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Original Research Merilampi et al.

, Gerontechnology (2020) 19:4

Modular smart furniture system for independent

living of older adults- user experience study
Sari Merilampi DSca, Anja Poberžnik BSca,*, Santeri Saari BSca, J. Artur Serrano
PhDb, Jörg Güttler PhDc, Katharina Langosch PhDc, Thomas Bock PhDc, Ling Zou
PhDd, Trine A. Magne MScb
Faculty of Technology, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Pori, Finland; bDepart-
ment of Neuromedicine and Movement Science, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
NTNU/Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway; cChair of
Building Realization and Robotics, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany;
School of Microelectronics and Control Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou
213164, China; *Corresponding author:

Background: The ageing of the population represents a significant challenge, however, it is
also a huge potential driver for innovation. Technology development capabilities are rapidly
increasing, which enables new, innovative solutions when considering the ageing population.
Objective: To promote the successful development and implementation of new technolo-
gies (in this case, smart furniture), positive user feedback and experiences are required.
Methods: In this study, several modular smart furniture prototypes were developed, offer-
ing a potential solution to several challenges associated with ageing. The aim was to inves-
tigate which features positively affect user experience and consequently form the basis for
smart, ageing-friendly furniture design guidelines. The smart furniture systems consisted
of five prototypes: Fall Detection system with assistive Mobile Robot, ReAbleChair, Magic
Mirror, Smart Gaming Chair, and 3D printed handles. These prototypes were presented to
seniors in a home-like environment, after which participants completed a questionnaire
and were interviewed. The themes used in the semi-structured interview followed the
structure of Jesse Garrett’s user experience framework.
Results: The most essential feature was found to be modularity, or the ability to customize
solutions according to the end user’s capabilities and needs. In addition, results highlight
that smart furniture should be aesthetically pleasing whilst still serving its primary purpose
(i.e. as an item of furniture). Administrative components of the software should be re-
moved from the end user’s User Interface (UI) and integrated in a separate UI, to simplify
the end user’s interaction with the technology. Installation and customization services, as
well as value-adding services (i.e. monitoring) were seen to offer potential.
Conclusions: In general, the user experiences were positive. Smart features were readily
accepted as part of the furniture prototypes, with hidden technologies offering the oppor-
tunity to design functional furniture to assist the older adults. In particular, smart furniture
offers the potential to foster independent and high-quality living, without the stigma often
associated with senior-targeted assistive devices. In addition to proving feedback on the
smart furniture prototypes, the information gathered provided an excellent foundation for
future smart furniture guideline development.
Keywords: Smart furniture, serious games, fall detection, design for older adults, active
and assistive living, assistive technologies

Introduction technology can enable older individuals to live

People over the age of 65 years often live ac- to full capacity, in spite of functional limitations
tive lives (Marhánková, 2011; Vik, Lilja & Nygård, (Andrich et al., 2013). Early adoption of assistive
2017). Although ageing is a natural, physiological solutions can increase quality of life and sup-
process, the associated decline in physical and port active and healthy ageing. Healthy ageing,
cognitive capabilities represents a significant as defined by World Health Organization, is a
challenge (Seals, Justice & LaRocca, 2016). Re- “process of developing and maintaining the func-
duced functional capacity can lead to decreased tional ability that enables wellbeing in older age”
ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) (World Health Organization, 2007). Despite the
and injuries, with falls being the leading cause potential help that technology offers, technology
of injuries amongst the older people (Alexander, solutions targeted towards seniors may possess
Rivara & Wolf, 1992). The emergence of modern an associated stigma, affecting potential accept-
Modular smart furniture system
older users, to support development of smart
furniture related guidelines, as well as piloting
a multidisciplinary design approach for smart
active-ageing furniture.

