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2015-2016 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı


Erasmus+ Öğrenci Öğrenim ve Staj Hareketliliği Yabancı Dil Sınavı

Sınav Tarihi: 15.03.2016 Sınav Saati: 16:00 - 17:15

• Bu testte 50 soru vardır.

• Sınav süresi 75 dakikadır.
• Adınızı, soyadınızı, bölümünüzü ve öğrenci numaranızı hem kitapçık hem de cevap
kağıdı üzerine yazınız. Cevap kağıdı üzerine işaretlenmeyen cevaplar geçersiz

Adı-Soyadı: ……………………………………….. Numarası : ………………………………………..
Bölümü : ………………………………………..
1.-13. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
4. Istanbul is one of the most _____ populated
uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.
areas in the world.
Choose the correct response in questions
between 1 and 13. A) consequently
B) densely
1. Johanna is a really _____ person. She is very
attractive and makes people like her. C) exactly
D) wastefully
A) affectionate
B) moody
C) rebellious
5. The shirt that I bought yesterday didn’t fit me. I
D) charming
want to _____ it _____.
A) take - back
B) pay - back
C) call - back
2. I want to _____ some money. I am going to put
mine in a bank account and they will give me D) turn - back
5% interest.
A) invest 6. This company spends a quarter _____ its
income every year _____ oil imports.
B) donate
A) of / for
C) waste
B) on / of
D) inherit
C) of / on
D) for / at

3. If you want to study at university in Turkey, you

have to take an exam. If your _____ are good 7. Don’t blame _______ for keeping you waiting. It
enough, you can study in a prestigious was entirely ______ fault.
A) ours / his
A) reasons
B) mine / their
B) conditions
C) her / them
C) results
D) him / my
D) complaints

2015-2016 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı

14-16. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış

8. As soon as I _____ paid, I _____ you all out for
yerlere forma göre uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi
a meal.
A) have got / would take Choose the correct response or statement according
to the chart below in questions between 14 and 16.
B) get / will take
C) will get / will take A NEW BUSINESS OWNER
D) got / have taken ENQUİRES ABOUT COURSES

Courses available

Name of the course: Getting Started

9. I suppose you _____ the application form and
understand what it _____. Time: (14) ____ 6 pm. and 8 pm.
A) read / has required
B) will read / required Nearest Location: Handbridge
C) had read / requires
D) have read / requires (15) ____ : 100 £

Course Content: Is (16) ____ a business right

for me?

10. Sally has lost the silver necklace her mother

gave her _____ a birthday present. 14.
A) as A) from
B) such as B) between
C) despite C) at
D) like D) for

11. The artist’s performance was _____ the audience
applauded him for ten minutes. A) Cost
B) Salary
A) more skilful than
C) Instalment
B) as skilful as
D) Investment
C) so skilful that
D) skilful enough
A) to starting
12. I didn’t like the novel _____ author won a Nobel
Prize. B) starting
C) start
A) who
D) started
B) which
C) whom
D) whose

13. I may never be able to come back to Italy, _____

I want to go sightseeing as much as possible.
A) unless
B) so
C) because
D) although

2015-2016 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı

17.-21. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
Choose the correct response or statement in
questions between 17 and 21 in the text below.

St Mary’s is the biggest island and the only one

on (17) ----- cars are allowed. Here you can find
the only supermarket and bank on the islands (18)
----- a post office, pubs and restaurants. It is also a
place where most of the hotels and guest houses
are. Tresco is famous (19) ----- its sub-tropical
gardens. It is the only island which doesn’t have a
campsite. Just to the west of Trecsco lies
Brheyer, it’s quiet, green, sheltered eastern shore,
a complete (20) ----- to its wild and rocky western
side. St Agnes is the furthest west of all islands
and you can stare out to sea and know that there
is (21) ----- but water between you and America.
St Martin is the furthest from St Mary’s but a
beautifully sheltered island with the best beaches
and breath taking views.

