Developing Cultural Identity in The Balkans

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Raymond DETREZ & Pieter PLAS (eds) Developing Cultural Identity in the Balkans Convergence vs. Divergence Multiple Europes” op ots ok yt ai i ym yt hon bite A is ese. © PLE-PETER LANG 3, Frees Ivers Fates Brussels, 2005 Travents Maurie, 1050 Bross, Belg infoapeteriang eam; ww petang com Printed in Germany ISSN 1376.0804 R00s/567836, a ey of Comrem, ‘bop informe lied ty “Di Doce Ba ‘der wosegpc vee he et ah Se Table of Contents Acknowledgements, 9 ryrnopuction ‘Convergence and Divergence in the Development ‘of Balkan Caltara Identity u Raymond DEIREZ & Pieter PLAS Pane LANGUAGE, SOCIETY, LOCALITY AND EVERYDAY CULTURE: "MULTIOPTIONAL IDENTITY ACROSS TIME ‘cuarren From Orientaliom to Democracy and Back Again ‘Turkish a the Balkans and in Balkan Languages, 2s ‘Victor A. FRIEDMAN cuwpren2 Linguist Divergence and (Re)Coavergence within the Macedonian Standard/Dislect Coatinuem, 4s ‘Christan Voss cuarnens ‘The Serbs of Bela Krajina between Local ‘ind National Wnty 2 “Tana Perovic curren ‘of Bulgaria at Home and in tnmigration. st Magdalena cova cnserens ‘A Mising of Cultural Identities, ‘The Croatian Borderlands inthe Nineteenth Centery m [Nada ALAICA ‘Curren 1 From Orientalism to Democracy and Back Again ‘Turkish in the Balkans and in Balkan Languages Victor A. FRIEDMAN Univer of Choe Although the concept of substratum influence was erica in the «ely coneeptucization ofthe Balkan linguistic league, an, moreover the current emphasis of contact linguistics as well as Trubetkoy's (1923 original Formulation bth sens grammatical convergence ste ‘efning phenomenon of the Balkan Sprachbund, tis agunbe tht the Sred lexical component which entered the Balkan Tangunges via ‘Turkish ~ elf the result of centres of Turkish poled an! soa dominance in Souteastem Europe ~ is the more salient unifying factor in tems of the way ordinary people think about language. Tis was ‘emphasized by Kazavis (1972: 89) in his lasie aril on the sta of Turkisns in the Balkan languages, whore he observes: “Turkish ings tie elements conte «common denominor (nt theory ont be Sure) forthe spoken form ofall the Balkan lnguages Turkish further relnfored the Balkan lings won (Spracbund) in cenainwespects Such as vocabulary and phraseology” [J Kaznzs necdoal aout ‘ofthe way speakers of diferent Bala lnguages compare Turkisms ‘such ab food names (eg. imam Bayild, Gk mdm Bald Bly mam ‘aja “epaplant casera’) and obscenities (eps Gk pot putt “caanit’) crystallizes the popular view of Turkish as @ Balkan Common denominior. At the sane time the Satis of Turkisms (end Turkish) has risen and fallen and wisen again in response to external evens In this pape, I shall examine the symbole deployment of Turk- isms a signs In various types of linguistic ideologies, Le in the Meas Be Developing Ca ty the Blan tu pn singe gg Se se he a ee em oe ees at ieee gon oe ct ela noni deserts Se eee coed ess ea es se age Ro eas tee ate entrar ao Feather es ‘mate re someone aero eet eta ante ag emetic ciate ace ae a ee eile re al Ss eames i ae re te iri eae fp a ae os ean ea esc Sou eye cam a a eas iss ta tees Se emg See ee mosey aes seoee epee cis a ratraenee et genre aie oe SA RAG vp atin resect eres ree hn rin ee en Se age reece my a, ate fet ene Fecre ich cece eae Ti ee tn Sew wr estate ae th ay aoe lke ws me sae he moa mts {SB en iy mcs Eris Soa Reet fhe dwar foe he Keno ve Park ee of ‘rin Saosin) wee mange to eo lly ay Tae ein Si rk d Coe ime Foe pt of ow tag id he dcp of rn ana ea ws ach ‘rte neat ay fret Mcwon ln Bal ‘uncut fen site he irene san 2 Reuse Ya ey ne nntr ie t 156S7 elon i cd 26 uk inth Bar od Blin Languages Another indication ofthe dominance of Turkish ding his period is that ou of 185 anecdotal alsin Cepenkow's (1972) inccetcentary “Macedonian coletion from the Prep regio, 24 have code switches ito Turkish, 4 into Grok, 3 with Alfani, 2 with Vinh and vith Romani In edition thes 34 tls with iirlingal code switching, ‘hore are II tales with ileal code switches, ven tha the Tame i Pailep Macedonian. OF these § have switches employing the det of Mariova, an Iolite repon southeast of Pre and 3 into Sop, the ialest of peas Tivng Inthe angle formed by NS, Kriva Planks, and Sofa, Thus, even If we include dalecal code switching, Toeksh ccouns for more than hal the