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Different example TO : DR. RIZWANA
GROUP # 10

















Description of task:


1 Tooba Sarwar Searching, typing, Meaning & definition,
(leader) editing and importance,
compilation. Different e.g and list of
new trends of teaching

2 Syeda Ayesha shahid Searching and Abstract, Importance of

selection of teaching stratrgies &
material conclusion.

3 Tehreem Siddiqiui Searching and Quotations, pictures and

selection of quranic verses.

4 Syeda Fazila Zaidi Searching and Different example of

selection of teaching strategies .

5 Tooba Searching and Advantages and

selection of disadvantages of teaching
material strategies.

6 Tania kanwal Searching and Definition of teaching

selection of strategies .

7 Syeda Maraym kamal Searching and Meaning of teaching

selection of strategies.

The purpose of this assignment is to present you the meaning of teaching
strategies and different types of teaching strategies which effects the learning
of students. There are different types of strategy which is also called
innovation in learning have addressed in this assignment so the students will
know what the new innovative strategies are to make learning effective.
Teaching Strategy is a generalized plan for a lesson which includes structure,
instructional objectives and an outline of planned tactics, necessary to
implement the strategies, to mediate learning, increase the likelihood of
student’s success and self-directed learning, promote cognitive processing,
rehearsal and transfer. curriculum is the first thing which is more important in
teaching learning process but in order to deliver your subject matter into
students some teaching strategies must be included. As you know that the fact
of individual differences, every individual is different from other and teaching
methods like lecture, demonstration methods are the universal so in this point
if you use different strategies in your style of learning you will overcome the
obstacles which causes inequality in your student’s learning process.

Teaching can be defined as engagement with learners to enable their
understanding and application of
knowledge, concepts and processes. It
includes design, content selection,
delivery, assessment and reflection.

To teach is to engage students in

learning; thus teaching consists of
getting students involved in the active
construction of knowledge. A teacher
requires not only knowledge of subject
matter, but knowledge of how students

learn and how to transform them into active learners. Good teaching, then,
requires a commitment to systematic understanding of learning. The aim of
teaching is not only to transmit information, but also to transform students
from passive recipients of other people's knowledge into active constructors of
their own and others' knowledge. The teacher cannot transform without the
student's active participation, of course. Teaching is fundamentally about
creating the pedagogical, social, and ethical conditions under which students
agree to take charge of their own learning, individually and collectively. 

Strategy (from Greek στρατηγία stratēgia, "art of troop leader; office of
general, command, general ship") is a general plan to achieve one or more
long-term or overall goals under conditions of uncertainty. In the sense of the
"art of the general", which
included several subsets of
skills including military
tactics, siege craft, logistics.
Strategy is important
because the resources
available to achieve goals
are usually limited. Strategy
generally involves, setting
goals and priorities, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing
resources to execute the actions. A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will
be achieved by the means (resources).

Teaching strategies refer to methods used to help students learn the desired
course contents and be able to develop achievable goals in the future.
Teaching strategies identify the different available learning methods to enable
them to develop the right strategy to deal with the target group identified.
Assessment of the learning capabilities of students provides a key pillar in
development of a successful teaching strategy.

Teaching strategies, also known as instructional strategies, are methods that

teachers use to deliver course material in ways that keep students engaged
and practicing different skill sets. An instructor may select different teaching
strategies according to unit topic, grade level, class size, and classroom
resources. Many kinds of instructional strategies are employed to achieve
teaching and learning goals and support
different kinds of students. For
example, teachers may select strategies
tailored to English-language
learners, students with
ADHD or students with learning
disabilities according to the needs of
the student and the requirements of
the course.

Instructors can also select classroom activities according to instructional

method, such as using a tic-tac-toe strategy for differentiated instruction.
Specific strategies can also be employed to teach particular skills,
like strategies for problem solving. Activities that promote thinking and
discussion in small groups like think-pair-share activities are ideal for
cooperative learning, while activities that get students outside work well for
active learning frameworks.

"Every time I have searched for a lesson, there has been a perfect match to
my needs as a middle school teacher of science, and algebra."

— Kathy S., Teacher New Jersey, United States


According to Stone and Morris (2010):

“Teaching strategy is a generalized plan for a lesson which includes structure,
instructional objectives and an outline of planned tactics, necessary to
implement the strategies”

According to Mackenzie:
“Teaching refers to a system of actions involving an agent, a situation, an end-
in-view and two sets of factors in the situation-one set over which the agent
has no control and one set which the agent can modify with respect to the end
in view.”

According to Tyler (1969):

“Teaching strategy must base learning on inquiry, investigation, and critical
study in situations in which genuine purposes, needs, and wants are

According to Strasser (1964):

“Teaching strategy is a generalized plan for a lesson, which include structure,
desired learner behavior in terms of goals of instructions, and an outline of
planned tactics necessary to implement the strategy.”

According to BO Smith:
An instructional strategy or teaching strategy refers to a “pattern of teaching
acts that serves to attain certain outcomes and to guard against others”

According to Rothwell and Kazans (2004):

“It is overall plan that for teaching and learning experience that involves used
of one or several methods of instructions to achieve the desired learning

According to Lawton:
Teaching strategies, also known as instructional strategies, are methods that
teachers use to deliver course material in ways that keep students engaged
and practicing different skill sets.

