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ICPC-2 – English Blood, Blood Forming Eye F Musculoskeletal L

International Classification of Organs and Immune F01

Eye pain
Red eye
Neck symptom/complain
Back symptom/complaint
Primary Care – 2nd Edition
Mechanism B F03 Eye discharge L03
Low back symptom/complaint
Chest symptom/complaint
Wonca International B02 Lymph gland(s) enlarged/painful
F04 Visual floaters/spots
F05 Visual disturbance other L05 Flank/axilla symptom/complaint
Classification Committee B04 Blood symptom/complaint
F13 Eye sensation abnormal L07 Jaw symptom/complaint
B25 Fear of aids/HIV L08 Shoulder symptom/complaint
(WICC) B26 Fear cancer blood/lymph
F14 Eye movements abnormal
F15 Eye appearance abnormal L09 Arm symptom/complaint
B27 Fear blood/lymph disease other L10 Elbow symptom/complaint
F16 Eyelid symptom/complaint
B28 Limited function/disability L11 Wrist symptom/complaint
F17 Glasses symptom/complaint
Process codes B29
Sympt/complt lymph/immune other
Lymphadenitis acute
F18 Contact lens symptom/complaint L12 Hand/finger symptom/complaint
-30 Medical Exam/Eval-Complete F27 Fear of eye disease L13 Hip symptom/complaint
B71 Lymphadenitis non-specific L14 Leg/thigh symptom/complaint
-31 Medical Examination/Health Evaluation- F28 Limited function/disability (f)
B72 Hodgkin's disease/lymphoma L15 Knee symptom/complaint
Partial/Pre-op check F29 Eye symptom/complaint other
B73 Leukaemia L16 Ankle symptom/complaint
-32 Sensitivity Test F70 Conjunctivitis infectious
B74 Malignant neoplasm blood other L17 Foot/toe symptom/complaint
-33 Microbiological/Immunological Test F71 Conjunctivitis allergic
B75 Benign/unspecified neoplasm blood L18 Muscle pain
-34 Blood Test F72 Blepharitis/stye/chalazion
B76 Ruptured spleen traumatic L19 Muscle symptom/complaint NOS
-35 Urine Test F73 Eye infection/inflammation other
B77 Injury blood/lymph/spleen other L20 Joint symptom/complaint NOS
-36 Faeces Test F74 Neoplasm of eye/adnexa
B78 Hereditary haemolytic anaemia L26 Fear of cancer musculoskeletal
-37 Histological/Exfoliative Cytology F75 Contusion/haemorrhage eye
B79 Congen.anom. blood/lymph other L27 Fear musculoskeletal disease other
-38 Other Laboratory Test NEC F76 Foreign body in eye
B80 Iron deficiency anaemia L28 Limited function/disability (l)
-39 Physical Function Test F79 Injury eye other
B81 Anaemia, Vitamin B12/folate def. L29 Sympt/complt. Musculoskeletal other
-40 Diagnostic Endoscopy F80 Blocked lacrimal duct of infant
B82 Anaemia other/unspecified L70 Infections musculoskeletal system
-41 Diagnostic Radiology/Imaging F81 Congenital anomaly eye other
B83 Purpura/coagulation defect L71 Malignant neoplasm musculoskeletal
-42 Electrical Tracings F82 Detached retina
B84 Unexplained abnormal white cells L72 Fracture: radius/ulna
-43 Other Diagnostic Procedures F83 Retinopathy
B87 Splenomegaly L73 Fracture: tibia/fibula
-44 Preventive Imunisations/Medications F84 Macular degeneration
B90 HIV-infection/aids L74 Fracture: hand/foot bone
-45 Observe/Educate/Advice/Diet F85 Corneal ulcer
B99 Blood/lymph/spleen disease other L75 Fracture: femur
-46 Consult with Primary Care Provider F86 Trachoma
-47 Consultation with Specialist F91 Refractive error L76 Fracture: other
-48 Clarification/Discuss Patient’s RFE F92 Cataract L77 Sprain/strain of ankle
-49 Other Preventive Procedures
PROCESS CODES F93 Glaucoma L78 Sprain/strain of knee
-50 Medicat-Script/Reqst/Renew/Inject F94 Blindness L79 Sprain/strain of joint NOS
-51 Incise/Drain/Flush/Aspirate SYMPTOMS/COMPLAINTS F95 Strabismus L80 Dislocation/subluxation
-52 Excise/Remove/Biopsy/Destruction/ F99 Eye/adnexa disease, other L81 Injury musculoskeletal NOS
INFECTIONS L82 Congenital anomaly musculoskeletal
Instrument/Catheter/Intubate/Dilate Ear H L83 Neck syndrome
