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SESSION: 2020-21
Subjects Topics
English Appu find his friends (L - 6)
At the zoo (L - 7)
Grammar –Prepositions, Verbs, Picture Comprehension.
Hindi कौआ दे खता ही रह गया (पाठ – 17)

गुणकारी सब्ज़ियााँ (पाठ – 18)

व्याकरण- महीनों और सप्ताह के नाम, गगनती (१-१०), गित्र वणणन

Maths Chapter 7 - Measurements

Chapter 10 - Multiplication (Tables 2 to 5 and 10)
Chapter 12 - Money
Worksheets related to chapters and Mental Maths
Subjects Topics
English Lesson 9 Gandhiji passes his own examination
Lesson 10 The shoemaker and the Elves
Grammar – Preposition, Conjunctions, Verbs, Comprehension
Hindi पाठ 9 - ममलकर खेलो

पाठ 12 - दादी की सीख

व्याकरण-महीनों और सप्ताह के नाम, ववराम गिन्ह, वाकयाांश

बोधक शज़द और पयाणयवािी शज़द |

Maths Chapter 10 Measurements

Chapter 11 Shapes and Patterns
Chapter 12 Time
Tables - 1 to 10
Worksheets related to chapters and Mental Maths

English Literature:
L- 9: The Lantern Festival of Thailand
L-10: Tenali Raman and the Thieves
Poem: The Fox’s Wedding, Poem: A Letter to Grown Ups
Grammar- Tenses, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions
Writing Skills- Paragraph Writing, Informal Letter Writing, Reading Comprehension

ह िंदी पाठयपुस्तक -
पाठ - 12 परोपकारी शतपत्र
पाठ - 13 बााँसुरीवाला
पाठ - 14 बया हमारी चिचिया रानी
पाठ - 16 थॉमस अल्वा एचिसन
व्याकरण -
चवशेषण, चिया, काल, श्रुचतसम चिन्नाथथक, अशुद्धिशोधन, अनुच्छेद, अपचठत गदयाांश ।

MATHS L-1 Large Numbers

L-10 Measurement
L-11 Time
L-12 Money
Mental Maths, Tables 1 -12 and related worksheets

EVS L-17 Travelling to Places

L-18 Means of Communication
L-19 Clothes We Wear
L-20 The Potter's Wheel
Related worksheets

Sr. No. Subject Syllabus

1. ENGLISH Literature-L-7 Mother Teresa, L-8 The Flower girl becomes a

Princess, L-10 Rip Van Winkle, Poem -Pizza Surprise
Grammar- Tenses, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions
Writing Skills- Paragraph Writing, Informal Letter Writing,
Reading Comprehension

2. HINDI पाठयपुस्तक -पाठ-12 कीमती पन्ने, पाठ-13 कैसे हुआ अचधकार,

पाठ - 14 सुख की कुांजी, पाठ - 16 चमत्तल की करामात
व्याकरण -चवशेषण, चिया, काल, श्रुचतसम चिन्नाथथक, अशुद्धिशोधन,
अनुच्छेद, अपचठत गदयाांश ।

3. MATHS Ch-8 Geometry

Ch-11 Perimeter and Area

Ch12 Time (till 12.5 only)

Ch-13 Money and unitary method.

Ch-14 Data handling (Reading of bar graph and pictograph)

Related mental maths and school workbook.

4. Science L-10 Water- A Wonderful Liquid

L-11 How Does Weather Change?

L-12 Materials and Their Properties

L-13 Force, Work and Energy

L-14 Earth and The Solar System

Related Worksheets
5 Social Studies Ch.14 Our Human Resources

Ch.15 People Who Touched Our Lives

Ch.16 Our National Symbols

Ch.17 Our Rights and Duties

Ch.18 Local Self Government

S.NO. Subject Syllabus
1 English Literature- L-8: Nasruddin and the Candle , L-9: Tom Paints the Fence, L-10: Bad
Luck, Poem- The Duck and the Kangaroo
Grammar- Tenses, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions
Writing Skills- Diary Entry, Informal Letter Writing, Reading Comprehension