According to B.O Smith:

To ensure the learning will occur in as brief a time as possible.

To include students to engage exchange of ideas.

To ensure the attainment of defined instructional objectives.

To minimize the chance of wrong responses in learning concepts, principles or


Marshal (Marzano 1992) suggest that the concept of learning has to include
positive attitudes, the ability to acquire knowledge, allowing learners to
acquire their own knowledge and then applying it to Everyday life. He also
believes that a teacher must develop these concepts in order to help learners
to develop, and make learners learn independently, so they may continue
develop knowledge for the rest of their life. There are many different
approaches and theories on
teaching styles. Most agree
that for all pupils to have an
equal experience in
education, teachers must
adapt their teaching styles so
that everyone get benefit
within classroom. Marzano
suggests that lower ability
people should be taught
through close tasks. A ‘close’
task has a specific structure and set of instructions to give people a clear idea
of how a task should be approached or completed.

• Greater possibility of tasks being completed

• The teacher has ultimate control over the class

• creator potential for lesson to be executed as planned

• Achieving basic curriculum objectives will increase discipline and is therefore

useful within classes where this is an issue

• the teacher maintains control over what is being learned and therefore can
ensure that lesson meets and needs and requirement of the curriculum

• The strategies of teaching increases social interaction between students and

therefore increase motivation levels, self-confidence as well as one's ability to
work both independently and as a member of a group.

• Encourages learners to solve problems, connect, priorities, and incorporate
conceptual knowledge

• Affects the development of attitudes and values

• Promotes social and intellectual experience

• Develops oral presentation skills

• Improves verbal communication skills

• Useful tool to analyses the consultation process

• Cheap and reviews can be done at a convenient time

Students get easily bored if their teacher

cannot use teaching strategies in order to
make each lesson unique and intriguing.
Any information can be 9 passed over to
pupils in numerous ways. Some of them are
easy to understand and remember and
others are difficult. The combination of
different methods of teaching is something
each professional teacher should not only
know but also implement in their classroom the variety of teaching Strategies
types are must-know in the 21st century. This is the time for awaking curiosity
in kids, getting away from monotonous patterns of giving important facts and
information to children and trying to be as versatile as possible.


The classroom is a dynamic environment, bringing together students from
different backgrounds with various abilities and personalities. Being an
effective teacher therefore requires the implementation of creative and
innovative teaching strategies in order to meet students’ individual needs.
Whether you’ve been teaching two months or twenty years, it can be difficult
to know which teaching strategies will work best with your students. As a

teacher there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution, so here is a range of effective
teaching strategies you can use to inspire your classroom practice.

For Primary Grades

1. Visualization
Bring dull academic concepts to life with visual and practical learning
experiences, helping your students to understand how their schooling applies
in the real-world.

Examples include using the interactive

whiteboard to display photos, audio clips and
videos, as well as encouraging your students to
get out of their seats with classroom
experiments and local field trips.

2. Cooperative learning
Encourage students of mixed abilities to work together by promoting small
group or whole class activities. Through verbally expressing their ideas and
responding to others your students will develop their self-confidence, as well
as enhance their communication and critical thinking skills which are vital
throughout life.
Solving mathematical puzzles,
conducting scientific experiments and
acting out short drama sketches are just
a few examples of how cooperative
learning can be incorporated into
classroom lessons.

3. Inquiry-based instruction

Pose thought-provoking questions which inspire your students to think for
themselves and become more independent learners. Encouraging students to
ask questions and investigate their own ideas helps improve their problem-
solving skills as well as gain a deeper understanding of academic concepts.
Both of which are important life skills. Inquiries can be science or math-based
such as ‘why does my shadow change size?’ or ‘is the sum of two odd numbers
always an even number?’. However,
they can also be subjective and
encourage students to express their
unique views, e.g. ‘do poems have to
rhyme?’ or ‘should all students wear

4. Differentiation
Differentiate your teaching by allocating tasks based on students’ abilities, to
ensure no one gets left behind. Assigning classroom activities according to
students’ unique learning needs means individuals with higher academic
capabilities are stretched and those who are struggling get the appropriate
support. This can involve handing out worksheets that vary in complexity to
different groups of students, or setting up a range of work stations around the
classroom which contain an assortment of tasks for students to choose from.
Moreover, using an educational tool such as Quizalize can save you hours of
time because it automatically groups your students for you, so you can easily
identify individual and whole class learning gaps.

For Secondary Grades

1. Graphic Organizers

Graphic organizers are a simple and effective tool to help students
brainstorm and organize their thoughts and ideas in a visual presentation.
Simply put, they help students organize information so it is easier for them
to comprehend. Graphic organizers can be used for any lesson, to structure
writing, brainstorming, planning, problem solving, or decision making. The
most popular organizers are the Venn
diagram, concept map, KWL chart, and
T Chart.
An experienced teacher knows that
not every teaching strategy that you
use will be an effective one. There will
be some hits and misses, and
depending upon your teaching style
and the ways your students learn, you will figure out which strategies work
and which do not. It may take some trial and error, but it doesn’t hurt to try
them all.

