicates the formation of calcite/ distribution constraints of ZVI and nZVI when selecting an
aragonite (CaCO3), iron carbonate hydroxide (FeCO3OH), implementation method.
magnetite (Fe3O4), lepidocrocite (γ-FeO(OH)), ferrihydrite
(Fe2O3  *  0.5H2O), mackinawite (FeS), and carbonate green  Ionic Manipulation
rust ([Fe(6−x)2+Fex3+(OH)12]x+(CO32−)0.5X * yH2O) are all pres- Certain anions maybe injected into the aquifer to force pre-
ent in the reactive barrier.47,49,50 By measuring the available cipitation of low-solubility compounds. For example, uranium
pore space on the upgradient and downgradient sides of the in the oxidized form is uranyl (U(VI); UO22+) and is highly
ZVI reactive barrier, Wilkin et  al. were able to predict that soluble and therefore mobile in natural aquifers associated
approximately 15% of the upgradient and 1% of the down- with potential releases from mining operations. Although
gradient available pore space had been lost due to mineral- chemical or biological oxidation–reduction potential cycling
ization.44 Measured mineral coverage on ZVI (Fe0) granules is a viable treatment approach to reduce the uranyl to urani-
ranged from approximately 30 to 150 μm thick on the upgra- nite (U(IV); UO2(s)0), which precipitates out of solution under
dient edge and less than 5 μm thick on the downgradient circumneutral pH, introducing phosphate (PO43−) can produce
edge.44 This reduction in pore space could be detrimental to low-solubility uranyl phosphate compounds.
the reactive barrier (resulting in channeling; see Chapter 10) Uranyl treatment permanence through the injection of
or beneficial by providing additional capacity for removal of phosphate (PO43−) has been demonstrated through field dem-
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) by creating sorptive iron miner- onstrations. In situ phosphate (PO43−) treatment is an emerg-
als like ferrihydrite (Fe2O3 * 0.5H2O). Based on the mineral ing technology currently under evaluation for the removal of
characterization work in the Wilkin et  al. study, they deter- dissolved uranium (UO22+) in groundwater. The technology
mined a significant percentage of trivalent chromium (Cr3+) uses a phosphate (PO43−) amendment to promote uranyl phos-
associated with mackinawite (FeS) in field samples. This phate precipitation, which immobilizes dissolved uranium
is consistent with several studies that have demonstrated (UO22+). This technology has been used in bench and field-
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) is rapidly transformed to insol- scale tests by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Pacific
uble trivalent chromium (Cr3+) due to reactions with iron sul- Northwest National Laboratory at the Hanford Site to reduce
fide surfaces.35,51,52 This is in support of the working model for uranium concentrations in impacted groundwater.56,57 The
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) treatment in the presence of ZVI technology was selected as part of the preferred alternatives
(Fe0) and demonstrates the importance of the ZVI (Fe0) cor- for the Hanford 300 area uranium plume.58
rosion products to ferrous iron (Fe2+). This case study example A source of phosphate (PO43−) is injected directly into the
is further explored in Chapter 10. aquifer, where it reacts with dissolved uranium (UO22+) to
Arsenic solubility is dominated by the interaction of its form uranium phosphate mineral precipitates. These minerals
oxyanions with iron and manganese minerals, particularly include the following:
through coprecipitation and adsorption into the hydrous struc-
ture of amorphous iron minerals.53 Decreases in the oxidation– • Chernikovite (H[{UO2}{PO4}] * 4H2O)
reduction potential of an aquifer or acidic pH can solubilize • Autunite hydrates (Ca[{UO2}{PO4}]2 * xH2O)
iron and manganese minerals consequently releasing arsenic • Apatite (Ca5[PO4]3[F,Cl,OH])
that was bound to the iron and manganese minerals into the
aqueous phase. ZVI reactive barriers entail large-scale cor- The uranium phosphate minerals (chernikovite and autun-
rosion of ZVI surfaces, and many iron mineral precipitates ite hydrates) have low solubility under ambient aquifer con-
form that may serve to trap arsenic. Su and Puls54,55 studied ditions.56 The oxidation state of uranium is not changed by
arsenic immobilization in ZVI batch and column studies and this technology. Compared to technologies that rely upon
344 Remediation Engineering

transforming uranyl (UO22+) to uraninite (UO2) in situ, there strength water into the treatment zone, followed by recovery
is no concern with phosphate (PO43−) precipitation relative to of the injected water). Results of the push pull testing show
reoxidation and resulting dissolution of uraninite (UO2). The insignificant dissolution of emplaced phosphate minerals and
application of phosphate (PO43−) through an injection-based uranium.
approach can provide a means of in  situ groundwater treat-
ment that results in the direct precipitation of uranium, as well  Biological Methods
as the establishment of a reactive barrier for longer-term treat- In situ biological reducing zones can be created in a manner
ment as upgradient impacted groundwater moves through the identical to that applied for enhanced reductive dechlorina-
treatment zone. tion (ERD). The injection of an electron donor (carbohydrates,
Two sources of phosphate (orthophosphate [PO43−] and tri- oil, etc.) stimulates the naturally-occurring microbial commu-
polyphosphate [TPP; P3O105−]) have been used in evaluations nity. The natural flux of available electron acceptors (oxygen,
of this technology. Orthophosphate (PO43−) is an immediately nitrate, manganese, iron, and sulfate) is depleted by the stimu-
available source of phosphate (PO43−), whereas TPP (P3O105−) lated microbial consumption, driving the microbial metabo-
slowly hydrolyzes (reacts with water) to form orthophosphate lism into anaerobia. This floods the aquifer matrix with
(PO43−), thereby providing a gradual source of phosphate reduced inorganic species and lowers the observed oxidation–
(PO43−). In the presence of excess phosphate (PO43−), addi- reduction potential. In particular, the availability of the sul-
tional apatite (Ca5[PO4]3[F,Cl,OH]) is formed, which provides fide ion (S2−) increases, and under these conditions, metals
long-term treatment capacity as future upgradient contami- such as chromium, cadmium, nickel, and zinc may precipitate
nated water passes through the treated zone.59 rapidly. A biological nickel precipitation strategy is discussed
A field-scale pilot test was implemented at a site in the in detail in Section
Western United States in 2013. The pilot test included the The addition of a carbon substrate can enhance the forma-
installation of an injection and monitoring well network, a tion of reduced, anaerobic conditions by depleting the avail-
preliminary tracer test to understand the volume to distribu- able oxidation potential. The presence of carbohydrates serves
tion relationship (Chapters 4 and 6), and the chemical injection two purposes: microorganisms use it as their growth substrate
of sodium tripolyphosphate (Na5P3O10) and calcium chloride by depleting the available oxygen, and they use it as an energy
(CaCl2) with subsequent performance monitoring for more source for the reduction of sulfate (SO42−) to sulfide (S2−).
than 180 days postinjection. Immediate treatment of dissolved Theoretically, 3 mg/L of sulfate (SO42−) produces 1 mg/L of
uranium to below standards (0.16 mg/L) was observed after sulfide (S2−) (Equations 7.15 and 7.16). In reality, more sulfate
the introduction of reagents, with sustained treatment through (SO42−) must be reduced because two of the chemical forms of
180 days postinjection (Figure 7.11). Uranium treatment per- sulfide are easily removed from solution:
sisted, even as tracers and reagents washed out of the reactive
zone, indicating that dissolved uranium was transported into
the treatment zone from upgradient areas and immobilized SO 4 2 - + 8e - + 10H + ® H 2S + 4H 2O (7.15)
by phosphate precipitates (chernikovite, autunite hydrates
and coprecipitated with apatite). Uranium that was precipi- 3 mg SO 4 2 - 1 mmol SO 4 2 - 1 mmol H 2S
tated in situ remained in place after an attempt at remobili- ´ 2-
L 96 mg SO 4 1 mmol SO 4 2 -
zation (through push pull test work that injected lower-ionic
34 mg H 2S 1.06 mg H 2S
´ = (7.16)
1 mmol H 2S L
1.2 1000
Total phosphorus and calcium (mg/L)

Dissovled uranium (mg/L)

7.3.2  Sorption/Coprecipitation
10 For some metals that are not as amenable to direct precipita-
0.6 tion, such as arsenic (As), coprecipitation can be an important
1 and necessary strategy. Coprecipitation involves the forma-
Site-specific remedial
tion of a beneficial secondary solid phase that can remove
0.2 goal 0.1 the target metal from solution by sorbing it onto its fresh sur-
faces and encapsulating it as more solid mass is precipitated
0.0 0.01 around it (this is called occlusion). The same can be achieved
–50 0 50 100 150 200 250
Days elapsed since injection (days) by incorporation of the targeted metal into the structure of the
new secondary solid phase (inclusion). The coprecipitation of
Dissolved uranium Injection metal contaminants with hydroxides (–OH) of aluminum (Al)
Total phosphorus Calcium and iron (Fe) is one of the most common treatment approaches
used to remove metals from industrial wastewater.4,27,60 Both
FIGURE 7.11  Uranium reductions in groundwater as a result of aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe) are relevant to in situ remedia-
calcium and phosphate addition. tion due to their natural abundance in soil5 (Table 7.1).
In Situ Treatment of Metals 345

The benefits of coprecipitation are well known and intui- This section discusses through some more detailed geo-
tive. Consuming acidity associated with a metal release in chemical properties, as well as more applicable technology
an aquifer results in a several orders of magnitude increase implementations to achieve in situ metals treatment, the anal-
in the hydroxide (OH−) concentration and heavily influences ysis conducted to demonstrate treatment, and some specific
dissolved iron concentrations. As the acidity consumption/ considerations of routinely encountered metals (chromium
neutralization continues, precipitated hydrous ferric oxide and arsenic) and a brief discussion on radionuclides.
(HFO) may incorporate dissolved metals into the crystalline
structure through substitution, sorption onto the surface of the
7.4.1  Geochemistry
precipitate, or encapsulation/occlusion among layers of HFO
precipitation. Haphazard inclusion of target metals into HFO Metals are not destroyed in  situ, and with the potential for
will result in a decrease of the dissolved metal concentrations high concentration source zones to exist for extended peri-
and initially be viewed as successfully attaining regulatory ods of time, it is necessary to define performance factors that
standards—so long as pH conditions in favor of HFO pre- influence the success of in situ metal precipitation. For in situ
cipitation are maintained. Great examples of co-precipitation metal precipitation implementation, the most practical and
are arsenic (As3+, As5+) incorporation into iron oxyhydrox- defensible performance factors to consider are those associ-
ide precipitates as a result of pH neutralization and iron ated with the aquifer geochemistry because the solubilities
(Fe2+, Fe3+) incorporation into trivalent chromium hydroxide of metals vary with pH, ionic strength, and availability of
(Cr(OH)3) precipitation (Section In the case of iron anions or cations. The discussion in the literature on in situ
incorporation into trivalent chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) metal precipitation demonstrates the geochemical environ-
precipitation, the resultant iron–chromium hydroxide pre- ment in which metal precipitation strategies are deployed is
cipitate is less susceptible to reoxidation and is approximately as equally important to the success of the remedy as the pre-
200 times less soluble.27,61 In Section, a simple exam- cipitation itself. If the targeted metal precipitate is unstable
ple of direct chemical reduction of selenate (SeO42−) by fer- in the ambient geochemical environment (i.e., highly aerobic,
rous iron (Fe2+) was briefly explained, which influences the saline, slightly acidic), then chances are low that an immobi-
solubility of the target metal (i.e., selenium [Se]). In practice, lization strategy will be successful. However, if the targeted
mobile forms of selenium (selenate [SeO42−] and selenite metal precipitate will be stable under ambient geochemistry
[SeO32−]) are highly sorptive to ferric oxyhydroxide surfaces (i.e., not a geochemistry that is influenced by a release from
(goethite [α-FeO(OH)], hematite [Fe2O3], and ferrihydrite a former plating operation), confirming the reestablishment
[Fe2O3) * 0.5H2O]),62–69 which typically results in coprecipita- of the ambient geochemistry is a reliable performance factor.
tion or at least adsorption onto mineral surfaces. This mecha-
nism reduces the mobility of selenium (selenate [SeO42−] and  Solubility of the Targeted Mineral
selenite [SeO32−]) in situ. In situ metal precipitation requires that the selection of the tar-
Coprecipitation involving target metals that otherwise geted mineral represent the greatest stability over the widest
would not naturally precipitate is referred to as encapsulation. range of realistic natural geochemistry. Stability in terms of
Coprecipitation reagents are added to generate nontarget pre- in situ metal precipitation is directly relatable to the solubility
cipitation reactions at rates that far exceed the target metal pre- of the resultant precipitate. The speciation of the targeted pre-
cipitation reaction. This forms a combined precipitate mass in cipitating anion (sulfide [S2−], carbonate [CO32−], phosphate
which the target metal is only a minor component. When the [PO43−], hydroxide [OH−], etc.) in the groundwater and the
combined precipitate dissolves, the aqueous phase concentra- solubility product (Ksp) of the targeted metal precipitate can
tion of the target metal remains at an acceptable level. be combined to predict the behavior of the solubility. Natural
factors, such as chemical weathering, influence the solubil-
ity of precipitates. Chemical weathering is generally defined
as the equilibration between groundwater and atmospheric
Metals generally match hydrophobic organics for their solu- carbon dioxide (CO2), which speciates in the aqueous form
bilities in groundwater and are subject to significant adsorp- as carbonic acid (H2CO3) at pH below 6.3. The slight acidity
tion to soil through the cation exchange process. However, the of natural groundwater dissolving ambient soils over decades
source zone mass formation process for metals is different may not be a problem, but this acidity may jeopardize freshly
from what is observed for hydrophobic organics. The chemi- precipitated solids, which have yet to establish a complex lat-
cal habitat in the source zone may initially prevent the precipi- tice crystalline structure.
tation of metals (e.g., plating solutions are designed to avoid Solubility is a critical variable in both biological and chem-
precipitation), and during that time, the mass of metals stored ical reactive zone systems for metals. Among the important
in the static water fraction can become large. Then, if plating solubility effects relevant to in situ metal precipitation are as
solution stabilizers dissipate or are neutralized, precipitation follows:
can occur in the source area, infecting the source zone aqui-
fer matrix with partially soluble metal solids. The solids then • Precipitation reactions rely on low-solubility prod-
can support a long-term leaching of metals into the migratory ucts to remove target compounds from the aqueous
groundwater. phase. One of the important strategies applied in
346 Remediation Engineering

both chemical and biological IRZ is the formation of system, the regulatory standard would be for the summation
insoluble metal precipitates. of nickel (Ni2+) in groundwater and the nickel thiosulfate
• Changes can be induced in the aqueous phase complexes formed that could keep nickel (Ni2+) dissolved
chemical environment during remedial actions that in the groundwater. The laboratory method for the aqueous
solubilize natural soil minerals and contaminant pre- nickel (Ni2+) concentration is indiscriminate with respect to
cipitates in unintended side reactions. This can lead the dissolved nickel (Ni2+) concentration. Therefore, if the
to the appearance of new contaminants in a reactive design does not consider the potential for soluble complexes,
zone treatment (Chapter 3). the potential exists to be unable to reach the regulatory stan-
dard. Fortunately, there are other mechanisms at play in an  Intrinsic Solubility in situ metal precipitation strategy like coprecipitation and pH
The intrinsic solubility with respect to metal precipitation is buffering (either acidity or alkalinity neutralization), and the
defined as the solubility of the cations and anions of an ion- achievable equilibrium solubility even with the potential solu-
izable compound at a pH where any potential precipitate is ble nickel thiosulfate complexes (or any metal complexes) can
completely dissolved. In a nickel–water system, the intrinsic achieve the regulatory standards at the appropriate pH. This
solubility would be the concentration of nickel in equilibrium does underscore the importance of treatability bench-scale
with groundwater that does not result in nickel hydroxide testing to confirm the geochemical mechanism prior to field-
(Ni(OH)2) formation. The equilibrium solubility is the con- scale implementation, as naturally occurring organics may
centration of a compound in a saturated solution when excess also serve to solubilize metals making them unavailable for
precipitate is present, and the dissolved phase compound and reactions with ligands and resultant precipitation.70 It is advis-
the precipitate are in equilibrium. Therefore, in a nickel sul- able to incorporate a phase of treatability testing where the
fide–water system, the equilibrium solubility of nickel (Ni2+) freshly precipitated targeted metal is exposed to the ambient
would refer to the equilibrated concentration of nickel (Ni2+) in geochemistry to fully evaluate remobilization susceptibilities
groundwater after nickel sulfide (NiS) precipitation occurred. related to ancillary immobilization mechanisms (i.e., copre-
The potential for various dissolved nickel thiosulfate com- cipitation and adsorption). Such a demonstration is presented
plexes would have an established equilibrium solubility with in Figure 7.8.
the precipitated nickel sulfide (NiS) as well. The precipitated
nickel sulfide (NiS) would be amorphous crystalline masses  Precipitate Formation and Inhibition
gradually forming more stable crystal structures over extended Metal precipitates in soil systems represent a selective accu-
periods of time. Therefore, the true concentration of nickel in mulation of at least two or more constituent ions into an orga-
groundwater would include the nickel ion (Ni2+) as well as all nized solid matrix that is often crystalline in nature. The
of the nickel thiosulfate species (Ni x(S2O3)x). The solubility of process by which this selective accumulation occurs to form a
a metal is not simply defined by the dissolved concentration distinct solid phase is termed precipitation. A precipitate can
of the free metal ion (e.g., [Ni2+]). Instead, all of the dissolved be considered a particulate phase that separates from a con-
phase complexes must be incorporated into the determination tinuous medium. The fact that solid phases form in aquifers
of the metal solubility. This concept is more deeply discussed means that the overall free energy of formation is negative for
and presented graphically with respect to metal hydroxides the combined physical–chemical processes operating during
(MeOH) in Section the period of formation. The actual steps leading to the for-
mation of a separate solid phase, however, must occur at the Complexation microscale level: the joining together of the constituent ions
Complexation reactions are important in determining the sat- or molecules that will eventually be recognized as a distinct
uration state of a metal in groundwater. A complex is an ion separate phase.71,72 Under classical nucleation theory (Section
that forms by combining simpler cations, anions, and some-, three steps are generally considered necessary for
times molecules. The cation or central atom is typically one of those microscale processes to result in the formation of crys-
the metals, and the anions, often called ligands, include many tals that will persist and survive over relatively long periods
of the common inorganic species found in groundwater, such of time: nucleus formation, crystallite formation, and crystal
as hydroxide (OH−), sulfide (S2−), carbonate (CO32−), sulfate (precipitate) formation.71,72
(SO42−), phosphate (PO43−), chloride (Cl−), and/or an organic In an ideal precipitation reaction, the solid that forms is
molecule such as an amino acid. In the nickel sulfide–water effectively insoluble, and the target metals will be undetect-
system example, the nickel thiosulfate species (Ni x(S2O3)x) are able in groundwater. This ideal outcome sometimes cannot be
considered complexes. achieved, but compliance criteria can still be met. There are
two modes of successful precipitation:  Relevance to Treatment Goals
All of these distinctions are of critical importance when 1.
Thermodynamic control: Durable and insoluble
in situ metal precipitation is discussed because the regulatory metal precipitates are formed, for which the aqueous
standards for metals in groundwater and the lowest achievable phase equilibrium concentration, under foreseeable
metal concentrations as a result of various precipitation mech- aquifer physical/chemical conditions (e.g., tempera-
anisms are different. For example, in the nickel sulfide–water ture, pH, oxidation–reduction potential, and ionic
In Situ Treatment of Metals 347

strength), is below the compliance criterion. This For the simple salt AB, the dissolved-phase equilibrium con-
is the ideal result for metal precipitation reactions, centration calculation reduces as follows:
and compliance will be achieved, regardless of the
groundwater velocity. [ A] = [ B] = K sp (7.20)
Dissolution control: Limited solubility metal pre-
cipitates are formed, for which the aqueous phase Nickel sulfide (NiS) and other metal sulfides (MeS) are rela-
equilibrium concentration is greater than the com- tively insoluble in the groundwater, when considered in isola-
pliance criterion, but the rate of dissolution is slow, tion. The solubility product (Ksp) for amorphous nickel sulfide
and groundwater flux is sufficient to maintain target dissociation (α-NiS) is 3 × 10 −21 (Table 7.5), and the dissocia-
metal concentrations below the compliance criterion. tion equation is written as follows:

Precipitation reactions of ionic solids (salts) are reversible, NiS(s) « Ni 2 + + S2 - K sp = 3 ´ 10 -21 (7.21)
and the equilibrium concentrations of dissolved ions that form
a salt can be calculated from published observations. The dissolved nickel (Ni2+) can be isolated to show its predicted
In the simplest cases, the dissolution of ionic solids is concentration as a function of sulfide ion (S2−) and the Ksp:
described by the following chemical equation:
K sp
Dissolution [ Ni 2 + ] = (7.22)
Am Bn(s) ¬¾¾¾¾ ® mA(aq ) + nB(aq ) (7.17) [S2 - ]

The equilibrium constant for the reaction is calculated from From examination of Equation 7.22, it is apparent that if a
chemical activities of reactants and products similar to other sulfide (S2−) scavenger were present, the predicted dissolved
chemical reactions. The activity coefficient of a pure-phase nickel (Ni2+) concentration increases. Such a scavenger exists
(solid phase) reactant is equal to 1 when in equilibrium with in groundwater, and the sulfide ion (S2−) is a strong base that
a dilute-aqueous species; therefore, it does not contribute to participates in a two-step acid–base equilibrium (Section
the calculation of the equilibrium constant. Hence, the equi-, drawing nickel (Ni2+) from solid-phase nickel
librium constant is referred to as the solubility product (Ksp) sulfide (NiS) into solution. Salts of strong bases, such as the
and, assuming sufficiently dilute solutions to substitute molar sulfide anion (S2−), gain a boost in solubility due to the rapid
concentrations for activities, is defined as follows: hydrolysis of the base anion when they enter the aqueous
K sp = [ A]m ´ [ B]n (7.18) The equilibria reactions in Section can be
rewritten as base reactions, taking the inverse of the acid dis-
The solubility product (Ksp), alone, does not adequately describe sociation constants (Ka). The nickel sulfide (NiS) dissolution
all of the precipitation processes that occur in aquifers. For reaction may also be added to develop a net reaction for the
many minerals, the pH and the oxidation–reduction potential nickel (Ni2+) dissolution and sulfide (S2−) scavenging process
are critical to predictions of solubilities. Stumm and Morgan15 that enhances nickel (Ni2+) solubility, particularly at low pH:
provide an extended discussion of mineral solubilities.
Once the solubility of the metal precipitate has been deter- H + + HS- « H sS K b1 = 1 ´ 107.04
mined, combination of the ions in solution determines whether
precipitation occurs. In this way, the metal precipitate com- H + + S2 - « HS- K b 2 = 1 ´ 1018
pound can be referred to as undersaturated, saturated (equi-
librium), or oversaturated with respect to the dissolved phase NiS(s) « Ni 2 + + S2 - K sp = 3 ´ 10 -21
concentration. In an undersaturated solution (unsaturated),
the product of the molar concentration of the ions is less than + 2+

the solubility-product constant (Ksp), and ions in solution will NiS(s) + 2H « H 2S + Ni K net = K sp ´ K b1 ´ K b 2 = 3 ´ 10 4
be dissolved to satisfy the [A+][B−] = Ksp condition. In an over-
saturated solution (supersaturated), the product of the molar The concentration of nickel in solution (Ni2+) can now be cal-
concentration of the ions is greater than the solubility-product culated from the aqueous hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentra-
constant (Ksp). In this situation, precipitation is imminent tion and pH:
and begins to occur when internal nucleation forces (Section allow formation of crystal nuclei. Precipitation will [H 2S] ´ [ Ni 2 + ]
proceed until the [A+][B−] = Ksp condition is satisfied.3 K net = 3 ´ 10 4 = (7.24)
[H + ]2
The dissolved-phase concentration of an ion at equilibrium
with a solid-phase can be calculated as follows: and

K sp [H + ]2
[ A] = m (7.19) Ni 2 + = 3 ´ 10 4 ´ (7.25)
[ B]n [H 2S]
348 Remediation Engineering

The concentration of soluble nickel (Ni2+) can be plotted as a many compounds interact in the dissolution and precipita-
function of the pH and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentration. tion of metals may explain the wide range of solubility values
Sulfide concentrations are elevated above background lev- available for any reaction. In groundwater, where there are
els during biological reducing zone and chemical treatment many interactions for which to account, we can be confident
operations, which can force dissolved nickel (Ni2+) to pre- of the direction in which we are influencing reactions (e.g.,
cipitate out of groundwater. Predicted dissolved nickel (Ni2+) greater or lesser dissolved concentrations), but we need to be
concentrations as a function of pH is presented in Figure 7.12, cautious about predicting specific concentration outcomes
for sulfide concentrations of 3 × 10 −3 to 3 × 10 −5 M, to show without site-specific testing.
the effects of each on nickel (Ni2+) solubility. This shows that Nickel can react with anions, such as hydroxide (OH−),
nickel precipitation can be promoted by the addition of the carbonate (CO32−), and sulfide (S2−), forming less soluble
sulfide (S2−) anion and maintenance of circumneutral pH. In compounds. To develop a reactive zone strategy, we exam-
addition, it also shows that the 100 µg/L standard for nickel ine candidate nickel salts for their solubility and determine
(Ni2+) adopted by many state regulatory agencies is attainable whether, at equilibrium, their aqueous concentrations meet
with practical increases in sulfide (S2−) in groundwater. remedial objectives. The solubility product constants (Ksp) for
The long-term nickel (Ni2+) solubility is predicted by three nickel compounds, nickel carbonate (NiCO3), hydrox-
Equation 7.12 as a function of pH, on the key assumption that ide (Ni(OH)2), and sulfide (NiS) (α, β, and γ forms), are pro-
the sulfide (S2−) ions reaching the groundwater originate from vided in Table 7.5. The solubilities of these compounds are
nickel sulfide (a conservative assumption), and that no con- affected by reactions of the anions when they come into solu-
sumption of sulfide (S2−) ions occurs other than its redistri- tion. Decreases in anion concentrations yield increases in the
bution in acid–base reactions (a nonconservative assumption dissolved nickel (Ni2+) concentration and is represented by
that will be discussed in the following text). The long-term Equation 7.22.
solubility of nickel (Ni2+), however, will be based on its solu- Nickel carbonate (NiCO3) solubility increases due to acid–
bility at “background” sulfide (S2−) and pH levels. To develop base reactions of the carbonate (CO32−) anion similarly to
a conservative estimate of nickel (Ni2+) solubility, we must nickel sulfide (NiS). The carbonate acid–base reactions are
assume that nickel sulfide (NiS) is the only source of sulfide described in Chapter 6 and are summarized as follows:
(S2−) in the aquifer. In that case, Equation 7.24 reduces to
H 2CO3 « H + + CO32 - K a1 = 4.5 ´ 10 -7 (7.28)
2+ 2
[ Ni ]
K net = 3 ´ 10 4 = (7.26)
[H + ]2 HCO3- « H + + CO32 - K a 2 = 4.7 ´ 10 -11 (7.29)

and Inversing the carbonate equations and adding nickel carbon-

ate (NiCO3) dissolution as was done for nickel sulfide (NiS)
[ Ni 2 + ] = 3 ´ 10 4 ´ [H + ]2 (7.27) yields

H + + HCO3- « H 2CO3 K b1 = 2.2 ´ 106

In groundwater, other precipitation reactions are likely to
intervene before nickel (Ni2+) reaches the highest dissolved
concentrations shown by these calculations. The fact that H + + CO32 - « HCO3- K b 2 = 2.1 ´ 1010

NiCO3 « Ni 2 + + CO32 - K sp = 6.6 ´ 10 -9

NiCO3 + 2H + « Ni 2 + + H 2CO3
0.8 100 mg/L 10 mg/L 1 mg/L
K net = K b1 ´ K b 2 ´ K sp = 3.1 ´ 108 (7.30)
Ni2+ solubility (mg/L)

The calculation of nickel (Ni2+) in solution, as a function of pH,
could utilize the form of Equation 7.27, which would assume
0.4 that the carbonate (CO32−) is supplied entirely by dissolution
Generally accepted
0.3 regulatory standard
of nickel carbonate (NiCO3). That assumption is far too con-
0.2 for nickel (Ni2+) in servative, and it is more appropriate to assume that the aquifer
groundwater alkalinity is the dominant source of carbonate (CO32−) to the
aquifer. Therefore, it is appropriate to make the calculation as
5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
was done in Equation 7.24 and rely on site-specific data for the
aquifer alkalinity to supply the value for carbonic acid (H2CO3):

[H 2CO3 ] ´ [ Ni 2 + ]
FIGURE 7.12  Predicted nickel solubility in the presence of K net = 3.1 ´ 108 = (7.31)
3 × 10 −3, 3 × 10 −4, and 3 × 10 −5 M sulfide (S2−) concentration. [H + ]2
In Situ Treatment of Metals 349

[H + ]2 a second graph was prepared, focusing on the pH range from

[ Ni 2 + ] = 3.1 ´ 108 ´ (7.32) 5.0 to 9.0, as shown in Figure 7.2.
éëH 2CO3 ùû
Some of the difficulties in determining the solubility-
controlling reactions are shown in Figure 7.2, and underscore
The solubility of nickel hydroxide (Ni(OH)2) is described by an important concept with respect to in  situ metal precipi-
the following reaction equation: tation. There is great variability among metals solubility in
the published literature. Thoenen presented an in-depth dis-
Ni(OH)2 « Ni 2 + + 2OH - K sp = 2.8 ´ 10 -16 (7.33) cussion on variable and incompatible solubility limits for
nickel (Ni2+) in sulfide-rich groundwater (1 × 10 −4 M S2−).73
Nickel hydroxide (Ni(OH)2) is linked to aquifer pH through This study concluded that nickel (Ni2+) complexation and
the hydroxyl (OH−) anion, and the concentration of nickel precipitation may behave similarly to zinc (Zn2+) complex-
(Ni2+) in solution due to nickel hydroxide (Ni(OH)2) can be ation and precipitation, but in general was understudied. The
calculated by Equation 7.34, which is developed as follows: available solubility products (Ksp) for nickel sulfide (NiS) var-
ied by many orders of magnitude, and some databases may
K sp = 2.8 ´ 10 -16 = [ Ni 2 + ] ´ [OH - ]2 (7.34) include thermodynamic data predicting nickel minerals that
are exceedingly rare or high-temperature phases that are irrel-
evant to low-temperature trace concentrations of nickel (Ni2+)
and in impacted groundwater. This study and remaining variabil-
ity of solubility products (Ksp) in modeling databases and the
2.8 ´ 10 -16 literature appear to be a function of the specific geochemis-
[ Ni 2 + ] = (7.35)
[OH - ]2 try in which the solubility products (Ksp) were determined.
By extension, applying solubility products (Ksp) to predict
The solubilities of each of the candidate nickel compounds nickel (Ni2+) solubility (or any solubility product [Ksp] to pre-
can be graphed as a function of pH, as shown in Figure 7.13 dict any metal solubility) needs to be evaluated carefully to
(nickel carbonate [NiCO3] was graphed at three alkalinities ensure that the geochemistry and nickel (Ni2+) concentration
(50, 100, and 300 mg/L), representing a range that might be is comparable to the site being evaluated (Section 7.2.7). The
encountered in natural aquifers). Nickel sulfide (NiS) was values for the solubility products (Ksp) for nickel sulfide (NiS)
graphed assuming 1 mg/L sulfide (S2−), a concentration that is in Table 7.5 were obtained from Weast et  al.5 (1.4 × 10 −24)
reasonable in nonengineered aquifers. From these results, we and from Kotz and Treichel (3 × 10 −21).12 The lower solubil-
can see that nickel hydroxide (Ni(OH)2) would generate the ity product (Ksp), obtained at 18°C from Weast, more closely
highest dissolved nickel (Ni2+) concentrations and is unlikely matches expected groundwater conditions, but the variation
to control nickel solubility in the presence of carbonate (CO32−) in dissolved (Ni2+) concentration predicted by the two sources
or sulfide (S2−) anions. Nickel carbonate (NiCO3) and nickel is disconcerting.
sulfide (NiS) were retained for additional consideration, and From the nickel (Ni2+) solubility predictions presented in
Figure 7.2, it is apparent that nickel (Ni2+) can be precipitated
from a high-concentration solution by reaction with the car-
100 bonate (CO32−) anion (present in most aquifers through the
90 calcium carbonate alkalinity system) or sulfide (S2−) anions.
NiS NiCO3 Ni(OH)2 The sulfide (S2−) precipitates are likely to generate more
insoluble solids at aquifer temperatures typical of the mid
Ni2+ solubility (mg/L)

to high latitudes, although carbonate (CO32−) precipitates are
60 also likely to form. An IRZ strategy that infuses the aqui-
50 fer formation with sulfide (S2−) ions and maintains neutral or
40 high pH through carbonate (CO32−) buffering is likely to meet
typical compliance criteria. Because the solubility data are
variable, and the predicted solubility limits only marginally
meet typical remedial criteria, bench or field trials would be
10 recommended before proceeding to a large-scale IRZ treat-
0 ment for nickel (Ni2+). The initial results are likely to reflect
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
amorphous nickel sulfide crystal formation (α-NiS), and the
maturation of amorphous crystals to form β-NiS is accom-
panied by a 300,000-fold decrease in solubility (calculated
FIGURE 7.13 Predicted dissolved-phase nickel concentra-
tions in equilibrium with each of three compounds: nickel sulfide
from the 25°C data in Table 7.5). This result suggests that it
(NiS), nickel carbonate (NiCO3), and nickel hydroxide (Ni(OH)2). may be necessary to sustain high-sulfide, high-pH levels over
Solubility of nickel carbonate (NiCO3) was calculated at three alka- an extended period, to accommodate the crystal maturation
linities: 50 mg/L (A), 100 mg/L (B), and 300 mg/L (C), representing process, after which the remaining nickel sulfide (NiS) pre-
low, midrange, and higher aquifer alkalinity values, respectively. cipitates would have a low solubility.
350 Remediation Engineering Nucleation Of critical importance to in situ metal precipitation is the rate

From an in  situ metal precipitation perspective, nucleation is at which nucleation will proceed to accomplish the targeted
most aptly defined as the first step in a three step process of precipitation. Therefore, using an adaptation of the conven-
crystal growth, which leads to precipitation. Metal precipitation tional Arrhenius rate theory, the rate at which nuclei form, J,
is the result of a concentration of a metal complex exceeding the can be expressed as follows15:
equilibrium solubility limit, and the process can be influenced
by changes to the pH, concentrations of labile ligands, and J = Ae( -DG j /kT ) (7.40)
oxidation–reduction potential. As part of the precipitation pro-
cess, the metal complex assembles “critical clusters” or nuclei. where A is a factor that is related to the efficiency of collisions
Nucleation is the formation of these critical clusters from which of the metal complexes targeted for precipitation. Thus, the
spontaneous crystal growth will eventually occur.15 The sec- rate of nucleation (J) is influenced by the interfacial energy
ond step of the precipitation process is critical clusters forming (γ), the supersaturation (S), the collision frequency efficiency
crystallites. The third and final step, referred to as ripening, (A), and the temperature (T).
involves the crystallites continuing to develop and mature to Of the two forms of nucleation (homogeneous and het-
form larger crystals. Homogeneous nucleation refers to nucle- erogeneous), heterogeneous nucleation is the focus herein
ation that occurs in solution, independent of a foreign surface as it is most relevant to in situ metal precipitation. A benefit
or substrate. Heterogeneous nucleation includes nucleation of heterogeneous nucleation driving in  situ metal precipita-
sites on the surface of a substrate (inorganic crystals, skeletal tion applications is that nucleation on a substrate reduces the
particles, clays, sand, and biological surfaces can all serve as required interfacial energy (γ). This typically results in het-
suitable substrates). Although some fundamental discussion of erogeneous nucleation occurring at lower saturation ratios
homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation is provided here, than homogeneous nucleation.
the reader is referred to other sources for more in-depth reviews The Ostwald step rule states that the precipitate with the
on the principles of nucleation critical clusters and the kinetics highest solubility will form first in a consecutive precipita-
of precipitation and crystal growth.15,74–76 tion reaction. In situ metal precipitation is highly complex
The parameter of critical importance to the discussion of and always considered as a consecutive precipitation reac-
nucleation is the free energy of the formation of the nucleus, ΔGj, tion. The rule is based upon the more kinetically favor-
which is the summation of the energy gained from making bonds able nucleation of more soluble complexes. The nucleation
(ΔGbulk) and the energy required to create a surface (ΔGsurf): rate of the least stable precipitate (most soluble complex) is
faster than more stable precipitates (least soluble complex).
DG j = DGbulk + DGsurf (7.36) As nucleation proceeds for the lower stability precipitates,
referred to as precursors, nucleation of more stable pre-
The ΔGbulk is always negative for metal precipitation from a cipitates proceeds using precursors as substrates.74 The
supersaturated solution and is based on a conservative assump- formation of precursors used as substrates and nucleation
tion of a spherical nucleus (variations to the spherical assumption at lower saturation ratios demonstrate that fundamentally
result in a lower ΔGbulk77). The mathematical expression of ΔGbulk in  situ metal precipitation is a viable metals remediation
is identical for homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation and approach.
is the multiplicative sum of the ratio of the volume of the spheri-
cal nucleus and molecular volume (V), the rate constant (k), the  Crystallinity Maturation
temperature (T), and saturation ratio (S): Precipitation reactions often do not lead to immediate for-
mation of the most stable form of the precipitated com-
4pr 3 a pound. The initial solids that form may be more chemically
DGbulk = - ´ k ´ T ´ ln (7.37)
3V a0 “active” than the stable precipitates that form over long dura-
tions, and these initial precipitates have higher solubilities.
The saturation ratio (S) is the ratio of the actual concentration An active form of the precipitate is characterized by a fine
(a) and the concentration at solubility equilibrium of the sol- crystalline structure with a disordered lattice. The active
utes that characterize the solubility (a 0). precipitate may persist in metastable equilibrium with the
The ΔGsurf also assumes a spherical nucleus and is solution and convert (typically called aging) slowly into a
expressed by the following: more stable “inactive” form. It is also possible to create inac-
tive precipitates immediately. Selecting ultra-stable miner-
DGsurf = 4pr 2 g (7.38) als that only form at high temperatures, or that form over
extended periods (tens or hundreds of years), is not the basis
where γ is defined as the interfacial energy. Therefore, the of an effective IRZ strategy. Kinetic rate constants for the
free energy of formation of a spherical nucleus is expressed precipitation reactions must form durable precipitates within
as follows: minutes to hours (days to weeks at the most), because it is
often not desirable (from a cost perspective as well as a sec-
4pr 3 a ondary water quality impact perspective) to sustain the pH
DG j = - ´ k ´ T ´ ln + 4pr 2 g (7.39)
3V a0 and redox conditions necessary to induce precipitation for
In Situ Treatment of Metals 351

extended periods. At least two factors control the rate and to a significantly greater degree than minerals formed over
sequence of precipitation reactions: geologic time frames. However, remedial time frames and
regulatory enforcement are not over geologic time frames, so
Amorphous (finely divided) crystalline masses: The the amorphous precipitate stability is of considerable interest
high surface-area-to-mass ratios of the fine crystal from an in situ metal precipitation perspective. Also, because
masses that form in active precipitates are more amorphous precipitates represent the most reactive and soluble
available to aqueous phase reactions than the larger, forms of the targeted precipitates, which will decrease with
mature crystals that form over long time spans (inac- time, it presents a reasonable worst case scenario to evaluate
tive precipitates). It may be necessary to sustain the the short-term stability of the metal precipitates.
chemical conditions that generated the initial precip-
itate for an extended period, to allow the formation  Mixed Mineral Phases
of a stable crystal structure. Initially formed amor- Metal precipitates may be pure solids (e.g., lead sulfide [PbS],
phous solids may be active or inactive and generally zinc sulfide [ZnS], chromium hydroxide [Cr(OH)3]) or mixed
undergo two kinds of changes during aging. Either solids (e.g., (Fex, Cr1−x)(OH)3, Ba(CrO4, SO4)). Mixed solids
the active form of the amorphous solid becomes are formed when various elements coprecipitate or interact
inactive or a more stable amorphous solid is formed. with aquifer materials.
Reaction kinetic effects: Stability calculations and An effective mechanism for arsenic (As) removal is dis-
the resulting selection of precipitation strategies are cussed in Section Briefly, arsenate (As5+) is amenable
based on analysis of the chemical thermodynamics to surface sorption or coprecipitation with HFO, while arse-
of the target compounds and the aquifer. In many nite (As3+) is more mobile in groundwater. The discussion
cases, the most stable precipitate is not the one that goes on to explain that preoxidation of arsenite (As3+) to arse-
forms most quickly. Reaction kinetics dictate the nate (As5+), often coupled with the oxidation of ferrous iron
sequence of product formation and control the rate at (Fe2+) to ferric iron (Fe3+) and resultant HFO precipitation,
which conversions occur (Chapter 6). achieves arsenic removal from groundwater through arsenate
(As5+) adsorption to HFO and coprecipitation, encapsulation,
This may be an important differentiator between chemically and occlusion as the groundwater precipitates HFO. After
and biologically induced IRZs. If the injected chemical reagent maturation and aging of the crystalline structure (Section
is scavenged and rapidly precipitates amorphous crystalline, the resultant precipitate is a mixed mineral of arse-
precipitates, the ambient flux of natural oxidants like dissolved nic (As), iron (Fe), oxygen (O), and hydrogen (H). The arsenic
oxygen and nitrate may lead to reoxidation of the fresh precip- (As) is either substituted into the HFO mineral or incorpo-
itates (Section 7.5). Maintaining chemically reducing condi- rated into the bulk structure through adsorption and layering
tions may require repeat injections, which increases the cost of of continued precipitation, and the result is a stable mineral
the remediation. In a biologically induced IRZ, a single injec- that sequesters arsenic from dissolving into groundwater. The
tion can maintain reducing conditions for an extended period case study example presented in Section discussing
of time, facilitating the formation of more stable precipitates. It arsenic mobilization as a result of establishing circumneutral
is also important to note that most precipitates formed in labo- reducing conditions in an IRZ highlights the importance of
ratory or field implementations are amorphous and reactive this mechanism (Figure 7.14). Arsenic has a primary MCL of

Influenced by carbon injection Downgradient of injection

100,000 100,000

10,000 SO4 10,000 SO4

Methane Methane
1,000 Mn2+ 1,000 Mn2+
Concentration (mg/L)
Concentration (mg/L)

As As
100 Fe2+ 100 Fe2+
10 10

1 1

0.1 0.1

0.01 0.01

0.001 0.001
(a) 10/10/06 7/6/09 4/1/12 12/27/14 9/22/17 (b) 1/14/04 10/10/06 7/6/09 4/1/12 12/27/14 9/22/17

FIGURE 7.14  (a) Geochemical results for a monitoring well that was influenced by a carbon substrate injection. (b) Geochemical results
for a monitoring well that was downgradient of the carbon substrate injection. The total organic carbon from the injection reached the down-
gradient monitoring well, but the mobilized geogenic arsenic did not.
352 Remediation Engineering

10  μg/L (Table 7.4). Without the coprecipitation/sorption of

arsenate (As5+) into/onto ferric iron (Fe3+) precipitates, sec- TABLE 7.9
ondary water quality management would be required down- Members of the Spinel group
gradient of most reducing IRZs. Name Chemical Formula
Another example of targeted mixed mineral phases in
Aluminum spinels
in  situ metal precipitation is iron substitution into triva-
Spinel MgAl2O4
lent chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) precipitation. Iron–
Chrysoberyl BeAl2O4
chromium–hydroxides in the form of CrxFe(1−x)(OH)3 are Gahnite ZnAl2O4
important for a few reasons. First, the substitution of iron Hercynite FeAl2O4
into the crystalline lattice of chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) Galaxite MnAl2O4
reduces the equilibrium solubility resulting in a more stable, Pleonaste (Mg,Fe)Al2O4
less reactive precipitated form of chromium. Solubility inves-
Iron spinels
tigations summarized in the literature for chromium hydrox-
Cuprospinel CuFe2O4
ide (Cr(OH)3) and chromium–iron hydroxide (CrxFe(1−x) Franklinite (Fe,Mn,Zn)(Fe,Mn)2O4
(OH)3) suggest that iron substitution into chromium hydrox- Jacobsite MnFe2O4
ide reduces the solubility by at least an order of magnitude Magnesioferrite MgFe2O4
over the pH range of 2.0–6.0.27,61 Second, ferrous iron (Fe2+) Magnetite Fe3O4
is a primary chemical reductant of hexavalent chromium Trevorite NiFe2O4
(Cr6+) (Section whether it is intentionally added Ulvospinel TiFe2O4
to an aquifer or generated through manipulation of the ambi- Zinc ferrite (Zn, Fe)Fe2O4
ent geochemistry. The ferrous iron (Fe2+) is oxidized to ferric Chromium spinels
iron (Fe3+) while the hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) is reduced Chromite FeCr2O4
to trivalent chromium (Cr3+), which creates the condition of Magnesiochromite MgCr2O4
trivalent chromium (Cr3+), ferric iron (Fe3+), in water typi- Zincochromite ZnCr2O4
cally at a pH that is conducive to the precipitation of chro-
mium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) and iron hydroxide (e.g., Fe2O3). Sources: Rinne, F. Mineral., Beil.-Bd. A, 58, 43, 1928; Palache, C. et al.: The
This inherent synergy creates iron–chromium hydroxide System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury
Dana Yale University 1837–1892, Vol. I: Elements, Sulfides, Sulfosalts,
(CrxFe(1−x)(OH)3) precipitates that are less soluble than chro-
Oxides. Pages 687–689, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1944.
mium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) precipitation alone.
Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Reproduced with
Other examples of naturally occurring mixed mineral phases permission. Navrotsky, A. and Kleppa, O.J., J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 29,
are the mineral spinel group. A collection of known mineral 2701, 1967; Hill, R.J. et al., Phys. Chem. Miner., 4, 317, 1979; Essene,
spinel groups is summarized in Table 7.9 and discussed in more E.J. and Peacor, D.R., Am. Mineral., 68, 449, 1983; Grimes, N.W.
detail as part of a case study discussion in Section et al., Proc. R. Soc. A, 386, 333, 1983; O’Neill, H.St.C. and Navrotsky,
An innovative in  situ metal precipitation s­trategy A., Am. Mineral., 68, 181, 1983; Navrotsky, A., Am. Mineral., 71,
is the targeted mixed mineral formation of autunite 1160, 1986; Princivalle, F. et  al., Mineral. Petrol., 40, 117, 1989;
(Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2  *  XH2O); however, demonstrating that O’Neill, H.St.C. and Dollase, W.A., Phys. Chem. Miner., 20, 541,
its has been formed can be difficult. This mixed mineral 1994; Hazen, R.M. and Yang, H., Am. Mineral., 84, 1956, 1999;
was discussed as part of a case study in Section Lavrentiev, M.Y. et  al., Am. Mineral., 88, 1522, 2003; Papike, J.J.
et al., Am. Mineral., 90, 277, 2005.
Autunite (Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2  *  XH2O) is a desirable mineral
of uranium because of its low solubility. In thermodynamic
equilibrium studies, the solubility product (Ksp) of autunite
(Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2  *  XH2O) was experimentally determined ((UO2)3(PO4)2) may form preventing the formation of autinite
to be approximately 4.4 × 10 −49 under precise conditions,91 (Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2 * XH2O).57
with well-researched thermodynamic constants. In comparison
with metal hydroxide, metal carbonate, and metal sulfide sol- Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Colloidal
ubility products (Ksp) in Tables 7.5 through 7.7, with the excep- Particles, and Facilitated Transport
tion of mercury sulfide (HgS) and copper sulfide (CuS), the Total suspended solids (TSSs) and colloids can complicate the
solubility product (Ksp) of autunite (Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2 * XH2O) removal of metals from groundwater by creating sorptive sur-
is several orders of magnitude less demonstrating the signifi- faces for metal precipitates. With negligible to slow settling
cance of autunite (Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2 * XH2O) stability. It is well rates, the sorbed metal precipitates of the targeted metal may
known that calcium–uranyl–carbonate complexes are ubiqui- appear to remain “in solution.” Intuitively, if a groundwater
tous in aquifers92 with elevated uranium concentrations and sample is collected with considerable TSS, there is a high
the pursuit of autunite (Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2  *  XH2O) formation likelihood that the acidic preservative for dissolved-phase
with the addition of polyphosphate is worthwhile. Autunite laboratory analysis will dissolve solid-phase metals, artifi-
(Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2 * XH2O) can be difficult to generate and/or cially inflating the dissolved metal concentration. The gov-
demonstrate in  situ because apatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) can erning field measurement during sample collection for metal
sorb uranyl (UO22+) and amorphous uranyl phosphate analysis to establish that a dissolved sample is being collected
In Situ Treatment of Metals 353

to the extent practicable is turbidity. Groundwater samples Colloids are usually defined based on their size, typically
for metal analysis are collected via purging conditions or falling between the 1 nm (0.001 μm) and 1 μm. When colloids
discrete-interval passive sampling devices (e.g., HydraSleeve are present in solution, the colloidal suspension is referred to
or SNAP Sampler). With discrete-interval passive sampling as a sol. The stability of colloids is often discussed and repre-
devices, turbidity is reduced by allowing the sampler to sta- sents the resistance of a colloid to settle or filter out of solu-
bilize in  situ for approximately 2  weeks prior to retrieving tion. The stability of a colloids is based upon their size and
the sample. Under purging conditions, field measurements electrical properties and is affected by the chemical nature of
of turbidity are collected at set time intervals to establish an the colloid and the chemistry of the groundwater (e.g., ionic
equilibrated turbidity measurement (generally targeted to be strength, pH, and organic content). There are generally two
less than 10–20 nephelometric turbidity units [NTU] for three forms of colloids: hydrophobic and hydrophilic. Hydrophilic
consecutive measurements). When evaluating metals data in colloids bind strongly with water, and hydrophobic colloids do
groundwater, it is good practice to simultaneously consider pH not. Hydrophobic colloids have a surface charge (either posi-
and turbidity measurements to validate the analytical results. tive or negative) that is a characteristic of the colloid, though
If turbidity measurements cannot be equilibrated below 10–20 it is influenced by the pH and ionic characterization of the
NTUs, filtration using readily available in-line 0.1 or 0.45 μm groundwater. Hydrophobic colloids are more readily removed
filters may be required. If field filtration is employed, ground- from groundwater than hydrophilic colloids.
water samples may be acid preserved at the time of sample Colloids are dynamic particles in that they form as a result
collection. If laboratory filtration is selected, the groundwater of precipitation and nucleation, they undergo compositional
sample is sent to the laboratory unpreserved with a reduced changes, and they settle out of groundwater as their size increases
hold time.* As NTUs measure the scatter of light through a due to aggregation or attachment. Attempting to distinguish pre-
sample, color associated with tannins or suspended oil drop- cipitate colloids from organisms, biological debris, organic mac-
lets may influence the turbidity measurement even after filtra- romolecules, clays and oxides, etc., is unnecessary and extremely
tion. In these instances, it is important to qualify the turbidity difficult. The presence of colloids in in situ metal precipitation
response, and ensure filtration occurs regardless. applications is likely positive observations of precipitate forma-
An example of this is the site in the Southeastern United tion, but may artificially inflate analytical results because they
States with zinc concentrations in groundwater that exceed may be captured into acidified groundwater analysis.
the regulatory cleanup goal of 10 mg/L. Two groundwater Colloidal precipitates larger than 2 μm will be removed
samples from a particular monitoring well were submitted for by sedimentation in the low flow conditions common in aqui-
laboratory analysis of zinc, one that was filtered and one that fer systems. Colloidal precipitates are more often removed
was unfiltered. The measured turbidity at the time the sam- mechanically in the soil matrix. Mechanical removal of par-
ples were collected was >2000 NTU.† One sample was dis- ticles occurs most often by straining, a process in which par-
pensed into the acid-preserved sample container and another ticles can enter the soil matrix, but are caught by the smaller
was field filtered using a 0.1 μm filter prior to sample collec- pore spaces as they traverse the matrix.
tion. The result of the unfiltered sample was 340 mg/L and the Colloidal particles below 0.1 μm will be subjected to
filtered sample was 0.044 mg/L. This observation supports adsorptive mechanisms more so than mechanical processes.
the claim that highly turbid samples may artificially inflate Adsorptive interactions of colloids may be affected by the
dissolved metal concentrations, as it is likely the difference ionic strength of the groundwater; ionic composition, quantity,
in zinc concentrations in these two samples is attributable to nature, and size of the suspended colloids; geologic composi-
acidic digestion of suspended soil particles. tion of the soil matrix; and flow velocity of the groundwa-
The classification and intricacies of colloids is a broad sub- ter. Higher levels of total dissolved solids in the groundwater
ject, with many components beyond the scope of this chapter. encourages colloid deposition.
The nature of colloids and their role in ex situ water treatment Generally, when fine particles of colloid dimensions are
and in situ remediation is highly developed in the literature, formed, coagulation/flocculation naturally occurs unless steps
and the reader is referred to Stumm and Morgan and asso- are taken to prevent it. Even when the primary precipitates
ciated citations therein for more detailed, first-fundamental are of colloid dimensions, if they form larger lumps, a stable
discussion.15 A general discussion relevant to how colloids dispersed transport cannot take place. These larger flocs will
may influence demonstrating performance associated with an settle on the soil matrix.
in situ metal precipitation remedial action for groundwater is
presented here. Potential Interferences Associated
with In Situ Metal Precipitation
In  situ application of biological and chemical processes to
* Hold time is defined as the maximum length of time between when the
sample is collected and the laboratory analysis should be conducted if the support precipitation, sequestration, and/or stabilization of
sample is placed on ice and approximately less than 4°C so that chemical metals in groundwater has provided more effective options for
and biological reactions are slow enough to ensure the sample is unaltered. restoring groundwater quality. It has helped us achieve lower
† This is a common measurement limit for field turbidity meters. While dilu-
endpoints by overcoming the physical, chemical, and kinetic
tion factors can be applied to determine the true turbidity reading, >2000
NTU suggests considerable TSS, color, oil droplets, or something that may limitations of conventional treatment. However, the complex-
influence the dissolved metal concentration. ity of treatment has increased because of the heterogeneous
354 Remediation Engineering

hydrostratigraphy of all aquifers and the influence of engi- attracting cations and repelling anions. Somewhere between the
neered changes in geochemistry with respect to the natural two extremes, there is a pH where a point of zero/neutral surface
mineralogical composition of the soil. charge occurs. The point of zero charge (pHpzc) for several com-
One aspect of this complexity is that when biological or mon metal oxide minerals is summarized in Table 7.10.15,93
chemical processes are applied in situ, interactions with the At extremely high or low pH, these interactions become
solid aquifer matrix are unavoidable. This interaction can irrelevant because aquifer minerals lose their stability and can
affect the stability of native minerals incorporated in the soil actually be dissolved by the excess hydrogen (H+) or hydroxyl
and can temporarily mobilize certain naturally occurring (i.e., (OH−) ions in solution. This also affects the stability of natu-
geogenic) metals (and metalloids) within the treatment zone rally occurring organic matter, which particularly at elevated
(Chapter 3). This of course extends to metals of anthropogenic pH can become mobile in the form of colloidal particles com-
origin as well and makes the geochemistry of metals mobili- plexed with metal cations.
zation an important element of in situ remediation systems.
Such collateral effects of in  situ remediation are gaining  Ionic Strength  As with pH, dissolved ion con-
more attention, particularly as they relate to the question of centrations affect both sorption interactions and intrinsic min-
bringing remediation sites to closure if the concentrations of eral solubility. The ions of metals sorbed to mineral surfaces
naturally occurring metals become elevated in groundwater can be displaced by other ions competing for sorption sites or
during the course of the remedy. However, these effects can be through the formation of soluble complexes. Preferential sorp-
successfully managed if the triggers that can mobilize naturally tion can be based on differences in electrostatic attraction or,
occurring metals during system operation are well understood. in the case of anions, differences in the strength of electron-
sharing interactions.  pH  Fluctuations in groundwater pH will affect As ionic strength continues to increase, it will eventually
the surface charge of naturally occurring metal oxide minerals decrease the activity of all the ions in solution due to the magni-
(and organic matter) in an aquifer. This in turn affects the elec- tude of the electrostatic interactions. This can actually increase
trostatic interactions by which these materials retain surface- mineral dissolution as the aqueous system attempts to balance
bound metals/adsorbed metals. At low pH, the abundance of out the constituent ions based on the solubility product constant
hydrogen ions (H+) saturates sorption sites, giving the surfaces (Ksp) of the mineral (decreased activity requires higher molarity):
a predominantly positive charge, attracting anions and repelling
cations. As pH increases, there are fewer hydrogen ions (H+) and K sp = ( g A[ A y + ])z ´ ( g B [ B z - ]) y (7.41)
the surfaces will exhibit a predominantly negative charge (OH−),
Intuitively, this relationship of activity and molarity is
commonly assumed in the opposite direction. That is often
TABLE 7.10 the activity is assumed to be unity because the molarities
Point of Zero Charge for Common Encountered are diluted enough to satisfy the equilibrium with the solu-
Minerals bility product. It stands to reason that if the molarity of
a particular ion was increased by several orders of mag-
Point of Zero
Mineral Name Mineral Formula Charge (pH)
nitude (i.e., an injection of 5% per weight ferrous sulfate
[FeSO 4] for hexavalent chromium [Cr 6+] reduction), the
Quartz SiO2 1.8
Montmorillonite (Na,Ca)0.33(Al,Mg)2(Si4O10) 3.1
assumption of an activity of 1 is no longer valid. In the
(OH2) * nH2O example of a 5% by weight ferrous sulfate (FeSO 4) injec-
Feldspar KAlSi3O8–NaAlSi3O8–CaAl2Si2O8 3.1 tion, the resultant initial in situ molarity of soluble ferrous
Kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4 4.2 (Fe2+) iron (before oxidation and subsequent precipitation
Gibbsite Al(OH)3 5.0 to ferric [Fe3+] iron) is approximately 3 × 10 −1 M, compared
Manganese dioxide α-MnO2 5.1 to a typical in situ soluble ferrous (Fe2+) iron molarity on
Magnetite Fe3O4 6.5 the order of 1 × 10 −4 M.
Anatase TiO2 7.2
Goethite α-FeOOH 7.8  Oxidation or Reduction Reactions  Certain
Calcite CaCO3 8.3 metals, metalloids, and radionuclides are susceptible to
Hematite Fe2O3 8.5 changes in their valence state as a result of biological and
Aluminum oxide δ-Al2O3 9.5 chemical processes that drive electron transfer. Stability char-
Magnesium oxide MgO 12.3 acteristics for several oxidation–reduction sensitive metals,
metalloids, and radionuclides are summarized in Table 7.11,
Sources: Stumm, W. and Morgan, J.J.: Aquatic Chemistry, John Wiley &
Sons, New York, 1996. Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
with their thermodynamic ranking shown along with other key
KGaA. Reproduced with permission; Stumm, W.: Chemistry of the elements in Figure 7.15. As indicated, some are stable only in
Solid Water Interface, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1992. oxidizing environments making them susceptible to reductive
Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Reproduced dissolution, and just the opposite for others. Some are soluble
with permission. in any environment unless they are sorbed to or incorporated
with other minerals.
In Situ Treatment of Metals 355

important part of predesign planning and stakeholder man-

TABLE 7.11 agement. This is contemplated subsequently for both in situ
Stability of Selected Labile Elements biological and chemical metal precipitation.
Metal Valence States Stability  Biological Interferences  Reduction reactions
Arsenic (As) +3, +5 Soluble in both valence states are most relevant to in situ biologically mediated metal pre-
(anionic) cipitation. Although some acidity can be generated through
Chromium (Cr) +3, +6 +3 relatively insoluble, +6 soluble the formation of organic acids, the ideal operating range of
(anionic) pH for effective biological activity does not include extremes
Iron (Fe) +2, +3 +2 soluble (cationic), +3 that would have a significant effect on metals of environmen-
relatively insoluble tal relevance. Most organisms responsible for reducing the
Manganese (Mn) +2, +3, +4 +2 soluble (cationic), +3/+4 soluble metals to insoluble precipitates experience inhibited
relatively insoluble metabolisms at pH below 5.0. Similarly, ionic strength will
Selenium (Se) 0, +4, +6 0 insoluble, +4/+6 soluble increase due to the injected carbon substrates. However, these
increases are typically moderate, and the carbon substrates do
Uranium (U) +4, +6 +4 relatively insoluble, +6 soluble
not typically incorporate ions that offer strong competition for
sorption sites.
The reductive potential of carbon substrates depends on
the number of electrons yielded during microbial respiration.
These reactions have the greatest effect on the amorphous
For example, alcohol (C2H6O) can yield six electrons per car-
mineral fractions, with crystalline fractions generally more
bon atom, and carbohydrates (CH2O) can yield four electrons
recalcitrant.94 With respect to naturally occurring metals,
per carbon atom, as demonstrated in the following reaction
these reactions can also affect metals sorbed to or incorpo-
(assuming complete mineralization to CO2):
rated with other minerals (or organic material) by virtue of
their dependence on the stability of the sorbing material.
Understanding the degree to which the previously dis- C2H 6O + 3H 2O ® 2CO2 + 12e - + 12H + (7.42)
cussed triggers (pH, ionic strength, and oxidation or reduction
reactions) are relevant during in situ metal precipitation is an CH 2O + H 2O ® CO2 + 4e - + 4H + (7.43)

1.0 Oxidation Oxidation

state state

0 O2 H2O –II
V NO3– N2 0

0.6 IV MnO2 Mn2+ II 10

Propagation of reduction reactions

Propagation of oxidations reactions

VI SeO42– HSeO3– IV
Eh (V) pH = 7.0

pE–pH = 7.0

IV HSeO3– Se 0
III Fe(OH)3 Fe2+ II
V HAsO42– H3AsO3 III
0.0 0.0

–0.2 VI SO42– H2S –II



FIGURE 7.15  Thermodynamic ranking of selected labile elements.

356 Remediation Engineering

This means that more or less of a specific carbon substrate with elevated dissolved ferrous iron (Fe2+) and man-
may be required to achieve a certain strength of reduced con- ganous manganese (Mn2+) typical in in situ biologi-
ditions (mildly reducing vs. strongly reducing). Theoretically, cally mediated metal precipitation reactive zones.
the degradability of a carbon substrate balanced against 2. Arsenic is a metalloid that is soluble in all its valence
the available electron acceptors will determine the dosing states (As3+ and As5+) unless it is adsorbed to or
required to achieve a specific reductive poise (not account- incorporated with other minerals (most often those
ing for bacterial inefficiencies and cell growth). The size and of ferric iron [Fe3+]). Although it is not abundant
strength of the resulting reducing environment in conjunc- in Earth’s crust (Table 7.1), arsenic is ubiquitous in
tion with the native mineral characteristics will determine small amounts and can be liberated by direct reduc-
the degree to which metals may be mobilized. This is true tion, complexation with reactive sulfide, or reductive
regardless of the specific carbon substrate. For example, at dissolution of the ferric iron (Fe3+) minerals with
sites impacted with mature petroleum hydrocarbon plumes, which it is typically associated.96
the geochemistry is typically strongly reducing with near
equivalent concentrations of total and soluble iron (Fe3+/Fe2+) Available dissolved electron acceptors, hydrogeologic hetero-
and manganese (Mn4+/Mn2+) as a result of indigenous bacte- geneities, and the complexities of solid-phase/aqueous-phase
ria using the petroleum hydrocarbon as a fermentable carbon interactions prevent rapid dissolution of these metals follow-
substrate. Recent research does indicate that high dosing of ing creation of anaerobic conditions in groundwater. Instead,
carbon substrates can facilitate more aggressive reductive dis- this process occurs slowly over time, as indicated by the data
solution by creating metabolites that act as electron shuttles or in Figure 7.16. Some solubility control is actually possible
chelating agents, affecting even crystalline mineral phases.95 within the anaerobic zone due to the formation of iron and
Data from actual in  situ engineered anaerobic/reducing manganese carbonate minerals as well as iron sulfides capa-
environments created in normally aerobic aquifer settings ble of incorporating some arsenic.
have shown iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and arsenic (As) to The dissolved concentrations of these metals can be
be of primary relevance. This is likely attributable to the expected to remain elevated while the anaerobic environ-
following: ment is maintained. Fortunately, as indicated by the data in
Figure 7.17, there are natural processes that can control their
1. Both iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) are oxidation– mobility at the boundary of the anaerobic zone. In the absence
reduction potential sensitive, are soluble in their of oxygen, it is likely that sorption mechanisms and reaction
reduced valence states (ferrous iron Fe2+ and man- with solid phases dominate in importance to at least initially
ganous manganese Mn2+), and are abundant in soil impart this control. Ferrous iron (Fe2+) is also susceptible
(Table 7.1). Because they are also ubiquitous, they to sorption, but can also oxidize via reaction with certain
are primary rungs in the ladder of alternate electron soil minerals (such as manganese dioxides [MnO2]), creat-
acceptors used by microbes for respiration in anaer- ing additional ferric iron (Fe3+) minerals. Similarly, arsenic
obic environments (Figure 7.15). This makes them transport is likely limited by partitioning to both naturally
significant in terms of the potential for mobilization, occurring and freshly precipitated ferric iron (Fe3+) minerals,

40,000 800

35,000 700
Iron (mg/L) and arsenic (µg/L)

30,000 600
Manganese (µg/L)

25,000 500

20,000 Manganese 400

15,000 Arsenic 300

10,000 200

5,000 100

0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Time (days)

FIGURE 7.16  Dissolved metals data from an engineered anaerobic in situ reactive zone. Note: The monitoring well location is approxi-
mately 40 days of groundwater travel time downgradient of the injection line.
In Situ Treatment of Metals 357

40,000 Anaerobic reactive zone 800

35,000 Manganese 700


Iron (mg/L) and arsenic (µg/L)

30,000 600

Manganese (µg/L)
25,000 500

20,000 400

15,000 300

10,000 200

5,000 100

0 0
–100 0 100 200 300 400 500
Distance (ft) Conditions after 4.5 years
of operation (1640 days)
Location of
Upgradient Downgradient
injection line

FIGURE 7.17  Dissolved metals data through and engineered anaerobic in situ reactive zone. The data presented represents conditions after
4.5 years of in situ reactive zone operation (1,640 days).

and there is evidence that it can also react with manganese and emulsified vegetable oil ZVI are not considered because,
dioxides (MnO2) in a similar manner to ferrous iron (Fe2+). despite their nucleophilicity (i.e., behavior as a chemical
Manganous manganese (Mn2+) is comparatively more mobile reductant), their reducing capacity is indistinguishable from
than both arsenic and iron owing to the fact that the previous stimulating reducing biological processes. Chemical reagents
reactions will contribute to its solubility at the edge of the that are theoretically appropriate for ex  situ metals removal
anaerobic reactive zone, it is less susceptible to sorption, and (i.e., trisodium salt [TMT-15], available phosphites, and
it requires more strongly aerobic conditions to reoxidize and borohydride) are not considered for in  situ metal precipita-
precipitate.97 tion because of the impurities and potential health and safety
This then begs the question, “What happens at the end of hazards of handling these chemical reagents in the field for
the remedy?” It is reasonable to expect that as the naturally injection purposes.
aerobic poise is restored, ferrous iron (Fe2+) and manganous The chemical interferences are not dissimilar from the
manganese (Mn2+) will reprecipitate. For the site that was the biological interferences; they are simply caused by the injec-
source of the data presented in Figure 7.17, the ratios of dis- tion  of the chemical reagents in Table 7.8 rather than the
solved iron to dissolved arsenic have remained consistently injection of a carbon substrate and the subsequent bacterial
high (from 200:1 to nearly 450:1). It is therefore reasonable to response to the carbon substrate. Recall the second CaSx
expect the arsenic to coprecipitate with the iron. The rate of case study discussed in Section that demonstrated
dissolved oxygen and other electron acceptor recharge com- slight increases in arsenic and larger increases in selenium.
pared to the residual reductive poise will determine the time The increased concentration of anions in solution (Sn2−) and
frame for this transition. In biological systems, this has the establishing strongly reducing conditions created a secondary
potential to take a long time because once the injected carbon water quality concern for selenium (Se). Such is a chemical
substrate has been consumed, bacteria can use synthesized interference associated with a polysulfide (Sn2−), dithionite
cells as a source of carbon (see Chapter 6). Lengthy metal (S2O42−), and sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) injection, or any chemi-
attenuation time frames may be acceptable in the context of cal injection that establishes these conditions.
a long-term remediation effort but can also be actively expe- A related issue to interferences associated with chemical
dited if warranted via engineered solutions. reagents injected into aquifers is the secondary water qual-
ity concerns (Chapter 3). It is noteworthy to mention how a  Chemical Interferences  In  situ metal pre- well-intentioned in  situ metal precipitation and acidity neu-
cipitation via chemical processes can influence all three (pH, tralization may accidentally change the contaminant of con-
ionic strength, and oxidation–reduction sensitivities). For cern from metals/acidity to the associated cation or anion of
the purposes of discussing interferences associated with the the selected chemical reagents. For example, a commercially
reagents summarized in Table 7.8, we focus on potentially available form of polysulfide is sodium polysulfide (Na2Sx).
practical chemical reagents for in  situ metal precipitation: Sodium polysulfide (Na2Sx) can be desirable to the more
ZVI (Fe0), polysulfide (Sn2−), dithionite (S2O42−), ferrous (Fe2+) typical calcium polysulfide (CaSx) because the payload of
iron, and sodium sulfite (Na2SO3). All forms of organic acids sulfide is higher (Table 7.12) and sodium polysulfide cations
358 Remediation Engineering

acidity and elevated dissolved metals from galvanizing opera-

TABLE 7.12 tions that used sulfuric acid are also likely to have elevated
Typical Properties of Commonly Available Forms concentrations of sulfate (SO42−) in groundwater. The disso-
of Polysulfide ciation of calcium polysulfide (CaSx) into calcium ions (Ca2+)
and polysulfide anions (Sn2−) in groundwater with elevated
Calcium Polysulfide Sodium Polysulfide
Property (CaSx) (Na2Sx)
concentrations of sulfate (SO42−) is likely to result in massive
precipitation of calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO4 * 2H2O; i.e.,
Assay (% by weight) 27% 33%
gypsum), which can result in significant porosity clogging and
Cation (% by weight) 6% 6%
permeability reductions.
Sulfur (% by weight) 20.5% 27%
Another mechanism for potential fouling involves the
Specific gravity (25°C) 1.25–1.29 1.35–1.39
intentional neutralization of highly acid or alkaline ground-
pH 10.0–11.7 10.0–12.0
Color/odor Ruby red/hydrogen
water. These types of plumes are characterized by elevated
sulfide (rotten eggs) dissolved solids from chemical weathering of the native aqui-
fer minerals including elevated concentrations of dissolved
metals such as iron (Fe), aluminum (Al), and calcium (Ca)
of sodium have a lower charge equivalence resulting in less along with elevated concentrations of dissolved silica (Si).
ion exchange with divalent metals that have sorbed in situ. In While the composition of acidic versus alkaline groundwater
order to optimize the distribution of reactive sulfide, it may be will be different, the role of silica (Si), aluminum (Al), and
desirable to add some ANC in the form of sodium bicarbonate iron (Fe) is consistent given that they are the second, third,
(NaHCO3) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to avoid the sulfide and fourth most abundant elements in Earth’s crust, and their
being used to neutralize acidity. A 2% by weight concentra- common mineral forms are highly pH sensitive. The introduc-
tion of sodium polysulfide (Na2Sx) and a 0.25% by weight con- tion of bulk acidity or alkalinity to a highly alkaline or acidic
centration of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) result in an injected groundwater with the intent of rapid neutralization will yield
concentration of sodium of 5,900 mg/L, which exceeds cer- the rapid reprecipitation of dissolved solids into a low-density
tain state specific criteria (i.e., Florida Groundwater Cleanup (high volume) amorphous mass, potentially clogging avail-
Target Level of 160 mg/L). The rate of treatment area flushing able pore space.
and resultant dilution of injected cations should be carefully
considered and communicated to stakeholders prior to imple-  Mineral Comparisons
menting the injections. Dissolved heavy metals can be precipitated out of solution
through various precipitation reactions to form insoluble sul-   Potential for Fouling (Porosity and Permeability fide (S2−), hydroxide (OH−), carbonate (CO32−), and phosphate
Reductions)  The injection of microscale ZVI (Fe0) is ill (PO43−) precipitates. Theoretical behavior of solubility of
advised because the distribution of microscale ZVI (Fe0) is hydroxide (OH−) and sulfide (S2−) precipitation mechanisms is
challenged by many things; among them is chemical pas- shown in Figure 7.18. A divalent metallic cation is used as an
sivation of the reactive iron before contacting the contami- example in the following reactions:
nants. The innovations in nanoscale ZVI (nZVI) discussed
in Chapter 6 explain the relevancy of protecting against this (OH - ) precipitation: Me 2 + + 2OH - ® Me(OH)2 ¯ (7.44)
form of chemical interference. In an aquifer plagued by acidic
pH and elevated dissolved metal concentrations, the injec- (S2 - ) precipitation: Me 2 + + S2 - ® MeS ¯ (7.45)

tion of a highly alkaline reagent (i.e., polysulfide or sodium
hydroxide) can result in rapid and voluminous precipitation 2- 2+ 2-
of iron oxyhydroxide minerals. For example, ferrihydrite (CO3 ) precipitation: Me + CO3 ® MeCO3 ¯ (7.46)
(Fe2O3  *  H2O) is up to 600% larger than an equal mass of
ZVI (Fe0).98 Geochemical porosity clogging can significantly (PO 43- ) precipitation: 3Me 2 + + 2PO 43- ® (Me)3 (PO4)2 ¯
inhibit chemical reagent distribution to the targeted ROI  (7.47)
potentially resulting in incomplete treatment and likely poor
treatment effectiveness over a long enough time frame. In certain cases, metal carbonates (MeCO3) are less soluble
A particularly interesting form of potential porosity clog- than their corresponding metal hydroxides (MeOH). This is
ging can be related to the cation or anion associated with the true in the case of barium (Ba2+), cadmium (Cd2+), and lead
chemical reagent. For example, calcium polysulfide (CaSx) (Pb2+) (Table 7.13 and Figure 7.19).
uses calcium as the cation in this particular commercially
available form of polysulfide. Calcium polysulfide (CaSx) is  Oxides and Hydroxides
a popular choice for remediation of aquifers impacted by his- Hydroxide (OH−) precipitation occurs when the pH of an
torical galvanizing operations because it can neutralize acid- aqueous system containing dissolved metal ions is raised to
ity and create insoluble metal sulfides as discussed previously some optimum level for a specific metal. The optimum pH is
(Section Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is a common acid different for each metal and, often, for different valence states
used in galvanizing operations, and aquifers impacted with of the same metal. It may vary for a specific metal ion with
In Situ Treatment of Metals 359


1.0 Zn2+

Solubility (mg/L)


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(a) pH


Soluble metal concentration (mg/L)


NiS Zn(OH)2

0.1 CdS Cd(OH)2

0.01 NiS
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
(b) pH

FIGURE 7.18  (a) Solubilities of metal hydroxides with pH. (b) Solubilities of metal hydroxides and metal sulfides as a function of solution
pH. (From Weiner, E.R., Applications of Environmental Chemistry, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, 2000.)

the presence of other species in solution, with the oxidation– Recall Equations 7.46, 7.47, and 7.48 from Section
reduction potential, and with the aging of the hydroxide where nickel was used to demonstrate the differences in com-
(OH−). Aging effects can be explained as the slow conversion parative mineral solubility. Also, recall that hydroxide (OH–)
of an active, crystalline matrix to a more inactive amorphous and hydrogen (H+) are connected through the equilibrium
form (Section constant for water (Kw). Substituting “Me” to make Equations
Much of the discussion in this chapter has focused on 7.46, 7.47, and 7.48 generic and combing them with the water
metal sulfide precipitation, and that is because metal sulfides equilibrium expression yield Equations 7.70 and 7.71:
present a reliable method of achieving regulatory cleanup
standards over a wide range of potential geochemical con- |* [ Me 2 + ] |* [ Me x + ]
K sp = + 2
or more generalized as K sp = (7.48)
ditions (via biological or chemical processes). This does not [H ] [ H + ]x
mean that metal hydroxides are not important or relevant in
in situ metal precipitation. The hydroxide (OH−) and carbon- with the K sp value being equal to:
ate (CO32−) ligands are readily available in natural systems |
K sp
and as such can significantly influence the availability of dis- K *sp = (7.49)
solved ions and participate in metals immobilization. Kw
360 Remediation Engineering

TABLE 7.13
Comparison of Metal Hydroxide and Metal Carbonate Solubility Products (Ksp)
Chemical Compound Name Mineral Name Mineral Formula Solubility Product (Ksp) Source
Barium carbonate Witherite BaCO3 7 × 10−9 Weast et al.5
Barium hydroxide octahydrate Ba(OH)2 * 8H2O 2.55 × 10−4 Lide99
Cadmium carbonate Otavite CdCO3 1 × 10−12 Lide99
Cadmium hydroxide Cd(OH)2 7.2 × 10−15 UNC14
Iron carbonate Siderite FeCO3 3.13 × 10−11 Lide99
Iron hydroxide Fe(OH)2 1.64 × 10−14 Weast et al.5
Lead carbonate Cerussite PbCO3 3.3 × 10−14 Weast et al.5
Lead hydroxide Pb(OH)2 1.43 × 10−20 UNC14
Nickel carbonate NiCO3 6.6 × 10−9 Kotz et al.12
Nickel hydroxide Ni(OH)2 2.8 × 10−16 Kotz et al.12
Zinc carbonate Smithsonite ZnCO3 1.46 × 10−10 Lide99
Zinc hydroxide Zn(OH)2 1.8 × 10−14 Weast et al.5

Sources: Weast, R.C. et al., Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 65th edn., F-146, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1984;
Kotz, J.C. et al., Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, 5th edn., Thomson-Brooks/Cole, 2003; North Carolina
State University website,
Constants.pdf. Solubility Product Constants, accessed December 2015; Lide, R.R., Handbook of Chemistry
and Physics, 83rd edn., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2002.


800 Ni(OH)2
Metal solubility (mg/L)

Ba(OH)2 * 8H2O
600 CdCO3
500 FeCO3
400 PbCO3
300 Pb(OH)2
200 Zn(OH)2


4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0

FIGURE 7.19  Solubilities of metal hydroxides and metal carbonates as a function of solution pH, assuming 100 mg/L carbonate (CO32−).

From these expressions, the dissolved metal concentration in soluble complexes of metal ligands in equilibrium solubility
equilibrium with the metal hydroxide precipitate can be pre- with the metal hydroxide solid precipitate. This was discussed
sented as a function of pOH or pH (Figure 7.20). Combining in Section and is an important concept because the
Equations 7.48 and 7.49, applying a logarithmic conversion, laboratory analytical result for the dissolved metal will include
and rearranging to solve for the dissolved metal concentration all of these soluble complexes (i.e., equilibrium solubility).
as a function of pH yields as follows: The true solubility is described by the available metal hydrox-
ide complexes that could form based on the valence of the
log[ Me x + ] = log K sp
+ xpK w - xpH (7.50) subject metal. For example, four such total s­ olubility diagrams
are presented in Figures 7.21 through 7.24, for aluminum
This is the linear representation supporting the lines shown in (Al3+), ferric iron (Fe3+), zinc (Zn2+), and trivalent chromium
Figure 7.20. This singular line does not fully describe the sol- (Cr3+). These diagrams are created by expressing the solubil-
ubility of the metal hydroxide because there can be numerous ity expression in a linear manner (i.e., Equation 7.50) for each
In Situ Treatment of Metals 361

Co2+ Mn2+

–1 Cd2+

logC –3
Fe3+ Mg2+


2 4 6 8 10 12

FIGURE 7.20  Free metal-ion concentration in equilibrium with solid oxides or hydroxides, as adapted from Stumm and Morgan.15 The
occurrence of hydroxometal complexes must be considered for evaluation of complete solubility.

–6 Al(OH)3


Al3+ Al(OH)2+
2 4 6 8 10 12

FIGURE 7.21  Aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3) solubility and supporting aqueous aluminum complexes versus pH.

potential form of metal hydroxide complex. These lines are of iron, coprecipitation with iron is often the driver in  situ
presented in Figures 7.21 through 7.24 as gray dotted lines due to the lower solubility (i.e., precipitation is likely to occur
behind the dark black line. The dark black line in Figures more readily for iron). Note that the minimum solubility for
7.21 through 7.24 represents the saturation index for the metal aluminum (Al(III)tot) at 6.3 is approximately 4.1 × 10 −7 M
hydroxide. Concentrations above or below the line will result (log[Al(III)tot] ~ −6.3. Then note the corresponding concen-
in precipitation or dissolution, respectively. The aluminum tration of iron at pH = 6.3 is 4.1 × 10 −10 M (log[Fe(III)tot] ~
(Al3+) and ferric iron (Fe3+) diagrams were selected for inclu- −9.4), which is three orders of magnitude lower that the mini-
sion here because these two metals represent a great potential mum solubility of aluminum (Al(III)tot). As pH neutralization
for coprecipitation in natural aquifers when pH neutralization occurs from typical metal-plume contaminant pH of 3.5–4.5
occurs (Figures 7.21 and 7.22). Notice the minimum solubility to greater than 6.0, massive precipitation of available iron is
for aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3(s)) is around 6.3 and ferric expected to coprecipitate, encapsulate, and include dissolved
hydroxide (Fe(OH)3(s)) 8.0. Despite the larger natural presence metals irons into the crystalline masses of ferric iron (Fe3+)
362 Remediation Engineering



log[C] –8
–10 Fe(OH)3

–12 Fe2(OH)24+

–14 Fe(OH)2+
Fe3(OH)45+ Fe3+
2 4 6 8 10 12

FIGURE 7.22  Iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)3) solubility and supporting aqueous iron complexes versus pH.


–4 Zn(OH)2


–8 Zn2+


2 4 6 8 10 12

FIGURE 7.23  Zinc hydroxide (Zn(OH)2) solubility and supporting aqueous zinc complexes versus pH.

hydroxide. This examination clearly shows the relevance and factor of 3 × 108 (Table 7.6) presents a more reliable and prac-
importance of both aluminum and iron hydroxides (Al(OH)3(s) tical way to achieve regulatory standards.
and Fe(OH)3(s)) to control coprecipitation in situ. Finally, trivalent chromium (Cr3+) solubility is presented
The zinc hydroxide (Zn(OH)2(s)) system is presented in in Figure 7.24, for the distinct reason of demonstrating how
Figure 7.23 and demonstrates why metal sulfides typically sensitive the solubility of chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) is
control heavy metals removal from groundwater. From Table on the acidity side of the solubility diagram. This diagram
7.4, the secondary MCL for zinc (Zn2+) is 5,000 µg/L (7.65 × shows that strongly acidic conditions can drive the specia-
10 −8 M). The minimum achievable solubility for zinc (Zn(II)tot) tion of chromium, and acidity neutralization to circumneutral
using hydroxide precipitation occurs at a pH of approximately or slightly alkaline conditions is an essential component of
9.8 and at a concentration of approximately 2,321,700 µg/L in situ metal precipitation of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+). One
(3.55 × 10 −5 M), greater than 460 times the secondary MCL. interesting exception in sulfide (S2−) precipitation is that of
Not only would it be impractical to sustain a natural pH at 9.8, chromium, which does not precipitate as the sulfide (S2−), but
achieving a pH of 9.8 would not result in meeting the stan- as chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3). This is apparent based on
dard. Clearly zinc sulfide (ZnS), with a solubility difference the available solubility products (Ksp) provided for chromium
In Situ Treatment of Metals 363

–2 Cr(OH)2+

–4 Cr(III)tot

Concentration (M)

–10 Cr3+


2 4 6 8 10 12

FIGURE 7.24  Chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) solubility and supporting aqueous chromium complexes versus pH.

in Tables 7.5 through 7.7. Therefore, chromium removal will sulfides, so long as they do not rely on permeation into the
be controlled by hydroxide (OH−) precipitation, and hence by sampler (i.e., passive diffusion bags are incompatible with sul-
pH. Precipitation as chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) has long fide analysis and HydraSleeves® or SNAP Samplers® or others
been the traditional approach for treating hexavalent chro- are more appropriate). This leaves a logical question about the
mium (Cr6+) laden industrial wastewater streams. practicality of relying on sulfide to engineer metal precipita-
tion. The following calculation will show that relatively low Sulfides concentrations of sulfide (S2−) are needed to form metal sul-
Most metal sulfide precipitates are less soluble than metal oxide fide precipitates by reacting with hydrogen sulfide (H2S) at
and hydroxide precipitates at the pH ranges encountered in typical concentrations that can be formed in an anaerobic IRZ
groundwater systems (arsenic, antimony, chromium, iron, and or in a chemical-reducing IRZ. Let us examine, for instance,
tin are exceptions; Table 7.7). It is evident from Tables 7.6 and the case of ferrous iron (Fe2+). The dissociation constant for
7.7 and Figure 7.18 that metal sulfide precipitation is effective. solid ferrous sulfide (FeS(s)) from Table 7.5 is
Regulatory compliance criteria for highly toxic metals are often
FeS(s) ® Fe(2aq+ ) + S(2aq- ) (7.51)
only achievable through the formation of metal sulfides because
metal sulfide solubilities are several orders of magnitude lower
[ Fe 2 + ][S2 - ] = 1 ´ 10 -19 (7.52)
than metal hydroxide precipitates through the pH range. Also,
metal sulfide solubilities are not sensitive to changes in pH. Note that because ferrous sulfide (FeS(S)) is assumed to be in
Metal sulfide precipitation is considered the dominant mecha- the solid phase, the dissociation constant expression shown
nism limiting the solubility of many heavy metals. Sulfide pre- in Equation 7.52 of products over reactants is simplified by
cipitation is particularly strong for Class B metals or soft (and recognizing that pure solids and liquids are unity due to their
some borderline) cations such as Ag+, Cu+, Hg+/Hg2+, Cd2+, Pb2+, insensitivity to equilibrium with dissolved species.
and Zn2+; it is also an important mechanism for transition ele- Based on the sequential equilibrium expressions for hydro-
ments such as Cu2+, Ni2+, Co2+, Fe2+, and Mn2+.100,101 gen sulfide (H2S) and bisulfide (HS- ) (which were presented
Sulfide is highly reactive in situ and easily scavenged by in Section and sulfide (S2- ) (presented for the first
acidity and oxygen. In natural aquifers that have not been time here), we get
engineered for biological or chemical sulfide precipitation,
analytical results for sulfide are typically below laboratory H 2S(aq ) ® HS(-aq ) + H (+aq )
reporting limits to generally less than 1 mg/L. Even field
test kits can be challenged by accidental equilibration of the [HS- ][H + ]
= 1 ´ 10 -7 (7.53)
groundwater sample with the ambient atmosphere. Typical [H 2S]
purge-based groundwater sampling methodologies are sus-
ceptible to dissolved oxygen entrainment that can make accu- HS(-aq ) ® S(2aq- ) + H (+aq )
rately quantifying low concentrations of sulfide even more
challenging. No-purge sampling using passive methods (such [S2 - ][H + ]
= 1 ´ 10 -18 (7.54)
as discrete interval samplers) are more accurate for detecting [HS- ]
364 Remediation Engineering

The dissociation constant for hydrogen sulfide (H2S) may be additional source of sulfate. For Site 2, molasses alone was
written as used followed by a sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) buffer.
The geologic setting of Site 1 is stratified glacial deposits
[H 2S] consisting of mostly sands, silts, gravels, and boulders overlay-
[S2 - ] = 1 ´ 10 -25 ´ (7.55)
[H + ]2 ing gneissic bedrock. The depth to water is approximately 18.3
ft bgs, and the ambient sulfate concentration in groundwater
Therefore, if we substitute the expression for sulfide [S2−] form was analyzed to be 30–40 mg/L. The initial pH was measured
Equation 7.55 into Equation 7.52 and rearrange algebraically, at 6.0, which (according to Figure 7.4) was expected to require
we obtain an expression for how much ferrous iron (Fe2+) can mature and crystalline nickel sulfide precipitation to achieve
be precipitated from groundwater for a corresponding con- the specified compliance criterion of 100 μg/L. Over the time
centration of dissolved sulfide (as hydrogen sulfide [H2S]) at span of 2003–2006, magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) was
a given pH: added via soil mixing into the top 2 ft of the saturated zone
in the source area, and two sodium hydroxide (NaOH) injec-
[H + ]2 1 ´ 10 -19 [H + ]2 tions were conducted into the top 20 ft of the saturated zone
[ Fe 2 + ] = ´ = ´ 1 ´ 106 (7.56) in the downgradient plume prior to the authors’ involvement
[H 2S] 1 ´ 10 -25 [H 2S]
in the remediation. The sodium hydroxide (NaOH) injections
were small volumes of a 50% NaOH solution. The analytical
Therefore, at a typical hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentration results of the nickel and measured pH following the hydrox-
of 1 mg/L (2.9 × 10 −5 M) and a pH of 7.0 ([H+] = 1 × 10 −7 M), ide additions are summarized in Figure  7.25. Breakthrough
approximately 19 mg/L of ferrous iron (Fe2+; 3.4 × 10 −4 M) of strongly alkaline pH appears to have occurred at Well
will be precipitated from groundwater as ferrous sulfide. Since A, but the pH returned to near preinjection conditions after
ferrous sulfide is one of the more-soluble sulfides (Tables 7.5 only a few months. No pH influence appears to have been
and 7.7), it can be seen that metals whose sulfides have even observed at Well B. Based on the speciation of nickel hydrox-
lower solubility products will form even more readily at lower ide (Ni(OH)2) shown in Figure 7.7, in order to reliably meet
H2S concentrations. the compliance criterion of 100 μg/L, the pH needs to consis-
tently be above 9.5. The results presented in Figure 7.25 sug-  Case Study Comparisons gest that the required pH could not be achieved, and therefore,
A brief case study (Site 1) in the Eastern United States is dis- the compliance criterion for nickel (Ni2+) was not achieved.
cussed here comparing nickel precipitation using biologically There are a few potential explanations for why the analytical
generated sulfide in  situ to target nickel sulfide (NiS) pre- results did not achieve the 100 μg/L standard:
cipitation and nickel hydroxide (Ni(OH)2) formation through
pH adjustment with magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) and • The amount of hydroxide (OH−) added may have
sodium hydroxide (NaOH). A second case study (Site 2) is been insufficient to appropriately buffer the pH.
presented describing the sensitivity of nickel precipitation • The distribution of injected hydroxide (OH−) may
to acidity. To facilitate the discussion, recall Equations 7.28 have been inadequate due to challenging injection
through 7.34 in Section hydraulics or hydroxide (OH−) consumption within
the influenced radius.  Site 1  Sulfide can be added to an aquifer • The ambient groundwater flux may have exerted
through direct chemical injection (polysulfides, dithionite, a hydroxide (OH−) scavenging demand that was in
bisulfite; or created in situ through indirect micro- excess of the hydroxide (OH−) provided.
bial transformation. The reduction of ambient sulfate (SO42−)
occurs when sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRBs) oxidize carbon Regardless of the exact mechanism, all of the potential expla-
substrates and use sulfate (SO42−) as the electron acceptor. nations, with the exception of challenging injection hydraulics,
The net result of the process is the production of hydrogen underscore the difficulty associated with titrating an aquifer to
sulfide (H2S) and alkalinity (HCO3−). Metal sulfide precipi- a pH several units above ambient pH. When the authors became
tates have been generated in laboratory experiments and at involved in the project in 2009, a comprehensive hydrogeologi-
the field-scale utilizing hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from bacte- cal tracer study was implemented. The finding from the tracer
rial sulfate reduction.15,18,102–106 Sulfate reduction is strictly study was that injection hydraulics and the groundwater veloc-
an anaerobic process, and it proceeds only in the absence of ity were amenable to an in situ injection-based remedial design,
oxygen. The process requires a carbon substrate to support further suggesting that hydroxide (OH−) scavenging was the
microbial growth, a source of sulfate (SO42−), and a popula- limitation of the previous magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) and
tion of SRBs. Dilute black strap molasses solution is an ideal sodium hydroxide (NaOH) additions. Therefore, beginning in
carbon substrate for this purpose since typical black strap August 2012, a large-scale field pilot study was implemented to
molasses contains approximately 20% sucrose, 20% reducing test nickel sulfide (NiS) precipitation by indirect microbial sul-
sugars, 10% sulfated ash, 20% organic nonsugars, and 30% fate reduction. Four injections of dilute molasses and Epsom salt
water. For the Site 1, a dilute molasses solution was used and were conducted over the course of 2 years with routine perfor-
was supplemented with Epsom salt (MgSO4 * 7H2O) as an mance monitoring for pH, nickel, total organic carbon (TOC),
In Situ Treatment of Metals 365

Nickel ISM Mg(OH)2 NaOH Inj pH Nickel ISM Mg(OH)2 NaOH Inj pH
1,000,000 12 1,000,000 12

Well A Well B
100,000 100,000
10 10

10,000 10,000

Total nickel (mg/L)

Total nickel (mg/L)

8 8



6 6
100 100

Nickel criterion 4 Nickel criterion 4

10 10

1 2 1 2
1/14/04 10/10/06 7/6/09 4/1/12 1/14/04 10/10/06 7/6/09 4/1/12

FIGURE 7.25  Analytical nickel and pH data following sodium hydroxide (NaOH) injections at an influenced monitoring well (Well A)
and uninfluenced monitoring well (Well B).

sulfate, and methane. The results for three wells, as well as their (Ni2+) source zone that fed a plume of more than 1,000 mg/L
corresponding distance from the injection well within the pilot Ni2+ outside of the building footprint. Migration of nickel-
study area, are presented in Figure 7.26. The baseline concen- contaminated groundwater reached off-site, with concentra-
trations of dissolved phase nickel (Ni2+) were less in the three tions at the site perimeter in excess of the regulatory limit of
pilot test wells than Well A and Well B. However, after some 0.1 mg/L for drinking water protection. Because nickel (Ni2+)
initial porosity flushing that resulted in approximately 150–400 was observed to reach the site perimeter in excess of the reg-
μg/L dissolved nickel (Ni2+) concentrations and after the estab- ulatory limit, it is apparent that the persistent nickel (Ni2+)
lishment of strongly reducing conditions (as evidenced by the source from the plating solution in this case study example
presence of dissolved phase methane in excess of 1 mg/L) in the exhausted the aquifer’s ability to retard nickel (Ni2+) transport
presence of sulfate greatly above background concentrations, through adsorption, cation exchange, etc. Removal of the plat-
the concentration of dissolved phase nickel (Ni2+) downgradi- ing solution from the release point alone would not eliminate
ent of the injection well is below the 100 μg/L compliance cri- nickel (Ni2+) migration or the stored dissolved nickel (Ni2+)
terion. The pH appears to fluctuate between 6.0 and 8.0, but within the immobile fraction of the aquifer (additional dis-
is typically closer to 6.0. This implies that the nickel sulfide cussion of contaminant source distribution and migration pat-
(NiS) precipitates formed as a result of the bacterial reduction terns can be found in Chapter 4).
of sulfate formed crystalline nickel sulfide (NiS) precipitates A biological reactive zone was established to remove dis-
that are stable at a pH that is slightly more acidic than predicted solved nickel (Ni2+) from the groundwater, by forming durable
in Figures 7.4 and 7.7. precipitates. Carbon substrate injections (i.e., molasses) were used
to provide a carbon source to facilitate the requisite anaerobic  Site 2  Nickel that is used in plating solutions is metabolism and to supply sulfate (SO42−) that supports SRBs.
supplied by highly soluble salts such as nickel chloride (NiCl2, In combination, this reagent provides a low oxidation–reduction
solubility = ~40% [anhydrous] to ~72% [hexahydrate] by weight potential, and a high-sulfide chemical environment, in which
at 20°C) and nickel sulfate (NiSO4, solubility = ~39% [anhy- nickel sulfide (NiS) can precipitate. Nickel sulfide (NiS) is an
drous] to ~44% [heptahydrate] by weight at 20°C), buffered to insoluble salt with equilibrium concentrations far below 1 mg/L at
pH in the range of 4.0–4.5 with a boric acid buffer (H3BO3). pH neutral aquifer pH. Because the sulfide anion (S2−) is a strong base
adjustment alone would not reduce the soluble fraction of nickel (Section, sulfide scavenging occurs at low pH, drawing
(Ni2+) to acceptable levels. A lasting remedial strategy can be nickel sulfide (NiS) into solution. Therefore, as with most in situ
designed that supplies competing anions (i.e., S2−) to react with metal precipitation strategies, acidity neutralization is a key to
nickel (Ni2+), forming insoluble nickel compounds (i.e., NiS). instill permanence of the metals removal from groundwater.
A nickel-containing plating solution was released to a shal- The biological reactive zone injections succeeded in
low groundwater underneath a commercial plating facility providing the low oxidation–reduction potential and avail-
in the Midwestern United States creating a dissolved nickel able sulfide required to precipitate nickel sulfide (NiS).
366 Remediation Engineering

AOW-01I, 7 ft from AIW-01I

NJDEP Ni criterion Nickel pH
Injection #1 Injection #2 Injection #4 10
350 Injection #3

Total nickel (µg/L)

Field pH (s.u.)
100 4
0 2
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

100,000 TOC 20

TOC and sulfate (mg/L)

Methane 15

Methane (mg/L)

1 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Elapsed time (days)

AOW-05I, 7 ft from AIW-01I

NJDEP Ni criterion Nickel Field pH

Injection #1 Injection #2 Injection #4 10

350 Injection #3
Total nickel (μg/L)

Field pH (s.u.)
250 6
100 4
0 2
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

100,000 20
TOC and sulfate (mg/L)

10,000 Sulfate
Methane (mg/L)


1 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Elapsed time (days)


FIGURE 7.26  At-a-glance charts for field data from a carbon substrate injection to facilitate nickel sulfide (NiS) formation at various dose
response wells located downgradient of a single injection well. (a) through (c) show the different responses and contaminant trends from
different dose response wells. (Continued)
In Situ Treatment of Metals 367

AOW-03I, 33 ft from AIW-01I

NJDEP Ni criterion Nickel Field pH
Injection #1
4000 Injection #2 Injection #4 10

Total nickel (μg/L)

Injection #3
3000 8

Field pH (s.u.)
2000 6
1000 4
0 2
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

100,000 20

TOC and sulfate (mg/L)

Sulfate 15

Methane (mg/L)
1,000 Methane

1 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Elapsed time (days)


FIGURE 7.26 (Continued)  At-a-glance charts for field data from a carbon substrate injection to facilitate nickel sulfide (NiS) formation
at various dose response wells located downgradient of a single injection well. (a) through (c) show the different responses and contaminant
trends from different dose response wells.