examples, and If we exclude Slavic Silva material then Turkish ore than twice as roguent al the ter nonSlave languages of Macedonia combine Conspicuous By thsenceffom this corpus is Judezm, When evs code sich fom he “Macedonian matrix of the arate isnt Turkish I would argue hat this is symptomatic ofthe murginlization of ludezno with respect 10 ‘the Balkan Hingis social hierarchy, but hat ithe ope ofa dierent ape ef. Fridman 1997). ‘Under the Otomans, the noun “Tuk” sully meant *Mustn? and not necessarily speaker of Turks’. Local popultions in the Balkans ‘were sensitive 0 this diffrence and deployed the discrepancy Tor Inumorous purposes. Thus, for example, one ofthe themes of thee jokes in Capenkoy'sancedotes concerns Turks who Jono speak Turks Ish ie, Macedonian speaking or Allunanspeakig convert slam (Cepenkov 1972: 125-135). Some ofthese jokes (eg. Cepekov 1972: 1334135) mock the kind codesmixing amoag the Macedonian-speaking ‘Mastin cited above in Vaz for Bulgarian? Another topos ite on “Turkish speaking Tuk (Le, Muslin tying wo prs eal Otoman autor favorably by speaking Turkish but inscad making he oppo Impression, eg by responding to. an offer of f00d mth la Bn eliversn (Allah bin eld ers "May God grat [you] 8 thousand wor’) instead of ala Bin eres Allah Bn Brie versin May {God gran [youl a thousand blessings) The subjects ofthese stores are 7 caper es « Micros cing Crit prin, Masini: ‘roi Mars Pa rT ie ced ‘an Bap has ae fr be Sve ee ‘nt come i ft one tee ea peo of he le on {Er thts ero Mror de malo Magy ich Esper ‘mpc sd Macs thin Te ples es be ‘prt cng th emp de beet al twa Oe [kad Coys sera pen apn Th te Trae NSteoiapeng Matinee jae be CCC CCC CCC CCOCCCEoOOOEO i iE rE — — ||| Devlping Cua oy te Blane eeveily the Macedonian-speaking Muslin of Tks, 2 mountainous Fetion to the mores ofthe Pep plan. Given the dominance of "Turkish in he towns andthe Tact tat Tkve is a elaively undeveloped or agrcltaralrepon its arguable that pat ofthe mockery in these Jokes expresses the tension between ibaa rural wells ther than tetweun Turks and Cristins po Sil, ile Turkish functioned asa marke of urban Meni nthe Empire in ural aes slo fntioned 52 marker of Must ientty mong groups who pied Islam without Ianguage sh. This s espe ily salen inthe case of Slaviespking Muslims (Poms and Tovbes) ax well a Albananspeaking Mustins* Thus, fr example, in the det of Slvi-speaking Muslims, as well sin standard Albanian land the dees on which i based, certain Turkish kinship terms ‘placed oe were added in alongside ancient Indo-European ons, © Inv Albanian Babe “her daje (Turkish dy) maternal uncle ale (Charkish aor hale) “pera aun pssbly aso xhacha (Tucksh ‘anfufea“pateral nel” sina, Bosnian bib. dijatdafa, hala, “inka. Similly, the Péraks and Tarbes of Macedonia and Thrace offense Turkish numerals. Vazov X: 176). “The lte Otoman perio, in ston to seeing the development of rationalism and the uanizaion of url populations was also the Period of “oretalisn” inthe Wes, wih the Balkans constrcted as a Eropean variant onthe theme ofthe Oriental “the” aginst which ‘Wester Europe could define sll (ef Todorova 1994, Baki Hayden 1995; also cf. the title of Dako 1913). During this same pti, Mik- losis (188490) pah- breaking Work ii the foundations forthe stay fof Turks excl elements inthe languages of Eater and Southeastern ‘Europe It one tat the period tat saw the largest aux of Turkish lexicon ito dhe Balan languages was also the beginning of organized fort to eliminate that veal. “The rise of Balkan standard languages saw the fil of Turkisms. By recursively inernliing West European notions of the “odena”, the Balkan eltes that convoled the stniardiaion of tsi respective languages banished most Turkams to collogual and ionic repistrs (although a few were throughly imtgrated, while others became a= ‘hui or dates). This process ~ explcily lbs deriomalizaca by 7 en wl evn oo Huns Mating sath he Vials fe [SS Steno Aee Mason (on 90) ol Aen Bor SMe Roma Mins uch se Magione Ne (eeaee'o ac Mac mms el ela so eo Abe Tih te Blin ond lion Langer some Dulari colar (Cranes 1996: 134) — was repeated in Stand chewed bli, and some ese oid gst ‘ht prin Bulan fr Sample, an Vaz whose sts as Preminen wir gave him Sgca incase on he fran of i Ieuy angnge (Cranes 19968, whch ces vous Bulgin sourees) “orth mot pat opposed te ie of Trksh ect ‘Specialy intr: However be ao opposed th fai pura a oul hve elninted al waco of Tih rom Mulgan lowed fer thereon of Tua a hs wr ima rane a ran soi mas “have eilzshp ih" (VanDv XIX: 99) He Sleed ‘alton ht made, nh ope, eevee of Tass Sing ihr the impliadon Sat Bugera aks equals mamas rn Bika narra sama moray fs aha pie (Vazov XVI: 636). Eswbere, Vazov RVI 37, 39, 680 eo ‘Turi dnt ce ot ay og word be med “tessa ic lio dn," won. Gen at Vet ‘ss eieng pulsed works, clear a one Bulan ter Tivred he se of cologne wring ron eso, were Siemon nd wo Ti ng (Yay Fike decals ir, th same proces was roped for Macedonian spit a cuent f out among some telecast ha ‘aris shld be encouraged preserved beau thy were a ‘ct of folk path and bo enplsied Mactoia' diet {on fom the aber Sine sandrd ngage Using hese tne 3 ‘Vana’, Kons (1945) cin te use of Tums in e Macedo sian tanslton of Mote’ Le Tera th lowing ters Te natn] dag ns [Manco pot a na Meera |] rio na nat balan, tate, Calo maser [9 “aloria do nema meas [wernt ed ost language of Male [we kel of our Ran, alow, ‘orks hitch o] vlgising ioe mh cee ine at renin heen may he he Inovenent foe 8 sop Macedonian tet) Tannge fad ms Sippor and was oppose By sch sige foes ss Oi ens eS afi ao Takin sort ug oe ig eh, ty rain Gal I 195th pt of Th a ype ‘Todo of Are and fran narnia ‘tat thaw allen ia Tut Asay Mg en ee So al ns cee ap l pof e z a ‘Dane vale st oe ray te ‘a ms Ii ge ep ef ot ne sa es ‘waa ena Terie ened ones Cha 2» eee eer, ler,” ”rhrrr™rrr—:-=—=—~—s—=dr rr uvlping Ctra ety the Blane idence of policy of replsing Turkisms wih Slve formations SIhong thse who advocated stndardsing Macedonian ss scprate iangge hs vgad,Dirovsk (1966: 162) comments on he ack ‘Turks in Msikov’s (1903) Macedonian sopra manifesto Za Imatedoctie robo On Macedon ater observing tha the {a's Macedonian is «Kind of slovenronnaradn jake nr rung’ Inde, ty own count of Trams in ht Doo, {zeae only 16 Twkih words in 142 pgs, and hi nls wows anne to the Orman stat such lon ap sand “tit OF {se Iovony one sap ‘acount oceurs more than one. “Twenty years afer Koes’ erm of Trksms in Macedonian formals, the campaign was sil going on in Abanian, and Kran (1965: 190 eed in Kasra 1972: 94) woe thatthe elimination of ‘Torkinms was: We dep paroite, nlé dtr pe ets pt tie dty, «dy for eveyone’ A decade ater, solos of purity and ‘register were sll Seng aie for Mera rook as seen in Dickies (1973), whose message is summarized by Kazai (1977 502303) [1 depending on hei xi, on-not diraedepee which ieee» lnpuge, Th the Romans the Prk (medal) Wet pens) he Vein, ae hr gsi (a: sea pi on Grek Tote wee howe vied nats ha the lon-rord ‘Geek ae not mh of nga scl do ot woud te ings Sey” fe Grek Tish anno (Tad pain The ater re 8 Shame ender fe cnnsiertong jet ubopton ofthe Greek a onc wastguod pop th Tus. Similar arguments can be found for Romanian (Karazis 1972: 9293, and references teen of. ao Close 1978: 119, 154,199,214, Zea & Kamina 2003). Even Turkish itself limited may ofthese same Balkan Turkisms in the couse ofits wenlatventury purse movement, since a lbe number of hem wer utitaly of Arabi or Persian origin and were therefore considered frign Turkish as well See Kavais 1972 93 58) We ths ve the interesting sation in whi the same tems re Considered archaic fn both Turkish and inthe Balan languages, For txample Turkish map (< Arabi mundi), Macedonian and ula {an munasp, Albanian mas sable hs been replaced, Do Wu, {atom mest, and perhathen, respectively ‘Te resent of Turkisms in the former Serbo-Croatian represents a special and fneresting ease Both ding the formative poiod ofthe teenth centay alin modem tins, characterise Sistinguishing (Croaian trom Serbian language attudes has been that Croatian has followed the Geman and Hungarian model of creating nooogisms ‘whores Serbian has been mare felerant of frien lon sleay i he language and receptive to new ones. To e se, his doesnot mean that there was a complete absence of pis in Serbian langage planing [As Koljevi (1980: 344) notes, Vuk Karadz¢ intervened lex in his first (1814) colton of folk poetry. replacing Turksms with Slavic fos. In his second ellestion (1813), owever, Vuk left such words lone Jafr-Naxeva (198) points ot thst although in the retace of is TAB icionary Vuk alstinguished among Tukisms tht sould be replaced, Turkisms tht ae rare (archaea Turks hat ought o be ‘etained, his attade towards