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Chapter 5 – Runoff Conveyance

Zarina Md Ali and Dr Siti Nazahiyah Binti Rahmat

Outline of Chapter 5
5.6 Engineered waterways 5.1 Roof & property
& hydraulic structures Slide Ch 5B drainage

Chapter 5.2 Rainwater

5.5 Pavement Drainage 5 harvesting
and Culvert

Slide Ch 5A 5.3 Swale & Open

5.4 Pipe Drain Drains
5.0 Introduction
This chapter explains the facilities that receive and transfer runoff to the other facilities
or place such as, wetland, rivers, etc. There are varieties of facilities that can be chosen
according to land and other circumstances.
5.1 Roof and property drainage
• Property drainage refers to the systems that transfer runoff from roof, paved areas and other
surfaces of a premise to a suitable outlet or disposal facility. The system involves gutters,
downpipes, drains, pipes, swales and storage and storage and treatment facilities.
• Typical property drainage components for residential and industrial premises
• Local authorities may place limitations
on the amount of stormwater that can
be drained to streets or trunk drainage
systems, in order to reduce flooding
and pollution.
Roof Drainage System
• This chapter applies to those building where roof drainage is specified for runoff conveyance and
collection to storage/detention facilities, beside comfort and safety of occupants and protection
of building structure. The rule also apply to all inhabited buildings as well as industrial buildings
and warehouses.
• These methods are based on Australian/New Zealand standard adapted to Malaysian conditions.
Roof drainage can be designed using simpler methods than those employed at larger scale
drainage because the areas are usually small and there are fewer complications.

• Roof drainage system are located at the top of

property drainage systems.
• Eaves gutters are located on the outside of a building,
while box gutters and valley gutters are located within
the plan area of the building and the intersecting
sloping surfaces of a runoff respectively.
Roof Drainage Design procedure
1. Catchment area
• Determine the layouts and sizes of components, then analyse their behaviour in one or more
design storms that will test the adequacy of the system.
• The wind causes rain to slope, creating a horizontal component of rainfall, which becomes
significant on vertical walls or sloping roofs. The direction of wind in maximum roof catchment
• Roofs of larger buildings may have complex arrangements of catchments and drainage systems. A
conservative approach should be adopted by assuming the largest possible catchments.
2. Design average recurrence intervals
• Roof drainage shall use the ARIs set out as in table. The critical storm duration of 5 minutes should
be adopted for all roofs unless special circumstance justify a longer duration.
Design procedure
3. Discharge estimation
• The 5 minutes duration 20, 50 and 100 year ARI rainfall intensities for the particular location are
obtained from the short duration rainfall IDF method applied at the particular site.
4. Design of eaves gutters and downpipes
• For a simple sloping (gabled) roof, the eaves gutter should slope from one end to the downpipe
location at the end.

• The procedure for design of an eaves gutter is as follows

▪ Determine the catchment area to each downpipes
▪ Determine the design 5 minute duration, 20 year ARI
rainfall intensity
▪ Choose the gutter size
Design procedure
5. Design of valley gutters
• Valley gutters are located between the sloping roof sections of a hipped
roof. The following points should be noted when designing systems
incorporating valley gutters:
a. Valley gutters should end at the high point of an eaves gutters
b. The discharge from a valley gutter does not flow equally into both
eaves gutters, therefore at least 20% excess capacity in the sizing
of the eaves gutters.
6. Design of box gutters and downpipes
• Box gutters are located within a building plan area.
• Gutters adjacent to a wall or parapet shall be designed as box gutters.
• The main principle in box gutters design is to avoid the potential for
blockages, which can prevent the free runoff of roof water and cause water
to enter the building.
• Box gutters are connected to either rainheads or sumps with overflow
Property drainage
1. General
• The drainage system proposed with allotment depends upon the topography, the
importance of the development and consequences of failure.
• The drainage systems collect water from roofs (via downpipes), surfaces of areas around
buildings and flows onto the property from adjacent allotments in major storm.
2. Design average recurrence intervals (ARI)
• Elements in the property drainage systems shall be designed to contain flows from minor
storm events of ARI not less than MASMA requirement.
• The property drainage systems shall be designed to ensure that overflows in a major
storm event do not present a hazard to people or cause significant damage to property.
3. Drainage to rare properties
• where the natural ground level does not permit drainage by gravity to the street drain or
gutter, it will be necessary to either fill the site to obtain a fall to the street or alternatively,
to provide a piped drain through an adjoining private property to discharge the runoff from
the site by gravity.
Property drainage
4. Drainage on hillside area
• There is no provision to effectively drain them to the perimeter drain surrounding the
buildings. The concentration runoff from the roof eaves is sometimes much higher than
the direct impact due to rainwater and cause ground erosion.
• Property drainage shall be installed at or below ground level, to maximise the interception
of surface runoff. The creation ponding areas due to poor grading of property drainage is
not permitted.

