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Mountain Research and Development (MRD) MountainMedia

An international, peer-reviewed open access journal

published by the International Mountain Society (IMS)

include cultural values, ecosystem plants, which fosters food security

Desarrollo y Perspectivas services to society, and sources of when the system is fully in use. The
de los Sistemas de income generated by tourists seeking authors highlight the importance of
landscape amenities. The authors reviving these systems in order to
Andenerı́as en los Andes elaborate on the ways in which policy cope with climate change.
Centrales del Perú makers and development practition- The fifth chapter elaborates on
(Development and ers may justify their technical and the impact of colonial and postcolo-
Perspectives of Irrigated financial intervention through subsi- nial livestock production. The Span-
dies. iards were more concerned with
Terrace Systems in the The first chapter sets the prehis- exports of precious metals than with
Peruvian Central Andes) torical and ethno-historical context sustainable agriculture, and favored
of the Andean culture, covering a extensive livestock systems over
By Ann Kendall and
17,000 year period, from the Andean cropping. As a result, the Old World
Abelardo Rodrı́guez. Cuzco, Peru:
Paleolithic (15,000 BC) when hunting livestock species (cattle, horses,
Institut Français d’Études Andines
prevailed, to the Inca Empire and the sheep, and goats) still exist and
(IFEA) and Centro Bartolomé de Las
Spanish conquest. Andean agricul- interact with the Andean livestock
Casas (CBC), 2009. 312 pp.
turalists and their terrace systems species (South American camelids
Hardcover: PEN 50.00, US$ 17.50,
adapted to climatic change, drought, such as alpacas, llamas, and vicuñas).
plus handling and shipping. ISBN
flooding, cold and dry spells, as well The authors explore the negative and
as seismic events leading to migra- positive effects of extensive cattle
tions. Changes in political and mili- production on nearby irrigated ter-
Terraces in the Peruvian Andes have tary structures, religious beliefs, and race systems and conclude that irri-
been the focus of studies analyzing environmental factors caused the gated terraces and livestock produc-
crop and livestock production sys- expansion and contraction of settle- tion can be complementary, provided
tems under different land manage- ments and their associated agricul- that property rights and communal
ment practices (Rodriguez and Nick- tural systems. In the second chapter, organization in different altitudinal
alls 2002; Posthumus and De Graaff the authors shed light on the under- niches are reinforced.
2005; Antle et al 2007). Irrigated utilization and abandonment of ter- The sixth chapter analyzes rural
terrace systems have supported An- races after the arrival of the Span- development projects in Andean ir-
dean livelihoods for 2200 years, en- iards. Under Spanish domination, the rigated terraces and discusses forms
suring food security under different labor force decreased due both to a of subsidized soil and water conser-
sources of risk. high mortality caused by epidemics vation works. The authors argue that
Kendall and Rodriguez’s book and to the transfer of labor from subsidy payments should reflect the
addresses these issues from an inno- agriculture to mining. The authors ecosystem services provided when
vative perspective based on the au- point out that, with rising tempera- terrace systems are in use and main-
thors’ broad field experience and the tures due to climate change, terrace tained by farmers. Regional specific-
synthesis of a rich literature. The productivity and land under cultiva- ities need to be debated locally with
authors contribute on several fronts. tion could increase, as long as water stakeholders in order to find local
First, they provide a long-term per- is not a limiting factor. solutions to specific biophysical and
spective explaining how Andean ru- The third chapter presents the socioeconomic conditions. The last
ral economies have sustained them- irrigated terrace construction tech- chapter argues that the rehabilitation
selves thanks to these irrigated niques that still apply today. The of irrigated terraces is a straightfor-
terrace systems and other less so- authors assess the rehabilitation re- ward solution to enhance people’s
phisticated systems to conserve soil quirements of terrace systems de- livelihoods in the rural Andes. Ade-
and water. Second, they propose pending on the area, the level of quate land tenure, land-use intensi-
several explanations for the decline conservation or abandonment, the fication, and conditions that reduce
of these systems, including environ- availability of labor, and the level of out-migration are prerequisites. The
mental disturbances, the arrival of social organization. For example, less authors’ emphasis on development
the Spaniards in the 16th century, fragmented communities show better interventions is justified because it
and today’s modern economies, irrigation and maintenance manage- enhances the conservation of soil,
which attract rural dwellers to the ment, fostering production. In the water, and biodiversity. Governmen-
urban centers. Finally, they demon- fourth chapter, the authors discuss tal intervention may extend to fos-
strate the importance of the rehabil- this adaptive capacity and conclude tering markets that would permit the
itation of terraces without limiting that irrigated terraces form an ‘‘au- sustainable provision of environ-
themselves to the economic worth of thentic agro-ecological system’’ based mental and cultural services, in ad-
cultivating terraces. Instead, they on a rich diversity of local cropped dition to ecological production of

Mountain Research and Development Vol 30 No 2 May 2010: 186–187 186 ß 2010 by the authors

crops and livestock, and other value- natural resource management in sequestration: Terraces and agroforestry in the
Peruvian Andes. Agriculture, Ecosystems &
added products. In addition to in- mountainous areas of the developing Environment 122:435–445.
creasing people’s incomes, it is im- world; it also has broad policy rele- Posthumus H, De Graaff J. 2005. Cost-benefit
analysis of bench terraces, a case study in Peru.
portant to address human social vance in various other regions, nota- Land Degradation and Development 16:1–11.
dimensions such as empowerment, bly in Central and South Asia. We Rodrı́guez A, Nickalls T. 2002. Rehabilitation of
gender, education, and health as part foresee an important research poten- pre-Hispanic terraces in the Peruvian Andes.
ICARDA Caravan 16. Available at: http://www.
of the terrace rehabilitation. tial in better understanding mountain
The authors’ recommendations terrace agricultural systems and their cara16.htm; accessed on 2 March
rehabilitation to sustain local liveli- 2010.
are conducive to broadening the
knowledge of irrigated terrace sys- hoods and foster adaptation capacity
tems as suppliers of environmental to a number of stressors.
and cultural services and food security The book was written in Spanish
Henri Rueff1* and Inam ur Rahim2
while proposing innovative ap- for wide dissemination among moun- *Corresponding author:
proaches for commercialization and tain rural development practitioners
in Hispanic America. An English Centre for Development and Environment,
Andean rural development in general. NCCR North-South Program, University of Bern,
The book seems to be more applicable version will be published in the near Hallerstrasse 10, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
for rural development practitioners future, and will be very welcome. University of Central Asia, NCCR North-South
Program, 207 Panfilova Street, 720040
in the Bolivian, Ecuadorian, and Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Peruvian Andes than for practitioners REFERENCES
in higher-income Andean countries, Antle J, Stoorvogel J, Valdivia R. 2007. Assessing Open access article: please credit the authors and
and it is an interesting reference for the economic impacts of agricultural carbon the full source.

Mountain Research and Development 187

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