Turkisms was in geet tolerant, espe ially vids competing vocabularies such as Chuch Slavonicims. erry (1980) also documens Serbian pur — including negative tudes towards Turksins~ daring the second haf ofthe nineteenth entury* Nonetheless, a Kazazis (1972: 88) nots, onthe whole Set ban has not focused on Turisms as an objet of extn wih the sme vigor as found in oer languages inte Balkans. There ae 10 fxplnations for this The fit is tat Vuk’ explicit ideology of pl alo govors “writes you speak favored basing the stand on cll quia speech, and tiroughout the ex-Ovtoman Balkans Turkisms have been Gnd io aeeran extent remain) characteristic ofthe vernactler ‘The second reason tha inthe ase of Serbian, an idolog of Basing the standard on the colli) would perceive gretr tet fra (German and Rusia, German was the language of Asti, which Was ‘the conduit of modernization bt also a hegemon competing with Serbia ‘over fling the vacuum lt by the rereing Turks Ruslan (which includes hee Church Slavonic « major sours of vocabulary in he litrary language) was implicated in Slaven Serbian, the leary tan ard of Serbian ets against whom Vak was struggling fo the accep- {ance ofa standard based on the colloquial. Nonetheless, the Easter Variant of post-Wostd War Il Serbo-Croatian did nt appear 10 dir significant from eter languages othe South inthe number and psi tion of Turksms in its vocabulary. Thus, for example, Stalls (1966) Aicionary of Turkisms in Serbo-Croaan contains 6878 headwords while Granes, Ri Hauge 4 Stleymanolu's 2002) dictionary of “Turkisns in Bulgarian contin 7427 headwords. Works such Jaan ‘Naseva (2001) for Macedonian and Bore (1976) for Albanian have smaller als of words Between 3000 and 000 each), but the Kerry ‘nd diletologicl corpora aswel a secondary sours tha they ad © ‘raw upon were also considerably more limited in both quanity and © Se pe 9 a tng ni BT din Ne u gg aa Devlping Cal ty the Blane time spn, I thus not unreasonable to hypothesize thai quialent bodies of work were avalabl, the als would be fay simi 'A manifestation ofthe hosity tha both conte to and 1e- Acted ty the delegation of many Turkams fo a lower register ithe ‘Mhenomenon tat ean be called “sy It in Turkish jokes The joke sins etorically asking the Ustenr ow to sy a given word oF piso in Turkish and then supplying a collocation of Turkisms which Fenders the concept in a apoximate ay tat implies at impefect tprsp ofa mode concept Ts for example, radi “rai” is gu ee (Turkish ruts ku) itrally “nose bow ena Kasai personal pot-denifction cards sara walla (Turkish sre pu) {fice lesl-document, and passport is din sara pia Tutksh than “srt “word fae document" ti wrth noting tit in the Wes, Rumian dist of Turkish spoken in Macedonia, high vowels in fn ‘open syllables al become front and urounded (4 1. Since high ‘Vowel in general ae exlided Rom fal postion inthe nominative “Sngulrn Macedonian (nd ther Slavic language) excep in the mst ‘recent lan-words, Macedonian Itegrated local Turkish words ending inf by adding sisal Ja. Thus, for example orignal tap bseomes Gilet ap and ising into Macesonian a lap. Of the Turkish items employed inthe given examples, gurl and a! are ths let ‘Tukisms wile tapas 4 Macedonian form This phenomenon is nila fo hat Hil (1993, 2001) has called “Mock Spanish” or "Junk ‘Spanish’ re. s hunrous ise of Spanish lexical tems, grammatical or ‘ervationa fies and collocation in English s&huorous means of ‘Sinaing the subordination of Mexican-American. As Hil (201: 84) ‘bseres: “Mock Spanish, and elite ree lscouse in genera, sees 0 ‘silat long te boundary betwsen “public and private’ ta, making ‘the public reproduction of racism possible ven where racist scours Is Supposedly excldd from public discussion” The geare of say iin ‘Tuk kes also reproduces Suboriating dlscouse, but itis aimed ata langage tht was el the Subointor less han acetury go and ‘one tha il cares prestige, especially among Mists andthe oles teneration in genral. The say fin Turkish jokes, however, By tags Ing relatively modern concepts, also seck wo postion Macedonian as ES See teeta ee eater caterers Eine asc serote RS Sees See ea acres Seca nee a amen Seogio 2 ‘eth nthe Balan and Balan Langage ‘more modern visdbvis Turkish. A related phenomenon is noted by Kazazis (1975) who describes the reactions of speakers of Modern Grek fo a textbook of Ancient