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Inernal discussions on whether to extend Growth of the luxury chocolate market in

its brand into other categories or continue the Philippines.
with its existing product lines for a period Promising sales and market share despite
of time. being new to the market.
Some members of the management feel Expansion of company operations
that the back office support still has a throughout the country in order to cope
long way with the increasing sales volume and
to go in terms of aligning with the overall growing demands.
company strategy.

The sales director believes that the With the continuous growth of the
Company Company, the department is facing
must continuously adapt to the ever- challenges in doing their analyses and
changing business environment. producing value-adding reports for

The operations Director is extremely Inventory levels at

concerned by the poor certain parts of the supply chain end up
quality of management information, being too high or too low due to
specifically on inventory levels and miscalculation of forecasts that are based
demand forecasting. on data generated from the inventory

The Chief Information Officer believes There is a perception that Glorious’ IT

that IT is not a priority of the has been lagging vis-à-vis other
management and their companies when it comes to coping with
potential contributions to the Company the
are not valued. business changes that have taken place in
the past years.Majority of costs incurred
are spent on operational and maintenance
activity. The
department is seen as reactive to business
requests and problems rather than

The Finance department wishes to - Inventory reports require many

improve operating reconciliations and further cleansing as
effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility OraCulo is not fully utilized and is not
within her department to cope with the integrated with SAPi.
disruptive trends and growing business -For sales from other distribution
needs of the company. channels, Glorious issues
paper-based sales invoices and these are
processed manually.
-The General Accounting and Reporting
team spends majority of their time
compiling, reviewing and correcting data
during the close process which leaves
lesser time to perform analysis. Most of
the journal entries are prepared
-Account reconciliations and bank
reconciliations are manually prepared.
There are no formal cut-offs and
thresholdsin place.There are no formal
debriefs conducted to discuss the status of
the period-end close. These result
to delayed closing and late submission of
management and regulatory
-Reporting team’s effort is concentrated
in the production and completion of
standard reports which limits their time to
produce other relevant and value-adding
analyses that would be more
useful to the stakeholders.
-The Planning and Budgeting process is
regarded by most departments as a
routine financial ritual. It is spreadsheet
based and time-consuming.

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