A theoretical framework for senior-friendly de-

sign has been developed in Sirkka, Merilampi
& Sandelin (2017). The frame is based on a de-
scriptive literature review of age-related changes
in human life. The frame aims to alleviate the
effects of ageing on a person’s daily life by in-
corporating a customer-centered design process.
According to the framework, individualized and
modifiable design requires to focus on four main
categories: (i) standardization; (ii) putting design
thinking into practice; (iii) modular adaptability
of furniture, technology, and service develop-
ment; and (iv) improved implementation of per-
sonal autonomy and value in support systems.
With respect to standards and regulations, a shift
in focus is required, moving away from protect-
ing industrial rights in productization, and mov-
ing towards protecting users’ rights to obtain
products and services that are affordable, modi-
fiable, and meeting ever-changing real-life needs.
The technology industry needs to be challenged
Figure 1. Modular Smart Furniture System. to move away from a commerce-centred, pro-
duction line thinking, towards user-friendly and
ance (Kang et al., 2010). Instead of underlining modular technologies that support users’ auton-
the need for assistance by providing assistive omy and needs. Technology commerce should
‘senior’ products, assistive functionalities could pay attention to user support services, including
potentially be embedded in everyday living. As them with devices as a holistic product package.
an example, this article relates to furniture, offer- In general, older adults or people with special
ing additional functionalities which are hidden needs should not be seen as marginal groups,
and targeted towards smart living (for all demo- but rather as an emerging resource with indi-
graphics, not just seniors). vidual human value, life history, and capital in
society (Sirkka, Merilampi & Sandelin, 2017).
The ’70s saw the first steps towards user-centred
product design, incorporating ergonomics into Modular smart furniture system and prototypes
the furniture design process (Bürdek, 2015). In Smart home technology utilizes basic and assis-
recent years, user involvement and user experi- tive devices to build an environment in which
ence have guided product development. The im- many features in the home are automated and
portance of user involvement and user-centred where devices can communicate with each oth-
design has also been highlighted in software er. Such devices can collect physiological and
development, impacting requirements analysis movement data, which can be used for early de-
through to testing (Canziba, 2018). Ageing has tection of age-related changes (Barei, 2018).
become a consideration in development, re-
sulting in guidelines for ageing-friendly product Smart furniture can broadly be defined as “fur-
design (Pericu, 2017), web pages (Darvishy, Al- niture which brings added value, functionality,
ireza & Good 2013; Moth, 2013; Senior Friendly comfort and elegance to fit every personalized
Design, 2017) and physical environments (World requirement issued by the user” (Vaida et al.,
Health Organization, 2007; United States, 2010). 2014). It is usually equipped with an intelligent
Attention has also been directed towards age- system or controller operated with the user’s data
friendly environments, with a focus on cities and energy sources. Its purpose is to improve the
and communities by increasing their accessibil- quality of life through the ability to communicate
ity, inclusiveness, equitability, safety, security, and anticipate the user’s needs, with the help of
and support (World Health Organization, 2007). sensors and actuators inside the user’s environ-
Smart furniture is somewhat unique, as it com- ment (Krejcar et al., 2019). In this article, smart
bines both ICT (information and communication furniture prototypes: Fall Detection system with
technology) and physical design dimensions. Mobile Robot, Smart Gaming Chair, Magic Mir-
This paper aims to study the user experience of ror, ReAbleChair, and customizable 3D-printed
Modular smart furniture system

Figure 2. Results for ReAbleChair prototype.

handles are introduced in the next section and niture, which can be unobtrusively integrated
Figure 1. These prototypes were selected as they into the living environment. It offers support for
contribute to various areas of functional ability ADLs, while also providing a feeling of securi-
and present several technological possibilities. By ty and safety. As functionalities are embedded
testing different prototypes, the aim was to find within the furniture, they reduce the potentially
similarities that positively affect user experience. stigmatizing ‘senior’ label. The core of the sys-
Commercially available products were not used tem is a server with modular extension capabili-
in the study as the feedback from the study would ties, which facilitates the addition and removal
possess limited ability to improve the devices fur- of modules to customize the system according
ther. Instead, this study shall contribute towards to individual needs and functional abilities. The
the user-centered development/refinement of the modular design of serious games was presented
prototypes, as part of the Interreg BaltSe@nioR in Merilampi, Koivisto & Sirkka (2018) and con-
2.0 project (Priedulena, Fabisiak & Hogeforster, sidered the development of serious games for
2019). The designs are publicly available and ac- special user groups. In this study, modular design
tively presented to enable commercialization of was found to be beneficial, particularly for user
the products by industry in the future. groups whose capabilities differ. This modular
approach may also be applied to senior users.
Khosravi & Ghapanchi (2016) presents eight Figure 1 presents the modular smart furniture
main challenges impacting senior’s quality of life: concept and the prototypes used in this study.
dependent living, fall risk, chronic disease, de-
mentia, social isolation, depression, poor well- ReAbleChair
being, and poor medication management. These Challenge: As individuals age, there is a natu-
real-life challenges were drivers throughout the ral decline in physical function (Cadore et. al.,
development process of furniture prototypes in 2013). This decline can lead to insecurity when
this study. In addition, ageing-friendly product performing ADLs, most of which occur inside
and service design was discussed in an article by the home. One of the major fears when expe-
Pericu (2017). This study utilizes some of the key riencing a decline in physical function relates to
principles of Pericu (2017), such as: falling. In addition to declining functional ability,
• the inclusive approach of human-centred de- a fear of falling also correlates with increased fall
sign (end users); risk (Graafmans et. al., 1996).
• the contribution of medical science to identify
problem areas (research/health professionals); Solution: The ReAbleChair was developed to
• the need for a conceptual transition, shifting collect high-quality quantitative data on physi-
focus towards an individual’s experience, to im- cal function, supporting the detection of warning
prove the interaction between the user and the signs during sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit move-
product/service (with the aid of user-experience ments. Such movements can provide valuable
design and tools). insight in relation to physical function. The ReA-
bleChair is a chair with integrated force plates
With these principles, the concept of a system (FP3, Biometrics Ltd, United Kingdom) in the
that combines various smart furniture prototypes armrests and seat cushion. The force plates are
was developed. This system is based on ICT fur- hidden, giving the chair a natural look, which
Modular smart furniture system