-54 Repair/Fixate-Suture/Cast/Prosthetic NEOPLASMS H01 Ear pain/earache L84 Back syndrome w/o radiating pain
-55 Local Injection/Infiltration H02 Hearing complaint L85 Acquired deformity of spine
-56 Dress/Press/Compress/Tamponade INJURIES H03 Tinnitus, ringing/buzzing ear L86 Back syndrome with radiating pain
-57 Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation H04 Ear discharge L87 Bursitis/tendinitis/synovitis NOS
-58 Therapeutic Counselling/Listening CONGENITAL ANOMALIES H05 Bleeding ear L88 Rheumatoid/seropositive arthritis
-59 Other Therapeutic Procedure NEC H13 Plugged feeling ear L89 Osteoarthrosis of hip
-60 Results Tests/Procedures OTHER DIAGNOSES H15 Concern with appearance of ears L90 Osteoarthrosis of knee
-61 Results Exam/Test/Record H27 Fear of ear disease L91 Osteoarthrosis other
-62 Administrative Procedure H28 Limited function/disability ear L92 Shoulder syndrome
-63 Follow-up Encounter Unspecified Digestive D H29 Ear symptom/complaint other L93
Tennis elbow
-64 Encounter Initiated by Provider H70 Otitis externa
D01 Abdominal pain/cramps general
-65 Encounter Initiated third person H71 Acute otitis media/myringitis L95 Osteoporosis
D02 Abdominal pain epigastric
-66 Refer to Other Provider (EXCL. M.D.) H72 Serous otitis media L96 Acute internal damage knee
D03 Heartburn
-67 Referral to Physician/Specialist/ H73 Eustachian salpingitis L97 Neoplasm benign/unspec musculo.
D04 Rectal/anal pain
Clinic/Hospital H74 Chronic otitis media L98 Acquired deformity of limb
D05 Perianal itching
-68 Other Referrals NEC H75 Neoplasm of ear L99 Musculoskeletal disease, other
D06 Abdominal pain localized other
-69 Other Reason for Encounter NEC D07 Dyspepsia/indigestion
Foreign body in ear
Perforation ear drum
Neurological N
General and D08
H78 Superficial injury of ear N01 Headache
N03 Pain face
Unspecified A D10 Vomiting
Ear injury other
Congenital anomaly of ear N04 Restless legs
A01 Pain general/multiple sites D11 Diarrhoea N05 Tingling fingers/feet/toes
H81 Excessive ear wax
A02 Chills D12 Constipation N06 Sensation disturbance other
H82 Vertiginous syndrome
A03 Fever D13 Jaundice N07 Convulsion/seizure
H83 Otosclerosis
A04 Weakness/tiredness general D14 Haematemesis/vomiting blood N08 Abnormal involuntary movements
H84 Presbyacusis
A05 Feeling ill D15 Melaena N16 Disturbance of smell/taste
H85 Acoustic trauma
A06 Fainting/syncope D16 Rectal bleeding N17 Vertigo/dizziness
H86 Deafness
A07 Coma D17 Incontinence of bowel N18 Paralysis/weakness
H99 Ear/mastoid disease, other
A08 Swelling D18 Change faeces/bowel movements N19 Speech disorder
A09 Sweating problem D19 Teeth/gum symptom/complaint Cardiovascular K N26 Fear cancer neurological system
A10 Bleeding/haemorrhage NOS D20 Mouth/tongue/lip symptom/complt. N27 Fear of neurological disease other
K01 Heart pain
A11 Chest pain NOS D21 Swallowing problem N28 Limited function/disability (n)
K02 Pressure/tightness of heart
A13 Concern/fear medical treatment D23 Hepatomegaly N29 Neurological symptom/complt. other
K03 Cardiovascular pain NOS
A16 Irritable infant D24 Abdominal mass NOS N70 Poliomyelitis
K04 Palpitations/awareness of heart
A18 Concern about appearance D25 Abdominal distension N71 Meningitis/encephalitis
K05 Irregular heartbeat other
A20 Euthanasia request/discussion D26 Fear of cancer of digestive system N72 Tetanus
K06 Prominent veins
A21 Risk factor for malignancy D27 Fear of digestive disease other N73 Neurological infection other
K07 Swollen ankles/oedema
A23 Risk factor NOS D28 Limited function/disability (d) N74 Malignant neoplasm nervous system
K22 Risk factor cardiovascular disease
A25 Fear of death/dying D29 Digestive symptom/complaint other N75 Benign neoplasm nervous system
K24 Fear of heart disease
A26 Fear of cancer NOS D70 Gastrointestinal infection N76 Neoplasm nervous system unspec.