2 Hindi पाठ्यपुस्तक- पाठ-१२ बापू का पत्र, पाठ -१३ ईदगाह, पाठ-१४ ' मेट्रो मैन' श्रीधरन,
पाठ-१५ मैं सबसे छोटी होऊं
व्याकरण- क्रियाविशेषण, कारक, िाकयांश के लिए एक शब्द, उपसगग, प्रत्यय,
औपचाररक पत्र, अपठठत गदयांश

3 Maths Ch-8 Measurement

Ch-9 Area only (till 9.3 only)
Ch-10 Geometry
Ch-11 Time (till 11.6 only).
Ch-12 Money (12.1-12.4 &12.7 only).
Ch-13 Data handling (Reading of bar graph and circle graph)
Related mental maths and school workbook.

4 Science L-11 Soil Conservation

L-12 Natural Calamities
L-13 States of matter
L-14 Force Energy and Simple Machines
L-15 The moon
Related Worksheets

5 Social Ch-15 Great People

Studies Ch-16 Conquering Distances
Ch-17 Keeping In Touch
Ch-18 Our Government
Ch-19 The United Nations


1. ENGLISH Sec - A Reading Comprehension

Sec- B Notice Writing
Autobiography Writing
Sec- C Active and Passive Voice
Sec- D L- A Game of Chance ( Honeysuckle)
L- Desert Animals (Honeysuckle)
L- A Strange Wrestling Match( Pact with the Sun)
L- The Banyan Tree (Honeysuckle)
Poem- Vocation (Honeysuckle)
Poem- Where do all the teachers go?(Honeysuckle)

2. HINDI वसंत- पाठ-१२ संसार पस्

ु तक है , पाठ - १३ मैं सबसे छोटी होऊं, पाठ -१४ लोकगीत ,
पाठ -१५ नौकर,पाठ -१६ वन के मागग में
व्याकरण-संज्ञा,सवगनाम,ववशेषण,क्रिया, कारक,ववलोम(२६-५०), पयागयवाची(२१-४०),वाकयांश
के ललए एक शब्द(२६-५०),संवाद लेखन,अपठठत गदयांश
3. MATHS Syllabus for final term
Ch-9 Data handling.
Ch-10 Mensuration
Ch-11 Algebra
Ch-12 Ratio and proportion
Ch-13 Symmetry
Ch-14 Practical geometry (construction of angles and perpendicular bisector).
Related mental maths and school workbook.
4. SCIENCE Chapter 9: The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings
Chapter 10: Motion and Measurement of Distances
Chapter 11: Light, Shadows and Reflections
Chapter 12: Electricity and Circuits
Chapter 13: Fun with Magnets
Chapter 14: Water
Chapter 15: Air Around Us

5. SOCIAL Geography
SCIENCE 1. Ch.5 Major Domains
2. Ch.8 India: Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife

Political Science
1. Ch.8 Rural Administration
2. Ch.9 Urban Administration

1. Ch.8 Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War
2. Ch.11 New Empires and Kingdoms

6. FRENCH Comprehension, Translations Lesson 4,5,6,Vocabulary words , Pronom Sujet,

imperatif, Negative,, verbes er, ir aller, 1-100,Ordinal
Numbers, Nationalities, Corrigez les fautes, Remettez en ordre, Adjective
Convenable, Ma famille, fruits, vegetables name
7. SANSKRIT रुचचरा - पाठ – 10 से 15,
व्याकरण - चचत्र वणगन, अपठठत गदयांश, अव्यय , संख्या 1-20, शरीर के अंगों के
धातु रूप – स्था, नश ् - लट् लकार,
पठ्, गण ्, प्रच्छ्, खाद, – लोट लकार, कारक ववभक्कत

S.No. Subject Syllabus

1 S. SCIENCE History: Ch- 8 Devotional Paths to the Divine

Ch- 9 The making of Regional cultures
Ch- 10 Eighteenth Century Political Formations
Civics:Ch 7 : Market around Us
Ch 8 :A shirt in the market
Geog :Ch:7 Human Environment -Settlement...
Ch-8 The Tropical and the Subtropical Region
Ch 9-Life in the desert.
Notes, keywords. glossaries, reasoning based, Hots.
2 MATHS Ch- 7 - Congruence of Triangle
Ch- 8 - Comparing Quantities,