Figure 3. Results for Fall Detection system and its assistive Mobile Robot.

promotes natural use within the home environ- a fall is detected, most fall detection solutions
ment. The chair and its ability to collect quan- aim to alert care staff or relatives. Although im-
titative data to investigate the clinical value of portant, it would also be beneficial to provide
sit-to-stand movements is described in more de- onsite support. Therefore, a Mobile Robot was
tail in Skille, 2018, and Wahl, 2018. The chair is integrated within the system. The Mobile Robot
multifunctional, as the sensors can also be used Pioneer LX Research Platform is able to carry a
as controls within exercising games to promote payload of up to 60 kg, using a laser range sen-
physical rehabilitation/exercise. sor and ultrasound sensors for orientation (Adept
MobileRobots LLC, 2013). As the robot does not
Fall Detection system and its assistive Mobile use cameras, the data security and personal pri-
Robot vacy of the user is enhanced. Due to wireless
Challenge: In addition to fall risk monitoring, it is data communication with the Fall Detection sys-
also important to detect falls. tem, the Mobile Robot is able to locate a fallen
person and provide them with assistance. Via
Solution: The objective was to create a cost- speech recognition, individuals can give simple
effective and easy to install Fall Detection sys- verbal commands to the Mobile Robot. In a de-
tem, which operates using infrared sensors. The tected fall event, the Mobile Robot moves to the
Fall Detection system consists of several sensors, room’s entrance and asks whether the person re-
which are unobtrusively embedded into the sur- quires help. If the help request is confirmed (by
rounding environment (e.g. in the baseboard). If saying “yes”), the Mobile Robot enters the room

Figure 4. Results for Magic Mirror prototype.

Modular smart furniture system

Figure 5. Results for Smart Gaming Chair prototype.

and attempts to offer additional services such as ent living (reminders, messages etc.).
handles (as stand-up support), medication, or
phone (to call for additional help). Thereby an Smart Gaming Chair and activation games
individual can attempt to help him-/herself be- Challenge: In addition to monitoring, tools should
fore an ambulance, care staff or relative will be also be developed to promote physical activity, in
alerted. If a help request is rejected by the user an effort to promote health and reduce the impact
(by saying “no”), the Mobile Robot will ignore of age-related decrease in functional ability.
the fall alert for a few minutes, before checking
again (if the person is still lying on the ground). Solution: An exergame was developed to pro-
An automated emergency call can be embedded mote physical abilities, incorporating move-
into the system and triggered if the Mobile Robot ments to promote muscle strength and balance.
receives no response (within a defined time du- The exergame is projected onto a large screen
ration). When in standby, the Mobile Robot re- and controlled via a smart chair. It was devel-
turns to its docking station to ensure availability oped for Android devices (in this case a smart TV
24 hours per day. that has an Android operating system). The chair
is connected to the Android device via Bluetooth.
Magic Mirror The user’s movements are measured through
Challenge: Ageing can also impact cognitive abil- nine pressure sensors located under the sitting
ity, with a high prevalence of memory diseases surface of the chair. Three mini-exergames were
developing amongst the senior population (Mur- developed: (i) ski-jump, requiring the player to
man, 2015). Older individuals and their relatives perform a sit-to-stand movement as the control
may not live close to each other. Therefore, a tool input (i.e. initiating the ski-jumper to jump); (ii)
to easily check-in remotely (i.e. from a distance) snowboarding, in which the player must lean
without being ‘over-caring’ could be beneficial. left/right to control the player, and avoid obsta-
cles; and (iii) a ball-throwing game in which the
Solution: The Magic Mirror was developed to player throws balls at targets which appear on
address these challenges, without being under- the screen. This prototype is described in more
lined as a senior security technology. It is based detail in the article (Merilampi et al., 2019).
on a modular, open-source platform called Mag-
ic Mirror. The mirror can be customized to the 3D-printed handles
user’s preferences/needs, and if equipped with Challenge: Many older adults are affected by os-
a camera and facial recognition module, it can teoarthritis, weakened compressing power, and
display personalised content for each user in the deteriorated dexterity (Carmeli, Patish & Coleman,
household. Modules can display varying content, 2003). Certain degenerative changes in the hands
such as clocks, calendars, weather forecast, and and fingers are a consequence of underlying con-
news headlines. Furthermore, the mirror can re- ditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. In addition,
ceive and display messages on the screen. The tremor and spasticity is also a common symptom,
facial recognition functionality can also be used for example in Parkinson's disease. Impairment to
to track usage. These features may be used as upper extremity function presents difficulties in
tools for low profile monitoring of the household managing everyday activities such as opening jars,
and its inhabitants (i.e. is the mirror used on a doors, or performing fine-motor tasks.
daily basis), in addition to supporting independ-
Modular smart furniture system

Figure 6. Results for 3D-printed handles.