K25 Fear of hypertension
A27 Fear of other disease NOS D71 Mumps N79 Concussion
K27 Fear cardiovascular disease other
A28 Limited function/disability NOS D72 Viral hepatitis N80 Head injury other
K28 Limited function/disability (k)
A29 General symptom/complaint other D73 Gastroenteritis presumed infection N81 Injury nervous system other
K29 Cardiovascular sympt./complt. other
A70 Tuberculosis D74 Malignant neoplasm stomach N85 Congenital anomaly neurological
K70 Infection of circulatory system
A71 Measles D75 Malignant neoplasm colon/rectum N86 Multiple sclerosis
K71 Rheumatic fever/heart disease
A72 Chickenpox D76 Malignant neoplasm pancreas N87 Parkinsonism
K72 Neoplasm cardiovascular
A73 Malaria D77 Malig. neoplasm digest other/NOS N88 Epilepsy
K73 Congenital anomaly cardiovascular
A74 Rubella D78 Neoplasm digest benign/uncertain N89 Migraine
K74 Ischaemic heart disease w. angina
A75 Infectious mononucleosis D79 Foreign body digestive system N90 Cluster headache
K75 Acute myocardial infarction
A76 Viral exanthem other D80 Injury digestive system other N91 Facial paralysis/bell's palsy
K76 Ischaemic heart disease w/o angina
A77 Viral disease other/NOS D81 Congen. anomaly digestive system N92 Trigeminal neuralgia
K77 Heart failure
A78 Infectious disease other/NOS D82 Teeth/gum disease N93 Carpal tunnel syndrome
K78 Atrial fibrillation/flutter
A79 Malignancy NOS D83 Mouth/tongue/lip disease N94 Peripheral neuritis/neuropathy
K79 Paroxysmal tachycardia
A80 Trauma/injury NOS D84 Oesophagus disease N95 Tension headache
K80 Cardiac arrhythmia NOS
A81 Multiple trauma/injuries D85 Duodenal ulcer N99 Neurological disease, other
K81 Heart/arterial murmur NOS
A82 Secondary effect of trauma D86 Peptic ulcer other
K82 Pulmonary heart disease
A84 Poisoning by medical agent D87 Stomach function disorder
K83 Heart valve disease NOS
A85 Adverse effect medical agent D88 Appendicitis
K84 Heart disease other
A86 Toxic effect non-medicinal substance D89 Inguinal hernia
K85 Elevated blood pressure
A87 Complication of medical treatment D90 Hiatus hernia
K86 Hypertension uncomplicated
A88 Adverse effect physical factor D91 Abdominal hernia other
K87 Hypertension complicated
A89 Effect prosthetic device D92 Diverticular disease
K88 Postural hypotension
A90 Congenital anomaly OS/multiple D93 Irritable bowel syndrome
K89 Transient cerebral ischaemia
A91 Abnormal result investigation NOS D94 Chronic enteritis/ulcerative colitis
K90 Stroke/cerebrovascular accident
A92 Allergy/allergic reaction NOS D95 Anal fissure/perianal abscess
K91 Cerebrovascular disease
A93 Premature newborn D96 Worms/other parasites
K92 Atherosclerosis/PVD
A94 Perinatal morbidity other D97 Liver disease NOS
K93 Pulmonary embolism
A95 Perinatal mortality D98 Cholecystitis/cholelithiasis
K94 Phlebitis/thrombophlebitis
A96 Death D99 Disease digestive system, other
K95 Varicose veins of leg
A97 No disease K96 Haemorrhoids
A98 Health maintenance/prevention K99 Cardiovascular disease other
A99 General disease NOS
Psychological P Skin S Urological U X75
Malignant neoplasm cervix
Malignant neoplasm breast female
P01 Feeling anxious/nervous/tense S01 Pain/tenderness of skin U01 Dysuria/painful urination X77 Malignant neoplasm genital other (f)
P02 Acute stress reaction S02 Pruritus U02 Urinary frequency/urgency X78 Fibromyoma uterus
P03 Feeling depressed S03 Warts U04 Incontinence urine X79 Benign neoplasm breast female