Gresk for Turkishspeskers, Reese ‘Ancient Greck vocabulary is associated withthe highest piste of Distic Greek datarevousa} on the ane and, while words of Turkish tiga are associated withthe lowest reps f demote Greek hime ftom the he, the use of Turkish glosses for Ancient Greek voeaby- lary “quite unmarked in the Turkish-peaking contest fr which the book is itended ~preduces an effec! mich like that ofthe "aI In ‘Tskish jokes in Macedonian Nonetheless, in Macedonia, Turkish coninved asthe language of ‘prestige among wan Muslims, 3 well solder urban fails in be ral wel nto th ead coniury, ado some extent comtnues in hs Tole even today. In 1973, the Tush cons in Skopie, who spoke cellent English, told me that he had to nood io len Macedonian, because if he should become lost or need help he woud simpy find someone over the age off ar hey woul be sre to know Ticks ‘This was aa time when rural immigration fo the cites was significa, but the older generation tended to remain inthe villages and thus the ‘oldest generation inthe towns stl represented the kan population for ‘whom knowledge of Turkish was apart of ely life? Although Albanian Supplanted Turkish ameng some urban Muslin in Macedonia in the last decades ofthe twenteth canary (it had lays Boon song atone the ual Musim population) the prestige of Turkish has Ben ening ‘round to some exert, and thanks To programs from Turkey available in satelite television, many urban Muslims In Macedon can con Standard Tush in sion t the local West Rumen dest. Is ts the case hat during the Yugoslav Wars of Socession, when Mace oni was suffering under the double burden of sanctions sean Serbia {is erstwhile chief trading partner) andthe illegal Grek embarso, “Tukey played an important role asa major wading pare, Tact of which Macedonians were copniant and for which they wete grateful ‘This combined witha perceived tet from Abanian conbuted fo postive atiude toward Tukish among many Macedonians, “Tuskisms manifested significant expansion in the national fn- guges of those Balkan counties that experienced the poli! tsi tions ofthe 1990. Since the inceton of those changes in Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Romania, Turksms have been deployed in more formal cortex, especialy the press ~ and In parteular the fblid press ~ a8 index of oppositional democracy. This deployment 5 Seas Elis) on let ef hin Oto ity in a | Develping Cua Ley ne Bans sociated with ater debates on the position of Turki in the oem, Under the communists, Turkisms Were discouraged i fomal comets fd politics was characterized by # one-party sxe. Thus the use of ‘Tukisms in formal contexts becomes marker of "democracy" Kedsews 2000: 9), wring about the Bulgarian ily press ~ espe clay the yellow press offers 9 diferent but related explanation, ‘srguing thatthe use of Turisms, especially in heaines, has the eect ‘of rendering the news “hot, shocking, vl in effet ~ newsworthy ‘She compares the 1990810 the 80s and 1890s, when Bulgaria was fing through the Wastin t autonomy and independence afer the Risso-Turkish War, During this period, too, she args, ere was ase Inthe fequency of Turkisms inthe press. Accodig to her agument “Tukiems have exally the same valncy today that they ad a eect ago ~ emotionhaletive, Tania, ints, colloquial ~ but hat the te of such vocabulary inthe press expresses a negative atte othe ‘object ofthe news report, the ite! being fo infaence public opiion land manipulate facts uring a period of uncertainty andes Herbert's (1906: 152) observations of the prevalence of TUR'SK in Bulgaria can aso be son inthis gh By const, Rd Hauge (personal communica tion, 10 October 203), nots that afer 1991 Russians took the place of ‘Turkisms as Tow register items, and Turkisms were concomitaly falsed. These arguments are not unelted, however, given thatthe rise ‘of yellow or tabloid press f associated wit the foedam of informa tion characterise of democracy and fvbidden under the communis, tile Resin sociated wih de communist period" tis wort ating that language institatons which resved state sup- port under the communis and that eoainue to depend on goverment Eudes have bon remarkably conservative in continuing te linguitic ieolgies ofthe eater poviod Thus, for example, the enty forthe ‘Tarkism kavarma "tind of meat stow’ in volume Vil of the most resent Academy dictonary of Bulgarian (1993) labels the word alec ta, although, as Gras, RA Hauge & Soleymanogly (2002: ix) point ‘ut “the word found onthe mens of fine restaurants inthe capital ‘and all over Bulgaria" They Wat the word as neutral and pint out Soe eee nae Eston enaicain aati Secon cet eernpatceeneret Shaina cee ane Patriot tint 4 Ph inthe Bhs nd in Balan Languages tha the labeling on the Academy's par is more prescriptive than de ssviptive The most salient exception to tis new rise of Turkisms, however, has teen onthe terry of the former Serbo-Croatian (now Bosnian CroataySebia, or BCS), where Tuskisms have taken on a diferent significance as postive marker fr Bosnian abd a negative one for ‘Coaian Even before the Wars of Stcceston, however, na ens tion of rcursiveness Gal & Irvine 1995) Turksms were asia ith Serbian in Croztan and with Macedonian in Serbian. Speakers were aware ofthe ions of this seme process, a rated by 8 Satian joke fom former Yognlavia in whch a Sei tls & Macedo- an: V1 Matedonci wptreMjavte mnogo turlzama, mi Seb, jolt "You Macedonians us at of Turks, but we Set, yo (a Turks meaning "pe, nt at al, 0 Way, perceived especialy common in ‘olloglal Serbian sage) Atte same tne this humor plats to the ‘act that Serbs see themselves as using Tuklsms. This fs hears 0 Croat, which, even daring the Second Vugoslevi, produced an nt “Turki discourse (eg, Jonke 1965), which i tr canbe taken as an encoding of Turkisms as "Serbian" I ati-Turkishsetri was a manifestation of Croatian resistnce to Serbian, Turis have become symbolic inthe breakdown of BCS ito least thee iterary languages since 1991, This breakdown helps rect, and rely the dsintgraion of the former Vugosiy society. Language Planners and oters on BCS-peaking tetory ute the encourage ment oF discouragement of BCS Turksms as one ofthe mean of i ‘teasing the diferetation ofthe codified noms orHieray languages ‘curertly developing ou of BCS. These stempts ae direty connected With the politcal wil to esl the separtenes and sentiy of the ‘ato an stevia anguage. Bosnac nationalists utlize Im 2 the ‘elgion of national deity, and Bosnia laguage planners ae atom ing wo reinstte as much as posible ofthe Torko-Arabo- Persian lecean of previous centres, wen Islam was the sate religion of Turkey in Europe. Meanwhile although Serbian continues to follow the fines of development which until recerly were camnon i BCS, which Serbian Js accused of having dominate, thre presse to avo lexical Kes that have become ‘dened with other variants of BCS. Thsy for sample in order 10 Say “el, the speaker of Serbian most choose the Slavie pojas the speaker of Bosnian must choose the Tukism kl hile the Croatian tol ous the neloystie obalopalpantaladrsac a rcad mls of po f Seia Tuk, Zt i.e os ee OC Cf ——_ Dvvlpig Cua ety in te Bans “cicumaisalpantholdr’” Moreover, Bosian is attompsing to lay ccusve elim to the enie Tush vocabulary of BCS. Thus for ex Smple, Pine (1994) writes ha the (common BCS) Turkism Romi “pelghborliness, neighborhood’ ix true Bosian word expressing an ‘Sse festureof Bosnian cult to which fs unique. Tukisrs thereby py a unigucly dferentating role in BCS na ound in any of the otierlnguges of the Baars The 1990s have also seen anew rie in Turksms associated with the Increasing standardization of languages that ntl ecely were absent fiom the rel of public iscourse namely Ronan and Aromaian in| ‘Macedonia where both languages were recognized as offical in the ‘Macedonian consiuton of 1991. This ses lstrated ty the extant inary census conducted in the Republic of Macedonia in June Sly 194. In accordance with acl 35 ofthe ens la, instucans| {or enumerators and ena forms had w be made aval inthe sb ‘major langues ofthe Republic of Macedonia Inthe case of Romani ‘nd Aromanin, the Tat hat tel rary norms are sil in the process ‘of elaboration mean thar the census documents themselves Beane pat ‘ofthe proces of eodfcation. Ameng the items to be enumerated were ‘he numberof baths and tiles in each dveling, All hase lnguages ‘with erased clborted noms used euphoric neologisms oF ‘cen borrowings sth fil terminology on the census forms (P-2, Vi questions 8 and 9): Macedonian Danja, ozet, Albanian bavi, revojlore, Tutkish banjo, bamo-ayakyolu, Sebian kypatilo, Maze, Except for the Serbian deveral noun meaning “bathing place all he ‘word fr “bat” are LatiateBorowings. The Macedonian and