The production of organic acids due to incomplete oxidation was added along with molasses during reactive zone injec-
of the carbon substrate created acidity in the early phases of tions after day 1,200. Notice in Figure 7.27 the sharp rise in
the reactive zone development. This generated partial dis- pH and simultaneous marked decrease in dissolved nickel
solution of nickel sulfide (NiS). This was evidenced by an (Ni2+). This stabilized the pH and allowed the durable nickel
increase in dissolved nickel (Ni2+) concentrations each time sulfide (NiS) precipitate to form.
the pH declined, as seen in Figure 7.27, which shows nickel
(Ni2+) concentrations in groundwater immediately outside the  The “Matrix Effect”
plating building footprint. Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) buffer Oxidation–reduction processes can induce strong acidifica-
tion or alkalinization of soils and aquifer systems. Oxidized
components are more acidic (sulfur as sulfate [SO42−] and
10,000 8.0
nitrogen as nitrate [NO3−]) than their reduced counterparts
6.0 (sulfur as hydrogen sulfide [H2S] and nitrogen as ammonia
Nickel concentrations (mg/L)

[NH3]). As a result, alkalinity and pH tend to increase with
4.0 reduction and decrease with oxidation. Carbonates (CO32−)
100 are efficient buffers in natural aquifer systems in the neutral
pH range. Many processes can cause changes in the oxidation-

10 reduction conditions in an aquifer. Infiltration of water with

high dissolved oxygen concentration, natural fluctuations in
1 the groundwater elevation, introduction of contaminants that
pH are readily degradable and the resultant increased microbial
activity, and the deterioration of soil structure can impact the
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 oxidation–reduction conditions in the subsurface. However,
Elapsed time (t) there is an inherent capacity to resist oxidation–reduction
changes in natural aquifer systems. This inherent capacity (or
FIGURE 7.27  Strong dependence of nickel (Ni2+) precipitation “the matrix effect”) depends on the availability of naturally
on pH. pH is shown by black squares and nickel is shown in triangles. occurring oxidized or reduced species. Oxidation–reduction
368 Remediation Engineering

buffering is provided by the presence of various electron (Al(OH)3) and carbonate (CO32−)/sulfate (SO42−) minerals can
donors and electron acceptors in the aquifer. enhance the sorption capacity of the aquifer materials.
In  situ metal precipitation is designed to consider how
manipulating oxidation–reduction reactions will influence Hydration
ambient conditions, in addition to immobilizing the targeted Another aspect of the behavior of dissolved metals in ground-
contaminants within the applicable residence time. The matrix water systems is that metal cations attract a hydration shell
effect is an important predesign consideration to understand of water molecules by electrostatic attraction to the positive
the permanence of the targeted metal precipitate as well as charge of the cation. This happens because the water mol-
the required reagent dose to achieve the targeted geochemis- ecules are polar, and the following reaction is an example of
try while minimizing lingering secondary water quality con- Lewis acid/base interaction (metal cation is the Lewis acid
cerns. Furthermore, careful evaluation is necessary regarding and water is the Lewis base).
the selectivity of the injected reagents toward the target con-
H2 O
taminants and the potential to react with other compounds Me n + ® Me(H 2O)nx + (7.57)

or aquifer materials. Short-term and long-term monitoring is
used to determine whether the natural equilibrium conditions where x = 6 for most metals.
can be restored at the end of the remediation process. In some Hydrated metal ions behave as acids by donating protons
cases, modified biogeochemical equilibrium conditions may (H+) to H2O molecules, forming the acidic H3O+ hydronium
have to be maintained over a long period of time to prevent the ion. The process can continue stepwise up to n times to make
rebound of contaminant concentrations. This consideration is a neutral metal hydroxide. For example, with Fe3+ it takes
a differentiator between chemical and biological in situ metal three proton transfer steps to form ferric hydroxide109:
precipitation strategies (Section
Metal precipitates resulting from an IRZ may move in Fe(H 2O)33+ + 3H 2O ® Fe(OH)3 ¯ + 3H 2O + (7.58)
association with colloidal particles or as particles themselves
of colloidal dimensions (Section The transport of With each step, the hydrated metal is progressively deprot-
contaminants as colloids may result in unexpected mobil- onated, forming polyhydroxides and becoming increasingly
ity of precipitates thought to be insoluble post-treatment. It insoluble. Eventually, the metal precipitates as a low solubility
is important to remember that the transport behavior of col- hydroxide.
loids is determined by the physical/chemical properties of
the colloids as well as the soil matrix. Concerns of potential
7.4.2 Technology Type
colloidal transport of targeted metal precipitates can be man-
aged through factual communication of colloidal transport Before implementing an in situ metal precipitation approach,
with stakeholders and bench-scale treatability testing using it is important to understand the limits of what is achievable
columns. by determining the solubility of the precipitated solids. In
In aquifer systems with high iron concentrations, the amor- addition, the compatibility of the reactions with the ambi-
phous HFO can be described as an amphoteric ion exchange ent environment should also be evaluated to avoid potential
media. As pH conditions change, it has the capacity to offer adverse impacts. The solubility profiles for crystalline nickel
hydrogen ions (H+) or hydroxyl ions (OH−) for a cation or an carbonate (NiCO3), nickel hydroxide (Ni(OH)2), and nickel
ion exchange, respectively. Adsorption behavior is primar- sulfide (NiS) are presented in Figure 7.7. The solubility pro-
ily related to pH (within the typical range of 5.0–8.5), and at files indicate that the aqueous nickel concentration will vary
typical average concentrations in soil, the iron in a cubic yard significantly depending on the pH and the solid-phase con-
of soil is capable of adsorbing from 0.5 to 2 lb of metals as trolling solubility. Furthermore, the pE–pH stability diagram
cations or metallic complexes. This phenomenon is extremely for the nickel–carbon–sulfur–water system is presented in
useful for the removal of arsenic (As), selenium (Se), and Figure 7.7, and suggests that the oxidation–reduction potential
chromium (Cr). also influences the resultant precipitation reactions. Failure
In  situ treatment with a chemical reductant will change to consider these crucial parameters prior to targeting one of
the aquifer mineralogy composition and create new miner- these precipitate forms can lead to an incorrect remedy and an
als that may contribute to metal removal from groundwater. unfavorable outcome (Section
Typically, the most important matrix minerals are the forma- The implementation of in  situ metal precipitation occurs
tion of iron sulfide (FeS) and pyrite (FeS2). Transition met- in the aquifer, and the success of the strategy is based on
als (Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni, Zn) have a high affinity to iron sulfide understanding the precipitation chemistry and effectively dis-
(FeS) minerals. This affinity can result in the removal of dis- tributing the injected reagent (Chapter 6). From a chemical
solved phase metals through sorption, coprecipitation, and/or treatment perspective, the extent of the IRZ is typically lim-
ion exchange with iron sulfide (FeS) minerals. Formation of ited to the engineered IRZ, with clean water flushing extend-
iron sulfides (FeS) have been used previously for metals treat- ing downgradient. From a biological treatment perspective,
ment in anoxic sediments107,108 and other anaerobic conditions the injection of an organic carbon substrate may cause an
where formation of these minerals is favorable.18 Along with expansion of the engineered IRZ downgradient, depend-
iron sulfides (FeS), the formation of aluminum hydroxide ing on the solubility of the substrate. For both strategies,
In Situ Treatment of Metals 369

an appreciation of the hydrogeological heterogeneities and iron (Fe2+) may be scavenged by associated chemical and bio-
anisotropies is critical. For physical removal/flushing strat- logical reactions. If reactive sulfide (S2−) is selected to induce
egies (i.e., groundwater extraction or dynamic groundwater metal sulfide precipitation in an acidic source release from
recirculation [DGR]), the distribution of an amended reagent a former metals galvanizing operation, the sulfide (S2−) will
will be more heavily influenced by injection and extraction, be scavenged by the acidity, which will significantly reduce
but achieving distribution/hydraulic control will still be influ- the achieved sulfide (S2−) within the injected ROI. For some
enced by the hydrostratigraphy. chemical reagents, preparatory mixing and ex  situ dilution
to achieve the design injection concentration may adversely  Reactive Zones influence the achievable loading. For example, polysulfides
A reactive zone is defined here as achieving in situ metal precip- (Sn2−) are unstable in water at low concentrations, and the sul-
itation in the influenced portion of the aquifer. In other words, fide (S2−) can be immediately oxidized to elemental sulfur (S0),
the immediate ROI around the injection points where the chemi- which precipitates out of solution as a yellow precipitate. This
cal reagent or organic carbon substrate was injected. The estab- means trying to dilute polysulfides (Sn2−) ex situ for injection
lished or engineered IRZ is characterized by relatively extreme is impractical, and it results in a significant loss of the reac-
geochemistry compared to the ambient aquifer. It is important to tive sulfide (S2−) prior to the injection. One potential method
distinguish chemical from biological reactive zones. for injection of polysulfides (Sn2−) the authors have used is to
As treated groundwater begins to leave the engineered IRZ, inject the design determined mass of polysulfide (Sn2−) in the
a clean water front will develop and downgradient dilution concentrated and nondiluted form (as a low volume) and then
may occur. For chemically induced IRZs, the total length of chase the polysulfide (Sn2−) with potable water to achieve the
the IRZ and clean water flushing is less than the IRZ and clean design determined injection volume. This approach achieves
water flushing length associated with a biologically induced the greatest percentage of delivered reactive sulfide (S2−), but
IRZ that uses a soluble organic carbon substrate. Secondary may be compromised by poor distribution at the maximum
water quality concerns associated with in situ metal precipi- extents of the targeted ROI. This method is effective with
tation will generally follow this clean water flux; however, closely spaced injection points, which target a lower injection
many of the secondary water quality concerns will attenuate volume per injection point to achieve the targeted distribution.
over this distance as ambient geochemistry is reestablished. Therefore, it is important to understand that the radial extent
The overall duration of the in situ metal precipitation strategy of a chemically focused in  situ metal precipitation strategy
and the required number and frequency of injections depends (regardless of the deployment strategy) is limited to aquifer
on the stored contamination (in the immobile fraction of the influenced during the application. An example of a chemical
aquifer) and any upgradient impacts becoming available for reactive zone is discussed here.
treatment. In other words, the mobile fraction is typically Dissolved hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) can be precipitated
treated first during injection (for chemically induced IRZs) and as chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) in a chemically reducing
postinjection (for biologically induced IRZs). Over time, equil- reactive zone by the injection of a ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) solu-
ibration between the mobile and immobile fractions can cause tion at appropriate concentrations. Ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) is
an increase in the measured groundwater concentrations, but safe to use, is cost comparable, and often produces additional
actually represents an overall reduction of stored contamina- benefits by co precipitating other heavy metals. Hexavalent
tion. Subsequent injections can be timed to match the time to chromium (Cr6+) exists as chromate (CrO42−) under neutral
realize maximum equilibrated contaminant concentrations. or alkaline conditions and dichromate (Cr2O72−) under acidic
conditions. Chromate (CrO42−) interaction with ferrous ion  Chemical Reactive Zones (Fe2+) is summarized in several potential reactions in Section
The injection of chemical reagents and the associated acid- (Equations 7.7 through 7.10). A potential reaction
ity/alkalinity neutralization or metal precipitation typically mechanism for dichromate (Cr2O72−) is shown under acidic
occurs instantaneously. Unstable geochemical reactions seek conditions in the following equation:
equilibrium in as little as time as possible—often times barely
2- 2+ + 3+ 3+
measureable in a laboratory setting.18 Additionally, second- Cr2O7 + 6Fe + 14H ® 2Cr + 6Fe + 7H 2O (7.59)
ary scavenging reactions (typically with oxygen) are also
characterized by rapid kinetics. Therefore, it is impractical to Both trivalent chromium (Cr3+) and ferric iron (Fe3+) ions are
assume that the injection of chemical reagents will influence relatively insoluble under natural conditions of groundwater
anything significantly greater than the furthest extent of dis- (neutral pH or slightly acidic or alkaline conditions).
tribution achieved during the injection. Aside from the rapid Using ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (FeSO4 * 7H2O) to pre-
kinetics associated with the targeted reactions, the typical cipitate hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) in a chemically reducing
chemical reagents selected for in situ metal precipitation are reactive zone may create acidic conditions, as predicted by the
consumed by ancillary geochemical reactions with the natu- more holistic reaction in the following equation:
ral groundwater and soil. For example, if ferrous iron (Fe2+)
is injected to facilitate the reduction of hexavalent chromium 3(FeSO 4 * 7H 2O) + CrO 4 2 - ® Cr(OH)3 + 3(Fe(OH)3 )
(Cr6+) to trivalent chromium (Cr3+) in groundwater that is
mildly oxidizing, a significant portion of the injected ferrous + 3SO 4 2 - + 13H 2O + 4H + (7.60)
370 Remediation Engineering

This reaction includes the dissociation of ferrous sulfate hepta- uranyl [UO22+] to uraninite [UO2] ). Therefore, the potential
hydrate (FeSO4 * 7H2O) into water, the reduction of hexavalent for metal precipitation occurs not only from enzymatic bacte-
chromium (Cr6+) to trivalent chromium (Cr3+), the oxidation of rial reactions but also from an imposed capacity for chemical
ferrous iron (Fe2+) to ferric iron (Fe3+), and the formation of reduction. Moreover, as the soluble ferrous iron (Fe2+) travels
separate chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) and iron hydroxide with groundwater downgradient, it may be oxidized back to
(Fe(OH)3). Note the separate chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) ferric iron (Fe3+) as the ambient geochemistry is reestablished,
and iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)3) compounds in Equation 7.60 creating sorption sites for soluble arsenic or other metals that
differ from the chromium–iron–hydroxides predicted by are substituted into the iron oxyhydroxide mineral structure.
Patterson et al.35 in Equations 7.9 and 7.10 (4[Cr0.75Fe0.25](OH)3 In  situ biological reduction of hexavalent chromium
and 4[Cr0.25Fe0.75](OH)3, respectively). The chromium hydrox- Cr(6+) to trivalent chromium (Cr3+) yields significant reme-
ide (Cr(OH)3) and iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)3) are separate in dial benefits because trivalent chromium (Cr3+) is less toxic,
Equation 7.60 only to avoid the implication of one chromium– comparatively insoluble in groundwater, and thus immobile
iron hydroxide forming over another as Patterson et al. sug- and precipitates out of groundwater, typically as chromium
gest the predominant formation is associated to pH. Although hydroxide (Cr(OH)3). Intrinsic biological reduction via natu-
Equation 7.60 shows some acidity is generated (4  mol H+), ral attenuation of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) to trivalent
nothing is known about the buffering capacity of this example chromium (Cr3+) within an aquifer is a viable groundwater
aquifer. It is, however, noteworthy to mention that if consider- remediation strategy, so long as numerous lines of geochemi-
able ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (FeSO4 * 7H2O) is neces- cal evidence support hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) removal
sary due to high hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) concentrations, from groundwater. Many facultative anaerobes are capable
soda ash (Na2CO3) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH, caustic soda) of reducing hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) to trivalent chro-
may be necessary to neutralize the pH to circumneutral con- mium (Cr3+) under the appropriate conditions. Chromium-
ditions and helpful in forming whichever chromium–iron reducing bacteria belong to a variety of genera such as
hydroxides form. Achromobacter, Aeromonas, Agrobacterium, Bacillus,
Desulfovibrio, Enterobacter, Escherichia, Micrococcus, and  Biological Reactive Zones Pseudomonas.111 Although hexavalent chromium (Cr6+)-
Biologically engineered IRZs are generally separated into sol- reducing bacteria are widespread, high cell densities are
uble and sparingly soluble carbon substrates (Chapter 6). More required for significant hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) reduction
soluble carbon substrates (e.g., molasses, lactate, alcohols) are to occur. The oxidizing potential of hexavalent chromium
readily distributed throughout the aquifer as forms of dis- (Cr6+) may present a source of toxicity to bacterial cells. In
solved TOC, and then propagate downgradient postinjection. addition to the enzymatic mechanism of hexavalent chromium
The typical half-life associated with dissolved TOC observed (Cr6+) reduction, at high concentrations, hexavalent chromium
by the authors ranges from 20 to 40  days, and with typical (Cr6+) may directly interact with various intracellular reduc-
achieved TOC dosing concentrations ranging from 100s to ing agents once it has penetrated the cells.
1,000s mg/L, it is not unrealistic to expect carbon propagation The mechanisms of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) reduction
approximately 50 days of groundwater travel time downgradi- under the induced reducing conditions can be
ent (approximately tens to hundreds of feet). Less soluble (i.e.,
sparingly soluble) carbon substrates (e.g., soybean oil, mulch/ 1. A bacteria-mediated reduction process involving
compost, chitin) are somewhat similar to chemical reagents as hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) as a terminal electron
the distribution of the substrate is achieved during placement, acceptor for the metabolism of the carbon substrate
and there is minimal to little downgradient propagation of dis- 2. An extracellular reaction with by-products of sulfate
solved TOC downgradient. Biological IRZs (both soluble and (SO42−) reduction such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
sparingly soluble substrates) differ from chemical reagents 3. Abiotic oxidation of the organic compounds includ-
because the achievable residence time of the organic carbon ing the soil organic matter such as humic and fulvic
substrate is significantly longer. Soluble substrates (based on acids112
the rate of groundwater flux) may sustain carbon for months to
quarters, and sparingly soluble substrates may sustain carbon A successful case study example of in situ biological reduc-
for several years. The ITRC cites approximately 8  years of tion of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) is discussed here. A site
treatment of permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) using biolog- in the eastern United States was impacted with hexavalent
ical substrates.110 Considerable detail and lessons learned on chromium (Cr6+) concentrations in bedrock groundwater
organic carbon substrate injection is presented in Chapter 6. >10,000  μg/L extending off-site, accounting for more than
An additional benefit of biological IRZs for in situ metal pre- 90% of the total chromium (Crtot) in the source area. The site
cipitation is the geochemical cycling (particularly of iron) hydrogeology is characterized by overburden materials from
that occurs as a result of establishing strongly reducing con- ground surface to approximately 6–20 ft below ground sur-
ditions. Geochemically reduced iron (in the form of ferrous face, consisting primarily of reddish-brown silty sand and
iron [Fe2+]) can be used as a chemical reductant for oxidation– sandy clayey silt—similar to till material. Groundwater is
reduction potential sensitive metal precipitation reagents (e.g., first encountered within the bedrock underlying the overbur-
hexavalent chromium [Cr6+] to trivalent chromium [Cr3+], den material to the maximum depths explored. The bedrock
In Situ Treatment of Metals 371

is described as alternating layers of reddish-brown, highly (Cr3+) hydroxide complexes. For example, Rai et al.113 discov-
fractured siltstones and white to tan sandstones exhibiting ered that trivalent chromium (Cr3+) carbonate complexes are
variable competency. The permeability and contaminant stor- significant across a wide range of pH (3.0–13.0), particularly
age within the bedrock formation is controlled by fractures, in the forms of Cr(OH)(CO3)22− and Cr(OH)4CO33−. The dis-
bedding planes, joints, and other secondary porosity features. tinguishable difference between hexavalent chromium (Cr6+)
The sedimentary beds strike northeast and dip between 7° and total chromium (Crtot) reductions provides evidence that
and 12° to the northwest. In bedrock systems, groundwater the hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) reduction is attributable to
flow is typically along strike, and the groundwater flow direc- in situ biological reduction and not dilution/displacement. If
tion at this site was along strike to the northeast. the hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) were merely diluted or dis-
In situ biological reduction of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) placed, there would be a similar marked decrease in total
was implemented in phases across the site, beginning in chromium (Crtot). Moreover, after the dilution effect dissi-
February 2006 with the installation of three injection wells pated, the hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) would be expected to
immediately off-site and approximately monthly injections increase (i.e., “rebound”). This is not observed, and, without
of a 0.5% by volume molasses solution to stimulate naturally an injection event in over 7 years, the hexavalent chromium
occurring bacteria and establish reducing conditions. Twelve (Cr6+) concentration remains below laboratory detection lim-
injections were implemented from February 2006 until May its. The second time series plot in Figure 7.29 represents an
2007. Injection events lasted approximately 1 week and on-site well and injections of 0.5% molasses that were con-
included approximately 7,000 gal of 0.5% molasses solution ducted beginning in 2008. Similar results were observed on-
into each injection well. A progression of the hexavalent chro- site, and the 20-month and 7-year hexavalent chromium (Cr6+)
mium (Cr6+) plume is shown in Figure 7.28, and representative plume distribution is shown in Figure 7.28 as a result of con-
off-site and on-site wells are presented as time series plots ducting on-site injections.
in Figure 7.29. The difference in the baseline and 8 months Finally, in Figure 7.30, the geochemical response is shown
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) distribution is attributed to the for the representative off-site well. The injection events, the total
injections off-site. Note in Figure 7.29 that the preinjection chromium (Crtot), and the hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) have been
total chromium (Crtot) and the hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) are grayed to emphasize the geochemical response. Geochemical
nearly identical, and after injection, the hexavalent chromium parameters were monitored over the course of injections during
(Cr6+) decreases to below the laboratory detection limit of off-site injections to garner regulatory support of broader imple-
10 μg/L. The total chromium also decreases, but not to below mentation. The data show a classic response to carbon substrate
laboratory detection limits and not as abruptly as hexavalent injections, with dissolved manganese (assumed to represent
chromium (Cr6+) due to slightly soluble trivalent chromium manganous manganese [Mn2+]), dissolved iron (assumed to

Baseline 8 Months
~600 ft

active zone
Cr(VI) in groundwater

20 Months 7 Years

Active remediation Currently in MNA under

completed in ~24 months restricted RAO

Injection wells

FIGURE 7.28  Hexavalent chromium plume progression over a 7-year operation and maintenance of an in situ reactive zone.
372 Remediation Engineering

10,000 Off‐site well

Chromium concentration (μg/L)




11/9/04 3/24/06 8/6/07 12/18/08 5/2/10 9/14/11 1/26/13

(a) Total Cr CrVI Injection

10,000 On‐site well

Chromium concentration (μg/L)




2/22/08 7/6/09 11/18/10 4/1/12 8/14/13

Total Cr CrVI Injection event


FIGURE 7.29  (a) Off-site hexavalent (Cr6+) and total (Crtot) chromium concentrations in response to in situ reactive zone (IRZ) injections.
(b) On-site hexavalent (Cr6+) and total (Crtot) chromium concentrations in response to IRZ injections.

represent ferrous iron [Fe2+]), and TOC all showing an increase Another site showing effective in situ biological reduction
over the course of the injection. Alkalinity is presented with of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) is presented in Figure 7.31
slight increases, likely as a result of the injected carbon being from a deep aquifer in the Western United States. The geology
mineralized to bicarbonate (HCO3−), and confirms adequate at this site is characterized as fluvial deposits with grain size
carbonate species to contribute to trivalent chromium (Cr3+) can vary from course to fine over short distances laterally and
carbonate complexes. Sulfate (SO42−) shows an order of mag- vertically. The depth to groundwater is approximately 80 ft
nitude decrease suggesting sulfate-reducing conditions may below ground surface. The analytical data presented in Figure
have been established; however, hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) 7.31 were collected from within the IRZ in the source zone,
was observed to below laboratory detection limits prior to approximately 30 ft from the injection wells. The baseline con-
sulfate-reducing conditions confirming the author’s experience centration of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) was ~1,000  µg/L.
that iron-reducing conditions are adequate for hexavalent chro- TOC, the surrogate dissolved phase signature of the 60% by
mium (Cr6+) reduction. This case study demonstrates the rapid, weight sodium lactate solution injected to establish reduc-
effective, and permanent remedial benefits of in situ biological ing conditions, began to influence this monitoring location
reduction of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+). approximately 1.5 months after injections began. In this case,
In Situ Treatment of Metals 373

Off‐site well

Chromium concentration (μg/L) 1,000

Total Cr
10 Alkalinity
Diss Fe
Diss Mn
5/28/2005 12/14/2005 7/2/2006 1/18/2007 8/6/2007 2/22/2008

FIGURE 7.30  Off-site geochemical response to implementation of in situ reactive zone for hexavalent chromium treatment.

distribution of TOC to the monitoring location 30  ft from a concept, with special attention to hydrogeology, are more
the injection point was achieved by continuous extraction of deeply developed in Chapter 10. A PRB is a specified length,
groundwater from downgradient, amendment with sodium width, and depth of reactive treatment reagent, constructed
lactate, and reinjection. Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) shows an perpendicular to the groundwater flow direction. A PRB is
inverse relationship to TOC concentration, which is indicative typically constructed as an excavated trench that is backfilled
of effective treatment. Geochemical parameters monitored with treatment reagent and clean backfill for structural pur-
over the same time frame show increases in dissolved man- poses. It is important to note, however, that a PRB could be
ganese (assumed to be manganous manganese [Mn2+]) and constructed as a transect of injection points, from a horizontal
dissolved iron (assumed to be ferrous iron [Fe2+]) as well as injection well, as a consecutive series of large diameter auger-
a stable decrease in nitrate (NO3−) and sulfate (SO42−). These mixed boreholes, or any deployment strategy that results in
typical changes in ambient geochemistry are consistent with a “barrier” perpendicular to the groundwater flow direction.
the onset of reducing conditions and support that the hexava- Over time, the metal-contaminated groundwater naturally
lent chromium (Cr6+) reductions observed here were related to fluxes through the PRB and the targeted chemical/biological
in situ biological reduction. reactions occur resulting in metal precipitation. Biological
Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) is known to be reduced both PRBs are gaining popularity because recharging the organic
aerobically and anaerobically in different bacterial systems. In carbon substrate can be completed cost efficiently. Injection
anaerobic systems, membrane preparations reduce hexavalent wells can be used to reestablish strongly anaerobic and reduc-
chromium (Cr6+), and hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) has been ing conditions when geochemical indicators suggest the ini-
shown to serve as a terminal electron acceptor. Aerobic reduc- tial carbon substrate application is exhausted. Additionally,
tion of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) has been found to be asso- soluble components of carbon substrate can travel downgradi-
ciated with soluble proteins. The enzymatic basis for aerobic ent extending the treatment width of biological PRBs. This
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) reduction is not known, but it has has an added benefit for in  situ metal precipitation specifi-
been proposed that hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) may be reduced cally, because there are more reactive species of ferrous iron
by a soluble reductase enzyme with a completely unrelated pri- (Fe2+) to facilitate metal reduction, and, as the ambient geo-
mary physiological role. Based on the diversity of hexavalent chemistry is restored downgradient, more sorption sites on
chromium (Cr6+)-reducing microorganisms in soil, provision of freshly precipitated ferric iron (Fe3+) oxyhydroxides. Reactive
a suitable electron donor (such as a carbon substrate) may be barriers using chemical reagents can be regenerated as well,
sufficient, and strongly anaerobic and reducing conditions like but the regeneration is typically more expensive.
during ERD applications are not necessary.114,115 The experience A popular chemical reagent for barrier treatment is granu-
of the authors at many chromium precipitation sites indicates lar and microscale ZVI. When installed as a barrier, ZVI can
that denitrifying or iron-reducing conditions are appropriate for be emplaced through surgical mixing or backfill replacement
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) reduction (e.g., Figure 7.30). of an excavated trench, which accounts for the difficulty in
achieving distribution through injection. The difficulties of  Permeable Reactive Barriers injecting ZVI were discussed in Chapter 6, but because of
This section discusses in  situ metal precipitation strate- the reasonable cost and high effectiveness of ZVI treatment,
gies implemented as barriers or PRBs. Reactive barriers as using it in a barrier form is advantageous. A consideration
374 Remediation Engineering



Hexavalent chromium and TOC (mg/L)

800 Injection begins




(a) 8/6/07 11/14/07 2/22/08 6/1/08 9/9/08 12/18/08 3/28/09 7/6/09

50 800

Iron,  manganese, nitrate (mg/L)



Sulfate (mg/L)
25 400


0 0
8/6/07 11/14/07 2/22/08 6/1/08 9/9/08 12/18/08 3/28/09 7/6/09

(b) Fe2+ NO3– Injection begins Mn2+ SO42–

FIGURE 7.31  (a) Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) response to an injection of a carbon substrate. (b) Geochemical response to an injection of
a carbon substrate.

of the ambient geochemistry is important when designing a time, increasing the groundwater velocity will result in a
ZVI PRB because passivation may lead to reduced treatment decreased contact residence time. Additionally, the channel-
performance. Passivation is defined as a mineral or biological ing will focus groundwater through isolated intervals inhibit-
coating over the surface of the ZVI that reduces the treatment ing groundwater from contacting the full treatment interval. It
effectiveness by limiting the contact of metals with the ZVI is clear that in situ passivation of ZVI in a PRB will adversely
media. Considerable precipitation buildup will occupy the impact the treatment effectiveness, and it is costly to unearth
available porosity and may lead to channeling of groundwater the reactive media to regenerate treatment capacity. The
through the PRB. Over extended time frames, channeling may authors have implemented an acidic solution circulation to
increase the groundwater velocity through the PRB. Since dissolve away the passivation with some success, though it
PRB design is built around maintaining a groundwater flux was determined that this approach was not cost feasible for
through the PRB that achieves a designed contact residence a full-scale application. Although over a long enough time
In Situ Treatment of Metals 375

frame some degree of passivation will occur, careful evalu- and in  situ soil stabilization conducted was implemented in
ation of the overall ambient geochemistry during the design the vadose zone. The established cleanup goal for Site A was
phase is essential to minimizing operation and maintenance 10 μg/L measured using the California Waste Extraction Test
concerns over the operable time frame of the PRB. Wilkin using deionized water (DI-WET) for hexavalent chromium.
et al. demonstrated that the passivation of the subject PRB to In support of this in  situ stabilization implementation, a
their study experienced more passivation on the upgradient phased treatability study was implemented. The first phase
side than the downgradient side and that passivation reduced (Phase I) of the treatability study was to test multiple concen-
the effective porosity by a maximum of 15% after 8 years of trations of two forms of available iron: ZVI (Fe0) and ferrous
operation (Section This relatively minor porosity iron (Fe2+) in the form of ferrous sulfate (FeSO4). The second
reduction suggests the ambient geochemistry and microbiol- phase (Phase II) of the treatability study was to determine if
ogy were amenable to the PRB technology. iron was necessary (i.e., if Portland cement alone could sta-
bilize hexavalent chromium [Cr6+]) and if the mixing needed Stabilization to be implemented in stages if iron was necessary (i.e., first
In situ stabilization is primarily a remediation technology for mix the iron and then remix with the Portland cement for
soils, sediment, and sludge and usually involves mixing the strength). The results of Phase I and Phase II are presented
soils, sediments, and/or sludge. It is commonly referred to as in Figures 7.32 and 7.33, respectively. The comparison of the
in situ soil mixing (ISM). Because of the established equilib- two forms of iron is summarized in Figure 7.32. The control
rium between soil and groundwater metal concentrations in a is shown for day 0 (immediately after mixing), day 3, and day
typical aquifer, it is unnecessary and impossible to separate 7 to demonstrate the comparative reductions in the hexava-
the influence of stabilizing soils from decreases in ground- lent chromium (Cr6+) concentrations in the leachate associ-
water concentrations. However, for a large dilute plume that ated with the different percentages of iron added. The cleanup
is primarily associated with the groundwater, there are typi- goal of 10 μg/L is shown as a horizontal line. The sam-
cally more cost-effective strategies for in situ metal precipita- pling frequencies for the two forms of iron differed slightly.
tion than stabilization or ISM. Therefore, this discussion is Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) reductions associated with fer-
focused on in situ stabilization for metals in vadose zone and rous iron (Fe2+) addition was anticipated to be faster than ZVI
shallow saturated zone soil. In in situ soil stabilization/solidi- (Fe0), and therefore, trials for ferrous iron (Fe2+) were sampled
fication implementations using chemical reagents, the ISM at days 0, 3, and 7. Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) reduction
influences only the mixed monolith. Many components of the associated with ZVI (Fe0) trials was sampled at days 0, 3, and
CSM dictating soil stabilization/solidification as the selected 14. A few general conclusions from the data are apparent:
remedy (i.e., low permeability, unsaturated impacts, insoluble
chemical reagents [i.e., ZVI]) are generally associated with 1. Neither ferrous iron (Fe2+) nor ZVI (Fe0) at 0.05%
localized treatment. Additionally, solidification agents can by weight loading was successful at achieving the
encapsulate the reagents within the monolith. A more thor- cleanup goal of 10 μg/L. This is likely the result of
ough discussion of the in situ stabilization and in situ solidifi- insufficient contact of the iron with the hexavalent
cation technology is provided in Chapter 9. chromium (Cr6+) due to the respective concentrations
Two case studies will be presented and discussed to high- of the iron being too low.
light the design details associated with in  situ stabilization 2. The 0.5% and 1% by weight loading of ferrous iron
and metal precipitation. Both case studies include ferrous iron (Fe2+) successfully achieved the cleanup goal a few
(Fe2+) reduction of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) to trivalent hours after addition. The actual laboratory results
chromium (Cr3+); however, there are many differences. were below reporting limits. This demonstrates
Site A was the result of a historical wood treatment system the high rate of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) reduc-
that used a chromium solution as part of production opera- tion to trivalent chromium (Cr3+) by ferrous iron.
tions. Expectedly, the occurrence of chromium concentrations Based on the size of the volume delineated for ISM
above cleanup goals is closely associated with storage and (5,750 yd3), the difference in cost of the ferrous iron
processing areas of the facility. The facility was closed in the (Fe2+) between the 0.5% and 1% by weight loading
mid-1990s, and remediation related to the chromium impacts was determined to be approximately $70,000, which
in deep vadose zone soil were conducted in 2014. Based on was 3.5 times the cost of the treatability test.
historical investigations to determine the nature and extent 3. The only concentration of ZVI (Fe0) that consis-
of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), ISM was determined to be tently achieved the goal of 10 μg/L for hexavalent
appropriate to achieve the cleanup goals. A delineated volume chromium (Cr6+) was 2% by weight. The 0.5% by
of 5,750 yd3 extending over an area of 11,750 ft2 with variable weight ZVI (Fe0) achieved the goal initially after
depths (12.5–37.5 ft bgs) was proposed for ISM. Geologically, mixing and after 3 days, but the result of a 14-day
the vadose zone soil is characterized as poorly drained loam, test demonstrated a hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) con-
with thick indurated impermeable hardpan/caliche inclusions. centration that was an order of magnitude above the
Areas of the site are classified as interbedded alluvial deposits cleanup goal. This observation may be attributable to
generally composed of clay, silty clay, silt, and silty sand. The the surface adsorption of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+)
depth to water at Site A is generally greater than 40 ft bgs, onto the ZVI (Fe0) as predicated by Wilkin et al. as
376 Remediation Engineering

Phase I treatability test results


DI wet hexavalent chromium (μg/L)


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Elapsed days (days)

Control 0.05% Fe2+ 0.5% Fe2+ 1% Fe2+

0.05% Fe0 0.5% Fe0 2% Fe0 Cleanup goal

FIGURE 7.32  Treatability test results for Phase I of an in situ soil mixing design showing various concentrations of ferrous iron (Fe2+) and
ZVI (Fe0) sampled over a two week period.

Phase II treatability test results

DI wet hexavalent chromium (μg/L)


0 7 14 28
Elapsed days (days)

Control 7.5% PC and 0.5 Fe2+ 7.5% PC and 0.5% Fe0

7.5% PC 6% PC and 0.5% Fe2+ Cleanup goal

FIGURE 7.33  Treatability test results for Phase II of an in situ soil mixing design comparing various Portland Cement (PC) doses to
equivalent ferrous iron (Fe2+) and ZVI (Fe0) doses.

a primary ZVI (Fe0) mediated hexavalent chromium that Portland cement would assist in encapsulating adsorbed
(Cr6+) reduction mechanism.44 Another plausible hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), the 0.5% by weight ZVI (Fe0) was
explanation is passivation of the iron surface due carried on to Phase II. The major objectives of Phase II were
to entrained oxygen during the mixing process. As to determine if iron was actually necessary (i.e., if Portland
Phase I of the treatability test was implemented with- cement could sufficiently encapsulate the hexavalent chro-
out Portland cement, it was hypothesized that ZVI mium [Cr6+] without chemical reduction by iron) and if staged
(Fe0) and Portland cement could still be an effective mixing would be required if iron was necessary. The concen-
formulation. trations of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) in the leachate were
lower in Phase II than Phase I and is likely a result of variabil-
The results from Phase I suggest that ferrous iron (Fe2+) out- ity in the targeted ISM soil as samples for the treatability test
performed ZVI (Fe0); however, because ZVI was slightly less came from Site A soils during delineation. Regardless of the
expensive than ferrous iron (Fe2+) and it was hypothesized lower hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) concentration, the results
In Situ Treatment of Metals 377

presented in Figure 7.33 suggest that the 7.5% by weight direct chemical treatment processes. Microbial reduction of
Portland cement was unsuccessful achieving the cleanup goal hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) from COPR may be inhibited by
of 10 μg/L without iron. Additionally, the hypothesized syn- both the elevated pH and the fact that the COPR material may
ergy of Portland cement and ZVI (Fe0) was not confirmed. not be watersaturated (which challenges stimulating anaero-
Therefore, based on the results from Phase II of the treatabil- bic activities and maintaining trivalent chromium (Cr3+) min-
ity study and Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) testing erals).116 Various methods have been explored to treat COPR.
on cured cylinders, the treatment reagent formulation of 6% Freese et al. provide a comprehensive and current review of
by weight Portland cement and 0.5% by weight ferrous iron potential remediation methods and some historical discussion
(Fe2+) was selected for implementation. The soil was treated of previous treatment methods, and a table from their work is
in early 2015. In-field testing confirmed the added iron con- included as Table 7.14. The most common approaches docu-
centration and postimplementation UCS testing on represen- mented in the literature have involved the use of chemical
tative cured cylinders confirmed that field conditions matched reductants, acids, and organic solids. Generally these methods
the treatability test conditions. Regulatory acceptance and fall short because of insufficient mineral weathering (leav-
closure was granted in mid-2015. ing enough residual unstable mineral phases to support pH
The second case study, Site B, was an innovative approach rebound and long-term heaving potential), ineffective reduc-
to the in situ stabilization of chromite ore processing residue tion of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) to trivalent chromium
(COPR) in the Eastern United States. Chromate (CrO42−)- (Cr3+) due to scavenging of reducing agents, lengthy treatment
impacted solid material can be a long-term source of hexava- times, and posttreatment reoxidation of trivalent chromium
lent chromium (Cr6+) to groundwater and can be difficult (Cr3+) to hexavalent chromium (Cr6+).
to treat, particularly in the case of COPR. COPR is the by- The innovative approach presented here is a patent pend-
product of historical chromate (CrO42−) production and was ing multistep process that can achieve permanent and com-
commonly used as fill material due to its favorable structural plete biogeochemical stabilization of chromate-impacted
quality as a granulated material.43 Materials with significant solids, including COPR. The bench-scale treatability study
concentrations of COPR are characteristically alkaline (pH > focused on COPR-impacted soils, with the initial step involv-
12.0) due to the slow hydration of the primary oxide minerals ing the addition of a mineral acid (sulfuric acid [H2SO4]).
comprising the COPR and can exhibit significant cementation. This achieved an initial drop in pH from ~12.0 to 9.0, accel-
The elevated hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) concentrations erated weathering of primary oxide minerals (responsible
and pH characteristic of COPR can impede stabilization by for cementation, bulking and buffering elevated pH) and
inhibiting microbial activity and limiting the effectiveness of displaced hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) from the solid phases

TABLE 7.14
Partial Comparison of the Chromite Ore Processing Residue Treatment Technologies
Initial Percentage
Technology In Situ Ex Situ Concentration Reduction Advantages Disadvantages
Chemical xa x 95 mg/L <33%, 24 h • Applicable to wide range of • pH buffering can decrease
reduction: contaminant levels efficiency
(FeSO4) 4000 mg/kg 75% • Can treat water and soil • Cr6+ rebound when Fe2+
• Requires excess FeSO4
Zero valent x 3.79 g/L 2% (69.3 mg) • Can treat leached material • Only applicable for groundwater
iron (Fe0) • Relatively high rate • Requires small particle size
Chemical x x 7210 >99% • Applicable to soil and water • Only effective at high dosages
reduction: • Can achieve needed
CaSx reductions in 24 h
Pyrolysis x 3400 mg/kg 99%, T > 400°C • Permanent reduction of Cr6+ • Can only be done ex situ
• Not applicable to water
5100 mg/kg 99%, T > 600°C • Lower residence time • Leaves soil nonviable
Biological x x 1917 mg/kg 70%, 24 h anaerobic • Environmentally friendly • Longer treatment times
compared to chemical reduction
40 mg/L 40%, aerobic • Reduce Cr3+ more stable • Highest efficiency with
anaerobic environment
468 mg/kg 90%, anaerobic • Effective for both soil and —

Source: Freese, K. et al., Curr. Environ. Eng., 1, 82, 2014.

a An x symbolizes whether the listed technology is applicable in situ or ex situ (or both).
378 Remediation Engineering

making it available for treatment. The second step involved and corn silage [fermenting bacteria]). Results from the
the addition of ferrous iron (Fe2+) in the form of ferrous sul- bench-scale treatability study provided the basis for the ini-
fate (FeSO4) and a fermentable source of organic carbon. In tial dosing determinations. The targeted dosing of each of the
60  days, the resulting biogeochemical environment reduced amendments was as follows:
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) from approximately 21,000 to 35
mg/kg (and toxicity characteristic leaching procedure [TCLP] 1. 50% sulfuric acid (H2SO4): 10 mL per 100 g of soil.
from approximately 350 to 3 mg/L), showing that the condi- Based on this demand, approximately 5,600 gal of
tions were persistent enough to support treatment of entrained 50% sulfuric acid (H2SO4) was used to treat the
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+). This was likely further sup- 237 tons of soil, translating to an applied dose of 9.8
ported by oxidation–reduction cycling of the added iron, and mL per 100 g of soil.
the creation of reduced iron minerals, and additional neutral- 2. Ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (FeSO4  *  7H2O):
ization of pH to near 7.0 through acidity yielded by fermen- Three moles of ferrous iron (Fe2+) are required to
tation of the carbon source. Testing of the treated materials reduce one mole of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) to
4 years after completion of the bench-scale treatability study trivalent chromium (Cr3+) (Equation 7.60). Due to
shows that the neutral pH remained stable with no rebound the expected iron cycling anticipated as part of the
of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) and little to no bulking of the treatment process, the ferrous iron (Fe2+) was inten-
samples. Based on the results of the bench-scale treatability tionally decreased. This observation was recently
study, a small field-scale pilot study was designed and imple- documented in the literature.117 In the bench-scale
mented in 2011. treatability study, a ratio of 0.5:1 ferrous iron (Fe2+)
The small field-scale pilot study was constructed using a to hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) was used and the
cement-grout slurry wall enclosure that was 30 ft long by 20 ft results were successful. For the field-scale pilot study,
wide by 15 ft deep. Within this wall enclosure, a smaller test approximately 6 tons of ferrous sulfate heptahydrate
cell was actually mixed, measured at 20 ft long by 17.75 ft (FeSO4 * 7H2O) was used, which has a molar ratio of
wide by 15 ft deep. The top 3 ft was excavated and disposed approximately 0.25:1 ferrous iron (Fe2+) to hexava-
of off-site so mixing occurred over a depth of 12 ft. Therefore, lent chromium (Cr6+).
the actual volume of soil mixed was approximately 160 yd3 or 3. Dextrose (C6H12O6): The minimum dextrose dos-
an approximate mass of 237 tons, assuming 1.5 ton per yd3. ing was determined based on reducing equivalents
The soil within the test cell was characterized as green-gray required for dextrose to reduce the ferric iron (Fe3+)
mud (lime-rich green dense silt, with minor amounts of fine and hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) present in the Site
sand and clay), COPR (reddish brown coarse- to fine- grained B soils, which were the predominant sources of
gravel, with varying amounts of sand and silt), and mixed fill/ demand. Approximately 45 kg of dextrose per cubic
COPR (COPR and artificial fill including cinders, brick, glass, meter was added to the treatment cell to target a
metal, and cement fragments). The gravelly COPR portion of TOC concentration of 9,400 mg/kg. Approximately
the matrix is typically defined as nodules from the chromium 6 tons of dextrose was added to the treatment cell.
manufacturing process that range in size from 1/8 to 3/4 in. 4. Both iron-reducing bacteria (IRBs) and fermenting
in diameter. The pH of the soil within the test cell was highly bacteria were required to create the reducing con-
alkaline (pH > 11.0) as would be expected with a high per- ditions required to cycle the oxidation state of iron.
centage of COPR, with high potential for hexavalent chro- Additionally, SRB reduce the added sulfate (added as
mium (Cr6+) leachability. both the ferrous sulfate [FeSO4 * 7H2O] and sulfuric
Three soil samples were submitted for baseline analysis acid [H2SO4]) to sulfide (S2−), which added another
of target analyte list metals, hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), mechanism for hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) treatment
TOC, pH, synthetic precipitation leaching procedure (SPLP), as sulfide (S2−) has the ability to reduce hexavalent
TCLP, and volatile and semivolatile organic compounds. chromium (Cr6+) to trivalent chromium (Cr3+), at
Each sample was a composite representation of three dis- a pH at or below 7.0.118 As part of the bench-scale
tinct intervals (shallow, middle, and deep). Baseline samples treatability study, qualitative biological indication
were also submitted for specialized characterization analyses tests on retained samples both before and after treat-
including x-ray diffraction (XRD), automated mineralogy ment showed that both IRBs and SRBs were present.
electron-beam analyses (quantitative evaluation of minerals Once stimulated by the addition of iron, sulfate, and
by SCANning electron microscopy [QEMSCAN]), bulk x-ray organic carbon, these bacteria were expected to flour-
absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy, and ish. As such, only fermenting bacteria were added.
micro-x-ray absorption spectroscopy (micro-XAS). A more During the bench-scale treatability study, corn silage
in-depth discussion of these different characterization meth- inoculum was used as a source of fermenting bacteria
ods is discussed in Section 7.4.3. and was added as the bioammendment for the field-
The field-scale pilot study involved four distinct amend- scale pilot study. In the study, 100  lbs of inoculum
ments: 50% sulfuric acid (H2SO4), ferrous sulfate hepta- were used. This number was based upon the amount
hydrate (FeSO4 * 7H2O), and two amendments to simulate of corn silage inoculum to digest a similar volume of
microbial activity: (dextrose [C6H12O6; fermentable sugars] silage, with a safety factor of 2.
In Situ Treatment of Metals 379

North west North east

3. Bio-stimulation process pass: Addition of dextrose
4 ft (C6H12O6) and corn silage inoculum to initiate and
South west South east further enhance the microbial reduction

1 4 ft The sulfuric acid (H2SO4) was added in a controlled and step-

wise fashion, beginning with a small dose of approximately
50 gal, at which point the acid was mixed immediately with
12 ft 2 4 ft the excavator bucket. The reaction was observed, and tem-
perature and pH samples were taken. Because the first reac-
tion was controlled, a larger volume was added in the second
17.75 ft addition. Once the response of the soil was understood, a
more constant volume of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) was added
20 ft and mixed throughout the test cell. The pH and temperature
response observed at different locations throughout the test
FIGURE 7.34  In situ soil stabilization treatment cell divided into cell during sulfuric acid (H2SO4) addition are presented in
three depths and four quadrants. Figures 7.35 and 7.36 along with the chronological organi-
zation of the mixing activities. The pH response shown in
In order to be as purposeful and systematic as possible, the Figure 7.35 is exactly what would be expected when adding an
treatment cell was divided into three depths and four quad- acid to highly alkaline soil, and the pH was observed to con-
rants as shown in Figure 7.34. This provided 12 locations for sistently become more neutral over the course of sulfuric acid
consistent measurements of pH and temperature throughout (H2SO4) addition. The pH was observed to exhibit some buff-
the addition of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and reference to loca- ering capacity with a noticeable decrease in pH and slightly
tions for comparison to performance monitoring data post- larger fluctuations in pH after day 14. The buffering capac-
implementation. The ISM used a long-stick excavator and ity was feared to have been significantly overcome with a pH
consisted of the following treatment steps: response of 2.84 at the end of acid addition, but this was likely
only due to incomplete mixing. Mixing was continued to cool
1. Initial process pass: Homogenize the soils within the the temperature and the final stabilized pH was observed to be
test cell and understand the mixing approximately 5.8. Heat was generated from the exothermic
2. Neutralization process pass: Addition of sulfu- neutralization reaction between the sulfuric acid (H2SO4),
ric acid (H2SO4) to lower the pH in the soils, fol- the alkaline groundwater, and alkaline minerals in the soil.
lowed by the addition of ferrous sulfate heptahydrate Cooling was driven by heat loss to the atmosphere and the
(FeSO4 * 7H2O) to promote the chemical reduction surrounding aquifer matrix. Temperature was monitored both
of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) during and after the acid addition, as presented in Figure 7.36.

pH neutralization with addition of 50% sulfuric acid

14.0 0.14

12.0 0.12
Acid dosing (mL acid/g soil)

10.0 0.10

8.0 0.08
pH (s.u.)

6.0 0.06

4.0 0.04

2.0 0.02

0.0 0.00
–2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Days elapsed

Mobilization Process pass Acid addition begins

pH Acid addition ends Ferrous iron addition
Corn silage and dextrose addition Acid dosing

FIGURE 7.35  Response of pH measurements during corresponding sulfuric acid (H2SO4) addition to the treatment cell.
380 Remediation Engineering

Temperature increase with addition of 50% sulfuric acid





Temperature (°C)





–2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Days elapsed

Mobilization Process pass Acid addition begins

Temperature Acid addition ends Ferrous addition
Corn silage and dextrose addition

FIGURE 7.36  Response of temperature measurements during sulfuric acid (H2SO4) addition to the treatment cell.

The maximum temperature observed of 43.8°C was 34.2°C XANES, and micro-XAS). During this process, 27 samples
greater than the ambient temperature. In addition to heat gen- were collected to be analyzed for pH, TOC, total iron, total
eration, suspected carbon dioxide (CO2) gas was also released chromium (Cr(T)), hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), and moisture
through the reaction between the acid and carbonate minerals content. Samples were collected by advancing angled borings
present in the soil. Foaming was observed at the surface, but and collecting samples at 7–9 ft bgs (shallow), 9–11 ft bgs
acid dosing was managed such that unsafe conditions were (middle), and 11–14 ft bgs (deep). Additional testing included
not created by gas generation. In addition, the mixing was leachate analysis (SPLP and TCLP). Samples were visually
conducted within an exclusion zone, and workers within the examined for presence of COPR nodules. Samples were
exclusion zone were equipped with Level B personal protec- screened to determine the percent of COPR nodules, if any,
tive equipment (i.e., supplied air through a full-face respira- remaining after treatment. The percentage of soil as COPR
tor, full-body chemical resistant suit, chemically resistant nodules was reduced from a baseline of 23.58% to 16.01%
steel-toed boots, chemically resistant elbow-length gloves, based on sieve analysis. This suggests that nodules were
and chemically resistant aprons). Oxygen and carbon dioxide weathered by the addition of the sulfuric acid (H2SO4). The
levels in the work area were monitored during the titration following is a brief discussion of the performance monitoring
process, and careful observations were made regarding foam- results:
ing and evidence of heat generation to regulate the rate of acid
addition. The biostimulation process pass was not initiated • Analytical results indicate that the average baseline
until the temperature was below 45°C. This is the temperature hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) concentration in soil
below which mesophilic bacteria can thrive. Approximately from 0 to 15 ft bgs was 410 mg/kg, approximately
continuous mixing and periodic temperature checks for 20  times the treatment goal (direct contact nonresi-
2 days conducted to ensure the temperature was appropriate dential soil cleanup criterion of 20 mg/kg). More spe-
for the addition of dextrose and corn silage. Temperature was cifically, hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) concentrations
measured with an infrared thermometer from the sidewalls of in soil from the shallow and middle intervals (those
the treatment cell and by a thermocoupler with temperature intervals visually determined in the field to con-
probes at three distinct depths (Figure 7.36). The test cell was tain the majority of COPR nodules) were 1,070 and
at 18°C when the biostimulation process pass was initiated 155 mg/kg, respectively (Figure 7.37). Results from
and 13°C when it was finished. posttreatment sampling indicate that all samples
Performance monitoring postimplementation was com- from all intervals contained hexavalent chromium
pleted at 1, 4, 7, 10, and 12 months after treatment, and the (Cr6+) in soil below 1 mg/kg. In contrast, the average
results are presented in Figures 7.37 through 7.42. Additional baseline total chromium (Cr(T)) concentration from 0
samples were collected during the final performance monitor- to 15 ft bgs was 10,397 mg/kg and remained elevated
ing sampling event for specialized characterization analysis to above 5,000 mg/kg throughout the performance
compare to the baseline characterization (XRD, QEMSCAN, monitoring period (Figure 7.38). The posttreatment
In Situ Treatment of Metals 381

Hexavalent chromium in soil following field‐scale pilot study


Hexavalent chromium in soil (mg/kg)



2/26/11 6/6/11 9/14/11 12/23/11 4/1/12

Shallow soil Cr6+ Middle soil Cr6+ Deep soil Cr6+

Amendments added Treatment goal

FIGURE 7.37  Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) in soil following in situ soil stabilization with sulfuric acid (H2SO4), ferrous sulfate heptahy-
drate (FeSO4 * 7H2O), and inoculant and dextrose (C6H12O6).

Total chromium in soil following field‐scale pilot study

Hexavalent chromium in soil (mg/kg)


2/26/11 6/6/11 9/14/11 12/23/11 4/1/12

Shallow soil CrT Middle soil CrT

Deep soil CrT Amendments added

FIGURE 7.38  Total chromium (Crtot) in soil following in situ soil stabilization with sulfuric acid (H2SO4), ferrous sulfate heptahydrate
(FeSO4 * 7H2O), and inoculant and dextrose (C6H12O6).

total chromium (Cr(T)) concentrations were essen- • SPLP analysis is designed to determine the mobil-
tially unchanged from baseline, and the decrease in ity of both organic and inorganic analytes present in
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) concentrations to less liquids, soils, and wastes left in situ (within or on top
than 1 mg/kg indicates that the hexavalent chromium of the ground surface) when exposed to simulated
(Cr6+) in the test cell was successfully reduced to tri- acidic rainfall and is applicable to determine the
valent chromium (Cr3+). By decreasing the hexava- mobility of chromium. Chromium is most mobile
lent chromium (Cr6+) soil concentrations to below in the hexavalent (Cr6+) oxidation state and is spar-
the treatment goal (20 mg/kg), the first objective the ingly soluble in the trivalent (Cr3+) oxidation state.
field-scale pilot study was achieved. A decrease in chromium leached by SPLP following
382 Remediation Engineering

treatment can demonstrate that the treatment suc- hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) above the method detec-
cessfully immobilized the chromium and suggests tion limit of 10 μg/L (Figure 7.39).
that hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) was reduced to • The baseline pH of the soil ranged from 10.3 to
trivalent chromium (Cr3+) by the treatment process. 11.4 (Figure 7.40). Over time, the weathering of the
The SPLP results for hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) COPR nodules by natural acidity present in rainfall
in the baseline sample were 9,300 μg/L in the shal- recharge (as simulated by the baseline SPLP analy-
low interval and 18,200 μg/L in the middle interval. sis) can lead to the leaching of hexavalent chromium
After treatment, the 1 month SPLP results suggested (Cr6+) above regulatory standards for groundwater.
a marked decrease in hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) The key purpose of the acid addition was to accel-
to 20 μg/L in the shallow interval and 38 μg/L in erate the leaching of the hexavalent chromium
the middle interval. Subsequent SPLP results had no (Cr6+) by dissolving the COPR nodules that contain

Hexavalent chromium in SPLP following field‐scale pilot study

Hexavalent chromium in soil (mg/kg)





2/26/11 6/6/11 9/14/11 12/23/11 4/1/12

Shallow SPLP C6+ Middle SPLP Cr6+

Deep SPLP Cr6+ Amendments added

FIGURE 7.39  Total chromium (Crtot) in synthetic precipitation leaching procedure leachate following in situ soil stabilization with sulfuric
acid (H2SO4), ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (FeSO4 * 7H2O), and inoculant and dextrose (C6H12O6).

pH in soil following field‐scale pilot study


pH of soil (standard units)





Shallow soil pH Middle soil pH

2.0 Deep soil pH Amendments added

2/26/11 6/6/11 9/14/11 12/23/11 4/1/12

FIGURE 7.40  pH in soil following in situ soil stabilization with sulfuric acid (H2SO4), ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (FeSO4 * 7H2O), and
inoculant and dextrose (C6H12O6).
In Situ Treatment of Metals 383

hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), thus making it avail- • Baseline TOC shows stratified concentrations biased
able for treatment. During the weathering process, high by the potential for some manufactured gas plant
alkalinity in the soil and COPR nodules was released related petroleum compounds in the deep interval
and neutralized, resulting in a decrease in size of the (Figure 7.42). The baseline TOC concentrations were
COPR nodules. This explains the buffering capac- 4,490, 11,200, and 73,800 mg/kg for the shallow, mid-
ity of the test cell and why the pH increased from dle, and deep intervals, respectively. Approximately
an average of 5.7 on March 24, 2011, to an approxi- 45 kg of dextrose per cubic meter of soil was added
mate average of 6.9 on March 13, 2012 (Figure 7.40). to the cell as part of the biostimulation pass. Dextrose
Reducing the pH from approximately 11.0 was also is approximately 37% as TOC, and therefore, an
necessary to facilitate biological and chemical treat- approximate TOC dose of 17 kg per cubic meter of
ment, which can be inhibited at pH values higher soil was expected. The calculated homogeneous
than circumneutral. Over the course of the posttreat- TOC concentration after the biostimulation pass was
ment monitoring, the pH values increased as noted, expected to be approximately 39,000 mg/kg. The per-
but any hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) liberated dur- formance monitoring data summarized in Figure 7.42
ing this additional weathering was obviously treated. show that the postmixing TOC concentration was an
The pH did not return to pretreatment conditions and average of 15,100 mg/kg. This difference is attributed
remained relatively stable over the year of perfor- to the significant increase in water during mixing and
mance monitoring. The stability of the pH indicates the 48% by weight solubility of dextrose, resulting in
that the sulfuric acid (H2SO4) had sufficiently weath- the majority of TOC present in the dissolved phase.
ered the COPR minerals responsible for sustained Although an attempt was made to install a prepack-
alkaline pH. aged screened well within the treatment cell dur-
• Total iron concentrations generally did not change ing the performance monitoring period to collect a
between baseline and post treatment samples, apart groundwater sample, sufficient water could not be
from being homogenized (Figure 7.41). This was recovered to submit a groundwater sample for labora-
expected, as the amount of iron added as part of the tory analysis of TOC.
remedy only increased the iron in the test cell by
approximately 5% by weight, and the hope was to Specialized characterization analyses were conducted to show
increase the dissolved iron fraction, which would not mineralogical changes due to treatment, including changes
be detected in a total iron soil sample. There was an in chromium-bearing mineral phases, the alkalinity-bearing
attempt made to collect a water sample from the test mineral phases, and mineral phases that will provide residual
cell with a temporary angled well, but the cell did not hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) reducing capacity, such as sulfide
produce sufficient water to produce a sample. (S2−) minerals. These results are discussed in more detail in

Total iron in soil following field‐scale pilot study




Total iron in soil (mg/kg)







2/26/11 6/6/11 9/14/11 12/23/11 4/1/12

Shallow soil total iron Middle soil total iron

Deep soil total iron Amendments added

FIGURE 7.41  Iron in soil following in situ soil stabilization with sulfuric acid (H2SO4), ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (FeSO4 * 7H2O), and
inoculant and dextrose (C6H12O6).
384 Remediation Engineering

Total organic carbon in soil following field‐scale pilot study




Total organic carbon (mg/kg)








2/26/11 6/6/11 9/14/11 12/23/11 4/1/12

Shallow soil total organic carbon Middle soil total organic carbon
Deep soil total organic carbon Amendments added

FIGURE 7.42  Total organic carbon in soil following in  situ soil stabilization with sulfuric acid (H2SO4), ferrous sulfate heptahydrate
(FeSO4 * 7H2O), and inoculant and dextrose (C6H12O6).

Section 7.4.3 in the context of a more detailed discussion on (As3+) to arsenate (As5+); however, if groundwater extraction
these specialized characterization analyses. is a beneficial or required aspect of the remedy, this represents
In summary, the two case studies discussed here present an example of aboveground metal precipitation.
treatment mechanisms (hexavalent chromium [C6+] reduced A physical flushing strategy, like DGR (Chapter 5), may
to trivalent chromium [Cr3+]) but were implemented in com- involve both the injection and extraction of groundwater.
pletely different ways. Such variability with the implementa- Without special precaution, extracted groundwater is sub-
tion of in situ stabilization highlights the adaptability of the jected to atmospheric oxygen through diffusion,119 and the
technology and demonstrates why it can be so effective. In situ dissolution of atmospheric oxygen into strongly reducing
soil stabilization and/or solidification for metal precipitation groundwater can be rapid. For instance, if extracted ground-
is a blossoming technology that will see further innovation in water is used to dilute a soluble organic carbon substrate
the future as regulatory cleanup goals are reduced and practi- for distribution throughout an aquifer, the potential exists
tioners search for more cost-effective technologies. to eventually extract groundwater with a geochemical-
reducing signature. The photo in Figure 7.43 was taken from Extraction
Sequential in situ treatment mechanisms are most easily con-
ceptualized as separate ex situ reactors, and all of the chemi-
cal and biological forms of in situ metal precipitation can be
implemented ex situ in appropriately designed reactors. The
reactors need to be designed to support the metal precipita-
tion mechanism (i.e., aerobic and oxidizing or anaerobic and
reducing). From an ex  situ perspective, metal precipitation
may be the selected form of above ground groundwater treat-
ment or a requisite conditioning step because of changes in
oxidation–reduction potential. For example, arsenic dissolved
in groundwater as arsenite (As3+) is less amenable to removal
from groundwater via sorption onto iron oxyhydroxides as the
more oxidized form of arsenic, arsenate (As5+). Therefore, if
reduced groundwater was first oxidized to convert arsenite
(As3+) to arsenate (As5+) and then mixed with iron oxyhy-
droxides, this represents a viable mechanism for removal that
could occur sequentially (Section Obviously, these FIGURE 7.43  Geogenic manganese scale formation within a pipe
two steps could occur simultaneously in situ with precipita- that conveyed circulated groundwater from an engineered anaerobic
tion of ambient ferric iron (Fe3+) during oxidation of arsenite in situ reactive zone.
In Situ Treatment of Metals 385

a conveyance line of an organic carbon DGR system where thickness of 20 ft, this could equate to greater than 6,500 lb of
dissolved manganous manganese (Mn2+) in groundwater nickel in the associated source zone:
was oxidized to manganic manganese (Mn4+) in the convey-
ance line over time and precipitated as manganese dioxide 1 m3 4.4 ´ 107 mg Ni 2 +
(20 ft ´ 20 ft ´ 20 ft ´ 0.3) ´ ´
(MnO2). The system ran somewhat continuously for sev- 35.3 ft 3
1 m 3 aquifer
eral months resulting in considerable scaling of the geo-
genic manganese in the conveyance line. For a strategy that 1 lb
´ ~ 6, 590 lb Ni 2 +
involves extracting groundwater with the potential to precipi- 453, 592.4 mg
tate oxidation–reduction potential sensitive metals (most sig-
nificantly iron and manganese), intentional precipitation via If this is compared to a typical nickel (Ni2+) groundwater
oxidation–reduction reaction or pH neutralization in a pre- cleanup goal (0.1 mg/L; CA, FL, NJ),
treatment aboveground tank prior to treating (or dosing) the
groundwater for reinjection or disposal may reduce operation 0.1 mg Ni 2 + 300 L groundwater 0.86 25.8 mg Ni 2 +
´ ´ =
and maintenance costs. L 1 m 3 aquifer 1 1 m 3 aquifer  Source Mass Approximation 1 m3 25.8 mg Ni 2 +

(20 ft ´ 20 ft ´ 20 ft ´ 0.3) ´ 3
Metal contamination source zones can contain large masses 35.3 ft 1 m 3 aquifer
of metals, especially when undiluted plating solutions
1 lb
remain at the spill point. Plating solutions may contain ´ ~ 3.9 ´ 10 -3 lb Ni 2 +
more than 350 g/L of dissolved metal (e.g., Ni2+), with pH 453,592.4 mg
and redox buffers that resist alteration of the fluid chemis-
try. If the source zone received multiple aliquots of plat- It is clear that the release of acidic high dissolved metal
ing solution, precipitated metal may also be present in the concentrations into an aquifer can deposit significant mass
aquifer matrix. Because plating solutions are miscible with that will require lengthy attenuation time frames or active
groundwater (although density flows are possible), pump- in  situ remediation. Additionally, if the aquifer matrix is
ing withdrawal does not face the same limitations of pump- capable of initially or continually neutralizing the pH from
ing for nonaqueous phase liquid removal, and a significant the release, nickel may be removed from groundwater natu-
mass of contaminant can be removed by pumping from rally (either by adsorption, precipitation, or coprecipitation
the source area. We have recovered thousands of liters of with iron oxyhydroxides49,120). This prevents the groundwa-
plating solution by pumping withdrawal from a spill point, ter from reaching the nickel solubility limit, and continual
removing hundreds of kilograms of dissolved metals from loading of nickel (Ni2+) within this pore volume from sub-
the aquifer matrix. sequent releases of plating solution is possible. Cyclical
A large number of variables would have to be specified to release and neutralization can build large in  situ source
determine the maximum mass of a metal that could be accu- zone masses of nickel (Ni2+), acidity, and other plating solu-
mulated in a source zone, and therefore, remedial time frames tion metals. The acidity associated with the releases may
based on “contaminant mass estimates” for metals should eventually consume the natural buffering capacity locally,
be considered with some skepticism. It is possible, however, resulting in the source zone metals dissolving and diluting
to approximate the mass that could be infused, in the aque- into the natural groundwater flux at concentrations above
ous phase, into the static water (i.e., immobile fraction of the regulatory standards.
aquifer). This approximation of mass would represent the con-
tinued source of metals to groundwater long after the actual  Pore Flushing Approximation
release occurred. Let’s take, for example, a nickel-plating To provide an appreciation of the attenuation lifetimes asso-
solution, which contains 170 g/L nickel (Ni2+; 170,000 mg) at ciated with metal releases such as the nickel-plating solution
pH 4. If that solution were spilled into an aquifer with a 0.86 example earlier, we can apply a simple pore flushing approxi-
static water fraction and a 300 L/m3 total porosity, the source mation. More complex principles associated with immobile
zone nickel (Ni2+) storage capacity would be 4.4 × 107 mg Ni2+ to mobile contaminant advection and other facets of remedia-
per m3 aquifer matrix: tion hydraulics are discussed in Chapter 4 and summarized in
considerable detail elsewhere.36 In the example nickel-plating
solution release, let’s assume the average groundwater veloc-
170, 000 mg Ni 2 + 300 L groundwater 0.86
´ ´ ity is 50 ft per year (0.14 ft per day). The average ground-
L 1 m 3 aquifer 1 water velocity represents the “center of mass” movement of
the contaminant plume describing the bulk movement of the
4.4 ´ 107 mg Ni 2 +
= contaminant source as opposed to the transport (or seepage)
1 m 3 aquifer velocity, which represents the leading edge of the dissolved
plume. To consider holistic flushing of the pore volume, it
In a single pore volume of a reasonable areal extent of a is more appropriate to focus on the average groundwater
release (20 ft in length and 20 ft in width) with a saturated velocity.
386 Remediation Engineering

Let’s also assume that contaminant retardation is sig- the Freundlich isotherm can be simplified to be linear, in which
nificantly influenced by the mobile to immobile interaction, case the “n” in Equation 7.63 becomes 1, and the Freundlich
defined by the following equation: isotherm can be presented as the Langmuir Isotherm in the
following equation (substituting Kd in for m):
Rfq = 1 + (7.61) Cs = K d Cw (7.64)

This equation is a convenient way to conceptualize metals
where θm and θi are the mobile and immobile fractions of the sorption in  situ, but should be applied with caution and for
total porosity, respectively. If the total porosity is assumed to low concentrations of dissolved metals.
be 30%, and 10% of the total porosity contributes to mobil- The partitioning coefficient (Kd) of a metal is site specific
ity, the retardation coefficient is determined to be 3. Ignoring and variable and is analytically determined or geochemi-
sorption-based retardation is a justifiable assumption in cally predicted through modeling based on the properties of
this instance as Dzombak and Morel demonstrated that the the soil and the subject metal as well as observed transport
adsorption of nickel (Ni2+) to a representative HFO was negli- of the metal in groundwater. All aquifers are heterogeneous
gible at pH less than 5.0.121 The following is a brief description and anisotropic at every scale,36 and, therefore, it stands to
of sorption-based retardation specific to metals. reason that partitioning coefficient (Kd) for metals likely vary
Sorption-based retardation is defined by the following within different locations and depths of a particular site. A
equation: summary of partitioning coefficients (Kd) from approximately
245 studies, amassing a total of 1,170 individual partition-
RfKd = 1 + ´ Kd (7.62) ing coefficients (Kd), was summarized by the USEPA Office
qtot of Solid Waste in a publication in 1999,123 and a portion of
their results relevant to groundwater aquifers is summarized
where in Table 7.15. Quick inspection of the results (which present
ρb is the soil bulk density logarithmic transformation of the partitioning coefficients
θtot is the total porosity [Kd]) demonstrates a high degree of variability. For example,
Kd, a partitioning coefficient, is complicated by aquifer and for zinc (Zn2+), of the 21 determined/predicted partitioning
metal-specific characteristics coefficients (Kd) summarized in Table 7.15, there is a range
of six orders of magnitude. Differences in partitioning coef-
Sorption-based retardation is significant for metal transport under ficients (Kd) are even observed based on the oxidation state
circumneutral pH, as both the aquifer pH and metal adsorption of the metal, and note that, for chromium the median par-
onto organic matter, oxyhydroxides, and clays strongly dictate titioning coefficient (Kd) varies by two orders of magni-
metals transport through porous media. Adsorption is often tude (~7,943 L/kg for trivalent chromium [Cr3+] and ~13 for
described in terms of isotherms, which show the equilibrated hexavalent chromium [Cr6+]). Assuming the range of partition
relationship between the aqueous concentration of the adsor- coefficients (Kd) for nickel (Ni2+) presented in Table 7.15 (10
bate (i.e., what’s doing the adsorbing) and the amount adsorbed to ~6,310 L/kg), the potential range of sorption-based retar-
to the adsorbent (i.e., What’s doing the adsorbing) at constant dation for this example is approximately 60–37,861. Gross
temperature.15 In the example of the nickel-plating solution, dis- generalizations of partitioning coefficients (Kd) for metals are
solved nickel (Ni2+) is the adsorbate and the soil surface is the not recommended, and therefore, for this simple pore flush-
adsorbent. The most common isotherm expression for metals is ing approximation under strongly acidic conditions for nickel
the Freundlich isotherm (Equation 7.63): (Ni2+) sorption-based retardation is ignored.124
The number of pore volumes necessary to flush through
Cs = mCwn (7.63) the source area and dilute the in  situ nickel concentration
from 170,000 to 0.1 mg/L is described by the product of a
where logarithmic ratio of the concentrations and the porosity driven
Cs is the concentration of adsorbate associated with the retardation coefficient (previously determined to be 3):
adsorbent (mol/kg)
Cw is the concentration of the adsorbate in solution (mol/L) æC ö
m is the Freundlich constant (or the partitioning coefficient NF = ln ç i ÷ ´ Rfq (7.65)
[Kd]) è Cf ø
n is the measure of nonlinearity where
NF is the number of pore volume flushes
The Freundlich isotherm is nonlinear, as sorption locations Ci is the initial concentration of nickel (Ni2+) in groundwa-
are limited to the surface area of the adsorbent, and at high ter (170,000 mg/L)
concentrations of adsorbate the sorption curve plateaus to Cf is the regulatory standard for nickel (Ni2+) in groundwa-
account for the increased concentration of metals and limited ter (0.1 mg/L)
adsorption sites, and the partitioning coefficient (Kd) progres-
sively decreases.122 Under low concentrations of  adsorbate, This results in approximately 43 pore flushes.
In Situ Treatment of Metals 387

Therefore, the length of time for a single pore volume flush

TABLE 7.15 of just the 20 ft long by 20 ft wide source area is approxi-
Summary of Metals Partitioning Coefficients mately 43  days, and to complete the requisite, 43 pore vol-
from the Literature ume flushes is approximately 1,850 days (>5 years). This pore
volume flushing example does not consider the transport of
Metal Soil/Water Metal Soil/Water
metals downgradient from the source area (initially estimated
Ag CH3Hg to be greater than 590 lb of nickel [Ni2+]/day [170,000 mg/L
Median 2.6 Median 2.8
­multiplied by the groundwater flux rate of 420 gal/d]) and the
Range 1.0–4.5 Range 1.3–4.8
propagation of a dissolved nickel (Ni2+) plume downgradi-
N 21 N 11
ent. It also does not account for the storage capacity of met-
As Mo
als based on the cyclical neutralization and release discussed
Median 3.4 Median 1.1
earlier. It does demonstrate that high dissolved metal concen-
Range 0.3–4.3 Range (−0.2)–2.7
N 22 N 8
trations in releases to the aquifer can require considerable
Be Ni
attenuation time frames. The time frame to naturally flush
Median 3.1 Median 3.1 the small source area and the potential for considerable nickel
Range 1.7–4.1 Range 1.0–3.8 (Ni2+) migration downgradient would likely necessitate active
N 2 N 18 in situ remediation, which would likely employ immobiliza-
Cd Pb tion via direct and coprecipitation and acidity neutralization.
Median 2.9 Median 4.2
Range 0.1–5.0 Range 0.7–5.0
7.4.3 Analytical
N 41 N 33
Co Sb When an in  situ remedial strategy for chlorinated volatile
Median 2.1 Median 2.4 organic compounds is implemented, there are numerous metrics
Range (−1.2)–4.2 Range 0.1–2.7 that can be monitored to directly attribute the reductive dechlo-
N 11 N 6 rination to the engineered treatment (Chapter 6). For example,
Cr(3+) Se typical chlorinated compounds tetrachloroethene (C2Cl4) and
Median 3.9 Median 2.1 trichloroethene (C2HCl3) are dechlorinated to less chlorinated
Range 1.0–4.8 Range −0.3–2.4 products such as cis-1,2-dichloroethene (C2H2Cl2) and vinyl
N 43 N 23 chloride (C2H3Cl) and eventually to completely dechlorinated
Cr(6+) V
end products ethene (C2H4) and ethane (C2H6) within an engi-
Median 1.1 Median
neered IRZ. These incremental changes can be measured via
Range (−0.7)–3.3 Range 0.6–2.7
laboratory analysis and confirm that the targeted pathway has
N 24 N 1
been achieved or positively influenced through an engineered
Cu Zn
Median 2.7 Median 3.1
strategy. With in situ metal precipitation, the ultimate metric of
Range 0.2–3.6 Range (−1.0)–5.0
decreased concentrations in groundwater may be observed, but
N 20 N 21 may also be a result of adsorption, precipitation, or coprecipita-
Hg CN tion regardless of the designed immobilization mechanism. In
Median 3.8 Median 3.0 order to definitively prove that the engineered IRZ is function-
Range 2.2–5.8 Range 0.7–3.6 ing as intended, more detailed esoteric analytical techniques
N 17 N 3 may be required. From an in situ metal precipitation perspec-
tive, esoteric analyses include mineral characterization, spec-
Source: Robert B. Ambrose Jr., P.E. U.S. Environmental Pro­
troscopy, or high-resolution microscopy of mineral species, and
tection Agency Office of Research and Development,
these techniques are discussed in this section. These analyses
Athens, GA, Partition coefficients for metals in surface
water, soil, and waste, June 22, 1999.
can be costly and difficult to explain to stakeholders without
a specialized level of understanding. Therefore, more often
than not, decreases in metal concentrations in groundwater are
For the subject aquifer in the nickel-plating solution release, assumed to be associated with the engineered IRZ, and bench-
the pore volume in the release area is scale treatability testing and literature documentation is used
7.48 gal to substantiate this reasoning. For a typical implementation of
20 ft ´ 20 ft ´ 20 ft ´ 0.3 ´ ~ 18, 000 gal in situ hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) treatment of groundwater,
1 ft 3
decreases in the hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) concentration
The groundwater flux rate is the cross-sectional area perpen- under geochemical conditions consistent with hexavalent chro-
dicular to groundwater flow (20 ft wide × 20 ft deep) multi- mium (Cr6+) conversion to trivalent chromium (Cr3+) generally
plied by the average groundwater velocity: suffice for proof of concept. As will be discussed in detail in
this section, for more innovative in  situ remedial strategies
ft ft 3 7.48 gal gal (Section sophisticated spectroscopy and microscopy
20 ft ´ 20 ft ´ 0.14 = 56 ´ ~ 420
day day 1 ft 3 day help definitely prove the concept.
388 Remediation Engineering  Dissolved Metal Analysis Groundwater samples collected for metal analysis are sus-
Dissolved analysis for metals is of primary importance ceptible to false positives if the turbidity is high and samples
because often a decrease in the concentration of a metal have high suspended solids. Federal and state groundwater
in groundwater represents the objective of an in situ metal sampling guidance documents are available and generally
precipitation strategy. The dissolved phase analysis is a suggest turbidity less than or equal to 10–20 NTU.126
representation of the engineered adsorption, precipitation,
or coprecipitation strategy because as the designed mecha-  Solid Metal Analysis
nism takes place, the metal is removed from groundwater. Groundwater monitoring associated with any in situ treatment
The USEPA analytical method for metals in groundwater approach provides superficial evidence of treatment. In other
is method 6010B125 and uses inductively coupled plasma words, the data are blind to the mechanisms responsible for
atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). The groundwa- the observed dissolved-phase trends. While we can anticipate
ter is acidified (i.e., digested) to dissolve microscopic sus- those mechanisms, in some cases (not all), solid-phase analy-
pended solids, such as colloids. The optical spectrum of an sis might be desired to confirm or document them.
element is a characteristic trait that is used to identify the The same methods can possibly also provide insight into
metal and quantify it. The laboratory analysis of method changes in the precipitated solid phases over time. The meth-
6010B may experience interferences related to overlapping ods available for acquiring these data can be broken down
spectra, background influences, naturally occurring organic into categories based on what they can tell us about the form
matter, ionization effects, complexation, evaporation of the of the precipitated metal that was targeted for treatment
sample, and even changes in the viscosity or surface tension (USEPA 2007)127:
of the sample. A detailed review of the potential interfer-
ences associated with this method is beyond the scope of this • Operationally defined forms: This involves evalu-
discussion, but it is relevant to understand that these inter- ation of metal form based on the conditions under
ferences may exist. Upon review and evaluation of metals which it can be mobilized and is accomplished
data, questionable or surprising results should be discussed through sequential selective extractions at increasing
with the laboratory as geochemical conditions of an estab- strengths.
lish IRZ may require more significant dilution. Most of the • Structurally defined forms: This involves evaluation
interferences associated with this method can be minimized of metal form through elemental and structural (spa-
through sample dilution. tial) relationships. There are a number of analytical
Dissolved analysis of groundwater for metals can provide techniques that fit in this category, including XRD,
information about the oxidation–reduction potential of an aqui- x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier-transform
fer. Qualitatively, large differences between total (unfiltered) infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron micros-
and dissolved (filtered) metal concentrations for oxidation– copy (SEM)/energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy,
reduction sensitive metals (i.e., iron, manganese, selenium, and XAS.
chromium, and molybdenum) may indicate more aerobic and
oxidizing conditions, and negligible differences may indicate In conducting these types of analyses, it is important to be
more anaerobic and reducing conditions. Conceptually, at cir- aware of limitations associated with the amount of precipitate
cumneutral pH and slightly aerobic and oxidizing conditions, mass that may be present compared with the sensitivity of the
the dissolved concentrations of oxidation–reduction sensitive method/instrument. The spatial resolution of some techniques
metals would be expected to be low, while reducing conditions can make identification like looking for the proverbial needle
would drive these metal into solution. Quantitatively, this is in a haystack, so that samples require prescreening based on
not necessarily the case because a percentage of the dissolved the other analyses. Immobilization of 10 mg/L of dissolved
oxidation–reduction sensitive metals could be in the more oxi- metal onto a granular aquifer matrix equates to about 2 mg/kg
dized form sorbed to colloids or finely divided crystals that or 0.0002% by weight, which, even if it can be located, may
have yet to settle from the groundwater and pass through the not be discernable from background depending on the metal.
filter. Therefore, while qualitatively it may be sufficient to
classify the oxidation–reduction potential of an aquifer based Elemental
on comparisons of total (unfiltered) and dissolved (filtered) Total elemental analysis of soil is typical for most in situ metal
metals concentrations, laboratory analytical methods exist precipitation sites and reflects the amount of metals in the aqui-
for speciated metals. For example, US EPA method 7196A is fer soil. The USEPA test method for total elemental analysis
specific to hexavalent chromium (Cr6+). This analysis is par- of soil is method 3050B,128 and involves a nitric acid (HNO3)
ticularly important as it has been demonstrated that trivalent acid and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) digestion followed by
chromium (Cr3+) may be soluble under slightly aerobic cir- ICP-AES or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
cumneutral pH conditions and could represent a portion of (ICP-MS) depending on the metal (Table 7.16). Hydrochloric
the dissolved chromium analysis (Figure 7.24). Additionally, acid (HCl) is added to the digestate (the soil mixture after
ferrous iron (Fe2+) has a specific laboratory analytical method nitric acid [HNO3] and hydrogen peroxide [H2O2] digestion)
(SM3500) to appropriately speciate iron. as an additional digestion. Examples of analytical results for
In Situ Treatment of Metals 389

generated and filtered to produce monochromatic radiation,

TABLE 7.16 which is then concentrated and directed toward a sample.
Recommended Determinative Techniques for Elements The interaction of the incident x-rays with the sample pro-
ICP-AES ICP-MS duces a diffracted x-ray under certain conditions. These dif-
fracted x-rays are then detected, processed, and counted.
Aluminum Magnesium Arsenic
Depending on the anisotropy of the sample, XRD can be
Antimony Manganese Beryllium
considered semiquantitative as the relative intensity of the
Barium Molybdenum Cadmium
diffractions is approximately proportional to the number of
Beryllium Nickel Chromium
Cadmium Potassium Cobalt
crystals present (assuming low anisotropy).129 Conversion of
Chromium Silver Iron
the diffraction peaks to lattice spacings allows identifica-
Cobalt Thallium Lead tion of minerals because each mineral has a set of unique
Copper Vanadium Molybdenum lattice spacings. Mineral identification and interpretation
Iron Zinc Selenium involve matching the diffraction pattern of the sample to
Lead Thallium patterns of single-phase reference materials. The reference
Vanadium patterns are compiled by the Joint Committee on Powder
Diffraction Standards—International Center for Diffraction
Data (JCPDS-ICDD) and released on software as a data-
total elemental analysis are presented in Figures 7.37 and 7.38 base of powder diffraction files.138 XRD can be combined
for hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) and total chromium (CrT). and supplemented with geochemical and isotopic analyses,
thermal analyses, and analyses that enable evaluation of Structural interatomic or intermolecular binding energies and order-
Some of the available structural (mineralogical) analysis (i.e., disorder relations, high-resolution transmission electronic
characterization analysis) available will be discussed in this microscopy, and SEM.129 In the case study example dis-
section, specifically those that are used in the in situ remedia- cussed in Section, the XRD results were combined
tion industry frequently enough to warrant a discussion (x-ray with scanning electron microscopy, and the results are dis-
powder diffraction [XRD], SEM with energy dispersive x-ray cussed in Section
spectroscopy, and XAS). This is not intended to be an exhaus- Uranium in the plus six oxidation state (U6+), typically in
tive review of available characterization analysis, and the the form of uranyl (UO22+), is soluble and mobile in ground-
reader is referred to the works of Pansu and Gautheyrou,129 water. Among complexation strategies (Section,
Rollinson,130 and Egerton131 (and references therein) for more one method to remove uranyl (UO22+) from groundwater is
detailed information on analysis presented here and others. through biological reduction to uranium in the plus-four oxi-
As the characterization analysis are presented and dis- dation state (U4+), typically in the form of uraninite (UO2).
cussed in this section, example results and graphics will be The first published demonstration of biological reduction of
connected back to the in  situ stabilization case study from uranyl (UO22+) to uraninite (UO2) was conducted by Lovely
Site B discussed in detail in Section The authors et  al.139 An example of XRD pattern for uraninite (UO2)
would like to acknowledge Canadian Light Source Inc., is shown in Figure 7.44, and was created as a verification
SGS Mineral Services, Dr. Jeff Gillow, and the Brookhaven that an observed black precipitate in anaerobic laboratory
National Laboratory for conducting the specialized character- microcosms incubated with uranyl acetate (UO2(C2H3O2)2)
ization. Recall from Section that 237 tons of treatment and sodium lactate (NaC3H5O3) was indeed uraninite (UO2).
cell soil  consisting primarily of COPR nodules at elevated The uraninite (UO2) measured in Figure 7.44 was generated
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) and alkaline pH was weathered biologically by carefully cultured Shewanella oneidensis
with 5,600 gal of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and then mixed with strain MR-1 under two conditions, fast (a cell count of 2 × 108
6  tons of ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (FeSO4  *  7H2O) and cells/mL and a temperature of 37°C) and slow (a cell count of
6 tons of dextrose (C6H12O6). The purpose of the demonstra- 1 × 108 cells/mL and a temperature of 20°C)140–142 in a 30 mM
tion was to accelerate leaching of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) buffer at concentrations of
from the COPR nodules and subsequently chemically reduce 1  × 10 −3 M uranyl (UO22+), 2 × 10 −3 M acetate (C2H3O2−),
leached hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) to trivalent chromium and 5 mM sodium lactate (NaC3H5O3). The uraninite (UO2)
(Cr3+). The carbon substrate was provided to biologically generated under fast conditions is shown in the darker shaded
reduce leached hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) on a longer time- line, and the uraninite (UO2) generated under slow conditions
line and cycle the oxidation–reduction potential to regenerate is shown in the lighter shaded line. Beneath the XRD pat-
ferrous iron (Fe2+), which has been shown in the literature to terns are reference patterns, generated from software from
be a highly reactive chemical reductant.132–137 the JCPDS-ICDD. The reference patterns that most closely
matched the dark and light XRD patterns were Uraninite-Q XRD (U3O7) and Uraninite-C (UO2), which confirms that soluble
XRD is a nondestructive analytical technique useful for uranyl (UO22+) was biologically reduced to uraninite (UO2)
phase identification of crystalline material. X-rays are under both fast and slow conditions.
390 Remediation Engineering



Intensity (counts)




00-015-0004> Uraninite-Q - U307

00-041-1422> Uraninite-C- U02

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2θ (°)

FIGURE 7.44  X-ray diffraction patterns for uraninite (UO2) reduced under “fast” and “slow” conditions in 30 mM sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
with 1 × 10−5 uranyl (UO22+), 2 × 10−3 acetate (C2H3O2−) and 5 mM sodium lactate (C3H5NaO3). “Fast” conditions (2 × 108 cells/mL and 37°C) are
shown in the darker shaded line. “Slow” conditions (1 × 108 cells/mL and 20°C) are shown in the lighter shaded line. The two reference spectra
Uraninite-Q (U3O7) and Uraninite-C (UO2) are the two closest matching spectra. (Courtesy of Dr. Hui Tan for the x-ray diffraction patterns.) Scanning Electron Microscopy and of the mineralogy of the site soil and COPR nodules. The
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy spinel group are those naturally occurring and abundant
QEMSCAN is an abbreviation for quantitative evaluation of compounds following the molecular formula of A2+(B3+)2O4,
minerals by SCANning electron microscopy. QEMSCAN where A and B represent cations in the plus two and three oxi-
uses a fully automated SEM-based analysis system to derive dation state, respectively. A summary of notable compounds
quantitative mineralogical and textural data. The instru- in the spinel group are listed in Table 7.9. Of note is magne-
ment includes an electron-beam platform equipped with four tite (Fe3O4), which is the most abundant member of the spinel
energy dispersive x-ray spectrometers (EDS) for mineral group.145 The chemical formula does not appear to follow the
identification and proprietary software for automated data A2+(B3+)2O4 form; however, because one of the iron elements
acquisition, summary, and presentation. An electron beam is is ferrous iron (Fe2+) and the other two are ferric iron (Fe3+),
applied to a sample, which results in low-count energy dis- the formula for magnetite could be written as Fe2+(Fe3+)2O4.
persive x-ray spectra that are counted and compared to the This discussion of the spinel group is important because
amount of energy needed to create them. Since each element numerous occurrences of chromium, iron, magnesium, and
heavier than beryllium has an existing EDS, the EDS from the aluminum spinels were observed in the QEMSCAN results
SEM can be compared to identify individual elements. The from Site B.
software allows for automated stepping of the electron beam Pre-treatment and posttreatment homogenate SEM-EDS
across samples at a user-defined pixel resolution (individual images are presented in Figures 7.45 and 7.46. The images
points, lines, or map of an entire surface). At each pixel, the presented in Figures 7.45 and 7.46 have been marked with
system collects a backscatter electron (BSE) signal and an the energy dispersive x-ray spectra that correspond to the
energy dispersive x-ray spectrum. A mineral or phase identi- table below the image for ease of reference. The occurrence
fication is made on the basis of the BSE value and elemental of chromium in close proximity to calcite (CaCO3) is noted
intensities.143 in Figure 7.45 by a red arrow. In addition, numerous loca-
The QEMSCAN system used to characterize COPR from tions of various chromium iron magnesium aluminum spi-
the case study discussed in Section was paired with the nels (Cr Fe Mg Al Spinel, Cr Fe Al Mg Spinel, and Cr Fe
XRD data, and it was sensitive enough to track transforma- Mg Al Spinel Ca) are shown to be surrounded by iron-rich
tions in COPR minerals through treatment. The QEMSCAN spinels (Fe Mg Al Spinel). This represents chromium (either
data demonstrated notable changes in the chromium contain- as hexavalent chromium [Cr6+] or trivalent chromium [Cr3+])
ing spinels indicating that there was a fundamental change associated with minerals susceptible to weathering. At highly
In Situ Treatment of Metals 391

1 7


9 12


200 μm Electron image 1


Spectrum Mineral O Na Mg Al Si Ca Ti Cr Fe S V
1 Cr Fe Mg Al spinel 34.4 11.3 8.8 0.5 0.5 34.1 10.5
2 Cr Fe Mg Al spinel 35 0.9 10.1 8.2 0.6 33.2 11.9
3 Cr Fe Al Mg spinel 32 1.3 8.3 8.5 34.9 14.9
4 Cr Fe Mg Al spinel 35.4 10.1 8.7 0.4 33 12.4
5 Cr Fe Al Mg spinel 33.9 1.2 7.3 8.2 33.3 16.1
6 Cr Fe Mg Al spinel Ca 37.8 11.2 6.1 2.3 6.2 22.4 14
7 Cr Fe Al Mg spinel 36.1 1.3 7.9 8.7 0.5 32.7 12.8
8 Cr Fe Mg Al spinel 33.9 1.4 10.5 8.7 33.3 12.2
9 Calcite 54.8 45.2
10 Fe Mg Al spinel Ca 46.3 11 4.2 5.2 2.9 0.6 28.4 0.9 0.5
11 Fe Mg Al spinel Ca 35.2 13.5 6 5.2 6.1 1.2 31.2 1.6
12 Fe Mg Cr Al spinel 33.9 13.5 3.1 0.6 4 44.9
13 Fe Mg Cr Al spinel 32.8 15.3 2.4 0.7 8.5 40.3
14 Fe Mg Cr Al spinel 35.6 14.3 4.3 0.6 0.7 7.9 36.5
15 Fe Mg Cr Al spinel 34.7 13.4 2.3 0.8 10.2 38.7
16 Fe Mg Cr Al spinel 40.4 15.2 4.2 0.4 7.3 32.4
17 Fe Mg Cr Al spinel 35 12.1 4.2 1.4 1.5 3.9 41.4 0.5

FIGURE 7.45  (a) Scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDS) image of a pretreatment homogenate
from a chromite ore processing residue site in the Eastern United States (Site B in Section Spectra #1–8 show various Cr-rich spi-
nels rimmed by Fe-rich spinels (spectra #14, 16, 17). Altered Cr spinel forms mixtures with calcite (spectra #9) as shown by the red arrow.
(b) Associated semiquantitative mineral chemistry percentages for the SEM-EDS image. Each spectrum shown in the SEM-EDS image is
comprised of the indicated percentage of the specified element.

alkaline pH, it is not surprising that chromium would form this process dramatically with 50% sulfuric acid (H2SO4),
chromium hydroxide compounds, and the issue with COPR a large change in mineralogy would be expected. Indeed,
(and its characteristic highly alkaline pH) is that it presents the SEM-EDS image presented in Figure 7.46 for the post-
a long-term reserve for potential hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) treatment homogenate demonstrates species of silicas (talc
leaching as slightly acidic rainfall infiltration or ambient Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 and kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4) not detected
groundwater interacts with COPR nodules. By accelerating in numerous pretreatment homogenate SEM-EDS images
392 Remediation Engineering



8 1




100 μm Electron image 1


Spectrum Mineral O Na Mg Al Si Ca Cr Fe S Mn
1 Talc 44.4 17.6 5.4 20.4 7.1 5.1
2 Kaolinite 51.7 20.8 25.2 2.3
3 Chlorite 48.1 9.6 7.0 20.8 12.1 2.4
4 Fe Mg Cr Al spinel 33.5 13.5 2.9 0.6 3.7 44.7 1.1
5 Cr Mg Al Fe spinel 38.1 14.0 8.2 32.5 7.2
6 Fe Mg Cr Al spinel 32.5 13.7 2.7 0.5 11.6 39.0
7 Fe Mg Cr Al spinel 34.1 13.1 2.5 0.8 4.9 44.6
8 Calcite 57.3 1.5 41.2
9 Fe Mg Al spinel 32.6 13.5 2.3 1.0 1.1 48.3 1.2
10 Fe Cr Mg Al spinel 34.7 12.9 2.7 0.8 18.7 30.2
11 Cr Mg Fe Al spinel 35.0 13.3 7.6 0.4 34.4 9.3
12 Fe Mg spinel 41.8 10.3 3.4 6.6 0.5 35.4 2.0

FIGURE 7.46  (a) Scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDS) image of a posttreatment homogenate
from a chromite ore processing residue site in the Eastern United States (Site B in Section Spectra #5 and 11 show Cr-rich spinels
rimmed by Fe-rich spinels (spectra #6 and 10) and Fe–Cr–Mg spinels (spectra #4, 7, 9). Note less calcite (spectrum #8) and the increased
presence of silicates (i.e., serpentine/talc, spectrum #1; kaoline spectrum #2). (b) Associated semiquantitative mineral chemistry percentages
for the SEM-EDS image. Each spectrum shown in the SEM-EDS image is comprised of the indicated percentage of the specified element.

and significantly less chromium iron magnesium aluminum pre- and posttreatment homogenate particle maps are the dis-
spinel associated with calcium. This is demonstrated color- appearance of light blue (calcite [CaCO3]) and yellows (cal-
fully in Figure 7.47, where four representative particle maps cium iron oxide [Ca Fe Oxide low Mg Si] and iron calcium
are compared. Recall that QEMSCAN has the ability to map magnesium oxide [Mg Fe Oxide low Ca Si], diminished black
particle surfaces if the electron beam is specified to do so. The (Altered Cr-Spinel [Ca]), and increased purples (gypsum
colorful images in Figure 7.47 represents the agglomerations [CaSO4 * 2H2O] and quartz [SiO2]) and oranges (Fe-Sulfate
of the specified minerals over the surfaces of soil grains in and Fe-Sulfate Mg, Al, Si Mix). These mineralogical changes
the sample. The pretreatment homogenates are presented as are all consistent with a weathered COPR nodule and rep-
A and B, and the posttreatment homogenates are presented as resent how powerful the graphical presentation of the data
C and D. Qualitatively, the biggest color differences between can be.
In Situ Treatment of Metals 393

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fe-oxides Fe-sulfate Mg, Al, Si mix

Cr Fe Mg Al spinel Periclase/magnesite
Altered Cr-spinel (Ca) Calcite
Fe Mg Cr Al spinel Quartz
Al-Ox/hydrox Feldspar
Ca Fe oxide low Mg Si Epidote
Mg Fe oxide low Ca Si Amph/pyrox
Fe Ca Mg oxide low Si Micas/clays
Gypsum Sulfur/sulfies
Fe-sulfate Other

FIGURE 7.47  Quantitative evaluation of minerals by SCANning electron microscopy particle maps for pretreatment (a) and (b) and post-
treatment (c) and (d) homogenate from a chromite ore processing residue site in the Eastern United States (Site B, Section The par-
ticle maps represent locations of minerals over the surface of the soil material, corresponding to the color key. The pretreatment homogenate
(a) and (b) show calcite and Fe Mg Cr Al spinel throughout, with altered Cr spinel (Ca) agglomerations closely associated with Ca Fe oxide
and Mg Fe oxide material. Finally, agglomerations of Cr Fe Mg Al spinel are observed throughout. The posttreatment homogenate (c) and
(d) show gypsum and Fe–sulfate/Fe–sulfate Mg, Al, Si mix throughout, with no apparent calcite. The altered Cr spinel (Ca), Fe Mg Cr Al
spinel, and Cr Fe Mg Al spinel observed in the pretreatment homogenate (a) and (b) is observed at similar percentages in the posttreatment
homogenate (c) and (d).

Another way of visualizing the QEMSCAN data is columns in Figure 7.48. Chromium iron magnesium alumi-
through column graphs that compare changes in mineral num spinel (Cr Fe Mg Al Spinel) and iron magnesium chro-
mass percentages. This may be more useful in a practical mium aluminum spinel (Fe Mg Cr Al Spinel) were observed
in  situ remediation scenario where data must be presented to remain relatively unchanged accounting for 8.47% and
and explained to audiences of various backgrounds. The 32.0% of the mineral mass before treatment and 8.11%
QEMSCAN data (and XRD) show that there was a signifi- and 35.8% of the mineral mass after treatment. These are
cant decrease in the alkaline minerals based on mineral represented by the fifth and sixth columns in Figure 7.48.
reductions on a weight basis (Figure 7.48). For example, iron Following treatment, there was a notable increase in gyp-
calcium magnesium oxide (Fe Ca Mg oxide) decreased from sum (CaSO4 * 2H2O; 0.18%–19.3%), iron sulfate silica, mag-
accounting for 14.6% of the mineral mass to 0.62%; calcite nesium or aluminum minerals (Fe–sulfate Mg, Al, Si mix,
(CaCO3) decreased from 3.59% to 0.43%; an altered chro- 0.19%–8.88%), iron sulfate (1.33%–5.4%), and quartz (SiO2;
mium spinel associated with calcium decreased from 9.19% 3.31%–8.88%), indicating that silica and calcium were liber-
to 1.70%; and a calcium iron oxide (Ca Fe oxide) decreased ated and reacted with the reagents. These are represented by
from 15.3% to 0.12%. These are represented by the first four columns 7–10 in Figure 7.48. These reductions in mineral
394 Remediation Engineering


Mineral mass percentage (%)

Fe Ca Mg oxide (low Si)
Ca Fe oxide (low Mg Si)
Altered Cr‐spinel (Ca)
1 Cr Fe Mg Al spinel
Fe Mg Cr Al spinel
Fe‐sulfate Mg, Al, Si mix
Pre‐treat Post‐treat

FIGURE 7.48  Quantitative evaluation of minerals by SCANning electron microscopy mineral mass percentages of pretreatment and post-
treatment chromite ore processing residue.

mass percentages are easily visualized in Figure 7.48, and material in the SEM image and the black material in the TEM
support the observations earlier of the more intricate SEM- image represent the uraninite (UO2) precipitate.
EDS images and particle maps.
Finally, the numerous outputs of QEMSCAN can be  X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
combined to provide powerful conclusions. For example, as XAS utilizes a high-energy x-ray source (generated in a syn-
demonstrated by the mineral mass percentage evaluation the chrotron) to provide element-specific information for hetero-
chromium iron magnesium aluminum spinel (Cr Fe Mg Al geneous samples. The synchrotron can be conceptualized as a
Spinel) and the iron magnesium chromium aluminum spinel polygon-shaped tube under ultrahigh vacuum (~10 –11 mm Hg)
(Fe Mg Cr Al Spinel) did not change significantly between the where subatomic particles are circulated at near light speed
pretreatment and posttreatment sample (Figure 7.48). Based through the assistance of bending magnets.146 An x-ray field
on this observation, the only chromium-bearing mineral that is then produced like a flat fan within the polygon-shaped
was affected by the treatment was the altered chromium spi- circulation of these particles. Then, a characteristic x-ray
nel associated with calcium. The pretreatment homogenate absorption spectrum is generated for x-rays tuned to elec-
SEM image presented in Figure 7.48 shows these altered tron binding energies for specific elements. Because x-rays
chromium spinels were colocated with calcite (CaCO3) within will interact with any electron when the x-ray energy exceeds
the soil particles and nodules. These data combined indicated the binding energy of the electron, and since binding ener-
that the altered chromium spinel associated with calcium is gies of electrons are element specific, a spectrum of x-ray
likely the most accessible form of chromium and the source of energy absorption generated by XAS can be matched to a
chromium likely to leach to groundwater. By removing almost specific element in a specific oxidation state. The spectrum
all of the calcite (CaCO3) and reducing the leached hexavalent provides information about the association of elements in a
chromium (Cr6+) to trivalent chromium (Cr3+) in the sample, sample and their chemical form (e.g., oxidation state). From
the leachable chromium was significantly reduced and likely an in situ metal precipitation perspective, for metals that are
eliminated. oxidation–reduction potential sensitive (e.g., chromium, ura-
Another useful form of SEM is transmission electron nium, selenium, arsenic, iron), this characterization technique
microscopy (TEM), although this typically gets significant can confirm the oxidation state, which can prove immobiliza-
more attention in academic applications. Whereas SEM uses tion through chemical or biological processes. The technique
an electron beam to measure EDS response from a surface, is nondestructive and is an excellent tool for determining
TEM uses the electron beam to pass through an ultra-thin chemical speciation and the local electronic structure of the
specimen and measures the interaction as the beam passes absorbing element.
through the sample. The benefit of a TEM image is the X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) or X-ray
enhanced resolution compared to other microscopes, and Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) is that part of the absorp-
allows for examination of fine details. An example of the tion spectrum near the x-ray absorption edge, the region
superior TEM image resolution is provided for the extracellu- where the absorbance rapidly increases. It is noteworthy to
lar uraninite (UO2) precipitation discussed in Section mention that typically bulk XAS is a general method of XAS
versus an SEM image141,142 (Figure 7.49). The top image is an and XANES and extended x-ray absorption fine structure
SEM image and the bottom two images are TEM. The white (EXAFS) are more specific to the local structure and bonding
In Situ Treatment of Metals 395


2 μm 0.5 μm

(b) (c)

FIGURE 7.49  A comparison of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (shown as (a)) versus transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
(shown as (b) and (c)) images of biogenic uraninite (UO2) precipitates. The photographed samples were collected from the same incubation
of carefully cultured Shewanella oneidensis strain MR-1 under slow (cell count, 1 × 108 cells/mL, and temperature, 20°C) conditions in
a 30 mM sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) buffer at concentrations of 1 × 10 −3 M uranyl (UO22+), 2 × 10 −3 M acetate (C2H3O2−), and 5 mM
sodium lactate (NaC3H5O3). (Courtesy of Dr. Gang Ning for the SEM image and Alice Dohnalkova for the TEM images.)

XANES (with pre‐edge) EXAFS

of the absorbing element.147–150 XANES and EXAFS are the
techniques that require a tunable x-ray source (i.e., the syn-
chrotron). The sudden increase in absorption at the absorption
edge is due to the excitation of a photoelectron out of the inner
electron orbitals of an element and into the continuum. As the
x-ray energy is increased and the x-ray absorption stabilizes,
this is referred to as extended x-ray absorption fine structure
(EXAFS). The pre-edge XANES and EXAFS regions of an
XAS spectrum contain information on the electronic state of
X‐ray absorption

the absorbing element and its symmetry and are summarized

conceptually in Figure 7.50. XANES and EXAFS graph-
ics from the aforementioned biologically mediated uranyl
(UO22+) reduction to uraninite (UO2) in Section are
presented in Figure 7.51.141,142 The data show a close linear fit
to the uraninite (UO2) pattern; however, the deviation suggests
some percentage of uranium as uranyl (UO22+). Observations X‐ray energy
such as this underscore the great potential of XAS to inform
geochemical mechanism determinations. FIGURE 7.50  Conceptual depiction of the x-ray absorption spec-
The analytical results of chromium analysis described in troscopy pattern.
Section demonstrated that hexavalent chromium (Cr6+)
was present in soil prior to treatment at 1,070 mg/kg (with total chromium (Cr3+); however, hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) was
chromium present at 10,397 mg/kg). Hexavalent chromium not detected in soil prior to and after treatment. Following the
(Cr6+) was therefore present at <0.1% of the total sample mass bulk XAS data results, samples of the untreated and treated
and at ~10% of the total chromium content. Although XAS soil were analyzed using microprobe x-ray fluorescence
was attempted on the pre- and posttreatment homogenates, the (μXRF) and x-ray adsorption near-edge structure (μXANES).
technique was unable to detect hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) in Similar to the bulk XAS analysis, this uses a focused beam of
either sample. Soil samples showed the presence of trivalent x-rays to determine the presence, distribution, valence state,
396 Remediation Engineering

was present in the nodules both before and after treatment,

NaHCO3 “fast” supported by both the XRD and QEMSCAN results. This
is not surprising as the enhanced weathering induced by the
Normalized x-ray absorption
1.5 U(VI) component
U(IV) component
addition of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) decreased the nodule size,
but did not penetrate the entirety of the nodules. In the pre-
1.0 treatment nodules, hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) appears to be
present around the outer edge of the nodule. In the posttreat-
ment nodules, hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) appears to be more
0.5 central to the nodule. This is consistent with the weathering of
the nodules with the sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and suggests that
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) associated with calcite (CaCO3)
0.0 and altered chromium spinel was liberated and subsequently
17,150 17,200 17,250 reduced to trivalent chromium (Cr3+).
X-ray energy (eV)  Operational (Functional) Analysis
A common unknown with in situ metal precipitation strate-
NaHCO3 “slow” gies is whether or not the targeted mechanism is responsible
Normalized x-ray absorption

1.5 for the observed reductions in metal concentrations in ground-

U(VI) component
U(IV) component
water. If a chemically induced sulfide precipitation strategy
is implemented and metal concentrations in groundwater are
1.0 observed to decrease, the intuitive assumption is that metal
sulfides are precipitating and creating a solid mineral that has
a solubility that is sufficiently less than the targeted cleanup
0.5 goal. But what if the acidity scavenging nature of sulfide (S2−)
is resulting in acidity neutralization and HFO is precipitating
creating sorption sites for metals? This is equally effective in
0.0 that the metal concentration in groundwater is reduced; how-
17,150 17,200 17,250 ever, the permanence of the remedial strategy is not the same
X-ray energy (eV) as a low solubility metal sulfide. In the absence of mineral
characterization, spectroscopy, or microscopy, operational
FIGURE 7.51  Example x-ray absorption near-edge structure analysis, such as selective extraction, can help determine if the
and extended x-ray absorption fine structure graphs for biogenic targeted remedial mechanism is responsible for the observed
uraninite (UO2). The “fast” and “slow” trials used carefully cul- metal reductions.
tured Shewanella oneidensis strain MR-1 under fast (cell count, Selective extraction analysis includes incremental extrac-
2 × 108 cells/mL, and temperature, 37°C) and slow (cell count, 1 × tion of treated soil with different rinsates designed to incre-
108 cells/mL, and temperature, 20°C) conditions in a 30 mM sodium mentally inform on metals immobilization strategies. The
bicarbonate (NaHCO3) buffer at concentrations of 1 × 10 −3 M uranyl
rinsate from an extraction is analyzed using ICP-AES for the
(UO22+), 2 × 10 −3 M acetate (C2H3O2−), and 5  mM sodium lactate
(NaC3H5O3). The blue circles represent the raw data, the red line is a targeted metal. For example, suppose a remedial strategy was
linear combination fit (LCF), and the blue and black lines are refer- implemented to reduce selenium in the oxidized forms of sele-
ence standards for uranyl (UO22+) and uraninite (UO2). nate (SeO42−) or selenite (SeO32−) to the more reduced forms of
elemental selenium (Se0) or selenide (Se2−). However, because
selenate (SeO42−) and selenite (SeO32−) are oxyanions (similar
and form of different elements at high resolutions (down to to arsenate [AsO43−] and arsenite [AsO33−]), there is a poten-
10 μm). The focused beam provides better sensitivity to trace tial for sorption to HFO. An initial extraction with distilled
concentrations of individual chromium species. Samples for water would confirm that the selenium is not dissolved and
the μXANES analysis were prepared by splitting a COPR is  the first of several extractions and is the mildest. A second
nodule and pressing the exposed face on a piece of Kapton extraction with a phosphate (PO43−) solution may result in the
tape. This allowed for analysis of a cross section of the nod- displacement of sorbed selenate (SeO42−) or selenite (SeO32−)
ules before and after treatment. The μXRF cross section maps due to the respective ionization strengths of the different oxy-
and corresponding sectioned pretreatment and posttreatment anions. If this is observed, that is definitive evidence that sel-
nodules are presented in Figure 7.52. The μXRF cross section enate (SeO42−) and selenite (SeO32−) were simply sorbed onto
maps presented in Figure 7.52 are somewhat influenced by the the soil particles instead of reduced to elemental selenium
three-dimensional surface of the nodule that was presented (Se0) or selenide (Se2−). If, after the phosphate (PO43−) solu-
onto the Kapton tape for imaging; however, there is noticeable tion extraction, still not selenate (SeO42−) or selenite (SeO32−)
difference in the primary location of hexavalent chromium is observed in the rinsate, that is an indication that precipi-
(Cr6+) between the pretreatment and posttreatment nodules. tation did occur. A final extraction with hydrochloride acid
These data demonstrated that hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) (HCl) or nitric acid (HNO3) that results in selenate (SeO42−)
In Situ Treatment of Metals 397

(a) (b)


Y distance (mm)
Y distance (mm)



63 64 65 66 67 68 69 0 1 2 3 4 5
(c) X distance (mm) (d) X distance (mm)

FIGURE 7.52  (a) Pretreatment nodule sliced in half for the generation of a cross-sectional microprobe x-ray fluorescence (μXRF) map.
(b) Posttreatment nodule sliced in half for the generation of a cross-sectional μXRF map. Note green circles indicated the mapped surface on
the nodules. (c) Pretreatment nodule cross-sectional μXRF map. (d) Posttreatment nodule cross-sectional μXRF map. Note white locations
indicate high concentrations of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+). (Courtesy of Dr. Jeff Gillow for the images.)

and selenite (SeO32−) in the rinsate would further confirm ele- in groundwater, across the range of naturally occurring pH
mental selenium (Se0) or selenide (Se2−) precipitation during and oxidation–reduction conditions. Oxidation–reduction
treatment and subsequent oxidation and dissolution during the transformation, precipitation/dissolution, and adsorption/
selective extraction analysis. desorption reactions control the fate of chromium in natu-
ral aquifers.151 Chromate (CrO42−) and bichromate (HCrO4−)
are among the commonly observed ions of hexavalent chro-
7.4.4  Characteristics of Specific Metals mium (Cr6+) across natural aquifer geochemistry. Chromic
This section is included to discuss specific components of acid (H2CrO4) and the dichromate ion (Cr2O72−) may also
some routinely encountered metals and radionuclides in be observed at strongly acidic pH. A log C–pH graph for
in situ remediation. an equilibrated chromate system is presented in Figure 7.53
based on a total chromate concentration of 1 × 10 −2 M, at Chromium 25°C and demonstrates that chromate (CrO42−) and bichro-
Chromium belongs to group VIB of the periodic table mate (HCrO4−) are the predominant species over a broad
(page  ii). It has three valence states that are environmen- range of natural pH level. Dichromate (Cr2O72−), characteris-
tally relevant, Cr2+, Cr3+, and Cr6+, but trivalent chromium tic of an orange color when dissolved in water, may speciate
(Cr3+) and hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) are the most common. according to the following reaction provided by Felmy et al.
Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) is acidic, forming chromates with a pKa of −1.54152:
(CrO4)2− and dichromates (Cr2O7)2−, while the other valence
states are basic. Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) is highly soluble HCrO 4 - + HCrO 4 - ® Cr2O72 - + H 2O (7.66)
398 Remediation Engineering

0 in water and makes it possible to achieve drinking water and

pKA1 = 0.86 pKA2 = 6.51 groundwater regulatory standards (Table 7.4). Even though
[H2CrO4] [HCrO4–] [CrO42–] the federal MCLs summarized in Table 7.4 do not have a stan-
dard for hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), it is of primary concern
due to the higher solubility and mobility in groundwater. At
–4 the state regulatory level, typical standards that have been set

–5 [H+] [OH–] for hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) range from as low as 10 to as

high as 110 µg/L.
Precipitation strategies for chromium remediation entail
two principal elements: reduction of hexavalent chromium
–8 (Cr6+) to trivalent chromium (Cr3+) and availability of a reac-
–9 tive anion that will form a durable precipitate with trivalent
–10 chromium (Cr3+). The reduction of hexavalent chromium
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (Cr6+) may be achieved by reductants that can be expected in
pH groundwater of low oxidation–reduction potential. Hydrogen
sulfide (H2S) is one such example and has received attention
FIGURE 7.53  Speciation of 1 × 10 −2 M chromate (CrO42−). as one of the major reduced inorganic species that is associ-
ated with reduction of aquifer matrices. A speciation diagram
The solubilities of typical hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) com- for the chromium–H2O system is presented in Figure 7.54 and
pounds in aerobic aquifers are high: potassium chromate shows that trivalent chromium (Cr3+) is the primary oxidation
(K2CrO4) Ksp = 1.87 × 102, potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) state under slightly oxidizing to reducing conditions over a
Ksp = 2.52 × 10 −1, and calcium chromate (CaCrO4) Ksp = 2 × broad range of pH level.
10 −2. Accordingly, removal of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) Arsenic
ions from groundwater must be accomplished indirectly,
through conversion of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) to triva- Arsenic, although not abundant in Earth’s crust, is widely
lent chromium (Cr3+) and subsequent precipitation as a chro- distributed around Earth in more than 150 arsenic-bearing
mium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3). The trivalent chromium (Cr3+) minerals. It is ubiquitous in small amounts, with average
precipitates are comparatively insoluble and readily form concentrations ranging from 7 to 11 mg/kg in American
compounds such as chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) and chro- soils.96 Arsenic is actually classified as a nonmetal or met-
mium iron hydroxide ((Cr, Fe)(OH)3).27,61 The low solubility alloid, although it is grouped with the metals for most envi-
of these chromium hydroxide compounds limits chromium ronmental purposes. Bissen and Frimmel53 and Smedley and
Kinniburgh96 provide extended reviews of arsenic geochem-
istry and mobility.
Arsenic can occur in several valence states, but most
commonly occurs as an oxyanion (i.e., A xOyz−) of trivalent
15 arsenite (As3+; AsO33−) or pentavalent arsenate (As5+; AsO43−)
(Figure  7.55). Under strongly reducing conditions, elemen-
10 tal arsenic (As0) and its gaseous form arsine (As3−) may also
Cr3+ CrO42– be possible, though these are not relevant in natural systems
related to in situ metal precipitation. Thermodynamics pro-

0 vides useful insight into the equilibrium chemistry of inor-
Cr(OH)3(s, am)
ganic arsenic species. In oxygenated waters, arsenate (As5+)

–5 is dominant, existing in anionic forms of either dihydro-

gen arsenate (H2AsO4−), hydrogen arsenate (HAsO42−), or
–10 the arsenate ion (AsO43−) over the pH range of 5.0–12.0,
which covers the range encountered in natural groundwa-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 ter (Figure 7.56). Under anoxic conditions, arsenite (As3+) is
pH stable, with nonionic arsenious acid (H3AsO3) and anionic
dihydrogen arsenite (H2AsO3−) species dominant below and
FIGURE 7.54  pE–pH stability diagram for the chromium-water above pH 9.22, respectively (Figure 7.57). A stability diagram
system. Under oxidizing conditions and a broad range of pH, for the arsenic–water system is presented in Figure  7.58.
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+, speciating as chromic acid [HCrO4−]
Because arsenic is labile, oxidation–reduction potential (EH)
and chromate [CrO42−]) predominates. Notice the broad range of tri-
valent chromium (Cr3+), especially at circumneutral pH—support-
and pH are the most important factors controlling its specia-
ing the abiotic and biotic reductive in  situ remediation strategies. tion and chemical form. This makes arsenic susceptible to
This pE–pH stability diagram was calculated assuming a tempera- biogeochemical reactions in the subsurface.
ture of 25°C and a chromium concentration of 1.9 × 10 −6 M. This In the subsurface, the solubility/mobility of geogenic
figure was made using MINTEQ with the wateq database. arsenic is typically controlled by sorption to other minerals.
In Situ Treatment of Metals 399

Form anions and/or oxyanions
14 2 15 2 16 2
8 8 8
4 5 6
Si P S Oxyanions tend to be
more mobile in the
Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur environment
28.0855 30.973762 32.065

32 2 33 2 34 2
Arsenic primarily found as
8 8 8
18 18 18 oxyanion/oxyacid of:
Ge 4 As 5 Se 6
Pentavalent arsenate (As5+)
Germanium Arsenic Selenium Trivalent arsenite (As3+)
72.63 74.92160 78.96

50 2 51 2 52 2
8 8 8
18 18 18 Other valence states:
Sn 18 Sb 18 Te 18 Semi‐metallic/elemental
4 5 6
arsenic (As3+)
Tin Antimony Tellurium Arsine (As3+)
118.710 121.760 127.60

Form cations

FIGURE 7.55  Properties of arsenic.

0 0
pKA1 = 2.26 pKA2 = 6.76 pKA3 = 11.29
pKA1 = 9.29
–1 –1
[H3AsO4] [H2AsO4 –] [HAsO4 2–] [AsO4 3–]
–2 [H3AsO3] [H2AsO3–]
–3 –3
–4 –4


–5 + –5
[H ] [H+]
–6 [OH–] [OH–]
–6 [HAsO32–]
–8 pKA2 = 14.22
–8 pKA3 = 19.22
–10 [AsO33–]
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 –10
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

FIGURE 7.56  Logarithmic transformation of arsenate (AsO43−) FIGURE 7.57  Logarithmic transformation of arsenite (AsO33−)
concentration versus pH. concentration versus pH.

The  most common companions of arsenic in natural sedi- to ferrous iron (Fe2+) typically releases any bound arsenate
ments are iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and sulfur (S). Of these, (As5+) and makes it available for further chemical or biological
iron plays the most significant role, and since iron concentra- reduction. The thermodynamic reduction of arsenate (As5+) to
tions in most sediments typically range from 0.5% to 5% by arsenite (As3+) in the absence of oxygen could be chemically
weight (5,000–50,000 mg/kg), the role of iron in controlling slow and may require bacterial mediation. The investigation
geogenic arsenic mobility is significant. Naturally occurring into the number of species of microorganisms capable of dis-
HFO particles have an adsorption affinity for both arsenate similatory (using inorganic compounds as electron acceptors
(As5+) and nonionic arsenite (As3+). Nonionic arsenite (As3+) in energy metabolisms153) arsenate (As5+) reduction reveals a
can sorb to HFO particles through Lewis acid–base interac- great diversity. The realization that arsenate (As5+) is indeed a
tions, with anionic arsenate (As5+) sorption occurring through suitable electron acceptor and is readily available in both natu-
coulombic (electrostatic) and Lewis acid–base (electron pair) ral and contaminated environments suggests that even more
interactions (Figure 7.59). unrelated species will be discovered.154 Thus, arsenic mobility
The biogeochemistry of arsenic in sediments is complicated related to engineering aquifer geochemistry is an important
by the strong binding of arsenate (As5+) to minerals like iron consideration of an in situ remediation design and is discussed
oxide (FeOOH). Hence, bacterial reduction of ferric iron (Fe3+) in terms of secondary water quality in Chapter 3.
400 Remediation Engineering


15 H3AsO40

10 H2AsO4–

5 HAsO42–

0 H3AsO30



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

FIGURE 7.58  pE–pH stability diagram of aqueous arsenic (As) species (As–O2–H2O). Species shown include arsenic acid (H3AsO40),
dihydrogen arsenate (H2AsO4−), hydrogen arsenate (HAsO42−), arsenate (AsO43−), arsenous acid (H3AsO30), and dihydrogen arsenite
(H2AsO3−). Recall arsenate (AsO43−) is arsenic in the plus-five valence state (As5+) and represents the more oxidized version of arsenic, and
arsenite (AsO33−) is arsenic in the plus-three valence state (As3+) and represents the more reduced version of arsenic. It is fitting then, based
on the scale of pE shown in this figure, that fully deprotonated (“dehydrogened”) arsenite (AsO33−) would not be visible. This pE–pH stabil-
ity diagram was calculated assuming a temperature of 25°C and an arsenic concentration of 1.3 × 10 −6 M. This figure was made using PH
Redox Equilibrium EQuation in C language with the wateq database.

Geogenic arsenic MeOH2+ O– O

Natural arsenic control: As
Lewis acid–base (electron) interactions and MeOH2+ O– OH
Columbic (electrostatic) interactions
Lewis acid–base (electron) interactions only

FIGURE 7.59  Geogenic characteristics of arsenic.

There is evidence in the literature that some control of sol- of dissolved arsenate (As5+) and arsenite (As3+) to advective
uble arsenic can be realized through interaction of the arsenic transport range from 2 L/mg for clean quartz (SiO2) to greater
with dissolved iron (assumed to be ferrous iron [Fe2+]) and than 500,000 L/mg for HFO96. Despite the fact that the actual
reactive sulfide (S2−). In the presence of sulfides, precipita- sorption capacity of natural soils is likely to be many times
tion may remove soluble arsenite (As3+) and exert some con- less than that reported for laboratory-grade HFO particles, the
trol over trace arsenic concentrations. These processes are results confirm the extent to which naturally occurring metal
complex, and an example of this complexity is the undesir- oxides and clays can control geogenic arsenic mobility under
able observation that arsenic also can form stable aqueous aerobic conditions. In fact, the research indicates that the total
complexes with hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Arsenic solubility sorption capacity of the soil is unlikely to be a limiting factor.
decreases at low oxidation–reduction potential and acidic pH, Based on the discussion earlier, the migration of soluble
potentially due to the formation of arsenic sulfides (realgar arsenic beyond the boundary of a reducing zone appears
[AsS] and arsenic trisulfide or orpiment [As2S3]) and arseno- unlikely, and the restoration of aerobic/oxidizing conditions
pyrite (FeAsS). The arsenic sulfide species are readily oxi- beyond an engineered or naturally reducing zone appears
dized and solubilized if the oxidation–reduction potential or likely to sufficiently restore background arsenic concentra-
pH increase.53,155 It is expected that the greatest measure of tions in groundwater (Figure 7.14). Geochemical data from
control will be provided through adsorption, incorporation, two wells are presented in Figure 7.14, which provides an
and coprecipitation with HFO floc once the ambient aerobic example of arsenic mobilization under established reducing
and oxidizing poise is restored. Solid–solution partitioning conditions. After injection, the well identified as influenced
coefficients (Kd; Section describing the retardation with carbon shows increased concentrations of methane,
In Situ Treatment of Metals 401

TOC, manganous manganese (Mn2+), and arsenic with a arsenite and arsenate (As3+ and As5+, respectively) are linked,
decrease in sulfate (SO42−). The well identified as downgra- and iron chemistry controls arsenic contamination in shal-
dient of the injection demonstrates almost 5  years of data low groundwater systems. Under aerobic conditions, ferric
postinjection. Most notably the arsenic concentration remains iron (Fe3+) and manganic manganese (Mn4+) oxides remove
below laboratory detection limits, even though TOC from the arsenic from the dissolved phase likely through coprecipita-
upgradient injection appears to have reached this downgradi- tion and adsorption. Preoxidation of arsenite (As3+) to arse-
ent well. This implies that arsenic that was mobilized as a nate (As5+) followed by selective sorption onto the surfaces
result of the carbon injection was attenuated as groundwater of microparticles of HFO is the underlying mechanism for
moved downgradient. excellent arsenate (As5+) removal. However, the effectiveness
Based on available empirical data and published research, of HFO particles varies markedly for arsenite (As3+) removal.
it is reasonable to expect that the dissolution of arsenic within Combined reactions of arsenite (As3+) oxidation to arsenate
an engineered or naturally reducing zone is a transient phe- (As5+) and the introduction of ferric iron (Fe3+) can be accom-
nomenon that will be limited to the boundaries influenced by plished by implementing the Fenton’s reaction (Chapter 6)
treatment reagent and that will reverse once the original aero- within an IRZ. Preoxidation followed by injection of ferric
bic and oxidizing poise of the aquifer is restored. Site-specific chloride (FeCl3) can also achieve the same objective.
areas of focus from a regulatory or stakeholder perspective
may include the following: Radionuclides
Some atomic nuclei are unstable (that is, radioactive), and
• The size of the in  situ engineered or naturally during the spontaneous changes that take place within the
reducing zone: The size of these zones is typically nucleus, various forms of radiation are emitted. While all
established by equilibrium between the amount of elements that have more than 83 protons are naturally radio-
carbon substrate present, the availability/recharge active, it is possible artificially to produce unstable isotopes,
of electron acceptors, microbial consumption of the or radionuclides, of virtually every element in the periodic
carbon, advective equilibrium between the mobile table.157 Here, focus is given only to uranium (U), technetium
and immobile fractions of the aquifer, and dilution. (Tc), and plutonium (Pu).
As the carbon moves through an aquifer, its con-
centrations diminish due to microbial consumption, Uranium
dual-domain equilibrium, and dilution, eventually Uranium is a naturally occurring radionuclide that occurs
allowing microbial activity to return to pretreat- as the 238U (most abundant) and 235U isotopes, with minor
ment levels. It is at or just beyond this point that the quantities of the 234U isotope present as a decay product of
geochemical environment will recover its aerobic/ the 238U isotope. Natural uranium contains only 0.7% of fis-
oxidizing poise because the utilization of electron sile (able to undergo nuclear fission) 235U, and enrichment to
acceptors falls short of the natural recharge. 3% 235U is required for use in power generation. Uranium is
• The time required for an in  situ engineered reduc- transported through groundwater in the oxidized U6+ valence
ing zone to dissipate: Upon completion of remedial state, typically as uranyl (UO22+) under acidic to slightly alka-
efforts, the reducing conditions within an IRZ will line conditions. Under strongly alkaline conditions, the mixed
dissipate. Without a continuing source of degradable oxidation state complex triuranium octoxide (U3O8) exists.
organic carbon, the influx of electron acceptors will In the presence of carbonate (CO32−), stable uranium carbon-
eventually allow the natural aerobic/oxidizing poise ate complexes (UO2(CO3)34− or UO2(CO3)22−) predominant,
to be reestablished and should result in the immobi- and when groundwater becomes sufficiently, reducing urani-
lization of any dissolved arsenic solubilized within nite (UO2) precipitation occurs with uranium in the reduced
the IRZ. The length of time for this to occur may insoluble U4+ valence state. Above a pH of about 5.0, carbon-
also consider the stored carbon in biomass, which ates prevail. At elevated uranium concentrations in ground-
has been shown to contribute to anaerobic reduc- water, solid uranyl carbonate (UO2CO3) exists over a fairly
ing conditions after the supplied carbon source is narrow pH range of 5.0–6.0, with dissolved uranyl carbon-
exhausted.156 ate (UO2CO3) anions existing from near neutral to strongly
• Competitive sorption: Certain anions can out com- alkaline conditions. Throughout this range, uranium remains
pete with arsenic for sorption sites on HFO particles in the uranyl (UO22+) oxidation state. An oxidation–reduction
(i.e., phosphate [PO43−], bicarbonate [HCO3−], and potential versus pH diagram (pE–pH stability diagram) for
silicate [SiO42−]). uranium is provided as Figure 7.60.
In situ groundwater remediation of uranium using an anaer-
Contaminated groundwater normally contains arsenite (As3+) obic biological process is well established.140–142,158–165 These
and arsenate (As5+), the ratio being dependent on the biogeo- studies report that the addition of an organic carbon source
chemical conditions of the groundwater system. Between to a typical uranium plume will result in uranium precipita-
them, arsenate (As5+) is more amenable to removal by a major- tion as insoluble uraninite (UO2) and that sulfides (S2−) can
ity of reaction mechanisms. Natural biogeochemical cycles be coprecipitated with the uranium to provide long-term ura-
of ferrous and ferric iron (Fe2+ and Fe3+, respectively) and ninite (UO2) stability. Others have shown that uranyl (UO22+)
402 Remediation Engineering


Uranium concentration (mg/L)

15 0.80

Total uranium

UO22+ UO2(OH)3– 0.70
10 Dissolved uranium
0.60 MCL
5 UO2(CO3)34–


0 0.40
Uraninite (UO2) 0.30
–10 0.10
MCL = 0.030 mg/L








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
FIGURE 7.60  pE–pH diagram of aqueous U species (U–C–O–H).
Notice the numerous compounds of uranium carbonate (UO2CO30 FIGURE 7.61  Successful treatment of uranium. The total ura-
(rutherfordine), UO2(CO3)22−, and UO2(CO3)34−) over a broad range nium (representing all forms of soluble uranium) and the dissolved
of pH at mildly oxidizing conditions, typical of an uninfluenced uranium (representing the uranyl [UO22+] form in the U6+ oxidation
aquifer. These soluble compounds promote uranium transport state) both decrease simultaneously. This is expected as the more
throughout the aquifer. Uraninite (UO2), which is relatively insol- reduced form of uranium (uraninite [UO2]) is comparatively insol-
uble under reducing conditions, shows stability over a broad range uble and would precipitate out and not be detected in an aqueous
of pH indicating that uranium under reducing conditions will likely sample.
precipitate out of groundwater as uraninite (UO2). This pE–pH sta-
bility diagram was calculated assuming a temperature of 25°C and
the following uranium and carbon (as bicarbonate [HCO3−]) concen- of radioactivity, and 1 curie is equal to 3.7 × 1010 disintegra-
trations, respectively: 4.2 × 10 −7 M, and 4.9 × 10 −3 M. This figure tions per second (dps). The SI unit of measure of the intensity
was made using PH Redox Equilibrium EQuation in C language of radioactivity is the becquerel (Bq), which is equal to 1 dps.
with the wateq database. Pico is the metric prefix for one trillionth, so a “picocurie” is
one trillionth of a curie. Picocuries are often used for conve-
reduction can be rapidly achieved in an aquifer contain- nience when describing the intensity of the radioactivity of
ing excess organic carbon where acetate (C2H3O2−), lactate radionuclides. The conversion of picocuries per liter (pCi/L)
(C3H6O3−), and formate (CHO2−) is supplied. An example of to a mass concentration (µg/L) is element specific and for ura-
a successful in  situ uranium treatment strategy is presented nium is 1 pCi/L = 1.48 µg/L.166
in Figure 7.61. In the absence of iron (and other oxidized minerals), sul-
SRBs have been shown to be capable of uranium (UO22+) fate (SO42−) reduction in aquifers will lead to accumulation
reduction as well.164,165 The process summarized in the litera- of aqueous sulfide species (H2S and HS−; Section
ture primarily relies on SRBs to take soluble sulfate (SO42−) Where oxidized iron minerals (such as hematite [Fe2O3]) are
and reduce the sulfate (SO42−) to sulfide (S2−). Sulfide (S2−) abundant (range 1%–3%), sulfide (S2−) will react with the iron,
then chemically reacts with ferrous iron (Fe2+) to make iron reducing the ferric iron (Fe3+) to ferrous iron (Fe2+). Ferrous
sulfides (FeS). The sulfate (SO42−) reduction/iron sulfide iron (Fe2+) formed in this way is relatively soluble; however,
(FeS) formation process is a process that occurs in soils additional sulfide (S2−) formed will quickly react with the fer-
and sediments of lakes, rivers, swamps, and estuaries; it is a rous iron (Fe2+), and at pH greater than 6.5, iron sulfide (FeS)
nearly universal process wherever oxygen and other electron minerals will rapidly precipitate. The temporary increase in
acceptors can be excluded or minimized. SRBs are nearly iron concentrations will last for a period of a few months. The
ubiquitous bacteria. SRBs are often active in clay lenses in pH will have to be monitored to ensure that the iron sulfide
otherwise aerobic aquifers, and they are also abundant in root (FeS) precipitates from solution. The presence of the IRZ at
zones where photosynthetic exudates are produced or plant the forward edge of the plume will prevent iron migration
biomass is degraded. beyond the treatment area.
It has been shown that SRBs are abundant in groundwater
containing high concentrations of uranium (UO22+) at a site Technetium-99
in Shiprock, New Mexico, and that these bacteria are capable The isotope 99Tc is a product of nuclear fission reactions and
of both uranium (UO22+) and sulfate (SO42−) reduction result- is formed in kilogram quantities during nuclear reactions. It
ing in iron sulfide (FeS) and uraninite (UO2) precipitation. has been released into the environment during weapons test-
Microbial reduction of uranium (UO22+) was shown to result ing and the disposal of low and intermediate level radioac-
in soluble uranium (UO22+) concentrations as low as 1 pCi/L tive wastes. 99Tc has been found in groundwater at sites where
(1.48 µg/L).164 A curie is a U.S. unit of measure of the intensity nuclear wastes have been reprocessed or stored. The stable
In Situ Treatment of Metals 403

20 generated, the stable compound technetium disulfide (TcS2)

becomes the predominant species. In the absence of sulfide
15 TcO (S2−), Tc3O4 is reduced to the hydroxide, Tc(OH)2. Technetium
TcOOH+ disulfide (TcS2) is known to be stable in the presence of sul-
10 fide (S2−). The stability of the technetium disulfide (TcS2) spe-
5 TcO4– cies is well documented under sulfur-present conditions in
laboratory experiments and may further retard and retain any

0 escaping technetium (Tc) from breached radioactive waste

–5 An even more emphatic conclusion regarding a slightly
different technetium sulfide stoichiometry, technetium hepta-
sulfide (Tc2S7), has been presented. The pertechnetate oxy-
–15 anion (99TcO4−), a potentially mobile species in leachate from
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 a breached radioactive waste repository, was removed from a
pH brine solution by precipitation with sulfide (S2−), ferric iron
(Fe3+), and ferrous sulfide (FeS) at normal environmental pH.
FIGURE 7.62  pE–pH stability diagram for the technetium–water Hematite (Fe2O3) and goethite (FeOOH) were the predomi-
system. The two primary compounds driving technetium geochem- nant minerals in the precipitate obtained from the pertech-
istry are the pertechnetate anion (TcO4−) and the polymeric techne- netate oxyanion (99TcO4−) and ferric iron (Fe3+) reaction. The
tium species (TcnOp(4n–2p)), in this instance shown as Tc3O4. Various
observation of small particle size and poor crystallinity of the
technetium oxides are shown under oxidizing and strongly acidic
conditions. Noteworthy is that if sulfide (S2−) is present (as in an minerals formed in the presence of pertechnetate (99TcO4−)
engineering reducing environment), Tc3O4 is likely to speciate into suggested that the technetium (Tc) was incorporated into the
technetium disulfide (TcS2), another solid precipitate of technetium. mineral structure after reduction to a lower valence state.
This pE–pH stability diagram was calculated assuming a tempera- Amorphous ferrous sulfide (FeS), an initial phase precipitat-
ture of 25°C and a technetium concentration of 1.0 × 10 −10 M. This ing in the pertechnetate oxyanion (99TcO4−) and ferrous iron
figure was made using the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory sulfide (FeS) reaction, was transformed to goethite (FeOOH)
database combined with the wateq database. and hematite (Fe2O3) on aging. The black precipitate obtained
from the pertechnetate (99TcO4−) sulfide (S2−) reaction was
pertechnate (TcO4−) anion is mobile in the environment and poorly crystallized technetium heptasulfide (Tc2S7), which
is taken up into the food chain as an analog of sulfate (SO42−). was insoluble in both acid and alkaline solution in the absence
Due to the low solubility of reduced technetium (Tc), the of strong oxidants. The results suggested that ferrous- and/
oxidation–reduction chemistry of technetium (Tc) is crucial or sulfide-bearing groundwater and minerals in host rocks or
in governing its mobility (Figure 7.62). Several recent studies backfill barriers could reduce the mobility of technetium (Tc)
have shown that 99Tc can be removed from aqueous solution through the formation of less soluble technetium-bearing fer-
via the reduction of pertechnetate (TcO4−) to insoluble, low ric iron (Fe3+) and/or sulfide (S2−) minerals.
valence forms. Technetium (Tc7+) can act as respiratory elec-
tron acceptor, and direct enzymatic reduction of technetium Plutonium
(Tc7+) has been reported. On the basis of broad-metal reduc- As a result of activities ranging from nuclear weapons test-
tase activity against high valence metals (hexavalent chro- ing, plutonium production, and nuclear accidents, significant
mium [Cr6+], ferric iron [Fe3+], manganic manganese [Mn4+], quantities of soils and groundwater systems have been con-
and uranyl [U6+]), SRBs may be able to reduce technetium taminated with plutonium (Pu) and other actinides (elements
(Tc7+) enzymatically. This hypothesis is also supported by the 89–103 on the periodic table of elements). Migration of plu-
fact that the pertechnate anion (TcO4−) is bioavailable as a sul- tonium from waste disposal basins had been thought to be
fate (SO42−) analog and may therefore be a surrogate electron insignificant, given that plutonium was believed to be particle
acceptor for anoxic growth. Hence, microbial reduction of the reactive, and hence would be transported in groundwater at a
pertechnate anion (TcO4−), likely as a sulfide (S2−) precipitate, much slower rate than in cases of more mobile radionuclides
should be a preferred method for remediating 99Tc contami- (uranyl [UO22+] and pertechnetate [TcO4−]). Recently, how-
nated groundwater systems.167,168 ever, concerns have increased due to speculation that pluto-
99Tc has a half-life of 2.13 × 105 years. Reference to the
nium migration might be enhanced through colloid-facilitated
oxidation–reduction pH diagram (Figure 7.62) for the sys- transport.
tem Tc–S–O–H shows that the pertechnate anion (TcO4−) is A detailed oxidation–reduction versus pH diagram for plu-
the stable species under ordinary aerobic conditions. As the tonium (Pu) is presented in Figure 7.63. Here, the solid com-
reductive precipitation technology is implemented and the pound plutonium dioxide (PuO2) occupies the largest area of
system moves toward anaerobic, reductive conditions, this ion stability. It is estimated that the solubility of undissociated
is reduced first to technetium dioxide (TcO2) and then to one plutonium hydroxide (Pu(OH)4) is at 1 × 10 −17 M in this larg-
of two mixed oxidation state hydrous oxides, Tc3O4 or Tc4O7. est stability region. For comparison, a maximum permissible
Finally, as reductive conditions stabilize and sulfides (S2−) are concentration in drinking water is 0.08 µg/L (1 × 10 −9.5 M).
404 Remediation Engineering

20 PuO22+

10 PuOH3+

5 PuO2(s)
pE Pu3+



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

FIGURE 7.63  pE–pH stability diagram for the plutonium–water system. Over a broad range of oxidation–reduction and pH conditions,
plutonium is stable as plutonium oxide (PuO2), with plutonium in the +4 oxidation state. Based purely on this speciation, plutonium mobility
in situ may be minimal—though colloidal transport should be considered as discussed in the text. This pE–pH stability diagram was calcu-
lated assuming a temperature of 25°C and a plutonium concentration of 4.1 × 10 −11 M. This figure was made using the Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory and Nuclear Energy Agency database combined with the wateq database.

