15 - 2006 - A New Method For Placement of DG Units in Distribution Networks

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A New Method for Placement of DG Units in

Distribution Networks
H.Hedayati, S.A.Nabaviniaki, Senior Member, IEEE, and A.Akbarimajd

Abstract-- In this paper a new method for placement of DG Different methods are used for locating. Lagrange method and
(distributed generation) units in distribution networks has been two degrees gradiant and sensivity analysis method has been
presented. This method is based on two factors: analysis of power employed for placement [4]-[5]-[6]-[7].
flow continuation and determination of the most sensitive voltage This paper presents a new method for placement of DG units in
buses to collapse voltage. This method has been executed on a distribution networks. This method is based on the analysis of
typical 34-Bus test system. Efficiency of proposed method in
power flow continuation and determination of voltage buses
improvement of voltage profile and reduction of power losses is
verified by analytical and simulation results. Also the method that are most sensitive to collapse voltage [8]. Subsequently, by
may cause to increase of capacity saving, maximum loadability selecting a objective function and using an iterative algorithm,
voltage stability margin. DG units with known capacity will be installed on previously
determined voltage buses. In iterative algorithm, the method of
Index terms -- DG, capacity saving , collapse voltage, maximum continuation power flow is used for determination of maximum
loadability , CPF , voltage stability. loadability, thus it is needed to study the impact of different
DG technologies on static voltage stability. This method will
be executed on a typical 34-Bus test system.

I.Introduction II-The impact of different DG technologies on Voltage

Newly introduced distributed or decentralized generation units,
connected to local distribution systems, in general are not A. Synchronous Generator
dispatchable by a central operator. These units may apply Conventional synchronous generators are capable of both
significantly large impacts on power flow, voltage profile, generating and absorbing reactive power. Therefore, the use of
stability, continuity and quality of electricity suppliers and the DG’s utilizing overexcited synchronous generators will allow
power delivered to customers [1]. Exact output power of some on-site production of reactive power. The local generation of
DGs such as photovoltaic energy converters and wind turbines reactive power reduces its import from the feeder, thus reduces
depends on the weather conditions and then it is difficult to the associated losses, and improves the voltage profile. As a
anticipate it accurately. consequence, the voltage security is also improved.
Due to the locally available resources and the small scale, in P-V curves have been traditionally used as a graphical tool for
general, DG units are connected at distribution level. When the studying voltage stability in electric power systems. Fig. 1
penetration of DG is high, the generated power of DG units shows conceptually the impact of a synchronous generator on
alters not only the power flow in the distribution system, but voltage stability of a hypothetic node. As can be seen in the
also that in the transmission system. Consequently, the figure, installation of a distributed generator of shifts the
connection of distributed generation to the network may operation point from point A to point B on the corresponding
influence the stability of the power system, i.e. angle, P-V curve. This event results in VDG-V0 volts raise in the node
frequency and voltage stability [2]-[3]. It might also have an voltage also it results in voltage security enhancement i.e. the
impact on the protection selectivity, and the frequency and stability margin increases from m0 to mDG. An immediate
voltage control of the system. The optimal and fast placement conclusion to be drawn here is that the installation of a
and assignment of distributed generation (DG) units is one of distributed generation will most likely enhance the voltage
the major challenges in the system design field and various stability of the network as long as the DG rating is smaller than
twice of the local loading level. This conclusion has been
confirmed by computer simulations reported in [9].
Hasan Hedayati, Azad Islamic University khalkhal-Iran Branch and Electrical
Distribution Company Ardabil-Iran, hasanhedayati@yahoo.com
S.A.Nabaviniaki, Department of Electrical Engineering, University Babol-
Iran, Senior Member, IEEE, seyed@umz.ac.ir
A.Akbarimajd, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Tehran-Iran, a.akbary@ece.ut.ac.ir

1­4244­0178­X/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE 1904 PSCE 2006

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stability problem. There exist however effective ways to

alleviate possible voltage stability problems with asynchronous
generators, namely, installation of a static VAr system or using
a self-commutated converter to interface the generator with the
network. As the overwhelming majority of newly installed
asynchronous generators are equipped with a self-commutated
power converter, thedetrimental impact of the induction
generator on voltage stability of the network is to a great extent
eliminated. Moreover, the injection of active power reduces the
power losses thus further enhancing voltage stability of the