5. Drainage through public reserves

• Construction of a drainage line through a public reserve may be permitted by the
regulatory authority, only in situations where the applicant provides satisfactory proof
that the alternatives have been investigated and found to be impractical.

6. Rainwater harvesting and detention

• Rainwater tanks may be provided to collect flow from roof and gutter systems.
• These tanks can be used to provide water supplies and on-site detention storage
Refer to MASMA (2012)
1. Example 5.1: App 4B
2. Example 5.2: App 4C

Reference : Chapter 4 (MASMA, 2012)

5.2 Rainwater harvesting

• Rainwater harvesting is a technique of collecting rainfall as a supplementary source of water

supply for households, commercial and industrial premises, landscape watering, livestock water
and irrigation.
• The aim of rainwater harvesting is to concentrate runoff and collect it in a basin for use.
• Rainwater may be collected from any impervious surface, pavement, concrete etc
• Rainwater harvesting using roof catchments in the easiest and most common method.
• Benefits:
(1) as alternative water supply.
(2) Reduce dependency of people on pipe water & reduce water bills.
(3) Major source of water in island.
(4) Reduce stormwater flooding and soil erosion.
Components of a system
Five basic components:
1. Catchment area – the surface area which catches the
rainfall. It may be a roof or impervious pavement and
may include landscaped areas.
2. Conveyance – channels or pipes that transport the
water from catchment area to a storage.
3. First flush – the systems that filter and remove
contaminants and debris using separation devices
4. Storage tank – where collected rainwater is stored
5. Distribution – the system that delivers the rainwater to
the point of use, either by gravity or pump
Components of a system
Integration with OSD
• The rain harvesting system can be integrated with OSD facilities that control a minor storm
event. It is appropriate for large scale landscapes such as parks, school, commercials sites,
parking lots etc.
• Several types of pumps with different operating principles suitable for various conditions, such
as centrifugal pumps, reciprocating pumps etc

First flush device

• Rainwater quality varies and is affected by environmental factors
and commercial industrial activities in the area.
• The device can be part of the rainwater downpipe, be separated
from a tank or be attached to a tank.
• Collection and disposal of first flush is from roof water and also
picks up some of dirt, contaminants from roof.
Configuration of tank
1. Storage type
• There are various types for rainwater harvesting tank either above ground or below ground
2. Shape of storage tank
• Tank shape can be circular, rectangular etc.
Others factors need to consider:
a. Height of roof
b. Roof catchment area identification
c. Gutter and downpipe arrangements
d. Space around the building
e. Alignment of building in relation to
f. Local regulatory authority regulation
Sizing storage tank
1. Rainwater demand
• Rainwater demand depends on
several factors:
a. Number of consumer
b. Average consumption per
c. the range of uses (drinking,
bathroom, gardening, etc)
Sizing storage tank
2. Factors affecting rainwater availability
• Rainwater availability depends directly on several parameters such as rainfall characteristics,
catchment area (roof area) and tank size.
• Minor factors which affect the yield are first flush amount and losses on the roof, such as
evaporation and splashing.
a. Rainfall characteristics - Rain-days, daily rainfall etc
b. Rooftop area – rainwater harvesting yield is higher when rooftop area is larger.
c. Rainwater storage tank size
d. First flush volume – is required to prevent contaminants collected at the roof surface from
entering the storage tank.

