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You are ethical consultants for Westmount C.I. Knowing that many ethical issues
are preventable with the necessary awareness, you are asked to create an
informative and professional ethical awareness media piece by the York Region
District School Board. As the Consultant, your job is to familiarize yourself with
ethical dilemmas and topics related to the world of today, and be able to work
through the thought exploring ethical dilemmas and making ethical decisions.

During class, we have been discussing and exploring various ethical issues.

You may choose one of the following topics related to this unit:
1. Hackers
2. Child Predators online
3. Spyware & Adware
4. Identity Theft
5. Computer Viruses
6. Ergonomics & Health Risks
7. E-Waste
8. Computer Security- Antivirus programs, Biometric authentications and Firewalls
9. Cyber Bullies
10. Gaming Addictions & Social Effects
11. Social Media Addictions & Social Effects
12. Social Responsibility & Copyrights
13. Your own personal Case Study topic.

You will use any media of your choice to teach and inform the public about your
chosen ethical issue. Options of media include:

● Infographic (e.g. piktochart, canva, venngage)

● Commercial/Public Service Announcement/Video Skit (5-10 mins max)
● Podcast/Radio Segment (5-10 mins max)
● Newspaper/Article/Magazine (1-2 pages max)
● Other (Must be approved by Ms. Salamat)
Your goal is to make the public aware of your topic in an informative,
interesting and creative way. Your ethics awareness piece should
include and describe all but not limited to the content below:

What to include and consider while creating your awareness piece:

1. The Ethical Dilemma - What is your topic about? What are the
2. What are useful/relevant/important definitions/terms one should
know regarding your topic?
3. What are some interesting statistics related to your topic? Example:
% of females using Facebook
4. What are 2 thought provoking discussion questions to ask and
explore with your “audience”?
5. Stakeholders - Who are they and is their perspective? What are
their concerns? What do they care about? What does the
stakeholder want in this scenario and why? Is this fair? Who is it fair
6. What restrictions, solutions, outcomes should be put in place to
prevent the abuse of power as it relates to your topic? What pros
and cons will be weighed? What decisions are to be made?
7. What are the Social, Ethical, Personal consequences of these
decisions? Short term? Long Term?
8. What ethical standards does it not uphold? E.g. Privacy, doing no
harm, etc)
9. Make an informed decision - What is your opinion on this issue?
10. What are 2 sources in MLA format have you used? (can be
attached separate from your document/awareness piece)

1. Cyberbullying is when someone is bullying and harassing someone online.
Cyberbullying is bad for the mind and body. When someone is being
cyberbullied they normally feel stress or anxiety because they are being
judged and bullied everyday. Some victims commit suicide after being
cyberbullied because they think they did something wrong and they hate
2. Cyberbullying: when someone is bullied or harassed online
Bullied: when someone is being abused or mistreated by someone older,
more powerful or stronger then them
Online: when someone is on the internet
Posting: when something gets shown on the internet
Negative: something or someone bad
False: when something is not true
3. 47 percent of of Canadien parents report having a child victim of
Students who identify as LGBTQ are three times higher to get cyberbullied
Girls are more likely to get cyberbullied
40 percent of Canadien workers experience cyberbullying on a weekly
Canada has the 9th highest rate of bullying in the 13-years-olds categories
on a scale of 35 countries
4. What do you know about this topic?
Have you ever been the victim of cyberbullying if so what happened?
5. Stakeholders: The victim, the bullier, the parents, if they are both students
then the school, the application being used/company
6. People like to abuse the internet by creating fake accounts and bullying
people they know and don't like. To fix this solution maybe the application
can create some security measure like only one account per IP address or
a better cyberbullying detection system.
7. The Social consequences affect the person cyberbullying because they
won't have the ability to cyberbully as easily because of the extra security
barrier with the cyberbullying detection system.
The Ethics consequences affect the victim and the person cyberbullying,
this is because cyberbullying is something that is taken very seriously.
There is a chance for 5 years in prison and confiscation of the electronic if
found guilty of cyberbullying. This can potentially have the victim commite
suicide or create depression.
The Personal consequences affect the victim, the victim can have
depression, anxiety and other issues that are caused by bullying.
8. Ask mrs.Salamat
9. I think that cyberbullying should be paid more attention to because
cyberbullying is something that is a big issue in the world, it causes stress
and suicide and it is very important to try and stop it.

“Cyberbullying (for Teens) - Nemours KidsHealth.” Edited by Elana Pearl

Ben-Joseph, KidsHealth, The Nemours Foundation, Apr. 2018,

“Get Help.” BullyingCanada, 20 Feb. 2020,

The topic I have chosen is: Cyberbullies

The media type I have chosen is: Article



Progress check on Monday & Tuesday May 10-11th


Name: Devin
Topic: Cyberbullying
Media Type: Article/Newspaper
Demonstrates thorough understanding of the ethical scenario 10/10

● Main issue/Ethical Dilemma is clear/Summary and message across as to

why topic is an issue
● Overview of issue/topic concise
● Important/Relevant definitions/terms used
● Statistics Included

The main concerns and values of each group are well-thought through and 9/10

● 2-3 Thought provoking questions included

● Restrictions, Solutions, Outcomes explored
● Pros & Cons explored
● Stakeholders/perspectives/Consequences explored
● Appropriate issues chosen to relay information and are relevant and well
unpacked, explained
● Excellent inquiry, analysis and reflection of issues.

With thorough effectiveness, the student expresses and organizes ideas and 9/10
information (e.g. clear, expression, logical organization) in the written and/or
visual/verbal format for the purpose of informing

● Awareness piece is relevant, and expands upon content presented in

class and enhances further learning of topic (e.g. incorporating key
learnings well thought of, and ties into topic) clearly
● Effectively uses editing skills to write/present with few to errors uses
images/text/audio that are informative and well chosen
● Presents information that is highly organized using a variety of effective
formatting tools (theme evident, space, shapes, borders, colour, sound
effects, transitions etc)
● Appropriate media chosen and completed with high degree of
effectiveness (e.g. podcast not too long, infographic not too wordy)
● Appeals to audience overall

APPLICATION 2/2 (progress)

Logical connections between the stakeholders, decisions, ethical standards
made. The effects of the decision are clearly explored. 7.5/8

● Has reflected on their learning and made connections to the big picture
and overall significance issue
● Makes connections to sources of Ethical Standards
● Decision/Opinion expressed
● Originality and creativity
● MLA format citations attached (2)
● Evidence of work done in a timely manner (progress check May10-11th)
Total: 37.5 / 40

Overall good information. I would have like to have read more about the
stakeholders and how each of them are affected by cyberbullying in a more
detailed level. Watch out for the consistency of your formatting as some
paragraphs had space between and others did not. Finally, your next steps are to
think about how you can make the page pop. Even though you have selected an
article, what small things could you have added to make it look like an article?
For example - page numbers, pretend volume numbers, different format or
background colour, etc.

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