Solution: To overcome this challenge, examples consent prior to participation in the study. The
of custom-made handles were developed using study obeyed ESOMAR and Finnish Market Re-
3D printing technology, which may be custom- search Association ethical and national rules/laws.
ized according to the user’s capabilities and
needs. All handles were designed to provide a Study setup
larger size (increased surface area) to support In the test event, two interviewers introduced
gripping, requiring less dexterity compared to and demonstrated the use of the prototypes, one
traditional handles. Some handles support pull- prototype at the time, for two seniors simulta-
ing with a straight hand or forearm (e.g. oval neously. After testing of each prototype, seniors
shaped handle), which decreases loading/de- were interviewed individually. The research
mand on the small joints of the fingers. Some themes used in the questionnaire followed the
handles consisted of two components: (i) a basic structure of Jesse Garrett’s user experience
“locking handle” fixed/installed to the cabinet, framework (Garrett, 2010) being: visual design;
which acts as an anchor; and (ii) the “interac- information and interaction design; functional
tion component” that can be easily attached to specifications; and user needs. Garrett’s frame-
the anchor with a simple locking mechanism. work is a guideline for prototype design and
This is useful in retirement homes, for example, feedback, providing a wider scope for analysing
supporting fast and easy replacement of handles user experience (compared to measuring how
customized to new resident’s needs. “easy-to-use” a product is). In particular, this re-
search aimed to assess the prototype’s impact
Methods to meaningfulness. In addition, general ques-
The study was conducted using an external con- tions were added to give the participants free-
tractor (Norstat), who performed the prototype dom for open feedback and to obtain additional
demonstrations and interviews in semi-controlled background information. After all the prototypes
environment. Neutral facilitators not involved in were evaluated, respondents were asked to pro-
the prototype development were involved in the vide free comments on the prototypes and the
research process to ensure objectivity. development of such technologies.