e. Losses from roofs – evaporation or splashing

Sizing storage tank
3. Rainfall availability estimation
• 2 models available: (1) yield before spillage (YBS) model; (2) yield after spillage (YAS) model
• YBS model adopts an optimistic approach where rainwater harvested will be supplied for daily
consumption and the balance will be stored in the storage tank for next day use.
• YAS model assumes a conservative approach where rainwater harvested will be channelled to
the tank first, and excess of rainwater will be overflowed. The daily consumption will be drawn
from the tank.
4. Average annual rainwater yield (AARY) estimation
• This method was carried out using daily water balance model for the selected town in Malaysia
adopting YBS method.
• The estimation was carried out to assess a typical case of household with 5 person and roof
area of building is 100m2
5. Tank size estimation
• The tank size for Malaysia is 1m3 = 100m2
Sizing storage tank
Sizing conveyance and distribution systems
1. Rainfall collection and conveyance
• Its comprises gutters, rainheads, sumps and downpipes.
2. Distribution pipe
• Determine maximum water flow with diameter (d), head of water (H) and total length of pipe
Sizing conveyance and distribution systems
Refer to MASMA 2012:
1. Example 5.3: App 6B1
2. Example 5.4: App 6B2
3. Example 5.5: App 6B3

Reference : Chapter 6 (MASMA, 2012)

5.3 Drains & swales
Drains and swales, along with stormwater inlets are components of minor drainage system
designed to collect minor flood flows from roads, properties and open space and convey them to
the major drainage system.
1. Design storm
• Drains and swales should have the capacity to convey the flow up to and including the minor
system ARI.
2. Drainage reserve
• Open drains and swales located
outside of road reserve, such as
public walkaway, should be
provided with a drainage reserve
in accordance with given figure
Structural & composite Drain
1. Description
• Lined drain is highly resistant to erosion.
• This type of drain is expensive to construct, but low maintenance cost.
• Composite drain is combination of a grassed section and a lined drain.

2. Lining materials
• May be constructed using: (1) plain concrete, (2) reinforced concrete, (3) stone pitching, (4)
plastered brickwork, (5) precast masonry blocks
3. Design consideration
a. Drainage area – determination of drainage type based on space availability, site suitability,
environment condition & maintenances
b. Roadway reserve – the outer edge of line drain should be located 0.5 m (minimum) from the
property boundary.
c. Privately owned lots – municipal lined drain shall not located within privately owned
properties. Lined drains are to be provided at the side or rear of private properties.
d. Public open space – location of lined drains must closer to property boundary.
Structural & composite Drain
4. Design criteria
Geometry – the minimum and maximum permissible cross-sectional dimensions for public safety and
maintenance (Fig 14.2). Recommended composite drain cross-section (14.3)

a. Depth – maximum depth for lined open drain

Structural & composite drain
b. Width – may vary between 0.5 m to 1.2 m
c. Side slope

Freeboard – the shall include a minimum freeboard of 50mm above the design storm water level in
the minor drain.
Velocities & longitudinal slope – to prevent sedimentation & plant growth, range of average velocity is
between 0.6 m/s – 2 m/s. As longitudinal slope increase, the velocity increase proportionally. Open
drain slope should be constant and no steeper than 0.2%.
Roughness coefficient – based on material of drain
Drainage sumps – minimum size (450mm x 450mm). Sump shall be provided along covered drains
with a maximum interval spacing of every 100m and a minimum depth from drain invert is 600mm
Structural & composite drain
Safety requirement – open drains that exposed to pedestrian access need to be covered if drain
exceed 0.6m in depth. The acceptable type of drain covering as follows;
a. Precast reinforced concrete covers – weight should be easily lifted by 2 workmen to gain access
for maintenance.
b. Metal grates and solid plates – must be designed in accordance with the latest editions of
relevant MS or equivalent.
c. Cover levels

d. Handrail fence – as tabulated in Fig 14.1. Fencing or railings may also need to be considered if side
slopes are to be steeper than 3(H):1(V)
Design Procedure
The preliminary sizing estimation procedure for minor drain is given below;
Step 1. Estimate design discharge, Qminor based on design minor ARI

