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Meaning of the word “bAla”, copied from << Gianni Pellegrini*

… And What about the Vedānta Paribhāṣā’s

paribhāṣātva? Some hypotheses on the use
of paribhāṣās in later Advaita Vedānta >>,

<< 30 In this case the word manda corresponds to the term bāla “child, kid, little boy”, utilized in
other pre-modern texts. Reading it with Candrajasiṃha’s Padakṛtya to the TrS (2007: 2): bāleti
atrā ’dhītavyākaraṇakāvyakośā ’nadhītanyāyaśāstro bālaḥ “bāla: here, child is someone who
has already studied grammar, poetry, lexicons, but has not studied the discipline of logic”.
There are also the words of the initial and final maṅgalacaraṇa of Varadarāja’s
Laghusiddhāntakaumudī (sixteenth–seventeenth century, hereafter LSK 2001: 1), respectively
pāṇinīyapraveśāya “for introducing to Pāṇini’s [grammatical] school” and (LSK 2001: 480)
śāstrāntare praviṣṭānāṃ bālānāṃ copakārikā | kṛtā varadarājena laghusiddhāntakaumudī ||
“Varadarāja has composed the ‘Lunar ray of the shortened doctrine’, which is beneficial for
the beginners already introduced to other disciplines” >>.

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