Participants Data analysis

The volunteer participants were all Finnish, over Closed-form questions utilised a five-point scale
65 years old, retired, and independently living at (1 = totally disagree, to 5 = totally agree) to sup-
home (thus not requiring any specific home care port analysis. Responses to open form questions
services). Recruited participants were selected were analysed using content analysis, in which
from an external contractor’s online consumer responses were categorized under the dimen-
panel. In total, 22 people (n=22) were recruited, sions of Garrett’s usability framework (Garret,
50% were male (n=11) and 50% female (n=11). 2010). Quantitative results from the closed form
The participants were aged 65-69 (n=6), 70-74 questions are presented in percentage format (in
(n=7), 75-79 (n=5) and over 80 (n=4). Each par- parentheses within the text). Qualitative results
ticipant was contacted in advance to explain the from the open form questions were organised
purpose of the research and ensure they met the into categories and are also presented in percent-
inclusion criteria (age 65+, living independently at age format. Three researchers performed content
home). All participants provided informed written analysis of the qualitative input as a group, to in-
Modular smart furniture system
crease objectivity of the study. From the qualita- From the qualitative part of the assessment, the
tive material, researchers were seeking answers chair’s design received positive feedback in its
to the following research questions (RQ): sturdiness (19%), comfort while sitting (19%),
• RQ1: What kind of user experiences (UE:s) did appropriate height and width (26%), and well
the prototypes evoke in older users? sized armrests and backrests (22%). Negative
• RQ2: Which prototype features influenced user comments related to the lack of adjustability in
experience? dimensions (43%), visual design (33%), and un-
• RQ3: What are the identifiable, key features suitability for the living room environment (9%).
required for active ageing guidelines associated
with smart furniture? Areas for improvement related to the visual ap-
pearance (25%), size adjustability (50%), and the
Results inclusion of measurement functions (2 %). This
The following section presents the quantitative highlights the need for individualization to meet
and qualitative results for each of the prototypes: each individual’s specific design and functional-
ReAbleChair, Fall Detection system and its as- ity requirements.
sistive Mobile Robot, Magic Mirror, Smart chair,
and 3D-printed handles. Fall Detection system and its assistive Mobile
The participants’ general level of interest in tech- Feedback on the design of the Fall Detection sys-
nology was as follows: five respondents (23%) tem and its assistive Mobile Robot was generally
answered that they were very interested in tech- positive, with 13 (59%) respondents expressing
nology; 14 respondents (64%) answered that that the design of the prototype was good, and 9
they were somewhat interested, and three re- (41%) respondents with a neutral opinion (Figure 3).
spondents (13%) answered that they were not in-
terested at all. The common conception was that One particularly important aspect for older adults
“technology is for the next generations”. Respond- targeted ICT solutions is usability (user-friendli-
ents were more interested in familiar technolo- ness). Figure 3 highlights the usability of the Fall
gies (mobile phones, TV, home appliances etc.), Detection system and its wirelessly interfaced as-
rather than modern/unfamiliar technologies. sistive Mobile Robot, with 68% of respondents
identifying usability as easy, and 14% as very
ReAbleChair easy. Only 14% had a neutral impression, and
The chair’s design adhered to the Timed up and one person evaluated the prototype as difficult
Go (TUG) test requirements for height, backrest, in its handling. The majority (77%) of individuals
and armrest dimensions, as the TUG was used expressed that the prototype was either meaning-
to collect research data (Kang et al., 2010). The ful or very meaningful. This positive evaluation
respondents in this study were not informed of could be contributed to the autonomous running
the reason for these dimensions. Though this system, which interacts via voice control, poten-
could influence the overall impression of the tially offering more intuitive operation.
chair, the primary goal was to assess participants’
feedback on how they experience this type of Overall, the evaluation indicates a positive us-
technology integration. When the ReAbleChair ability experience. Only the design-related
was presented in the field test, participants un- questions resulted in a neutral impression (41%),
derstood that it was a technological prototype while the remaining participants (59%) evaluated
only after it was presented as one. Prior to this, it the design as good. This slightly less positive re-
appeared to be a regular chair. In that sense, the sult may be due to the Mobile Robot, which is
impression of the chair as natural furniture (i.e. quite large, heavy, and requires storage/housing
without hidden technology) was achieved. space. On the contrary, the design of the unob-
trusive Fall Detection system received positive
Quantitative results are presented in Figure 2. feedback during the open questions. Finally, the
Overall, the general impression of the ReAble- combination of both technologies, which enable
Chair was good (68%). The majority (77%) re- increased feelings of security, leads to a positive
sponded that the outlook clearly indicated the overall evaluation of the design.
purpose of the prototype. This was somewhat
surprising, as the ReAbleChair was originally Positive comments (n=34) related to an increased
designed and developed as a clinical tool. To sense of security (15%), ease calling for first aid
most respondents, the prototype was meaningful (26%), quiet movement of the robot (15%), the
(55%) or very meaningful (9%). Furthermore, the ability provide access to phone/medicine (6%),
purpose was well understood (91%). Most (77%) physical appearance (9%), automatic recogni-
were interested in using the chair in the future. tion of emergency (6%), and use of handles (6%).
With respect to the Mobile Robot, positive feed-
back related to: the device’s ability to be directed
Modular smart furniture system
to one’s location, use of the local language (Finn- environment was also accessible via other de-
ish) when communicating with the device, and vices since data/information was obtained from
the ability to help care staff in their daily work. the Internet. Users who felt the Magic Mirror
was pointless likely had access to a smartphone
Respondents understood that the prototype aims or a computer. Single negative comments related
to support households with seniors living alone. to the difficulty in changing the mirror’s content
They would not use the prototype unless they and text, redundancy of certain functions, or the
were in need (e.g. when their health condition device itself. Some concerns arose regarding fa-
deteriorates). Also, some older adults would pre- cial recognition when having multiple people
fer the help of a human, however would still use standing in front of the mirror. Improvement ide-
the robot as an alert for help during an emergen- as were also proposed by single comments and
cy. Negative comments (n=18) related to the at- thus not calculated as percentages, such as the
tachment of the handles (22%), lack of additional addition of speech recognition/voice control, the
functions such as lifting a person up or opening possibility to decide the content, adjusting text
doors automatically (22%), visual appearance size, the ability to reply to messages, the option
and size (17%), general doubts about such tech- for audio content, adding an option to browse
nology (17%), high price (11%) and the robot’s the calendar, and adding radio channels.
slow reactions and movements (11%). Overall,
the feedback in the qualitative interview was Smart Gaming Chair and activation games
positive, particularly with respect to improved In general, 95% of participants liked the design
feelings of security for older adults living alone. (n=21) and 82% liked the visual appearance
(n=18) of the Smart Gaming Chair (Figure 5). In
Magic Mirror addition, the meaningfulness (n=18) and func-
During field tests, the Magic Mirror was on tionalities (n=19) were well perceived. The pur-