2.Active learning
Put students at the center of the classroom with active learning strategies .A
teaching technique that increases student engagement in daily lessons.
Some active learning strategies include:
*Reciprocal questioning -- Have students come up with questions for the class
on a recent lesson or concept.
*The pause procedure: Take a break every 10 to
15 minutes so that students have time to discuss,
ask questions or solve problems.
*Muddiest point: Ask students to write down
which point in the lesson is the least clear to

3.Reciprocal Teaching
Reading isn't every student’s favorite subject. With reciprocal teaching
techniques, you can turn even the most reluctant reader into a bookworm.
Reciprocal teaching involves students in
reading and gets them excited to learn.
Learners are asked to predict what a
text is about, ask questions about what
they don’t understand, re-read for
clarification, and summarize what the
text is saying -- instead of just
absorbing material as quickly as
possible. And the technique can even
be adapted for math class: one study found that reciprocal teaching in math
can improve understanding of word-based problems, and can help students
understand questions better.


After telling students what to do, it’s important to show them exactly how to
do it. Regardless of how clear your directions are, it’s a good idea to model
how you expect them to
complete an assignment, so they
understand exactly what they’re
supposed to do. This will be
especially helpful for your
students who are visual learners.
For example, if you assign a
science lab, physically
demonstrate each step of the lab
before the students do it on their
own. The same goes for actually solving a math problem step-by-step on the
board before asking students to do similar problems on their own .

5.Flipped Instruction
Flipped classrooms involve asking students to complete the reading,
preparation and introductory work at home. Then, during class time, the
students do practice questions that they would traditionally do for homework.
For example:
*Assign a video introducing a
concept for homework.
*Spend the first 10 minutes of the
lesson assessing students’
comprehension of the video .
*Jump straight into student-
centered practice tasks .
*Walk around the class helping
students who need additional support for the rest of the lesson

The teacher can spend more time supporting students in a student-centered


For Higher Education

1.Media literacy
Students are saturated with an endless number of different media influences,
from TV to social media to comic books. Students need to be educated on how
to interpret and understand what they’re
consuming. Media literacy allows students to
recognize bias and develop critical thinking skills
within the context of their existing interests.
Some activities you can try in your classroom

*Logo dissection:

Have students bring in a few different logos of popular brands, and ask them to
interpret what they think it means. What type of customer is the company
looking for? What do they value? Why did they choose that color or shape?
*Build a cereal brand:
This activity challenges students to use their math, art and media literacy
skills. Provide a sheet of questions to guide students and improve learning

*Deconstruct advertising language:

Explore and critique advertising claims that companies make. Pass out
magazines and online ads for students to examine and analyze.

2.Experiential learning
Every classroom has a wide range of levels and learning styles, which can be
difficult for any teacher to effectively address.
Use experiential learning activities to counter
student disengagement and get them involved in
the learning process.

*Field work allows students to explore and

apply content learned in the classroom in a
specified field experience away from the
classroom. Field work experiences bridge
educational experiences with an outside community that can range from
neighborhoods and schools to anthropological dig sites and laboratory settings.

*Student teaching provides candidates with an opportunity to put into

practice the knowledge and skills they have been developing in the preparation

*Clinical experiences provide hands-on experiences of a predetermined

duration directly tied to an area of study, such as nursing students participating

in a hospital-based experience or child development and teacher education
students participating in day care and classroom setting.

3.Think Pair Share

This is one of the simplest, most frequently used, but also most effective
classroom teaching strategies. Students think about a topic on their own. Then,
they pair up with a partner and discuss, compare and contrast their thoughts
together. Thirdly, the pair share what they discussed with the whole class

Step 1:
Think. Students are given 2 minutes to think about the topic on their own and
take 5 bullet points on their own.

Step 2:
Pair. Students get together in pairs (or groups of 3 if
appropriate) to compare and contrast their own
ideas. Students discuss the ideas and come up with a
collective group of ideas.

Step 3:
Share. Each group shares their own thoughts with the
whole class. As each group presents, other
classmates can challenge ideas or take additional
notes to add to their own group’s thoughts.

4.Anticipation / Guestimation
Anticipation and guestimation is an instructional strategy designed to get
students thinking about the consequences or flow-on effects of actions.
Teachers ask students to make predictions based on limited knowledge about
a topic

5.Strategic Pauses
Strategic pauses are one of the most important tools in a teacher’s toolbox of
teaching strategies. A strategic pause is a gap between statements to let a
point sink in or linger, or to give students a moment to think about an answer
before the teacher moves on.

*Pause after a question for 10 seconds before discussing the answer.

*If the class has started getting unsettled, often a pause in the teacher’s
speaking is enough to settle them again and remind them to re-engage with
the learning materials.