Serbian ‘word fori are fom the Belsh[atr|lose, while the Albanian fn Turkish are nclogsns that can be glosed as nocesarian” ahd hath-fociplace’, respectively. The Romani documents however, sed {he Turks imam and kee respectively” Hamam I the Standard “Tukish word for “bath” Bu as come to mean “Turkish ba or ‘public ‘hth, wile kone considered vulgar In Turkish as well asin the other Balk languages. These tems serve as clear and concrete examples ‘hat the function of Turkims in Roman following its own ph of ‘evelopment and is mere resistant stylistic lowering For Aromanian, 1 ety, rnin aoe Sv om ren sg ne mig el The ‘ngayon st ped in “+ Theor nunge were Masi Ann, Tkish al Sain, © Se fam tin si nl noms Fetice fe proc of sana cre. Tae 300 Turkih psd NSpermab aka ecg cg tit ont pee is | ih nthe Blan ond alan Langer '% for Romani, the 1994 Macedonian census frms provide a skin ‘example of colloquial Tukisms preserved as literary forms. As mene tioned above, the census documents thaselves funeioned spat ofthe ‘ification of ierery romanian, While this was implicit ine ease oF Romani it was expt inthe cae of Aromanian Instructions (0 en ‘mera, which nla speci last page witha gue fo the pron lation othe orthograpy an justifeation ofthe ehice of symbols [receded bya bet saement on the signee ofthe census forthe ‘evelopment of Aromanian" Like Roman, romanian wsed Tukisms fer" ane” in census instructions and forms, i. mam! and hale, spectively. The tater, fom Turkish held appears in Alban hale, wore i considered collgial and would never be sed 8 formal goverment document. Tis We ee a pra proces in Romani and Aromaian in which the closeness of Us emerging nom to cent Speech fvors tention of Tukisns witout sisi Towering oe ma halzaton ‘Among the Romani elites of Macedonia as occurred in Balkan lan- guages at underwent standardization earlier ~ dette hs emerged beween nativizers and eologualizrs who favor Indie and Turis, respectively, as soures of Yocabulary enihment. The discussion ‘reproduces the competing discourses inthe standardization of Macedo- nian sity years ago. AS I have argued elsewhere (Fcdman 1989), however, Roman! tas fever extalingusie reasons for eimiating ‘word of Turkish eign. Many ofthese words ar ulimatly of Persian ‘rgin and therefore more closely related to Roman! than othe other Indo-European languages ofthe Balkan (since Indi and Iranian share common dialectal orgin within Indo-European), and some of these ‘words were boroved diely frm Persian during the erly history of ‘he Romani people. Moreover, the elimination of Turks rom the ‘ter Balkan languages was in part motivated by an ideology of separ tin rom the poles and social dominance ofthe Onion past. tn he «ase of Roman, the Turkish language does ot cceupy the same socio- polieal poston, since Roms are marginalized regards of who on {wos the state, apd this in tum eliminates one ofthe motivations for ‘changing the status of Turkisms. Also, Turkish ithe fist language of Significant numberof Roms in the Balkans, aan een lane namber ‘of Roms are Muslim in Macedonia, for example, over S090), which, ‘echoes Dt ak pe tos dca wold eat ‘wah cca ” Develo Cura ey Baliane ‘ven the association of Tukish with Ilam inthe Balkans can also favor the rtenton of vocabulary of Turkish rig.” "ee ako worth noting that while ala (1996: 4) sts that only a ‘couple of hundred” Tukisns survive inthe dace ofthe Chesian Roms of Agia Varvara seventy yar afr the group moved rom Turkey {0 Greece in conection withthe exchange of populations lowing World Wa I her vocabulary (pp. 277-308), whch has about tice as many main eis os Messing’ (1980) lassary of the sae ile, in ‘lnges many Turis in ation 1 tose give by him. In my com> parison ofthe Turkisms io Messing (1980) with Skajié (1966), | found {hat almost hid of te eis inthe former were ott the later (Ge 19, Tee a ed in th cmpaon ot taljié (1966) with Granes, Ra Hauge & Sbleyanogly (2002) pub lished inthe ster work (pp. 308-528). In asia comparison ofthe parallel columns, the two Works share only somewhere between 3 hal fin wo tide of the total mamberof Trish excl ies. The remain- ‘er occur ony in ane dcionary oe the othe. Ths, while ia a num ters of ead words Grannes, RA Hauge & Soleymanogho (2002) su asses Shale (1966) by only 549 beards it would appear hat the umber of Tuskish words tn one not tested in the oer numbers in