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MINI-LINK TN System Description System Description MINI-LINK TN Advanced Operation & Maintenance Magazine + Power Filter Unit *Fan + Node Processor Unit + Line Termination Unit * Modem Unit + Ethernet Termination Unit + ATM Aggregation Unit + Access Termination Unit + Accessories Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 MINI-LINK TN System Description CHAPTER 4 Access Module Magazine There are different sizes depending of the need on the site and they house the plug-in units. Provides backplane interconnection of traffic, power and control signals. Access Module Magazine Backplane ue tty tit { * Separate backplane with multiple bus structure + The buses are used for traffic handling, system control ‘and power dietrbution Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA MINI-LINK TN System Description Access Module Magazine, AMM ‘AMM 29 + For edge and repeater nodes + Can house 2 full width plug-in units and 2 half width plug-in units + Maximum 2 radio terminals ‘ANIM 208 + For edge and repeater nodes: + Can house 2 full width plug-in units and 2 half width plugin units + Maximum 2 radio terminals + Redundant DC:power directly connected to the magazine "ANIM 6p (previous release) + For medium sized aggregation nodes + Can house 6 full width plug-in units. + Maximum 5 radio terminals ‘AMM 6p B + For medium sized agareaation nodes + Can house 6 full width plug-in units + Maximum 5 radio terminals + Redundant DC-power Sa ae Fricsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 MINI-LINK TN System Description Access Module Magazine, AMM ‘AMM 6p C _| + For medium sized aggregation nodes| + Can house § full width plug-in units and 2 half width plug-in units + Maximum 5 radio terminals, + Redundant DC-power ‘ANIM 6p 0 + For medium sized aggregation nodes * Can house 4 full width plug-in units ‘and 4 half width plug-in units + Maximum 4 radio terminals + Fledundant DC-power ‘AMM 20p + For large sized aggregation nodes + Can house 20 full height plug-in units + Maximum 18 radio terminals + Redundant DC-power Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 MINI-LINK TN System Description CHAPTER 4 MINI-LINK TN System Description + Magazine | Power Filter Unit +Fan * Node Processor Unit * Line Termination Unit + Modem Unit + Ethernet Termination Unit + ATM Aggregation Unit + Access Termination Unit + Accessories us Power distribution to the magazine. + DC/DC converter + Filter functions + Short circuit and under voltage protection + At least one per node Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA 5 MINI-LINK TN System Description CHAPTER 4 Power Filter Unit, PFU PFUI for AMM 20p + -4BVDC as supply voltage + Two for redundancy of the node + Alarm interconnection of the fan =a 'PFUS for AMM 6p B + -48VDC as supply voltage ‘Two for redundancy of the node ‘PFUS B for ANIM 6p Cand 6p D + 424 or 48VDC as supply voltage + Two for redundaney of the node Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA 6 MINI-LINK TN System Description MINI-LINK TN System Description + Power Filter Unit Fan + Node Processor Unit + Line Termination Unit * Modem Unit + Ethemet Termination Unit + ATM Aggregation Unit + Access Termination Unit + Accessories Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 MINI-LINK TN System Description Fan Unit, FAU FAUt (FAU1 for AMM 20p + Mandatory unit + Three fans for redundancy + Two power interfaces for redundancy {Alarm interface towards PFU1 CHAPTER 4 OI Fan Unit, FAU Air in + Mandatory plugin unit SEE oF Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA MINI-LINK TN System Description Fan Unit, FAU The AMM 2p or AMM 2p B must be equipped with a FAUS depending fon the total power dissipation within the AMM When needed is referred to the TN Indoor Installation Manual EN/L7T 712 0129 MINI-LINK TN System Description * Magazine + Power Filter Unit + Fan Node Processor Unit + Line Termination Unit + Modem Unit + Ethernet Termination Unit + ATM Aggregation Unit + Access Termination Unit + Accessories Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 MINI-LINK TN System Description Node Processor Unit, NPU “The Node Processor Unit is the "brain” of the node + Mandatory plugin unit + Holds the configuration of the node + The interface for management and local ‘maintenance + Centralized node processor with DON router, ‘SNMP Master Agent + Traffic interfaces: Node Processor Unit, NPU NPU 8x2 (Previous release) for AMM 6p, AMM 6p B or AMM 20p + 10/100 BASE-T Ethernet interface for management + 8xE1 Interfaces (1200hm G.703) +3 User InjOutputs NPU1 B for AMM 6p, AMM 6p B or AMM 20p + Same features as NPU 8x2 except for: + USB interface for local maintenance + FMM card for configuration storage Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 10 MINI-LINK TN System Description NPU, Traffic Termination Node Processor Unit, NPU NPU2 for AMM 2p + 424/-48VDC as supply voltage + 4xE1 Interfaces (1200hm G.703) + 10/100 BASE-T Ethernet interface for management and traffic + USB interface for local maintenance CHAPTER 4 Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA MINI-LINK TN System Description NPU, Traffic Termination 4xE1 Node Processor Unit, NPU ayes NPUS for AMM 2pB, AMM 6p C or AMM 6p D + 4xE1 Interfaces (1200hm G.703) + User Output for AVB alarm + 10/100 BASE-T Ethernet intertace for trafic. +10 BASE-T Ethernet interface for management + USB Interface for local maintenance Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 MINI-LINK TN System Description NPU, Traffic Termination MINI-LINK TN System Description * Magazine + Power Filter Unit +Fan + Node Processor Unit ine Termination Unit + Modem Unit + Ethernet Termination Unit + ATM Aggregation Unit + Access Termination Unit + Accessories Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 MINI-LINK TN System Description CHAPTER 4 Line Termination Unit, LTU Traffic interfaces SSS, Line Termination Unit, LTU TTUs 12/1 for E1 termination in AMM 2p (with kit), ‘AMM 2p B, AMM 6p C or AMM 6p. * 12xE1 Interfaces, 1200hm G.703 Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA 14 CHAPTER 4 MINI-LINK TN System Description Line Termination Unit, LTU 4xE1 4x1 4xE1 LL ss pa om RT ae Takao = 1 = ot J erat | is le [oe extan eT Line Termination Unit, LTU See CTU 67 for 7 rmination any nageane + 16xE1 Interfaces, 1200hm G.703 Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA MINI-LINK TN System Description CHAPTER 4 Line Termination Unit, LTU 4xE1 4xE1 4x1 4X61 ————— ue fee ee nar Litititt — eS ea Line Termination Unit, LTU a LTU 155e or LTU155 e/o = Terminates one STM-1 connection with 63xE1 in the backplane. + Electrical interface (G.703) + Optical interface (Short haul S-1.1) Ericsson AB 2007 _LZU 108 6839 RIA 16 MINI-LINK TN System Description CHAPTER 4 Line Termination Unit, LTU TU 155) Line Termination Unit, LTU LTU B 155, + STM-1 interface towards the RBS + Terminates one STM-1 connection with 21xE1 in the ‘backplane, + Electrical interface (6.70) + Optical interface (Short haul $-1.1) Fricsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA 7 MINI-LINK TN System Description Line Termination Unit, LTU LTUB 155) Line Termination Unit, SMU Digtel suece here) ro NS xternal traffic interfaces with the following capacities (one at the time) + 1x08 ¢ 1xE1 + 2xE2 + 2xE1 ‘Two E0 interfaces (dig. SC) provide external interface for DCN. \ Protection Switching for 1+1 with MMU2 Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 MINI-LINK TN System Description Line Termination Unit, SMU a} 20 ev2a28 ern, Line Termination Unit, SMU Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 MINI-LINK TN System Description Line Termination Unit, SMU + Magazine + Power Filter Unit +Fan + Node Processor Unit + Line Termination Unit Modem Unit + Ethemet Termination Unit + ATM Aggregation Unit + Access Termination Unit + Accessories Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 20 MINI-LINK TN System Description CHAPTER 4 Modem Unit, MMU a a: * Interface to the radio One MMU per radio jodulates the digital traffic into analogue radio-modulation + Sets the traffic capacity and frequency bandwidth Modem Unit, MMU ‘MMU (previous release): + C-QPSK modulation + Tratfie Capacities in Mbits: 2x2, 8, 2x8 or 3442 + To be used together with an SMU2 in a protected terminal 1+1 Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA MINI-LINK TN System Description Modem Unit, MMU MMU2 B: + C-QPSK modulation + Trattic Capacities in Mbit/s: 2¢2, 8, 2x8 or 3442. + Compact 1+1 configuration Modem Unit, MMU MMU2 C: + C-QPSK or 16 QAM modulation + Compact 1+1 configuration + Traffic Capacities with C-QPSK in Mbit/s: 2x2, 8, 2x8 or 3442 + Traffic Capacities with 16 QAM in Mbit/s: 2x8, 34+2 or 2x34 Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 22 MINI-LINK TN System