Thus, the conventional view until recently was that only under means that metals will remain present in the aquifer matrix,
extreme oxidation–reduction conditions and in the presence but their solubilities will be low enough to sustain acceptable
of acidic pH do the soluble plutonium species become pos- dissolved-phase concentrations, as long as the aquifer chem-
sible. Recently, however, two routes of mobilization, colloidal istry remains at an acceptable pH and oxidation–reduction
transport and oxidation of plutonium dioxide (PuO2) by water, potential. It will always be possible to resolubilize precipi-
have been discovered. The oxidized fraction of the plutonium tated metals through extreme geochemical shifts, and the
is in the more mobile Pu6+ valence state. in situ treatment strategy must create metal precipitates that
Reductive metal precipitation technology may be able are durable under reasonably foreseeable aquifer chemistry
to counteract the routes of mobilization for plutonium. The composition (pH, ionic strength/ionic composition, creation
reducing environment provided by reagent injection may be of oxidizing or reducing conditions, etc.).
sufficient to reverse the slow oxidation suspected. While this One factor that influences long-term stability is the possi-
reduction is unlikely to be fully irreversible, the slow rate of bility for competing precipitation/coprecipitation endpoints
the oxidative reaction may allow this reduction to be a feasible depending on the chemistry used during treatment and the
treatment technology if applied on a periodic “maintenance” kinetics of formation. An example would be the intended
basis. It is also theoretically possible that the reductive process precipitation of nickel sulfide (NiS). If conducted at alkaline
could remove colloidal metals as well in a variety of ways: (1) pH, some of the nickel could precipitate as nickel hydroxide
mechanical entrapment by the increased quantity of biomass, (Ni(OH)2) and be more susceptible to remobilization upon
(2) direct electrostatic attraction to the new biomass surfaces, establishing circumneutral pH (i.e., approximately 7.0) (Figure
and (3) altering the overall charge balance of the system. If the 7.13). Therefore, although acidity neutralization or secondary
reductive technology was applied to plutonium, the pH would coprecipitation mechanisms may result in a decrease of dis-
need to be carefully controlled because the soluble Pu3+ ion is solved metal concentrations under engineered conditions, the
predominant at acidic pH, especially under reducing conditions. permanence of in situ metal precipitation that rely significantly
on hydroxide or oxide coprecipitation may be susceptible to dis-
7.5 PERMANENCE ON IN SITU solution upon reestablishing ambient geochemical conditions.
It has been discussed at length in Chapter 4 and elsewhere36
that stored contamination (in this case acidity/alkalinity) in
IRZ strategies to address elevated metal concentrations in the immobile fraction of the aquifer may be viewed as a con-
groundwater rely on the formation of durable precipitates. tinued source of contamination to the mobile fraction of the
A reliable metal precipitation strategy is one that evaluates aquifer. If, as the stored acidity/alkalinity in the immobile
the ambient geochemistry and contrasts precipitate stability fraction equilibrates with the mobile fraction through slow
under ambient, contaminant, and engineered conditions. This advection and (minimally) diffusion, there is a potential for
In Situ Treatment of Metals 405

acidic/alkaline pH conditions, then previously coprecipitated 2. The scavenging of oxygen by reduced iron sulfides
metal hydroxides and metal oxides may be subjected to dis- (FeS) and other reduced phases formed within the
solution. Not all coprecipitation reactions will be susceptible reactive zone, which can be hundreds of times more
to dissolution under ambient geochemical conditions, but if prevalent than the sulfide precipitates formed by the
an existing source of acidity/alkalinity remains in situ, unpre- target metal.
dictable dissolution of coprecipitates may impede site closure. 3. The generally low solubility products (Ksp) for most
This is a demonstration of two key design parameters devel- metal sulfides (MeS) (Tables 7.6 through 7.8).
oped throughout this chapter: 4. In situations where the targeted metal sulfides
(MeS) are incorporated within a much greater
1. The expected in situ solubility of the achieved metal matrix of reduced iron minerals, oxidation of the
precipitate should result in a dissolved phase equilib- iron minerals creates a protective coating that to
rium solubility of the targeted metal that is less than some degree passivates the rest of the underlying
the regulatory standard under a range of expected solid mass.169 Fresh iron hydroxides that form will
geochemical conditions. have some capacity to sequester a number of target
2. The effectiveness of in  situ metal precipitation metals through sorption. How effective these pro-
is chiefly associated with distributing treatment cesses might be will vary from site to site and must
reagents throughout the impacted aquifer to achieve be carefully considered.
sufficient contact with stored acidity/alkalinity and
dissolved metals to protect the freshly precipitated These factors discourage resolubilization of metal sulfides
solids and ensure permanence of the remedy. (MeS), keeping dissolved concentrations of targeted metals
below applicable cleanup standards over the long term.
In cases where there may be an anticipated incompatibility
between the precipitated form of the metal and the natural envi-
7.5.2 Element Re-oxidation
ronment, the rate of dissolution compared with the groundwater
flux can still keep dissolved concentrations in compliance with The value and positive remedial benefit of in situ metal pre-
the applicable numeric cleanup goals. This must be properly cipitation has been discussed at length in this chapter. Specific
confirmed both superficially and mechanistically. And while focus has been placed on engineered in  situ metal precipi-
we only have a limited capacity to anticipate the future, there tation, which generally requires mildly to strongly reduc-
are other controls both geochemical and institutional that can ing conditions and manipulates coprecipitation and electron
be drawn on as appropriate to increase the level of certainty. transfer with primarily iron and sulfur species. The reduced
conditions under which the metal precipitates form encour-
age the stability of these insoluble minerals. However, as the
7.5.1  Sulfides
influence of the established IRZ diminishes due to ambient
A recurring theme in in  situ metal precipitation is that the flux of mildly acidic and oxidizing groundwater through the
resultant form of the “contaminant” (i.e., the metal) is a spar- treatment zone, the potential for dissolution via reoxidation
ingly soluble precipitate, and the metal is not destroyed or of oxidation–reduction potential sensitive metals (i.e., chro-
converted to another compound. Therefore, when a metal is mium, uranium) increases. The potential and likelihood for
precipitated out of groundwater, it is important to consider reoxidation of some oxidation–reduction potential sensitive
typical fluctuations in groundwater geochemistry (oxidation– metals is discussed in this section.
reduction potential, pH, ionic strength) and how they may Reduced selenium (Se0 or Se2−) and molybdenum (Mo4+)
influence the resultant solubility. This section explores the that may end up sequestered within an IRZ are susceptible
stability of metal sulfides (MeS) as well as the susceptibil- to reoxidation to soluble forms (i.e., selenate [SeO42−] or
ity of metal sulfides (MeS) to “reoxidize” with reversion of selenite [SeO32−] and molybdate [MoO42−]) under aerobic
an IRZ to ambient geochemistry. Additionally, the naturally conditions, but there are a number of factors that will limit
occurring geology is considered with respect to a capacity to their rebound. Some portion of the reduced selenium (Se0
resist solubility increases postremediation. or Se2−) and molybdenum (Mo 4+) minerals will likely be
The solubility of metal sulfides (MeS) is suppressed during incorporated within and occluded by other reduced mineral
treatment under anaerobic conditions when reactive sulfide precipitates, such as iron sulfides (FeS). During the resto-
(S2−) is present. Posttreatment, metal sulfides (MeS) tend to ration of aerobic conditions, the surfaces of these minerals
be slightly more soluble due to the reactivity with dissolved can develop a protective coating that would passivate the rest
oxygen. However, the rate of dissolution will be limited by the of the underlying mineral mass, offering long-term protec-
following factors: tion of incorporated selenium (Se0 or Se2−) and molybdenum
(Mo4+), preventing it from reacting completely.169 Further,
1. The natural rate of oxygen influx, which for most freshly formed iron oxyhydroxide minerals formed during
sites will be minimal due to the low solubility of oxy- this process will have some capacity to sequester (through
gen (i.e., 8–30 mg/L at ambient groundwater temper- sorption) remobilized selenium and molybdenum (i.e., sel-
atures and pressures) and slow groundwater velocity. enate [SeO42−] or selenite [SeO32−] and molybdate [MoO42−])
406 Remediation Engineering

and suppress the formation of dissolved metals at concentra- potential reoxidation of uraninite (UO2) will be low compared
tions requiring additional remediation. to the potential reoxidation of ferrous iron (Fe2+), sulfide (S2−),
and other reduced species. Utilizing iron sulfide (FeS) com- Chromium pounds alone, more than 1 × 104 mol of iron sulfide (FeS) will
The primary end product of the hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) be present for every mole of uraninite (UO2). Any proposed
to trivalent chromium (Cr3+) reduction process is chromium remediation plan should anticipate the introduction of oxygen
hydroxide (Cr(OH)3), which readily precipitates out of solution and nitrate (NO3−) via natural pathways and provide for suffi-
under alkaline to moderately acidic and alkaline ­conditions cient reduced compounds to exhaust these sources of reoxida-
(Section; Equations 7.7 through 7.10). To ensure that tion (i.e., “oxidants”). As the aquifer materials are exposed to
this process will provide both short- and long-term effective- oxidants, iron sulfide (FeS) would oxidize at least as rapidly
ness in meeting groundwater cleanup objectives, the chro- as the precipitated uraninite (UO2) and consume the oxidants.
mium precipitates must remain immobilized within the soil Because the ratio of iron sulfide (FeS) to uraninite (UO2) is
matrix of the aquifer. The trivalent chromium (Cr3+) precipi- large, a limited amount of oxidant will be available to react
tates cannot be subject to dissolution or oxidation of trivalent with uraninite (UO2). Because uraninite (UO2) will be precip-
chromium (Cr3+) back to hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) once itated first during treatment, the iron sulfide (FeS) precipitate
groundwater conditions revert back to natural conditions. would be deposited over the top of the uraninite (UO2) as an
Based on the results of significant research conducted on the iron sulfide (FeS) coating. Iron sulfide (FeS) will therefore be
in situ chromium reduction process, it is readily apparent that exposed to the oxidant in the groundwater before uranium-
the chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) precipitate is essentially containing precipitates would be exposed. A small amount of
an insoluble, stable precipitate, immobilized in the soil matrix the uraninite (UO2) in the aquifer may dissolve slowly, as the
of the aquifer. The solubilities of trivalent chromium (Cr3+) iron sulfide (FeS) is depleted, and because there is so much
and chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3(s)) are influenced more more iron sulfide (FeS) in the aquifer material, the uraninite
significantly by acidic conditions than alkaline conditions (UO2) will only mobilize at concentrations substantially less
(Figure 7.24). than the allowable regulatory standards.
Contrary to the numerous natural mechanisms that cause Iron sulfide (FeS) has been recognized as being critical to
the reduction of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) to trivalent chro- maintaining uraninite (UO2) stability in groundwater during
mium (Cr3+), there appear to be only a few natural mecha- and following bioremediation175,176 as well as in natural ura-
nisms for the oxidation of trivalent chromium (Cr3+). Indeed, nium ore deposits. A strong correlation between uranium and
only two constituents in the subsurface environment (dis- sulfur was found, indicating both a role for sulfur in deposit-
solved oxygen and manganese dioxide [MnO2]) are known ing the uranium as well as in maintaining its deposition.177 It
to oxidize trivalent chromium (Cr3+) to hexavalent chromium is critical to note that the sulfide (S2−) continues to perform
(Cr6+).170–174 The results of studies conducted on the potential a stabilizing function in many uranium deposits, which has
reaction between dissolved oxygen and trivalent chromium been measured at millions of years old. These deposits are
(Cr3+) indicate that dissolved oxygen will not cause the oxida- called “kinetically stable” where the sulfur acts to control
tion of trivalent chromium (Cr3+) under normal groundwater uranium stability.178
conditions. However, studies have shown that trivalent chro- Column studies have shown that excess iron sulfide (FeS)
mium (Cr3+) can be oxidized by manganese dioxides (MnO2), is an optimal material to provide an oxidation–reduction buf-
which may be present in the soil matrix. However, only one fer to prevent oxidative dissolution of uranium. It was also
phase of manganese dioxide (MnO2) is known to oxidize stated that the more iron sulfide (FeS) present, the higher
appreciable amounts of trivalent chromium (Cr3+) and this the stability of uraninite (UO2), the mineral form that has to
process is inversely related to groundwater pH. Hence, the be created to maintain uranium stability. A maximum con-
reoxidation of trivalent chromium (Cr3+) to hexavalent chro- centration of 29 pCi/L (~43 µg/L166) of dissolved uranium*
mium (Cr6+) in a natural aquifer system is highly unlikely. (UO22+) was formed during reoxidation of freshly precipi-
The chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) precipitate has a low tated uranium where a 1 × 104 molar excess iron sulfide (FeS)
solubility (solubility product, Ksp = 6.7 × 10 −31), and thus little was precipitated along with the uranium.175 Field data from a
of the chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) is expected to remain study investigating the reactivity of naturally occurring pyrite
in solution. It has been reported that aqueous concentration (FeS2) demonstrated that injected nitrate (NO3−) was rapidly
of trivalent chromium (Cr3+), in equilibrium with chromium reduced (half-life of reduction of 2  days in a sandy aquifer
hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) precipitates, is around 0.05 mg/L within matrix), leading to the oxidation of pyrite (FeS2) to ferric iron
the pH range of 5.0–12.0 (Figure 7.51). The pH range of natu- (Fe3+) and sulfate (SO42−) minerals, which deposited as jarosite
ral aquifer systems will be within 5.0–12.0, and, hence, the (KFe3(OH)6(SO4)2) and natroalunite (NaAl3(SO4)2(OH)6).
potential for the chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) to dissolve Others have shown that iron sulfide (FeS) effectively reduced
is unlikely. oxygen (O2) and nitrate (NO3−) from agricultural runoff when
infiltrated runoff reached the deeper aquifer.179 Iron sulfide Uranium (FeS), reduced iron compounds in addition to iron sulfides
In relative terms, expressed in molar ratios of uranium to all
of the other reduced compounds stored in the aquifer, the * Conversion from pCi/L to µg/L (for uranium) is pCi/L × 1.48.
In Situ Treatment of Metals 407

(including siderite [FeCO3]), and bulk organic matter can all technological advances. This criteria should be developed in
provide oxidation–reduction buffering in aquifers receiving such a way that the maximum groundwater concentration of
agricultural runoff.178 These examples are relevant for the a precipitated radionuclide will not exceed the required con-
“resident farmer” scenario, indicating that even under agricul- centration, established by NRC, at selected downgradient
tural runoff scenarios, the uraninite (UO2) can be maintained compliance wells. The experience and laboratory and field
insoluble by iron sulfide (FeS). work published in the literature suggest that the rate of any
An additional factor to maintain uraninite (UO2) stability dissolution reactions under any foreseeable environmental
even in conditions where iron sulfide (FeS) has been exhausted condition (i.e., pH 4–9, and ORP, −400 to +400 mV) will be
in the aquifer is the residual iron oxides that form after iron such that this requirement can be achieved. With respect to
sulfides oxidize. Ferric iron (Fe3+) oxides sorb uranium with the 1,000 year requirement, it can only be shown by properly
strong binding energy (bidentate and tridentate inner-sphere implemented biogeochemical modeling using models such as
complexes).180 It has been shown that these iron oxides could MINTEQ, PHREEQ, and/or geochemist’s work bench.
maintain low dissolved uranium concentrations (less than
30  pCi/L; 44.4 µg/L).181 Similar sorption onto HFOs after REFERENCES
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8 Sparging, Venting, and
Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery

8.1  SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION • The system can be mobilized and installed very
Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is an accepted, recognized, and • SVE as a technology can be easily integrated with
cost-effective technology for remediating soils contaminated other technologies required for site cleanup.
with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semi-VOCs.1,2
This technology is known in the industry by various other
names, such as soil venting and vacuum extraction. The 8.1.1  Governing Phenomena
process involves inducing airflow in the subsurface with an The basic phenomena that govern the performance of SVE
applied vacuum and thus enhancing the in situ volatilization technology are very simple and easily described. The mecha-
of contaminants. Depending on the depth of soil being reme- nisms that influence the success of SVE can be grouped into
diated, extraction of air laden with contaminant vapors can be the following categories3,4:
achieved with vertical extraction wells or horizontal extrac-
tion pipes. • Mass transfer considerations that influence and limit
The SVE process takes advantage of the volatility of the the partitioning of the contaminants into the vapor
contaminants to allow mass transfer from adsorbed, dis- phase and eventually into the soil gas
solved, and free phases in the soil to the vapor phase, where it • Airflow characteristics in the vadose zone
is removed under vacuum and treated aboveground. In order
for this process to be effective, the contaminants of concern  Contaminant Partitioning
must be volatile enough and have a low enough water solubil- Contaminant partitioning characteristics govern the perfor-
ity to be drawn into the soil gas for removal. These properties mance and thus the eventual shutdown of the system at the
are usually expressed by the vapor pressure and the Henry’s end of a successful site cleanup. Organic contaminants can
law constant of the compounds. be present in the soil matrix in four basic ways (Figure 8.2):
Bioventing is a process that uses a similar approach to SVE
in terms of system configuration but has a different objective. 1. As an adsorbed film on soil particles and colloids
The intent of bioventing is to induce airflow to provide oxygen 2. As a residual immiscible liquid in the soil pore
to maximize the aerobic biodegradation of the compounds, spaces known as non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL)
in contrast to volatilization. This difference in approach 3. As vapor in soil air present in the pore space
renders less volatile compounds to be treated by enhanced 4. As dissolved compounds in soil pore water and
biodegradation. groundwater
A typical in  situ SVE system couples vapor extraction In addition, as a floating product above the water table in the
wells with blowers or vacuum pumps to remove contaminant case of light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) and as a
vapors from zones permeable to airflow. The components of pooled or sinking liquid in the case of dense non-aqueous
an in situ SVE system are shown in Figure 8.1 and are usually phase liquids (DNAPLs).
readily available as off-the-shelf products. The choices avail- When soil air remains undisturbed after contaminant
able to treat the contaminants present in the effluent air are spillage and infiltration, it becomes saturated by contaminant
many and will primarily depend on the type of contaminants vapors volatilized from the liquid phase. This highly satu-
and the mass loading rate. rated vapor will be removed initially when SVE is initiated.5
SVE has many advantages that make this technology As this soil vapor is purged from soil pores, the concentration
applicable to a broad spectrum of sites: of contaminants in the extracted soil air begins to decrease
as unimpacted soil gas moves in to the area, replacing the
• SVE is an in situ technology that can be implemented saturated soil pore gas. As clean air enters, the equilibrium
with a minimum disturbance to site operations. between the formerly saturated soil pore vapor and the sorbed,
• SVE is very effective in removing the volatile con- dissolved, and NAPL phase mass is disrupted (Figure  8.3).
taminant mass present in the vadose zone. At this stage, the interfacial mass transfer between the con-
• SVE has the potential for treating large volumes of taminant and flowing air controls the removal of contami-
soil at acceptable costs. nants from soil. Soil gas, due to SVE, moves much faster than

414 Remediation Engineering

Treated air
Vacuum Air/water
gauge Flow SVE separator
Sampling meter


Separate phase product (NAPL)

FIGURE 8.1  Schematic of typical components of an in situ soil vapor extraction system.

Product vapors
1 2 NAPL
in pore spaces

Sorbed to
Sand particles 3
soil particle



Product dissolved
Organic matter 4
in soil moisture

Clean soil Soil contaminated by

contaminant release

FIGURE 8.2  Phases of contaminants present in soil matrix.

the phase transfer taking place from the immiscible liquids, Optimization of the performance of an SVE system, at a
soil pore water, and the adsorbed film into the soil gas. Mass given site, requires a fundamental understanding of the mech-
recovery rates generally drop off quickly in an SVE system anisms controlling contaminant removal from that particular
due to this equilibrium shift. It is this disruption of equi- soil matrix. Under actual field conditions, several mecha-
librium between the various phases of contaminant storage nisms will occur simultaneously, and the contribution of each
(sorbed, dissolved, vapor, and free phase) that drives reme- will shift along with the progress of remediation. Early in the
dial cleanup. In context of SVE systems, the equilibrium dis- treatment, direct volatilization from immiscible liquids and
ruption is driven by continuous replacement of the soil gas; adsorbed film will dominate. Extraction of dissolved contam-
the pace of which the replacement happens is directly related inants from the pore water and desorption from the mineral
to flow rate of the system. This concept is known as pore and organic fraction of the soil will take place only when the
volume exchange. At any point in the system, it should be liquid mass of the contamination is gone. For a water-miscible
possible to determine the number of pore volumes replaced VOC such as acetone, extraction from the pore water will
on a daily or weekly basis. occur during the early phase of treatment.
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 415

Diffusion controlled and this parameter can be conceptualized as the solubility

of the compound in air at a given temperature. More pre-

# Removed
Air flow
cisely, the vapor pressure is defined as the pressure exerted
by the vapor at equilibrium with the liquid phase (NAPL)
of the compound at a given temperature. Vapor pressure is
Contaminated soil typically expressed in pressure units such as millimeters of
mercury (mm Hg). Chemicals with vapor pressures greater
than 0.5–1.0 mm Hg (e.g., benzene, trichloroethylene [TCE])
are expected to volatilize to a significant degree when
Flow controlled released in the subsurface and will respond favorably to SVE

# Removed
Air flow For mixtures of compounds such as gasoline, the composi-
Contaminated soil
tion of the mixture also has a bearing on the vapor pressure
according to the following relationship:

Pi = Xi Ai Pi o (8.1)
FIGURE 8.3  Decline in vapor concentrations under diffusion and
flow-controlled regimes.
Pi is the equilibrium partial pressure of component i in the  Contaminant Properties organic mixture
The physical and chemical properties of a spilled compound Xi is the mole fraction of component i in the organic
control, to a great extent, the partitioning and thus the distri- mixture
bution into the various phases described earlier (vapor, dis- Ai is the activity coefficient of component i in the organic
solved in pore water, adsorbed to soil particles, and NAPLs). mixture as a correction factor for compensating noni-
The distribution of a compound among the four phases deal behavior6,7
can be described by several parameters (Figure 8.4). The Pi is the vapor pressure of component i as a pure compound
degree to which a compound partitions into the vapor phase
is described by that compound’s vapor pressure and Henry’s This relationship, for example, states that the vapor pres-
law constant. The soil adsorption coefficient, kd, describes sure of benzene is related to the percentage (mole fraction) of
the tendency of a compound to become adsorbed to soil. The benzene in gasoline.
solubility describes the degree to which a compound will dis- Temperature also has a strong influence on the vapor
solve into water. pressure of a compound. It is stated that for most interme-
diate molecular weight organic compounds, vapor pressure  Vapor Pressure increases three to four times for each 10°C increase in tem-
Vapor pressure is the parameter that can be used to estimate a perature.6 In general, vapor pressure may be approximated by
compound’s tendency to volatilize and partition into the gas-
eous phase. All solids and liquids possess a vapor pressure, P(T ) = Aexp(- B /T ) (8.2)

Removal Removal T is the temperature in degrees Kelvin
A, B are the constants characteristic of the substance

Air Air Based on the effects of temperature, expressed by this equa-

Vp tion, SVE effectiveness in the subsurface can be influenced



Contaminant by increase in temperature. However, seasonal fluctuations

liquid (NAPL)
in soil temperature are dampened with depth of the vadose
Water Soil Water S Soil zone. Steam injection, soil heating, and radio-frequency heat-
Kp, S Kp, S ing are some techniques that may enhance the volatilization
of the compounds. However, the energy cost associated with
Vp – Vapor pressure Vp – Vapor pressure many of these enhancements is notable, resulting in very little
Kh – Henry’s law constant Kh – Henry’s law constant market demand for such enhancements. In some cases, such
Kp – Partition coefficient Kp – Partition coefficient as diffusion-limited conditions or when volatile compounds
S – Solubility S – Solubility are mixed with some sparingly volatile compounds, increase
(a) (b) in temperature may result in beneficial effects in increasing
mass removal.
FIGURE 8.4  Distribution of contaminants into various phases. If the contamination present is not in the form of sepa-
(a) Three phase diagram and (b) four phase diagram. rate phase liquids (NAPLs), vapor pressure becomes a less
416 Remediation Engineering

accurate predictor of SVE effectiveness. Contaminant adsorp- a pure substance—instead of a compound in solution—and
tion to soil and solubility in soil moisture will determine the its vapor phase. The proportionality constant that relates
relative volatility. concentration in solution to the partial pressure is known as
Henry’s law constant (K H) and is usually reported in units of  Water Solubility atm m3/mol:
The solubility of a compound controls the degree to which
the compound dissolves into pore water present in the vadose Pi
KH = (8.4)
zone. Solubility also has an important impact on the partition- Cl
ing fate and transport of the compound. Soluble compounds
are likely to dissolve and move into the saturated zone due where
to infiltration. A fluctuating water table is another means of KH is Henry’s law constant (atm L/mol)
impacting contaminant concentration in the vadose zone and Pi is the partial pressure of compound in the gas phase
specifically in the capillary fringe. (atm)
Solubility of a compound can be defined as the maximum Cl is the concentration in liquid at the water–vapor inter-
mass that can dissolve in pure water at a specific temperature face (mol/L)
(aqueous concentrations are usually stated in terms of mass
per mass (ppm, ppb) or mass per volume (mg/L, μg/L)). For Henry’s law constant can also be found in a dimensionless
organic mixtures, such as gasoline, solubility is additionally a form using the ratio of the vapor concentration to the liquid
function of the mole fraction of each individual compound in concentration by converting the partial pressure of the gas to
the mixture. Appendix presents the pure water solubilities for the concentration in the vapor phase using the ideal gas law:
common environmental contaminants:
ni P
Cv = = i (8.5)
Ci = Xi AiCio (8.3) V R ´T

where where
Ci is the equilibrium concentration of compound i in the Cv is the concentration of compound in vapor phase (mol/L)
organic mixture ni is the number of moles of compound in gas phase
Xi is the mole fraction of compound i in the organic mixture V is the volume of gas (L)
Ai is the activity coefficient of compound i in the organic R is the universal gas constant (atm L/K · mol)
mixture as a correction factor for compensating noni- T is the temperature (K)
deal behavior7
Ci is the equilibrium solubility of compound i as a pure Reducing terms based on units of measure results in the
compound following dimensionless Henry’s law coefficient, a ratio of the
vapor concentration to the liquid concentration:
Under typical SVE scenario, vadose zone soils are rela-
tively moist (10%–14% by weight), and contaminants are gen- Cv
KH = (8.6)
erally dissolved in pore water. Solubility is also an important Cl
parameter for bioventing, since biodegradation of a compound
is enhanced due to the increased availability for microbial Henry’s law constant is highly temperature dependent and
uptake as a dissolved compound. increases with increasing temperature. It is stated that Henry’s
Cosolvation is another factor that should be taken into law constant increases 1.6 times for an increase of 10°C in
account when evaluating partitioning of contaminants in the temperature.7
subsurface. Cosolvation refers to a mobile phase consisting of Appendix lists the Henry’s law constants for common
multiple solvents that are miscible in one another. For exam- environmental contaminants, and the relationship between
ple, the cosolvents can be pore water, benzene, toluene, and vapor pressure, solubility, and Henry’s law constant is graphi-
TCE present in NAPL form. The solubilization of one con- cally presented in Figure 8.5. Under moist soil conditions,
taminant into another will impact the partitioning and, thus, efficiency of SVE will be dependent on the Henry’s law con-
the removal efficiency under SVE operation. stant of the compound, similar to air stripping.8 For exam-
ple, although acetone is very volatile, efficiency of physical  Henry’s Law Constant removal by SVE is very low due to its high solubility. Acetone
The volatilization of a compound dissolved in water is gov- tends to biodegrade very well and will be removed readily
erned by Henry’s law, which describes the relative tendency under bioventing.
for a compound in solution to exist in the vapor phase. Henry’s
law holds true for dilute solutions of solute compounds that  Soil Adsorption Coefficient
do not ionize or dissociate within the solvent liquid at con- Adsorption, absorption, and sorption are three terms that refer
stant temperature. It is somewhat analogous to the vapor to similar phenomena.9 Adsorption is defined as the accumu-
pressure, which describes the partitioning behavior between lation occurring at an interface, absorption as the partitioning
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 417


10 –
10 –

10 –

10 –
10 2

10 1

10 0
Oxygen 2-Chloropropane
Henry’s law constant, H Iodoform
(atm m3/mol) Allyl chloride
1-Chloropropane Methylene chloride
1,2-Dichloroethylene Dibromomethane
1,1-Dichloroethane Propionaldehyde
Carbon tetrachloride
1-Chloro 2-methylpropane
10–1 1-Bromobutane
Benzene Butyraldehyde 2-Butanone 10–6
Ethylene dichloride
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethylene Ethylbutyraldehyde
Vapor pressure (atm)

n-Octane Chlorobenzene 2-Butanol

10–2 Ethylbenzene
1,2-Dibromoethane 2-Methylbutanone Isobutanol
o-Xylene Styrene Bromoform
Isopropylbenzene 1-Butanol
n-Propylbenzene Bromobenzene
1,3-Dibromopropane 2-Heptanone
n-Butylbenzene o-Dichlorobenzene 1-Pentanol
1-Heptanol n-Hexanol
10–3 2-Octanone Benzaldehyde 10–8
Hexachloroethane p-Dichlorobenzene


Benzo |o| thiophene

o-Nitrotoluene p-Cresol Phenol
10–4 10–9
Benzyl alcohol


Methyl parathion Quinoline

10–3 10–2 10–1 100 101 102 103 104 105
Solubility (mol/m3)

FIGURE 8.5  Solubility, vapor pressure, and Henry’s law constant for selected chemicals. (After Lyman, W.J. et al., Handbook of Chemical
Property Estimation Methods: Environmental Behavior of Organic Compounds, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1982.)

between two phases (e.g., accumulation from groundwa- Figure 8.6 illustrates the difference in adsorption potential
ter into soil organic carbon) and sorption as including both under wet and drier soil conditions.
adsorption and absorption.10,11 Often the terms adsorption Adsorption of a contaminant to soil and organic matter is
and sorption are used interchangeably, as will be the case in described by the contaminant’s soil adsorption coefficient, Kd.
this book. The total organic carbon content, foc, strongly influences the
In general, adsorption phenomena can be classified as adsorption capacity of nonionic organic compounds onto the
either sorbent or solvent induced.10 Sorbent-induced adsorp- soil matrix. Due to the nonpolar nature of most organic con-
tion occurs when there is an attraction between the soil matrix taminants, there is little correlation between clay content and
(sorbent) and the contaminants (solute), and the contaminant contaminant adsorption. While the adsorption coefficient, Kd,
accumulates at the surface due to the affinity of the surface of a chemical has been observed to vary significantly from
for the contaminant (e.g., cation exchange at the mineral sites). soil to soil (due to varying foc), it was observed that normal-
Solvent-induced adsorption occurs when the contaminant is ization of the Kd values by the respective foc values resolved in
hydrophobic (nonpolar, water disliking, and low solubility) a parameter, koc, that was much less variable (independent of
and finds it energetically favorable to accumulate at an inter- the soil and a function only of the compound). Another way of
face or partition into a nonpolar phase (e.g., partitioning onto expressing this relationship is defining Koc as a proportional-
the soil organic carbon) rather than remain in the water phase. ity constant:
Adsorption of contaminants to soil particles is impacted
by the two phenomena described earlier. The soil organic K d = foc ´ K oc (8.7)
content and its mineral adsorptive surfaces are both capable
of contaminant adsorption. Adsorption of contaminants at where
both these locations increases the immobility of the con- Kd is the partitioning coefficient
taminant and decreases the relative volatility during SVE. foc is the fraction of organic carbon in soils
Soil adsorption becomes particularly important (rate limit- Koc is the organic carbon partitioning coefficient
ing) under drier conditions. Soil moisture may decrease as
airflows continuously, during SVE, due to the vapor pres- Typical values of foc for subsurface soils have been reported
sure of water being 10 mm Hg at typical soil temperatures. in the range of 1%–8%,9 while alluvial sandy materials have
418 Remediation Engineering

to volatilization. This modification to conventional SVE is

Nonpolar organic known as bioventing or bioenhanced soil venting. Bioventing
H2O can reduce effluent vapor treatment costs due to a lower
Vapor required flow rate from individual wells.
phase Although microorganism populations in the vadose zone
are sharply reduced in number and species diversity with
layer depth, significant microbial degradation of some compounds
Solid surface
occurs throughout the vadose zone. In bioventing, the natural
(a) biodegradation processes are enhanced by optimizing the sys-
tem to maintain a supply of oxygen as an electron acceptor for
the biodegradation process.
Most of the petroleum organic compounds such as ben-
zene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes are very easily bio-
degradable under aerobic conditions. Some of the halogenated
compounds such as methylene chloride and chlorobenzene
will also biodegrade under aerobic conditions.13,14 Most of
the alcohols, ketones, and phenolic compounds will degrade
under aerobic conditions.
In contrast to the compounds discussed earlier, microbial
degradation of volatile aliphatic chlorinated compounds, such
as TCE and PCE, occurs primarily by reductive dehalogena-
tion. Reductive dehalogenation of these compounds will take
place only under reduced, anaerobic conditions. Hence, bio-
degradation of aerobically nonbiodegradable compounds dur-
(c) ing SVE is nonexistent or insignificant.

FIGURE 8.6  Illustration of volatile organic compound adsorption Weathering

under three moisture regimes. (a) Dry, (b) DAMP, and (c) wet. The concept of weathering applies to SVE due to the effect
SVE has on the composition of the organic contaminant mix-
been reported in the range of 0.02%–1.0%. For soils with ture present in the subsurface. At a gasoline spill site, initially
lower organic carbon content (  foc < 0.1%), adsorption to min- at system start-up, the compounds removed will be primarily
eral grains may be dominant. the more lighter-end fractions that are generally both more
Researchers have evaluated a number of parameters for volatile and aerobically biodegradable. As SVE proceeds, the
estimating Koc values based on fundamental properties of the extracted vapor will likely have less of the lighter-end frac-
contaminant. One of the easiest ways of obtaining Koc is from tions and will be composed mostly of heavier compounds.
the octanol–water partitioning coefficient (Kow) of the con- This process is commonly described as weathering. Changes
taminant. The Kow of a contaminant describes the partitioning in organic contaminant mixture characteristics taking place
between water (a polar phase) and octanol (a nonpolar phase). due to natural volatilization, solubilization, and biodegrada-
The octanol–water partitioning is analogous to the partition- tion of the readily mobile lighter compounds are also charac-
ing in the soil matrix between the pore water and soil organic terized as weathering. The degree of weathering will impact
matter. There are many equations reported in the literature to the overall effectiveness of SVE operation.
describe the relationship between Kow and Koc.9 An example is
provided by the following equation12:  Other Contaminant Properties
There are several other contaminant properties that may
log K oc = 0.999 log K ow - 0.202 (8.8) influence the volatility and thus effectiveness of SVE opera-
tion. These properties are not as significant as the parameters
Most organic contaminants are more easily adsorbed to the described in the last few sections and hence may be consid-
soil than they are desorbed. Therefore, it takes much more ered secondary in importance.
time and energy for desorption than adsorption of a contami- These properties are molecular weight, molecular struc-
nant in the soil matrix. This phenomenon, known as “hystere- ture, and polarity. Heavier and large molecules travel slowly
sis,” tends to reduce the mass removal efficiency during SVE, to and from soil micropores and tend to adsorb very strongly
particularly during the tail end of system operation. to soil surfaces. During the tail end of SVE system operation,
these properties may end up as the rate-limiting mass trans-  Biodegradability of Contaminant fer properties. This may be a significant factor at petroleum
One creative use of SVE technology is in manipulating spill sites and may influence the degree of mass removal and
subsurface oxygen levels to maximize in  situ biodegrada- the residual mass left behind after a reasonable time of SVE
tion of aerobically biodegradable compounds in comparison operation.
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 419  Contaminant Partitioning Summary  Soil Porosity

When a volatile NAPL is present in the soil matrix, the Vapor migration in the subsurface occurs principally through
bulk of the mass removed during SVE will be due to direct air-filled pore spaces. Factors influencing vapor migra-
volatilization influenced by the vapor pressures of the con- tion include the air-filled porosity (which is affected by the
taminants. This is analogous to a fan blowing past a pool of water content) of a soil and the orientation of the soil pores.
gasoline or TCE. It has been reported in the literature that Decreasing soil porosity will generally reduce the efficiency
more than 95% of NAPL can be removed by direct volatil- of SVE due to the decrease in diffusive mass transport from
ization after removing several hundred pore volumes of air.15 the soil matrix into the soil gas. Decrease in porosity also
In the presence of NAPL, mass removal rates are often lin- impacts SVE effectiveness due to the decrease in available
early related to the airflow rates. When NAPL is not present cross-sectional area for airflow. Lower porosity soils also have
in the subsurface, airflow requirements become very differ- higher available surface area for contaminant binding.
ent and are often governed by nonequilibrium rate-limiting
conditions.  Water Content
Under moist soil conditions and when there is no NAPL Soil water content has competing effects on the air perme-
present, contaminant partitioning in the vadose zone can be ability. The primary effect of pore water is to reduce the air-
described by the following equation.16 filled porosity of soil. Research information is available to
indicate that SVE would be more successful at lower water
CT = PbC A + wCL + aCG (8.9) contents, since a greater percentage of the pore space will be
air filled and thus the induced airflow will be greater for a
where given vacuum.15,17
CT is the total quantity of contaminant per unit soil volume The water content also has a significant effect on the suc-
CA is the adsorbed chemical concentration cess of SVE through its effect on adsorption characteristics
CL is the dissolved chemical concentration of organic compounds. Decrease in soil moisture allows for
CG is the vapor concentration more contaminant adsorption onto the soil matrix to play a
Pb is the soil bulk density more prominent role in mass transfer during SVE. If the soil
w is the volumetric water content adsorptive capacities are strong, the benefits of soil dewater-
a is the volumetric air content ing may be partially offset due to the increased binding of
The equilibrium relationship between vapor concentra- Soil moisture may decrease as air is circulated through soil
tion and the associated pore water concentration is given by during SVE, since water has a vapor pressure of 10 mm Hg
Henry’s law: at typical soil temperatures. As illustrated in Figure  8.7,
under low soil moisture conditions, contaminants will adsorb
CG = K H CL (8.10) directly on soil surfaces where fewer water molecules are
competing for adsorption sites. Contaminant adsorption is
where also a function of moisture content in the soils.18 Adsorption
CG is the gas concentration was the highest during ovendry conditions and decreased lin-
KH is Henry’s law constant early with moisture content up to one monolayer. Water suffi-
CL is the pore water concentration cient to form 1–5 monolayers exhibited complex behavior due
to interactions between the contaminant and surface bound
The relationship between equilibrium dissolved concentra- water. At moisture contents greater than five monolayers,
tion and adsorbed concentration is given by there was a gradual increase in adsorption that was attributed
to increase in contaminant resolution.
C A = K d ´ CL (8.11)

where 1 2 3
CA is the adsorbed concentration
Kd is the adsorption coefficient 1. Oven–dry to single surface
Sorption coefficient

CL is the pore water concentration monolayer of water

Kd 2. 1–5 surface water layers
3. >5 monolayers of surface
Again, Kd = foc · Koc. water  Soil Properties

The soil environment, like the contaminant characteristics,
has a significant impact on the effectiveness of SVE. Soil Moisture content (%)
properties such as porosity, air permeability, water content,
organic matter content, heterogeneity, and surface seals FIGURE 8.7  Adsorption of contaminants as a function of mois-
impact the movement of contaminant vapors. ture content.
420 Remediation Engineering  Soil Heterogeneity Removal of contaminants from these dead zones may not
Soil heterogeneity is caused by the structure, stratification, be enhanced by increased vacuum or flow rates but rather
type, and size of soil particles that influence both contaminant removal will be limited by diffusion from these zones to the
migration and subsurface airflow pathways. An example of more continuous flow paths.
heterogeneous soil conditions is a coarse silty sand formation
with interbedded clay lenses. Another example is coarse sand  Depth to Water Table
formation overlain by a silty sand formation, and the preferred If the SVE well penetrates the water table, the water table
extraction well configuration under this condition is shown in within the well will rise by an amount equal to the vacuum
Figure 8.8. applied within the screen. A 60 in. water column vacuum at
Preferred flow path due to highly permeable macropores the wellhead can therefore result in a water table rise of 5 ft
formed by fractures, cracks, root casts, or earthworms should (Figure 8.10). Hence, if the screen of the SVE well is less than
also be taken into consideration. The presence of subsurface 5 ft, the rise in the water table can block the passage of air
features, such as utility conduits, may also result in preferential into the SVE well and increase the amount of water pulled
flow pathways. Preferred flow pathways have major implica- in to the system dramatically. Where required, installation of
tions with regard to SVE effectiveness due to potential short- additional SVE wells operating at lower vacuum (and there-
circuiting of induced airflow pathways. If short-circuiting fore smaller radius of influence (ROI)) can reduce the amount
occurs, contaminants adhering to soils through which limited of water table rise and allow access to vadose zone soils.
airflow occurs may not be removed as rapidly as those present Alternately, horizontal wells or pipes installed in trenches can
in zones through which a large volume of airflows. Removal be used in shallow water table conditions, thus expanding the
of contaminants from soil particles in dead zones would there- available screen length for airflow and enabling operation of
fore be more closely related to diffusion effects (Figure 8.9). the system at reduced vacuum levels. Under this condition, the
water uplift can be minimized (Figure 8.11).
However, the fluctuation of the water table can create
SVE blower conditions of screen submergence during certain times of
the year. The need to induce airflows at or near the capillary
fringe will also require the bottom of the screen to be placed
very close to the water table.

Zone of SVE blower

contamination Applied vacuum
Silty sands 60 in H2O

Induced air flow

Coarse sands

5 ft

FIGURE 8.8  A cluster extraction well under varying geologic


FIGURE 8.10  Water table rise during soil vapor extraction

Air advection operation.

Molecular diffusion
Molecular diffusion

Low permiability Trench or

Molecular diffusion horizontal

Molecular diffusion well

Molecular diffusion
Air advection
FIGURE 8.11  Limited radius of influence from vertical wells
under shallow water table conditions and the use of horizontal
FIGURE 8.9  Advective/diffusive airflow schematic. extraction pipes.
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 421

Air flow

Air flow

FIGURE 8.12  Typical airflow patterns and vacuum distribution during soil vapor extraction operation.  Airflow Characteristics Open soil surface

The basic principle of induced airflow during SVE is very
simple. Airflow is induced in the subsurface by a pressure
gradient applied through vertical wells or horizontal trenches.
The negative pressure inside the extraction well, generated
by a vacuum blower, causes soil air to move toward the well.
Typical airflow patterns induced during SVE operation are
shown in Figure 8.12. In order to design an SVE system, the
subsurface airflow pathways and extraction flow rates must be
properly defined. Impermeable seal
The airflow field developed is dependent on many
­factors: the level of applied vacuum, available screen interval
in the vadose zone, porosity, air permeability and its spatial
variation, depth to groundwater, presence or absence of leak-
age from the ground surface, and subsurface conduits.  Surface Seals

The airflow pathways will be influenced by the amount of
airflow entering near the extraction well (where the pressure FIGURE 8.13  Effect of surface seal on vapor flow paths.
gradient is the greatest). An impermeable surface seal pre-
vents air from entering near the injection well and forces air
to be drawn from a greater distance and thus contact a greater
volume of soil (Figure 8.13). Surface seals may also prevent  Airflow in Permeable Media
infiltration of rainfall and thus reduce the amount of water Darcy’s law describes fluid flow-through porous media and
removed by the extraction well. can be used to predict the pressure drop required to drive
Depending on the characteristics of the site, different airflow through soils in vapor extraction systems. The fol-
materials can be used as an impermeable seal. Existing lowing section describes how Darcian flow is derived in a
paved surfaces, such as asphalt or concrete layers, or a simple 1D flow of constant area, then again derived for 2D,
rolled-out flexible membrane lining can be used as surface radial flow where the cross-sectional area changes over the
seals. flow path.
422 Remediation Engineering


Q (g/s)

a b
L (cm)

FIGURE 8.14  Diagram of fluid flow through a porous volume with L

a constant cross-sectional area, A (1D flow).

FIGURE 8.15  Relationship between pressure, P, and path length,  Darcian Flow through Constant Cross L, when cross-sectional area is constant. dP/dL is the slope of the
Section  Darcy’s law states that the fluid flux per unit cross- pressure–path length relationship.
sectional area is proportional to the rate of pressure drop
along the flow path. It is expressed as follows:

Q dP
=K (8.12)
A dL

Q is the extracted flow rate
A is the cross-sectional area of airflow
K is the soil pneumatic conductivity
P is the pressure
L is the length of flow path
Figure 8.14 depicts the fluid flow through a porous medium b
volume element with a constant cross section. The flow travels
through the volume element, crossing through planes “a” and
FIGURE 8.16  Graphical representation of the integration of the
“b,” perpendicular to the flow direction. rate of pressure drop, dP/dL, over a path of length L, when the cross-
The constant of proportionality, K, is called the con- sectional area, A, is constant.
ductivity. In the case of airflow, K is termed the pneumatic
conductivity. Q is stated in mass flow units because air is a
compressible fluid. The rate of pressure drop, hence the pneu- The rate of pressure drop along a path of length L can be
matic conductivity, is related to the number of molecules or determined by integrating the rate of pressure drop. Figure 8.16
mass, passing through the porous medium per unit time—not provides a graphical representation of the integration.
the volume (which carries more or less mass as the pressure The integration is performed after rearranging Equation
rises and falls). In fact, due to the pressure drop observed as 8.13, to isolate dP, as follows:
air passes through soil, the density of air decreases along its
flow path. Q
dP = dL (8.14)
Airflow through a volume element with a constant cross KA
section yields a constant rate of pressure drop along the flow
The integration of dP over the interval from plane “a” to plane
path. This can be illustrated by rearranging Equation 8.12 to
“b” (variable distances from the vacuum source) yields the
isolate the rate of pressure drop per unit path length (dP/dL):
total pressure drop over that interval, which is designated ΔP:
dP Q
= (8.13) b
ò KA dL (8.15)
DPa ®b =
Q, K, and A are constants Because Q, K, and A are constants in 1D flow, they are moved
dP/dL is also a constant outside the integrand:
This can be represented graphically, as shown in Q
Figure 8.15. Pressure decreases at a constant rate along the
flow path, L.
DPa ®b =
KA ò
dL (8.16)
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 423

Pa Pb


a b
Vacuum r
FIGURE 8.18  Graphical representation of the integration of the
FIGURE 8.17  One-dimensional flow characterization, showing rate of pressure drop, dP/dr, over a path from “a” to “b” when the
air withdrawal from a vacuum trench at a rate, Q(g/s). Pressure cross-sectional area, A, is a function of 1/r.
in the soil atmosphere is measured at two probes, at distances a
and b from the trench. Pressure values Pa and Pb are observed at Figure 8.18 showed the relationship between dP/dL and L, in
the probes. This information can be used to calculate pneumatic
which the rate of pressure drop, dP/dL, is constant, regard-
less of the position along the flow path, L. In radial flows that
are generated by vertical wells, the rate of pressure drop is
Completing the integration, we get a function of 1/r. Figure 8.19, a graphical representation of
Equation 8.20, shows the dramatic reduction of the rate of
Q pressure drop as a function of increasing radial distance, r,
DPa ®b = (b - a) (8.17)
KA from the radial flow source (or sink).
Equation 8.20 can be integrated to provide the pressure
Equation 8.17 describes pressure drop in 1D flow, like that drop exerted along a radial flow path, as determined by the
which will be observed between two parallel vapor extraction flow rate and pneumatic conductivity.
trenches. Figure 8.17 provides an example of 1D flow, show-
ing the measurements needed to calculate pneumatic conduc-
tivity, K, from field observations. likelihood Time
To calculate pneumatic conductivity from field observa- Vapor of Soil air since
tions, Equation 8.17 is rearranged to isolate K, and ΔP is cal- pressure success permeability release
culated as the difference between pressures observed at points
“a” and “b”: 104 Weeks
Q Butane
103 Months
K= (b - a) (8.18) Success (gravel,
( Pb - Pa ) A Pentane very coarse
102 likely sand) Years
Benzene  Darcian Equation for Radial Flow  Airflows Toluene 101
moving to or from isolated vertical wells follow radial flow Weeks
patterns. Unlike the 1D flows discussed earlier, radial flows 1 Medium
travel through variable cross-sectional area. The cross- Phenol Success (fine sand) Months
10–1 somewhat
sectional area, A, is a function of the radial distance from the Naphthalene likely Years
well (r) and the thickness of the porous medium (h). Cross- 10–2
sectional area, A, can be described as a function of r and h as
follows: 10–3 Weeks
A = 2prh (8.19) Aldicarb 10–4 less Low Months

likely (clay)
This value can be substituted into Equation 8.13. In this case, Years
the designation for distance traveled is r rather than L:
Match point
dP Q
= (8.20)
dr K × 2prh FIGURE 8.19  Soil vapor extraction applicability nomograph.
424 Remediation Engineering

Q Contaminants Amenable to Soil Vapor Extraction
dP = dr (8.21)
K × 2prh Henry’s Law Constant Vapor Pressure
Contaminant (atm · m3/mol) (mm Hg)
Moving constants outside the integrands, we get
Benzene 0.00548 (25°C) 76 (20°C)
b b Toluene 0.00674 (25°C) 22 (20°C)
Q 1

dP =
K × 2ph ò r dr (8.22)
Trichloroethene (TCE)
Tetrachlorethene (PCE)
0.0099 (20°C)
57.8 (20°C)
20 (26.3°C)

Integrating both sides of the equation, we get

pressure are nonlinear. As noted in previous sections, the
Q phase distribution, concentrations, and contaminant type will
Pb - Pa = é ln(b) - ln(a) ùû (8.23)
K × 2ph ë determine the mass removal efficiencies and the time required
for site cleanup.
Simplifying the equation, we get Evaluation of bioventing should be accompanied by the
comparison of biodegradation rates to volatilization of the
Q æbö contaminants. If the contaminants are biodegradable, empha-
DPa ®b = ln ç ÷ (8.24)
K × 2ph è a ø sis should be focused on the required mass removal rates and
the time of cleanup. Presence of excessive levels of CO2 and
Equation 8.24 is the formulation of Darcy’s law for radial depletion of O2 in the soil gas is an indication of ongoing natu-
(2D) flow in a porous medium. This equation can be utilized ral aerobic biodegradation of contaminants in the vadose zone.
to interpret pneumatic conductivity tests and to support SVE
design calculations that link pneumatic conductivity and soil  Site Characterization
air exchange rates. SVE is typically more applicable in cases where the contami-
nated unsaturated zone is relatively permeable and homoge-
neous. Geologic parameters such as porosity, soil structure,
8.1.2 Applicability
and air permeability influence the extractability of induced
There are many criteria that need to be evaluated before airflow. Site surface topography can also influence the suc-
deciding the applicability of SVE at a given site. The appli- cess of an SVE system. Ideally the site should be covered by
cability of this technology is greatly influenced by the an impermeable surface to minimize short-circuiting of air-
information obtained from contaminant and site charac- flow and infiltration. The presence of utility trenches (gener-
terization activities (Figure 8.19). Contaminant character- ally constructed with high permeability fill material) will also
ization will include composition, type, age, concentration, cause short-circuiting of airflow pathways.
phase, and distribution of contaminants in the subsurface. Site characterization activities include
Site characterization will include geologic conditions, soil
moisture content, man-made site conditions, topography, • Geologic and hydrogeologic characterization
depth to water table, and horizontal and vertical extent of • Contaminant distribution assessment (vertical and
contamination. horizontal)
• Soil gas surveys  Contaminant Applicability • Water table elevation and fluctuations
SVE is applicable when the contaminants present in the sub- • Barometric pressure changes
surface are volatile and/or aerobically biodegradable. As a • Presence of LNAPL on top of the water table or iso-
simplified guideline, a compound or mixture of compounds is lated globules (“ganglia”) in the soil matrix
a likely candidate for SVE application by physical removal if • Groundwater concentrations
it has both of these characteristics:
Comprehensive geologic assessment will be complete only
• Vapor pressure of 1.0 mm Hg or more at 20°C when information is collected on distinct geologic strata,
• Henry’s law constant greater than 0.001 atm m3/mol subsurface conduits, depth to the water table, and seasonal
or greater than 0.01 in the dimensionless form of fluctuation of the water table. Additionally, the estimated val-
Henry’s law constant ues of the physical properties (such as permeability, moisture
content, organic carbon fraction) of each of the geologic strata
Examples of contaminants amenable to SVE are listed in should be collected. It is always important to develop detailed
Table 8.1.19 geologic cross sections in as many directions as possible.
The impact of solubility is reflected by the Henry’s law Most geologic cross sections are developed through analy-
constant since the additive effects of solubility and vapor sis of drilling logs and site information available on tanks,
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 425

Underground Underground c. Well construction (depth, screened interval)

utilities Former UST PIT
utilities d. Extraction blower
Silty sands e. Air/water separator
clay layers
f. Equipment manifolding and piping
g. Instrumentation and control (measurement
Medium sand devices such as flow meters, pressure gauges,
and control valves)
Silty sands h. Vapor treatment unit

Coarse sand Table 8.2 presents the significance of some design criteria on
SVE system performance.
FIGURE 8.20  Typical cross section at a candidate site for soil  Pilot Testing
vapor extraction.
It is prudent to perform a field pilot test at all SVE sites to
first verify that the site is a suitable candidate for soil venting
pipes, etc. An example of a subsurface cross section used to and also to collect full-scale design parameters. Since the data
evaluate the applicability of SVE is shown in Figure 8.20. collected during a pilot test involve collecting site-specific
engineering design parameters, it is logical to call this test a
field design test. Field design test activities are focused upon
8.1.3  System Design
the collection of data to determine soil pneumatic conductiv-
SVE technology has been implemented in the past using various ity of the soil, well spacing requirements (radius of influence),
design approaches that vary from an intuitive empirical approach extracted soil gas concentrations and composition, and the
to using sophisticated design models. The primary goals of SVE required flow rates and vacuum levels. Regardless of the size
system design are to achieve the following objectives: of the final system and site conditions, the field design test
system should consist of the following components, at a mini-
• Specification of system components such as vacuum mum (Figure 8.21):
blower, extraction wells, effluent air treatment unit,
air/water separator, pipes, and manifolds • Vapor extraction test well.
• Selecting operating conditions such as extraction • Vacuum blower to induce airflow.
vacuum levels, airflow rates, contaminant vapor con- • At least three vacuum monitoring points, at varying
centrations, and well spacing radial distances from the test well based on initial
• Estimation of cleanup levels, remediation time estimate of the potential vacuum influence.
frame, residual concentrations, etc. • Vapor treatment system (if required); vapor phase
• Meeting the constraints imposed by cost limitations granular activated carbon may be sufficient for a
and permitted discharge limits, etc. short term pilot test.
• Calibrated flow meter(s) or pitot tube(s).
Prior to initiation of system design, a thorough evaluation of • Calibrated vacuum gauges.
applicability of SVE should be completed. However, due to • Sampling ports in the process lines.
uncertainties and inherent limitations associated with natural • Sampling devices (sampling pumps, syringes).
heterogeneities, site characterization data, and accurate pre- • Soil gas analytical instruments (PID, FID, field gas
diction of contaminant partitioning, system design objectives chromatograph, etc.).
have to be realistic and flexible. Hence, SVE system design
has to incorporate modification of operating conditions even A field design test usually consists of extracting contaminated
after system start-up. The additional cost required to build air from the extraction well, at various flow regimes, and mea-
in adequate flexibility is usually very small compared to the suring the response to the applied vacuum in at least three
potential benefits in the long term. monitoring points. The vacuum in the monitoring points is
SVE system design activities can be grouped into two measured by installing vacuum seals and gauges on the sur-
basic categories: rounding monitoring wells and taking readings from them
at different intervals during the various flow regimes. The
1. System operating parameters extraction airflow rate from the venting wells is periodically
a. Extraction airflow rate measured, using flow meters or pitot tubes, at different time
b. Extraction vacuum intervals of the various flow regimes. Air samples are taken
c. Well spacing or radius of influence from the extracted air at critical times of the test to analyze for
d. Contaminant concentrations the concentration and composition of contaminants. Multiple
2. System components and equipment air samples (or field readings) can be collected during each
a. Number of extraction wells flow regime: one right after initiation of air extraction, one
b. Well locations right before ending air extraction (after removal of at least one
426 Remediation Engineering

Soil Vapor Extraction System Design Criteria
Design Criteria Significance
The necessary vacuum to achieve adequate airflow The required vacuum dictates the type and size of vacuum pumps or blowers to utilize.
(pore volume exchange) and radius of influence
Airflow rates to achieve adequate mass removal and Airflow requirements will dictate vacuum equipment and air emission control equipment sizing.
closure within required time Airflow requirements to be dictated by modeling, pilot testing, and closure levels.
Well screen positioning Positioning of the well screens will be critical to successful design. Well screens will be placed
within the water table to accommodate water table fluctuations and screened at various intervals to
ensure adequate flow throughout the soil. Screening intervals will be particularly important in
ensuring that flow is induced throughout the contaminated zones.
Soil moisture content monitoring and manipulation Soil moisture controls air permeability and equilibrium concentrations. Its proper manipulation may
enhance system performance. High moisture in the extracted airstream requires separation before
vapor treatment.
Passive well placement Passive wells provide influent air and can be located to minimize “dead,” no-flow zones that may
develop in multiple extraction point configurations.
Off-gas treatment technology Pilot test data, cost analysis, and operation and maintenance logistics will enable the appropriate
selection of off-gas treatment technologies.
Operation and maintenance and remote monitoring If the property is to be developed and the wells will not be accessible, remote system monitoring
needs to be considered.
No-failure piping and well design Underground piping layout may consist of duplicate sections in sensitive areas to ensure nonfailure.
All underground piping should be vacuum or pressure tested prior to burial.
Closure SVE system management Management strategies should be developed for the last months prior to closure. System pulsing,
passive venting with natural wind-driven vacuum can be considered.

Air inlet
pipe Air
Air/water Valves
Flow separator
meter Air
Vacuum treatment
gauge unit
Vacuum monitoring point

rf low

Contaminated soil

FIGURE 8.21  Soil vapor extraction pilot test schematic.

to two pore volumes), and one during the middle of the test. system has been initiated to understand the contribution of
Additional samples may be required if an air sparge pilot test vapor phase impacts from the air sparge system.
is being conducted concurrently; with the recommendation The extraction well location for the field design test should
that the air sparge pilot test begin after sufficient SVE pilot be selected within the area to be treated by the full-scale sys-
test, data have been collected. Additional air samples would tem. If the geologic conditions across the contaminated zone
be collected from the SVE pilot system after the air sparge vary significantly, the need for more than one field testing
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 427

location should be evaluated. The screened interval of the conditions, the expected flow rate, and the available power
extraction well should be placed within the contaminated supply. Availability of various types of vacuum pumps within
zone. Since induced airflow below the screened interval is specific flow and vacuum ranges is shown in Figures 8.24 and
generally not significant, the screen should be placed accord- 8.25. Depending on the site geologic conditions, a high flow,
ingly to attain the desired air distribution within the contami- low vacuum regime or a low flow, high vacuum regime may
nated zone. Caution should be exercised to avoid any short be required. Two vacuum blowers operated in series or paral-
circuit pathways (such as utility trenches) to obtain the best- lel may be required for the field design test to attain the flow
quality data. regime under certain site-specific conditions.
The configuration of the typical SVE vertical well is shown The assembly and connection of the vapor extraction test
in Figure 8.22. Horizontal wells or trenches should be consid- well, with the vacuum blower, flow meters, and pressure
ered for shallow water table conditions. In practice, existing gauges are shown in Figure 8.21. Since most vacuum blow-
groundwater monitoring wells have been used for SVE field ers are driven by fixed-speed motors, extraction flow rates are
design tests as vapor extraction wells. This is usually done to often controlled by installing flow control valves and an air
achieve cost savings, and caution must be provided to ensure inlet/dilution valve at the suction end of the vacuum blower.
that the screened interval of the groundwater monitoring well Partial opening of the air inlet valve provides the means to
will provide the required air distribution. control the airflow rate from the extraction well and also the
The number of required monitoring points and the depths potential for overheating of the vacuum blower. It is very
of installation will increase if the site geology is heteroge- important to locate the flow meters and vacuum gauges before
neous (Figure 8.23). Often, one tries to locate the test in an the air inlet valve for accurately measuring the flow character-
area where existing groundwater monitoring points can be uti- istics of the extraction well (Figure 8.21).
lized as the vacuum monitoring points. Again, caution should During the field design test, two to three flow regimes
be exercised to avoid compromise on the quality of data col- can be achieved by manipulating the air inlet/dilution valve.
lected. Vacuum monitoring points can also be installed in an Initially, the air inlet valve should be closed when the vac-
inexpensive manner by using small diameter pipe installed by uum blower is activated. The vacuum distribution in the
direct-push methods. soil should be allowed to reach steady conditions. One can
The capacity of the vacuum blower to be used for the field check whether the steady condition is reached by reading the
design test is usually picked based upon experience, geologic changes in induced vacuum at the vacuum monitoring wells.

2–4˝ diameter SCH. 40 PVC To blower

header sloped to well

5΄–0˝ grout to surface
2–4˝ diameter SCH. 40 PVC
6΄–0˝ casing
Bentonite seal
(2΄ Minimum)

15΄–0˝ 2–4˝ diameter SCH. 40 PVC


Silica sand

Undisturbed soil
End cap

FIGURE 8.22  Typical soil vapor extraction well.

428 Remediation Engineering

Road box

Fittings for purging

and sampling

Teflon tubing
unit 1

3΄–5΄ (typ.) Bore hole

seal (typ.)
Contaminated zone

Vapor probe

Undisturbed earth
unit 2

Washed sand
pack (typ.)
unit 3

2˝ PVC cap

FIGURE 8.23  Nested probe monitoring well.

Usually stabilization takes place within the first 15–30 min of the extraction wellhead. Similarly, the inlet valve can be opened
pumping. Once stable, the field data collected can be used to further to get a 40%–50% higher vacuum at the wellhead.
directly determine the pneumatic conductivity of the soil by As noted earlier, the screening of the applicability of SVE
rearranging Equation 8.24: should be performed before and during the field design test.
As a summary of the discussion in previous sections, Table 8.3
Q æbö presents the variables that will impact the applicability, selec-
K= ln (8.25)
DPa ®b × 2ph çè a ÷ø tion, and design of an SVE system.

where  Design Approaches

Q is the extracted flow rate Several design approaches are available for design of SVE
h is the thickness of vadose zone where soil vapor flow systems. While not all methods are described, the methods
is induced, often equal to the height of exposed well presented in the following sections (empirical, radius of influ-
screen ence, pore volume exchange) constitute a good, better, best
a is the distance from extraction well to nearest vacuum approach to practical SVE design that can be done using data
monitoring point collected during the pilot test. Other methods, such as the use
b is the distance from extraction well to next vacuum moni- of computer simulation models that may or may not rely on
toring point site-specific pilot test data can also be used.
ΔP is the pressure differential between point a and b  Empirical Approach
The next step is to repeat the steps mentioned earlier by This is the most simplistic of all the design approaches and
opening the air inlet valve to get 20%–25% higher vacuum at is based upon previous experience, a good understanding
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 429

100 K 100 K

Turbine vacuum pumps

Regenerative vacuum pumps

10 K 10 K (direct drive)

1000 1000
Gas flow (SCFM)

Gas flow (SCFM)

(belt drive)

100 100

10 10

1 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Vacuum (inches of mercury) Vacuum (inches of mercury)

FIGURE 8.24  Operational ranges based on available turbine vac- FIGURE 8.25  Operational ranges based on available regenerative
uum pump models. vacuum pump models.

of the site conditions, site constraints, general guidelines,

and (mostly) intuition. No site-specific data are collected to
determine design parameters such as well spacing, vacuum
requirement, achievable flow rate, or discharge treatment TABLE 8.3
requirement. The design is based on the basic geologic infor- Soil Vapor Extraction System Variables
mation and the selection of system components to meet the Site Conditions Soil Properties
predicted operating conditions. Unfortunately, performance of
Distribution of volatile organic Pneumatic conductivity
the resulting system may not meet the remediation objectives.
In some cases, the use of existing system or a skid-mounted
Depth to groundwater table Porosity
system bought from a vendor could be made to match the
Location of heterogeneities and Organic carbon content
design objectives. However, this approach also will be inef- structures
ficient in meeting the remediation objectives. The initial cost Atmospheric pressure Soil moisture content
savings may be offset by poor system performance, extended Barometric changes Particle size distribution
operational time frame, and potential redesign of the whole Temperature Soil structure
Contaminant Properties Process Control Variables  Radius of Influence Approach Vapor pressure Air extraction rate

Henry’s law constant Extraction vacuums
This approach is perhaps still the most widely used approach
Solubility Extraction well locations
in industry.20 The extraction flow rate, vacuum, number of
Adsorption coefficient Radius of influence
wells, and their locations are selected based on the informa- Density Ground surface seals
tion obtained from a field pilot test. The pilot test is conducted Contaminant levels and composition
to obtain steady-state vacuum vs. distance relationships for a in the extracted air
given site. Extracted air temperature
The steady-state vacuum levels measured at monitoring Extracted air moisture content
wells located at varying radial directions are plotted on a Power usage
semilog graph paper, as shown in Figure 8.26. Vacuum levels
430 Remediation Engineering

70 VEW 1–5
Vapor extraction
60 well locations
Measured vacuum (in H2O)

20 VEW 4


Zone of contamination

0.1 1 10 100 1000 R – Radius of influence
Distance from extraction well (ft)
FIGURE 8.28  Determination of the required number of wells
FIGURE 8.26  Vacuum vs. distance plot on a semilog paper. from the radius of influence.

are measured in various radial directions to compensate for the locations of wells to cover the contaminated zone can be
the possible geologic variations in the subsurface. A best-fit obtained this way. It must be noted that the vacuum vs. dis-
line is then drawn through the points, as shown in Figure 8.26. tance relationship may vary across the site and that the radius
The radius of influence of the extraction well is then deter- of influence may not be constant for all the extraction wells.
mined as the distance at which a sufficient level of vacuum In this approach, the required screen lengths are estimated
will be present to induce airflow. This “cutoff” vacuum level according to the depth of contamination as shown in a geo-
has been variously defined as 0.1 in. H2O, 1.0 in. H2O, or 10% logic cross section. Once the number of wells and the screen
of the applied vacuum at the extraction well. This arbitrary interval in each well has been selected, the total extraction
cutoff vacuum level is an empirical value based on prior expe- airflow rate can be summed to determine the total flow of the
rience and geologic conditions. system, and selection of the appropriate vacuum blower can
The tailing effect of vacuum with distance is shown in be done by matching the required airflow rate and the vacuum
Figure 8.27. levels (plus piping losses) to the appropriate operating curve
Once the radius of influence has been determined, overlap- of various off-the-shelf blowers.
ping circles with this radius are drawn on a site map over the The limitation of this method lies in the arbitrary nature of
zone of contamination (Figure 8.28). The number of wells and the cutoff vacuum level described earlier. Cleanup of vadose
zone soils relies on disruption of the equilibrium between
phases (sorbed, vapor, and dissolved), which is directly related
to the pore volume exchange and/or velocity of the soil gas
at the radius of influence. An arbitrarily chosen vacuum that
defines the radius of influence does not guarantee flow. As an
example, a sealed jar could be under measurable vacuum but
does not have associated flow and therefore no equilibrium
disruption to drive remediation. Additionally, the chosen vac-
uum requirement is often so low that the effect of barometric

surging can overwhelm the vacuum at the design radius of

influence. Barometric surging is described as the exchange of
atmospheric air in to the vadose zone at high barometric pres-
sure and the reverse at low barometric pressure. Figure 8.29
shows an example dataset of barometric pressure fluctuation
over a 3-day period. The rate of change fluctuates between
−0.5 and +0.5 in. of water per hour, which is potentially more
significant in terms of pore volume exchange than an arbi-
trarily chosen radius of influence of 0.1 in. of water column.
Distance from well  Pore Volume Exchange Approach
FIGURE 8.27  Tailing effect of vacuum away from an extraction The pore volume exchange approach applies the same site-
well. specific data collected in pilot tests but gives the designer
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 431

410 1.0
Barometric pressure

Rate of pressure change (in. H2O per hour)

Rate of change

Barometric pressure (in. H2O)





405 –1.0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Elapsed time (min)

FIGURE 8.29  Barometric pressure data and rate of pressure change over a 3-day period.

a more reliable, predictable effectiveness at the chosen where

radius. The designer chooses the pore volume exchange Q is the extracted flow rate
rate (PVER) based on experience, time frame required for PVER is the pore volume exchange rate
cleanup, rules of thumb, or published guidance. As indi- r is the radial distance where minimum pore volume
cated earlier, more than 95% of NAPLs can be removed by exchange is desired
direct volatilization after removing several hundred pore h is the thickness of soil where soil gas is expected to flow
volumes of air.15 This doesn’t account for the sorbed phase (may be the well screen length)
mass or relatively inaccessible mass that may be limited by ne is the effective soil porosity
diffusive processes. Typically, designs based on pore vol-
ume exchange target 1 pore volume per day for purposes of Once the PVER is chosen, the flow rate for each well can be
removal by volatilization and up to 10 pore volumes per day determined, and the required vacuum at the wellhead is cal-
for aggressive systems. Higher PVERs can result in poorer culated based on the pneumatic conductivity determined by
efficiency due to the time it takes for contaminant mass to the pilot testing procedures described earlier (Equation 8.26).
migrate from the source (sorbed sites, soil pore water, etc.) The advantage of the pore volume exchange method is
to primary flow paths. that the designer is able to choose between multiple options
Pore volume exchange can be converted to flow, shown in for well spacing and corresponding flow rates and required
the following equation and depicted in Figure 8.30: vacuum based on a chosen pore volume exchange. Figure 8.31
shows a graph of individual well flow rate as a function of tar-
Q = PVER × p × (r 2) × h × ne (8.26) get treatment radius and varying PVERs. A similar graph can
be built for any site using known (or estimated) values for ne
(effective porosity) and h (thickness of vadose zone where soil
gas is expected to flow). Using this figure, the designer could
determine that 15 SCFM is required for a PVER of 3 per day
r and a 40 ft target treatment radius. The second graph then
shows the required pressure drop, which is based on the site-
specific pneumatic conductivity. In this example, for the same
target treatment radius and PVER, a pressure drop of 4 in. of
water is required at the wellhead (indicating a highly perme-
able vadose zone). Once these parameters are established, the
number of wells and positioning are overlaid on the impacted
interval, the total flow rate are determined by summing the
individual flow rates for each of the wells, and selection of
the appropriate vacuum blower can be done by matching
the required airflow rate and the vacuum levels (plus piping
FIGURE 8.30  Diagram of soil vapor extraction well and radial losses) to the appropriate operating curve of various off-the-
volume defined by a pore volume. shelf blowers.
432 Remediation Engineering

Required well flow as a function of outer radius Required ∆P as a function of outer radius
(0.5–10 pore volumes per day) (0.5–10 pore volumes per day)
40 40
0.5 0.5
35 1 35 1
2 2
30 3 30 3
Required well flow (SCFM)

10 10

Required ∆P (w.c)
25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
Target treatment radius (ft) Target treatment radius (ft)

FIGURE 8.31  Required flow rate and pressure drop as a function of target treatment radius for various pore volume exchange rates.

As noted earlier, there are factors other than soil pneumatic perturbation caused by the SVE system to the contaminant
conductivity that govern the airflow field during SVE. Soils partitioning and predict contaminant concentrations within
with higher porosities will allow a higher flow for the same the various media at different time frames.
induced vacuum. Porosity influences the intrinsic air perme-
ability and is related to the particle size distribution of soil.  Operational Considerations
Coarse textured soil will generally have higher porosities and Where traditional SVE is employed, the vacuum applied at the
thus higher permeabilities. well screen dissipates as a function of the radial distance from
The presence of subsurface features that are less restrictive the well. At a point equidistant between any two SVE wells, a
to flow may result in preferential flow in directions different vacuum can be measured, but a gradient no longer exists to drive
than expected based on site geologic conditions. Subsurface soil gas movement in either direction. In other words, the two
utility conduits (electric, telephone, sewer, and water) may be SVE wells are exerting a force exactly equal and in two oppos-
bedded in materials much more permeable than surrounding ing directions, resulting in zero movement of the soil gas at
soils. Preferential flow paths will be formed if these conduits that point. Figure 8.32 illustrates this point by depicting a graph
intersect the zone of vacuum influence. of the vacuum vs. distance between two SVE wells applying  Modeling Approach Air out Air out

Computer simulation modeling can also be used to design
SVE systems. This allows the model user to vary operating
parameters and observe a simulation of the result. The type of
models available for SVE system design can be classified into
airflow models and multiphase transport models.
Flow type models, available in the public domain, such
as HYPERVENTILATE and AIR 3D, simulate only air-
flow under varying operating conditions. Airflow models
therefore allow for selection and optimization of well place-
ment and well screening within the contaminated zone. This
selection is based on a predetermined, minimal acceptable P 0
Multiphase transport modeling allows for simulating the
SVE process over time based upon the selected well layout.
The multiphase transport models are therefore often pre-
ceded by simple airflow models that locate extraction wells. FIGURE 8.32  Profile of vacuum versus distance between two
The multiphase transport models simulate the subsurface identical soil vapor extraction wells.
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 433

equal vacuum. At the inflection point, the vacuum gradient is In  this case, the injection well is under pressure and the
zero, resulting in a point of stagnation at that location. extraction under vacuum. The gradient of the line is consis-
One way to overcome the challenge is to install injection tent between the two points, even though the vacuum directly
or air inlet wells located at numerous places at an SVE site between the two is zero. Flow is induced from left to right,
depending on the needs. The function of air inlet wells is sweeping across the former point where the vacuum vector
to control the subsurface airflow and overcome preferential was equal but opposite due to the two extraction wells in
pathways and dead zones (Figure 8.33). Air injection wells are Figure 8.32.
passive and can be installed at the edge of a site, so as not to Remediation using an injection and extraction network can
induce flow of contamination from an adjacent site. Typically, be designed with flexibility to change the polarity (injection/
injection and inlet wells are similar in construction and can be extraction) as required to eliminate points of stagnation.
interchanged during SVE operation. Figure 8.35 shows a network of injection wells (open circles)
In systems where both injection and extraction are and extraction wells (closed circles) with arrows indicating
employed, the vacuum profile between two wells of opposite major and minor flow paths between injection and extraction
polarity is dramatically different, as shown in Figure  8.34. wells. The lowest performing areas are depicted by the dia-
mond shapes in between. With relative ease, a second phase
Air in Air out of operation could be completed by changing select injection
Site boundary wells to withdrawal mode, and vice versa. Figure 8.36 shows
the same network of wells in such a second phase, with simi-
lar arrows drawn to show primary and secondary pathways
and low performing areas. Note that the prior low-performing
Dead zone areas are now under primary pathways, specifically targeting
the mass that was difficult to access during the first phase of
Other methods for addressing nodes of poor treatment
are available. For instance, periodic adjustment of the flow
and vacuum in a standard SVE (withdrawal only) can also
vary the point of no flow between any two wells. Referring
to Figure 8.32, if the SVE wells were changed such that the
Air vacuum in the well to the left was twice that of the vacuum
extraction in the well to the right, the point at which the vacuum was
Air equal and from opposing directions would shift to the left,
Air flow injection inducing some amount of flow directly between the two wells.
stagnation well
Periodic adjustments to the vacuum field designed to address
Vapor flow points of stagnation can be beneficial to removal efficiency
after the initial setup of the system has been operated to a
FIGURE 8.33  Use of air injection wells during soil vapor extrac- point of diminishing returns.
tion operation.

8.1.4  Bioventing
Air in Air out
In most cases, SVE has been primarily applied for the
removal of VOCs from the vadose zone utilizing volatil-
ization as the primary mass transfer mechanism. However,
introduction of atmospheric air into vadose zone soils can be
utilized to enhance the degradation of VOCs that are aero-
bically biodegradable (Figure 8.40). Bioventing can reduce
vapor treatment costs and can also result in the remediation
of semi-VOCs that cannot be removed by direct volatiliza-
tion alone.15,25
In bioventing, the aerobic biodegradation processes are
P 0 optimized to become the dominant process by modifying
the venting system. Bioventing systems use the same blowers
used in SVE systems to provide specific distribution and flux
of air through the contaminated vadose zone. An SVE system
attempts to maximize airflow through the soil to maximize
FIGURE 8.34  Profile of vacuum versus distance between an air the rate of volatilization of contaminants into the airstream.
injection and extraction well. A biovent system attempts to sufficiently manage the airflow
434 Remediation Engineering

FIGURE 8.35  Injection and extraction network layout (first phase).

stimulates the indigenous microorganisms to degrade the con-

taminants to more benign compounds such as carbon diox-
ide, water, and biomass. For example, degradation of benzene
takes place according to the equation

C6H 6 + 7.5O2 ® 6CO2 6H 2O + Biomass (8.27)

Based on this equation, about 3.5 g of O2 are required per

gram of benzene degraded. This method is relatively power-
ful, because atmospheric air contains 21% oxygen. During
implementation of bioventing, soil gases present in the sub-
surface are generally monitored to ensure the presence of
aerobic conditions. The gases monitored are O2, CO2, and
CH4. Increased levels of CO2 (atmospheric level is 0.03%) and
depletion of O2 indicates a higher level of microbial activity
that are using the oxygen in the subsurface. However, at sev-
eral sites,26 oxygen utilization has proven to be a more useful
measure of biodegradation rates than carbon dioxide produc-
tion. Abiotic factors such as soil pH and alkalinity may influ-
ence the soil gas O2 concentrations. Higher pH and higher
alkalinity soils will exhibit little CO2 in the soil gas due to
the formation of carbonates. The soil water content will also
impact the measurable CO2 in the soil gas due to the solubil-
ity of CO2. During bioventing, oxygen concentrations in the
FIGURE 8.36  Injection and extraction network layout (second vadose zone should be periodically measured to ensure that
phase). the system is delivering adequate oxygen that the demand of
oxygen is being met.
rate to achieve maximum oxygen usage by the vadose zone
microbial populations. Consequently, the biovent airflow rates  Laboratory Testing
are commonly an order of magnitude lower than SVE air- A series of analyses can be performed on-site soil samples
flow rates. In terms of pore volume exchange, where a system to evaluate the potential for microbial degradation of the
designed for volatilization might range from 1.0 (standard) to contaminants. The evaluations are conducted to determine
10 (aggressive) pore volumes per day, a bioventing system can whether the site soil samples have (1) a generally healthy
operate successfully using a PVER of 0.1 pore volumes per microbial population without being stressed by the contami-
day (1 pore volume every 10  days). The oxygen introduced nant concentrations and (2) specific microbial species capable
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 435

of degrading the contaminants present. In addition, an analy- concentrations that support aerobic bioactivity. Viable aerobic
sis should be performed to determine the availability of solu- bioactivity is typically found in contaminated sites where the
ble N- and P-containing nutrients such as ammonium, nitrate, oxygen levels in the soil are above 2%. When the oxygen con-
and phosphates. Environmental parameters such as pH and tent of the soil air falls below 2%, aerobic bioactivity becomes
moisture content should also be evaluated. dormant or absent. At this point, the soil air is dominated
Total heterotrophic microorganisms and specific degrader instead by carbon dioxide and methane. In examining field
microorganisms population is enumerated using the plate data on vadose zone air quality, keep in mind that the soil air
count procedure. At least 105 colony-forming units (CFU) per is made up of a large number of small-scale zones or micro-
gram of soil should be present in the soil samples for bio- zones, arrayed like a 3D jigsaw puzzle determined by the geol-
venting to be feasible. Microbial population in the range of ogy and contaminant distribution. Within each microzone,
107–108 CFU/g of soil is considered very healthy for biovent- the air can either be (1) replenished relatively frequently and is
ing. Measurement of respiration rates can also be performed thus aerobically active, (2) replenished relatively infrequently
in the laboratory, using site soil samples, to evaluate the and is thus aerobically dormant with high carbon dioxide lev-
microbial activity. els, or (3) largely stagnant and active only anaerobically with
In the past, biodegradability of specific contaminants was accumulating products such as methane and carbon dioxide.
also evaluated in the laboratory. Currently, there is an abun- Most monitoring or extraction wells intersect several of these
dance of data on biodegradability of common environmental microzones. If it intersects only the first type or only the third
contaminants (Appendix). type of microzones described earlier, the results will seem
clear-cut. If the well intersects a mixture of microzone types,  Design of Bioventing Systems the results can be ambiguous and confusing. Typical O2 and
The design of a bioventing system has three basic require- CO2 percentages in the soil gas during bioventing are shown
ments. The following are the basic requirements in order of in Figure 8.37.
importance15,20:  Soil Moisture
1. Maintain an oxygen flux through the contaminated For a bioventing system, it is very important to maintain a
soils matching the rates of active, aerobic biodegra- moderate soil moisture, usually in the range of 40%–60% of
dation in those soils. field capacity to maintain viable, aerobic bioactivity within
2. Maintain soil moisture within an optimal range for the manipulated zone. If soil moisture increases appreciably
microbial activity. above this range, the resultant pore sizes for air movement
3. Supply growth-limiting nutrients as needed to bol- shrinks, decreasing the air permeability and flow rates. For
ster microbial populations. these reasons, it may be important to include in the design
some means of adding moisture to the contaminated zone
In order for these requirements to be satisfied, several oper- such as in arid climates or under buildings where little infil-
ating parameters of a bioventing system need to be properly tration is expected. It should be noted that impact of soil mois-
designed. These are discussed in the following. ture on biodegradability is also influenced by the solubility of
the contaminant.  Oxygen Flux Availability of O2 is the rate-limiting step for bioventing
As described earlier, there are different objectives for SVE in most cases. Optimum moisture content plays a signifi-
and biovent systems. A biovent system can operate at a cant role, but not as dominant as the availability of oxygen.
much lower flow rate, which is intended to maintain oxygen Macronutrients such as N and P and the micronutrients are

O2 levels in the soil gas

CO2 levels in the soil gas
20 10
CO2 concentration as a percentage
O2 concentration as a percentage

15 8

10 6

5 4

0 2
Intiation of Significant
bioventing Steady state biodegradation mass removed

FIGURE 8.37  Typical O2 and CO2 percentages in the soil gas during bioventing.
436 Remediation Engineering

generally available in the site soils. In rare cases, N and  In Situ Respiration Test
P-containing soluble salts may have to be added to the site An in situ respiration test is perhaps the best method currently
soils. Nitrogen and phosphorus initially consumed by the available to assess the rates of biodegradation that can be
microbial mass are constantly recycled due to the lysis of dead sustained by a bioventing system. This section describes the
microbial cells. Hence, the need and availability of N and P steps that are generally necessary for successfully carrying
are critical only during the early stages of microbial growth. out an in situ respiration test. Temperature Equipment
Temperature dependency of biodegradation rates has been
The equipment needed for carrying out an in situ respiration
reported to follow the van’t Hoff–Arrhenius equation,20,26,27
test can be fairly simple. If an SVE pilot test is also to be
as well as the Phelps equation.20,27 The van’t Hoff–Arrhenius
carried out at the site, the test can make use of that pilot test
equation is as follows:
equipment that is comparable to those listed in the following.
Also, should a more rigorous test be required, some or all of
Y = Ae - Ea / RT (8.28)
the optional equipment can also be used. The basic equipment
where needed is listed in the following:
Y is the temperature-corrected biodegradation rate
A is the baseline degradation rate • Small air compressor or blower (a minimum of
Ea is the activation energy 1–2  cfm capacity). Examples of easily available
R is the gas constant equipment include car tire inflation pumps or air
T is the absolute temperature mattress inflation pumps. These can be plugged into
a car cigarette lighter or other electric outlet.
The Phelps equation, which describes the relationship • Oxygen (O2) field monitoring device for air, with
between respiration rate and temperature, is as follows: ±0.5% accuracy or less. Examples include ferrite
meter, explosimeter, and Gastech meter.
Rt = R7q( ) (8.29) • Carbon dioxide (CO2) field monitoring device for air
t -7

with ±0.5% accuracy or less.
where • In-line sampling and field monitoring devices.
Rt is the rate at temperature t°C
R7 is the rate at 7°C  Test Procedures
θ is the thermal coefficient 1. Monitor the candidate wells for O2, CO2, CH4, and
total volatile organics concentrations in the adja-
The design criteria of a bioventing system are summarized cent vadose zone. Use the wells with at least a por-
in Table 8.4. tion of their screen extending above the water table.
Throughout these test procedures, remove several
well casing volumes prior to collecting and analyz-
ing samples.
TABLE 8.4 2. Select a well for the test in a moderately contami-
nated area with predominantly aerobic bioactivity.
Design Criteria for a Bioventing System
Soil contaminant concentrations should be greater
Parameter Impact than 50 mg/kg. It is important to remember that,
1 Lateral and vertical extent of Contaminant mass estimate regardless of the conditions currently prevailing at
contamination the site, whether anaerobic, aerobic, or both, biovent-
2 Geology of the contaminated Manipulation of airflow in various ing will ultimately convert the site to active, aerobic
zone zones and thus required airflow biodegradation. We must select those contaminated
rates and vacuum levels subareas of the site that can quickly and easily be
3 Air residence time and pore Biodegradation rates, required converted to active, aerobic bioactivity during the
volume exchange airflow rates, and thus extraction test. Failure to select a proper test site will likely
blower capacities
result in negative results.
4 Location of air extraction wells Design of the bioventing system
3. Prior to beginning the test, measure the O2, CO2,
and air recharge conditions and
CH4, and total volatile organics concentrations in the
the need for air injection wells
5 Soil moisture content and Design of moisture and nutrient
test well.
background nutrient levels addition systems 4. Inject at least 1000 ft3 of air into the test well. Air
6 Continuous monitoring of O2, Focused monitoring and can be injected in up to five wells. It is generally
CO2, and other soil gas optimization of bioventing advisable to mix 1%–2% He with the injected air as
concentrations performance a tracer gas. Detection of He implies that the air sam-
pled is the same that was injected and the changes
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 437

in its makeup can be attributed to microbial activ- is obviously performing well. The operational monitoring
ity. A volume of 1000 ft3 is deemed necessary to parameters described in the following are secondary in terms
avoid boundary effects from interfering with the test of performance but necessary to guide operational decision-
results. Regardless of the capacity of the air pump making and ensure proper operation and longevity of the sys-
used, this volume of air should be injected within tem. The simplest way of assessing SVE process performance
24 h. It usually takes about 24 h for the soil micro- is to monitor the flow, vacuum responses and the concentra-
bial populations to convert from their dormancy to tion, and composition of the contaminants in the extracted air.
active respiration. If a higher capacity pump is used, This is the minimum monitoring required to identify mass
monitoring may optionally be carried out during the removal rates and any changes in the subsurface conditions
remainder of the 24  h period. However, the respi- impacting the flow characteristics. Table 8.5 presents an
ration rates monitored are typically distinctly lower expanded list of monitoring requirements and the impacts on
than the respiration rates subsequently measured. At system performance.
the least, it provides a testing period for assessing the
accuracy of the monitoring devices.
8.1.6  Vapor Treatment Technologies
5. Begin periodic monitoring of O2 and CO2 concentra-
tions in the test well 24 h following the start of air The most common technologies for abatement of airstreams
injection. Samples should be analyzed at least sev- laden with VOCs and semi-VOCs, hereafter collectively
eral times per day and, at most, hourly. The actual referred to as VOCs, are described briefly in the following.
frequency should be selected in the field so that the The types of common VOCs that require abatement when
data collected show a definite trend in O2 and CO2 present in an airstream are as follows:
concentrations in spite of the scatter caused by meter
error. • Aliphatic hydrocarbons
6. Continue the monitoring of the test well until O2 • Aromatic hydrocarbons
and CO2 concentrations have changed at least 5%. • Chlorinated hydrocarbons
Preferably, the test would be conducted until the O2 • Alcohols, ethers, and phenols
and CO2 concentrations have changed over 10%. • Ketones and aldehydes
This duration is necessary to define a definite trend
through much of the range in O2 concentration that Applicability of the most common vapor abatement technolo-
active, aerobic biodegradation occurs. This will gies to these contaminant types is shown in Table 8.6.
likely require a test duration of at least 1 day and
possibly 2 days.  Thermal Oxidation
7. The data should be analyzed for both zero-order and An industry proven technology for VOC abatement is oxida-
first-order relationships. For zero-order analysis, tion, either catalytic or thermal. Oxidation units can destroy
compare the O2 and CO2 concentrations with respect nearly 75% of the VOC and toxic emissions targeted by the
to time (e.g., [O2] vs. time). For first-order analysis, Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and greater than 97% of
compare the ratio of the test O2 and CO2 concentra- the VOCs in a VOC-laden airstream. Thermal oxidation, also
tions to the initial concentrations with respect of known as thermal incineration, operates on a simple premise:
time. Determine the linear regression equation for sufficiently heating a VOC in the presence of oxygen will con-
each analysis as well as the coefficient of determi- vert the VOC to carbon dioxide and water.
nation (R2). Select the order of analysis that has the A thermal oxidation unit typically consists of a blower to
higher R2 values. Previous studies have empirically move VOC-laden air, a filter–mixer to mix the VOC-laden
found both approaches to be appropriate. Usually air, a fan to supply combustion air (if additional oxygen is
(but not always), the O2 depletion trends have been required), a combustion unit consisting of a refractory-lined
found to be more reliable than CO2 production trends. combustion chamber and one or more burners or electric heat-
However, this is partly a function of the monitoring ing elements, heat-recovery equipment, and a stack for atmo-
devices used and the geochemistry of the given site. spheric release of the abated air.
The operating temperature of the combustion chamber
is one of the primary parameters that influence the VOC
8.1.5  Monitoring Requirements
destruction efficiency of a thermal oxidation system. The
As noted earlier, the performance of an SVE system has to be temperature must be sufficiently elevated to meet efficiency
optimized and fine-tuned continuously as the system opera- goals and prevent the emission of products of incomplete
tion proceeds. Monitoring data are used to assess system per- combustion. VOC-laden air with low concentrations of VOCs
formance and calibration of models and to guide necessary may not possess the oxidation energy required to maintain
operational changes and equipment modifications. the necessary temperature to promote complete combus-
The most important performance monitoring parameter tion (1200°F–2000°F); therefore, oxidation of these streams
is soil concentration. If the concentrations of contaminants would require supplemental fuel (e.g., natural gas or pro-
in soil are dropping at a satisfactory rate, then the system pane) or electrical energy to supply the additional energy
438 Remediation Engineering

Soil Vapor Extraction System Performance Monitoring Requirements
Data Required Impact(s)
Flow rate with time Pore volumes removed per day
Subsurface changes with respect to air permeability
Subsurface air distribution
Applied vacuum with time Subsurface changes in air permeability, moisture content
Induced air distribution and zone of influence
Extracted air concentration with time Rate of mass removal
Typically declines with time
Cumulative mass removed
Decline to low mass removal rates can occur well before soil cleanup standards are reached.
Volatilization phase shifting to diffusive phase
Vapor treatment technologies
Extracted air composition with time Weathering of contaminants
Rate of mass removal
Microscopic scale phenomena of contaminant partitioning
Volatilization phase shifting to diffusive phase
Ability to reach soil cleanup standards
Aerobic vs. anaerobic conditions
O2/CO2 concentration ratios will be an indicator of biodegradation activity in the subsurface.
Vapor treatment technologies
Monitoring well vacuum measurements Areal extent of vacuum coverage
Induced airflow distribution pattern

Applicability of the Most Common Vapor Treatment Technologies to Different Types of Volatile
Organic Compounds
VOC Type
Treatment Technology Aliphatic HC Aromatic HC Chlorinated HC Alcohols, Ethers, Phenols Ketones, Aldehydes
Thermal oxidation × × × × ×
Catalytic oxidation × × a × ×
Adsorption × × × ×
Condensation × × × × ×

a Sometimes applicable.

required to maintain the necessary combustion temperature. 0.5 to 1 s.30 Longer residence times may be required if cer-
Conversely, VOC-laden air with very high concentrations of tain VOCs such as chlorinated organic compounds are pres-
VOCs (between the upper and lower explosive limits) may ent. The residence time is affected by the degree of mixing
require dilution air to prevent explosion. of the VOC-laden stream prior to combustion. More thor-
Heat recovery equipment may be installed with a thermal oughly mixed VOCs require less residence time for complete
oxidation system to preheat the VOC-laden airstream prior to oxidation.
combustion by utilizing the heat content of the postcombus- There are three types of thermal oxidation systems:
tion airstream. Preheating the incoming stream reduces the straight-through, recuperative, and regenerative. They are dif-
amount of supplemental fuel that would be required to main- ferentiated by the equipment used for heat recovery.
tain the necessary combustion temperature. There are two common types of straight-through thermal
In addition to combustion temperature, two other param- oxidation systems. An afterburner or direct flame oxidizer uti-
eters that influence the VOC destruction efficiency of a ther- lizes a direct-fired burner in an insulated combustion chamber
mal oxidation system are residence time and degree of mixing. to promote combustion. A flameless thermal oxidizer utilizes
Residence time is the amount of time required for complete a ceramic media packed combustion chamber that is main-
oxidation of VOCs. Generally, residence time varies from tained above the autoignition temperature of the VOCs by
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 439

Emission source


Dilution air*

Combustion air* Thermal

Supplementary fuel oxidizer Stack


* Required under specific conditions.

FIGURE 8.38  Schematic diagram of a recuperative thermal oxidizer.

utilizing the heat of combustion and thus requires no flame Incomplete combustion of VOCs may lead to solubilization of
except for during initial heating. Neither has heat-recovery the residual VOCs in the scrubbing solution. Care should be
equipment. The combustion chamber is sized to allow for taken to dispose the neutralized scrubbing solution properly
the necessary residence time at a certain airflow velocity to under these circumstances.
achieve a desired destruction efficiency. These systems have In summary, the design criteria for thermal oxidation are
the lowest capital cost but are typically the most expensive to governed by
operate. High VOC concentrations will help minimize auxil-
iary fuel consumption. • Influent airflow rate
Recuperative systems (Figure 8.38) use a heat exchanger, • Influent VOC concentrations
typically crossflow, counterflow, or concurrent flow, for heat • Influent VOC composition
recovery. The VOC-laden airstream is preheated by the trans- • Combustion temperature
fer of heat from the postcombustion airstream. This system is • Residence time
sized based on the flow rate, and the cost generally increases • Degree of mixing
in proportion to the heat exchanger’s efficiency that is dictated • Oxygen present in the combustion chamber
by its design and materials of construction. The recupera-
tive system is typically best suited for moderately high VOC  Internal Combustion Engines
concentrations where heat generation can significantly offset The use of internal combustion (IC) engines for VOC abate-
supplemental fuel requirements. ment represents a unique application of thermal oxidation and
Regenerative systems use ceramic material for heat recov- deserves a brief mention. IC engines have been adapted such
ery. The ceramic material is stored in separate beds located on that they can be connected directly to a VOC-laden air steam,
both ends of a central combustion chamber. As hot air leaves draw the vacuum necessary to promote flow of the VOC-
the combustion chamber, it heats the ceramic material located laden airstream in to the engine, and ultimately combust the
in the postcombustion ceramic bed. Periodically, the direction VOCs emitting only water and carbon dioxide. This technol-
of airflow is reversed such that VOC-laden air is heated by ogy is appropriate for abatement of airstreams with very high
what was previously the postcombustion ceramic bed. This VOC concentrations and is not recommended for long-term
heated air then enters the combustion chamber, oxidizes, and VOC abatement. IC engines are typically appropriate for spill
then heats what is currently the postcombustion ceramic bed. responses and new releases.
They generally use less supplemental fuel than the other sys-
tems because of the superior heat transfer capability of the  Catalytic Oxidation
ceramic material. As a result, these systems may be attractive Catalytic oxidation is very similar to thermal oxidation and
for abatement air with low VOC concentrations. combines a conventional-type heat exchanger with a cata-
During thermal oxidation of chlorinated hydrocarbons, lyst. A catalyst inside the combustion unit lowers the acti-
hydrochloric acid (HCl) fumes are formed in addition to CO2 vation energy for combustion; thus, combustion occurs at a
and H2O. As a result, removal of the HCl formed is neces- lower temperature than for thermal oxidation. The catalyst,
sary before the treated air is discharged to the atmosphere. either precious or base metal, will allow oxidation to occur at
Consideration must be given to materials of construction a fairly low temperature of about 500°F–700°F. As a result,
for postcombustion equipment that may be subject to con- supplemental fuel costs for catalytic oxidation are usually
tact with hydrochloric acid. A scrubber installed before the much lower than for an equally applicable thermal oxidation
exhaust stack will facilitate the removal of the acid present system. In the absence of a supplemental fuel supply or under
in the effluent airstream prior to discharge. Caustic soda or safety restrictions for flame combustion, electric power may
potash can be used as the absorbent solution in the scrubber. be a convenient means to heat the influent airstream.
440 Remediation Engineering

Emission source

Dilution air*
Catalytic incinerator
Combustion air*
Supplementary fuel Preheater Stack

Heat exchanger
Catalyst bed (optional)

* Required under specific conditions.

FIGURE 8.39  Schematic diagram of a catalytic oxidizer.

Typical catalyst materials include platinum, palladium, and the pressure drop across the catalyst is also an indication of
metal oxides such as chrome alumina, cobalt oxide, and cop- the catalyst bed viability. The substantial amount of process
per oxide–manganese oxide.30 The average catalyst lifetime is control required to operate a catalytic oxidizer is illustrated
2–5 years, after which deactivation by inhibitors, blinding by in Figure 8.40.
particle entrainment, and thermal aging can render the cata- Design criteria for catalytic oxidation systems can be sum-
lyst ineffective thus requiring regeneration or replacement. marized as follows:
Catalytic materials may be inserted into the combustion unit
in either a monolithic or beaded configuration. • Influent airflow rate
Because of its sensitivity to VOC-laden airstreams and • Influent VOC concentrations
process operating characteristics, the catalyst dictates the • Influent VOC composition
optimum operating conditions for a catalytic oxidation sys- • Operating temperature
tem (Figure 8.39). There is an inverse relationship between • Catalyst properties
destruction efficiency and process flow rates. The higher the • Space velocity and retention time
destruction efficiency desired, the lower the flow rate that can • Oxygen present in the combustion chamber
be processed. Higher flow rates require the installation of • Presence of impurities and poisoning compounds
multiple catalysts. • Type of heat exchanger
Catalytic oxidation systems are not effective in streams • Availability of energy source (electricity vs. supple-
containing lead, arsenic, sulfur, silicone, phosphorus, bis- mental fuel)
muth, antimony, mercury, iron oxide, tin, zinc, and other cata-
lyst deactivators. These compounds have a tendency to mask Adsorption
or poison the catalyst’s cell structure. When this occurs, the Adsorption refers to the process where gaseous VOC mol-
catalyst’s ability to drive the combustion reaction decreases, ecules contact a solid adsorbent and bond via weak intermo-
thus requiring more energy (supplemental fuel or electricity) lecular forces. Granular activated carbon is the most common
to promote complete combustion. Masking of the catalyst adsorbent in use today for VOC removal mostly owing to the
may also cause airflow restrictions whereby more horsepower relatively large available surface area of the granules. Other
could be needed to push the air through the system. In order adsorbents include silica gel, alumina, synthetic media, and
to prolong the lifetime of the catalyst, it has to be cleaned specialized resins. Activated carbon is derived from wood,
periodically to remove deactivators and particulates. coal, or other carbonaceous raw materials such as coconut
Catalytic oxidation systems are typically applied to low- shells. Granular activated carbon prepared from coconut
VOC-concentration streams (<2000 parts per million by vol- shells can be prepared in large particle sizes necessary to help
ume), since high VOC concentrations and associated high heat minimize pressure drop and is extremely hard, which leads to
contents can generate enough heat of combustion to thermally low attrition even under rough handling and high gas velocity
decompose the catalyst. Dilution air may be required when conditions.
the influent VOC concentrations are high. The temperature The adsorption of VOCs on the micropore surfaces of
and pressure across the catalyst bed should be monitored to carbon is mainly a physical process involving van der Waals
ensure catalyst viability. The temperature rise across the cata- type forces. Since these interactions are weak, the VOC is
lyst indicates the extent of VOC oxidation; a decrease in the in dynamic equilibrium with the carbon surface and is being
temperature rise across the catalyst may indicate that VOC constantly adsorbed and desorbed. This adsorption/desorption
oxidation is incomplete. Since excessive heat can deactivate process causes the VOC to be retained in the carbon pore
most catalysts, the inlet temperature to the catalyst bed must structure. The more the VOC is “like” the carbon surface,
be kept sufficiently low to preserve catalyst activity. Similarly, the stronger it will interact with the surface. For example,
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 441

Vapor source

Dilution inlet valve Fresh air

Purge air E

115 VAC


115 VAC

Soil vent system Combustible gas

blower sensors
Blocking Alarm
valve controller
Flame area
Effluent air

Bypass damper Heat exchanger


Post cat.
Hi limit sensor MT

Catalyst Heater controls


Hi limit sensor

Process/Lo limit sensor

230 VAC, 1φ or 3φ

T Thermocouple

S P Airflow monitored by P pressure sensor

MT Monitoring thermocouple Process stream

Catalytic scavenger
system Power
MP Monitoring port
Control signal
E ASVA automated safety
Electrically actuated valve valve assembly Connection to
Manually actuated valve

FIGURE 8.40  Catalytic oxidizer piping and instrumentation diagram.

molecules consisting mainly of aromatic or aliphatic moieties bed is a continuous process but for convenience of presenta-
will adsorb more strongly than oxygenated molecules. tion can be envisioned as taking place in layers. Thus, one can
Vapor-phase granular activated carbon is generally used envision that when a contaminant stream passes through the
in a fixed bed, and the contaminated air is passed through the bed, some contaminant is removed by layer “a” at the entrance
adsorbent bed. The adsorption of VOCs from air by a carbon of the bed, leaving a lower contaminant level in the stream
442 Remediation Engineering

to contact the next layer “b.” Layer “b” then in turn removes capacity of the bed. Small quantities of moisture actually
more of the contaminant. The reduction of contaminant level enhance the adsorption process, as the heat of adsorption
as the stream contacts further layers of unused carbon con- is carried with the moisture. However, relative humidi-
tinues until finally layer “z” is reached. The layers of “a” to ties in excess of 50% tend to lessen the effectiveness of the
“z” are known as the adsorption zone or the mass transfer bed. Moisture knockout systems or in-line heaters installed
zone (MTZ). As the flow continues, the MTZ progressively upstream of the bed will help to alleviate this problem.
advances and propagates until breakthrough occurs. The fol- Moisture content plays an important role when treating efflu-
lowing factors play important roles in adsorption dynamics ent airstreams of an air stripper. Polymeric adsorbent resins
and the length and shape of MTZ: that are significantly more hydrophobic than carbon have
shown to be able to adsorb at least 10 times more VOC mass
• Type, size, and macro- and micropore surface area than activated carbon.
of the carbon When using activated carbon for air treatment, the spent
• Depth of the adsorbent bed and empty bed contact carbon must be replaced or regenerated. If the replacement
time option is chosen, as soon as the carbon is spent, it is removed
• Gas velocity and sent to an off-site reprocessing facility to be regenerated.
• Temperature of the influent airstream This option is preferred when the total mass of VOCs to be
• Concentration of contaminants to be removed removed during the life of the project is not high.
• Moisture content and relative humidity When the contaminant mass to be removed is high, fixed
• Pressure of the system regenerative beds should be considered. On-site regenera-
• Vapor pressure of the contaminants to be adsorbed tive beds consist of two or more beds of activated carbon.
• Possible decomposition or polymerization on the Continuous operation of the system is maintained by the con-
carbon surface current adsorption in at least one bed and desorption by the
other beds. A schematic diagram of a fixed regenerative car-
Adsorption decreases with increasing temperature. Because bon bed is shown in Figure 8.41.
the equilibrium capacity of adsorbents is lower at higher tem- Desorption of the carbon bed refers to the process or regen-
peratures, the dynamic or breakthrough capacity will also be erating the carbon to restore its adsorbing capabilities and
lower, and the MTZ proportionately changes with tempera- preserve its useful life (usually 2–5 years). The desorption pro-
ture. It should be also noted that the adsorption process is cess normally lasts 1–2 h and consists of the following three
exothermic and involves the liberation of from 2 to 5 kcal/mol steps: regeneration of the carbon, bed drying, and returning
of heat. As the adsorption front moves through the bed, a tem- the bed to its operating temperature. Carbon regeneration is
perature front also proceeds in the same direction, and some accomplished by volatilizing the adsorbed compounds either
of the heat is imparted to the gas stream. When the gas leaves by raising the temperature of the carbon bed via steam (steam
the adsorption front, the heat exchange will reverse and the desorption) or lowering the temperature in the bed to vacuum
gas will impart heat to the bed. This increase in temperature conditions to increase the vapor pressure of the adsorbed
in downgradient zones in the bed decreases the capacity in VOCs (vacuum desorption). The adsorption time of each bed
that zone. As a result, the maximum inlet concentration to a is dependent on the influent mass flux rate and is usually final-
carbon bed should be limited to less than 10,000 ppmv. ized during the installation and start-up period. The automatic
The relative humidity and the moisture content of the influ- cycling of beds between adsorption and desorption modes is
ent stream also have a significant impact on the adsorption controlled by an onboard programmable logic controller.

Influent stream



Exhaust to atmosphere

FIGURE 8.41  Schematic diagram of a fixed regenerative bed carbon adsorber.

Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 443

When chlorinated organic compounds are present, HCl Treated effuent air stream
may be produced during steam regeneration of the carbon
beds. Accumulation of HCl in the beds may corrode the
container and require periodic replacement. Under such cir- Influent air stream Condenser Condensed VOCs
cumstances, use of a container that has a corrosion-resistive
internal surface such as Teflon or Haztalloy should be used. Coolant
Another method of overcoming the same concern is to use
heated nitrogen as a carrier gas under vacuum desorption con- Refrigeration unit
ditions. Nitrogen also helps in maintaining an inert environ-
ment in the bed. The nitrogen containing all the purged VOCs
FIGURE 8.42  Schematic diagram of a refrigerated condenser.
is condensed, and the VOCs are separated as a liquid before
reusing the nitrogen gas.
When the influent airstream flow rates are small and the can be effective down to temperatures as low as −320°F.
total VOC mass is less, smaller-sized carbon canisters that are Figure 8.42 is a schematic diagram of a typical condensation
usually of 55 gal in volume and contain approximately 200 lb system.
of carbon can be used. Once the carbon becomes saturated, This technology is energy intensive and may be cost pro-
these canisters are disposed and replaced with a new canister. hibitive under most situations. This technology should be
Carbon adsorption is not effective for controlling highly considered for compounds not amenable to other abatement
volatile VOCs (such as vinyl chloride), which do not adsorb technologies or where chemical condensate can be sold to
well. Similarly, highly nonvolatile VOCs (compounds with recover operating costs.
very high molecular weight) that do not desorb well are also Design criteria for condensation systems are as follows:
not good candidates for removal by carbon adsorption.
Design criteria for carbon adsorption systems can be sum- • Influent airflow rate
marized as follows: • Stream composition
• Required condensation temperature
• Influent airflow rate • Mixture dew point
• Influent VOC concentrations • Moisture content in influent stream
• Influent VOC composition
• Adsorption capacity  Cost Considerations
• Influent air temperature Capital and annualized costs of vapor treatment technolo-
• Influent air moisture content and relative humidity gies are fundamental to the selection of a specific technology.
• Adsorption equilibria related to waste mix Clearly, a treatment technology that proves to be overwhelm-
ingly expensive for the amount of VOCs to be treated will be Condensation eliminated early in an equipment selection process.
Condensation is the process of removing VOCs from a non- As fundamental as costs are to equipment selection, they
condensable gas stream. Condensation can occur by lowering are also very unit specific, because of their dependence on
the gas stream temperature at constant pressure or increasing unique stream characteristics such as flow rate, VOCs com-
the gas stream pressure at constant temperature (or a combi- position and concentration, and operating temperature. It is
nation of both).31 presumptuous to conclude that a cost estimate for a particular
There are two popular types of condensers: surface and treatment technology based on a specific set of operating con-
direct contact. Surface condensers are generally shell and ditions can be applied universally to every other possible set
tube heat exchangers where coolant flows inside the tubes of operating conditions.
to condense the VOCs in the gas stream flowing outside the Another important aspect to consider during design of
tubes. Contact condensers operate by spraying a cool liquid a subsurface remediation system is the expected decline of
directly into a gas stream to cool it and condense the VOCs. VOC concentration in the airstream during the life of the proj-
In both types of condensers, the VOCs may be reused or dis- ect. A particular technology that may be very cost-effective
posed. Excessive influent moisture content will impact the during the initial, high-concentrations phase may not be cost-
process by ice formation. Removal of moisture prior to con- effective as the concentrations decline. A break-even analysis
densation may be required under those circumstances. should be performed by including the capital costs, operating
Coolants used to condense VOCs include chilled water, costs, and the impact on operating costs due to the decline of
brine solutions, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and cryogenic VOCs concentration in the airstream to be treated. An exam-
fluids.31 Chilled water is an effective coolant down to approxi- ple of such an analysis performed for three technologies for a
mately 45°F. Brine solutions are effective coolants down to specific stream is shown in Figure 8.51. The other technolo-
approximately −30°F. CFCs are effective coolants down gies were eliminated during the initial screening process.
to approximately −90°F. However, the production and use of Energy required to operate the systems is the major
most CFCs are expected to be eliminated by the year 2000. component contributing toward the annual operating costs.
Cryogenic fluids, mainly liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide, Availability of a specific energy source may have a significant
444 Remediation Engineering

impact on the operating cost. For example, propane may be Research shows that even minor differences in permeability
1.5 times more expensive than natural gas, and electricity may due to stratification can impact sparging effectiveness.38
be 3.5 times more expensive than natural gas. In addition to conventional air sparging, which is injec-
tion of air, as shown in Figure 8.43, many modifications of
the technique to overcome the geologic/hydrogeologic limita-
tions to the technology’s success will also be discussed in this
In situ air sparging is a remediation technique that has been chapter.
used successfully since about 1985, most commonly for the
remediation of VOCs dissolved in the groundwater, sorbed
8.2.1  Governing Phenomena
to the saturated zone soils, and trapped in soil pores of the
saturated zone. This technology is often used in conjunction In  situ air sparging is potentially applicable when volatile
with vacuum extraction systems (Figure 8.43) to remove the and/or aerobically biodegradable organic contaminants are
stripped contaminants and has broad appeal due to its pro- present in water-saturated zones, under relatively permeable
jected low costs relative to conventional approaches. conditions. The in  situ air sparging process can be defined
A typical air sparging system has one or more subsurface as injection of compressed air at controlled pressures and
points through which air is injected into the saturated zone. At volumes into water-saturated soils. The contaminant mass
the technology’s inception, it was commonly perceived that removal processes that occur during the operation of air
the injected air travels up through the saturated zone in the sparging systems include (1) in situ air stripping of dissolved
form of air bubbles34–36; however, it is more realistic that the VOCs, (2) volatilization of trapped and adsorbed phase con-
air travels in the form of continuous air channels.37–39 Air bub- tamination present below the water table and in the capillary
bles may form in highly conductive aquifers characterized by fringe, and (3) aerobic biodegradation of both dissolved and
gravel and cobbles, but most applications are in sandy aquifers adsorbed phase contaminants.
with hydraulic conductivities much less than 10 −1 cm/s, where It was found that during in situ air sparging of petroleum
formation of air channels is expected. The airflow paths will hydrocarbon sites, in the short term (weeks/months), stripping
be influenced by pressure and flow rate of the injected air and and volatilization account for much more removal of hydro-
depth of injection; however, structuring and stratification of carbons than does biodegradation.40 Biodegradation only
the saturated zone soils appear to be the predominant fac- becomes more significant for mass removal with long-term
tors.37–39 Significant channeling may result from relatively system operations. This phenomenon makes sense since the
subtle permeability changes, and the degree of channeling lower molecular weight compounds in a petroleum mixture
will increase as the size of the soil pore throats get smaller. are often the most volatile and would be removed early in

Pressure Ambient air inlet Discharge

gauge Pressure
Oil-free gauge
air Vapor
compressor Pressure
gauge treat-
Pressure Blower ment
regulator Pi
Land surface
Saturated zone Vapor
monitoring probes extraction Mounded water table
well/trench during operation
Unsaturated zone
monitoring probe
Static water level

Air channels
Hi Depth of injection
Hi Pi Injection pressure
Qi Injection flow rate
Zone of


FIGURE 8.43  Air sparging process schematic.

Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 445

the lifecycle of the system, whereas the longer chain, higher Practitioners relying solely on the Henry’s law constant as
molecular weight compounds are less likely to volatilize an indicator of the relative ease of contaminant removal may
and therefore rely on biodegradation mechanisms during air be disappointed by lack of results. Removal of COCs through
sparging. stripping is best described by a two-rate-limit model. The first
rate limit describes the rate of VOC migration across the stag-  In Situ Air Stripping nant water zone toward the air channel; determined by com-
Among the three contaminant removal mechanisms discussed pounds specific aqueous phase diffusion constants and the
earlier, in situ air stripping may be the dominant process for distance from the air channel. The second rate limit describes
some dissolved contaminants. Henry’s law constant provides the rate of VOC transfer across the aquifer/air channel inter-
a qualitative assessment of the potential removal efficiencies face, determined by the concentration difference between the
of dissolved VOCs during air sparging. Compounds such as aqueous phase and air channel, and the Henry’s law coeffi-
benzene, toluene, xylenes, ethylbenzene, TCE, and tetrachlo- cient. The two most influential chemical characteristics are
roethylene (PCE) have been considered to be very easily strip- the molecular weight and Henry’s law coefficient. Lower
pable. However, a basic assumption made in analyzing the air molecular weight favors migration toward the air channel and
stripping potential during air sparging is that Henry’s law higher Henry’s Law coefficients favor transfer from aqueous
applies to the volatile contaminants and that all the contami- phase to gaseous phase, as shown in Figure 8.44. Early stud-
nated water is in close communication with the injected air. ies indicate a high likelihood of success when the Henry’s law
In-depth evaluation of these assumptions exposes the short- constant is higher than 10 −5 atm m3/mol.41 As shown in Figure
comings and complexities of interphase mass transfer during 8.44, the Henry’s law constant for compounds like acetone
air sparging. and methyl ethyl ketone is higher than 10 −5, but air sparg-
First of all, Henry’s law is valid only when partition- ing has not been successful applied to these compounds. Case
ing of the dissolved contaminant mass has reached equi- studies for PCE and TCE removal via air sparging are well
librium at the air–water interface. However, the residence documented; however, MTBE has been a challenge to remove
time of air traveling in discrete channels may be too short from groundwater via stripping.42 This concept can also be
to achieve the equilibrium due to the high air velocities applied to SVE as contaminants move from soil pore water to
and short travel paths. Another issue is the validity of the the gas/water interface and change state.
assumption that the contaminant concentration at the air– It is likely that the density of air channels plays a sig-
water interface is the same as in the bulk water mass. Due nificant role in mass transfer efficiencies by minimizing the
to the removal of contaminants in the immediate vicinity distances required for a contaminant molecule to migrate
of the air channels, it is safe to assume that the contami- to the air channel. In addition, the density of air channels
nant concentration is going to be lower around and near air will also influence the interfacial surface area available for
channels than outside the channels. To replenish the mass mass transfer. The literature suggests that the air channels
lost from the water around the air channel, mass transfer by formed during air sparging mimic a “viscous fingering”
diffusion and convection must occur from water away from effect, and that two types of air channels are formed: large-
the air channel. scale channels and pore-scale channels.43 The formation of

Lines of equal spargeability


160 Inc
si ng CCl4
ctiv Freon
140 ene
Molecular weight (g/mol)

TCE 1,1,1-TCA

100 1,1-DCA
cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE
THF Benzene
Vinyl chloride
60 Chloroethane

1e–6 1e–5 1e–4 1e–3 1e–2 1e–1 1e+0
Henry’s law coefficient (atm m3/mol)

FIGURE 8.44  Two rate-limit model showing lines of equal spargeability based on both the molecular weight and Henry’s Law Coefficient.
446 Remediation Engineering

both types of channels enhances the channel density and the under aerobic conditions (e.g., benzene, toluene, acetone,
available interfacial surface area. vinyl chloride) and some are not (e.g., TCE and PCE).
It has been proposed that in situ air sparging also helps to Typical dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in uncon-
increase the rate of dissolution of the sorbed phase contami- taminated groundwater are less than 4.0 mg/L. Under anaer-
nation, and eventual stripping below the water table. This is obic conditions induced by the natural degradation of the
due to the enhanced dissolution caused by increased mixing contaminants, DO concentrations in groundwater are often
and the higher concentration gradient between the sorbed and less than 0.5 mg/L. DO levels can be raised by air sparging
dissolved phases under sparging conditions. up to 6–10 mg/L under equilibrium conditions.34,40,44 This
increase in the DO levels will contribute to enhanced rates of  Direct Volatilization aerobic biodegradation in the saturated zone. This method of
The primary mass removal mechanism for VOCs present in introducing oxygen for enhanced biodegradation rates is one
the saturated zone during pump and treat operations is resolu- of the inherent advantages of in  situ air sparging. However,
bilization into the aqueous phase and the eventual removal the oxygen transfer into the bulk water is a diffusion-limited
with the extracted groundwater. During in situ air sparging, process. The diffusion path lengths for transport of oxygen
direct volatilization of the sorbed and trapped contaminants through groundwater are defined by the distances between air
is enhanced in the zones where airflow takes place. Direct channels. Where channel spacing is large, diffusion alone is
volatilization of any compound is governed by its vapor not sufficient to transport adequate oxygen into all areas of the
pressure, and most VOCs are easily removed through vola- aquifer for enhanced aerobic biodegradation. The pore-scale
tilization. Figure 8.43 is a schematic of an air channel mov- channels formed and the induced mixing during air sparging
ing through an aquifer containing sorbed or trapped (NAPL) enhances the rate of oxygen transfer.43
contamination. In the regions where the soil is predominantly
air-saturated or the air channel is next to the zone of trapped 8.2.2  Applicability
contaminants, the process is similar to SVE or bioventing,
albeit in a microscopic scale.  Examples of Contaminant Applicability
Where significant levels of residual contamination of Contaminant type is a major variable affecting air sparging
VOCs or NAPLs are present in the saturated zone, direct design and contaminant mass removal rate. Based on the
volatilization into the vapor phase may become the dominant discussion in the previous section, Table 8.7 describes the
mechanism for mass removal in areas where air is flowing. applicability of air sparging for a few selected contaminants
This may explain the significant increase in VOC concentra- based on the properties of strippability, volatility, and aerobic
tions typically observed in the SVE effluents at many sites.40 biodegradability. In order for air sparging to be effective, the
VOCs must transfer from the groundwater into the injected Biodegradation air, and oxygen present in the injected air must transfer into
In most natural situations, aerobic biodegradation of biode- the groundwater to stimulate biodegradation.
gradable compounds in the saturated zone is rate limited by The criterion for defining contaminant strippability
the availability of oxygen. Biodegradability of any compound is based on the Henry’s law constant being greater than
under aerobic conditions is dependent on its chemical struc- 1  ×  10 −4  atm m3/mol, with consideration of the molecular
ture and environmental parameters such as pH and tempera- weight (Figure  8.45). In general, compounds with a vapor
ture. Some VOCs are considered to be easily biodegradable pressure greater than 0.5–1.0 mm Hg can be volatilized easily;

Examples of Contaminant Applicability for In Situ Air Sparging
Contaminant Molecular Weight Strippability Volatility Aerobic Biodegradabilitya
Benzene Low (MW = 78.11) High (H = 5.5 × 10−3) High (VP = 95.2) High (t1/2 = 240)
Toluene Low (MW = 92.14) High (H = 6.6 × 10−3) High (VP = 28.4) High (t1/2 = 168)
Xylenes Low (MW = 106.17) High (H = 5.1 × 10−3) High (VP = 6.6) High (t1/2 = 336)
Ethylbenzene Low (MW = 106.17) High (H = 8.7 × 10−3) High (VP = 9.5) High (t1/2 = 144)
TCE Moderate (MW = 131.4) High (H = 10.0 × 10−3) High (VP = 60) Very low (t1/2 = 7704)
PCE Moderate (MW = 165.82) High (H = 8.3 × 10−3) High (VP = 14.3) Very low (t1/2 = 8640)
Gasoline constituents Low High High High
Fuel oil constituents Moderate/high Low Very low Moderate

Note: MW, molecular weight (g/mol); H, Henry’s law constant (atm · m3/mol); VP, vapor pressure (mm Hg) at 20°C; t1/2, half-life
during aerobic biodegradation, hours.
a It should be noted that the half-lives can be very dependent on the site-specific subsurface environmental conditions.
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 447

100 Grade Grade

80 Stripping and volatilization

Impervious Highly permeable
Percent removal

layer layer


Contaminants Contaminants

Gasoline Mineral JP-4 Diesel No. 6
FIGURE 8.46  Potential situations for the enlargement of a con-
spriits fuel oil
taminant plume during air sparging.
Contaminant (increasing density)

FIGURE 8.45  Qualitative presentation of potential air sparging Under  laboratory conditions, injected air may accumulate
mass removal for petroleum compounds. below the low-permeability layers and travel in a horizontal
direction, thus potentially causing fugitive migration of con-
taminant-impacted vapors to uncontaminated areas (Figure
however, the degree of volatilization is also limited by the 8.45). High permeability layers may also cause the air to
flow rate of air. The half-lives presented in Table 8.7 are esti- preferentially travel laterally, again potentially causing an
mates in groundwater under natural conditions without any enlargement of the plume (Figure 8.46). Horizontal migration
enhancements to improve the rate of degradation. of injected air limits the volume of soils that can be treated
Many of the constituents present in heavier petroleum by direct volatilization due to the inability to capture the
products such as no. 6 fuel oil will not be amenable to either stripped contaminants. Horizontal migration can also cause
stripping or volatilization (Figure 8.45). Hence, the primary safety hazards if hydrocarbon vapors migrate into confined
mode of remediation, if successful, will be due to aerobic bio- spaces such as basements and utilities. Hence, homogeneous
degradation. Required air injection rates under such condi- geologic conditions are important for the success and safety
tions will be lower and influenced only by the requirement to of in situ air sparging.
introduce sufficient oxygen into the saturated zone. Both vertical permeability and the ratio of vertical to
Figure 8.45 qualitatively describes different mass removal horizontal permeability decrease with decreasing average
phenomena in a simplified version under optimum field con- particle size of the sediments in the saturated zone. The
ditions. The amount of mass removed by stripping and vola- reduction of vertical permeability is directly proportional
tilization have been grouped together, due to the difficulty to the effective porosity and average grain size of the sedi-
in separating them in a meaningful manner. However, the ments.45 Hence, based on the empirical information available,
emphasis should be placed on total mass removal, particularly it is recommended that the application of conventional in situ
of mobile volatile constituents, and closure of the site regard- air sparging be limited to saturated zone conditions where the
less of the mass transfer mechanisms. hydraulic conductivities are greater than 10 −3 cm/s.37,46  Geologic Considerations 8.2.3  Description of the Process

Successful implementation of in  situ air sparging is greatly
influenced by the ability to achieve significant air distribution  Air Injection into Water-Saturated Soils
within the target zone. Good vertical pneumatic conductiv- The ability to predict the performance of air sparging systems
ity is essential to avoid bypassing or channeling of injected is limited by the current understanding of airflow in the water-
air horizontally, away from the sparge point. It is not an easy saturated zone and limited performance data. There were two
task to evaluate the pneumatic conductivities in the horizontal schools of thought in the literature describing this phenom-
and vertical direction for every site considered for in situ air enon. The first and the widely accepted one describes that
sparging. the injected air travels in the vertical direction in the form of
Geologic characteristics of a site are very important when discreet air channels. The second school of thought describes
considering the applicability of in situ air sparging. The most injected air travels in the form of air bubbles. Airflow mecha-
important geologic characteristic is stratigraphic homogeneity nisms cannot be directly observed in the field. However, con-
or heterogeneity. Presence of low-permeability layers under clusions can be reached by circumstantial evidence collected
stratified geologic conditions will impede the vertical pas- at various sites and laboratory-scale visualization studies.
sage of injected air. Laboratory-scale studies38 illustrate the Sandbox model studies performed38,39 tend to favor the
impact of geologic characteristics on air channel distribution. “air channels” concept over the “air bubbles” concept.
448 Remediation Engineering

In  laboratory studies simulating sandy aquifers (grain sizes Air sparging well
Ground level
of 0.075–2 mm), stable air channels were established in the
medium at low injection rates. Under laboratory conditions
Mound disappears The mound at the beginning
simulating coarse gravels (grain sizes of 2 mm or larger), the at steady state of the collapse phase
injected air rose in the form of bubbles. At high air injection Water level
rates in sandy, shallow, water-table aquifers, the possibility for
fluidization (loss of soil cohesion) around the point of injec-
tion exists37,39 and thus the loss of control of the injected air
may occur. Beginning of
collapse phase  Mounding of Water Table
When air is injected into the saturated zone, groundwater Extent of
must necessarily be displaced. The displacement of ground- steady state phase
Air channel
water is a pressure response that has both a vertical and lat-
eral component. The vertical component will cause a local
rise in the water table, sometimes called water table mound- FIGURE 8.48  The second transient behavior before reaching
steady state during air sparging.
ing. Mounding has been used by some as an indicator of
the “radius-of-influence” of the sparge well during the early
stages of development of this technology.34,35,44,47,48 The mag- through to the vadose zone, the region of airflow in the satu-
nitude of mounding depends on site conditions (e.g., aquifer rated zone begins to collapse or shrink. During this second
hydraulic conductivity, depth of sparge well below the water transient phase of behavior, the preferred pathways of higher
table, air injection rate) and the location of the observation air permeability from the point of injection to the vadose
wells relative to the sparge well. Mounding can vary from a zone are established. The air distribution zone shrinks until
negligible amount to several feet in magnitude. the rate of air leakage to the vadose zone equals the rate of
Simulations of the flow of air and water around an air air injection. During this collapse phase, mounding near
sparging well were performed with a multiphase, multi- the sparge well dissipates. When steady-state conditions are
component simulator (TETRAD) originally developed for reached, little or no mounding exists. This behavioral pattern
the study of problems encountered during exploitation of has also been observed in the field37,48,50 (Figure 8.49). This
petroleum and geothermal resources.49,50 The simulations behavior reflects the building and decay of the groundwater
were performed by defining two primary phases of transient mound at a sparging location.
behavior that lead to a steady-state flow pattern (Figures 8.47 The transience of groundwater mounding at most sites has
and 8.48). The first phase is characterized by an expansion important implications for the risk of lateral movement of the
in the region of airflow (Figure 8.48). During this phase, the contaminant plume. Because the water table returns close to
rate of air injection into the saturated zone exceeds the rate its presparging position during continuous air injection, the
of airflow out of the saturated zone into the vadose zone. It driving force for lateral movement of groundwater caused by
is during this transient expansion phase that groundwater air injection becomes very small. Once the well is at a steady-
mounding first develops and reaches its highest level, where state condition (water table comes to equilibrium), there is no
it extends from near the injection well to beyond the region additional, outward radial movement of water. From a math-
of airflow in the saturated zone. When injected air breaks ematical perspective, consider a single air sparge well with
a 10 ft radius of influence in a sand aquifer and assume 10%
Air sparging well
Ground level

Early stages Later stages

of the mound of the mound
Height of the mound (in.)

Water level

Later stages of the

expansion phase

Early stages of the

expansion phase
Air channel Time of sparging (h)

FIGURE 8.47  The first transient behavior after initiation of air FIGURE 8.49  Appearance and disappearance of groundwater
injection into the saturated zone. mound during in situ air sparging.
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 449

of the aquifer pore space is displaced by air channels. The increased airflow rates, since higher volumes of air occupy
actual radial distance groundwater is required to move can be an increased number of air channels. Assuming that the air
calculated by channels are cylindrical in shape and that the number of
channels and air velocity in the channel remains the same
V = pr 2hn (8.30) even for a change in airflow rate, the interfacial surface area
will be increased by a ratio (Q final/Qinitial)0.5, where Q is the
where airflow rate.
V is the volume of water in the aquifer Air distribution near the air sparge well is based on the
r is the air sparge well radius of influence pressure gradient from the injection of air, driving air move-
h is the hydrostatic head above air sparge well screen = ment laterally. As the pressure gradient dissipates, buoyancy
hydro effects take over driving the air upward only. Further lat-
n is the soil porosity eral movement is driven solely by the geology and the path
of least resistance to the vadose zone. At some height above
1.10V the air sparge well screen, additional increase in ROI as the
rnew = (8.31)
phn air moves upward should not be expected. It is reported in
some literature that, at low sparge pressures, air travels 1–2 ft
where rnew is the radius required to accommodate new volume horizontally for every foot of vertical travel.34 However, it
of air/water. should be noted that this correlation was not widely observed.
Substituting Equation 8.30 and reducing terms, we get It was also reported that as the sparge pressure is increased,
the degree of horizontal travel increases.35,41,49 Field observa-
rnew = 1.10r 2 (8.32) tions have indicated that airflow channels extend 10–40 ft
away from the air injection point, independent of flow rate
The final radius (rnew) is 10.5 ft, meaning that the radial move- and depth of sparge point.40,45,49
ment of groundwater attributable to the air sparge well is only
6 in., giving an idea of the scale of the risk of “spreading” of  Groundwater Mixing
the plume during air sparging. Mixing of groundwater during air sparing is an important
An important aspect of groundwater mounding is that it mechanism to overcome the diffusional limitation for con-
is not a direct indicator of the physical presence of air in the taminant mass transfer and provide adequate oxygen transport
saturated zone. Water table mounding at a given place and into the aquifer. Groundwater mixing during air sparging may
time may or may not be associated with the movement of air significantly reduce the diffusion limitation for mass transfer
in the saturated zone at the same location. Some mounding without generating any changes in the bulk groundwater flow.
will occur beyond the region of airflow in the saturated zone. It has been shown that non-steady-state mixing mechanisms
Additionally, a transient pressure increase without water table induced in opposite directions at different times as a result
mounding commonly occurs beyond the limits of airflow, of pulsed sparging operations will enhance the mass removal
especially where airflow is partially confined. Because of its efficiencies.41,48
transient nature and the fact that the water table is displaced There are many possible mechanisms for groundwater
ahead of injected air, water table mounding can be a mislead- mixing during air sparging.41 Several possible mechanisms
ing and overly optimistic indicator of the distribution of air- are as follows:
flow within the saturated zone.
• Physical displacement by injected air  Distribution of Airflow Pathways • Capillary interaction of air and water
It is often envisioned that airflow pathways developed during • Frictional drag by flowing air
air sparging form an inverted cone with the point of injec- • Water flow in response to evaporative loss
tion being the apex. This would be true only if soils were • Thermal convection
perfectly homogeneous or comprised of coarse-grained sedi- • Migration of fines
ments, and the injected airflow rate was low. During labo-
ratory experiments using homogeneous media with uniform Groundwater is physically displaced by air as it moves
grain sizes, symmetrical airflow patterns about the vertical through the saturated zone soil during sparging. This pro-
axis were observed.38 However, media simulating mesoscale cess occurs during nonsteady-state airflow conditions, where
heterogeneities yielded nonsymmetrical airflow patterns.38 the percentage of air saturation changes with time until
The asymmetry apparently resulted from minor variations the formation of spatially fixed air channels. The amount
in the permeability and capillary air entry resistance, which of mixing due to this physical displacement is dependent
resulted from pore-scale heterogeneity. Hence, under natural upon the amount of groundwater displaced and the duration
conditions, it is realistic to expect that symmetric air distribu- of nonsteady-state flow conditions. The rate of water dis-
tion will never occur. placement is permeability limited and, therefore, the dura-
These same experiments also indicated that the channel tion of these effects is generally greater in low-permeability
density and thus the interfacial surface area increased with soils. The process will take place over both microscopic
450 Remediation Engineering

distances  (inches) and site-scale distances. Pulsed sparg- remediation technique, to design a full-scale air sparging sys-
ing will frequently create nonsteady-state conditions and tem consisting of multiple points. This estimation becomes
enhance groundwater mixing.41 an important parameter for the design engineer to determine
the number of required sparge points. The zone of influence
should be limited to describing an approximate indication of
8.2.4  System Design Parameters
the average distance traveled by air channels from the sparge
In the absence of readily available and reliable models for the point in the radial directions, under controlled conditions.
in situ air sparging process, empirical approaches are used in As noted earlier during a numerical simulation study on air
the system design process. The parameters that are of signifi- sparging,49 three phases of behavior were predicted following
cant importance in designing an in situ air sparging system initiation of air injection (Figures 8.47 and 8.48). These are
are listed: (1) an expansion phase in which the vertical and lateral limits
of airflow grow in a transient manner, (2) a second transient
• Air distribution (zone of influence) period of reduction in the lateral limits (collapse phase), and
• Depth of air injection (3) a steady-state phase, during which the system remains
• Air injection pressure and flow rate static as long as injection parameters do not change. The zone
• Injection mode (pulsing or continuous) of influence of air sparging was found to reach a roughly coni-
• Injection well construction cal shape during the steady-state phase.
• Contaminant type and distribution Based on the inverted cone airflow distribution model,
many air sparging system designs are performed based on the  Air Distribution (Zone of Influence) zone of influence measured during a field design test. When
During the design of air sparging systems, it may be very dif- a hot spot or source area is under consideration for cleanup, it
ficult to define a radius of influence in the same manner it is prudent to design the air sparging system in a grid fashion
is used in pump and treat and/or soil venting systems. Due (Figure 8.51). The grid should be designed with overlapping
to the asymmetric nature of the air channel distribution and zones of influence that provide complete coverage of the area
the variability in the density of channels, it is safer to assume under consideration for remediation. If an air sparging curtain
a “zone of influence” rather than a radius of influence37,39,51 is designed to contain the migration of dissolved contami-
(Figure 8.50). nants, the curtain should be designed with overlapping zones
It becomes necessary to estimate the “zone of influence” of influence in a direction perpendicular to the direction of
of an air sparging point, similar to any other subsurface groundwater flow.

(a) (b)

Subtle geologic Subtle geologic

changes changes
(c) (d)

FIGURE 8.50  Zones of influence under various operating conditions. (a) Homogeneous geology, low airflow, (b) homogeneous geology,
moderate to high airflow, (c) heterogeneous geology, low airflow, and (d) heterogeneous geology, moderate airflow.
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 451

Direction of These parameters should be measured in the moni-

groundwater flow toring well itself by using field probes. Oxygen
Source area transfer could take place during sample collection
and handling and may bias the results of the analy-
sis. This concept lost its value when it was realized
Contaminant that the injected air travels in the form of channels
plume rather than bubbles. Increases in DO levels in the
bulk water due to diffusion-limited transport of
oxygen will be noticeable only during a long-term
pilot study. In most cases, the increased DO levels
Air sparging points observed during short-duration pilot tests were due
with overlapping zones to the air channels directly entering the monitoring
of influence
wells and not due to overall changes in DO levels
in the aquifer and therefore may also depend on the
FIGURE 8.51  Air sparging point locations in a source area and in density of both air channels in the subsurface and the
a curtain configuration.
monitoring well network.
• Measurement of soil gas pressures
A properly designed pilot test can provide valuable infor- This technique involves the measurement of any
mation. The limitations of time and money often restrict field increase in the soil gas pressure above the water table
evaluations to short-duration single-well tests. Potential mea- due to the escape of the injected air into the vadose
suring techniques (Figure 8.52) of the zone of influence have zone. The escaped air will quickly equilibrate in the
evolved with this technology: vadose zone and may spread over a larger area than
the zone of air distribution in the vadose zone. As a
• Measurement of the lateral extent of groundwater result, during the combined operation of soil vent-
mounding in monitoring wells34,35,46,48 ing and air sparging, measurement of this parameter
This was the earliest technique used during the very may be totally misleading.
early days of implementation of this technology. • Increase in head space pressure within sealed satu-
However, it did not take long to realize that the lat- rated zone monitoring probes (piezometers) that are
eral extent of the mound is only a reflection of the perforated below the water table only
amount of water displaced and does not necessarily This technique is widely used and currently con-
correspond to the zone of air distribution. sidered to be the most reliable in terms of detecting
• Measurement of the increase in DO levels and the presence of air pathways at a specific distance
redox potentials in comparison to presparging in the saturated zone. When an air channel enters a
conditions35,36,47,52–55 monitoring probe via the submerged screen, the head

Monitoring well points

MW-A MW-B MW-D MW-E Land surface

∆h3 ∆h4 Static water level
∆p3 ∆p4
∆p1 ∆h = 0 ∆h = 0
∆DO1 ∆p = 0 ∆p = 0
∆DO = 0 ∆DO = 0
Air channels
∆h Change in water-level
∆p Change in pressure
sparging point ∆DO Change in DO levels

FIGURE 8.52  Air sparging test measurements.

452 Remediation Engineering

space pressure could increase up to the hydrostatic TDR is a well-established and accurate means to
pressure at the point of entry. However, the tech- measure the moisture content of soils and has been
nique depends on the density of air channels being widely used in the agricultural industry. When
enough to ensure intersection with a monitoring well injected air travels within the zone of influence, mois-
and actual distribution of air channels may extend ture content will decrease due to the displacement of
beyond the furthest monitoring probe. water. TDR data, collected from probes placed in the
• The use and detection of insoluble tracer gases, aquifer, can accurately reflect the changes in mois-
such as helium and sulfur hexafluoride37,51,55 ture content.
Initial monitoring of the tracer gas in the vadose • Neutron probe technique to measure the changes in
zone is typically performed while the SVE system is water saturation57
off. The potential to balance the mass of the injected This technique utilizes a neutron probe to measure
tracer and the amount of recovered tracer raises the changes in water saturation (thus air saturation)
level of confidence in the estimation of the capture below the water table during air sparging. The neu-
rate of injected air. The use of sulfur hexafluoride tron probe detects the hydrogen in water and thus
as a tracer gas has the advantage due to its solubility translates into a “water” saturation value. The water
being similar to that of oxygen. Hence, the detection saturation values can be converted to air saturation
of sulfur hexafluoride in bulk water will be an indi- values. The neutron probe can also detect the hydro-
cator for the diffusional transport of oxygen. This gen in petroleum hydrocarbons and hence can bias
technique will also provide information on vapor the “fluid” saturation values.
flow paths and vapor recovery efficiencies during air • The actual reduction in contaminant levels due to
sparging. sparging
• Measurement of the electrical resistivity changes in This evaluation gives an indication of the extent of
the target zone of influence as a result of the changes the zone of influence in terms of contaminant mass
in water saturation due to the injection of air (elec- removal, but the test has to be run long enough to
trical resistivity tomography [ERT] method)56 collect reliable data.
Tomography is a method of compiling large amounts
of 1D information in such a way as to produce a 3D Since cost and budgetary limitations influence how a field
image (CAT scans, MRIs, and holograms make use design test is performed, availability of resources will deter-
of tomography). ERT is a process in which a 3D mine the type of method used. The most reliable method is
depiction of air saturation within the saturated zone the one that measures the changes in electrical resistivity due
is generated by measuring the electrical resistance of to changes in air/water saturation. The most cost-effective
the soil between electrodes placed at various loca- method is the one that determines the head space pressure
tions on wells during installation. Other tomographic within the saturated zone probes.
methods include vertical induction profiling (VIP)
and geophysical diffraction tomography (GDT).  Depth of Air Injection
VIP is similar to ERT, except that ERT uses Among all the design parameters, the depth of air injection
a direct current (DC) potential while VIP uses a may be the easiest to determine, since the choice is very much
500  Hz alternating current (AC). The use of AC influenced by the contaminant distribution. It is prudent to
makes it possible to detect electrical field strength by choose the depth of injection at least a few feet deeper than the
induction, so existing PVC wells can be used without “deepest known point” of contamination. However, in real-
the requirement for subsurface electrode installation. ity, the depth of injection is often influenced by soil struc-
GDT is another 3D subsurface imaging technology turing and extent of stratigraphic layering, since injection
that could be used to characterize air movement below low-permeability zones should be avoided. The major-
through the subsurface during air sparging. GDT is ity of industry experience is based on injection depths of less
a high-resolution acoustic technique that provides than 30–60 ft below the water table, although the author has
quantitative subsurface imaging by measuring varia- knowledge of applications at depths of 90 ft.34,40,55 The depth
tions in acoustic velocity between various locations of injection will influence the injection pressure, flow rate, and
on the ground surface and depths in monitoring materials of construction where deep air sparging is required.
ERT may be the most reliable method among all  Air Injection Pressure and Flow Rate
the techniques discussed in this section. The high Injected air will penetrate the aquifer only when the air pres-
drilling costs, associated with installing large num- sure exceeds the sum of the water column’s hydrostatic pres-
bers of electrodes in the subsurface, preclude it from sure and the threshold capillary pressure, or the air entry
being used widely. pressure. The air entry pressure is equal to the minimum
• Measurement of moisture content changes within capillary entry resistance for the air to flow into the porous
the target zone of influence using time-domain medium. Capillary entry resistance is inversely proportional
reflectometry (TDR) technique to the average diameter of the grains and porosity.45,49
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 453

The injection pressure necessary to initiate in  situ air permeability. Whether this effect is measurable at most field
sparging must be able to overcome the following: sites is questionable. This potentially negative factor could be
overcome by pulsing the air injection and thus minimizing
1. The hydrostatic pressure of the overlying water col- the decrease in relative permeability due to changes in water
umn at the point of injection. saturation.
2. The capillary entry resistance to displace the pore An additional benefit of pulsing is increased mixing of
water; this depends on the type of sediments in the groundwater resulting from air channels formation and col-
subsurface. lapse during each pulse cycle. This should also help to reduce
the diffusional rate limitation for the transport of contami-
The capillary pressure can be quantitatively described,49 nants in the bulk water phase toward the air channels, due
under idealized conditions, by the following equation: to the cyclical displacement of water during pulsed air injec-
tion. As noted earlier, the expansion phase during air sparging
2s (Figures 4.5 and 4.6) appears to have a greater zone of influ-
Pc = (8.33)
r ence than under the steady-state conditions; therefore, pulsing
may improve the efficiency of air sparging by creating cycli-
where cal expansion and collapse of the zone of influence.
Pc is the capillary pressure Pulsing has also been shown to benefit the removal of
s is the surface tension between air and water LNAPL, such as would be encountered at hydrocarbon-
r is the mean radius of curvature of the interface between impacted sites.58 Pulse cycles for any given well are typically
fluids on the order of an hour on and a few hours off, depending on
the number of zones included in the operational cycle. This
This equation reveals that as r decreases, the capillary means that the water table mounding and dissipation could
pressure increases. Generally, r will decrease as grain size occur multiple times a day. Where LNAPL or highly satu-
decreases. Therefore, the required pressure to overcome cap- rated soil is present, the movement of the water table through
illary resistance increases with decreasing sediment size. that zone brings oxygen in to the zone encouraging biodegra-
The pressure of injection (Pi) in feet of water could be dation. Potential vertical “spreading” of NAPL upward may
defined as also be a benefit, as the mass becomes more accessible to SVE
processes in the vadose zone.
Pi = Hi + Pa + Pd (8.34) While these are described as benefits, air sparging is not
advised for heavily impacted sites, where multiple feet of
where LNAPL can be measured. Generally speaking, multiphase
Hi is the saturated zone thickness above the sparge point extraction or SVE can be used to remove the majority of
(feet of water) volatile compounds from the vadose zone and minimize the
Pa is the air entry pressure of formation (feet of water) thickness of LNAPL at a site prior to the air sparging sys-
Pd is the air entry pressure for the screen and packing tem is initiated and used to enhance removal of the remaining
inches or feet of measurable NAPL, the residual saturation,
The air entry pressure for a formation is heavily dependent and dissolved-phase groundwater impacts.
on the type of geology. In reality, the air entry pressure will Pulsing of air sparge wells is also more cost-effective than
be higher for fine-grained (1–10 ft of water column pressure) a continuous operational mode. Consider a site where 20 air
than coarse-grained media (1–10 in. of water column pres- sparge wells are required to cover the area of impacts. The
sure). When Hi is significantly greater than Pa and Pd com- well spacing is set based on a flow rate required to achieve the
bined, it is likely that air will enter the formation primarily radius of influence, and the design well pressure set based on
near the top of the injection screen. the requirement to achieve that flow rate. If all wells are oper-
The typical values of injected airflow rates reported in ated continuously at 5 cfm, the total system must be designed
the literature range from 1 to 15 cfm per injection well.37,46 to achieve 100 cfm. If the site is split in to 5 zones and only 4
Injection airflow determinations are also influenced by the wells are operated at a given time, requiring only 20 cfm. This
ability to recover the stripped contaminant vapors through results in not only a reduction in capital cost for the purchase
a vapor extraction system, thus containing the injected air of the compressor, but a larger cost reduction is achieved
within a controlled air distribution zone. through the energy savings due to the reduction in horse-
power. Other reductions can be realized, such as a smaller  Injection Mode (Pulsing and Continuous) SVE system required to collect and treat the contaminated
Direct and speculative information available in the literature vapor stream, and a smaller building (or container) footprint
indicates that the presence of air channels can impede but does required for the treatment system.
not stop the flow of water across the sparging zone of influ-
ence. The natural groundwater flow through a sparged zone  Injection Well Construction
of an aquifer will be slowed and diverted by the air channels Injection wells must be designed to accomplish the desired
due to changes in water saturation and thus relative hydraulic distribution of airflow in the formation. Conventional design
454 Remediation Engineering

Casing Grade




Bentonite plug Sand Sparge screen (1–2 ft)


Filter Sand
(a) (b)



FIGURE 8.53  (a–c) Schematic showing conventional design of an air sparging point for shallower applications.

of an air sparging well is shown in Figure 8.53. Schedule 40  Contaminant Type and Distribution
or 80 PVC (polyvinyl chloride) piping and screens in various Volatile and strippable compounds will be most amenable
diameters can be used for the well construction. In both con- to air sparging, though it is anticipated that nonvolatile, but
figurations, the sparge point should be installed by drilling a aerobically biodegradable compounds can also be addressed
well to ensure an adequate seal to prevent short-circuiting of by this technique. There is no limit on the dissolved concen-
the injected air up the well bore. trations of contaminants treatable by air sparging. For air
Injection well diameters are relatively small diameter due sparging to be effective, the air saturation percentage and the
to the relative ease of injecting air (as opposed to water) and radius and density of air channels are important factors for
are usually 1–2 in. However, as the diameter of the well is mass transfer efficiencies of both contaminants and oxygen.
reduced, the pressure drop due to the flow-through piping The rates of stripping and biodegradation are both limited by
increases and may become significant, especially at deeper diffusion through water. It is not possible to optimize them
depths. separately.55
The well screen location and length should be chosen
to maximize the flow of injected air through the zone of
8.2.5  Pilot Testing
contamination. At typical injection flow rates, most of the
air will escape through the top few inches of the screen. At times, small full-scale air sparging systems are installed
A 10-slot PVC screen is normally used for air sparging without site-specific pilot study data, relying prior experience
applications. or rules of thumb to design the well spacing and placement
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 455

(such as an assumed vertical to horizontal ratio for develop-

ment of a radius of influence). A pilot test is always recom- TABLE 8.8
mended for sites with questionable geology or contaminants Evaluation of Site-Specific Parameters as a Preliminary
to reduce the risk of poor full-scale performance. The pilot Screening Tool
study could be most appropriately defined as a field design
study, since the primary objective is to obtain site-specific Condition Conditions Impact
design information. Also, because vapor extraction is usu-
Saturated zone soil 10 cm/s
−3 Applicability, flow rate
ally a complimentary technology to in  situ air sparging,
permeability vs. pressure mass
simultaneous pilot testing of the integrated system is highly
(horizontal) removal efficiencies vs.
recommended. transport rate
Short-term pilot tests play a key role in the selection and Geologic stratification Sandy, gravelly Applicability, air
design of in situ air sparging systems. Most conventional pilot and anisotropy soils, homogenous distribution
tests are less than 24–48 h in duration and consist of monitor- Aquifer type Unconfined Recovery of injected air
ing changes in several of the following parameters: Depth of contamination Less than 40–50 ft Sparging depth (injection
below the water table pressure)
• Pressure buildup in sealed piezometers screened Type of contaminant High volatility, high Applicability—volatility/
below the water table strippability, high strippability/
• DO levels aerobic biodegradability
• Water levels in wells biodegradability
• Soil gas pressures Extent of Zero to minimal Applicability and mass
contamination separate phase removal efficiency
• Contaminant concentrations in soil gas
contamination (multiple sparge points)
• The presence and capture of tracer gases
Soil conditions above More than 5 ft of Ability to capture the
the water table vadose zone, stripped contamination
These parameters are assumed to be indicators of air sparging permeable soils by vapor extraction
feasibility and performance and are also used in the design Vapor flow paths
of full-scale systems. It is suggested that collection and com-
parison of as many parameters as possible will provide valu-
able insight on site-specific applicability of air sparging as a
remediation technique. soils. Care should be exercised not to apply overly
It is very important to perform a preliminary evaluation of high pressure that could fracture the formation.
the geologic and hydrogeologic conditions for the applicabil- • Injection flow rate: The injection flow rate should
ity of in situ air sparging prior to the pilot study. In addition, a be evaluated to achieve a targeted radius of influ-
thorough examination of the degree and extent of contamina- ence. The higher the conductivity of the formation,
tion should be performed. the higher the required flow rate to achieve a similar
Evaluating the site-specific parameters listed in Table 8.8 radius of influence. Typical injection flow rates are in
prior to designing a pilot test will enhance the quality of data the range of 1–15 cfm per injection point, depending
that would be collected. A typical equipment setup used for on the type of geology.
an air sparging pilot test is shown in Figure 8.43. The data that • Mass removal efficiency: Another key objective dur-
should be collected during the pilot study, to be used for the ing the field study should be to demonstrate the mass
design of a full-scale system, include the following engineer- removal efficiency of the in  situ air sparging pro-
ing parameters: cess. This can be accomplished by measuring the net
increase in contaminant levels in the effluent of the
• Zone of air distribution: For any subsurface reme- vapor extraction system after the initiation of the air
diation system, the zone of air distribution is the key sparging system. To evaluate the net increase in con-
design parameter, since it would determine the num- taminant levels in the effluent, the field test should
ber of injection points required. The zone of influ- be conducted as a sequential test in two phases. In
ence under various pressure and flow combinations the first phase, perform the vapor extraction test until
should be measured. Methods to measure the zone of 1.5–2 pore volumes are removed from the unsatu-
influence were described earlier. rated zone and the concentrations in the extracted air
• Injection air pressure: Injection air pressure is sig- reach pseudo-“steady-”state conditions, whereby an
nificantly influenced by the depth of injection and increase in concentrations due to air sparging can be
the subsurface geology. The required baseline pres- detected. Then initiate the air sparging during the
sure during the pilot test should be equal to or just second phase and monitor the contaminant levels in
above the value necessary to overcome the sparging the vapor extraction system airstream. An increase
depth (the hydrostatic head). The additional pressure in the contaminant level along with the duration
required to push air in to the formation (the air entry of this spike would indicate the short-term mass
pressure) is generally within 1–4 psi for spargeable removal efficiency due to air sparging (Figure 8.54).
456 Remediation Engineering

Dissolved, adsorbed,
and D-NAPL phase TABLE 8.9
In Situ Air Sparging System Monitoring Parameters
Contaminant concentration

Dissolved and In Situ Parameters Measurement

in the ves air stream

adsorbed phase Groundwater quality improvement Obtaining periodic groundwater

samples from monitoring wells after
shutting down air injection—primary
Dissolved measure of success
phase only Dissolved oxygen levels/ Field probes in the monitoring wells
temperature after shutting down air injection
Redox potential/pH Field probes in the monitoring wells
after shutting down air injection
Biodegradation by-products such Groundwater samples obtained with a
as CO2 flow-through cell
Soil gas concentrations FID, PID, explosimeter or field gas
FIGURE 8.54  Contaminant removal efficiencies during a pilot chromatograph or laboratory air
test. samples
Soil gas pressure/vacuum Pressure/vacuum gauge or manometer
The  second phase of the test should be continued Groundwater level Water level meter
until a decline in contaminant concentrations in System Operating Parameters Measurement
the effluent airstream is observed. If the dissolved
Injection well pressure Pressure gauge or manometer
contaminant concentrations within the zone of air Soil vapor extraction well vacuum Vacuum gauge or manometer
distribution are low, the vapor phase contaminant Injection well flow rate Airflow meters
spike may go unnoticed, especially without frequent Soil vapor extraction flow rate Airflow meters
sampling. Extraction vapor concentrations FID, PID, explosimeter, field GC, or
laboratory air samples
8.2.6  Monitoring Considerations O2, CO2, N2, CH4 Laboratory analysis

In  situ and aboveground monitoring data should be used to

assess the performance of operating conditions to determine
whether system adjustments or expansions are necessary. (obtained from the pilot test). Air blowers (positive displace-
Table 8.9 lists the various parameters that can be utilized to ment) can be used only when the required pressure rating is
monitor the system performance. The amount of data col- less than 12–15 psi. There are various types of air compres-
lected depends on complexity and success of the system. The sors available, such as
primary measurement of performance of course is groundwa-
ter concentrations. The remaining parameters listed are sec- • Positive displacement compressors
ondary, used to show compliance with permit conditions and/ • Reciprocating piston
or troubleshoot lack of performance of the system. • Diaphragm
• Rocking piston
• Rotary vane
8.2.7  Process Equipment • Rotary screw and lobed rotor
Successful implementation of an air sparging system is • Nonpositive displacement compressors
dependent on the proper selection of the process equipment. • Centrifugal
Primary components of an in situ air sparging system are • Axial flow
• Regenerative
• Air compressor or blower
• Vacuum blower Positive displacement compressors generally provide the
• Fittings and tubing to connect the compressor to the most economic solution for systems that require relatively
well(s) high pressures. Disadvantages include low flow rates,
• Air filters oil removal in some cases, and the heat generated during
• Pressure regulator operation.
• Flow meters Unlike the positive displacement compressor, a nonpositive
• Pressure gauges displacement compressor does not provide a constant volu-
• Air drying unit metric flow rate over a range of discharge pressures. The most
important advantage of nonpositive displacement compres-  Air Compressor or Air Blower sors is their ability to provide high flow rates. Table 8.10 and
Selection of an air compressor or air blower will depend on Figure 8.55 provide a summary of air compressor characteris-
the required pressure rating at which air has to be injected tics. It should be noted that the size and capacity requirements
Sparging, Venting, and Vacuum-Enhanced Recovery 457

TABLE 8.10
Summary of Compressor Characteristics
Power Pressure
Class Category Type Range (hp) Range (psi) Advantages
Positive displacement Reciprocating Piston air cooled 1/2–500 10–250 Efficient, lightweight
compressors Piston water cooled 10–500 10–250 Efficient, heavy duty
Diaphragm 10–200 10–250 No seal, contamination-free
Rotary Sliding vane 10–500 10–150 Compact, high speed
Screw (helix) 10–500 10–150 Pulseless delivery
Lobe, low pressure 15–200 5–40 Compact, oil-free
Lobe, high pressure 71/2–200 20–250 Compact, high speed
Nonpositive displacement Rotary Centrifugal 50–500 40–250 Compact, oil-free, high speed
compressors Axial flow 1,000–10,000 400–500 High volume, high speed
Regenerative peripheral blower 1/4–20 1–5 Compact, oil-free, high volume

100,000 Reciprocating
from the air, it is not very effective for removing water and
(6,900 bars) oil vapors. The moisture may later condense and freeze in the
pipes downstream when very low temperatures are encoun-
tered. An air dryer prevents condensation by reducing the
Centrifugal humidity of the airstream. A practical type of dryer is the
10,000 desiccant unit, which uses a moisture-absorbing chemical,
usually in pelletized form. Water vapor also can be removed
by condensation by passing the air through a chilling unit.
Discharge pressure (psig)

Coalescing filters are also effective in removing mists of tiny

1,000 water droplets. Less costly options include heat tracing of the
Axial piping/manifold or the use of a receiver tank with a manual or
(500) automatic drain to remove the condensation.

Rotary screw  Other Equipment

(60) Selection of the vacuum blower will depend on the required
Sliding vane airflow rate and vacuum levels necessary for efficient subsur-
face vapor recovery. Depending on the geologic conditions
encountered, combinations such as high vacuum, low flow;
10 and low vacuum, high flow have to be evaluated. For further

description of vacuum blowers, see Section


Valves and control devices in compressed-air systems

fall into three general categories: those that control pressure,
those that control direction of airflow, and those that control
10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000
28,300 m3
flow rate. Information on flow control appurtenances such as
Inlet capacity (ACFM)
flow meters, valves, and pressure gauges are easily available
in the literature.
FIGURE 8.55  Air compressor characteristics.

8.2.8  Biosparging
of an air compressor required for an air sparging site will be
typically below 100 hp and 150 psi. As discussed in previous sections, injection of air into water-
Oil contamination in the injected air can affect the in situ saturated formations has a significant benefit in terms of
air sparging system performance. A variety of filters have delivery of oxygen to the microorganisms for in situ bioreme-
been developed to filter out the contained oil. An alternative is diation. Biosparging is defined as the use of injected oxygen
to use an oil-less compressor. Higher capital and maintenance in the saturated zone such that contaminant mass degrades in
costs are typical of oil-less equipment as compared to their the saturated zone or the vadose zone prior to the vapor leav-
oil-lubricated counterparts. ing the soil surface. If delivery of oxygen for the biota is the
Some pneumatic systems cannot tolerate moisture formed primary objective for air injection, the volume of airflow does
by the cooling of air caused by compression. While a mechan- not have to be at the same level required to achieve aggressive
ical filter removes most of the solid and liquid particulates stripping and volatilization. Historically, practitioners used
458 Remediation Engineering

low flow rates to meet the oxygen demand of the formation 9. Knox, R. C., Sabatini, D. A., and Canter, L. W., Subsurface
(0.5 cfm to less than 2 cfm per injection point). More recently, Transport and Fate Processes, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton,
pulsing has been used to control the mass of oxygen injected FL, 1993.
10. Weber, W. J., Jr., Physiochemical Processes for Water Quality
in to the formation on a daily basis rather than controlling the
Control, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1972.
flow rate. Higher flow rates ensure development of more air 11. Weber, W. J., Jr., McGinley, P. M., and Katz, L. E., Sorption
channels and achieving a larger radius of influence, keeping phenomena in subsurface systems: Concepts, models and
the well installation more cost-effective. effects on contaminant fate and transport, Water Res., 25, 499,
Control of air channel formation and distribution and 1991.
capturing of the stripped contaminants also become less sig- 12. Hassett, J. J., Means, J. C., Banwart, W. L., and Wood, S. G.,
nificant under these circumstances. Application of this tech- Sorption properties of sediments and energy related pollut-
ants, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA/600/3-80-
nique to remediate a dissolved plume of acetone, for example,
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pound, will be appropriate. Limitations caused by geological tion in subsurface ecosystems, Chapter 7, in Transport and
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channels can be allowed to follow the path of least resistance. Protection Agency, EPA/625/4-89/019, 1989.
However, it has to be noted that the time required to increase 14. Kobayashi, H. and Rittman, B. E., Microbial removal of haz-
the DO levels in the bulk water depends on the time required ardous organic compounds, Environ. Sci. Technol., 16, 170A,
for the diffusion of O2 from the air channels into the water 1982.
15. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Soil Vapor Extraction
surrounding the channels. It is estimated that only 0.6% of the Technology, Reference Handbook, EPA/540/291/0-003, 1991.
oxygen present in the injected air will be transferred into the 16. Sims, R. C., Soil remediation technologies at uncontrolled
dissolved phase during air sparging.39,40,48,59 Therefore, cau- hazardous waste sites: A critical review, J. Air Waste Manage.
tion must be exercised in terms of evaluating the changes in Assoc., 40, 704, 1990.
DO levels after the initiation of biosparging. It is common 17. Stonestrom, D. A. and Rubin, J., Air permeability and trapped
practice to assume that the observed increase in DO levels air content in two soils, Water Resour. Res., 25(a), 1959, 1989.
in monitoring wells is due to the changes in the bulk water. 18. Ong, S. K. and Lion, L. W., Trichloroethylene vapor sorption
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for remediation of unsaturated soils contaminated by VOC, 21. Massmann, J. W., Applying groundwater flow models in vapor
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3. Bear, J., Hydraulics of Groundwater, McGraw-Hill, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989.
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4. DiGiulio, D. C. et al., Conducting field tests for evaluation of 25. Kruseman, G. P. and deRidder, N. A., Analysis and Evaluation
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5. Rawls, W. J., Brakensiek, D. L., and Saxton, K. E., Estimation venting initiative results, Third International In Situ and On
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9 Soil Treatment

9.1 INTRODUCTION permeability portion of the subsurface would flush out of the

source area and create a groundwater plume.
Interestingly, the focus on soil contamination and its potential Excavation followed by treatment or disposal and a few
impacts has lagged behind that of groundwater contamina- in  situ soil treatment options, discussed in this chapter, are
tion. However, over the last several years, especially as appre- applicable in heterogeneous and low permeability geologic
ciation of the importance of contaminant behavior in the settings. When most of the conventional remedial technolo-
vadose zone has grown, there has been a parallel growth in gies cannot access contaminant mass stored in low perme-
efforts to evaluate and mitigate the environmental risks that ability soils, these techniques can. The technologies mainly
may be posed by the presence of residual soil contaminants. discussed in this chapter are in situ soil stabilization, thermal
It is important that the potential pathways for exposure are remediation, and phytoremediation. Thermal remediation is a
evaluated carefully, particularly when migration routes are relatively new technology with a suite of potential implemen-
present. For contaminated soils, there are three potential path- tation methods, which need to align with site-specific condi-
ways for such exposure: transport of soluble contaminants to tions. Phytotechnology, the use of plants for remediation, has
groundwater as water infiltrates through the soil, migration been around for quite some time and is mostly intended to
of contaminant vapors through the soil and into structures or treat and/or stabilize shallow soil and groundwater. With the
the atmosphere, and direct contact with contaminated soil. exception of phytotechnology-based remediation, these tech-
Decisions regarding the need for remediation and the type nologies are relatively fast and either remove, sequester, or
and extent of cleanup required should be based on a site- destroy contamination that is adsorbed to soil. At the same
specific evaluation of the potential risks posed by any of these time, they are intrusive and disruptive, presenting a number
potential pathways. of health and safety and logistical challenges.
A critical component in characterizing the nature of soil Because of the relatively high costs associated with soil
contamination is the determination of the type and concen- remediation, directly in proportion to the contaminated vol-
trations of contaminants present. Careful planning should be ume, understanding the scale of the remedy early on is cru-
implemented for selecting the proper procedures for analy- cial. Once a remedial approach is selected, the need and the
sis of the different types of contaminants, together with the scope of a reliable predesign investigation (PDI) are deter-
sampling and handling techniques prior to analysis. The con- mined based on the potential cost of the remedy. The results
centrations reported must be cautiously evaluated as to their of the investigation and comparison to screening values could
validity, meaning, utility, and possible limitations. Careful potentially decrease the volume requiring treatment or, at a
and reasoned interpretation of the results is necessary if minimum, will ensure accurate estimation of potential costs.
meaningful decisions are to be made. The objectives of this type of investigation are both to con-
Soil remediation while not isolated from the groundwater firm the soil volume that requires treatment and to explore
approaches discussed in the other chapters has unique consid- the subsurface utilities and also to confirm that there are no
erations and criteria that define success. Soil screening crite- significant alterations to the conceptual site model that would
ria that are linked to exposure to the soil itself are associated affect implementation.
with direct contact and ingestion of the soil. Depending on
the contaminant, the criteria associated with desorption of
9.1.1  Screening Criteria
a contaminant from soil to either soil vapor or groundwater
can often drive treatment criteria lower than the direct contact Screening values, intended to be protective of human
pathway alone. This chapter will discuss a few remediation health and the environment, are often defined as contami-
technologies as they relate to soil treatment, but it is important nant concentrations in the environmental media in which
to remember that soil vapor and groundwater contamination no additional regulatory action is warranted. Screening
may be the drivers for soil remediation. values are concentrations of chemicals derived from a tar-
As with any remedy selection, the guiding criteria should get excess risk level (for carcinogens) or hazard quotient
be a combination of the drivers for remediation (regulatory (for noncarcinogens) under generic exposure assumptions.
compliance, risk, cost, etc.), subsurface conditions and com- Screening values developed and used for the same chemi-
plexities, and contaminant characteristics that may preclude cal may vary among states and regions of EPA. If contami-
certain technologies. Soil heterogeneity and contaminant type nant concentrations at a site exceed the screening values,
and distribution are critical for remedy selection. Depending then additional investigation or evaluation of that contami-
on the age of most contaminant releases, residual contaminant nant may be warranted. Risk-based screening values are
mass in source areas may generally be in the low permeabil- derived from equations combining exposure assumptions
ity portions within the vadose zone, as the mass in the high with toxicity data.

462 Remediation Engineering

Much like selecting a groundwater remediation strategy, contaminants. Careful definition and evaluation of poten-
selecting the right technology for soil remediation requires tial risks that are uniquely associated with each site has to be
consideration of a number of factors. These include: emphasized. In summary, the potential risks at any given site
are the result of:
• Type of contaminants and contaminant chemical
properties • Type and extent of the contamination
• Geologic and hydrogeologic conditions at the site • Site-specific conditions that influence possible routes
• Soil geotechnical and geochemical properties of contaminant exposure
• Site logistics, subsurface utilities, and infrastructure • Proximity of potential receptors to the contaminated
• Remediation end points, remedial drivers, and time soil
• End use of the property The unique potential risks at a given site will in turn require
that careful consideration is given to the different remedial
Soil remediation technologies discussed in this chapter are solutions that can effectively control that risk. It is important
associated with removing or treating in place grossly con- to appreciate that sufficient flexibility is required within the
taminated soil and include isolation, destruction, extraction, regulatory programs to allow for the design of site-specific
immobilization, physical separation, and toxicity reduction as cleanup goals and technical strategies to achieve them.
treatment mechanisms. The potential direct exposure path-
ways of soil contamination are as follows:
9.1.2  Sorptive Processes
• Direct ingestion The efficiency of remediation of contaminated soils will be
• Inhalation of volatiles and dust, etc. influenced by the soil matrix as well as the properties of the
• Dermal adsorption contaminants present at the site. Thus, chemical properties of
• Ingestion of homegrown produce the contaminants of concern (COCs) need to be considered
• Migration of volatiles into basement when selecting a soil remedy. Contaminants interact with dif-
ferent soil types in different ways based on their characteris-
In addition, the potential migration pathways include: tics. The following description of sorptive interactions needs
to be understood as part of a conceptual site model that is
• Groundwater migration driving soil remediation.
• Surface water migration Contaminants become strongly sequestered as they per-
• Volatilization and entrainment sist in the soil matrix for a long period of time. This process
• Direct contact is sometimes referred to as “aging” and leads to decreasing
availability of the contaminants, which has an impact on the
For the direct exposure drivers, there are criteria that dictate remedy selection. It is also important to note as the size of soil
the cleanup objectives and the extent of remediation required. particles decreases, the contaminants become more strongly
In scenarios where migration is the remediation driver, there sorbed to the soil’s matrix, probably due to the accompanying
are often generic criteria and specific regulatory guidance increase in surface area. The sorption strength is also affected
available that can guide remediation, but often site-specific by hydrophobicity of the contaminants. Further, the organic
criteria should be required to ensure that remediation objec- content of the soil is often regarded as the most important soil
tives are achieved. parameter for adsorption (Figure 9.1).
Soil standards that are designed to be protective of Sorptive interactions of interest also occur between hydro-
­groundwater are based on contaminants leaching from the phobic organic compounds dissolved in groundwater and solid
soil to groundwater. Different soil types combined with con- or colloidal organic matter of the aquifer matrix or between dis-
taminant properties can create vastly different leaching char- solved cations and points of negatively charged aquifer miner-
acteristics. There are a number of models available to help als (cation exchange). The sorption reactions are classified as
in determining the leaching estimates. There are also a few adsorption or absorption, based on whether the organic matter
analytical methods such as synthetic precipitation leaching behaves like a solvent (absorption) or, alternatively, provides spe-
procedure (SPLP), toxicity characteristic leaching procedure cific binding sites that immobilize (adsorb) the dissolved mol-
(TCLP), waste extraction test (WET), and deionized water ecules. The energy released in absorption is relatively low and
waste extraction test that can help with determining applica- the process is best characterized as fully reversible equilibrium
ble soil standards.1,2 Using these analyses, coupled with risk- partitioning of the solute between the aqueous and organic mat-
based screening guidance derived by either state agencies or ter phases. There is an implicit assumption that absorbed solute
the EPA, can create site-specific screening criteria for soil that molecules move freely in the organic matter phase. Adsorption
can be protective of all of the potential exposure pathways. is the more energetic reaction, an exothermic binding reaction
In Chapter 2, we have discussed the general nature of the between a solute molecule and a binding site on the organic mat-
processes that affect contaminant pathways in soils and also ter. Adsorbed solute molecules are effectively pinned in place
the potential for natural assimilation or degradation of the and do not move freely through the binding matrix.
Soil Treatment 463

100 the near-surface water. Since clay minerals are frequently

the dominant source of ion exchange in the subsurface, it is
80 important to have a fundamental understanding of clay miner-
PCE alogy and the source(s) of charge deficiencies in clay minerals.
Percent sorbed

60 TCE

40 cis-DCE
One of the most traditional and simple approaches to soil
remediation is via excavation. Traditionally used as a source
Vinyl chloride
removal technology, excavation is the most direct, expedi-
Tetrahydrofuran ent, comprehensive, and absolute approach to soil treatment.
1,4-Dioxane Once the excavation volume has been determined, the soil
0 disposal or treatment methodology is the other critical design
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
Organic carbon fraction ( foc )
Excavation of contaminated soil from a site involves dig-
ging it up for “ex situ” (aboveground) treatment or for disposal
FIGURE 9.1  Sorbed (nonaqueous) fraction of selected hydropho- in a landfill or treatment at an incineration plant. Excavation
bic organic compounds expressed as a function of aquifer organic may also involve removing old drums of contaminants and
carbon content. other buried debris that might be contaminated. Removing
these sources of contamination keeps people from coming
Adsorption reactions may occur between dissolved hydro- into direct contact with the waste material and also helps to
phobic organic molecules and inorganic aquifer matrix min- speed up the cleanup of the contaminated groundwater by
erals or organic matter broadly classed as “hard carbon” eliminating the potential migration routes.
forms. Materials that fall into the hard carbon class include Before excavation can begin, the contaminated areas and
coal fragments and pieces of wood char and soot from for- volume of contaminated soil must be reliably identified. This
est fires, materials that are unlikely to be measured in total requires researching past site history and activities to iden-
organic carbon analyses. tify what contaminants may have been released and where.
Ion exchange is a specific category of adsorption. Owing Contaminated soil is excavated using standard construction
to the ubiquitous phenomenon of ionizable surface groups on equipment, like backhoes and excavator track hoes shown in
wet particles, virtually, every solid presents a charged surface Figure 9.2 (a) and (b). The equipment chosen depends on how
to the aqueous solution. If this surface charge is of opposite large and deep the contaminated area is and whether access
sign to that exhibited by a contaminant’s functional group, is limited by the presence of buildings or other structures that
then there will be an electrostatic attraction between the con- cannot be moved. Long-reach excavators can reach as deep as
taminant in the bulk solution and the particle surface. Such 100 ft belowground, but excavations are generally limited to
solutes will accumulate in the thin film of water surrounding much shallower depths due to safety concerns and difficulty
the particle as part of the population of charges in solution keeping the hole open. Sometimes, soil is excavated below the
balancing the charges on the solid surface. Conversely, solutes water table, which requires walling off the contaminated area
with charges of like sign as the surface will be repulsed from and pumping out the water to keep dry during excavation.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.2  (a) Excavation of sub-surface soils for the purpose of remediation. (b) Excavation activities at a remediation site.
464 Remediation Engineering

If excavated soil is to be disposed of in a landfill, it may Workers monitor the air to make sure dust and contami-
be placed directly on a dump truck for transport. If it is to be nant vapors are not present at levels that may pose a breathing
disposed of elsewhere on the site or treated, it first may be risk, and monitors may be placed around the site to ensure
stockpiled on plastic tarps or in containers. The soil is then that dust or vapors are not leaving it. Site workers close to
covered with tarps to prevent wind and rain from blowing or the excavation may need to wear “respirators,” which are face
washing it away and to keep workers from coming into con- masks equipped with filters that remove dust and contami-
tact with contaminated soil. Excavation is complete when test nants from the air. Contaminated soil is usually covered until
results show that the remaining soil around the hole meets it can be treated or disposed of to prevent airborne dust or
established cleanup levels. being washed away with rainwater. Contaminant vapors may
The excavated soil may be cleaned using a mobile treat- be suppressed with foams or other materials.
ment facility brought to the site or disposed off-site. If the soil
is treated on-site, treated soil may be used to fill in the exca-
9.2.1 Ex Situ Soil Treatment
vated area. Clean soil obtained from other locations may be
needed to fill in holes as well. After an excavation is filled in, Ex situ soil treatment is most often selected because it is faster
the area may be landscaped to prevent soil erosion and make than in situ treatment (IST), and there is a higher degree of
the site more attractive. certainty about the completeness of the treatment because of
Off-site disposal and ex-situ treatment are used to dis- the ability to handle and sample the soil more easily. This
pose or treat the excavated soil. Handling contaminated soil requires excavation of the soil that often comes at a higher
requires a focus on the health and safety of the site workers cost, more equipment, more disruption, and potentially higher
as well as nearby residents or buildings. To this end, dust and potential for exposure to the contaminants. The same pro-
air monitoring is often conducted to ensure that no impacts cesses used as part of in situ remediation are used for ex situ
migrate off-site. In addition, this monitoring helps determine soil treatment as well including thermal, biological, chemical,
the level of personal protective equipment that is required for and physical. Some of these methods are discussed in the fol-
site workers. lowing sections.
Excavating contaminated soil may take as little as one day
or as long as several months. There are a number of factors Disposal
that can result in an increased complexity and costs associ- Soil is classified by the EPA as either hazardous or nonhazard-
ated with excavation. The most common of these logistical ous, depending on concentrations of contaminants present in
challenges are listed in the following and will vary from site soil and their leachability from the soil. The primary leaching
to site: method, TCLP extraction, is meant to simulate the acidic con-
ditions present in a landfill. Other parameters that are often
• The contaminated area is large, very deep, or below required to be compliant with RCRA land disposal restriction
the water table. regulations include pH or Eh, speciation of metals, alkalin-
• If the excavation extends below the water table, a ity or water hardness, BTU content if a thermal treatment is
dewatering system and subsequent treatment are being considered, and soil moisture. Once the classification of
required. the soil is determined, the landfills that can accept the mate-
• The contaminated soil contains a lot of rocks and/ rial within the area of the site need to be vetted—and in the
or debris. case of extreme excavation volumes, it needs to be determined
• The presence of buildings or other site activities can if the landfill can accept the soil. The accepting facility will
limit the access to certain portions of soil that need often have criteria that have to be met before receiving the
to be excavated and can limit the ability to move waste soil.
around the site efficiently. The RCRA determination of whether hazardous or non-
• If the site is remote or not proximal to an appropri- hazardous is the most critical for most environmental sites
ate disposal facility, on-site treatment (if feasible) is and should be determined as part of the remedy screening
needed. process as it can drastically increase the cost of disposal. Part
of this determination is whether the waste is exempt from all
Handling contaminated soil requires precautions to ensure or some RCRA regulations as imposed by the EPA or autho-
safety. Site workers are trained to follow safety procedures rized state. These exemptions are generally found in 40 CFR
while excavating soil to avoid contact with contaminants 261.31-261.33.3
and prevent the spread of contamination off-site. Site work- When reviewing these lists, the generator must also con-
ers typically wear protective clothing such as rubber gloves, sider the “derived from” and “mixture” rules. In short, if
boots, hard hats, and coveralls. These items are either washed a waste is derived from the storage or treatment of a listed
or disposed of before leaving the site to keep workers from waste, it is also a listed waste (see 40 CFR 261.3 for the full
carrying contaminated soil off-site on their shoes and cloth- requirements). If the waste is an RCRA listed waste as gener-
ing. The tires and exteriors of trucks and other earth-moving ated or as a result of either the derived from or mixture rules,
equipment are also washed before leaving the site so that the then it must be managed as a hazardous/mixed waste. When
soil is not tracked through neighboring streets. determining if a waste is an RCRA listed waste, it is important
Soil Treatment 465

to note that chemical analyses do not make the determination, The rotary kiln is the most versatile of incinerators, capa-
but instead it is based on knowledge of the waste and com- ble of burning a broad range of hazardous and nonhazard-
parison of the waste to specific listings found in the federal ous liquids, solids, and slurries. It burns liquid or solid wastes
regulations or a state equivalent. efficiently because, as the cylindrical combustion chamber
If a waste is not a listed waste, it must be tested to deter- rotates, wastes become well mixed with oxygen. However,
mine if it exhibits a characteristic of a hazardous waste based gaseous wastes are not usually processed in kilns because
on ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and toxicity (see 40 they must be fed at a higher rate and the residence time avail-
CFR 261.21-261.24 for requirements).3 If the waste exhibits a able is generally insufficient for complete oxidation. Liquid
characteristic of a hazardous waste, then it must be managed and solid wastes can be burned simultaneously.
as a hazardous/mixed waste. If the waste is neither listed nor a In the infrared conveyor furnace, energy in the infrared
characteristically hazardous, then it is not a hazardous/mixed region is used to heat waste to a specific temperature where
waste and can be managed as a nonhazardous waste. desorption and/or incineration of the organic contaminants
occurs. The gases that are exhausted from the furnace carry Incineration the desorbed contaminants and are combusted in a second-
Incineration is a high-temperature (870°C–1600°C) oxidation ary combustion chamber. These systems have been used in
of many forms of waste. For contaminated soils, incinera- a number of operations, ranging from pilot-scale units used
tion chemistry is critically important as the energy content to obtain TSCA permits or evaluate the technology to com-
of the materials, and the oxidation mechanisms have sub- mercial incineration of large quantities of contaminated soil.
stantial impact on the selection of a specific incinerator for A liquid injection incinerator is the most common type
a task. The second topic, design considerations, details how used for the incineration of hazardous wastes in the liquid
physical properties of waste affect selection and design of an form. With this technology, liquid, gaseous, or slurry waste
incinerator. is injected into the combustion chamber through a nozzle or
One of those design aspects is organic destruction effi- burner. The nozzle mixes the liquid with air, atomizing it into
ciency, which is commonly advertised as performance cri- a suspension of droplets that is quickly vaporized. Before a
teria for an incinerator type. Incineration, however, does waste is fed into a liquid injection incinerator, pretreatment in
not destroy metals. Metals will produce different residuals the form of filtration, degassing, neutralizing, or mixing may
depending on the volatility of the compounds, the presence of be required, especially to reduce particles or to modify the
certain compounds (e.g., chlorine), and the incinerator operat- viscosity of the liquid.
ing conditions. Improperly operated incinerators also have the The fluidized bed technology promotes turbulence and
potential to create dioxins and furans. Incineration of large facilitates superlative mixing of the waste with hot air and
volumes of contaminated soils may be cost prohibitive. hot media. The sustained agitation of the media allows larger
Incineration may be performed on- or off-site. There may waste particles to remain suspended until the combustion
be significant considerations regarding the compliance of is complete, thus enhancing combustion efficiency. Forced
incineration with multiple regulations. On-site incineration draft air is introduced at the bottom of the combustion cham-
may be performed with a transportable incineration unit; how- ber. As the air rises through a distribution plate and upward
ever, space availability and public opposition may make this through the bed, it promotes strong agitation and causes the
option inappropriate. Whenever incineration is considered as bed to mimic the physical properties of a liquid. The waste
an option to fulfill remediation goals, particular efforts should is injected radially into the preheated media, and combus-
be made to provide the community with good information on tion takes place within the bed as heat is transferred from the
incineration and to be responsive to any concerns raised by media to the waste.
the community. Commercial incineration facilities (i.e., units A multiple hearth incinerator has been utilized for more
permitted for the incineration of hazardous wastes, includ- than 60 years to burn sewage sludge. This technology consists
ing incinerators and cement kilns) may be used when off-site of horizontal refractory-lined hearths arranged in a vertical
incineration is desirable. However, only a limited number of structure. Rabble arms and teeth rotate on a central shaft to
these facilities are available nationwide. agitate and convey the waste through the incinerator. The liq-
Common incinerator types include: uid and gaseous wastes are injected into the top of the main
chamber. The waste material enters the top hearth, and it is
• Rotary kiln heated to combustion temperature by means of several igni-
• Infrared furnaces tion burners.
• Liquid injection
• Fluidized bed  Thermal Desorption
• Multiple hearth Ex situ thermal desorption is a physical mass transfer pro-
cess that uses a rotary kiln to heat the soils to volatilize con-
They all operate on the similar design basis of having a com- taminants, allowing the contaminants to be transferred from
bustion source, air intake, ash output, and a secondary com- the soil to a gas stream. Thermal desorption systems typi-
bustion chamber to address flammable constituents in the cally operate at temperatures between 300°F and 1000°F
off-gas from primary combustion. depending on the site-specific conditions. The operating
466 Remediation Engineering

temperature and residence time in the rotary kiln are depen- • Land farming involves spreading soil in a thin (nor-
dent upon the boiling point of the contaminants, moisture mally less than 1.5 m) layers, and aeration is achieved
content of material being treated, type of soils, and soil by routine mixing (Figure 9.3a).
cleanup requirements. • Biopiles are often taller (up to 6 m in height) (Figure
Ex situ thermal desorption is a multistep process. Once the 9.3b), covered and/or lined to limit leaching, and
contaminated materials are excavated from the subsurface, normally have active venting via piping and blow-
they are sent through a preprocessing step to prepare them for ers to stimulate air/oxygen flow through the pile.
treatment in the thermal unit. The preprocessing step com- Temperature can also be increased in biopile to
monly consists of screening oversized material, removing enhance the degradation rates.
metal, blending high- and low-concentration materials, and,
if necessary, moisture conditioning (i.e., addition of lime or For petroleum hydrocarbons, the lighter fraction of gasoline
other drying agents). Following preprocessing, the material is constituents often volatilize during excavation and handling,
placed into the thermal unit, where heat is used to volatilize the and the longer chained carbon compounds (often referred
contaminants as well as any water present in the soil matrix. to as “heavier” or middle and heavy distillates) remain
A sweep gas is used to capture the volatilized contaminants adsorbed to the soil and are bioavailable. These heavier
and water vapor, which are subsequently treated through the hydrocarbons, such as those found in heating and lubricating
off-gas treatment system. Once the contaminated material has oil and to a lesser degree in diesel and kerosene, require a
been treated at the specified temperature and residence time, long period of time to degrade. Some critical design param-
the soils are removed from the unit and stockpiled pending eters for aerobic biodegradation using either biopiles or land
sampling and analysis. The sweep gas containing the organic farming are:
vapors is treated using condensation, collection (i.e., vapor
phase carbon), or combustion (i.e., afterburner). Typical off- • pH greater than 5 and less than 8, ideally between
gas treatment systems also include a baghouse for removal of 6.5 and 7.5
particulates that become entrained within the off-gas during • Soil moisture between 10% and 35%—with biodeg-
the treatment process. radation rates decreasing on both ends of that range
• Temperature >45°F—with biodegradation rates  Land Farming and Biopiles increasing with increasing temperature
Land farming and biopiles rely on biological degradation • Total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) concentrations
of contaminants and volatilization. This approach is most <50,000 ppm—with no visible nonaqueous phase
applicable for aerobically biodegradable contaminants—such liquid (NAPL)
as petroleum hydrocarbons. Similar to in  situ groundwater • Sufficient nutrients, such as nitrogen, to promote
­remedies, proper biogeochemical conditions need to be main- microbiological activity
tained to optimize treatment. Both approaches usually involve • Uniform oxygen availability throughout the soil
stimulating the microbial ecology via aeration and/or addition treatment volume
of nutrients, minerals, and water/moisture.
The principles are the same between land farming and When these parameters are met, average remediation time
biopiles, and the differentiation between the two is based on frames range from 6 weeks to 18  months. Achieving 100%
a few implementation approaches, which are often selected treatment uniformly across the entire volume and concentra-
based on the contaminants present, the volume of soil to be tions less than 0.1 ppm may be difficult to achieve using this
treated, and the space available. technology within a reasonable time frame.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.3  (a) Land farming of petroleum contaminated soils at an old terminal site in New England. (b) Treatment of petroleum con-
taminated soils via bio-piles.
Soil Treatment 467

9.2.2 Design Considerations soil. Obviously, stability calculations should be based on the

smallest shear strength to ensure safety, thus safety factors are  Soil Volume normally applied and range from 1.3 to 2.
As discussed earlier, various criteria and remedial objectives
can drive the soil volume requiring excavation. Cost and scale
of the excavation can vary widely depending on the soil vol- 9.3  IN SITU THERMAL REMEDIATION
ume. The economics of treatment and disposal can change In  situ thermal remediation technologies have been proven
drastically with increasing soil volumes. Large soil volumes to be effective at eliminating NAPLs, which may be either
can make on-site treatment more feasible. lighter than water (i.e., LNAPLs) or more dense than water
Soil excavation involves with dealing with three primary (i.e., DNAPLs), and residual source mass (i.e., mass trapped
states in which the soil exists: natural (in place), loose (after in the aquifer matrix at less than residual saturation levels).
excavation), and compacted. When soil is excavated, it typi- Frequently, thermal remediation practitioners also report
cally increases in volume so that the soil contained in one cubic significant contaminant concentration reductions in soil and
yard in place will, after excavation, occupy more than one cubic groundwater due to the removal of source mass, especially at
yard. This increase in volume due to excavation is called swell. projects with chlorinated volatile organic compound (CVOC)
Similarly, when soil is compacted, it reduces in volume. It is impacts. When properly implemented, thermal strategies have
important in excavation calculations to convert all volumes to reduced dissolved and adsorbed phase CVOC concentrations
a common unit of measure. The in place (bank) cubic yard is to near laboratory detection limits. For many CVOCs and non-
commonly used for this purpose. Soil volume change due to chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), vaporization
excavation and compaction is presented in Table 9.1.4 is the dominant removal mechanism, because vapor pressures
of the contaminants increase exponentially with increasing  Soil Stability temperature and approach 1 atm (760 millimeters [mm] of
During any excavation, safety considerations need to be con- mercury [Hg]) near to the boiling point of water (100°C). In
sidered. One of the key safety considerations is the potential addition, the Henry’s law constants for VOCs and CVOCs
for the soil to slide from a higher location to a lower one, as an with low aqueous solubility also increase with temperature,
excavation proceeds. With equipment, buildings, and people leading to the increased potential for the contaminant to parti-
all potentially near the edge of an excavation, the damage tion from the aqueous phase into the vapor phase. The com-
associated with sliding soil can be significant. bination of increased contaminant volatility and preference
The basic principle is that once the shear stresses devel- for the vapor phase near the boiling point of water means that
oped in the soil are greater than the shear strength of the these chemicals can be rapidly and efficiently removed from
soil—sliding will occur. While simple in concept, the num- the subsurface if the treatment zone is uniformly heated near
ber of potential variables and possible planes over which to or above 100°C.
sliding can occur can complicate slope stability calculations. For effective treatment within a prescribed heating period,
In addition, the shear strength of a soil can vary over time remedial strategies must achieve effective pneumatic and
based on soil moisture and other physical properties of the hydraulic control in the subsurface. Also, the design process
must consider that the extracted contaminants could be pres-
ent in multiple phases (i.e., LNAPLs, DNAPLs, dissolved,
TABLE 9.1 and gaseous), and at elevated temperatures that could exceed
Typical Soil Volume Conversion Factors 100°C. Likewise, the aboveground treatment system needs to
be capable of handling peak contaminant loads when treat-
Converted to
ment zone temperatures approach the maximum design crite-
Soil Type Initial Soil Condition Bank Loose Compacted ria. Each treatment system component (unit processes, vessels,
Clay Bank 1.00 1.27 0.90 controls, piping, pumps, etc.) must be able to withstand very
Loose 0.79 1.00 0.71 rigorous conditions not normally found on traditional reme-
Compacted 1.11 1.41 1.00 diation projects such as elevated temperatures, potentially
Common earth Bank 1.00 1.25 0.90 flammable/explosive vapor streams and environments, highly
Loose 0.80 1.00 0.72 corrosive liquid and vapor streams, and chemical incompat-
Compacted 1.11 1.39 1.00 ibilities due to rigorous process conditions (i.e., the combi-
Rock (blasted) Bank 1.00 1.50 1.30 nation of elevated temperature, pressure/vacuum, and solvent
Loose 0.67 1.00 0.87 effects of the constituents of concern).
Compacted 0.77 1.15 1.00 Aquifer minerals and metals also could be present in the
Sand Bank 1.00 1.12 0.95
extracted groundwater that will need to be appropriately
Loose 0.89 1.00 0.85
handled. For example, sites with elevated dissolved iron con-
Compacted 1.05 1.18 1.00
centrations will pose specific challenges for the efficient and
Source: Nunnally, S.W., Managing Construction Equipment, Prentice Hall, effective handling of the aqueous waste streams to minimize
Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1977. biological and precipitation fouling of equipment and piping
and to meet typical discharge standards. In addition, some
468 Remediation Engineering

sites may have elevated elemental mercury concentrations in 20%–30% of the pore water from the vadose and saturated
the soil. If these soils are heated to temperatures greater than zones.5 Boiling off 20%–30% of the pore water within the
300°C (e.g., in the immediate vicinity of thermal conduction targeted treatment zone will typically result in the in  situ
heaters), the elemental mercury could be volatilized from generation of 500–600 pore volumes of steam. Figure 9.4
the soil, resulting in concentrations of concern in the vapor presents data from a site in low permeability clay where
stream, which would require specialized treatment steps for the remedial goals were achieved for the CVOCs following
effective removal. boiling of approximately 30% of the pore water and genera-
If any of the extraction and treatment system compo- tion of 600 pore volumes of steam.5 Designing energy input
nents fail during implementation and heating of the soil, then and extraction systems that are capable of delivering enough
extended treatment times could result and, in some cases, the energy to the treatment zone to boil off 20%–30% of the pore
potential for uncontrolled releases to the atmosphere or sur- water while maintaining pneumatic and hydraulic control is
rounding groundwater system could increase to unacceptable therefore critical to successfully achieving the remedial stan-
levels (via loss of pneumatic or hydraulic control). Depending dards and remediating these sites. Sites with other organic
on the criticality of the targeted remedial time frame and chemicals with boiling points higher than VOCs and CVOCs
the hazards associated with potential uncontrolled releases, (e.g., polychlorinated biphenyls [PCBs], dioxins, polycyclic
redundant systems are often used in the treatment system aromatic hydrocarbons [PAHs], and other semivolatile com-
and/or backup systems should be readily available to help pounds [SVOCs]) can also be effectively treated using thermal
ensure project success. remediation; however, all of the water within the treatment
The target temperature in the treatment zone is dependent zone must first be boiled off so that the soil can be heated to
on several factors including the chemical contaminants, pres- sufficiently high enough temperatures to volatilize and desorb
ence of LNAPLs or DNAPLs, characteristics of the aquifer these compounds (e.g., 150°C–350°C).
matrix, heterogeneity of subsurface soils, required duration During operation of in  situ thermal remediation systems,
of heating, and remedial goal objectives. However, the tar- a robust monitoring program is required to ensure that design
get temperature should be above boiling point of the soil and targets for in situ temperatures, water levels, and vacuums are
groundwater system, which needs to account for the pressure achieved throughout the horizontal and vertical extents of the
associated with the ambient hydrostatic head to ensure that a treatment zone. In addition, sampling of the various process
phase change to the vapor state is achieved. For example, the streams is also required to ensure that the contaminant mass
boiling point of the groundwater system at the water table at and energy balances meet the performance standards developed
1 atm of pressure is 100°C, whereas, the boiling point of the during the design process. The actual mass of contaminants is
same system 30 ft below the water table is 118°C. Therefore, often not known and/or cannot be calculated with a reasonable
if the treatment zone extends to 30 ft below the water table, degree of certainty, so multiple lines of evidence are typically
the temperature at the bottom of the treatment zone needs to used to ensure that an in  situ thermal remediation project is
achieve 118°C before water within the soil pores boils and progressing as planned and that ultimately has achieved the
generates a vapor phase. remedial end points. Periodic soil and g­ roundwater samples
For most sites contaminated with VOCs or CVOCs and are often collected within the treatment zone and from the pro-
that have stringent remedial standards, then it is typically cess streams, to ensure timely progression toward the remedial
necessary to input enough energy to boil off approximately objectives. Close attention to these factors will help ensure the

700 120
Average subsurface temperature (°C)

Pore volumes of steam generated


PVs of steam 20
AVG temp. of TTZ

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Days of operations

FIGURE 9.4  Pore volumes of steam generated in situ at a thermal remediation site in low permeable clay.
Soil Treatment 469

thermal remediation strategy achieves its remedial objectives Convection

within its intended time frame. With thermal convection, energy is primarily transmitted
The following sections include some of the more important through displacement (i.e., physical circulation of mol-
considerations during the design and implementation phases ecules) of the heated body.7 Therefore, thermal convection
of in situ thermal remediation projects. The first is an initial can only occur with fluids (i.e., liquids or gases). Fluids that
introduction on the modes of energy input used for the various contact heated solid surface, such as a fin and tube heat
thermal remediation strategies. The primary treatment and exchanger, transfer heat though conductive processes, and
removal mechanisms are then discussed to provide the reader then are swept away to participate in convective heating
with a strong overview of the processes that occur below- processes. Likewise, direct injection of energy associated
ground. Then an introduction to the primary in situ thermal with fluids or vapors that are at higher temperatures than
treatment technologies is provided, followed by a summary the soil (e.g., steam or hot air) is convective heat transfer.
of the key aspects that should be considered when selecting Energy can also be transferred to the subsurface via a phase
the appropriate technology or technologies for a site. Finally, change (e.g., condensation of steam), which utilizes a com-
an overview of the typical monitoring requirements and data bination of thermal convection and thermal conduction.
analyses for a thermal remediation project are presented. This The rate of heat energy flux per unit time (q) from a solid
knowledge should benefit remediation system designers, prac- to a convective fluid is dependent on the convective heat
titioners, and/or responsible parties during the various phases transfer coefficient (hc), the area of the heat transfer (A), and
of all thermal remediation projects. the temperature differential (ΔT) between the surface and
the bulk fluid according to
9.3.1 Energy Input and Heating Mechanisms
q = hc * A * DT (9.2)
Input of energy into the subsurface is required to increase
the temperature of the subsurface media, and several forms
of energy transfer are used to elicit subsurface temperature  Joule (Electrical Resistance) Heating
increases. The different in situ thermal remediation technolo- Joule heating, also known as electrical resistive heating, is
gies available today in the market place are typically opti- created by the resistance of a body to transmit electrical
mized for one or several of these heat transfer mechanisms. energy. Resistive losses in an electrical wire, for example,
The selection of the most appropriate technology for any par- are generally a negative attribute, as this results in the heat-
ticular site will be based on the ability to optimize one or ing of wire and reduces the amount of energy available to do
several of these heating mechanisms for the given site geology work at the end of the wire. An example of where resistive
and hydrogeology. losses and Joule heating are useful would be a toaster oven.
The electrical resistance heating (ERH) used for thermal Conduction remediation of soil and groundwater at impacted sites takes
Thermal conduction is typically considered the most basic advantage of Joule heating and the relatively poor electrical
form of heat transfer. Thermal energy from conductive conductive properties of soil to generate heat similar to a
heating is transmitted by direct contact with and molecu- toaster oven. For in situ thermal remediation projects opti-
lar communication between adjacent molecules, without mized for electrical resistive heating, the subsurface can be
significant movement of the molecules.7 During conductive directly heated by applying a voltage potential across the
heat transfer, the temperature difference (i.e., the energy soil between a series of electrodes. A portion of the electri-
level) is transmitted between adjacent bodies, which can be cal current is converted to heat energy due to the electrical
solids, liquids, or gases so long as they are in direct physical resistivity of the soil water matrix. Joule’s law provides the
contact with one another. For in  situ thermal remediation relationship between the amount of electrical energy con-
projects, the input of energy typically occurs from heated verted into heat (Q), when a time invariant current (I) flows
probes or wells that are maintained at higher temperatures through an electrical conductor with resistance (R) for a time
relative to the cooler surrounding soil. Therefore, the ther- duration (t):
mal conductivity of the soil is an important criterion for heat
transfer to soil on thermal remediation projects because it
Q = I 2 Rt (9.3)
governs the amount of energy that can be transferred from
the probe into the soil for a particular temperature differ-
ential. The rate of heat energy flux (Q) from the probe is The International System of Units (SI) unit for energy is
dependent on the thermal conductivity (k) of the body (i.e., the Joule (J), named after James Prescott Joule. This unit
soil) and the temperature gradient along the energy flow of energy is applicable to mechanical energy (or work), heat
path (ΔT/Δx) according to energy, and electrical energy. For mechanical energy, 1 J = 1
Newton (N) meter (m) = 1 kilogram (kg) · m2/second2. Using
k * DT the SI relationships, the equivalent is 1 J = 1 Volt (V) · Ampere
Q= (9.1)
Dx (A) · second (s).
470 Remediation Engineering

For electrical energy, given the time invariant current, and for relatively nonvolatile NAPLs with moderate to high
the Power (P) consumed by a resistive load is given by P = fuel values.
Qt, and therefore, the power consumed by a resistive load
is P = I2 R.  Radio Frequency or Microwave Heating
The (derived) SI unit for power is the Watt (W), named Dielectric materials present in the subsurface (e.g., polar
after James Watt, and is measured in Joules per second: compounds such as water) can be directly heated bypass-
ing high-frequency oscillating radio waves or microwaves
1 W = J/s . (9.4) through the subsurface between buried antennae. The oscil-
lating electromagnetic fields cause the molecules of the
polar compounds to vibrate rapidly, increasing the kinetic
Ohm’s law equivalently states the potential difference (V)
energy and temperature of the subsurface materials. In the
across an electrical conductor (in this case between two elec-
subsurface at a contaminated site, the bulk of the energy is
trodes in the subsurface) is related to the current I and the
absorbed by the water, and little direct heating of the solid
electrical resistance R by
portion of the matrix or nonpolar contaminants occurs.
Thus, the primary mode of heating is the conduction of
V = I × R (9.5) energy from heated water to the surrounding matrix and
convection and condensation of any steam that is produced.
This yields the more generalized form of electrical power: Although there have been some field demonstrations of this
approach, its commercial application appears limited due to
P = V × I (9.6) the high cost of the antennae arrays and low energy transfer
efficiencies. Therefore, this approach is not discussed fur-
ther in this chapter. Combustion/Smoldering
The combustion/smoldering technology has been recently
introduced as a viable remedial strategy for soils impacted 9.3.2 Energy Transport and Storage Mechanisms
with NAPLs that have a moderate to high fuel value (e.g.,
As a site is heated and subsurface temperatures increase,
fuel oil, creosote, coal tar). During the in  situ combustion/
energy can be transported within the subsurface by heat
smoldering process, hot air (e.g., 400°C) is injected into the
conduction in the porous and solid matrix as well as heat
subsurface (above and/or below the water table) to initiate
transport by fluid motion. The terms “convection” and
combustion or smoldering of the NAPL ganglia present in
“advection” are often used interchangeably to describe
the pore spaces and energy is released from the fuel NAPL
energy transport due to movement of heated fluids.
sources as it burns slowly belowground. With continued
Convection actually includes heat diffusion as well as advec-
injection of air, the energy released from the combustion
tion; however, heat transport by fluid diffusion tends to be
process progressively heats up the surrounding soil matrix
minor compared to convection and conduction. In general,
and fuel, resulting in propagation of the combustion front,
heat convection is the most effective transport mechanism
due to conductive and convective heat transfer processes.
in materials with moderate to high permeability, such as
Following initial ignition of the fuel, no additional energy
sand and gravel, while conduction is the dominant process
input is required to the subsurface, as the energy required
in materials with lower permeability such as silt, clay, and
for the combustion and destruction of the NAPLs is derived
low porosity/permeable bedrock.
from the self-combustion of the fuel hydrocarbons contained
in the NAPL. The process can be controlled by the varying
injection pressure and rate of air injected at the igniter well. Thermal Conductivity and
The radius of influence of an igniter well is governed by the Thermal Diffusivity
distribution of NAPL around the well, the permeability and Thermal conductivity is a measure of the ability of a material
anisotropy of the soil, and the air injection pressure and rate. to conduct heat. Thermal diffusivity is a measure of material’s
Typical radius of influence (ROI) for an igniter well ranges ability to conduct heat relative to its ability to store heat (i.e.,
between 6 and 12 ft. For a full-scale project, a network of thermal conductivity divided by heat capacity; see next sec-
igniter wells are installed throughout the treatment zone, the tion). Heat can migrate relatively quickly through a material
spacing of which is based on the ROI and which are operated with high thermal conductivity, while heat flow into a mate-
sequentially to remediate the entire site. rial with high thermal diffusivity will result in a relatively
Proof-of-concept experiments and several field pilot tests rapid temperature increase. Typical values of thermal conduc-
have demonstrated that a self-sustaining in  situ smolder- tivity are shown in Table 9.2.
ing process can be initiated. For sites with heavy oils in The thermal conductivity of solids and fluids can vary with
coarse-grained soils, for example, pilot tests have been able temperature, and representative values should be selected for
to achieve relatively complete NAPL removal. Initial lab the temperature range of interest. Measured thermal con-
and field experiments have suggested that the process could ductivity of porous materials is a combination of conduction
be applicable to soils with moderate to high permeability and convection occurring within the pore fluids. The change
Soil Treatment 471

conductivity of the soil particles and the fluid contained in

TABLE 9.2 the pore space:
Thermal Conductivity Values (Watts per Meter‐Kelvin)
kbulk = k particle (1- n) + k fluid (n) (9.7)
Temperature (°C)
Material/Substance 25 125 225 where n is the soil porosity (unitless).
Common building materials
Aluminum 205 215 250  Heat Capacity
Asbestos-cement board 0.744 The specific heat of a material is the energy required to raise
Asphalt 0.75 the temperature of a unit mass by one degree and is typically
Cellulose acetate, molded, sheet 0.17–0.33 expressed as kJ/kg/K or the kJ required to increase 1 kg of
Cement, Portland 0.29
soil or material 1 K, where kJ is kilojoules, kg is kilograms,
Cement, mortar 1.73
and K is Kelvin. The product of the specific heat and density is
Copper 401 400 398
Carbon steel 54 51 47
referred to as the heat capacity and provides a measure of the
Fiber insulating board 0.048 material’s ability to store heat. Heat capacity is expressed as
Fire–clay brick 500°C 1.4 kJ/m3/K or the kJ required to increase the temperature of 1 m3
Glass, window 0.96 of soil or material by 1 K, where kJ is kilojoules, m3 is cubic
Gypsum board 0.17 meters, and K is Kelvin. The heat capacity of soils and fluids
Hardwoods (oak, maple) 0.16 change with temperature; however, the range of variation for
Iron, cast 55 heat capacity of different soils is generally small compared
Plaster light 0.2 to the variability of other parameters such as permeability.
Plastics, foamed (insulation materials) 0.03 Similar to thermal conductivity, the bulk heat capacity of a
Plywood 0.13 soil is the combined heat capacity of the soil particles and the
Subsurface materials fluid in the pore space.
Clay, dry to moist 0.15–1.8
Clay, saturated 0.6–2.5  Heat of Vaporization
Granite 1.7–4.0
The heat of vaporization (kJ/kg) is the amount of energy
Gravel 0.7
required to vaporize a unit mass of material, that is, to boil a
Ground or soil, moist area 1
Ground or soil, dry area 0.5
kilogram of liquid until it is entirely converted to gas. If the
Limestone 1.26–1.33 conversion takes place at the liquid boiling point, the energy
Rock, solid 2–7 input does not result in a temperature increase. The total heat
Sand, dry 0.15–0.25 required to vaporize a liquid that is originally at ambient tem-
Sand, saturated 2–4 perature will be the sum of the heat required to raise the liq-
Sandstone 1.7 uid to its boiling point (product of specific heat, temperature
Soil, clay 1.1 increase, and mass) and the total heat required to vaporize
Soil, with organic matter 0.15–2 the liquid (product of heat of vaporization and mass). When
Soil, saturated 0.6–4 considering liquids present in the subsurface, the total heat
Water 0.58 required to vaporize a specific volume or mass of liquid is the
Water, vapor (steam) 0.016
sum of the heat required to raise the liquid and the surround-
Common contaminants at remediation sites ing matrix (porous media or bedrock) containing the liquid to
Alcohol 0.17
the boiling point, plus the heat required to vaporize the mass
Benzene 0.16
of liquid.
Engine oil 0.15
Gasoline/kerosene 0.15  Heat of Condensation
Methanol 0.21
Oil, machine lubricating SAE50 0.15
The heat of condensation (kJ/kg) is the amount of energy
released when a gas phase condenses into a liquid. For
example, when steam is injected into the subsurface at the
Air, atmosphere (gas) 0.024
start of a project, energy or heat is initially transferred to
Source: Engineering ToolBox,­ the matrix and liquids as the steam condenses and con-
conductivity-d_429.html. verts to a liquid. Energy and heat are also transported in
the subsurface due to thermal conduction and convection
associated with the hot condensed water. The steam con-
in measured thermal conductivity may be influenced by densation front moves out radially from the steam injec-
increased convection with temperature. Additional thermal tion well over time as the subsurface near the well achieves
conductivity values are available in the published literature, the boiling point of water. In this way, energy delivery is
for soil materials7,8 and for fluids.9 Note that the bulk ther- efficiently targeted to the water and matrix still below the
mal conductivity (kbulk) for a soil is the combined thermal boiling point.
472 Remediation Engineering

9.3.3 Treatment and Removal Mechanisms removal of such compounds (i.e., achievement of stringent drink-
ing water standards) using thermal, typically requires boiling off
The primary removal mechanism for most thermal treatment and/or flushing at least one entire pore volume of water.
technologies is volatilization and phase change from a liquid to
a gas phase. For VOCs and some SVOCS, heating the soil and Boiling at NAPL–Water Interface: Formation
groundwater within the treatment zone to 100°C (i.e., the boiling of Low-Boiling Point Azeotropes
point of water) will generate a gas phase consisting of water and
The separation of two or more organic chemicals by frac-
the organic chemical(s) in the soil pores. This gas phase facili-
tional distillation can be difficult when the components have
tates the volatilization, partitioning, and transport of the chemical
similar boiling points.10 An azeotrope is a constant boiling
mass through and out of the treatment zone. Higher temperatures
mixture with two or more liquids (e.g., water and trichloro-
are required for higher molecular weight chemicals that have
ethene [TCE] DNAPL) whose fractions cannot be changed
boiling points significantly higher than water, but the primary
by simple distillation. When an azeotrope is boiled, the vapor
removal mechanism is the same: volatilization and phase transi-
has similar proportions of the constituents as the unboiled
tion. Thus, the removal effectiveness is largely dependent on the
mixture. However, many organic compounds found at reme-
ability to uniformly achieve the required temperature throughout
diation sites, especially CVOC-based DNAPLs, form a het-
the treatment volume and sometimes above the targeted volume
erogeneous azeotrope, with an eutectic boiling point that is
to ensure sufficient treatment is uniformly achieved and that the
typically lower than the boiling point of the pure compound.11
mobilized chemical mass is efficiently removed from the subsur-
Therefore, CVOC-based DNAPLs in contact with liquid
face and does not condense in cool regions.
water will begin to coboil at lower temperatures, promoting
Other removal mechanisms include enhanced direct physi-
more effective removal of the DNAPL in groundwater. Due
cal removal due to favorable changes in LNAPL/DNAPL fluid
to Raoult’s law, the vapor pressures of the two components
properties such as viscosity and thermally enhanced autode-
heterogeneous azeotropes systems are additive, such that they
composition reactions such as hydrolysis of chlorinated eth-
coboil at a temperature below the boiling points of each of the
anes.9 At some high-temperature sites and applications, direct
pure substances. Table 9.3 provides a comparison of the pure
in situ thermal degradation such as oxidation and/or pyrolysis
substance boiling points and the heterogeneous azeotrope
can also be significant or, as in the case of the smoldering
with water boiling point for several CVOCs typically found
technology, the primary removal mechanism.
at many thermal remediation sites. Figure 9.6 provides an  Vaporization and Volatilization example of a water tetrachloroethene (PCE) DNAPL system.
For thermal treatment of CVOC-based DNAPL, the dominant
mechanism is vaporization, as illustrated in Figure 9.5, show-
ing how boiling leads to steam formation and gas flow rich in TABLE 9.3
contaminant vapors out of the pore matrix. Note the continu- Comparison of Pure Substance Boiling Points and
ous gas phase in the right image where pore fluids are boil- Heterogeneous Azeotrope with Water Boiling Point
ing and creating steam, which sweeps up and out to recovery
Chlorinated Pure Substance Heterogeneous Azeotrope
wells screened in the vadose zone.
Solvent Boiling Point (°C) with Water Boiling Point (°C)  Preferential Partitioning into Vapor Phase PCE 121 88

Henry’s law constants for organic chemicals that are sparingly TCE 87 73
1,1,2-TCA 114 86
soluble or immiscible in water increase substantially as a function
CT 77 67
of temperature. This leads to preferential partitioning from the
CF 61 56
aqueous phase to the vapor phase at elevated temperatures. This
MC 40 39
doesn’t occur for miscible compounds such as acetone, alcohols,
MTBE, and 1,4-dioxane. Because of their high solubilities in Source: Todd, J.P. and Ellis, H.B., Applied Heat Transfer, Harper and Row
water and low Henry’s constants, even at elevated temperatures, Publishers, New York, 1982.
they will preferentially remain in the water phase. Effective

1 mm

FIGURE 9.5  Steam formation at the pore scale at a thermal remediation site. (Courtesy of Terra Therm, Inc., Massachusetts, USA.)
Soil Treatment 473

1 atm
700 Vptotal =Vpwater + VpNAPL

Total pressure
Vapor pressure (mm Hg) 500
Vapor pressure PCE
400 Vapor pressure of


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Temperature (°C)

FIGURE 9.6  Water-PCE DNAPL Co-boiling point. (Arcadis, Risk from soil gas at fuel service stations, Internal communication, 2015.
© 2015 Arcadis.)  Fluid Property Changes dependence of vapor pressure for a range of VOCs, SVOCs,
Many of the physical properties of VOC-based NAPLs and PAHs, PCBs, and dioxins.
CVOC-based DNAPLs change as a result of temperature The formation of steam from boiling groundwater also
increase during the life cycle of an in situ thermal remedia- promotes in situ steam stripping, which helps to remove the
tion project. For example, vapor pressure increases expo- contaminants from saturated and vadose zone soils and pro-
nentially with increasing temperature. Effective solubilities vides a mechanism for advection for the mobilized substances
also typically increase, albeit linearly with increasing tem- from its prior adsorption site.
perature. Conversely, the relationship between temperature
and viscosity is inversely proportional for all substances.12 Temperature-Activated
However, DNAPL density, viscosity, surface tension, Autodecomposition Reactions
and solubility typically varies less than the properties of Temperature-activated autodecomposition reactions (TAADR)
LNAPLs from fuel hydrocarbons. The temperature depen- such as hydrolysis and dehydrohalogenation represent a highly
dence of these physical properties generally promotes the effective and less energy intensive in  situ thermal reme-
improved performance of in situ thermal remediation proj- diation approach to remove chlorinated alkanes, especially
ects. Figures 9.7 and 9.8 summarize some of the physical 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA) from the subsurface.13 For
and chemical property changes that can occur during heat- chlorinated alkanes, TAADR predominantly involves reac-
ing for LNAPL and water, TCE, and PCE, respectively. tions that can be classified into two pathways that can occur
Figure 9.9 provides a summary of the strong temperature simultaneously. The first is hydrolysis, which is defined as the

Fuel oil, 14 gravity No. 5 fuel oil

400 14
350 12
300 10
Viscosity (cSt)
Viscosity (cp)

50 2

0 0
20 60 100 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

FIGURE 9.7  Viscosity reductions of oil with increasing temperatures.

474 Remediation Engineering

1.6 7

Henry’s law constant (—)

1.4 6 PCE

Vapor pressure (atm)

1.2 5
1.0 H2O
0.2 1
0.0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
(a) °C (b) °C

FIGURE 9.8  (a) Temperature dependence of vapor pressure for TCE, PCE, and H2O. (b) Temperature dependence of Henry’s Law constant
for TCE, PCE and H2O.

Target temperature: 100°C >100°C

Vapor pressure (mm Hg)











(after TerraTherm)


0 100 200 300 400 500
Temperature (°C)

FIGURE 9.9  Vapor pressures increase exponentially during heating. (Courtesy of Terra Therm, Massachusetts, USA.)

decomposition of a dissolved chemical compound by reaction 9.3.4 Thermal Treatment Technologies

with water.14 The hydrolysis reaction typically proceeds by the
nucleophilic substitution of a halogen with a hydroxyl anion.  Electrical Resistance Heating
The following equation shows the hydrolysis reaction of 1,1,1- ERH is the process of passing electricity through the soil
TCA to produce 2-chloropropanol, which further degrades to between electrodes installed in the ground and heating the
acetic acid: soil by Joule heating (Figure 9.10). Both the saturated and
vadose zones can be heated with ERH providing that suffi-
C2H 3Cl3 + H 2O ® C2H 3Cl 2OH + HCl (9.8) cient soil moisture and electrical conductivity exists for effi-
cient and safe current flow.15,16 For ERH treatment, electrodes
The second is dehydrohalogenation, which proceeds by the and vapor extraction wells are typically installed in a trian-
elimination of a halogen bonded to one carbon atom with the gular grid pattern across and surrounding the targeted area,
simultaneous removal of a hydrogen bonded to a neighboring and phase-separated alternating current electricity is applied
carbon atom. As a result of the elimination of the halogen to the electrodes.
and hydrogen, a double bond is formed between the partici- Two types of ERH, three-phase and six-phase soil heat-
pating carbon atoms, replacing the original single bond. For ing, were developed and later demonstrated in the field. Due
1,1,1-TCA, sequential hydrolysis, elimination, and a dehy- to the flexibility of the electrode arrays used for three-phase
dration step produce both acetic acid and 1,1-dichloroethene ERH in accommodating the variable shapes and sizes of
(1,1-DCE). A summary of compounds susceptible to and not treatment areas, three-phase heating is the dominant form
susceptible to TAADR reactions are included in Table 9.4, of ERH used commercially to remediate full-scale sites.
including their estimated half-lives at varying temperature Six-phase ERH is sometimes used for small (i.e., one single
ranges. array of six electrodes arranged in a hexagonal pattern with
Soil Treatment 475

Summary of Calculated Half-Lives for Various Chlorinated Ethanes at Varying Temperatures
Half-Life (Days)
Compound 10°C 20°C 40°C 60°C 80°C 95°C
Relatively recalcitrant compounds
1,2-Dichloroethene (1,2-DCE) 1.3E+14 2.0E+13 6.4E+11 3.2E+10 2.2E+06 3.6E+08
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 5.2E+12 8.7E+11 3.4E+10 2.0E+09 1.6E+08 2.9E+07
1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) 7.5E+11 1.1E+11 3.7E+09 1.8E+08 1.3E+07 2.1E+06
Trichloroethene (TCE) 7.1E+09 1.1E+09 4.1E+07 2.2E+06 1.6E+05 2.8E+04
Compounds potentially susceptible to heat-activated
autodecomposition reactions
Chloroform (CHCl3) 6.9E+06 1.4E+06 8.0E+04 6.1E+03 590 120
1,1,2-Trichloroethane (1,1,2-TCA) 3.4E+05 9.6E+04 9.4E+03 1.2E+03 190 56
1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) 2.5E+05 5.5E+04 3.6E+03 330 39 9.3
1,1-Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA) 2.3E+05 4.8E+04 2.7E+03 210 23 5.0
Carbon tetrachloride (CC14) 1.7E+05 3.2E+04 1.6E+03 110 11 2.2
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane (1,1,1,2-TCA) 1.3E+05 3.3E+04 2.7E+03 302 43 11
Chloroethane (CA)1 8.1E+03 1.9E+03 130 13 1.6 0.39
1,1,1-Trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA 4.6E+03 860 41 2.8 0.26 0.052
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane (1,1,2,2-TCA 840 270 35 5.7 1.2 0.39
1,2-Dichloropropane (1,2-DCP) 16 3.2 0.18 0.014 0.0015 3.2E−04

Sources: Washington, J., Groundwater, 33(3), 1995; Jeffers, T.H. et al., Biosorption of metal contaminants using immobilized
biomass: Field studies, Report of investigations 9461, Bureau of Mines, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1993.

Contaminant vapors and steam

100–1000 V 100–1000 V
+/– +/–

Rate and Groundwater

uniformity of flux < 1 ft/day
heating governed
by soil resistivity

Varies by a factor
of ~200

FIGURE 9.10  Traditional ERH using continuous long electrode. (Courtesy of Terra Therm, Inc., Massachusetts, USA.)

a central neutral) project or pilot tests, but the complexity of After reaching the in  situ boiling temperature, fur-
designing and laying out large six-phase electrode arrays is a ther energy input is applied to cause a phase change of the
significant impediment to the applicability of this approach groundwater and any NAPL to steam (water and contaminant
to full-scale sites. vapor) within the soil matrix pores, in both the vadose and
As the electric current passes through the targeted subsur- saturated zones. Boiling and vaporizing the liquid (water and
face soil volume between the electrodes, the treatment zone’s NAPL) contained in one soil pore results in the formation of
resistance to the current flow causes the formation to heat up approximately 1600 pores of steam. The steam and contami-
(both soil and water). This results in an increase in temper- nant vapors produced at the pore scale push outward and rise
ature until the boiling point of water (e.g., 100°C at 1 atm) upward due to buoyancy effects until it reaches the vadose
or the two-component, NAPL–water system boiling point is zone, where it is extracted through a series of screened vapor
reached at the target depth and in situ pressures. extraction wells for aboveground treatment. The formation
476 Remediation Engineering

FIGURE 9.11  Example electrode for ET-DSP. (Courtesy of McMillan-McGee Corp.)

of steam also results in steam stripping, which helps remove volume (Figure 9.11). This provides uniform heating across
adsorbed contaminants from saturated and vadose zone soils. the entire length of each electrode and results in more uni-
The unsaturated soil zone in the vicinity of the electrodes form subsurface heating across the entire treatment volume.
within the treatment area is held under neutral or slightly neg- ET-DSP also manages the power delivered to individual
ative pressure by inducing a vacuum on the network of extrac- electrodes through a process called time distributed control,
tion wells, causing the volatilized CVOCs and steam to be which allows discrete targeting of specific areas for heating
collected and preventing migration of contaminates outside on a minute-by-minute basis, thereby optimizing the applica-
of the treatment zone. tion of electrical energy.
Because heating of soil using ERH relies on the presence of When the temperature achieves the boiling point of water,
soil moisture for electrical conductivity and current flow, the steam is generated in  situ and extracted via recovery wells.
maximum treatment temperature is generally limited to about Laboratory studies demonstrated that thermodynamic changes
100°C (dependent on the depth below the water table and the induced by ERH can lead to very effective removal of CVOCs
hydrostatic pressure). In addition, ERH typically requires from silts and clays.18 Since the late 1990s, more than 300
the addition of water and sometimes a conductive solute commercial full-scale implementations of both three- and six-
(e.g., potassium chloride [KCl]) at the electrodes to maintain phase ERH have been completed,19,20 some by the trade name
electrical continuity. When water is added to the electrodes, ET-DSP.21 Most of these applications have been for treatment
groundwater extraction must be incorporated into the overall of CVOCs, because ERH heating is limited to achieving the
design to maintain hydraulic control during heating. boiling point of water. Once the water has boiled off, elec-
Electro-Thermal Dynamic Stripping Process™ trical conductivity becomes negligible and further heating
(ET-DSP™) is a thermal heating process patented by ceases and achieving higher temperatures is impossible.
McMillan-McGee Corp, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, that
combines ERH with active steam generation and convection  Thermal Conduction Heating
heating, by incorporating a water injection system at the elec- Thermal conduction heating (TCH), also named in situ ther-
trodes to generate steam in  situ. ET-DSP uses finite-length mal desorption, is a soil remediation technology in which
electrodes, typically 6–12 ft long, which are engineered to heat and vacuum are applied simultaneously to the subsurface
maximize the power density distribution within the treatment to heat both soil and water (Figure 9.12). A network of steel

Contaminant vapors and steam

Rate and
uniformity of Groundwater
heating governed flux < 1 ft/day
by thermal

Varies by a factor
of ~4

FIGURE 9.12  Thermal conduction heating (TCH) using electric heaters. (Courtesy of TerraTherm, Inc., Massachusetts, USA.)
Soil Treatment 477

heater wells consisting of continuous, sealed steel casings are because the thermal conductivity of a wide range of soil types
installed using conventional drilling techniques through the varies by only a factor of about four over the complete range
entire treatment interval. The most common form of TCH of soil types (sand, silt, clay, gravel, and even bedrock) and
heater utilizes electrical current applied to electric heating moisture contents. Thus even in highly heterogeneous set-
elements within the casings to create the heat source. Gas tings, TCH heating can be robust and highly predictable if
fired heaters are also now commercially available. The heaters designed, constructed, and implemented properly.
(electric or gas) used in TCH systems are capable of achiev- Compared to fluid injection processes, which in hetero-
ing temperatures approaching 600°C–700°C at the heaters geneous soil tend to be limited by preferential flow through
(Figure 9.13). Heat flows into the soil primarily by thermal high permeability zones and bypassing of lower permeability
conduction due to the large temperature gradient between the regions, the TCH process is much more uniform. More than
heaters and the surrounding soil. 75 TCH projects have been completed to date.
For VOC sites, the soil and water are heated to the boiling
point of water (100°C at 1 atm). As the soil is heated, water is  Steam-Enhanced Extraction
boiled and DNAPL constituents in the soil are coboiled and Steam is best applied for heating subsurface zones on the
vaporized. The resulting steam and vapors are drawn toward higher range of permeability and has seen extensive use in
extraction wells for removal and aboveground treatment. enhanced oil recovery (Figure 9.14). Steam is generated
Unlike ERH, TCH can also be used to heat soil to tempera- aboveground and injected via wells screened over targeted
tures greater than 100°C for removal of higher boiling point portions of the treatment zone. Steam-enhanced extraction
chemicals such as SVOCs and PAHs, PCBs, and dioxins (e.g., (SEE), the ISTR process combining steam injection, aggres-
250°C–325°C). To achieve temperatures above 100°C first sive fluids extraction, and cyclic depressurization, has been
requires boiling off the water present in the subsurface. This utilized in a number of field demonstrations and full-scale
can be readily achieved in the vadose zone if surface water cleanups.
infiltration is managed and limited and below the water table The injection of steam heats the soil and groundwater to
if groundwater flux can be limited. the boiling point of water and enhances the release of contam-
Compared to fluid injection processes, the conductive heat- inants from the soil matrix by decreasing viscosity, increasing
ing process is very uniform in its vertical and horizontal sweep removal rates due to volatilization, and increasing recovery
(i.e., the entire treatment zone is uniformly heated). This is rates due to steam stripping. Steam injection may also destroy

GTR thermal control unit

Inlet. air
Natural gas, propane, Contaminant vapor
or other fuel and steam
Clean air

FIGURE 9.13  Thermal conduction heating using gas/fuel fired heaters. (Courtesy of G.E.O., Inc.,
478 Remediation Engineering

Contaminant vapors, steam, and liquids

Steam Steam

Rate and uniformity

of heating
governed by soil K > 5 × 10–4 cm/s
varies by a factor of

FIGURE 9.14  Steam enhanced extraction. (Courtesy of TerraTherm, Inc., Massachusetts, USA.)

some contaminants. As steam is injected through a series of NAPL, and the contaminants contained in each of these flu-
wells within and around a source area, the steam zone grows ids, from within the treatment zone and provide hydraulic
radially around each injection well. The steam front drives and pneumatic control. Typically, groundwater is extracted
the contamination to a system of multiphase extraction wells at twice the rate of the amount of water that is injected as
in the saturated zone and soil vapor extraction wells in the steam to maintain hydraulic control. Pressure cycling of the
vadose zone. steam injection rate is often utilized as part of system opera-
SEE is applicable to many compounds including VOCs; tions to enhance removal of volatile contaminants from low
CVOCs; various fuel hydrocarbons including benzene, tolu- permeability materials (e.g., silt and clay layers or stringers)
ene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX); some SVOCs interbedded within the permeable portions of the SEE treat-
including naphthalene, creosote, and pentachlorophenol; and ment zone. Pressure cycling is the process where, following
various NAPLs. SEE is applied by injecting energy (as steam) breakthrough of steam at the extraction wells (i.e., steam
into the subsurface using wells or temporary steam spears temperature is attained throughout the treatment zone), the
to heat soils and water to its boiling point of 100°C. The steam injection system is significantly reduced (e.g., a 90%
increased temperature increases the vapor pressures of the reduction in injection pressures and rates) while maintain-
contaminants to drive the constituents into the vapor phase ing vacuum extraction. The reduction of pressure thermody-
so that they are removed with the steam. The combination namically destabilizes the system, forcing the temperature to
of increased temperature and vapor pressures and the pres- drop in the treatment zone and within the low permeability
ence of a pervasive and well connected steam phase provide materials to bring the system back into stability. To reduce
for rapid partitioning of contaminants from the NAPL and temperature and restore thermodynamic stability, the sys-
dissolved and sorbed phases into the steam to promote effec- tem loses heat by evaporation of residual moisture present in
tive removal of the contaminants from the subsurface. As the the lower permeability materials. Any volatile contaminants
steam is injected and the steam front forms around each injec- sorbed or diffused into the low permeability materials are
tion well, hot water and NAPL will be pushed and pulled to volatized with the water and forced out into the permeable
the extraction wells for removal. portions of the treatment zone, where they are removed by
A network of steam injection wells typically include a series the vacuum extraction system. Also, steam injection can be
of targeted steam injection points, with screened intervals of used in conjunction with ERH and TCH to treat permeable
2–4 ft around and within the treatment zone. Depending on portions of a site where these technologies would be limited
the depth, permeability, anisotropy, and geology of the treat- due to excess groundwater flux.
ment interval, more than one steam injection  interval may The following are some of the positive attributes for using
be used. The spacing between steam injection wells is deter- SEE at thermal remediation sites:
mined by the permeability, anisotropy (the ratio of horizontal
to vertical hydraulic conductivity), and depth of steam injec- • Highly effective for VOCs, CVOCs, and lighter
tion. Typical spacings between steam injection wells range SVOCs in permeable soils
from 20 to 40 ft. The treatment zone is surrounded by steam • Can be very effective for removal of NAPL
injection wells to push contaminants into the treatment zone • Very efficient delivery of energy to the subsurface
for removal (i.e., outside-in approach). A network of multi- resulting in shorter heat-up times and lower costs for
phase extraction wells are then used to remove water, steam, energy
Soil Treatment 479

Ignition well
ignition only)
Vapor cap Vapor Data
(if necessary) treatment logger Injection air

Vapors collected
under vacuum

Heater element
(used only for
initial ignition)

Preheating zone probes
Coal tar Combustion front
Clean zone


FIGURE 9.15  Self-sustained active remediation (STAR). (Courtesy of Savron, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.)