A) which
B) whom
C) that
D) where

A) in order to
B) at least
C) otherwise
D) as well as

A) with
B) as
C) for
D) in

A) reverse
B) harmony
C) contrast
D) variation

A) someone
B) anything
C) something
D) nothing

2015-2016 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı
22-26. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
yerlere grafiğe göre uygun düşen sözcük ya da 25.
ifadeyi bulunuz.
Choose the correct response or statement in A) hardly
questions between 22 and 26 according to the graph B) not
below. C) almost
D) about
Sports played in New Zealand in 2012 26.
A) less
Cricket B) fewer
C) many more
Athletics D) much more
27.-30. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde
Netball tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
Choose the correct statement to complete the
Soccer sentences in questions between 27 and 30.
27. Almost all car manufacturing companies agree
0 10 20 30 with the idea that, ----, hydrogen is likely to be
the fuel of choice.
The bar graph provides information about the most A) if sulphur emissions had been decreased
common sports played in New Zealand in 2012. It
B) as it could have been stored as a gas
gives figures for (22) ____ boys and girls and clearly
shows that their participation in sports is fairly equal. C) when the world runs out of oil
According to the graph (23) ____ sport among girls is
netball, with participation rates reaching 25 percent. A D) unless they built giant fuel cells
(24) ____ percentage of boys prefer soccer, which is
clearly their favourite sport. Ten percent of boys also
enjoy playing cricket but (25) ____ any girls take part 28. In Alaska, salmon farms are prohibited ----.
in this game. While swimming is very popular among A) because fishermen blame the farms for
girls, (26) ____ boys participate in this sport – about undercutting their price
13 percent compared to approximately 22 percent of
girls. B) but people say salmon farms pollute the
22. C) since farmed salmon used to be healthier than
the wild one
A) both
B) not only D) once the industry begins to solve some of the
C) neither
D) either
29. Even if we had a lot of things to do ----.
A) we never tend to pay attention to people’s
B) we have difficulties in making future plans
A) popular
C) some details remind us of our past experiences
B) the most popular
C) as popular as D) we do not usually complain about being busy
D) more popular
30. Enthusiasts in some countries had been
building small rockets and thinking about
space travel for many years, ----.
A) which went on to launch the first astronauts on
A) single the Redstone rocket in 1961
B) quick
B) therefore most of this work involved building
C) different large rockets for actual space travel
D) similar
C) but it was a team of scientists and engineers in
Germany that finally made the dream a reality
D) even though they had been fascinated by the
idea of space travel since their childhood

2015-2016 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı

31. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın

olan cümleyi bulunuz.
Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning 33.
to the sentence in questions between 31 and 35.
Student Activity
Please sign up for
the next chess
contest until 10th
May. No post
If you do your registrations will
shopping on this site regularly, be accepted.
you can save money with our
Super Monthly Saver Card.

A) You can’t buy anything on this site unless you have Students who do not sign up before 10th May _______.
Super Monthly Saver Card.
A) will be able to register on post registration
B) Super Monthly Saver Card is available for people who
do shopping regularly on this site. B) will have to wait for the post registration notice

C) You can’t buy anything on this site without having a C) won’t be able to join the contest
Super Monthly Saver Card.
D) won’t have the registration rights for other contests
D) Super Monthly Saver Card can help all customers save
money on regular e-commerce.



Lily, the travel agent called.

Jane, no one The camping trip has been
can make me delayed due to bad weather
go to that conditions to an indefinite
party without time. They said they will
you. Tom.. pay the money back in two
days. Rob…

A) The bad weather caused the delay of the trip.

B) The company refuses to pay back the money.

A) Nobody wants Tom to go the party with Jane. C) The camping trip is delayed for two days.

B) Tom doesn’t want anybody to go to the party with Jane. D) Lily has to pay the money for the trip in two days.

C) Tom can go to the party without Jane.

D) Tom will go to the party only if Jane comes, too.

2015-2016 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı

35. 36.-38. Soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

Answer the questions between 36 and 38
according to the text below.

In a good sales year in the US, there is a warm

sunny spring, a hot and dry summer, a cool autumn
and a cold winter. Companies usually plan their sales
at least a year in advance, so if the weather doesn’t fit
the usual pattern, there will be problems with the
supply of particular products.
When the spring is colder than usual in the northern
hemisphere, then sales of garden furniture, summer
clothes and building materials decline. People simply
wait until the weather gets warmer. In a hot summer,
sales of ice cream, beer, bottled water and sun cream
increase. In a cooler summer sales of these things
and of products like fans and swimming pool supplies
A) The professor doesn’t want to get email on any decrease.
account. It’s a similar picture in the colder months of the year.
If the autumn is warmer than usual, people wait to buy
B) The professor wants students to e-mail him rather than warm winter clothing like wool jumpers, warm coats,
come to his office. gloves and hats. But as soon as colder weather starts,
people rush to buy these items. Other typical items
C) The professor wants students to email him only if they sold in winter are hot-water bottles, medicines against
have no other choice. cold and flu, car batteries and heating appliances. In
colder weather demand for products for the home also
D) The professor wants to welcome students not only in grows because people start ‘nesting’ and preparing to
office hours but also by email. spend more time indoors. Sales of comfort food like
cakes and doughnuts are dependent on the weather
and tend to rise when the temperature falls.

36. According to the passage, if there is

unexpected weather conditions, ______.
A) people will buy more coats and gloves.
B) companies will have trouble with addressing
the needs of consumers.
C) sales of the summer products will be stable.
D) companies will have problems with the prices.

37. As it is mentioned in the text _______.

A) sales of comfort food decreases in winter.
B) companies will produce more in one month
due to the weather conditions.
C) when the heat rises, the sales of some
products like ice-cream or beer go up.
D) people eat more ice-cream only when the
weather is hot.
38. It is understood from the passage that _____.
A) except for medicine, all the other companies
are affected by weather changes.
B) weather changes and the sales of products
are closely correlated
C) weather changes affect sales much more in
winter than summer
D) companies take firm precautions not to suffer
from weather changes.