*Slow speech with sufficient pauses between ‘chunks’ of information (seeL

‘chunking’ strategy) can help students arrange information in their minds

List of new trends OF TEACHING STRATEGIES:

1. Video-Assisted Learning
2. E-learning
3. Modeling
4. Cooperative Learning
5. Experiential Learning
6. Class Discussion
7. Shifting from STEM to STEAM
8. Cultivation of Empathy
9. Genius hour
10. Bit-sized learning
11. Flipped instruction
12. Discovery learning
13. I do, we do, you do Method
14. Repetition (Rote learning)

15. Pop Quiz
16. Associative Learning
17. Role Play
18. Student Research
19. Multimedia Presentation
20. Field Trip
21. Integrated Teaching
22. Culturally Responsive Teaching
23. Thumbs Down, Thumbs Up
24. Intentional Mistakes
25. Think Pair Share
26. Visualization
27. Inquiry-Based Instruction
28. Differentiation
29. Behavior Management
30. Professional development
31. Technology in Classroom
32. Utilization of Social Media
33. Using varity of Resources
34. Making Most of Games & Perks of
35. Use Technology To Empower student & Reach-out
36. Lecture Method
37. Tutorial method
38. Team Teaching
39. Command Style
40. Teaching By Style
41. Individual progression
42. Brain Storming
43. Case Based Small-Group Discussion
44. Independent Study
45. Feed Back
46. Lesson Objective Transparency

47..Graphic Organizers

new trends of teaching strategies briefly define:

Video-Assisted Learning:

In recent years, video-assisted learning has become more and more

popular as classroom displays. The “video
day” is no longer a television on a trolley
being wheeled into a class. With the
internet and digital devices, every day can
be a “video day.”
This trend is also booming in distance
learning conditions, which students learn
through computer screens. Videos,
especially animated videos, are extremely
beneficial to enrich lessons and make content comprehensible. It
improves students’ outcomes and reduces teachers’ workload.


With eLearning, educational content is delivered to learners through

computers, laptops, tablets, or
smartphones. Not only saving time but
opening many doors for interactive
learning. Rather than being in a passive
experience, learners can choose what
they need to learn quickly and easily,
wherever they are. They also learn
through interacting directly with on-screen information through, for
instance, dragging content from one place to the next. Moreover, the
decision-making scenarios in eLearning also encourage learners to make
their own choices on what they will learn next.

After telling students what to do, it’s important to show them exactly
how to do it. Model how you expect them to complete an assignment,
so they understand what they’re supposed to do. This will help your
students who arevisual learners too.

Cooperative Learning:
Students learn effectively when they’reworking together. Plan activities
that require students to work together and learn from one another. In
the process, they’ll also learn critical thinking skills, communication skills,
problem solving skills, and more.

Experiential Learning:
Students learn by doing, so create experiences for them to see the
concepts in action. Let them practice the concepts in a safe
environment. Then, they should reflect on the experience and discuss
what they learned from it. Classroom activities that you could do for
experiential learning includefun games, experiments, or simulations.

Class Discussion:

Another way for students to teach each other is throughclass

discussions. As students take
turns discussing the subject, you
can assess their knowledge and
discover which students grasp the
concepts and to what extent.

Shifting from STEM to STEAM

For a long time, the education system revolved around the STEM
approach. So, the integral education aspects were science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics. But this has become a bit outdated
nowadays. However, various industries ask for professionals who
disciplined in the areas of
creativity and art. The last few
years have increased the
popularity of the STEAM
approach to learning. The “A”
stands for Arts, which includes
the creative aspect of learning
Businesses give merit to
creativity and thinking,
especially in the fields of innovation, leading, teaching and others. Even
teachers need to evolve their creative thinking to utilize unique teaching
methods and design age-appropriate learning models.

Cultivation of empathy
One of the main problems of the classroom is poor behavior among
students. Compassion for others, good communication skills, empathy
and good relationship with classmates are required for students to
create a positive character. Empathy is necessary for individuals to build
up a trusted and friendly relationship among students. The teachers
should include more group activities for students to make them interact
with other students. The schools which focus on improving empathy
have higher achieving students as their outcome.

Genius Hour

Students should be given a chance for ‘genius hour’ during which they
can choose to learn and explore their favorite and interesting subjects.
The benefit of giving a self-paced
mode of study help in the growth
of creativity and inquiry in
students. Help students to
discover their passion and
develop an interest in the subject
is the teacher’s task. Help them to
have in-depth subject knowledge.

Bite-Sized Learning
Short-term attention span has always been an issue in the education
sector. Students have struggled a lot to cope with the long, intense text.
The learning content has not been very interactive, which reduced
learning abilities in students. Now, the education sector has started
understanding the unique learning needs of each and every student. This
has been possible due to emerging digital technologies. Teachers are
now able to incorporate bite-sized or nano-learning to reduce the
intensity and increase the effectiveness of learning. This trend is growing
at a fast pace. The learning model is divided into small interactive
sections. This supports the behavior of learners and ensures 100%
attention during every learning session.

Flipped Instruction

Flipped classrooms involve asking students to complete the reading,

preparation and introductory
work at home. Then, during
class time, the students do
practice questions that they
would traditionally do for

Discovery Learning

Discovery learning involves allowing students maximum freedom within

a resource-rich environment to ‘discover’ answers to challenges. It
requires students to build upon prior knowledge and use resources
available in the environment to
increase their own knowledge.
Discovery learning is often held in
contrast to teacher-centered
approaches, as students are not
‘told’ information; instead, they
must discover knowledge for

I Do We Do You Do Method
The I Do, We Do, You Do method is a scaffolding strategy that provides
gradual release of responsibility from the teacher to the student. It
involves three steps:
(1) I Do: Teacher models the task;
(2) We Do: Student and teacher do the task together;
(3) You Do: Student attempts to complete the task alone.

Repetition (Rote Learning)

Repetition involves giving students time to retry tasks over and over
again until it is consolidated in their minds. The information should be
safely in a student’s long-term memory before moving on.