• Wider spacing between steam injection wells (20–  Smoldering Combustion
40 ft), which reduces installation costs and access Smoldering combustion is a remediation technology that
limitations can be used to treat sites contaminated with high fuel value
contaminants such as coal tar and petroleum hydrocarbons.
The following are some of the potential negative attributes The technology was developed and is commercially offered
for SEE: by Savron as self-sustaining treatment for active remediation
(STAR)22 (Figure 9.15). The process is “self-sustaining” fol-
lowing a short duration, low energy input “ignition event”
• Applicability limited to more permeable strata (>10 –4
where the energy of the reacting contaminants is used to
centimeter per second (cm/s) or 0.1 Darcy).
preheat and initiate combustion of contaminants in the adja-
• Not generally suitable for shallow depths or shallow
cent area. The combustion front will propagate through the
unsaturated zones, due to limits on steam injection
contaminated zone provided a sufficient flux of air/oxygen is
pressures, delivery rates, and extent of horizontal
supplied, and the minimal contaminant concentration (fuel
content) exists without any further external energy addition
• Must be combined with sufficient groundwater extrac-
following ignition. In this way, STAR is self-targeting, such
tion and treatment to maintain hydraulic control.
that the reaction naturally tracks through the subsurface
• Requires moderate degree of anisotropy to be effec-
zones occupied by NAPL, assuming the NAPL is present
tive (e.g., >5 K h:Kv).
as a continuous or semicontinuous source zone, and self-
• Interbedded sands and silts or sands and clays may
terminating, such that the reaction naturally ceases when no
require additional heating technology (e.g., ERH
NAPL remains. Another potential benefit is that with STAR,
or TCH) to heat low permeability strata if they are
the conveying of NAPL or contaminated groundwater to the
thicker than 1–2 ft.
surface for treatment is not required.
• Optimal designs provide a ring of steam injection
wells in clean areas surrounding the treatment
zone to push contaminants into the treatment zone, Low-Temperature In Situ Thermal
ensuring containment, capture, and removal. This Remediation
requires good delineation of the extent of contami- Low-temperature in  situ thermal treatment is fast evolv-
nants and access for installation of the steam injec- ing as a field of remediation. In many cases, applications of
tion wells. this approach largely involve raising the temperature of the
480 Remediation Engineering

contaminated media by few degrees and consequent enhance- temperatures and subsequent degradation has been very
ment of biodegradation. A generally accepted rule is that encouraging.
biodegradation rates double for every 10°C increase above TISR relates to heating of target contaminant treatment
the baseline natural temperature of the subsurface. Low- zones in the groundwater and the soil by thermal conduction
temperature thermal approaches usually rely on mesophilic and advection and subsequent enhancement of physical, bio-
(20°C–40°C) or thermophilic (40°C–80°C) microbial activ- logical, and chemical processes to attenuate, degrade, and
ity. For many years, scientists and practitioners have been pur- remove contaminants from the target contaminant treatment
suing low-temperature thermal degradation process in many zones. TISR provides a system and method that collects solar
different ways: (1) on the heels of traditional high-temperature heat or other heat and transfers that heat via a closed loop
thermal remedial approaches such as ERH, (2) by exploiting and a set of borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) to subsurface
aquifer’s energy storage for heating and cooling buildings in soil in the proximity of the target contaminant treatment
urban settings to enhance biodegradation at less than 25°C, zones. TISR is aimed at increasing the ambient groundwater
(3) hot water recirculation (80°C) to facilitate temperature temperature up to 40°C using renewable energy and thereby
activated autodecomposition, (4) low-temperature heating potentially enhancing hydrolysis or enhanced biodegrada-
(30°C–40°C) with forced aeration to enhance biodegradation, tion rates by three to five times. Figure 9.16 shows the pro-
and (5) enhanced natural source zone LNAPL depletion at cess layout.
35°C. All of the approaches mentioned here share the prem- Each BHE comprises thermally conductive, high surface
ise that biodegradation or abiotic destruction of contaminants area heating element/coil placed within a targeted heating
can be enhanced by using a less energy-intensive approach, interval to accomplish effective heat conductance to the soil
compared to traditional energy-intensive thermal remedia- and groundwater in the subsurface and also directly to the
tion approaches such as ERH and TCH. Even though rela- target contaminant zone. Vertical thickness of the target
tively less energy intensive, the low-temperature techniques contaminant zone is a factor in determining the length of
mentioned earlier still employ conventional energy sources to each BHE. Upper sections of the BHE may be insulated to
increase the temperature of the contaminant media. minimize heat transfer to upper layers of soil in the subsur-
Use of renewable energy capture and its use to enhance face and to focus delivery of thermal energy to the target
environmental site restoration are also gaining momen- contaminant zone.
tum. Thermal in  situ sustainable remediation (TISR) is
another technique currently being developed and have seen Thermal Technologies Available
some encouraging preliminary results. Pilot study using in North America
TISR to enhance biodegradation by use of solar collectors Table 9.5 presents a summary of the primary thermal contrac-
and a closed-loop heating system to increase subsurface tors and treatment technologies available in North America.


heating fluid

Circulation pump

Water level

Borehole heat Contamination


9 21 33 42 51 63 72°C

FIGURE 9.16  Process layout showing solar collectors and borehole heat exchangers installed in the contaminant treatment zone. (Courtesy
of Davinder Randhawa.)
Soil Treatment 481

Thermal Technology Providers in North America
Thermal Contractors North Temp TCH TCH/ERH Ex Situ
America Thermal Electric TCH Gas ERH ET-DSP SEE with SEE STAR Options
McMillan-McGee Maybe Maybe Maybe Yes Yes Maybe Maybe No No W/TT W/GEO
TerraTherm Maybe Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
TRS Group Maybe No No Yes No No Maybe No No
GEO Maybe No Yes No No No Maybe No Yes!gas-
Savron No No No No No No No Yes Yes
CES (Current Environmental Maybe No No Yes No No No No No
GRS (Global Remedial Solutions a Maybe No No Yes No No No No No
PNE Corp)
Arcadis Yes Yes

9.3.5 Thermal Technology Selection and apples-to-apples comparison of the designs and cost proposals
Design Considerations so that they can be ranked and the best value option identified.
Some of the key technical aspects that should be clearly identi-
Often site owners or consultants fail to consider all the options fied in the technical specifications include the following:
for thermal treatment and rely on one concept and cost when
making a decision. It is important to realize, for instance, • Heating and temperature performance expectations
that ERH and ISTD often apply to the same sites and can • Clear identification of treatment zone, horizon-
both provide equal performance, providing they are designed, tally and vertically (e.g., 1 ft below ground sur-
constructed, and operated properly. The decision to use one face [bgs] to 30 ft)
technology over another should be decided based on careful • Minimum temperature of 100°C at 90% of the
consideration of the following: temperature monitoring points within the treat-
ment zone
• COCs and remedial objectives • No temperature monitoring point below 90°C
• Target treatment temperature necessary to achieve • Requirement for an insulated vapor cap covering and
remedial objectives for COCs extending beyond the treatment zone
• Site geology and depth • Multiphase or groundwater extraction wells to ensure
• Hydrogeology and groundwater flux hydraulic control during treatment
• Utilities and infrastructure available at the site • Minimum energy input based on preliminary
energy balance for the site accounting for conduc-
Figure 9.17 presents a flowchart that can be used as a pre- tive and convective heat losses to top, sides, and
liminary guide to identify potential thermal technologies for bottom of treatment zone, energy extracted as
a site. Tables 9.6 through 9.8 provide a screening of the appli- vapor and liquid, groundwater flux, and boiling off
cability of the commercially available thermal technologies a set percentage of the pore water in the treatment
for various COCs, remedial objectives, geologic settings, and zone (e.g., 20%–30%)
groundwater flow conditions, respectively.
When comparing different thermal technologies or the The various designs and proposals can then be ranked, irre-
same technology from different thermal providers for a site, spective of the specific heating technology, based on con-
it is important to identify the “best value” among the designs sideration of health and safety, robustness of heating design,
and proposals. This requires first preparing clear and decisive robustness of extraction and treatment design, probability
technical specifications for the key components of the remedy of system meeting performance objectives, and probabil-
so that all designs and bids are prepared with equivalent design ity of meeting performance objectives within desired time
elements and performance expectations. This will allow an frame.
482 Remediation Engineering


Are the COCs No

Primary factors affecting selection
of treatment technology/approach
– BP/VP of COCs Yes
– Cleanup criteria No Stringent COC Yes
soil treatment TCH > 100°C
– Groundwater flux criteria?
– Bedrock
– Stratigraphy

No Is bedrock
Is there a high- Yes
present in the TCH 100°C
flow aquifer?
treatment zone?

Yes No

No Is there a thick TCH, ERH, or ET-DSPTM

clay layer? (100°C)


SEE combined with TCH,

ERH or ET-DSPTM (100°C)

FIGURE 9.17  Identification and selection of potential thermal technologies. (Courtesy of TerraTherm.)

For Various Contaminants of Concern
Target Low Temp. TCH TCH TCH/ERH
COCs and Treatment Objectives Temperature Thermal Electric Gas ERH ET-DSP SEE with SEE STAR
VOCs (e.g., BTEX) 100°C No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Maybe
CVOCs (e.g., PCE, TCE, TCA, DCE) 100°C No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Maybe
CVOCs—enhance hydrolysis/ 25°C–40°C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
SVOCs 100°C–250°C No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Maybe
For example, naphthalene and Up to Up to Up to Up to
chlorobenzene 100°C 100°C 100°C 100°C
PAHs, PCBs, dioxins 250°C–350°C No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Maybe
Miscible VOCs (low Henry’s constant), 100°C No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
1,4-dioxane, MIBK, MEK, acetone Boil off 1 PV
TPH/creosote/coal tar—remove mobile 50°C–100°C Maybe Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
TPH/creosote/coal tar—enhance 25°C–40°C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
TPH/creosote/coal tar—stringent soil 100°C–250°C No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
standards Up to Up to Up to Up to
100°C 100°C 100°C 100°C  Target Treatment Temperature removed and that steam stripping will reduce dissolved and
For most CVOCs, except those that degrade readily by hydro- adsorbed concentrations.23 One mistake is to rely on the psy-
lysis such as methylene chloride (MeCl2), 1,2-dichloroethane chrometric effect (air mixing with steam and lowering the boil-
(1,2-DCA), and 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA), the target ing point), since typical heterogeneity makes it impossible to
treatment temperature should be the boiling point of the pore distinguish whether a zone heated to 85°C is being cleaned due
water or groundwater. Heating to 100°C or slightly lower where to air flow or whether it is stagnant and bypassed by the heat-
vacuum is applied ensures that all DNAPL is vaporized and ing (Heron et al., 2005). Ultimately, this reduces the certainty
Soil Treatment 483

Applicability of Thermal Remediation Technologies for Various Geologic Settings
Geology Thermal Electric TCH Gas ERH ET-DSP SEE with SEE STAR
Sand and gravels—vadose zone Yes Yes Yes No Maybe Maybe Maybe Yes
Sand and gravels—saturated zone Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Silt and clay Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Heterogeneous mixtures Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Maybe
Interbedded/layered systems Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Maybe Yes Maybe
Saprolite Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Maybe No
Sedimentary rock Yes Yes Yes Maybe Maybe Maybe Maybe No
Fractured metamorphic/igneous rock Yes Yes Yes Maybe Maybe Maybe Maybe No
Competent rock Yes Yes Yes No No No Maybe No

Applicability of Thermal Remediation Technologies for Various Groundwater Flow Conditions
Groundwater Flux Low Temp. Thermal TCH Electric TCH Gas ERH ET-DSP SEE with SEE STAR
Low: <1–2 ft/day Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Maybe
High: >2 ft/day No Maybe Maybe Maybe Maybe Yes Yes Yes
0–50 ft Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
50–100 ft Maybe Yes Maybe Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
100–500 ft No Yes No Maybe Yes Yes Yes Maybe

of reaching cleanup goals in a timely manner. Below the water  Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control
table, the target temperature increases with depth due to the Before heating, inward flow of fluids (vapor and water) must
increased pressure. At a depth of 10 m below the water table, be ensured. During SEE and DUS, inward flow of ground-
the groundwater boils at approximately 120°C. Target tempera- water and vapor must also be ensured. Detailed calculation
tures must be the boiling temperature to ensure steam stripping. of necessary rates must be performed (steam can rapidly
For sites with SVOCs, PAHs, PCBs, or other high boiling displace large quantities of fluids). During ERH and ISTD,
point compounds, the target temperature will be higher than vapor capture must be ensured by a robust vacuum extraction
100°C (e.g., 150°C–350°C). For these sites, the target temper- system that allows a flow pathway for the steam and CVOC
ature should be selected based on lab treatability tests and/or vapors to extraction points. One cannot rely on steam bubbles
past experience for similar COCs in similar soils. migrating upward to the vadose zone or on clay drying to
During operation, subsurface temperature monitoring is create permeability—the generated vapor must flow readily
essential. For heterogeneous sites, thermocouples should be to extraction wells screened in the right zones. During ERH
placed no more than 1.5 m apart vertically, and a network of and ISTD, hydraulic control must be maintained, either by
monitoring wells should cover the target area and the zones boiling sufficient amounts of groundwater to create capture,
around it. pumping, or through use of a hydraulic barrier.  Mass and Energy Balance
A key to a good thermal project design and execution is care-  Design Considerations
ful energy management and monitoring of the progress in The following provides a summary of the key design consid-
different ways—an example of the use of a detailed energy erations for the primary thermal remediation technologies
balance for finding problems is presented in Figure 9.18. At (ERH, TCH, and SEE):
this site, the energy balance indicated that a cool zone was
present (average site temperature was 80°C–90°C, but the • Vapor cover: Typically required to prevent short cir-
thermocouples showed 100°C–110°C) and subsequent drill- cuiting of vapor flow around vapor extraction wells
ing revealed a recalcitrant zone, which was then targeted for and ensure to sufficient sweeping of the vadose zone
more intense treatment. The results were encouraging, show- for pneumatic control.
ing the importance of complete heating and the value of care- • Insulated vapor cover: Substantial heat losses
ful monitoring and engineering checks. occur at the ground surface due to the significant
484 Remediation Engineering

12,000 150
Steam energy
Electrical energy
10,000 Total injected 125
Total energy extracted

Calculated average temperature (°C)

Cumulative energy (million BTU)
Net energy addition
8,000 Average temperature (calculated) 100

6,000 75

4,000 50

2,000 25

0 0
10/1 10/16 10/31 11/15 11/30 12/15 12/30 1/14 1/29 2/13 2/28

FIGURE 9.18  Cumulative energy balance for a SEE project highlighting energy deficit between 11/15 and 12/30. (From Heron, G. et al.,
Thermally enhanced remediation at DNAPL sites: The competition between downward mobilization and upward volatilization, in Gavaskar,
A. et al., eds., Proceedings of the First International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey,
CA, May 18–21, 1998, Battelle Press, Columbus, OH, 1998, Vol. 1(2), pp. 193–198.)

temperature gradients. An insulated vapor cover is • Volume or mass of water to be boiled off to
necessary if heating and treating to the ground sur- reach treatment objectives (typically between
face and/or high vapor concentrations are expected, 15% and 30% of water present in the treatment
such as at high-mass/DNAPL sites. zone)
• Vapor extraction—pneumatic control: A separate • Heat losses to surface, bottom, and sides
network of vertical and/or horizontal vapor extrac- • Flux of groundwater through treatment zone
tion wells provides the best approach for ensuring • Heat extracted along with vapor and ground­water
adequate pneumatic control. Co-locating vapor The duration of heating is calculated by dividing the
extraction with the electrodes is counterproductive total energy requirement by the average assumed
as this will lead to preferential drying of the elec- power input rate.
trodes and removal of heat. • Presence of subsurface utilities: The best approach
• Extraction of groundwater—hydraulic control: If is to identify and remove and/or close in place sub-
water is added to the electrodes and/or the treat- surface utilities running through or within 10–20
ment zone extends below the water table and has a of the treatment zone. This is especially true of
moderate to high permeability, a separate network buried conductive metal objects, as these could
of dedicated groundwater extraction wells needs to interfere with the uniform flow of current and
be incorporated into the design to ensure hydraulic heating and possibly lead to stray currents outside
control of contaminants mobilized during heating. of the well field. Some utilities can be electrically
This is of special importance at SEE sites where isolated or grounded and left in place during heat-
water may be added to the treatment zone in substan- ing, such as concrete or fiberglass sewer or water
tial rates as steam. It is typical for most SEE sites to lines. PVC or plastic piping, including monitor-
incorporate an aggressive hydraulic control system ing wells, are typically removed and closed due
that is capable of extracting and treating twice the to temperature and material failure concerns. In
maximum steam injection rate as water. A combined some cases, utilities can be insulated and actively
vapor and groundwater extraction well system can be cooled to protect them from high temperatures
used, such as a multi- or dual-phase extraction well: during heating.
• Energy required for uniformly heating the treat- • Availability of necessary utilities
ment zone: Total energy required for heating must • Suitable electrical service
account for: • Access to sewer discharge
• Heat capacity of soil and water within treatment • Natural gas
zone (i.e., raise temperatures to 100°C) • Potable/makeup water
Soil Treatment 485

• Permitting treatment equipment, as well as the position of safety sen-

• Drilling sors and controls (e.g., pressure switches, level switches, and
• Electrical motor operated valves). The PLC(s) can be accessible remotely
• Building/piping/general construction through a wireless Internet connection, allowing the engineers
• SW control to remotely access the PLC and observe the operating infor-
• Liquid treatment and discharge mation. The PLC will also include the alarms and shutdown
• Vapor treatment and discharge conditions and notification system so that the engineers and
• UCI permit for injection of water and/or saline field operations staff are promptly notified of system problems.
• Third-party (UL) certification  Process Monitoring
9.3.6 Thermal Remediation-Performance Because the extracted COCs flow through the liquid and
Monitoring vapor extraction manifold pipes to the treatment system and
the COCs are recovered as a vapor and to a lesser degree,
A flexible approach to sampling and data collection can not only as a liquid, tracking the mass removed from the reme-
enhance the operation of a thermal system but also shorten the diation area is straightforward. Samples and process data
time to reach remedial goals and lower overall costs. Although from numerous locations are normally used to optimize
extraction wells and manifolds are typically hot, steam rich, the operation of the system and to provide estimates of the
and under vacuum and standard EPA methods do not exist for following:
collection and sample analysis, screening-level sampling can
reveal areas where problematic compounds persist and reveal • Mass removed in the vapor state (measured in the
area where treatment is complete (diminishing returns). The vapor conveyance manifold pipe and/or in the treat-
following sections provide an overview of the various types of ment system pre/post vacuum blower)
performance monitoring that can be conducted during imple- • Mass removed in dissolved state (measured in
mentation of a thermal remedy to verify: rates and uniformity influent liquid extraction line from the extrac-
of heat-up, pneumatic and hydraulic control maintained, mass tion wells and in condensate from the moisture
removal, achievement of mass reductions and soil and ground- separator)
water remedial goals, compliance with vapor and liquid dis- • NAPL (if present) recovered from the oil–water sep-
charge standards, and health and safety of site workers. arator (e.g., in LNAPL and DNAPL collection tanks)
• Mass load on the water treatment system  Thermal Well Field Monitoring • Destruction/removal efficiency of the vapor treat-
Subsurface thermocouples are typically located in dedicated ment system (determined by comparing the results of
monitoring borings to provide suitable data for evaluating vapor influent samples, with post treatment system
the heating progress. These data are used to monitor heat- concentrations)
ing progress and identify potential problematic areas and may
also be used to determine the locations of unanticipated heat  Screening-Level Sampling
loss or water infiltration and/or for deciding where and if it is A handheld photoionization detector (PID) or flame ioniza-
necessary to enhance the heating. tion detector (FID) is typically be used to screen the vapor
Subsurface temperatures are typically measured at 3–5 ft concentrations at numerous locations by collecting a sample
depth intervals from the ground surface or top of the treatment using a sampling pump and a tedlar bag:
interval to the bottom of the treatment interval or just below.
Normally, the temperature monitoring system is logged auto- • At the wellheads from the individual extraction wells
matically and records temperature data to document heating • At the combined influent to the treatment system
progress. • At the effluent from the effluent from the treatment
At some sites, subsurface pressure can also be monitored system (the final discharge point)
using simple screened air piezometers installed to the desired
depth within the vadose zone and equipped with differential The PID and/or FID can also be used to screen the breath-
pressure gauges or with a sampling port for manual pressure ing space within the well field and extraction and treatment
measurement. Daily readings can be taken to ensure that the system compounds and locations around the perimeter of the
treatment zone is under negative pressure and that pneumatic site to verify that ambient air quality conforms to site-specific
control is maintained. criteria.  Remote Monitoring  Grab Samples of Process Vapor Streams for

Most thermal remediation systems incorporate a program- Laboratory Analysis  Grab samples for laboratory analysis
mable logic controller (PLC) or series of PLCs to monitor and are normally collected for verification and accurate determi-
record selected system operating data including relevant tem- nation of the COC load in the extracted and discharged water
peratures, pressures, and flows through the aboveground vapor and vapor streams. The methods and sampling frequency
486 Remediation Engineering

depends on the COCs, treatment system design, and discharge Confirmatory soil samples are typically collected from a
permit conditions. combination of biased and randomly selected locations within
the treatment area.  Energy Balance Calculations Drilling for collection of interim and confirmation sam-
It is important to periodically calculate an energy balance for ples during thermal remediation can be performed safely
the site using the following data: when not drilling into significant steam zones.25 The data
can be used to document remedial progress and final per-
formance before operation is completed. It is useful for
• Energy delivered to the subsurface
gathering information in zones where contaminant extrac-
• Energy removed in the form of hot groundwater
tion continues despite a sense that heating is complete. Soil
(estimated based on pumping rates and liquid line
and sediment sampling is particularly useful since potential
rebound after cooling would be the result of partitioning
• Energy removed in the form of steam (estimated
of contaminants from the sediments to groundwater. Since
based on the vapor extraction manifold tempera-
the sampling represents the potential source for rebound, it
ture and estimated flow rate based on pitot tube flow
is preferred over waiting for cooling and then performing
readings in the manifold lines)
groundwater sampling.
• Energy removed in noncondensable air (estimated
from total treatment system vapor flow rate)
• Estimated heat losses 9.4  IN SITU SOIL MIXING
In situ soil mixing was first used in the United States for geo-
The energy balance provides a way of estimating the aver- technical and earth retention applications in the late 1950s
age heating rate (in degrees per day) and an average treat- and early 1960s. It really became an environmental reme-
ment zone temperature for the site. These numbers can be diation technology only in the 1980s, starting primarily with
compared to the design numbers (energy delivery, average inorganic compounds such as metals and then emerging as
temperature) and the observed subsurface temperatures (from a viable remedial alternative for organic compounds such as
the temperature monitoring measurements). The periodic cal- MGP residuals and chlorinated solvents in the 2000s. Soil
culation of the energy balance for a site can be used to verify mixing for remediation has also gained increased regula-
that the thermocouples are providing accurate representation tory support, both on the state and federal levels over the last
of conditions throughout the treatment zone and to assess the few years.
progress of heating. Soil mixing can be defined as any technique used to
The energy and mass balances are integral to optimizing mechanically mix soils with or without additives and can be
the performance of the remedial system. If the energy balance performed ex situ or in situ. For the purposes of this discus-
matches the measured temperatures, it provides an additional sion, the focus will be on in  situ methods and applications;
assurance that the entire treatment zone has been heated suf- however, the same principles apply to both. More commonly,
ficiently and evenly. the term refers to processes by which reagents are injected and
mixed with the soil. Implementation methods vary depending  Soil and Groundwater Sampling on a number of site-specific factors (e.g., type and depth of
It is common to collect interim soil and groundwater samples waste, soil types, site access), including mixing reagents (wet
while the site is being heated and is hot (e.g., 100°C). These and dry) using crane or drill mounted augers (deep soil mix-
data can be compared with baseline, pretreatment data to ing) or excavators with traditional buckets or specialized mix-
evaluate changes in soil and groundwater concentrations ing attachments (shallow soil mixing).
and progress toward the remedial goals. Methodologies
have been developed for collection of soil and groundwa-
9.4.1 Introduction
ter samples from hot thermal remediation sites that mini-
mize losses of VOCS or CVOCs and ensure the data are In  situ soil mixing methods can be classified in two major
representative of actual subsurface conditions at the time categories: in situ solidification/stabilization (ISS) and IST.
of sampling.
After the site has achieved the temperature performance • ISS: Contaminants are not purposefully changed
criteria and the interim soil and/or groundwater sampling chemically to less harmful forms, but reagents are
indicate achievement of the cleanup criteria, it is expected used to encapsulate waste material, such as NAPL,
that asymptotic COC removal levels will be reached. in low permeability matrices that restricts the con-
Multiple lines of evidence, including subsurface tempera- taminants, mobility, provides long-term control of
tures, extracted COC concentrations, and interim soil and mass discharge by reducing the surface area exposed
groundwater sampling results, will be used to determine to groundwater leaching, and enhances geotechnical
when extracted COC concentrations have dropped to a properties (e.g., strength, permeability), eliminating
level that indicates the site is ready for final confirmatory the contaminants impact on surrounding soils and/
sampling. or groundwater.
Soil Treatment 487

• IST: Where ISS encapsulates soil in place, IST utilizes sediments below a surface water body in certain
reagents to actively promote a chemical environment conditions. Some exceptions include high plasticity
where contaminants are purposefully destroyed or clays, which may experience excessive bulking and
changed to less harmful constituents via mechanisms organic rich materials, which may inhibit strength
such as reduction or oxidation. IST achieves remedial development needed to encapsulate the waste.
objectives through reduction of contaminant mobil- • Regulatory acceptance: As mentioned earlier, there
ity, toxicity, and solubility. For inorganics such as has been an increased acceptance of ISS and IST
heavy metals, IST transforms the inorganics to less remedies among both state agencies and the EPA,
soluble/toxic form and their mobility in groundwater and increased awareness and experience is leading to
is reduced. For organic COCs such as hydrocarbons, more sites being selected for ISS and IST remedies.
chemical processes during IST degrade the contami- However, these technologies are still relatively new
nants to less toxic and/or mobile substances. in many states and countries, and regulatory chal-
lenges still exist, for example, leaching performance
ISS and IST of hazardous wastes have been common prac- testing methods and goals, and postremediation veri-
tice for decades. The methods described in this section could fication and monitoring still may present feasibility
be applied to contaminated soil, sediment, or sludge. ISS and challenges.
IST have been used to treat both organic and inorganic con-
taminants. Inorganic contaminants include metals such as
9.4.2 Planning for Implementation
arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel,
selenium, antimony, uranium, and zinc. Organic compounds Given the reliance on meeting performance requirements to
include chlorinated solvents, coal tar wastes, pesticides, her- meet remedial objectives and the difficultly of reworking an
bicides, petroleum constituents, PAHs, VOCs, PCBs, and in situ soil remedy, it is typical for the appropriate reagents
dioxins/furans.26 and their proportions in the ISS mixture to be determined
Some advantages (and challenges) for soil mixing as com- through laboratory bench-scale treatability testing prior
pared to other types of traditional soil remediation methods to design and construction. Bench testing is performed  to
(i.e., excavation) include the following: verify feasibility, determine the appropriate admixture
to meet the remedial objectives, and develop operational
• Constructability: Being able to rapidly implement parameters (e.g., construction quality assurance require-
and minimize excavation activities and associated ments) to be used during construction. A critical goal of
dewatering, excavation support, material handling, testing at the bench scale is mimicking field-scale imple-
transportation, and disposal activities can provide mentation during the testing, and results from the labo-
schedule and cost advantages. Some constructability ratory tests will enhance the knowledge on the choice of
challenges include material handling associated with binders and amounts. It should be noted that there are times
bulking/excavation of overburden obstructions. when, because of soil types or other challenges, it may not
• Deep mixing: Advancements in equipment and tech- be possible to imitate the mixing process in the laboratory,
niques are constantly improving, which results in and on those occasions, the correct reagent dosing needs
faster and more effective implementation and leads to be determined, and the actual field implementation and
to more cost-effective solutions. A good example confirmation that the mix design is adequate can only be
of an improvement is the fact that just a few years determined by field pilot testing.
ago when completing IST, the reagents or mix being Prior to starting bench-scale testing, investigation and field
used in the process typically was the same from the sampling is performed to select and obtain samples of soil,
start of mixing down to the target zone. Now there waste, and groundwater for testing. Accurate characteriza-
are contractors that have the ability to use one drill- tion of soils is important to simulate field conditions during
ing fluid to get down to the target zone and before laboratory testing and ensure successful transition to full-
reaching it change the drilling fluid and add the scale implementation. Soil sampling is typically performed in
required reagents needed for treatment. potential treatment areas based on historical remedial inves-
• Long term control of mass flux: Encapsulation or tigations, and approach may be dependent on the site specif-
treatment of contaminants mitigates continued ics. Depending on a number of factors, typically samples of
leaching into surrounding groundwater by minimiz- both source (high impacts) and fringe/perimeter samples (low
ing contact and flux through the monolith. Certain impacts) are targeted and tested. Depending on size of the
contaminants, such as some specific metals, may project and soil or contaminant variability, one or multiple
become more soluble (leachable) in certain pH soil homogenates may need to be tested in the laboratory.
ranges associated with typical ISS reagents. Due to the volume of material required for treatability testing
• Low sensitivity to many soil types and conditions: (approximately 5–10 gal per treatability sample/homogenate),
ISS and to a lesser extent IST have a low sensitiv- sample collection is typically performed using sonic or tra-
ity to soil types and settings and can be performed ditional auger/casing style drill rigs due to ability to collect
above and below the groundwater table or even on larger volume of samples. If in situ mixing depths are shallow
488 Remediation Engineering

(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.19  Importance of treatability testing for getting the best results in field implementation. (a) Laboratory testing. (b) Field

enough, samples may also be collected from test pits or other • Fillers work to increase the geotechnical perfor-
bulk soil sampling techniques. Soil samples collected for test- mance of the end product, by diminishing the inhi-
ing are typically homogenized vertically but kept segregated bition that some of the organics can have on the
by location to simulate mixing techniques and provide the binding reagents (e.g., free phase NAPL). Fillers
necessary volume for testing. Care is to be taken during col- are typically inert granular fill materials such as
lection and containerizing to preserve in situ water and con- sands, silts, and fine gravels. Bentonite clay is also
tamination for inclusion in bench-scale testing. used in certain circumstances to help reduce per-
Once soil samples have been collected, ISS treatability meability for ISS applications or help maintain
testing is performed. The objectives of the ISS treatability test impacted groundwater-reagent contact in certain
are as follows (Figure 9.19): IST applications such as zerovalent iron (ZVI)-
clay mixing.
1. Evaluate the ability of selected reagents to achieve • Sorbents work to sequester organics, helping to
performance requirements such as target strength further reduce leaching potential and include
gain and reduction in permeability across the site. granulated activated carbon (GAC) and organoclay
2. Optimize the dosage of reagents to mitigate costs materials and are most effective on organic COCs.
and constructability challenges associated with over- Other reagents such as bentonite clay absorb organ-
dosing, including excessive bulking and workability, ics and attapulgite clay can absorb acid waste and
while still meeting site-specific criteria for strength metals.
and permeability reduction. • Other reactive agents for IST can be added to main-
3. Investigate performance of solidification between tain a desired geochemical condition (such as buffers
various locations within the solidified mono- like limestone) or actually participate in destruction
lith. For example, testing an area where soils are of contaminant mass. Some common reactive agents
expected to be more heavily impacted with hydro- used in IST applications include oxidants including
carbon products (i.e., worst case) versus a location potassium permanganate and sodium persulfate,
at the perimeter of the monolith, where soils may reductants such as ZVI and precipitants like phos-
be less impacted but may be in constant contact phates. Each targets and is effective for treating cer-
with groundwater. tain COCs.
4. (Optional) Demonstrate successful encapsulation
of COCs within the solidified monolith through
visual observation and reduction in leachable COCs
through monolith leachability testing. TABLE 9.9
Examples of Different Types of Admixtures Used  Reagent Selection
in In Situ Solidification/Stabilization
The admixtures used in ISS and IST can be classified into the
following categories (Tables 9.9 and 9.10): Binders Fillers Sorbents Other
• Cement • Sand • Organic clay • Buffer
• Binders work to solidify the waste, with some also • Kiln Dust • Slag • Bentonite • ZVI
engendering a degree of treatment. Binding reagents • Fly Ash • Clean Soil • Iron Rich Solids • Oxidants
may include Portland cement, slag cement, lime and • Lime • Reductants
cement kiln dust, and fly ash.
Soil Treatment 489

TABLE 9.10
Key Mechanisms and Applicability of Some Admixtures
Media Key Mechanisms Target COCs
ZVI Dihaloelimination (mostly) CVOCs
Abiotic reduction Redox-sensitive metals (U, Cr)
Sorption Arsenic (metals)
Compost/mulch Sulfate reduction–metal sulfide precipitation Metals
Anaerobic degradation/dechlorination CVOCs
Anaerobic degradation (enzymatic) Perchlorate, energetics
Microbial reduction Sulfate, nitrate
Phosphates Cation exchange Radionuclides
Precipitation of metal phosphates Lead, radionuclides
Substitution for calcium Strontium
Precipitation of calcium minerals Arsenic (at high pH)
Zeolites Cation exchange, adsorption Radionuclides, ammonium
Slag Adsorption, formation of hydroxyapatite Phosphate
Adsorption, precipitation with Ca, Fe phases Arsenic
Precipitation of metal hydroxides Metals
Dihaloelimination (unconfirmed) TCE
Limestone pH buffering, precipitation of hydroxides, Carbonates Metals
GAC Adsorption Organics  Design Goals regulatory agency, and surrounding groundwater

As discussed earlier for soil mixing, treatability testing is per- cleanup standards. Traditional soil-based leaching
formed to test impacted materials mixed with reagents against methods such as SPLP, TCLP, and DI WET do not
set performance objectives. Where the goal of IST is to add effectively represent field-scale leaching of ISS due
reagents to directly reduce the levels of soil or groundwater to the amount of surface area that is exposed to leach-
COCs to below some objective level (typically a state or feder- ing using these methods. Instead, dynamic (mono-
ally mandated concentration limits), for ISS, performance is lithic) leaching methods such as ANS 16.1 (nuclear
measured by several factors, typically including the following: waste), ASTM C1308-08 (cemented mine tailings),
and EPA LEAF method 1305 should be utilized.
• Permeability: Typically the permeability requirement
for an ISS monolith is a maximum of 1E−6  cm/s. While monolithic leaching methods are more representa-
This hydraulic conductivity is considered low enough tive than traditional methods, there are still some questions as
to prevent significant groundwater contact through to how well laboratory leaching results reflect full-scale per-
the ISS monolith. Alternatively, based on the hydrau- formance. For example, during a treatability sample for a for-
lic conductivity of the untreated aquifer, a design goal mer MGP site, the total mass of naphthalene and mass leached
of 2 orders of magnitude reduction in permeability is out of the treatability sample cylinder was measured for three
also a typical performance standard. Permeability is samples (Table 9.11). Initial results showed a significant per-
the most important factor in measuring ISS perfor- centage of mass leached from the small monoliths. Based on
mance and controlling leaching of impacted materi- the geometry of the sample and % mass leached, a penetra-
als into the groundwater. tion depth for leaching was able to be calculated. What can
• Compressive strength: Typically a minimum of
28 days of unconfined compressive strength (UCS)
of 30–50 pounds per square inch (psi) is required.
Compressive strength promotes durability of the ISS TABLE 9.11
monolith, which along with a lowered permeability Results from a Leaching Treatability Test
contributes to successful encapsulation of the COCs. Average Total Average
Site-specific goals, such as a minimum required UCS Naphthalene Mass of Naphthalene Percentage
for geotechnical stability, or a maximum UCS due to Triplicate Monolith Mass in of Mass
future usage may likely be required and should be Location Samples (μg) Leachate (μg) Leached (%)
evaluated on a site-specific basis. Sample 1 5,424 747 14
• Leachability: Leaching methods and requirements Sample 2 2,792 28 1
are not yet standardized and will vary from project Sample 3 24,445 1424 6
to project, dependent on COC types, location and
490 Remediation Engineering

(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.20  Results of groundwater modeling showing groundwater flux reductions after the implementation of ISS.

be determined is that on the treatability scale, the penetration

depths are significant on a small (~1 in.) monolith due to the TABLE 9.12
amount of surface area exposed per volume of the sample. Treatability Test Results Showing the Impacts
However, for a full-scale monolith, the penetration depth is of Organic Content on Leachability after
insignificant due to the much smaller surface-area-to-volume
In Situ Solidification/Stabilization
ratio of a typical full-scale ISS monolith. In addition, in field
scale, typically the lowest concentrations are located on the UCS (psi)
perimeter of the monolith, in the penetration area exposed to Site ID CoC Level 7-Day 28-Day Perm (cm/s)
Site 1 Low 75 128.3 1.00E−07
As mentioned earlier, permeability is the most important High 23.2 45.8 2.20E−06
factor controlling ISS performance, including leaching. This Site 2 Low 76 136.0 4.80E−08
is also shown during groundwater modeling simulations that High 22 55.0 4.80E−07
are performed at sites to estimate groundwater flux. An exam-
ple is shown in Figure 9.20.
Modeling was performed on an untreated soil aquifer,
where the soil had a measured permeability of 1E−4  cm/s,
As shown earlier, both sites show the effects of binder inhi-
and the ISS treated material on the right was measured with
bition due to high levels of organics, with reductions in UCSs
a permeability between 1E−6 and 1E−7  cm/s. The ground-
of between 60% and 71% and up to one order of magnitude
water model showed groundwater flux reductions through the
increase in permeability between the highly impacted and
monolith between 97% and 99.6% over baseline conditions.
lesser impacted materials.
In this case, the groundwater modeling was used in conjunc-
Controlling trace metal leaching, for example, in ISS of ash
tion with permeability and compressive strength results in
materials, is also something that needs consideration during
lieu of requiring treatability samples to meet certain leaching
treatability testing. ISS using Portland cement results in a pH
requirements during bench-scale testing.
increase, and the surface charge of soil (or ash) becomes more  ISS Treatability Challenges negatively charged at elevated pH. In this condition, anionic
trace metals such as As, Sb, B, Cr, Mo, and Se may become
Several notable challenges associated with ISS feasibility that
more soluble at a high pH. Control of leaching in these cases
are focused on during treatability include binder inhibition
may be improved through additional treatment amendments
from organic compounds and trace metals leaching. Organic
such as ferric iron. Ferric iron addition promotes the forma-
compounds have a strong effect on the microstructure of the
tion of freshly precipitated iron oxyhydroxide and will help
cement paste. Almost all organic compounds are retarders in
sorb and retain the oxyanions.
cement setting, and many organic acids that strongly chelate
calcium also have strong retarding effect. Organic compounds
retard the cement setting process by forming a protective layer
9.4.3 Implementation Methods
around the cement grain.
Treatability results for two former MGP sites with VOC and Traditionally, there are two main methods implementing for
SVOC soil and groundwater impacts are shown in the follow- in situ soil mixing, deep soil mixing via augers mounted on
ing. For each site, two homogenates were created from a highly large cranes or excavators and shallow soil mixing typically
impacted area and lesser impacted area, and the same ISS mix performed via excavators either using traditional or modified
design was applied to both homogenates in each case. The UCS buckets or specialized attachments such as rotary or tiller
and permeability results for each site are provided (Table 9.12). styles.
Soil Treatment 491

(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.21  Implementation of deep soil mixing for ISSS.  Deep Soil Mixing Visual confirmation is also easier to achieve compared to deep
The deep mixing method involves the mixing of soils at soil mixing as excavators can bring mixed material up within
large depths, typically up to 60–80 ft bgs, depending on soil the mixing bucket for visual observation. Use of common equip-
types and equipment used, it is possible to mix up to 100 ft ment, access requirements, and production is also an advantage
bgs (Figure 9.21). Deep soil mixing technology is a process in of excavator bucket mixing (Figure 9.22).
which reagents are mixed with water in an on-site batch plant Costs for ISS using shallow soil mixing techniques can also
and injected into the ground and blended with in  situ soils vary similarly to deep mixing but generally can be expected
using single or multiple augers between four and twelve feet in to cost approximately $50–$80/cy and production is typically
diameter. Deep auger mixing is usually performed using augers between 300 and 750 cy/day.
mounted either on a crane (e.g., Manitowac) or track mounted
drill rig (e.g., Delmag). Treatment reagents are pumped in and  Other Soil Mixing Methods
are precisely measured to allow the correct proportions to be Jet mixing or jet grouting generally involves hydraulically
mixed with the untreated waste soils or sludge. The augers mix mixing soils with a drilling fluid that carries the stabilizing
through the total depth of the impacted material in an up and reagents. A significant advantage of jet mixing over other
down motion to homogenize the in  situ materials and grout. in situ mixing methods is the smaller size of the equipment.
Drilling fluid is required for auger mixing (not compatible with The jet mixing drill can be about the size of a compact auto-
dry reagent mixing), which is implemented in overlapping col- mobile and thus can maneuver inside buildings and under
umns using multiple configurations: single patterns, block pat- obstacles. The jet pump can be located some distance away
terns, panel pattern, or stabilized grid pattern. from the actual location to minimize noise levels.
During deep soil mixing via augers, visual confirmation of The first step in the method is to position a jetting pipe at
mixing is difficult to achieve, and reliance on discreet sampling the bottom of the treatment zone. The pipe can be the drill pipe
of ISS and equipment readings is required to verify ISS mixing itself, but in hard or rock-bearing soils, holes may need to be
is performed to the limits and homogenized effectively. drilled first and the jetting pipe placed in a separate step. Next,
Costs for ISS using deep soil mixing techniques can vary the jetting pipe is rotated slowly and pressurized with a grout
greatly depending on site conditions, reagent types and per- made of cement or slag, additives, and water. The high pressure
centages, auger size, expected productivity, and depth but forces the grout out laterally through special jet parts located
generally can be expected to cost approximately $60–$100/cy in the sides of the pipe and near its bottom. The grout exits the
and production is typically between 250 and 500 cy/day. If jet ports at very high velocity, impinges on the soil, shattering
IST is the goal, the cost per cy typically increases and the ulti- and penetrating it for several inches or feet away from the jets.
mate cost will be driven by the amount of reagent needed to The rotating jets destroy soil formations and intimately
allow the chemical reaction to occur to the desired end point. and uniformly mix the native soil with cement. Finally, the
rotating pipe is drawn slowly upward at a carefully con-  Shallow Soil Mixing Methods trolled rate so that the jets create a nearly cylindrical column
Shallow soil mixing is generally considered soil mixing to of treated soil. Typical column diameters can be from 2 to
depths up to approximately 20–30 ft bgs and is generally 5 ft. Jet mixing conditions vary with design requirements, but
defined as anything accessible using traditional excavator typical pressures are 4000–6000 psi, lift rates about 1 ft/min,
equipment. Shallow mixing is typically completed via excava- and cement/water ratios about 1 to 1. Column diameters and
tors with buckets or specialized attachments (e.g., drum mixer, properties achieved depend greatly on the native soil.
tillers). Reagents can be added via drilling fluid (grout) or dry, Jet grouting costs are significant compared to both deep
potentially helping with excessively wet materials. Shallow soil soil mixing and shallow soil mixing. Costs generally are on
mixing is usually done in cells typically 200–600 ft2 in area. the order of $300–$500/cy of treatment.
492 Remediation Engineering

(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.22  Two examples of shallow soil mixing for ISS.  Implementation Challenges swell can have significant impacts on schedule and costs due
Fluid injection and mixing creates an increase in soil vol- to material handling and disposal if not properly evaluated
ume known as swell. The amount of swell is a function of during treatability.
soil type, injection volume, reagent type, and operating condi- Obstructions encountered during mixing can also cause
tions. Typical swell return is typically 15%–25% of the treated issues with schedule and costs during full-scale implemen-
volume, depending on the type of soil and amount of reagent tation (Figure 9.23). Obstructions can be either naturally
injected. However, certain soil types such as highly plastic occurring (e.g., boulders) or man-made (e.g., gasholder foun-
clays can produce swell percentages in excess of 100%. Soil dations). Effective characterization during planning is needed.

(a) (b)

(c) (b)

FIGURE 9.23  Typical obstructions to be anticipated during the implementation of ISS: (a) rocks; (b) buried tanks; (c) and (d) underground
Soil Treatment 493

Shallow obstructions can be removed from the mixing zone,

but deeper obstructions that cannot be removed may have to
be left in place and mixed around using methods such as jet
grouting at a higher unit cost, as described earlier. Typical ISS
equipment cannot drill/mix through obstructions like rocks
or significant construction debris.
Additional factors that may limit the applicability and
effectiveness of the ISS include the following:

• Depth of contaminants may limit some types of

application processes.
• Future usage of the site may “weather” the materi-
als and affect ability to maintain immobilization of
• Some processes result in a significant increase in
volume (up to double the original volume).
• Certain wastes are incompatible with variations
FIGURE 9.24  Implementation at a former MGP Site in New York
of this process. Treatability studies are generally (Case Study 1).
• Reagent delivery and effective mixing are more dif-
expansion). For efficiencies in the field, one final grout mix
ficult than for ex situ applications.
design was selected that achieved objectives across the range
• Like all ISTs, confirmatory sampling can be more
of conditions. It included 1.5% Portland cement, 5% ground-
difficult than for ex situ treatments.
granulated blast furnace slag, and 0.5% bentonite.
• The solidified material may hinder future site use.
From the review of a compilation of historic site draw-
ings and utility maps, it was understood that there was the
9.4.4 ISS Case Studies potential to encounter foundations of former MGP struc-
tures and a vast array of subsurface utilities—several that  Case Study 1: Former MGP Site (New York) are critical to facility operations and many from the former
The MGP site is located in an industrial/commercial area in MGP and subsequent facility uses that had been abandoned
upstate New York. Environmental conditions at the former in place. Therefore, the team used a variety of conventional
MGP site were assessed by a series of investigations conducted and innovative methods to map and assess the utilities in
between 1971 and 2010. Site investigations involved sampling the field, from utility one-call and private locators to elec-
surface and subsurface soil, groundwater, soil vapor, sedi- tromagnetic and ground-penetrating radar surveys, test pit
ment, and surface water. Samples were analyzed for a vari- excavations, and vacuum boring. This extra ordinary level
ety of compounds, including the MGP signature compounds, of precaution was exercised to prevent accidental utility
benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), PAHs, strikes/damage during remedy implementation. Once the
and cyanide. utility locations were understood and other key data were
To overcome many logistical and technical challenges for collected, the remedial design was geared toward accom-
the final soil remedial action, the implementation team coor- plishing the ISS work via a bucket mixing approach (as
dinated closely with the site owner and responsible party to opposed to conventional auger mixing), which ultimately
develop the approach and details. The ISS remedy was suc- streamlined efforts and minimized mixing downtime that
cessfully implemented between February and May 2012 and would have otherwise occurred due to auger refusal associ-
included treatment of approximately 10,000 yd3 of impacted ated with subsurface obstructions. The quality control (QC)
soil within an approximately 0.5 acre area to depths extending requirements of the remedial design set the stage for con-
24 ft below grade (Figure 9.24). tractor selection and implementation of the following inno-
Unique site conditions were a significant factor in the vative approaches:
design and implementation of the site remedy. Geology
beneath the site includes a historical waste material (low- • Using excavator-mounted GPS sensors and equip-
strength, high pH), and the amount and type of coal tar var- ment to document ISS mixing locations and depths
ied depending on area and depth. A treatability study was • Using a highly automated, computer-controlled
performed to evaluate and optimize potential grout mix grout plant with electronic weigh scales and elec-
designs that used locally sourced materials, where possible, tronically actuated valves to efficiently batch-
to achieve established narrow performance requirements. produce homogenous grout meeting the design mix
The mix needed to meet minimum regulatory UCS and specifications
permeability requirements but not exceed a project-spe- • Cutting a series of holes at strategic locations in the
cific upper bound strength limit (to allow for future exca- excavator bucket to provide more uniform and effi-
vation using conventional equipment for potential facility cient mixing of the ISS grout into the impacted soil
494 Remediation Engineering

All key design and performance criteria were achieved on Three phases of treatability testing were performed as part
this project. Quality control samples demonstrated that all of the predesign activities, plus an additional phase during
soil treated by ISS met UCS and permeability requirements design to further refine the successful ISS mix design. The
without a need to remix any ISS cells. treatability studies for the proposed ISS mixture were per-
The ISS remedial construction project incorporated sev- formed using soil collected during pre-design investigation
eral green remediation components that benefited the com- (PDI) activities.
munity, including Durability testing was also performed along with the per-
formance testing. The purpose of the durability testing was to
• Recycling 350 tons of asphalt and more than 40 tons evaluate the potential degradation of the solidified material
of metal piping due to reaction with site groundwater.
• Pretreating and discharging greater than 4600 gal of The results of the durability testing on ISS samples showed
contaminated water to the wastewater treatment plant that there was no mass loss after being submerged in ground-
• Reusing nearly 550 tons of soil/stone subbase as water for 30 days and that ISS will continue to improve its per-
backfill formance after 28 days of curing (compared to the bench-scale
• Disposing 99% of material transported off-site for results of similar mix), as the submerged groundwater con-
use as landfill daily cover dition provided a good curing environment for the ISS. UCS
• Solidifying 10,000 yd3 of soil in place, as opposed testing was performed on samples for durability to confirm
to transporting more than 500 truckloads of material geotechnical performance as well. Based on the final treat-
nearly 60 miles for disposal ability and durability testing results, it was determined that an
• Reducing the amount of backfill that needed to be ISS mix design consisting of 10% blast furnace slag and 5%
imported to the site by truck by performing ISS as Portland cement met the treatability performance objectives.
opposed to excavation In addition to the treatability testing, a site groundwater
• Reducing the amount of water to be managed flow model was used to analyze the effects of the upland
• Replacing a formerly leaking water line that pro- remedy on natural groundwater flow patterns. The model
vides the secondary water supply (potable water) to simulations demonstrate that the ISS perimeter wall and ISS
the wastewater treatment plant with a new wrapped monolith are of sufficiently low permeability to inhibit flow
cast iron water line that does not leak and provides from entering or flowing through the remediated area, which
approximately 20 psi additional pressure was used to help convince the regulatory agencies of the suc-
cess of the ISS remedy to prevent leaching of creosote impacts
into the adjacent river.
The remedial activities also resulted in certain improve- The design components included a perimeter ISS slurry
ments to the site for the property owner, including improved wall, constructed using the same ISS mix design for the upland
surface water runoff from an area that was historically wet, soils, and was installed using a long-reach excavator to 65 ft
new asphalt pavement that replaced deteriorating pavement, bgs. The slurry wall was installed to cutoff flow into excava-
improved soil conditions (increased bearing capacity) for tion and ISS areas due to the extreme amount of dewatering
future facility construction, and expanded parking. The that was estimated to be required (over 1900 gpm). Once the
remedial activities addressed the most heavily impacted perimeter slurry wall was installed, preexcavation activities
material at the site and achieved the design and performance to remove approximately 11,500 cy of near-surface impacted
criteria. soils and allow for ISS material bulking was performed
within the ISS perimeter wall area, which was also designed Case Study 2: Former Creosote to support earth and hydrostatic pressures during excavation
Facility (Idaho) activities. ISS technology was then used to solidify the soil
This project at a former creosote facility on the banks of a underlying the excavation within the ISS perimeter wall. The
navigable river in northern Idaho included installation of a volume of soil treated with ISS was approximately 26,500 cy
750 linear feet slurry wall to 65 ft below ground surface (bgs) of subsurface materials using admixtures (e.g., blast furnace
for groundwater cutoff. The project also required excavation, slag cement, Portland cement, and water) to fixate/immobilize
and thermal desorption of creosote impacted soil from ground subsurface impacted materials (Figure 9.25).
surface to approximately 10 ft bgs and ISS of soils from 10 to The full-scale mixing was initially carried out using both
60 ft bgs. excavator bucket mixing for cells reaching less than 20 ft bgs,
Predesign testing was conducted to determine appropri- and deeper ISS cells were constructed using large diameter
ate ISS mixes that would meet the following performance auger (LDA) mixing. Shallow soil mixing with excavators
criteria: was selected due to several advantages including immediate
removal of any obstructions, homogenization of soils across
• UCS - 30 psi or greater. a larger area, and increased production and efficiencies.
• Hydraulic conductivity - 1 × 10 –6 cm/s or less. Con­ Shallow soil mixing was performed using a PC400 excavator
ductivity was measured following ASTM Inter­ with traditional excavator bucket attachment. For the deeper
national test method D5084. areas, purpose-built mixing tools including LDAs were used
Soil Treatment 495

(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.25  Implementation of ISS at a former creosote site in Idaho (Case Study 2).

to inject the ISS reagents directly into the soil. An 8.5 ft diam- expected, however during implementation, actual swell-
eter auger mixing tool was utilized attached to a rotary drill ing occurred at over 30%–35% in certain areas. Allowing
head. The drilling rig used was a Delmag RH34 to achieve the for additional capacity during excavation activities miti-
best possible production and quality for the project. gated the effects of this and resulted in less backfill being
During the full-scale implementation, a real-time verifi- required than anticipated. Additionally, sequencing of the
cation of the mix design was carried out for each individual ISS was crucial to managing swell materials, as deeper
daily production cell to account for the effects of soil hetero- areas of ISS generated excess swell, while shallower areas
geneities and moisture changes. ISS samples were collected allowed for additional capacity to accommodate swell.
for each daily production cell and, on the basis of the result Sequencing was worked concurrently with the contractor
of visual observations and laboratory tests to define the soil to minimize double handling of swell materials during con-
characteristics, the mix design was adjusted, if necessary. struction, increasing construction efficiency and minimiz-
Both the PC400 excavator and Delmag RH34 drill rig ing the project schedule, which was critical to keeping the
were equipped with GPS allowing the operator to know real- overall project on track.
time X, Y, and Z location of the bucket/auger throughout the
mixing process. In order to avoid problems associated with
9.4.5 In Situ Treatment (IST)
sampling of brittle soils resulting from the ISS treatment, QC
testing was based on a wet sampling approach. Samples of As discussed earlier, IST, unlike traditional ISS, includes a
freshly mixed ISS materials were sampled every 500 cy of ISS degree of treatment by including a reactive material in addi-
treatment, using a hydraulic sampling device that allowed for tion to sorbents and binders discussed earlier. Reactive mate-
sampling of discreet samples anywhere in the treated soil col- rials either participate in destruction of contaminant mass or
umn. Samples were poured into 3″ × 6″ plastic cylinder molds alter geochemical conditions and include ZVI, chemical oxi-
for curing and laboratory testing for UCS and permeability. dants (such as persulfate), gypsum, and buffers. Of these reac-
Construction challenges associated with this site included tive materials, oxidants and ZVI will be discussed in detail in
encountering wetter than expected materials, due to both the following sections, as they are the most common of the
the soil types, which consisted of SM or ML materials and reactive materials used.
weather, which was exceptionally wet for the season (ISS had The true challenge of IST of source mass is achieving
been scheduled to occur during the normally seasonal dry adequate contact of reactive material within highly heteroge-
months). Adjustments to the ISS design were made during neous and anisotropic aquifers. As contaminants leach from
construction, including reducing the amount of water used in their release point into natural aquifers, they can diffuse into
the grout mixture added to the soils, and additional reagent the nonmobile fraction of the aquifer via concentration gradi-
added in several areas were utilized to adjust for field condi- ents and groundwater migration. Subtle variations in lithology
tions based on visual inspection of ISS materials and early (i.e., grain size, permeability, conductivity) over a contami-
ISS performance testing done at 7 days. These adjustments, nated thickness can result in storage of these contaminants.
along with construction quality assurance procedures estab- The effectiveness of any reactive material to treat a contami-
lished in the remedial design allowed successful completion nant is contingent upon contact with the targeted contami-
of the ISS remedy for the site without significant delays or nants. When slugs of DNAPL contamination have been stored
remixing being required. within the natural soil structure, in situ mixing provides an
Excessive and variable bulking of ISS was also a con- aggressive technique for liberating this mass and making it
struction challenge due to the soil issues discussed earlier as available for treatment.
well as variable thickness of ISS over the footprint. During In situ mixing homogenizes the mixed soil and reduces the
design, an estimated swell of approximately 25% was overall hydraulic conductivity of the monolith. Contaminant
496 Remediation Engineering

flux through heterogeneous and anisotropic porous media Often, persulfate is mixed with Portland cement, to create a
is characteristically limited to preferential pathways vary- low permeability and high strength monolith following treat-
ing in grain size, permeability, hydraulic conductivity, etc. ment. Another benefit of Portland cement is that the hydrox-
In most instances, these preferential pathways may account ide that is created during the hydration reactions activate
for a small percentage of the vertical thickness contribut- the persulfate through the same mechanisms discussed in
ing to contaminant transport. By homogenizing the entire Chapter 6.
vertical interval of contamination, the resultant flux through
the mixed interval is dramatically reduced. Therefore, the In Situ Soil Mixing with
homogenized lithology especially with the addition of a clay, Zerovalent Iron and Clay
such as bentonite, will reduce groundwater flux through the This technology was developed by Colorado State University
monolith by disrupting preferential pathways, diverting flow and is primarily used to treat source areas with organic con-
around the monolith. taminants. The abiotic reaction of ZVI with organic wastes,
particularly chlorinated solvents (DNAPL), does not produce  Chemical Oxidants the same intermediates as reductive biological reactions. ZVI
The same aqueous chemical oxidation reactions discussed in is used in a number of different ways to remediate chlorinated
Chapter 6 can be applied as a soil remedy, as reactions will solvents including as a solid in PRBs (see Chapter 10) or
occur within the injected slurry and within the soil moisture and injected at the nanoscale. However, injection approaches are
groundwater present in the soil treatment area. The effective- limited in their ability to distribute a solid substrate homoge-
ness of chemical oxidation strategies depends on several vari- neously or to meaningful distances.
ables that describe the oxidant, target compounds, nontarget The incorporation of clay (normally bentonite), in addition
compounds, and aquifer or vadose zone matrix. Among these to reducing the permeability of the treated area, also serves
are the following: other purposes, such as maintaining the ZVI as a slurry (pre-
venting settling of ZVI to the bottom of the mixed area) and
• Kinetics of the oxidant-target contaminant reaction, reducing the soil friction for the LDAs in order to ease mix-
as the reaction rate will likely decrease due to con- ing. A traditional dosing rate for ZVI is between 0.5% and 5%
tact efficiency as the treated area cures (on a dry soil weight basis) using a fine-grained ZVI material;
• Nontarget chemical oxidant demand that may be the resulting spacing between ZVI particles in treated soils
present in the formation, which must be overcome may be on the order of 1 mm, which ensures contact of the
with excess oxidant application contaminants with the reactive ZVI.27
• Oxidizable compounds sequestered in nonaqueous The implementation of this technology at Lake City Army
phases, such as natural soil organic matter or resid- Ammunition Plant (LCAAP), where bentonite and ZVI com-
ual petroleum hydrocarbons associated with con- prised a source area DNAPL treatment remedy, is shown in
taminant releases that are “shielded” from oxidant Figure 9.26. By mixing 4% by weight ZVI with clay decreased
reactions TCE concentrations in soil from approximately 200 to
0.8 mg/kg in less than 30 days.
These variables are highly site dependent and determine the The primary components of this multifaceted source area
potential rates of reaction, the mass of oxidant that must be remedy include ZVI and clay soil mixing, enhanced reductive
injected to achieve remedial objectives, and the potential
amount of contaminant that will remain when oxidation reac-
tions have reached their completion.
There are four basic oxidants available for in situ applica-
tion: hydrogen peroxide, ozone, permanganate, and persulfate.
Activated persulfate is a radical-based chemical oxidation sys-
tem that offers a slower (and more controllable) reaction but
employs a highly reactive sulfate radical that can effectively
oxidize a wide variety of organic compounds. Therefore, per-
sulfate has multiple advantages for safe, controlled, and effec-
tive oxidation of contaminants, when compared to the other
oxidation systems, including the following:

• A variety of activation strategies that can be engi-

neered to generate sulfate radicals from the persul-
fate anion precursor.
• Persulfate has a relatively slow activation and sub-
sequent oxidation kinetics, which limits the rate at
which heat and gas are generated and allows the for- FIGURE 9.26  ZVI/clay mixing with a crane and 8 ft auger at the
mation to buffer liberated heat and gas. Lake City Army Ammunition Plant.
Soil Treatment 497

dechlorination, and monitored natural attenuation. DNAPL, through contaminated soil or landfill waste, tree barriers to
saturated soil, and groundwater remediation utilizing a ZVI withdraw groundwater and control groundwater plume migra-
and clay soil mixing approach were conducted within three tion to receptors, and tree covers for the purpose of with-
separate locations with a total area of 4500 ft2. A 7 ft, LDA, drawing contaminated groundwater and transpiring it to the
drilling shroud for vapor capture and control crane were used atmosphere to be photodegraded, among others.
to advance mixing columns downward to a total depth rang- The scientific understanding of the transpiration process
ing between 32 and 47.5 ft below land surface or consistent and its relationship to groundwater was significantly enhanced
with the encountered bedrock surface. During advancement, in the American West of the early 1900s. O.E. Meinzer was
the ZVI–clay slurry was injected into the drilling augers to a hydrogeologist with the USGS and is known as the “father
facilitate mixing of ZVI and clay. The clay material served of modern groundwater hydrology.”32 He observed that the
to reduce the overall hydraulic conductivity of the soils such apparent location of the water table in reference to land sur-
that the ZVI material could facilitate both abiotic and biotic face had a direct effect on plant occurrence and distribution
destruction of the target contaminants. in southern California and Nevada. Meinzer’s observations of
plant and groundwater interaction helped establish some of
the first principles of the remediation of groundwater using
plants.28 Meinzer coined the term phreatophyte, commonly
By the year 2000, achieving ever-diminishing cleanup stan- found in phytoremediation/phytotechnology literature, as a
dards for site closure was rare for the growing list and vari- plant “that habitually obtains its water supply from the zone of
ety of contaminants in soil and groundwater. The utilization of saturation, either directly or through the capillary fringe.”32,33
standard remediation technologies in many cases required too W.N. White made similar observations of groundwater
much time and too much money. The market demanded alterna- withdrawal by plants in the American West. He observed a
tives. New classes of remediation technologies were developed daily fluctuation in the water table noted in automatic water-
and researched and began to achieve success and acceptance. level recorders during the growing season. During the daylight
USEPA’s Introduction to Phytoremediation was published in hours, the water table would decline steadily until evening
2000 and in many ways was the introduction of the technology when the water table would begin to increase until the fol-
to remediation practitioners, regulators, and site managers. As lowing morning when the process would repeat (Figure 9.27).
referenced, phytoremediation is an “emerging technology” that White observed this phenomenon to be greatest in areas of
“uses various plants to degrade, extract, contain, or immobilize “groundwater plants” and nearly nonexistent in cleared fields.
contaminants from soil and water.” At that time, the technology White also noted the diurnal pattern to be affected by sea-
was receiving attention as an “innovative, cost-effective alter- son, humidity, temperature, wind, and plant health.28 White’s
native to the more established treatment methods used at haz- observations were so complete that he used them to develop an
ardous waste sites.” Despite its promise, the results of the last equation to calculate the volume of groundwater transpired.
20 years of application of phytoremediation for site remediation The equation is known as White’s equation. He published his
have produced an uneven track record. observations and equation in a 1932 USGS publication titled
The application of phytoremediation has undergone many A Method of Estimating Ground-Water Supplies Based on
changes since the term was first used in 1989.28 Even the name Discharge by Plants and Evaporation from Soil.33
of the technology has changed. The term phytotechnology is The successful application of phytotechnologies can take
now preferred by both USEPA and the Interstate Technology a variety of forms that will be discussed in this chapter.
and Regulatory Council.29,30 Phytotechnology is understood However, the most consistently successful field applications
to be a more inclusive term of both destructive processes and of phytotechnologies have utilized the interaction of ground-
removal/containment processes. To state it bluntly, the term water and plants first described and studied by O.E. Meinzer
phytotechnology de-emphasizes the destructive aspects of the and W.N. White and others in the early 1900s. The goal of
technology whose success has been primarily limited to treat- using plants to remediate contaminants directly within the
ability studies and research facilities. root zone (rhizodegradation) or within the plant itself (phy-
Why have containment and removal been the most suc- todegradation), in many cases, remains an unattained goal.
cessful aspects of the application of phytotechnologies? The After all this time, a recent publication assessed the tech-
simple answer is water. Water comprises between 75% and nology in this way, “the outlook of phytoremediation is still
90% of a plants’ mass, and approximately 10% of the mois- in the research and development phase, and there are many
ture in the atmosphere is the direct result of plant transpira- technical barriers that need to be explored.”34 These processes
tion (evaporation of water from plant leaves).28 Plants transfer have been demonstrated too often to only take a site a short
a tremendous amount of groundwater and soil moisture to the distance toward a numerical cleanup goal resulting in lost
atmosphere. For example, an acre of corn transpires about time for the overall project.
3,000–4,000 gal of water each day and a large oak tree can While some aspects of phytotechnologies have matured
transpire 40,000 gal/year.31 The most successful field appli- and been utilized to great effectiveness in the last 15 years,
cations of phytotechnologies for site remediation rely on many aspects are still in their infancy requiring additional
transpiration for their effectiveness. Examples of success- research and testing before being considered a practical reme-
ful application include tree/grass covers to limit infiltration dial solution. As with all remedial technologies, the ultimate
498 Remediation Engineering

Salt grass cut at
midday Aug. 25


Depth to water (ft)



Aug. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

FIGURE 9.27  Daily fluctuations of the water table in a salt-grass meadow before and after the salt grass was cut, August 20-27, 1927.
(From White, W.N., A method of estimating ground-water supplies based on discharge by plants and evaporation from soil—Results of
investigations in Escalante Valley, Utah, Water Supply Paper 659-A, USGS, Washington, DC, 1932.)

fate of phytotechnologies is one of effectiveness and econom- ion as a Lewis acid and the type and strength of the bond cre-
ics. Phytotechnologies must be proven to be the most cost- ated (ionic or covalent) and, therefore, the mobility of the metal
effective and reliable solution to achieving a site’s remedial in the soil environment. Soil characteristics (e.g., pH, clay and
goals for it to be used. Unfortunately, the last 15 years have organic matter content and type, and moisture content) also
seen too many examples of phytotechnologies being selected determine availability to plants by controlling speciation of
for its intangible benefits (“green” technology, sustainable, the element, temporary immobilization by particle surfaces
good for the environment, low maintenance) instead of dem- (adsorption–desorption processes), precipitation reactions, and
onstrated remedial effectiveness. availability in soil solution. The most general sinks for metals
Practitioners of phytotechnologies need to greatly increase are iron and manganese oxides and organic matter. Although
the publication of verified full-scale successes (and failures) particulate soil organic matter serves to immobilize metals,
that document the important processes and mechanisms soluble organic matter may act to keep metals in solution in a
for overall improvement and acceptance of this technology form absorbed and translocated by plants.
within our industry. Otherwise, the technology will never Metal fractionation or sequential extraction schemes—
achieve anything more than niche or novel status. such as TCLP—sometimes are used to describe metal behav-
ior in soils. Most metals interact with the inorganic and
organic matter that is present in the root–soil environment.
9.5.1  Chemicals in the Soil–Plant System
Potential forms of metals include those dissolved in the soil
Using plants to facilitate remediation of contaminants in soil solution, adsorbed to the vegetation’s root system, adsorbed
and water is essentially taking advantage of the plant’s natural to insoluble organic matter, bonded to ion exchange sites on
processes. Plants synthesize their food by converting inorganic inorganic soil constituents, precipitated or coprecipitated as
materials, such as carbon dioxide and water, into organic mat- solids, and attached to or inside the soil biomass.
ter. Plants obtain carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. All other The final control on availability of metals and metalloids
materials are facilitated by water obtained from the root system. present in the soil to plants is the selective absorption from soil
Water’s importance is emphasized by the fact that it comprises solution by the root. Metals may be bound to exterior exchange
between 75% and 90% of a plants’ mass.28 Inorganic macro- sites on the root and not actually taken up. They may enter
nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S) and inorganic micronutri- the root passively in organic or inorganic complexes with the
ents (Fe, Cl, Mn) are all obtained through the root membrane. mass flow of water or actively by way of metabolically con-
Once inside the plant, the dissolved nutrients are transported trolled membrane transport systems often meant to take up
throughout the plant via the vascular system. A contaminant’s a nutrient that the “contaminant” metal mimics. At different
pathway into the plant is also facilitated by water. soil solute concentrations, metals may be absorbed by both
processes. Absorption mechanisms and quantity absorbed are Metals influenced by plant species (and cultivar), growth stage, physi-
Metallic elements are present in the soil in a variety of forms ological state, and the presence of other elements.
more or less available for uptake by plants. Many of the COCs Once in the plant, a metal can be sequestered in the roots
at waste sites are metals or metalloids. Availability of metals in vacuoles or in association with cell walls and organelles
is determined by their characteristics, such as behavior of the or translocated to aboveground parts in xylem as organic or
Soil Treatment 499

inorganic complexes. Location and forms of metals in plants, the hydrophobicity (or lipophilicity) of the target compounds.
as well as their toxic effects, depend on plant species, growth This parameter is often expressed as the log of the octanol–
stage, physiological state, and presence of other metals. water partitioning coefficient, Kow. Direct uptake of organics
Mechanisms of toxicity of metals tend to be dependent on by plants is a surprisingly efficient removal mechanism for
the nature of the reactivity of the metal itself and its avail- moderately hydrophobic organic compounds. There are some
ability in the soil and soil solution media. They may alter differences between the roots of different plants and under
or inhibit enzyme activity, interfere with deoxyribonucleic different soil conditions, but, generally, the higher a com-
acid synthesis or electron transport or block uptake of essen- pound’s log Kow, the greater the root uptake.
tial elements.35 Response to toxic levels of metals by differ- Hydrophobicity also implies an equal propensity to par-
ent plants is due to a number of defense mechanisms. These tition into soil organic matter and onto soil surfaces. Root
include exclusion from the root, translocation in nontoxic absorption may become difficult with heavily textured soils
form, sequestering in nontoxic form, sequestering in non- and soils with high native organic matter. There are several
toxic form in the root or other plant parts, and formation of reported values available in the literature regarding the opti-
unusable complexes containing metals that may otherwise be mum log Kow value for a compound to be a good candidate for
inserted into biomolecules instead of the proper element (e.g., phytotechnologies. In general, compounds with log Kow values
arsenic [As] replacing phosphorus [P]). <3.5 and >1.0 are good candidates for uptake by plants.29,36
Hydrophobic chemicals (log Kow > 3.5) are not sufficiently Organics soluble or are bound so strongly to the surface of the roots that
Organic compounds of environmental concern include non- they are unable to be translocated into the plant. It has also
ionic compounds (such as PAHs, chlorinated benzenes, been reported that compounds that are quite water soluble (log
PCBs, BTEX compounds, and many pesticides), ionizable Kow < 1.0) are not sufficiently sorbed to the roots or actively
compounds (chlorophenols, carboxylic acids, surfactants, transported through plant membranes.29 Contaminants such
and amines), and weakly hydrophobic VOCs (TCE). For the as BTEX, chlorinated solvents, and short-chain aliphatic
nonionic compounds, sorption in soil is mainly a function of chemicals fall within the log Kow range that allow them to be
degree of hydrophobicity and amount of sorbent hydrophobic susceptible to translocation into the plant.29
phase (i.e., soil organic matter). Sorption of the compound by From an engineering point of view, a tree could be thought
soil organic matter is reversible. The activities of these com- of as a shell of living tissue encasing an elaborate and massive
pounds in soil can be predicted by the organic matter–water chromatography column of twigs, branches, trunk, and roots.
coefficient, Kom, as estimated by the octanol–water coeffi- The analogous resin in this system is wood, the vascular tis-
cient, Kow.48 Absorption onto colloidal organic matter in solu- sue of the tree, and this “resin” is replenished each year by
tion may alter the availability of these nonionic compounds. normal growth. Wood is composed of thousands of hollow
Ionizable compounds contain anionic or cationic moieties or tubes, like the bed of a hollow fiber chromatography column,
both within their structure. These charged structures interact with transpirational water serving as the moving phase. The
with organic and inorganic charged surfaces in the soil in a hollow tubes are actually dead cells, whose death is carefully
variety of reversible reactions. The extent and nature of the programmed by the tree to produce a water conducting tis-
associations with charged surfaces depends on characteristics sue, which also functions in mechanical support. A complex,
of the organic compound, solution pH and ionic strength, and cross-linked, polymeric matrix of cellulose, pectins, and pro-
mineral composition of the soil particulates. Organic com- teins embedded in lignin forms the walls of the tubes. The cell
pounds may be degraded by microorganisms in the soil to wall matrix is chemically inert, insoluble in the majority of
metabolites with greater or lesser toxicity. Very stable com- solvents, and stable across a wide range of pH.
pounds, like highly chlorinated PCBs, may persist in essen- Once an organic chemical is taken up, a plant can store
tially unaltered form for many years. (sequestration) the chemical and its fragments in new plant
Plant roots are not discriminating in uptake of small structures via lignification or it can volatilize, metabolize, or
organic molecules (molecular weight less than 500) except mineralize the chemical all the way to carbon dioxide, water,
on the basis of polarity.43 More water-soluble molecules pass and chlorides. Detoxification mechanisms may transform the
through the root epidermis and translocate throughout the parent chemical to nonphytotoxic metabolites, including lig-
plant. The less soluble compounds (like many PAHs) seem nin, which are stored in various places in plant cells. Many
to have limited entry into the plant and minimal transloca- of these metabolic capacities tend to be enzymatically and
tion once inside. Highly lipophilic compounds, such as PCBs, chemically similar to those processes that occur in mamma-
move into the plant root via the symplastic route (from cell to lian livers; one report has equated plants to “green livers” due
cell, as opposed to between cells) and are translocated within to similarities of detoxification processes.
the plant. Within a plant, the contaminant may be adsorbed on Different plants exhibit different metabolic capacities.
a cell surface or accumulated in the cell. Many contaminants This is evident during the application of herbicides to weeds
become bound on the root surface and are not translocated. and crops alike. The vast majority of herbicidal compounds
Not all organic compounds are equally accessible to have been selected so that the crop species are capable of
plant roots in the soil environment. The inherent ability of metabolizing the pesticide to nontoxic compounds, whereas
the roots to take up organic compounds can be described by the weed species either lack this capacity or perform it at too
500 Remediation Engineering

Levels Mechanisms Significant for

Organic compounds (such as PCBs) and
Uptake of contaminants into inorganics (such as As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Se,
the plant and their subsequent radionuclides)
sequestration within the plant
Whole plant
Phytodegradation Organic compounds (such as BTEX,
Uptake and breakdown of chlorinated solvents, munitions, petroleum
contaminants within plant products)
tissues through internal
enzymatic activity

Phytohydraulics Organic compounds (such as BTEX,
chlorinated solvents, PCBs, pesticides) and
Uptake and transpiration of inorganics (such as As)

Uptake and translocation, and Organic compounds (such as PCBs, pesticides)
Leaves and
subsequent volatilization of and inorganics (such as Cd, Cr, Se,
contaminants in the radionuclides)
transpiration stream

Sequestration of certain
contaminants into the Organic compounds (such as PCBs, pesticides)
rhizosphere through release of and inorganics (such as Cd, Cr, Se,
phytochemicals and sequestration radionuclides)
of contaminants
on/into the plant roots and
Root stems through transport
proteins and cellular processes

Rhizodegradation Organic compounds (such as BTEX,

Released root-phytochemicals chlorinated solvent, PCBs, munitions,
to enhance microbial petroleum products) and inorganics (such as
biodegradation of contaminants radionuclides)
in the rhizosphere

FIGURE 9.28  Schematic representation of major phytotechnology mechanisms and their significance for varied contaminants’ cleanup.
(From Anjum, A.A. et al., Introduction, in Anjum, N.A. et al., eds., Phytotechnologies, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2013, pp. 1–4.)

slow a rate. The result is the death of the weed species without Phytotechnology approaches can be summarized as fol-
the metabolic capacity to rid itself of the toxin. lows based on current understanding of the technology29
The sheer volume and porous structure of a tree’s wood (Figure 9.28):
provide an enormous surface area for exchange or biochemi-
cal reactions. Some researchers are attempting to augment the • Phytosequestration: The ability of plants to sequester
inherent metabolic capacity of plants by incorporating bacte- certain contaminants in the rhizosphere through exu-
rial, fungal, insect, and even mammalian genes into the plant dation of phytochemicals and on the root through trans-
genome. port proteins and cellular processes (containment).
• Rhizodegradation: Exuded phytochemicals can
enhance microbial biodegradation of contaminants
9.5.2 Types of Phytotechnologies
in the rhizosphere (destruction).
A review of where phytotechnologies fit into the scheme of • Phytohydraulics: The ability of plants to capture and
hazardous waste remediation enables us to differentiate the evaporate water off the plant and take up and tran-
various types and mechanisms of phytotechnologies. The sci- spire water through the plant (containment).
entific understanding of plant, soil, and rhizosphere biochem- • Phytoextraction: The ability of plants to take up
istry, and contaminant fate and transport must be contrasted contaminants into the plant with the transpiration
with field and pilot studies that represent the current proof of stream (removal by plant).
concepts. The technology is summarized in the following as • Phytodegradation: The ability of plants to take up
those approaches ready for application, promising treatments and break down contaminants in the transpiration
expected to be tested soon, and concepts of phytotechnolo- stream through internal enzymatic activity and pho-
gies requiring intensive development. Finally, the intrinsic tosynthetic oxidation/reduction (destruction).
strengths of phytotechnologies as a remediation approach • Phytovolatilization: The ability of plants to take up,
and the future potential of this technology must be reviewed translocate, and subsequently transpire volatile con-
for regulatory acceptance in the context of hazardous waste taminants in the transpiration stream (removal by
remediation.29 plant).
Soil Treatment 501

Optimal performance of the technology is an important key absorption and accumulation by roots, adsorption onto roots,
to its ability to regain trust and acceptance as a presumptive or precipitation within the root zone. This mechanism may
remediation technique. With the possible exception of some reduce the fraction of the contaminant that is bioavailable.
of the mechanisms mentioned earlier that are already widely Another element of phytosequestration is to supplement
studied and understood, all of phytotechnologies’ major appli- the system with a variety of alkalizing agents, phosphates,
cations require further basic and applied research in order to organic matter, and biosolids to render the metals insoluble
establish optimal field performance. Research and develop- and unavailable to leaching. Materials with a calcareous char-
ment should continue to be carried out to (1) obtain a bet- acter or a high pH, such as lime and gypsum, can be added
ter understanding of mechanisms of uptake, transport, and to influence the acidity. Specific binding conditions can be
accumulation of contaminants; (2) improve collection and influenced by adding concentrated Fe, Mn, or Al compounds.
genetic evaluation of hyperaccumulating plants; (3) obtain a To maintain or raise the organic matter content in the soils,
better understanding of interactions in the rhizosphere among various materials such as humus or peat materials, manure, or
plant roots, microbes, and other biota; and (4) demonstrate mulch can be added.
verifiable full-scale field success from design and installation This chemical alteration should be quickly followed by
through long-term operation and monitoring data. establishing a plant cover and maximizing plant growth. The
Phytotechnologies’ ability to make further inroads depends amendments sequester the metals into the soil matrix and
on its ability to regularly achieve site remediation goals in a plants keep the stabilized matrix in place, minimizing wind
verifiable manner. Applications of this technology in the past and water erosion.
have often been done without collecting the appropriate data
to understand the key mechanisms over the lifetime of the Rhizodegradation
project. For those sites that have achieved success, the suc- Rhizodegradation (also called phytostimulation, rhizosphere
cess is poorly understood. Unfortunately, phytotechnology biodegradation, enhanced rhizosphere biodegradation, or
applications too often have been conceived poorly and were plant-assisted bioremediation/degradation) is the break-
destined to fail before a single plant went in the ground. down of contaminants in the soil through microbial activity
Federal, state, and local regulators have generally been enhanced by the presence of the rhizosphere (Figure 9.29).
more than willing to give the technology a try at remediation Microorganisms (yeast, fungi, and/or bacteria) consume and
sites. One has to wonder whether the time to take advantage degrade or transform organic substances for use as nutrient
of optimism in a truly “green” technology has passed with substances. Certain microorganisms can degrade organic
the number of poorly executed projects. While not involved substances such as fuels or solvents that are hazardous to
in every decision-making process, the public is sometimes a humans and ecoreceptors and convert them into harmless
key constituency as well. However, phytotechnologies have end products through biodegradation. Natural substances
been well received and even popular with neighbors and other released by plant roots—such as sugars, alcohols, and
interested parties at field remediation sites. acids—contain organic carbons that act as nutrient sources
for soil microorganisms; these additional nutrients stimulate Phytosequestration their activity. Rhizodegradation is aided by the way plants
Phytosequestration is the use of certain plant species to loosen the soil and transport oxygen and water to the area.
immobilize contaminants in the soil and groundwater through Plants also enhance biodegradation by other mechanisms

Enhanced rhizosphere biodegradation

– Supply of nutrients, cometabolites
– Transport and retention of water
– Aeration

Root respiration Soil dessication

Root intrusion


nitroductase Uptake

FIGURE 9.29  Rhizodegradation and associated processes in the root zone.

502 Remediation Engineering

such as breaking apart clods and transporting atmospheric Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), fescue (Festuca arundinacea), big
oxygen to the root zone. bluestem (A. gerardii), and Sudan grass (Sorghum vulgare
Soil adjacent to the root contains increased microbial sudanense) are known to enhance the degradation of PAH
numbers and populations.38 It is common knowledge that the compounds in the rhizosphere. The degradation rates among
number of bacteria in the rhizosphere is as much as 20 times various PAHs studied correlated with the water solubility of
that normally found in nonrhizosphere soil. Short gram- the compound with the more soluble compound, showing the
negative rods (specifically Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium, highest degradation.
and Alcaligenes) are most commonly found in the rhizo- Cometabolic transformation of chlorinated solvents and
sphere.38 The increased microbial numbers are primarily due other compounds also has been reported in the literature.35
to the presence of plant exudates and sloughed tissue that Wherever significant cometabolic transformations took place,
serve as sources of energy, carbon, and other growth factors. the following enzyme systems were present: dehalogenase,
The products excreted by plants include amino acids, carbox- nitroreductase, peroxidase, laccase, nitrilase, and oxygenase.
ylic acids, carbohydrates, nucleic acid derivatives, growth fac- The rhizosphere is often divided into two general areas: the
tors, and enzymes. The activity of microorganisms in the root inner rhizosphere at the very root surface and the outer rhizo-
zone stimulates root exudation further stimulating microbial sphere embracing the immediately adjacent soil. The micro-
activity.39 bial population is larger in the inner zone where biochemical
Several studies have evaluated the effect of plants and the interactions are most pronounced and root exudates are con-
associated rhizosphere on the fate of petroleum contami- centrated. In addition to plant exudates, the rapid decay of
nants.29,38,40 For the most part, the presence of plants enhanced fine-root biomass can also become an important addition of
the degradation of contaminants. Also, in studies using organic carbon to soils. A recent report considers some strate-
14C-labeled contaminants in closed plant chambers, mineral- gies for engineering plants to improve bioremediation in the
ization was greater in rhizosphere soils than in unvegetated root zone. One of the simpler approaches is to make use of the
soils, indicating that the bioavailability of the contaminant organism Agrobacterium rhizogenes to induce a state called
was higher in the rhizosphere.38 “hairy root disease.” Depending on virulence of the strain
Studies using deep rooted prairie grasses to remediate soils used, the extent of root production is variable. But generally,
contaminated with polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) sug- infection leads to a significant enhancement of rooting with-
gest that the roots of these perennial grasses may be more out obvious detrimental effects on the host plant. Increased
effective at stimulating the rhizosphere microflora due to their root mass has the apparent advantage of increasing the sur-
fibrous nature. Fibrous roots offer more root surface area for face area available for microbial colonization. Root exuda-
microbial colonization than other roots and result in a larger tion may be increased in proportion to increase in root area.
microbial population in the contaminated soil. Big bluestem Such rhizosphere enhancements could improve bioremedia-
(Andropogon gerardii), Indian grass (Sorghastrum nutans), tion potential of the plant–microbial system. It is suggested
switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), Canada wild rye (Elymus that when water is not freely available in unlimited quanti-
canadensis), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), ties, increased root mass could lead to greater water uptake
side oats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula), western wheat- and hence greater contaminant mobilization and potential
grass (Agropyron smithii), and blue grama (Bouteloua graci- degradation.
lis) are some of the species known to enhance degradation Different plant species often establish somewhat different
of petroleum compounds. Crested wheatgrass (Agropyron subterranean floras (Figure 9.30). The differences are attrib-
desertorum) is known to degrade PCP contaminated soils.38 uted to variations in rooting habits, tissue composition, and

Poplar trees 15 ft

Alfalfa 4–6 ft
Grasses 2 ft Indian
mustard 1 ft

FIGURE 9.30  Examples of different root depths.

Soil Treatment 503

excretion products of the plant. The primary root population Phytohydraulics

is determined by the habitat created by the plant; the second- Phytotechnologies can be applied for containment of con-
ary flora, however, depends upon the activities of the initial taminated groundwater under the right hydrogeologic con-
population. The age of the plant also alters the microbial ditions such as sites with shallow groundwater depths. In
population in the rhizosphere. Roots also harbor mycorrhizae general, favorable economics is one factor in the technology’s
fungi, which metabolize organic contaminants. These fungi, favor, particularly in contrast to the high cost of operation and
growing in symbiotic association with the plant, have unique maintenance of conventional groundwater treatment systems.
enzymatic pathways, similar to white rot fungus enzymes that Furthermore, the high transpiration rates of many deep rooted
help to degrade organics that could not be transformed solely trees may make them more efficient at removing water at low
by bacteria. permeability sites.
In summary, plants provide exudates that offer an excellent Phreatophytes (like willows, cottonwood, and hybrid pop-
habitat for increased microbial populations and pump oxygen lar), which take up and “process” large volumes of soil water,
to roots, a process ensuring aerobic transformations near the are good candidates for applications specifically for ground-
root that otherwise may not occur in bulk soil. Due to the water containment (Figure 9.31). Peak transpiration rates for
presence of certain primary substrates in the exudate system, mature phreatophytes can be as high as 100–200 gal per day
anaerobic cometabolic transformations may also take place per tree. An acre of a variety of species of grasses can tran-
in the rhizosphere. Typical microbial population in the rhizo- spire more than 5000 gal per day per acre.29
sphere comprises 5 × 106 bacteria, 9 × 105 actinomycetes, and The application of phytohydraulics for groundwater plumes
2 × 103 fungi per gram of air-dried soil. is preferred when the contaminants are water soluble, leach-
The state of science in rhizodegradation can be summa- able organics, and inorganics present at concentrations that
rized as follows: are not phytotoxic. Hydraulic control by plants can occur only
within the root zone or within a depth influenced by roots; the
• Contaminant degradation can be achieved in  situ, placement depth of roots during planting can be varied. Root
which is the biggest advantage. depth, early tree growth, and nutrient uptake were enhanced
• Translocation of the contaminant to the plant or by placing poplar tree root balls closer to shallow groundwa-
atmosphere is less likely than with other phytoreme- ter during planting.
diation techniques since degradation takes place at The primary considerations for selecting phytotechnology
the source of contamination. for hydraulic control as the method of choice are the depth
• Installation and maintenance costs are low since no to groundwater and concentration of contaminants that affect
harvesting and disposal are required. plant growth. Soil texture, degree of saturation, and soil per-
• Various microorganism species and enzymes have meability are also influential factors. Planting technique and
been isolated that degrade different contaminants. materials can extend the influence of plants through nonsatu-
• Analytical methods to better quantify treatment effi- rated zones to water-bearing layers. However, any designer or
ciency and success are improving. installer should carefully consider the selection of phytotech-
• Field management techniques for nutrients, water, nologies if its applications require elaborate methods to force
and plant selection are advancing. a plant to grow in a manner it would not do on its own.
• TPH and PAHs up to hundreds of ppm have been As mentioned earlier, phreatophytes such as poplars are
studied in the field with varying success.35 capable of extending their roots into aerobic water tables.
• Degradation of various pesticides (atrazine, metola-
chlor, parathion, diazinon, and 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T herbi-
cides) has been studied, again with mixed results.35
• TCE, PCP, and PCB degradation have also been
investigated—again with varying success.
• More research needs to be done to further elucidate
microbial metabolism in the rhizosphere, toxicity
toward plants, biodiversity in the rhizosphere, bio-
geochemical optimization in the rhizosphere, and
interrelation between biological, chemical, and phys-
ical characteristics of the rhizosphere.

The following plants, in addition to the ones discussed pre-

viously, have been used for successful implementation of
phytodegradation at field sites35: (1) red mulberry, crabapple,
spearmint, and Osage orange that are capable of stimulating
PCB degradation; (2) alfalfa, loblolly pine, and soybean for FIGURE 9.31  Five-year old hybrid poplar tree stand (>40 ft tall)
TCE degradation; (3) alfalfa for TCA degradation; and (4) rye, used to control migration of groundwater contaminants at a site in
St. Augustine, and white clover for TPH. Missouri.
504 Remediation Engineering

fringe At capillary

In capillary fringe
and groundwater table

FIGURE 9.32  Placement of root ball with time due to maturation of the tree.


Groundwater Zone of tree plantation




Groundwater table elevation contours

FIGURE 9.33  Measured groundwater flow conditions at maturation of tree growth.

For example, the roots of poplars growing alongside streams of phytoremediation, the roots can penetrate these micropores
can easily be observed intertwined in the stream bottom. for contaminant removal.
The degree to which poplar roots would penetrate the satu-
rated zone cannot be easily estimated. If their access to soil Phytoextraction
moisture from precipitation is limited, poplars will draw Phytoextraction, also called phytoaccumulation, refers to the
large amounts of water from the top of a saturated aquifer. ability of plants to take up contaminants into the roots and
Evapotranspiration will draw down the water table below translocate them to the aboveground shoots or leaves. Once
the trees similar to a pump and treat system (Figures 9.32 a chemical is taken up, the plant may store the chemical,
and 9.33). Simulations of a proposed design can be carried sequester the chemical into its cells, metabolize it through
out based on extent of contamination, hydrogeological data, phytodegradation mechanisms, and/or phytovolatilize the
past precipitation and infiltration records, and evapotrans- chemical from the transpiration stream exiting the plant.29
piration data. The mechanisms and processes involved in extracting met-
A big advantage of phytoremediation over conventional als and organic chemicals from the subsurface by plants have
pump and treat systems is the ability of the roots to penetrate attracted a great deal of interest for more than three decades.
the microscopic scale pores in the soil matrix. Contaminants Regarding metals, certain plants, called hyperaccumulators,
adsorbed or trapped in these micropores are impacted mini- absorb unusually large amounts of metals in comparison to
mally or not at all by the pump and treat system. In the case other plants and the ambient metals concentration.
Soil Treatment 505

Phytoaccumulators or phytoextractors must have a high Hyperaccumulators have metal accumulating characteristics
accumulation factor, that is, a high uptake of metals from the that are desirable but lack the biomass production, adaptation
soil. The uptake should be metal specific, which diminishes to current agronomic techniques, and physiological adapta-
the risk of impoverishing the soil of nutrient elements. The tions to climatic conditions required at many contaminated
property of having a high specific uptake must be genetically sites. Harvesting at different seasons in a year had pronounced
stable. Since the removal of metals from the soil is actually differences in accumulation levels. In the future, genetic
achieved through the harvest, it is necessary that the plant manipulation techniques may provide better hyperaccumula-
have a high transport of the metal(s) from the roots to the tor species. The success of phytoextraction depends on the
shoots to be effective during remediation applications. In use of an integrated approach to soil and plant management:
addition, a high biomass production of the phytoaccumulator the disciplines of soil chemistry, soil fertility, agronomy,
is needed for high removal of metals per unit area. It is also plant physiology, and plant genetic engineering are currently
an advantage if biomass production is of economic interest. being used to increase the rate and efficiency of heavy metal
Hyperaccumulators have been preferred during phytoextrac- phytoextraction.
tion applications because they take up very large amounts of a The schematic of the process involved in heavy metal
specific metal. They are often endemic and of a specific popu- phytoextraction is shown in Figure 9.34. Translocation
lation (genotypes/clones) of a species.41 However, these plants from the root to the shoot must occur efficiently for ease
seldom have high biomass production and may also have low of harvesting. After harvesting, a proper, acceptable bio-
competitive ability in less polluted areas, probably because the mass processing step or disposal methods should be
plant uses its energy to tolerate such high levels of metals in the implemented.
tissue instead of growth. Hyperaccumulators can accumulate
≥0.01% of Cd, ≥0.1% of Cu, or ≥1.0% Zn in leaf dry mass and
may have the metal evenly distributed throughout the plant.42 Phytodegradation
There are also high accumulators that accumulate some- Phytodegradation, also called phytotransformation, is the
what lower metal concentrations than hyperaccumulators but breakdown of contaminants taken up by plants through
much more than “normal” plants. They usually have high bio- metabolic processes within the plant, or the breakdown of
mass production. In these plants, there is no uniform distribu- contaminants external to the plant through the effect of com-
tion of metal throughout the plant, and thus the plant might pounds (such as enzymes) produced by the plants. Pollutants
have high accumulation either in the roots or in the shoots. are degraded, used as nutrients, and incorporated into the
These plants are selected and planted at a site based on the plant tissues. In some cases metabolic intermediate or end
type of metals present and other site conditions. After they products are re-released to the environment depending on
have been allowed to grow for several weeks or months, they the contaminant and plant species (phytovolatilization)
are harvested. (Figure 9.35).
Landfilling, incineration, and composting are options to Plants synthesize a large number of enzymes as a result of
dispose of or recycle the metals, although this depends upon primary and secondary metabolism and can quickly uptake
the results of TCLP testing and cost. Planting and harvesting and metabolize organic contaminants to less toxic compounds.
of plants may be repeated as necessary to bring soil contami- Plant enzyme systems can be constitutive or induced and can
nant levels down to allowable limits. A plan may be required play a role in solar driven transformations and plant adapta-
to deal with the plant biomass waste. Testing of plant tissue, tion and/or tolerance to adverse growth conditions resulting
leaves, roots, etc., will determine if the plant tissue is a haz- from contamination of the soils. Plant-formed enzymes that
ardous waste. Regulators will play a role in determining the are useful for phytodegradation are nitroreductases (for muni-
testing method and requirements for the ultimate disposal of tions and pesticides), dehalogenases (for chlorinated solvents
the plant waste. and pesticides), phosphatases (for pesticides), peroxidases
The state of science in phytoextraction is as follows43: (for  phenols), laccases (for aromatic amines), cytochrome
P450 (for pesticides and chlorinated solvents), and nitrilase
• Botanical prospecting dating to the 1950s in the (for herbicides).
former USSR and United States is available to Plant transformation pathways can be of many differ-
practitioners. ent types and obviously depend on plant species and tissue
• More than 400 species of hyperaccumulators world- type. In simplistic terms, these pathways can be categorized
wide have been catalogued. as reduction, oxidation, conjugation, and sequestration. The
• Field test kits for metal hyperaccumulation have “green liver model” has been proposed to describe the meta-
been developed. bolic pathways of herbicides, pesticides, explosives, and other
• Uptake and segregation processes using cation nitroaromatic compounds. Contaminant degradation by plant-
pumps, ion transporters, Ca blocks, metal chelating formed enzymes can occur in an environment free of micro-
exudates and transporters, phytochelatin peptides, organisms (e.g., an environment in which the microorganisms
and metallothioneins have been evaluated and con- have been killed by high contaminant levels). Thus,  phyto-
tinuous research is being performed to develop fur- degradation potentially could occur in soils where biodegra-
ther understanding. dation cannot.
506 Remediation Engineering

Disposal or
Me Harvest reclamation
of metals

Me Me
Me Plant transpiration results
in metal contaminants being
concentrated in the plant

Me Me

Translocation to leaf
and stalk biomass

root uptake


FIGURE 9.34  Process schematic describing the various processes during phytoaccumulation of heavy metals.

H2O transpiration and
volatilization of VOCs
photosynthates Xylem Dark respiration
+O2 H2O, nutrients
CO2, H O
Phytodegradation O2
– Metabolism within the plant
– Production of enzymes that
help to catalyze degradation


H2O, nutients, O2
Root respiration transpiration
CO2, H O

O2, CH3COOH, C4H5OH CO2, H2O, Cl
cometabolism Contaminant mineralization

FIGURE 9.35  Phytodegradation and phytovolatilization mechanisms associated with some other mechanisms essential for plant life.
Soil Treatment 507

The current state of science in phytodegradation (phyto- trichloroacetic acid. Similar studies have shown positive
transformation) is summarized as follows29: results for toluene and benzene.
A recent study using parrot feather showed positive
• Plant-formed enzymes that degrade organic contam- results for phytotransformation of perchlorate at concen-
inants have been isolated and metabolic pathways trations of up to 20 ppm.46 Based on the results of these
experiments and ecological knowledge of parrot feather,
can be predicted.
this species is an excellent candidate for future research
• Phytodegradation can be used for the treatment of
on in situ phytoremediation of contaminated water bodies.
soil, sediments, sludges, and groundwater depending
Parrot feather also is a good candidate for phytoremediation
on contaminant type and concentrations.
of contaminated groundwater temporarily held in artificial
• Mass balance and pathway analyses studies have
been conducted to prove complete degradation;
potential toxicity of intermediate compounds also
can be predicted.
• Differentiation between degradation by plant Phytovolatilization
enzymes, rhizosphere microorganisms, and other Phytovolatilization is the uptake and transpiration of a con-
breakdown processes is being performed. taminant by a plant, with release of the contaminant or a
• Development of engineered solutions based on the modified form of the contaminant to the atmosphere from the
use of monocultures versus multicultures found in plant. Phytovolatilization occurs as growing trees and other
wetlands and terrestrial communities is being fur- plants take up water and organic and inorganic contaminants.
ther investigated. Some of these contaminants can pass through the plants to
• Organic contaminants are the main category of con- the leaves and volatilize into the atmosphere at comparatively
taminants with the highest potential of phytodegrada- low concentrations. Many organic compounds transpired by a
tion. Inorganic nutrients are also consumed through plant are subject to phytodegradation.
plant uptake and metabolism. Phytodegradation out- Thus far, phytovolatilization has mainly been applied to
side the plant does not depend on log Kow and plant groundwater contamination. However, the potential exists
uptake. for application to soil, sediments, and other contamination
• Axenic plant tissue cultures of the aquatic plant and needs some careful applications. The state of science
Myriophyllum and the periwinkle Catharanthus with respect to phytovolatilization can be summarized as
are being used for elucidating plant transformation follows35,47:
• Contaminants could be transformed to less toxic
The aquatic plant parrot feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) forms (e.g., elemental Hg and dimethyl selenite
and the algae Nitella have been used for the degradation of gas).
TNT. The nitroreductase enzyme has also been identified in • The contaminant or a hazardous metabolite might
other algae, ferns, monocots, dicots, and trees. accumulate in vegetation.
Degradation of TCE has been detected in hybrid poplars • Significant reductions of TCE, TCA, and carbon
and in poplar cell cultures, resulting in production of metab- tetrachloride have been achieved in experimental
olites and in complete mineralization of a small portion studies.
of the applied TCE.44,45 Poplars have been used to remove • Poplars, willow, alfalfa (M. sativa), and black
atrazine and inorganic nutrients.30 Black willow (Salix locust species have been studied to evaluate
nigra), yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), bald cypress phytovolatilization.
(Taxodium distichum), river birch (Betula nigra), cherrybark • Indian mustard and canola have been used in phyto-
oak (Quercus falcata), and live oak (Quercus virginiana) volatilization studies of Se.
have been known to support degradation of herbicides.36 • Selenium (as selenate) was converted to less toxic
One recent study demonstrated that poplar trees, which dimethyl selenite gas and released to the atmosphere.
possess cytochrome P-450s analogous to the oxygenases Kenaf and tall fescue have also been used to take up
responsible for transformation of compounds such as TCE Se but to a lesser degree than canola.
in the mammalian liver, exposed to 100 mg/L of TCE did • A weed from the mustard family (Arabidopsis
uptake and chemically alter this contaminant. TCE and its thaliana), genetically modified to include a
metabolites were found in the roots and tissue of the study gene for mercuric reductase, converted mercuric
trees but not in control trees or in the soil used for potting salts to metallic mercury and released it to the
the trees. In a subsequent study, poplar seedlings exposed to atmosphere.
14 C-labeled TCE were found to generate 14 C-labeled carbon • Groundwater must be within the influence of plant
dioxide. Intermediate compounds generated during oxida- (usually a tree) roots and soil must be able to transmit
tion are thought to be 2,2,2-trichloroethanol and di- and sufficient water to the plant.
508 Remediation Engineering

• Climatic factors such as temperature, precipita- plant metabolism profoundly. Suboptimal concentra-
tion, humidity, solar radiation, and wind velocity tions of oxygen in the soil occur because of interac-
can affect transpiration rates and thus the rate of tions among soil properties such as porosity, water
phytovolatilization. content, temperature, surface water infiltration, and
• Improved methods for measuring phytovolatiliza- continuity of air-filled pores with biotic activity.
tion, diurnal and seasonal variations, and precipita- • Soil temperature: Temperature influences plant pro-
tion versus groundwater use need to be developed. cesses at the cellular level, such as osmotic potential,
• Significant research needs to be focused on mod- hydration of ions, stomatal activity and transpira-
eling impacts of vegetation such as transpiration tion, Gibbs free energy available for work, mem-
stream concentration factors, canopy effects, and brane permeability, solute solubilities, diffusion,
root concentration factors. and enzymatic activities. Temperature and cultivar
strongly influence the establishment of plants. Low
temperatures also decrease metabolic activity and
9.5.3 Phytoremediation Design
root growth.
The design of a phytotechnology system varies according • Physical impedance: Physical impedance, some-
to the contaminants, conditions at the site, level of cleanup times called mechanical impedance or excessive soil
required, and plants used. A thorough site characterization strength, can severely affect normal root growth pat-
should provide the needed data to design any type of reme- terns. Such impedances result from increased soil
diation system. Clearly, phytoextraction has different design bulk density, increased cohesion and friction between
requirements from phytostabilization or rhizodegradation. soil particles, reduction in soil water content, frost
Nevertheless, it is possible to specify a few design consider- heave action of soil, and the presence of permafrost
ations that are part of most phytotechnology efforts. Site char- within the root zone. Under an excessive soil strength
acterization data will provide the information required for the environment, roots enter the soil volume where pore
designer to develop a properly functioning system. The design sizes are larger than the root tip. Conversely, if pore
considerations include contaminant levels; plant selection; sizes are too small for entry of the main root but not
treatability; irrigation, agronomic inputs (P, N, K, salinity, for the laterals, then laterals proliferate and produce
zinc, etc.), and maintenance; groundwater capture zone and a highly branched root system.
transpiration rate; and contaminant uptake rate and cleanup • Topography: Topography is a critical factor because
time required. it is a key factor in determining runoff velocity
Other factors to be considered during the evaluation, and erosion. In general, the amount of soil ero-
design, and implementation phases of phytoremediation at a sion increases manifold with increasing degree
contaminated site are the following: and length of slope. Contaminated sites with slopes
greater than 10% are often not suitable for phytore-
• Soil water: The most crucial factor in a plant’s life is mediation without surface modification because of
water, which links it to the soil via roots and serves excessive erosion.
as a vehicle for nutrient transport. Water also con- • Soil pH: Plant roots are damaged at pH lower than
trols the exchange of gases and moderates soil tem- 4.0. The roots are shortened, thickened, fewer in
perature changes. Plant available water is held in number, and dull brown or gray in color. Salinity
the soil between the field capacity and permanent is another challenge to phytotechnology applica-
wilting point. Plant roots can extract water at lower tions in the field. Soluble salts reduce the total water
potentials, depending upon the plant type and arable potential of the soil solution, thus tending to reduce
environment. Root growth rates are controlled by the potential difference between soil water and the
the presence of continuing supplies of water to main- atmosphere. Excessive soil salinity reduces root
tain hydrostatic pressure in the elongating cells of elongation and upsets hormonal balance, as well
the root and metabolites for cell wall construction. as altering soil structure that, in turn, affects plant
Water flows radially into elongating root cells only growth.
when the cell’s total water potential is lower than
the combined osmotic and matric potentials of the  Contaminant Levels
soil. Soil water content will influence plant biomass During the site characterization phase, the concentration level
growth. of the COCs will be established. High levels of contamina-
• Soil air: Plants need molecular oxygen to respire tion may eliminate phytoremediation as a treatment option.
and convert carbohydrates to carbon dioxide and Plants are not able to treat all contaminants. The composition
water. This is an exothermic reaction and releases of organic compounds (structure, log Kow, degree of weath-
respiratory energy utilized for many plant processes. ering and boiling point range) and degree of adsorption are
The disappearance of oxygen triggers a sequence important factors in the application of phytotechnologies. It
of changes in the biogeochemical properties of the is important to understand the range of contaminants that can
soil; the absence of oxygen alone is sufficient to alter be treated using phytotechnologies. In addition to knowing
Soil Treatment 509

contaminants and their concentrations, the depth of the con- rhizosphere microbes. The soil must be analyzed and then
taminants must be known. The primary consideration in this items such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous, aged manure,
area is that the contaminant concentrations cannot be phyto- sewage sludge compost, straw, and/or mulch are added as
toxic or cause unacceptable impacts on plant health or yield. required to ensure the success of the plants. Maintenance of
Higher concentrations of contaminants might be tolerated the phytotechnology system may include adding fertilizer,
more readily by plants than by soil microorganisms. agents to bind metals to the soil, or chelates to assure plant
uptake of the contaminants. Replanting may be required due  Plant Selection to drought, disease, insects, or animals killing plants.
The goal of the plant selection process is to choose a plant
species with suitable characteristics for growth under site
conditions that meet the objectives of phytotechnologies. REFERENCES
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groundwater hydrology in the United States, Hydrogeology United States with a discussion of principles. Water-Supply
Journal, 3(2), 76–78. Paper 489. Washington, DC: USGS.
10 Reactive Walls

10.1  REACTIVE BARRIERS in comparison to minutes or hours available in aboveground

reactors. As a result, mass removal efficiencies could be
A permeable reactive barrier (PRB) is a remediation industry expected to reach close to 100% in a properly designed PRB.
standard term that defines an in situ treatment zone designed to Additionally, PRBs are considered a more sustainable in situ
intercept and remediate a contaminant groundwater plume.1 The remedial strategy, if designed to last for an extended duration.
concept of a PRB is the installation of a permeable or imper- A recent sustainability life cycle assessment between PRBs
meable wall perpendicular and downgradient of a contaminated and GETS found that it takes 10 years in the minimum thresh-
groundwater plume. Permeable barriers are continuous walls old for a PRB to outcompete GETS.11
that encourage contaminated groundwater to flow throughout Proper design and construction are important because once
the entire length of the barrier. Impermeable barriers direct the a PRB is installed, little can be done to rectify any issues.12
flow of impacted groundwater to specially designed perme- Of the currently operating PRBs, some are failing to meet
able reactive gates installed along the impermeable barriers. design objectives13 as a result of neglecting shifts in hydraulic
Engineered treatment reactions that destroy or immobilize tar- gradient, incorrect treatment interval thickness, passivation of
geted contaminants in the groundwater occur either through- treatment reagent, diminished reactivity over time, and less
out the continuous PRB or within the reactive gates. Treated permeability across the PRB than ambient aquifer.14 Of the
groundwater then follows its natural course after exiting the reported poor performance of PRBs, the most common cause
barrier. The flow through the barrier is passive and is driven is a poor understanding of the site-specific hydrogeology.15
by the natural groundwater gradient. If a groundwater plume is This chapter explores the concepts and design of PRBs and
relatively narrow, a continuous PRB can be installed across the provides case study examples with which the authors have
full width of the plume and thus preclude the necessity for the design, implementation, and evaluation experience.
installation of impermeable barriers with reactive gates.
The PRB strategy has been proven successful at many
sites, and the installation process has evolved since the earliest 10.2  TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW
implementations. As of 2011, there were more than 200 field-
scale PRBs in operation throughout the world,1 with the first A PRB may be considered as an alternative to a GETS.
field-scale pilot PRB dating back to 1991 by the University of Depending on the anticipated future use of the contaminated
Waterloo.2–4 At first, PRBs were typically trenches or sheet pile aquifer and the acceptable remediation time frame, PRBs
walls with reactive gates (impermeable barriers). However, as may eliminate the need for active in situ treatment. PRBs can
the regulatory view of the technology developed since the first be installed at the downgradient edge of a groundwater con-
implementation in the early 1990s, the PRB concept may range taminant plume as a containment strategy and/or immediately
from a physically constructed trench to a transect of injection downgradient of the source area to prevent further transport
wells to a series of overlapping soil-mixed columns.1 The effec- of contaminant mass. Physical, chemical, or biological mech-
tiveness of the PRB is influenced by many design components, anisms can be implemented within the PRB. In this section,
and the selected construction of a PRB should provide the most the conventional configurations for a PRB are discussed.
effective approach for the lowest cost. PRBs reduce long-term
operation and maintenance (O&M) costs and, therefore, life
10.2.1  Configurations
cycle costs, which are typically appreciable for most remedia-
tion projects. The popularity of PRBs has resulted in numerous The configuration of a PRB to the contaminated groundwater
guidance documents from government and state research agen- flow direction will influence the geometry (dimensions and
cies, and the amount of published information supporting PRB arrangement) of the treatment component. For impermeable
installation and operation is abundant.1,5–10 This chapter aims reactive barriers with reactive gates (referred to as “funnel
to succinctly summarize the key points of design, installation, and gate” configurations), the design is complex. For example,
operation, and monitoring. suppose existing site infrastructure constrains the construc-
PRBs may be conceptualized as in situ reactors designed tion of the funnel and gate PRB such that groundwater flow is
to achieve the same treatment reactions that are utilized in a anticipated to increase within the reactive gate. The increased
groundwater extraction and treatment system (GETS). A PRB groundwater velocity may result in an insufficient residence
has a distinct advantage over a GETS due to the greater time (ϑ), and as a result the design may fail to meet the targeted
contaminant treatment reagent contact time (i.e., residence objectives. Potential solutions may be numerous reactive gates
time [ϑ]) available in situ. Typical groundwater flow veloci- in parallel or series, widening the reactive gates, or switching the
ties will provide residence times (ϑ) of days, if not weeks, configuration (i.e., continuous PRB or caissons PRB). Selection

512 Remediation Engineering

of the optimal geometry for a continuous PRB is simpler than be installed by excavating a trench in the aquifer matrix and
for a funnel and gate PRB. A continuous PRB is constructed backfilling with a combination of inert, highly porous material
with permeable treatment media across its entire length, and (e.g., coarse sand) and treatment reagent (e.g., zerovalent iron
there are less hydrogeologic concerns for achieving complete [ZVI]). This mixture facilitates groundwater flow and contami-
capture of the groundwater contaminant plume. The feasibility nant treatment simultaneously. For sites at which the targeted
and cost of constructing a continuous PRB will determine the treatment interval is below the reach of excavating equipment,
depths to which this configuration can be installed. reagent injections may be used to create the continuous PRB.
The PRB configuration is a critical parameter that requires As the contaminant plume moves through the continuous PRB,
an engineering cost-benefit analysis. It is obvious that the dif- contaminants are removed by various physical, chemical, and
ferent options present pros and cons and have variable cost biological mechanisms (i.e., air stripping, biodegradation,
implications. The reactive gates and treatment interval usually adsorption, chemical oxidation, abiotic degradation, metals
dictate the cost associated with the installation of the PRB. precipitation), depending on the treatment reagent selected. The
Thus, the optimum design will minimize the number and potential treatment reactions for various contaminants that could
thickness of the reactive gates/treatment interval while still be implemented within a PRB are summarized in Table 10.1.
accommodating groundwater flow from the entire contami- Suitability of this PRB configuration will depend upon the site-
nated plume and providing adequate residence time (ϑ) within specific geologic and hydrogeologic conditions and the nature
the treatment reagent. Typical PRB configurations available and extent of contamination. The preferred treatment processes
from which to choose include continuous PRBs, funnel and are those that are easily implemented in a cost-effective man-
gate PRBs, and in situ reactive vessels. If the groundwater flow ner and require minimal O&M. The most common treatment
and contaminant plume orientation are well understood with processes are anaerobic, driven by reaction products from the
minimal construction constraints, the continuous PRB is the corrosion of ZVI metal embedded in the PRB.
best design choice.8 The two selected for discussion in this The construction process must avoid excessive mixing of
chapter are continuous and funnel and gate PRBs. In situ reac- aquifer matrix material (usually low-permeability soils) with
tive vessels are similar in construction to funnel and gate PRBs, the porous fill so that maximum hydraulic conductivity can be
except the reactive gates is replaced by a reaction vessel, which maintained in the PRB. If this separation is not maintained, it
essentially is a residence tank emplaced below ground surface. is possible to construct a relatively low-permeability barrier
that blocks groundwater flow. It is also important to main-  Continuous Permeable Reactive Barrier tain a consistent placement of fill, because variations in per-
The simplest configuration is a continuous PRB that extends meability will channel groundwater flow to some areas and
across the entire width of the plume (Figure 10.1). This PRB can bypass others, shortening the treatment reagent lifespan.16

Continuous PRB

Contaminant plume

Continuous reactive
media intercepts entire

GW flow

Reactive gate
Funnel and gate PRB

Funnel and gate:
Physical barriers direct
Contaminant plume groundwater to a smaller
reactive gate

GW flow

FIGURE 10.1  Cross-sectional views of (a) continuous and (b) funnel and gate permeable reactive barriers.
Reactive Walls 513

TABLE 10.1
Relevant Reaction Mechanisms for Example Constituents of Concern in Permeable
Reactive Barriers
Physical Chemical Biological
COC Air Sparging Adsorption Precipitation Abiotic Reduction Oxidation Aerobic Anaerobic
CE X a X X X X
Freon X X X
ClO4− X X X
Creo X
+Me X X X X
As X X
Cr(6+) X X X X
UO22+ X X X X
Sr-90 X X
Se X X
PO43− X
NO3− X X X
NH4+ X X
SO42− X X X
1,4-D X X

Sources: ITRC, Permeable reactive barrier: Technology update, The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council PRB:
Technology Update Team, Washington, DC, 2011,;
Suthersan, S.S. and Payne, F.C., In Situ Remediation Engineering, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2005.
a X mark indicates a recommended treatment mechanism.