C. Line Commutated Converters

Fig.1. P-V curve - Enlargement of voltage stability margin It is a well-known fact that conventional line commutated
converters always consume reactive power. The amount of the
consumed reactive power is can be as high as 30% of the rated
The utilization of self-commutated converters for interfacing
power of the converter. To compensate the Q demand,
DG units with network allows fast and precise control of
capacitor banks are normally installed on the ac side of the
magnitude and phase of the output voltage. Therefore, reactive
converter. This makes a line commutated converter
power can be either generated or absorbed, depending on the
control mode. Since normally the power factor of such a qualitatively equivalent to a directly connected induction
converter is close to unity, no reactive power is injected into generator. Therefore, under certain circumstances, the presence
the network; however, the overall impact of the distributed of such a converter can negatively affect voltage stability. We
generator on the voltage stability is positive. This is due to the would like however draw the reader’s attention to the
improved voltage profiles as well as decreased reactive power following chain of facts: the latest achievements in high power
electronics which resulted in the advent of relatively
losses, as following equation suggests:
inexpensive devices possessing excellent technical
characteristics. Moreover, often the capacities of DG are quite
small, which makes the utilization of advanced power
electronics devices economically beneficial. It can therefore be
(1) anticipated with certain degree of confidence that in the near
future most of the power electronics converters will be self-
where Pload, Qload, PDG and QDG are the active and reactive commutated. In general, it can be concluded that the presence
power of the load and DG, respectively and Xline is the of DG does not adversely affect voltage stability. The
aggregate reactance of the line connecting the load to the utilization of asynchronous generators directly connected to the
feeding substation. Note that for simplicity the resistance of the network can potentially cause voltage stability problems;
line is neglected. Clearly, as the active power injected by however, the present trends in the manufacturing of
distributed generator increases, the reactive power loss asynchronous generators indicate that the fraction of converter
decreases. Thus, it has positive impact on the voltage stability. interfaced generators gradually grows, reducing the likelihood
Case studies present a significant improvement of transient of encountering voltage stability related problems. The
stability by a fuel cell power plant interfaced with a power qualitative analysis performed in this section only concern
electronics converter. steady state operation of the tandem DG–distribution network.

B. Asynchronous generators III. The continuation power flow method

An asynchronous generator possesses a number of features that
make it very suitable for DG. Some of these features are: The continuation method is a numerical method that is used to
relatively inexpensive prices, insignificant maintenance trace the trajectory of a power system from a stable equilibrium
requirements, in addition these motors are robust. On the other point up to a bifurcation point [10]. Such a method employs the
hand, when directly connected to the network, this type of DG following model:
will always consume reactive power thus contributing to the g ( y,λ ) = 0 (2)
factors increasing the probability of encountering voltage where y represents the sate variables and is a system parameter
stability problems. The reactive power consumption of used to drive the system from one equilibrium point to another.
asynchronous generators is normally compensated by shunt Because a set of power flow equations suffices for such a
capacitor banks. This however is only a partial solution to the model, it has been employed for voltage collapse studies,
voltage stability problem, since a voltage reduction will which can be considered as the system load/generation increase
decrease the amount of reactive power generated by the factor [11]-[12]-[13].
capacitor banks, while increasing the reactive power Continuation methods are well covered elsewhere in the
consumption of the asynchronous generator. Therefore, there is literature[14]. In Sufficient to say that the continuations
a risk that instead of supporting the network at an undervoltage methods rely on the choice of a continuation parameter
situation the asynchronous generator will further depress the (initially the degree of system loading) and on a two step
system voltage. This might in principle trigger a voltage predictor-corrector iterative process:

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The predictor step, used to indicate a direction to move. The At this point a step size control k has to be chosen for
tangent vector may be used for this purpose. determining the increment ∆ yp and ∆λ p, along with a
It is given by:
normalization to avoid large step when || τ p || is large:
ªP º
τ p = J −1 « 0 » (3) k (9)
¬Q0 ¼ ∆λ p ≅
where J is the load flow Jacobian and P0 and Q0 are the net
active and reactive powers connected to each bus. The entries kτ p (10)
∆y p ≅
of the τ p are in terms of angle changes ∆θ and ҏ ∆V , scaled τp
by 1/ ∆λ Ҡ. Thus, the predictor step size is given by: where k= ± 1, and its sign determines the increase or the
decrease of λ . Fig. 2, presents a pictorial representation of the
1/|| τ p || (4)
predictor step.
where ||.|| stands for tangent vector norm. Thus, the steeper the
curve, the smaller the predictor step. It makes the method take
bigger steps when the system is away from the bifurcation
point, and smaller steps as the bifurcation is approached. The
actual operating point is obtained by the help of the corrector
stage, which is obtained from inclusion of an extra equation.
This equation comes from the fact that the predictor and
corrector vectors are orthogonal. if the predictor step is given
as an initial guess for a power flow program at the corrector
point, the algorithm converges rapidly to a feasible operating
Using the continuation power flow, it is possible to solve the Fig. 3 . continuation power flow corrector step obtained by means of
problem. So that attain to the maximum loadability point due to perpendicular intersection
voltage collapse. More important, however, that it is possible
to determine the Jacobian matrix at this operating point. The D. Corrector Step
jacobian matrix will be most useful tool for purposes of
selecting the locations where additions and changes of the In the corrector step, a set of n + 1 equations is solved:
system from the perspective of market power should take g ( y, λ ) = 0 (11)
place. ρ ( y, λ ) = 0 (12)
The Continuation Power Flow method implemented in a where the solution of g must be in the bifurcation manifold
predictor step is realized by the computation of the tangent and ρ is an additional equation to guarantee a non singular set
vector and a corrector step that can be obtained either by means
at the bifurcation point. For the choice of ρ there are two
of a local parametrization or a perpendicular intersection.
options: the perpendicular intersection and the local
parametrization. In the case of perpendicular intersection,
whose pictorial representation is illustrated in Fig. 3, the
expression of ρ becomes:
ª ∆y p º ª y c − ( y p + ∆y p )º
ρ ( y, λ ) = « » « »=0 (13)
¬∆λ p ¼ ¬λc − (λ p + ∆λ p )¼
whereas for the local parametrization, either the parameter λ
Fig. 2. continuation power flow predictor step obtained by means of tangent
or a variable yi is forced to be a fixed value:
vector ρ ( y , λ ) = y ci − ( y pi + ∆y pi ) (14)
C. Predictor Step ρ ( y , λ ) = λ c − (λ p + ∆ λ p ) (15)
At a generic equilibrium point, we have the following relation: The choice of the variable to be fixed depends on the
dg dy ∂g
g( y p , λ p ) = 0 Ÿ = 0 = ∇yg + (5) bifurcation manifold of g,as depicted in Fig. 4.
dλ d λ ∂λ
and the tangent vector can be approximated by:
dy ∆y p (6)
τp = ≈
dλ ∆λ p
From (5) and (6), one has:
τ p = −∇ y g −1 (7)
∆y p = τ p ∆λ p (8)

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stability of system was increased about 22.4 percent ( Fig. 8

and Fig. 9 ). Note that in this case, every DG unit have the
same capacity and ability to produce 0.25 pu active and 0.2 pu
reactive power.
Fig. 6, shows voltage profile of test system without including
of DG units. Fig. 7, shows the effect of installation of DG units
by applying the placement algorithm. It can be seen that after 3
iterations , voltage profile for all buses is close to one.

Receiving of data
Fig. 4. continuation power flow corrector step obtained by means of local
Execution of power flow and
calculation of power losses