Description CHAPTER 4 Modem Unit, MMU MMU2 D: + 16 or 128 QAM modulation «Traffic Capacities with 16 QAM in Mbis: 22x2, 46x2 + Traffic Capacities with 128 QAM in Mbit/s: 35%2, 75x2 * Compact 141 configuration Modem Unit, MMU 28 ea a . e22)— see Eriesson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA MINI-LINK TN System Description Modem Unit, MMU (E21) 8 ) Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 24 MINI-LINK TN System Description Line Termination Unit, LTU MMU2 E: * 16, 64 or 128 QAM modulation + Traffic Capacity in Mbit/s: 15512 -< 21° ELP configuration for MSP 1+1 support + SFP for traffic tormination + Compact 141 configuration Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 4839 RIA CHAPTER 4 25 MINI-LINK TN System Description Modem Unit, MMU ‘Small Form-factor Pluggable SFP: * User selectable interface module to insert in MMU + Optical interface (Short haul S-1.1) + Electrical interface (6.703) = Se oT Modem Unit, MMU 15542 em oe [an ee = SaaS Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 26 MINI-LINK TN System Description Modem Unit, MMU MMU2 F: + 16, 64 or 128 QAM modulation + Tralfic Capacity in Mbit/s: 155+2 ELP configuration for MSP 1+1 support + SIP for traffic termination + Compact 1+1 configuration + Supports XPIC XPIC (Cross Polarized Interference Canceller) Radio 1 Radio 2 re eoedeme Cort baie to Le placa hast be each Ofer bot wotwte @ Gre of oor Shas Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 MINI-LINK TN System Description MINI-LINK TN System Description + Magazine + Power Filter Unit + Fan * Node Processor Unit + Line Termination Unit + Modem Unit Ethernet Termination Unit + ATM Aggregation Unit + Access Termination Unit + Accessories CHAPTER 4 Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA 28 MINI-LINK TN System Description Ethernet Termination 1h" + 5.x 10/100BASE-T interface + 180 Mbits throughput totally Unit, ETU Kneas. ETU2 for Ethernet traffic termination in any magazine + 1x 10/100/1000BASE-T interface + Each port can have the capacity 1-48%E1 * Magazine Fan * Modem Unit * Accessories + Power Filter Unit + Node Processor Unit * Line Termination Unit + Ethernet Termination Unit ATM Aggregation Unit + Access Termination Unit MINI-LINK TN System Description Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 29 MINI-LINK TN System Description ATM Aggregation Unit, AAU ATM Aggregation Unit, AAU ‘AAU for ATM traffic aggregation in any magazine: + Capacity of 96 x Et +31 ATM interlace (IMA or @.804) + Upto 16 E1 / IMA group + 1500 VC and 100 VP cross-connections + Switching capability 622 Mbit/s + CoS support: CBR, #-VBR, nt-VBR, UBR, & UBR+ MCR Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 G839 RIA CHAPTER 4 30 MINI-LINK TN System Description MINI-LINK TN System Description + Magazine + Power Filter Unit + Fan + Node Processor Unit + Line Termination Unit + Modem Unit + Ethemel Termination Unit + ATM Aggregation Unit ‘Access Termination Unit + Accessories Access Termination Unit, ATU ute reara wee ae etcenel SAU / ‘ATU is a 1U high integrated radio terminal (NPU + MMU) + Fits into a 19° rack +140 configuration (end site) + Connect up to 8xE1 + One Ethernet interface 1-16xE1 Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 31 MINI-LINK TN System Description + Magazine + Power Filter Unit +Fan + Node Processor Unit + Line Termination Unit + Modem Unit + Ethernet Termination Unit + ATM Aggregation Unit + Access Termination Unit Accessories MINI-LINK TN System Description Accessories Dummy Unit & Dummy front: + To create the correct airflow through the node + To prevent dust coming into the node + Different sizes depending on where needed Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 32 MINI-LINK TN System Description CHAPTER 4 Accessories Wu ICF Interface Connection Field, ICF: + Traffic interconnection + Fixed or module based + 120 ohm D-sub or 75 ohm SMZ or BNC connectors, Accessories DCN LAN Switch DON LAN Switch: + Fits into the ICF3 (module based) + Connects & ports to onc DCN + One port provides Power over Ethernet for IP-telephone Ericsson AB 2007 ZU 108 6839 RIA 33, MINI-LINK TN System Description Accessories Cables _— Trafic Cables: + Any type of traffic cable + From 64 bits to 155 Mbtis + Sofix, D-sub, Fu45, SMZ, Optical $1.1 ERICSSON 2 TAKING YOU FORWARD Ericsson AB 2007 LZU 108 6839 RIA CHAPTER 4 34

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