Pop Quiz
A pop quiz is a short test that
takes place with no prior warning.
The quiz can be formative or
summative. Link the quiz to
rewards to keep students motivated to do well and be prepared at any

Associative Learning
Associative learning takes place when several ideas are introduced to a
student that are mutually reinforcing. In the classroom, this means
presenting students with several stimulus materials that help a student
to recall a fact.

Role play:

It is a dramatic method Given situation is dramatized by group of
students. Students play specific roles as per situation under guidance of
teacher Students gain useful educational experiences through drama
Main Focus: To develop the
social skill for playing the role of
teacher in the classroom. It is
used to achieve the
psychomotor objectives.

Student Research:
it is described as a teaching
procedure wherein groups or
individuals set up a situation, commonly in the laboratory, in order to
gather information,organize and analyze said information

Multimedia Presentation:

Multimedia presentation may include power point slides from which

teacher discusses the points of that slides only and students note down
the slides in order to note their lecture it minimizes the waste of time.
Vivid images, videos, instantaneous information, all of this capture
attention from students easily. Use of various multimedia resources adds
zing to your classroom sessions. Students enjoy distinctive resources and
variety of these resources keeps students engaged and interested in the
classrooms throughout.
Multimedia can stimulate more
than one sense at a time, and in
doing so, educators reach all
different types of learners and
hold student’s attention longer.
Giving students the ability to
create and utilize different types of multimedia creates a more
collaborative classroom and allows students communicate and actually

apply what they are learning, enhancing the overall educational

Field Trip:
it is a teaching strategy that is an out-of-the-classroom activity intended
to present concepts in the most realistic manner. it is sometimes
referred to as educational excursion, field trip, study tour, nature trek,
or exploratory travel.

Integrated teaching Strategy:

An integrated teaching strategy’s permeated
by the multiple intelligences, varied learning
styles, and daily experiences of the learners.

Culturally Responsive Teaching:

Culturally responsive teaching is an instructional strategy that involves
ensuring students’ cultures are integrated into lessons. This includes
celebrating students’ cultural backgrounds when relevant and using
learning styles that are dominant within your students’ cultures.

Thumbs Down, Thumbs

Thumbs down, thumbs up is a
simple strategy for getting
immediate feedback from
students. During a lesson,
pause after each step to get instant thumbs down, thumbs up feedback
on whether students understand the previous step.
If there are thumbs down, the teacher should ask those students if they
have direct questions or whether they might want that section to be
covered again in different language or more slowly.

Intentional Mistakes:
The teacher inserts intentional mistakes into their teaching materials
(such as misspellings in their presentations) or their speech in order to:
Check students’ depth of knowledge,
Make memorable teaching moments, or
Keep students critically engaged.

Think Pair Share:

This is one of the simplest, most frequently used, but also most effective
classroom teaching strategies. Students think about a topic on their
own. Then, they pair up with a partner and discuss, compare and
contrast their thoughts together. Thirdly, the pair share what they
discussed with the whole class.

Behaviour management:
Implementing an effective behaviour management strategy is crucial to
gain your students respect and ensure students have an equal chance of
reaching their full potential.
Noisy, disruptive classrooms do no encourage a productive learning
environment, therefore developing an atmosphere of mutual respect
through a combination of discipline and reward can be beneficial for
both you and your students.
Examples include fun and interactive reward charts for younger
students, where individuals move up or
down based on behaviour with the top
student receiving a prize at the end of the
week. ‘Golden time’ can also work for
students of all ages, with a choice of various
activities such as games or no homework in
reward for their hard work.

Professional development:
Engaging in regular professional development programs is a great way to
enhance teaching and learning in
your classroom.
With educational policies constantly
changing it is extremely useful to
attend events where you can gain
inspiration from other teachers and
academics. It’s also a great excuse to
get out of the classroom and work alongside other teachers just like you!
Sessions can include learning about new educational technologies,
online safety training, advice on
how to use your teaching
assistant(s) and much more.
Being an effective teacher is a
challenge because every student
is unique, however, by using a
combination of teaching
strategies you can address
students’ varying learning styles and academic capabilities as well as
make your classroom a dynamic and motivational environment for

Technology in the classroom:

Incorporating technology into your teaching is a great way to actively
engage your students, especially as digital media surrounds young
people in the 21st century. Interactive whiteboards or mobile devices
can be used to display images and videos, which helps students visualize
new academic concepts. Learning can become more interactive when
technology is used as students can physically engage during lessons as
well as instantly research their ideas, which develops autonomy.
Mobile devices, such as iPads and/or tablets, can be used in the
classroom for students to record results, take photos/videos or simply as
a behaviour management technique. Plus, incorporating educational
programs such as Quizalize into your lesson plans is also a great way to
make formative assessments fun and engaging.

Utilization of Social Media:

Every kid, every teacher in fact everybody uses and enjoys social media.
So, when this social media is used for teaching purposes, it turns out to
be of great use. Students love being social, collaborating, sharing and
exchanging ideas. Various important aspects that are integral part of
teaching like collaboration and interaction can happen seamlessly via
social media. Not just that it is being used by all but it also enables you
to keep things all checked up and helps you in assigning tasks,
assignment and other class related activities effortlessly. Social media
also plays an important role when you talk about keeping guardians
updated about the students’ performance and other school activities.
Various platforms like Facebook and Twitter are being used by educators
worldwide and are enjoyed by the masses.