P04 Feeling/behaving irritable/angry S04 Lump/swelling localized U05 Urination problems other X80 Benign neoplasm female genital
P05 Senility, feeling/behaving old S05 Lumps/swellings generalized U06 Haematuria X81 Genital neoplasm oth/unspecied (f)
P06 Sleep disturbance S06 Rash localized U07 Urine symptom/complaint other X82 Injury genital female
P07 Sexual desire reduced S07 Rash generalized U08 Urinary retention X83 Congenital anomaly genital female
P08 Sexual fulfilment reduced S08 Skin colour change U13 Bladder symptom/complaint other X84 Vaginitis/vulvitis NOS
P09 Sexual preference concern S09 Infected finger/toe U14 Kidney symptom/complaint X85 Cervical disease NOS
P10 Stammering/stuttering/tic S10 Boil/carbuncle U26 Fear of cancer of urinary system X86 Abnormal cervix smear
P11 Eating problem in child S11 Skin infection post-traumatic U27 Fear of urinary disease other X87 Uterovaginal prolapse
P12 Bedwetting/enuresis S12 Insect bite/sting U28 Limited function/disability urinary X88 Fibrocystic disease breast
P13 Encopresis/bowel training problem S13 Animal/human bite U29 Urinary symptom/complaint other X89 Premenstrual tension syndrome
P15 Chronic alcohol abuse S14 Burn/scald U70 Pyelonephritis/pyelitis X90 Genital herpes female
P16 Acute alcohol abuse S15 Foreign body in skin U71 Cystitis/urinary infection other X91 Condylomata acuminata female
P17 Tobacco abuse S16 Bruise/contusion U72 Urethritis X92 Chlamydia infection genital (f)
P18 Medication abuse S17 Abrasion/scratch/blister U75 Malignant neoplasm of kidney X99 Genital disease female, other
P19 Drug abuse S18 Laceration/cut U76 Malignant neoplasm of bladder
P20 Memory disturbance S19 Skin injury other U77 Malignant neoplasm urinary other Male Genital Y
P22 Child behaviour symptom/complaint S20 Corn/callosity U78 Benign neoplasm urinary tract Y01 Pain in penis
P23 Adolescent behav. Symptom/complt. S21 Skin texture symptom/complaint U79 Neoplasm urinary tract NOS Y02 Pain in testis/scrotum
P24 Specific learning problem S22 Nail symptom/complaint U80 Injury urinary tract Y03 Urethral discharge
P25 Phase of life problem adult S23 Hair loss/baldness U85 Congenital anomaly urinary tract Y04 Penis symptom/complaint other
P27 Fear of mental disorder S24 Hair/scalp symptom/complaint U88 Glomerulonephritis/nephrosis Y05 Scrotum/testis sympt/complt. other
P28 Limited function/disability (p) S26 Fear of cancer of skin U90 Orthostatic albumin./proteinuria Y06 Prostate symptom/complaint
P29 Psychological symptom/complt other S27 Fear of skin disease other U95 Urinary calculus Y07 Impotence NOS
P70 Dementia S28 Limited function/disability (s) U98 Abnormal urine test NOS Y08 Sexual function sympt./complt.(m)
P71 Organic psychosis other S29 Skin symptom/complaint other U99 Urinary disease, other Y10 Infertility/subfertility male
Affective psychosis
Herpes zoster
Herpes simplex Pregnancy, Y13
Sterilization male
Family planning male other
Anxiety disorder/anxiety state
Somatization disorder
Scabies/other acariasis
Pediculosis/skin infestation other
Childbearing, Family Y16
Breast symptom/complaint male
Fear of sexual dysfunction male
Depressive disorder
Suicide/suicide attempt
Moniliasis/candidiasis skin
Planning W Y25
Fear sexually transmitted dis. male
Fear of genital cancer male
W01 Question of pregnancy
P78 Neuraesthenia/surmenage S76 Skin infection other Y27 Fear of genital disease male other
W02 Fear of pregnancy