Ch -9 - Rational Numbers
Ch- 10 - Practical Geometry,
Ch- 11 - Perimeter and area

Ch- 12 - Algebraic Expression,

Chapter - 13 - Exponents and powers

3 ENGLISH Reading – Reading Comprehension

Writing- Story Writing, Notice Writing

Grammar- Modals, Reported Speech, Conjunctions

Literature- Honeycomb- L- 8 Fire: Friend and Foe

Poem- Garden Snake, The Shed

An Alien hand- L-7 Chandni

L-9 A Tiger in the House

4 HINDI पाठयपस्
ु तक -
पाठ - 11 रहीम के दोहे
पाठ - 14 खानपान की बदलती तस्वीर
पाठ - 15 नीलकंठ
पाठ - 16 भोर और बरखा
पाठ - 17 वीर कंु वर लसंह
व्याकरण -
संज्ञा, सवगनाम, ववशेषण, क्रिया, कारक, पयागयवाची शब्द (26 -50 ),ववलोम
शब्द (26-50 ), वाकयांश के ललए एक शब्द (26-50 ), मुहावरे (26 -50), संवाद
लेखन, अपठठत गदयांश ।
5 SCIENCE Chapter 10: Respiration in Organisms
Chapter 11: Transportation in Animals and Plants
Chapter 12: Reproduction in Plants
Chapter 13: Motion and Time
Chapter 14: Electric Current and its Effects
Chapter 15: Light
Chapter 16: Water – A Precious Resource
Chapter 17: Forests – Our lifeline
6 SANSKRIT रुचिरा - पाठ – 10 से 15 , चित्र वर्णन, अपचठत गद्ाांश
व्याकरर् - प्रत्यय - क्त्वा, ल्यप्, तुमन्, सांचि – यण, वद
ृ चध, आयाठद
शब्द रूप – हरर, मचत, कचव
िातु रूप - स्था, स्म,ृ कृ, दा – लोट् , ववचधललंग लकार
7 FRENCH Comprehension,Translation, Lesson 4,5,6,Vocabulary words,French
Festivals,,1-1000 Nombres, Verbes done in the class, Retrouvez les
Phrases,Corrigez les Fautes,General
Questions, Imperative, Culture,Mettez au Pluriel, expressions avec avoir,
Ma famille, Negatif, --
S.No Subject Syllabus
1 English Reading Comprehension

Grammar- Tenses, Adjectives, Reported Speech, Determiners

Writing Skills- Letter to the Editor, Diary Entry

Literature –Honey Dew- -This is Jody’s Fawn, A Visit to Cambridge,

School Boy, The Duck and the Kangaroo, When I Set Out for Lyonnesse.

It So Happened- Princess September, The Fight,

The Open Window, Comet I and Comet II

2 Hindi

3 Maths Chapter -8 - Comparing Quantities

Chapter - 9 - Algebraic Expressions and Identities
Chapter -11 - Mensuration
Chapter -12- Exponents and Powers
Chapter -13 -Direct and Inverse Proportions
Chapter -14- Factorisation
Chapter -15 -Introduction to Graphs
4 Science

Chapter 10: Reaching the Age of Adolescence

Chapter 11: Force and Pressure
Chapter 12: Friction
Chapter 13: Sound
Chapter 14: Chemical Effects of Electric Current
Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena
Chapter 16: Light
Chapter 18: Pollution of Air and Water

5 S.St History: chap 8 – Women caste and reforms,Chap9- The making of the national movement.
chap 10- India After independence

Geography: chap 4- Agriculture, chap 5 – Industries, chap 6 – Human resources

Political science: chap 7 Understanding marginalisation, chap 8 confronting

marginalisation, chap 9 public facilities.

(Study all sources, defination,glossary,back questions ,extra questions,HOTS,give

reason,give one word, Fill ups , MCQs from NCERT TEXT)


7 French
Comprehension, Translation, Lesson 4,5,6,Vocabulary Words,
Essay on a monument or a city you visited,Quel,Quelle, festivals ,General Questions,Temps
Convenable, Passe Compose,Futur,er/ir verbes done in the class, Retrouvez les
Phrases,Corrigez les fautes,Culture, passe compose

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