the thousands. This comparison, however. misleading n many instances, both languages wil have the word that would consis the main entry land eifer ony in which derivatives ae atested. Thus, for example, both Bulgarian and BCS have abda oo” (Turkish aba), bu only Bulgar ian has the derivative abdalk “Toolishness’ Turkish aba) while, ‘omersely, both ve boroved Turkish alrabr “elves” Bulgarian lrato, BCS otrtu) but only BCS atest arebaluk (Turkish alr tai) “ish. Similarly both abet ablation’ and abe place of sblton are orrowed fo both languages, but the derived noun Is Hse separately Tor each, while hg Bulut “wel have we found (yOu) "well met the ane o“weleome’) ocurs in oth ngusges but ' Tia separately beets in Ski (1966) tocar inthe same exty ter the fet singulr oy Bald whereas ia Grannes, Ra Hauge & Suleymanogia i ocut alone. To this can be added Belyavski-Frak's {200K 161) observation that even these excellent ditonares are ot eg ey me est tna og bond ‘rh ag ha ieee el ah Tach wi ‘Sesuny ching Ths Ass fm te dcumestatn Abn (203 Thy ‘Seog dst fom Lipa (19) ile“ Para mat of ‘ines ses Th arse lo a langue” On er a Nocioni ts Pape enn Dw xs Tih the Blan and alo Lange exhausive of Turks that on oscar n various corr Te @iton ff fest or pasa cove-swiching Ye borrowing sb una Ses and need of getr elation" In ado o serving as 4 marker of prestige nd of sieettion (eothpsive an negative). Turkish can fncon 2 Mind fsa ‘ned In the Sutwester comer of Kon, fist rss Mout Shar from Macedonia s 4 repon sled Gor, Many of th lags in his region are inhabited by Slovie speaking Masi: who haves iinet {Goran det and whose dnl, Guar Gorache sce o Sandacd Macedonian than i 10 standard Serbian. Some Gorn ‘ef with Seta some with Macedonia, nd some wit ether Brod it lage, mod Albnin-Goran vile ere thre sigicant feaion feeen the two groups, especially since the 199 yar. Tere tee two monges nth vile one Goran clasr othe centr and one ‘Abani fue the hl When walking in village i oa fo Say ello wenever you pas anyone onthe ro, ad rao pss hy ‘woot speaking especialy i ou ea man and the tos a nen In toils where thee een tenons and where meer {Goannor Atarian men dress na actively hn way, fe faced wth arbi. You dona wat oe the Abani di {0 Goran or te Gori Dobor dono an Albanian and no Musi i i at cally approyistet se the reo lama ‘And this in sucha cone, he ura rsng the Tish Merhab, ‘AS the foregoing material hae shown, in any discussion of conver ace and divergence nthe development of Baan clu itis, Turis ad the eon tht snered the Balan Tongues through tinue to ocupy a sige place smut entry afer teen of ‘Tush hegemony in Southeasem Europe. From functioning a2 mater of bot nnd of non-sectarian ban opisiation, Tush ‘ocular was pushed toler and archaea inthe Balkans {nd nara was of Aro Prin cng ever in Turkey sl ‘And et toy this ecco sl deployed ordered) in sialing Poli reste, bung national dati, in securely cr {hg oFetlaton, and 8 nual ond fr negotiting sci ls jos. Attues towards Tums the Balhae anil dex conse tate or radial rasiona politcal stances sn the aif speak ‘Turkish tian ee th ras on th stra plo the Orman as a5 wel sth apa present Ate sae ihe dea of he Fol peice fem sl rane qustons of geolingiste Satie ten that requ furte avesigation, As wes nthe sason of Turkish isl, mh ofthe vocabulary tht ened the Balkans a Ser nnn of eatin kien Bian dks. 2» ST TS “ir Sr -=—r §=& Ss —— © S— = = —— Developing Cua ety te Balan ‘Tukish entered Turkish from Arabic and Persian In this way, the Balkans are leucally linked to the broader world of Arabo-Persian inflence. I shall close this article wih a siking example of such linkage, as illustrated by’ an aneodote concerning Mons Goodman, Professor emeriis of African linguistics at Northwestem Universi. ‘While tending the Inceratonal Congress of Linguists in Bucharest in 1967, Professor Gooden attempted to by some matches at Kiosk. He 4 not know Romanian, andthe propor was unable to understand Sen he ted the word for “matches in English, Feach, German, Rassian, and Dutch, Final she was loavng in frst, he Mung the Swab word al hr “Alber The propor beamed understand Ingand exclaimed: "ah, iva” References ‘Akan Elis, Bac 2003, Show Gonsaloes: Memory and Ident among Crbun Mins in acedoi, Beale, CO: East Brean Moog, ‘anaeny P1990. Le magléno-roumain dear oar. 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