CE, chloroethenes; CA, chloroethanes; CP, chlorinated pesticides; NB, nitrobenzene; BTEX, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene,
and xylenes; PAH, polyaromatic hydrocarbons; EN, energetics; ClO4−, perchlorate; NAPL, nonaqueous phase liquid; Creo,
creosote; +Me, cationic metals; As, arsenic; Cr(6+), hexavalent chromium; UO22+, uranyl uranium; Sr-90, strontium; Se, sele-
nium; PO43−, phosphate; nitrate, NO3−; ammonium, NH4+; sulfate, SO42−; MTBE, methyl tert-butyl ether; 1,4-D, 1,4-dioxane.  Funnel and Gate Permeable Reactive Barrier dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) present, the funnel
Funnel and gate PRBs comprise a groundwater flow barrier and gate PRB may be needed to extend over a considerable
(the funnel) constructed perpendicular to the axis of ground- vertical thickness given the propensity of DNAPL to transport
water flow that directs groundwater flow through a reactive contamination vertically. When the groundwater contaminant
chamber (reactive gate) and discharges the treated groundwa- plume is shallow, a condition most likely associated with the
ter to the downgradient side of the PRB. A general descrip- presence of light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL), penetra-
tion of the funnel and gate concept, showing low-permeability tion of the aquifer may be required only to the depth of mea-
barriers in several configurations, is presented in Starr and sureable contamination. The two configurations mentioned
Cherry.17 Because the impermeable funnel section blocks the earlier are known as a “fully penetrating gate PRB” and a
flow, groundwater mounds on the upgradient side of PRB. “hanging gate PRB,”17 respectively (Figure 10.2).
The diagrams in Starr and Cherry17 represent relatively simple The main advantage of a funnel and gate PRB over a con-
systems. In practice, it is desirable to prevent the buildup of tinuous PRB is that a smaller-scale reactive gate is used for
groundwater on the upgradient side of the PRB, opting instead treating a given plume, usually at a lower cost. Groundwater
to provide collection trenches upgradient of the barrier to flow through an aquifer is heterogeneous and typically fol-
channel groundwater flow through the reactive gate. lows discretized intervals of higher permeability. Treatment
Funnel and gate PRBs can be constructed across the entire reagent in a PRB is a cost driver, and a continuous PRB treat-
vertical thickness of a contaminated aquifer. At a site with ment reagent is required across the entire length of the PRB.
514 Remediation Engineering

Contaminant plume free water

Bedrock Gate

Contaminant source
in the saturated zone

free water

Source of
FIGURE 10.2  Cross-sectional views of (a) fully penetrating gate
and (b) hanging gate funnel and gate permeable reactive barriers.

FIGURE 10.3  Possible configurations of (a) single gate funnel and

Because groundwater flow is variable across the length of the (b) gate permeable reactive barriers.
PRB, it is possible that some treatment reagent may never be
used. In a funnel and gate PRB, groundwater flow is brought to
the reactive gate, ensuring that all treatment reagent is utilized. and extraction system (for removing TCE) to be followed by a
Additionally, if a PRB requires periodic treatment reagent fixed film bioreactor gate (for degrading acetone). If the same
replacement (such as a granular activated carbon [GAC] or ion plume has pentachlorophenol (PCP) in it, a third reactive gate
exchange media) or flushing out precipitated minerals, it will with GAC may be required for PCP removal. Reactive gates
be easier to accomplish this in a smaller reactive gate. Similar in series are shown on Figure 10.4.
to the continuous PRB configuration, various physical, chemi- When the contaminant plume is relatively wide, multiple
cal, and biological mechanisms are applicable (i.e., air strip- reactive gates may be required in parallel to direct contami-
ping, biodegradation, adsorption, chemical oxidation, abiotic nated groundwater to flow through the reactive gates (Figure
degradation, and metals precipitation [Table 10.1]). In addition, 10.4). Multiple reactive gate PRBs can be installed as fully
physical recovery techniques for LNAPL and DNAPL recov- penetrating or hanging gates as dictated by the depth of con-
ery can also be implemented within the reactive gate. tamination. When designing a multiple reactive gate PRB, a
The funnel and gate PRB geometry required to direct all balance between maximizing the size of the capture zone and
the contaminated groundwater through the reactive gate and the retention time (ϑ) in the reactive gate should be achieved.
the ease of installation will determine the applicability in In general, capture zone size and retention time (ϑ) are
most cases. The simplest geometry of a funnel and gate PRB inversely related.17
is a single reactive gate with cutoff walls extending on both The treatment reactions summarized in Table 10.1 can also
sides of the reactive gate (Figure 10.3). This configuration is be implemented in multiple reactive gate geometries. The
more suitable for a narrow, elongated plume. Selected treat- width and depth of the funnel, the required number of reactive
ment reactions to address the specific contaminants and the gates, and the total thickness of the reactive gates all play sig-
ease of implementation will also influence the applicability of nificant roles in deciding whether this technique is the most
a funnel and gate PRB. cost-effective alternative to address the subject groundwater
When dealing with a groundwater plume that contains contaminant plume.
multiple contaminants, two or more reactive gates in series
may be required to implement different treatment reactions.  Funnel Width and Angle
For example, a plume containing trichloroethylene (TCE) Increased funnel widths provide a larger capture zone, and
and acetone may require a reactive gate with an air injection thus the required groundwater flow capacity through the
Reactive Walls 515

reactive gates is increased accordingly. Beyond the localized

Reactive Pea
gravel influence around the funnels, the width of the capture zone is
generally proportional to the groundwater flow through the
reactive gate for a given site. The required capture zone will
gate 1 determine the optimum funnel width and the number of reac-
Plume tive gates.
It has been shown that the maximum discharge and capture
Caisson occurs when the funnel is perpendicular to the groundwater
gate 2 flow direction17 (Figure 10.5). The effective width of the funnel
decreases when the funnel is not straight and has an apex angle.
U-shaped funnels provide a smaller capture zone in compari-
Funnel son to a straight funnel of the same length (Figure 10.5).

(a)  Reactive Gate Length

As the total length of the reactive gate(s) increases, relative to
Reactive Pea the total funnel width, the absolute and relative flow and the
Funnel medium 1 gravel
width of the capture zone increase. The absolute flow (Qabs) is
defined as the flow through the reactive gate(s) at a given time.
The relative flow (Qrel) is the fraction of flow intersected by
Plume the funnel width, which flows through the reactive gate(s). It
Gate is calculated by dividing the flow through the reactive gate(s)
(Qabs) by the natural groundwater flow (Q) through a section
of the aquifer equal to the width and depth of the funnel at an
upgradient location in the absence of the funnel and gate PRB
medium 2 according to the following equation:
Qrel = (10.1)
FIGURE 10.4  Illustration of reactive gates in both (a) series and (b) Q
parallel orientation. (From Gavaskar, A.R. et al., Permeable Reactive
Barriers for Groundwater Remediation Design, Construction, and A reactive gate that is as wide as possible is desirable from
Monitoring, Battelle Press, Columbus, OH, 1998.) a treatment perspective; however, economic considerations
limit the length of the reactive gate.  Reactive Gate Permeability

It is easy to understand that when the permeability of the reac-
tive gate is higher, the absolute flow (Qabs) also will be higher.
However, it has been reported that there is relatively little
increase in absolute flow (Qabs) through the reactive gate when
Gate Gate the reactive gate permeability is greater than 10 times that of
native soils of the aquifer.17 This is due to the fact that flow
is limited by the transmissivity of the aquifer upgradient and
downgradient of the reactive gate. While there is a general ten-
Funnel Funnel dency among designers of funnel and gate PRBs to make the
(a) (b) reactive gate permeability as high as possible, high values are
not required for proper functioning of the PRB and may not
be desirable due to the potentially shortened residence times
(ϑ). However, consideration should be given to the potential
Gate Gate
fouling of the reactive gate treatment reagent due to microbial
growth and/or inorganic mineral precipitation and the eventual
decrease in reactive gate permeability. In addition, treatment
Funnel reactions such as adsorption or biodegradation via immobi-
(c) (d) lized biomass may require increased surface area within the
reactive gate. Under these circumstances, the porosity of the
FIGURE 10.5  Illustration of effective width of a funnel and treatment reagent that will provide a higher permeability will
impact on capture zone by the funnel configuration. Comparison have to be balanced with the need to have a higher available
between (a) straight and (b) apex-angled funnels and (c) straight and surface area. Media with higher available surface area will be
(d) U-shaped funnels. finer particles and thus will have a lower mobile porosity.
516 Remediation Engineering

10.2.2  Constructability Considerations installed along the length of the PRB to facilitate recharge or
regeneration of the treatment reagent. Funnel and gate PRBs
In addition to being cost-effective over an extended duration, require impermeable funnels to direct groundwater through
PRB typically remains functional for years with little or no reactive gates. The funnels need to be keyed into an aquitard
O&M requirements (aside from performance monitoring). at the base or sufficiently deeper than the deepest vertical
PRBs may require a high initial capital investment in some contaminant impact to ensure groundwater doesn’t short cir-
cases, but comparatively lower long-term life cycle costs as a cuit beneath the PRB. The reactive gates are designed such
result of greatly reduced O&M costs justify the capital invest- that the treatment reagent may be recharged or regenerated
ment. A summary of various installation techniques for PRB easily, if necessary.
construction for both continuous PRBs and funnel and gate
PRBs is presented in Table 10.2.  Continuous Permeable Reactive Barriers
Construction of a PRB will be influenced by the installation Components depth. Deeper PRB installation depths require larger trench
The required components of a PRB are dependent on the thicknesses to facilitate the installation. Various backfill
configuration. Continuous PRBs require treatment reagent materials can be used as the treatment reagent within the
and structural backfill spanning the vertical interval tar- PRB depending on the targeted treatment process. A sum-
geted for treatment. They also require careful compac- mary of various treatment reagents used in PRBs is presented
tion to maintain a higher permeability than ambient soil to in Table 10.3, but this is not a comprehensive list. Given the
promote rather than discourage flux through the treatment inherent flexibility of the PRB concept (i.e., a vertical barrier
interval. Deep continuous PRBs will settle and consolidate intercepting a groundwater contaminant plume), the selected
over time under the overburden pressure of the backfill, and treatment reagent and PRB configuration is limited only by
this should be considered during construction. Continuous the creativity and innovation of the designer.
PRBs (depending on the selected reagent mechanism; There are various methods to install a trench-based PRB.
Section 10.2.1) may benefit from injection/extraction wells Backhoes, or trenchers (also known as ditchers), can be used

TABLE 10.2
A Summary of Various Installation Methods for Permeable Reactive Barrier Construction
Installation Method Maximum Depth (ft) Approximate Cost Comments
Slurry wall and sheet pile installation

Soil–bentonite slurry wall

Standard backhoe excavation 30 $2–10/ft2 Requires a large working area to allow for mixing of backfill.
Modified backhoe excavation 80 $2–10/ft2 Generates some trench spoil. Relatively inexpensive when a
Clamshell excavation 150 $6–17/ft2 backhoe is used.
Cement–bentonite slurry wall
Standard backhoe excavation 30 $4–22/ft2 Generates large quantities of trench spoil. More expensive than
Modified backhoe excavation 80 $4–22/ft2 other slurry walls.
Clamshell excavation 200 $16–55/ft2
Composite slurry wall 100+ NA Multiple-barrier wall.
Geomembrane barrier 40–50 $38/ft2 Permeability less than 1 × 10–7.
Steel sheet piles 60 $15–30/ft2 No spoils produced.
Sealable-joint piles 60 $15–30/ft2 Groutable joints.
PRB installation
Caisson-based construction 50+ $50–300/vertical ft Relatively inexpensive.
Mandrel-based construction 40–50 $10–25/ft2 Relatively inexpensive and fast production rate. A 3–5 in. thick zone
can be installed in a single pass.
Continuous trenching 25 $5–12/ft2 High production rate.
High mobilization cost.
Jetting 200 $40–200/ft2 Ability to install barrier around existing buried utilities.
Deep soil mixing 150 $80–200/yd3 May not be cost-effective for PRBs. Columns are 3–5 ft in diameter.
Hydraulic fracturing 80–120 $2,300/fracture Can be installed at deep sites. Fractures are only up to 3 in. thick.
Vibrating beam 100 $8/ft2 Driven beam is only 6 in. wide.

Source: Gavaskar, A. et  al., Design guidance for application of permeable reactive barriers for groundwater remediation, Strategic Environmental
Research and Development Program, March 2000.
Reactive Walls 517  Types of Funnel Walls

TABLE 10.3 There are various types of impermeable or less permeable
Potential Sources of Treatment Reagent and the subsurface barriers that can be used as funnels in a funnel and
Associated Relevance to In Situ Remediation with gate PRB. The purpose of the funnel is to direct the flow of
a Permeable Reactive Barrier contaminated groundwater through the reactive gates where
the targeted treatment processes occur. Slurry walls and sheet
Reagent Applicability to In Situ Remediation pile walls are commonly used techniques, and they are dis-
cussed here, but several other techniques are presented in
Pea gravel Structural integrity and porosity; works well with air
Table 10.2.
sparing PRBs, but also applicable wherever natural
permeability is more coarse-grained.
Coarse sand Structural integrity and porosity; works well with  Slurry Walls
most treatment reagents and provides a reasonable Recall from Chapter 9 that in situ soil stabilization (ISS) is
hydraulic gradient across the PRB. a soil treatment technique that destroys the natural structure
ZVI Abiotic reductive dechlorination, iron-mediated of soil by mixing solidification agents or treatment reagents
metals precipitation. into a treated monolith. In an ISS application the main focus
Crushed sea shells Excellent media for adsorption of biomass (aerobic of the technology is solidification or stabilization to reduce
and anaerobic); structural integrity and porosity. contaminant mass flux or destroy contamination; however,
Limestone Structural integrity and porosity; acidity as a result of mixing the soil and removing heterogeneities
neutralization facilitating metal hydroxide and metal and anisotropies, the bulk permeability of the treated mono-
carbonate precipitation.
lith is reduced. It has been well established that groundwater
GAC Adsorption of organic compounds; surface area for
flow in aquifers is highly discretized within intervals of high
biomass growth.
hydraulic conductivity,16 and by blending the collection of
Zeolites Cation exchange and adsorption of metals.
Organophilic clays NAPL adsorption.
hydraulic conductivities within a particular aquifer thickness,
Apatite Metals precipitation; complexation to immobilize
the resultant hydraulic conductivity is less than the discrete
inorganics. intervals driving groundwater flow. This is the same concept
Gypsum Anaerobic biological oxidation. as a slurry wall, except instead of encapsulating an area, here
Oxidant canisters Most borehole releasing oxidants are ineffective for the slurry wall is installed within a vertical trench over the
in situ remediation that requires large volume to aquifer thickness targeted for a funnel and gate PRB.
distribution relationships. In a PRB, oxygen and Slurry walls are a means of placing a low-permeability, sub-
ozone diffusers, paraffin wax cylinders, oxygen surface funnel. They consist of vertically excavated trenches
releasing compounds, oxidant-impregnated GAC, (or deep soil mixing techniques) and are described by the
etc., may be more relevant within the material used as backfill. Slurry walls installed through deep
treatment interval. soil mixing techniques are installed using large overlapping
Organic carbon Anaerobic biological reduction (most importantly not
augers equipped with mixing paddles. As the group of augers
only metals precipitation and reductive
is advanced into the ground, additives such as bentonite or
dechlorination but also anion reduction as necessary
[perchlorate, nitrate, sulfate]).
cement are injected and mixed with the soil.
ZVI–carbon Abiotic and biological reductive dechlorination,
Soil–bentonite slurry walls are composed of soil materi-
combo metals precipitation, anion reduction. als (often the excavated soil) mixed with bentonite clay (ben-
Emulsified ZVI Similar to ZVI–carbon. tonite) slurry. Cement–bentonite walls are constructed using
Sparged air Enhanced volatilization of organic compounds, a slurry of Portland cement and bentonite and set to form a
requires vapor recovery. permanent, low-permeability wall. Diaphragm walls are
installed of precast or cast-in-place reinforced concrete panels
(diaphragms) installed during slurry trenching. Each of these,
as well as hybrids of the three, have different characteristics
to excavate the trenches. Depending on the depths of excava- and applications. In general, soil–bentonite slurry walls are
tion and location of the trenches, shoring techniques may have less permeable and are more resistant to chemical degrada-
to be implemented to prevent the trench from collapsing. If tion than cement–bentonite walls. Slurry walls can be con-
the trench has to be excavated near a building, shoring may structed to significant depths (150–200 ft). A structural cap
be required to ensure the safety of the building foundations. may have to be installed to maintain the strength and integrity
Application of a biodegradable slurry has been used in the of the slurry walls. At a site with significant vehicular traffic,
recent past to minimize the cost of shoring. The slurry helps a structural cap on the wall will likely be required.
to stabilize the slopes until the backfill material is placed in Due to the subsurface nature of construction, the potential
the trench. The slurry will be completely biodegraded within exists for construction and post-construction defects associ-
a short time frame and the trench will, thus, function as a ated with slurry walls. These defects may include discontinu-
permeable trench. Trench boxes may also be used to install a ous resistance to groundwater flow across the targeted length
trench for a PRB. (i.e., gaps in the low-permeability wall), poorly mixed backfill,
518 Remediation Engineering

of clay-based, cementitious polymer and mechanical sealants

TABLE 10.4 are available to meet a variety of site conditions.
Permeability of Permeable Reactive Barrier Materials The space between adjoining sheet piles may allow leakage
for Impermeable Barriers (e.g., Funnels) of contaminated groundwater without being deflected toward
the reactive gate for treatment. A technique (i.e., the Waterloo
Permeability Permeability
Material (Lab) cm/s × 10–8 (Field) cm/s × 10–8
BarrierTM) was developed to seal the joints between adjacent
sheet piles specifically for the purpose of installing funnel and
Bentonite slurry 5 50
gate PRBs.19 This proprietary technique incorporates a sealable
Cement–bentonite 3 100
cavity into the sheet pile interlocks (Figure  10.6). Extensive
Compacted soil–bentonite 0.1 10
field-scale tests conducted indicate that bulk hydraulic con-
Soil–cement 0.5 50
ductivity values of less than 10 –8 cm/s can be achieved with
Cement–grout 0.1 1,000
Concrete 0.1 —
this arrangement. Potential leak paths through the barrier are
Silicate grout 47 10,000
limited to the sealed joints, and therefore the joints should be
inspected before the sealing operation to confirm that the com-
Natural Silt: (no lab) 6,000 × 10−8 cm/s (field)*
plete length of the cavity is open and can be sealed. Each joint
Source: Boscardin, M.D. and Ostendorf, D.W., Cutoff walls to contain should be sealed from bottom to top, facilitating the emplace-
petroleum contaminated soils, in Petroleum Contaminated ment of a sealant into the entire length of the joint.
Soils, Calabrese, E.J. and Kostecki, P.T., eds., Lewis Publishers,
Boca Raton, FL, 1989.  Installation Methods
* Natural silt is representative of fine-grained natural stratigraphy for There are two general installation methods for PRBs: excava-
comparative purposes. tion-based and injection-based installations. Important physical
characteristics that influence the installation method selection
include geotechnical parameters (i.e., grain size, Atterberg lim-
and trapped pockets of slurry. Post-construction defects may its, moisture content, cohesion), groundwater elevation, con-
include cracking due to change in moisture, temperature, con- taminated soil classification, and the PRB installation depth.
solidation, and stress as well as increased permeability due to The geotechnical parameters and groundwater elevation are
chemically aggressive contaminants. It is known that some important because they dictate the level of sophistication of
contaminants can react with slurry wall construction materi- an excavation-based installation (i.e., degree of sloping and
als and potentially cause increases in permeability over time. shoring, dewatering, and strength considerations). The ground-
When selecting the construction materials for the slurry wall, water elevation and the PRB installation depth influence the
chemical compatibility with the contaminants is typically required injection pressures for an injection-based PRB instal-
considered; however, the duration of contact for a PRB can lation. The excavated soil contaminant soil classification may
exceed 10 years, and durability over that length of time is dif- disqualify an excavation-based installation method for a source
ficult to predict. Bentonite-based slurry walls are adversely area PRB because the waste disposal charge may be excessive.
impacted by some organic contaminants.18 However, propri- Typically, shallow PRBs are most cost-effectively installed
etary mixes of treated bentonite may provide satisfactory per- through excavation-based installation methods, and deep
formance under appropriate conditions. PRBs are most cost-effectively installed using an injection-
The estimated resultant permeability of various slurry based installation method. This section briefly identifies and
walls using several construction materials is presented in describes the various excavation- and injection-based installa-
Table 10.4. Note that laboratory results performed under con- tion methods. For more information on the available installa-
trolled conditions exhibit lower permeabilities than field con- tion methods, the reader is referred to the Interstate Technology
ditions. This is intuitive as the degree of distribution of the Regulatory Council (ITRC) guidance documents1,5–7 and Naidu
low-permeability material is achieved at a higher certainty and Birke20 (and associated references therein).
with aggressive mixing at the bench scale.  Excavation-Based Installation Methods  Sheet Pile Walls The degree of sidewall stability support for an excavation-
An impermeable or low-permeable funnel can be installed based installation determines the type of excavation-based
using closely spaced steel sheet piles in a longitudinal direc- installation method. The simplest excavation method is an
tion. The sheet pile funnel can be installed using conventional unsupported excavation, in which no sidewall stability support
pile driving techniques. Vibratory or impact pile drivers can is required. It is intuitive that the applicability of unsupported
be used depending upon the soil conditions. Vibratory equip- excavation is heavily based on the site-specific groundwa-
ment is suitable for most soil conditions, but better results can ter elevation and geotechnical parameters. Benching, or a
be achieved with impact equipment in certain cohesive soils. successively more narrow excavation, may eliminate the
A foot plate at the toe of each larger interlock prevents most need for sidewall stability support if the cohesion of the site
of the soil from entering the sealable cavity during driving. soils is sufficient to prevent collapse. The more complicated
After the pile driving is done, the cavities are water jetted to ­excavation-based installation method is supported excavations
remove the loose soil caught up in the interlocks. A number that do require sidewall stability support.
Reactive Walls 519

Female Female
joint joint



Male First
joint sheet pile
Plan view sheet pile

Waterloo barrier
sealable joint
sheet pile section

FIGURE 10.6  Sealable, interlocking joints for sheet pile walls. (From Gavaskar, A.R. et al., Permeable Reactive Barriers for Groundwater
Remediation Design, Construction, and Monitoring, Battelle Press, Columbus, OH, 1998.)

Five available supported excavation-based installation treatment reagent and structural backfill is placed.
methods are continuous trenching, biopolymer/slurry wall Trench thicknesses of greater than 2 ft and up to 70 ft
trenching (hydraulic shoring), sheet piling, augured boreholes/ deep are supported with this approach.1 For biopoly-
caissons/soil mixing, and clamshell excavators: mer slurry shoring, an enzymatic solution circulated
throughout the PRB is used to naturally degrade
• Continuous trenching (Figures 10.7 through 10.9) the biopolymer, which provides total organic car-
is excavation and backfilling of the PRB simultane- bon (TOC) for natural bacteria, after construction is
ously and can be completed in 1–3 ft in thickness complete. Slurry walls constructed of soil/benton-
to depths of approximately 35 ft.1 There is no open ite, Portland cement/bentonite, and other composite
trench with continuous trenching and therefore slope slurries are commonly used as impermeable funnels
stability is intrinsic, but limits the depth of installa- for a funnel and gate PRB.21
tion. This is the most popular excavation installation • Sheet piling (Figures 10.6 and 10.11) relies on
method assuming the depth of the PRB is less than installing sheet piling around the perimeter of the
35 ft. PRB excavation, with internal bracing as installa-
• Biopolymer/slurry wall trenching (hydraulic shor- tion depth increases (up to approximately 50 ft).20
ing; Figure 10.10) uses a biodegradable guar gum A vibratory hammer is used to install the sheet pile,
slurry or bentonite clay/cement/soil slurry, respec-
tively, which occupies the excavated PRB until the

FIGURE 10.7  One-pass trencher preparing to install a permeable FIGURE 10.8  One-pass trencher installing permeable reactive
reactive barrier with zerovalent iron as the treatment reagent. barrier with zerovalent iron as the treatment reagent to a 35 ft depth.
520 Remediation Engineering

HDPE panels
are lowered
Rollers feed pipe through a separate

guidance system

panels in place

Filter media feeds

through hopper

Boot supports
trench sidewalls
chain Backfill


FIGURE 10.9  Schematic of continuous trencher in operation. (From Gavaskar, A.R. et al., Permeable Reactive Barriers for Groundwater
Remediation Design, Construction, and Monitoring, Battelle Press, Columbus, OH, 1998; Reprinted from Groundwater Control, Inc., Here’s
how it works…, Groundwater Control Inc., One-pass deep trencher, Soil and Groundwater Cleanup Informational Brochure, Jacksonville,
FL, 1996. With permission of Groundwater Control, Inc.)

FIGURE 10.10  Installation of a continuous permeable reactive

barrier with mulch/walnut shells/emulsified vegetable oil as the
treatment reagent using biopolymer slurry as a hydraulic shoring

and the University of Waterloo has a patented tech-

nique for sealing adjoining sheet piles that involves
placing grout into the joints (Figure 10.6).22 In a fun-
nel and gate PRB, the sheet piles remain in place
to serve as impermeable funnels. In a continuous FIGURE 10.11  Sheet pile installation. (Reproduced from Naidu, R.
PRB, the sheet piles are removed after the treatment and Birke, V., Permeable Reactive Barrier Sustainable Groundwater
reagent and structural backfill has been placed. The Remediation, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2015. With permission;
potential for smearing the PRB/aquifer interface Roberton Geo Consultants, Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada.)
Reactive Walls 521

distribution along the length of the PRB than injection-based

installation methods. An injection-based installation method
must account for the inherent variability in treatment reagent
distribution by increasing the number of injection points and
implementing a high quality assurance/quality control (QA/
QC) protocol to ensure adequate lateral overlap. However,
the advantages of injection-based installation methods
include flexibility in installation (surface access, subsurface
utilities, residential considerations, etc.), the ability to install
PRBs deeper than 100 ft below ground surface (deeper than
all excavation-based installations can practically achieve),
discretization of the treatment interval(s), and less waste
materials. The available injection-based installation methods
include direct injection and pneumatic/hydraulic fracturing

• Direct injection is simply the addition of treat-

ment reagent along the length of the designed PRB
through adjacent injection wells. Sparingly soluble
substances (i.e., oxygen release material, hydrogen
release compound, gypsum, emulsified ZVI) are
typically injected as slurries through closely spaced
direct push injection points (not injection wells). If
the site soils are amenable and the permeability is
sufficient, lateral circulation of the injected reagent
may be appropriate to increase the level of assurance
FIGURE 10.12  Excavation of a permeable reactive barrier using a of distribution. Field response breakthrough data
clamshell excavator. (From Di Molfetta, A. and Sethi, R., Environ. from an injection-based installation of an anaero-
Geol., 50, 361, 2006.) bic biological PRB in the Western United States
are presented on Figure 10.13. The data presented
on Figure 10.13 shows the field parameter response
exists during sheet pile installation and should be (colorimetric dye and turbidity) as well as analytical
considered before selecting this installation method.1 results for TOC from a side gradient dose response
• Augured boreholes/caissons/soil mixing is used well during an emulsified vegetable oil (EVO) and
to install PRBs when site infrastructure precludes fluorescent dye injection. The first approximately
access. Either hollow stem auger drill rigs or circular 17,000 gal injected did not use circulation, and
steel caissons are used to install overlapping, adja- no evidence of side gradient breakthrough was
cent columns of treatment reagent and structural fill observed. After lateral circulation began using adja-
to create a PRB. Hollow stem auger borings of up to cent injection wells as injection–extraction dipole
30 in. in diameter and steel caissons of up to 15 ft in couples, a near-immediate response in color and
diameter have been used to achieve depths of up to turbidity (a surrogate for oil droplets) was observed,
60 ft below ground surface.1 Similar smearing con- and a small increase in TOC was also observed.
siderations as sheet piling exist with caisson removal. This demonstrates that lateral circulation along the
• Clamshell excavators (Figure 10.12) use a mechani- injected-based PRB may increase certainty of treat-
cal cable-suspended, crane-operated grabbing tool to ment reagent distribution.
excavate trenches to depths of 200 ft, but reported • Pneumatic and hydraulic fracturing involve pres-
PRB installation using this method has been lim- sure addition that exceeds the overburden stress
ited to 45 ft. Biopolymer slurry is used to hydrau- and cohesion strength of aquifer soil. A detailed
lically shore the trench. Clamshell excavators have discussion of aquifer fracturing is presented else-
been used extensively in Europe for PRB installa- where16 and discussed briefly in Chapters 4 and 6.
tion. They are efficient for bulk excavation of most Pneumatic fracturing uses air (typically nitrogen)
subsurface materials, with the exception of highly to create fractures that are then immediately occu-
consolidated sediments and bedrock.1 pied by treatment reagent. Hydraulic fracturing uses
the treatment reagent as a slurry to create the frac-  Injection-Based Installation Methods tures and simultaneously distribute the treatment
It is a fact that excavation-based installation methods for PRBs reagent. Fracture placement of treatment reagent
have a higher degree of certainty of uniform treatment reagent accomplishes treatment reagent placement, but does
522 Remediation Engineering

0.1 50

Eosine dye
0.08 Turbidity 40

Normalized dye and TOC response

Lateral circulation begins

Turbidity (NTUs)
0.06 30

0.04 20

0.02 10

0 0
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000
Cumulative injected volume

FIGURE 10.13  Influence of lateral circulation along a transect of injection wells comprising an emulsified vegetable oil permeable reactive
barrier for in situ biological reduction of perchlorate (ClO4−). The fluorescent dye and turbidity responses were observed immediately in the
field upon beginning lateral circulation and subsequent laboratory analysis for fluorescent dye and TOC confirmed lateral solution arrival.

so along preferential pathways coincident with fric- increases the certainty of treatment reagent distribution. As
tional angles, typically angling upward. A fracture the depth increases, the feasibility of ­excavation-based instal-
placement of treatment reagent for a PRB should lation methods decreases and injection-based installation
consider conical distribution as a real possibility, and methods are required. As the depth continues to increase, the
lateral monitoring should be performed to confirm reliability and certainty of lateral treatment reagent distribu-
treatment reagent distribution. tion decreases.  Limitations of PRB Construction

10.2.3 Performance Considerations
The paramount design principle of a PRB is that the bar-
rier intersect all of the contaminant flux and provide a suf- The main design objective of a PRB is well documented
ficient residence time (ϑ) to facilitate complete contaminant throughout all of the guidance documents, and the objective is
destruction or immobilization. Based on the required com- to intercept a groundwater contaminant plume and discharge
ponents and installation methods of a PRB, it is apparent groundwater below regulatory criteria. This section touches
that some natural limitations of the PRB effectiveness exist. on the three performance criteria upon which PRBs are evalu-
The PRB design should exploit as many strengths of a given ated: hydraulic capture, residence time (ϑ), and reactivity.
construction technique while providing for a sufficient safety
factor to account for known weaknesses. For example, if an  Hydraulic Capture
­injection-based installation method is to be used, a dense net- The most effective PRB hydraulic design does not signifi-
work of injection wells/points is advisable with lateral con- cantly influence the hydraulic gradient (i). The purpose of a
firmatory borings to establish that uniform distribution has PRB is to facilitate treatment passively as groundwater trans-
been achieved. If guar gum is used as a hydraulic shoring ports across the PRB treatment interval, so the permeability
solution in an excavation-based installation method, addi- must encourage flow through the barrier. However, the per-
tives/preservatives should be added to discourage bacterial meability should not be so much higher than the surround-
degradation of the biopolymer slurry prior to completion of ing aquifer that groundwater potentially preferentially pools
the PRB installation to ensure proper placement of treatment within the PRB. Alternatively, the permeability should not
reagent. If ambient geochemical conditions threaten aggres- be equal to or less than the surrounding aquifer. The treat-
sive passivation of reactive media, injection wells should be ment interval must also cover a sufficient depth to account
installed during PRB installation to facilitate regeneration of for seasonal elevation fluctuation (a concept most important
the treatment reagent. for hanging gate PRB). Lastly, seasonal variations in ground-
The most critical limitation to a PRB is the depth of installa- water flow direction should also be captured by the PRB and
tion. The shallower the PRB, the more likely it can be installed may require multiple reactive gates in a funnel and gate PRB
with an excavation-based installation method, which  greatly or discontinuous breaks in a continuous PRB.
Reactive Walls 523  Residence Time PRB, downgradient propagation of highly reactive chemical

The residence time (ϑ) is defined in detail in Section 10.3.2, reagent may not be necessary to achieve treatment objectives.
but essentially describes the length of time a molecule of Briefly, the applicability of a PRB at a site slightly alters dis-
contaminant is in contact with the treatment reagent in the qualifying assumptions for some remedial technologies.
reactive gate or treatment interval of a PRB. The longer the
residence time (ϑ), the more the certainty of complete con- 10.3.1 Reaction Mechanisms
taminant removal from groundwater. This is a critical per-
formance criterion because even if the appropriate reaction In this section, details and applicability of general reaction
mechanism (Section 10.2.1) is selected, if the reaction kinetics mechanisms (i.e., physical, chemical, and biological) are dis-
are slow and/or the groundwater flow through the PRB is fast, cussed with respect to a PRB implementation (Table 10.1).
the reaction may not occur, reducing the effectiveness of the Specific technologies under each general reaction mechanism
PRB. The residence time (ϑ) is expected to change over the are selected to represent the most likely to be implemented
lifetime of a PRB as precipitation and biomass growth passiv- considering cost, applicability, remedial time frame, and reg-
ate the treatment reagent potentially focused flow through less ulatory approval.
porosity (i.e., increasing the velocity through the PRB). Safety
factors are typically applied to the residence time (ϑ), which is  Physical Reaction Mechanism
controlled by the installation thickness of the PRB. The two selected remedial technologies for discussion under
the physical reaction mechanism are air sparging (i.e., removal Reactivity via enhanced volatilization) and adsorption (i.e., immobiliz-
The reactivity of the treatment reagent is defined as the ability ing contamination by encouraging sorption to reactive media).
of the treatment reaction to destroy or immobilize the contam-
inant. In other words, it is a measure of the surface area of the  Air Sparging
treatment reagent to establish contact with the contaminants The application of this technology in specially designed reac-
or the dissolution rate to become bioavailable for biological tive gates or treatment intervals should be considered equiva-
metabolisms. The reactivity may be reduced by passivation lent to operating an in situ air stripper. Most volatile organic
of the treatment reagent, which is simply biomass formation compounds (VOCs) preferentially partition into injected air
or mineral precipitation that coats the surface area inhibit- bubbles from contaminated groundwater. This partitioning is
ing the targeted treatment reactions. Decreases in reactivity referred to as “stripping” the groundwater of volatile chemi-
are expected, and predictions of decreased reactivity may be cals. The details of air sparge optimization and contaminant
informed by predesign geochemical modeling. A particular partitioning into air bubbles is discussed in Chapter 8. The
reaction mechanism or the PRB technology may be disquali- volatilized VOCs follow the vertical bubble pathway out of
fied if diminished reactivity is anticipated to be appreciable. the groundwater and into the vadose zone or atmosphere. The
stripped contaminants can be easily collected, via a vapor
extraction system, and treated prior to discharge to the atmo-
sphere. Strippability of dissolved contaminants is dictated by
Clear and transparent design, dutiful construction, and proac- the Henry’s law constants. In general, the higher the Henry’s
tive operation of any in situ reactive zone (IRZ) are the keys law constant, the more readily a compound would partition
to successful implementation of in situ soil and groundwater to the vapor phase. Injected airflow rates can be optimized to
remediation. The same is true for PRBs and the several types achieve the required stripping efficiencies. Due to the ground-
of IRZs that can be installed. A PRB is considered to be a water velocities encountered at most of sites, achievable resi-
passive IRZ because natural groundwater flow brings the con- dence times (ϑ) are likely to be more than sufficient for an air
taminants into contact with the stationary treatment reagent sparging PRB to achieve the required stripping efficiencies.
within the PRB. Achieving contact between treatment reagent Air sparging PRBs can be installed in the form of sparg-
and contaminants is a fundamental principle of in situ reme- ing trenches (Figure 10.14) or sparging gates/wells. They may
diation and dictates success or failure of many remediation also be installed as a transect of injection wells, commonly
technologies. For example, in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) referred to as a sparge curtain. As a physical removal mecha-
can be highly effective when chemical reagents are adequately nism, air sparging is primarily focused on enhancing vola-
distributed throughout the radius of influence (ROI). However, tility and recovering VOCs in the gaseous phase; however,
outside of the ROI, ISCO is less effective because the highly the dissolved oxygen concentration in groundwater typically
reactive treatment reagent has been consumed within the ROI. increases as a result of sparging air into the groundwater,
With the exception of clean water dilution flux from the ROI, which can facilitate aerobic bioremediation. Air sparging
ISCO is ineffective outside of the ROI. If stakeholder objec- PRBs require comparatively more routine O&M to inspect
tives necessitate more expedient remediation, broader distri- and operate the continuously pulsing system, some sort of
bution of the chemical reagent will be required. For an ISCO vapor treatment (which could involve biennial vapor phase
PRB that is designed to intercept a slow moving groundwater GAC change outs), and utility costs to power the air compres-
contaminant plume as a management strategy to perpetuity, sor, vacuum blower, and any system automation to assist with
if ISCO is effective within the constructed reactive gate of the real-time data collection and/or remote operation capabilities.
524 Remediation Engineering

Extracted air

Air extraction

GW flow Air injection

Pea gravel

FIGURE 10.14  Cross-sectional view of a horizontal trench for

air sparging associated with a permeable reactive barrier. Note that
vapor extraction and aboveground vapor treatment are necessary to
capture fugitive contaminant vapors. Adsorption
Adsorption mechanisms can be employed in PRBs to remove
a variety of contaminants. Liquid-phase GAC can be used
to remove many organics, especially those not easily remov-
able by air sparging or biodegradation (e.g., PCP [C6HCl5O]
and tetrachlorophenol [C6H2Cl4O]). Ion exchange resins can
be used to remove dissolved heavy metals present in the FIGURE 10.15  Collector line installation for a funnel and gate
groundwater. permeable reactive barrier.  Liquid-Phase Granular Activated Carbon  ​

Dissolved organics can be removed from groundwater in
the presence of GAC by adsorbing onto the extensive inner
surface area of the GAC. Traditionally, the adsorption phe-
nomenon has been categorized as physical adsorption and
chemisorption. Physical adsorption is a rapid process,
caused by nonspecific secondary binding mechanisms,
and is reversible. The adsorbate will desorb into the solu-
tion in response to a decrease in solution concentration.
Chemisorption is more specific because it entails the trans-
fer of electrons between adsorbent and adsorbate and may
or may not be reversible. More general information about
liquid-phase GAC including isotherms and regeneration is
detailed in Chapter 2.
Due to the cost of liquid-phase GAC, the implementation
of this technology is best suited for a funnel and gate PRB. FIGURE 10.16  Constructing the slurry wall component of a fun-
nel and gate permeable reactive barrier.
The virgin carbon can be slurried into the reactive gate, and
the spent carbon can be vacuum slurried out of the reactive
gate. The installation of a funnel and gate PRB with GAC is of natural organic matter such as humic substances and other
showed incrementally on Figures 10.15 through 10.20. micropollutants. Fouling of the GAC may also increase the
Frequency of change outs of the GAC can be estimated resistance to flow through the reactive gate. Design enhance-
by performing a column isotherm study in the laboratory. ments that provide the flexibility for periodic backwashing of
Published information in the literature can also be used for the GAC may overcome this problem.
this purpose. However, it should be noted that the estimated
adsorption capacity of the GAC in situ can be compromised   Ion Exchange Resins  An ion exchange reac-
by the potential fouling caused by growth of microorganisms tion may be defined as the reversible interchange of ions
and deposition of inorganic precipitates. In addition, contami- between a solid phase (the ion exchange media) and solu-
nant adsorptive capacity may be reduced due to the adsorption tion phase. The ion exchange media must be insoluble in the
Reactive Walls 525

FIGURE 10.17  Overhead view of a funnel and gate permeable FIGURE 10.20  Funnel and gate permeable reactive barrier instal-
reactive barrier installation. lation, filling gate tank with granular activated carbon.

solution in which the interchange is carried out. The impor-

tant features characterizing ion exchange media are

• A hydrophilic structure of regular and reproducible

• A controlled and effective ion exchange capacity
• A rapid rate of exchange
• Chemical stability
• Physical stability in terms of mechanical strength
• A consistent particle size and effective surface area

More general information on ion exchange and design criteria

are summarized in Chapter 2.
Ion exchange reactions take place due to a stronger prefer-
ence of a dissolved ion to sorb onto the ion exchange media
in comparison to an existing sorbed ion. As the dissolved
iron sorbs to the ion exchange media, the existing sorbed ion
FIGURE 10.18  Funnel and gate permeable reactive barrier instal- desorbs and becomes dissolved in solution or finds another
lation, showing setup of granular activated carbon gate.
sorption site on the ion exchange media. Most of the dissolved
heavy metals present in groundwater are divalent (Me2+ ) or
trivalent (Me3+ ) cations, with the exception of hexavalent
chromium (Cr6+ ). These cations heavily favor ion exchange
media, and therefore, ion exchange is suitable for heavy met-
als removal. Depending on the heavy metal(s) to be removed,
a strong acid or a weak acid ion exchange media may have to
be used. Typically, the use of ion exchange media in PRBs
will be specific and under optimum carefully controlled con-
ditions. The presence of other ions and nonideal pH condi-
tions will significantly impact the loading capacity of the ion
exchange media.
The most cost-effective use of the ion exchange method
will be when the dissolved heavy metal concentrations in the
groundwater are at low levels. At high concentrations, media
replacement will be more frequent, and the cost of disposal
or regeneration of the spent media will be prohibitive. The
placement of the fresh ion exchange media in the reactive
gate of a funnel and gate PRB can be carried out in the form
FIGURE 10.19  Funnel and gate permeable reactive barrier instal- of a wet slurry, and the spent media can be vacuumed out as
lation, showing final connection of collector lines to gate tank. a slurry.
526 Remediation Engineering  Chemical Reaction Mechanism Metals precipitation can be achieved in a continuous PRB
Three chemical processes are selected for discussion as the configuration as well. Limestone and ZVI can be used as the
PRB applicable chemical reaction mechanisms: precipitation, backfill materials to adjust the pH of the incoming ground-
abiotic reduction, and chemical oxidation. The popularity of water and precipitate metals as metal hydroxides (Equations
ZVI as a treatment reagent in PRBs has led to an abundance 10.3 and 10.4).
of peer reviewed literature on the subject.7,13,23–42 In this book,
details pertaining to the ZVI reaction mechanisms are sum-  Abiotic Reduction
marized in Chapters 6 and 7. The geochemical cycling of Abiotic reduction is simply defined as a chemical reduction
ZVI, and even of ferrous iron (Fe2+ ), create conditions for reaction; those reactions that are not facilitated by bacteria
metals precipitation as well as abiotic reductive dechlorina- and involve a targeted contaminant gaining electrons. Design
tion. Chemical oxidation is discussed in terms of relevance to details and a more thorough discussion on abiotic reduction
emerging contaminants, but generally represents a last resort are provided in Chapter 6. Well-known abiotic reduction reac-
from a PRB perspective. tions include the abiotic conversion of hexavalent chromium
(Cr6+) to trivalent chromium (Cr3+) (one example of this is pre- Precipitation sented as Equation 10.2) and the abiotic reductive dechlorina-
Precipitation of dissolved heavy metals can be achieved by tion pathway, both effectively mediated by ZVI (as well as
manipulating the pH and the oxidation–reduction conditions other reduced forms of metals).
of contaminated groundwater as it flows through a PRB. Abiotic reductive dechlorination using ZVI is a major com-
Heavy metals can be precipitated as hydroxides, carbonates, ponent of PRBs and is a driving force behind the popularity of
or sulfide precipitates (Chapter 7). Precipitation of heavy PRBs. Given the importance of abiotic reductive dechlorina-
metals has been successfully achieved in ex situ wastewater tion specifically associated with ZVI, a more detailed discus-
treatment processes and in situ IRZs. The implementation of sion is presented here. In order to explore the abiotic reductive
metals precipitation in a PRB is readily implementable, but dechlorination pathway a bit more, a few reaction definitions
special considerations for porosity clogging and passivation of are necessary. First, a hydrogenation reaction is defined
treatment reagent are required. An advantage of metals pre- as a chemical reaction that adds hydrogen to a compound.
cipitation using a PRB is the comparatively higher residence Hydrogenation reactions are pertinent to ZVI PRBs because
times (ϑ) than wastewater treatment systems. A disadvantage gaseous hydrogen (H2) can be generated by the corrosion of
is regenerating treatment reagent or lost treatment reagent ZVI in the presence of water (Equation 10.4) and subsequently
capacity with time as mineral precipitation coats surface area included in compounds.28 Second, elimination reactions
and/or clogs porosity.40,41 ZVI may be used to remove metals result in a single reactant splitting into two products (typi-
such as hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) and arsenic (as arsenite: cally in the presence of a strong base). Both alpha-elimination
As3+, AsO33− or arsenate: As5+, AsO43−). Furakawa et al. and (α-elimination) and beta-elimination (β-elimination) reactions
Blowes et al. proposed the following equations to explain why are possible with respect to abiotic reductive dechlorination
ZVI interaction with hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) and ground- with ZVI, and the alpha and beta designations refer to the
water results in acidity generation and/or hydroxide genera- carbon atoms in the parent compound. The alpha carbon is
tion, which typically demonstrates a slight to moderate pH attached to the part of the compound that leaves as a result of
increase in ZVI PRBs40,41: the elimination reaction, and the beta carbons are attached to
the alpha carbon. Theorized generation of alkaline conditions
2- + 3+ 3+ strong enough to facilitate elimination reactions is presented
CrO 4( aq ) + Fe( s ) + 8 H( aq ) ® Fe( aq ) + Cr( aq ) + 4H 2O(l )

 (10.2) in Equations 10.3 and 10.4. Third, with respect to reductive

dechlorination, hydrogenolysis is simply replacing a carbon–
chloride bond with a carbon–hydrogen bond. Therefore, in the
2Fe( s )0 + O2( g ) + 2 H2 O(l ) ® 2Fe( aq )2 + + 4OH ( aq ) - (10.3)
abiotic reductive dechlorination pathway, the three reactions
that are relevant include hydrogenation, both α-elimination
Fe( s )0 + 2H 2O(l ) ® Fe( aq )2 + + H 2( g ) + + 2OH ( aq ) - (10.4) and β-elimination, and hydrogenolysis. A summary of the
potential ZVI-facilitated abiotic reductive dechlorination
A PRB for metals precipitation is effective as a funnel and gate reactions for tetrachloroethylene was detailed in Arnold and
configuration because treatment reagent may be regenerated at Roberts43 and is presented on Figure 10.21, which was adapted
a lower cost, and optimum pH and oxidation–reduction condi- from Arnold and Roberts.43 The difference between hydroge-
tions can be more carefully controlled in an isolated reactive nation and hydrogenolysis is clearly demonstrated on Figure
gate as compared to a continuous PRB. Depending on the rate 10.21 and corresponds to the numbers assigned to the individ-
of precipitation, reactive gates in series may be necessary to ual reactions. Note that hydrogenation (adding hydrogen to the
filter out the precipitates (or flocculent from acidity neutral- compound) occurs in the following instances: acetylene (C2H2)
ization). This filter reactive gate is designed in such a way to to ethene (C2H4), dichloroacetylene (C2Cl2) to dichloroethene
remove the precipitated solids by backwashing. Due to the isomers trans and cis (C2H2Cl2), and ethene (C2H4) to ethane
constructability considerations, PRBs for metals precipitation (C2H6). In all of these reactions, the number of carbons and
are most appropriate for shallow groundwater elevations. chlorides do not change, but the number of hydrogens increase.
Reactive Walls 527

Cl Cl
Cl Cl
2 1

Cl C C Cl Cl Cl
Dichloroacetylene C C
Cl H
3 5
17 15
16 4

Cl H Cl Cl Cl H
Cl C C H C C C C C C
Chloroacetylene H Cl H H Cl H
8 1,1-DCE
trans-1,2-DCE cis-1,2-DCE
10 9

H C C H Cl H
Acetylene C C
H H 11
Vinyl chloride
12 13
C4 compounds


C2 H6

FIGURE 10.21  Reaction pathways put forth by Arnold and Roberts46 for chlorinated ethene reduction by zerovalent iron, including inter-
mediates. The numbers highlight different reactions (hydrogenation, hydrogenolysis, or elimination [alpha or beta]). Numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 7,
9, 14, 17, and 18 correspond with hydrogenolysis reactions (or replacing chloride bonds with hydrogen bonds). Numbers 2, 6, 8, and 10 are
beta-elimination reactions (or compound separation reactions). Number 11 is an alpha-elimination reaction. Numbers 13, 15, 16, and 19 are
hydrogenation reactions (or reactions that result in gaining hydrogen). (From Arnold, W.A. and Roberts, A.L., Environ. Sci. Technol., 34,
1794, 2000.)

In the hydrogenolysis reactions (the sequential dechlorination products through the removal of electrons from the carbon
reactions), the number of chlorides is reduced as the bonds are atom. A thorough and detailed discussion of design consid-
replaced by hydrogen (Figure 10.21). erations and reactions pertaining to ISCO is summarized in
Abiotic reduction in PRBs is usually implemented with Chapter 6. For example, benzene (C6H6) can be oxidized to
ZVI and is appropriate in the continuous PRB or funnel and carbon dioxide (CO2) using the chemical oxidant hydrogen
gate configurations. It is possible to condition an aquifer with peroxide (H2O2) by removing 30 electrons per mole of ben-
routine sodium dithionite (Na2S2O4) injections (or other chem- zene, according to the following equation:
ical reductants such as polysulfides [Sn2−]) in a barrier con-
figuration with the objective of reducing geogenic iron from C6H 6 + 15H 2O2 ® 6CO2 + 18H 2O (10.5)
ferric iron (Fe3+) to ferrous iron (Fe2+) to facilitate hexavalent
chromium (Cr6+) reduction.44 Typically, ZVI is less expensive Implementing an ISCO PRB can be cumbersome and can
over the life cycle because ZVI has a longer residence time (ϑ) raise safety concerns. Hence, the use of ISCO in a PRB
in  situ, and the O&M of conducting routine injections with should be chosen only when all other reactive processes are
highly reactive chemical reductants can exceed the capital considered not effective to treat a specific contaminant, and
installation cost of the PRB. a PRB is still appropriate. Highly soluble groundwater con-
taminants that fall in this category are 1,4-dioxane (C4H8O2)  Chemical Oxidation and perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS; such as perfluo-
ISCO of organic compounds involves converting the com- rinated carboxylic acids [CnF(2n+1)CO2H] and perfluorinated
pound by means of an oxidizing agent into benign end sulfonate [C8HF17O3S]).
528 Remediation Engineering

The stoichiometric equation for benzene (C6H6) oxida- have gained more attention in recent years, and were mainly
tion (or any ISCO stoichiometry) presented in Equation delayed by the popularity of ZVI. Aerobic biological PRBs
10.5 has little meaning because the overall natural oxidant can be similar in concept to air sparge PRBs, but can also
demand (NOD) typically overshadows the contaminant oxi- function completely differently. A common regulatory and
dant demand45; implying that for every 1 mol of benzene industry perception is that the appropriate bacteria are not
(C6H6) some value greater than 15 mol of hydrogen peroxide naturally occurring in some instances, and bioaugmentation
(H2O2) would be required. Bench-scale treatability testing can (the emplacement of a targeted bacteria in  situ) is required
help inform the  chosen oxidant and strength by empirically (Chapter 6). While it is true that bioaugmentation improves
determining the NOD (Chapter 6), and radical cycling may initial rate kinetics of biological reactions, it is the authors’
improve the efficiency of some oxidants. However, this is an experience that in most instances bioaugmentation is not a
important point if ISCO is to be considered for a PRB. To be necessity. Nevertheless, bioaugmentation within a PRB is
effective, an ISCO PRB must supply chemically active oxi- feasible and, compared to non-PRB in situ remediation appli-
dant at the same rate as the in-flux of contaminants and natu- cations, more effective. Finally, “biowalls,” a common term
ral scavengers. Few chemical oxidants offer a low solubility with respect to biological PRBs, has implicitly been used to
in groundwater. This means slow release of an oxidant over refer to anaerobic biological PRBs though could refer to aero-
a long duration is not yet possible, and radical oxidants are bic biological PRBs as well. In this chapter, organic carbon
chemically active in groundwater for an abbreviated period PRBs supporting anaerobic biological reactions are the focus
of time. This requires more O&M to continually add the oxi- due to popularity throughout the remediation industry.
dant to the PRB, and conceptually contradicts the benefit of
a PRB. Sparging ozone gas as an oxidant source in a PRB  Anaerobic Biological PRBs
may be more desirable than an injection of persulfate (S2O82−) In Chapters 6 and 7 and Section, abiotic reduction
or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and reactions using ZVI are presented, and, given the residence
ozone (O3) as a combination is a common oxidative process. time (ϑ) and effectiveness, it is clear why the preference
There are many proprietary components to the combination for PRBs is ZVI. In the introduction to this chapter, the
of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ozone (O3), but in general evolution of PRBs is discussed, and biological PRBs are a
when implemented in  situ, it is referred to as peroxone45 good example of how the perception of PRBs has changed.
and when implemented ex situ is referred to as HiPOx. The area of biological PRBs continues to gain popularity
Similar to the air sparging PRB discussed in Section because of the benefits of reduced life cycle O&M and the, the injection of ozone (O3) could be pulsed from availability of solid sources of carbon. In a typical anaerobic
a maintained system aboveground. Of course, an appropri- biological remediation IRZ injection (non-PRB), placement
ate engineering cost-benefit analysis would be necessary to of solid carbon sources (injected as a slurry) is challenging
understand the life cycle cost differential between periodic and may even require fracturing or soil mixing. Even spar-
oxidant additions and continuous pulsed ozone (O3) sparg- ingly soluble liquid carbon sources (i.e., soybean oil) may
ing. ISCO PRBs are most cost effective when constructed in experience volume to distribution challenges associated with
the funnel and gate configuration with an underground vault porosity straining of oil droplets at large ROIs. In a continu-
and hence will be applicable only under shallow-water table ous or funnel and gate PRB, distribution of the carbon is
conditions. achieved by backfilling the treatment interval or reactive
It is important to note that the remediation industry is in the gate and, under proper construction, ensures homogenous
process of developing slow release oxidant cylinders through distribution of the carbon. This enables the use of various
ongoing research. The cylinders are made up of variable per- solid carbon sources (e.g., chitin, walnut shells, mulch),
centages of chemical oxidants and wax. As the wax dissolves, along with injection of soybean oil or more soluble forms
the oxidant is made available. Since the wax is sparingly solu- of carbon (e.g., molasses, alcohols, lactate). The installation
ble, its solubility dictates the availability of the oxidant. These of injection wells (and potentially circulation wells) allows
cylinders in non-PRB in  situ remediation applications have for subsequent carbon recharge when performance monitor-
less value because of the volume-to-distribution relationship ing indicates the carbon has been depleted. A more detailed
of the oxidant is poor (essentially limited to the borehole of investigation is recommended prior to recharging carbon in
the cylinder). However, within a funnel and gate PRB where a PRB that relies on solid carbon sources as groundwater
the permeability of the reactive gate is greater than the ambi- concentrations of TOC may not fully represent the residual
ent permeability, several cylinders emplaced within a gate carbon remaining. Details and design concepts associated
may be appropriate to achieve a longer residence time (ϑ) for with anaerobic biological remediation are discussed in
the oxidant. This area of research demonstrates that PRBs are Chapter 6. Carbon-amended PRBs are relevant for any con-
limited only by creativity and innovation of the remediation taminant that is anaerobically degradable and some metals
industry. that will precipitate under reducing conditions in the pres-
ence of reduced anions such as sulfide (S2−).  Biological Reactive Mechanism A complication that may arise is a reduction in permeability
Biological PRBs are discussed in this section in terms of two over time of the reactive gate or treatment interval associated
categories: anaerobic and aerobic. Anaerobic biological PRBs with anaerobic biomass.46 The treatment residence time  (ϑ)
Reactive Walls 529

within the reactive gate or treatment interval of a PRB is a  Aerobic Biological PRBs
balance between the time it takes for the targeted reaction to When the contaminants present in the groundwater are aer-
occur (i.e., reaction kinetics) and the groundwater flow veloc- obically biodegradable (i.e., oxygen is used as the electron
ity (i.e., flux). Typically, PRBs are designed to allow for treat- acceptor), implementation of an aerobic biological PRB pres-
ment across the engineered backfill at an installed compaction ents an alternative to air sparging and GAC adsorption, which
and resultant porosity. If biomass growth becomes apprecia- will reduce the life cycle costs of the PRB by minimizing the
ble and reduces permeability significantly, the groundwater need for treatment of volatilized contaminants in the vapor
flow velocity through the PRB increases. This accelerates the phase or the replacement of GAC.
mass flux of contaminants through the PRB and may violate Air injection rates required for the operation of an aero-
the designed residence time (ϑ) assumption failing to provide bic PRB will be significantly lower than those required for
enough reaction time. A benefit to an anaerobic biological air sparging (Section (i.e., 1–2 standard cubic feet
PRB is that the soluble carbon in excess of the contaminant per minute [scfm] compared to 5–10 scfm). At steady state,
demand will move downgradient effectively increasing the the majority of dissolved contamination will be biodegraded,
influenced treatment thickness of the PRB. This natural prop- eliminating the need to capture fugitive contaminant vapors.
agation of carbon downgradient of the PRB will follow the Typically, oxygen-sparging approaches for biological treat-
most permeable intervals and provide a safety factor against ment are fundamentally limited by low oxygen solubility
downgradient contaminant breakthrough. in groundwater and gas transfer inefficiencies that limit the
Lastly, another form of anaerobic biological PRBs may effective dissolved oxygen concentrations maintained in engi-
include supplementing alternative electron acceptors for exist- neered aerobic reactive zones. In an aerobic biological PRB,
ing contamination. Aquifers impacted by petroleum hydro- however, the reactive gate of a funnel and gate PRB can be
carbons (PHs) are typically anaerobic because dissolved designed such that oxygen dissolution is maximized, which
oxygen is energetically favorable and is preferentially con- improves the overall approach.
sumed by indigenous bacteria during aerobic oxidation (i.e., If the aerobic biological PRB is to function as a bioreac-
biodegradation) of the PHs. In this instance, the PHs serve tor, the porous media used in the treatment interval or reac-
as an electron donor in the bacterial metabolism reactions. tive gate should be able to support the growth of biomass.
Following the depletion of dissolved oxygen, alternative elec- Recall from Chapter 6 and elsewhere61–63 that the energetics
tron acceptors (i.e., nitrate [NO3−], ferric iron [Fe3+], manganic associated with aerobic biological reactions supports signifi-
manganese [Mn4+], sulfate [SO42−], and carbon dioxide [CO2]) cant biomass growth. The rough surface of oyster shells is
are utilized in the continued oxidation of PHs. The anaerobic an example, where the enhanced attachment will increase
oxidation of PHs under various dominant electron-accepting the biomass per unit volume of the reactor. Similar to Section
processes (e.g., sulfate reduction, iron reducing, methano- regarding biomass growth in anaerobic biological
genesis*) is well-founded in the literature.47–60 Similar to PRBs, biomass growth in an aerobic biological PRB will also
enhanced aerobic systems, engineered anaerobic biological increase the resistance to flow through the PRB or channel
oxidation (ABOx) relies on oxidation–reduction couples such flow through the PRB faster than anticipated.
as nitrate reduction (NO3− to N2), ferric iron reduction (Fe3+ Another option for aerobic biological PRBs is the use of
to Fe2+), sulfate reduction (SO42− to S2−), and methanogenesis oxygen releasing materials (ORM). Available in various forms
(generation of methane [CH4]) to facilitate cellular respiration of peroxides (magnesium and calcium), ORM represents a
using the PHs as an electron donor. low-solubility treatment reagent that dissolves over time to
Anaerobic processes generally occur at slower kinetic maintain dissolved oxygen concentrations near the saturation
rates than aerobic processes. Nonoxygen electron acceptors limit (8–20 mg/L depending on the temperature and depth of
(i.e., sulfate [SO42−]) can be advantageous to oxygen addition groundwater above the ORM). ORM is typically injected as
approaches as they are highly soluble, can be supplied at ele- slurry under non-PRB active in  situ remediation or used as
vated dissolved concentrations, and have minimal abiotic or a treatment reagent in soil mixing. In a PRB, a high weight
nontarget reactions that typically limit oxygen persistence in percent may be mixed in with the backfill of a reactive gate in
the subsurface. The higher concentrations of sulfate (SO42−) a funnel and gate PRB to maintain elevated dissolved oxygen
that can be maintained in a PH-impacted aquifer accompa- concentrations, potentially for years prior to treatment reagent
nied by electron acceptor persistence allows for effective PH recharge.
degradation. Thus, while the kinetic rates of ABOx may be
slower than under aerobic conditions, if the sulfate (SO42−) is
10.3.2 Reaction Considerations
supplied in a PRB over a relatively long time period, it pres-
ents a cost-effective option compared to long-term operation The selected reaction mechanism will be based on the appli-
of continuous oxygen sparging. cability to immobilize or destroy the targeted contamination
and the relevance to the aquifer hydrogeology and geochem-
istry. For example, while an adsorptive physical reaction
* Methanogenesis is defined as the biological production of methane (CH4)
mechanism using ion exchange media may be applicable to
mediated by methanogens. The production of methane (CH4) is the energy- perchlorate (ClO4−) removal, if the aquifer is brackish (i.e.,
yielding metabolism of methanogens. saturated with ions), ion exchange may not be the most
530 Remediation Engineering

suitable treatment method due to intensive O&M. The selec- pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, and  turbidity)
tion criteria for treatment reagent in PRBs are summarized and inorganic constituents (Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ba, Cl, F, SO42−,
in the available literature to include reactivity, availability, NO3−, silica, carbonate species [alkalinity], etc.).64 These
and compatibility.1,12,13 In addition to a thorough review of the parameters may be used in a geochemical modeling software
conceptual site model (CSM), supplementing the treatment to predict speciation and complexation as discussed in Chapter
reagent selection process with bench-scale treatability test- 7; however, a reminder that the geochemical model is only as
ing is recommended. Treatability testing can be conducted in powerful and reliable as the thermodynamic constants used.
commercial laboratories for a cost range of $25,000–$45,000 The reactivity within a PRB is reasonably assumed to
based on the size and complexity of the test. Considering that be first order because the reactivity will decrease to some
most PRB installation costs average an order of magnitude degree over the relevant operational time frame of the PRB
higher, the upfront treatability testing costs are justified, espe- and (within the treatment interval or reactive gate) the treat-
cially considering that once the PRB is installed there is little ment reagent is assumed to be present at a concentration that
than can be done to rectify deficiencies.12 Treatability testing is considerably greater than the influent contaminant. If a
can demonstrate that the considered treatment reagent will PRB design violates either of these assumptions, the assump-
achieve the desired reaction mechanism, empirically deter- tion of first-order reaction kinetics should be revisited. The
mine the treatment reagent half-life, evaluate the longevity first-order reaction equation is included in the following equa-
of treatment reagent, and (if flow through column testing is tion for completeness, and the terms, relevant to a PRB, are
employed) empirically determine hydraulic properties. It is defined accordingly:
clear that the stakeholder investment in a PRB will be well-
informed by a treatability test. C = C0e - kt (10.6) Treatment Reagent Reactivity where

(Durability and Stability) C is the concentration of the contaminant leaving the PRB
Recall that a principle design paradigm for PRBs is the min- C0 is the concentration of the contaminant entering the
imal O&M over the lifetime of operation. Therefore, when PRB
selecting a treatment reagent for a PRB, relevance to the tar- k is the reaction constant (specific to the reaction
geted contaminant and predicted reactivity over a reason- mechanism)
able PRB lifetime (i.e., greater than 10 years) are considered t is the time for the reaction to take place
equivalent evaluation criteria. A PRB may not be justifiable
if the O&M associated with the treatment reagent is bur-  Treatment Reagent Availability (Cost)
densome. The reactivity of the treatment reagent includes Routine and practical applicable treatment reagent for PRBs
a reaction rate with the contaminant that can occur within are readily available. For example, the most popular is ZVI,
a practical installation thickness of a PRB (approximately and it is readily available from numerous vendors at market
3–5 ft). The definition of a practical installation thickness pricing. Sorbents like GAC and ion exchange media are also
for a PRB is a function of site-specific objectives and site- readily available. The costs of some treatment reagents as of
specific physical constraints (geotechnical concerns and 2009 are summarized in Table 10.5.1 The treatment reagent
hydrogeology), but generally, PRB installation that require cost can be a considerable driver on large continuous PRBs
numerous passes to achieve a design thickness is imprac-
tical. The relationship between reaction kinetics and resi-
dence time (ϑ) is presented in Section 10.3.2, but briefly, TABLE 10.5
if the contaminant cannot be immobilized or destroyed in Examples of Treatment Reagent Costs and Estimate
the amount of time it takes for the contaminant to trans-
Longevity Information
port across the thickness of the PRB, the treatment reagent
should be disqualified. Range in Estimated
Treatment Reagent Unit Cost Longevity (Years)
The stability of the treatment reagent, or the ability to
remain reactive with minimal regeneration maintenance over Coarse ZVI (300–2360 µm) $0.30–$0.45/lb >15
the planned operation of the PRB, is a function of the site-spe- Fine/micro ZVI (<300 µm) $0.40–$0.75/lb 5 to >10
cific geochemistry and microbiology. Recall from Chapter 7 ZVI–carbon $1.50–$2.50/lb 3–5
and the discussion in Section 10.5.3 that ZVI treatment reagent Anaerobic biological PRB carbon $10–$12/yd3 4–6
was passivated (i.e., coated) with a 30–150  µm thick layer EVO (biological PRB recharge) $1.25–$2.00/lb 1.5–3
of mineral precipitate on the upgradient edge of the PRB.32 Emulsified ZVI Not available
Fortunately, this passivation has not adversely impacted the Organophilic clay $1.10–$1.25/lb >4
operation of the PRB, but it does demonstrate that geochemi- Source: ITRC, Permeable reactive barrier: Technology update, The
cal passivation could be a real concern given a more aggres- Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council PRB: Technology
sive ambient geochemistry. Geochemical characterization as Update Team, Washington, DC, 2011,
part of baseline data collection to support the design of a PRB Guidance/GetDocument?documentID=69.
could include field parameters (oxidation–reduction potential,
Reactive Walls 531

or even for funnel and gate PRBs if the reactivity lifetime is general discussion in Chapter 2, GAC is not specifically dis-
low and frequent regeneration is required. A successful PRB cussed but does represent a common treatment reagent for the
design will minimize the required treatment reagent and the removal of contaminants favoring adsorptive removal from
required regeneration. groundwater. Treatment Reagent Compatibility Zeolites

(Hydrogeological, Geochemical, Zeolites are natural aluminosilicate minerals that have
and Construction) high ion exchange capacities (~200 to 400 milliequivalent
The final selection criterion for a potential PRB treat- weight per 100 g) and large surface areas (up to 145  m 2/g).
ment reagent is the compatibility of the natural aquifer and Clinoptilolite ([Ca, Mg, Na2, K 2][Al2Si10O24 * 8H2O]) is the
the treatment reagent. If a treatment reagent meets reactiv- zeolite most commonly researched with respect to poten-
ity requirements, but will result in considerable geochemi- tial PRB applications. Due to the negative surface charge,
cal or microbiological fouling, it should be disqualified. For zeolites are effective at removing cations from groundwater.
example, in an anaerobic biological PRB, if the percentage of The key reaction mechanisms for metal removal by zeolites
soluble organic carbon will reduce the pH and inhibit the tar- are cation exchange and adsorption.1 Literature demonstra-
geted bacterial metabolism, it is incompatible given the natu- tions of cation exchange treatment by zeolites of radionu-
ral buffering capacity of the aquifer. This is also an example clides (cesium and strontium-90)65–69 and ammonium70 and
of why treatability testing is so important. Geochemical and adsorption treatment by zeolites of oxyanions (chromate
hydrogeological incompatibilities will become apparent dur- (CrO42−),71 arsenic (AsO43− and AsO33−),72 and perchlorate
ing treatability testing. Another consideration of treatment (ClO4 −)73).
reagent compatibility is the emplacement during construction.
The ideal treatment reagent will be emplaced with the mini-  Organophilic Clays
mum amount of excavated soil. Organophilic clays are a chemically modified form of granu-
lar or powdered clay. Native clay is converted from hydro-
philic, with a potential to swell when exposed to water, to
10.3.3 Treatment Reagent Types
hydrophobic and oleophilic in nature. Organophilic clay has a
The previous section (Section 10.2.1) identifies and discusses high sorption capacity for oil and creosote, typically >50% by
relevant and practical reaction mechanisms for PRBs. The weight. When oil, creosote, or similar NAPL sorbs to organo-
purpose of this section is to provide specificity to treatment philic clay, the hydraulic conductivity of the clay decreases.1
reagent types that are relevant and practical for the previously In order to maintain appropriate hydraulic capture of a con-
identified reaction mechanisms. Gaseous treatment reagents taminant groundwater plume when using organophilic clays,
(i.e., air, oxygen-enriched air, ozone) are not discussed here. sand and gravel are necessary to maintain sufficient permea-
bility to support groundwater flux.74,75 Sorption of the oil, cre- ZVI osote, or similar NAPL is the reaction mechanism (through a
The most popular and prevalent treatment reagent used in partition mechanism) of organophilic clays.
PRBs installed since the 1990s is ZVI. The reaction mecha-
nisms of ZVI are discussed in Section and Chapters Apatite
6 and 7. The reaction kinetics associated with ZVI are The potential for usage of apatite in PRBs is extensive, and
directly related to its particle size, and reaction rates increase only a brief discussion is provided here. A thorough review
as ZVI particles size decreases (and surface area increases).1 of apatite chemistry and its use in environmental remedia-
Target specifications for ZVI used for PRB applications are tion is discussed in Magalhaes and Williams.76 The concept
greater than 90% iron metal content, less than 3% carbon of apatite-facilitating metal complexation for the purposes
content, and no hazardous leachable trace metal impurities.1 of metals precipitation was introduced in Chapter 7. Natural
It is important to ensure that surface coatings (such as oil and apatite minerals are composed of calcium and phosphorus,
grease) are not present because sources of ZVI include the with variable quantities of hydroxide, fluoride, and chloride.
automotive waste and molten iron industries.1 Often times Some examples include hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3OH), fluor-
treatability testing ahead of a PRB implementation will trial apatite (Ca5(PO4)3F), and chlorapatite (Ca5(PO4)3Cl). A bio-
numerous sizes and vendor ZVI products to select the most genically precipitated apatite material that is relevant to the
cost-conscious, best performing product. Performance can inclusion as a treatment reagent in a PRB is called Apatite
vary on a site-by-site basis due to subtle changes in the ambi- IITM (Ca10−xNa x(PO4)6−x(CO3)x(OH)2, where x < 1).1 This
ent geochemistry. form of apatite was developed to increase reactivity.77 The key
treatment mechanisms for metal removal by apatite include  Mineral Treatment Reagent cation exchange, precipitation of metal phosphates, and incor-
The following suite of treatment reagents for use in PRBs are poration into the apatite structure.78 Due to the presence of
nonmetallic and inorganic. They represent the following reac- associated organic materials, apatites may also promote the
tion mechanisms: adsorption, precipitation, neutralization, precipitation of low-solubility, metal-sulfide phases due bio-
and ABOx. Due to its popularity throughout the literature and logical activity.77
532 Remediation Engineering Limestone Various forms of mulch are ideal as treatment reagent for

Limestone (CaCO3) can be used in PRBs to facilitate acid- anaerobic biological PRBs. Guidance documents generally
ity neutralization. Acidity is a common co-contaminant at recommend targeted anaerobic degradation processes life-
sites where groundwater is impacted with metals because times of 5–10 years, which is an imprecise determination to
most industrial processes that involve high concentrations of make considering the variability of organic content of mulch.
metals use acidity to keep the metals in solution. Therefore, Anaerobic biological PRBs installed thus far do not have
when a release or discharge to the aquifer occurs, it is typi- the operational data to predict TOC exhaustion. The authors
cally highly acidic. A theoretical and thermodynamically were given the opportunity to review the historical monitor-
spontaneous79 acidity neutralization reaction using limestone ing data from an anaerobic biological PRB installed in 2006
(CaCO3) is presented in the following equation: at Seneca Army Depot in New York, which was scheduled
(based on a 10-year operational lifetime) to be recharged
CaCO3 + H + ® HCO3- + Ca 2 + (10.7) with carbon. The Seneca Army Depot anaerobic biological
PRB used mulch and EVO as treatment reagents. Analytical
The resultant cationic calcium is likely to precipitate via ion data available from the performance monitoring well net-
exchange or further buffer the groundwater with the forma- work suggest that recharge is still not required based on
tion of lime (CaO). Limestone (CaCO3) use in PRBs is highly successful performance and residual dissolved-phase TOC
susceptible to passivation. Depending on the extent of acid- concentrations.
ity, naturally occurring ferric iron (Fe3+) and aluminum (Al3+) Mulch and compost treatment reagents are typically
may be solubilized and will instantaneously precipitate upon mixed with coarse-grained sand or pea gravel (40%–60%
acidity neutralization with voluminous solid precipitates. by volume) to provide structural fill and maintain perme-
Infrastructure for treatment reagent regeneration and sophis- ability/porosity.1 As the mulch and compost degrade, there
ticated treatability testing and geochemical modeling should are potential compaction concerns. Wood mulch, a com-
support a limestone PRB design. The primary reaction mech- mon mulch source for anaerobic biological PRBs, is a
anism for a limestone PRB is acidity neutralization, which good source of degradable carbon, with higher percentages
will cause precipitation of heavy metals as metal hydroxides as cellulose (40%–50%) and hemicellulose (20%–30%).
and metal carbonates (Chapter 7). However, lignin (which represents approximately 25%–
30% of the carbon in wood mulch) is resistant to biodegra- Gypsum dation.85,86 Mulch treatment reagent is often coupled with
The most relevant and practical form of sulfate (SO42−) for EVO to provide an initially more soluble source of TOC
a PRB to support ABOx is gypsum (CaSO4 * 2H2O), which and the extended duration soy bean oil to supplement recal-
has an approximate solubility of 2,000 mg/L (approximately citrant lignin.
1,200  mg/L as sulfate [SO42−]) at 20°C. Gypsum may be EVO is a well-known organic carbon source and is becom-
emplaced in a PRB as a granular or powdered material, and ing the standard for injection-based in  situ biological reme-
the sulfate (SO42−) will naturally dissolve through equilibrium diation. The limitation of EVO injections is challenging
concentration gradients into the treatment interval or reactive distribution at large ROI due to potential aquifer straining
gate. The primary reaction mechanism for a gypsum PRB is of the oil droplets, but ongoing research and development is
ABOx of PHs. achieving smaller oil droplet sizes. Notwithstanding ongoing
research, aquifer straining is of less significance within the  Organic Treatment Reagent treatment interval of a PRB, which is intentionally designed
The categories of available organic treatment reagents include to have a higher permeability than the surrounding aquifer.
solid carbon sources (e.g., mulch, compost, sawdust, wheat This higher permeability facilitates better lateral distribution.
straw, chitin, walnut shells, newspaper, raw cotton, alfalfa, jute Typical EVO concentrations in anaerobic biological PRBs
pellets, pulp wastes, agricultural waste, products), dissolved range from 5% to 10% by volume.
carbon sources that are appropriate for injection using semi- Lastly, emulsified oil and fibrous carbon sources have
permanent injection wells (e.g., sodium lactate, molasses, EVO, been combined with ZVI for a powerful biological substrate/
various alcohols), and extremely viscous or slurry-based car- chemical reductant. The product is available as a soluble
bon sources not appropriate for injection using semi-­permanent powder that may be added as a slurry or as a highly con-
injection wells, but rather require direct push injections for centrated liquid that is mixed with a powder and water in an
auger/caisson/soil mixing (hydrogen release compound, cheese attempt to make it more injectable. The synergies of anaero-
whey, emulsified oil/fibrous carbon, and ZVI mixtures). For bic metabolism and chemical reduction have been well docu-
brevity, the focus of this section is on practical carbon sources mented,87–93 and this proprietary product combines the fast
routinely considered for inclusion in anaerobic biological PRBs kinetics of abiotic reduction with the supportive sustained
(various forms of mulch, EVO, and emulsified oil/fibrous biological conditions. A PRB is an ideal implementation for
carbon and ZVI mixtures). The reader is referred to relevant this type of sparingly soluble treatment reagent because it
literature on design guidance and considerations for the avail- is placed uniformly during construction and has iron-based
able organic treatment reagents, from both injection-based and cycling potential to facilitate numerous reaction mechanisms
PRB-specific aquifer remediation.80–84 concurrently.
Reactive Walls 533

10.4  KEY DESIGN PARAMETERS lifetime of the PRB is an inexpensive way to evaluate hydrau-
lic performance and gauge the degree of flow resistance as a
A successful PRB design includes the following components: result of passivation.
Groundwater flow and transport models are great tools
• A suitable PRB configuration (Section 10.1.1) to assist in understanding how an aquifer responds or may
• An appropriate treatment reagent (Section 10.2.3) respond to a PRB. The groundwater flow and transport models
• The correct size (length, thickness, and depth) of the are only as powerful as the assumed design parameters upon
PRB which they are built. Iterative modeling simulations and con-
• A cost-conscious installation and construction method taminant particle tracking may be performed to arrive at the
(Section optimum configuration of a PRB, but should be interpreted
• A comprehensive QA/QC program logically and not blindly followed. Modeling results that devi-
ate from the anticipated CSM should be met with an open con-
In order to evaluate and consider these design components sideration rather than disregarded as anomalous. Groundwater
adequately, a detailed understanding of the site geology and flow and transport models are informed by site characteriza-
hydrogeology, nature and extent of the contamination, and tion, tracer testing, geochemical modeling, and the results
ambient aquifer geochemistry is critical.94 While a PRB from treatability testing and should be continually updated
provides a low O&M cost, it cannot be understated that the as the understanding of the CSM evolves. More information
installation can be expensive and little can be done to improve on groundwater flow and transport modeling is presented in
efficiency once it is installed. The design and construction Chapters 4 and 5.
must incorporate a robust CSM and recognize deviations The factors that are typically evaluated as part of a ground-
from expectations and adapt accordingly. water flow and transport model exercise include the following:
The number and location of PRBs at a given site is reflective
of the treatment objectives. If site conditions support long-term • The total thickness and length of the PRB (funnel
in situ remediation management, a single PRB may be placed at walls for a funnel and gate PRB)
the site boundary with the understanding that site-wide reme- • The minimum number of required reactive gates (for
diation to cleanup goals will take decades. If a more aggressive funnel and gate PRBs)
time frame is targeted, the selection of a PRB alone should be • Particle tracking for the selected configuration to
questioned. The PRB technology is highly effective, but is a ensure complete capture of the contaminated plume
passive technique that relies on the natural flux of groundwa- • The residence time (ϑ) through the reactive gate or
ter. Multiple PRBs may be installed (not unlike injection well treatment interval
transects) to expedite remediation if the groundwater veloc- • Resultant changes in the hydraulic gradient as a
ity and relevant contaminant plume flushing calculations are result of permeability differences and the potential
supportive, but typically, there are more cost-effective ways to for a dam effect
implement a large-scale IRZ. It is important to understand the • Predicted biological or geochemical fouling with
treatment objectives before designing the PRB. time and increased resistance to flow through the
• The influence of natural/seasonal groundwater ele-
10.4.1 Hydraulics
vation fluctuations and flow directions
Understanding the site-specific groundwater flow regime is • Any geologic/hydrogeologic anomalies that may
essential to designing and constructing a successful PRB.7 lead to preferential flow within the contaminated
Details associated with the groundwater flow regime include plume
the seasonal variation in direction and elevation, regional • Identifying logical locations for the performance
aquifer management (such as pumping or storage), and monitoring wells
groundwater flow velocity. All aquifers are heterogeneous • The potential for groundwater flow to miss the
and anisotropic at every scale,16 and therefore, the ground- treatment interval or reactive gate (above, below, or
water flow velocity will vary along the length and thick- around the PRB)
ness of the treatment interval or reactive gate. A tracer test16 • Model calibration and sensitivity to the site-specific
(Chapters 4 and 6) is recommended in support of a PRB, hydrogeologic parameters such as hydraulic conduc-
though it is recognized that the spatial heterogeneity across tivity and transmissivity
the PRB will vary. Tracer testing presents the most accurate
way of determining the groundwater velocity and evaluating The ITRC specifies that the thickness of a PRB is calculated
transport characteristics of the aquifer, such as the relation- as the seepage velocity (vgw) multiplied by the residence time
ship between high contaminant flux and stagnant intervals. (ϑ) to achieve treatment standards.1 The thickness of the PRB
Simple single borehole dilution testing can be done at numer- will dictate the following components: the hydraulic flux
ous locations across the length of PRB to provide a cross across the cross section of the PRB, the degradation kinetics
sectional average of groundwater velocity through a PRB. associated with contaminant treatment, and the constructabil-
Routine single-borehole dilution test over the operational ity of the PRB.
534 Remediation Engineering

Darcy flux–specific discharge through the PRB can be porosity (θm) of the treatment interval of a continuous PRB
described using the following equation: are 10  ft/day, 0.01 ft/ft, and 10%, respectively. The seepage
velocity (vgw) is calculated per Equation 10.11 to be 1 ft/day.
= Ki (10.8) Therefore, in order to allow for 53 days’ worth of reaction time
A (t) within the treatment interval of the example anaerobic bio-
where logical PRB, a thickness of 53 ft is required. A conventional
Qabs represents the flow rate of groundwater across PRB excavator bucket is approximately 3–4 ft wide, and therefore,
cross sectional area (A) this PRB thickness would require several excavated trenches
K represents the average hydraulic conductivity of the side by side, which increases the installation time and cost.
backfill and treatment reagent Here an advantage of abiotic reductive dechlorination with
i represents the hydraulic gradient across the thickness of ZVI is evident and related to the reaction time (t). According
the PRB to Ebert et  al., a geometric average first-order reaction rate
constant for dechlorination of TCE facilitated by ZVI is 3.6
The seepage groundwater velocity can be determined by divid- day−1.37 The authors have field experience at sites with mea-
ing the specific discharge (K*i) by the mobile porosity (θm): sured first-order reaction rate constants for dechlorination of
TCE facilitated by ZVI ranging from 0.2 to 6.6 day−1. Using
Ki an average first-order reaction rate constant of 3.4  day−1 for
vgw = (10.9)
qm dechlorination of TCE facilitated by ZVI results in a reaction
time of approximately 1.6 days and a required PRB thickness
The seepage groundwater velocity (vgw) accounts for accelerated of 1.6 ft. This thickness is well within the installation capacity
flow through a porous media and, therefore, is more accurate than of a conventional excavator.
using Darcy flux to estimate the residence time (ϑ) of groundwa- This evaluation exemplifies the type of balancing design
ter within the treatment interval or reactive gate of the PRB. decisions for the implementation of a PRB quite well. Option
1 is a single-pass continuous PRB with ZVI treatment reagent,
10.4.2 Treatment Kinetics and Minimum which, despite the higher cost of the ZVI treatment reagent
Residence Time (Table 10.5), will likely have a lower installation cost because
it is a single PRB. Future regeneration of ZVI may be chal-
The most important factor in designing a PRB is the relationship
lenging and, depending on the geochemistry of the aquifer,
between the residence time (ϑ) of contaminated groundwater in
may shorten the operational time frame of the PRB. Option
the treatment interval or reactive gate and the rate of contami-
2 is potentially a double-pass continuous PRB with organic
nant degradation reactions. In Section, reaction kinet-
carbon treatment reagent, which may have a higher installa-
ics associated with a PRB were defined as following first-order
tion cost. Anaerobic biological PRBs can be equipped with
kinetics per Equation 10.6. If Equation 10.6 is rearranged to
injection wells to recharge TOC and extend the operational
solve for the reaction time (t), the following equation is defined:
time frame of the PRB. The balancing criteria become quite
ln ( C /C0 ) clear, and the need for understanding the CSM and treatabil-
t= (10.10) ity comparison is apparent. Note that the 0.1  day−1 reaction
-k rate constant theorized for the sample anaerobic biological
This calculated reaction time (t) reflects the required time PRB herein does not consider TCE sorption to the organic
for a given reaction mechanism (dictated by the reaction rate material or other retardation of the contaminant transport
constant [k] in Equation 10.6) and represents the minimum that will increase the residence time (ϑ) within the PRB treat-
amount of time required for groundwater to be in the treat- ment interval, nor does the groundwater seepage velocity (vgw)
ment interval or reactive gate of a PRB. For example, if the determined residence time (ϑ) consider the potential for TOC
influent concentration of TCE to a PRB is 1,000 µg/L and to transport downgradient and extend the treatment thickness
the targeted cleanup goal is 5 µg/L and there is a confirmed of the PRB.
anaerobic biological first-order reaction rate of 0.1 day−1, the Therefore, the balance between the size of the PRB (which
calculated reaction time (t) is 53 days.1 dictates the residence time [ϑ]) and the selected reaction
The residence time (ϑ) in a PRB treatment interval or reac- mechanism (which dictates the reaction time [t]) presents the
tive gate can be calculated by dividing the empty bed (or void) design constriction for a PRB. Equations 10.10 and 10.11 are
volume of the PRB (of size length [L] multiplied by thickness solved simultaneously to ensure the effluent from the PRB
[T] multiplied by height [H] multiplied by the total porosity will meet the targeted objectives, and typically, safety fac-
[θT]) by the seepage velocity through the PRB (vgw): tors are applied to account for anticipated losses in reactiv-
ity or increased seepage velocity (vgw) over time. Faster and
L ´ T ´ H ´ qT greater treatment can be achieved by either faster rate kinet-
J= (10.11)
vgw ics (smaller reaction times [t]) or longer residence times
(ϑ), respectively. Increased residence time (ϑ) requires an
In continuing with this TCE example, suppose the hydrau- increased PRB size and thus higher costs. Depending on the
lic conductivity (K), hydraulic gradient (i), and mobile type of reaction mechanism utilized in the PRB, both of these
Reactive Walls 535

factors may have to be optimized. In some cases, an increased conservatively and practically predict the required treatment
residence time (ϑ) may be required. There are several options reagent loading to the PRB to maintain treatment efficiency.
available for increasing the residence time (ϑ):
10.4.4 Longevity
• Increase the reactor volume (larger PRB).
• Install multiple reactive gates to reduce the flow With respect to a PRB, longevity is defined as the ability of the
through each reactive gate (Qabs). PRB to sustain the critical performance criteria (i.e., hydrau-
• Install reactive gates in series to achieve complete lic capture, residence time [ϑ], and reactivity) for the requisite
reaction. operational lifetime.1 Therefore, failure of a PRB is identified
as the inability to meet one of these three criteria, which may
Physical reaction mechanisms have short reaction times (t), result in contaminant breakthrough downgradient of the PRB.
and sufficient residence time (ϑ) is typically not a concern. Based on the 200 PRBs that have been installed worldwide
If it is, optimizing the air-to-water ratio or providing pack- and the approximately 20  years of performance monitoring
ing material to enhance the mass transfer efficiencies may data, some broad generalizations can be made about the lon-
be warranted. Residence times (ϑ) required for the precipita- gevity of PRBs. However, it is important to note that aquifer
tion, abiotic reduction, and chemical oxidation processes are remediation may take several decades, which could outlast a
relatively small and will not be a concern in most situations. PRB that significantly outperforms its predicted operational
Biodegradation processes are governed by the reaction rate time frame.
constant (k) of specific contaminants. An empirical parameter The longevity of a PRB may be considered as follows1:
used to estimate the allowable mass loading (C0) in biologi-
cal treatment systems is the food-to-microorganism ratio, the • Will the PRB effectively intercept the plume at least
unit of which is mass of contaminants/mass of viable biomass. consistent with a minimum level that is protective of
From this expression it can be noted that the higher the avail- downgradient receptors?
able biomass, the faster the reaction will be. The biomass con- • Will the residence time (ϑ) remain adequate?
centration per unit volume of the PRB may be increased by • Will the PRB outlast the plume without requiring
maximizing the available surface area to which the biomass major modifications of complete replacement?
may attach. • Will the comparatively higher capital cost for PRB
installation be recovered through savings realized
during the years of passive operation?
10.4.3  Contaminant Distribution and Mass Flux
It is intuitive that the nature and extent of the groundwater The greatest threat to the longevity of a PRB is passivation
contamination to be remediated using a PRB would influ- of the treatment reagent, which can occur geochemically or
ence the design of the PRB. Based on the treatment objec- biologically and can influence reactivity and hydraulic cap-
tives, a PRB is typically a management strategy that serves ture. There is a host of literature available that summarizes
to cut off further contaminant transport offsite while active the potential for passivation and discusses the detailed geo-
remediation or natural attenuation proceed to reduce source chemical speciation of the mineral passivation as well as the
material. Therefore, it is important to understand the distribu- ultimate deleterious influence.95–110 Another consideration
tion of contamination from both lateral and vertical perspec- that influences the longevity is the treatment reagent load-
tives. The type of contamination and the practical expectation ing, specifically in a biological PRB that does not include
of concentrations that will transport through the PRB are of a sparging system to continually provide oxygen. The
paramount importance and directly influence the reaction emplaced treatment reagent will dissolve and be utilized
mechanisms considered and the treatment reagent loading. over time and may require recharge. Building the option to
The consumption and reduction in reactivity of the treat- regenerate and/or recharge treatment reagent in PRBs is an
ment reagent are directly related to the contaminant mass effective way to increase the longevity of a PRB, or at least
flux. Stoichiometric hand calculations, geochemical model- minimize the potential long-term cost of major modifica-
ing, treatability testing, and the appropriate level of safety tions or complete replacement. Recharge and/or regenera-
factor are critical to placing a lasting quantity of treatment tion of treatment reagent in a reactive gate is more favorable
reagent within a treatment interval or reactive gate. In  situ than along a continuous PRB, but using recirculation may
reactions are difficult to predict, and while stoichiometry is a expedite and reduce the recharge and/or regeneration cost in
poor indicator of the true treatment reagent consumption due a continuous PRB.
to geochemical scavenging and metabolic inefficiencies, it
does provide a minimum threshold of treatment reagent upon
which safety factors may be applied. Geochemical modeling
and treatability testing are vital to predicting how the contam- The treatment objectives of a PRB design are stated and
inant mass flux will interact with the treatment reagent. Based agreed to by stakeholders long before the implementation of
on the spatial location of the PRB, the influent contaminant the remedy. Performance monitoring is a tenant of any in situ
mass flux may be sustained for several years. It is important to remedial technology designed to ensure that the implemented
536 Remediation Engineering

remedy achieves the treatment objectives (also known as per- In each of the proposed performance monitoring well networks,
formance objectives). Most PRBs have similar performance monitoring wells are located either upgradient, side gradient, or
objectives, which are to protect human health and the envi- downgradient depending on the particular objectives. The design
ronment and destroy and/or immobilize contaminants. In this of a PRB performance monitoring network will have a site-spe-
section, a discussion of relevant components of performance cific component to it, but in general should provide sufficient
monitoring to a PRB are presented. data to confirm treatment and trigger regeneration/recharge of
A PRB performance monitoring well network is a balance treatment reagent. Particular CSM anomalies (i.e., geochemi-
of the cost to install and monitor monitoring wells to perpe- cal or hydrogeological) need to be considered to ensure the data
tuity and the necessity to demonstrate the effectiveness of the generated by the performance monitoring well network are as
PRB and collect O&M data to ensure it continues to operate as representative and relevant as possible.
designed. The ideal PRB performance monitoring well network
is the fewest monitoring wells possible that demonstrate hydrau- 10.5.1 Performance Objectives and
lic and treatment objectives are accomplished. Several potential
Demonstration Considerations
arrangements of performance monitoring wells associated with
different PRB configurations are presented on Figure  10.22. Standard performance objective considerations for a PRB are
presented in Table 10.6 per the ITRC PRB design guidance
Reactive Reactive document.1 This section discusses specific considerations in
cell Funnel medium demonstrating compliance with the selected performance
The first four performance objectives in Table 10.6 are
Plume Plume Gate related to the hydraulic performance criterion. In Section
Pea 10.3.1, groundwater flow and transport modeling was dis-
Pea gravel
cussed as a way to select locations for performance moni-
toring wells. The purpose of these performance monitoring
(a) (b)
wells (or piezometers) would be to confirm that the hydrau-
Reactive Reactive lic orientation performance objectives are being met.
cell cell Based on review of the available PRB datasets, the most
reoccurring cause for poor PRB performance is improper
Plume Plume accounting for the site hydrogeology.15 Monitoring wells/
piezometers located upgradient, side gradient, downgra-
dient, and within the PRB is the best way to observe the
actual operation of the PRB. These data can then be used
(c) (d)
to calibrate the groundwater model to be more predictive of
Reactive future operation.
Funnel medium The next set of performance objectives in Table 10.6
are related to the residence time (ϑ) and reactivity crite-
ria. Conventional groundwater monitoring for contaminant
Plume concentrations is the first line of evidence that the PRB
is operating as designed. If further lines of evidence are
required per regulatory agencies, or if the contaminant
concentrations are not decreasing as expected, secondary
lines of evidence such as compound stable isotope analysis
(CSIA) and microbiological tools may be implemented to
FIGURE 10.22  Potential performance monitoring well networks
demonstrate on a microscale that the reaction mechanisms
for different permeable reactive barrier (PRB) configurations. (From
Gavaskar, A.R. et al., Permeable Reactive Barriers for Groundwater are viable and functional, and just require more time to
Remediation Design, Construction, and Monitoring, Battelle Press, be observed on the macroscale of groundwater analytical
Columbus, OH, 1998.) (a) Presents a continuous PRB with monitor- results. CSIA is an isotopic enrichment assessment that
ing wells within the treatment reagent to demonstrate effectiveness provides unequivocal evidence of compound weathering.
and side gradient to confirm hydraulic capture. (b) Presents a funnel It may help to determine whether a compound has under-
and gate PRB with a similar concept as (a). (c, d) Present continuous gone a chemical or biological transformation rather than a
PRBs that have side gradient monitoring wells to confirm hydraulic nondestructive physical process such as dilution or sorp-
capture, but unique placement of monitoring wells to demonstrate
tion.1 Microbiological tools may include isotopic enrich-
treatment. (c) Places monitoring wells within the treatment reagent
ment, fatty acid analysis, and quantitative polymerase
laterally and over the thickness to gauge performance within the
PRB. (d) Places monitoring wells just downgradient and further chain reaction. These secondary analyses are applicable to
downgradient to monitor treatment effectiveness and downgradient VOCs and PHs, but for metal analysis, esoteric (i.e., highly
extent of clean water flushing. Finally, (e) presents a similar concept specialized) analysis may be required such as high resolu-
as (d) except for a funnel and gate configuration. tion spectroscopy and microscopy.
Reactive Walls 537

TABLE 10.6
Typical Hydraulic and Contaminant Performance Objectives and Evaluation Approaches for Permeable
Reactive Barriers
Performance Objective Description Evaluation Approach
Maintain hydraulic gradient per PRB The hydraulic gradient (i)—vertical and lateral direction Regular groundwater elevation monitoring,
design. and magnitude—must be maintained within a specified groundwater flow, and transport modeling updates to
range consistent with the residence time (ϑ). This determine the most probable contaminant transport
prevents redirecting targeted groundwater under, over, or direction and rate.
around the PRB, and it avoids a sustained hydraulic
mound within or immediately upgradient of the PRB.
Maintain appropriate surface water Excess or high-impact surface water recharge within the Establish engineering controls and monitor the
recharge controls. PRB or adjacent (upgradient or downgradient) of the effectiveness of these controls during times of
PRB may negatively impact the hydraulic performance potential surface water recharge conditions (such as
by influencing hydraulic gradients (i) and contaminant during precipitation events).
migration conditions.
Maintain appropriate flow conditions Passivation and over compaction may all negatively affect Perform singe-hole borehole dilution tests within the
within the PRB. the flow conditions with the PRB. Some changes over PRB at regular intervals (3–5 years) after
time are anticipated, but construction defects should (and construction.
can) be avoided.
Ensure the PRB is placed as intended This objective covers placement of the PRB as well as Assess as-built conditions and compare to design
within the aquifer. physical parameters (e.g., media density, porosity, specifications; evaluation techniques may include
quality, and volume). postconstruction hydraulic tests, borings to assess
placement of the PRB, geophysics, water-level
monitoring, and water-quality parameter monitoring.
This process is particularly important for
injection systems.
Meet MCLs, including secondary Maximum allowable contaminant (MCL) levels are set for Regular monitoring of compliance monitoring wells
MCLs. constituents of concern (COCs) in compliance per regulatory requirements.
monitoring wells.
Evaluate geochemical trends. Graphical and statistical analysis to develop a Trend analysis performed after each sampling event,
comprehensive understanding of the treatment process with geochemical modeling to support observations.
and treatment reagent aging.
Control geochemical influences and Treatment reagent passivation may result from Analyze secondary parameters over time (regular
secondary by-products of the uncontrolled pH or oxidation–reduction potentials. parameters and infrequent analysis).
targeted reactions

Source: ITRC, Permeable reactive barrier: Technology update, The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council PRB: Technology Update Team, Washington,
DC, 2011,

10.5.2  Secondary Water-Quality Concerns contaminants. However, as PRBs are used as downgradient
cutoff barriers, some consideration is necessary for an appro-
The chemical and biological reaction mechanisms discussed priate attenuation distance downgradient of the PRB prior to
in Sections and result in geochemical changes offsite discharge.
to the ambient groundwater within and immediately down-
gradient of the PRB. Similar to more active and broader-scale
in situ remediation, these geochemical influences may result
in temporary exceedances of secondary water quality criteria.
The most persistent and concerning secondary water-quality The design concepts discussed in this chapter are best demon-
effects include nitrate (NO3−), sulfate (SO42−), pH, arsenic strated through demonstration. Three case studies are summa-
(As3+ and As5+), and trihalomethanes (THMs), though this list rized in this section. The first (Elizabeth City, NC) is one of the
is not comprehensive. These are recognized as the most con- oldest ZVI PRBs in the United States, which has been heavily
cerning because these compounds are commonly observed, monitored and reported on throughout its history. Numerous
and THMs, nitrate (NO3−), and arsenic (As3+ and As5+) have publications are available discussing various components of
primary maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). the PRB, and they have contributed significantly to the PRB
It is important to note that these secondary water-quality industry knowledge base. The second case study is an anaero-
issues are typically attenuated as groundwater trans- bic biological PRB that was designed to address elevated con-
ports downgradient of the PRB and are not source-related centrations of perchlorate in groundwater. The pilot-scale PRB
538 Remediation Engineering

was installed in 2009 and immediately demonstrated success to the surface water body shown on Figure 10.23, and, as a
that led to two additional downgradient PRBs. The results were result, discharge to the surface water body was the driver for
consistent with expectations as the biological reduction path- remedial action. The regional hydrogeologic CSM is informed
ways for perchlorate are well established. The third and final by a robust network of investigative borings and monitor-
PRB case study is a large-scale PRB that was implemented ing wells that have been carefully studied over decades of
for the remediation of chlorinated VOCs and used a one-pass environmental monitoring at the site. Groundwater flow and
continuous trencher for installation. transport models, continually refined with new observational
data, provide a detailed understanding of overland runoff and
10.6.1 Case Study 1: GETS Replacement surface water and aquifer groundwater flow. The PRB was
positioned in an ideal location (approximately 50 ft upgradi-
with a ZVI PRB
ent of the surface water body) as the upward vertical gradi-
Case Study 1 is from a government-operated munitions ent supported a PRB treatment depth that was practical for
research and development facility located in the Eastern a conventional continuous trenching installation method to
United States. Washing and degreasing of metal parts prior approximately 35 ft.
to a historical plating process generated waste TCE, which An interim remedy of a GETS was operated from 1992
reportedly flowed to a dry well and was discharged to the sus- to 2007. The GETS was mandated by an interim Record of
pected source area. Historical operations ceased in 1980, and Decision to intercept contaminated groundwater prior to dis-
all infrastructures related to the TCE release were removed charge to the surface water body. The GETS was referred to as
and closed under the Resource Conservation and Recovery a hydraulic barrier and consisted of six extraction wells, with
Act in 1991. The location of the installed PRB and the sup- ex situ treatment components (air stripping [with vapor phase
porting performance monitoring well network are presented GAC] and GAC treatment). Effective removal was observed
on Figure 10.23. Concentrations of TCE (which range from with peak concentrations declining from 13,800  µg/L in
100s to 1,000s of µg/L) primarily impact an unconsolidated 1997 to 4,500 µg/L in 2005. The maximum monthly aver-
aquifer of an approximated thickness of 45–60 ft. A strong age of extracted and treated groundwater from the GETS was
upward vertical gradient results in groundwater discharge over 100 gallons per minute (gpm). Neglecting infrequent


W6-S PRB-4
W6-M PZ-3
PRB-3 D-SW-2
GW flow direction



Trend data provided

on Figures 10.22 and
W2-M 41-9
PRB-2 41-8
PRB-1 PZ-1
PRB-8 D-SW-3 41-1
Staff gauge location
Surface water location
Wells in PRB network
Wells in MNA network
Permeable reactive
Area D
0 75 150 Golf course

FIGURE 10.23  Case Study 1 Permeable reactive barrier layout. Boxed wells presented in follow-up groundwater elevation and trichloro-
ethene trends.
Reactive Walls 539

variations in production and assuming a consistent 80 gpm velocity (vgw) of 1.7 ft/day, the installed PRB thick-
flow rate from September 1992 to April 2007 (when the GETS ness was determined to be a maximum of 1.2 ft and
was shutdown) suggests that over 6.1 × 108 gal of groundwa- a minimum of 0.3 ft. The practical installation limit
ter was extracted and treated. With GAC changeouts and using a one-pass trencher is approximately 1 ft, and
labor and utility costs to operate the GETS, this represents therefore, the PRB thickness varies along the entire
a significant O&M investment. Groundwater flow and trans- width from 1.1 to 1.2 ft.
port modeling and contaminant plume predictions anticipate
approximately 170  years of natural attenuation that will be The performance of the PRB since its installation in April
necessary to achieve regulatory cleanup goals, implying 2007 has been consistent with groundwater flow and trans-
that more than 7 × 109 gal of groundwater would have been port modeling predictions and continued to exceed design
extracted and treated had the GETS been selected as the final objectives as of July 2014. Hydraulically, groundwater eleva-
remedy. However, in March 2007, the U.S. EPA selected and tion data do not suggest any hydraulic mounding upgradi-
approved a continuous ZVI PRB to protect the surface water ent of the PRB that would suggest reduced permeability or
body (Figure 10.23). suggest the potential for short-circuiting under or around
The governing design parameters were the ambient hydro- the PRB (Figure  10.24). The performance monitoring pro-
geology and geochemistry and the allowable mass flux dis- gram includes annual sampling for VOCs and select biogeo-
charge of TCE to the surface water body. The lateral extent of chemical parameters. The responses in TCE at representative
TCE contamination is not uniform across the PRB. Therefore, monitoring locations from Figure 10.23 are summarized on
the 80 ft section (Section 1) in the southwest was constructed to Figure  10.25. Monitoring locations PRB-1 and PRB-3 rep-
a depth of approximately 35 ft with a higher ZVI loading (55%) resent TCE concentrations upgradient of Sections 1 and 2,
in the treatment interval than the 220 ft section (Section 2) to respectively. The trends at these locations demonstrate sus-
the northeast, which was installed to a depth of approximately tained TCE after PRB installation, which was anticipated.
28 ft with a lower ZVI loading (45%). The installation of this There is a noticeable decline in TCE over time after PRB
PRB is demonstrated on Figures 10.7 through 10.9, which were installation, which may be due to dissolved hydrogen gen-
referenced earlier as an example of the continuous trenching– eration facilitating reductive dechlorination upgradient of
supported excavation-based installation method. The PRB was the PRB. This is speculative as analytical data for dissolved
constructed using a one-pass trencher, shown in Figures 10.7 hydrogen (or even microbiological analysis) are not available.
and 10.8. The trench was excavated by the chain cutter system The monitoring locations on the downgradient side of both
(Figures 10.7 and 10.9), while the treatment reagent was fed sections of the PRB (PRB-5 and PRB-7) show decreases in
to the unit on a conveyor and backfilled through the hopper TCE over time, with PRB-7 demonstrating a more expected
(Figures 10.8 and 10.9). The trench is held open for back filling immediate decrease to below laboratory detection limits. The
by the side shields seen in Figures 10.7 and 10.9. trend of data at PRB-5 suggests effective treatment, but does
The following is a step-by-step consideration of the design show detections downgradient of the PRB 4 and 5.5  years
calculations presented in Sections 10.3.1 and 10.3.2: after installation (Figure 10.25). These detections are well
below the targeted TCE effluent concentration, but represent
• The average TCE influent concentrations to Sections curious anomalies that should be noted during performance
1 and 2 were approximated to be 2,000 and 350 µg/L, monitoring observations of a PRB.
respectively. The targeted TCE effluent concentra- This case study presents a successful switch from a GETS
tions from Sections 1 and 2 were required to be hydraulic barrier to a PRB, which has significant life cycle
20 and 84 µg/L, respectively, to meet surface water cost-saving ramifications. Ongoing monitoring on a yearly
discharge limits. basis will be continued for decades, and the PRB strategy is
• Bench-scale column treatability testing was con- in line with the treatment objective of protecting the surface
ducted to determine the appropriate ZVI loading water body.
reactivity, considering the influent TCE concentra-
tions, for a long-term operational lifetime and the 10.6.2 Case Study 2: Anaerobic Biological PRB
reaction time (t) necessary to achieve the targeted
for Perchlorate Treatment (Biowall)
TCE effluent concentrations. The resultant reaction
constant (k) was determined to be 6.7 day−1, with cal- Perchlorate (ClO4−) is enzymatically reduced to an innocuous
culated reaction times (t) of 0.7 and 0.2 day, respec- end product (chloride [Cl−]) to reduce or eliminate perchlo-
tively, for Sections 1 and 2. rate-impacted groundwater.7,111–120 To facilitate this biological
• Based on the known hydraulic conductivity (K) and process, long-term carbon sources (walnut shells, mushroom
mobile porosity (θm) of the treatment reagent backfill compost, and vegetable oil) may be added to the treatment
and the ambient hydraulic gradient (i), the seepage interval of a PBR. Release of organic carbon to groundwater,
velocity (vgw) through the PRB was calculated to be via transport of groundwater through the treatment interval,
1.7 ft/day. stimulates growth of bacteria downgradient from the treat-
• Based on the reaction times (t) of Sections 1 and ment zone. The bacteria then utilize perchlorate (ClO4−) as an
2 (0.7 and 0.2 day, respectively) and a seepage electron acceptor and reduce it to chloride (Cl−). Unlike less
540 Remediation Engineering



Groundwater elevation (ft amsl)


684 PRB-3
PRB install

9/1/2002 5/28/2005 2/22/2008 11/18/2010 8/14/2013

FIGURE 10.24  Case Study 1 Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) performance monitoring well network groundwater elevation response.
Groundwater elevations primarily remain consistent upgradient and downgradient of the PRB, suggesting that the constructed PRB has not
adversely interrupted the hydraulic gradient (i).