display for a shorter period of time than other pose of the prototype was well understood by
prototypes, so there were only 11 respondents 91% of participants (n=20).
(instead of 22). Due to this, the remaining 11
question forms have the Magic Mirror related In the test event, the Smart Gaming Chair-con-
questions answered as “cannot say” (Figure trolled game was played on a big screen (65’). No
4). Of the eleven respondents, the prototype’s complaints about poor visibility etc. were men-
visual design was perceived as good (64%), or tioned. In the open questions, no negative com-
very good (18%). Most of the respondents (90%) ments were raised with respect to visual design.
thought the outlook (visual appearance) of the
Magic Mirror clearly indicated the use of the pro- The open questions offered some additional in-
totype (that is, clearly understanding the use and sight into the prototype. Comments related to
purpose of the prototype), and many (64%) liked both the software and chair. Positive comments
the Magic Mirror’s functionalities. relating to the software/game were (n=13): “versa-
tile” (15%), “ski jump theme was nice” (8%), “big
The Magic Mirror was fairly well received with screen is good/I can see the game well” (15%),
respect to visual design (the wooden frame “unusual idea” (15%), “works well” (15%) and
was particularly liked). The visual appearance “easy to use” (15%). Users also liked the idea of
of the prototype can be customized to suit the the chair being used as a game controller (15%).
individual’s preference. For example, the frame The games were designed to be intuitive, which
style can be modified and the displayed mod- might be one of the reasons for having almost no
ules (i.e. content shown on the mirror) can be complaints related to usability. The only nega-
altered. Feedback on Magic Mirror indicates that tive comment concerned the tilt-accuracy (single
the information displayed on the mirror was easy comment), which was already identified as a po-
to view and read, however adding or changing tential future improvement prior to the trial. The
content was considered difficult as it requires winter sports theme in the games was familiar to
programming knowledge. the participants (i.e. Finns). The gameplay mim-
icked the user’s movements, so that the user did
Most positive comments (n=15) related to the not have to learn any difficult controlling meth-
calendar function (27%), weather information ods. The game menus were in the participant’s
(20%), size and design (2%), and messaging native tongue, which simplified game set-up (no
function and reminders (20%). Although the complaints about the adjustments were given, as
Magic Mirror’s functionalities were well received in case with the Magic Mirror). In the test event,
by most participants (Figure 4), there were also the game was also already switched on and the
comments criticizing the Mirror’s usefulness. facilitators controlled the game settings, so an-
Two comments in particular described the mirror swers/feedback only relate to gameplay (not the
as pointless and redundant. Most of the informa- set-up which may impact overall impression).
tion that the Mirror displayed within the testing The player also received instruction prior to
Modular smart furniture system
gameplay. Positive results related to the familiar have limited value).
theme, intuitive real-life mimicking of the con-
trols, clear instructions (in mother tongue), and 3D-printed handles
support from the facilitator (“training service”). There were seven handles displayed in the kitch-
en test environment, two of which were installed
Most criticism is related to variability, with respect on cabinets and the rest placed on the kitchen
to the number of games available and ability to counter. The respondents could inspect the vis-
exercise different body parts (50%). On one hand, ual appearance and design, sturdiness, and size,
this highlights shortages in the demo, but on the as well as test their functionality and suitability.
other hand, it demonstrates that users compre- The environment also provided the possibility to
hend the prototype idea and could imagine ad- compare prototypes and the conventional han-
ditional uses for the tool. Some concerns related dles installed on the remaining cabinets. As Fig-
to indirect features, such as the price (21%), with ure 6 highlights, the handles were meaningful to
participants guessing that this concept would be most respondents (91%), the purpose was well-
expensive. In addition, the space requirements understood (95%) and they functioned accord-
for the prototype were identified as a potential ing to expectation (86%). The visual appearance
challenge (14 %), as seniors might not have large and design were well received, although not
apartments. One person also mentioned other liked by everyone.
game-equipment (for example, Nintendo Wii) as
a competitor, which indicates some interest in The design of an oval-shaped handle, which ex-
games. One negative comment referred to the tends over the kitchen cabinet and can be pulled
fear of creating an addiction to games. using the forearm, was the most liked. All but
one respondent thought that the handles were
Regarding improvements, the most common easy to use. In addition, half the respondents
ideas related to creating additional games, using would use the handles if they were readily avail-
alternative controlling methods to target differ- able. Some were willing to buy the handles if
ent muscle groups (67%). Adding sound was also they were available for purchase.
mentioned (22%). Memory training games were
also suggested (single comment). In contrast to other prototypes in the test envi-
ronment, the handles were a set of prototypes
The chair itself also received positive feedback. and the feedback referred to all of them in gen-
Positive expressions relating to the chair (n=16) eral. The respondents liked: the ability to cus-
were: “good to sit on” (43%); “sturdy” (12.5%); tomize the size, colour and design (32%), their
“good armrests” (19%); “good backrest” (12.5%); affordability (16%), the fact that they are easy
and “appropriate height” (12.5%). Negative to use and to clean (8%), and recyclability (8%).
thoughts were raised (n=15), relating to the In particular, the oval-shaped handle was well
height of the chair and difficulty adjusting the received, with users finding the design pleasing
height and other dimensions (80%). The armrests (16%) and highlighting its multifunctionality (8%).
also received some criticism (20%). Half of the Some of the negative comments (n=11) were re-
respondents did not find anything bad about the lated to design (27%), and individual comments
chair/game. To conclude, the most commonly on colour (wood colour was preferred), material
discussed functional improvements related to (plastics were disliked), visual appearance (sharp
adjusting the chair’s dimensions. The games con- edges), and installation (of one particular han-
tained an adjustment/settings menu, so the soft- dle). It was well understood that all sizes, colours
ware could be adjusted according to the player. and models can be produced quickly. Future
This functionality could also be beneficial for the development proposals concerned the design,
chair, especially if the game is used in public suggesting that the handles should be more
places where players have varying physical ca- rounded (25%), and use more durable material
pabilities and requirements. (33%). Some would prefer individual-specific
design (“specific handle for a specific problem”),
Open form feedback relating to meaningfulness whereas others proposed a design for all concept
included: “it offers physical exercise” (50%); “it (“more versatile to suit needs of more users”).
brings joy/fun/smiles” (37%); “it offers cognitive
exercise” (13%). In addition, the safety of the Common features in different prototypes that
chair-gaming was mentioned (single comment). affect user experience
Two comments suggested that the meaningful- The feedback from the various prototypes was
ness would increase if users were no longer able compared, to analyse common elements affect-
to exercise regularly (e.g. walking). This was ing user experience (RQ2). This was further used
supported by feedback from participants who to find answers to the main research question
would not use the prototype, as they exercise (RQ3). In general, the user experiences were ex-
on a regular basis (the prototype concept would tremely positive. Table 1 illustrates the average
Modular smart furniture system

