Call of 4 Imams

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Call of four imams

1. Imam Abu Hanifa (Re.A)

Imam Abu Hanifa said:
👉When Saheeh Hadith is presented, that is my opinion.
No one has the right to give Fatwa according to my statement if he doesn’t know the origins
(evidences from Quran and Sunnah) of it. (Al-Inteqaa, by Ibn e Abdul Bar, pg 145)

👉Abu Hanifa was asked, “What if your statement is against Quran ?

” He said, “Leave my opinion.”
It was said,
“What if your statement is against the Hadith of the Prophet ?
” He said, “Leave my statement.”
It was asked, “What if your statement is against the statement of the
Sahabi R.A?
” He said, “Leave my statement.”
(Iqaaz hum Ulu Al-Absaar, pg. 50)


2. Imam Malik (Reh.Al)

👉Imam Malik said:

Anyone’s opinion can be rejected or accepted, except the opinion of Prophet SAW.
(Irshad us Saalik by: Abdul Haadi pg. 277)

👉I am a human being, that’s why my opinion can be right or wrong, therefore always verify, if
it is according to Quran and Sunnah, then accept it otherwise leave it.
(Iqaaz hum Ulu Al-Absaar, pg. 72)


3. Imam Shafai (Reh.Al)

👉If any of my statements is against the Saheeh Hadith, then accept the Hadith and leave my
(Al-Majmoo’ Sharah Al-Muhazzab, by: Nawi vol. 1, pg.104)

👉Whenever in my statement you find anything against the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW, then
leave my statement and adopt the Sunnah. (Same reference as mentioned earlier)

👉Whenever a Saheeh Hadith is approved against my statement, then the rank of Hadith is greater
and do not do my Taqleed.
(Aadaab Us Shafai wa Manaqibahu, by: Ibn e Abi Haatim Al- Raazi pg. 93)


4. Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal (Reh.Al)

👉Do not do Taqleed of scholars like: me, Malik, Shafai, Auzaai, Sauri, etc and instead take Deen
from where they took it (Quran and Sunnah). (Iqaaz hum Ulu Al-Absaar, pg.113)

👉To do taqleed in the matters of Deen is a proof of foolishness. (A’laam ul Muwaqi’en, by:
Ibn e Qayyam (R.A), pg.178)


👉If Taqleed was a Sher’i rule as claimed by some ignorant people, then what about those
scholars, whose Taqleed is considered to be as a compulsion.
👉Whom did they follow? Muslims who were the best people on Earth as

👉Prophet SAW said:

“The best era is of mine, then who came next and then who came next.”

👉So the best people, Sahabah, then Tabi’een and then Taba’ Tabi’een never did such a thing,
then is it allowed to be adopted.
Those scholars have given the statements and had abandoned themselves from such a
responsibility but now if we do, Allah will ask us, not them.

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