TCE concentration (µg/L)


PRB install

9/1/02 5/28/05 2/22/08 11/18/10 8/14/13

FIGURE 10.25  Case Study 1 Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) performance monitoring well network trichloroethylene (TCE) trends
since PRB installation. Results show near-immediate downgradient TCE reduction adjacent to the PRB as well as further downgradient.
Upgradient performance monitoring wells show initially sustained TCE concentrations, but subsequent reductions over time (potentially
related to upgradient propagation of abiotic reducing conditions).

soluble treatment reagents like ZVI, the TOC from the long- was preferred to active injections. Historical site activities
term carbon sources may also migrate downgradient of the included the development, manufacturing, and testing of solid
PRB extending the treatment thickness of the PRB. propellant rocket motors for the defense and space exploration
In situ biological reduction (IBR) using an anaerobic bio- industries, which resulted in perchlorate (ClO4−) and VOC
logical PRB was implemented at a site in central California to contamination above relevant criteria (i.e., 6 µg/L).
address elevated dissolved-phase concentrations of perchlo- The performance objectives of this PRB were to protect
rate (ClO4−) in excess of 1,000 µg/L (Figure 10.26). Given the the offsite receiving waters and effectively manage the poten-
remote setting and site-specific ecological sensitivities, a PRB tial onsite human and ecological risks. Widespread shallow
Reactive Walls 541

NS Pre-PRB data
36 2,280
0 200 400

99.3 1,780

GW flow 833 Location of PRB
9,600 NS

4,280 NS 143
Not sampled (NS) NS 337 552.2
≤6 µg/L NS
2,310 932
6 < X < 1000 µg/L
≥1000 µg/L 2,710 652

124 NS Pre-PRB data



GW flow NS Location of PRB
NS <0.05

3,000 <0.05 440

17 0.063 NS
310 760
510 NS

FIGURE 10.26  Case Study 2 Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) performance monitoring well network before and after PRB installation
(2009 vs 2014). Gray circles symbolize monitoring wells that were not sampled. Green circles symbolize monitoring wells that are below
the 6 µg/L cleanup goal. Pink circles symbolize monitoring wells with perchlorate (ClO4−) concentrations greater than 6 µg/L but less than
1,000 µg/L. Red circles symbolize monitoring wells with perchlorate (ClO4−) concentrations greater than 1,000 µg/L. The PRB is shown as
a black trench; note the gap over the creek area due to ecological sensitivities.

source removal was selected to mitigate the surface soil to hydraulically connected to the alluvial groundwater as evi-
surface water pathway. With the primary in situ focus being denced through pumping tests.
perchlorate (ClO4−) and significant ecological disturbance The PRB extends in a direction perpendicular to the banks
concerns, an anaerobic biological PBR provided the most effi- of a small creek (Figure 10.26). Due to ecological disturbance
cient approach to reliably treat perchlorate (ClO4−) and VOC restrictions, the PRB is not continuous across the creek, and a
impacts in groundwater. gap exists. The southern portion of the PRB crosses a road and
Geologic units relevant to the subject PRB include allu- is approximately 222 ft in length with depths varying from 21
vial deposits overlying the Santa Clara Formation (SCF). The to 36 ft. The northern portion of the PRB is approximately122
alluvium consists of variable thicknesses of silts, clays, and ft in length with an average depth of 23.5 ft. The PRB was
sandy clays and occurs in the valleys incised within the clayey constructed using hydraulic shoring with a guar gum (i.e., bio-
and impermeable SCF. Alluvial groundwater is typically polymer slurry) and an excavator bucket. Contaminant flux
encountered between 5 and 30 ft bgs, following a gradient of through the alluvial deposits is of larger concern than through
approximately 0.014 ft/ft with flow to the southeast. Aquifer the SCF because alluvial groundwater seasonally contributes
testing indicates a hydraulic conductivity of approximately to surface water. Additionally, the permeability of the coarse
27 ft/day. The estimated Darcy flux through alluvial ground- lenses within the alluvial deposits is greater than the SCF,
water is 0.4 ft/day. Groundwater within the SCF appears to be resulting in further lateral transport. Therefore, the IBR PRB
542 Remediation Engineering

was keyed into the SCF, and treatment reagent was applied preconstruction 2009 data shown on Figure 10.26 suggest that
over the saturated alluvial deposits. perchlorate (ClO4−) concentrations immediately upgradient
The subject PRB was constructed in September/October of the PRB range from approximately 4,300 to 9,600 µg/L,
2009 and was backfilled with 60% by volume gravel, 20% by and the regulatory MCL for perchlorate (ClO4−) is 6 µg/L.
volume mushroom compost, 20% by volume walnut shells, Therefore, assuming an average influence perchlorate (ClO4−)
and 500 gal of vegetable oil. The analytical results to date indi- concentration of 6,950 µg/L, targeting an effluent perchlorate
cate that anaerobic conditions have been maintained within (ClO4−) concentration of 6 µg/L with a reaction rate constant
and downgradient of the PRB since construction in the fall of (k) of 1  day−1, the reaction time (t) required for perchlo-
2009. The PRB backfill materials provide an adequate supply rate (ClO4−) treatment in the PRB is approximately 7  days.
of carbon to account for the flux of dissolved oxygen (approxi- This would theoretically require a PRB thickness of 17.5 ft.
mately 5 mg/L), nitrate (NO3−; approximately 5 mg/L), and However, the PRB was only installed with a 3 ft thickness.
perchlorate (ClO4−; >1000 µg/L). In order to facilitate future As TOC dissolves into the groundwater, it travels with the
TOC amendment if necessary, injection and monitoring wells perchlorate (ClO4−) extending the IRZ downgradient of the
were installed along the PRB. The initial design specified PRB. This ensures adequate contact time between the TOC
TOC for 2 years of operation; however, TOC concentrations and perchlorate.
appear to be maintained 5  years after construction and the Perchlorate (ClO4−) concentrations in groundwater upgra-
injection wells have not been used. dient of the PRB are consistently greater than 1,000 µg/L
The hydraulic conductivity (K) of the PRB treatment inter- (Figure 10.27), and TOC concentrations are less than 1 mg/L
val was designed to match the natural setting as closely as (Figure 10.28). Perchlorate (ClO4−) concentrations at monitor-
possible to avoid influencing the natural hydrogeologic flux, ing wells within the PRB and 20, 50, 130, and 250 ft downgra-
which could result in preferential flow either around or chan- dient of the PRB are summarized on Figure 10.27. Analytical
neling through the PRB. Relevant hydrogeologic data sug- data for monitoring wells within the PRB are not available
gest that the natural Darcy flux (K*i) through the aquifer is until early 2012, but since then perchlorate (ClO4−) concentra-
approximately 0.4 ft/day, and using a mobile porosity of 15% tions are consistently several orders below the cleanup goal
in the treatment reagent, the seepage velocity (vgw) in the PRB (6 µg/L). Correspondingly, TOC concentrations at these mon-
is approximately 2.5 ft/day. itoring wells have been sustained between 10 and 100 mg/L
Literature values for first-order biological reaction rate (Figure 10.28). Analytical data for monitoring wells 20 ft
constants (k) of perchlorate (ClO4−) from column stud- downgradient of the PRB (also only available since 2012)
ies range from 0.5 to 1.5 day−1 (average of 1 day -1 )*. The show only 1 exceedance of perchlorate (ClO4−) (Figure 10.27)

SW within PRB
Center within PRB
NE within PRB

100 20 ft DG center
20 ft DG NE
Perchlorate (µg/L)

50 ft DG center
50 ft DG gap
50 ft DG NE

1 130 ft DG center
130 ft DG NE
250 ft DG center
0.1 250 ft DG gap
Perchlorate standard

0.01 PRB install

10/10/06 11/18/10 12/27/14

FIGURE 10.27  Case Study 2 Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) performance monitoring well network perchlorate (ClO4−) historical and
post-PRB installation trends. Analytical results of perchlorate (ClO4−) upgradient of the PRB remains consistent, as expected. Perchlorate
(ClO4−) concentrations within the PRB, at 20 and 50 ft downgradient show positive treatment below or near the cleanup goal of 6 µg/L.
Mixed results 130 and 250 ft downgradient, potentially due to the gap in the PRB as a result of the creek bed ecological sensitivities.
Reactive Walls 543

Total organic carbon


100 SW within PRB
Center within PRB
NE within PRB
TOC (mg/L)

20 ft DG center
10 20 ft DG NE
50 ft DG center
50 ft DG gap
50 ft DG NE
130 ft DG center
130 ft DG NE
250 ft DG center
PRB install
01/14/04 02/22/08 04/01/12 05/10/16

FIGURE 10.28  Case Study 2 Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) performance monitoring well network total organic carbon (TOC)
­historical and post-PRB installation trends. Analytical results of TOC show decreasing trends five years after installation, with an initial
design lifetime of 2 years. TOC within, 20 and 50 ft downgradient of the PRB demonstrated considerable concentrations above background
conditions. TOC does not appear to transfer further than 50 ft downgradient, but the PRB was installed as a 3 ft wide trench. This suggests
TOC propagated ~47 ft downgradient of the constructed PRB.

and demonstrate consistent TOC concentrations above The data evaluation for this case study suggests that the
10 mg/L (Figure 10.28). Analytical data for monitoring wells PRB has more than exceeded its design life of 2 years, and
50 ft downgradient of the PRB highlight in adverse influence constructing the wall with a thickness of 3 ft when calcula-
of the gap in the PRB as a result of the creek. Monitoring well tions suggested the PRB should be 17.5 ft did not adversely
20C-13 (Figure 10.26) shows sustained perchlorate (ClO4−) influence perchlorate (ClO4−) treatment. Evidence of TOC
concentrations greater than 100 µg/L with negligible TOC influence approximately 50 ft downgradient indicates that
concentrations. This is contrary to monitoring wells 20C-45 TOC (from the treatment reagent and biopolymer slurry used
and 20C-47 (50 ft downgradient of the center and northeast for hydraulic shoring) influenced the biogeochemistry signifi-
section of the PRB, respectively), which show consistent per- cantly downgradient. This case study highlights the practi-
chlorate (ClO4−) concentrations at or below the cleanup goal cal observations that substantiate cost-saving decisions and
(6 µg/L; Figure 10.27) and TOC concentrations greater than exploits the highly amenable perchlorate (ClO4−) biological
1 mg/L (Figure 10.28). Monitoring wells located 130 and pathway.
250 ft downgradient of the PRB do not show elevated TOC
concentrations (Figure 10.28), suggesting that no active geo- 10.6.3 Case Study 3: Long-Term Evaluation
chemical influence is observed at these distances. Perchlorate
of a ZVI PRB in Elizabeth City, NC
(ClO4−) concentrations do, however, show some decreases,
likely due  to dilution from upgradient treated groundwater Several PRBs have been studied intensively and are well
transporting downgradient. For example, monitoring wells reported in the literature. One such example is a ZVI PRB,
locations 130 ft downgradient of the northeast section of the constructed at the U.S. Coast Guard facility in Elizabeth City,
PRB and 250 ft downgradient of the center of the PRB show North Carolina, in 1996. This case study was examined and
significant drops in perchlorate, consistent with a dilution sig- discussed in considerable detail in Chapter 7 with respect
nature (Figure 10.27). Monitoring well 20C-17 (Figure 10.25) to ZVI facilitated metals precipitation. The operation of the
located 250 ft downgradient of the gap in the PRB suggests no PRB is described in detail by Puls et al.38 Additional literature
sign of influence (which is expected). Monitoring well 20C-16 describes the results of this PRB, numerous years after instal-
(Figure 10.26) shows an order of magnitude reduction in per- lation.32 A site map showing the historical lateral extent of
chlorate since construction of the PRB in 2009, but perchlo- the hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) contaminant plume, relevant
rate (ClO4−) concentrations remain somewhat stable around performance monitoring wells, and the ZVI PRB is presented
100 mg/L, with minimal TOC. on Figure 10.29.
544 Remediation Engineering

Pasquotank river

MW47 ML15
MW50 MW49
ML34 ML24
ML33 ML23 ML14
ML22 ML13
Building 78
ML32 ML21 ML12
ML11 Fe0
ML31 MW48

1 mg/L


1 mg/L
MW compliance well

(5–10 ft screen)

ML multilevel bundle 0 10 m
(6 in. screens) 0.
Approx. scale

Plating Groundwater
Hangar 79 flow direction

FIGURE 10.29  Case Study 3 Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) performance monitoring well network layout. This PRB represents one
of the longest monitored PRBs in the remediation industry. (From Wilkin, R.T. et al., Chapter 6: Fourteen-year assessment of a permeable
reactive barrier for treatment of hexavalent chromium and trichloroethylene, in Permeable Reactive Barrier Sustainable Groundwater
Remediation, Naidu, R. and Birke, V. (Eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2015.)

The PRB was constructed in 1996 and is deployed as a REFERENCES

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11 Emerging Trends in
Environmental Remediation

11.1 INFLUENCE OF BIG DATA ON standards, performance monitoring, groundwater and soil

ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION chemistry, geologic and hydrogeologic parameters, air quality
measurements, weather conditions, and compliance records.
Since the invention of the World Wide Web 25 years ago, a Good examples of unstructured data are scientific papers, reg-
lot of data sources collected in the past and currently being ulatory changes, site history, U.S. Geological Survey USGS
collected have been digitized and become easily accessible. maps, aerial photographs, spill records, and permit renew-
Today, it is easy to locate, collect, and analyze digitized data als. What has been overlooked and ignored in our industry
and information that would have taken weeks or months in the so far is the vast trove of environmental data and information
past. The expanding access to huge data sets and emergence related to but beyond the immediate purview of individual
of powerful and real-time technologies represent opportuni- site-specific needs (Table 11.1).
ties for analysis that were never possible in the past—thus Environmental remediation data usually have multiple
leading to the term “big data.” In a digitized world, big data dimensions (contaminant type, time, location, depth, differ-
refers to the things one can do at a large scale that cannot be ent variables, etc.) to be relevant for decisions. As a result,
done at a smaller one, to extract new insights or create new there is a tremendous amount of data generated that can be
forms of value, in ways that can change markets, organiza- tapped into to develop insights. However, the evolution of
tions, the relationships between various stakeholders, and how these data are managed has been slow and unplanned.
more. It has been transformative within many industrial sec- Even though we are yet to see the big data revolution enter
tors and has been heralded as the next frontier for innovation the remediation domain, the industry is ready for harnessing
and competitiveness. the available data, information, and the acquired knowledge
Large volumes of data have accumulated within the reme- to be at the heart of gaining predictive insights and smart
diation industry primarily driven by the requirements of reg- decision-making. Important steps in this direction include
ulatory compliance and risk management. While this topic benchmarking the data for the remediation industry, develop-
might once have interested only a few “data geeks,” big data ing standardized reporting standards, mapping the available
is now relevant within our industry, and all stakeholders stand data and information, and prioritizing the analytical tools.
to benefit from its application. In this section, we explore what Another area to improve is to connect the different meth-
“big data” means for environmental restoration and the poten- ods used for the collection and storage of environmental data
tial it has to yield insights that support more streamlined and sets. Older data sets may have relied on pen and paper for
sustainable approaches to benefit all stakeholders—regulatory collection and storage. Recently, data sets housed solely in
agencies, responsible parties, researchers, remediation practi- Microsoft Excel seem to have become antiquated. Currently,
tioners, and local communities. In the past, we learned slowly relational databases (e.g., Microsoft Access, EQUIS) are a
and gradually about natural attenuation of petroleum hydro- common method for storing data and querying focused data
carbons (PHCs) and chlorinated solvents from data collected sets. These are complemented by data collection devices, many
from thousands of sites. The concept of big data did not exist times handheld, that are configured to sync flawlessly with the
at that time. The insights gained took several years to observe designed database. Some specialized relational databases are
mainly because of the poor access to the necessary “big data” designed to report certain metrics based on predetermined
across many sites. big data evaluations. Conversely, many data repositories were
developed to house only the documents in which the data are
reported, such as state regulatory repositories. Several states,
11.1.1 Remediation-Related Data Management
however, have the raw data stored in online databases read-
The gravity and impacts of big data may not be transparent ily accessible to the public (e.g., GeoTracker in California).
to remediation practitioners yet due to the fact that the mere As  big data evaluations become more and more desirable,
concept of environmental big data may still be an abstract or storage of the data in its raw form is recognized as being much
amorphous concept. Remediation data management is  frag- more useful.
mented, and many different kinds of data are managed in There are multiple ways to approach evaluation of reme-
different formats and configurations. In addition, emphasis diation big data sets. The most straightforward practice in the
was and is always placed on detailed evaluation and analy- past was simple correlation plots between two data types that
sis of data collected specific to individual sites. Big data rel- may be related (e.g., organic carbon concentration and total
evant to remediation can also be classified into structured and CVOC concentration in ERD systems). If there is a strong
unstructured data. Examples of structured data are cleanup correlation between data sets, a simple linear relationship can
550 Remediation Engineering

TABLE 11.1
Existing Publically Available and Relevant Environmental Data Sets
Database Description Type of Data
USEPA toxicology testing in Develop better toxicity assessment methods to quickly and efficiently test 10,000 environmental chemicals and
the twenty-first century whether certain chemical compounds have the potential to disrupt approved drugs
processes in the human body that may lead to negative health effects.
Toxicity data that can then be evaluated within the ToxCast tool.
USEPA EPA’s toxicity Bring together various toxicity data to provide rapid and efficient methods Chemical properties and structure
forecaster (ToxCast) to prioritize, screen, and evaluate thousands of chemicals. iCSS ToxCast
Dashboard that allows for easy access to related data
USEPA Enforcement and Online real-time database of (e.g., CAA, CWA) permits and enforcements/ Facility list; violations list
Compliance History Online violations
USEPA Aggregated Online warehouse of all publicly available chemical toxicity data Aggregates data from more than 1,000
Computational Toxicology public sources on over 500,000
Resource chemicals
USEPA Integrated Risk Identifying and characterizing the health hazards of chemicals found in the Toxicity values for use in risk
Information System environment assessment (e.g., RfD, RfC, oral slope
EJSCREEN EJSCREEN is an environmental justice mapping and screening tool that 12 environmental indicators (e.g., air
provides EPA with a nationally consistent data set and approach for quality data, proximity to NPL sites)
combining environmental and demographic indicators. A good example of 6 demographic indicators (e.g., percent
the power of integrating data sets in geographical analysis. low income)
12 environmental justice indices
Global Earth Observation The Group on Environmental Observation is a voluntary partnership of Global environmental data sets,
System of Systems governments and organizations that created the GEOSS platform for including agriculture, biodiversity,
(GEOSS) integration and analysis of global environmental data for study in multiple climate, disasters, ecosystems, energy,
areas of societal benefit. health, water management, and climate
Earth Resources Observation EROS is a remotely sensed data management, systems development, and Remotely sensed, for example, satellite,
and Science (EROS) Center research field center for the USGS. data sets
National Wetlands Inventory U.S. Fish and Wildlife maintains the NWI to provide public access to Geospatial wetlands data
(NWI) wetlands mapping and to provide a tool for reporting and predicting trends.
National Water Information U.S. geological survey maintains this database of surface water and Water resource data including surface
System groundwater data for use in managing water resources. water flow and levels, groundwater
levels, water quality, and water use
State site databases In some states, contaminated site data and water supply well data are housed Concentration data over time, well
in state databases. Examples are the GeoTracker database of environmental construction data, etc.
data for regulated facilities and the Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and
Assessment Program databases in California.

provide meaningful predictions. More sophisticated evalua- for enhancing the performance and compliance of remedia-
tion techniques are also available and may include statistical tion systems.
analyses (e.g., t-test, path analysis, Spearman rank correla- What makes the emerging field of big data analysis in
tions) or data mining. Data mining looks for hidden patterns remediation interesting is that the inherent value is not always
in data that can be used to predict future behavior and has evident. In addition to compiling and maximizing value from
been used extensively in the fields of health care, communi- existing data, evaluators can integrate new data collected from
cations, insurance, retail, banking, manufacturing, education, emerging technologies, industry trends and regulatory, and
and bioinformatics. Techniques such as clustering, principal other recent developments. Data analysis capabilities in the
component analysis, decision trees, Bayesian networks, and remediation arena has been lagging, and a modern approach
neural networks are used in data mining to evaluate rela- for exploiting information from multiple data streams is essen-
tionships among data sets and most significant variables and tial for us to extract valuable insights. Traditional statistical
develop models for prediction. If strong relationships are found techniques were developed when it was time consuming to
between data sets, the correlations and causal relationships analyze large data sets and may fall short of analyzing today’s
can be identified. This can be very powerful in developing big data sets. Remediation industry should begin to embrace
strategies for future decision-making. A very good example techniques derived from web-based analytics, visualization,
in remediation is the reduction in operating and maintenance and other computational tools that deliver clear, concise por-
costs by monitoring only the relevant and required parameters trayals of the insights gained from the data.
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 551

11.1.2 Types of Remediation Big Data remedy performance (e.g.,  concentration reductions), and
process troubleshooting (e.g., formation of by-products).
Big data in environmental remediation can come from The two examples of big data at the site level are smart
many sources and may be related to multiple individual characterization data and automated sensor(s) data, which
sites (site level), a group of related sites (portfolio level), are discussed in more detail later. Big data evaluations at
or across unrelated sites (global level). In some cases, a specific portfolio level (e.g., hundreds of petroleum retail
particularly large complex sites, significant amount of
­ sites) can be used to articulate knowledge and insights
data and information may be available collected over gained and predict performance and conditions across
many years (decades) and from hundreds of monitoring an entire portfolio. Looking at data relationships across
wells that could be considered as a stand-alone big data ­u nrelated sites (e.g., National Priority List (NPL) sites) can
set. Figure 11.1a shows the relationship between these dif- provide insights related to specific industry-wide trends
ferent levels of big data. Evaluation of site-level data sets and practices. A depiction of how global level data sets can
can provide insights into the relationships between natural be used to turn data into gaining insights for improving
site conditions (e.g., ambient ­geochemistry, hydrogeologic remediation practices is provided in Table 11.2.
complexities), engineered systems (e.g., substrate addition),

Global level uses

Site Regulatory policy
Site level uses data development
Background determination Improved remediation
CSM development industry solutions
Technology focus
Remedial design
Adaptive management of Portfolio Contaminant focus
operations Site data Industry focus
data Site
Compliance reporting data
Performance evaluation
Closure strategy Global

Portfolio level uses

Technical improvements
Site Reduction in irrelevant data
Financial and regulatory risk
Site management
data Programmatic streamlining
Industry/sector trend

Traditional data
Big data analysis

Site specific Site specific Site specific Site specific

Site specific data Data
data 1 data 2 data 3 data 1000
Investigative data (box charts)
Hydrogeology Predictive modeling
Contaminant distribution
Geochemistry Big data (correlation and Information
Operational data analysis causation
Performance data


Outcomes (examples)
Outcomes Development of innovative solutions
Remedy design Opening the “black box” of emerging technologies Insights
Management of operations New paradigms of contaminant(s) fate and transport
Compliance reports Regulatory enhancements
Closure strategy


FIGURE 11.1  (a) Scales of environmental data sets and uses from data analysis. (b) Path of big data analysis in remediation.
552 Remediation Engineering

TABLE 11.2
Examples of Big Data and Big Data Evaluations in Environmental Restoration
Reference(s) Description Type of Data Evaluation Approach Outcome
Arcadis internal Catalogue measurements Concentrations of flame Basic statistics based Scientific study of flame retardants in indoor
evaluation1 of flame retardants in retardants in dust samples on different dust has been increasing rapidly since 2001
indoor dust in peer- in a variety of indoor environmental with focus on polybrominated diphenyl ethers.
reviewed literature and environments relationships Concentrations of in North American
evaluate spatial and residential settings appear to be decreasing,
temporal variances while concentrations of replacement flame
retardant chemicals increase.
Schnobrich Evaluation of 85 ERD Groundwater concentrations Linear regression; Results indicated that the maximum rate of
et al.2 projects of chlorinated solvents, correlations degradation was independent of total organic
total organic carbon, pH, carbon concentration as long as reducing
and sulfate conditions dominate and TOC remains
~10 mg/L above background.
Rice et al.3 Early evaluation of data Transcription of California Statistics and Early work on plume length and stability that
from 271 sites in state file information from nonparametric supported the eventual establishment of the
California with leaking 271 sites into electronic graphical displays low threat closure policy for LUST sites in
underground storage tank database based on standard California in 2012
(LUST) to evaluate checklist
petroleum hydrocarbon
plume length and
Adamson Evaluation of the Groundwater concentrations GIS-based algorithms, Industry-wide paradigm shift in understanding
et al.4,5 cooccurrence and natural of chlorinated solvents and Wilcoxon rank sum of 1,4-dioxane fate and transport in
attenuation of 1,4-dioxane test, linear groundwater
1,4-dioxane and regression,
chlorinated solvents in Spearman rank
groundwater correlation
Connor et al.6 Review and summary of Compilation of multiple-site Statistical analysis Demonstrated that MTBE, TBA, and benzene
13 studies on benzene, data sets from the United plume lengths are comparable at most sites.
MTBE and/or TBA States containing data from Found consistency among data sets in
plumes 22 to >4000 sites each on different geographic regions and in a variety
plume length and stability of hydrogeologic regimes.
Lahvis et al.7 Evaluation of soil gas data Soil–gas measurements at Nonparametric This is an example of big data analysis
at sites impacted with hundreds of petroleum Kaplan–Meier informing regulatory policy: USEPA office of
dissolved phase PHCs to UST sites spanning a range statistics Research and Development recently cited
determine vapor intrusion of environmental conclusions from this study, among others, to
risk conditions, geographic provide technical recommendations to the
regions, and a 16-year time Office of Underground Storage Tanks for the
period (1995–2011) development screening criteria to identify
structures that are at risk from petroleum
vapor intrusion (Wilson et al.).
Microbial An agglomeration of Constituent concentrations, In progress In progress, but could provide predictive values
Insights Inc. results generated by geochemical data, for a variety of microbial genetic targets
molecular Microbial Insights and molecular data (e.g., qPCR
biology results relevant environmental DNA results)
database data from project sites
Schnobrich8 Comparative analysis of Groundwater concentrations Linear regression; Identified half-lives of various carbon
multiple sites with active of chlorinated solvent, total correlations substrates. Correlated elevated sulfate
enhanced reductive organic carbon, nitrate, (>1000 mg/L), elevated nitrate (>500 mg/L),
dechlorination to evaluate sulfate, and pH and decreased pH (<6 s.u.) with decreased
the overall rates of chlorinated solvent degradation half-lives
dechlorination and length
of remedial time
observed at the field scale
(Continued )
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 553

TABLE 11.2 (Continued )

Examples of Big Data and Big Data Evaluations in Environmental Restoration
Reference(s) Description Type of Data Evaluation Approach Outcome
Arcadis internal Evaluate risk from soil gas Soil–gas results for TO-15 Comparison to Concluded the vapor intrusion pathway does
evaluation9 at 91 fuel service stations Michigan regulatory not pose a risk at 90 of the 91 sites. Paradigm
with free product standards shift in ability to close petroleum sites under a
risk-based program in Michigan.
Maguire et al.10 Remediation performance Performance data from 59 Quantification and Set expectations on achievable percent
and rebound of intensive sites where chemical comparison of data reduction and permanence of source zone
source depletion oxidation, enhanced sets NAPL depletion.
technologies evaluated bioremediation, thermal
where treatment targeted treatment, or surfactant/
DNAPL source zones cosolvent flushing were

Big environmental data evaluations can provide an intro- these diverse sets of data, standardize all the dynamic for-
spective look into the remediation “black box” and can remove mats, and analyze them.
the dependence and bias toward specific remedial technologies
and provide the technical knowledge and insights for effec-  Smart Investigation
tive decision-making. At the portfolio level, it can lead to an The conventional approach to viewing and interpreting site
advanced understanding of remediation effectiveness or areas investigations data relies on 2-D data box figures, which were
for remedial optimization and can provide direction for future adequate when characterization data sets only consisted of
efforts within the portfolio. At the global level, these types of a small number of permanent monitoring wells. When only
evaluations can lead to a paradigm shift in understanding the groundwater data are considered and interpolated, the result-
effectiveness and limitations of specific technologies and thus ing picture provides a distorted view of the mass distribution
developing robust technical impracticability guidelines for cer- in the source zone as well as the entire plume, since ground-
tain types of complex sites. Predictive insights gained can also water sampling is inherently biased toward the most perme-
help in refinement of existing or development of new regulatory able zones.
guidelines (e.g., alternate cleanup standards and risk-based reg- However, the recent developments in smart investigations
ulations). Figure 11.1b illustrates how analysis of big environ- have the potential for providing a systematic approach that
mental data sets derived from global sets of site-specific data focuses on developing a 3-D interpretation of the aquifer
could be used to transform data to information to knowledge architecture through the application of big data (Figure 11.2).
and insights. The ultimate question for environmental big data We now recognize that contaminant transport must have a
evaluations is whether we can develop predictive insights from mass flux–based perspective at all sites, and experience has
all existing data sets. At this point in time, the authors feel the repeatedly shown that the majority of the mass flux occurs in
answer is “yes, but not in all cases.” a small portion of the plume cross section within the aquifer.
As such, characterization methods have to integrate multiple  Sustainability (Green Remediation) Data types of data to find the zone where mass flux is occurring.
Environmental sustainability practitioners have their own The use of smart characterization methods, in place of tra-
big data challenges toward implementing green remediation ditional investigation methods, integrate dynamic, real-time,
within the site restoration framework. The main concern is the high-density soil and groundwater sampling data with hydro-
requirement by different stakeholders for different data and stratigraphic interpretations and permeability mapping in
reports under different formats. These stakeholders include three dimensions. Big data concept is the framework behind
remediation system designers, government agencies, nongov- smart characterization methods, with thousands of data
ernmental organizations, supply chain partners, regulatory points collected rapidly during an investigation. These meth-
agencies, and the public. Sustainability evaluations require ods provide streaming data sets in real-time enabling adaptive
the incorporation of large amounts of data from sources decision-making to reduce investigation costs.
that are currently highly diverse (e.g., energy systems, water
meters, maintenance reports, field surveys, emission reports)  Tracer Testing Data
and disparate—hard copies, invoices, paper files, and elec- In heterogeneous aquifer systems, simulations and predic-
tronic documents. At some operating facilities, the required tions of groundwater flow and contaminant transport require
data reside within different departments such as operations, detailed knowledge of aquifer parameters and their spatial dis-
maintenance, environmental, and accounting, thus making it tribution. Tracer testing is a very efficient and versatile, mul-
harder to gather in a timely and consistent manner. Yet it is tipurpose method to characterize subsurface properties and
important for practitioners of green remediation to acquire to investigate the spreading of both reactive and nonreactive
554 Remediation Engineering

Estimated K TCE
150 ft/day
100 ft/day >100,000 μg/L

30 ft/day 10,000–100,000 μg/L

10 ft/day 1,000–10,000 μg/L

100–1000 μg/L
3 ft/day

10–100 μg/L
1 ft/day

1.0–10 μg/L
0.3 ft/day
<1.0 μg/L
0.1 ft/day

FIGURE 11.2  Real-time smart characterization results at a chlorinated solvent site. The color ramp columns at the left of each sound-
ing depict relative hydraulic conductivity (K) derived from HPT; the color ramp symbols to the right show TCE concentrations measured
through vertical aquifer profile groundwater sampling. Nearly 200 groundwater samples and 400 soil samples were combined with more
than 10,000 HPT estimates of relative K to generate the relative flux map shown in the following.

contaminants in groundwater. This can be achieved at the benefits of real-time decision-making from smart character-
whole range of investigative scales, and the testing can be ization to performance monitoring. Imagine the possibilities
conducted to collect a whole range of data and information as we harness the power of a broader range of microsensors
to determine transport velocity, porosity, subsurface structure capable of transmitting data on contaminant concentrations
and anisotropy, preferential flow paths, etc. and reagent distribution during in situ remediation. Or what
Tracer tests provide a database that can be applied to if we were able to track targeted microbial populations and
support the design and operation of many remediation tech- growth rates without the time-consuming specialized labo-
niques. These techniques include all injected reagent-based ratory analyses? Streaming technology can take the concept
remedies, permeable reactive barriers, dynamic ground- of investigation and performance data collection and evalua-
water recirculation (DGR) systems, and pump-and-treat tion to new dimensions by developing instrumentation from
remedies. While much tracer testing data and information the macro level down to the micro level. Today’s sensors are
exist within the area of applied remediation hydrogeology, powerful and inexpensive, network access to remote data is
recent applications employing novel tracer compounds and increasing, scientific models are improving, and “big data”
test instrumentation are helping to expand this database by algorithms for crunching data are also improving.
adding unique data sets in the area of NAPL mobility, natu-
ral attenuation mechanisms, and a few other areas within 11.1.3 Opportunities for Gaining
Insightful Knowledge  Advent of Sensors  Stratigraphic Flux
The next frontier in remediation can be harnessing the power Smart investigation methods, relying on the fusion of mul-
of automated monitoring with sensors designed to continu- tiple data sets, can link classical geological methods of inter-
ously collect performance data such as contaminant concen- pretation with a classification framework that describes the
trations, geochemistry, or hydraulics. We could extend the 3-D aquifer architecture in terms of contaminant transport
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 555

potential. The advantage of this approach is that it builds on segments of the plume, the data fusion approach will correctly
sequence stratigraphy methods and provides insights regard- identify the permeable mass flux zones where all of the con-
ing how permeability distributions within elements of the taminant mass is present.
aquifer architecture control contaminant transport, cleanup
time frames, and realistic end points. This process is differ-  Developing and Validating Benchmarks
ent than the conventional stratigraphy approach by the fact Benchmarking within the context of remediation prac-
that the impacted aquifer system can be classified by the rela- tices can be interpreted as improving the performance of
tive flux within the different segments. This stratigraphic flux technologies by continuously identifying, understanding,
approach can also be used to develop quantitative metrics to and adapting new information and knowledge for devel-
rank and prioritize remediation efforts. oping best practices and processes. Many times, big data
The thousands of individual measurements, collected dur- evaluation can provide the benchmarks but more impor-
ing smart investigations, quickly overwhelm any traditional tantly can validate the benchmarks on a continuous basis.
approach to data evaluation. This means that specialized soft- For example, after the development of molecular targets
ware must be applied to allow 3-D viewing by fusing together to quantify the subsurface population of Dehalococcoides
thousands of measurements from high-resolution borings (DHC) microbial species, project teams started collecting
(Figure 11.3). Data fusion is needed because the high-density environmental samples at individual sites. In the case of
data collected must be organized into the stratigraphic flux DHC, it will be worthwhile to conduct a big data analy-
framework, where permeability and concentration data are sis to correlate these population counts to dechlorination
combined to provide an indication of mass flux. Past meth- performance across hundreds of sites. The insights gained
ods of interpolation that ignore the permeability structure will would either validate or refute the suggested benchmark
interpolate mass into storage zones even though the mass is derived from bench-scale studies. The commonly accepted
present almost exclusively in transport zones. These limita- benchmark of 1 × 107 cells/L for a healthy microbial popu-
tions are overcome using data fusion and interpreting ground- lation of DHC capable of complete dechlorination came
water, whole-core saturated soil, and permeability data from academic research.11 It will be a worthwhile effort to
simultaneously. In the source zone, the approach will correctly refine and reinforce this benchmark over time by evaluation
identify mass present in the slow advection and storage zones, of big data from multiple sites with successful enhanced
as well as the architecture of the zones. In the downgradient reductive dechlorination (ERD) systems.

TCE relative flux (unitless)




Estimated K TCVOCs
150 ft/day
100 ft/day >100,000 µg/L

30 ft/day 10,000–100,000 µg/L

10 ft/day 1,000–10,000 µg/L

100–1000 µg/L
3 ft/day

10–100 µg/L
1 ft/day

1.0–10 µg/L
0.3 ft/day
<1.0 µg/L
0.1 ft/day

FIGURE 11.3  Relative flux results based on the product of relative hydraulic conductivity and trichloroethene groundwater concentra-
tions. The color ramp shaded areas on the flux transects highlight >90% of the relative flux at the site.
556 Remediation Engineering

Another example of benchmarking is from the insights 1,4-dioxane biodegradation under site-specific environmental
gained from analysis of performance data from more than conditions have not yet been characterized or the appropri-
100 ERD sites.2,8 The authors performed a big data evalua- ate genetic targets have not been established. An analysis for
tion of these ERD systems by evaluating chlorinated solvent elucidating correlational and causational trends using the big
concentrations, total organic carbon, pH, and sulfate concen- data gathered from the hundreds of 1,4-dioxane sites, across
trations to quantify the half-lives of chlorinated solvents and the country, will provide the answers. Digging deeper into the
assess what factors affect the first-order decay rate. The rate active microbial communities at many sites will lead us to
of chlorinated solvent degradation did not exhibit a linear identify which monooxygenase enzymes are responsible and
relationship with total organic carbon concentration; how- how they can be enabled by engineered systems, allowing
ever, a threshold of 10 mg/L above background was related more 1,4-dioxane sites to be cost-effectively managed with
to enhanced dechlorination rates. This led to refined designs natural and enhanced attenuation approaches.
of target organic carbon concentrations for hundreds of future
projects resulting in cost savings, enhanced performance, and  LNAPL Management
faster cleanups. How we view and manage sites with LNAPL has changed
Another ongoing effort within the remediation industry recently and we no longer rely purely on LNAPL thicknesses
that has great potential for developing benchmarks, but is to assess how impacted the site is or how remediation is
not yet there, is the growing database housed by Microbial progressing. Gone are the days (or at least they should be)
Insights. Microbial Insights is an environmental molecular where we prepare LNAPL thickness contour plots and thick-
analysis company, and they have developed numerous molec- ness trend graphs. The evolution of industry knowledge and
ular targets to help practitioners understand the subsurface insights on the topic has resulted in a change from a singu-
microbiological population and their propensity toward bio- lar focus on the thickness of LNAPL in wells as a remedial
remediation of soil and groundwater constituents of concern. end point to evaluating the risk associated with the LNAPL,
Recently, they started housing their results in a relational the mobility and recoverability of the LNAPL, and the rate at
database and asking practitioners to help provide additional which the LNAPL is being naturally depleted. This shift was
site data (e.g., constituent concentrations, geochemistry, and possible due to the big data analysis performed on LNAPL
performance data). With these data sets together, they may behavior from data collected from thousands petroleum sites
be able to identify relevant benchmarks (similar to the DHC under different geologic and climatic conditions across the
example given earlier). This would allow practitioners to country and the insights gained from that analysis.
apply future microbial results more directly in development The most important insight gained from the big data analy-
of site conceptual models and remedial technology screen- sis is that the mass removed by natural source zone deple-
ing. The challenge will be gathering the appropriate raw data, tion (NSZD) is far greater than the mass recoverable by any
at the required level of quality, from practitioners across the of the most efficient removal technologies. It is also apparent
industry on a continuing basis. that the rate of LNAPL depletion in the subsurface has been
greatly underestimated. The conventional wisdom was that  Natural Attenuation of 1,4-Dioxane LNAPLs did not degrade, partly because it was thought that
Our experience with natural attenuation of 1,4-dioxane pro- the LNAPL conditions impeded degradation. Big data analy-
vides a great example of how big data analytics can provide sis was used to evaluate the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2)
insights and paradigm shifting perspectives on remediation of generated to establish a quantitative link with mass depleted.
emerging contaminants. Until recently, conventional wisdom In addition, the dominant microbial processes were exother-
has been that 1,4-dioxane is not subject to the biodegradation mic and that the signature could be measured reliably with
mechanisms of natural attenuation. But as we analyze more simple temperature sensors (Figure 11.4). What was thought
and more data from dozens of sites, it is obvious that stable, if to be anomalous temperature readings at multiple LNAPL
not receding, 1,4-dioxane plumes are identified in our portfo- sites was actually translated to a game changing predictive
lio of sites. With the advent of the microbial toolkit approach, insight. As a result of big data fusion and advances in sen-
we can begin to connect the mechanisms of 1,4-dioxane atten- sor technology, we can envision being able to quantify NSZD
uation to the presence of appropriate substrates that stimulate rates not just once or twice through CO2 monitoring but con-
1,4-dioxane biodegradation and the abundance and activity of tinuously through data logging. With refinement, we will be
various genes encoding monooxygenase enzymes responsible able to understand temporal variability of the NSZD process,
for such biodegradation. However, there are still challenges in improving the reliability NSZD rate estimates, and then make
understanding why 1,4-dioxane attenuation appears to occur better decisions about whether to manage the LNAPL or
at some sites but not others and which substrate(s) and mono- remediate it.
oxygenase enzyme(s) are driving 1,4-dioxane biodegradation. While NSZD is receiving widespread acceptance in con-
At many sites where 1,4-dioxane attenuation is apparent, the cept, fully translating these concepts into regulatory policy
mechanisms remain unclear. For instance, at some sites where has been slow. Accumulating a big data set of LNAPL deple-
attenuation is apparent, 1,4-dioxane biodegradation potential tion rates and performing a correlation analysis with mea-
has not been demonstrated with microbial genetic evidence. It sured NSZD indicator parameters (CO2 flux and subsurface
may be that the particular monooxygenase enzymes capable of temperature increase) are crucial for the next step. Developing
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 557

Temperature from dozens of sites was compared to the results using first
principles on hydraulics and contaminant transport. Based on
this analysis, we recognized that injection tracer testing was
essential to actually measure the volume–radius relationship
between injected reagents and radius of influence and then
determining what degree of postinjection expansion could
reliably be obtained during the drift phase. We would also
ΔT monitor tracer concentrations at wells downgradient to verify
LNPL SMEAR zone flow direction and transport velocity, based on breakthrough
curve analysis. The flow within the permeable zones of the
aquifer led to observations that was consistent with transport

Background zone porosity of 5%–10% at most; many sites exhibited trans-

temperature port zone porosities that were less than 5% (Figure 11.5).12
These insights gained from tracer testing data from hundreds
Temperature where of sites were documented, and the term effective porosity was
LNAPL is present
dropped because of the tendency by many to assume that 20%
was realistic. Instead, we adopted the term mobile porosity,
owing to the fact that majority of the transport occurs in a small
segment of the aquifer. Through tracer testing, we have devel-
oped a new paradigm on in situ remediation via injection. The
basic premise is that injection-based remedies are controlled
by the permeability distribution within the hydrostratigraphy.
FIGURE 11.4 Conceptual model of subsurface temperature
At the scale of injection, the majority of the reagent migrates
increase within the LNAPL zone. The temperature profile data are in a very small percentage of the aquifer, which is typically
cost-effective to collect at high resolution and over time. Current 5%–10% (Figure 11.5). This decrease in transport zone poros-
initiatives are ongoing to develop reliable methods that convert the ity leads to several important insights for contaminant trans-
temperature signal into a rate of petroleum depletion via calcula- port and remediation design. Since the majority of flow occurs
tion of the biogenic heat generated during hydrocarbon degradation in only the mobile pore space, groundwater flows at much
and assessment of thermodynamic heat flux from zones in which higher velocity than expected. This phenomenon also implies
LNAPL and soil gas methane are observed. that the initial benefits of remedial actions may be observed
downgradient faster than expected and injected remediation
an established methodology, from the insights gained, to reagents will be distributed greater distances than expected.
quantify the NSZD rates for the regulatory community will The immobile porosity, acts as a storage zone and molecular
increase the strength of these arguments and inclusion as an diffusion, causes solutes to move into and out of these zones at
acceptable solution in lieu of active remediation. rates that have an impact on remediation timescales.  Realistic Values of Porosities  Large Plume Management

We recognized early on that conventional hydrogeologic Remediation of large plume sites, meaning sites for which the
approaches to designing in situ remediation systems, particu- scale of the plume is measured in miles and time frames are
larly those relying on reagent injections, were not reliable. We measured in decades, can in themselves generate “big data.”
came to this understanding through a review of many in situ At these scales, monitoring wells can number in the hun-
chemical oxidation (ISCO) and ERD projects and through dreds, annual analytical data can number in the thousands (for
performance monitoring and optimization of systems. For decades), and real-time operational data is constantly gener-
a long time, practitioners relied on design assumptions that ated. In most cases, these data sets are incorporated into quar-
incorporated the concept of effective porosity, often assumed terly and annual reports in an unstructured manner and lying
to be 20%, and transport based on the advection–dispersion dormant in bookshelves or file cabinets. Even though these
equation. The industry was also faced with reagent vendors data come from an individual site, it really is “big remediation
claiming that 5 gallons of reagent per foot of injection well data” with a potential of giving valuable insights toward cost-
would lead to widespread reagent distribution and enable effective remediation of these large plumes.
injection well spacings in excess of 50 ft. Many early in situ An important perspective developed at the Reese Air Force
remedy designs applied this high-concentration, low-volume Base (AFB) site through “big data” analysis helped us to drasti-
injection strategy with less than satisfactory results. Often, we cally cut back on pumping rates, look at the plume in segments
would see little indication of the injected reagent or resulting and combine remedies, and identify the mass flux to clean up
degradation reactions in downgradient performance monitor- the site within the stipulated 10 years. Figure 11.6a and b pres-
ing wells in addition to other adverse impacts. ent the contrast in the understanding of plume configuration,
To understand the disparity between early assumptions and dimensions, and flow direction after this analysis was com-
observed field results, a global data review of performance data pleted. This example clearly indicates that big data sets may be
558 Remediation Engineering



Frequency (%)


Greater than 0.30

Less than 0.03









Measured mobile porosity θm

FIGURE 11.5  Frequency distribution of measured mobile porosity (θm) values from tracer tests completed at dozens of different sites
across the United States.

embedded within large, complex, and long duration remedia- of hexavalent chromium in groundwater. The example in
tion sites and a detailed analysis may provide valuable insights. Figure 11.7 represents a small fraction of the data that is col-
Effective management of large plume remediation proj- lected at this site, which is on the scale of approximately 1
ects requires real-time data analysis to identify what to focus mile by 2 mile area and includes operation of more than 180
on for remediation and to implement informed decisive and remediation wells and data collection from more than 700
adaptive operations. Figure 11.7 is an example of the ongo- monitoring wells. The data sets generated are evaluated on
ing data generation from one such large plume site, where a monthly to quarterly frequency to adapt the remedy, guid-
groundwater monitoring and operational data generated from ing which injections and extraction wells to turn on and off,
12 different remedial systems, including large-scale in  situ changes to r­emedial well flow rates, and changes to organic
reactive treatment, recirculation systems, groundwater extrac- carbon injection rates. Advanced data management and ana-
tion, and agricultural treatment systems for the remediation lytical techniques could greatly improve the ability to quickly

TCE contour (1 µg/L)
TCE contour (10 µg/L)
TCE contour (100 µg/L)

2000 ft

FIGURE 11.6  (a) Assumed configuration and dimensions of the groundwater plume at Reese Air Force Base site in 2005. (Continued)
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 559


FIGURE 11.6 (Continued )  (b) Known configuration and dimensions of the same plume in 2006 after the big data analysis. The blue line
shows the focused mass flux within the highly permeable zones.

Operational data Analytical data

Monitoring wells 600 ft

Water level Flowrate Remedial wells Hexavalent chromium Nitrate

FIGURE 11.7  A small subset of operational and analytical data collected and evaluated to make informed operational decisions at a large
plume site in southern California.

assimilate and analyze large accumulating “big data” at large technology would allow clients to walk the actual site with
plume sites, providing insights to more efficiently manage a tablet in hand and visualize the subsurface conditions and
remediation and reduce overall remedial time frames. plume configuration based on their current location. Virtual
reality technology would allow all stakeholders to take a site
walk from anywhere in the world.
11.1.4 The Future
We now have the opportunity to replace the old model of
A robust debate is ensuing over whether big data will or should data collection systems with a network and array of sensors
result in a decision-making paradigm shift that emphasizes and continuous feedback loops. For example, now we realize
correlation identification over causation analysis. It can be that finding the flux through smart characterization enables
argued that correlation is an adequate basis for action in many one to tailor the remedies along the plume trajectory and opti-
situations because correlations can be found much faster and mize the technologies based on plume maturity. By focusing
cheaper than causation. Many also think that for most every- on collecting the right data during the remedy implementation,
day needs, knowing what and not why is good enough. we can optimize the performance of the system to account
The pairing of high-resolution, fast-paced collection of big for the emerging behaviors that we see develop that were not
data during smart investigations with augmented reality and obvious based on the CSM before remediation commenced.
virtual reality technologies will enable all remediation stake- By operating the system dynamically, one can systematically
holders to have a better vision of the conceptual site model learn about the remedy performance by responding to a posi-
(CSM) and the progress of remediation. Augmented reality tive or negative feedback loop and continuously calibrate the
560 Remediation Engineering

CSM. As we improve our approach to individual sites, there The term “large plume” obviously highlights scale as being
is an opportunity to learn from hundreds of sites by analyzing the critically defining attribute; however, it is worth identify-
the big data and developing impactful insights on optimizing ing other attributes that are equally important for defining a
the configuration and operation of remediation systems. This large plume.
could lead to the development of expert systems that could
break down the barriers of specialized knowledge and pro- • Physical scale: Large dissolved plume footprints can
vide decision support to practitioners at multiple levels. be several thousand feet long (half a mile or longer)
The concept of data fusion provides the foundation for and hundreds of feet wide (Figure 11.8). In some
making the most of big data and it is more than statistical instances, the impacted aquifer thickness may be
evaluations and they sometimes elucidate relationships that hundreds of feet or more.
were not apparent. Data fusion requires an understanding • Advective scale (time): The natural advection of
of the underlying information contained in the data, so that ­contaminants from the source area to the leading
one can combine different data sets to identify key relation- edge of the plume is several decades or longer.
ships that lead to game changing insights of the process or • Cost scale: The projected cost to clean up is tens of
concept of interest. The aim may be to go beyond the cor- millions of dollars or more.
relation between data sets and identify the cause and effect • Multiple technologies: Multiple remediation tech-
relationship. Sometimes breakthroughs are obtained by start- nologies may be required, in both space and time.
ing at first principles and challenging conventional wisdom. • Complexity: There may be multiple contaminant
Sometimes, aggregating big data enables one to see beyond sources with different locations, constituents, and
the limitations that small data sets provide. Environmental release times also involving multiple stakeholders.
remediation successes are inherently site specific, but under- Large plumes cover a wide range of contaminated aquifer
standing the key drivers that affect implementation of vari- s­ cenarios, but they all share four common characteristics:
ous technologies or behavior of contaminants or developing a
strategy that will enable optimization of multiple technologies 1. Large plumes occur in productive aquifers with
requires a big data perspective. high rates of groundwater flow and the potential
to transport dissolved contaminants over large
2. Large plumes comprise compounds that are not
degraded chemically or biologically under natural
Large contaminated groundwater plumes were viewed within aquifer conditions.
the remediation industry very similar to how health-care prac- 3. Large plumes occur when contaminant compounds
titioners looked upon a chronic disease within the health-care do not interact chemically with the aquifer matrix—
industry. The emphasis was always on treating and managing either the aquifer matrix has limited sorptive capac-
the symptoms since the assumption was finding a cure that was ity or the contaminant cannot be sorbed due to its
difficult and very expensive. However, in the recent past, fun- molecular structure.
damental paradigm shifts have taken place in the understand- 4. For most contaminants, there must be a large source
ing of contaminant fate and transport, and many remediation mass to generate a large volume of groundwater that
practitioners have started to believe that large plumes can be exceeds regulatory criteria.
cleaned up within a reasonable time frame and costs.13 The
contrast between the old thinking and the new thinking with Many of the large plumes under treatment today were dis-
respect to the cleanup of large plumes is shown below. covered more than 25 years ago. And more large plumes are
being added to the national inventory every year as new risk-
bearing compounds are recognized. During the past 15 years,
Old Thinking
there has been steady progress moving smaller plume sites to
Large plumes cleanup is impracticable and thus the only solution is to closure, through improved technology and increasingly risk-
contain and manage them. based regulatory standards. Over that same time, there has
Focus is always on containment.
been little progress for large plumes and the total inventory
Back diffusion is difficult to overcome and results in cleanup time frames
appears to be increasing due to the recognition of emerging
of 30 to more than 100 years.
Modeling is used for decision-making.
New Thinking
Large plumes can be cleaned up within reasonable time frames and 11.2.1 Introduction
Focus on the mass flux and remove the mass that moves. The remediation industry, now three decades old, continues to
Back diffusion can be overcome. The term “back diffusion” may be an evolve. This is driven by many factors: technological develop-
over simplification of very, very slow advection. ments, a need to address emerging contaminants, regulatory
Data drive decisions. changes, economic factors, and sustainability considerations.
These have created both challenges and opportunities at
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 561

Legend LTM year 4 (2012–2013)

Monitoring well RDX groundwater plume
Extraction well 2–9 μg/L 100–499 μg/L
Operational unit boundary 10–49 μg/L 500–999 μg/L
MAAP boundary 50–99 μg/L 1000–3999 μg/L
Line or area
Drainage ditch
LTM year 3 (2011–2012)
RDX concentrations
Inferred RDX isopleth 0 0.25 0.5 1
Aerial source: ESRI world imagery service
accessed via ArcGIS 10 on 3/13/2012 Graphic scale

FIGURE 11.8  Good example of a large plume. RDX plume at the Milan Army Ammunition Plant, Tennessee.

different stages of the industry’s evolution. Although many large-scale systems, whereas they are not widespread practice
things have changed with time, one of the most difficult prac- at the smaller scale.
tical challenges remains—namely, how to deal with large Beyond the system scale-up challenges, these plumes
contaminated groundwater plumes. Presumptive thinking in are large enough for a single large plume to be impacted by
the past emphasized containment and management of these paleochannels, changes in depositional environments, discon-
large plumes rather than focusing on mass removal and site tinuous confining units, faults, sinkholes, ephemeral streams,
closures. wetlands, springs, and surrounding supply wells. Thus, simple
There are some major differences in how we approach the conceptualizations of dissolved plume behavior often do not
design and implementation of large plume remediation sys- describe the behavior of large plumes. Thus, the increased
tems in comparison to the common practices of remediation complexity requires the development of CSMs at multiple
system design. The sheer magnitude and scale driven com- scales to adequately understand plume conditions, resulting
plexities associated with large plumes cause logistical and cost in unique design considerations for specific portions of the
challenges for designing a full-scale remediation system from plume that in many cases may require multiple technologies.
a small-scale field design test. For example, overdesigning a
full-scale system is often recommended to ensure a robust
11.2.2 Back Diffusion Can Be Overcome
remediation system, but the economic and logistical implica-
tions at large scale are greatly magnified and can render the The field of remediation hydrogeology has experienced
approach impracticable. Adaptive operation and optimiza- a renaissance over the last few years as practitioners and
tion based on real-time performance data are necessary for researchers have reexamined solute transport processes
562 Remediation Engineering

within the context of groundwater remediation, particularly Much of the perspectives presented here does not differ
restoration of large groundwater plumes. This reevaluation from current discussions within the industry. Flux-focused
of long-established theoretical concepts, supported by sig- remedies for large plumes centered on achieving orders of
nificant amounts of field data, tracer studies, and more pre- magnitude declines provide value and improve environmental
cise field investigation techniques, has increased the overall quality. Where achieving the MCLs is a necessity, we offer
understanding of contaminant fate and transport and plume that dual-directional diffusion represents a viable assimilation
evolution. A new framework has emerged with the recognition process and represents a paradigm shift in site remediation.
that plume development and transport are mostly influenced An improved understanding of the magnitude of diffusion
by advection and diffusion rather than advection and disper- relative to the assimilative capacity of the aquifer needs to
sion.12,13 The emergence of diffusion as a critical process was be further explored. We currently do not have the technology
a radical concept for most practitioners as the majority of rele- necessary or the monitoring tools that we need, but we can
vant textbooks and peer-reviewed publications always empha- speculate that this dual-directional diffusion process exists
sized dispersion as a significant contributor to the behavior of and contributes to plume attenuation based on an understand-
contaminant plumes while stressing the insignificance of dif- ing of the conceptual treatment mechanisms and evidence
fusion.14–16 Increased understanding of advection–diffusion from the field.
effects has also driven a shift in the design and implementa-
tion of remediation systems, particularly the ones employing 11.2.3 Importance of Combined Remedies
in  situ technologies. Design strategies for reagent delivery,
for Cleaning Up a Large Plume
well spacing, and estimation of reagent volumes have changed
in comparison to the past design approaches. The advection– In this section, we explore the site conditions and restoration
diffusion theory has also breathed new life into how we rely process that resulted in cleanup of the Reese AFB plume to
on pump-and-treat systems for groundwater restoration, par- successfully achieve MCLs in less than 8 years. At the scale
ticularly in large plume cleanup where diffusive mass flux is of the Reese plume’s footprint, an approach focusing on mass
increasingly important with scale. However, the importance flux hinged on adaptive operation and optimization using
of diffusion has also been used by most practitioners as evi- real-time performance data. This strategy required treatment
dence for the claims as to why we cannot remediate contami- system components that could be relocated or augmented to
nated groundwater plumes to low cleanup standards. Reliance adjust treatment configurations and drive the overall rate of
on the concept of back diffusion has now become the common cleanup—in contrast with the “fixed” operational configura-
basis for the claims as to why it is impossible to reach the low tion typically employed to control plumes of this magnitude.
maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). The experience and the knowledge gained at Reese are now
In spite of this pervasive pessimism, there is sufficient being transferred to solve similar challenges on many other
amount of evidence and observations counter to this belief, large, complex plumes across the United States where the
where diffusion has been shown to be a mechanism to rely upon conditions are right and are being built upon to further refine
for achieving successful restoration of groundwater plumes. We and push the boundaries of what is possible.
explore the importance of diffusion and introduce the concept An honest refinement of the CSM, unburdened by alle-
of dual-directional diffusion with an understanding of the large- giance to historic precedent, was integral to the success of
scale impacts of small-scale processes. The framework for this the Reese project. Thirty years ago, the concept of a CSM had
evaluation centers around trying to answer the following ques- much narrower definition and was grounded in the belief that
tions: How should we conceptualize diffusion at the site scale? complex systems could be adequately represented by simple
When does diffusion limit reaching remediation end points? equivalents. Today, CSMs are significantly more detailed as
Are there aquifer structures where diffusion helps? How can we a result of greater resolution from advanced characterization
assess the effects of diffusion? Is the concept of back diffusion techniques, improved knowledge of source mass behavior,
an over simplification of very, very slow advection? and the ability of modeling techniques to simulate the effect
The significance of diffusion processes is becoming of fine-scale processes on contaminant fate and transport.
increasingly clear in evaluating long-term monitoring data Therefore, while CSMs remain a “streamlined” understand-
for sites undergoing active remediation. Over the history of ing of site conditions, modern CSMs incorporate far more
the remediation industry, the reduction of contaminants to information than their forebears to ensure that they are truly
less than MCLs has been “the metric” for success, usually representative of the complex site conditions.
enabling sites to be declared “closed.” Today, even those Selection of a combined remedy approach was integral
aggressive metrics are being challenged in some jurisdictions to the success at this site by providing flexible framework to
with acceptable levels being lowered to be less than risk-based meet the contractual objective to clean up the entire plume in
goals and in a few instances to less than quantification limits less than 10 years. This was a critical element of the revised
before project complete can be declared. We would suggest strategy, given that the 700 acre footprint of the plume made
that recent insights into aquifer structure and its influence on it necessary to restore an average of 2–3 acres of aquifer per
contaminant transport will enable us to sometime meet these week. The individual components of the revised remedy were
aggressive goals and, more importantly, enable us to under- directly tied to the CSMs of the sequential plume segments and
stand when those end points are not possible. different approaches to address source mass and diffuse plume
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 563

Traditional Legend Traditional
180 A
P&T A: Invasion P&T projection
B: Washout
160 C: Back diffusion
D: Late term
Concentration (μg/L)


80 C



1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013

FIGURE 11.9  Data from a monitoring well within a large plume undergoing active remediation.

areas. Recognition of the complex structure of the plume and saved U.S. taxpayers at least $30M, and looking back on the
the need to complement the modified pump-and-treat system success, there are a few clear takeaways:
necessitated the implementation of different approaches within
• Honest challenging of the conceptual model allowed
each subarea of the plume. The two primary remedial technol-
an initial breakthrough with the configuration of
ogies used at the site were directed groundwater recirculation
the  existing remedy, cutting operational flow rates
(DGR) and engineered reductive dechlorination (ERD).
(and costs) needed to achieve containment while
The most important design innovation that drove the suc-
increasing the rate of contaminant mass recovery.
cess of the Reese AFB project was the reliance on DGR to
• The application of DGR was extremely successful,
overwhelm aquifer heterogeneities and overcome the impacts
likely due to removal of contaminant mass sequestered
of matrix controlled back diffusion through enhanced ground-
in fine-grained aquifer materials by dual-­directional
water flushing (Figure 11.9). Faster cleanup rates (2–3 acres/
diffusion, driven by the strategic recirculation of clean
week) were achieved by creating the conditions to accelerate
water. While the different components of the com-
contaminant mass flushing by strategically moving more pore
bined remedy were a success as well, it likely would
volumes of water.17 This was achieved by manipulating the
have been possible and more cost-effective to rely on
water levels to create vertical gradients across less permeable
DGR to clean up the entire plume.
zones and establish flow through zones where contaminant
• The adaptive operation and frequent modification
mass was stored. The combined result of the two concepts
of the remedy configuration (including the installa-
mentioned earlier is the enhancement of advective contami-
tion of new infrastructure) optimized concentration
nant transport that occurs through the mobile fraction of the
gradients on a regular basis to drive flushing of the
aquifer, while also increasing mass recovery from storage
contaminant mass from the aquifer.
zones through advection and diffusion. This awareness led to
the most important component of the Reese plume remedy, The methods used to clean up the aquifer under Reese AFB
which included a dynamic treatment approach reliant on rou- are being replicated in numerous places with tremendous
tine monitoring data to continually focus groundwater extrac- results. While this will not be true for every site with a large
tion from wells containing the most mass. In addition, well or complex contaminant plume in groundwater (the site condi-
design specifications included the placement of extraction tions must be conducive), we are clearly able to achieve what
and injection well screen intervals across multiple fine- and was unthinkable just a decade ago (Figure 11.10). This shows
coarse-grained stratigraphic layers to overwhelm the natural that the recent advancements being made in investigation and
heterogeneity of the aquifer and ensure contaminant removal. remediation techniques are supporting the real possibility of
large-scale restoration, in a world where clean groundwater is
11.2.4 Unique Success one of our most important natural resources.

The scale of the groundwater restoration achieved at Reese

AFB, to support unrestricted use of an aquifer formerly con-
taminated with trichloroethene (TCE) over a 3 mile long The list of emerging contaminants will remain a moving tar-
footprint, is unprecedented (Figure 11.10). The site cleanup get as new chemical compounds are continuously being pro-
also made good fiscal sense. It was estimated the cleanup has duced and science continuously improves its understanding of
564 Remediation Engineering

FIGURE 11.10  This figure presents the unique success achieved at the Reese Air Force Base site in Lubbock, TX, in cleaning up a 3 mile
long large plume contaminated with trichloroethene.

current and past contaminants. In reality, emerging contam- determine whether a contaminant is detected at a frequency
inants have now become a fashionable and trendy research and in concentrations to warrant further analysis and research
area. However, we also have to realize that emerging contami- on potential health effects and possible regulation. From the
nants and emerging issues about environmental contamina- CCL, a minimum of five candidates must be selected to be
tion have been around without our knowledge for millennia considered for regulation within a 5-year period. The first CCL
and we can hope that as the scientific knowledge advances, we (CCL1) was published in March, 1998, and contained 50 chem-
can manage these contaminants better and reasonable regula- ical and 10 microbial contaminants and included compounds
tions will be in place. like perchlorate, MTBE, and RDX. The second list (CCL2) was
The EPA has defined an emerging contaminant as a chemi- published in February, 2005, and the third (CCL3) in 2008.20
cal or material characterized by a perceived, potential, or real A few new analytical methods have been developed over
threat to human health or the environment or by a lack of pub- the last few years by the USEPA. Most of these are directed
lished health standards. A contaminant also may be emerging toward the measurement of CCL chemicals and drinking water
because of the discovery of a new source or a new pathway under the unregulated contaminants monitoring rule (UCMR).
to humans. Some states are also developing their own lists of USEPA and other researchers are convinced that chemicals that
emerging contaminants. are not normally sampled or treated are able to pass through
treatment systems, and unregulated disposal methods may
have documented impacts on surface water and groundwater
11.3.1 Background
systems in the future. While all the stakeholders are still not
Toxic Substances Control Act inventory contains about 84,000 in agreement of an exact list, there will be plenty of candidate
contaminants registered for commercial use. Only 2400 compounds to be on the list. Examples of emerging contami-
of those are high production volume chemicals (more than nants currently in the spotlight and under scrutiny are cyclic
1 ­million pounds/year) that require detailed toxicological ethers (e.g., 1,4-dioxane, tetrahydrofuran), 1,2,3-trichloropro-
testing.18 The Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments (1996) pane (1,2,3-TCP), pesticides, chromium (VI), endocrine dis-
required the United States Environmental Protection Agency rupting compounds (EDCs), perfluorinated compounds (PFCs),
(USEPA) to publish a contaminant candidate list (CCL) every polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE), perchlorate, fuel oxy-
5 years to identify potential substances for future regulation.19 genates (e.g., MTBE, TBA, ethanol), energetics, dechlorina-
Monitoring data are collected from drinking water utilities to tion/disinfection by-products, and nitrosamines (e.g., NDMA).
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 565

In February 2015, the USEPA published the draft CCL-4, that natural attenuation rates are too slow under typical aqui-
the new drinking water priority contaminant list for regula- fer conditions to provide much benefit when managing these
tory decision-making and information collection. The con- plumes. Fortunately, this perspective is changing, as we will
taminants listed either occur or are anticipated to occur in discuss later.
drinking water systems and will be considered for poten- PFCs, also referred to as fluorotelomer acids, alcohols,
tial regulation. The draft CCL-4 contains 100 chemicals or and sulfonates, have been manufactured for more than
chemical groups and 12 microbial contaminants.21 Many of 50 years and have been used to make stain repellents (such
the chemicals and all of the pathogens on this list are the same as Teflon) that are widely applied to fabrics and carpets.
as what was previously on the CCL-3. Notable changes to the They are also used in the manufacture of paints, adhesives,
list were the removal of perchlorate and strontium that are waxes, polishes, electronics as well as grease-proof coatings
scheduled for regulation. for food packaging. PFCs are unusual chemically, in which
The compound 1,4-dioxane gained its notoriety due to its they are hydrophobic and lipophobic and contain one of the
industrial use as a stabilizer in 1,1,1-trichloroethane. It is now strongest chemical bonds (C–F) known. Because of these
understood that 1,4-dioxane is considerably more widespread properties, they are highly stable in the environment. Two of
due to its use in personal care products and detergents, vari- these PFCs, perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluo-
ous chemicals, electronics, fibers, and pharmaceuticals. Data rooctanoic acid (PFOA), are currently receiving a great deal
from the EPA’s unregulated contaminant monitoring rule of attention as emerging contaminants in the United States.
(UCMR3) published in June 2015 indicate that 1,4-dioxane While PFOS and PFOA were the first fluorinated surfactants
has been detected in 6.7% of public water supplies at con- to receive considerable attention, research is expanding
centrations above the drinking water health advisory level of beyond these two contaminants to other perfluorinated acids
0.35 µg/L.21 Figure 11.11 illustrates the geographic distribu- and alcohols. PFCs are released to the environment either
tion of 1,4-dioxane in public water supplies above the health through usage of the PFCs containing products or by deg-
advisory level. 1,4-Dioxane is a cyclic ether that is not only radation of their precursors. Most research being conducted
miscible in water but forms a positive azeotrope. 1,4-Dioxane on PFCs is focused on determining their sources, fate, trans-
has a very low octanol water partitioning coefficient (log Kow port, and treatment.
of −0.27) and Henry’s constant (5 × 10 −6), making it prone to Pharmaceuticals, hormones, and EDCs have become impor-
migrate in groundwater and unaffected by conventional treat- tant emerging contaminants in recent years. Pharmaceuticals
ment technologies like air stripping and adsorption to granu- have been present in our world’s waters since humans began
lar activated carbon (GAC). Further, the historical perspective experimenting with medicines. However, product prolif-
has been that 1,4-dioxane is not prone to biodegradation and eration and ready access to pharmaceuticals coupled with

1,4-Dioxane MRL exceedances
Al locations

FIGURE 11.11  1,4-Dioxane public water supply sampling results from the United States Environmental Protection Agency unregulated
contaminant monitoring rule 3. Based on results reported through June 2015, nearly 7% of public water supplies tested showed exceedances
of the health advisory levels for 1,4-dioxane. (From Richardson, S.D. and Kimura, S.Y., Anal. Chem., 87, 546, 2015.)
566 Remediation Engineering

burgeoning human population have significantly increased establishing a federal MCL. The result is a patchwork of stan-
the loading of these compounds into the environment due to dards that are both difficult to understand and a challenge for
incomplete removal in wastewater treatment or point-source compliance.
contaminations. Pharmaceuticals are introduced not only by In this section, we will focus only on 1,4-dioxane and
humans but also through veterinary uses for livestock, poul- PFAS (perfluoroalkyl substances) because they represent
try, and fish farming. currently relevant CECs at two different points in the CEC
Because drinking water standards for pharmaceuticals life cycle and maturation process. 1,4-Dioxane has been an
have not been established at this time and little has been issue for nearly a decade in several states but only recently
published on safe long-term exposure levels, it is challeng- has it become a more universal driver for private sector and
ing to determine health-based treatment goals for drinking public sector stakeholders. Treatment technologies are evolv-
water treatment. In the absence of such information, each ing and we as an industry are developing more cost-effective
community must determine whether it will wait for more and reliable restoration options. In contrast, PFAS is truly
information or take proactive measures to treat and remove emerging in the United States as EPA is working to estab-
the pharmaceutical contaminants despite the costs and uncer- lish a consensus on toxicology and states begin to prepare to
tain benefits. Based on screening levels for most compounds adopt cleanup standards. The better known PFAS compound
exposure to drinking water would not be expected to cause PFOS has been identified internationally as persistent organic
adverse health effects. However, research examining new and pollutants (PoPs) and its production severely restricted, with
future pharmaceutically active ingredients and exposure to PFOA (known as “C8”) also currently under consideration to
mixtures of compounds, particularly for sensitive population be classed as a PoP by this international treaty. Analytical
groups, should continue. Significant impetus for research and methods, toxicology, and treatment technologies are evolv-
regulatory activities involving EDCs over the past few years ing in parallel for both, but there is still much uncertainty for
emanated from public perceptions of risk, often fueled by stakeholders as they prepare to manage their liabilities.
highly charged or visible manifestations of possible effects in The lessons learned from restoration and treatment of now
humans, aquatic life, and wildlife. “mainstream” contaminants indicate that there will be ways
1,2,3-TCP is a synthetic chemical that is also known as to cost-effectively remediate CECs in groundwater, even if
allyl trichloride and trichlorohydrin. It is a colorless, heavy they are difficult-to-treat contaminants. To start, we will look
liquid with a sweet but strong odor and is produced via the at the historic evolution of attitudes and practices related to
chlorination of propylene. Historically, 1,2,3-TCP has been chlorinated solvents, as a benchmark for today’s CECs. Then
used as a paint or varnish remover, degreasing agent, and in we will consider some of the notable strides being made with
the production of pesticides. 1,2,3-TCP mainly got into the 1,4-dioxane and PFAS—that offer both parallels to the his-
subsurface environment through the use of soil fumigants. tory of chlorinated solvents and the ability to build on the past
There have been other instances of industrial use of 1,2,3-TCP and short-circuit what might otherwise be a more lengthy path
as a chemical intermediate. to meaningful advances.
TCP is not likely to sorb to soil based on its low soil
organic carbon–water coefficient; therefore, it is likely to  Lessons Learned from the Past
leach from soil into groundwater. However, its solubility in The evolution of chlorinated solvent remediation was influ-
water is low. TCP evaporates from surface soil and water and enced not only by changing regulatory and economic factors
gets photooxidized when in the atmosphere. As of 2015, TCP but also by the type and chemical characteristics of the target
was not regulated as a contaminant by the federal govern- contaminants. The need to contain contaminated groundwa-
ment; only the State of California has regulated this emerging ter led to universal application of pump-and-treat systems for
contaminant.22 source control and mass removal during the early stages of
this evolution. The need for alternative cost-effective solu-
11.3.2 Emerging Contaminants tions with faster cleanup times fostered continuous innova-
tion and led to development of soil vapor extraction, in  situ
Currently in the Spotlight
air sparging, and chemical oxidation during the 1990s. Early
The definition and terminology associated with “emerging industry perception was that chlorinated solvents were recal-
contaminants” have evolved rapidly in the past few years. citrant and not susceptible to natural attenuation but evidence
The current term of art “contaminant of emerging concern” of anaerobic degradation surfaced during the early and mid-
(CEC) is being applied to compounds where the risk to human 1980s. Still, it was another decade before formal guidance
health and the environment is not entirely understood and is documents were published, and almost two decades before
thus “emerging.” The realization that CECs represent an ever- enhanced biodegradation became widely accepted as a lead-
growing list of compounds, some with widespread presence ing treatment technology.
and limited options for treatment, has driven a significant Decades of assessing the fate and transport of chlori-
amount of industry focus and investment to find cost-effective nated solvents and other highly soluble compounds have
solutions. This has been fueled in part by individual states also enlightened our understanding of how stratigraphy, per-
developing drinking water or health-based standards that vary meability, and advection/diffusion relationships influence
widely, are very low, and change over time, as opposed to EPA plume evolution. The result has been a broad awareness that
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 567

plumes are commonly spatially thin and flux-focused, which trend has been to adopt increasingly lower standards in states
has sharpened our investigation and remediation approaches. that have been slow to move, while others have revisited the
For the current suite of CECs, the thought process is still numbers and are adopting lower standards.
developing around the environmental behavior, transforma- Another challenge is the lack of real-time characteriza-
tion mechanisms, and how best to apply remedial strategies tion tools for emerging contaminants. For common contami-
to achieve focused, efficient cleanup. However, our previous nants, like chlorinated VOCs, there are a range of real-time
experience with chlorinated solvents allows some optimism methods for cost-effective real-time characterization (mobile
as the scientific body of evidence grows and allows us to iden- lab analysis, membrane interface probe), which occupy a
tify, develop, and deploy remediation solutions for emerging critical portion of the characterization toolbox for these com-
contaminants such as 1,4-dioxane and PFAS. pounds. Real-time analytical methods have been developed
for 1,4-dioxane using solid phase microextraction and direct 1,4-Dioxane sampling ion trap mass spectroscopy or gas chromatography/
The recent pattern of regulation for CECs makes it difficult mass spectroscopy.
for stakeholders to develop consistent risk management strat-
egies that provide certainty in outcomes. The trend has been PFAS
for EPA to develop health-based advisories and for individual PFAS is a more recent addition to the CEC roster and rep-
states to develop a widely variable patchwork of cleanup stan- resents a very broad class of more than 6000 organofluorine
dards. Considering 1,4-dioxane as an example, EPA initially compounds that have been extensively used in personal, com-
developed its health-based drinking water advisory level of mercial, and industrial applications ranging from nonstick
0.35 µg/L in 2006 and reviewed the results in 2012. Since that and flame/heat resistant fabrics and coatings, water repellant
time, slightly more than half of the states have adopted drink- and stain resistant fabrics and coatings, surfactants, lubricant
ing water criteria, which are often the driver for remediation. additives, and firefighting foams. The most familiar fluo-
Standards currently range from 200 µg/L in Iowa (based on ropolymers include polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE), which is
statewide standards for a protected groundwater source23 to used in nonstick coatings and waterproof fabrics. Common
0.25 µg/L in New Hampshire (as a reporting limit require- PFAS include stain-resistant coatings and aqueous film
ment for all public water supplies (see Figure 11.12), but the forming foams (AFFFs) used in firefighting at airports and

NA 1.5*
0.438* NA MN
SD 3.2
40* NH
NA IA 85*
NE 0.25
200* PA MA
NV UT CO 6.7* 6.7 NJ NA
7.7* WV
0.35 DE 3
8.49* 61* KY 6.1* VA
CA 0.46* NA 6.1
NA 6.1*
0.46 SC
6.1* 6.72 AL
TX 6.09*
9.1* 6.1*


1,4-Dioxane state 6.72 States color coded using the EPA cancer risk
drinking water level for 1,4-dioxane (0.35 µg/L) as follows
standard µG/L
Not available
AK Less than or equal to 0.35 µg/L
77* Less than or equal to 3.5 µg/L
Less than or equal to 35 µg/L
Greater than 36 µg/L
0 1000 2000 0 200 400 *Drinking water standard not available state 0 150 300
groundwater cleanup standard provided for
Miles Miles reference Miles
µg/L = Microgram per liter
NA = Not available

FIGURE 11.12  1,4-Dioxane groundwater cleanup standards as of November 2015. Only 33 states have established groundwater cleanup
standards for 1,4-dioxane at the present time.
568 Remediation Engineering

industrial facilities. AFFFs comprise proprietary mixtures of short-chain PFAAs, which will also be persistent and are
multiple types of fluorinated chemicals including but not lim- g­ enerally very mobile in aquifer systems.
ited to perfluoroalkyl carboxylates, perfluoroalkyl sulfonates, In their anionic forms, PFOS and PFOA are water soluble
perfluoro betaines, perfluoro sulfonamides, perfluoro sulfon- and have moderate organic carbon partitioning with log Koc
amidoethanol, perfluoro thioamido amino carboxylates, per- of 2.57 and 2.06, respectively. Recent studies have found that
fluoro sulfonamido amines, and fluorotelemer sulfonates. transport potential of PFAS compounds is also based on the
The PFAS group of compounds comprises PFCs and poly- charge on the functional group(s) of the PFAS where anionic
fluorinated compounds. With PFCs, all the carbons atoms in species are the most mobile, followed by zwitterionic spe-
the alkyl chain are saturated with fluorine atoms, whereas cies, and cationic species have the lowest mobility and may
polyfluorinated compounds have carbon-to-hydrogen bonds create immobile source zones.26 Conventional treatment of
in the alkyl chain, that is, the alky chain is not fully satu- groundwater using GAC may be more viable for long-chain
rated with fluorine atoms. PFOS and PFOA are the best PFAS than short but costs of treatment are high compared to
known PFCs, which are octanoates (contain 8 carbon atoms); conventional contaminants.27 GAC has a very limited sorp-
however, multiple analogous compounds exist with varying tive capacity for PFAS in general and this decreases as the
carbon chains lengths from C2 to C16 that comprise other carbon chain lengths diminish; therefore, there is a question
perfluorinated sulfonic acids (PFSAs) and perfluorinated car- of whether GAC can treat short-chain PFAS cost-effectively.
boxylic acids (PFCAs), collectively referred to as perfluoro- Because the GAC used to sorb PFAS has to be regenerated at
alkyl acids (PFAAs). PFAAs have been found to be resistant specialized facilities at elevated temperatures over 1200°C,
to biodegradation and are dead-end daughter products to the treatment costs are also higher for PFAS.
thousands of other PFAS, which biotransform in the environ- The EPA recently issued provisional health advisory
ment to yield PFAAs that may remain unaltered in soil and ­levels for PFOS (70 ppt) and PFOA (70 ppt) in 201228; how-
groundwater indefinitely. Biodegradation of PFOS and PFOA ever, final consensus regarding toxicology and cleanup levels
has been evaluated under conventional wastewater treatment have not yet been attained in the United States. The occur-
conditions24 and natural aquifer conditions25; however, evi- rence of PFOS and PFOA in public drinking water supplies
dence to support the occurrence of biological degradation of has heightened public awareness, and the indications are that
these compounds is lacking, with a similar recalcitrance evi- EPA will finalize its review in the next year. As described
dent for other PFAAs. earlier, PFOS and PFOA comprise only two of the thousands
There is a natural “biological funneling” in which a whole of PFAS compounds that are of potential concern. From an
host of PFAS compounds (fluortelomers, betaines, sulfon- international perspective, the trend in Europe has also been
amides, etc.), with various differing perfluorinated alkyl chain to regulate a broader range of PFAS compounds, such as
lengths and functional groups, biotransform to form persis- C4–C10 PFAAs. The European Union has set an environ-
tent dead-end daughter products—the PFAAs. The funda- mental quality standard of 0.65 ng/L for PFOS in surface
mental current concern here is how to identify, quantitatively waters. Additional information regarding PFAS regulation
measure, and assess the toxicology of this myriad of PFAS in the European Union and current perspective of fate and
compounds and the range of recalcitrant PFAAs which they effects is currently being evaluated.
form.24,25 An example of these biotransformation processes is Current commercially available analytical methodologies
often seen in biological wastewater treatment plants, where are not capable of quantifying the full suite of PFAS com-
significantly more PFOS and PFOA are often measured at the pounds that will exist in soil and groundwater. Because many
outflow than inflow. The apparent increase is explained by the PFAS compounds in the soil and groundwater will be progress-
fact that many PFAS compounds enter the sewage treatment ing through a biotransformation funnel that leads to PFAAs
plant uncharacterized and are biotransformed to PFAAs of as dead-end daughter products, this provides a very signifi-
various chain lengths with PFOS and PFOA often being the cant analytical chemistry challenge. Some recent solutions to
only analytes assessed. address this analytical challenge are discussed in the following.
PFAS may also be subdivided into two broad classes, long Characterization of PFAS challenges practitioners on sev-
and short chains, with long-chain PFCAs comprising those eral fronts. Laboratory analytical methods are in some cases
that have seven or more perfluorinated alkyl carbon atoms being developed at the same time that our working under-
(e.g., PFOA and PFNA) and PFSAs with six or more perfluo- standing of the chemicals themselves is growing. The fact
rinated alkyl carbon atoms (e.g., PFHxS and PFOS). Short- that PFAS compounds stratify in water as they migrate to
chain PFAAs are not considered by the European Union as the air–water interface means that sampling of groundwater
a persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic substance as a result needs to be taken from the surface of the water table and labo-
of diminished bioaccumulation potential; however, there are ratory analytical methods must involve very vigorous shaking
currently limited data regarding their toxicology and they are of all water samples before a subsample is removed. Specific
thought to be as persistent as long-chain PFAAs, given their sampling protocols must be adopted, which also avoid the use
structural similarities. The term PFAS “precursor” is applied of glass or metals, as PFAS bind to these materials. Samples
to those long-chain PFAS compounds that biotransform to should be collected using polyethylene or polypropylene con-
yield long-chain PFAAs. However, there will also be many tainers and equipment, avoiding contact with materials that
short-chain PFAS compounds that biotransform to evolve may contain PFAS such as PTFE.
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 569

The commercially available analytical method for Because real-time analytical methods are in the nascent
PFAS is by EPA Method 537 (which employs liquid chro- stages of development for PFAS, the only available option for
matography with tandem mass spectrometry [LCMSMS]) mapping concentrations is off-site lab analysis, tied with con-
to analyze a suite of only 14 PFAAs (including PFOA and ventional sampling. This creates the risk of relying on sparse
PFOS), following the published methodology with report- data sets with limited horizontal and vertical resolution. Such
ing limits ranging from 0.005 to 0.020 µg/L. These report- data sets cannot convey the important geologic and hydro-
ing limits are being evaluated to achieve EPA’s very recent geologic context necessary to accurately interpret source and
health advisory levels of 70 parts per trillion for PFOS and plume behavior, limiting the ability to develop reliable CSMs
70 parts per trillion for PFOA or a combined concentration and remedial strategies.
of 70 parts per trillion. However, this method does not cur-
rently report the results for the full range of the more simple Developing Advancements in
PFAAs, many fluorotelomers, or many thousands of other Management of 1,4-Dioxane and PFAS
PFAS compounds that biotransform in the environment to While we acknowledge the challenges associated with
produce PFAAs as dead-end daughter products. In order to emerging contaminants, we believe that practitioners and
fully understand the potential extent of PFAS contamina- stakeholders can capitalize on the lessons learned from
tion in the environment, additional laboratory techniques decades of continuous improvement regarding character-
are being developed including expanding the range of ana- ization and remediation of chlorinated solvents and other
lytes for EPA Method 537 (and similar LCMSMS methods) recalcitrant contaminants. We understand the benefits that
to include up to 39 PFAS compounds.29 a flux-based perspective can bring to focus remedies and
Development of other more advanced techniques and how combined remedy strategies can be used to optimize
alternative approaches are now being used commercially for performance and improve certainty in outcomes. Successful
the first time. For example, there are two methods in devel- remediation of CECs such as 1,4-dioxane and PFAS requires
opment used to quantify total organic fluorine (similar to a that we apply a toolkit of different approaches that are tai-
total TPH analysis for PHCs) including particle-induced lored to meet the conditions not only at each different site
gamma-ray emission (PIGE) and adsorbable organofluo- but conceivably in different areas of the same plume. The
rine (AOF) analysis using combustion ion chromatography. areas where these opportunities are developing most rapidly
There are two methods in development to analyze a much include
more comprehensive range of PFAS compounds. The first
is the total oxidizable precursor (TOP) assay, which rapidly • Smart characterization to map contaminant mass
converts PFAS compounds into PFAAs using a conventional flux and focus remedies
hydroxyl radical–based chemical oxidation method (replicat- • Source treatment to accelerate mass reduction and
ing what microorganisms in the environment would achieve reduce contaminant flux
after many years) to provide a range of PFAAs that are detect- • Dilute plume treatment to optimize management of
able by LCMSMS.29 The second is liquid chromatography long-term groundwater cleanup
quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-
MSMS), which is a semiquantitative method revealing the Table 11.3 provides a summary of the analytical and treat-
empirical formula of multiple PFAS compounds by assess- ment methods that are currently available for 1,4-dioxane and
ing the accurate mass of the PFAS’s molecular ions, to four PFAS. The following discussions explore the opportunities in
decimal places of a Dalton. The TOP assay approach shows site characterization and several specific treatment techniques
promise because it quantifies the sum of PFAS that could that show promise for more cost-effective management of
be converted to PFAAs in the environment by simulating these (and other) CEC plumes in groundwater.
PFAS biotransformation. This allows assessment of the hid-
den PFAS mass using the existing LCMSMS methods, with  Smart Characterization
a slightly expanded range of PFSAs and PFCAs quantified. Restoration strategies for 1,4-dioxane and PFAS are often
There is value in doing this analysis before and after the PFAS developed based on the idea that the plumes are diffuse,
are partially digested by oxidized reaction to assess both the because source area concentrations are typically measured
free PFAAs and the PFAAs that were hidden in the form of in the low milligrams per liter (mg/L) (e.g., 1–10 mg/L) and
thousands of PFAS compounds currently not detectable. The distal portions of the plume show dilute concentrations in the
TOP methodology has revealed that for AFFF impacted sites, single digit to tens of µg/L. The challenge is one of scale and
the existing analytical LCMSMS methods are only detect- perspective. Because the cleanup standards for 1,4-dioxane,
ing some 30% of the total PFAAs mass hidden in PFAS, with PFOS, and PFOA can be less than 1 µg/L, source concentra-
some analytes such as perfluorohexanoic acid being evolved tions of 1,4-dioxane and PFOS/PFOA are often four to five
from PFAS to give an increase in concentration of more than orders of magnitude higher than the cleanup goal. The result
200-fold. While the TOP assay is now commercially available is that successful cleanup for 1,4-dioxane and PFOS or PFOA
in the United Kingdom, it is not available in the United States. might require more than 99.99% treatment efficiency, which
The PIGE method is currently being commercially developed is a similar frame of reference for CVOC dense nonaqueous
and is available in the United States. phase liquids (DNAPLs).
570 Remediation Engineering

TABLE 11.3
Summary of the Current Understanding of Remediation Options for 1,4-Dioxane and PFAS
1,4-Dioxane PFAS
(Commonly used laboratory analyses include USEPA (Commercially available laboratory analysis using USEPA 537;
522, USEPA 8260B [SIM with isotopic dilution] and other laboratory methods in development including TOP Assay,
USEPA 8270D [SIM with isotopic dilution]) LC-QTOF-MS, PIGE Spectroscopy, and AOF)
Noteworthy information provided if
appropriate and references provided Noteworthy information provided if appropriate
Remedy Status for emerging technologies Status and references provided for emerging technologies

Source Treatment
ISCO Commercial Activated/unactivated persulfate, Emerging Lab scale (ScisoR® for PFOS/PFOA).30
ozone, Fenton’s reagent
Enhanced in situ Emerging Pilot and full scale systems N/A —
In situ thermal Commercial Pilot testing N/A —
Stabilization N/A — Commercial Carbon and other commercially available additives
such as RemBind™ and MatCARE™.
Soil removal Commercial Not typical Commercial —
Groundwater Treatment
Advanced Commercial Ozone/hydrogen peroxide, UV light/ N/A —
oxidation hydrogen peroxide
Emerging Granulated activated carbon and Emerging —
hydrogen peroxide used to generate
super oxide radicals34
Sorptive media N/A Full scale systems Commercial PFAS sorption to carbon is very low, ineffective for
(GAC) short-chain PFAS; carbon consumption is high.
Sorptive media Commercial Synthetic media Commercial Commercially available additives such as RemBind™,
(other) MatCARE™, and PerfluorAd (emerging).
N/A — Commercial Ion exchange media.31
Cometabolic Emerging Pilot scale N/A —
Microbially Emerging Lab scale N/A —
driven Fenton
Ultrafiltration N/A — Commercial Reverse osmosis and nanofiltration.
Sonochemical N/A — Emerging [32,33]
Bioreactor Emerging Pilot testing N/A Unknown
Aerobic Emerging Lab scale N/A Unknown
Anaerobic Emerging Lab scale N/A Unknown
Cometabolic Emerging Lab and pilot scale N/A —
Fungi Emerging Lab scale N/A —
Other biological Emerging Field scale N/A —

Technologies are categorized as follows: commercial, when several examples of field-scale deployment are available or based on authors direct experience;
emerging, when literature reports results in lab or pilot scale; N/A, when limited data were available to document application.
Notes: GAC, granular activated carbon; SIM, selective ion monitoring; TOP, total oxidizable precursors; QTOF MS, quadrupole time-of-flight mass
spectroscopy; PIGE, particle-induced gamma-emission; AOF, adsorbable organofluorine; Other biological, evidence for degradation via iron-
reducing bacteria.

In the column on Smart Characterization,13(b) we noted that location in mature plumes. The high solubility and limited
mass flux is typically concentrated in the permeable trans- organic carbon partitioning of 1,4-dioxane and PFAS make it
port zones but that diffusion into fine-grained storage zones more likely that storage zones along the transport trajectory
along the advective transport pathway can lead to instances will serve as “sources” for back diffusion after the advective
where the “source” center of mass is often offset from the spill plume has long since passed. The key is using high-resolution
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 571

hydrostratigraphy and sampling techniques to target the flux majority of the mass discharge is concentrated within a frac-
and distinguish contaminant mass transport zones from mass tion of the plume footprint. The geometry of the plume and
storage zones. Real-time analytical methods are available mass distribution suggests that focused treatment along the
today for 1,4-dioxane, and efforts are underway to develop core could significantly reduce the mass flux. While addi-
quantitative screening approaches to evaluate total PFAS. In tional source characterization is necessary to evaluate the
the interim, it is important that we resist temptation to revert residual mass at the fire training area and potential benefits of
to the use of monitoring wells to characterize these sites. source treatment, the results indicate that a flux-based remedy
Figure 11.13 shows the results of smart characteriza- strategy could enable focused treatment of the PFOS plume.
tion applied to a former fire training area. We used a mass
flux transect approach that combined the hydraulic profiling  In Situ Chemical Oxidation
tool and vertical aquifer profile groundwater sampling with Treatment of high concentrations of 1,4-dioxane in ground-
fixed laboratory analysis by EPA Method 537. The resulting water is typically accomplished using varieties of advanced
3-D interpretation of the PFOS plume clearly shows that the oxidation processes, combined with conditioning tailored to

PFOS plume
0.4–1 µg/L

A´ 1–10 µg/L
10–100 µg/L
>100 µg/L

A 0 200΄ 400΄

Scale (ft)

A A΄



PFOS plume
0.4–1 µg/L
1–10 µg/L

–50 10–100 µg/L

>100 µg/L

0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000

(b) Feet

FIGURE 11.13  Smart characterization results for perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) at a former fire training area. Based on application of
mass flux transects using HPT and VAP groundwater sampling, the core of the plume is concentrated in the vertical and horizontal dimen-
sions. As a result, the majority of perfluorooctane sulfonate mass discharge is concentrated in less than 20% of the aquifer volume: (a) plan
view of the plume and (b) cross-sectional view of the plume.
572 Remediation Engineering

the site geochemistry for best results. Recent applications of area hydrostratigraphy. This example demonstrates the via-
regenerable media show promise under the right geochemi- bility of various persulfate oxidation approaches to achieve
cal conditions, particularly with higher influent concentra- complete oxidation and also demonstrates that successful
tions. As shown in Table 11.3, source treatment methods using oxidation performance will require design and deployment
ISCO via persulfate, ozone, and Fenton’s chemistry have also to account for mass in lower-permeability storage zone and
been successfully applied and proven in the field. In one appropriate injection hydraulic principles—as with any other
example, we applied persulfate chemistry in a pilot to evalu- mainstream contaminants.
ate options for full-scale treatment. As ISCO applications are Source treatment options for PFAS have generally been
less effective when contaminant mass has diffused into the limited to excavation and treatment of vadose zone soils.
less permeable portions of the aquifer stratigraphy, oxidants Because treatment is generally limited to high-­temperature
with greater longevity are preferable as they are better suited thermal methods (>1200°C), many facilities in North
to target such stored contaminant mass. This makes persul- America and Europe have stockpiled and contained these
fate a good choice. The free radical cascade developed during materials pending development of more cost-effective
persulfate applications also yields hydroxyl, perhydroxyl, and methods. Considerable efforts are being expended to eval-
superoxide radicals and can be engineered with a variety of uate ISCO as a source treatment option, but PFAS is not
activation chemistries. an easy target. The strength of the carbon–fluorine bond
Data collected following one field persulfate injection for makes achieving complete in  situ PFAS destruction infea-
1,4-dioxane treatment is presented in Figure 11.14. Initial per- sible with most standard oxidation chemistries. While the
sulfate bench-scale treatability testing was completed using hydroxyl radical discussed for 1,4-dioxane is sufficient to
site soil and groundwater to assess 1,4-dioxane and chlori- oxidize PFAS precursors to various perfluorinated carboxyl-
nated VOC treatment using chelated iron, alkaline, and ambi- ate or sulfonate intermediates29—as utilized to perform the
ent (persulfate alone) activation techniques.34 Both alkaline TOP assay digest—it is insufficient for complete destruc-
and ambient activation chemistries demonstrated near com- tion of PFAS compounds. In fact, it mobilizes many PFAS.
plete removal of 1,4-dioxane within 7 days of reaction (with A variety of chemical oxidation methodologies have been
chelated iron showing no change), and ambient persulfate attempted including Fenton’s and modified Fenton’s, acti-
activation (approximately 5% by weight) was selected for vated persulfate, sonolysis, ozonolysis, sonochemical, pho-
field trial. As shown in Figure 11.14, significant destruction tocatalysis, and zerovalent iron, in addition to others and
of both 1,1-dichloroethene and 1,4-dioxane was observed various combinations of these techniques. While some of
­following injection. Some rebound was observed approxi- these have been demonstrated effective for specific PFAS
mately 6 months postinjection (and following complete per- compounds, such as PFOA, they either are not applicable for
sulfate exhaustion), which was attributed to the presence of in situ treatment or have not been effective for the full suite
1,4-dioxane within the interbedded sand and clay injection of regulated PFAS constituents—notably PFOS.

1000 75

1,4-Dioxane and 1,1-DCE concentration (µg/L)

800 1,1-DCE 60
Sodium persulfate
Sodium persulfate (g/L)

600 45

400 30

200 15

0 0
–50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time relative to injection (days)

FIGURE 11.14  Field data collected from monitoring well within radius of persulfate injection influence. 1,4-Dioxane treatment reduced by
90% postinjection. Observed 1,4-dioxane rebound following persulfate consumption attributed to retained diffuse mass in fine-grained soils.
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 573

Focused research over many years has evaluated oxidant Recent research indicates increasing potential for biodeg-
and activator combinations to cause degradation of PFOS.35–37 radation of 1,4-dioxane through aerobic, cometabolic, and
Recent laboratory work has demonstrated that a specific anaerobic pathways.38–40 While field data are emerging and
method of activated persulfate oxidation is capable of min- processes are not understood at all sites and conditions,38
eralizing PFOS via a hypothesized series of mechanisms that completed meta-data analysis showed significant evidence
include both oxidation and reduction. As defluorination is for ongoing natural degradation at some California and Air
observed, creation of a redox couple involving both chemi- Force sites. Molecular biology tools now enable one to use
cal oxidation and chemical reduction, likely forming reductive genetic testing to evaluate potential pathways and confirm
radicals or solvated electrons, is theorized. The decreases in that bacteria are actively transforming 1,4-dioxane.39 These
PFOS concentrations and fluoride evolution are only observed recent developments provide practitioners a necessary line of
when a specific activation method is employed.36(a–c),37 evidence to evaluate natural attenuation at sites or to enhance
Demonstrated to be effective for treatment of a variety of in situ bioremediation through the addition of substrates that
C4–C8 perfluorinated carboxylates and sulfonates, ongoing facilitate cometabolic processes.
work has been focused on confirming that complete oxida- In one example, historical manufacturing practices at a
tion is achieved—opposed to the generation of incomplete former automotive manufacturing facility, now RACER,
PFAS oxidation by-products. Fluoride analysis can be used resulted in release of CVOCs and 1,4-dioxane to groundwa-
to assess the total fluoride released during oxidation for com- ter in both a perched groundwater zone and deeper under-
parison to the equivalent stoichiometry based on PFOS loss. lying weathered rock aquifer. Groundwater concentration
Comparative PFOS and F results are currently being final- trends and geochemical data suggested intrinsic reductive
ized, but the results are currently looking very positive. With dechlorination of CVOCs in the perched zone and cor-
additional work ongoing, results and field-derived data are related to a shrinking 1,4-dioxane plume footprint, while
expected for publication during 2016. trends within the deeper aquifer were less straightforward.
As part of the remedy selection process, additional lines  Dynamic Groundwater Recirculation of evidence were needed to support a natural attenuation
The benefits of DGR to remediate large plumes in ground- approach in the perched zone and determine if bioreme-
water, not simply capturing and controlling the plumes, diation was an appropriate strategy in the deeper aquifer.
have been discussed recently.13 The basic premise behind Here we focus on the natural attenuation assessment of the
the approach is that adaptively changing the reinjection and perched zone.
withdrawal patterns on a frequent basis accelerates flush- Molecular biology tools were used to evaluate biodegra-
ing in the advective transport zones, while maintaining a dation perched zone (Figure 11.15). The first step included
state of disequilibrium between the transport and storage collection and analysis of dissolved gas samples to quantify
zones to enhance the back diffusion of stored contaminant the concentrations of cometabolic substrates (i.e., methane
mass. Because 1,4-dioxane and PFAS plumes often exhibit and propane) and electron acceptor (i.e., oxygen). The sec-
displacement between the center of mass and the release ond step included deployment of Bio-Trap® samplers for
location, DGR is well suited to remediate large plumes 30 days at similar locations to collect microbial samples for
where conventional source treatment technologies would be DNA and RNA molecular analyses. The DNA-based molec-
impracticable and cost prohibitive. ular analyses quantified soluble methane monooxygenase
Treatment technologies currently exist to enable suc- (SMMO) and propane monooxygenase (PMO) functional
cessful application of DGR for restoration efforts involving gene targets, an indication of the potential for the sub-
1,4-dioxane. While further advancement is required for cost- surface microbial population to cometabolically degrade
effective treatment of PFAS using DGR, additional technolo- 1,4-­d ioxane. The RNA-based molecular analyses quanti-
gies are emerging, with significant emphasis being placed on fied similar targets in an effort to identify active generation
regenerable sorptive media, ultrafiltration, and advanced oxi- of these enzymes under current conditions by the intrinsic
dation processes. microbial population.
The dissolved gas analyses yielded elevated concentrations  Biological Degradation of methane (>1000 µg/L) in the perched zone. Dissolved oxy-
As indicated earlier, there is significant evidence in the litera- gen was lower in the perched plume (200 µg/L) and propane
ture of aerobic biotransformation of the PFAS compounds to was not detected at any of the sample locations. DNA-based
PFAAs as recalcitrant dead-end daughter products. There are analyses indicate potential for both SMMO and PMO pro-
no data indicating that PFAAs will attenuate via any biodeg- duction by indigenous microorganisms. RNA-based analy-
radative processes. Our understanding of biological degrada- ses identified SMMO activity at most locations but not PMO
tion of 1,4-dioxane is maturing, thanks to the application of activity (as expected based on the dissolved gas analyses).
molecular biology tools including biomarkers, genetic enzyme These results provide an additional line of evidence in sup-
analysis, and compound specific isotope analysis. Before the port of a natural attenuation approach. When combined with
advent of molecular biology tools, it was possible to use plume stable and decreasing concentration trends, the results suggest
retraction as a line of evidence for natural attenuation, but the feasibility in implementing a natural attenuation approach in
mechanism for mass reduction was not clearly understood. the perched zone.
574 Remediation Engineering

Approximate extent LNAPL
VOCs in perched GW> DW criteria
1,4-Dioxane in perched GW> 8.5 µg/L

1.E+06 2000


Methane and dissolved oxygen (µg/L)

RNA: transcript copies
DNA: cells/bead


1.E+03 1000



200 Methane
1.E+00 0
MW-12-09 MW-14-62 MW-14-60 MW-03-07 MW-02-02(6)

1.E+06 2000

Propane and dissolved oxygen (µg/L)


RNA: transcript copies

DNA: cells/bead


1.E+03 1000


1.E+01 PPO DNA
ND ND ND ND ND ND 0 Propane ND
MW-12-09 MW-14-62 MW-14-60 MW-03-07 MW-02-02(6) DO

FIGURE 11.15  1,4-Dioxane natural attenuation case study results. (a) Upper panel shows perched 1,4-dioxane plume in pink and high-
lights locations where dissolved gases were sampled and bio-traps were deployed. (b) Summary of dissolved gas and molecular analyses in
the perched zone. Solid bars represent DNA results for soluble methane monooxygenase (SMMO) (top graphs) and propane monooxygenase
(PMO) (bottom graphs). Open bars represent RNA results for SMMO (top graphs) and PMO (bottom graphs). Solid circles represent
methane (top graphs) and propane (bottom graphs). Solid triangles represent dissolved oxygen. Open symbols and ND markers represent
values less than reporting limit (250 cells/bead for DNA or 250 transcript copies for RNA).
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 575  Current State of the Science • Select semivolatile organic compounds

The challenges associated with emerging contaminants such • Some inorganic analytes, such as elemental mercury,
as 1,4-dioxane and PFAS might seem insurmountable, given radon, and hydrogen sulfide
the low standards being promulgated coupled with their per-
sistence in the environment and perceived resistance to treat- In extreme cases, the vapors may accumulate in dwellings or
ment. However, there are opportunities to leverage our lessons occupied buildings to levels that may pose
learned over the past two decades with chlorinated solvents
and other “mainstream” contaminants that were once classi- • Near-term safety hazards (e.g., explosion)
fied as emerging. • Acute health effects
Notably, we understand how to use smart characteriza- • Aesthetic problems (e.g., odors)
tion methods to develop an understanding of contaminant
flux as part of the CSM, so that we can focus on restora- In buildings with low concentrations of volatile chemicals,
tion efforts and tailor remedies to match the conditions and the main concern is whether the chemicals may possess
risks at the source and in downgradient/distal portions of unacceptable risk of chronic health effects due to long-term
a plume. Similarly, advances in analytical methods and exposure to these low levels. A complicating factor evaluating
the science behind remediation technologies support faster the potential chronic risk from VI is the potential presence
development of more cost-effective options for character- of some of the same chemical emission sources within the
ization and treatment. This includes methods for evaluating building. Household solvents, gasoline, and cleaners can pose,
natural attenuation and optimizing biological degradation separately or in combination with VI, a significant human
for 1,4-dioxane and advanced methods to characterize and health risk.
apply in  situ reductive/oxidative approached to destroy The simple conceptual model of the VI pathway that is pre-
PFAS in  situ, all of which should accelerate the pace of sented in Figure 11.16 illustrates a source of contamination
developing ways of managing 1,4-dioxane and PFAS more in soil and groundwater and the upward movement of VOCs
cost-effectively. from this source toward and into buildings.
While the patchwork of regulatory standards and devel- There are tens of thousands of sites in the United States
oping understanding of toxicology is still a source of uncer- with gasoline, solvents, or mixtures of other volatile chemi-
tainty for stakeholders in the United States and globally, cals in shallow soil and/or groundwater. Almost all of these
collaboration among the regulatory and stakeholder com- sites are being managed under federal or state regulatory pro-
munities is occurring more effectively now than in the past, grams, and many have undergone some form of remediation.
which fosters innovation. We are optimistic that the chal- Historically, cleanup decisions were based on concerns asso-
lenges of emerging contaminants will be shorter lived than ciated with potential direct exposure to affected soil and/or
our past experience with chlorinated solvents. Continued groundwater, without consideration of the potential inhalation
focus on improving key elements in our remediation toolkit exposure if vapors migrated from shallow soil or groundwater
is essential to be sure we capitalize on our lessons learned into buildings. Within the last 5  years, however, regulatory
and translate them into more certainty in outcomes for all agencies have placed increased emphasis on VI as a pathway
stakeholders. contributing to the exposure of workers or residents occupy-
ing affected buildings.
However, according to several field studies reported
11.4 MANAGING VAPOR in the literature, evidence of VI is usually observed for
INTRUSION CONCERNS chlorinated solvents, whereas the occurrence of PHCs
The assessment and mitigation of the vapor intrusion (VI) VI is extremely rare and generally associated with high-
exposure pathways have recently become the most highly concentration sources located in close proximity to the
researched and regulated field in the environmental indus- building foundations.41 The behavior observed for PHCs is
try. VI generally occurs when there is migration of volatile mainly ascribed to the degradation processes taking place
compounds from contaminated soils and groundwater into in the vadose zone under oxygen-rich conditions by ubiq-
an overlying building. Volatile compounds can emit vapors uitous soil microbes, which typically reduce the potential
that may migrate through subsurface soils and in air spaces of of petroleum VI relative to that of chlorinated compounds.
overlying buildings in ways similar to that of radon gas seep- Aerobic biodegradation in the vadose zone can significantly
ing into homes. The process of volatilization of contaminants attenuate petroleum vapors by several orders of magnitude.9
has evolved from that of simply guiding remediation strategy Nevertheless, VI is still considered a critical pathway in
to that as an essential element that governs contaminant trans- many sites contaminated by PHCs. This is in large part due
port in the saturated zone. to the overly conservative regulatory screening criteria and
Common volatile contaminants include guidelines that are generally adopted for the assessment of
this migration pathway.
• Petroleum compounds (PHCs) Regulatory interest in VI coincidentally increased at the
• Chlorinated and nonchlorinated volatile organic same time that EPA was reevaluating the toxicity of several
compounds volatile chemicals including TCE, which has been detected
576 Remediation Engineering

system Potentially exposed

system 5 Indoor background source
can Cracks
4 Vapor infiltration through
building envelope
Crack 4
3 Vapor migration through
Vadose 3 soil column
zone soils
2 2 Volatilization from source

1 Source
Groundwater containing COCs

FIGURE 11.16  Conceptual description of vapor intrusion concerns.

at thousands of sites across the country.41,42 EPA has released extents of VOCs in soil vapor and groundwater are often
updated guidance on VI issues, has recently requested VI times less heterogeneous than the concentration distributions
evaluations as part of the 5-year review of some Superfund found in soil data.
sites, and has used this issue to reopen some previously Therefore, it has become necessary to establish expected
issued records of decision at sites where TCE is the primary relationships between soil and soil vapor data, just like for
chemical of interest. In turn, media reports of VI investi- soil–groundwater and groundwater–vapor systems previously.
gations, particularly stories of chemical vapors potentially Although the soil concentrations in equilibrium with soil
entering homes and commercial buildings, have heightened vapor are low when compared to typical risk-based cleanup
public concern. goal concentrations, the soil concentrations can sustain soil
Often times today, the VI pathway is a dominant factor in vapor concentrations well above vapor risk standards. So in
apparent risk at a site and long-term vapor control or cleanup certain circumstances, low VOC soil concentrations become
is a requirement. The focus of vapors in risk assessment has a continuing source to soil vapor and prevents site closure.
led to a number of regulators elevating soil vapor to an envi- On June 11, 2015, the USEPA released two technical guides
ronmental media of concern on its own, similar to historic for investigating and mitigating the VI pathway.41,42 USEPA
treatment of soil and groundwater. This has required an evolu- also updated the VI screening level calculator to be consis-
tion in thought as CSMs now must integrate soil, groundwa- tent with the technical guide and the soon-to-be-released June
ter, and soil vapor data into a comprehensive story. 2015 USEPA Regional Screening Levels. These documents
Historically, equilibrium relationships have been used supersede the draft guidance released by USEPA in 2002 and
for groundwater–vapor (Henry’s law) and soil–­groundwater include:
systems (sorption coefficients—Kd). As more coincident
soil and soil vapor data are being collected in recent years, • OSWER Technical Guide for Assessing and
the need has arisen to interpret the data in the context of Mitigating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway from
local contaminant sources and the surrounding media those Subsurface Vapor Sources to Indoor Air (VI
sources have impacted. When addressing soil vapor outside Technical Guide)
of NAPL source areas, local vapor sources are typically • Technical Guide for Addressing Petroleum Vapor
VOCs dissolved in water, which can be groundwater in the Intrusion at Leaking Underground Storage Tank
saturated zone or residual soil moisture found in the unsatu- Sites (PVI Technical Guide)
rated zone.
Soil VOC data can be very heterogeneous because of the The VI Technical Guide applies to all sites being evaluated
tortuous path that percolating NAPL or VOCs dissolved in under federal land cleanup statutes by USEPA, other federal
infiltrating groundwater takes through the subsurface. VOCs agencies, state and tribal governments, and brownfield grant-
in soil vapor and groundwater have greater mobility in the ees. Several key updates have been made since the issue of the
subsurface and can create vapor clouds and groundwater draft guidance in 2002—these updates are summarized in the
plumes, respectively. Because of this greater mobility, the accompanying table.
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 577

The PVI Technical Guide is a new document applicable

to PHC and non-PHC fuel additive sites. The release of this
guidance may result in the reopening of some cases where the
potential for PVI was identified but not evaluated. The PVI
Technical Guide proposes a similar approach to assessing and
mitigating PVI as presented for overall VI pathway investiga-
tions in the VI Technical Guide.

Coal combustion residuals (CCRs), also referred to as coal
ash, is produced primarily from the burning of coal in coal-
fired power plants. Coal ash includes a number of by-products FIGURE 11.17  A coal ash pond. (From​
produced from burning coal, including:42 07/01/2398/.)

