AIESEC Way Refreshement Team Applications

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2021 refreshment team application
Hello fellow AIESECer

Welcome to the AIESEC Way refreshment process, I hope you are super excited! We have
a long way to go and if you open this application it means you want to be part of this
journey! Working on the essence of our organization is an honor and responsibility that
very few generations have in AIESEC this is why we want to engage as many people as
possible in this process but there is one team that is very special, the refreshment team.

The AIESEC Way refreshment team is a group of AIESECers from all over the world
representing every layer of the organization and every region we are present. This team
has the responsibility of collect and consolidate the networks opinion and work on the
AIESEC Way refreshment during the refreshment summit in April.

We are beyond excited to receive your application to be part of this team that will AIESECly yours,
represent the voice of every AIESECer in the world.

eva dutary laurena alves

pai vp strategy &
who can apply expected
Everyone can apply to be part of the refreshment team. LC Members,
LC Team Leader, LCVP, LCP, NSTs, MCVPs, GSTs, National & Global Before Summit:
Boards (ECB,ICB,GFB, etc..),Regional Office and, Alumni. You need to • Onboarding Call and meeting
be completely available from 19th to 25th of April 2021. You will be the team
asked to work outside of your timezones normal working hours. • Reading assignments
• Survey Consolidation
Note that the MCPs will be represented by MCP Steering Team. If you
are MCP 21.22 consider applying for ST to be part of this process. During Summit
Applications for ST: DDL: 14th of March • Full presence from 19th to 25h
of April
• Network Calls
Profile we are looking for: • Consolidation and Validation of
Network calls
• Engaged AIESECer aligned to AIESEC values • Work in team to come up with
• Global mindset refreshed proposal
• Strategic & analytical thinking
• Listening skills After Summit
• Effective communication • Participate in validation
• Deep understanding of the organization’s purpose, direction, interviews
current state and history. • Be available for video recording
• Participate at Launch at IC
process & timeline
application DDL: 17th March 11:59hrs (AM). GMT-5

1. Answer all the questions in the general and specific questionnaire

2.Summit your application in this link:
3.Your application must include the general & specific questionnaire in a single PDF.
4.Your application can not exceed 3 A4 pages (excluding 1 page cover), min. font size 10.

(Design won’t be evaluated)

Pre-selection: Until March 26th

1. Applications will be reviewed and pre-screened

Possible Interviews: March 29th, 30th and 31th

Candidates will be reviewed carefully during a 15-30min interview.

At any point a challenge in a video format might be added to thee process in case we receive too many candidates.

Announcement: April 2nd

General questionnaire
1. Full name:
2. E-mail:
3. WhatsApp number/Telegram number
4. Logistics confirmation: Are you able to attend the
refreshment Summit in April? From 19th to 25th of April.
5. Biography: Present yourself and your personality
6. What motivates you to apply for the refreshment team
and what will be your unique contribution? What are
your 3 areas of expertise and how do you think it would
help you in your role as a refreshment team member?

Specific questionnaire
7. Explain how you see the future of AIESEC in 10 years.
What is the importance of the AIESEC Way in guiding
the future of AIESEC?
8. What does AIESEC mean to you? How did the AIESEC
Way shape your life experience?
9. Why do you think this AIESEC Way refreshment is
important? Explain.
10. When analysis our current AIESEC way toolkit what are
the 3 main things that pop to your mind? Explain
useful info
last @way refreshment

To see all AIESEC Way changes please read here.

Previous changes made in: 2008, 2005, 2000, 1999, 1989, 1978, 1964
why @way refreshment now?

Currently in the AIESEC Way Toolkit

Why now? Major environment shift in the world (COVID 19) has forced AIESEC to disrupt
itself and pivot. While this is happening it is important that the organization reviews and adapt
its core messaging to be up to date with what is happening externally and internally in AIESEC.
A refreshment aims to bring a renewed sense of purpose to our members in times where
everything is uncertain and new.
process main phases
Quantitative Analysis: Understand what is the
current perception of the @way in the network and
what do people think of each element
Method: Form launched at TLC

Qualitative Analysis: Closer and more detailed

understanding of perception of different layers
Method: Network Interviews
process main phases

Scope of change: After analysis consolidation we

will map out which elements will be refreshed and
with what objective

Refreshment: Refreshment Team (ST,AI, selected

members of the network) goes ahead and creates a
draft proposal for the refreshed AIESEC Way
process main phases

Validation: Now that we have a draft proposal we

need to pass it through linguistic validation and

Launch: Planned Launch at IC 2021

the thank you
aiesec for reading!

for any questions please
contact me

2021 refreshment process

laurena alves

vp strategy &

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