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Admas University

Business Department
Balance Cash Holdings

Name _______________________________________ Id. No. _____________ Sec. _________

Part I: Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer from the given alternatives and the correct
letter on the answer sheet provided.
1. Which of the following organizational policy & guidelines are required to remove
receipts from terminal?
1. Neatness and tidiness of cash in safe 3. Terminal balancing and security
4. Time frames
2. Recording of discrepancies
5. All except b

2. For which one of the following business activities timeframe is not required?
1. processing transactions 4. Reporting the results

2. periodic and end of day balances 5. All are required.

3. recording of discrepancies

3. Non-cash documents or transactions may include all except

1. Cheques 4. Suspense payment voucher

2. Coins & Currencies 5. Coins & Currencies

3. Advance cards 6. All are Non-cash documents

4. Accurate recording of information may require recording on:

1. duplicate or triplicate copies 4. All of the above

2. permanent hard copy 5. All except c

3. pro-forma

Part II: Match the item in column “A” with the item in column “B”. Use only capital

1. Remove receipts from terminal 1. Records of individual takings are recorded

2. Maintain accurate cash floats 2. Cash at close of business is counted

3. Reconcile takings 3. Terminal Information is recorded

4. Manual or electronic equipment balances
are performed
5. Sum of cash and non-cash transactions
compared appropriately to achieve
6. Securing and safe handling transport of
money and non-cash transactions
7. Cash budget is maintained within set
8. Notes and coins held in manual cash
handling devices.

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