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KLE Society's

KLE Technological University

Open Ended Activity Report

Object Oriented Programming with C++ (19ECSC204)
Object Oriented Programming with C++ Lab (18ECSP203)

Submitted by

Name Roll no SRN

Sujay Dandgall 149 01FE19BCS056

Aryan 148 01FE19BCS055

Subrahmanya L Bhatt 154 01FE19BCS061

Akhil Rao 147 01FE19BCS053

Team Number: 04

Faculty In-charge:



HUBBALLI – 580 031 (India).
Academic year 2020-21
<Gym management project>

1 Introduction
. Overview of the problem statement
To simulate the functions of Gym centre. Gym management maintains the record of
gym details, gym packages, gym staff, gym members, trainers, clients and discounts for
particular type of program. The gym administrator or user can view these details and
manage them.

1 Features of Application

1. User can view gym details.

2. Maintains the record of every gym member in an array.
3. Display packages and discounts from particular type of program.
4. Maintains the record of every gym staff.
5. Search gym member by name and display the details.
6. Display the members who have availed discounts.

2 Design
2 Class Diagrams/Details
1 1. Problem Definition: To simulate the functions of Gym centre. Gym management
maintains the record of gym details, gym packages, gym staff, gym members, trainers,
clients and discounts for particular type of program. The gym administrator or user can
view these details and manage them.

4. Objects Identified:

1. Gym member avails the packages and programs provided by gym.

2.Gym staff has a trainer and non-trainer .

3. Packages are offered by the gym where there are two types of packages namely
general and personal packages.

4.Gym has a gym members and staffs which have stored respective details in the Gym.

5. Client has details which are accessed by parent class Gymmember using virtual

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6. Class discountexception , which is used to handle exception for availing discount.

7. Class Person has class Name, Date and Address.

8. Class Person is a parent class for Staff, Gymmember and Client.

List of classes identified:

➢ Gym
➢ Person
➢ Name
➢ Date
➢ Address
➢ Gymmember
➢ Staff
o Trainer
o Non-Trainer

➢ Client
➢ Packages
o Personal Packages
o General Packages

ass Diagram sketch: (UML)

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2. Description of classes

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1) Gym

The getGymdetails() will get the details of gym members.Method

putGymdetails() will be used to display details of the gym as shown in the
UML diagram as well as searchGymmembers() will search the name of gym
member and display the details .Exception handling operation on discount is
done in the Gym class.

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2 ) Person

Class Person is a parent class that has data members as dob for storing date of birth
of a person, pname for storing name of person,age for storing age of person and
paddress to store the address of person.

2) Name

Name class is used to store names of the class person which has two data
members firstname and lastname. It has member function putname() is used
to display the name of a person.

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3) Date

Class Date is used to store date of birth of person , start and end date of gym
members. It has member functions putDateofbirth() to display date of birth of
person ,putStartdate() to display the start date of person, putEnddate() to
display the end date of person.

4) Address

Class Address is used to store the address of a person. It has data members as
housenumber ,area name,city,state and pincode as address fields and
putaddress() is a member function to display the address of a person.

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5) Gymmember

Class Gymmember is a child class of class Person which describes

programtype and packagetype availed by the member of the gym. It has data
members phonenumber to store the mobile number of gym
member,startdate and enddate is used to store the start and end date of gym
member .putClient() is a virtual function which display the details of clients
and putGymmember() is used to display the details of gym member.

6) Staff

Class Staff is derived from class Person. It has data members phonenumber
which is used to store the mobile number of person, salary to store the salary
of staff and designation of gym staff either trainer or non-trainer.
putStaffdetails() is used to display the staff details.

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7) Trainer

Class Trainer is derived from class Staff. It has two data members namely
clients and trainertype .client data member is used to assign the client to the
trainer and trainertype describes whether the trainer is personal or general.


Class Non-Trainer is derived from class Staff.It has two member functions namely
getdetails() and putdetails().getdetails() member function is used to store the details
of non-training staff and putdetails() function is used to display the details of non-
training staff.

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Class Client is derived from class Gymmember. It has data members namely personal
trainer, height and weight. data member personaltrainer is used to assign trainer to
client, height and weight is used to store the height and weight of client respectively .
putClient() function is used to display the details of client.


Class Packages is an abstract class.It has data members namely packagetype,

programtype, fees. programtype is used to store the packages type like 3 months
program,6 months program and 12 months program, packagetype is used to store the
packages like general or personal packages ,fees is used to store the fees to be paid
for each type of program type .Member function displayPackage() is used to display
the packages available in the gym and putPackages() is a pure virtual function used to
display the packages.

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12)Personal Packages

Class Personal Packages is derived from abstract class Packages. It has data members
trainerfees, personaltriner, pclient .trainerfees is used to store the fees to be paid to
the trainer, personaltrainer is used to store the personal trainers to the gym, pclient is
used to assign the clients who have availed the personal packages. Member function
putPackages() is used to display the package details.

13)General l Packages

Class General Packages is derived from class Packages .It has data members namely
generaltrainer, gm, putPackages . generaltrainer is used to assign trainer who trains
gym members, gm is used to store gym members who have availed general packages.
Member function putPackages() is used to display the package details.

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7. Main function &Flow of object creation and function calls:

//Class definition’s

class Gym;

int main ()
Gym g ;

//inserting values in the gym data members using constructors

//inserting values into gym members using constructors.

// inserting values into gym staff using constructors

//menu using while loop.

//switch for operating the menu.

//function definition

Object creation:

Every time an object of Gym class is created, array for gym members and staff is
created which stores the details of gym members and staff. There are some functions
namely putGymdetails(), putGymmembers(), putGymstaff() and putPackages() to
print the respective details.

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3. Unit Test Plan

3 Printing details of staff members.


3 Printing details of gym members


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3 Display exception

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4 Implementation/snapshots
4.1 Displaying gym details.

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4.2 Displaying Gym Packages .

4.3 Display Staff members.

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<Gym management project>

4.4 Display Gym Member details .

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<Gym management project>

4.5 Display Gym client details.

4.6 Display trainer details.

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<Gym management project>

4.7 Display non-trainer details.

4.8 Display gym members who have availed discount.

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<Gym management project>

4.9 Search member name and display details.

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