Using Variety of
Mix things up and add some
engagement. The source of the
information is not just limited to
books in 21st century instead
you can use podcasts, videos,
OERs, blogs and other resources to
deliver knowledge. Kids enjoy
exploring various resources and widening their horizons. A mix of
various resources is enjoyed by students and is refreshing. It even caters
to the different learning needs of the students, as one same resource
may not be apt for all.

Making Most of Games and Perks of Gamification

Maybe this is the best part about tech integration. The thing that
students get to learn while gaming is the best thing. No doubts about
the thing that how much love kids have for the games and here
educational games are there to help kids learn their important lessons
while playing amazing games. Students can get motivated by challenging
each other and if done on a mobile device, students are more likely to
continue learning outside of the classroom. Using educational games is
one of the best ways to use technology in the classroom to make
students eager for learning. And gamification can be used as a
framework for education that can be used anywhere and in any level of
complexity. It can be directly applied to contents, to the pedagogical
framework (usually constructivism), or even to other complementary

Use Technology to
Students and
Reach Out:

Technology nurtures
artistic expression.
Engaged students are
those who actively
express opinions, and don’t just passively ‘receive wisdom’. Technology
can give them a platform to explain their ideas, not just regurgitate facts.
Apart from this you can help students reach out and learn more. Social
media helps you connect to people around the world and you can get in
touch with experts.

Modern technology-based art forms have encouraged artistic expression
among our diverse student population. These tools provide forms of
artistic communication for those students who have been constrained
by the traditional options of verbal and written communication. You
should also help students to have a ‘voice’. One way to do this, for
example, is to get them to each set up a blog or participate in other ways
to demonstrate their learning. But remember that not everyone’s the
same: introvert students might find
Twitter intimidating, for instance.
Instead, offer multiple choices:
podcasting, YouTube etc.
To make this work,
students need to be
aware of ethics of online
world and the principles
of digital citizenship. You
should help with this on
priority before starting

new trends of
strategies with
advantages & disadvantages:

Lecture can be defined as strategy discourse on a subject . The word
discourse signifies that one person talk and the others person listen it is
one of the collective strategies of teaching and is used quite often
especially at the college level of teaching it is based on the assumptions
that the student is a passive learner . Lecture is a strategy of exposition ,
while telling is one of narration.


1)it is useful in introducing new subjects , in summarizing the literature

in a field , in rec- capitulating course work etc.
2)The teacher can correct speech defects . He can teach right
pronunciation is not faulty . It does inspire bright students .
3)it adds life to those ideas which
appear to be dull , difficult and
cold in the book and which the
students like to skip over . How to
do that depends upon the teacher
who must have the capacity to
impersonate .narrate and inspire students.


1) lecture is largely a one way process .there is not much interaction

between the students and the teacher.
2) lack of consideration for interest and abilities of students it doesn’t
take into consideration the interest , abilities and needs of the students
as individual.
3)if the teacher is not alert and does not strive hard the lecture will
become monotonous , boring and ineffective . It does happens in many
cases .
4) teacher can not present all that is in a particular book or in a number
of books.

Tutorial strategy is considered both autocratic and permissive type of
teaching ,it is generally considered to be one of the most valuable
Educational experiences lecture strategy is followed by tutorial because
individualized type of teaching.


1) it is valuable teaching strategy

from individual differences point of
2)it provides an opportunity to
organize remedial teaching .
3)it can fulfil the need of entering
behaviour of the learners.
4) it provides full freedom to the
learner to seek the clarification of
their problems and can raise their level of performance.


1) one teacher cannot solve the difficulties related to different points .

2)The teacher become basis and does not take interest in the problem
of each student.
3) usually some students dominant the tutorial group and get equal
opportunity to the participate.
4) Tutorial group develop the feeling of jealous.


A type of instructional organization , involving teaching personnel and
the students assigned to them, in which two or more teachers are given
responsibility of working together, for all or significant part of the
instruction of the same group of students.


The team teaching is a perspective and economical device, of teaching to
cater the needs of the students. It is highly flexible it has the following
major advantages.
1)The team -teaching utilizes the competencies of the teacher it has
been devised to make best use of the expertise of the subject matter.
2) it creates the learning environment to the comprehension or mastery
over the subject around the learners.
3) it provides an opportunity for free discussion in the classroom
teaching all the students of the group get an opportunity for free
expression and discussion in the classroom.
4)The learner and teacher’s
Develop the social relation in school environment . The learners and
even teachers require practice in human relation in schools and colleges.
1)It utilizes the teaching aids and equipment of teaching in an
appropriate manner . The team of teachers makes the best use of multi
-media advice. These are also helpful to reinforce the learners.