P79 Phobia/compulsive disorder S77 Malignant neoplasm of skin Y28 Limited function/disability (y)
W03 Antepartum bleeding
P80 Personality disorder S78 Lipoma Y29 Genital sympt./complt.male other
W05 Pregnancy vomiting/nausea
P81 Hyperkinetic disorder S79 Neoplasm skin benign/unspecified Y70 Syphilis male
W10 Contraception postcoital
P82 Post-traumatic stress disorder S80 Solar keratosis/sunburn Y71 Gonorrhoea male
W11 Contraception oral
P85 Mental retardation S81 Haemangioma/lymphangioma Y72 Genital herpes male
W12 Contraception intrauterine
P86 Anorexia nervosa/bulimia S82 Naevus/mole Y73 Prostatitis/seminal vesiculitis
W13 Sterilization
P98 Psychosis NOS/other S83 Congenital skin anomaly other Y74 Orchitis/epididymitis
W14 Contraception other
P99 Psychological disorders, other S84 Impetigo Y75 Balanitis
W15 Infertility/subfertility
Respiratory R S85
Pilonidal cyst/fistula
Dermatitis seborrhoeic
W17 Post-partum bleeding
Condylomata acuminata male
Malignant neoplasm prostate
R01 Pain respiratory system W18 Post-partum symptom/complaint oth.
S87 Dermatitis/atopic eczema Y78 Malign neoplasm male genital other
R02 Shortness of breath/dyspnoea W19 Breast/lactation symptom/complaint
S88 Dermatitis contact/allergic Y79 Benign/unspec. neoplasm gen. (m)
R03 Wheezing W21 Concern body image in pregnancy
S89 Diaper rash Y80 Injury male genital
R04 Breathing problem, other W27 Fear complications of pregnancy
S90 Pityriasis rosea Y81 Phimosis/redundant prepuce
R05 Cough W28 Limited function/disability (w)
S91 Psoriasis Y82 Hypospadias
R06 Nose bleed/epistaxis W29 Pregnancy symptom/complaint other
S92 Sweat gland disease Y83 Undescended testicle
R07 Sneezing/nasal congestion W70 Puerperal infection/sepsis
S93 Sebaceous cyst Y84 Congenital genl anomaly (m) other
R08 Nose symptom/complaint other W71 Infection complicating pregnancy
S94 Ingrowing nail Y85 Benign prostatic hypertrophy
R09 Sinus symptom/complaint W72 Malignant neoplasm relate to preg.
S95 Molluscum contagiosum Y86 Hydrocoele
R21 Throat symptom/complaint W73 Benign/unspec. neoplasm/pregnancy
S96 Acne Y99 Genital disease male, other
R23 Voice symptom/complaint W75 Injury complicating pregnancy
R24 Haemoptysis
Chronic ulcer skin
W76 Congenital anomaly complicate preg. Social Problems Z
R25 Sputum/phlegm abnormal W78 Pregnancy Z01 Poverty/financial problem
S99 Skin disease, other
R26 Fear of cancer respiratory system W79 Unwanted pregnancy Z02 Food/water problem
R27 Fear of respiratory disease, other Endocrine/Metabolic W80 Ectopic pregnancy Z03 Housing/neighbourhood problem
W81 Toxaemia of pregnancy
Limited function/disability (r)
Respiratory symptom/complaint oth. and Nutritional T W82 Abortion spontaneous
Social cultural problem
Work problem
R71 Whooping cough T01 Excessive thirst W83 Abortion induced Z06 Unemployment problem
R72 Strep throat T02 Excessive appetite W84 Pregnancy high risk Z07 Education problem
R73 Boil/abscess nose T03 Loss of appetite W85 Gestational diabetes Z08 Social welfare problem
R74 Upper respiratory infection acute T04 Feeding problem of infant/child W90 Uncomplicate labour/delivery live Z09 Legal problem
R75 Sinusitis acute/chronic T05 Feeding problem of adult W91 Uncomplicate labour/delivery still Z10 Health care system problem
R76 Tonsillitis acute T07 Weight gain W92 Complicate labour/ delivery livebirth Z11 Compliance/being ill problem
R77 Laryngitis/tracheitis acute T08 Weight loss W93 Complicate labour/delivery stillbirth Z12 Relationship problem with partner