scores given to the various prototypes. Average One of the most important features, which was
scores did not fall below 3 (3 = neutral). found to positively affect user experience, was
the modularity or ability to customize solutions
From the results, the 3D-printed handles, Magic according to individual users. In prototypes
Mirror and ReAbleChair were the easiest to un- where personalization was not implemented,
derstand. The ReAbleChair and handles were many comments highlighted this restriction (such
the easiest to use, as they require no technol- as the set dimensions of a chair). This indicates
ogy-specific activities (just “normal use”). The a positive correlation between customizability
Smart Gaming Chair, ReAbleChair, and the han- and user experience.
dles were ranked as the best when it comes to
functionality. The Smart Gaming Chair and the One potential way of providing customizable
Magic Mirror were the highest ranked for design products is through the addition of support ser-
and visual appearance. These prototypes were vices, which utilize technology. In the test event
designed by furniture designers, which illustrates the prototypes, as well as potential use cases,
the importance of making the prototypes not were introduced and explained by the research-
only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. ers. As such, there were no challenges noted
Some key, highlighted features for each proto- in learning to use the prototypes. In real-world
type include: use, this work should be offered as a service, to
• Smart Gaming Chair: physical activation, fun, ensure prototypes are clearly understood. Some
relaxing, brain activation, combines joy and ideas were discussed in relation to adjustment
benefits, fit for many; of the prototypes to simplify use. These services
• Mobile Robot and Fall Detection system: multi- may be supportive, such as instructions on how
functional, security, assistance; to use the prototypes, how to interpret the data
• 3D-printed handles: easy to grip, modifiable, they provide (ReAbleChair, games, Mobile Robot
great form, beautiful design; and Fall Detection system) or adjusting the soft-
• Magic Mirror: easy access to information, helps ware/hardware features (Magic Mirror content,
to remember, calendar function is useful, weath- game adjustments, designing handles, Mobile
er information is useful; Robot and Fall Detection system’s functionali-
• ReAbleChair: multifunctional, giving personal ties). In the test event, the researchers performed
functional information, combining a natural and modified the settings for the user.
chair with functional measuring device.
In addition to supportive services, the prototypes
Discussion and their associated data might be integrated into
Towards developing active ageing guidelines the health care service system, or lighter services
for smart furniture outside the official care system (for example, of-
The previously outlined research questions were fering new possibilities for relatives to monitor the
designed to identify elements that foster positive user’s condition). As most technologies require
user experience (with respect to smart furniture). some form of customization or installation (such
This section summarizes the findings and serves as as the Magic Mirror user interface, game difficul-
a starting point for building guidelines associated ty adjustments, Mobile Robot’s and Fall Detec-
with ageing-friendly smart furniture design (RQ3). tion system’s configuration, use cases etc.), these
administrative parts of the software could be
Modular smart furniture system
separated into its own user interface (UI), to keep In addition, according to the study results, unnec-
the end user’s UI and technology use as simple as essary/surplus functions which would require ex-
possible. The installation and customization ser- tra learning should be avoided, unless they fulfil
vice would thus play a crucial role in successfully a specific purpose (including assistive functions)
implementing these types of solutions. or add value. This again supports the need for a
modular and customizable design approach (i.e.
The prototypes received positive feedback relat- attempting not to serve everybody with the same
ing to their ability to effect multiple functions (i.e. solution). This highlights that finding and devel-
physical, cognitive, social). This highlights the oping for a true need, and understanding the big-
importance of a holistic design approach when ger picture (also in marketing) is important.
considering smart furniture. The prototypes re-
ceiving the most positive feedback contained In general, user experiences related to smart fur-
multiple elements, such as beautiful/aesthetic niture concepts were positive. It was interesting to
design, physical exercise, cognitive training etc. see that the Smart Gaming Chair was considered
Furthermore, many prototypes were judged the favourite prototype, although it had the low-
based on their original/typical use, such as how est score with respect to meaningfulness. One po-
good the gaming chair was to sit on. This implies tential reason for the favour of the Smart Gaming
that attention has to be paid to the basic function Chair concept is that it possesses both health ben-
of smart furniture, in addition to its incorporated efits (physical or cognitive training) and gamified
technology. This supports the pre-assumption elements. Both factors are very important when
that functional furniture has to be aesthetic considering well-being. All the other prototypes
whilst also serving its primary purpose. This is were offering important functions, however, did
further reinforced by previous studies, where he- not contain this entertainment element.
donic attributes have been demonstrated to be
an important aspect in product design (Diefen- To conclude, the best user experience was
bach & Hassenzahl, 2011). achieved when the prototype had a meaningful
function, whilst also adopting a more holistic de-
When it comes to the information design, the ba- sign approach (such as an aesthetically pleasing
sic usability guidelines (Nielsen & Molich, 1990) appearance, or gamification element). Perceived
offer a starting point. However, when targeting usefulness (meaningfulness) and perceived ease
products towards seniors, additional aspects re- of use affected respondent’s attitude towards
quire attention. In this study, certain aspects were technology, which supports the Technology
seen to be helpful for seniors. Technology was Acceptance Model (TAM) theory on how users
more or less hidden to the end-user, and no spe- accept and use a technology (Davis, 1986; Ven-
cial attention/instruction was required to under- katesh & Bala, 2008; Venkatesh & Davis, 2000).
stand the use of most of the prototypes. Intuitive Additionally, it was highlighted those aesthetics
use which mimics real-life application (game con- play a role when considering smart furniture.
trols, using a chair, looking at mirror) might have
positively affected the results, as no complaints Open answers also encouraged developers to
were highlighted in relation to the use logic or continue designing innovative solutions for the
learning how to use the prototypes. The large size older adults. In addition, the developer’s work
and clear fonts/graphics were appreciated. In the was seen as meaningful and the testing was
case of the Mobile Robot, speech recognition was found to be fun. The inclusion of older adults
readily understood and offers an alternative and into the development process not only guaran-
intuitive method of control, as people typically tees that designs address a real/specific need, it
answer speech through conversation. also promotes usability, ensuring that designs are
suitable for seniors and offer meaningful content.
If external systems (such as the Fall Detection Future work should concentrate more towards
system with the Mobile Robot) are implemented data collection and data analytics, which would
in-home use, extra equipment should be multi- add value and usage possibilities to smart furni-
functional. In addition, systems should be com- ture concepts. In addition, development of ser-
pact as well as affordable, without being too dif- vice models utilizing this data is in future work.
ficult to install or to use. The Mobile Robot was
considered too ugly and expensive in contrast to Study limitations
the added value it offered (i.e. the functionality). The first limitation of the study related to the small
This is consistent with the study results by Melen- number of participants. In addition, as the partici-
horst and colleagues, which demonstrates that pants were not screened for functional ability prior
the benefit obtained from technology is what to prototype testing, participant capabilities could
affects opinion, more so than cost (Melenhorst, have potentially influenced study results. This will
Rogers & Bouwhuis, 2006). be taken into consideration in future studies.