1) it is very difficult to seek cooperation among teachers and enables

them to work jointly in teaching- learning situation . They can never
agree with the solution or an issue of teaching . They hesitate to work
because no body wants to expose one self.
2) It is not feasible in practice to assign powers and responsibilities to
the group of teachers virtually the responsibility is of none.
3) there is no mutual regard and respect among the teachers every
teacher considers himself as an expert of the subject every teacher has
own style of teaching they cannot work like football or hockey team.
4) The teachers do not have lime to deviate from the routine method of
teaching and they don’t prefer any change in the system of education .
Generally they are of the opinion that this can be used in western
countries not in Indian schools

The underlying principle of the command style is that teachers should be
the sole authoritarian figure within their classroom the teacher is
required to maintain absolute control over the class and therefore must
execute a strict and highly regulated lesson structure command style of
teaching occurs when the teacher makes the maximum number of
choices while the learner makes only minimal decisions.

1) Greater possibility of tasks
being completed on time .
2) The teacher has ultimate
control over the class
3) Greater potential for lesson
to be executed as planned
4) Achieving basic curriculum
5)will increase discipline and is therefore useful within classes where
this is an issue.

1)No student input into lesson and therefore may fail to foster deeper
2) It does not allow for creative thinking by students
3) Assumes all individuals are of the same abilities and motivations and
therefore restricts or hurries Individual progression
4)Decreases social interaction and subsequently levels of self – esteem .

The task style of teaching allows students to develop at their own rate
and in their own direction . This particular methodology empowers

students to take responsibility for their own learning . The nine decisions
that are transferred from the teacher to the learner within this style.


1) The teacher maintains control over what is being learned and therefore
can ensure that the lesson meets the needs and requirements of the
2) Within this methodology the teacher is able to move amongst the class
and supply individual feedback while providing extension activities as
3) This style of teaching increases social interaction between students and
therefore increases motivation levels self- confidence as well as one’s
ability to work both independently and as a member of a group
4) It allows the teacher to provide more individual feedback to members of
the class such feedback can improve student motivation either through
positive reinforcement or through the improvement gained as a result of
technique development
5) This particular methodology Allows students to experiment with a
variety of skills and techniques while still allowing the teacher to direct
student learning.


1) student input into the lesson as the teacher essentially remains in

2) this style doesn’t allow for a definitive standard to be achieved . The
style is therefore not as useful when addressing skills or knowledge
areas where specific techniques , movements or products are required
3) there is a great possibility that students will be distracted from the
task when compared with the command style of teaching
4) the activities of students are more difficult to supervise and therefore
distractions are more likely

5) students are able to experiment with the knowledge and skills
presented creative thinking is not promoted.

The Individual progression methodology Allows students to participate
within activities regardless of their individual skills levels, understanding
and levels of motivation due to the nature of the methodology students
are able to participate within a non threatening the structure of
activities utilising this methodology incorporate only minimal
competition and therefore allow students to remain unthreatened this
particular style of teaching allows students to challenge their own
knowledge and skill level.


1) Student who are experienced in a given area and therefore already

competent are not required to complete activities at the same level as
beginners . This means that individual with higher knowledge and skills
levels can be extended with advanced activities
2) Beginners students or individuals with lesser skills are able to develop
at their own rate and in their own direction . This allows for a positive
and non threatening environment to be created and therefore fosters
ongoing participation within all curriculum areas.
3) this method can be very satisfying for the teacher as individuals are
more likely to experience success
and the lessons are easy to control
4) this method has the greatest
potential to build self-esteem and
therefore increase student
enjoyment this will occur as a result
of increases Performance coupled
with the ongoing experience of


1) Students may not take the ability

grouping seriously or may
overestimate their ability in a
particular area
2) There may be feelings of inferiority
by students in the lower group
causing concern as students that feel their abilities are inferior to those
of their classmates and therefore will not achieve success nor will they
be motivated towards accomplishments
3) Teacher contact time may not be divided equally as Individuals with
poorer skill and knowledge levels often require greater levels of
feedback from the teacher whereas Individuals of advanced skill and
knowledge levels often require more extension activities. This
methodology is therefore very labour intensive for the teacher to

It is completely permissive style of teaching strategy . It is based on in
assumption that a student can learn better in a group rather than in
individual study it is problem oriented strategy teaching.


1) It has both psychological and Educational basis of teaching

2) It provides more ideas of good quality
3) It creates the situation for more independent thinking among learner
4) Actively involves learners in higher levels of thinking
5) Promotes peer learning and creates synergy

1)Requires that learners discipline their inputs to the discussion(generate
ideas without making judgements)
2)May not be effective with large groups
3)Can lead to group think.


Small groups of 5-10 address case – based tasks exchanging points of view
while working through a problem solving process in problem based learning
the problem comes first and learners work through the problem through
progressive disclosure mechanisms developing and researching learning issues
and applying new information to the case .

1)Actively involves participants and stimulates peer group learning
2)Help participants explore pre- existing knowledge and build on what they
3)Facilitates exchange of ideas and awareness of mutual concerns
4)Promotes development of critical thinking skills
5)Develop leadership , teamwork, communication and collaboration skills
6)promotes higher levels of thinking (application, synthesis, evaluation) versus
simple memorization

1)can potentially degenerate into off- task or
social conversations
2)can be a challenge to ensure participation by
all especially in large groups
3)can be frustrating for participants when they
are at significantly different levels of
knowledge and skill
4)can be unpredictable in terms of outcomes

5)Increases potential for inter- personal conflicts
6)can be time -consuming.

