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COM 101: Week 5 Assignment 1

Instructions: After viewing Week 5 lecture 1 compare and contrast the differences between informative
and persuasive presentations by filling out the table below and answering the 2 follow-up questions. For
full credit please give a detailed and thorough response. Cite any out of class material used to answer
the questions in MLA format.

Indicate the differences between informative and persuasive presentations by completing the table below

  Informative Presentation Persuasive Presentation

 To change the audience’s mind or

The presenter's Intent To increase knowledge

 To shape, reinforce or change the

 To define, describe, explain &
The Purpose of the message audience’s thoughts feeling and or

 To know more than they did before  To think, feel, or act differently than
The Listener's response
the presentation before the presentation

 To learn something new or not to  To make the requested change or not
Audience's choice
learn something new to make the requested change

1. What are some of the similarities between informative and persuasive presentations? Structure

of the presentation, the importance of establishing credibility, the vocal aspects, the need for

your audience to be able to verify your information, the importance of audience to analysis, well

research being prepared for the delivery of the presentation.

COM 101: Week 5 Assignment 1

2. What are some of the main differences between informative and persuasive presentation?

Informative is giving knowledge explaining and demonstration where as persuasive is changing

the audience their mind or actions by shaping, reinforcing, or changing their feelings or


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