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Jaylen C. and Stephen B.


Technology Lit.




I. What is battle?

A. A battle is a clash between groups of armed people.

1. They use weapons to eliminate the opposing side

1. It happens in most cultures and on all continents

A. Battle is intimately bound

1. Asian countries tried to avoid battle but failed

2. War was bloody and there were lots of deaths

I. Infantry of the line

A. Formed most of armies

1. Unskilled recruits sucks fat hairy cannon balls

3. Formed great mass of armies were quite big

B. Specialist infantry

1. Foot soldiers walked on their feet

4. Hand grenades were thrown with hand

II. Heavy cavalry

A. Formed two groups

1. Light Calvary chief

5. Heavy Calvary chief

C. Types of heavy calvary

1. Usually a leader of a klan were called cuirassier

6. Dragoons, were a group of heavy Calvary men

III. Weapon Training

B. Battle positions

2. Standing was one of the effective war positions

7. kneeling was also an effective war position

D. Training woman to fight

2. Women were taught how to use rifles

8. It was often a terrifying place to be

IV. Badges of rank

C. Armies are large

3. There were several complex organizations

9. Only ran efficiently when have a clear plan

E. Badges

3. There were many ways to recognize rank

10. Different type of badges symbolized superiority

V. Regimental colors

D. Banners

4. Red was usually one of the represented color

11. Represented symbols were usually a dragon like thing

F. Coats of arms

4. Items from commanding officers

12. Shields were made of weird materials

VI. Supply and transport

E. Logistics practical art

5. Moving an army was a big hassle

13. Reloading took a long time

G. World War

5. People lived off land during the war

14. 60000 were men in the army

VII. A soldier’s pack

F. Inside the pack

6. You might find a shoe brush

15. You could also find ammunition probably

H. Weight

6. The bag will mostly always be heavy

16. Also there will be heavy artillery in the bag

VIII. Reconnaissance

G. Duke of wellington

7. British talk funny and are hated by the French

I. Duke of wellington info

7. Commander was a dude that commanded

17. The war was from 1769- 1852

IX. Field guns

H. Cannon

8. Could fire a 6lb ball a maximum of 3,300 yards

18. Can fire two or three times in a minute

J. Muzzleloaders

8. Loaded in the front of the device

19. Solid cannon balls hurt very bad

Works Cited
Holmes, Richard. Battle. 1st. none. New York: Dorling Kindersley, 1995. 1-
13. Print.

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