Execution of power flow
For placemetnt of DG units, it is necessary to define objective continuation
function for solving this problem. According to structure of
placement algorithm, the objective function should be selected
for reduction of power losses, increase of maximum Determination of most sensitive bus
loadability, capacity preserving or increase of voltage stability to voltage collapse
margin in system. The limitation security of system, in front of
static collapse voltage, is described as following:
In the situation of normal implementation of system, the Istallation of DG unit with
stability margin will have been an amoumt between zero and capacity in this bus
one. As another way, zero amounts for this index means that
the system is located in aboard of voltage stability and negative
amounts means that the system is in unstable situation. So, the Calculation of power flow and
first load demand in system will not be produced due to lack of power losses again
enough reactive sources. In this state, the load flow program
will not converge.
In this method the place of installation DG units in distribution
network are implemented based on execution of an iteration Estimation of no
algorithm. This algorithm is based on determination of voltage goal function
buses that are the most sensitive to collapse voltage by means
of execution continuation power flow program. Fig. 5, shows yes
the flowchart of this algorithm.
This method is based on execution of the continuation power
Calculation of power losses ,
flow. By execution of this program most sensitive voltage bus capacity saving and maximum
to collapse voltage or maximum loadability are determined. loadability
After determination of sensitive bus, a DG unit or a
compensator with known capacity can be installed on that bus.
Print of results
After installation of DG unit, the power flow program is
executed and then the objective function is calculated. If the
objectivefunction is appropriate, this algorithm is iterated Fig. 5 . flochart of placement algorithm
again. Namely with execution of CPF in the system where DG
unit is installed, most sensitive voltage bus to collapse voltage Reduction
or maximum loadability are determined again. This algorithm Test number of Bus-DG
of power
system DG units unit losses loadability
will be continued until the objectivefunction is estimated. percent

This method was executed on a typical 34-Bus test system and

the results presented the robustness of this method for optimal state
0 - 0 - - 1.09462
and fast placement of DG units according to objective function
in distribution networks. Iter-1 1 27 5.73 38.3 1.2 1.2235

Table. 1, represents the effect of execution of this method on Iter-2 2 27-34 11.46 52.54 5.64 1.2769
power losses , capacity preserving and maximum loadability. Iter-3 3
17.19 63.089 11.454 1.34
By execution of this method, power losses was reduced to
63.089 percent and capacity saving was increased to 11.454 Table. 1. The effects of this method on power losses , capacity saving and
percent. However, maximum loadability or margin voltage maximum loadability

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Fig. 6. Voltage magnitude profile on a typical 34-Bus test distribution network

Fig. 9. The effect of placement DG units on increasement of voltage stability
without DG units


Typical 34-Bus test system

L(Km) Q(Kvar) P(Kw) X(Ohm/Km) R(Ohm/Km) Bus

Fig . 7. Voltage magnitude profile on a typical 34-Bus test distribution
0.6 142.5 230 0.08 0.195 1-2
network with DG units 0.55 - - 0.08 0.195 2-3
0.55 142.5 230 0.083 0.299 3-4
0.5 142.5 230 0.083 0.299 4-5
0.5 - - 0.083 0.299 5-6
0.6 - - 0.09 0.524 6-7
0.4 142.5 230 0.09 0.524 7-8
0.6 142.5 230 0.09 0.524 8-9
0.4 - - 0.09 0.524 9-10
0.25 142.5 230 0.09 0.524 10-11
0.2 84 137 0.09 0.524 11-12
0.3 45 72 0.09 0.524 12-13
0.4 45 72 0.09 0.524 13-14
0.2 45 72 0.09 0.524 14-15
0.1 7.5 13.5 0.09 0.524 15-16
0.6 142.5 230 0.083 0.299 16-17
0.55 142.5 230 0.083 0.299 17-18
0.55 142.5 230 0.086 0.378 18-19
0.5 142.5 230 0.086 0.378 19-20
0.5 142.5 230 0.086 0.524 20-21
0.5 142.5 230 0.09 0.524 21-22
0.5 142.5 230 0.09 0.524 22-23
0.6 142.5 230 0.09 0.524 23-24
0.4 142.5 230 0.09 0.524 24-25
0.25 142.5 230 0.09 0.524 25-26
0.2 85 137 0.09 0.524 26-27
0.3 48 75 0.09 0.524 27-28
0.3 48 75 0.09 0.524 28-29
0.3 48 75 0.09 0.524 29-30
0.3 34.5 57 0.09 0.524 30-31
Fig .8 . Nose curves for typical 34-buse test system without DG units 0.4 34.5 57 0.09 0.524 31-32
0.3 34.5 57 0.09 0.524 32-33
0.2 34.5 57 0.09 0.524 33-34

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VI. CONCLUSION Subcommittee, Final Document, Aug. 2002, available at

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