R78 Acute bronchitis/bronchiolitis T10 Growth delay W94 Puerperal mastitis Z13 Partner's behaviour problem
R79 Chronic bronchitis T11 Dehydration W95 Breast disorder in pregnancy other Z14 Partner illness problem
R80 Influenza T26 Fear of cancer of endocrine system W96 Complications of puerperium other Z15 Loss/death of partner problem
R81 Pneumonia T27 Fear endocrine/metabolic dis other W99 Disorder pregnancy/delivery, other Z16 Relationship problem with child
Pleurisy/pleural effusion
Respiratory infection other
Limited function/disability (t)
Endocrine/met./sympt/complt other
Female Genital X Z18
Illness problem with child
Loss/death of child problem
T70 Endocrine infection X01 Genital pain female
R84 Malignant neoplasm bronchus/lung Z20 Relationship prob. parent/family
T71 Malignant neoplasm thyroid X02 Menstrual pain
R85 Malinant neoplasm respiratory, other Z21 Behaviour problem parent/family
T72 Benign neoplasm thyroid X03 Intermenstrual pain
R86 Benign neoplasm respiratory Z22 Illness problem parent/family
T73 Neoplasm endocrine oth/unspecified X04 Painful intercourse female
R87 Foreign body nose/larynx/bronch Z23 Loss/death parent/family member
T78 Thyroglossal duct/cyst X05 Menstruation absent/scanty
R88 Injury respiratory other Z24 Relationship problem friend
T80 Congenital anom endocrine/metab. X06 Menstruation excessive
R89 Congenital anomaly respiratory Z25 Assault/harmful event problem
T81 Goitre X07 Menstruation irregular/frequent
R90 Hypertrophy tonsils/adenoids Z27 Fear of a social problem
T82 Obesity X08 Intermenstrual bleeding
R92 Neoplasm respiratory unspecified Z28 Limited function/disability (z)
T83 Overweight X09 Premenstrual symptom/complaint
R95 Chronic obstructive pulmonary dis Z29 Social problem NOS
T85 Hyperthyroidism/thyrotoxicosis X10 Postponement of menstruation
Allergic rhinitis T86 Hypothyroidism/myxoedema X11 Menopausal symptom/complaint Abbreviations
T87 Hypoglycaemia X12 Postmenopausal bleeding Anom anomaly
R98 Hyperventilation syndrome
T89 Diabetes insulin dependent X13 Postcoital bleeding behav. behaviour
R99 Respiratory disease other
T90 Diabetes non-insulin dependent X14 Vaginal discharge bronch. bronchus
X15 Vaginal symptom/complaint other
PROCESS CODES T91 Vitamin/nutritional deficiency
X16 Vulval symptom/complaint
complicat. complication
T92 Gout congen. congenital
X17 Pelvis symptom/complaint female
X18 Breast pain female
dis. disease
T99 Endocrine/metab/nutrit. dis. other eval. evaluation
X19 Breast lump/mass female
INFECTIONS X20 Nipple symptom/complaint female
exam. examination
gen. genital
X21 Breast symptom/complt. female other
NEOPLASMS X22 Concern breast appearance female
malig. malignant
metab. metabolic
X23 Fear sexually transmitted disease (f)
INJURIES X24 Fear of sexual dysfunction female
musculo. musculoskeletal
X25 Fear of genital cancer female NEC not elsewhere classified
CONGENITAL ANOMALIES X26 Fear of breast cancer female NOS
not otherwise specified
X27 Fear genital/breast disease other (f)
oth other
OTHER DIAGNOSES X28 Limited function/disability (x)
preg. pregnancy
X29 Genital symptom/complt female oth.
X70 Syphilis female prob. problem
X71 Gonorrhoea female RFE reason for encounter
X72 Genital candidiasis female sympt. symptom
X73 Genital trichomoniasis female unspec. unspecified
X74 Pelvic inflammatory disease w with
w/o without

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