• Fly ash, a very fine, powdery material composed and the subsequent hydraulic conveying of the slurry through
mostly of silica made from the burning of finely pipelines either to a single or to a series of artificial lagoons
ground coal in a boiler where the slurry is discharged (Figure 11.17).
• Bottom ash, a coarse, angular ash particle that is Management options have to be developed with stable and
too large to be carried up into the smoke stacks so it accessible disposal site surfaces in mind. Stability of the sur-
forms in the bottom of the coal furnace face largely depends on the amount of residual water and the
• Boiler slag, molten bottom ash from slag tab and ash’s drainage capacity. It is furthermore affected by charac-
cyclone type furnaces that turns into pellets that have teristics such as particle size distribution, content of pozzo-
a smooth glassy appearance after it is cooled with lanic layers, and exposure to wetting and drying cycles. Ash
water ponds need to be observed regularly using geotechnical meth-
• Flue gas desulfurization material, a material leftover ods to manage the risk of base failure. Unstable sites need to
from the process of reducing sulfur dioxide emis- be reinforced.
sions from a coal-fired boiler that can be a wet sludge CCRs are disposed in off-site landfills or disposed in on-
consisting of calcium sulfite or calcium sulfate or a site landfills or surface impoundments. Approximately 40%
dry powered material that is a mixture of sulfites and of the CCRs generated are beneficially used, with the remain-
sulfates ing 60% disposed in surface impoundments and landfills.43
CCR disposal currently occurs at more than 300 active on-site
Coal ash is disposed of or recycled in different ways depend- landfills, averaging more than 120 acres in size with an aver-
ing on the type of by-product, the processes at the plant, and age depth of over 40 ft, and at more than 700 active on-site
the regulations the power plant has to follow. Coal ash is the surface impoundments, averaging more than 50 acres in size
second largest waste material generated in the United States with an average depth of 20 ft. If disposing and managing
behind only household trash. Power generation companies CCR in large storage ponds or landfills are not managed prop-
struggle to find economic ways to get rid of it. In the United erly, contaminants can leak over time and cause an array of
States, about 40% of the material is recycled in useful appli- environmental problems.
cations such as making concrete and system wallboard. But
the sheer volume of coal ash produced and the economics of
handling it is such that the other half must be disposed of as 11.5.2  CCR Regulations
waste. Coal ash is primarily made up of silicon, aluminum, calcium,
and iron oxides, with lesser amounts of other metal oxides and
sulfur. It also contains traces of mercury, cadmium, chromium,
11.5.1  Coal Ash Disposal Practices
lead, arsenic, and other metals, as well as boron, nitrates, and
The most desirable and environmentally least harmful way to fluoride. The composition is similar to common rocks and soils,
dispose of coal ash is to recycle it. In the United States, coal as well as volcanic ash, which has been used as a construction
ash is considered as nonhazardous solid waste suitable for nor- material as far back as the ancient Romans. However, alkaline
mal landfilling. Today, two major disposal methods are used ash contains small amounts dioxins and polyromantic hydro-
for the disposal of coal ash: “dry” and “wet” disposal. Dry carbons substances that could end up in the environment.43
disposal, where CCRs are disposed of in dry or slightly moist Since coal ash contains certain contaminants mentioned
conditions in landfills, is carried out like conventional back earlier and also because of the recent incidents of ash pond
filling or earthmoving operations. Wet disposal or “lagoon- failure, EPA has been evaluating the safety of coal ash.
ing” implies the mixing of CCR with water at the plant site The agency developed a new set of rules that went into effect
578 Remediation Engineering

in October, 2015, on coal ash management under the Resource countries, such as Denmark, where there is no landfill space,
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), which is the nation’s all the ash is recycled. China provides subsidies to promote
primary law on handling solid waste.42 coal ash recycling. Today, about half the concrete produced in
EPA finalized national regulations to provide a compre- the United States consists of some fly ash—up to 40%—as a
hensive set of requirements for the safe disposal of coal com- substitute for limestone based Portland cement. Among other
bustion residuals (CCRs) from coal-fired power plants. The applications, fly ash is used as material to make bricks, ceramic
final rule is the culmination of extensive study on the effects tiles, and plaster and also as structural fill for road construction.
of coal ash on the environment and public health. The rule Fly ash is beneficial in construction and as structural fill
establishes technical requirements for CCR landfills and for its physical properties. Its composition reduces the amount
surface impoundments under subtitle D of the RCRA, the of cement and water needed to make concrete and produces
nation’s primary law for regulating solid waste. The final rule denser concrete with improved mechanical and chemical
makes a number of changes from the proposal including pro- properties and make it stronger and more durable. For exam-
viding greater clarity on technical requirements in response to ple, fly ash can nearly double the life of a highway. Beyond
questions received during the comment period (EPA).44 the economics, there are many environmentally beneficial
These regulations address the risks from coal ash dis- considerations in using fly ash. For example, for every ton of
posal—leaking of contaminants into groundwater, blowing of fly ash used in place of Portland cement, about 1 ton of CO2
contaminants into the air as dust, and the catastrophic fail- emissions is eliminated. It also reduces a portion of the fossil
ure of coal ash surface impoundments. Additionally, the rule energy required, pollution generated, and the environmental
sets out recordkeeping and reporting requirements as well as impacts to mine, transport, and process the raw materials.
the requirement for each facility to establish and post-specific The synthetic gypsum formed during flue gas desulfuriza-
information to a publicly accessible website. This final rule tion is used like naturally mined gypsum to produce wall-
also supports the responsible recycling of CCRs by distin- board, also known as sheet rock. About half the wall board
guishing safe, beneficial use from disposal. manufactured in the United States is produced from power
plant gypsum. Synthetic gypsum is typically of higher purity
than mined gypsum.
11.5.3 Pond Closure
Among other coal ash materials, bottom ash is a coarse
Utilities nationwide are facing a range of regulatory, environ- material too large to float in flue gas, so it falls through grates
mental, operational, and financial pressures to close or con- into a hopper in the bottom of the coal furnace. It is typically
sider closing their coal ash ponds. Many factors can influence used as filler in concrete and as fill material for road construc-
the decision to close an ash pond: regulatory requirements, tion. Boiler slag is molten bottom ash that turns into pellets
plant operational future, switching from wet to dry ash han- with a smooth glassy appearance after it is cooled with water.
dling at the plant, and capacity of the pond. It is useful as grit for sandblasting and polishing, roofing shin-
Closure and remediation solutions for coal ash ponds or gles, filler in asphalt, and a substitute for sand in snow and ice
impoundments can vary greatly. A successful closure strategy traction control.
must also account up-front for the future use of the site, par-
ticularly with retiring plants. Facilities with prime real estate
or redevelopment potential may require stricter cleanup lev-
els. Site-specific conditions such as wetlands, surface stabil-
ity, and the geotechnical properties of the pond itself and the Nanotechnology and nanomaterials (NMs) are expected
settled ash are important to evaluate. It is also important to to bring tremendous benefits to the society and at the same
evaluate as part of the closure strategy, to see if there is a via- time can also potentially pose risks to the environment and
ble market for the pond material. Geotechnical and environ- human health. Definitions of NMs depend on the disciplinary
mental investigations, community relationships, regulatory background and working environment of the person using the
permitting, and construction management are all important term. For us to evaluate the impacts of NMs introduced in the
facets of closure planning. environment, research should be performed in understanding
Among the choices for closure solutions are capping, carefully selected and narrowly defined material properties.
dewatering and/or stabilizing, consolidating into a new land- Such well-defined material properties are of fundamen-
fill, disposing off site, or converting to managed wetlands tal importance to conduct an in-depth nano-toxicological
or any combination of these options. A successful closure research based on structure–response relationships.45
approach should account for the site layout, pond size, dewa- For a given amount of granular matter, the number of
tering requirements and constructability methods, final site particles increases with decreasing particle size. In addition,
use, and integration of all site activities. finer granularity changes the material properties. Smaller
particles tend to show increased diffusivity, permeation pro-
pensity, reactivity, and solubility. These observations raise
11.5.4 Recycling
concerns that nanoscaled materials may show unanticipated
Scientists have looked at coal ash for at least a century seeking specific toxicity (i.e., toxicity per unit mass), in comparison to
remedies and opportunities for recycling. In some European microscaled and larger particles present in the environment.
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 579

Although most stakeholders understand quantification of of different compound classes, including carbonaceous NMs;
exposure and hazards as being the important parts of envi- metal oxides; semiconductor materials, including quantum
ronmental risk assessment, two initial components are criti- dots; zerovalent metals such as iron, silver, and gold; and
cally important but sometimes overlooked. These are problem nanopolymers, such as dendrimers. A variety of products are
formulation and prioritization. These will help us define the now being generated, including NPs as well as nanofibers,
actual concern in the context of the environment as well as nanowires, and nanosheets, and the range and types of NMs
how it should be addressed for one or more NMs. They also are continually expanding.
will help us prioritize whether it is worth investing time and
money on more detailed quantification of environmental
11.6.2 Fate of Nanomaterials in the Environment
impacts for any given material. This process is influenced by
many factors, including scientific evidence, public opinion, Given the increasing production of NMs of all types, the
and perception of risks and benefits. potential for their release in the environment and subsequent
effects on ecosystem health is becoming an increasing con-
cern that needs to be addressed, especially by regulatory agen-
11.6.1 Natural Particles
cies. In doing so, it is necessary first to determine the fate and
Much debate still exists regarding the nomenclature associ- behavior of manufactured NMs in the environment. Do they
ated with nanoscience and nanotechnology. For the purpose retain their nominal nanoscale size and original structure and
of this discussion, the definition of NM is a material with one reactivity in aquatic and soil/sedimentary systems? Does an
dimension less than 100 nm. Within this group of materials, association exist with other colloidal and particulate constitu-
nanoparticles (NP), defined as materials with at least two ents? What are the effects of solution and physical (e.g., flow)
dimensions between 1 and 100  nm, are particularly impor- conditions? Is their effect on aquatic and sedimentary biota
tant. NPs have always existed in our environment, from both different from that of larger particles of the same material? Do
natural and anthropogenic sources. NPs in air were tradition- biota, such as biofilms and invertebrates, modify the behav-
ally referred to as ultrafine particles, while in soil and water, ior of NMs? Answers to these and other questions will guide
they were called as colloids, with a slightly different size the setting of regulatory guidelines that will provide adequate
range (1–1000 nm (µm)).45,46 protection to ecosystems while permitting the advantages that
In urban atmospheres, diesel and gasoline fueled vehicles nanotechnology offers to be fully developed.44–47
and many combustion outlets have contributed for many years Manufactured NMs enter the environment through inten-
particulate material within a wide range of sizes, including tional releases as well as unintentional releases such as atmo-
NMs and particles. In addition, there is the natural background spheric emissions and solid or liquid waste streams from
presence of NPs and materials in the atmosphere, although at production facilities. Deliberate release of NMs includes
much smaller concentrations compared to the ones produced their use to remediate contaminated soils including the use
by anthropogenic activities. Research focused on ultrafine of iron NPs used to remediate groundwater. Filtration of NPs
particulate materials is a continuing effort especially on their from stack emissions requires a new generation of nanostruc-
effects on human health, especially on respiratory systems. tured sorbents for their effective removal. In addition, NPs in
In aquatic systems, colloid is the usual terminology used paints, fabrics, and personal health-care products, including
to describe particles in the 1 nm to 1 µm size range. Natural sunscreens and cosmetics, enter the environment proportional
aquatic colloids include, for example, fine clay particles, to their use. Emitted particles will ultimately deposit on land
humic and fulvic acids as well as colloidal inorganic spe- and surface water bodies, although treatment to avoid aggre-
cies such as metallic ions and precipitates. Their small size gation may result in enhanced buoyancy of these NPs when
and large surface area per unit mass make them important compared with NPs from other sources, such as the ones aris-
binding phases for both organic and inorganic contami- ing from diesel emissions.
nants. Although dissolved species are defined as those that NPs reaching land have the potential to contaminate soil,
pass through a 0.45 µm−1 filter, this fraction will also include migrate into surface water and groundwater, and interact with
a certain amount of colloidal species whose bioavailability biota. Particles in solid wastes, wastewater effluents, direct dis-
and physical behavior are quite different from truly soluble charges, or accidental spillages can be transported to aquatic
organic or inorganic species. Thus, it is important to differen- systems by wind or rainwater runoff. With increasing control
tiate the behavior of dissolved, colloidal, and particulate spe- of fugitive releases arising within the manufacturing process,
cies in the environment.46,47 the biggest risks for environmental release come from spill-
It has been recognized for some time that NMs possess ages associated with the transportation of manufactured NPs
enhanced or even unique mechanical, catalytic, and optical from production facilities to other manufacturing sites, inten-
properties and electrical conductivity primarily because of tional releases for environmental applications, and diffuse
their nanosize. The result has been an exponential growth releases associated with wear and erosion from general use.
over the past decade in the development of new manufactured Manufacture, use, and potential release of NMs have pre-
or engineered NMs and their exploitation by burgeoning nan- ceded evaluation of risk to ecosystems, including humans.
otechnology industries. The range of nanotechnology prod- Currently, there are no factual data on concentrations of NMs in
ucts is now extensive and can be broken down into a number the environment and certainly none on their physicochemical
580 Remediation Engineering

forms or distribution, although models have been used to

estimate potential releases and loads. The development of
techniques to measure and characterize NMs in atmospheric,
aquatic, and terrestrial environments is an important immedi-
ate research priority in order to facilitate quantitative ecologi-
cal risk assessment. These assumptions and approaches must
be taken with caution and modified to deal with the issues of
particle fate and behavior, bioavailability, and toxicity that are
central to quantitative ecological risk assessment of NMs. In
fact, environmental chemists, toxicologists, and risk assessors
might be well served to preface research on NPs with a primer
on colloid fate, behavior, and toxicity.
As noted previously, characterization of NP fate and
behavior in the environment is needed to quantify exposure
scenarios. Related to this, differences in speciation (between
FIGURE 11.18  Disposal of e-waste in a landfill.
dissolved, colloidal, and particulate phases) due to dissolution
and aggregation of NPs under environmental conditions are
also important. It is worth noting here that these are char- valuable and hazardous materials that require special han-
acteristics usually unfamiliar to most remediation engineers, dling and recycling methods to avoid environmental contami-
environmental toxicologists, chemists, and risk assessors, nation and detrimental effects on human health. Recycling
although they have now been progressively addressed in the can recover reusable components and base materials, espe-
context of toxicology and ecotoxicology of NMs. Clearly, cially the precious metals. However, due to lack of facilities,
the need for interdisciplinary collaboration among biolo- high labor costs, and tough environmental regulations, rich
gists, chemists, physicists, and material scientists is essential. countries tend not to recycle E-waste. Instead, it is either land-
Once exposure scenarios are characterized, populations and filled or exported from rich countries to poor countries, where
organisms potentially at risk must be identified. Quantitative it may be recycled using primitive techniques and little regard
assessments of organism response to NP exposure must be for worker safety or environmental protection. Although ille-
conducted to facilitate effects assessment. Once exposure and gal under the Basel Convention of 1992, E-waste exportation
effects assessment are complete, risk characterization can be continues through clandestine operations, legal loopholes,
accomplished. and by countries that have not ratified the convention.
It is obvious from the earlier discussion on NM effects that The global production of E-waste will change as econo-
much research is needed in air, freshwater, marine, and soil mies grow and new technologies are developed. For any given
ecosystems. Since the ultimate sink for NPs may be sediment country, the total number of computers and other potential
and soils, more testing with organisms that inhabit these eco- E-waste items is strongly correlated with the country’s GDP,
systems is essential. However, research to date has dramati- because electrical and electronic items are essential for the
cally illustrated the need for standardized testing protocols functioning of all but the most primitive economies. It is rea-
with NPs. This is particularly pressing in soil and sedimen- sonable to assume that economic growth of emerging econ-
tary systems where progress in the development of standard- omies will result in more E-waste production. There is an
ized protocols and characterization are lagging far behind exponential relationship between wealth and number of com-
testing in aquatic systems. puters and that the richest billion people have 75% of all com-
puters. Changes in technology will also affect the global mass
of E-waste produced. Short innovation cycles of hardware
have led to a high turnover of devices. The lifespan of cen-
E-waste and waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) tral processing units in computers dropped from 4–6 years in
describe discarded appliances that use electricity. E-waste 1997 to an average of 2 years in 2005.48
describes waste electronic goods, such as computers, televi- The advent of liquid crystal displays will reduce the aver-
sions, and cell phones, while WEEE also includes traditionally age weight of a desktop. More significantly, the increasing
nonelectronic goods such as refrigerators and ovens.48 The dis- prevalence of laptop and netbook computers, which weigh just
tinction between E-waste and WEEE is becoming less sharp 1–3  kg, will significantly reduce the average mass of a dis-
due to the advent of pervasive computing, where programmable carded computer. In the case of netbooks, computing power
microprocessors are incorporated into electrical equipment, and associated potential E-waste production has been shifted
such as refrigerators, which are not normally considered elec- from the end user to remote computing “clouds,” supported
tronic items. However, it is the rapid growth of computing that by warehouses of shared machines, which may be located in
is driving E-waste production and every few years, more than a another country. There is a lack of information on E-waste
billion computers will be retired (Figure 11.18). generation from these computing warehouses. E-waste growth
E-Waste is chemically and physically distinct from other from increasing wealth and shorter innovation cycles may be
forms of municipal or industrial waste; it contains both offset by miniaturization and outsourcing of computing power.
Emerging Trends in Environmental Remediation 581

11.7.1  Contamination from E-Wastes adequate financial compensation to support collection and
recycling in order to minimize the transfer of e-waste to the
Potential contaminants associated with e-waste have been informal recycling and disposal sector. Increased levels of
reported. Their concentration in the environment depends on the scrutiny of the take-back (collection) chain as well as improve-
type, age, production region, and quantity of electronic goods ments in product identifiability will help to better identify
that are processed as well as their dismantling methods. E-waste “leaks” from the formal to informal channels. Greater indi-
composition has dramatically changed in the recent years as vidualization of a producer’s responsibility for its own branded
manufacturers are urged to use green materials and clean pro- products will drive efforts to verify the producer’s own take-
duction processes. For example, lead content tends to decrease. back rates and more readily enable identification of its own
Heavy metals are largely present in e-wastes, especially Cu used products at the end of their lives, thereby offering greater
for wires and also Cr, Ni, Zn, Cd, and Hg as well as many other opportunities for closer scrutiny of the take-back chain.
metals and rare earth elements. Because of huge air emissions The combination of improved regulation and greater
or liquid leaking, very high amounts of metals are concentrated responsibility on the part of producers not only can enable
in landfills or dispersed in the environment despite recycling.49 verification that e-wastes are recycled and disposed of in the
Most of organic contaminants are original components of best achievable manner to minimize impacts on human health
e-wastes and are often released mainly during open air burn- and the environment but can also provide producers with
ing or dismantling. They include polychlorinated biphenyls, financial and other incentives that will encourage the design
polybrominated biphenyls, and phthalate esters widely used of products with greater life spans, which are safer and easier
as plasticizers in polyvinyl chloride resins for electronic to repair, upgrade, and recycle and which avoid the use of haz-
products, as well as PBDEs, dechlorane plus, and hexabro- ardous chemicals during their manufacture.
mocyclododecanes, representatives of brominated or chlori-
nated flame retardants mixed into plastics. On the other hand,
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31. Bachman, G., T.J. Peschman, D.C. Kellogg, and J.J. Ogle. 2010. 49. Pramila, S., M.H. Fulekar, and P. Bhawana. 2012. Soil con-
System and method for treating groundwater. United States tamination due to E-waste disposal and recycling activities:
Patent Application Publication. Pub. No.:US 2010/0145113 A1. Special focus on China. Pedosphere 22, 434–455.
Appendix: Physical Properties of Common
Environmental Contaminants
Molecular Henry’s Law Vapor Pressure
Compound Weight Constant (atm m3/mol) (mm Hg) Solubility (mg/L) Log koc
Acenaphthene 154.21 7.92 × 10−5 (25°C) 0.00155 (25°C) 3.47 (25°C)  1.25
Acenaphthylene 152.20 2.8 × 10−4 0.0290 (20°C) 3.93 (25°C)  3.68
Acetaldehyde  44.05 6.61 × 10−5 (25°C) 760 (20.2°C) Miscible Unavailable
Acetic acid  60.05 1.23 × 10−3 (25°C) 11.4 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
Acetic anhydride 102.09 3.92 × 10−6 (20°C) 5 (25°C) 12% by wt. (20°C) Unavailable
Acetone  58.08 3.97 × 10−5 (25°C) 266 (25°C) Miscible 20.43
Acetonitrile  41.05 3.46 × 10−6 (25°C) 73 (20°C) Miscible  0.34
2-Acetylaminofluorene 223.27 — — —  3.20
Acrolein  56.06 4.4 × 10−6 (25°C) 265 (25°C) 200,000 (25°C) 20.28
Acrylamide  71.08 3.03 × 103 (20°C) 7 × 10−3 (20°C) 2.155 g/L (30°C) Unavailable
Acrylonitrile  53.06 1.10 × 10−4 (25°C) 110–115 (25°C) 80,000 (25°C) 21.13
Aldrin 364.92 4.96 × 10−4 6 × 10−6 (25°C) 0.011 (25°C)  2.61
Allyl alcohol  58.08 5.00 × 10−6 (25°C) 20 (20°C) Miscible  0.51
Allyl chloride  76.53 1.08 × 10−2 (25°C) 360 (25°C) —  1.68
Allyl glycidyl ether 114.14 3.83 × 10−6 (20°C) 3.6 (20°C) 141 g/L Unavailable
4-Aminobiphenyl 169.23 3.89 × 10−10 (25°C) 6 × 10−5 842 (20°C–30°C) 2.03
2-Aminopyridine  94.12 — Low 100 wt.% at 20°C Unavailable
Ammonia  17.04 2.91 × 10−4 (20°C) 10 atm (25.7°C) 531 g/L (20°C) 0.49
n-Amyl acetate 130.19 3.88 × 10−4 (25°C) 4.1 (25°C) 1.8 g/L (20°C) Unavailable
sec-Amyl acetate 130.19 4.87 × 10−4 (20°C) 10 (35.2°C) 0.2 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
Aniline  93.13 0.136 (25°C) 0.6 (20°C) — 1.41
o-Anisidine 123.15 1.25 × 10−6 (25°C) 0.1 (30°C) 1.3 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
p-Anisidine 123.15 — — 3.3 (Room temp.) Unavailable
Anthracene 178.24 6.51 × 10−5 (25°C) 1.95 × 10−4 (25°C) 0.075 (25°C) 4.41
Antu 202.27 — ≈0 (20°C) 600 (20°C)
Benzene  78.11 0.00548 (25°C) 95.2 (25°C) 1,800 (25°C) 1.92
Benzidine 184.24 3.88 × 10−11 (25°C) 0.83 (20°C) 500 (25°C) 1.60
Benzo[a]anthracene 228.30 8.0 × 10−6 1.1 × 10−7 (25°C) 0.014 (25°C) 6.14
Benzo[b]fluoranthene 252.32 1.2 × 10−5 (20°C–25°C) 5 × 10−7 (20°C) 0.0012 (25°C) 5.74
Benzo[k]fluoranthene 252.32 0.00104 9.59 × 10−11 (25°C) 0.00055 (25°C) 6.64
Benzoic acid 122.12 7.02 × 10−8 0.0045 (25°C) 3,400 (25°C) 1.48–2.70
Benzo[ghi]perylene 276.34 1.4 × 10−7 (25°C) 1.01 × 10−10 (25°C) 0.00026 (25°C) 6.89
Benzo[a]pyrene 252.32 <2.4 × 10−6 5.6 × 10−9 (25°C) 0.0038 (25°C) 5.60–6.29
Benzo[e]pyrene 252.32 4.84 × 10−7 (25°C) 5.54 × 10−9 (25°C) 0.0038 (25°C) 5.6
Benzyl alcohol 108.14 Insufficient vapor pressure data 1 (58°C) 42,900 (25°C) 1.98
for calculation at 25°C
Benzyl butyl phthalate 312.37 1.3 × 10−6 (25°C) 8.6 × 10−6 (20°C) 42.2 (25°C) 1.83–2.54
Benzyl chloride 126.59 3.04 × 10−4 (20°C) 1 (22.0°C) 493 (20°C)  2.28
α-BHC 290.83 5.3 × 10−6 (20°C) 2.5 × 10−5 (20°C) 2.0 (25°C) 3.279
β-BHC 290.83 2.3 × 10−7 (20°C) 2.8 × 10−7 (20°C) 0.24 (25°C) 3.553
γ-BHC 290.83 2.5 × 10−7 (20°C–25°C) 1.7 × 10−5 (20°C) 31.4 (25°C) 3.279
Biphenyl 154.21 4.15 × 10−4 (25°C) 10−2 (25°C) 7.5 (25°C) 3.71
bis(2-Chloroethoxy) methane 173.04 3.78 × 10−7 1 (53°C) 81,000 (25°C) 2.06

584 Appendix: Physical Properties of Common Environmental Contaminants

Molecular Henry’s Law Vapor Pressure

Compound Weight Constant (atm m3/mol) (mm Hg) Solubility (mg/L) Log koc
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether 143.01 1.3 × 10−5 1.55 (25°C) 10,200 (25°C) 1.15
bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether 171.07 1.1 × 10−4 0.85 (20°C) 1,700 (20°C) 1.79
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 390.57 1.1 × 10−5 (25°C) 6.2 × 10−8 (25°C) 0.4 (25°C) 5.0
Bromobenzene 157.01 2.4 × 10−3 (25°C) 4.14 (25°C) 409 (25°C) 2.33
Bromochloromethane 129.39 1.44 × 10−3 (24°C–25°C) 141.07 (24.05°C) 0.129 M (25°C) 1.43
Bromodichloromethane 163.83 2.12 × 10−4 50 (20°C) 4,500 (0°C) 1.79
Bromoform 252.73 5.6 × 10−4 5.6 (25°C) 3.130 (25°C) 2.45
4-Bromophenylphenyl ether 249.20 1.0 × 10−4 0.0015 (20°C) No data found 4.94
Bromotrifluoromethane 148.91 5.00 × 10−1 (25°C) 149 (20°C) 0.03 wt.% (20°C) 2.44
1,3-Butadiene  54.09 6.3 × 10−2 (25°C) 2105 (25°C) 735 (20°C) 2.08
n-Butane  58.12 9.30 × 10−1 (25°C) 1820 (25°C) 61 (20°C) Unavailable
2-Butanone  72.11 4.66 × 10−5 (25°C) 100 (25°C) 25.57 wt.% (25°C) 0.09
1-Butene  56.11 2.5 × 10−1 (25°C) 2.230 (25°C) 222 (25°C) Unavailable
Butoxyethanol 118.18 2.36 × 10−6 0.76 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
n-Butyl acetate 116.16 3.3 × 10−4 (25°C) 15 (25°C) 5,000 (25°C) Unavailable
sec-Butyl acetate 116.16 1.91 × 10−4 (20°C) 10 (20°C) 0.8 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
tert-Butyl acetate 116.16 — — — Unavailable
n-Butyl alcohol  74.12 8.81 × 10−6 (25°C) 7.0 (25°C) 74,700 (25°C) Unavailable
sec-Butyl alcohol  74.12 1.02 × 10−5 (25°C) 13 (20°C) 201,000 (20°C) Unavailable
tert-Butyl alcohol  74.12 1.20 × 10−5 (25°C) 42 (25°C) Miscible Unavailable
n-Butylbenzene 134.22 1.25 × 10−2 (25°C) 1.03 (25°C) 1.26 (25°C) 3.40
sec-Butylbenzene 134.22 1.14 × 10−2 (25°C) 1.81 (25°C) 309 (25°C) 2.95
tert-Butylbenzene 134.22 1.17 × 10−2 (25°C) 2.14 (25°C) 34 (25°C) 2.83
n-Butyl mercaptan  90.18 7.04 × 10−3 (20°C–25°C) 55.5 (25°C) 590 (22°C) Unavailable
Camphor 152.24 3.00 × 10−5 (20°C) 0.18 (20°C) 0.12% (20°C) Unavailable
Carbaryl 201.22 1.27 × 10−5 (20°C) 6.578 × 10−6 (25°C) 0.4105 (25°C) 2.42
Carbofuran 221.26 3.88 × 10−8 (30°C–33°C) 2 × 10−5 (33°C) 700 (25°C) 2.2
Carbon disulfide  76.13 0.0133 360 (25°C) 2,300 (22°C) 2.38–2.55
Carbon tetrachloride 153.82 0.024 (20°C) 113 (25°C) 1.160 (25°C) 2.35
Chlordane 409.78 4.8 × 10−5 1 × 10−5 (25°C) 1.85 (25°C) 5.57
cis-Chlordane 409.78 Insufficient vapor pressure data No data found 0.051 (20°C–25°C) 6.0
for calculation at 25°C
trans-Chlordane 409.78 Insufficient vapor pressure data No data found No data found 6.0
for calculation at 25°C
Chloroacetaldehyde  78.50 — 100 (20°C) About 50 wt.%, Unavailable
forms a hemihydrate
α-Chloroacetophenone 154.60 — 0.012 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
4-Chloroaniline 127.57 1.07 × 10−5 (25°C) 0.025 (25°C) 3.9 g/L (20°C–25°C) 2.42
Chlorobenzene 112.56 0.00445 (25°C) 11.8 (25°C) 502 (25°C) 1.68
o-Chlorobenzylidene 188.61 Not applicable, reacts with 3.4 × 10−5 (20°C) Not applicable, reacts Not applicable,
malonitrile water with water reacts with water
p-Chloro-m-cresol 142.59 1.78 × 10−6 No data found 3,850 (25°C) 2.89
Chloroethane  64.52 0.0085 (25°C) 1064 (20°C) 5,740 (20°C) 0.51
2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether 106.55 2.5 × 10−4 26.75 (20°C) 15,000 (20°C) 0.82
Chloroform 119.38 0.0032 (25°C) 198 (25°C) 9,300 (25°C) 1.64
2-Chloronaphthalene 162.62 6.12 × 10−4 0.017 (25°C) 6.74 (25°C) 3.93
p-Chloronitrobenzene 157.56 <6.91 × 10−3 (20°C) <1 (20°C) 0.003 wt.% (20°C) 2.68
1-Chloro-1-nitropropane 123.54 1.57 × 10−1 (20°C–25°C) 5.8 (25°C) <0.8 wt.% (20°C) 3.34
2-Chlorophenol 128.56 5.6 × 10−7 (25°C) 1.42 (25°C) 28,000 (25°C) 2.56
4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 204.66 2.2 × 10−4 0.0027 (25°C) 3.3 (25°C) 3.6
Chloropicrin 164.38 8.4 × 10−2 23.8 (25°C) 1.621 g/L (25°C) 0.82
Chloroprene  88.54 3.20 × 10−2 200 (20°C) — —
Chlorpyrifos 350.59 4.16 × 10−6 (25°C) 1.87 × 10−5 (25°C) 2 (25°C) 3.86
Chrysene 228.30 7.26 × 10−20 6.3 × 10−9 (25°C) 0.006 (25°C) 5.39
Appendix: Physical Properties of Common Environmental Contaminants 585

Molecular Henry’s Law Vapor Pressure

Compound Weight Constant (atm m3/mol) (mm Hg) Solubility (mg/L) Log koc
Crotonaldehyde  70.09 1.96 × 10−5 30 (20°C) 18.1 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
Cycloheptane  98.19 — — 30 (25°C) Unavailable
Cyclohexane  84.16 1.94 × 10−1 (25°C) 95 (20°C) 58.4 (25°C) Unavailable
Cyclohexanol 100.16 5.74 × 10−6 (25°C) 1 (20°C) 36,000 (20°C) Unavailable
Cyclohexanone  98.14 1.2 × 10−5 (25°C) 4 (20°C) 23,000 (20°C) Unavailable
Cyclohexene  82.15 4.6 × 10−2 (25°C) 67 (20°C) 213 (25°C) Unavailable
Cyclopentadiene  66.10 — — 0.0103 mol/L at Unavailable
room temperature
Cyclopentane  70.13 1.86 × 10−1 (25°C) 400 (31.0°C) 164 (25°C) Unavailable
Cyclopentene  68.12 6.3 × 10−2 (25°C) — 535 (25°C) Unavailable
2,4-D 221.04 1.95 × 10−2 (20°C) 0.0047 (20°C) 890 ppm (25°C) 1.68
p,p9 DDD 320.05 2.16 × 10−5 1.02 × 10−6 (30°C) 0.160 (24°C) 4.64
p,p9 DDE 319.03 2.34 × 10−5 6.49 × 10−6 (30°C) 0.0013 (25°C) 6
p,p9 DDT 354.49 5.2 × 10−5 1.9 × 10−7 (25°C) 0.0004 (25°C) 6.26
Decahydronaphthalene 138.25 39.2 (25°C) 1 (22.5°C) 0.889 ppm (25°C) Unavailable
n-Decane 142.28 1.87 × 10−1 (25°C) 1.35 (25°C) 0.022 (25°C) Unavailable
Diacetone alcohol 116.16 — 1 (22.0°C) Miscible Unavailable
Dibenz[a,h]-anthracene 278.36 7.33 × 10−9 ≈10−10 (20°C) 0.00249 (25°C) 6.22
Dibenzofuran 168.20 Insufficient vapor pressure data No data found 10 (25°C) 3.91–4.10
for calculation at 25°C
1,4-Dibromobenzene 235.91 5.0 × 10−4 (25°C) 0.161 (25°C) 16.5 (25°C) 3.2
Dibromochloromethane 208.28 9.9 × 10−4 76 (20°C) 4000 (20°C) 1.92
1,2-Dibromo-3- 236.36 2.49 × 10−4 (20°C) 0.8 (21°C) 1,000 at room 2.11
chloropropane temperature
Dibromodifluoromethane 209.82 — 688 (20°C) — —
Di-n-butyl phthalate 278.35 6.3 × 10−5 1.4 × 10−5 (25°C) 400 (25°C) 3.14
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 147.00 0.0024 (25°C) 1.5 (25°C) 145 (25°C) 3.23
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 147.00 0.0047 (25°C) 2.3 (25°C) 143 (25°C) 3.23
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 147.00 0.00445 (25°C) 0.4 (25°C) 74 (25°C) 2.2
3,39-Dichlorobenzidine 253.13 4.5 × 10−8 (25°C) 1 × 10−5 m/L (22°C) 3.11 (25°C) 3.3
Dichlorodifluoromethane 120.91 0.425 (25°C) 4.887 (25°C) 280 (25°C) 2.56
1–3-Dichloro-5,5- 197.03 Not applicable, reacts with — 0.21 wt.% (25°C) Not applicable,
dimethylhydantoin water reacts with water
1,1-Dichloroethane  98.96 0.00587 (25°C) 234 (25°C) 5,060 (25°C) 1.48
1,2-Dichloroethane  98.96 9.8 × 10−4 (25°C) 87 (25°C) 8,300 (25°C) 1.15
1,1-Dichloroethylene  96.94 0.021 591 (25°C) 5,000 (25°C) 1.81
trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene  96.94 0.00674 (25°C) 410 (30°C) 6,300 (25°C) 1.77
Dichlorofluoromethane 120.91 ≈2.42 × 10−2 (20°C–30°C) 760 (8.9°C) 1 wt.% (20°C) 1.57
sym-Dichloromethyl ether 114.96 Not applicable, reacts with — Decomposes Not applicable,
water reacts with water
2,4-Dichlorophenol 163.00    6.66 × 10−6 0.089 (25°C) 4,500 (25°C) 2.94
1,2-Dichlorophenol 112.99 0.00294 (25°C) 50 (25°C) 2,800 (25°C) 1.71
cis-1,3-Dichloro-propylene 110.97 0.00355 43 (25°C) 2,700 (25°C) 1.68
trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene 110.97 0.00355 34 (25°C) 2,800 (25°C) 1.68
Dichlorvos 220.98 5.0 × 10−3 0.0527 (25°C) ≈1 wt.% (20°C) 9.57
Dieldrin 380.91 2 × 10−7 1.8 × 10−7 (25°C) 0.20 (25°C) 4.55
Diethylamine  73.14 2.56 × 10−5 (25°C) 195 (20°C) 815,000 (14°C) Unavailable
2-Diethylamino-ethanol 117.19 — 1 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
Diethyl phthalate 222.24 8.46 × 10−7 0.22 (60.7) Pa 1,000 (25°C) 1.84
1,1-Difluorotetrachloroethane 203.83 — 40 (19.8°C) — —
1,2-Difluorotetrachloroethane 203.83 1.07 × 10−1 (20°C) 40 (19.8°C) 0.01 wt.% (20°C) 2.78
Diisobutyl ketone 142.24 6.36 × 10−4 (25°C) 1.7 (20°C) 0.05 wt.% (25°C) Unavailable
Diisopropylamine 101.19 — 60 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
586 Appendix: Physical Properties of Common Environmental Contaminants

Molecular Henry’s Law Vapor Pressure

Compound Weight Constant (atm m3/mol) (mm Hg) Solubility (mg/L) Log koc
N,N-Dimethylacetamide 115.18 — 1.3 (25°C) Miscible Unavailable
Dimethylamine  45.08 1.77 × 10−5 (25°C) 1520 (10°C) Miscible Unavailable
p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene 225.30 — — 13.6 (20°C–30°C) 3
Dimethylaniline 121.18 4.98 × 10−6 (20°C) 1 (29.5°C) 1,105.2 (25°C) Unavailable
2,2-Dimethylbutane  86.18 1.943 (25°C) 319.1 (25°C) 21.2 (25°C) Unavailable
2,3-Dimethylbutane  86.18 1.18 (25°C) 234.6 (25°C) 19.1 (25°C) Unavailable
cis-1,2-Dimethylcyclohexane 112.22 3.54 × 10−1 (25°C) 14.5 (25°C) 6.0 (25°C) Unavailable
trans-1,4- 112.22 8.70 × 10−1 (25°C) 22.65 (25°C) 3.84 ppm (25°C) Unavailable
Dimethylformamide  73.09 — 3.7 mm (25°C) Miscible Unavailable
1,1-Dimethylhydrazine  60.10 2.45 × 10−9 (25°C) 157 (25°C) Miscible 20.7
2,3-Dimethylpentane 100.20 1.73 (25°C) 100 (33.3°C) 5.25 (25°C) Unavailable
2,4-Dimethylpentane 100.20 3.152 (25°C) 98.4 (25°C) 5.50 (25°C) Unavailable
3,3-Dimethylpentane 100.20 1.84 (25°C) 82.8 (25°C) 5.94 (25°C) Unavailable
2,4-Dimethylphenol 122.17 6.55 × 10−6 (25°C) 0.098 (25°C) 7,868 (25°C) 2.07
Dimethyl phthalate 194.19 4.2 × 10−7 0.22 ± 0.7 Pa 4,320 (25°C) 1.63
2,2-Dimethylpropane  72.15 2.18 (25°C) 1.287 (25°C) 33.2 (25°C) Unavailable
2,7-Dimethylquinoline 157.22 — — 1.795 (25°C) —
Dimethyl sulfate 126.13 2.96 × 10−6 (20°C) 0.5 (20°C) 2.8 wt.% (20°C) 0.61
1,2-Dinitrobenzene 168.11 <1.47 × 10−3 (20°C) <1 (20°C) 0.015 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
1,3-Dinitrobenzene 168.11 2.75 × 10−7 (35°C) 8.15 × 10−4 (35°C) 0.05 wt.% (20°C) 2.18
1,4-Dinitrobenzene 168.11 4.79 × 10−7 (35°C) 2.25 × 10−4 (35°C) 0.01 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 198.14 1.4 × 10−6 5.2 × 10−5 (25°C) 250 (25°C) 2.64
2,4-Dinitrophenol 184.11 1.57 × 10−8 (18°C–20°C) 0.00039 (20°C) 6000 (25°C) 1.25
2,4-Dinitrotoluene 182.14 8.67 × 10−7 1.1 × 10−4 (20°C) 270 (22°C) 1.79
2,6-Dinitrotoluene 182.14 2.17 × 10−7 3.5 × 10−4 (20°C) ≈300 1.79
Di-n-octyl phthalate 390.57 1.41 × 10−12 (25°C) 0.0014 mm (25°C) 3 (25°C) 8.99
Dioxane  88.11 4.88 × 10−6 (25°C) 37 (25°C) Miscible 0.54
1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 184.24 4.11 × 10−11 (25°C) 2.6 × 10−5 (25°C) 221 (25°C) 2.82
Diuron 233.11 1.46 × 10−9 (25°C–30°C) 2 × 10−7 (30°C) 42 (25°C) 2.51
n-Dodecane 174.34 24.2 (25°C) 0.057 (25°C) 0.008 (25°C) Unavailable
α-Endosulfan 406.92 1.01 × 10−4 (25°C) 10−5 (25°C) 0.530 (25°C) 3.31
β-Endosulfan 406.92 1.91 × 10−5 (25°C) 10−5 (25°C) 0.280 (25°C) 3.37
Endosulfan sulfate 422.92 Insufficient vapor pressure data No data found 0.117 3.37
for calculation
Endrin 380.92 5.0 × 10−7 7 × 10−7 (25°C) 0.26 (25°C) 3.92
Endrin aldehyde 380.92 3.86 × 10−7 (25°C) 2 × 10−7 (25°C) 0.26 (25°C) 4.43
Epichlorohydrin  92.53 2.38–2.54 × 10−5 (20°C) 13 (20°C) 60,000 (20°C) 1
EPN 323.31 — 0.0003 (100°C) — 3.12
Ethanolamine  61.08 — <1 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
2-Ethoxyethanol  90.12 — 4 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate 132.18 9.07 × 10−7 (20°C) 2 (20°C) 23 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
Ethyl acetate  88.11 1.34 × 10−4 (25°C) 94.5 (25°C) 100 mL/L (25°C) Unavailable
Ethyl acrylate 100.12 1.94–2.59 × 10−3 (20°C) 29.5 (20°C) 1.5 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
Ethylamine  45.08 1.07 × 10−5 (25°C) 400 (2.0°C) Miscible Unavailable
Ethylbenzene 106.17 0.00868 (25°C) 10 (25.9°C) 152 (25°C) 1.98
Ethyl bromide 108.97 7.56 × 10−3 (25°C) 386 (20°C) 0.9 wt.% (20°C) 2.67
Ethylcyclopentane  98.19 2.10 × 10−2 (25°C) 40 (25.0°C) 245 (25°C) Unavailable
Ethylene chlorohydrin  80.51 — 8 (25°C) Miscible Unavailable
Ethylenediamine  60.10 1.73 × 10−9 (25°C) 10 (21.5°C) Miscible Unavailable
Ethylene dibromide 187.86 7.06 × 10−4 (25°C) 11 (25°C) 3,370 1.64
Ethylenimine  43.07 1.33 × 10−7 (25°C) 250 (30°C) Miscible 0.11
Ethyl ether  74.12 1.28 × 10−3 (25°C) 442 (20°C) 6.05 wt.% (25°C) Unavailable
Appendix: Physical Properties of Common Environmental Contaminants 587

Molecular Henry’s Law Vapor Pressure

Compound Weight Constant (atm m3/mol) (mm Hg) Solubility (mg/L) Log koc
Ethyl formate  74.08 2.23 × 10 (25°C)
−4 194 (20°C) 118,000 (25°C) Unavailable
Ethyl mercaptan  62.13 2.74 × 10−3 (25°C) 527.2 (25°C) 1.3 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
4-Ethylmorpholine 115.18 — 6.1 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
2-Ethylthiophene 112.19 — 60.9 (60.3°C) 292 (25°C) Unavailable
Fluoranthene 202.26 0.0169 (25°C) 5.0 × 10−6 (25°C) 0.265 (25°C) 4.62
Fluorene 166.22 2.1 × 10−4 10 (146°C) 1.98 (25°C) 3.7
Formaldehyde  30.03 3.27 × 10−7 400 (233°C) Miscible 0.56
Formic acid  46.03 1.67 × 10−7 at pH 4 35 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
Furfural  96.09 1.52–3.05 × 10−6 (20°C) 2 (20°C) 8.3 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
Furfuryl alcohol  98.10 — 0.4 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
Glycidol  74.08 — 0.9 (25°C) Miscible Unavailable
Heptachlor 373.32 0.0023 4 × 10−4 (25°C) 180 ppb (25°C) 4.34
Heptachlor epoxide 389.32 3.2 × 10−5 2.6 × 10−6 (20°C) 0.350 (25°C) 4.32
n-Heptane 100.20 2.035 (25°C) 45.85 (25°C) 2.24 (25°C) Unavailable
2-Heptanone 114.19 1.44 × 10−4 (25°C) 2.6 (20°C) 0.43 wt.% (25°C) Unavailable
3-Heptanone 114.19 4.20 × 10−5 (20°C) 1.4 (25°C) 14,300 (20°C) Unavailable
cis-2-Heptene  98.19 4.13 × 10−1 (20°C) 48 (25°C) 15 (25°C) Unavailable
trans-2-Heptene  98.19 4.22 × 10−1 (25°C) 49 (25°C) 15 (25°C) Unavailable
Hexachlorobenzene 284.78 0.0017 1.089 × 10−5 0.006 (25°C) 3.59
Hexachlorobutadiene 260.76 0.026 0.15 (20°C) 3.23 (25°C) 3.67
Hexachlorocyclopent adiene 272.77 0.016 0.081 (25°C) 1.8 (25°C) 3.63
Hexachloroethane 236.74 0.0025 0.8 (30°C) 27.2 (25°C) 3.34
n-Hexane  86.18 1.184 (25°C) 151.5 (25°C) 9.47 (25°C) Unavailable
2-Hexanone 100.16 0.00175 (25°C) 3.8 (25°C) 35,000 (25°C) 2.13
1-Hexene  84.16 4.35 × 10−1 (25°C) 186.0 (25°C) 50 (25°C) Unavailable
sec-Hexyl acetate 144.21 4.38–5.84 × 10−3 (20°C) 4 (20°C) 0.013 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
Hydroquinone 110.11 <2.07 × 10−9 (20°C–25°C) 1 (132.4) 70,000 (25°C) 0.98
Indan 118.18 — — 88.9 (25°C) 2.48
Indeno[1,2,3-cd] pyrene 276.34 2.96 × 10−20 (25°C) 10−10 (25°C) 0.062 7.49
Indole 117.15 — — 3,558 (25°C) 1.69
Indoline — — 10,800 (25°C) 1.42
1-Iodopropane 169.99 9.09 × 10−3 43.1 (25°C) 0.1065 wt.% 2.16
Isoamyl acetate 130.19 5.87 × 10−2 (25°C) 4 (20°C) 0.2 wt.% (20°C) 1.95
Isoamyl alcohol  88.15 8.89 × 10−6 (20°C) 2.3 (20°C) 26,720 (22°C) Unavailable
Isobutyl acetate 116.16 4.85 × 10−4 (25°C) 20 (25°C) 6,300 (25°C) Unavailable
Isobutyl alcohol  74.12 9.25 × 10−6 (20°C) 10.0 (20°C) 8.7 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
Isobutyl benzene 134.22 1.09 × 10−2 (25°C) 2.06 (25°C) 33.71 (25°C) 3.9
Isophorone 138.21 5.8 × 10−6 0.38 (20°C) 12,000 (25°C) 1.49
Isopropyl acetate 102.13 2.81 × 10−4 (25°C) 73 (25°C) 18,000 (20°C) Unavailable
Isopropylamine  59.11 — 478 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
Isopropylbenzene 120.19 1.47 × 10−2 (25°C) 4.6 (25°C) 48.3 (25°C) 3.45
Isopropyl ether 102.18 9.97 × 10−3 (25°C) 150 (25°C) 0.65 wt.% (25°C) Unavailable
Kepone 490.68 3.11 × 10−2 (25°C) 2.25 (25°C) 2.7 (20°C–25°C) 4.74
Lindane 290.83 4.8 × 10−7 6.7 × 10−5 (25°C) 7.52 (25°C) 3.03
Malathion 330.36 4.89 × 10−9 (25°C) 7.95 × 10−6 (25°C) 330 (30°C) 2.46
588 Appendix: Physical Properties of Common Environmental Contaminants

Molecular Henry’s Law Vapor Pressure

Compound Weight Constant (atm m3/mol) (mm Hg) Solubility (mg/L) Log koc
Maleic anhydride  98.06 Not applicable, reacts with 5 × 10 (20°C)
−5 — Not applicable,
water reacts with water
Mesityl oxide  98.14 4.01 × 10−6 (20°C) 8.7 (20°C) 3 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
Methoxychlor 345.66 Insufficient vapor pressure data No data found 0.1 (25°C) 4.9
for calculation at 25°C
Methyl acetate  74.08 9.09 × 10−5 (25°C) 235 (25°C) 240,000 (20°C) Unavailable
Methyl acrylate  86.09 1.23–1.44 × 10−4 (20°C) 70 (20°C) 52,000 Unavailable
Methylal  76.10 1.73 × 10−4 (25°C) 400 (25°C) 33 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
Methyl alcohol  32.04 4.66 × 10−6 (25°C) 127.2 (25°C) Miscible Unavailable
Methylamine  31.06 1.81 × 10−2 (25°C) 3.1 atm (20°C) 9.590 (25°C) Unavailable
Methylaniline 107.16 1.19 × 10−5 (25°C) <1.0 (20°C) 5.624 g/L (25°C) Unavailable
2-Methylanthracene 192.96 — — 0.039 (25°C) 5.12
Methyl bromide  94.94 0.2 1633 (25°C) 13,000 (25°C) 1.92
2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene  68.12 7.7 × 10−2 (25°C) 550.1 (25°C) 642 (25°C) Unavailable
2-Methylbutane  72.15 1.35 (25°C) 687.4 (25°C) 49.6 (25°C) Unavailable
3-Methyl-1-butene  70.13 5.35 × 10−1 (25°C) 902.1 (25°C) 130 (25°C) Unavailable
Methyl cellosolve  76.10 — 6 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
Methyl cellosolve acetate 118.13 — 7 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
Methyl chloride  50.48 0.010 (25°C) 3789 (20°C) 7,400 (25°C) 1.4
Methylene chloride  84.93 0.00269 (25°C) 455 (25°C) 13,000 (25°C) 0.94
Methylcyclohexane  98.19 4.35 × 10−1 (25°C) 46.3 (25°C) 16.0 (25°C) Unavailable
o-Methylcyclohexanone 112.17 — ≈1 (20°C) — —
1-Methylcyclohexene  96.17 — — 52 (25°C) Unavailable
Methylcyclopentane  84.16 3.62 × 10−1 (25°C) 137.5 (25°C) 41.8 (25°C) Unavailable
Methyl formate  60.05 2.23 × 10−4 (25°C) 625 (25°C) 30 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
3-Methylheptane 114.23 3.70 (25°C) 19.5 (25°C) 0.792 (25°C) Unavailable
5-Methyl-3-heptanone 128.21 1.30 × 10−4 (20°C) 2 (25°C) 0.26 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
2-Methylhexane 100.20 3.42 (25°C) 65.9 (25°C) 2.54 (25°C) Unavailable
3-Methylhexane 100.20 1.55–1.64 (25°C) 61.6 (25°C) 4.95 (25°C) Unavailable
Methylhydrazine  46.07 — 49.6 (25°C) Miscible Unavailable
Methyl iodide 141.94 5.87 × 10−3 (25°C) 405 (25°C) 2 wt.% (20°C) 1.36
Methyl isocyanate  57.05 3.89 × 10−4 (20°C) 348 (20°C) 6.7 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
Methyl mercaptan  48.10 3.01 × 10−3 (25°C) 1,516 (25°C) 23.30 g/L (20°C) Unavailable
Methyl methacrylate 100.12 2.46 × 10−4 (20°C) 40 (26°C) 1.5 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
2-Methylnaphthalene 142.20 Insufficient vapor pressure data No data found 25.4 (25°C) 3.93
for calculation
4-Methyloctane 128.26 10.27 (25°C) 7 (25°C) 0.115 (25°C) Unavailable
2-Methylpentane  86.18 1.732 (25°C) 211.8 (25°C) 13.8 (25°C) Unavailable
3-Methylpentane  86.18 1.693 (25°C) 189.8 (25°C) 17.9 (25°C) Unavailable
4-Methyl-2-pentanone 100.16 1.49 × 10−5 (25°C) 15 (20°C) 1.91 wt.% (25°C) 0.79
2-Methyl-1-pentene  84.16 2.77 × 10−1 (25°C) 195.4 (25°C) 78 (25°C) Unavailable
4-Methyl-1-pentene  84.16 6.15 × 10−1 (25°C) 270.8 (25°C) 48 (25°C) Unavailable
1-Methylphenanthrene 192.26 — — 269 ppb (25°C) 4.56
2-Methylphenol 108.14 1.23 × 10−6 (25°C) 0.24 (25°C) 25,000 (25°C) 1.34
4-Methylphenol 108.14 7.92 × 10−7 (25°C) 0.108 (25°C) 23,000 (25°C) 1.69
2-Methylpropane  58.12 1.171 (25°C) 10 atm (66.8°C) 48.9 (25°C) Unavailable
2-Methylpropene  56.11 2.1 × 10−1 (25°C) 2.270 (25°C) 263 (25°C) Unavailable
α-Methylstyrene 118.18 — 1.9 (20°C) — —
Mevinphos 224.16 — 0.003 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
Morpholine  87.12 — 13.4 (25°C) Miscible Unavailable
Naled 380.79 — 2 × 10−4 (20°C) — Not applicable,
reacts with water
Naphthalene 128.18 4.6 × 10−4 0.23 (25°C) 30 (25°C) 2.74
Appendix: Physical Properties of Common Environmental Contaminants 589

Molecular Henry’s Law Vapor Pressure

Compound Weight Constant (atm m3/mol) (mm Hg) Solubility (mg/L) Log koc
1-Naphthylamine 143.19 1.27 × 10−10 (25°C) 6.5 × 10−5 1,700 3.51
2-Naphthylamine 143.19 2.01 × 10−9 (25°C) 2.56 × 10−4 586 (20°C–30°C) 2.11
Nitrapyrin 230.90 2.13 × 10−3 0.0028 (20°C) 40 2.64
2-Nitroaniline 138.13 9.72 × 10−5 (25°C) 8.1 (25°C) 1,260 (25°C) 1.23–1.62
3-Nitroaniline 138.13 Insufficient vapor pressure data 1 (119.3°C) 890 (25°C) 1.26
for calculation
4-Nitroaniline 138.13 1.14 × 10−8 (25°C) 0.0015 (20°C) 800 (18.5°C) 1.08
Nitrobenzene 123.11 2.45 × 10−5 0.28 (25°C) 2,000 (25°C) 2.36
4-Nitrobiphenyl 199.21 — — — —
Nitroethane  75.07 4.66 × 10−5 (25°C) 15.6 (20°C) 45 mL/L (20°C) Unavailable
Nitromethane  61.04 2.86 × 10−5 27.8 (20°C) 22 mL/L (20°C) Unavailable
2-Nitrophenol 139.11 3.5 × 10−6 0.20 (25°C) 2,000 (25°C) 1.57
4-Nitrophenol 139.11 3.0 × 10−5 (20°C) 10−4 (20°C) 16,000 (25°C) 2.33
1-Nitropropane  89.09 8.68 × 10−5 (25°C) 7.5 (20°C) 1.4 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
2-Nitropropane  89.09 1.23 × 10−4 (25°C) 12.9 (20°C) 1.7 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
N-Nitrosodimethylamine  74.09 0.143 (25°C) 8.1 (25°C) Miscible 1.41
N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 198.22 2.33 × 10−8 (25°C) No data found 35.1 (25°C) 2.76
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 130.19 Insufficient vapor pressure data No data found 9,900 (25°C) 1.01
for calculation
2-Nitrotoluene 137.14 4.51 × 10−5 (20°C) 0.15 (20°C) 0.06 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
3-Nitrotoluene 137.14 5.41 × 10−5 (20°C) 0.25 (25°C) 0.05 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
4-Nitrotoluene 137.14 5.0 × 10−5 (25°C) 5.484 (26.0°C) 0.005 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
n-Nonane 128.26 5.95 (25°C) 4.3 (25°C) 0.122 (25°C) Unavailable
Octachloronaphthalene 403.73 — <1 (20°C) — —
n-Octane 114.23 3.225 (25°C) 14.14 (25°C) 0.431 (25°C) Unavailable
1-Octene 112.22 9.52 × 10−1 (25°C) 17.4 (25°C) 2.7 (25°C) Unavailable
Oxalic acid  90.04 1.43 × 10−10 (pH 4) <0.001 (20°C) 9.81 wt.% (25°C) 0.89
Parathion 291.27 8.56 × 10−8 (25°C) 9.8 × 10−6 (25°C) 24 (25°C) 3.68
PCB-1016 257.90 750 4 × 10−4 (25°C) 0.22–0.25 4.7
PCB-1221 192.00 3.24 × 10−4 0.0067 (25°C) 1.5 (25°C) 2.44
PCB-1232 221.00 8.64 × 10−4 0.0046 (25°C) 1.45 (25°C) 2.83
PCB-1242 154–358 with 5.6 × 10−4 4.06 × 10−4 (25°C) 0.24 (25°C) 3.71
an average
value of 261
PCB-1248 222–358 with 0.0035 4.94 × 10−4 (25°C) 0.054 5.64
an average
value of 288
PCB-1254 327 (average) 0.0027 7.71 × 10−5 (25°C) 0.012 (25°C) 5.61
PCB-1260 324–460 with 0.0071 4.05 × 10−5 (25°C) 0.080 (24°C) 6.42
an average
value of 370
Pentachlorobenzene 250.34 0.0071 (20°C) 6.0 × 10−3 2.24 × 10−6 M (25°C) 6.3
Pentachloroethane 202.28 2.45 × 10−3 (25°C) 4.5 (25°C) 7.69 and 500 were 3.28
reported at 25°C
and 20°C
Pentachlorophenol 266.34 3.4 × 10−6 1.7 × 10−4 (20°C) 20–25 (25°C) 2.96
1,4-Pentadiene  68.12 1.20 × 10−1 (25°C) 734.6 (25°C) 558 (25°C) Unavailable
n-Pentane  72.15 1.255 (25°C) 512.8 (25°C) 39.5 (25°C) Unavailable
2-Pentanone  86.13 6.44 × 10−5 (25°C) 16 (25°C) 5.51 wt.% (25°C) Unavailable
590 Appendix: Physical Properties of Common Environmental Contaminants

Molecular Henry’s Law Vapor Pressure

Compound Weight Constant (atm m3/mol) (mm Hg) Solubility (mg/L) Log koc
1-Pentene  70.13 4.06 × 10 (25°C)
−1 637.7 (25°C) 148 (25°C) Unavailable
cis-2-Pentene  70.13 2.25 × 10−1 (25°C) 494.6 (25°C) 203 (25°C) Unavailable
trans-2-Pentene  70.13 2.34 × 10−1 (25°C) 505.5 (25°C) 203 (25°C) Unavailable
Pentycyclopentane 140.28 — — 0.115 (25°C) Unavailable
Phenanthrene 178.24 2.56 × 10−5 (25°C) 6.80 × 10−4 (25°C) 1.18 (25°C) 3.72
Phenol  94.11 3.97 × 10−7 (25°C) 0.34 (25°C) 93,000 (25°C) 1.43
p-Phenylenediamine 108.14 — — 38,000 (24°C) Unavailable
Phenyl ether 170.21 2.13 × 10−4 (20°C) 0.12 (30°C) 21 (25°C) Unavailable
Phenylhydrazine 108.14 — <0.1 (20°C) — Unavailable
Phthalic anhydride 148.12 6.29 × 10−9 (20°C) 2 × 10−4 (20°C) 0.62 wt.% (20°C) 1.9
Picric acid 229.11 <2.15 × 10−5 (20°C) <1 (20°C) 1.4 wt.% (20°C) —
Pindone 230.25 — — 18 (25°C) 2.95
Propane  44.10 7.06 × 10−1 (25°C) 8.6 atm (20°C) 62.4 (25°C) Unavailable
β-Propiolactone  72.06 7.63 × 10−7 (25°C) 3.4 (25°C) 37 vol.% (25°C) Unavailable
n-Propyl acetate 102.12 1.99 × 10−4 (25°C) 35 (25°C) 18,900 (20°C) Unavailable
n-Propyl alcohol  60.10 6.74 × 10−6 (25°C) 20.8 (25°C) Miscible Unavailable
n-Propylbenzene 120.19 1.0 × 10−2 (25°C) 3.43 (25°C) 55 (25°C) 2.87
Propylcyclopentane 112.22 8.90 × 10−1 (25°C) 12.3 (25°C) 2.04 (25°C) Unavailable
Propylene oxide  58.08 8.34 × 10−5 (20°C) 445 (20°C) 41 wt.% (20°C) Not applicable,
reacts with water
n-Propyl nitrate 105.09 — 18 (20°C) — Unavailable
Propyne  40.06 1.1 × 10−1 (25°C) 4310 (25°C) 3,640 (20°C) Unavailable
Pyrene 202.26 1.87 × 10−5 6.85 × 10−7 (25°C) 0.148 (25°C) 4.66
Pyridine  79.10 8.88 × 10−6 (25°C) 20 (25°C) Miscible Unavailable
p-Quinone 108.10 9.48 × 10−7 (20°C) 0.1 (20°C) 1.5 wt.% (20°C) Unavailable
Ronnel 321.57 8.46 × 1026 (25°C) 8 × 10−4 (25°C) 40 (25°C) 2.76
Styrene 104.15 0.00261 6.45 (25°C) 0.031 wt.% (25°C) 2.87
Strychnine 334.42 — — 0.02 wt.% (20°C) 2.45
Sulfotep 322.30 2.88 × 10−6 (20°C) 0.00017 (20°C) 25 2.87
2,4,5-T 255.48 4.87 × 10−8 (25°C) 6.46 × 10−26 (25°C) 278 (25°C) 1.72
TCDD 321.98 5.40 × 10−23 (18°C–22°C) 7.2 × 10−10 (25°C) 0.0193 ppb (22°C) 6.66
1,2,4,5-Tetrabromobenzene 393.70 — — 0.040 4.82
1,1,2,2-Tetrabromoethane 345.65 6.40 × 10−5 (20°C) 0.1 (20°C) 0.07 wt.% (20°C) 2.45
1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene 215.89 6.9 × 10−23 (20°C) 2.6 × 10−2 (25°C) 5.92 (25°C) 5.4 average value
1,2,3,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 215.89 1.58 × 10−3 (25°C) 1 (58.2°C) 5.19 (25°C) 6.0 average value
1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 215.89 1.0 × 10−2 (20°C) <0.1 (25°C) 0.465 (25°C) 6.1 average value
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 167.85 4.56 × 10−4 (25°C) 6 (25°C) 2,970 (25°C) 2.07
Tetrachloroethylene 165.83 0.0153 20 (25°C) 150 (25°C) 2.42
Tetraethyl pyrophosphate 290.20 — 1.55 × 10−4 (20°C) Miscible Not applicable,
reacts with water
Tetrahydrofuran  72.11 7.06 × 10−5 (25°C) 145 (20°C) Miscible Unavailable
1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene 134.22 2.49 × 10−2 (25°C) 0.49 (25°C) 3.48 (25°C) 3.79
Tetranitromethane 196.03 — 13 (25°C) — —
Tetryl 287.15 <1.89 × 10−3 (20°C) <1 (20°C) 0.02 wt.% (20°C) 2.37
Thiophene  84.14 2.93 × 10−3 (25°C) 79.7 (25°C) 3,015 (25°C) 1.73
Thiram 269.35 — — 30 —
Toluene  92.14 0.00674 (25°C) 22 (20°C) 490 (25°C) 2.06
2,4-Toluene diisocyanate 174.15 — 0.01 (20°C) Not applicable, reacts Not applicable,
with water reacts with water
o-Toluidine 107.16 1.88 × 10−6 (25°C) 0.1 (20°C) 15,0000 (25°C) 2.61
Appendix: Physical Properties of Common Environmental Contaminants 591

Molecular Henry’s Law Vapor Pressure

Compound Weight Constant (atm m3/mol) (mm Hg) Solubility (mg/L) Log koc
Toxaphene 413.82 0.063 0.2–0.4 (25°C) 0.2–0.4 (25°C) 3.18
1,3,5-Tribromobenzene 314.80 — — 2.51 × 10−6 (25°C) 4.05
Tributyl phosphate 266.32 — — 0.1 wt.% (20°C) 2.29
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 181.45 8.9 × 10−3 (20°C) 1 (40°C) 18.0 (25°C) 3.87
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 181.45 0.00232 0.29 (25°C) 31.3 (25°C) 2.7
1,3,5 Trichlorobenzene 181.45 1.9 × 10−3 (20°C) 0.58 (25°C) 6.01 (25°C) 5.7 (average)
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 133.40 0.0162 (25°C) 124 (25°C) 950 (25°C) 2.18
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 133.40 9.09 × 10−4 (25°C) 19 (20°C) 4,500 (20°C) 1.75
Trichloroethylene 131.39 0.0091 72.6 (25°C) 1,100 (25°C) 1.81
Trichlorofluoromethane 137.37 1.73 (25°C) 792 (25°C) 1,240 (25°C) 2.2
2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 197.45 1.76 × 10−7 (25°C) 0.022 (25°C) 1.2 g L−1 (25°C) 2.85
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 197.45 9.07 × 10−8 (25°C) 0.017 (25°C) 800 (25°C) 3.03
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 147.43 3.18 × 10−4 (25°C) 3.4 (20°C) — —
1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 187.38 3.33 × 10−1 (20°C) 270 (20°C) 0.02 wt.% (20°C) 2.59
Tri-o-cresyl phosphate 368.37 — — 3.1 (25°C) 3.37
Triethylamine 101.19 4.79 × 10−4 (20°C) 54 (20°C) 15,000 (20°C) Unavailable
Trifluralin 335.29 4.84 × 10−5 (23°C) 1.1 × 10−4 (25°C) 240 3.73
1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene 120.19 3.18 × 10−3 (25°C) 1.51 (25°C) 75.2 (25°C) 3.34
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 120.19 5.7 × 10−3 (25°C) 2.03 (25°C) 51.9 (25°C) 3.57
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 120.19 3.93 × 10−3 (25°C) 2.42 (25°C) 48.2 (25°C) 3.21
1,1,3-Trimethylcyclohexane 126.24 — — 1.77 (25°C) Unavailable
1,1,3-Trimethylcyclopentane 112.22 1.57 (25°C) 39.7 (25°C) 3.73 (25°C) Unavailable
2,2,5-Trimethylhexane 128.26 2.42 (25°C) 16.5 (25°C) 1.15 (25°C) Unavailable
2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 114.23 3.01 (25°C) 49.3 (25°C) 2.05 (25°C) Unavailable
2,3,4-Trimethylpentane 114.23 2.98 (25°C) 27.0 (25°C) 1.36 (25°C) Unavailable
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene 227.13 — 4.26 × 10−3 (54.8°C) 0.013 wt.% (20°C) 2.48
Triphenyl phosphate 326.29 5.88 × 10−2 (20°C–25°C) <0.1 (20°C) 0.001 wt.% (20°C) 3.72
Vinyl acetate  86.09 4.81 × 10−4 115 (25°C) 25,000 (25°C) 0.45
Vinyl chloride  62.50 2.78 2660 (25°C) 1,100 (25°C) 0.39
Warfarin 308.33 — — 17 (20°C) 2.96
o-Xylene 106.17 0.00535 (25°C) 6.6 (25°C) 213 (25°C) 2.11
m-Xylene 106.17 0.0063 (25°C) 8.287 (25°C) 173 (25°C) 3.2
p-Xylene 106.17 0.0063 (25°C) 8.763 (25°C) 200 (25°C) 2.31

Sources: Montgomery, J.H. and Welkom, L.M., Groundwater Chemicals Desk Reference, Vol. 1, Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI, 1990; Montgomery, J.H.,
Groundwater Chemicals Desk Reference, Vol. 2, Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI, 1991.
A Anaerobic processes, in situ bioremediation mineral scaling, 88–89
anaerobic oxidation particulate fouling, 92
Abiotic transformation processes advantages, 249 safe system function, 87
hydrolysis, 62–63 benzene mass mineralized per unit material compatibility, 101–102
oxidation and reduction reactions, 62 mass, 249 porosity reductions in aquifer
physicochemical properties, 61 biogeochemistry, 250–251 biomass accumulation, 93–94
precipitation and solubilization, 62 electron acceptors, 249 dispersion of fine particles, 93
ABOx systems, see Anaerobic biological fuel oxygenates, 255 gas formation and accumulation, 92–93
oxidation systems nitrate-/sulfate-reducing bacteria, 250 Kozeny–Carman equation, 92
Absorption, 51–52, 416–417, 462 oxic, suboxic, and anoxic mineral precipitation, 94–95
Acidity neutralization capacity (ANC), 335 conditions, 249 relative permeability, 92
Acid mine drainage (AMD), 28 petroleum hydrocarbons, 251–255 SWQIs
Adsorption rate-limiting substrate concentration vs. cycling of metals, aquifer matrix,
adsorption zone, 442 overall reaction rate, 249–250 95–100
carbon adsorption, 443 source zones with organic degradation intermediates, organic
carbon regeneration, 442 contaminants, 249 contaminants, 101
definition, 416, 440 facultative organisms, 221–222 design implications, 101
equilibrium sorption, 50 microbial reduction ISCO, 95
exothermic process, 51 aerobic carbohydrate metabolism, 222 microbial metabolic by-products, 100
fixed regenerative carbon bed aerobic glycolysis, 222 nonmetal inorganic reaction
adsorber, 442 aliphatic and aromatic organic by-products, 100–101
granular activated carbon, 440–441 compounds dechlorination, 222 reactant-related by-products, 95
hysteresis, 418 biogeochemistry, 222–224 Biological transformation
ionic adsorption, 50 carbohydrate fermentation, 222 biocatalysis, 63
kinetic sorption, 50 denitrification, 247–249 bioremediation, 63–64
Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms, 50 disproportionation, 222 cometabolic biodegradation, 65
octanol–water partitioning coefficient, 418 ERD, 229–240 direct biodegradation, 63
organic adsorption, 50 explosives degradation, 239–244 metabolic process, 63
relative humidity and moisture content, 442 nitroaromatic compounds reduction, 222 microbial oxidation, 64
soil adsorption coefficient, 417–418 perchlorate degradation, 244–247 microbial reduction, 64–65
soil treatment, 462–463 substrates, 223–229 Biosparging, 217–219, 457–458
solvent-induced adsorption, 417 reduction potential, alternative electron Bioventing, 413
sorbent-induced adsorption, 417 acceptors, 221 aerobic biodegradation process, 433
volatile organic compound adsorption, Anisotropy, 149 airflow rates, 434
417–418 Aquifer benzene degradation, 434
Advanced profiling system (APS), 122 aquitard, 108 in situ respiration test, 436–437
Aerobic bacteria, 88 average linear groundwater flow velocity, 110 laboratory testing, 434–435
Air entry pressure, 452–453 building processes, heterogeneity, and system design, 435–436
Aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3) solubility, 361 anisotropy, 110–112 vadose zone, 433
Amorphous (finely divided) crystalline definition, 107–108 volatilization, 433
masses, 351 hydraulic conductivity, 109 Borderline cations, 326
Anaerobic biological oxidation (ABOx) systems hydraulic gradient, 109 Borehole heat exchangers (BHEs), 480
advantages, 249 total hydraulic head, 109 Bulk retention capacity, 55
benzene mass mineralized per unit total porosity, 108–109
mass, 249 unconfined aquifer, 108
biogeochemistry, 250–251 C
volumetric groundwater flow, 110
electron acceptors, 249 Calcium polysulfide (CaSx)
fuel oxygenates, 255 injection, 340
nitrate-/sulfate-reducing bacteria, 250 B
treatability test data, 338–339
oxic, suboxic, and anoxic conditions, 249 Back-diffusion models, 156–158 Cancer slope factors (CSFs), 18
petroleum hydrocarbons Batch flush/batch reactor models, 160 Capillary entry resistance, 452
degradation pathways, 252–253 Bench-scale treatability testing, 277 Carbonate interference
dissolved-phase delivery Big data, environmental remediation, see acid–base equilibrium, 281
mechanisms, 252 Environmental remediation bicarbonate ion, 281
DNAPLs, 252 Bimetallic nanoscale particles (BNPs), 310 carbonate ion, 281
LNAPL, 252 Biofouling carbonic acid, 281
microorganisms, 253–254 aerobic bacteria, 88 competitive interaction, calculation of,
nitrate-based products, 252 algae, 88 283–284
performance monitoring programs, fungi, 88 two-step dissociations, 281–283
254–255 iron-and manganese-oxidizing bacteria, 88 Carbon dioxide propagation, 296
residual mass within smear zone, 251 SRB, 88 Catalytic oxidation
sulfate-based treatment applications, 252 Biogeochemical considerations, design average catalyst lifetime, 440
rate-limiting substrate concentration vs. fouling of wells and equipment conventional-type heat exchanger
overall reaction rate, 249–250 corrosion, 90–92 with catalyst, 439
source zones with organic contaminants, 249 microbially induced fouling, 88 design criteria, 440

594 Index

piping and instrumentation PCE, 18–19 dissolved phase, 33

diagram, 440–441 regulatory guidance models, 18 hydrodynamic transport processes
supplemental fuel costs, 439 RFD, 18 advection, 57–58
VOC concentrations, 440 RGVs, 18 diffusive mass transport, 58
Catalyzed hydrogen peroxide (CHP), 272 setting up, 18 dispersion, 58
by-product formation, 296 surface soil contamination, 18 groundwater plumes, 58–59
competitive inhibitors TCE, 18 remediation hydrogeology, 57
bicarbonate, 295 Clean water front, 194 solute-based transport, 58–60
biological enzymes, 296 Coal combustion residuals (CCRs) volatilization and transport, unsaturated
carbonate, 295 by-products, 577 zone, 60–61
chloride, 295 coal ash, 577 inorganic contaminants
sulfate, 295 pond closure, 578 metals, 43–44
ex situ treatment applications, 291 recycling, 578 nitrogen compounds, 44–45
future innovation and current regulations, 577–578 perchlorate, 45
research, 296 Cometabolic biodegradation, 65 molecular structure of compounds
hydroxyl radical (OH•), 291 Command and control phase, 17 covalent bonds, 34–35
iron catalysis strategies Common environmental contaminants, physical definition, 33
aquifer mineral strategies, 293–294 properties, 583–591 dispersion forces, 39–40
conventional Fenton’s process, 293 Complexation reactions, 346 electrons, 33–34
iron chelation strategies, 293–294 Compound-specific isotopic analysis, 10 elemental composition, 33
kinetics Compound stable isotope analysis hydrogen bonds, 37–38
competition kinetic analysis, 295 (CSIA), 536 hydrophobic bonds, 39
fundamental chemistry models, 295 Comprehensive Environmental Response, ionic bonds, 38–39
second-order rate kinetics, 294 Compensation, and Liability Act polar covalent bonds, 35–37
simplified pseudo-first order, 295 (CERCLA), 1, 20 van der Waals interactions, 39
large-scale gas production, 291 Conceptual site models (CSMs), 7, 18, 107 NAPLs, 33
performance monitoring, 296 development process, 130–131 architecture, 54–55
pH adjustment limitations, 291 digital CSM, 132 DNAPL, 54
reaction mechanisms elements LNAPL, 54
direct oxidation, 292 geology, 131 saturation and mobility, 55–56
initiation, propagation, and termination hydrogeology, 131–132 weathering, 56–57
reactions, 292 potential contaminants, 130–131 nonreactive/recalcitrant chemicals, 33
primary regeneration reaction, 292 site history and operations, 130 organic contaminants
radical chain reactions, 291–292 investigation and design and optimize fuel oxygenates, 43
radical oxidation, 292–293 remediation systems, 132–135 halogenated organics, 41–42
short-duration reactions, 291 refinement, 149–151 ketones, 42
Cation exchange capacity (CEC), 53–54 Concerted reaction, 268 NAPL, 40
CCRs, see Coal combustion residuals Cone penetrometer testing (CPT) PAHs, 43
Chemical oxidation, 258; see also In situ methods, 120–122 partitioning in subsurface
chemical oxidation Contaminant characteristics environment, 40
Chemical reactivity abiotic transformation processes petroleum hydrocarbons, 42–43
enzyme participation, 259 hydrolysis, 62–63 physicochemical and biological
geochemical considerations oxidation and reduction reactions, 62 properties, 33
ionic strength effects, 271–272 physicochemical properties, 61 reactive contaminants, 33
pH effects, 271 precipitation and solubilization, 62 sorbed phase, 33
temperature effects, 270–271 biological transformation vapor phase, 33
objective, 259 biocatalysis, 63 Contaminant of emerging concern (CECs), 566
oxidation states, 259–260 bioremediation, 63–64 Core electrons, 34
reaction mechanisms cometabolic biodegradation, 65 Corrosion fouling
electron transfer reactions, 267–268 direct biodegradation, 63 acids, 91–92
nucleophilicity, 269–270 metabolic process, 63 anodic and cathodic reaction balance, 90
nucleophilic substitution and elimination microbial oxidation, 64 carbon dioxide (CO2), 91
reactions, 268–269 microbial reduction, 64–65 chloride, 90–91
thermodynamics vs. kinetics bulk parameters hydrogen sulfide, 91
bond energies, 260–261 TDS, 46 iron metal oxidation, 90
Gibbs free energy, 260–263 TOC, 46 oxygen, 90
kinetic control of reaction TPH, 45–46 water velocity, 92
rates, 263–267 contaminant distribution, 33–34 Covalent bonds
Nernst equation, 263 contaminant properties bond angles, 35
Chlorinated volatile organic compounds absorption, 51–52 ethene, 35
(CVOCs), 467–468 adsorption, 50–51 ethyne, 35
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 42 cation exchange capacity, 53–54 hydrogen atom, 34–35
CHP, see Catalyzed hydrogen peroxide density, 48 methane, 35
Chromite ore processing residue (COPR), 377 fluid properties, 49–50 nitrogen and phosphorus, 34–35
Chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) Henry’s law constant, 48 oxygen and sulfur, 34–35
solubility, 362–363 liquid viscosity, 48–49 polar covalent bonds
Cleanup standards multicompartment sorption C–C and C–H bonds, 36
cleanup levels, 17–18 models, 51–53 dipole–dipole forces, 37
CSFs, 18 solubility, 46–47 electronegativity, 35–36
CSM, 18 sorption, 50 ion–ion forces, 37
HHRA, 18 vapor pressure, 47–48 net dipole moment, 35–37
Index 595

nonpolar molecules, 36–37 design concepts, 159–161 Dehalococcoides, 234

O–H bond, 36 former Reese Air Force Base dihaloelimination reaction, 234
polarizability, 36 background, 149 hexachlorocyclohexanes, 234
CPT methods, see Cone penetrometer testing cleanup objectives, 155–158 iron sulfide minerals, 235
methods complete cleanup demonstration, 158 methanogens, 234–235
Critical failure analysis worksheet CSM refinement, 149–151 sulfate-reducing bacteria, 235
causes and probability of occurrence, 74, 76 optimization, remedy strategy, 151–152 degradation pathways
current controls and likelihood of revised remedy strategy implementation, biological and abiotic, 231–232
detection, 74, 76 151–155 common pathways, 231–232
effects and severity, 74–76 TCE plume reduction, 8-year remediation dechlorination processes, 231
failure mode, 74–75 period, 158–159 Dehalococcoides, 233
follow through, 77 pump and treat ecological selection pressures, 231
recommended action, 76 critical elements, 147 Gibbs free energy, 232–233
RPN, 74 enhanced flushing-based solution, 147 metabolic functions, 232
system element, 74 groundwater TCE plume development, RDase genes, 233
CSMs, see Conceptual site models 140–141 tceA reductase enzyme, 233
CVOC-based DNAPLs, 472–473 performance at manufacturing site, thermodynamic analysis, 232
139–140 dissolved hydrogen as electron donor, 229
D performance, conventional approach, metabolic mechanisms, 229
140, 142–144 metabolic processes, 229, 231
Darcy’s law, 109, 113 TCE plume, three hydrostratigraphic monitoring
Denitrification, anaerobic processes units, 144–146 daughter and end products, 239–240
ammonification, 247–248 refueling pad geochemical conditions, 236–239
in situ microbial denitrification, 248–249 cross section A–A′, 168–169 injection wells, 235
molecular ammonia, 247 design elements, 169–170 organic carbon donor, 236–237
nitrification, 248 DGR performance and results, 170–172 primary decision-making steps, 235
nitrogen forms, 247–248 geology and hydrogeology, 167–168 sampling program, 235
by organisms, 248 groundwater extraction and PCE and TCE, 229
redox potential, 249 reinjection, 170 site hydrogeologic characteristics, 231
Dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs), injection wells, extraction wells and areas solvent molecules, 229
20, 54, 513 A, B, C, 168–169 well-based configurations, 230
chlorinated DNAPL mapping, 127–128 soil and groundwater impacts, 167–168 Enhanced resistivity heating (ERH) remedy, 163
ISCO, 287 REV, 137 Environmental biotechnology, 15
petroleum hydrocarbons, 252 Environmental geochemistry, 9–10
source zones, IRZs, 196 E Environmental microbiology, 8–9
DGR, see Dynamic groundwater recirculation Environmental remediation
Digital CSMs, 132 Ecological risk assessments (ERA), 19 CCRs, 577–578
1,4-Dioxane Electrical resistance heating (ERH) conceptual site model, 559
AFFFs, 568 electrical power, 470 data analysis, 551
biological degradation, 573–574 electrodes and vapor extraction wells, 474 data fusion, 560
biological funneling, 568 ET-DSP™, 476 data sets, 549–550
DGR, 573 in situ boiling temperature, 475 developing and validating benchmarks,
EPA, 569 Joule’s law, 469 555–556
in situ chemical oxidation, 571–573 Ohm’s law, 470 1,4-dioxane, 556
LCMSMS, 569 resistive losses, 469 emerging contaminants
PFAAs, 568 SI unit, 469–470 CECs, 566
PFOS and PFOA, 568 six-phase ERH, 474–475 1,4-dioxane, 565, 567
polytetrafluorethylene, 567–568 steam and contaminant vapors, 475 history, 564
smart characterization, 569–571 steam stripping, 476 perfluoroalkyl substances, 568–574
Direct-push injection logging (DPIL) tools, 122 three-phase ERH, 474 PFCs, 565
Dispersion forces, 39–40 unsaturated soil zone, 476 pharmaceuticals, hormones, and EDCs,
DNAPLs, see Dense nonaqueous phase liquids using continuous long electrode, 474–475 565–566
Dose-response wells, 186–187 Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) pump-and-treat systems, 566
Drift phase monitoring, 187 method, 452 1,2,3-TCP, 566
Drift wells, 186–187 Electronegativity, 35–36 evaluations, 551–553
Dual-direction diffusion, 157–158 Electron transfer reactions, 267–268 E-waste, 580–581
Dual-domain model (DDM), 137 Electro-thermal dynamic stripping process™ influence of, 549
Dual-equilibrium desorption (DED) (ET-DSP™), 476 large contaminated groundwater
model, 52–53 Elimination reaction, 268–269 advective scale, 560
Dye-enhanced laser-induced fluorescence Emerging contaminants, 26–27 cleaning up, 562–563
(DyeLIF), 128–129 Energy dispersive x-ray spectrometers diffusion, 561–562
Dynamic groundwater recirculation (DGR), 573 (EDS), 390 multiple technologies, 560
commercial property and metropolitan Enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) physical scale, 560
setting carbon–chlorine bond, 229, 231 trichloroethene, 563–564
CSM, 161–163 chlorinated hydrocarbon as electron large plume management, 557–559
design considerations, 163–165 acceptor, 229 LNAPL management, 556–557
plume adaptive approach and cis-DCE, 230 nanomaterials, 578–580
performance tracking, 165–166 dechlorinating organisms porosities, realistic values, 557–558
site closure and lessons learned, 166 chlorinated alkenes and alkanes, 233 sensors, 554
complex heterogeneous systems, 147–148 chlorinated benzoates, 233 smart investigations, 553
contaminant transport, 137–139 chlorinated ethenes, 235 stratigraphic flux, 554–555
596 Index

sustainability, 553 TCE plume reduction, 8-year remediation Human health risk assessments (HHRA), 18–19
tracer testing data, 553–554 period, 158–159 Hydraulic profiling tool (HPT), 122
vapor intrusion, 575–577 Freundlich isotherm, 386 Hydrodynamic transport processes
Environmental security technology certification Fuel oxygenates, 43, 255 advection, 57–58
program (ESTCP), 95 diffusive mass transport, 58
Equilibrium partitioning process, G dispersion, 58
see Absorption groundwater plumes, 58–59
Equilibrium solubility, 346 Geochemical strategies remediation hydrogeology, 57
ERD, see Enhanced reductive dechlorination biological methods, 344 solute-based transport, 58–60
ERH, see Electrical resistance heating chemical precipitation volatilization and transport, unsaturated
Excavation-based installation methods, development, 331 zone, 60–61
516, 518–521 insoluble metallic sulfide Hydrogen bonds, 37–38, 50
Experimentation and coeducation phase, 17 precipitates, 331 Hydrolytic dechlorination, 65
Explosives pH adjustment, 331–332 Hydrophobic bonds, 39
gaseous products in, 239 reduction, 332–333 Hydroxyl radical (OH•), 273, 275
history, 239–240 sulfide precipitation, 332–335 Hyperaccumulators, 505
HMX sorption/coprecipitation, 344–345
anaerobic degradation, 242 Geophysical methods, 10–11 I
biodegradation, 242 Geoprobe Systems, 127
mineralization, 242 Gibbs free energy, thermodynamics vs. kinetics Injection-based installation method, 521–522
molecular structure, 240 endergonic reactions, 261 Injection delivery methods
threshold concentrations, 242 enthalpy consideration, 261–263 fracture-based injection tooling, 178, 180
RDX entropy consideration, 263 hydraulic/pneumatic fracturing applications,
anaerobic degradation, 242 exergonic reactions, 261 178–179
biodegradation, 242 of products and reactants, 260 injection well, 178–179
capacity constant, sorption, 242 spontaneous reactions, 260 reagent distribution, 179
cometabolic process, 244 van’t Hoff equation, 260 selection, 178
mineralization, 242 Grain size analysis, 123 well-based applications, 180
molecular structure, 240 Gravity feed delivery, 180–181 Injection phase monitoring, 187
second putative pathway, 242–243 Green liver model, 505 Injection pressure considerations
threshold concentrations, 242 Groundwater extraction and treatment system allowable gauge pressure, 182
soils and groundwater contamination, 240 (GETS), 511, 538–539 fluid injection, 180
TNT Groundwater remediation technology grain-to-grain contact pressures, 181
attenuation, 241 analysis, 95 gravity feed delivery, 180–181
biodegradation, 241–242 horizontal effective stress, 181
diamino products, 240 H horizontal hydraulic conductivity, 180
microbial transformation, 241 hydraulic fracturing, 181
molecular structure, 240 Hard cations, 326 initial vertical effective stress, 182
reductive transformation products, 240 Health and safety (H&S) in design injection flow rates, 180
threshold concentrations, 242 behavior-based safety programs, 73 low-pressure application, 182
triamino product, 241 HASP, 73 maximum allowable injection pressure, 182
triaminotoluene (TAT), 241–242 hazard control hierarchy pressure relief, 182
two-stage reductive/oxidative engineering controls, 77 saturated pore pressure, 181
process, 241–242 PPE, 77–78 theoretical injection pressure calculation, 181
Ex situ soil treatment work practices and administrative total vertical stress, 181
design considerations controls, 77–78 Inorganic contaminants
soil stability, 467 hazard identification and critical failure metals, 43–44
soil volume, 467 analysis nitrogen compounds, 44–45
disposal, 464–465 analysis worksheet, 74–77 perchlorate, 45
incineration, 465 block diagram creation, 74 In situ air sparging process
land farming and biopiles, 466 process/task-related hazards, 73–74 airflow pathways distribution, 449
thermal desorption, 465–466 system reliability–related hazards, 73–74 air injection into water-saturated soils,
Extracellular polymeric substance (EPS), 88 response planning, 78–79 447–448
Henry’s law constants applicability
F contaminant properties, 48, 415–416 contaminant applicability, 446–447
CVOCs, 467 geologic characteristics, 447
Faster groundwater velocity, 228 VOCs, 467 biodegradation, 444–445
Fenton’s chemistry, see Catalyzed hydrogen Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine, biosparging, 457–458
peroxide see Royal demolition explosive contaminant mass removal processes, 444
Fick’s laws of diffusion, 113 Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) precipitation degree of channeling, 444
Field design test, see Pilot testing, SVE reaction, 336 direct volatilization, 446
Flame ionization detector (FID), 485 High melting explosive (HMX) groundwater mixing, 449–450
Fluorescent dyes, 185 anaerobic degradation, 242 in situ air stripping, 445–446
Former Reese Air Force Base biodegradation, 242 performance monitoring, 456
background, 149 mineralization, 242 pilot testing
cleanup objectives, 155–158 molecular structure, 240 air distribution zone, 455
complete cleanup demonstration, 158 threshold concentrations, 242 contaminant removal efficiencies,
CSM refinement, 149–151 High-resolution direct-push slug testing, 455–456
optimization, remedy strategy, 151–152 122–123 full-scale air sparging systems, 454–455
revised remedy strategy HMX, see High melting explosive injection air pressure, 455
implementation, 151–155 H&S plan (HASP), 73 injection flow rate, 455
Index 597

mass removal efficiency, 455–456 dissolved-phase contamination, 286 alkaline earth metals:, 323–324
preliminary screening tool, 455 DNAPL, 287 anion, 324
site-specific parameters, 455 oxygen gas buildup, 287 arsenic, 398–401
primary components ozone (O3), 272, 286, 301–304 buffering capacity, 324
air compressor/air blower, 456–457 permanganate (MnO4−), 272–273, 285, cation and colloidal particle, 324
vacuum blower, 457 287–291 chromium, 397–398
valves and control devices, 457 persulfate (S2O82−), 272, 286, 296–301 common ion effect, 324
saturated zone, 444 pore water displacement, 287 co-precipitation, 324
schematic diagram, 444 volatile organic carbon stripping, 287 dissolved metal analysis, 388
system design parameters remedy designs, 186 durability/permanence, 323
air distribution (zone of influence), resultant reactive species and parent element re-oxidation, 405–407
450–452 compounds, 272 equilibrium constants, 329–331
air injection pressure and flow rate, In situ chemical reduction (ISCR) equilibrium solubility, 323
452–453 abiotic reductants, 305 geochemical strategies
contaminant type and distribution, 454 anaerobic biological strategies, 305 biological methods, 344
depth of air injection, 452 contaminants and metal precipitation, 305 chemical precipitation, 331–344
injection mode (pulsing and naturally occurring chemical reductants, 305 sorption/coprecipitation, 344–345
continuous), 453 reagent selection/types geochemistry
injection well construction, 453–454 applications, 305 analytical results, nickel and measured
volatile and aerobically biodegradable chemical reductants and recent pH, 364–365
organic contaminants, 444 pricing, 305 biological reactive zone, 365, 367
water table mounding, 448–449 polysulfide, 306–307 hydration, 368
In situ biogeochemical processes, 9 sulfur oxyanions, 306 matrix effect, 367–368
In situ bioremediation ZVI, 305, 307–311 metal hydroxides and carbonates
aerobic processes reductive dechlorination and precipitation solubility, 358, 360
aerobic biodegradation, 212–213 processes, 304 metal hydroxide vs. metal carbonate
aerobic oxidation, 215–216 In situ chemical remediation solubility products, 358, 360
aromatic organic compounds, 214–215 chemical oxidation, 258 nickel-containing plating solution, 365
catabolic pathway, naphthalene CHP, 272 nickel sulfide formation, 365–367
degradation, 215–216 combined reagents, 304 oxides and hydroxides, 358–363
chlorinated aliphatic compounds, oxidant characteristics, 272 precipitate formation and inhibition,
215–217 ozone, 272 346–358
contaminant types, 213 permanganate, 272–273 solubility, targeted mineral, 345–346
gasoline, 211 persulfate, 272 sulfides, 363–364
hydrocarbon degraders, 214 radical reactions, 273–275 heavy metal, 326
isolated bacterial genera, 213–214 reagent loading and geochemistry, heterogeneous and homogenous
methane compounds, 216 275–285 reactions, 324
monitoring, 221–222 reagent selection/types, 285–304 ionic strength, 324
nutrient addition, 220–221 resultant reactive species and parent kinetics, 323
oxygen concentrations, 212–213 compounds, 272 Lewis acid and base, 324
oxygen delivery mechanisms, 217–220 chemical reactive zone treatments, 258 metal bonding characteristics, 325–326
petroleum compounds, 211–212 chemical reactivity metal characteristics, transport and
pseudomonads, 213 enzyme participation, 259 toxicity, 327
anaerobic processes geochemical considerations, 270–272 metal sulfides (MeS), 405
anaerobic oxidation, 249–255 objective, 259 operational (functional) analysis, 396–397
facultative organisms, 221–222 oxidation states, 259–260 oxidation–reduction potential, 324–325
microbial reduction, 222–249 reaction mechanisms, 267–270 pE–pH diagrams, 328–329
reduction potential, alternative electron thermodynamics vs. kinetics, 260–267 point of zero charge, 324
acceptors, 221 chemical reduction radionuclides
In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), 95 abiotic reductants, 305 plutonium, 403–404
1,4-dioxane, 571–573 anaerobic biological strategies, 305 technetium-99, 402–403
oxidant characteristics, 272 contaminants and metal uranium, 401–402
radical reactions precipitation, 305 regulatory considerations, 327–328
chain reactions, 273–275 naturally occurring chemical solid metal analysis
chemical reactive zone mechanisms, 273 reductants, 305 data acquisition, 388
kinetic rate constants, 273–274 reagent selection/types, 305–311 elemental analysis, 388–389
radical chemistry, 273, 275 reductive dechlorination and precipitation QEMSCAN system, 390–395
reagent loading and geochemistry processes, 304 structural analysis, 389
amount of oxidant, 275 chemical remediation kinetics vs. biological XAS, 394–397
bench testing, 277 remediation kinetics, 258 XRD, 389
carbonate interference, 281–284 contaminant destruction and immobilization solubility product, 324
contaminant concentrations, 275 mechanisms, 257 technology type
health and safety considerations, nontarget compounds and nontarget reaction extraction, 384–387
284–285 losses, 258 PRBs, 373–375
matrix oxidant demand, 275–277 thermodynamic feasibility, 259 reactive zones, 369–373
oxidant quenching, 284 In situ engineered reductive dechlorination, stabilization, 375–384
secondary water quality, 277–281 153–155 transition elements, 325–327
reagent selection/types In situ extractive techniques, 173 In situ nonextractive techniques, 173
adsorbed mass/NAPL, 286–287 In situ metals treatment In situ reactive zones (IRZs), 15–16
CHP, 272, 291–296 acid dissociation constant, 323 concept of, 173–174
contaminant applicability, 285–286 alkali metals, 323 contaminant considerations
598 Index

biodegradable contaminants, 176 chemical and biological reactions, COCs, 481–482

kinetic-based oxidation–reduction 174–175 design considerations, 483–485
remedies, 175 equilibrium, 175 ERH, 474–476
metabolism, 175 heterogeneous, 174 geologic settings, 481, 483
MNA, 176 homogeneous, 174 groundwater flow conditions, 481, 483
organic contaminants, 175 kinetics, 175 hydraulic and pneumatic control, 483
physicochemical properties, 175 mineralization, 174 identification and selection, 481–482
relative susceptibility, 175 oxidation–reduction (redox) low-temperature in situ thermal
design parameters reactions, 175 treatment, 479–480
injection delivery methods, 178–180 reversible reactions, 175 mass and energy balance, 483–484
injection frequency, 183–184 steady-state condition, 175 in North America, 480–481
injection pressure considerations, substitution, elimination, and SEE, 477–479
180–182 configuration reactions, 174 smoldering combustion, 479
reagent types and selection system, 175 target treatment temperature, 482–483
considerations, 182–183 In situ soil mixing (ISM), 375 TCH, 476–477
reevaluation of hydrogeology, 176 advantages, 487 technical aspects, 481
volume–radius relationship, 176–178 bench-scale treatability testing, 487 treatment and removal mechanisms
enhanced NAPL dissolution design goals, 489–490 fluid property changes, 473–474
benzene concentrations, 198–199 field pilot testing, 487 low-boiling point azeotropes formation,
chlorinated solvent source zone geotechnical and earth retention 472–473
applications, 197 applications, 486 preferential partitioning, vapor
concentration gradient, 196 implementation challenges, 492–493 phase, 472
design decision making, 198 implementation methods TAADR, 473–475
dissolved-phase treatment deep soil mixing, 490–491 vaporization and volatilization, 472
remedies, 196 jet mixing/grouting, 491 treatment zone, 468
DNAPL source zones, 196 shallow soil mixing, 490–492 vaporization, 467
field data set, source zone monitoring, ISS, 486 VOCs, 467–468
197–198 former creosote facility, 494–495 In situ treatment (IST), 487
hydrophobic organics distribution, former MGP site, 493–494 chemical oxidants, 496
196–197 treatability challenges, 490 contaminant flux, 495–496
LNAPL treatment, 196 treatability test, 488 homogenization, 495–496
mass transfer coefficient, 196–197 IST, 487 reactive materials, 495
mechanisms, 197 chemical oxidants, 496 ZVI and clay, 496–497
short-term physical removal contaminant flux, 495–496 Interspecies hydrogen transfer, 226
techniques, 198 homogenization, 495–496 Interstate technology and regulatory council
solubility and degradability, 198 reactive materials, 495 (ITRC), 95
Suntech method, 196 ZVI and clay, 496–497 Intrinsic solubility, 346
fundamental requirements, 173 reagent selection, 488–489 Ionic bonds, 38–39
injection configurations soil characterization, 487 Iron-and manganese-oxidizing bacteria, 88
batch mixing injection setup, 192 soil sampling, 487–488 Iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)3) solubility, 361–362
fully automated mixing system, 192 In situ soil stabilization/solidification IRZs, see In situ reactive zones
geology and groundwater transport (ISSS), 309 ISCO, see In situ chemical oxidation
velocity, 192 In situ solidification/stabilization (ISS), 486 ISCR, see In situ chemical reduction
injection-based applications, 190–191 former creosote facility, 494–495 ISM, see In situ soil mixing
large plume treatment, 193–195 former MGP site, 493–494 ISS, see In situ solidification/stabilization
plume cutoff barrier transects, 191 treatability challenges, 490 IST, see In situ treatment
plume-wide reactive zones, 191 treatability test, 488
pulse and drift vs. recirculation, 192–193 In situ thermal remediation K
reagent distribution, 190, 192 aquifer minerals and metals, 467
semisoluble/sparingly soluble CVOCs, 467–468 Kinetic control of reaction rates
reagents, 192 energy input and heating mechanisms collisions between reactants frequency, 263
source area reactive zones, 191 combustion/smoldering, 470 first-order reactions, 264
water-soluble reagents, 192 conduction, 469 kinetic feasibility
injection tests and tracer studies convection, 469 elements of kinetic analysis, 267
feasibility and selection criteria, 184 Joule (electrical resistance) heating, energy-yielding reactions, 266
field demonstration, 184 469–470 potential kinetic limitations, 266–267
injection duration, 185 radio frequency/microwave heating, 470 principle of, 266
mobile porosity and velocity energy transport and storage mechanisms likelihood of reaction, 263
interpretation, 187–190 advection, 470 probability of reaction, 263
multiple well pilot tests, 185 convection, 470 pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics, 265–266
multiple well tracer tests, 184–185 heat capacity, 471 rate equations, 264
pilot test, 184 heat of condensation, 471 reaction order, 264
reagent-based injection tests, 184 heat of vaporization, 471 second-order reactions, 264–265
single-well tests, 184 thermal conductivity and thermal zero-order reactions, 264
test layout and monitoring programs, diffusivity, 470–471
186–187 performance monitoring L
tracer test, 184 process monitoring, 485–486
tracer types, 185–186 remote monitoring, 485 Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)
in situ mass destruction techniques, 173 thermal well field monitoring, 485 for chlorinated DNAPL mapping, 127–128
performance monitoring, 195–196 pore volumes, 468 DyeLIF, 128–129
types of reactions thermal treatment technologies fluorescent molecules, 126
Index 599

for LNAPL characterization, 127–128 architecture, 54–55 denitrifying microorganisms, 245

log, 127 DNAPL, 20, 54 IRZ deployment, 245–246
sapphire-windowed probe, 126 LNAPL, 54 microbial transformation, 245
versions, 126 saturation and mobility, 55–56 oxidation poise setting, 244
Light nonaqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs), source zone, 55 permissive geological units, 244
28–29, 54 weathering, 56–57 postulated chemical mechanisms, 244
IRZs, 196 Nucleophilicity, 269–270 reduction, 245, 247
LIF, 127–128 Nucleophilic substitution reaction, 268–269 in soil, 247–248
petroleum hydrocarbons, 252 Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs), 568
Liquid chromatography with tandem mass O Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), 42
spectrometry (LCMSMS), 569 AFFFs, 568
Longitudinal dispersion, 58 Obligate proton reducers, 225 biological degradation, 573–574
Occupational Safety and Health Administration biological funneling, 568
M (OSHA), 21–22 DGR, 573
Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine, EPA, 569
Mass transfer zone (MTZ), 442 see High melting explosive in situ chemical oxidation, 571–573
Matrix oxidant demand, 275–277 Optical image profiler (OIP), 127 LCMSMS, 569
Maximum contaminant levels (MCLs), 327–328 Organic absorption, 50 PFAAs, 568
Membrane interface probe (MIP), 124–125 Organic contaminants PFOS and PFOA, 568
Metal partitioning coefficients, 386–387 fuel oxygenates, 43 polytetrafluorethylene, 567–568
Methane monooxygenase (MMO), 65 halogenated organics smart characterization, 569–571
Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), 213, 255 chlorinated alkenes and alkanes, 41 Permanganate (MnO4−), 272–273
Microbially induced/influenced corrosion chlorinated aromatics, 41–42 chlorinated alkenes treatment, 285
(MIC), 91 fluorinated organics, 42 potassium permanganate (KMnO4), 285,
Microbial oxidation, 64 ketones, 42 287–288
Microbial reduction, 64–65 NAPL, 40 potential trace chromium concentration, 288
aerobic carbohydrate metabolism, 222 PAHs, 43 reaction mechanisms, 288–289
aerobic glycolysis, 222 partitioning in subsurface environment, 40 by-product formation, 289–291
aliphatic and aromatic organic compounds petroleum hydrocarbons, 42–43 future innovation and current
dechlorination, 222 Oxygenated water recirculation system, 220 research, 290
biogeochemistry, 222–224 Oxygen delivery mechanisms kinetics, 289–290
carbohydrate fermentation, 222 aqueous oxygen delivery, 219–220 performance monitoring, 290
denitrification, 247–249 automated delivery systems, 217 sodium permanganate (NaMnO4), 285,
disproportionation, 222 biosparging, 217–219 287–288
ERD, 229–240 comparative costs, 217 stability, 285
explosives degradation, 239–244 solid (oxygen release compounds), 220 Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs), 373–375
nitroaromatic compounds reduction, 222 solid-phase materials, 217 biological reactive mechanism
perchlorate degradation, 244–247 Oxygenolytic dechlorination, 65 aerobic, 529
substrates, 223–229 Oxygen propagation, 296 anaerobic, 528–529
Mine reclamation Oxygen-releasing materials (ORMs), 217, 220 chemical reaction mechanism
AMD, 28 Ozone (O3), 272, 286 abiotic reduction, 526–527
mine closure, 27 applications, 301 chemical oxidation, 527–528
mine tailings, 27–28 aqueous-phase solubility, 301–302 precipitation, 526
mining habitats, 28 by-product formation, 304 components, 533
Mobile porosity and velocity interpretation cost–benefit analysis, 301 configuration, 511–512
bulk velocity, 188–189 performance monitoring, 304 constructability
center of mass, 188 production, 301 continuous PRB, 516–517
dose-response wells, 187 reaction mechanisms excavation-based installation methods,
downgradient drift wells, 188 direct oxidation, 302–303 516, 518–521
first temporal moment, 188 dissolution, 302 funnel walls, 517
groundwater velocity, 188 radical chain reactions, 301 injection-based installation method,
method of moments, 188–189 radical oxidation, 303–304 521–522
minimal nonideal transport, 189–190 unstable nature, 301 limitations, 522
moderate nonideal transport, 189–190 second-order rate kinetics, 304 sheet pile walls, 518
normalized concentration, 188 slurry walls, 517–518
normalized tracer responses, 188 P contaminant distribution and mass flux, 535
projected tail moments, 189 continuous PRB, 512–513
second temporal moment, 188–189 Particle tracking methods, 160–161 funnel and gate
significant nonideal transport, 189–190 Passivation, 374–375 advantage, 513
transport velocity, 188–189 Passive flux meters (PFMs), 128–129 cross-sectional views, 513–514
volume to distribution ratio, 188 Perchlorate degradation DNAPL, 513
Monitored natural attenuation (MNA), 176 ammonium perchlorate, 244–245 funnel width and angle, 514–515
anaerobic reduction, 246 physical, chemical, and biological
N anion perchlorate, 244 mechanisms, 514
anthropogenic perchlorate reactive gate length, 515
Nanoscale ZVI (nZVI), 310–311 contamination, 245 reactive gate permeability, 515
NAPLs, see Nonaqueous-phase liquids in aquifers, 245 single reactive gate, 514
Natural oxidant demand (NOD), see Matrix biogeochemical inhibitor setting, 244 trichloroethylene, 514
oxidant demand biogeochemical operating principles, hydraulic capture, 522
Natural source zone depletion (NSZD), 556 245, 247 hydraulics, 533–534
Nonaqueous-phase liquids (NAPLs), 33 chlorate reductase, 245 longevity, 535
600 Index

O&M, 530 contaminant levels, 508–509 Precipitate formation and inhibition

performance monitoring irrigation, agronomic inputs, and biological interferences, 355–357
demonstration, 536–537 maintenance, 509 chemical interferences, 357–358
in Elizabeth City, 543–544 physical/mechanical impedance, 508 colloidal particles, 353
GETS replacement, 538–539 plant selection process, 509 crystallinity maturation, 350–351
perchlorate, 539–543 site characterization data, 508 dissolution control, 347
potential arrangements, 536 soil air, 508 dissolved-phase concentration, 347, 349
secondary water-quality, 537 soil pH, 508 in situ remediation, 354
physical reaction mechanism soil temperature, 508 ionic strength, 354
air sparging, 523–524 soil water, 508 mixed mineral phases, 351–352
ion exchange resins, 524–525 topography, 508 nickel carbonate (NiCO3) solubility, 348
liquid-phase granular activated treatability/plant screening, 509 nickel concentration, 347–348
carbon, 524 history, 497 nickel hydroxide (Ni(OH)2) solubility, 349
reactivity, 523 Meinzer’s observations, 497 nucleation, 350
residence time, 523 soil–plant system, chemicals in point of zero charge (pHpzc), 354
treatment kinetics and minimum residence inorganic macronutrients, 498 potential fouling, 358
time, 534–535 inorganic micronutrients, 498 precipitation, definition, 346
treatment reagent metals, 498–499 predicted nickel solubility, 348
apatite, 531 organic compounds, 499–500 solubility product, 347, 349
availability, 530–531 transpiration process, 497 stability, oxidation–reduction sensitive
compatibility, 531 types metals, 354–355
gypsum, 532 hazardous waste remediation, 500 thermodynamic control, 346–347
limestone, 532 phytodegradation, 500, 505–507 TSSs, 352–353
organic, 532 phytoextraction, 500, 504–506 Predesign characterization, 79, 87
organophilic clays, 531 phytohydraulics, 500, 503–504 Predesign experimentation
reactivity, 530 phytosequestration, 500–501 real experiments, 79
zeolites, 531 phytovolatilization, 500, 505–508 amendments, 85
ZVI, 531 rhizodegradation, 500–503 analysis and interpretation, 83
Personal protective equipment (PPE), 21–22, water table, daily fluctuations, 497–498 control, 82–83
77, 284 White’s observations, 497 1,2-DCA degradation, 84–86
Persulfate chemistry, 272, 286 Phytotransformation, see Phytodegradation factors, 82
by-product formation, 300 Phytovolatilization, 500, 505–508 field experiments, 84
competitive inhibitors Pilot testing findings, 85
aquifer minerals, 300 in situ air sparging process, 454–456 focus and goals, 82
chloride, 299–300 SVE framework, 82
engineered activation, 297 air samples, 425–426 in situ bioremediation, 84
future innovation and current research, components, 425–426 methods, 83
300–301 extraction well location, 426–427 microcosm preparation, 85
kinetics, 299 nested probe monitoring well, 427–428 preliminary soil analysis, 85
performance monitoring, 301 pneumatic conductivity, 428 preliminary water analysis, 85
peroxydisulfate, 296 regenerative vacuum pump models, replication, 83
peroxymonosulfate, 296 operational ranges, 427, 429 sample collection and processing, 85
physical and chemical properties, 296–297 turbine vacuum pump models, scope and scale, 82
reaction mechanisms operational ranges, 427, 429 treatability testing, 82, 84
direct oxidation, 297 vacuum monitoring points, 427 thought experiment, 79
radical oxidation, 297–299 well, 427 dispersion patterns, 80
Petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs), 42–43 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 41–42 NAPL encrustation, 80–81
ABOx systems, 251–253 Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), 42 oxidant-target compatibility, 81
permanganate, 81 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons screening technology applications, 80
PFASs, see Perfluoroalkyl substances (PAHs), 43 secondary water quality effects, 81–82
PHCs, see Petroleum hydrocarbons Polysulfide theories testing, 80
Photoionization detector (PID), 485 chemical reduction reagent, 306–307 uniformity of coverage, 82
Phytoaccumulation, see Phytoextraction metal precipitation Primary fermentation, 225
Phytoaccumulators, 505 arsenic precipitation, 341–342 Pseudo-first-order reaction rates, 289–290
Phytodegradation, 500 bench-scale treatability test, 337–338 Pump-and-treat (P&T) systems, 6, 15–16
current state of science, 507 CaSx injection, 340
green liver model, 505 CaSx treatability test data, 338–339 Q
parrot feather,507 in situ field treatability test, 338–340
and phytovolatilization, 505–507 metal oxides vs. metal sulfides, 331, 342 Quantitative evaluation of minerals by
plant enzyme systems, 505 metal sulfides vs. metal hydroxides, 338 SCANning (QEMSCAN) electron
reduction, oxidation, conjugation, and pE–pH stability diagram, sulfur microscopy system
sequestration, 505 system, 335, 337 COPR, 390
TCE degradation, 507 pH neutralization, 341 data visualization, 393
TNT degradation, 507 pseudo-first-order reaction electron beam, 390
Phytoextraction, 500, 504–505 kinetics, 337 outputs, 394
Phytoextractors, 505 selenium, 341 posttreatment homogenate SEM-EDS image,
Phytohydraulics, 500, 503–504 solubility products, 331, 342 390–392
Phytosequestration, 500–501 Pore flushing approximation, 385–387 pre-treatment homogenate SEM-EDS image,
Phytotechnologies Pore volume exchange rate (PVER), 431–432 390–391
application, 497, 501 PPE, see Personal protective equipment quantitative evaluation of minerals, 392–394
design PRBs, see Permeable reactive barriers TEM image resolution, 394–395
Index 601

R incremental implementation, 73 remediation engineer

integrated development, 72–73 best-value remediation design, 12–13
Radical chain reactions long-term stewardship, 72 characteristics, 11–12
initiation, 273 restoration solutions, 72 financial performance, 13
promotion, 273–274 watershed functions, 72 ill-defined terminology, 12
termination, 275 predesign efforts interdisciplinary nature, 12
RCRA, see Resource Conservation and characterization, 79, 87 leadership role, 12
Recovery Act concepts and definitions, 79–80 long-standing cleanup standards, 12
RDX, see Royal demolition explosive experimentation, 79–86 site closure, 12
Reaction kinetic effects, 351 process elements, 69–70 technical discipline
Reactive zones brainstorm, 70 advancement, 4
bedrock formation, 370–371 define, 69 analytical chemistry techniques, 4
biological IRZs, 370 deploy, 71–72 civil/sanitary engineers, 1970s, 3
chemical, 369–370 plan, 70–71 direct push drilling technologies, 4
definition, 369 refine, 71 environmental engineers, 1980s, 3
hexavalent chromium plume progression, 371 test, 71 environmetrics, 4–5
hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) reduction, Remediation engineering evolutionary growth, 4
370–374 complementary disciplines, advances in history, 3–4
intrinsic biological reduction, 370 emerging engineering, 5 organic and inorganic compounds, 4
IRZ, 369 environmental geochemistry, 9–10 source-zone mass removal, 4
off-site geochemical response, 371, 373 environmental microbiology, 8–9 subsurface environment, 3–4
Reagent handling, 183 foundational knowledge base, 5–6 subsurface media, 4
Reagent injectability, 182 geophysical methods, 10–11 technologies evolution and maturation
Reagent longevity, 183 key events, 5 contaminants type and chemical
Reagent-related by-products, 183 remediation hydrogeology, 5–8 characteristics, 13
Reagent solubility, 182 current trends contaminant treatment pathways, 13
Record of decision (ROD), 14 emerging contaminants, 26–27 cost-effective technologies, 13
Redox reactions, see Electron transfer reactions evolutionary developments, 23–24 emerging technologies, 13
Redox recovery zone, 195 LNAPL management, 28–29 operational efficiencies, 13
Reductionistic progression, 9 mine reclamation, 27–28 P&T systems, 15–16
Reductive dechlorination, 65 potential barriers, 23–24 regulatory influences, 14–15
Reductive dehalogenase (RDase) genes, 233 sustainable (green) remediation, 24–26 Remediation hydrogeology
Reference dose (RFD), 18 water resources protection, 29–31 contaminant mass flux, 8
Refueling pad health and safety contaminant transport processes
cross section A–A′, 168–169 awareness and current trends, 21–22 advection, 112–113
design elements, 169–170 in design process, 22–23 advection–diffusion model, 113
DGR performance and results, 170–172 hazardous waste remediation advection–dispersion model, 113
geology and hydrogeology, 167–168 projects, 21 diffusion, 112–113
groundwater extraction and reinjection, 170 occupational considerations, 20–21 dispersion, 112–113
injection wells, extraction wells and areas operations and maintenance, 21 nonpoint sources, 112
A, B, C, 168–169 potential hazards, 22 point sources, 112
soil and groundwater impacts, 167–168 industry growth CSMs, 7
Regulatory guidance values (RGVs), 18 ecological management, 3 early developments, 1950s–1980s, 114
Relative mass flux, 138–139 federal government collaboration, 3 first generation, 1980s–2000s, 114
Remediation design funding source, remediation project flux-informed remediation decision
biogeochemical considerations implementation, 2 making, 8
fouling of wells and equipment, 87–92 growth rates, 1 groundwater and mineral resources
material compatibility, 101–102 long-term stewardship, 3 development, 5
porosity reductions in aquifer, 92–95 regulation-driven markets, 2 groundwater flow
secondary water quality impacts, 95–101 regulatory programs, 1 aquifer and characteristics, 107–110
environmental considerations restoration, 3 aquifer building processes, heterogeneity,
dust/particulate emissions, 102 site closure, 2 and anisotropy, 110–112
Green and Sustainable Remediation, 103 standards, 3 groundwater hydrogeology, 6
noise, 102 technology development, 3 high-resolution site characterization
security, 103 knowledge management continuum, 1–2 techniques, 7
surface water protection, 103 regulatory framework injection-based in situ systems, 7
traffic, 102 CERCLA (1980), 17 large dissolved plumes, 8
vibration and subsidence, 102 cleanup standards, 17–19 large-scale averaging, 6
volatile emissions and odors, 102 Federal Water Pollution Control Act of macroscale hydrogeologic and hydrodynamic
web-accessible best management 1948, 16 principles, 6
practices, 103 National Environmental Policy Act mass discharge measurement techniques, 8
health and safety (1969), 17 mass flux, 107
behavior-based safety programs, 73 Oil Pollution Act of 1924, 16 observation vs. utilization, 6
HASP, 73 regulatory influence, 17 P&T systems, 6
hazard control hierarchy, 77–78 risk-based approaches, 19–20 remediation hydraulics, 2000s–present, 113
hazard identification and critical failure River and Harbor Act of 1899, 16 flux-focused investigation and
analysis, 73–77 Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965, 17 remediation strategies, 117–118
response planning, 78–79 technical impracticability heterogeneous advection and
integrated design considerations, 20 diffusion, 115
adaptive vs. fixed practice, 72 USEPA, 16–17 hydrostratigraphy, 114
holistic/whole-system viewpoint, 72 UST systems, 17 mass storage zones, 114
602 Index

mass transport zones, 114 geologic logging and soil Darcian equation for radial flow,
stratigraphic flux, 115–117 classification, 120 423–424
site characterization permeability profiling methods, 120–122 Darcian flow through constant cross
CSMs, 107, 130–135 point permeability methods, 122–123 section, 422–423
mass flux–based perspective, 118 USCS approach, 120 surface seals, 421
Smart Characterization, 107, 120–130 quantitative sampling, 120 applicability
traditional site investigation methods, ROI, 120 contaminant applicability, 424
limitations, 118–120 screening level tools, 120 site characterization, 424–425
smart investigation tools, 7–8 3D visualization, 129–130 bioventing, 413
volumes, 107–108 Soft cations, 326 aerobic biodegradation process, 433
water supply origins, pre-1950s, 113–114 Soil excavation airflow rates, 434
Remediation industry cleaning, mobile treatment, 464 benzene degradation, 434
CERCLA, 1 construction equipment, 463 in situ respiration test, 436–437
hazardous waste cleanup sites, 1 ex situ soil treatment laboratory testing, 434–435
hazardous waste handling, transport, and design considerations, 467 system design, 435–436
disposal, 1 disposal, 464–465 vadose zone, 433
UST regulations, 1 incineration, 465 volatilization, 433
Representative elemental volume (REV), 137 land farming and biopiles, 466 contaminant partitioning characteristics
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act thermal desorption, 465–466 direct volatilization, 414, 419
(RCRA), 1, 17, 20, 464, 578 logistical challenges, 464 dissolved contaminant extraction, 414
Retardation factor (Rf), 160 past site history and activities, 463 equilibrium disruption, 414
Return on investigation (ROI), 120 site workers, 464 equilibrium dissolved concentration and
Rhizodegradation, 500–503 Soil remediation, see Soil treatment adsorbed concentration, 419
Risk-based corrective action (RBCA), 14–15 Soil treatment NAPL, 419
Royal demolition explosive (RDX) in situ soil mixing organic contaminant phases, soil matrix,
anaerobic degradation, 242 advantages, 487 413–414
biodegradation, 242 geotechnical and earth retention pore volume exchange, 414
capacity constant, sorption, 242 applications, 486 vadose zone, 419
cometabolic process, 244 implementation challenges, 492–493 vapor concentrations decline, 413, 415
mineralization, 242 implementation methods, 490–492 contaminant properties
molecular structure, 240 implementation plan, 487–490 biodegradability, 418
second putative pathway, 242–243 ISS, 486, 493–495 four phase diagram, 414
threshold concentrations, 242 IST, 487, 495–497 Henry’s law constant, 415–416
in situ thermal remediation molecular structure, 418
S aquifer minerals and metals, 467 molecular weight, 418
CVOCs, 467–468 octanol–water partitioning
Safe Drinking Water Act, 26 energy input and heating mechanisms, coefficient, 418
Safety data sheet (SDS), 284 469–470 polarity, 418
Secondary/coupled fermentation, 225–226 energy transport and storage soil adsorption coefficient, 417–418
Secondary water quality impacts (SWQIs) mechanisms, 470–471 three phase diagram, 414
cycling of metals, aquifer matrix performance monitoring, 485–486 vapor pressure, 414–415
anaerobic systems, metals mobilization pore volumes, 468 water solubility, 415
in, 97, 99–100 thermal treatment technologies, 474–485 weathering, 418
high-/low-pH extremes development, 96 treatment and removal mechanisms, in situ SVE system components, 413–414
ionic strength/specific dissolved ion 472–475 performance monitoring requirements,
concentration, 96 treatment zone, 468 437–438
oxidation/reduction reactions, 96 vaporization, 467 soil properties
oxidizing systems, metals mobilization VOCs, 467–468 soil heterogeneity, 420
in, 96–98 phytotechnologies, 461, 497–498 soil porosity, 419
degradation intermediates, organic design, 508–509 water content, 419
contaminants, 101 soil–plant system, chemicals in, water table, 420
design implications, 101 498–500 system design
ISCO, 95 types, 500–508 airflow models, 432
microbial metabolic by-products, 100 predesign investigation (PDI), 461 categories, 425
nonmetal inorganic reaction by-products, residual soil contaminants, 461 computer simulation modeling, 432
100–101 screening criteria, 461–462 criteria, 425–426
reactant-related by-products, 95 soil excavation empirical approach, 428–429
SEE, see Steam-enhanced extraction cleaning, mobile treatment, 464 goals, 425
Shelby tube sampling, 123 construction equipment, 463 multiphase transport models, 432
Slower groundwater velocity, 229 ex situ soil treatment, 464–467 operational considerations, 432–434
Smart Characterization, 107 logistical challenges, 464 pilot testing, 425–429
concentration mapping tools past site history and activities, 463 pore volume exchange approach,
laser-induced fluorescence NAPL site workers, 464 430–432
mapping tools, 126–128 sorptive processes, 462–463 radius of influence approach, 429–431
MIP, 124–125 thermal remediation, 461 vapor treatment technologies
vertical aquifer profile sampling, Soil vapor extraction (SVE) adsorption, 440–443
123–124 advantages, 413 catalytic oxidation, 439–441
WCSS, 125–126 airflow characteristics condensation, 443
direct flux mapping, 128–129 airflow in permeable media, 421 cost considerations, 443–444
measurement methods, 120 airflow patterns and vacuum thermal oxidation, 437–439
permeability characterization distribution, 421 VOC types, 437–438
Index 603

Soluble salts, 185 stakeholders, 24 Vapor intrusion (VI), 575–577

Solute-based transport sustainability movement, 25 Vaporization of target compounds, 296
hydraulic conductivity and flux, 59–60 sustainable community, 24 Vapor migration, 419
mass discharge, 58–59 SVE, see Soil vapor extraction Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
mass flux, 58–59 SWQIs, see Secondary water quality impacts in situ thermal remediation,
risk-based decision-making, 60 467–468
Solvent–solute equilibrium system, 46 T vapor treatment
Sorption, 417 adsorption, 440–443
Sorption-based retardation, 386 Technetium-99 (99Tc), 402–403 catalytic oxidation, 439–441
Source mass approximation, 385 Temperature-activated autodecomposition condensation, 443
Stabilization reactions (TAADR), 473–475 cost considerations, 443–444
baseline pH, 382–383 Thermal conduction heating (TCH), 476–477 thermal oxidation, 437–439
bench-scale treatability study, 377–378 Thermal in situ sustainable remediation types, 437–438
cell division, 379 (TISR), 480
COPR, 377 Thermal oxidation W
Cr6+ concentration, 380–381 degree of mixing, 438
facility, 375 heat recovery equipment, 438 Waste electrical and electronic equipment
field-scale pilot study, 378 internal combustion (IC) engines, 439 (WEEE), 580–581
innovative approach, 377 operating temperature, combustion Water-table aquifer, 108
ISM, 375 chamber, 437 Whole-core saturated soil (WCSS) sampling,
performance monitoring, 380 recuperative systems, 439 125–126
phased treatability study, 375–377 regenerative systems, 439
pH measurements, sulfuric acid addition, 379 residence time, 438 X
small field-scale pilot study, 378 straight-through thermal oxidation systems,
targeted dosage, 378 438–439 XAS, see X-ray absorption spectroscopy
temperature measurements, sulfuric acid unit components, 437 X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS),
addition, 379–380 VOC destruction efficiency, 437–438 394–395
total chromium (Crtot), 380–382 Time-domain reflectometry (TDR) X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES),
total iron concentrations, 383 technique, 452 394–395
total organic carbon, 383–384 TNT, see 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS)
Stable isotope tracers, 185–186 Total dissolved solids (TDS), 46 binding energy of electrons, 394
Steam-enhanced extraction (SEE), 477–479 Total organic carbon (TOC), 46 biogenic uraninite, 395–396
Stewardship, 3 Total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), 45–46 chromium analysis, 395–396
Strategic environmental research and Total suspended solids (TSSs), 352–353 pattern, conceptual depiction, 395
development program (SERDP), 95 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) XANES/XAFS, 394–395
Substrates, microbial reduction image, 394–395 μXRF cross section maps, 396–397
design considerations, 227–229 Transverse dispersion, 58
fermentation reactions, 222, 225–226 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) Z
organic carbon, 223–224 attenuation, 241
selection considerations, 226–227 biodegradation, 241–242 Zero-valent iron (ZVI), 305
Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), 88 diamino products, 240 applications, 307
Sulfide precipitation microbial transformation, 241 granular, 309
acidity consumption, 335–336 molecular structure, 240 in situ soil mixing, 496–497
broader matrix, 333 reductive transformation products, 240 iron type, 310
distribution of sulfides, 333, 335 threshold concentrations, 242 ISSS implementations, 309
dithionite metal precipitation, 336–337 triamino product, 241 kinetics, 309
in situ metal precipitation, 332 triaminotoluene (TAT), 241–242 metal precipitation, 342–343
ionic manipulation, 343–344 two-stage reductive/oxidative process, nanoscale, 310–311
metal oxides vs. metal sulfides, 331, 333 241–242 oxic reaction, 308
metal solubility, 333–334 physical characteristics, 307
polysulfide metal precipitation, 337–342 U reaction mechanisms
solubility product data, 330, 333 β-elimination reaction, 308
sulfur speciation diagram, 332, 334 Udden–Wentworth classification approach, 123 heterogeneous vs. homogeneous
ZVI metal precipitation, 342–343 Unconfined aquifer, 108 reactions, 308
Sulfur oxyanions, 306 Underground storage tank (UST) hydrogenation, 309
Superfund, 1 regulations, 1, 17 hydrogenolysis
Sustainable (green) remediation Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), 120 reaction,
balancing criteria and metrics, 26 Unregulated Compounds Monitoring 308–309
definition, 24 Rule (UCMR), 26 reactive barrier, 307
evaluation factors, 25 residence time, 311
footprint, 24 V solid-phase reducing agent, 307
governing, macro-level criteria, 26 Zinc hydroxide (Zn(OH)2)
indicator categories, 25 Valley of death, 14 solubility, 362
micro-level, threshold criteria, 26 van der Waals forces, 50 Zone of influence, 450
quantitative models, 25 van der Waals interactions, 39 ZVI, see Zero-valent iron

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