Designed to enhance and support other instructional activities learning activity
is typically done entirely by the individual learner (or group of learners) using
resource materials may be done using computer /web – based technology

1)fosters independent learning skills
2)Allows learners to progress at their own rate
3)Enhance other learning experiences
4)Provides opportunity for learner to obtain prerequisite knowledge
5)Allows for flexible , Individual schedules and self – pacing

1)May be disconnected from
immediate objectives
2)May be difficult to identify /
access appropriate materials
3)computer based materials are
time consuming and expensive to
develop and may lack complexity
needed for more advanced


 Teaching is the generalized plan of the whole lesson plan.

 It consists of structure of teaching, objectives of teaching and techniques
of evaluation of teaching.
 In strategy of teaching, realization of objectives is given more
importance then presentation of lesson.
 A strategy does not follow a single track all the time, but it changes
according to the demands of the situations such as age, level, needs,
interests and abilities of the students. Thus, strategy is more
comprehensive than method.
 It is directional in nature. It refers to goal directed activities of the
teachers. Thus, it is closer to science than arts.

Teaching strategies are the ways which teacher uses to inculcate
knowledge in students. It identifies the different available learning
possibilities. there are many types of Teaching Strategy and it varies
person to person and situation to situation. In order to learn successfully
teaching Strategies plays a vital role in the learning process. Providing
variety to students will help engage interest, enhance motivation, and
generally increase the teacher's effectiveness. I think that we would all
agree that teaching is not an easy enterprise. And, it's certainly not going
to get any easier as the years go by. With so many distractions readily at
hand for kids, it's just harder to get their attention these days. But the
strategies listed on this page can help. And, these strategies are
appropriate for any subject area at any grade level. Varying teaching

techniques can help students become more engaged and motivated,
increasing your effectiveness as a teacher.

Appendix I :
Quranic Verses:
• “We hear and obey” (2:285).

• Learning by Seeing (Qur’an 6:101-106).

• The Teaching of Wisdom (Qur’an 2:30-39).

• Those who actively listen to God’s teachings and obey his commands
prosper and are saved (24:51);

• the hypocrites who say, “we hear” but do not listen (8:26)

• do not respond to the call and are lost. Muslims are encouraged to
“listen to God’s verses when they are recited,” and should not “become
arrogant, as if [one] had not heard them” (45:8).

• “When thy Lord drew forth their descendants from the children of
Adam, He made them testify concerning themselves [saying]: ‘Am I not your
Lord?’ They replied, ‘Yes, we do so testify'” (7:172).

• Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction and
argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of
who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly]
guided (16:125).

• When he said to his father and his people, "What are these statues to
which you are devoted?” They said, "We found our fathers worshippers of
them.” He said, “You were certainly, you and your fathers, in manifest error.”
They said, "Have you come to us with truth, or are you of those who jest?" He
said, "[No], rather, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth who
created them, and I, to that, am of those who testify.”(21:52-56)

Appendix I1 :

 ‘The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior
teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.’ ― William Arthur

 ‘The best teachers are the ones that change their minds.’ –Terry Heick

 ‘A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for
others.’ –Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

 ‘In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and
the rest of us would have to settle for something else.’ –Lee Iacocca

 ‘When one teaches, two learn.’ –Robert Heinlein

 ‘Listening is the most difficult skill to learn and the most important to
have.’ –African Proverb

 ‘If you have to put someone on a pedestal, put teachers. They are
society’s heroes.’ –Guy Kawasaki

 “You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within
himself.”― Galileo
 “If a man is to shed the light of the sun upon other men, he must first of
all have it within himself.”― Romain Rolland

Appendix I11 :
Picture Gallery:

Armstrong, S. (2020, january 18). innovate my school. Retrieved from innovate my school:

cornell, v. j. (2005,october). Teaching and learning in Quran. university of arkansas, volume 5.

curtis, M. c. (2017). learning together with young children, second edition.

Growth, P. P. (n.d.). Strategies That Work: Teaching Comprehension for Understanding and
Engagement 2nd Edition.

hendrick, p. A. (2020). How learning happens: seminal works in educational psychology and what
they mean in practice.

Johnson, L. (2005). Teaching outside the box: how to grab your students by their brain . seating to
shakespeare, teaching outside the box.

R.Killen. (n.d.). Effective teaching strategies lessons from research and practice. thomson social
science press.

staff, T. t. (2017, November 17). Retrieved from TeachTought:

White, T. (n.d.). Good Reads. Retrieved from Good Reads:

Wong, H. W. (2009). The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher. Wong publications.

Armstrong, S. (2020, january 18). innovate my school. Retrieved from innovate my school:

cornell, v. j. (2005,october). Teaching and learning in Quran. university of arkansas, volume 5.

curtis, M. c. (2017). learning together with young children, second edition.

Growth, P. P. (n.d.). Strategies That Work: Teaching Comprehension for Understanding and
Engagement 2nd Edition.

hendrick, p. A. (2020). How learning happens: seminal works in educational psychology and what
they mean in practice.

Johnson, L. (2005). Teaching outside the box: how to grab your students by their brain . seating to
shakespeare, teaching outside the box.

R.Killen. (n.d.). Effective teaching strategies lessons from research and practice. thomson social
science press.

staff, T. t. (2017, November 17). Retrieved from TeachTought:

White, T. (n.d.). Good Reads. Retrieved from Good Reads:

Wong, H. W. (2009). The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher. Wong publications.


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