Step 2. Estimate Manning’s n of the lining material

Step 3. Select design cross-section – y and b. Determine proposed drain capacity using
Manning’s equation
Step 4. Compare the estimated drain capacity with calculated design. If the drain capacity is
inadequate, then the drain should be modified to increase the capacity
Step 5. Calculate average flow from V = Q/A and check within max and min velocity criteria. If
not, adjust dimension (go to Step 3).
Step 6. Determine y, and check if y is within required limits for open drain type. If not, adjust
drain dimensions and return to Step 3.
Step 7. Add required freeboard. If required, calculate T with sloping sides

Step 8. Calculate the width of the drainage reserve

Refer to MASMA 2012:
1. Example 5.6: App 14A
2. Example 5.7: App 14B

Reference : Chapter 14 (MASMA, 2012)

Swales are broad and shallow channels designed to stored and/or convey runoff at a non-erosive
velocity, as well as enhance its water quality through infiltration, sedimentation and filtration. Swales
may be covered by dense vegetation, usually grass to slow down flows and trap particles and remove
Advantages Disadvantages
Easy to incorporate into landscaping Not suitable for steep areas
Good removal of urban pollutants Limited to small areas
Reduces runoff rates and volumes Risks of blockages in connecting pipework/culverts
Low capacity cost Sufficient land may not be available for suitable
swale designs to be incorporated
Maintenance can be incorporated into general Standing water in vegetated swales can effect safety,
landscape management odour and mosquito problem
Good option for small area retrofits
Design consideration & requirements
1. Drainage area
• Generally appropriate for catchment with small, flat impermeable areas. If used in areas with steep
slopes, grassed swales must run parallel to contours in order to be effective.
2. Space requirement
• Must be effectively incorporated into landscaping and public open spaces. Swales are generally
difficult to be incorporated into dense urban developments where limited space may be available.
3. Location & site suitability
• Swales should be located at mild slope and cross-sectional area to maintain non-erosive velocities.
Maintenance access should be easy and growth of vegetation must be good.
4. Site slope
• The longitudinal terrain slope should not exceed 2% and can be maintained at certain gradient
where water can flow laterally from impermeable areas.
5. Subsurface soils & groundwater
• If swale is designed to infiltrate, the seasonal high GWT must be more than 1 m below the base of
swale. If not, high GWT must below any underdrain provided with the swales.
Design criteria
1. Alignment
• Standardized alignments for grassed swales are provided to limit the negotiations needed when
other services are involved, such as privately owned lots and public open space.

2. Geometry
• The preferred shape for swales are shown

3. Longitudinal slope
• Slope of slopes should normally be between 0.1% and not greater than 0.5%
Design criteria
4. Freeboard
• The depth of a swale shall include a minimum freeboard of 50 mm above the design stormwater
level (based design Qp) in the swale to allow for blockage.

5. Velocities
• Max velocity for conveyance of peak design flow (design Qp) along the swale shall not exceed < 2
6. Grass cover
• Grass is by far the most effective choice of plant material in swale, however not all grass species
are best vegetation cover.

7. Roughness coefficient
• The roughness coefficient, n varies with the type of vegetative cover, longitudinal sloe and average
flow depth.
Design criteria
8. Underdrain
• A swale should have the capacity to convey the peak flows from the design minor ARI without
exceeding max permissible velocities. If there is insufficient space for a swale, designer should
consider dividing the flow into the surface and sub-surface conduits where underground pipe
drains or drainage modules can be provided. Underdrains can also be placed beneath the channel
to prevent ponding.
Design criteria
9. Low flow provision channel
• For swales that used to dry weather flow, an underdrain or surface invert should be provided.

10. Water quality treatment and flood flow design

• Swales should be sized as both a treatment facility to encourage pollutant removal and as a
conveyance to pass peak flow.

11. Safety
• Should be maintained for pedestrian access, safety of children & adults that wading in the swale.

12. Erosion protection

• For any design storm event, the flow velocities are required < 2m/s, higher velocities may be
allowed if erosion protection is provided.
Design steps
Design steps for grassed swales:
Design steps
Design steps for grassed swales:
Refer to MASMA 2012:
1. Example 5.8: App 14C

Reference : Chapter 14 (MASMA, 2012)

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