Modular smart furniture system
Conclusion to be modularity, or the ability to customize the
In this study, five smart furniture prototypes were solution according to the end user’s capabilities
developed, and older user experiences were in- and needs. Functional furniture also has to be
vestigated through demonstration and interview. aesthetically pleasing. In future iterations of the
Information gathered formed the basis for future prototypes, administrative components of the
smart furniture guideline development. In general, software should be removed from the end user’s
user experiences were positive. Smart features UI and integrated into a separate UI, to keep the
were readily accepted as part of the furniture, end user’s interaction with the technology as
with hidden technologies offering the opportuni- simple as possible. Installation and customiza-
ty to design functional furniture to assist older us- tion services, as well as value-adding services (i.e.
ers. In particular, smart furniture offers the poten- monitoring), were seen as having future potential.
tial to foster independent and high-quality living, To summarize, multidisciplinary, inclusive devel-
without the stigma often associated with senior- opment was found to be essential to the success-
targeted assistive devices. That being said, smart ful development of the smart furniture prototypes.
furniture also has to fulfil a primary purpose (i.e. The user feedback serves as an excellent starting
its primary role as an item of furniture). The most point for developing senior-friendly guidelines for
essential feature (based on the results) was found ICT-embedded furniture.

Acknowledgements setts Institute of Technology.

The BaltSe@nioR project is co-financed by the Euro- Diefenbach, S. & Hassenzahl, M. (2011). The dilemma
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within the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region. Interact. Comput. 23, 5 (September 2011), 461-472.
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