Devin Press - Ethics Assignment Article

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Social media was supposed to be a fun way to interact with friends and family. It was
supposed to be a way to see what they were doing and a way to communicate. Slowly but
surely social media became a bad place where people would get bullied for being themselves,
this is called cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying is where someone is bullying and/or harassing someone online. When

being the victim of cyberbullying there could be many issues surrounding it. For example,
cyberbullying may cause stress, anxiety because you are being bullied and that could also lead
to more serious issuses like suicide. 47 percent of Canadien parents report having a child victim
of cyberbullying, that is almost half the country. Students that are LGBTQ are three tiems higher
to get cyber bullied and females are more likely to get cyber bullied than males. It is not fair that
someone would get bullied more often if they are LGBTQ because everyone is the same in a
way. We all have something to fight for and I think that just because you identify as something
else or like someone/something else does not mean that you should be picked on for being

Who is involved in a cyberbullying act? Some stakeholders of cyberbullying are the

victim, the bully, the parents, if one is a student then the school and the application being

How can we try and restrict this issue? I think that a way to restrict this issue is by the
application restricting only one account per address. I am not sure how to exactly do this but I
am sure there is a way. Also, they could either make a cyberbullying detection system or
upgrade the system if they already have one.

The Social consequences affect the person cyberbullying because they won't have the
ability to cyberbully as easily because of the extra security barrier with the cyberbullying
detection system.
The Ethics consequences affect the victim and the person cyberbullying, this is because
cyberbullying is something that is taken very seriously. There is a chance for 5 years in prison
and confiscation of the electronic if found guilty of cyberbullying. This can potentially have the
victim commite suicide or create depression.
The Personal consequences affect the victim, the victim can have depression, anxiety
and other issues that are caused by bullying.

I think that cyberbullying should be paid more attention to because cyberbullying can
lead to stress, suicide. Cyberbullying is something that is needing more attention because
everyday people are getting bullied online and no one likes getting picked on.

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