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Growth- proliferation; augmentation; cultivation; prosperity; fleshing out

Route- course; byway; plot; detour

Prosperity- affluence; boom; thriving; flying colours; high on the hog

Endlessly- ceaselessly; perpetually; forever; never-ending

Speech- intercourse; vernacular; articulation; prattle

Particularly- decidedly; explicitly; markedly; singularly

Share- portion; allotment; rake-off; / cut in; meed

Rate- estimate; relation; quota; progression; scale

Soar- glide; arise; shoot up; aspire; escalate

Index- ratio; token; clue; pointer

Subconsciously- intuitively; mentally; subliminally

Men in suits- officials; executives; directors

On a daily basis- daily arrangement or agreement; going by…

Purchase- acquisition; asset; booty; / gain; buy

Necessity- prerequisite; requirement; duress; imperative

Benefit - perk; benediction; egg in one’s beer; boon

Advantage- dominance; leverage; supremacy; leg-up

Prosperous- opulent; sitting pretty; on top of heap; snug

Drained- bleary; far-gone; worn-out; all in; depleted

Stressed- unnerved; frazzled; anxious; strained

Ironic- implausible; mordant; arrogant; quick-witted

Labour- grind; toil; drudgery; pains

Device- whatnot; gimmick; contraption *gadget

Hassle- clamour; run-in; tussle; bother

Congested- clogged; stuffed-up; up to the rafters; teeming

Truly- genuinely; beyond question; veritably; devotedly

Deeply- profoundly; to the quick; movingly; thoroughly

Producing- generating; bringing forth; farm; grow; * manufacture; forge together; turn out; fabricate

Consume- use up; go through; squander; deplete

Expansion- development; unfolding; opening out; amplification

Desirable- alluring; fetching; enticing; covetable

Benevolent- well-disposed; altruistic; benign; beneficent

Greed- avarice; voracity; rapacity , gluttony

Deprivation- destitution; hardship; keeping away; divestiture

Poverty- aridity; beggary; meagreness; pinch

Merely- hardly; only; simply; solely

Consumption- devouring; using up; expenditure; wear and tear

Circulate- disseminate; bring out; strew; troll

Collapse- bankruptcy; ruination; conk out;

Go bust- to bankrupt; to be tapped out; to be in chapter 11

Retailer- banker; merchant; trader

Stalemate- standstill; gridlock; impasse

Relentlessly- incessantly; interminably; on and on; tirelessly

Chronic- incessant; unabating; rooted; tenacious; persisting

Yearning- hankering; infatuation; craze; passion

Craziness- lunacy, foolery, flakiness; wackiness

Range- sphere, distance, extent, vicinity, realm

Obesity- bulk; corpulence; stoutness; paunchiness

Coincidence- concurrence, parallelism; accordance; conformity

Catalogue- syllabus; bulletin; inventory; hit list

Ecstasy- bliss; rapture; seventh heaven; fervour

Refugee- evacuee; castaway, prodigal; expatriate; defector

Exploit- (n) venture, escapade; effort (verb) to utilize; manipulate; manoeuvre

Starve- abnegate; spurn; fence-sit; go on the wagon; pass up

Crops- harvest; gathering; gleaning; by-product

Service- to make fit for use; repair; to supply with aid;

(of a male animal) to mate with (a female animal).

Finance. to pay off (a debt) over a period of time, as by meeting periodic interest payments.

Pay off- pay (someone) everything that is due that person, especially to do so and discharge from one's
employ. pay (a debt) in full.

c.Informal. to bribe. retaliate upon or punish. result in success or failure: The risk paid off handsomely.

Interest- preoccupation; significance; consequence; involvement; prosperity

Cycle- rhythm; loop; eon; alternation

Mindless- oblivious; nitwitted; obtuse; spaced-out; moony

Devoid- bereft; denuded; destitute; sans; barren

Oblivious- inattentive; negligent; spacey; ignorant

Impact- collision; wallop; brunt; buffet; ram


to assemble troops, a ship's crew

to gather, summon, rouse (often followed by up ): He mustered all his courage.

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