2015-2016 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı

39.-41. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 42.-43. soruları aşağıdaki grafiğe göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.
Answer the questions between 39 and 41 Answer the questions 42 and 43 according to
according to the text below. the graph below.
Average Household Expenditures by Major Category in 2010
Rock music has dominated popular culture in most
countries around the World ever since the late 1950s.
Rock music began in the USA and has influenced 40
many other styles of music. Of course, rock has in 35
turn been shaped by other types of music. Today, 30
rock music has become a significant industry, 25
generating considerable profits for the record 20
companies and for the artists themselves. 15
Bands like The Beatles, the Rolling Stones and The 10
Who helped the music industry grow during the 1960s 5 Japan
and the 1970s. These bands largely created the 0
necessary conditions for rock music to expand to the
four corners of the globe.
Rock music has now grown into hundreds of
musical styles catering to all types of people. The
listening public are now more demanding in their
musical tastes and expect their favourite bands to
constantly produce new material. So, many bands are
pressurised to release records that probably don’t
represent their true ability.

42. Which of the statements is not true according

39. It can be inferred from the passage that _____. to the graphic?
A) rock music industry has contributed not only to
the companies but also to the singers
financially A) The chart shows the proportion of money
spent on various household expenses in
B) rock music influenced other types of music but Malaysia and Japan in 2010.
it wasn’t affected by them
B) In Malaysia the greatest proportion of
C) rock music has always been dominated by expenditure (34%) was on housing.
popular culture since the middle of 1900s
C) In Japan housing accounted for just 21% of
D) other types of music have never been as the total.
significant as rock music industry
D) In Japan the smallest single expense was
other goods and services at 29%.
40. Thanks to the bands like The Beatles, The
rolling Stones and The Who, _____. 43. Which of the statements is not true according
A) rock bands have expanded the number of to the graphic?
A) Food came in second place in Japan, at 24%.
B) rock music is the most listened type of music
in the globe. B) In Japan third major expense was housing, at
C) rock music has reached every part of the
world. C) In Malaysia the actual proportion of food was
lower than in Japan.
D) music industry depends on rock music’s
future. D) In both countries the smallest percentage of
expenditure was on health care.

41. According to the passage, lately rock music

bands _____.
A) act according to demands of the listeners
B) record really old songs for the listening public
C) have created a brand new music type
D) have been demanding a lot from their fans

2015-2016 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı

44.-45. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, 46.-47. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. bulunuz.
Choose the best sentence which completes Complete the dialogue with the appropriate
the paragraph meaningfully in questions 44 statement in questions 46 and 47.
and 45.

44. ——. The study found that morale was low 46. Robert: Have you read the news about the baby
among secretaries. Many of them claimed that dolphin killed by people on the beach?
they felt a lack of respect for their work and that Jim: No I haven’t. How did it happen?
they were not treated as full members of the
company’s executive team. The study also Robert: People found a baby dolphin and took lots of
revealed that they were under-utilized. selfies with it. The baby dolphin couldn’t live long and
lost its life.
A) The changes we have made in the personnel Jim : -----------------
system of the company were in part the result
of a study conducted about secretaries over a Robert: I agree. We can even murder for them.
six-month period
B) First of all, we have made a list of tasks that
A) That’s horrible! People do anything for social
secretaries can perform in addition to the
media likes.
more traditional tasks of typing and filing
B) I don’t believe it. Where did you see this?
C) In addition to the language training that has
been offered, the company is designing a C) What bad news! I am sad for the baby.
training program on office management for
secretaries D) I think this is suicide. Right?

D) The questionnaire didn’t provide them with

any useful information 47. Anna: What do you think of this shirt? Does it look
better than the previous one?
Jane: -----------------

45. There are some people who are worried that Anna: I don’t think the size is the problem.
one day man will regret that he ever made Jane: You decide then. I still think that it is too loose.
robots. —. They also promise that within the
next few decades we will be freed from all A) I think it doesn’t suit you. You should have
manner of boring jobs for the robots will do another colour.
them for us. B) I think this one looks too big on you. Why don’t
you try a smaller one?
A) A robot is any machine that can make decisions
independent of human control C) To be honest with you it is too small for you.
B) The UN Economic Commission for Europe D) I don’t think it is the smallest size. Why don’t you
predicts that there will shortly be as many as get a blue one?
290,000 robots in homes around the world
C) The scientists, however, say they can
guarantee they will be able to control their
mechanical creations
D) Meanwhile, the technology behind industrial 48. soruda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
robots is improving rapidly parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
Choose the irrelevant sentence in the paragraph
in question 48.

48. (I) In my opinion, the scouts are a bit out of date

nowadays. (II) Frankly, I don’t know why a teenager
would want to join them. (III) I mean, tying knots and
making camp fires is all a bit old-fashioned, isn’t it?
(IV) the thing is that the scouts have modernized like
everything else.

2015-2016 Erasmus Yabancı Dil Sınavı ı 50. Soruları levhalara bakarak

Answer the questions 49 and 50 according
to the signs below.

49. The sign above indicates ________

A) the location of an emergency exit.

B) a place where a first aid service or a
doctor is available.
C) the location of a fire alarm.
D) a place where you can pray.

50. The sign above identifies _________

A) the location of a camp site.

B) an eating place where hot and cold meals
are available.
C) a place where temporary accommodation
is available or may be booked.
D) the location of a coffee shop or a tea


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